< : : l'iu ' tcr o. lCtttbUC.RU ) l'IIIJII,1I1't1 IIVOry 'J'lIlIr 1I1'7 lit lho Uonllly ! JCIII. . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' U. M. iSlUmlt\ . \ . . . tIltur : ! . - - - - - - - - - t nl f\"llIt tb 1" , ( llI\cn fit I1rolcenlOIY \ , Nllh. , " IW'tlll'II1M ' III1lUlf ! I"r lunKmtPllulI ' ' 'roIlRh tit" 1\ . . 1BIIP. . _ - - - 8\1 \ Ilt < l ml.1.1tI . I'ItIUK I . )110"t"u. . III wllllll(1'I 110 . , , _ , " , ' un I hl l"f Ulutll. . fllllrlh . , . . . , - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - AliVICIl1'IHINU IIA"ltH. I 'tn' rlllulIIlI. II { r mUlllh , 17 I J. IInn.llftll Ctl.- 111U1I. IlC'r tnuhtn 31 m ( lll rl..r tuttmn. par . . . Ihan , . ' \'ulullln , " ' , " ' ' ' " 110. $ ! l.r.o .o P Ilul\I.4'r \ Cllnl " ' tncllll\r ! month Ollrl j"'f 011 . flI1I1 l'aJ. ' . GrJ cnlll per 11101" " \ > ur mUlllh l.ocRI AllYorll lo r. CAli A trllr 1tlaC'h \ I' UIf' tlllll.NnUrn "I rhllfclt I"IrA. 8or.lfthll' nnl , . .nll.r'"ln. ' ml'lIt "llIIrn 11I1111111' I fllllrl,10 fll.h"II r'"tI" . ti".I'I11CL1c. . ' 110"11'1\,11111011" , Ullf..I,1I rutl ! " , W..I.1I111 . ( llfoUCIH Ire. . . 1l"1Ircl' , ( lur IIIIh\lHIIIIg \ , . \ \ " " Ilf1111 \ ' 110111111lre - " , 11/\11 / Inlc" lor Ilubll blllR .111''IIU'V ' nutlct' ! ' , " " ,1 , cllr.l 01 lhllllkA. , 1"IC'IIIUIUc. . at rnLc 1"ulololt " hy . ' ! \tutull 01 - h'MIHI _ . . , . . - - 'l'hursday , June 21) , 1905. - . . - - - - - - - - - - A 11 l'It : C\1t111 \ SI'cI' Nnr ) ' 'I'he dcciaion of the Supreme court in declaring the biennial law unconstitutional makes it nccessary to hold an election this fall. 'l'he ent 1'e list of county omcers , except Hegister of Deeh , Clerk uf the District Court , County Attorney and County Assessor are to be elected. Fl'Om preBen t i lid ications there will be plenty of candidates for the several omces. Hepuhlicans with enc cxception are now holding - ing these onices and if proper care is taken in the nomination of their successors there is no reason why the republican part - v , may not elect their ticket. 'l'hcre are plenty of men in the ranks of the republican party who are strong' and capable to fill the se\'eral ofiices w lhcrcdit to themselves - selves and the county. If such men are selectell to fill these places hy the convention their eJection is certain. Judging from the proceedings of the State board in the railroad assessment matter , some of the board arc influenced more from local interests than from the general - eral interest of the public. 'l'his should not he. A man's location should not influence his judge.- ment on the valuation of properly. . - . - . - . . The decision of the Supreme court declaring the hiennial election - tion law unconstitutional came wHh a surprise to the onice holders - ers who had been assured that the law would he sustained , as well as to the onice seehers , who had concluded to wait another year hefore entering the race. 'l'he resu It is all hands will now get busy. . - - - In addition to the nomination of a candidate for judge of the supreme COUl.t and two regents of the university , the next republi. can state convention will have the election of a chairman , secretary - retary anll treasurer of the state committee and half of the membership - bership of the committee. Onc half of the committee is elected each year , the mcmhers from the odd numbered districts elected on the odd years. Miss Hannah Edmunds is n gnest at Merna this week. Miss Nettie Morris of Bcrw'n , was in town last 'I'uesday domg some shopping. J. E. Ismnl : was in the eas1 part of the state the first of thi week on bnsincss. 'l'hc l tS\CS ! 'l'horpc arc spend ing a few days at 1JltUnin wiU friends this week. Al vin Burl < e , l mnm Dcn nct and Pearle al1t1 spent last Sun day at Ansle ) ' with friends. Miss l mma Scott was a IMssen gcr for Ansle ) ' last Wed ncsda' un a visit with her home fell < s. 