Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 06, 1905, Image 6

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Baron Rosen and M , Nelldoff Will Rep.
resent CZi1r't. Government.Bi1ron
< omuri1 and KODoro Ti1ki1hlra Will
Act for the Mikado. "
W ASlIINGTON-Ilussln Ilns given
reassurnnco In lito peace negoUntlon
by plnclng the IlI'esldent In possosslon
or the tentntlvo solecllon of bel' plonl.
potentlnrles as follows : 1\1. Nolldoff ,
the nusslnn nmlH1.ssndor nt Paris , and
Bnron Hosen , the newly nppolnted
Husslnll nmbassador at WI1.shlllgton.
Hussln tlms having tnlwn the Inlta.
tlve , It Is hellevod that 1\1. \ TalmhI rn. ,
the Jnpal\so ! minister , during his cnll
at the whllo hOllse , formnll ) ' told the
Ilresitlent thnt .Talllln's selections , also
tentntlve , were Baron 1omurn , the
Jnpnneso minister for forolgn affairs ,
nnd Kogoro 'fnlmhlra , the Jnpanoso
mlnlstor nt Wnshlngton.
Oll1clal nnnouncement of the nnmes
of the Illenlpotentlnrles Is withheld for
! ) overnl rellsons. 1\11' \ . Nelldoft's henlth
mn ) ' not Ilermit him to mal < o the trip
nnd pre3 uro of omclnl worle may
necessltato the presence In TOllo of
Daron 1omurn. 1\11' \ . ' ! 'almhlm and
Hal'on Hosen are regarded as the cer.
tnlntles and the hellpf Is that unless
something unforeseen should occur
hoth Hussla nnd .TnlJlln will consent
10 the oOlelnl nnnouncement of the
personnel of the WashIngton confer.
cnco within n few da's. In nny event ,
hoth missions will consist of many mi.
visors , Including nrmy nnd posslhly
naval officers , nnll officials from the
foreign offices In Tolero nnd St. Peters.
hurg. It Is expected that altogether
each mission mny Ilumber ton or
twelve. Should three plenlpotontlarles
ho dcormlned Ullon hoth Hussln and
.1apan have names \11lIler consldel'lltlon
which will enuhlo them to allnounco
tholr third ropresontatlves without
III recog-nltlon of his sorvlcell dur.
Ins the Ilrollmlnnry neg-otlallons nnd
In vlow of the high official rank of the
Russian Illenlpotentiarles , It Is ho.
lIeved that the omclnl IInnouncoment
, of 1\11' . 'l'alcnhlrn'g alOlntmont will ho
rolJowed hy his olovlI tlon to the ran Ie ,
( jf nmbassadol' . In vlow of the fact
thnt Jal1l1l1 Intends when the war Is
over to clcvnto Its legations nt Wash.
Ington , London , llerlln , Paris , Vlen.
na , St. Petorshurg nnd Homo to cm.
1l11sslos , It Is belloved 1\11' . Tnlmhlrn's
elevation would ho pormanent. While
It Is not certain that ho' will he given
cmlJllssndorlal I'I1nlnor Is It neccs.
sary to his apllolntmont as II. . plenlpo.
tentlary , officials of the American
government IlOlnt out that this would
bo the regulnr nnd expected course
. for the Jupanese government to fol. I I
WASHINGTON-An Inquiry Into
the letting of II. contract hy Public
Printer Palmer for so\'enty t'IJcset.
tlng mnchlneK for IIRO In the govern.
ment Ilrlntlng oll1co III helng h ) '
the slleclal commltteo recently nil-
pointed hy the president to Inillato 1'0-
forms In the conduct of the business
affairs of the various government 110.
Complnlnt reach ell the preshlent
that the contract for tho' tnlOsetUng
machines had hoon lot In an Irregular
Thousnds of People Are FleeIng from
the Terror Stricken City.
