Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 06, 1905, Image 7

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, \ ; f
f' '
, ,
J I Rfn BY Pf-R .N .
Miss Genevive May , 1317 S. Meridian
. . St. , Indiannpolis , Ind. , lember tecond
High School Alumni Ass'n , writes :
"Peruna Is 'the finest regula/oral a
dlsoroered stomach I have found.
It certalllly deserves high praise , for It
Is skJlJlu/ly prepared.
"I was in n terrible condition from n
neglected case of catarrh of the
I stomach. My food had long ceased to
be of any good nnd only distressed me
, nftcr eating. I was nauseated , had
heartburn anll headnches , and felt run
down completely. llut in two weeks
: nfter I to 1c Perunn I was no changed
person. A few bottles of tl1e medicine
made n. great change , and in three
months my stomnch wa.s cleared of
catarrh , and my entire system in Do
better condition.Genevive
-Genevive May.
Write Dr. IInr'tmnn , President of The
llo.rtman Sanitarium , Columbus , Ohio ,
for free medical mlvice. All corres-
) j pondence held strictly confidential.
The First One to Give In.
Most newly married people experIence -
ence the first quarrel. A story Is told
of 0. young wlfo who , In the midst ot
th discussion , was asltpd by her husband -
, band which she considered ought to
) give In first-the mnn , who was des-
i tined to bo master of the woman , or
} the woman , who vas created for the
man ? The fair combatant settled the
matter with 11. ' Itlss as she replled
"Neither the stronger nor the wealter ,
but the one who loves the most. "
. . , . To the housewife who has not yet
Jt becomE\ . acquainted with the new things
ot everyday use In the market and
who Is reasonably satisfied with the
\ old. we would sugsest that a trial ot
Deflance Cold Water Starch be made
I at once. Not alone because It Is guaranteed -
anteed by the manufacturers to be superior -
perior to any other branll. but because
1 each 10c package contains 16 ozs. .
. while 11.11 the other kinds contain but
\ 12 ozs. It Is safe to say that the lady
I who once uses Defiance Starch will use
no other. Quality and quantity must
One by One.
; . . f Martin nurlw , a cousin by marriage
" of General Grant , says the great sol-
, dler was neevr a tanner In Galena ,
III. Next thing someone will swear
that the old oalten buclwt was covered
with artificial moss.-New York Her.
Ask Your Dealer for Allen' . Foot.Ease. '
A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Swollen ,
Sere Hot , Callous , Aching , Sweating Fcc'
Ilnd ngrowlD Nalls. At all Druggists nnd
Shoo stores , 25 conts. Accept 110 substitute.
Sample mallod FREE , Address , Allen S.
f Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y.
What He Thought.
"I hate a mean man , " observed the
Pohlck philosopher , "but when I've
got money In a banlc I'd a heap ruther
Cer the president to be known as a
sldntllnt than as a 'fattlln' good feller : '
-Louisville Courier-Journal.
Farmers' Wives
, IIhould read 'advertisement of Acetylene -
lene Appnratus Mtg. Co. In another
column ot this paper.
, , , "
" , A great genius has arisen. Ho has
; , wrlten a light op ra love song which
. i I' . does not contain the line : "Your eyes
, , . . ! J are as true as the stars above. "
" , ! " I
, ,
I , , ,
i. froOO , per M. Lewis' "Slnglo Dlnder , "
IItrai ht lie ch ar , costs more than other
" brands , but this price dves the dealer 0.
, t fair prof t-nnd the smoKer 0. better cigar.
( Lewis' Factory , Peoria , 111.
, -
'rhe shoplifter Is careful how ho
gO ' 1:1 : In a sture anJ ta1ws a notion.
Jllr . Wlnllow's eootlllng Syrup.
For cblldren teetblng , lottenl tbe gum. , reduce. t %
l1&mmaUon , allay. paIn , cure. wind coUll. . bott1 .
There may be a "next world"-but
f . some people never can "get next" !
, I do not believe Plso's Cure tor ConsumP OI1
has an equal tor coughs and colds.-Jomr Jj' .
( I- ' : ' DOTER , Trinity SprlDgs , Ind" Fcb. 15 , 1000.
I ;
There Is nothing prouder than Ignorance -
ance or more Ignorant than pride.
1\I1'tI. J. n. 01\t'8 , EVl"rett. I'R. Suffered
. ,
w Jun llh kidney and ! fr.-Tel Iroublo. t'Urtod b7 Dr.
VavI4Xonnod , ' . "avorle. . ItotutKIT. ltondoulN. Y. aLQQ ,
' . Happiness consists not In having.
much , but In wanting no more than
) 'ou have.-LYdla Marla Cfillll.
