. . . . . . ' . r" , . 'TWO OPEN LETTERS - 1 IPORT l'iT TO PIJ\RI\lED WO IEN JoIrs. MBry Dimmick ot Washington tolls How Lydia E. PlnkhBm'a VOKotabl Compound Mndo Her Wen. It Is with grcnt plcnsuro wo pubUsh the followIng letters , ns they convincingly - ingly provo the olaim wo have 50 mnny times made in our columns that Mrs. - . I , I I I Pinldmm , of Lynn , Mass. , is fully qualified - i fied to I vo helpful nil vi co to siclt women , Rend Mrs. Dhnmlck'a letters. ' . Her first letter : Dear Mt's. Pinkham : - II I have been a sufferer tor the pa.st el"ht yonrs with n trouble which first originated from pnlnCul mcnstnll\tlon-tho pains 'Woro excruciating , with In n1Uml tlon and ulceration - tion of the womb. The doctor says I must bBVO nn oCration } or I cnnnot live. I do not WIlDt to submit to an operation U I cnn possibly - bly avoid it. Plco.so help mo.-lrs. Mnry Dimmick , Washington , D. O. Her second letter i 'Door 1Irs. Pinkham : - II You will remember my condition when X. last wrote you , nnd that the doctor said 1 must have nn operation or 1 could not lIvo. , . I received your kind letter and followed your advlco very cArefully nnd nm 110W entirely well , . As my ca.so WI18 so serious it seems n mirnclo thnt I nm cured. 1 know that I owe not only my health but my lICe to Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound nnd to your ndvlco. I cnn wnlk miles without nn ncho or 8 pnln , nnd I , vi8h every : suffering womnn , TVould read this letter nnll renllze whnt you can do Cor them.-1\Irs. Mnry Dimmic1c1.l. ! Jth o.nd Enst Cnpltol Streets , Wnshington , 1) . O. How easy it was for Mrs. Dimmiclt to write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn , Mass. , nnd how little it cost her-n. two-cent I , stamp. Yet how valuable was the repl ' 1 s Mrs , Dimmick says-it saved her life. : MrsPinlham has on file thousands : of just such letters as the nbove , and offers ailing women helpful advice. , i } I , \ FOR WOMEN i. troubled with ills peculiar to ' " . . . . 1 their se % used as A douche il marvelously .ue- ceuful. Thorouihlycleanses : , killsdiscase germs I I MOPI discharges , beals inflammation and lOcal .oreness , cures leuconh a and nasal catarrh. Puline h In powder form to be dissolved In pure 'Water ' , and Is far more cleansing , healing , Ecrmtadal and economical than liquid antlscptlcs for all . . TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES I l-'or Gale at druggists , ( j ( ) ccnts a Lox. Trial Dox and Dook of Instructions Pree. 'tHC R. PAXTON COMI'ANY DOSTON , U"ag. " , , ) ; You ( n Double Your Money , ! By Investing In Texns tnrm lanl1 now. Fertllo soil , abundant rain Call , mild 1 cUmate and good markets , 'Vrlto or call em WEBSTER & MILLER , Omaha Nat'l : Dank DldS' . , Omaha , Nebr. f , 'J- " Grace fOr Both. A theologIcal student , bolne urged by some young ladles to join n. quad. rlllo , doolined i n.nd , turnIng to n. young lady near by , nsked , with raUlcr au imposing aIr , "Do you thlnle , Mra. - - . that n. man ought to dance who ex , pects to 1111 the 11\l1plt 7" The lady replied - plied , "I don't see why ho should not , provided bo bas grace for both. " Here Is Rollof for Women , Mother Gray , a nurse in No\ " York , dis.