Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 06, 1905, Image 8

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- - - . . . . . . . " , . 'W ' " " " - - ' - - ' - - - _ . . - - - - - ' - " " - - ' - ' '
' I"r'I I ----'It---
WlL 'f < I _ , " 'r , . , vb sa-
_ _ _ I
. : a : .a.SEE. : " i
' -
. . I
COlne find See nnd You \Vill be Uonvinced
Wood lleds at ) 'our own price.
Iron lleds at less than their worth.
Couches for mere nothing.
Suits at reduced prices.
Center 'l'ables for almost a song.
Mattresses and Springs for little money
Baby Cabs at the shadow of a price.
II I Fohlin'l Beds , the best in town.
- -4 II
Tables at your merc ) ' . '
Upholstered Goods , cheaper than
stealing. -
Sewing Machines way down.
ChairH down lower Jet.
Stoves below the lowest price. , .
Oil Stoves just right.
. If you let us "figger" on that furniture we'll
guurUljtee that , ve'll nJulie 'em do some hust-
I ling or lose the t ill. Yours for right prices .
Rock-woll & Konk l
. .
. . . . .
" ' 'v. J. 'VOODK' 01.0 "TAN"
. . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
fo'rnllk A. IIRrrllon ! III Contl'JI AI13r1CI\\ ; \
This office aclcnowledges the
receipt of a letter from Ii' . , A. Harrison - .
risen , the well known newspapcr
correspondent and poli tican , who
is on a trip to Central Amcrica.
He writes from Guatemala ou
date of June 10 , stating that hc
arrived there on the 14 , after an
eventful trip. lIe lcft New Orleans -
leans on the 8th and were pre-
ventcd from going to Honduras
because of a yellow fever scare.
H took 3L hours on the railroad
to go fromli'ort Barrios to Guatemala - I
mala , a (1istance of IOL miles , iu
which time the train run elI the I
track twice. lIe says Guatemala
is an old town with about 8000
inhabitants , mostly pure Aztec.
Paper money there is$13 for $1.00
in gold , stamps in the same pro- .
portion. It toole 13 cents in.
stamps to ; > end us thc letter.
W"lltIlng AL An lt\y \
. Mr. Charles C. Cooper and Miss
Mary Sharpless were married at
the homc of the bridc's father ,
Mr. , t. ' 1' . SharpesR ! , Wednesday
morning June 28th at 1):30. : 'l'lte
groom is a successful and model
) 'oung man. 'l'he bride is one of
Ansley's popular young ladics ,
has many friends and is highly
respected by all who l < l1ow her.
'l'he gnests were mostly'relatives
and a few friends. The ring service -
vice was used , Rev. Ewing of the
M. E. church oO ciating. 'l'hcy
were the rccipients of manv pres-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper will
. spend some time at J-4incoln and
Omaha before the ) ' dccide whcre
their future home will be. Best
wishes from . all are extendcd to
01'110 01111 'l'onrlllllllPnt At l\lcrnll. \ 1
On July ll , 12 and 13th a base
I ball tournament will be held at
Merna which promises to be an
enjoyable tune for all. Invitations -
ions bave been extended to all
base ball teams in the county.
gntries will be accepted from live
teams besides the Merna nine.
Last Saturday three entries were
reported. ThA Mason City Bras ! !
Band has been cngaged for the
entire time from"ruesday morning -
ing until 'l'hnrsday night. l e-
dnced rates will be g'en on the
railroad and good arrangements
are being made for the many
guests who will be there. A
purse of fifty dolL'1rs will be given
to the winning team , also a latge
flag penant. 'l'he pcnant will
be held by the winning. team until -
til the second tournalqent al
which time it is to revert bacle to
the Improvement Club to be played -
ed for again. 'l'he base ball boys
will be the guests of the Merna
Improvement Club while there.
'rltree games will be played daily ,
one in the forenoon and two 111
the 'afternoon. The old setders
will hold their Sixteenth Annual
l eunion on the second day or
July 12tA \ ! fine program is
being prepared by the old settlers
and this day will undoubtedly be
the largcst of the three. No objectionable -
jectionable gamcs or attractions
will'be allowed amI a hne will be
drawn at gambling of any leind.
lUg Ulazo lit . \rcI\dla.
Last 'l'hursday night at about
n :30 : the residence of A. Bige-
low's at Arcadia was burned to
the ground. It was supposed to
have becn struck by lightning ,
- - - - -
as no other cause can be fOUI1l1.
Mr. Bigelow and two children
werc asleep , and when discovercd
by Mr. Bigelow , it was to late to
save anything excepting a box 01
valuable papers. Mrs , lligcJow
aml one of the children were in
the eastern part of the state 011 a
visit at the timc of the fire. 'rile
loss was wcll covcrc'd by insur.
111111 HIlI/IO / nL ll'I'III' .
The Ansley ball nine who wellt
through here last 'l'hursday
morning , played a'ery interesting -
ing ball game at Merna. 'l'he
galue ended with a score of 4 to 3
in favor of Ansley. 'l'h.e Ansley
team expected to fO home on 48 ,
but as it was annulled , thc ) '
ro\'e home acros' ! the countrr ,
not arriving there until after 111il- ;
night , but they all report an enjoyable -
joyable time.
01. . . . . .
At the home of Joseph Ciid-
dings , near Clear Creck , June 14 ,
1905 , at 6 o'clock p. m. , Mr. Hais
Sperry at the age of 84 years , 7
months and 9 days. He was born
in Doyer , Cuyogo county , Ohio ,
in 1820 , wherc he livcd for twenty-
one years. ' ! 'hen he came wcst
and located in McHenry County ,
, Ill. , malcing his home there for
several years. He was married
at thc age of thirty to a Miss
Sarah Lilly , and to this uuion
I was born four childrcn , th.rcc I
girls and one son. 'rhey moved
to Wisconsin in the year of 1855
and settled in Clayton township ,
Winnebago count ) ' , where he
lived for twenty-eight years. He
gained the friendship of all who
had the pleasure of mccting- him ,
_ _ _ n _ _ -
W -
, , ,
. - r - - - -
. - . . . . . . , .