Try me just once und I am sure to
come ulraln. Deflunce Starch.
No man has enou1\h of this world's
IOOdB till he has more than he needs.
' . ' . - .
, ' .
. v
Ceremon'y Unites Dynasties of Sweden
.1nd Britain.
Princess 1\targaret of Connl\\lsht ,
eldest dnughter or the oluko of Can.
nnught , was married June 15 to Prince
Gustavus Adolphus , eldest SOIl of
Crown PrInce Oustavus of Sweden. .
. - . . , . _ ' " " " . . , - - - .
. . . - . . . . . . , . " ,
: fr.i 1'\.1-r
All the arrangements were made under -
der the personnl direction of King Ed.
The sc ne In St. George's chapel
was brflllnnt. Short ) . after the guests
were seated the bridegroom made his
appearance , accompanied by his SUI1'
porters. Princes Eugene and William
of Sweden. The bridegroom was followed -
lowed by the royal party , Including
King Edw.ard , Queen Alexandria , Princess -
cess Victoria , the crown prince and
crown princess of Swed < > n. the duchess
of Connaught , and the prince of Wales.
The bride. on tl1e arm of her father.
was met at the entrance by the lord
chamberlain. ' and the bridesmaids ,
Princess Patricia of Conn aught , her
sister ; Princess Victoria of Datten-
berg , Princess Mary 'of 'Vales , and
Princess Deatrlce of Snxe-Coburg.
The archbishop of Canterbury. assist.
cd b ' the bishop of Oxford , rea 1 the
service of the Church of England.
The wedding dress was a clond of
pure white Irish point lace , poised
over white satin , and strewn with
garlands of orange blossoms and myr-
tle. The sorsage was cut 10. . . . . . and
there was the regulation court train.
After the ceremony the members of
the ro'al families returned to the castle -
tle where luncheon was served.
The bride and groom left , Windsor
for Cheshire. They will spend the first
part of the hone'moon at Salghton
grange , the seat of Countess Grosve.
nor. afterwards proceeding to Ireland.
President Taylor Makes Vigorous At.
tack on Evils.
In his baccalaureate sermon to Vas.
sar students President James M. Taylor -
lor deplored the popularity of literature -
turo which militates against the mnr.
rlage law , upholds divorce and even
favors too free a notion of morals as
ono. . of the dangers of the age. .An.
other sUbject on which he expressed
himself vigorously was the nctlon of
congress In voting mone ' tor sectarian
schools among the Indians. He de.
clared that the state mnst not be al.
lowed to recognize any church as such.
The graduates were advised by Dr.
Ta'lor to set themselves against such
union or any kind between church and
state. At the same time he main.
talned that educat10n without a spirItual -
Itual side and tIxed moral leanings Is
a fallure and absence or religious
teaching In the public schools a dan.
ger. Ethics nnd morals , he said ,
could be taught without Introducing
religious discussion.
Memento of Mother.ln.Law.
A question of Identity yesterday In
the Children's Court brought out a
peculiar bit of evidence. The witness ,
a middle-aged man , produced tram an
Inside poclcet the sliver nameplate of
a coffin. The evidence was accepted
as conclusl\'e.
"nut why do ) 'ou carry that thing ? "
asked the Justice.
" 'Veil " said the witness " '
, , ) 'ou see ,
she was my Bhe com.
mltted suicide. I had her cremated
after her friends saw her In the coffin. "
-New York Sun.
. . .
, .
. .
London Tradesm : ; ; : ' ke Complaint of
Their 1 < lng.
King Edward's reign hns by no
means brought jO ) ' to U10 " : Iearts ot
London tradespeople. A leading trade
paper laments the fact that II. great
Ilortfon of the troaseau of Princess
Margaret of Conllaught has been pur.
chased In Paris. It states thnt she wUl
bo the first brldo of tle rolgnlng house
to wear any but a Brltlsh.mado wed.
ding dress. The same tl lwr , referrinc
to the e\'enlng courts now being held
by the Idng and queen , declnres that
the ) ' are not so good tor business as
the late queen Vlctorla's afternoon
drawlng.rooms , because h\ the latter
the dresses of all who nttended were
seen , wherens now the debutantes nnd
those presenting them are UIO only
ladles who pass the thl'uno. The
ma orlty , therefore , do not trouble
themselves about new dresses , as they
are not In evidence.
General Will Witness Maneuvers of
That Country's Soldiers.