LODZ , Husslan Polnt1l1-The most
serious Ilhaso of the fighting between
the military and stl'llcors Is at IIn Clul ,
hut there 111'0 still Isolated attllcl\8 In
the sulJUrbs. At llnlu ' Sunday
morning COllsacles attnclwd a Jewish
family of five Iler ons who were drlv.
Ing In II. cah to the rall\\'a ) ' IItution
and shot nnd Itllled them nil , Includ.
Ing , the calm1 n ,
There Is a general exodus from
J dz. Telvo thollsanll 1I00'sons have
alrendy left and all trains are crowd.
Rebels Defeat the Germanto ,
CAPE 'l'OWN , Cnpe Colon ' -Thl'
rehel leader 1\Ierengo hn.s attnclccd
and defeated a Gorman force com.
mmllietl hy Captain Slohcrt W , Amos
In the Karas mountains , Gorl1llln
Southwest Africa. All the German am.
l11unltlon and slIPlllles were cnrrloll
ofC hy the rohels.
Accepts Wanamaker's Offer.
LONDONi-'l'ho Coil orton club ac ,
cepted the offer f John Wanamalcor
former postmaster genel'l11 of th
United States , to present II. portrait
of P.'osldent Roosevelt to the cluh III
nppreclatlon of the honor conferred 011
Mr. Wanamalcor In electing him IU
honorary member.
: President Issues Pardons.
W ASIIINGTON-'rho prosillent hm
"pardoned Ph 11111 ScoU , a full.hloot'
'Creol , Indiana , cOl\\'lctcd In India )
'Territory of criminal assault and Re ! !
tenced to Imllrlsonl1lent for IICo. There
Is serious doubt of the hultan's guilt
and , In addition , It Is said ho Is vor1
ill with tuherculosls. 'fho llresltlm ;
hWd also lIardoned Ln.wrence GIven !
nnll William Paddock. convlctod 0
horse stealing In Inl1ll\n Territor ) '
Their sentences were regarded ns ex
< :08slve. : Doth men had sen'cd nbou
'two ' and a half ) 'ears. ' , .
; . : . ) .
Changes Deslr ; ; the Ni1t1onal
Guard Dill.
WASIIINGTON-Tho nntlonal guard
of Ule country will osle congress nt
Its next scssloll to nmend the DicIt
hili reorganizing onll malting tilt )
guard a part of the national defense ,
'fho IIrolloscd legislation has been
carefully IIrolll1red. It originated \\'Ith
the omcers ot the natlonlll Iuard nnd
hlul Incorporated in It certain sug.
gestlons from the war dopnrtment ,
UIUS giving It governmental npprovnl.
ItA prlnchml feature Is the doubllnJ ;
of the nnllual federal approprIation of
$1,000,000 for armament nnll oncamr ) '
mont purposes , which Is Aald to ho
ImllCrn.l1vely necessary to properly
equip nnd instruct the mono Other
fontures of the hill cmbrace a provl.
slon for 11I\ylng the actual expenses
of officers Inalclng Inspection tours ; n
conncctlon with the promotion of rlfio
practlco ; regulations governing the
auditing of accounts Incident to en.
campmonts nnd giving the secretary
of11.1' . dlscrotlon as to what shall
constltuto llroper Incldenlals for "sllch
encampments for which the govorn. I
ment Is to pay. "
TOKIO-Tho following dispatch has
been received from the headqllartel's
of the .1alll1nose armies In Mauchurla :
111 the vicinity of Ylngecheng , Juno
21 , a thousand of the onomy's infantry ,
llrosslnl our scouts' , advanced and
when they reached JIslnngynngchell ,
ten miles southeast of Wanlcoutzlccau ,
or forces l'ellUlsell them with heavy
loss and pursued them to the vIcinity
of WelyuanllRomen.
After 0\11' force , which occupied
Yn.ngmllllnbm Juno 10 , hnd completed
Its mission It returned. .
The enemy , consisting of three hat.
talhmll nnd four sqnadrons , "With
twelve guns , ad\'llnced through the
eastOl'11 dilltricts of the Karin road
n'nd moved southward Juno 21. , From
11:10 : : In the morning his Infantry ,
grnllually apllCared on the holghts b
tween Chn.pengan n.nd Llchlatun and
his artlllory posted on the heights 01
Llenhllachles shelled the northern
holghts of Nantchendzy. Our force ,
after a few hO\11's' engagement , as-
sJlUlted this offenslvo and completely
repulsed the enemy , captured the
heights and llUrsued him.
Little Hope of Armistice Until Peace
Commission Is Perfected.
W ASIHNGTON-1\Tr. Talcnhlra , the
.1npn.neso minister , returned to 'Wash.
lugton Frida ) ' afternoon from a visit
of several dnys In New England and
cn.lled at the White House at night ,
where ho was received by the presl.
dent and remained for three-quarters
of nn 110ur. The minister would 1nvo
nothing to say about his conference
or the situation at this time , bo 'ond
romarlelng- that "some matters must
be settled first. "
, The fnct that the minister could
glvo no allsuranccs regarding an 11.1" .
mlstlco 111'101' to the convening of the
Wnshlngton 'conferenco tend to con.
firm the hellef In official circleR hero !
thnt lIttle headway has ) 'ot heen made !
hy the ) Ireshlent In this , direction. Up
to 11. hour Friday afternoon the
Husslnn reply to the president's sug.
gostlon regarding an armistice had
lIot hoen recelvod and "ntll this reply
Is rocolved the result of this phase ot
the l egotln.tlons cannot he Imown.
WASHINGTON-Tho secretary 01
war has n.llpro\'ed the recommondntlon
of Governor Magoon of the canal zone
that $30,000. of the funds of the ( 'anal
zone derived from local revenue be
devoted to IlUhllc school purposes. A
recent census of the cnnal 7.ono shows
that there are 1S3G children In the
'vlllngos ' nlonl ; the IIno of the Pannma
Hall road < 'Omlllln ) ' within n radhts ot
a mile nnd a half of the railroad. OL
this total It hn.s heen found that S03
can read and write , nnd 93G cannot
read nnll wl'lte. The " .
I" .t can read and
not. write.
'rho Illnn contemillatos the est.nh.
IIshm nt of fort.two schools In the
cannl zone.
Texas Jury Imposes Penalty on Negro
ST. LOUIS , Mo-A special to the
Helmh1lc from Wnco , Texas , sa's : In
the cnso of Lee Hobert son , n negro
charged with n.ttel1lllted cl'hnlnal as.
sault UpOIl 11. whlto womnn , the jury
hrought In the followlnl ; verdict :
"We , the jur ) ' , l1nd the defendant
, guilt ) ' n.s : : hargctl and l1x hIs punish.
I mont at nonllnoment In the state
prison at ono thouslll1l1 and ana
) ' "
' 1'ho SDectators In 'court cheered
when the verl1lct was rend , desilito
the admonl tlons of the courl.
SCi1ndal In the Territory.
' ' '
WASllING'rON-'l'he Department at
.TURtiCO wns ofllclall ) ' ad\'IRetl that as
1 the result of thl ) Investigation Into
the alle ed frnuds In connection with
the government of the Chlelcusaw nil. . ,
tlclU , IUIllan T01'l'Itor ) " , Treasnrer
Ward. ! : > rtl1et' GovornOl' Mosele ) ' and
Governor Johnston of the Chlclmsaw
nation , United States Marshal olbert ,
Banlter Purdom anll Attorne's Mans.
field , Mc\I111TI1) : ' and 'Cornish and
othOl's h1\\'o been Indlclell for 1'0.
IRPuing school anll Reneral fund warrants
rants of the Chtc&Cnsnw nation.
- -
. - :
Guns Trained on OtJessa In Support of
Strlkers.-Battleshlps on the Way
and a Fight Is 'Soon Expected.
ODESSA-Tho red fialr of rovolu.
tlon Is hoisted at the masthead or the
Knlaz Potemlc1ne , Russia's most pow.
erful hattleshlv In the Dlaclc sea ,
which now lIe8 In the harbor in the
hands of mutineers.
The calltaln and most or the officers
were murdered and thrown overboard
In the Ollen Bon nnd the slllp Is com.
tllotly In control of the crew and a few
omcers' who have thrown in their lot
with the mutlnoers.
The guns of the hont are trained on
the city and on the streets massl3S of
strIlc1ng workmen , who yesterday fie
before the volle's of the troops , are
now'inflamed hy the spectacle of open
revolt on hoard an imperIal wn.rshlp
and are malc1ng a bold front agnlnst
the military .
All day long firIng has been heard
In many quarters of the city. Anum.
bel' of harrl ados have heen erected
and tumult and disorder reign.
The main squadron of UIO llIaclc sea
fieet , consisting of hattleshlps George
Pohedlonosetz ( Oeorgo the Victorious )
Trl Svlatolla , Hostlslav and Eleaterlno
II , wlth two cruisers are eXtlected to
arr1\'e soon and a regular naval hattlo
is In prosDect.
The rIoters ar ln a most defiant
mood and are not Inclined to sUtTend.
er without fighting.
Hoports of the mutiny , which oc.
: mrred whIle the battleship was at sea ,
are difficult to obtain , as the mutln.
eel's refuse to allow communlcntlon
with Ule shore ; hut It Is ascertalnod
that it arose over the shooting of a
sailor who was Dresentlng on behalf
of the crew II. complaint against the
bad food. According to ono version
this saIlor , whose was o milt.
chuk , ohjected to the quality of the
"borchtch" or SOU ! ) and was Immo.
dlately shot down hy a mess officer.
rho crew then rose and solzed Ute
ship and the officers , eight of whom
were'spared on condition that they
would join the mutineers. The others
wore lellled and Utelr bodies thrown
CHICAGO-Prominent representa.
tlves of the agricultural , commercial
ind lIve stocle IndustrIes throughout
the cOlin try met here and completed
arrangements for II. national reciprocity -
city conference to ho 'held in Chlcngo
Bomo time during the month or Aug.
ast. The conference Is for the purpose
of dovlslng plans to combat the
threatened European commercial war ,
so evident In the prevailing and pros.
pectlve discriminating taxes against
the products of the United States , ac.
cording to Alvin H , Sanders , chnlrman
Llf the oxocutlvo commltteo of the In.
ternn.tlonal live stocle exposition , who
waR named as chairman of the com.
mlttee on arrangements for the com.
Ing convention.
Consternation at Admiralty Over Sit.
Ui1t1on at Odessa.
S'f. PETEIlSBUHG- serious
In Its possible effects than nil the l1e.
feats In Manchurln or the destruction
IIf Hojestvensle "s fieet was the nOW8
which reached St. PetershUrg early
last evenln Utat the stn.ndn.rd of open
ohelllon was fioatlng on board ono
, f the emperor's battlellhlps In the
' .1 rhor of Odessa. and that. with
. .hotted guns , the mutinous crow ,
' .leaded by eight officers , was holding
the shhl ngalnst all comers. The au.
horltles are In almost a state of
panic , and n.t the nl1mlralty constorna.
lion reigns.
War Department Gri1nts Request . of
Russian Admiral.
W ASIIING'fON-ln response to a
'equest cahled the war dellartment hy
1ho governor general of the Philip ,
\llne's \ In hehalf of the Husslan Admlr.
al Enquist , to ho nllow d to return
! lIs slele and woutl1ed omcers nnd men
,1110n gIving thOlr lIarolo not to en.
gngo In hostilities during the war ,
and to he allowed to hrlng certal } ! '
materIal for rOlmlrlng damaged ships ,
the secrotar ) ' hn.s sent the following
cablegram :
"You may allow Husslan admiral to
tmhnrl , hIs slcl\ and wounded omcers
dnd men on Husslan hosilital ship ,
dl\f1) ' expected , upon their giving pa.
