Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 15, 1905, Image 2

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[ ; : ; 7 ; ' Brief
- -
'fho Bp ( > nl'I' or the house of commons -
. mons , the Ht. Hon. WlIlIl\m Court
Gully , hns reslgncd. 110 hns beGn11. \ .
The Wisconsin Msembly pIlRBC1:1 : n
bill tnxlnl ; telogrnllh and telephone
. . companIes on nn nd valorem bnsls.
'I'h(1 mnror or Omaha , arler five
monlll1 In Arlzonl\ for the benefit of
his hel\lth , meantlmo hohl mnrrled ,
hns retllrnoll to his 110St ot duty.
.Jllstlce Mnllllo" In nroolc1yn , In the
Slllt or I'rnnldln n. LOI'd , ISAued nn
ol'ller enjoining the mutunllzatlon at
the Equltnhlo I..lfe Assurnnc Com.
pan ) ' .
, ,
The Prcsbyterlan genernl I\ssombly
, nfter lIvel ) ' d'hnto referred the reo
port on the forms.ot worshIp bllck tea
a speclnl commltteo to report next
year. ,
TIlchnrd HIggins of Peorln wns found
not gllllt ) . or the mur < < ler at MrR.
Thoml\cson : ; , who was hrntn.lly benton
by hIm hecl\lIse of relations , vlth hIs
. father.
Se'r'tnry Iorton hM recolved In.
I formation thnt the orl dnnl co'mmls.
slon of , John Paul , lones ns a captaIn
In tht' nQ.vy has been located In Phil.
ndeh1hla. .
Three promInent Now Yorle lawyers
were Indlctod on the charge of con-
Alllrlng with David Rothschild of the
, defllnct Federnl Danle to steal a. $72-
000 ostate. ,
\ A ' 1reat storm whIch hnR nwept over
" Plnetown , the center of the ton nnd
sugar p antatlons of Nntal , cl\uscd the
resorvolr to ov'rllow , r < 'sultlng In the
drownIng of fift ) . IIInlloo Inboror ! ! .
Eight form < 'r emilloyes ot the Pnnn.-
ma CaMI rornmlsslon returned to
NO\v YOI'I , . declaring that they resl'n. !
ell hecnuse of the high cost of IIvlnJ ; '
nnrl the unhenlthy conllltlons on UIO
The Unltell StatoR Supreme Court
u)11101118 ) validity or the Now Yorle
state franchise tax law , unll'r which
$2,1,000,000 Is lIue Greater New Yorle
from 11IIh1le serylco corporatlonil for
bnrlc tnxes.
The AI'l'tlc stenm'r ' ] 'errn Nova , ar.
rlvell nt Trol11'oe , Norway , from ! . .on.
lion , nnd will l'.roc11 next weolt to
the rell'f of the Flnln.Zelgler expelI.
tlon whl'h Is sUllpored ; ; to bo at Frnnz
Josef ( } .
Chemist of Rhlnolnnder , Wls"
. clall11s to hrlo I1lscover d tnethad of
protlucln n concentratell liquId , ono
. dro ) ) of whlrll In water will maleo a
glass of heel' . ,
Grant GII't , the Tnnsns City plunger -
er , who w'nt to Ioxlco Rc-ern.l yonrs
n o to O\'allo his cre < < lItorA , has clenn.
oIl up n comfortnblo fortune In mln09
In that cOllntr ) ' .
A prlvnte calJl < 'gram to memhor ot
Norway flJ\ltlollts' C'110rlls says Norway
nlr all ) ' hns selmratell from Sweden
, anll that the , . mlnlstr ) ' headelby
Mlcllf1l ell has hecome qlO provlslonn.l
. government.
Two Americans , NelRon I\nl Dung.
1 < . ' ) ' , whllo drIvIng n motor cnr ever
the Internattonnl COU ! ! course at Clor'
mont. Frnnro , coli hi ( ' 11 wIth a wngon
cOl\tnlnlng five persons , InjurIng all of
them , ono 6erloIl81) ' .
It Is announcel1 nt the War 11 < 'pnrt.
ment that Lloutenant General Chaffeo ,
chl'f of staff , nnd Drlguller Generals
William CrozIer and J. Frnnltlln Dell
will represent the Unltell Stntes at
the mnneuvers ot French troops.
Injor John 1\1. Carson , who 'hne
l1eon selectell to succeell 1\11' , .T. Hampton -
ton ? lroore ns chlet ot the bmeall 01
trLanufactures of the Departmon a
Commerce nnll Lahor , is the denn 0
the 'Vnshlngton COl'lS of corresllonl1
'fhe hoal'll of rnllronl1 commlsolol'l
1"1'1 ' of lansns Issuell nn 01'11 < . ' 1' reqllh
1111 { the Union Pnclfie to reduc(1 It :
rl\to 011 graIn from Chnl1mnn , Knn. , tl
Knnqas Clt ) ' . The orller declnros thl
Union Pacific haR bC < . ' 1l ul1ty of Ills
crImInation In grnln rntes.
lIl1lster OrlscOlrahloll ; the stitt ,
dOIJ rtment fl'om Toltlo , that the Rhl :
811P110SC1:1 : to IJO Am'r\can \ , whIch wa
R\mlc off the ronst of } 'ormojn ! , 1\In :
20 , b ) ' the Russlnn fieet , wns a Drll
Ish vessel , nccorlllng to 11. report mall
to him 11) ' the .Japaneso govornmenl
, It 11 : ' nnnounced on hhr11 authorlt
thnt Secrotnry Tnft Is fa"oroll h
President Rees "ell ns hIs sUCC SSOI
Djornstje1'll0 njor11lmn , the Norwl
clan poet , Is maldng a strong off 01
to1nlt Nonv\ ) ' , Sweden nnd DOl
m'lrl , . "Norwn ) ' , " ho A\'S , "m\1st h
C0ll10 free Clfl nre the other nations
In the trial at Red Onlt , Iowa , To
Dennison tcole the stnnll nnd told U :
story ot hIs life.
The } i'l'enCH cruiser Tro\1dc , ntter
RParch , ropol'ts thnt the mlsslr
pl'pnch fl hlng "essel , CousIns Rennl
and 110 ! men ha"o probabl ) ' gene I
thbC'ttom. . .
"F..n.VEm.Ull-Jnelt" lc\lanus : , n n
torlous "bouncer , " wns Ie 111 C1:1 : In
" 'nr between rival Dower ) ' gnngs I
New Yor "
llnron Alphono 110 Rothschild , he
of the Pnrls branch ot tllo great hnn
In ! ; house and the leadIng spirit !
the fnmll ' , Is dead.
l"rnnlc ' 1'rl1\t \ ) ' of Omnha. , nttempth
to boo\'ll street cnr whllo In mollo
wns thrown under the wheels nl
Id 11 ( ' { I ,
M. J. DucI\1ey hns been oppolntl
roneral ; superintendent of the Ore (
Railway allll Nn.vlgaUon compnny
IIIICCOO < < \ J. P , O'Drlen.
. ,
1.:1 : : 1t Chnnc t - ; ConcessIons i
F'c , , . . , TC:1n1stcr5 Fndes AWi\y-An. I
other Attempt to Break the nank3
of Emp''ycrs' ' Association.
CIIICAGO--Tho teamsterR' strllto
has rcnchl.Hl the 1)lnt where Its fur.
thl'l' III'ogI'CSi' 111111 Itll flll'ther IncrellMo
Is lIo)1cnllent ) UpOIi the aNion talrn h ) '
the t11nlherll or the Chlca ! : < o 'renm
OWflcr ' tlsRlwlntlon. Thill m'gantza.
tlon has fl'l'l1tho first decllne < < 1 to
maleo < < lolh'O\'lcs \ to the bu'cotted
houses anrl hnll ! conlltantly urgell the
tenl111tm's to nrhltl'l\lo the qucstlon of I
I11n Idng such doll vl'leA.
, The t rllnstors Iw\'e positively refused - I
fused to tell\'el' ! or recol\'e goods , owl
now the Inlt t'hance of socurlnl ; allY
concolslons fI'om the teamsters hn.vlng
fn < < led nwur , the mcmh < 'rs of the 'feam
Ownors' aSlJoclntlon mllst either de.
cllto to dellv r goods or allow the
team.Hters to hnve theIr own wa ) ' In
the mnHer. Ollinion among tI(1 mom.
hers oC the 'ream Owners' nssoclatlon
Is strongly dlvldel1 I1nl the result mny
he 11. slillt In Its ranles , Ml1n ) ' of the
Inrlest team owncrA In the city have
nnllolll1l'l that the ) ' I\re gollll ; to
mnlH' 1111\1'100 , whllo other nro un.
decliled DS to their course o [ action.
A meeting of the organl mtlon will beheld
held tomorrow night and the aellon
talern at that tlmo111 largcly deter.
mIne the futul'e scope of the strllm.
If the Team 0\\'lIer8' nssoclntlon de.
cWes to mnle dllI\'ol'les nnd dls.
ph argo all ot Its men who refuse to
ohe ) ' orders , the ranis of the strlleers
will be Incl'e1.:1C11 ! : by about 8,000 men.
' 1'he strllwrs made another attempt
to , fm'ce n break In the ranlts of the
E11l1110rel's' nssor'llIlIolI. A committee
cnlled on EilwDI' JIl1Imnn , proprIetor
ot 11. largo Iltor goads stol'e , and aslccll
him to arrange another confl'r ( > nco between -
tween the teamst'rs and the employ.
pi'S , : \11' . Hillman posItively refused ,
sn'lng that unless the strllters had
Bome new II1'0posltlon to offer It wns
usole s to attempt to reach any ngree.
mont. Their present attitude ho saId
was such tV ! there coul l bo no pos'
11lhlo middle grqunll upon which the
Omllo ) 'cl's coultl meet them. ThIs was
the enl ) ' aHeml1t nt nlljustlng the
Atl'lIe mlllclnll / It IR not probahle Umt
maI'O efforts will be mnlle for sOl11e
tll1\t' to come ,
\'LADlYOSTOK-'fhe falluro of the
Vladl\'ostol , squadron to Il\1t to Rca
nnd effect a 11Ivorslon In favor of Ad.
mlrnl Rojestvensly at the time of the
I'eqoent hattlo is oxplalnell to have
been duo to the utter nbsenco of
Imowledgo on the } 1I1.rt of Real' Admlr.
al Jessen as to whether Rojestveuslt ) '
Intended to ch'clo .Jr\JHn ) or atten1)1t ) to
force a Imssago through the Stralls of
KOI'ea , Jessen at no limo was Inform.
ell of the RussIan commnnder'R plans
and was unahlo to eo-ol1ernto wIth
him. The ol11cel's of the Russlnn
cl'lIlser Almaz and the torpedo heat do.
strorers which readIed Vladlvostol
say the RussIan fieet wns constantl ) '
\1111101' Jal11.nese s\ll'vel1lanco after It
reachell fnl' eastol'1\ waters and when.
evel' 1l wns not nt nnehor 8uApielolls
ships wel'o seen on the horizon.
What He Said at His AudIence With
Mr. Meyer.
" ASJIING'1'ON.-Tho czar hns at
last been heard from hero anll th re.
suit Is not unfavorable to peac . In
his I'ccent a\lClIenco with : \11' . Meyer ,
the Amol'lcan nmhassndol' , the czal
Inlllcnterl n wl11lngness to tnlO unrlO !
advisement the subject ot pellco nml
oX\lI'essed \ 11. \ \ ' 011\1reclatlon \ of tbe
friendly words of : \ 11'Ie'ol' : , 811cal ,
Ing as the lI'r80nal OliVO ) ' of the IlI'csl
ent. 'rlIC relll''scntatlon of : 'III' . : \I'yel
was chal'actCl'lzed h ) ' the gl'eatost cor
dlnllty and fl'lonl1l\noRs \ , nnd the am
Imssador's cnblogl'am to the IlI'eshlell
glvlllg a gelleml account of the au
dlellco Is of a dlstlnctl ) . heillful tOile
? III' . ] , Ioyel' did 1\ot bring to the St
Petcl'sbul'g govel'1\mont an offer 0
medIation , bllt a "frlen < < lI ) ' offel' of goo I
wl11 , " as It wns deserlhed b ) ' Coun
Casslnl , whIch was apporent1) ' gratl
f'lng to the czar.
FaIrbanks Makes Speech.
PORTI..AND , Ol'o.-Tho fenturo 0
the Lo , , ls and Clarle eXJ1osltlon Frl
:111. : ) ' wns the dedlcntlon ot the hnml
tome bulllll g el'et'terl b ) ' the stnto 0
Wl\shlngton. VI co President l"ah
banks nml the Governors ot Wnshln
lon and Ore on 11I\rtlclpnted In.lh
ceremony. Unltcl } Stntes Senator San
It uel Piles of Wl\shlngton nlso IHIth'esse
11tho nssen 11Inge. When Vice Presldel1
s , Fnlrbanles was Inll'ol"leed the nud
t.c Cill'O nroso and ho wns glyen nn oyr
tlon. The \'Ieo 111'eslllent gayo11
00 stlntell llralso to the OXIHJsltlon ,
In Change of Assessment Plan.
I.OS ANGEU-OS , Cal.-Tho nntl011l
u1 council of the KnIghts of Colul\1b\
Ie ndol1tell a r08olutlon Instl'llctlnf ; ' ( II
In board of dIrectors to'contillior the al
"Isablllt ) ' of ndoI1t1ng- level 1'11.1
IS 111an of aSt'ASm nt to operate In COI
n , nc tlon with the llrOSO:1t : 1111\11 for n
Id IncreasIng scale of yrr : 111ums for n ,
yanced nged.
! 'I
10 Von Buelow l1ecomes It PrInce.
tCI DERI.lN-Chnncelior Ydl nuelo
bl\s been cren.t..1 II. lJrlnce by Emperc
. .
. J .
, ,
, . . . . . .
1 - - - -
I Plans for DrlnglnD John Paul JOnC "
, Body Not Completed. . . I
WASJIlNG'I'ON--Rel\r Athnlrnl SI'tA' !
hM' conferl'cd with nnv ) ' Ilepf\rlment I
of rlnls I\nl1 Aetlng Secreltu'y of Stat.o I
l.oomiH rolntlve to his trill to l r nre
10 hl'lnf ; ' hat'le the remnln1 of ,101m i
1'0111 Jonol' ' ! Cnpu\ln WInslow waR de.
tllllecl 10 nct with AIJrnlrnl Sigshee In
IJI' < 'pni'lng a Ilrograrn fOI' th& lrlp , but
ther hnrl not gene fnr when It was
fonnd Imposslhle 10 net at this Ills.
tance an < < l Information Is awaltel !
frol11 l"ranco lIeforo lho plnns cnn he
filiIfOJ'lI1ulatod. . Aclmll' l SlgshoC rd. I
portNI to the nnvr department thnt
his onllro Aqlladl'On WI\S renlly to start
nt onre , ho having heen ordered to h I
l''al1y to p ' ced not Inter thnn June
8th. ' 1'110 dnto of the Ilol1l\rtllre mny be I
delnretl several cln'R bl1yond the tlmo
originally e01\te1l111lal el } .
- -
ULOOl\IINGTON , III-Secret servIce i
meu from Wnshlngton orrested .101m
, lohnson , Swcde , ( or wrIting lctlors to
Alice Rooseyelt. Johnson said thnt ho
was sent hero from Sweden to marr ) '
l\Ils. . < J Roosevelt , nnll communIcated his
mission In leltors to the presldent.'s
' ' . John.
dnughter. 1'ho nrrest followell.
son wns at once tnlten to , lnclesonyllle
and recommitted In the as'lum. lIe
wrtS a former Inmnte.
Bitter Newspaper Comment on Course
of United States at Manila.
ST. PETEHS URG-Tho Russian
paperR , notahly the Novoo Vr mya
and the Huss , the latter recent1 . re.
fiecllng the vlows of the foreign offieo ,
< < lIs11lay a great deal of resentment
against the UnIted States for onforc.
Ing the twenty.four hour rule In the
case of the RusAlnn cl'\Ilsel's nt Man.
lIa. The Russ quoles the AmerIcan
neutrality regulatlona and contends
that Preslrlont Roost'velt , In appl'lng
the prInciple that only InjurIes re.
colved durIng a ! ltorm and not In Imt-
tIe can be repalrC'd In Amerlcnn ports.
not only narrows the American regulations -
lations , but Infl'ln : : : ; < 's recognIzed prln.
clples of Internollol101 Inw. This pa-
pel' declnres It Im'J ol11c1al warrant
for the statement that representations
have been made nt 'Vashlngton on
the subject.
The Novoo Vromya Is cxceo < < lIng sar-
castic. Arter a sllt1 nt nreat Britain
f r the allegell manner In which Its
vessels dog ell the HURflan ; fieet from
the time It left Cronstadt and for tryIng -
Ing to force nil the powers to nccept
Its Untel')1retatlon ) of the rules of neutrality -
trality , the NovoC' Vr < 'mya declares
that Presl ent HoosC'\'olt , to whom It
refers as " : \11' . ROOSE'v'It. : " contaml-
1mted hy England's example , arbitral'-
11) ' Interprets his own I'ules In a sense
fnvornble to Jalmn. nlhllng :
" 1\11' . Roosevelt talw3 full all vantage -
tago of. the fart t.hat Russia Is help.
less anll powl'less to do more thnn
11rotest : The Jnpaneso minister Is reported -
ported to Ilflvo eXIH'essl ( ratltudo to
America for tbls nct of Iml11.l'tlallty ,
which Is partlnl to , Jnl111We trust
Ir. Rooseyelt Is satisfied with his
success. "
The admIralty , it ran be stat\4l , Is
reconclle < < l to the Internment of the
thl'eo Rnsslnn crnls,1'5 at Manila , Imt
011110ses on prlnclt110 the rule that war-
shl)1s ) Injured in hattlc ! cannot repnlr
their machinery nnll boilers In neutral
ports. The olllclalR ndd that trll'tlon
over this minor l1uestlon would he ox-
ceelllngly unfortunate just at the
tlmo thnt Pl'e1ldent Hoosevelt Is assuming -
suming the dellcato 1'010 of trying to
brIng the helllgm'onts together.
Czar Begins Reactionary Polley By
Appointing Gen. Trepoff Dictator.
ST. PETERSUUHO-EmI1eror Nlch ,
0111.11' ulmso Ylrtual1) ' creating Govor.
uor Genoml Tt'elff dictator hns given
, I'lso to 11. mighty sonsatlon. It Is the
Imperial l'ccJgnltlon of the crisis In
the internal affairs of Hussln and
hmtlnctlvely 1' < 'ca115 the step tal\'n ( h '
the oml1el'or's gra11llfrithm' , A lexnndO !
H , immedlatel ) ' after the attOl11llt tc
blow \lp the winter palnco In 1880 ,
when he nppolntoll a commission 01
11\1hllc 'safet . , hended hy Oonern :
Lorls.\lelllwff : , exceJ1t tllIit the posl.
tlon of Geneml Trepoff will ho marc
nnniogous to thnt Occul11ed b ' Loris-
: \Iellleo.ff , when Inter In the same yeal
ho was npllolnted mInister of the In
torlor , with full control of the police
Gully Announces ReL.lgnation.
LONDON-At the aftel'l1oon's ses
slon of the House of Commons WII
IInm Court Olll1y ofilcfl\l1r nnnOllncel
his resignation on the ground of 11
h < 'allh , of the SI1leershlJ1 , whlt'h h (
hns hold 1'01' a decado. Premier BnH'o\11
11.1111 Sh' lIenry Cnmllhell.nannermal
made 'hrlof speeches of regret , afte
whIch the 11remler announced that hI
would Introduce n resollltlon 11rayll1 !
the Icing to elo\'ate 'Mr. Gully to thl
11eernge. as Is customary In the cnsl
of retiring sJ1ealwrs of the HOllse 0
Knights Are In a Wreck ,
LOS . \NOEL1 S-Tho Boston spe (
111.1 , bearing : . ! O Knights of Columbu
nl1l1 vlsltrrs"whleh nl'l'lvell hero TlleE
dny. was delayell h ) ' a wrecl , nt Cnl' '
ento , In which the 11l\sBongCrs In tw
of th tml11 hntl ' '
cars a nol'l'ow oscnp
from tlcnth , 'l'wo conchcs jlll1111011 th
. tracie , as a result , It Is thought. 11
slll'\'a lng ralls , I1nll toro Ull a consll
orable length of trnel , . Severnl of th
Imlghts sustaIned slight cuts an
w bruIses nnll ono , t1. ilolegnto from IlIi1
Jr ols , nnm tl Pltzgemhl , sustaIned
brolten leg ,
. .
, ,
Prellmlnary Peace Negotiations Believed -
lieved to Be Under Way-Russian
Ambassador Likely to Soon Call
Upon" President Roosevelt.
s'r. pETEHSnURG-As a result or
the moetlnl ; at the council of mInIs.
tel's heltl at the 'fsnrslwo Selo , In.
structlons were telegmphed to the
Husslnn ambassadors at Wnshlnglon
I1nll ParIs to the effect thnt Hussla
Is deslrouR of learnIng Jallan's peace
W ASIJING'I'ON-'Prelhnlnary : peace
negotiations between Russia and Japan -
an are gonorall ) ' h lIovell to be under
wny , anl1 It is ooncelled that President
Hoosovelt will In all IJI'obahl1l y nct
not as n mediator , hilt as "tho frlemlly
channel \ of communIcatIon. " There Is
as yet no omelnl al11l11sslon thot Rus.
sin has accepted what COllnt Casslnl
In hIs cablegram to Count Lamsdroff
Inst w ok descrlbell as the "offor of
oed will of the 1II'cshlent , " although
Instnlctlons to the amlmssador are
hellevod to have reached hero 'Ved
nesllay night In a long cablegrnm
whIch wns receIved at the Russian'
embassy qulto late Ilnd was 111.111 11e.
fore the nmbassndor jllst before ho re-
All that cnn bo authoritativelY snld
regarding this cablegram' Is that It
concerned Count. Cnsslni's cablegram
of Inst weelt. No al1110lntment hns
yet been made for the ambassador
to see the presillent , but b ) ' ono close
to Count Casslnl , it wns saId that It
Is expected thnt some appointment
might . be made within the next day or
Immedlntely upon hIs return to hIs
legation Wednesday night nfter 11.
long conforenee with the president ,
Mr. Talmhlra the ,1al1aneso mInister ,
begnn the prepnratlo1\ n. dIspatch !
to his government U)1on ) which ho was. .
occllpled unt11 qllltt' Inte. For the
first tlmo slnco the annIhilation of the
Hllsslan fieet ; the minister did not
feel at liberty to. comment Ul10n any
phase of the fltuatlon.
"Tho slhmtlon' s too dellcato at this
moment for 1110 to sn ) ' an'thlng , " ho
remnrl\Cd. "Whpn there Is some
thing' definite , 1101'hal15 I mny have
something to sny , Dut 1 do not ex.
pect anYlhlng ue11nlte fol' some days. "
It cnn 11e stated that the pl'esldent ,
throlllh ll" 'l'almhlra Is endeavol'lng
to get some definlto idea regardIng
.Japan's 11'nco tcrms : II' . Talmhlra Is
gIving him all the nsslstance that ho
can , hilt the most that ho can do Is
to Inform his government of the pres.
Ident's wishes and to empahslze his
personal conviction that the president
cnn 'bo tmsted absoluteb' to gunrd
Japnn's legItimate Interests. , nllleed ,
a fortunate phase of the present sltll-
ntlon Is that hoth11' : . Talmhlm nnd
Count Cnsslnl nro )1ersonally ) convinced -
ed of the ! 1I'eslllont's Impartlallty and
slncerlt ) . of IIl11'POSO In' tho. dellcato
undertaking whlen he has sl1oulllered.
- -
FRANKFOHD , Ky.-Governor Deck
ham received fl'om the Hon. 'V 1111 am
J. Dr'an of NebrasIm n check for
$400 to bo 11I1.Id to the Kentuclty agri.
c\lltural and mechnnlcal college nnd
Invested , the annual 11roceeds to pur ,
chase a prize for the best essay Ills.
cussing the prInciples of free govern.
ment. 'fhe money Is Imrt of a fund 01
$10,000 left to Ir. Drynn aR trllstee
hy the Into Philo Shennan Dennett or
Connecticut , to be distributed nmong
twenty-five colleges.
IADISO , Wls'-Xehraslm Is well
I represented In the list of now Instl'uc'
tors at the Unl\'orslty of 'Wlsconsln
chosen by the regcnts of that school.
The Xohmsln. non chosen are Asso.
clnte Professol' o [ Education E. C.
g11l ott , B. S" Nehraslm university ,
former sUl1erintel1l1ent of the Lead.
vllle , Cola" schools , now Instructor at
Columbia unlver81t ) . ; Instructor In
Germnn , ,101m I. . , KIng , A. D. , U. of N.
Names New CommItteeman.
WASHINGTON-Postmaster G'nor ,
nl Cortelyou , nctlng chnlrmcUl ot the
reluhllcan ) natlonnl committee , an.
nouncell the al1J10lntment of Penrl
Wright of New Orleans , as mombOl
of the ropuhllrnn nntlounl commltteG
fol' Loulslann.11' : , WrIght Is n lea < < lInl ;
business mnn ot Now Orleans , 11roml'
nent In rC\lubllcnn \ , councils of the
stnte11' : , COI'telyou says : \11' , WrIght
wns appolntcll not as a rOJ1resentatlve
of nny fnctloll hut In the hellef thnt
ho would rO\lI'escllt \ well nll clnsses In
a satisfactory wa ) ' .
Grosscup Refuses Injunction.
CHIC.\GO-\Iunlcltml : ownership 01
street rallwnys hero Is 1I0W awnltlng
nctlon by the slIpremo court at th < ;
Unltell States 1I110n the validity of tlH
soenllell nlnety-nlne-'ear act , which It
hns been claimed would glvo the
street rallwn ) ' coml1anles lito for near ,
' halt the centur ' . t.
h' ) ) Judge Cross-
cup refused to con 'nuo In force the
tem)1ornry ) Injunction to prevenl
In'or Dunne and the clt ) ' cOllnel !
from Ilroceedln with munlclJ1allzntlor
Ilolllllng a decIsion from tbo Unltel
States s\111reme cou
. . ' .
Flrtlt Wife Deater to Come Under i
Its Ban.
PORTJ AND , Ore.C'hnrleslcGIr. .
t ) . , n wIfe beater , recol\'ed twenb
In'lhes ! ' on lho hal'o bacl" beIng the
first sufferer lindeI' the now state law ,
'rho Inshlng wnR Ilerform < 'd by the
county jailer lindeI' the dIrection of the
sherIff anll J1hyslclan. The whltl was n
brnhled hlnclsnnlw , made oC rawhIde ,
with four Inshes.
McGInty , after receIvIng the scn.
tonco , WfiS hustled to jail , where ho
was strlJ1Pod to the waIst nnll hIs
mannc1e < < l hnnds tleet to n door In the
jail cOI'I'ldol' , high nbovo his head ,
n10011 was drawn at the fourth blow.
lcGlnly wrIthed and groaned anl1
strnlnell at the manacles blnlllng hIs
FAT LS C1 Y , Noh.-Ernest M. Pol.
lard of Cnss cOllnty wns nomInated
for congress In the convention In thIs
cltr. He was named on the 51st ballot.
: \11' . Pollard Is a natlvo Nobraslmn ,
having heen horn at Nehawlm April
15 , 18GI. ! Ho Is of New BnglclTld ances.
try , whoso first American pIoneers
settled near Doston In IGlO. ! His enrly
education was acquIred In the pUhllc
schools , fl'om which ho entered the
unIversIty of Nebraslm , graduating
therefrom In 1813. !
Adjustment of Trouble Appears to Be
As Far Off As Ever.
CHICAGO-An n justment of the
teamsters' strllw b ) ' melliatlon seema
as remote now as It dIll two months
ago , Pence negotlahlons be/iun / last
woelt , whIch Iromlsed ) to bring abollt
an am1cablo ndjustment oC the dint.
cuIty , hnve been abandoned for the
11resent , nt least , and the strllw will
be nllowed to talte its natural course.
accol'lling to Presldont Shea of the
teamsters' organization , A natural
course means one of two things , either
a spr < 'nd of the strlle or defeat for
the union , ns all huslness firms now
Invoh'ed In the trouble ahsolutoly 1'0-
fl1o ! : ; to concede an'thlng fur.thcr In
the controversy or to bring about a
solllemen t.
Peace negotiations arc off [ or 11.11
time , " said Levy : 'II ayeI' , chief counsel
for the en\l110yers. " 'Vo ahsolutely are
fiulRhe < < 1 with all conferences with
strllwrs , 'fhe only thing' that prevent ,
ed a settlement of the whole trouble
was 11111ue on the part of President
Shea hecauso ho ha < < l been slighted In
t o conferences and was angered on
account of his arrest in connection
wIth libel charges filed hy ] ,11' . Thorne
of the Montgomer ' "TnI'd coml1l1.ny.
The enl ) ' way that a settlement can
bo reached now Is for the strll\Crs to
aclmowledgo defent. "
Board of Survey Reports on Condition
of Russian Cruisers.
l\IAN.LA-Rear Admlrnl Trnln has
appointed the fallowing board to In.
vestlgato the condition of the RussIan
warships which nrrl"ed hero and saId :
to be In an unseaworthy condition ;
CommandoI' Calltlns , LIeutenant Com.
manderlcElroy : and the Ohio's cnr.
penter , lInr lng. The board wlll , begin - .
gin Its Investlgntlon of the warships
Immedlntely. Rear Admlml Train has
offered the Russlnn shlJ1s the neees.
sary coal In 11eu of fourteen days'
stay here , hut thel'e Is a. question
whether the RussIans will bo able to
cnrr ) ' such quantity of coal on account
of their dnmaged hulls.
The deaths aboard the Russian
shIps Sunday nOVI hrlngs the total of
1l11ed UJ1 to seventy.ono nnd there
nre 11vo additional cases In the hospI-
tal. AmerIcan navy surg-eans are as.
slstlng the Russian surgeons In their
wOl'le o [ c l'lng for the woulHled. Rear
Admiral Enquist ! ' , GW claims that ho
lost his flag to the Aurora. and left
the , 8I1tl\l'lla ) ' nl ht. Ho snhl ho
Iliel 1I0t Iwow that the fight was con.
lhmed Snnday , III ! declared thnt the
Jallnneso aUncle was so sudden and
f\(1cotW ! that his section wns com.
111etolr overwhelmed , Tho" ships of
hIs section , whllo tlellllltllg ! to rench
' ; Iadlvostol" wore at tile same tlmo
looltlng for a fight with the .Japaneso
nnd when they encountered their op.
110nents fought gallantl ) ' . The Rus.
sIan shIllS steamed Into : \Ianlla at n
speed ot fifteen Imots.
To Be Financed by Nations.
RO'lIE-The : commission of the
ngrlculturlst conference hns agreed to
Ilrol10so financlnl pnrtlclpatlOli br the
! Jowers In nn Internntlonnl Institute
of agl'lculturo , This will he regulated
11I'aetlcl\IIy on the same asls as that
of the unlvorsal Istnl union nt
nerno , namel ) ' , that the vnrlous cate-
, gorles In whtch 110wers can ho clnssl ,
fied shllll have , I\ccorlllng to cat ( 'gory ,
I a different numher of votes and the
finunclal contributions of powers
I shall ho 111 accordnnce with the number -
ber of votes nllotted them. .
Mexico to Fight Flour Trust.
EI. PASO , Tex-It Is learned from
authorltatlvoIodcan : sOl\1'ces that the
government Is conslderlug reducing
or I'omovlng the dut ) ' on whent , owing
to the hIgh 11rlces prevailing on fiour ,
I tllo ol11clals allegrng the oxlstenco of
. a trust.
) Goes to the Southern.
t NEW YORK-J. A. Edson , former
I genernl manngel' of the CIncInnati ,
I Hnmllton & Da.ton rallrond , was
I elected 11re6hlont of the Kansas City
Soutbern Rallwny campan ) ' .
. . . "
. .
- r
) ;
tI I
, \ \ . j
" ! ,
Healtl1 \
Ca.lumet makes
ligh t , digestible '
wholesome food. '
Only one heaping - ! '
ing teaspoonful
. is needed for one f
quart of flour.
\ ,
Rehearsal Before Performance.
A real , bona-fido engagement Is
nothIng more or less than a dress 1'0- '
hearsnl for matrImony. Sometimes
the orIginal rehearsing coml1any are I '
marrIed at once , but generally the
lending man nnd leading lady 11.1'0
hllnged several times lJefore ) 'ou find
the two who just fit tbe opposIng
'oles-lIelen Rowland's "Digressions I
. .
of Poll ) . .
Man' : ; First Weapon.
? llan's first weapon seems to have
been the sword. When the SJ1anlards '
, nme tolexlro they found the nrUve }
[ ndlans armed with wooden swords ,
11111 this was } lrobabl ' the m : > ! ! t 111'lml. (
live form of the weapon , but. . > r the
lIfcover ) ' of medals , bronze swords
lYero Introduced , of which mr.n ) ' have
1t dIfferent times have been found.
As to Love ant ! War.
A fine old soldier IHI..sed : : h ) ' . "Thero
; oe5 Gen. - - , " saId a man ahout.
town who Imows ever'hody hy sight.
rho "Isltor stared at the vet rnn. ,
_ "Great fighter. " ho rcmarlwd. "Yes , "
i returned the other , "but the ) ' say hIs
daughter has been through maI'o on ,
gag-ements than the old man.-Nm'v' "
Yorl , Press , i
, , ' . .
Thought She Couldn't LIve. ' ,
Ioravla , N. Y. , June 5- lr. Denja. I
mln WlIson , a hlghl ) ' respected resident.
of this vince , came very near losing
his wife and now that she Is cured an
rcstored to good health his gratltu e } I.
Imows no bounds. Ho sa's : ,
" ' wife hns suffered ever'thlng '
1) ) 'f
with Sugnr DIabetes. She bas been '
slel , four ) 'enrs. She doctored wllh
two good doctors hut ltept growing
worse. The doctors saId she could
lIot IIvo. She falled from 200 pounds . . . ;
down to 130 pounds. This was lloCr
ivelght when she hogan to use Dodd's
Kidney Pills , nnd now she weighs 110 ! ,
s well and feeling stronger every
"She used to have rheumaUsm so
bad that It would raise great bumps
all over her body and this Is all gone
"Dodd's Kidney Pills are a God-send
to these who suffer ns my wIfe dId.
fhe ) ' are all that sn'ed her. We an.t 1
pmlse them enlJugh. "
It Is pretty hnt'l ( to mal\O some pea. I
plo undel'stand why tllC're should be
Jld Imchelor uncles In this world It ,
they don't Imow enough to get rich. (
I tfow's This ?
\\'o oter : Ono 1I1111.tre.1 . lIollnr'l Hewnr" tor Bny
cno ur Cnlarah IIIIt CUllllut 1 > 0 curcl ! I > y Hnn'i
Catarrh Cllre.
F , J. CIm " : \ & CO. , Tolc.lo . , O.
We. Iho IInderpllIetl , 111\\0 known F. J. CheneY'
Cor the 1.\81 15 ) 'enr. . nllli believe 111111 perfceCly hon.
oml > le III nil I > 1I8111C'1' Irnll'lIctlon. 811'1 tlnallclallT
al > lo to carry Ollt IIn ) ' 1 > bllgnCloIIRlllnlo by hl8lJrm.
WALIIIS ! ! , I'IX AN . ' 1. : tAnvlx.
\\'hole'lilo DruI.ITuledo. . O.
lIa1l'8 Cntarrh Cllro 18 Inken IlIlerllnl1) ' . actlv\ :
dtrecCly Ul'oll lho Iolood nn,1 mllcous 8l1rrace. uf Ihe
8)'htem. 'I'e'llIl\oll"lo Felli free. l'rlco j5 centa pilI'
I I > ollie. o"l bl' 01lllrlllI(1818 ,
Take UnU' , f'al1lll ) ' l'U18 for conlrfl'atlou.
The more hnt a. man cnn bu ) ' for 3
the less bonnet a woman cnn bu ) ' tal
$20 ; ) 'et people still harp on the etel'
nal fitness of things.
1 :
To Launder Dellcate , Muslins. \
i Man ) ' llIuslln dresses may bo BUC'
, cessfull ) ' laundered at home , which , I
I put In the ordinary wash , would be
hopelessl ruined. Wash qUlcltl ) '
through wnrm 1\01' ) ' Sonl1 suds ; rinse ,
dIp In rico wnter , nnd dry In-doors , as
the nIl' will frequentlr fnde delicate '
colors , Iron with a moderatel ) ' bol
tron.-Eleanor R. Pnrleer.
It's IIsllall ) ' tht ! allmon ) ' ho has te
pl1. ) . that callses a man to figllro In i "
dIvorce slllt. , '
" .
Important to Mothers.
, Eumlno carefully C\'ty bol\1o \ ot C.\STOm.\ .
\ ute IIUlI urc remcd ) ' tor Intants nnd clllhircn ,
and fCR Ihat It
Ileus the # . , I--.f'-
: Sfsuaturu or #
I In Ueo For Over IQ Ycar , .
' ! h" Kind Iou 118vo1wII111 DouCht.
, , ;
JavAn hos very ' mlllionalros ant
practically no mu .tI'.1l11loualrcs.