. .
. ; J. M. : Bates , su cessor ! to Rockwell
\ . " , & Armstrong , has a , nne assortment - '
\ : ment of Undertaking Goods in stock !
" . and is : prepered. : to suit you in quality -
ity and price. , He has a : fine
hearse and is prepared to gi va the
. .
. : , best accommodations to ity. or .
. . . , country customers. Prices right , \
- I
. - - -
. J. ' 1W.I : . EI.A..TElS.
North' Side Track.
I. ! : : - - - - - - - : - _ . . . . _ _ . = - : : ! J
. '
. . .
. . . .
- - - I' - - -
anu he was Jenown ilS being' an
honcst law abiding citi en.
He came to Nebraska twenty-
fivc ) 'cars ago and settlcd on a
claim near Clear Creek , lcnown ilS
the old Oli\'e claim , whcre he has
made his hOllte until a fcwears
ago. On accollnt of old agand
poc.r hcalth , he lived with hi
daughter , Mrs. Julia Gidrlings
part of the tilllC , hut for ovcr a
year he has bcen unllcr the COI1'
I , stant care ofIn ; . Giddings. On
the hUI day of Ma ) ' , 1')04 , he had
a paralytic strolc , and for SOIl1C
till1e lost the usc of his rig-ht
sidc. He grew worse In the fall
and for nine montl ! ! , he was con-
lincrl to his hcclllntil death calllc
and relieverl him of his suffer-
ings. Mrs. Giddings and Amc
Spcrry are left to mourn the lose ;
of a lc nd and 100'illg' father , his
wife and It.vo rlau hters having-
died several ycars ag-o.-Chronicle
Citizen. K. W. KI\I1IAT.I ; , .
- - - -
'l'he Custer County Ministerial
Association is cal1ed to mcet on
July 18 , 1')05 , atlema ! , Nehr.
! \Iinisters ill charge of churches
in thc county and those not in
charge arc members of this association -
sociation no matter to what
church they bclong. Wc would
be , glad to hear from an ) ' who
cxpect to he present at least two
weeks before the 11Iectin/-r / , that
we ma ) ' arrange as intercsting 'a
program as lossihle. Suggcst-
ions in regard to suhjects wel-
comcd. A splendid time is anti -
ti ipated. . W. E. I\IA'l"I'IIHWS ,
Merna , Nebr.
[ Othcr County papers plcase
copy. ]
'l'hc .musical cntertainmcnt
given last Friday night at the
Opcra HOllse under the auspIces I
of the Baptist choir was quite a.
success. 'rhe at tenrlallce waH
largc and the receipts higlily sat-
isfactor ) ' : < 'l'he cnterfainment
was. highly complil11entell by
lhose in attendance.
! \Irs. R. A. i\Toore \ lcft last 'Iucs-
day for AlbanN. . Y. , to visit her
daughter who is at a hospital
there whcre she has unrlergone an
opcrtion for. a ppendici lis.
Dr. Bilrtholmew was a passen-
gcr for Au.rora last 'l'ucsclay. Hc
goes there to spenrl som time
dsiting his mother.
1"1' Salc.
A stock farm 01 one section of
latHl , allllnrler fence , HO < tcrcs
11 nllcr clll t'a tion wi th i m pro\.c-
tncnts balance paslurp. , ha ) ' lami
and timber , three miles north ancil
half milc cast or Walworth , for
Sl2 an acre. Half cash ancl 'bal-
ance on time to snit plfrchascr.
G. OU\'I.H
tf Walworth , Neb.
Sh'I1)'C'II ) III' stllll'lI.
From 111) ' place , four miles
north of BrokcnJow / , June 28 , a
collie pup , white fect , three inches -
ches ahove fcet tan color- tip of
tail white , whitc strip in facc ,
body rlark. A reward of ' $5.00
will be paid for his return.
4.5 I A I.I'Il J 011 NSON.
Sh'j\'tl III' Stlll.lI.
Ji'rom m ) ' place , sevcn milcs
north of Brolcn Bow , ahout thc
15th ofla" ! a black sow , wClght
about thrc hunrlrell. . Piece of
rig-ht ear clipped.
3- ( , OHo. S1\I'l'lI. !
Hllnt'S . ' 11I' Sillc- .
I havc fivc heacl of young horses -
ses , su ita ble for drivers or sadrllc
horses for sale ehcap , at m ) ' farm
se\'en miles north ot 13rolcn Bow.
4-7 nlio. S1\II'1'11.
Ii'0I { SM.H-A four room house ,
two and a half acrcs of ground
and a lease on sixteen acres for
five , years , just outsidc of thc
corporation. 'l'his will be sold at
a bargain if takcn withiu the
next thirty days. ] I nquire at this
oOicc. 4-S
. . . .
- - - " ' -
- -
Legal Notices.
- - - - - - - -
I.&CJ \UV&H1.18Inll . .I. .
All lulycrllsellllmt unler thll' 11l'1\I1 will ho
lulrJ.,1 : for IIlltwlIl fIIt. . , 'lz : :51.00 : I"r " 'InKrll
for QrHI III"Urll.lII. 1\1111 IItIC Icr , _ lllIl\rO lor ullcll
.UII ' .llnllIIIIlH"rUoll.
. " 'HIUl\ru" IH 1I11111110H or frllCllnn Ihurcof.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' '
IN 1'11I' : HIS'I'IHC'I' COIJI 'I' 0 [ CUH'I'IH :
I "a\e A. I "IH'III. 1'1\1111\0' \ . OrclIl : . [ ' 1111,1' ,
l\Iahalia S. 1.1111..1' , Hclelillalll" .
' 1'0 Orell I' : . 1.'lIlIcr a1 , : llahalla H. 1.'lIlh1r. hlq
, . .
