, , " " "J " IU _ " ' ' ' _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ ' - _ . . . , rr n . _ _ . . . _ _ , _ n' . . . ' r " , _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ . . . : . . . - - , _ . , . _ _ y , , , . - , . . . ' - - - I , , , - - - - f I , . . . . . - . - . - - - - I The T 81Uplo of Bar ain's CAU , g there has been ! to partkular stir in thiH space the Bl people 11ll\'C pr lmhly thought the undertaker had put us / ill our last resting' place. But not so. We have becn tO . . lH1s ) ' repairillg oltr huilding" allll weighillg up nails by thc pound \ and by tile lwtf. ill fnct a\11cin \ of builders' hardware. No 1I0llht this linc than all ' compel.i- we are scllillg' morc g'fods along 0111' tom comhined , and YOIl kllow that mcat1lthc ! prices must he right. It'or the ncxt fcw daj'R we willlllakc SOIllC special bafJfain\ ! oil and gasoline stovcs , of which we havc same fil1 OIlC ! : ! . We arc nlso maldllg' special salcs on baby jumpcrs , of which we have it large supply. Screclls at cost until closed out. w still have a fw piccc ! : ! of carpet at cost. Come in and loolc o\'cr 0111' bluc ware. Come ill antI get twine and machille oil to harvcHt that early patch of rj'e and we arc sure you will Cf > cne hack anll get cnollg'h to han'est the balance of ) 'our crop. 'l'.ike a look at our Idtchcn cahinets. We arc malcing ! : ! oll1e ruinousl ) ' low prices on bellrool11 H1ils. We also have the l.lrg'cst stock of nuttings In . Custer cOllllt ) ' . Come ill and see us. We won't set the clogs on . ) 'OU to drivc j'ou in 1101' will we set them on you If you comc in to see us. HC1I1cmhcr we talce orders "n any of the Icading' grocerj' RtOflS ! in exchallg"e for goods in our line. Come in and sec us ; 1I0n't he ill a hurl' ) ' to g-Oj we haven't much timc to visit , but we I Jile : to sec you malcc our place your headquarters whcn in town. Rockwell & Konkela , ' " . . . " ' . J. 'VOOUH' 01.1) H . 'ANn. _ _ _ _ _ - - _ un _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . _ . . _ _ _ . _ . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . --\oo _ _ = J : : : _ _ : : " ' ! _ - _ = : " " . : ! : . Hmull Hmln Oulln , , " . We arc just np to thc small grain harvest in Nehrm ka. Cut- iing" will h gin before the pres- ellt wcek c1o : es. 'L'l1e wheat i 1I10re forward than last ycar- pcrhap a full week or a Jillle more on the ll\'cragc. 'L'he prospect - pect every way is hri ht. 'L'he Nehraska wheat acreage is Ululollbte II\ ' ' lafer / than laAt year , but this' doeA not tell th ' full ston' . 'j'\1e \ ) 'ielll is pronals\ \ ing. 'L' 1e best judges hclievc that Nebraska wi1\- \ thIs year pro- c1uce closc al'Ounc1 30,000,000 bushcls of wheat. And it is going to be good grain. f.last year we had an immense amount of wheat that was poor for mill- ing. It will be dijT rel1t this year , for thc b rry is sound and heav\ ' . NC'lther is there occaqion to won'y about priccs. li'lllly 70 cents a bushel can be paid tOllay on contract at T4iuloln 011 an cx- portl > .lsis , 'l'his certainly constitutes - stitutes a fair aud encouraging outlook. For our whcat alone , . to sa\ ' nothing of our other small g-raili crops , this mcans a gross ! a\'eragc return of atlea.st $25 for every man , woman anc1 child within tht : b : > undaries of Ne- braslca. ' 1'he only thing that could not spoil this r sp ct wouhl he cxtra- ordinarily bad weather or other han'cst conditiom\ that the crop c IUlll not be si\\'cel.-I4in- coIn Star. CttPIIl'1' Cllhlu 1.1,111 , uillg' HUllo ! , ! 'here has alwa's been a doubt , entertaiued by a larg-e perceut of the people as to the v.lhle of - - - ' - - - . - : . - lightlling rOIls. In fact the light. ni lg rod peddlcr has been viewe by the gcncral public more of a fake tllan a nccessity. Aq so man ) ' of the lightning r pedd- h rs have u er1 the buslI1ess to ! lwiutlle their customer ! } rather than to give them a quar ( ! eal. 