Lleut.-Oen. ChatTeo has gi\'en up hIs
contemlJlated trip of Inspection to
Alaslm , upon' which he was to start
next 'month , according to a plan ho
had when he returned from his trip to
posts In the southwestern section of
the country. He will accept the Invl.
tatlon of the French government and
will attend the arm ' maneu\'ers Olis
j'ear. This Is a trip which will bo of
grent Interest to Gen. Chaffee a d the
French authorities havc expressed
much pleasure over the decision of the
chief of staff of the United States
army to witness. the operations of the
French army. Gen. ChatTee will be
accompanied by Gen. William Crozier ,
chief of ordnance of the arm ) ' , and
Gen. J. Franldln nell , the head of the
staff college at Fort Leavenworth , nnd ,
three aids.
, I
TA 1fW' M.xleaAmb.rJJador
Mayor Is Tired of His Job.
A delegation of Republican politi ,
clans called upon 1\Ia'or 'VIII I 11m D ,
Hayes of Plttsbmg and sounded him
as to his wlIIlngness to be a candl ,
-'ale again. "Not for me. " was the de :
clded reph"I wouldn't accept this
job for another three 'ears If the salary -
ary were raised to $50.000 a year. '
Defore he tJCcame mayor Mr. HIl. 'ee
was I'n thu lumber business and he
sa 's that thnt life Is I strenuom !
enough for him. When he was elect
el ( mayor 1\e appointed a number of
his friends to good positions. It seemS
that about nine-tenths of them havd
"laid down" on him his troubles havd
caused his brown loclts to turn white.
The mayor Is going back to the lum.
ber business just as soon as he cart
get out. ,
, Gunnery In the American Navy.
A gunner on the United States bnt.
tleshlp Kentucly , operating a five.
Inch gun , hns hit a target 21xlG feet
In size , at a distance of nearly a mile
thirteen times In one minute. missing
onlr one of his fourteen shots. "If
the squadron had been firing at an
enem- there would have been no en'
emr In half an hour , " said Rear Ad ,
miral Robler D. Evans In praise 0/ /
this tIne worlt. Three other , gunners
did equallr well. It cost Uncle Sam
a good deal of moner to enable Its
naval gunners to acquire such sldIL
but It Is also necessary to produc
men who are capable of sl1ch worl ! :
as Is done In this country and Japan
better than anywhere else In the
world at the present thne.-Hartford
Conn. , Times.
Russians Honor the Fourth.
Gen. Nelson A. Miles says that nc
Incident In all his tr vels Impre-ssed
him more than one which beCel
while he was In Siberia. "It was on
the Fourth of July , " said the general
"that our party chanced to be In north
ern Siberia. ' The convict lite was Ter )
Interesting , but little did we thlnll
that these exiles Imew of the hollda )
of our great republic. As we passed
along the cells of the prisoners th
bnrs were decorated in not a few In'
stances with red , white and blue rib
bons. We asked them If they were
acquainted with the history of the
United States of America , and se\'el'
al of them nodded , as much as to sar :
'We know where freedom reigns. and
would we were there to enjoy Its
blessed privileges. ' "
. Making the Best of It.
"Dut , Cather , I'm quite old enough
to marry. "
"You're not ! You are a mere child. "
"Why , father , ) 'ou married when ) 'OU
were two years younger than I am. "
"What If I did ? I was poor and un.
derstood what marriage meant. You
are rich amI understand nothing. "
"Well , Cather. I might as well con.
fess. I was married yesterdayl"
"Married ! n ' Jo\'e , that's the first
sensible thing I ever knew you to del
Where's the dear girl ? Dring her here
at once. "
. . . . .
- -
BUlbnn.l' . Strength Un.l Nn Wnlllllir tor
Tbr o l"t'nrl , " ' ! Co II SIlIT rcr frum
} 'cnlRlo'cnkllcu. .
"My 8trongth had dwindled so that 1
couldn't npplm 'I.olf to Illy b\1llncss
wIth any sun ) ) but , t'ns tlrl'tl lllllistloss
nU the time. " snillMr. Goldstein.
It I wcnt to bed complotel15od up by
my < lny's worl. , nml when I got up in
the morning I d\lu \ ( 't fool rested n bit. I
had ( \wfl1l hcmlnchcs too. nUll m ' I\l. \
lle 's got out of order llll cllusod Ule to
h1\\'o severe palus in the bnck , At olte
time I bccnme so feeble that I could not
stlr , froU1 kc < ! ior three weolts. "
Mr. GoMstelu is young Ulon ntlll1md
then but recently elitnbllshcd ( \ hOllle of
his own. Ills nuxlctles were increasc\
by the' fact thnt his wife WIIS fur fl'om
beiug robust. Mrs. GollMeln says :
It For twoyoors ; I blld bCQU illlllost of
the time. Sometlmos I was confined to
bed for weeks in succosslon under ( \ ph ' -
81cian s caro. I hOlI headllche ! ! , Iddue '
trouble , 111\111 I\bout the heart nUll UlI\1t .
moro uucomfortnble symlltoms cou.
llected with that wenkness to which my
BOX is peculiarly subject. "
Trouble ! .tnd hlvaded this househohl
mill settled in it ill just the ; years thnt
ought to be the VOQ' hnpplest. 1)hY8lclan9
could not tell them how to get rid of it.