1'0not to engage In hostilities during
the war. You may also allow them to
bring from Shanghai mnterln.l for re.
pairing vessels , other than munitions
of war , such as cordage , san clotb ,
waste aUlI 011 for machhler ) ' , otc. , hut
the vessels are still to remaIn In In.
W ASHlNGTON - It Is learned
, throu/h / ; ofllclal sources that owing to
the Illness of Count LamsdorfT , the
RUQslan foreIgn mlnlstor , there Illls
been a slight ehecle to the negotiations
, affecting Hussla and Japan. It Is
slleclftcnll ) ' stated , however , that this
does not Imll } > , that there has been
any hltcll , but simply Umt the negotla.
tlons have be n unavoidably delnyed
tor the reason ch'cn.
. . " . . - - , , -
John D. Rockefeller Gives a Million
Dollars to Endowment Fund.
NEW I1AV N. , Conn.-President
II1ulley of Ynlo announced nt the
alumni dinner thnt a gift of $1,000,000
had been recently made by John D.
Itoc1eofoller. President IIadley also
said that $2,000,000 In all have been
given to the university wlUlln n com.
paratlvely recent time , the other mil.
Uon being subscribed by graduates
In sums verylng from $50,000 to $2GO , .
000. The nBmes of the latter donors
were not mndo puhllc.
President Hadloy said that the only
condition of any Iclnd underlying Mr.
Rockefeller's girt Is that the m0110Y is
to bo Invested in Income producing
securities and preserved invlotate as
endowment for the Institution the
annum Income only to ho used for cur.
rent oXJ.Onses.
PEKING- The qU06t1on of Chlneso
exclusion from the Unltod States can.
tlnuos chlefiy to 6ccupy the attention
or the Chlneso. The extent and depth
of the leellng aBtonlshes foreigners ,
and is regarded as an ovldenco of the
grmvth of n national sentiment or
pUblic spirit which five years ago
would have been Inconcelveable.
Among many instances cited as ovl.
l1enco of Ulls , it Is said that a Chinese
comprador has refused a lucrative ap.
polntment with an AmerIcan , com.
llllny. Advertisements of American
goods continue to bo refused by the
natlvo newspapers , and letters and
telegrams from all parts or Chinn , as
well as from ahroad , are bolng re.
ceived urlng the central government
to Wee n firm stand.
Feared That His Army Is In a Hope.
less Situation.
GUNSHU PASS , Manchurla.-Tho
most disquieting feature of the stra.
teglc sltun.tlon of the Russian armies
Is tlto por81stence of the roports' that
Japnneso cavnlry and light infantry
with field and machlno guns are worl , .
Ing northw rd oast. of Klrln and west
or the Grand Trade route toward
Boduno. The Japanese cavalry on the
west Is under the command or Gen.
erals Tamara and Alelama.
Gonern.l Llnevltch Is now attomptlng
sorlously to oppose the Japn.neso ad.
vance along his front. , but Is drawing
In his outpost lines upon pressure.
Estimate of Wheat Yield.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn.-H. V. Jones
the Minnesota grain expert , returned
Frida ) ' from the southwest. Ir. Jones
says t.ho winter wMat crop w11l bo
between 840,000,000 n.nd 370,000,000
hushels In the United States , hut the
final figures will not appear until
after Inspection of the Ohio valley.
The Jones report Indicates a crop
of wlntor wheat 100.000,000 bushels
less than the trade hall figured on ,
hence the chanlo In sentiment. .
Russli1 Has Accepted that Time for
the Peace Conference.
ST. PETERSllUHG-Tho foreign of.
flee ItM Issued a communlcntlon con.
firmllg the statement made In the As.
soalated Press dlspatchos that Russin.
has accepted the first ten dn.ys In Ku.
gust as the time within which the first
meeting of the pea co plenipotentiaries
\1'111 taleo place.
Largest Warehouse In World.
KANSAS CITY. 1\Io , The Hocle Is.
land and UI0 St. Louis & San Fran.
cisco railway comvanles have practical -
al ! ) ' completed plans for the erection
nt Kn.nsn.s City of II. storage ware.
house t cost $1,000,000 , which. It 1s
stated , w11l he the largest building of
Its Idnd In the world.
L onard Wood and wife arrived here
on the Pacific Mail liner Manchuria
from the Orient , on a fiylng trip to
the east.
General 'Vood sars that conditions
In the Ph11lpplnes 11.1'0 . Improving rapid.
1) ' . The Insuhordlnato natlvos are be.
Ing suhdued and t11e ontlre country
soon will bo peaceful. He declares I
that Manila Is much more healthful
thn.lI Is generally supposed , and n.s an
ovldence of his hellef 1n this state.
ment , said 110 had left his chlll1ren bo-
Complains of Five Roads.
W ASHINGTON.In II. petition filed
with the Interstate Commerce com.
mission by. the Gulf Refining Company
of Port Arthur , Tex. , the Illinois Cen.
tral , Loulsvlllo & Nashv11l0 , C'incln.
natl Now Orleans & Northeastern
TI.1llrond companies are charged with
having entered Into a 'comblnatlon
with the Stundard Oil company by
which the coml'any Is given monopoly
of business through , cllscrhnlnatlng
rntos prohlhltlvo to lllalnUft.
Kouropatkln Reported Killed.
ST. P TEHSDUHG - A rumor
spread Ulroughout the city on Tues.
dn ) ' night that General Kouropatkln
had boon lellled. This rumor was con.
noct < xI sometimes with a report that
70,000 HU8sln.ns had heen cut off by
General Nogl's army and that General
KourpnUcln haci boon taleen prisoner.
NothIng contInnatory of the\o \ rumors
bas boon recolved by the general staff
or In lrOSS dispatches. The members
of UI0 coneral staff say that no 1'0-
ports of spoclBl importance h'e been
rooclved. '
, " , - '
BarrIcades Erected In a Suburb and
1\tti1ck of Cossacks Repulsed.-
Censor Allows But Little Informa.
tlon to Come from Poland ,
ST. PETEHSBUH The wave of
disorder rOlling over Russia has ap.
peared at Odessa , where a general
strllee , accompanied by bloodshed anrl
disorder , has broken out. There were
soyeral collisions between the mm.
tary nnd the strikers Monday night
and Tuesdnx In two of which volleys
were fired by the troops. No report at
the extent of the casualties has boon
re elved , the official statement deal.
Ing only with the InJUal encounter
Monday night , declarIng that two per.
sons were killed therein.
There was anoUlor encounter Tues.
day afternoon , and a number of at.
tacks were made on Individual pollco-
men. A press dispatch received said
that 40 armed worlemen barrIcaded . a
suburb and repulsed the attacl , of.u
company of Cossacles' . Helnforcements
of three c01UIl nies or Cossacks were
sent to the suburb but the result or
their attacle on the strl1eers Is not yet
There Is lIttle news from polanlI ,
but copies of the Lodz Gazette , glvln'g
an account of the demonstrn.tlons , are
eag rly reac1. A telegram to the of.
ficlal agency gives the number ot
killed and these who died at their
wounds on J'rlday as 164. It adds that
ethers were Idlled Saturday and Sun.
day and that the complete number of
ylctlms cannot he stated definitely ,
Other accounts give a total estimate
of 500 dead at Lodz.
There is a complete omtll1rgo on
news from Lodz , hut generally the sit.
uatlon In Russian Poland shows im.
provement. Such advlces as have ar.j
rived hero from Warsaw Indicate tlat ,
the strike Is only partially successful !
and that the n.uthorltles are JeepIng :
the situation pretty well In hand. Th
ringleaders and are being ar.
rested hy the wholesale , over 1,000
having been put behind the bars to
this time.
Followlng the example ot the Lodz
workmen , the workmen of Warsaw
built barricades"at five pln.ces and
blood was shed In d-efendlng t1)em. A
young Jew threw It. stone at It. passing
patrol on Krochmalna street , where.
up'on the Cossacles drove a crowd or
people Into a courtyard and fired n.
vnlley at them , le111lflg or woundlng
twenty persOons" Including five women
and a boy.
The strikers of the Doamanshvede
factoJY on being fired upon by the son
of the proprietor rota1lated hy wreck.
Ing the establishment.
P ARISl-Germany's reply to the
French note on the subject of 1\Ioroc. .
co was presented during a conference
between Prince Hadolln , the German
ambassador , and Promler Houvler at
the foreign office. While most frIendly
In form , Germany's response none the
less maintains the position that the
Moroccan question must 'bo regulated
hy a conference or the powers without ,
any agreement in advance limiting
the scope of snch conference. This
was accompanied by the presentation
of Germany's general poInt of view In
such an amlcahle spirit as to disarm
the suspicion entertained concerning
German"s ulterior motives.
The "Lazy Worm" Afflicts 100,000 I
Porto Ricans.
WASHINGTON-According to a 1'0-
port reclved b ) ' the surgeon gene al
of the army frpm Calltaln B. K. Ash.
ford , assistant surgeon and head or
the Porto Rican anemlo. commission ,
95 per cent of the 100,000 Porto
Ricans living In the Ylclnlt ) ' Abonln.
Ito , nenr the center of the Island , are
afflicted . . . . . .Ith the "lazJworm. . " Head.
quarters and a field hospital hnve
heen estnhllshed hy the commission
at Ahonlnlto , and an aJJproprlatlon , of
$ lGOOO will he expended In the or.adl.
cation of disease , accorl1lng to the
methods so successfully applied 1Jy
Captain Ashford last year. .
Stories Are Exaggerated.
NOGALES , Ariz.-Tho stories sent
out from this place regarding the at.
tn.le ; by Yaqui Indians upon the lluo-
nos Ayres ranch In Sonora last Thus.
I1ny , In ' 1'.hlch ever twenty Yaquls and
sevornl setUers and their fam11le'3
were said to have heen slain , were
the grossest exaggerntlons. The only
foundation for the reports was a fight
occurrln"g at the ranch , In which two
Indians were lellled and Luis Caranza
wounded. There was no attempt at
n mnssacro and no troops were sent
out as reported.
Bernhardt to Play "Angelo" and
"Adrienne Lecouvrer. "
I..ONDON.-Slmhert Bros. todn.y
signed II. contract with Mme Sarah
llernhnrdt for an American tour of
thlrt ) ' wooles , to begin at the l.1'lc
theatre , Now Yorl" Novomher 6 next.
1\1 me. Bornhardt w11l take her enUro
company tram the Theatre Sarah
Bernhardt at Pnrls nnd will bo Boon
In her revival of Victor Hugo's
"Adrienne Lccouvrer , " now runnlD.jt
, ,
> to.o
' . . .1 -.r (
Fast Schedule e Shore Traln9
NEW YORK-Tho elghteen.hour
running schedule for the Twcntleth
Centul' ) ' Limited hetween this city nnd
Chlcn.go , temporarily ahandoned , lol.
lowing the wreck at Mentor , 0. , will
bo restored at once. The following an.
nOouncement was made by President
Newman of the Central :
liTho rIgid Investlgn.tlon of the
wreck on the Laleo Shore road nt
Mentor , 0. , which hll.'J been made by
Ute officials of the Lalco Shore , and , .
hy the state railway commissioner of'f' .
Ohio , who marle personal investlga. ,
tlon at the scene ot the accident , have
Ing shown concluslvel ) ' that the acci.
dent was not caused by the speed of ' ,
the train , It has now hC n declrled to '
continuo the elghteen.hour schedule ,
pending a thorough Investigation of
the accident. Its schedule of eighteen
hours between New York and Chicago .
wm bo resumed Monday , " , , '
( . .