'j'he cl1 ciel1t of th ltghtl1lng- rod ha hecn sincerely ( lUesl onecl and the trame has gt'OW1I in disrcpute. BilL heci\us there arc rogues iu anv linc of business it docs not f llow that there is no'irtue in it. 'l'his is truc o ( the light- lIingrod. . W. C. Shinll manufacture of thc Copper Cable fAghtning rod at I.Jincoln , has made a scicnlilic : Stlllly of electricity through the . air anel the el1 ciency of a Jig-ht- : ning rod to ward 01T thc evil effect. Ilis theory is that lightning is not electricity , but the road ov r which electricy dischargcs. By coming in contact with thc air or othcr substance the dischargc I . is caused , and without r sistance. thcre would be no lightning. He claims that metal f all kin s resist - sist ele > ctricily very little > therc- fore becomes a good conductor. 'Vooel , which olTers a great rc- sistence is most oClen struck and shattcred. lIe argucs that metal does not attract lightning , but is light- uing proof. As an instance he asserts that all structures made of mctal are lightning proof. 'l'a11 buildings in cities covered with mctal whcrc their mctal pillars - lars extend to the carth. A rail- roa , train or stei'-m engine is nevcr struck hy lightning. It ii : ; where therc b alack of lightning - . - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - conductors that an explosion anc1 dCRtructiol1 follows. Dwelliug houscs , barns , Rchool hour-es , churches , trees and stacks of g-rain beint imperfect conductors frequently sulTcr. If animals arc near thcy being betl r conductors - ors arc liable to rcce'e the clec- tric currcnt and killed. Mr. Shinn hall a reprcsentat of his copper cable in the city last week dcmom rating his theory with an Xra ) ' lIl lchim' , prO'ingthat a coppe.ca.ble , if intelligently adjustcd would prove a sure protectioll from lightning lIe has roded over ( ,000 buildings - ings in the past four years with these rods aud not one of thcm has sulTered damage. TIe exhih- itcd us a Ictter from the National Mutual Fire Immrancc Co. of Omaha , which states that the ) ' make ten per cent discount on aU property they insurc that iR pro- tectcd by the C. W. Shinn Coppcr Ca blc. Mr. O. II. Conrad of this ity , is ag-ent for this copper cable rod. He is prepared to rod the bu ild- ings of any who may desire to be protcctcd frolU lightning. He has already roded some of thc best buildings in the city , among whose arethe houses of II. Lomax , J. S. Lonergan , C.V. . Bowman a ( H au. I _ _ I.A : , : Nl'W BIUlI. 101' Orllutfl. It has been ofi ciallj' reported that O..onto is to have a I1C\\ blI1king institution , and the building for same is now lI11d 1 , way of construction. ' 'hc ncw ill ! lutioll will 11\ known as ' 1'he Ii'arll1cr ' Dank 01 ' - . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'II'm. _ " . " ' . , . . . _ _ _ _ _ 'I - ' . . n _ _ , _ . , " " " ' 1'- - - - - " . . . . --.a- . - - L . . :1 " , . _ , ' " . - - . . . . . . I r---- _ , . UNDERTAKING.I I . . . . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - . .A J. M. : Sa , tes , SUCCESSOr : to Rocltwell - & Armstrong , has a fine assort. . mSllt of Undel't king Good.s ill stock and. is : prepered. : to suit you in quaIl - l ty and lJrice. He has fine hearse and. is lJrepared. to gi va the best accommodations to city or I country customers. Prices right , . - , _ . _ - - - - - - - - _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - , J . . : . EI..A. TE S. North Side Track. . I L J . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - , - - - , - - - - - - . . p--- ; _ -1 - - - - - - - - . , . , " . . . . , -V'f _ " . , Oconto , and wiJ1 be estabJisTrcc1 with Loup and Oconto' capital , and will be opcn for business August 1st. We did not'1earn the namcs of .the incorporators , but J. V. De- vine , of this place , will bc the cashier , of the ncw institution. Mr. Dene has for the past two ycars been assistant cashier of the Callawa ) ' State lJunlc , is familiar - iliar with all branchcs of the banking hu iness , ig a young man of excmplary habits , and a better choice for tltiH position cou d not havc been made. IIaving' becn horn and raised near Oconto , Mr. \cvine \ 1 not a ! ; It' lllg-er to the people of ( hatlocnlity. We note with pride Iti well cnrned ad- \ ' lIICCl11ent , alld bespcak for him a 1iherallH1sil\ess. \ I.loup Valley Queen. 'I'llke'lI IInl'l. tn l\\'nl'II ! ' ) ' , 1\11' . 'I'hOluas , of the state rc- form ! ' \c1tool at Kcarne.r , was in town last Sahirdaj' . He camc here to talce hack a youllg man by the lIaUte of Myres , who es. cnped fromtlte reform school , with Clell Sharp who waR killed by tit ! . cars west of B'rokcn Bowa month ago. IIe was with the Sltarp hey whcn the accident ha ppened , allli Instead of going on he returned - turned as far as : Mason City , where he found cmployment in the \'idnity of Mason. In't.nJl % . n ROBItnSON-McCAS'T.IN-At the homc of the hridc's parents , Junc21st , } 905. Clara B. Mc- Caslin , of l ese Valle ) ' , Custer County , Nebraska , antI M. A. Hoberson of Crest on , Iowa , Rc\ ' . Chas McCaslin ofliciaL ng. 'l'hcj' will rcside at Crcston , J owa. 'l'he JHl'UJIT.ICAN join with the fricnds of the contracting - ing parties in extending c ngrat- ula lions. A N'oiI < ; I.UO l'I. 'VI'f. 1\r. [ nghalll and Wifl , mnsicians , of Allillnce lire guests of 1\11' . John Cri.t. : Quite II1l1nhcr of pcrsoll' ! unitcwilh lhc 1\1. H. church , last Snnllay e\'cninl . DrVi1ls of Omaha , has localc/l in on1' town for the } lraclic of his profession. Capl.V. . II. AtHlrcws. thc cattlc king was \'isitor in Brokcn Bow last week. 1\Irs. J. J. 'roolcy ntIl11\Ii'Js Gracc tin. klcy'i itcil in lIrokcn Bow lasl 'fncsday , 1\Iiss - Wright of Cairo , \'isiting hel brolhr : , 1\Ir. U , J. Wright , lhc druggisl , at this plncc. 1\Ir. Hughes ScoUt and sistcr ntH } 1\Ii : ; Gracc Allen IrO\'C Ilo\\'n to llrokcn lIo\\ last \Vedneslll\ " : \1 iss IIazc1 S'OIl , who is ath nIHII collcgc , at Wa'nc , returned homc fOI vacaliou this wcck. 1\r. [ G. 1\1. Williams of this placc , ha gonc to Kansas Cit \ ' . whcre he will un. ' /Icrgo an opctation'for piles. 1\Iiss Grace Allen lefL lasl Wedncsday , for a'isit wilh fricnds in Kansas. SIll will rclurn in about fonr wccks. Onc of lhc hesl ) ) rn\llali \ companics thal has \'is lcll this placc tor , I long limc , plll'cll fi'C nights to II crowdell tClit lasl wcek. 1\11' . Hnis Scoll is 10 ( ( (111 res ! ! thc men' ! lIIeeling ncxt 8\1\111(1) \ ' al3 p. m. 1\1' [ . Scolt is II nnenl spcaker ntlll will gi\'e \H II gooll talk. Mr. V. C. Wilson wil1 lca\'c in a fc\\ \ I , , l(1)'s ( for a visit to Dcn\'cr , 1'orl1a\lIl , ntHI olhcr points west. IIc expccls to hI ! gonc ahollt II mouth. Thc cily flllhcls ha\"c hml a city prism hllill , aUII woe ou him who transgresse : , the IlIws ill A wel 1110. 1\lnrshal Allol will most sl\\'cl ) ' look him lip. 'fhc people of Allselmo fecI gralcfllllc lhc citizcllS or BlOkl'n Bow. who so gcn crsl \ ) ' respollllell1o 1111 appeal for hell wllh thc ncw parsonagc. Brolcn 110\ ' Cilli rely Oil AnsclU\o 10 return lhc com pl lllcnt. ' 1'hc ncw parsonll c is Ihc alll11iralim of 1111 our people. 111\11 fc\'crnl of 0111' fe 1111111' poplllalion ha\'e heen heanl to sa : thc ) ' woulII1'l , minll llciu II prcac her' , wifc , if enl ) ' thc } ' could 1I\'c in a hous , like thallllwa's. Young \Ir. 1'rcachcr if ) 'IJU11I11 a wifc. fish for Allschllo IICX ) ' ar. That dllllll ) ' IICW parsonage wil Will her. OIt.'rItl..O. Prcll Day was ill the \'lIl1c ) ' II few dl ) ' hlst wcek. Thc LalHe. ; socicty mcl w lhIrs. ! . JIlin lasl WCllncslla ) ' . Those who hll\'c alfll1fa do not lack fo occupation thesc 11a's. NCllic Iti1l is hclping Mrs. Zachr ) ' allaplc GI'O\'c , this weck. Owin to thc c"ccs'c rainfall , al \'egclallon is IInllsl\1lly fiuc , 1\1111 on \'alley is prettier I1lnn e\'cr. I.lIst wcek anolher arl glnss wil\lllH was plllced iu thc hurchlrr. . Benls ani Prauk ha\'lng pnrchllsc/l / it , hcforc thei Ilcparll\\'e. Mcsdames Polge ( flllll Jo'ner wcre n 1.0tl1 , thc first of thc weel ; . 