It I WI.\.S utto1'ly dlscQul'l1ged , " said Mr.
Goldsteiu. "Then the urgency of some
iriends lell me to try ( \ blood 'aud ner\'o
remedy which was sllid to be woud\'r.
iully successful. Withiu alllonth there
were uumistultnble signs of impro\lIuent
in my coudltiuu , and within 1\ year I
was completely woll. Through the use
of Dr. Willinms' Pink Pills I ! .tnve now
as good health I.IS lover hlul in my life. "
Mrs. Gold8tein mlds : It 'rhe wouderful
eirect that Dr. Willillms' Pink Pills hllli
in the oose of my husband led l11e to tr ) '
them'aud they hellJed 11I0 even moro
quickly than they did him. Ono box
made me decidedly better nnd [ \ iow
mouths' treatment cured lIIe. " I
\ViIlinms' Piuk Pilla nre the best. .
tonio aUIl regulntor , they make pure ,
rich blood nUll when there is geu'uml
wealmess and disorder thllt is whut Ufe
system ueeds. Mr.llud l\Irs. \ II. Goldstein
live at 38 Oovo street , East Boston , : : \ns8.
Dr. WiIIlnms' Pink Pills are /.jold / by
druggists cVCl'ywhere.
Cupid never gi\'es a guarautec.
The hand of fate Is often n bobtail
Virtue usually wears last year's. .
clothes. I
Walt tor your worrlcs ; but not for
your worlt.
It Is ensy to bo rigorous without
being righteous.
J'alth never had any need to dream
about the future.
The self-satisfied people are geuer.
ally the happiest.
A fool can attract quite as D\t1ch
attention as a wise mnn.
A necessary evil must be the Itfnd
that money Is the root of.
Conscience Isn't In It with the hu.
mlllation of being found out.
In matters of opinion the beaten
raclc Is most I1Itely to lead astray.
In marrlago a man taltes the fntal
plunge ; a woman simplY puts her
foot In It.
When a man maltes a fool of him.
selt he generally docs It to please
some woman.
Perhaps truth Is stranger than fic.
tlon because we don't get so well ac.
quainted with It.
1\1en' believe In the power of Christ
because he beHevc > s In the possibilities
of men.-Henry F. Cope In Chicago
When a bachelor wants to Jolly a
mnrrled woman he tells her he Is
sorry he drun't meet her before It was
too late.
PJpmtes ) Digcstion.ChecrfuI-
noe'sandRest.Conlains neither 1
O um.Morphine norJofi ! raL
. . . / '
&J.M .fJIt-
.1Nd , .
f .r"'d-
Ape ecl Remedy forConsUpa.
non I Sour SlomachDinrrhoca
Worms , Convulsions , feverishness -
ness nd Loss OF SLEEP.
. .
Cards Left on Tombstones.
It Is becoming fashlonablo In Paris
to Il'n\'o cnnls at Lho cemeter ) ' . An
oal ! : box Jllncell on n tombstone Is In.
tended for the cards ot the so who \'Islt
the resting place oC departel1 Crleml.
In this W\Y the near relatives find out
these friends who sUII cherish the
memory of the dead.
E\'ery housl'lteeper shouhl Imo\V
that If the ) ' wllf buy Defiance Cold
Water Storch f6r lalndryISO they
will saVe not only tlmc , bccl\use It
ne\'er sticks to the Iron , bul becn\1so
carh IJllCltago contains 1G O2-ono : f\lll
) Jound-whllo all other C'0111 Wnter
Starches nro put up In i'Jound ) IJ.llclc.
ngos , and the Ilrl o Is the samo. 10
ccnls. Then ncnln because Defiance
Starch Is free from all Injurious chem.
Icals. If ) 'our groccr tries to sell ) 'ou
a 12.oz. pacltngo It , Is because ho has
a steel ! : on hallli which he wishes to
dlsJose ) of beCoro he IJ\lts In Definnce.
He Imows that Defianco' Stnl'ch has
} Jrlntod on o\'ery lIacltne ! In largo let.
ters anll figures " 16 ois. " Demanll Do.
fiance and save m\1ch time nnli money
and the anno'anco of the Iron sllclt.
Ing. De.fianco ne\'er stlclts.
Why the n\'crage man thlnlts It noc.
essary to show ha ! wlCo mora courte.
sics nbroad than at homo ?
When Your Grocer Says
ho t.loos not hl\\'o Del1l\nco Stl\rch , ) 'OU
may be Bure he Is ntrnhl to lecc ) ) It
until his stoek of 12 oz. lIacltngCD arc
soil ! . Defiance Stnrch Is not only better -
ter than nny other Colt ! 'Ynter Stllroh ,
but contnh1s IG oz. to the pnclmG'o 1\1\11
sells tor Sl\1110 mane ) ' as 12 oz. brands.
Vegetable life does not oxlst In the
sell below a 110pth of 1,1i00 CeeL
. . . J
. ( .
. - , . ' 0. ' . .
tro bted with Ills r.ecullAr to
their ICX. ! used ns A douchtl I. marveloaaly aac-
tenlal. 'l'horou hlyclcoU1se. , kllia dlle.lIt1 germat
atol's dl.char CI , heals InilamID4t1on and locu
SOleMn , cures leutorrh(1j\ " Dal.'ll catarrb.
I'utlno Is In powder fOrln 10 be dluolvetlln I'U" '
Welter , anti I. Lu more tI'dnsln , hulln , 1ennldrl
&lltl economlc.llhan IIqultl antlsepllc. for all
t'or &ale at dnljl\lau , r.o cenls a bOI : . (
Trial nox and lJook 0' Inatruetlon. Prce.
. .
. . .
. . . . .
Bend fer CatalogU No. 105 . . .
Omaha Tent & Awning Co. =
Omaha , Nobr..k. .
1 hava a tlf1rt\ lilt to olTor of ! train , dairy. fruit.
trucle aud I'oultry tMml' tlmhered trAetl , vlllli
' ' , loch R8 IIOII CI IInlllaUI Ilorel , ! tnlel. Inl1
I'rol'erty loll OIlIlum 1I\IlI trolley lIur llal.
rrum sU : Ul' . ] , Arm. from SUII'er acto UI' , Molt or
the tAnn. IIro near-loAm and trolleylluCi coonectln ! :
Quickly' with WA hlll lon , n. O. Wrlto tor cAtnlofiluo. :
J. ' Ir. JI Itl\l\.N , He.1 1 < : .1110 ARrllt ,
'l'hooo Concectlon ! . Jtl\1rtlU , "Irglnln.
$10'0 ' Weekly Easily Made
writing health AnlaccldootinIUtaueOell'erlenco ; : un-
beceuary.Wrlt. Dan lien' Alltloton : t Oo..Do. NOIDn.Ia.
U I ' Water
. J Thompson's Eye
Make Your Own Gas
Any eountr ' homo , store , betel ,
church 01' building can be as rllIiantly
h.Utl conveniently liglteli } ns 0. eity I
Acetylene Gl\9 is chc\per than
lero ene , brighter than electricity ,
safer than either. ,
Automatic Generators
require little care , do the worle
perfectlY.l1.ud can be operated by nny-
one-I1.I ) 'whero.
Complete plant costs no more than
a hot nlr furnace.
Scud for booldet , "After Sun-
sct. " It gives full informntlon regarding -
garding this wonderful light , nnd is
BOnt free to Ilnyone.
ACdylene Apparatus ftlfg. to. .
1S7 Mlobhtan Av . . 'Chloalto. ' III.
The Kind You Have Always Bought , and whIch has been J
in use for over 30 years , has borne the slgnnturo of j
and has beenID1\dounder Ws pcr. . \
sonalsupervslon slneo its InftUlcy. ,
, Allow no ono todeee vo you In tIlls.
AU Oounterfelts , ImItations and "Just-as-go'Oll" are but' I
Experiments that trltlQ with and endanger the Jum1tl1 of f
Infunts nnd CWldrcn-Exverlenco agnlnst Experiment.
What is CASTORIA $
Vnstorln. Is n hannless' substitute for Castor on , Pnrc-
gorle , Drops aud Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium , Morphlno nor other Nnrcot1o
substancG. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms.
nnd allays Feverishness. It enrc Dlnrrhooa and Wind
Colic. It relieves TeetWng Troubles , cures Constipation.
nnd Flatulency. It nsshni1ates the Food , regulatcs th ( ) t
StomacIl and Dowels , lvlDg healthy aDd natural sleep.
The OWldrcn'8 Pnnacea-Tho DIother's Friend.
Dears the Signa.turo of
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
. . . . . , . . . . . . . .