- covered a ple\IIl\nt herb re 111 edr tor , vomon's 111s , cnlled AUS'l'UALIAN-LEi\l' . It , is the only cortaln monthly regulator. Cures remBle weakness os nnd Dackache , IClllnoy , Dladder and UrInary troubles. At Bll Dl'UFt. gists or b ' 1111\11 lJ cts. Sample mailed FREE. Address , The Mothur Gray Co. , LoRoy. N. Y. The hottest and coldest months for . the ocean nro August and Februt ry. . I Don't you know that Definnce Starch besides being absolutely superior tQ any other , Is pUl up 16 ounces In pack. age and Bells nt snme priceS ! 12- ounce pncltll.les of other klnds7 Acting a part possesses the dn.ngel ot boln carried too far. The well enrnoo reJ1utnt1on nnd Inerctl9 Ing po ularit.y of the Lewis'I Single 1311111er , ' straight Cic cigar , Is due to the maintained high qunl1ty nnd nPlreclnUon of the smoker. Lewis' lJ'nctory , PeorlnllL Kissing and shalt1ng hands are rnro- ly pracllced in Japau. It you don't get the biggest nnd best Its your own fuult. Detlance Starch Is tor sale everywhere nUll there Is positively nothing to equal it In qual. Ity or quantity. The tone ot the volco cnrries deceit quito as much as does the utterance , A pa rlct is n politician who Is tryIng - Ing to brealt Into 'office. ' 'Dr. DR'V1Il Konm"ly'lI FRTorlh , Rernf(1 , . eu : ll'Lgr. ' I ee e i I : " : A t bl t A wpman may lose her mind , but she Is never at n. loss for words. San Fr.anclsco's Destiny. Statistics derived from the highest posslblo authorities are sufficIent to establish the claim ot San Francisco that it is the financial Now Yorlt of the Pacific collst. They also point clearly to the observing person the fnct that much greater things are in store financially for San l'rancisco. ! Many prominent persons in all parts of the world believe that San Frn.n. cisco is destined to become eventua.lly ono ot the great money centers ot the world. There are sufficient fa.cts to make interesting , nnd _ possibly Jnstruc- tivo , a consideration ot the possibilities - ties ot the future In this dIrection.- DavId H. Walker in Sunset MC1lazbuJO'I' .TUn6. A man's affidavit as to his OWlJ character Is not e\'idence. Important to Mothers. Exnmlno caretully every bottle ot CASTORIA , II sate nnd I. < uro remedy lor Intnnts nnd children , nnd see t nt It Donrstho Signatnre ot . , . In Use For Over 30 Years , The KInd You IInvo Always Dought. A plain face is its own chaperon. , rt r . t , ) , : BAKINC \ C POWDER 1 at one-third what you've been paying , for anywhere near K C quality. A 2J . . ounce can costs 2JC. Think of the savingl , I Can you make money any easier ? Get it to-day. The grocer returns the , price of can if you are not sntisfied. . /111 Grocers Send pOlul for thc beautiful "Book of Presenu , " I FRE& If I f \ , ' \ , 1- : I / \ I , IMPROVEMENTS . . . . . recently added to the popular .Muelle. plnnos , make them the greatest plJI.Do value known , From our Inctol'7 to the howe. SAVES $75.00 to $150.00 Our Illustrnted booklet-tree tor the nllklng-tells you why. Write tor It today , we'll nnswer tomorrow. Address the makers , , ( . SC"MOlLrR & MUELLER ( We have DO a ent.l. ) 1S13 lI'anua _ It. OIU.IIA. 10CJL 1 \ I ' . . \ . _ _ I _ . I ! THEY HAD MET DEFORE. . - When Arnold Daly and His Loading Lady Exchanged Remlnlscol\ces , Arn01lt Daly , who has mndo suth a good thIng or Dernard Shaw amI who spcnlts or bringing that lh'(1) ' Irl h. man to this sldo next winter , is in. vol\'cd in the followIng : 1\IIss Loulso Clossor , who playoll Prossoy the t'pewrlter In ' ' 'Canadn' ' Inst Benson , told the story at n well- known dramntlc schopl the other day , "When I resoh'ed to go upon the stage , " said MIss Closser , "being still a ) 'oung thIng , I went to'Mr. . I'rob. mnn's office , stead'lng my nerves at the door b ) ' rcpentlng o\'er and o\'or again 'Perse\'eranco Is the price of success' and such.lIIto brnclng sontl. ments. In thnt wa ) ' I got as far as the anteroom. There I SaW nn office bo ) ' sItting with his feet UPOI1 the deslt and newspaper before him. " 'Is Mr. Frohman In7' I aslted. " 'Nnw , ' sulll the office boy , without changing Ids position or raising llis e'es. " 'Then I'll wnlt , ' sahl I. I waited an hour in silence. Then it occurred tome mo to put a slmplo question. I addressed - dressed the still absorbed office boy. " 'When will 1\Ir. Frohman bo In 7' " 'lIo ain't goln' to bo In , ' ho an. swored shortly. 'Ho's in Eu'ope. ' " 'Naturnlly I retired after tlll1t. When I went into Mr. Dab"s company last winter I told him the story. , j 'Woro you that girl7' ho sahl. 'I. . was that office boy.Now Yorlt Tlmos. SNAPSHOT PRIZED BY ACTO . Catnera Caught Sir Henry Irving In the Act of Sneezing. Sir Henry Irving has in his possession - sion a photograph talten many years ago , in which . ho is the center of a small group.or people , which ho sayS nothing would malto him part with. The occasion on wh\c11 the photograph was talccn wa's the landing of Sir Hon. ry Irvlng'and Slmo : of the members or his company from nn Atlantic liner , and a snap.shot artist who was there toole a plcturo of the group just before they left the vessel. The weather was cold nnd raw , and jUGt as the camera Was about to snnp Sir Henry started to sneezo. The pho. tograph represented him , well In the foreground of the group , with Ills face drawn and contorted , In the very nct of sneezing In showing the photograph to sarno friends ono day Sir Henry remarlted : "I prize that photograph more than a1y lover had In which I appear , because - cause it represents mo in an entirely unconventional light. " - New Yorlt Times. An Awkward SItuation. Congressman Morrell , of Phlladel. phla , saId in' the course or an address to National Gunrdsmen : "As colonel of the Third RegIment of Pennsylvania , I once toole part In an odd and amusing episode. " : \Iy regiment was marching down Dread street In the van of an Immense and magnificent parade when , near Walnut street , it became necessary 1:0 . push the people back a little. 'rho ropes had brolten at this point , and the people , quite unlntentlonal1y , encroached - croached on the IIno of the parade. "I assigned 0. handful of : roung privates to help the police handle the crowd , and ono private , stationed near me , I ltopt my eye on. Ho got every. body. baclt except a fat man. This person - son dId not move , " 'Prl\'ate , ' said I , 'put that fat mnn bacle. ' " 'Ho sa's ho can't get bacle , the crowd is pushing so , ' the private an- swered. " 'Put ) 'our musltet butt In his chest , ' said I , 'and force him