Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 29, 1905, Image 2

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Displaced Official Charged With De.
Ing Too Active In Showlnu Up His
Superior Officel'-What the Presl.
dent Has to Say.
WASIIINGTON-TJI 11Ifiml .snl of
I1crborl W. nO\\ln. Cor sOlll6 'cnrH
United Stotel' ' ! minister to Venmmelo ,
und the exollorntloll ot ASBlstolil Sec.
1'otary of State PrnnclB D , Loomh1 of
the allegatlolls brollght ngnilist him
hy 1\11' . DOlI nre the OlltCOIIIO of the
1..oolllls.DowOIi cOlltrovers ' which haB
nttrncte(1 ( wlclo atlentlon for man '
mOllths jmst.
'I'hls dlsposltloll of the coso Is mrulo
hy Pl'oslllcnt Hooso\'Alt In n letter nil.
dressed to Socrctnrj' Taft , made pllb.
lIc 'I'lIoHda ) ' night apllrO\'lng MI' .
'raWs report 011 his filHllng anel con.
elusions In the caso. 'I'ho IJroshlellt
' ' ' 1\lIl1lstor HOWl'lI
l'cnthlll(1) al'l'algllB ,
( ] eolarlng thnt his condllct la "csllec.
loll ) ' rOlll'eh'IIHlhle , " thnt MI' . Bowen
uslwd 0110 of his wltnosses to cntcr
the Omll10j' of a certnln comll ny for
the llurlloso "In 111aln words of stOlt ! .
1ng" docmnents which ho hoped might
tncrhnillate 1\11' . Loomlll anel that 1\11' .
Dowen has "ovhlonUy for many
1I10nths , Indeed for the Inst two ) 'oars ,
devote(1 ( himself , " to 11\1I1t1n lip sClln.
dal and gossip IIntil It hecamo a 1I1on.
ontnnla nnel cnuscd him "to Rhow
comllloto dlslornlt3' " to the .countr3'
ho rel1resentcl1 ,
The lIreslllent snrs he hnd hoped to
promo to Mr. Dowcn , ns durill/ / . ; much
of 311s lsorvlco he ha(1 ( dOllo good worl"
hut thnt \1sofulneBs In the dllllo.
mnlic sorvlco Is now at an end. The
prosldont adl1s thnt ho would 11Irect
that Mr. Dowen's reslgnntlon bo I'C'
quested , hut for his Rtntcmont that ho
wOllld conslclel' that reRlguntion un nd.
mIssion of misconduct and the dls.
mIssal Is therefore ordered.
The president states that It nppears
thnt 1\11' . Dowen whllo mlnlstor HO'
cured Ule IJ\\IJllcntlon of aHnclts on
1\1\ ' . Loomis all(1 ( furnlshod to the
press docull1'nts 11el\lIng ( hoforo tJ l' '
stnto dellllltment for nllprovnl all 11
thnt his nctlon Ig Inexcusnhlo ntlll
shows his "cntlro unfitness" for the
l.Iervlce. Even If Mr , Loomis had heon
sulllr , sars the presIdent , Mr. Dowen's
conduct would bo lInllllrdonuhle. 'I'ho3
letter quotes certaIn correspond once
and testlmon ) ' , 'rho rOl1Ort of Secre ,
tar3' Taft on the cnse , on which UIC
presldent'lJ nctlon Is IJased. Is a volu.
mlnous ( Iocumont. rovlewlng the
chnrges and the ov1clenco tal\On ,
LONDON-The acceptance of WashIngton -
Ington as the ) llace for the conduct of
pence negotlntlons Is regarded by the
London mOl'l1lng newsIJnllers as a
great' compllll1ent to Prcsldent Hoose ,
voll'e dllllomacy nnd os n further
proof of the growing Infillenco of the
United States .In Intel'llntlonal politics.
1\Ioreover it Is fell that Japnn would
have not 111'oceeded thlls fnr unless
con\'lnced there was a reasonnble
llrosllect ot the negolla tlons bearing
fruIt. It Is th ( > I'ofore concluded thut
Japan hos rC'olvel1 ' : to prollos mod.
erato nnd rensonnblo terms ,
StraIned Relations Give Rise to Serl.
ous ApprehensIon.
PARtS-Tho strnlned relations he ,
tween Franco nnd Gormnny o VOl' 1\10'
rocco contlnllo to glvo rlso to serIous
a111lrehenslon , but , whllo ollellly nd.
mlttlng thnt thcro are real dlfi1culllos
involved , the ofi1clalR 111'ot09t agnlnst
thIs bolng mrllle the hnsls of oxngger ,
ated reports , Snch rellO\'ts hnvo heClI
clrculnted for lie\'oral dn's IJIIBt b3' r' '
small nnd unlnfiuelltlnl section of the
l1ress , notahl ' hj' the Pl\trlo anll the
Presse. Ono reJort ) that Germnn ) ' hal
submitted an ultlmatllm broll ht 0111
n fOI'l 1I\1 donlal from the foreign office
Five Hundred Killed In Mine.
EKNrEmNOSI A Y , SOllthern Hus
'in-I lve hlln 1'c(1 ( l1ersonB wcrO' Jdlle (
In the eXl1loslon which occurrl ( n
the Ivnn colli 01' ) " at Khnrtslsl" belong
tng to the Husslan Donetz comI1lln ) ' .
WASHlNGTON-WhethOl' the sole <
tlon ot Washington will affect the tet :
tntlvo lIelectlon by HIIssln or 1\1. NOl
110ft as ono at her envors Is no
Imown , though the olllnlon hero Is the
ho wl11 como from Paris. Pl'lvato nl
vices reaching hero from Eurolle sa
that Emlleror Nicholas hns been COI
slderlng General K\It'ol1aUtin as a suI
stltuto tor M. Nedllort.
Cruiser for Peace CommissIon.
W ASlIING'l'ON-Orllors 110\0 bee
1lven by the nnv ) ' dOlln1'lment to pIne
tho' cruiser l\In'fiowor In commlsslo
by August 1 , after certllin rOlmlrs 1\1
made , so that she mOjO ho nvallnbl
101' use In the entertalnmont of UI
peace el1\'Oj's of Hllllsia and Japm
.Tho Ma'fiower probnhl ) ' wl\1 \ ho use
also tor entertaining Prlnco LouIs (
Datlenburg , who wl\1 \ bring a Drltls
'fioot to the United Slates In Octobo
, as it now Is conton1)1latod ) to loep tI :
1\Iay11ower l1ermanently In comml
It Is Probable ThlJ.t . Protocol Will De
Negotiated In Manchuria.
W ASJlN01'OIAlonc ( , on the
IIIal1l8 of 1\llInchllrla \ , mlelwn ) ' hetween
the two grt'at arm 1011 , the HUBflinn an(1 (
, lapanI'M comllHlntlcrs will meet to
III II the armlaU'o whl'h will IJI\VO the
WIlY for the Washlngtoll confm''nco
If the prosollt tentallvc Ilrograll1 Is fol-
10wo(1. ( I xchnnges on these 11OInt9 are '
IIOW In 11rogress hetween 'l'oltlo and 'I '
Sl. Polel'Ahurg via Washington , hut no
finnl .concluslon hns hoon roached. It
was firl1t tholllht a prollmlnary llroto-
col might ho slgnell at Washington
) Irovlellng for a tortlporary cesl1nllon of
hostilities , hilt In view of the fn ( ' ! that
this COli corns dlreclly the armlos In
the fioM It Is bellovel ! thnt the holll.
goronts wl\1 \ agrco thnt nrrangemellt
or the nrmlstlce he hest entrust11 ! to
I.lnovltch and Oyama , the respoell\'o
commrmdors.ln.'hlef , who In. such
event woull1 he telogral1hod sllIJclal
powers to sign.
- - -
HENO , Nov.-Tho nnnollncemcnt In
lI1ade that a call tract for the construction -
struction of the tUllnels thl'ough the
Sierra Nevnda ! noulltalus has heen let
by the Southeru Paclnc COl1l11ll.IIY . and I
that wor ] , on tllC'm would uegln withIn
a mOllth. There nro to bo five tunncls
III al1 and the main ono will start [ \ :
short distance lIorlh of 1)0nnOl' Inlto
nnd the series will 01\11 at the foot of
) ] ) uo call'on on the Am rlcan rIver. .
'rho contract calls for nn QXlIendlturo
of over $2G,000,000.
Conference Agreed To In Affairs ot I
PAUlS-An Intornatlollnl conference -
enco for Iho consideration or the nf. .
falra of 1\IOl'OCCO Is now II1'actlcally ;
assured as t le rCl1ll1t of the C9l1vor-
satlon hetwecn Pr'mler RoU\'lor and
Prlnco Hndolln , the Gormhn ambassa.
dol' , and attention Is now dlrecte to
( Iefinlng the BC0110 of the conferenco.
Details are being rall11113' arranged and
the officlnls oXllect to be nllle to an.
nounco the plans fol' the conference
In the course of four or ! lvo da 's.
'rills result , after the Bovere strain
which tested the llllomatlc resourcct ;
of both governmcnts , hns the effect
of rollovlng' the , tension , the ofllclnls
of the foreign office and the I1lplomata
or the Gorman emha.ssy ngreolng that
an amlcablo ndjuslment. Is near at
Although the accolltanco of the con.
fCI'enco gIves a cortaln lIIeasuro ot
success to Germnn dlplomnc ' , .et 1\1.
Houvlor emerges from the controversy
with the ndvantage of having bl'ought
German3' to exnctly define the scope
of the conference and so to rid It of
the obJI'1.10n of being n mennce to
Froneh Interests. A ! though the ba.
sls of the conference has not yet been
selllod , It Is understood the two governments -
ornments suIJstnntlally ltgroo all some
of the main features Invllved , Ger.
man3' has suspected that Prance hall
designs on the sovereignty of 1\101"
occo , hut the negotlotlolls ( liscloscd
thnt Prnnco hod not questlonel ( this
soverelgntr. Slml1nrl ) ' It was (1Inclos. (
od that I ranco hnd not dslglled ! to
Interrul1t the 111'esent territorial or po-
lIt1cnl status quo of 1\Iorocco. ' 1'hI8
allpears to hnve been one of Germany's
chief HIIlIrehcnslons , nR nil ) ' change In
1\1orocco's status quo mlghtlnvolvo nn
ultlmato Prench protectorate slmllnr
to that over TUllis ,
With both governments favorable
to the soverel nty of 1\1orocco nnd to
her 1101ltlcal status quo , It remains
for the confcronco to adjust the eqllal.
Ity of commercial rights , as Germany
desires this assurance from nn IntPor-
nntlonnl conference Instcad or throllgh
the oporatlolll ; of the Anglo.Frencl1
NORWAY , Mo-Mlss 1\lnmte \ Dnbb.
a school teacher here , hus signed n
contract to nccoml1an3' I.ho Peary
Arctic eXllelIt1on III the dash for th
North pole , which stnrln (1'0111 Now
Yorl , Jnly G.
1\1lss Dabb will go all the officlnl
stenographer of the oxpedlUon , and
will gel 11 hlg salar ) ' .
She Is 20 'enrs old and a Jrntlunte
or Darni\l'll collcge , Now Yorlt.
- - -
President Approves Findings of Twc
Courts.Martial In Officer's Case.
WASllINGTON-Tho Ilre ldenl hI\ !
approved the findings In two trIals 0 :
Captain George W. Klrlmmn of the
. ' ' hln
Twentr.fifth Infanh'j' . sentencing
to lllsmlssnl from the army and con
finement In the nonltentlnr ) ' at For
l.envonwol'lh Kau. for t11\'t '
, , \ 0 ) 'ears
Klrlma1was conocted with the sensa
tlonal case rel1\1tlng ! In the flulchlt' 0
the wlfo of Lloutellnnt Chnndlor n
Llewellyn Has More Work.
WASIlINO'l'ON- 110stmnste
gonoml has orl1ered the state of low :
l1etacho(1 ( trom the Sl. LOllis I1lvlslol
and mnl10 111\1.t ortho Omaha I1lvlslO1
ot the rural free (1011\01' ( ) ' sorvlco el
factlvo Jul3' I , 1110ri ,
The Divorce Evil.
Nl W YOHK-Archblillrop I.'arloy de
cla1'01Itt Coc't1oglo hall at the COIl1
moncu.10nt 0-.f1rclsos at the co11ege 0
St. F'lnncls ' Xnvlor that the ovlls a
I1lvol co were fnstll1Ilermlnlu ! ; UI' '
wans of our soclet ) . .
New Ennctment Would Extend Tenure
of Office In Vlohttlon of the Orgnnlc
Act.-Offlclals That Will Be Voted
For In the Autumn Election.
I tNCOLN , Nob.-The hlennlal olec.
nlnl eloctlon law hnll heen declared
void. Chlof Justlco Holcomb Is the nu.
thoI' of the onlnlon and it was \1nnnl.
mously allJroved by the other Judges.
The law. whIch seeles to do away with
odd years oloctlons. was declared un-
conslllutlonnl because the jUdges
thought It to ( IX tend the tenure
ot ofilclJ of .ofi1clals whoso terms were
flxed by the orlnnlc law.
The doclslon malcos It. necessary to
h01l1 elocHons this fa11 for slIprome
juclo , , reronts and county officlnls.
Chlot Justlco Holcomb , In discussIng
t1\:1 argument that the leglslaturo has
n right. to Interpret the constitution
, \ hen It hears on Huhjech ! of a 1101ltl.
cal nature and that the 1'\110 contend.
cd for scomH l'caHonn lo. hut that It
cannot bo glvell the wolght urged be.
cnuso the provisions ef the consUt.u.
tlon will not bear a construction por.
mlltln ! : Ihe legislature to change the
tlnto of holding ( 'Ior-tlon : ! fo\ ' judicial
01llce8 , and extendIng' theIr terms one The court ra 's :
" ' 1'ho conntct Is so palpnblo that the
1 ( ' : IRlntlvo cnactment. must gl\'o wny.
" 'rho action Qf the leglslatlvo
lJmnch of the government Is ontltled
to and should receIve from the judicial
department the greatest 1'osPQct and
d'foronce. 'rhls has becn freely ac-
cOI'dell and over lcopt In mind In the
, consldorntlon and dIscussion of the
cnse nt bnr. ' 1'bo court should and ( lees
lI11pl'Oach n conclusion , resu1llng in a
llOldlng thClt the law Is unconstltutlon.
al , with grent caution and hesitancy.
'l'he wisdom , 110llcy nnd expedloncy
of the law hnve not been aUowod. that
wo nro conscious of , to In the slightest -
est degree Infiuenco our decision. Wo
have endeavored to 1eep wIthin the
legitimate APhor ! : ' of action bolongln ; ;
to the judlclnry. And Insofar as 1111'
mnn falllbl1lt . pormlts . us to rench n
conclusion from a strictly 1elal Ilnd
judicIal standl10lnt. the 11nal nnd ultl.
mnte consh'uctlon of the conslitutlon
is bj' t1Hlt Instrument Intrusted to the
court. We have endeavored to ( lis :
charge the trust U1\1S reIlosed in the
tribunal over which wo for n tlmo
glvo expression to Its utterances and
decrees , nccordlug to the meanIng ox.
pressed or arIsing by necessar ) ' Impll-
cation , In so doln we are unable ta
escnpe the conclusion that the leglslli.-
tlve enactment In controversy con-
tlIcts with sovcral of the provisions of
the fundamental law. and that the
former must glyo wa ' and bo declared
wIthout legal force , Inoperatlvo and
void. "
NEW YORK-Dlshop 'Farloy ( ] G.
clared at Carneglo 11011 at the commencement -
mencoment at the Col1ege of St. Fran.
cIs Xavier thnt the ovlls of divorce
were undermlnhl ! : the waUs of our so.
cl.tJty. and that ther would soon eel ,
lapse If nothing was dono. The hlshop
said In part : CIA contlnuanco of the
ovll of dIvorce , of the slighting regard :
for the marrlago convcnant must
shol'lly lead to the downfall of society ;
nny , It Is even now falling and musl
soon be drngged In the dust. Wo sea
thnt It Is going to plecos. "
Woman Sentenced to Hang Granted
Stay of Sentence.
DRATTI.EilORO. Vt.-A reprIeve
until December S f01 ; : 1\Irs. J'lary 1\1.
Hogers , the condemned murderess ,
was signed 'l'll1Irsday by Governor ,
Charles llel1. anl1 for the thlrll tlmo
the woman. who was to ha\'o been
hanred \Vh\(180r ( on the 23rd. for
1lIIlng her 1l1lshnnl1 , hns been snyed
through the oleralon ) ! of the govor.
nor's 110wor of sta 'lng the execution.
The rel11'Ievo was granteel In order
that the case may bo cnrrled to the
supreme court of the Unitcd Stntcs
on conslllutlounl questions , raised ot
I n hearing before Judge IIoyt II.
W ASIIINGTON- lostmnstcr
General and Minister Obnlllla of Pana-
mo. signed a postnl treat ) ' between UII )
two countrl s , offoctlvo July 111. 1905.
under which the rntos nnd conditions
. appllcablo to articles for the Indo.
, . pendence at Pnnama are mndo1111 -
r form with these In force between the
t' United Stntes , Canada , 1\Iexlco anll
Llnevltch Stlys Japs Fled Hastily ttnd
Burnt Supplies.
S'1' . Pl 'l'EnSnUHG-Genernl Line.
vltch In a lllslJUtch to the omlloror ,
ntell Juno IG , reports thnt n Husslan
turning movcmont forcell the Japan ,
ese to retlro tram lulnnllzl Juno 11 ,
atter IJ\1rnlng thulr SUlllll1os.
A Husslon force , Juno 12 , L\dva ced
from the valle ) ' ot the Tzlll rIver te
the vlllngo or Val lollnsovf , 1111shing
bnclt the Japanese advance 110sts.
Twentieth Century Limited. on the
Lake Shore Wrecked.
1\t N'rOH , O.-Hunnlng nt the rate
of moro than flfly miles an hour , the
Twontleth Centtlr3' Limited , on the
Lnlw Shore rnllroad , dashed Into an
open switch at the 11aSsenger stat/on /
hero shorUy heforo 10 o'clocle Wednesday -
nesday night. Eleven IlerSOns were
Idlled and twel\'o or fifteen badly in.
jured. The omblnatlon haggngo and
smoltlng Iluffet cur caught 111'0 and wes
CJ..EVELAND , O.-Tho list of fntal-
Itles In Wednesday night's wreele of
the Twentieth Century Il'er on the
Lake Shore railway at Mentor , 0. , Is
ono ot the Inrgest In the history of
thnt rand , numbering nlnoteen porsons.
All the vIctims were prominent In the
huslness and professional worlll In
Now Yorle , Chicago. Clevelanll and
other cities.
lIA V ANA-Tho. bed ) ' of General
Maxlmo Gomez was interred hereafter
after a funCl'al servlco so replete wIth
domonst.ratlons In honor of the dead
general as to lead In several instances
to scones of dlsordor. The most serl.
ous trouble occul'l'ed while the great
processIon was passing Central Parle ,
when some reelless ) ' 01111g Cubans
rushed toward the field gun casson on
which the general's remains were
horne , demandIng 1100'mlsslon to carr ) '
the body. They were thrust baclt and
then n. bigger crowd rushed forward ,
and swo 'ed bocl , and forth across the
hroad street temporarily dIsorganIzIng
the procession.
Alleges England Would Have Battle
Before Commission Meets.
Vrema Tuesday 11rlnted ( n dispatch
from London In which Its correspond.
ent declared ho was In possession of
Informalon to the offe t thot the Drlt-
Ish were advising Japan agaiMt the
conclusion of an armIstice. "Hussla , "
the dIspatch added , "Is not considered
to bo sUfllelenlly wenltc ed. Great
Dritaln hopes that FIeld l\larshnl Oya-
ma. . wl11 succced In destroj'lng General
Llnovltch's army and thus rollevo It
of the nlghtmaro that the army mllY
IntoI' bo shifted to the borders of Af.
ghanlstan for operations against In.
. .
Must Send Representatives Empower.
ed to End War.
D HLIN-Count Inou'e , the Japanese -
ese minister to Germany , declares , In
nn Interview In the 1..01\1\1 Anzolgor ,
that the prospects for the estnbllsh.
mont of peace depends whoU ) ' , accordIng -
Ing to the Japanese \'Iew , upon
whether Russia appoInts real plenipotentiarIes -
potentiarIes rather than a mere diplomatist -
matist commissIon to learn Japan's
torms. Russin's commissioner must be
nuthorlzed not merely to hear Japan's
condItions , but to , at the same time ,
enter Into sorlous peace negotiations.
Three Deaths In Poland , and St.
Petersburg Anxious.
ST. PETEHSDURG-Tho anxiety , .
caused llY the anger of an epidemic.
of cholera Is growing. A dispatch from
Sosnovlce. Poland , reports that deaths
from cholera are occurlng dally there
nnd three suspected 0.1'0 reported at
Tula. The authorities of both these
cities have ordered anll-cholera In.
oculatlons In the Infected regions , but
the warm , moist weather prevailing
Is favorable to the spread of the dls'
- -
NEW YOHK-A now and Imlortant )
Investigation of the affairs of the ,
Equltablo LlfQ Assurance socloly Is to
ho begun at once. Paul 1\Iorton , the
newly elected chairman of the hoard
of dlroctors. wants to ) m w exactly
how things arO with the soclot ) ' . anll
has commissioned PrlncoYatorhouse
& Co" and lIasl < lns & Soils , chnrtered
IlccO\mtnnts , worl"ng together , to ex-
Rmlno ovm'j' detail of the worlt. In.
vestments and relation of the society ,
Bribery In StrIke Deals.
CHIC'AGO-Tho teamsters' strl1w
proper has nlmost been lost sight or ,
the attention ot both sides to the con.
troversy bolng occupied moro with the
charges at brlbor ) ' In connection with
labor unions In Chicago than with the
real Issuo. Within the next twonty.
four hours , It was said a hlstor.r of
the secret trnnsactlons or labor unions
In Chlcngo for the past four } 'ellrs
will bo made public , and tllIlt the In.
tormatlon wll1 Impllcato man ) ' Inbor
leaders whom It Is assorted have accepted -
copted bribes to call off strl1os.
Model Arbitration Treaty.
DERLIN-Conressman : Dnrtholdt
of St. Louis , 1\10" prosldont of the In.
terparllamentar ) ' union to promote In.
ternatlonnl arbitration , has been hero
for nlnoteen da's looltlng ever the ma.
torlal SUppllNl br the foreign omcc to
assist him In drafting the model nrbl-
tmtlon treaty which the unIon asled
hIm to 111'0111\1'0. Mr. Dartholdt wll1
visit some ot the other European for.
I olgn omces with the same object boo
tween now anel the mooting o the
union at Drussels , August 28.
. .
. 00 .
M. Nelldoff , Ambnssador to Paris ,
Named as One of the Envoys.-A
Skillful DIplomat Who Has Handled
Difficult Problems.
_ I
WASHINGTON-It Is intimated in
official circles that negotiations are
proceedIng loolt/ng / to an armlstlco between -
tweon Jal1an and Russia.
The stumbling block In the WCl ) : of
an Ilrmlstlco appears to be that nelthor '
be11lgorent is willing to tnlw the inl-
tlntlvo. The present negotiations , it Is
understood , wl11 consIst of an effort
to sound ono or both governments :18 :
, to their wll1lngness to agree to an
There wl11 be no official announcement -
ment he1'e regarding the probabilities
of fin armlstlco before the vresldent
retu1'I1s , 1101' Is It certain tbht even
then wl11 there bo nn'thlng to malto
, public. The feeHng In official cIrcles
here Is strongly In favor of n cossa.
tlon of hostilities , as It Is bellovell a
clash before the peace conference
wouIll hnmller the worl , of the pI en I-
potentarles nnd Ihnt would provo a
serious mennco to their efforts for
S'l' . PETERSDUHG-1\1. Nelldoff ,
Husslan ambnssador to ParIs , has peon
definitely appoInted ono of the Russian -
sian peace plenillotentarles.
1\1. Nolldoff Is 0. sld11ful Russian
dIplomat who , as ambassador at Con.
stantfnoplo for a. number of years ,
handled some of the worst problems
connected with Husalo's neilI' eastern
: polltfcs. , Ho and Sir Philip CurrIe , the
. Drltlsh ambassndor to Turkey , in 18116
. had some historical tills on the flo1l1
! of diplomacy and It was reported at.
the time that SIr Phillip chnrgell his
Russian col1eague with double denllng.
In finy case , the suUlln conferred on
. l\I. Nelldoff , the Or er of the 1\1edjld-
, 10h , Ilnd It was reported that the nus.
sian ambassodo'r was to be promoted ,
whIch would IndIcate Imporlal approv-
. nl of his dIlllomaej' .
. In November , 11103 , l\I. Nelldo was
transferred to Pn.rls and prlnco Our.
oussoff , wbo was Husslnll ambassador
to France , succceded 1\1. Nell off at
i . president Roosevelt has taken n
new and In1)1ortant ) step In the ne.
gotfatlons between the bo11lgeronts.
Whno there are col1atoral reasons for
bolleving tbat It relates to an ann-
Istfco , which wIU prevent the Impend.
Ing battle In 1\1anchurla. this cannot
UO llosltlvoly affirmed. All that can bo
stated definitely Is that Ambassador
Meyer went suddenly to the foreign ,
ofi1co late Inst night and had an In.
torvlew with ForelJ1I 1\1lnlster Lama.
dorff , when It Is believed the ambassa.
dol' communicated an Important meso
sago from President Hoosevelt , but
nelthor the forolgn office or embassy
hns the light thrown on what trans.
1llre .
SAN FHANCISCO. Ca1.-A potltfon
signed by 575 rOl1resentatlvo Greels
and Greek business mon of thIs city.
has been forwarded to King George of
Greece , asldng for the removal of the
present Greelt consul In this cIty , John
ICnpslma11ls , and the reappolntmont 01
Hel11' - S. Martin , who was recently re ,
moved. The petftfon charges Kapsl ,
ma1l1s with wrong.dolng.
Cossacks Made Brutal Attnck on Japa.
nese Field HospItal.
LONDON-Tho Tollo correspondent
or the Dany Telegraph , escrlblng the
Cossacle attaclt on a Japanese field
hospital , whIch 'occurred durIng an at-
lncle on a Japanese convo ' at Taillou ,
shin , 1\1n ) ' 20 , as the most dlsgracoful
Incldont of the war , sa3'S :
"Dcsplte the prominent dls111a3' of
Red Cross badges the Cossacles fired
vollo's at eloso quarters nnd then
charged with drawn swords with the
result that many non.combatants were
It/lIod / or wounded. Some of the Hus-
slans dismounted and used their bayo-
nots. The sleel was thrust down the
mouths of the JaJanoso ) and their
heads were nenrly cut off and their
bodies dlsemuowelod. "
WASHINGTON-Roar Admiral Sigs.
bee has been ordered to coal and bo
ready to proceed to Cherbourg ,
France , for the purpose or brlaglng to
this cOllntry the remains at the late
John Paul Jones , The ceremonies con.
nected with the transfer of the 1'0-
mains wl11 probabl ) ' taltO place In
Paris on Jul ) ' G or 7 and the squadron
will san for Chesnpealw uay on Jul ) ' S.
. . . .
Hero of Two Revolutionary Wars In
Cuba Is Dead at Havana.
IIA V ANA-Genoral Iaxlmo Gem -
m z uled here at G o'clocle Saturday
ovonlng after an extended Il1ne1'Js. '
The end came qulotly In the bea'utl-
ful tomporarj' homo nt the seasldo In
the suburb 'or Yedado. to which Gon.
oral Gomez was ta\On ) on his return
trom Santiago. Presldont Palma , &c-
compnnled by General Andrado , ar.
rived Ilbout a quarter at an hour pro-
vlous to the death ot General , Gomez.
1 .
. '
Russia Accepts Washington As Meet. 'j
In ! ] Place.
W ASIIINGTON-Hllssia and Japan
hn\'o tentative ! ) ' doclded each to ap-
IJolnt three Illonipotentlarles to represent -
sent them In the Washington confer-
enco. 1\1. Nc1ldoff , It 18 understood , has
already accepted the chairmanship of
the Husslan missIon nnd Is being ct'n-
suIted about the selcctlon of his aB-
I 8lstants , but Washington bas not yet
heard wbether 1\IIlrQuis Ito's health
will permIt him to como as the I'I\nlt- ,
Ing Japnnese plenIpotentiary. The bo- 10 ' ; :
lief here Is that Field Mnrshal Yama- ) ! , J ,
\ , . ; . . ' ,
gam will be deslgnatell in Mnrquls t
Ito's place should the marquis be unable -
able to accept. It Is bolleved that the ,
conference will convene here about
the mlddlo of August.
Pondlng tbo officIal announcement \
or the plonlpotontlarles lIttio toward ,
the arrangement of on armistice ts beIng - '
Ing dono'on this side. Japan will not
talm the Inltlntlve In requesting nn
armIstice. It Is Improhable. however ,
that she would InsIst on Hussla male-
ing the requost. It Is genernUy expected -
ed that when the missions have been .
nnnounced the presIdent will suggest "
to the belligerents the advIsability of
a limited truce Ilnc1 that thIs Sl1gges- I
tlon w111 bo acct' Instructlods w111 '
then go to Llnovltch Ilnd Oynma to
sign the armistice.
The whole question of nn armlstleo
Im8 been Informallj' discussed at the ,
whlto house and the belief in diplo- I
matlc cIrcles Is that there w111 not
bo n hItch on tills score , Jnpan prefers -
fers that the armlstlco should be signed - .
od In the field by the Husslan anll
Japanese commanders and there are
In'dlcatlons that this will find approval
In St. Petersburg. .
W ASHINGTON-Car lnal Gibbons , .
who Is In Washington on church busIness -
ness , paid a caU on the president. ne-
companied bj' Dr. D. J. Staqord , rector
ot St. Patr.lclt's church of this cIty.
The cnrdlnal congratulated Presldont
Roosevelt upon hIs success In the no- ' .
gotliltlons for peace between RussIa
and Jllllan. ,
"lIe Is an angel of peace to the \
, (
world , " said Cardinal Gibbons , ! lUud- ) '
Ing to the prosldent , "and the 'Worlel ,
owes him n. great .debt. lIe deson'es '
congratulation and praIse for his noblE.
efforts. "
RussIa Has Much tl Fear From Paroled -
ed Prisoners.
LONDON-A Russian resident In
London who Is closel > - allied with the
revolullonar ' movement said to the ,
Assoclatod Press that Hussla had
much to fear from the return of prIsoners - I
oners now confined In Japan. These .
prisoners , ho says , hav been regular- " '
ly sUPl1l1ed wIth rovolutlonll 'y tltera- - 1'
turo from societies In New Yorlt , London - l
don and Derlln , and nlso with 0.11 news ' ;
detrImental to the government of Russia -
sia , as well as literature comllarlng
the free governments of other countrIes -
trIes with that of the motherland. .As
Husslan soldiers are susceptlblo , ho
. .
prodlcted that every prisoner on his
return to Russin would have rovolu.
tlonllry tondencles.
Poor Class of EmIgrants. '
LONDON-Marcus Draun and 1\Iaur- . .At ;
Ice Fishberg , the AmerIcan immigrant '
Inspectors who have been InvestigatIng -
Ing emIgration from cont1nontal countries -
trios to tho' United States , hllvlng con.
cluded their labors In Austrla.Hungary
nnd Huslsan Poland respectively , nro
now 1001lng up the condItions prevailIng -
Ing at the omb rltlng poInts of the big
Atlnntic lInors. They express the opinIon -
Ion that omlgratlon now going to the I
United States Is not of 0 desl1'llblo
MANILA-Tho fo eral convention '
hns reassemble . After a heated dls-
ctlsslon It was resolved to place
among the 1'esolutlons a section advocating -
cating the policy of President Roose-
\'elt to transform the government of
the Islands bj' permItting government
by Fl1hllnos wIth the asslstanco ( .f
AmerIcans , The federals bellovo that
If this 1101lcy bo followed constantly
and l1rogresslvely It will result in complete -
pleto self.government.
Two Men Hanged.
CANYON CITY , Colo.-Frederick
Arnold , aged 20 , and Newton Androws.
aged 21 , were hanged at the state pen- ' "
Itontlary here Frl ay tor the murder ,
of 1\1rs. AmllDlla Youngblood In Den- ,
VOl' two 'ears ago. j
ReprIeve for Hoch.
SPRINGFIELD , Ill.-Johann Hoch ,
the convicted wlfo murderer and mul-
tI.blgllmlst , will bo reprIeved for ono
weelt and I10sslbly longer. It was announced - 1
nounced authorltatlvcly that the governor -
ornor Intended to take such action. i
Pays Wife to Get Divorce. \
CHICAGO-A checlt for $75,000 Is 4-
said to have been given hy Charles
II. Thow of N w Yorl , to Frances I
Rush , formerly a chorus girl , who re-
co1\'od a dlvorco from Thaw hero. The I
dlvorco wns grnnted by Judge Akers /
on statutory grounds , Thaw malting ' 1
no defonso. .
Will of Banker Keith. ' I
CHICAGO-Tho w111 or the late . ) , '
, , ,
banlor , Ehlrldgo G. Keith , filOll Friday . , * I
disposes at nn estate valued at $980-
000 , aU In 11ersonal prollert ) ' . - , I