1\Iiss Malli who hns hecn thel C for somc tilllc , 1' < < lnfllchOlllc / with them. l\Iiss Nellic 11111 will lell/l / thc 1' . I' ' meeting ncxt Sl\1l1la ) ' aftcrnoon , the l1ul ? eet heillg "Ollr Nalionlll lIerital c. Prell } ' decoratiolls and 5011I1' special fell IIrCS will hc prcfelltcd. nrillg ) ' 0\ fdelllls. . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Legal Notices. LBClAI. AUVBILTISRUI S'1'S. All 1\1'IJrll " eIl1UIIIJ tllller thl8 hel\,1 will 1 ch rKetl fur lit hwal rllll' , vIr. : I.IXJ I"'r Hqua for lIuL hl.I'rll\llI , IInll 60c Ilor l'll1l\ro ' for ell. . luhHOqUO II In erLlon. I \ : ' quaru" 1.lcllllne or fracllon thol'\1ot. " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I IN 1I1 UlR'l'IUr'I' c'\JU'r \ 0\0' \ CUS'1'I , ' COIlN'I'Y NlmHM ; } . I' . N , ( 'a III pl11 , "H. 1.lncoln A. Soulhworf J el al. Nollcu III 1IIIIInl ! lohHllti. 1.llIcolli A. SUlllhworth alll I.lIclna SOIlI l' . , . . . . . \ , . . . . . . " . . . ' . . . - . J - - . r . , . - W1XlIJtdeftudaI1Cff"m take uollOJ' , tlr.tC orJ tire 2Jn1 , day of Jnne lW , Ihe plaintiff flied hI" 811pIIemenl ll p < : Cltlun III lhe VI'llrlcl court of Cueler COllnly , Nebraska , lhe objeci nlld pra'er of which III lo oblaln all ortler , nUllc IIro lunc. of lhll , courlcollllrlllllllC III all anti oyery pUllcular Itll forlllcr elllr ) ' " al\ll tlecr elliu IhlllllUll made alill entered. and lIutlcululY : lhe decree entered altalllRl Ihe Northwesl quarler of Sec. twenlY , IIIX'I'OIVIIShh. lhlrteen.lll1rlll.ralllCe lwenty four. \1'e1l of the 61h. 1' . M. , bahl COllntyantl State , which Bald decree wall elliered alld lIIatle on lhe 1'1111. Ila'of JUlie , 19\XJ , for $1070,00 IIpon a cerlalllllole and lIIortlCalle lIIalle. executcd alltl , Iellveretl by ) 'ou 10 Ine NelJrallka Mortllallo.l : ' 1' rll II t COIIIPaIlY. an,1 , by It 3s'Illtllell to Ihl'l "lalnlll1. alllo tu COli II rill Ihe pale uf said lantls \II Ihlllllalnlll1. ! by the Bherll1 of Baltl counl ) ' IIndcr a 1111 hy'Irlue of paltlilecree. which ! laid lIal" wa'llllade on the 15th. Ilay of Jllly , 1')01. ' 1'011 are relllllrcII to an1wer lIaltl Ietltlon Oil or hcfoftJ the 711I , da ) ' uf AliltUsl , 11'05. ' or lhe lIIaUerll1111 thltlltll therein conlaltlell will be la Iwn all \llIljllllirlllen ten terell acconll nlll ) ' . 1 > ate.1 Ihl'l 2.Jrd , day of Jllne. 1905. . 1' . N. CAMJ'I'JLL. 3-G II ) ' hl'l Attorlley , AI.I'IIA MOHOAN. LIWAI. NO'rICl . ' 1'0 g"a lIarrls a 1111 1o'10'lslll Harrl'l. IIIlnor chlltln 1I : lIllllll lrs allaw of Clara Jallc Uarrlll , IIt'c , a el. Wlillalll 11. Uarrls , lIoll.rclIl.lenl de. ftllllalllll. Y'JU. alllll'ach of ) 'on will tale lIolIl'e.that on Ihe22I1llla'of JIIIII' . 11)5. Charle'll . HlbMon. IIlalntllf , tiled hi' : ! "ellllon In thl ! pllrlct COllrt of CIIIIIIr ! I ollnl ) ' , Nebra"ka. altalllMt YOII. the Ilhj'ct all.t Jlra'I'r uf wlilch art ! to ( oreclo e a c'rtallllllorlltJlte exeeIlU..1 b ) ' Clara Jalle liar , riM alill Ihe tldelldelll Wllllalll U. HarrlR to ! Jlll1el.I. ! . I.olllbanl UII the Nurtll cast ttuarter ( Ne4of ! \ Sectlolilwellt"Hlx (2 ( ( , ) 'l"uwn"'hlp " ' III It II t , . .i.11 ( I ) Hallltl ! Iwell\.II\o (25) ( ) III Cllnter CuuIIIY. Nl'hralka , to ! ! eCllrl ! tile Ila'lIIelil of llleir prom. 1.lIor ) ' 1I0te uf RU\'ell hlllldrell dullar ! ! ( $ OO.OO/ Ilalellolllhe II.I .Ia ) ' oC JIIIII,1833 , a 11I1 tlue alltl 1II'able : 1111 Ille Isl day of JUIIC. IMfJ3 wllh IlIler. ORI al 10 lIeI' celli frum lIIaturllY alltl which lIaltl lIote wal ! extelllled ulIIII UII ! 1st tla ) ' of Jllne. 1i6 ! wllh Ilitoro l al the rate uf 7 p'r CClit per allnUIII. 'J'lIal Ihere II ! tlllo :11111 1I111)alll 111'011 ! ! alollioll' alllllllllrillalll ! thl ! IIUIII uf : li1141.oo. 1"lIr wldch 811'\1 ' wllllinterelll fret , ' J1I1R dale Ihe "Iailltiff praYM fur a decree IIf foreclosure allll Male 01 lIahlllrllIIlleR , \1111 arll rellulretl to allwer Haiti IlelltlOlI 011 or before MOUlta ) ' llie 14th 11:1of AUllu'lt I'J05. C. A. HOUINSON. 3- ( , AUurne ) ' fur 1'lallltlff. _ . - - - - - - - NONJn'I\I : ! \ N'I' NOTICI . III nl'ltrlct Cllurt , CIISler COllllly. Nebralka. Ualwta I.oall & 'J'rll1 COlllllall ) ' , A COfJr- allulI.Plalllllif. VII. LI\vIMPCIIIIIIIlloll.all.t ! ! ! ! . I.uwl. . PIll II I 1I1C101i. hl'l WHI' , II rill a 11I1 filII II a lIIe II II IWllwlI. IIcfelillelll.lIlIllcc. ' 1'1. . , .lcfell.It'nt ! ! I.ewl ! ! PI'nllllurlulI alld J\lr . I.l'wl'l P'lIlIllIlllolI hi. . wHc1'111 , \akl ! lIotice Illat Oil thl ! 2Jtll day of JIIIIU 1'5. ( tile Dakota J.oall : lIl1llrn1 10. . IIInllllHf h < lroili. filed It'H 1'llIlon In tilt ! Ulslrlct COllrt of l:1Iller ! COllnl ) ' , Nebrrka , alCalllMMahl dcfmldallts. lite object alll I'ra'cr IIf which are In fureclose a certalll 1II0rtllaICe execule.1 b ) ' Nalhall S. 1'fllvllice 10 , the plalllliff IIPolilhe followlllittlescribed Nelli- Is.s. III-wli. ' 1'lIe SH IIf Ihl ! Nwi ! of Sec. 13 alltl the gJ of the Ne 4 of Sec. 14 all III 'l'owllllhlp 14 Nllrth of Hallll' " 22 Wesl IIf Ihe 6th I" IU. III CIIHtor COlility. NehraRIIa , (0 HeCllfe the pa ) ' . 1I1l'lIl of a IlflllIIlROry 1I0te dall'll A 11"11111 21Mt 1& . " jllr Ihe 101111I of ( ' ( JO dllt ! allll pa'ahlon till" 111'101 : ! } ' Selll mhcr IM'H. 'l'hal there Is IIOW IllIe alllllllll'altl IIPOII ! ! alllllote aOlI 1lI0rllrae , thl ! SIIIII of ' tOlCclhel' wit II Interesl at 10 I er cellt fl'IIIII SClltelllhH Isi. 1895. 'l'he 1.lallitHf 11I.1)1 ! for a tI'cr..e of foreclll"'lIm alill Hall ! 01 I''hll'rIHllbe ! ! . YOII an' rl'qlllrell 10 allswer Raid I I'elilloll Oil Ul' heflll'c tile 31sl dtoy of JIII ) ' . 1'105 , DalcII this 20th Ila ) ' of JIIIIC , 11)05 , DAlllrA I.II.\N & 'l'JlUST ( ' 0. 2.5 11) ' C. 1I.110Icolllb. IIH Auurue ) ' . . - - - ' ' , ' " ' ' NO'I'ICI 01 PINAL SW1"l'LEl\mN'l" 111 COlillty COllrt. CIIRler Conllt ) ' . Nd'r\ljlea. 'l'olhll Crc.lllor ! ! allll lIelr. . allli all wlto ar. : ! Iliteretellill the elllall ! of Stella P. lIarlsllflrll i tl'cca"cll. ! 'l'ake Nollce/rltal Geo. 'V.SlmIllM.ulmlnl\tra. lor uf the afore"ahll "tate. ha'l IIlel a rel'url of hlR 1I01l11C ! ! al "liCit , alill a\s \ thalhe ! ! an be allllro\'t'll. alill that he he tllchar ell frolll fllr. ther IIhlhealloli thereili. all.\ that tltelullllty JIIIII : " ' ! lIIake11 order a. . to thl ! dlltrlhlllloll ! I.f the a'l'lelH helolllrllllC to ! ! altl "Mlate aR ma ) ' SCCIII jlllli a 11I1 eqllitable : a 1111 lo Ile'll lIaH the helm elllllll.1I In a Rltarc III I'ahl eitale. alill tll ! ! rallt HIICIt olher relief as ma ) ' b. : ! tI e'Hn ell Ifeces"ary III Ihe filial Rel\lemelll IIf Rahl eRlate , Salol matl'r hall heoll "e ( for hearhu ! " Oil Ih 25111 II a ) ' of Jllh' . t'J05 , at 10 lI'cloek a. m. , at tllil COllllty Court Hoom. In Brokell 11011' . Nc- 1Ira..la , at which lime alIl , place all \Iarlhf IlIlere lellmay aplcar allll be heard concernlllil the ! lallle. Datl'lI tltls 17tll lIa ) ' of Jlllle. 1905. [ 'IIMI.I J. A. AI < MOUH. 2-5 COllllty Jlltllte. ' ' ' ' ' " NOl'H'E'1'O CHEDI'1"OHS. Conllt ) ' Court , CIIRI.r : COllllt ) . , NebraRka. 'l'he crcdltorR ufJthe eMta\e of Jame ! ! G' Ams. herry decease.l : ' 1'ak , ! NIIIce. ! Thal 1 will ! lIt al the Count ) ClIlIl't room , In Hrokell 111111'.111 HahlCoullty. 01 : \1101 2'J\l1 ' lIaof Jill ) ' , I'JOS. ' allll 011 lite 23nl tin ) of Dec. l'A)5. ) each at 10 lI'clock a. m. of eacl : Ila ' . 10 recelvo alllll'xamine all clalnl > 1 alrallisl Ioalll e"lale , wltlt . a view \0 thelralljllsunenl all allowal.ce. 'l'hll time IImltell for the J.reselllatlOiI 0 : claim ! ! a alllsl saltl 1'Ilale IR Rlx mOll\llR froll Iho . ! .3nl da ) ' of Jlllle , 1'105. allil the tlm ! ! IImllell for I a'mellt of lIebtH Is IIlIoyear frolll sahl date D.III,1hlsl7th , lIa ) ' of Jlllle 1'105. J. A. AH IOUH , 2-5 COlility Jmhe. Unltell Slale > l I.allll On1ce. l Norlh Plalle , Nebraska. lIla ) ' 2 . 1905. f Nollet ! I. . hereb ) ' lvllI lhal tlte followlill II a III "elllcr \ Ita. . Ulellllolleu of hili IlitentiOl. tl male lillal prollr III Rll11t.ort of hi ! ! clallll. .alll Ihal salol l'l'oof will bo made bdore Geontllll Mall' . Clerk uf lhe mlltrlct Cllllrt.II Itls officI at 1I1'01eli Jlow , Nebralllm , Jllly M. t'J05 ' , VI : lIlarlha Obllo who lIIalle 1I0011esieall 1 1INo. . 171)51 for th , \I' > leJ NeC I 100\'nslIl" 1,11 H 2Z W. He lIallles the foil 'wllll : " wltliesseR to I1OVI hIs cOllthlllllllR rClhlelice ! 111'1111 alltl clIlII\'allol of ! laltl 101111117. : Chal'leH U. Jeffnrllll , HrokellHow. . Nehr. . . . . . 1'lIImel : J . Shell , I' . . . . . . . 111'11Marlill. . . . . . . . J..ICI.h J\larlill. . . 51. ( , GlmHlHc 1 . I.'ItICNCII. He.ter. 11l1ltell SlatcR I.allll On1ce. ' Uruln'lI 11011' . N.br. . JIIIII ! 3. I' ' 5. i Nolh : " 'I'lwrch ' ) ' . .Ivell thal Ihe f..llowlill lIamell "ctlhr Ims file.1 11011c" of hit ! IlIlell\11I1 IlIlIIakl ! IIl1alpl'Ollf III "IIPl'ort IIf hlR claim NIJ . I ( 'oS. all.1hat "a hI'lIof will Iou 1II:1I11 ! hcfnr HeIHlcr :11111 H'cel\'or at llroken How. NeIJr. Oil Jill ) ' I , I"J05. vl7. : . . . -11. . . . Wo..Ce' . . . . IIrnkeli Unw. NIbraslla , for lite Ne ! Sec. 34. ' 1' 17. N. . H. I' ' ) . " ' . lie lIamc ! ! the followlllll' witnesses 10 J'ro" . . - . ' . . . . . It' , , . ' . . , , ' . . . . . . . . n . . - - - ! II. coalluaouJ tt"lde cc : apO1 and calfhatftrlf of "aid lalld , Tlz : lIancy 111. Plckenllol IJer\r1l1 , Nebra'lka ; , . , lIenry Casltmall , of DerW1I1 Ntbrallka : Charley Davidson. of IJem''n. Nebraska : Georlle W. Mc. Rae. of Brokell Jlow. Nehrapka. , 52,6 JAMES WtUTr.ItICAlI , Rfll' Ier , . United Stale ! ! Lalltl Omce , l Droken Bow. Nebra ku.lay 7 , 11)05. f Nollce Is herebY Itl"cn tbat lbe follo\\'hllt . .t nallletl Rellier ha" " , IIh d 1I0tice of hl'l Inlenllon I"t ; make IIl1al proof IlIlIuPl > orl of hiM clallll , al\ll 'I Ihat Raltl proof will bc IIHhlu b\fore Hellisler a 1111 Recel\'er at IJrukeli BII\\ ' , Nebraska , on JUl ) ' 7. 1905. vl : 010 OlsollJ.Holllld Valle ) ' . Nebraska for Iho II se > > sec J 'I' I N. It II\\ , . lie lIallleH lho follol\'lIl1C WlllleS&eB to I' fO\'O hl ClllllhtllOUI ! re"ldelice IIl'tllI all.l clIlI" . allen of Rahllallll. , 'Iz : ' uf Houlltl VatJey. Nchr. g'ers. nrorl/e ) . . . . . . . JIIIIII Kleeb. . . . : , A1-118t Kleeh. . . , : " Nel' : ! A. lIall. JAMR'IIITICItr.AI" . . fa.5G \cl/l"ler. \ . ' . Nollcc of l'rnbalu of Will. III tbeCllllnty Courlne CII ler"IHIIIINdraRka. . ' 1'0 all l'\rSOIl'l IlIlercRtetl Iu lile e'\taln uf Janll' ! ! n. Alllllhl'rr ) ' . IJcel..I e.l. Wlll'Hl , \ , 1':11I : ilia A AIIIlbcro'ofllaIIICollnl ) ' ha'lIllI'1111I the ollke of the ( , OU 11 1J..IIII' . : tll 1I'lrlllllclil IllIrpllrllnlt to I" , lho laRI Will aud 'l'l"lIt:1l11elll of Ja ! ! G Alllljhcrry 1I.'cea sl'Il , laic of lIal.l CUlluty , allli a pclllioll tra'llIillll ha'e Ihe flame alIl1lllell 10 tlwlJate. wlllcit Will lelaleR loholh real alill t.erRllllal ellaI'liereUpIIII I ha\'o allPllllllel1 th10th 1I\y , of JIIII. : ! 111.)5 at HI o'clock 111 the fOl'clloou. al the IIlhCI ! of Ihe COUIIIY COllrll1l Rahl COllllt ) ' . aM tbe tllllO allll Illace YOII an.1 all cOllccrllel , lIIay al.\lear a 11I1 cOlllc"l Ihe Ilrnhale nf the H\llIe. ; , Halctl ; lla ) ' 171h 1'1..15. ( SUAL ) J. A. AHMOUH. COIIUt ) ' Jlllllle. ARTCr.I S 0' ' " INCOHPOH\TION. ' " 'c lIlI ! IIIHhrRhClle.l. hereh ) ' a'\\oclate ollr- Relve'l 10llelh\r for th , ! IHlflIO'of for11l11lR' a cOflloralloll 1IIIIIer Ihe lawR IIf tlm State of Nl" bra Mica. alill to1101' \ the follol\'llIlI' AIIcIeR of llicorporallllll. Arl. I : 'I'll. , lIalllll b ) ' whlc a Ihls corlloratlon Rhall be knl wn III Sl'cllrll ) ' : .jtate lIallk. Arl. II : 'l'he prlllc\jlal \ l'I : " "lIf hIlHllle 'J IIf tblM cUflKralioll shall h" al Brnhell Bol111 the L'oUlilY IIf Cuoler alld Male of Nehra lm. Ari. III : 'rile ohjecl for I\'hlch Iltl'l corllor' alolI III tnrme.1 Is to carr ) ' 011 a Cot1l1uerclal hallklilit hll"llIess IIl11h r the laws IIf lIm elate' of Nehrallla. Art. IV : 'l'hll authorl7eI cal'llal Rlocle of thlllcnlporatioll IIhali be ! 5lJO.llo.l , whlclt slock IIhall he 111\'lole.1 IlItll "hamll of Ihl ! par , 'ulue of ; IOO.Ulll'olch. of which $ ISl-oJ.1IO , Rhall hI ! &ub. scrllJ'd all'\ \ full ) ' "ahllll1. No trall'\rer or thll RIOCI ( of tltls corporation ! ! hall ho II lie r1t I"I I ! UII- tll entered 1111/11I the bookR of the corporatlllll. Arl. V : "l'hc hlltlto'it hlllehtllllIe'\'i II' ' thl. . corporalloll shallllut l'"ceell I \\11 tltluls of lilt ! Ilahl III' callital ( excepi lIel.II'IIIII ) . Art. VI : 'l'hl ! ! corllorallull . .1t.\11 bell hi hlllli. nes ! ! UII the lHt lIa ) ' uf JUIII' . I'JtJ5 ' , allJ tUlmlllale 011 the 1l1 Ilav of JUI. . . . 2 l ) " . Art. VII. 'l'h" oUlcl'rtof thll corlloralloll shall bc a l'rcliidelll , Vlcul'r' > ! lllIellt , Ca'\hwr. AlIsl'llant Ca'lltler. all.1 a 1I0anlof nlreeto. . . ; . cOIIRIHllll1t IIf 5 11I1'1IIhl'rH of which the IInH lIametlon1c.ff : ! ma ) ' he a Ilal t. 'l'hlRal.llln1cern alld lloanlof nlwctorH shall ha'e Ihe lIIallllr'J- : mellt alld cOlltrol ufhe affair' ! ul thIs corpor- allon. Arc. VllI. 'rhe alluualllleelhlit of lhe IItocle. hohllrs ! ulhlR cOII'oralioll shall heIII tlte 3nl , ' 1'lIe\day 111 Oct. III l'och year. al which lIIeet. IIII : ' lhe ot1 cers all.l IIlrl'l'lurR Hltalllll ! ell'ch'd by the IItuckholllers of Ihl" COfllllf\llllll. 'l'he Ie rill IIf o icuf Ihe otllcl'rs alHl IIlrec\llrM aho\e pfIJ"hletl for IIhall he fill' a p rlo,1 IIf olle ) 'ear. or IIntil their IIIICCII"SlIr ! ! am ftlectell allll IIlIall. 111' ' ' ; A lIIajorlty of tlte Rharel ! of thl ! ! cllrpor. a\lolI sltall COllslltllte a 1IIIIIrlllll al ar"lIlIlar / or spcclal 1II1't'\11I1C. Arl. IX. gaclt sluckhol.ter IIltall , al all i . reiular ur IIptJclal IIwelllllts. h. : ! IHltl1I1J11 to 0111' Ii vote. l"lIher III persoll ur b ) ' pm"Y. for each . IIltalent "tock hetd. ' \1'1. X : 'l'he Arllcles of IlIcllrporation ilia ) ' be alllellde" at all ) ' rellillar or I''tJclal nll'tllI ! ! callell fllr that I'lIal'ORe. by a IwtHltlrllRute IIf all thl ! ! ilOcl ( uf the curporatlull. WllneH our hallds this 31101 11:1) ' ofMa , ' , 1905. " JUI.I S IIAUlIIOMT ' JUliN 11. l\T\'J > ItS. " ' . ' \.O"OHOIC. t 011 thl s 31Rt tla ) ' uf 1\1:1) ' . 1905 , hdort ! IIII' I.eu. 'V. Dcwl' ) ' a COllllly CIi"k III :11111 fllr Clllller I CUllnty alld Rlailluf Nehr l"ka 11111) ' CUIIIIIII"lolI' 'I cd alill 'IlIalll1ed. 1'l'rHUllall ) ' al1Pcarell " ' . A. I. . Georlle , Jullll I . l\h'erll an" Jllle'l 1I:1l1l11on ( to . lIIe kllown tll he the Idulltlcal pl'rSIIl' ! ! who'le IIIIue8 are an1xe" lulIe forc\rollllC IIIRlrlllllellt of Incofl'lI'atioll. allll each for hllllReHlackllow- ledllell tltl ! ! ! ame tu h. . hl vol II II tt 1' ) ' act. * - , - - " IN Wl'l'NERS'l1l JUO" : " ' . I have . { SR.\\ : . . herllInlll Ret my halHI allil al1ixed III ) ' * - ' - . olliclal seal , Ihe da ) ' alld ) 'ear last aIJo'e wrlttell. ' 10 Olto. w. nIC"uCo. . Clerk. ' - ' " I By Jos. P"I I.\N. nellllt ) . . I hereh ) ' cerllry thal the aho\'e : uIII fureolllR' : articles uf Illcurporalloll uf 'l'lte S'cllrlt ) ' tale llallk IH a Irlle aud corrcct COI' ) ' ur tlte odlCllI.11 o < \rtlclel all Hied wllh the Slate Uallldllll IIlIanl. \ \ ' . A. n HOIClII' . I SIIL"crlbe.111I III ) ' IJfc"l"IICe alll , b\1'orll tu be. : fore 11I0 ( his Sih "a'of Jlllle.1fJJ5. . d 5 HOSH n. 'I IC T otar . \ : lIhllc. _ _ . . _ lUurket n.CIOrt for Today. UAIN- . Wboal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 .7'1 liMIer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 , lIaI8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.1 Uyo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 i Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 1 ( , . ,1 Llv.'J 8TOOK- \ 1101111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.65 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q. 4.50 OI'WS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .e.75 : ! : ; 25 1'00LTUY- H1rIDg ChIckens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cblok" , II"r pon"1. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 e TurkoY8or .IOUIIlI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ' 8 rnoDuoB- e UutLer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 II Kgg. , lI'r Ilor.eD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 ) ( . 11 IIItI.I.A IIIIOOS- l'otlto08. I'ur ' hu5hol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Unlol18.llor bushel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 lIa" pur lOll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H.OO tilrl\WtlOr rwt , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 tull r. Urnnllllllotl. 1'lIr ' o\YI.$5.SO@ 7.35 \ _ ' ! I The Cottage Hotel ; , .0 OCONt"O. N'inl " " " ' . : . .1 GlIOtI accullll1lctlaIIOlI'l. Prll'e ! ! rcasollahle. Corrall f"r Hhlt.t,11I1 : " cattll' . lla ) ' allllI ala for \ . 2 hUlln fur 10 celllS a hea.I. . . t ! 11'11.1 IUI. & . ' .J R , 1.rOIr. t , :3.J : . ; : : > Is : . . . . . . r'.J.J ; ; ' ; . . . . ' I2 2 ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i.i.J. . . . , . t'lr'2ZC. s m . Clothing cleaned , pressed l I The Pantator.lurn m I and repaired for both ladieR t : t aud gentlemen , Satisfaction guaranteed. U ive me m JH liJ n trial order. Over llaber- D fi1 = = I : : " = llaberM Id : J I ! r * 1 \ . ! H Before You Builp , Consult H 1 I \ Illli ! 1II 1 ! Gr-eo. : lapin.ea"U. : , ; . Contractor and Builler. Estimates 1 IrII I i li'nrnishec1 free with plans and specifications. Ie I ! lli.ll ! ! ! * i' ' H ; \ @ill.U.L ! LY \ \ /IJ"J' IUlIJ . ' ! . ! ! . ! ! ' ! ' . " " ' : " : # ! = - ' : " = . . _ r = r : = r = i'r $ fu"'l. F : ! r : : : : r = r : r = r = ) I . . . _ _ , . - . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - , . . . . .1-4. . . . . . . . . , , , , , . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . . . , . . ' . . . . . , . . 1" . . . . . . , . . . . . , . ' . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 'Jt. . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . , ! " 'o. , . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ! \ . , . " , 'i'l f : ! I ; .r. . ! : . . .L : i.J. , , , . . .r.I . . i1.r. ril . .l. , f. , I " : . . : .r..f'ar..rh.11. .f Jt.'i : : : : : " : , Io : ' . . < : . . . . . " . .u. . . . . . . : . ; . . .1 . " : t.ii : "f. 1I ; . . , ' "ii : . l.t'j . . . . . ! . .a ; < otI.r. l. . : . : . & : .j ; ! "til t. . lit H. When desiring to figurc on a bill \ t ; t , . t. . . of Lumber call on the. . . . . . . . . . : - ' ! _ 'Ji . : u " : ; , - c. L. Tu ner Lumber Co. t : 'Ve carry a IUn stock of Lumbcr , . : } : n Sash , Doors , Mouldings , etc. , . fM . , .It ' . Agcnts for the Nebraska Central r : ) . Building & Loan Association. II ' h. b. I . . . . . . . : " : . :191r : : . ; 9Jia ; ' : .r : .MJlr"J''lP : : ! fJ . a . . \ .al"'t : : : : . : . - , . . ! : :7Jj : ! 9 . . lJ-fl : \t- \ ! .