YIIII wllllalHi 110111' " Ihat 011 Ihu 3rd .1:1) : ' IIf
Jllly. 11)0\5. \ Ihl ! 1.lalllllff nlt'.1 hlR 1.lltlnll 1IIIltc
UI"lrI ! : CllllrlllC CII..II'r C'IIII ! } ' . N'hraol , , , . Ilh'
IIIdecI ; 111111'1'(1)1'1' IIf whl'h ar 11I fllrcdlls. , a
c'rlalll real , ' ' 'Ialc ' I1\nrllI1 \ : " . 11a \ , It ! hy Ih , ' .1" .
fl'lIll\IIIo' IIIlh" UallIla I.nall , 'l'rll 1 CII.11,1
1I..IIIII.lloIIIIM Illalllllll' , , IIl'nll Iho flllln\\'l\ll :
,10'1'1'11,1 n'al , ' ' 'Ialu ' In-\\II : 'l'lw N ! IIf I h"
Sw' . , thu nf IIw Sw1111 \ tllI.Nw , 'I IIf Ih , '
S. , ' , IIf HecllulI2. ' 1'011I III.hll , ' 1'1 , Nnrlh r.'IIU" ' ; : < ' ,
weHlllf Ihc Mh II. 111. . 1:1\11 tn " , 'Cllrt. IlIU flay.
l1\elll ulllllc c'rlalll I'WI1IIlIonn' 11U1I1 IIf $ ; 1\1 In.
1'lh'r with 11I1"re > ; I thCII'1I1I frul1l It" "alII 0111,1 ,
III'CHI which Ih..rc , . . IIIIW "hc the . . .lIlIIlIfjlII.fJt !
; 111111..0 thu fllrtll" " 1111111 ofI.tU 1 > < : lIlu fill'
taxc" I\hl h ) ' . .1:11 : II lilT I1l1Iler thu clIIIIII I " , " " IIf
lIahl IIII/rlUI'I' : ! : . .
I'lalllllff l'rI'A fill' a , Icer'cllf f..cclll"lIro allll
tltu IIalc IIf thc . .rel1llscs , I , ' crlh\llill ahl I1IUI' ! ,
I : : lIll' .
YOII :11'0 : re'llIln',1 ' tu all WI'I' "ahl IlelillulIlIlI III'
bclllrc tltu Hlh ,11\ ' uf1111'11'11. . l'IlI.5.
Hah'llhls : lnlIa'lIf Jill ) ' . I'W5.
ISAAC Hmm.\I/ .
" .7 ) I ) . hi. . AIIOnll' ) ' . C. II. , " .
' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' , ' ' '
IN 1'1I1 mg'l'HII"I' C'lJH'I' 01 CUR'1'1'H :
1' . N. ( 'a 11I1 > 101'\1 \ , " 11. 1.llIcollllSUlllhworlh. .
1'1 al. Nullc" tu IIOIl.n' hh'lIllI. .
I 1.\lIcolll \ A. HUlllhworth alill 1.lIcllII : SOIlIIl
worthdcl\IIII 111111 wllliaku ' 1OIIc , ' . Ihal oilih.
. . . . . . . . " . , . , . . " " _ . - - - . M
, -
) Jd. d ) "C June Ir.t ! : , the 1IIIunllIT lIIed hi"
1t1'l'JllII"II'l1 ' Iwtlll'JlI III thcII.lrlcI cnllrlof
tullipr ( ; ( ' " 111) ' . N l'IIIIt l < a , till' ohjfC I allll Im , ) " 1'
of wlllcll 1" , " IIhlalll all onh'r.llllllc lruIIlIlC.OC
I hi 1'1'01111 , cOllflrllllllj ( III all allIl eHr ) ' I.artlcillar
II f UtllIH 1'1I1rM IIlIdh'crN's IIIIIIls 111111 II Huh !
alld cn"'re.l. al1lll'Ul.cularh'llic Ilrae" ellierell
. . . . . ' ' IIf H'c. tW"I1I "
allallllli Ih. Nnrlll\\1 111:11'1"1' : " ) I
IIX'I'IIWII..hil' , tlllhu'II.lItIIllI.r.llljc I WtJ II I ) ' fUllr. I
w , , lofth.h.l'.M. ( . . . \olllll\'allli Hlale , .
whll'h Mahl , h'cn' , ' wa clllen',1 , all.1 lIIalc 011
Ihe Illh , .Ia'of . JIIIIL' . 'HI. fUI' ! lOil1.U ( 11111111 a
C'rlnlllwlc alllllllnrfll'.ll ! ( ' iliad , ' . , " " ' 1' II It'll allli
.1t'IiVl'h',1 II ) ' ) ' 01111I1111 : NI'1" , .kl : Morlla ! ! " ,
'l'rll 1 C"III' , ' " ) ' . allllo ) ' II :1" : IU-lIe,1 10 Ihl"
Illalllllrf. alRlllo cnllnrmllll ! IInh' of IIalil 111111" ;
Iu 11I1"1lalllllf ( . \I \ ) ' III" IIltcrlfT uf lIahl COli 111.\ '
1111111' allil h ) ' vlrllm of lIallllecn'c. which lIahl
"al , . . wa. . lIIalc IIII..IIU 151h , 11:1) : ' nf Jllh'.I'J\II.
YUII art > re'llIlrllu all.\I.,1' . .allll"lIlIulI nil
IIIlefllft \ ! Ihe 71h. .Ia ) ' uf111111..1. . . l\'O. \ ' . III' Ihe
IlIall.rM ; 11111 1111111 ( " 1111' rei II clllllalll,1 will he
lal"11 a. . IrlleallllJlIIUlllelll.mlcn',1 , , accor < III1II ) ' .
! Jato',1 thl" 2Jftl. tla ) ' uf JIIIIC. I'J05.