'l'he Conccrt at the Opcra lIousl tomorrow night will be a splendil affair. Admission 15 and 25 ccnl Mrs. 11' . Ilmtable : al1l1 brothc W. U. Paine drove up from Clca Crcek , near Ansler , last 'l'ucsda ) ' Miss Maude Pelts has beci visiting at Anselmo the fore par of this week , returning hem \Vednesday. The l cpub1ican State Centn : committec has been called t mect at Lin oln , li'rida ) ' night c thi'i ' week. 1'- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ 1'F. F. W. HAYES , Jeweler and Optician . Wcst Sidc Squarc , . Drokcn Bow , Nebraska. L.oco.ot . : : : . ) ocaaooo Ayers - _ oDD - DD you like your' thin , rough , shol.t hair ? Of course you don't. Do you like thick , heavy , smooth hair ? Of course you do. Then why "air Vigor not be plcascd ? A yer's Hair Vigor makes beautiful heaUs of hair , that's the whole story. Sold for 60 years. "I hllvo ' , "NI AJer" lIalr Vlfor for II Innlt limo , It 18 , IIlIlc"el. II worulerrul Ilal , ( , , "Ir. , ,0.lIIrllllheAlth 10 Ihe hair AIIII .cIIII..llllcI . , , , lit . " , . , , . " .lr"IIII "lclld"l ! the .alllolllllo Irovlllf ( II " ) )11. J. W , T 'rUJoI , Madill , Ilicl. T. gl.oo II bolliA , J. C. A TUII ( ' 0" A II , Irlll'"hl. , . fa I.'OPII. : I , _ " . , . , - - r w-- - - ww ak Hair . ) ! . ! Jj , . Mrs. Alvin Daily returned to her homc in Milburn this morning - ing after a wect < s visit with friel1tls here. P. A. Walton witt go to Lin- I."oln tomorrow to attend the mcet- ing of the republican stat ( ' central - tral committee. Mr. Bert Greory ! who"has been here visiting fnends for a short timc , was a pldSengcr : for 1-4in- coin , Wednesday. E. C. House moved into his ncw onice , on the corner south of the Grand Central hote11'uesdav. - IIe has a fine office. ' The republican county central committcc has been callcd to mect i/1 Broken Bow Saturday , July 8 , to consider the date of holding the county convention. Pcter Bcck informs us thai Frank Searson of Gcorgetown , has bought thc William Nicuu land ncar that place. Consider. ation $1000. 'l'hc base-ball nine from Ansle ) ' stopped here a few minutes thh morning' on their road to Merna with whom they expect to pIa ) ball this afternoon. R.F.James Jr. was a passcngcI for Salem Alabama , last Wedns clay. Mrs.James will remain son1l time with her parents Mr.and Mr : Nclse I.4ee , before ret\1rning h her home. Mrs. D. F. HulI of Edg-emont. . S. D. . arrived here 'Vednesda1 mori1ing. She was called her on account of serious illness 0 her mother , Mrs. P ter Rapp liv ing near erwyn. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Ingrahu and children were passengers fo Waverly , West Virginia , Wed nesday morning to visit a coupt months with Mr. Ingrahm' mother at that place. FOR SATn-A four room house two and a half acres of groun and a lease on sixteen acres fo l five years , just outside of th corporation. This witt be solil a a bargain if taken within th , next thirty days. Enquire at thi onice. 4. 1'he recital given at Ansle , Wednesday , June 21st , by Ii ; Paul ne Oldham was well attel1 ded and a very good program wa - rcndered , which was highl 1 praised by all. Miss Paulin gives a recital at Anselmo Uti t evening and will assist with th _ concert g'cn in thc Opcra Hem at Droken Bow , Junc 30th. Alpha Morgan and Ras Ande son ha\'e purchased the 111ajorit . of the stock in the Post Offic building of Ii' . II. Young. I. Morgan had previously bOUKl lh lots between the Pl.st OOh building and the bank whic practically gives lum the COI tro1ing interest in the entire ha bloctt except the bank corner. County Clerk Dewe.y who no has a number of extra clcrt worldng on the extension of t1 tax list informs us that the i creased valuation of the count' cxclusive of the railroads ov ; last ) 'ear is$185,401. This beir : the assessed value , wh'ch is basI on one fifth of the rcal vlul' , t1 real value of the increase is fi' ' times that amount. We are in receipt of the COt menccment program of tl