LAWTON , Qlcla.Geronimo , tho' r
Apache warrior. recently circulated
petition 'among the members or his
tribe , asking the government for their
transfer to Arl1.Onn. . Only six Indians
. ,
of age out of ahout 130 refused to
sign. The petition was presented to
the war department and Is recolvlng
consideration. Owing to the fact that I !
the department has under consldera.
tlon a plan to Increase Fort sm to .
roglmen ll vroportlons n.nd that the
Apaches' term of imprlsonmont of I
t\venty yenrs expires In a few months ,
It Is probahle that the Indians may bo
removed. ,
Two Nations Apart on the Moroccan
, , _ i
BERLIN-Tho French note on the
sUhject of the proposed Moroccan con.
ferc.nce was 'handed to the foreign
office Friday morning. Owing to its
great length it had to ho sent by man
to Berlin Instead of by telegraph.
The foreign office , while declining ;
to discuss the I10lnts of the note In
detail , admits that It leaves the situ. -J !
atlon where It wns hefore. The points t ,
of disagreement hetween Germany 1
and France have not he en removed.
It Is expected that the negotiations
will continue a long time he fore a
positive l1eclslon is reached.
Germany's answer to Premier Rou.
vier has not yet been considered. rt
will require consldorable time In or. I
del' to meet all the points raised.
While the delay might , under ordln. \
ary circumstances , be of ad\'antage In
affording time for the conference to
decldo , the Germl1.n circles note with
some concern Utlt powerful Intrigues
are going on , having for their object . .
war hetween Germany and France. )
Germany's Intentions remain thoI' .
oughl ) ' pacific , but government circles
hero npprehehd the posslhl1lt ) . that \
these Intrigues will result In Inflaming
the French people against Germany
and croatlng a delicate and compll.
cated situation.
The evening newspapers franlc1) ' ex. \
at the I
press their disappointment
French note. Much has been stalted .
upon Prier H uvler's ostenslhlo wish I
to como to an understanding with
German ' , but the Vosslche Zeltung , / . . J. . .
discussing the note , SR'S that HOll\'ler ' $
Is continuing 1Delcasse's policy
without M. Delcasse.
The newspaDers all emphasize the
fact that the French note leaves the
differences where they were before
regarding their hearIngs upon the projected -
jected Moroccan conference. It Is roe
marked that M. Houvler has just suc.
ceeded In leaving room for an accept.
ance of the conference If this becomes
absolutely necessary. hut as the Post I
remarles , the French premier talees a
stand that 1001t s strllclngly 111m It.
polite but a shamed refusal , and the
Vosslcho ZeUung agrees with the Post I
In saying thal his answer comes
nearer a refusal than an acceptance
of the conforence.
WASHINGTON-Third Assistant
Postmaster General Madden has Is.
sued an order Intended , to put a stop
to the practlco of some publishers of
llerlodlcals of using their publications
as the vehlclo or cover 101' the trans.
mission at second class rates of sam.
pIes or pailer to the detriment of the
postal revenues from matters of the j
fourth class. This accomplished by ,
printing advertisements upon sheets
of the paper to which the advertise.
ments relates and attaching them as
ntlvertlslng pnges to the periodicals.
After declaring the practice to he an
ahuse of the second class mailing
privilege , the pUhllshers will he given-
until September 1 next. and after
that time anyone found disregarding l
the order will he charged fourth class
rates for his perlodlcat.
. " ' ' ' : L\ ' (
Danish Naval Cadetll : Drown. ' " 1
. COPENHAGEN , Denmarle-A serl. "
ous dIsaster occurred near hero when
the Danish cadet training schooner
Georg.Stage was rammed and sunl , ,
hy the llrltlsh steamer Ancona , The .
Georg.Stago sanl , In one and onehalf I
minutes. Twenty.two cadets were
Morgan Presents Credentials. ) '
W ASHINGTON-'l'l\e state l1epart. '
ment was advised that Edwin V. Mol' .
gan has presented his credentials at
Seoul as American minister to Korea.
" , , . '
, , " ,
R . '