1' . N. CAMI'I'HI.I" '
J-C , II ) ' hi.1111I11I' ) ' . . \ 1.1'11.IOIws. : .
- - ' - - - - - - - - -
1.IWAr. OrICI .
'l'III\'a : liarI' ! " allll Io'lnqllfu 11 a. . , I. . . IIIll1nr
cll I ' ' ' ' ; 11I,1 hclr" III law uf Clara Jail" lIarll. . ,
, h.cea.I. WIIIIt1ll . : 11. lIarllM. IIIIIH""lIlclIl' .Ic.
You.lllIll"aeh IIf YCIII wllllalc IIIIIIt.lhat : 1111
11m 2 1I,1 , , Ia ' IIf JIIII.II\15. Charleq g. rlh"l1l1.
I1laluII11.I1\1'II \ hlK 1.,111111" . , III Ihc IIIIIlrlcl Cllurl
IIf CII"h'r' olllll ' . N'lIra"lm , , alltlllol } "III.lhc
. . \del'I \ alllllI"ay'r , IIf which arc III rllft'clo , ! a
ct'rlallllllor\u-lllc \ . 'xecIIII'11 h\ , ' Clara JalltJ liar.
1'1'1 allil IIII ! .lcfclIh'lIl \ \ ' IIlIalll 11. Iftrrh , 10
: .Iallll' " r. . 1."lIha.\ \ thu Norlh Halll 'IImrh'r
. Nt' 'I ) IIC H"clloll l\\'ellty-.lix ( ! h ) 'l'II\\'lIoh II' . 'llh I-
1"11 ( I ) Hall\l" h\'elllt (25) ( ) III CII lcr "IIIIIIIY ,
N..llrallla. III " " , 'lIrc Ih. . 1'1) ' III ell I IIf 1111'11' IWIII'
I..HOr . ) ' lIoh' IIf k\.tJlI hlllllrt',1.lnllan. 1ijll.lIlJ ,
, lal.I'"llh , ' 21111 IlaIIf JIIII , ' . li' ' S. UlIII IllIe alI < I
11.I'ahll ! IIlIlhl ! IIIIIay "f JIIII. . . 111'13 with IlIlcr.
" I allllller C1I111'U11I IlIalllrll.(11111 . whl h . .a hI
II III I ! wa , 'xh'llIleil 1IIIIIIIhu 1111 , Ia ) ' of Jlllle.
IS'I ( , with IlIlere"l :11 Ihe "II. ' of 7 " , 'I'C"lIl I1cr
: III II U III. 'J'halllll rc III , hll ! allil 11111'\101 : 111'1 ,
. .a hi 1101 , . UlllllllllrlllUCH Ih"1I1I1II of $ lftl.O\I.
1.01' which 1111111 with IlIh'reHI fm.,1 Ihal , laIc
Ihc 1.lallllllT . l'ra11 fill' a , h'crcc 1) ( rol'eclo lIrc
allll Halc of IIaloll'I'l'IIII" ' , ' .
\011 arc . . . . 'llIhdllll all wer alol I'clltlllll nil
or IIdlll'MOlllla ) ' Ihu Itlh IIa ) ' 01 AIIIII I 1"0.5.
C. . \ . I OIIl : ' ; OS.
3 , ( ; . \1111"1 < ' ) ' IIII' Plalllllff.
. .
- - - - - - - - -
.NON-H g ' , IJI ! N'l' NO'1'ICg.
III 1JI ll'lel COllrt. CIIHler COIIIII ) ' . Nehl'a I'a.
lIal"la LO,111 , \ : ' 1'1'11111 COIIIIIII\ " 01"1"1'- '
allllll.l'lalllllif. "H. 1.I'wl"",1 , Mill.
1'wIH , " " 11111111111111. hiM \\1. . . . . t rH ami filII II alii c
IIlIlwoWII. ! J..r0'1I1t'1It. ' . 1I0Ilc , ' .
' 1'ho Ilefcm"'III'I lewl 1'1'11111111:1011 :111 < 11\11'11 ,
1'wl 1"11111111:1011 hlo ; wlf , ' . will lalH ! 1I0lien
Ihaloll 1110 21)th .Ia ) ' III' J 111101'1\15 , II. . , ! Jal"la
I.oall allllll'lIHI ( ' " I.I"IIIIII ( hell'III , tile,1 ! t'll
1'I'IIIio ' lllllhl'III lrlcl Cllllrt uf CII Io'1' COIIIII ) ' ,
N'hrr I'a. a..alll"l . I < , lhl .lcf''lIlaIlIH. ' Ihc uhJ"cl
: IIIIIIII"OI'er uC whl'h arc III forl' luHI' a c"rlalll
IIIIIrl.ralc 1..ecllll.,1 IINalhall H. 1'1"1\'llIl'C III
Ilw 1.1,11111111'111 > 1111 Iht' fnl'llIwllljI"MIrll.ll ' : > relll'
I , ' . . , lo.wlt. ' 'I'h. . H' IIf Ih , ' Nw' . { of S'f' 13 allil
tI. . . . I. I o'f Ihe N.lf of Sec. It all tll ' 1 U\\'II hlll
It North or Jfalllc ! ! W , ' I..f Ihu "Ih I' . III. III
CII"'r CIIII 11 1NI'ha"ka. . 10 , 'Cllrn th , ' I'a ) "
nll'III uf a IlIulIIl..sory . lIote .lalt',1 AIIUII"I : ! I I
I : < I fill' Ihl' IIIII 01 : ; ; OIJ .111" :111111' I'ablol olltllL'
lillil day ot Sell ( lIIh'r IS'II. ' 1'11.11 tlIl're I" IIO\\ '
,1110 alllllllllall ( 11\11111 "aIoI1101. , a'ill lIIurtla. . . . " ,
th" SIIIII or : : ( J ( J 10"'lhel' " wit II fll"'n' 1 al hi I.r !
cellI fWIII S"III'mlor I I. 11 > " ' ; ; . ' 1'11"llalllllfr
. .1'1'.1\0 ; 'lira ' , Iccr , ' , ' of fon''IIIMII'I' alill IIal" 01
" .1111111"11I1" , . . . . YIIIIII" r"'llIlrl'lllt'I ' an"w" < '
pelllllll1 'III or I"'fur , , Ihl ! 3111t , I : . ) ' 01 Jill ) ' . 1'JlI5.
lIalellhl" , 2IIh , , Ia ) ' of J 1111I' . I'lu5.
D" ! . : IITA lo.\N . . . . 'I'IIIIHT C'u.
2.5 H ) ' C. II. IIolcolIIlI. Itll . \ IInrnl ! ) ' "
" - - - . - - - - "
NO'1'I.CI' : 01. ' PIN.H. H 'I'1'f.I : 'II N'l' '
III 011111) ' COliI' ! . ( ; 1101..1' CUI1I1I ) ' . N , hraMlw.
' 1'0 the CrelIlorll alllillclr" alll all wllo arc
1IIII're",111I11Ie'lilale , / of Sl , ' la P. 11 a 1'1 II Iw I'll
.I < 'c'a"I.
'I'al" , Nullc'I'halren..glllllllll.aIIIIIIIJMlra. : .
IIII' of tlm alon\I.1 ! ; gtatt , . haM 1111',1 a relurt ( IIf
lIill lIoll1ltH a HIICh. alill aslS Ihalill. . salllc he
; " ' ( lw\I. allllihal h , ' hI ! ,1I"ehar..c,1 . f..1II . fill'-
Iher ohlluall" " Ihel'l'III''I1"hl that III" 1'011111) '
JIIIII : " lIIal , , , all ol'llel' a'llolll" .11"11'1 loll tI II II ( .r
tllll a"11I Ilolol1ullIl ! 10 l < al < 1 "IIIalu all ilia ) '
celll JIIIII allll "llIlIahl ( , , : :11111 III IIt qi"'l1alo "
tlm , " .Irn ell III 10',1 I" a . .hal' ' ' IlIlIal < I o'llall' . ; 11111
III Ifralll nch olltcr n'lId :1.1 ilia ) ' It " , 'elllell
III'C..arI' , 111 lito I1l1al . .eltiemclIl of kalll e lah' .
Halll lIIallcr ha" h"11 "el fnr h'arllll : Oil Ihe
251h , Ia } ' of Jllh' . 1'11'S. :11 III u'ctucl , a. III. .
al tltl ! CIIII II I ) ' COllrt Ioolll. 11111..1 . < < .11 \ luNe. . ; Ito wltich Ill1Ie allll placc all l'arll1
IIIII're"lellIIa ) ' apl''ar allli hc heal'll cullccrlllllU
Ih , ' " ; 11110.
111\,1 till. . . lilh lIa } ' of JIIII" . 1')05. '
, " ! .5 COli IIJlIlue. .
. . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
' ' ' ' ' . ' '
NO'l'll'l 1'0 CIH.nI'l'OHH. ;
COli II I ) ' COl1rl. CII"ler COlIlIly. Nebr.I I\ .
'l'he crclIwrs of Ih , ' e'lalcof ! Jalllell I ; ' Allis-
h'I'f ) ' Ih. , ; . , . ' ' < 'II :
' 1'a ) , , , Nol , , " , ' . 'I'hal I will 1111 al Iltl ! CUIIIII ) '
CUllrl . . . .Ulll. . IIIl1'4I1H'1I lIo\\ ' . III al,1 CUll III.011
IIII ! Jtlt , lay "I JIII } ' . 1')05. allll " " Ih" 2.,1 ; "a ) '
uf IIc' . 1"5. " ' "aclt al III , , 'ctocl , a. III. of eaCIl
lIay. IlIl'e'"I\1 ! allll'x1I1I11I1' all dalailll alalll"l
salll c"lalc. with a'Iew \II thclradJllslll Cllt allll
'I'll" 1111I0 11 III 1t,1 for Ihc pI'I'"clllatioll 01
claims alall1111 alll . "Ialc ' " six 1I111111h fl'llill
lit" 2.11'11 .la ) ' "I' JIIIII' . I'ltl ; . : II"llhe lIlIIO 1111I1",1
for 1 a'lIIelll or t\ehlll \ Is ollo'ear fnlll"alii \ dall' ,
lJalellhL'Ililh , lIa ) ' of JlIlW l'illS.
J. A. AH IOIm ,
.5 CUlIlll ) ' J IIIIUI" .
- - . -
- - - - - - -
\lRASK.\ . ,
' 1'0 crcllturs , of tlw eSlalc oC Pel"r Moltal , Ic.
c'asel :
'l'al < < 1 lIollc. . . Ihal I will "It al till ! CIIIIIII \ .
Cllllrll'lllIlI. III IIrol"lI lI"w. III lIalill-nlllll } ' . Oil
III" 1lh .1.1) ' 01 ' \ IIItIlallllhl1 , Itlh , by . .f
UCI. . r 1'1.15 : \11,111I1 Ihl1 ( , III , Ia ' . .I Jalllllr.\ ' .
1' lh. , 'ach:1t 10.'ctllcl. a. III. III each 11a ) ' . In
rec. . ) 'l ! allll" : alllillo all , flallll ; I\falll l . . ,1111 e .
lal" " wHit a'I"W tolhelr alJllillllclll , allll allow.
allC' , ; :11111 Ilial . " . Ih. . 111',1 .IlIc alloIhc
lclltillllo.1 widow will h" IlI'anl rur tll"lIcslcal. ,
' . . . . ' .IIII.llouo . ; . all"I\'alll : ' allli "Iher Slailltor ) '
rllllI .
' 1'11. . tllIl < I IIl11lte.1 for Ihe pre""lIlalloll IIf
clallllll allalll l Hal < l , ' Iall ! I. . Mi. . . 1I1tJ1I11I ' 1'1I11I
' 1111 flh , I a ) ' . .I' Jill ) ' 1'1115. :11111 Iho tlllle Ii III it,1 , ,
h.r la'III'lIt of ,1010111 I. . " "I ! } car hUIII aill , Iah ! .
-t. ; ( -11.\1. ) J. . \ . A" IUIIK. CIIIIIII ) ' JlIlllle.
UIIII,1 Hlalc' ! I.allll Olli.c. : t
Norlh I'lauc. Nollr.llIla. May 21.1'1'5. r
N..lIce i. . IIcrcll ' . . . \ " ' Ihal Ih" 'oll..wllll ' :
lIallll',1 M'III , ' ! ' lIa" liI,1 lIolle" uf hi. . llIlo."tI" , . IIJ
lIIallc IIlIal Ilru..t III " 11111"1'1 " ' hlH ct.lllII. a 11I1
Ihalttl IlIu"f will Ih. 1II.1I1t , h'f. . . . . ! I.rue : . II ,
Mall' . Clt'rl , ollh" IH trkl Conrt. al his . .mc" .
al IImlen lIuN'hrasla. . Jill } ' x. I'JI)5.17. :
l\IoII'lha Obl"
wh..III\lle 1I1IIIIeHI < 'aI , 1':1111"No. : . IN51 for th
\ \ ' " ssec 1 towllshi" 1" " [ ( 22 W.
II , ' ualll < : , . Ihl ! f..lIl\\ \\1I1IIsoe" ! 10 . , ro\ < !
- - - . A : . , - - - - " ' "
- ' . . . , " " -
- - - -
h' " CII" 1111 IIOUII resillencc upon :11111 cu.lllvntlol/ /
oC lIaldlllll < l. \'Iz , "
Charlcll U. JefTonl" , Jlrokell Jlnw. Nelor.
1lIlIlIel : 1. . HUUIIII. : : : : : :
U'IIf ) ' ; IIarllll , " . . . . .
Ju"cllh lIIartlll.
I 51.6 o IIOIW II I : . l'nllNclI , HClllsler. '
Ullltc,1 Sialell la1 , Ollicc. I '
ItrolcclI Uuw. Nchr. . JUIII ) 3. 1"05. f r
Nutlcu 1111"10) " ' . . .I\'ell Ihat th" followl'llfl ,
nalllc,1 sIII..r , IIaM nI.,1 , lIotlCo oC hl'IlIlcllllolI
tll l1Iake IIlIall'rllof III IIlIlllIIIrt uf hi. . clallll Nu.
IW5 , au.1 thai IIald11'0111 \ will \I \ , ! lIIa,11 ! he fore t
) { "jI..lcr . all < l Iecch'er at Brokell 1101Nehr. . . .
OIl'JIII ' IS 1'105. , 'Iz
) , . : r
, u. . . . .c , v..ltl..f' ' ' .
JlwkclI lIuw. NcbraKl < a. fur the NI ! ! Sec. 3-4. ' 1' . I
17. . . H. ' , \ \ ' .
I'U" "iIlIC. . Ihl ! follu\\ I II If. wllllcKqcI ! to prnvo ,
hl'4 CUll 1111 IHlII" resldellcu UI > IIII :11111 culIl\'allllll '
( Ifallt lall < l. vlz : 'I t
11:11 n ' III. I'lcI'l'lIq , uC IIcrw'u. Nebra ka :
UUI.Ca'lhllllll. : . ( If 11"1'\\11. Ndhraqlia : lllarley !
1I.1\1I1'1".f . lIerw'lI. Nehralllm : O.urll ! \ \ ' . .11I1'1
Hw , . .I 11 1'0 Iu : II ! luw. Nchralilm.
5t. JAMhS'IITHlII'lI. . HI'I : 81er
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ullite.1 Hlalell fallil Ollic. . . . L
tlrukl'lI lIuNehraola , Ma ) ' .Ii. I'IO' ' ! : . f
NUlle , ' I" 1I'n'h ) ' 1I1\lu Ihal Ihc f llu\\'lu ! : '
" ' "lIe\I.'llier \ lIall ! h'oJ.llntlc , ' ul hi" Inielltlull t" \
lIIalw IIl1allro..f \ . III UI"ort , of hi" . : Iallll. all.1
Ihal "al,1 Ilfllof111 lIc 1II1I11 ! Ifuru , H'ulslcr
1\1111 He , cler al ! l1II1clI Jluw , Ncllr"IHI , 1111 !
Jilly 7. 1' I.'i.17. : I
01" 0lMoII1 HIIIIIIII "all..y. Ne\lraIm \ ;
fill' Ih , ' 1I-2 ! ' ) J. : ; "C 3 'I' I N. It 1'11\ ' .
Uo 1I\lII"'Ilhe follll\\'llI 'I' It II , . . . .C'l III 1'10\41 I'
hlk ( :11111111111111" : re'iIIt'II'e : 111'1111 allli culI1\.ltloll 1
IIr IIallllaull.'Iz : ,
' ' ' : ' ' ' IIf HIIIIIIII "all. . ' Nihr. ,
" : : . , ) . . . . . ) , . .
JII\lII \ 1 It'ch. . .
, \ I'II I ( { Io''h. 01' "
N'I" A. lIall. " " II
51.56 leul"lcl' . '
WI ! tll , ' 1IIIIIcI'II\lCIICI \ , , hereh } ' a""clalc , nilI' .
Rth'e" ' IlIlIdh. . . . for III , . 1'lIfI' " C IIf Inrlllllll ! a
, ' 111'\.11 \ r'a I " 111 1IIIIIer Illc law > l IIftlln Sial < ' nl e-
I.ralll , , , . allll III ; 141111'1 1111I fllllllwlllU A IIlclcs DC
IIICllrl"ralloll. ,
AI'I. I : 'l'IHI lIalll. . b ' w\llell \ tlll'I cllrl'uralloll
shall he 1'1 WII I" : - ; , 'cllrllHlal < ' lIalll , .
A 1'1. ) I : 'I'lm 111'III hll ' 1llacc III lIlI IIII'"q IIf
1111" CIII'III'alloll hall IIc al IImlclI 11,1III , Ihe
l ollllly oC ( ; 11..1 . < 11' all,1 . .Iall' . 01 N.'lIraolm.
" 1'1. fll : 'I'IH ! IIlIj'cl for which thl cllrl" ' "
allllll III rllrIlH..1 I III c/lrr } ' Ollt CUlllllle.clal .
h.lllldllu hll III"R" ulltlcr Ihe lawlIf tll" Rlate
or N'hra..I'I.
. \rI.I\ ' : 'I'll , ' alllllllrlI',1 , 'allIal sillel , o (
Ihl".I"lralloll . shall II" : : . ! . , , ) .t ' . which I < lnelc
1111\111"111\1,10.,1 : , ! olio . .10.11 , ' " of tI'l ' ! 1'\1' : valli"
nf H1\J.IkI"a'h. IIf whltlI : $ ISlHJ.ntl IIhalllll ) kllb.
"crll"11 alll ( IIII ' 1..1.111" " , No IrallQlor IIf 'th , !
Hillel , III IIII cnn'ralloll hall h" 1I1"'rall\"t ! 1111 _
III ellll'reIIII'"lIlhc 1"110 ; IIf IhcOl1l11ralloll.
A II. \ ' : 'I'III ! hillho'li hlllchlcdllu > ; ' \ nl this
, 'ofl'"nlllllll shall 1101 " Ce"11 Iwo IhlrdB III Ihl !
I.ahlllil capital ( excel'I .leI'II"II. . ) . .
Arl.1 : 'I'hl > l CII 1'1'11 rat 1011 "h.11IleuIII \ 1111'11. .
UCO ; " 1111 IIle IHlllaur JUII" , 1'1(15 , IIl1d tl'lIIll1atl ! !
ollihe 1"1 Ila01 Jlllle. 2lll.l . '
AI" . \11. 'I'he IIlIic'rll IIr t\llq \ corl'oralloll t' .
qhall II" a I'r , ' IIlclIl.'lc.l'rl ! ! I.lclIl. Ca hllr , j
Assl"lalll Ca lIler. amI a 1I0anillf ! llrcclllrll.
CllllolMlltnr IIf 5 1II' lIIher" , " w\llch \ Ihc tirsl
1I\lIIellItl : cer" lIIa ) h a la11. ' 1'lIe lIalil IIniccrs
; \ lHIllIalll IIf Dln'clllrll Hllallltavt ! Ihc lIIallale-
1111'111 allli clllltrol IIf Ihe : tffalr' ! n thlH corl'lIr.
allllll. .
Arl. " 11. 'I'hc allllllallllccthll : nf Ille slnck-
lIoltlcrsof Ihl"Cllrl'lIralloll shall I'cnll. tlle3r < l.
'l' ) ' III Oel. III . ' : IIh : } 't'ar\l which lIIeel-
hlilihe ollicl'rll1111 , lIleclnrB IIhall 1m cl"l'led
hy pllJ hI"cldlllltl'r 01 Illl > ! , : ol1H\ralloll. ' 1'hc
" ' 1'111 of ulli , ' " III , III' llllic'r" alld d Irecl rB ahu"1 !
111'II\'I < h',1 for hall he fur a 11)1'11111 o ( nllC } . , . : tr.
or 1IIIIIIIhclr SIICCUMMllrll ai'll eleclc,1 alll ! 'Illatl-
tiI. A lIIaJorlly III I III ! Hharc'l or thlll corl'or.
alllII Hhall "Olllllllllie a IllIurlllll ; It alr"lfullr : - .
hI' . l'l'clal III""IIIII ! .
Arl. IX. 1 .lch slockhn..l..r shall. at all
relflliar III' 1 < ' , ' . : ; IIH'elllll ( ' " h" " 1111111',1 tn IIIII !
\'Ulc. , 'Ililel' III III'rsnll III' h'III"II'\ ' . fill' I'aeh
. .ha"ol .1111'1 , h.III.
A 1'1. X : 'I'hu A rtlclell of IlIcllrpnrallnll ilia ) '
h aIlHllllo.,1 a' all ) ' " . . .lIlar "I' .11 clal 1111"11111 (
call,1 fill' Ihall11lal".e. hya IwoIhlnl"'IIlc IIf _
all , II. . "loci , of Ihc cnl'l'oralloll.
WIIIIC'i1l 11111' Ilall < l'l tills 311'1 < lay ofMa1905. .
Jens II. J\I\1tI < R.
\ \.GlmluH. .
011 Ihl R 31kl .Ia ) ' nf M JY. 11)05. ) h'fllre IIIC 4.1'11.
W. ! Jew , ' } ' " CIIUIIIY CIeri , III alll , fur CII ler
COIlIlIY :11111 Hla\Uof NcI'ra ' ka .1111) ' COIIIIIII , , IIIII-
. , ,1 all,1 1,1IlllIio.I. , : 1'"lIalal'llcarc,1 ' \ \ \ ' . A.
Iellru : , ' . JIIIIII I' : . ! th''r" allli Jlllc'l Halllllllllt III
IIIC 1 < 11 mII III I" , Ihl ! hlcllilcal l"r lIlI who"c
II IIIICH arc am..e,111I Ihe Cllrcunlllj ( 11I"lrlllllcllt
IIf IlIcllfllllrallllll. allleleh : rill' hllllMclflackllow
1"IIIlllIe , sallw to hi' hi"111 IIlIla 1'aCI. . ' . .
* - " ' - " , ' IN WI'I\NI \\'lIgjgOI..1 ha\1 ! '
{ Hlt.\I. . f h'rl'lI II III " "I lilY 1I\lHI allil allixeIIIIY
, , - - * olliclal "bal , Ihl ! day ; \1111' ) 'car last ,1' .
allo\'e wrllll'lI.
C H" . W.)1 \ ( \ \ ' ' : ' ' . Co. Clcrk. .
11Jos. . i'1t1 r"'t' : . IJ"IIIII ' . "
1.lren.lI ) ' , 'erllo' Ihallhu ahovc all < l fnrelrnlll ! :
anlelo" nf illcnr"lIr:1I11111 nf ' 1'hc H'Cllrll ) ' Sialo
lIalll < Iii a I rile allli cnrn'ci 1'111' ) ' nf Ihc IIrllllllal
. \ rllcle. . a'l fihtl with Ihl ! 11I0 lIalll,11I1I' IIl1anl.
\V. . \ . t/iOHte. : :
Rllh crl1'e" 111 III ) ' I'rc . 'ucc all,1 , . . \\urll to lie :
fnn ! IUU 111111 51h "a ' ur J II lit : . 1')115. '
5-I Hllss D. I'ICIiTT : , Nolar ) ' PlIlIllc.
- , ,
: lInrJcl UCIJorilur 'roan > .
WlJnl\t ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 .76.
111\11.1) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2U \
01111\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . . .25 I.
H'o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 ! , .
Gorll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to
r.1VR STOOlt-
IIm" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.75
t3lo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 51 !
news . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . .75W25 ! ;
1'01Jl.Ttn'- . .
: : ; "rlll fJIIlekcn'l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ihlokull. : , pur 1'0nl1.I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05
Turloy , per pOIlIlII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I ! !
Huttur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )5
HpI"'r : Iln1."I1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U }
\11 eKI.I.ANRUUd- .
l'OI lou. . IIL'r 1111.1101. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 I ,
Oll\un..llurhl1.l1ol. . . . . . . . . . . , ; . . . . . 1.5u I
J11\voI''r ' Ion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M.OO 1
t31rllw , lJer owl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
HlIllIr. Urllunllllml. per CWl.S.S @ 7.35
, ' 1'he Cottage Hotel
ncnNI'O. Nl n' ' ' 'IC' ' .
- : : I ; - ; : :
Gnn,1 C ' IIIC : . c " rea""lIable.
, C..rall . f'r ShIPIIIUII' C 1\11 , ' . lIa ' alll WaleI' Inr
2t hllllr fnr III cClIlII a hcal.
i I.'a..t. " , , ' "I "PJ ( I , l-roJJr.
. , - " - -
i1i':2-2 : ! : : : = . 222 ? : E : ? r'c z 2 ; . . . .c
m r.t t. . Clothing cleanl'l , p1'lssed m
11 t.t. t.
19 ran a onUlll.
; . nnd repaired PO ) ' hoth ladil's RJ
m and gputelllPll. ! HntisPaction g'IIH'nnteed. ) U ive me rn
t J a tria I ordl'I' . Over J I alwr- 11 . iii
m 1lle' drug store , Broken Bow. M ar y u 818. m
, lj ! a'a E 2 222 22:21 : ?
- -
- - . - - - - - - - . . . .
- - - - -
- = _ - a : : : EI < = J ; ; ; : : ] aJSJ. = : taJ = = -\19 , _ (0)/ - ' - - - - - : - - - ; : , - , = - - - - -
.liWffimmmfflffiffiffimrn . ? ; = : Ii = raaJSJ ; : = : : : I = : JSJi'EJ ' ,
ffimmmmrn5h ; ' , ( SffifiT.HfiffiTF ! . ! i ViHrn URmffimffiffiffiill ]
lillli . .
B e f. 0 reo U B U 'I I ( I ' C 0 n s U .1 t illlli
Iill _ mill
lillli Grea. . : PapLn.ea"U. : . , illill
: lmn Cont'acto'and , ) BuilJer. l stil1latcs mru
.Iillli FurnishclI frec with plans and spccifications. IDiJ !
Irllg @ 5 ) : . rEr 'u = W ' : ' . - f. _ _ ' ' Ul111 U \ ! WilI
; ;
' ; " : # : .r $ -G _ . ! = ! ' = -r = GJ !
- - - - - - - . '
- -
. . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . - ,
- ' , , . . . . , . .
. .
: . . . . . . . . ' . \ ! . . - . : , " ' " . . . . : . " . . . . . . . . . . . " . . : . : ! . . . . . : , , . , . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .
' ; . 1. . . . . : . ! , , . . " . Ib' . . ; . ' "j l.j. . . : : . . . . IIJ. . . " , . , . . . . . : ' . . . . ! . . . ' , . ' . " " . . . : \ t.
; . , : " . .Ik'Q. ' 'mo. . . \ . . . .iI. "a.m..t ; : . . i.J. . . " . . . . ; ; . : II- . .h. . : . . . . a ; . " o'u.i , . . . . ; 0. . " , . . . . . . . . i. " . . ' : . . ' . : . : . ' . ' 10j , . . . . : . ! ' ! : i ' i.i. . : . " . . . . . ' . . : 'ia.1 . . ; 0/ l"a .
t . . . When desiring' to figure on : l bill l " . \ , . t
N :
ti : : of T41111lber call on the. . . . . . . . . . ' : .
i' C' L. Turner
' . . Lumber Co. ;
fi' \ .
.d We carry a full stock of T-4umber.
ti Sash , Doors , Mouldings , etc. 1
. Ag-cnts for the Nebraska Central
. & BIIihling & 1-4oan Association.
J I , " ' . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . " ' ' ' , . .r. . . . . . ' . . .I. . . . . ! ' ! . . I . .1.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! ' . . . , . , , . ' . " ' . "
; I i.dw.Iiu : , .if. ; ' , : iii ! } i1i. : . ; 'i1' . . : , : /Ififo4J1 ; : > > = J4 : : ii.lJ : : ; ; 1 : t. 'li.1l. .