bacle. , You are the stronger. ' " 'Yes , ' said the private , "I Imow I'm the stronger , but he's the foreman of ' ' ' our shop. D lntlcs for the Invalid. Simeon Ford tells of some amllslng experiences of a lady he lmows who Is IllOst charitably dlslIosed toward the poor of the slums. Ono day thIs worthy woman in the goo ness of her oeart visited a small boy In whom she was Interested and who wns cCU1\'ales. clng from II. long Illness. With her she arried some fine fruit for the Ind ; but to her surprlso the mother re. celved the offering rather dubiously , evincing little apprecIation of or gratl. tudo for what the charltablo lady thought would bo most acceptnblo to the little sufferer. When 'next the good Samaritan called at the place she aslted the moth. er how the boy had enjoyed the fruit. "Very well , " was the laconic an. . swe "And did he cat all of It 1" "Oh , yes , " r SllOn e(1 ( the mother , carelessly ; "ho got 'awa ) ' with it all right ; but the boy Is 111'0 me , ho don't care much for frills ; IIItes something sllbstlmtlal and tasty , f'r Instance , pig's feet.-New Yorl , Times. . Freedom and LOV . lIow delicious Is the winning Of n Idss at love's beginning , " 'hen two mutual heartij al'o sighing For the Imot thera's no unt'lng ! Yet remember , mid ) 'our wooing , Love has bliss , but lo\'e hns rulll\ \ , : Others' smiles mn ' mnke 'ou flckle , 'l'ears for other charms ml1) ' trlcll1o. Love ho comes , nne1 Lo\'e ho tnrrles , Just I1S fnto or fnncy carries : Longest stnys where sorest chidden , Laughs nnll 111es when pressed nnd bid. den. Dlnd the sen to slum ocr stilly , Dlnd Its odor to the Illy , Bind the nspen ne'er to quiver , 'l'hen nlnd lo\'e to last forever. C.OVO'b It tlro thnt needs renewal Ot fresh beauty for Its fuol. Lava's will ! ; ' moults when cnged nnd cap- tufed : Only free , he soars enrnptured. Cnn you Icep the ! IN ) tram rnnllng , Or the rl" , .do\'e'/I neck trom chnnGing7 No ; nor tettered Lo\'e trom d 'ln In the knot there's 110 untrlng. _ 'rh.n. . . C' . . " ' . . u - - NAMfS BfST DOCTOR : MR , DA YSSON PUDLISHES RESULTS OF V ALUADLE EXPERIENOE , A Fnrmnr rronolll\l'l'11 n , , pl'I1t1o Uo Now ltt\JolceI 11\ l'erlnctrt'lnll \ Irout l\lIaerll's 01 11ll1ll'sUon. ! ThouMmls of sufferers lcnow thl\t the rORson why the ' nro i\'rltnblo n1ll1 do- prollsod null ner\'ous ( lUll sleepless is bo- reuse their fOOlldol'S notdige8t , but how' to gotrhl or tbo difiloultyis thopuzzUug que\tlon. ! Good digestion calls for stron IlIgcs. th'o orgnu\ ! , nUll fltrcngth comes from n , lUpply of gootl rioh blOOtl. 1"'or this renson1\lr. lla 'ssu ! took Dr. Wlllin11ls' Piuk PillA for the 0111'0 nr imllgestion , U They hnvo been lilY best doctor , " 110 says. . . I wns sufforiug frmn I1Yllpopsia. The pains in lilY stomach lifter 1II0nls were nlmost uubeal't\ble. 1\1 ' flel'p Was \'ery irrogulm' aud my complexion WaR MlloAs the result or usiug eight hOXOR of Dr. Wl1l111111S' Pink Pills , about the merits ot which I learn ell from fd ul1/i / in Fl'anco , I hn\'o escapCll nll those troubles , amI mn nblo ngt\iu to tnko plct\sure in ellting. " A very 81mlJlo story , but tr it hnll not been for Dr. Willlnms' Piuk Pills it might 111YO J.eenn ) tragio oue , When discomfort - comfort begins with eatlug , fills up the lute1'vl\ls between 1II0nls with pnlu , aud prevents sleep nt night , there cortaiuly cm11l0t bo much plenstll'o in li\'iug. A 11nnl general brenldug down must b , mcrely question of tlmo. Mr. Joseph Dtsou is nntiyo of Alx.los.Dnius , li'mnce , but no\v ros tles nt No. 2.130 Lnrldn street , San1'ranoisco ! , Oal. Ho is oue of 1grent Humber who cnn testify to the r01 1arlmblo effieaoy of Dr. Wllliams' Pink 1)1I1s in the treatmeut of obstinate disorders of the stolUnch. If you would get ritl of nausen , pain or burulng in the stomncb , vertigo , nervousness - vousness , insomnin , or nllY of the othcr miseries of 1d 'spepUo , get rid of the wenkness ot the dlgesti\'o orgnns by the use ot Dr. Willinms' Piuk Pills. They n.ro solll by drusgists over 'where. Proper dlot Is , of coursol\ great nld in forwt\rdiug recovery 01lCO begun , and 1\ lIttle book , UWhat to Eat mill lIoto Ent , " mny bo obtnincd by auy ono who mnkes n request for it hy 'ITHing to the Dr. Willlnms l\Iedical 00. , SllOuectnlly , N.Y. This "alua lo diet book contnius an hnportnut chnJtor ] 011 the shU1Jlcst xnCQ.1lS for the curc of coustipnt1ou. Crystal Palacc Larget.t Building. The Crystal palace accommodates moro people limn any other building In the world. It will hold 1UO,000 people. AN AWFUL SKIN HUMOR. Covered Head , Neck and Shoulder.- . _ Suffered Agony for Twenty.fivo Years Until Cured by Cutlcura. "For twenty-fivo years I sulIered agony - ony from a terrlbla humor , complete. Iy covering my bead , neck and shoul. ders , discharging matter ot such of- fensl\'encss to al/ht / and smeH that I became nn object ot dread. I con. suited the most able doctors far and ncar , to no avail. Then I got Cull. cura , and in a surprisingly short lime I wns completely cured. For this I thank Cullcurn , and advlso all these sUfforlng from slein humors to get it and end their misery at once. S. P. Keycs , 149 Congress Street , Boston , Mass. " . It Is not alwnys well to declare you IU'O getllng less thnn ) 'ou de8ervo. $100 Reward , $100. The readers of thll paper will be pleascd to leam that there II at leutone dreaded dlaea.e thatsclpnco bal been able to curt ! tn all Iia Italel , and tbat II Catarrb. lIall'a Catarrb Cure II the only po ItI'CI cure noW' known to the melIcul fraternity. Calarrb being a conltltutlonal Illsea.e , requires a CODltltU' Uonal treatment. lIall'l Catarrh Cure II taken tn. ternally , actlnl ( dIrectly upon Ibe blood and mucoul lurfacCi of the IYltem , lhereby destroy InK the foundation of the ,1I.euso , nnd RlvlnK the patient Itrenllh b1 bulldlnl ; up the comlltutl"n and " . .Iota Ing na\ure In dolnK Italork. . The prol'rleWrs ' bavCl 10 mucb faltb In It I curative poweu tbM Ibey olrcr One lIundred Dollars for IIny case thllt It t&lil to cure. Send ( or lI t o ( tr.Umoulall , Address F , J. CIlfNP. : & ; CO , . Toledo. O. Sold by all Dru : II.U. 7 c. Take lIall'l l-'awlly 1'111' ( or coalUpllUOo. ThIs world owes e\'ery man a : hauco to earn an honest living. Jllrs. Wlnslow'A : ! Ioothln ! : Syrup. For cblldren teetbln , sottena the IlIl1Ia , reduce. In- /1aUlw..Uon , & 1lsy. pain , curcI wind collll. : : : it : a IJottlo. Small souls often cast big shadows. DOn "ESIYATEI Competent lIIon In the WANTED prlnUnK tradel. San Yrllncllco pa11 the bhbCln waltel In tbo United Btatel , PermaneDt JObl ! lIven to gtlod lion. ullion mon who can turlll' " laUllaetorr recommend , atlonl. Tbll II not a Ilrlke.brcaklni : propollUenl tbo l'acll1c CtI< Trpothetao baa decided to ' 0 to Iilo OPEN SIIOP and tbat mean. Jobl tor wlDpetent lIIen and ablolulo proteclon. AdJreu W. E. ALEXANDER , Seoretary Cltlreno'Allionoe , DOl Cro..lo , Bulldln" , San rronolooo. " " . . . . " . . For the Nursery. A p1nln green cartrlttgo paper Is USt as Lbo basIs or a prett ) . wnlt cov. orlng for a nursor ) ' , On It are pasted at Intervals figures of clliJllren ot the Kate Greonaway order , cut Crom a special palter Curnlshetl for the pur. 110so. Aro\1l11l the tOll is n deep trh"zo or jell ) ' 1001t1n ! ; rnlR , IMitlng down oyor n wall. The hlclOf pn.sllng au ) ' sultabl ( ' , IJlcturol ! on n IJlain qreen bal'ltgro\1lul for n chlll1's room Is worth carr'in ! ; out. A Centenarian'S ) Dreakfast , A Now York mnn who diell at UIO ngo or 104 ) 'ears , 1tew da's ngo had the same things for brcaltfnst durIng the Inst ninety 'ears-corrdo antI d ughnuts or. cUllors , followoll by n plpo ot tobncco ; ' 1'hls Is n saIl case for dlotar ) ' reformers to consider , but probabh' UIO ' will'malutaln Umt ho woulll ha\'o lI\'ed twenty ) 'ears longer but for the correo , tloushnuts nnd to- bacco. , Real Aboent-mlndedness , "As for nbs'ent.mhltlell men , " snld the ) 'out11 with rl'll hair , who hall just been rending n 'I.i\'o TOIJlc' about one "tho boot sn1l11110 I ever saw WaS a man who was lighting his cigar on the IJlalCorm of a car. 1Ie Imd n silver match saro. When the cigar was lit lie throwaway the match box amI careJIlly folded up the waX match and put It In bls pocltet.-Now Yorlt Sun , Attractive Garden Caprice. The lo\'oly gardens ot LatIy Windsor - ser in England are render ) ( l doubly. attractl\'o b ) ' an ingenious little tIe- \'Ico. Dig boles nro herM at rOll1lar intervnls in UIO sides or an upright barrel. This Is fined with rIch st l antI plants are put In so that they grow out of the holes , Thello harrels are co\'ored with blooms of I\'y 'gcmn. lums. Second. hand Goods. The reason that widows 111\\0 so much nttentlon and ha\'o so much dlt- ficulty in getting marrlOll is because a man usually objccln to pll'lng n fancy prlco for shop.worn ( ; oods. Hundreds of dcnlers ria ) ' the extra qunntlty and IIUIJcrior qua1ltof Dc- finnce Stnrch If ! fRill tnldu ! ; place of nll other brandl ! . Othcrs sny they cannot - not sell any other stnrch. Some people are so nnxlou9 to UlIlt the ' to ha\'o spring a jolte ) seem \ the spring fover. Let Common Sense Decide Do you honestly believe , that coffee s01l1100so ( in bullcle ) posed to dust , germs nnd inRects , pn.ssing through 111nny Imllda ( SOInO of , thorn Dot o\'er-clCllll "blended " \ - ) , , : yon don't know how or by whom , IS fit for your U80 1 Of course you don't. nut LION COFFEE Is anothcr story. Tile orecn bcrrlcs , sclcctcd by I < ccn IUl10cs at lite plantntlon , are skillfully roastcd at our fac- torlcs , , vllcre prccnutlons you , vould 1101 drcmn of are tnlecn to sccurc perfcct clcnnllncss , Ilavorstrcnotll and uniformity _ , From the time the cojJ'cc leavc8 tlwfactory'1lo ' lland tot/cltcs / it till it is oJcnccZ in your kitchen. This has mode LION COFFEE tile LEADER OF ALL PACKAGE COFfEES. Millions of American Homes welcome LION COF1'EE ! n.i1y. of merit than continued nn increns. 'Thoro is DO stronger proof ! ' inS popularity. "Qun.1ity survivcs uil opposition' ( Sold only in lIb. pncltngel ! . Lion-hond on every pnckage. ) tSnvo your Llon-hel\lls for valua lo promlums. ) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPICE CO. , ' 1'olodo , Ohio. Nothing pleases the eye 50 much 8.11 . well made , dainty [ fft fftW W 1 . ( U ] if properly Inundered. To get the best results it . is n ccssary to use the bcst laundry starch. [ Q ) @ ( ill ml @ @ @ ) Ir@h [ ) rivl's that finish to the clolhes lhat all ladles d sll'c and &hOlllli o tnin. It is the Ilelight of the expCl'ienced III. llndress. Once tried they will use no other. I t is pure aUll is gunrauteed not to iu- jure the llIost dclieato fabl'ic. It is sold by the ' best grocers at lOe n. paclmge. Each paclmgc conlalns 16 01 n C 0 s. Other starches , not nearly so good , sell at the same pt'lcc per paclmge , but they f.tJ contain only 12 ounces of starch. Cou- , ; suIt your own inwl'ests. Aslt for ' . , " J DElJ'lANOE S'.rAUCH , get it , and wo Imow you wi11no\'e1' use nny other. } ' : i [ o ) ff IDlJ1 ] @ J l1IrC ( g@01J'DP1 ! < IDUTIW @m ( } nTIt l @ [ bJ. . : "j $100 ' eekly Easily Made 1VrIUI. , lealth andaccldelltuaranClluperlenco ! un' nocellarl. Wrlll Duke , , ' . . . . " 1..0Oo..Du MOlnu.Lt. . W. N. U. Omaha. No. 24-1905. . - ' " . . . , . . , ' " " " " ' " ' ; / ' " (011I. . . , . 1' ' . , "P"'I"H'1II/ . \ \ - . . .J. His HCilUb W S W reeked , ' Pe-ru-nCi Gave New Lif" . I liON. JOliN TIGUE. Asscmbl'ntltn Tighe's leiter slloufd be rend by c'cry brain worker lend/111l a strcntlOtIi life. non. Johu ' .rlghc , No. os Remsen St. , COhOOH , N. ' 1' . , 1\lemlcr ) of Assembly from the I'our.th dltl'lct ! , Albany couuty ! N , 1' . , wl'itcf ! ns follows : " 1'er1111lills my hcarty indorsomont. ns n rcstol'nth'o tonlo of Huperior merit. At times when I hayo heen completely roltcl1 down from CXCC&'i ot worle , so thnt my fl\lmltlcs seemed nctually nt 1\ stn1ulstill , 1'01'1111lutS nctcd ns 1beal - Ing restorer , starting the mnchinery of mind aUll body afresh with now lite t\Ull encrgy , \'ecol11mel1tl It to 1l11an Urell In mll1l1 amI body ns tonio superior to anything I lenow of IUIlI well worthy serious eonshlOl'nUon..T. . TIghe. Excess of worlt so common In our eouutry causcs hupnlrClI neryeSlClHUng to entnrrh and catltrrhal nervousness- II. discnso that Is responsible tor balf ot n11 nervous tl'oublcs. 1'crunlcures thia trouble beeauso Ib oures eatnrrh whcrover 1001\tol1. If yOdo not derive 111'ompt an satl&- fnctory refu1ts from the use of 1'erunl\ , write nt OUCII to D1' . IIarlman , giving full 5tntel11ent of your cnso , and ho wiU he plcasetl to give J1t his nluable ad. Ylco rratis. Alldl'cSS Dr. 11 nrtlllt\ll , Ireshlent of .rho IInrll11a 1 SaultnrI\uII. Columbus , 0. U amlcted with lThompson's Eye Water lOre orel , UIO r When Answcrlng Advertlsoments 1 < lndly Mention This P per. " " ' . . . . - 0 - CI - : , ' " ; liUHlS iVHUIE ALL ml : . fAILS. . Uelt Coua.b . 1 > 1rup. 'rllsle' OOOd. Uf < In time , Sola by drullllbt. . fill .