Woman's Baptist training scho at Chicago , at which Miss Mab lIall of argcnt has been atten ing the past two years. Mi lIall's namc appears on the pr gram as enc of the graduate hc has becn assigned work ( ) Brooklyn , New Y erIe , where s1 9 will go after her vacation. S' ' g expects to come home soon aft thc first of July and spend 11 J8 vacation. Her many friends Custer AS30ciation had hoped s " . . . would have been asslgncd work in the west , yet it is a matter of pride to her western fricnds to Imow that her ability has bcen rccognized in the nation's me- tropolis. Miss _ Lottie Sil uns who was a 1 passenger a week ago I last 'l'uesday for Omahl : , ha I undergone a very successful oper- ation for appcndicitcs. 'l'he I operatIOn was performed last 'lliursday morning at 8 a. m. at II the t > t. Joseph Hospital hy Dr. Henry of Omaha. 'l'hrough thc I kil1flness ; of Mrs. J. A. Hant < n , I who is at the St. Joseph Hospital i yet , Miss Lottic's rclatives aud frieuds were informcd of her condition - dition until Monday , Miss Lot- tie was able to write to her 'mother hcrself. lIer cotlllitiou it ; at pre ent ver1 favorable , although not enhrely out of danger. Her many friends arc glad to hear of her gctting aloug' so icely. Mrs..T. A. Hanlt n is expected homc in the course of two wceks. Tht " . . . . . . . . . . .1 : POHt A Ii o\lr T.vo people of the Middle LOllp haltascene of high lifeas in " 0111- en time" . It secms from Ulc\'i- that one J. Morteusen had heen in the habit of periodical spreeR , in which he became very abusivc to his family. Not long siucc he got on one of these sprees and proceeded to clear the ranch. lIis wife took refuge with a neighbor to save her life. 'l lte cOlUmunity feeling tltat kind of workgonc on longl'nollgh decided I . totaltc thelaw into theirownhanr1s with the view of meeting out adequate - equate punishment for the occa- sion. 'fhc old timc rcmedy was I decided upon. A dozen or nore , of some the best citizens visited him last 'rlmrsday night and administered - , ministered fifty two lashes , with a whip. As a rcsult "regulators" were brought into Judgc Armonrs court ) 'csterday for their infracti- I on of tbe law. 'L'he court imposed - ed finc of five dollars , each. 1..unll D. CONHAD-\IAHSlIAT.T-At : the home of thc bridc's parents Thursday - . day Junc 22 , } I ) 05. William Conrad and Efiic Marshall. Rev. A. M. Levack ofiiciating. 'rhc bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. M.arshall wlto r . reside in the IIo1comb scttlcmeut , eight miles north-cast of the city. , 'l'hc groom is a cousin of O. 11. Conrad of this cit" . 'l'ltey will - malte thcir homciu this cily. 'I'hc Rm'unr. cAN exteuds con- , gratulations. : ( 'dclJraUon n1 Jul'lt : . 'rhe Rm'unrIcAN acknowlec1 ges _ a reccipt of the Program of Celebration - bration to be heM at Doris , Neb. , July 4th. A g-ood program has been arranged , music will be furnished - nished by Bradshaw Brass Band. e DuOlo 111111 ' 1'l'tlUlllsoU Ulsml RI'I1. s Owen Dufiie and llarrv 'l'holl1- pson who were arrestcd at 1\1 ason City City , Monday , on thc charge of shop lifting" were brought to the city and lodged ill thc conllty jail.rheir rheir trial was set for 100'- . r ; Lighl ) ' .e IS bread is digestible. ISe ' Sweel .y bread is nutritious. : \ 1t 1 Wonderful bread-light . w an d sweet , IS { s 1e made with n- fi YEAST :1e : ; ; FOAM 101 leI Veast Foam is Ihe. : t'otlduflll d- yeasl that took the First Gran ss lrlze at the St. Louis Exposi- , _ tlon allli is soM by nil grocers at sc. a package-enough to make ! .s. 40 Jol\'CS. : SemI a )1oslnl ) car In for our ncw ilhlstmtcll book he "Good Dread : 1I0w to Makc It. " he .er HORTIIWESTERH YEAST CO. , er er.n . OHIOACO , ILL. he . . , . . . . , , - - - " " < I -400 . . . , f ; . . . ' . " ' , \I * ' r' , { , ' : > , . : , , , , . . _ > . . . . . . _ . > . . - - . . - ' : . . - - . . . . . . . - - , - - . ' - - : : . . " Peal -Sheppard - Company's " . r j' " . Announcement. . - . - We - ave ecured for this faIl's tra.de I the celebrated line of W. S. Peck & Co's. : , - . line of Clothing for Men and boys. This line of Clothing has no : peer in this COUl1- try and. is well and favorably . known as it has been hand.led. here for a , number of years. It will be on sale about August 1st. And don't you forget - get it , we have one of the best stoc'ks of Shoes for children , boys , ladies and. en- tlemen in the west , / and at : prices th t we will defy com peti ton. All of our lines are well assorted. and , uptod.a te. Ren1em bar ' \rve handle everything and sell it right. Call and. see us. ' t - - - - - - / . . YOURS FOR BUSINESS , - PEALE-'SlIBPP ARll CO MP ANY ' : t f ? ! ! . rnID { S . , t , " ) " , , , . . ' . . . , . . , . )1jhr' - , . , ' . . . ell : . . . . : . . " > . . . . . . . . -i. . . . . I clock ycstcrday , but 111 the ahI sence of sufiicient evidence to bind thcm o\'cr , they were dis. - missed on motion of-the Countv - A Horney. . I. H. A. ( ' (11.111'1\111111 . \ , Picnic Dinner , Brol n Bow , .Tnly 4 , 10 o'c1ock a. 111. l'ROG RA\I. ! Song. . . . . . $ lar Spanglcll Banncr IIt\'ocation. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . n . . , , . . . . . . . . . Amcrica RCa/ling. . Dcclaration of I\1IlcpclHlcnce Instrumcntall\1usic. , . , . , . . . . Rccitation. . . . , , . . . . 011\ ' Folk Duelt. . , . . . . 1\1. B. A. Celchralion Alhlress , . . . . Stnle l\1anngcr lIaman Instrumcntal l\1usic. , . . . , . . . . Recitation. . . . . . , Burial of l\Ioses Iolgc ( l'oenl. , . , . . . . . , . . . . Instun ental l\1usic. . , . . . . . . . RCCll : l1ol1. . . , , . . . . , , . . . . I Recilnliou l\I arc Antony'r.Original Oralion I Closing Prayer. , . . . . . . . . . . . . L& : Basket Oinncr. : : . . . . . - ' \ . . l-IOUSE PAINT. No matter how much a gaBon you ror your houfoc : paint you cannot buy nny that is as cheap in the end as PurcVhite Lend. 'l'his is easily . J ' - . , prov n. . SOLD 'BY ALI , DEALEI S . _ _ . , . . . 1M L .r- . _ - - _ ro - CUJ . . . - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . : - . . - ; - - - - - : -1--W1Io'1'iQ > m I"M' JiIM : - N'J. : . . - - - I' , AUCTION SALE. f. r . _ - . _ _ - . On Saturday , July 1st thc Standard Cattle Company will scll at t\Iullen , Nehras1m , at 10:30 : a. m. at Public Auction , to the I hig'hcst hidller for Cash , approximately tlte following : 300 head of IIor : > e ! ' and l\lares , which will include tlte Com- pany's bCfit haying teams for l akes , Mower ! ' and Sweeps , Saddle - dle Ilorses and somc Mares with colts h ) ' their side. 'l'his number will also includc 50 head of young nat \'e Mares and Uclding-s ( In. pure-brell Percheron stallion raised on the Com- I , pany' ! ' ranc1i ) running' from yearling's upwards. \ : Also their hest Wa ons , Mowers , Harness , and a large assort- I I mcnt of various 1dtu1s of li'arming Machincry. In al1dition I : to the ahlwc Auction Rale the Standard Cattle Com pan ) ' will , h01l1 the following' sales : A t Pass l anch - - - - - Frida ) ' , July 7 At HigCrcl'l. . - - - - - Monday , July 10 I I .At Can'er 1 anc11 - - - - 'Vedncsday , Jul ' 12 At these salcs thcy will ofT.r : : for Cash tQ the highest bilhler It , nl1 of their hayin and farm machinery not included in the I Mullen sale. Sale at each Ranch \\'ill commence at 10:30 : a. m. on dales mcntioned. W. g. lIile assisted hy George Lucewcll wili conduct the 1 " j Mullcn sale anll George Lucewell the three sales on the 7th , "L. I lOth al111 12th of July. . - - - I . . - - - - - " ' i . = ---1 I ucu. - _ . - . _ . . . . . I - - - - - - u - - - - - - - I ST ANDARD CATTLE CO , t HECLANE RASKA. ) I _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - - . . . . . . . . . . . .I ! : E------ ! _ . - - - . " , . - - . - - . . . . . " - - - - - : = . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , .