Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 08, 1905, Image 3

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Had Been a Sufferer for a Time
, -Sought Quarters In l.lncoln for
Treatment , but Collapse Came After
LINCOLN-Ex-Governor R bert W.
I' Furnns dIed at 11 o'clocl , Thursday I
, tight nt th/3 Lindell hotel of chronic I
I A dlnbetes. Since the night heforo ho i
, ' , md been In a comatose coudltlon , 110t
( able to recognlzo these at hIs bcd-
; Ide.
I 110 came to this clt - for medIcal
treatment and soon nfter his arrival
here collnpsed.
"rhen hb left his home at Drown-
v111e his family sought to dlssundo
111m , but ho Hnld that ho wns well
cnough to mnlto tl1e trip and took hIs
stenogrnpher along In order thnt ho
mIght attend to the state fall' busI-
ness. For mnny yenrs he hns been
( secretar ' of the state board of agriculture -
culture nnd In ImmedIate charge of
DUICh of the work connected with the
I fall' .
Ex.Governor Furnas , who Is one of
the pIoneers , attnhlell his 81st birthday -
day 1\1ay Ii. lIe has attended 'to his
buslnoss as' secretary of the board
, almost constantly , although for a few
weels Inst fnll he was oJlIged ! to go
to the hOS1J1tal.
Robert , 'V. Furnas came to Nebraslca.
, from Ohio fifty 'ears ngo , In the
r IJrlme of his young mnnhood , and
from that time until he was Incapacitated -
tated b ' age nnd Infirmities was an
active figure In the affairs of the
stnte. He wns elected president of
the St.ate Agrlcult.ural society in 1858 ,
Its first president. , and was later
< ! lect.ed secretnry of the soclet.y , which
l > osltlon he continued to hold up to
the time of his deat.h. In 18G2 ho
waS' colonel of the Second Nebrnslm
volunteer cavalry and served until
thnt regiment was mustered out. In
1872 he was nomInated for governor
by the republicans and was ell'cted ,
taltlng his seat In Januar ' , 1873 , the
second governor of the state of No-
\ raslm. In 1878 he was elected presl-
I dent. of the State Hlst.orlcnl socloty
n11l1 served for several 'oars In t.hls
capacity. In e\'ery avenue of the
, states lI1'e he was a prominent figme ,
; and one of the hest known and hon-
I ored among Nebraslm's citizens.
He was more active In connection
J with t.he agricultural Industries of t.he
f state than In any ot.her direction and
t served the farmers well In several
I capacllleS' . He was commissioner
, , from NeJrnslm ! to t.he Centenn1al exposition -
position at Philadelphia , to the Co-
lnm.1Jlan exposition at. Chicago , and
to other expositions , 1"01' the Jast.
1' ' ( , fi\'e rears he has been practlca11y re.
, , . 't. ' tired. his fal1lng health IH'e\'enllng-
his taltlng an ) ' acth'o part In the af.
fairs of t.he state. Governor Fnrnas
I was married to l\1ar ' McComas In
I 1845 , she dying at tholr lwme In
I Drowmllle shortly after they had
) celehrated their golden wedding.
DES lOINES , la.-Secretary of the
'i Treasnry Lesllo 1\1. Shaw , who was
the gnest. of the hanlwrs' clnh at ( I
lI111cheon , repeated his assnrances t.o
Dos .1\lolnes banltors that. govol'l1ment
I , finances were In no danger.
It was eXlJOcted that. Secretary
! Shaw , who , as governor , parole6
\ Prnnl , Sherc1lffe , hecause , It Waf
\ claimed , of political Influences , mlgllt
\ o suhpoenaed as a witness at th (
Dennison trial.
"Neither politics nor friendship had
anrthlng to do1U1 t.hat. pal'ole , "
I said Secretar ' sluiw. "I did It simply
to help the man get. on his legs again
; "No ono Is authorized to say that. 1
t will ho a candldato for the prosl.
enc ' , " saId the secretarr In answer
to a qnestlon. "It Is a suhject. which
even I do not dlscnss. "
British Women Best Playera.
LONDON-The ladles' Internatfon
al golf match , arranged hr the execu
U\J commltteo of the ladles' goll
union bet.ween Drltlsh and Amerlcat
, I > larers , seven on a sllle , at 18 holes
I was plared and resulted In the Drltls\ \ ;
women wlnnln six games and the
American one.
An Alleged Counterfeiter.
YANKTON , S , D-A. J. Sharp , [ I
stranger , was arrested hero Sat.urda )
for passing countorfelt half doliaN
Twenty coins were traced t.o him and
two were found on his person whet
the arrest was made , The IJrlsonnr IE
101d , awaiting the arrival of UnlteG
Stutes 1\1arshal Jerry Carleton fron :
SIoux Fa11s. The IJrlsoner passed bogUE
money on fourteen stores , The sup
j posed pal of the prisoner made his
escape. There Is great. excitement. hen
and It Is belloved the capture Is ar
111Il > ortant one. I
1fJ" HOmes for Italians.
IF W ASHlNGTON-Daron 1\1ayor des
Plancl\ls , the italian ambassador , whe
left Washington In IJrll for an exten'
slve trlI > throll h the south to Investl-
gale the advantages offered thl'r for
the 1 > ettl'r class of Immlsmnts whe
como to Now Yorl" expects to evolVE
a genernl.111an . of hrlnf.lng homes te
thonsands of hard worllng italians.
. . Former Spanish Premier Dying.
1\1ADHlD-Don Fl'Onclsco Sl\voJa \ ,
the eminent Ittltosman and former I
Spanish l > romler , Is II'ln : : . i
. , , "
, ,
. ,
. ' .
- -
Overwhelmed by the Disaster Over.
taking RoJestvensky.
Russian Admiralty Stupefied. .
ST. PETEH4BUHG-'l'hl' ! HlIs lan
Admlralt . Is IItC'rn11y stupefied at the
C'xtent of the Illaaster suffel'cd by VICl'
. ,
Admlml Hojestvenslt s Ill'et , and its
own ndvlces paInt the sltuntlon In
worse colors than oven the ' 1'oldo dls.
lJatrlws. The AssocIated Press Vlad-
h'ostol , dlsl > l\tch receh'cd at an earl ) '
hour this mornIng accounts for enl '
t.wo shIps of the grent Husslan lIeel-
the cruiser Almnz and the torpedo
boat destrorer , Grozn-and the nh-
sence of news nbout the battleshIp
Navarln and the cmlsers Oleg and Au.
rora , which are the only fighting ohl ! > s
of an ' value not enumel'ated In the
Jnllnneso lists of destrorell or cal > '
turoll and which. UIJ to ,1:10 : : o'clot'l ,
restel'lla ) ' afternoon hall not reached
Vladl\'ostol" I'elulers nlm03t 11110 un ) '
hope that. ther were able to shal\O 01T
the lllll'suing .JnlJaneso cruisers and
reached the sheller of the fortress at
Golden Horn.
'I'he officers of the Almnz dlsll1lte
Admiral Togo's claIm of vlct.ory with
practlcall ) ' no boats and desl1'o 'ers
scored heavH ' Saturda ) ' night. The
condItions on Sunda ) ' wore most fn-
voraJle. ! The night was calm and
clear and land was vIsible for fort ) .
mileS' across the Tsu Straits.
Toltlo Is again jUJllanl. ! Hundreds
of callers anll de1J1ttants throng the
! ; department alTering tlmnls and
congratulations. The newspapers declare -
clare t.hat Admiral Togo has gained
a ! Jlnco beside Nelson.
The dls1 > osltlon of t.he Japanese
fleet appears to have been an Ideal
ono. Admiral Togo had waited fOl'
weeks In the vicInity of Tsu Islands ,
refusing to ho lured away nnd to for.
felt hl.S' advantage , 'I'htJ hlllCl' lIne
was hold br Admiral Togo with the
hattleshlps and Ice Admiral Kamlmu.
ra. with the cruisers.
WITH OSS OF $350,000
- -
LEAD , S. D-Flre hero destloyod
the Immense mll1lng and cranlde plant
of t.ho Horseshoe J\Ilnlng company located -
cated at Terr ) ' , four mHes from Lead ,
The fire started in the lIme bins and
from t.hore spread to the mlll hulldlng ,
the c'anille plant crush 01' house , all
of which together with office and ether
hulldlngs were dest.rored. ThIs plant
was , 1'ext t.o the Homestal\C , the
largest In t.ho Black IIllls and cost
$ : :150.000. : Three htttllired men are
thrown out. of en1IJlo 'mel1l. Insurance
to the amount of $250,000 'was carried
dlstrllJ\\tcd amongst flft ) ' different
Municipal Ownership Advocates Make i
Move at Chicago. I
CHICAGO-Wnat Is regarded as an
aggressh'o move In the affairs of Chi- I
'cago' ! ' ; munkll > ul owncrshllJ votaries I
to obtain a legal decision as to the
holdings of the st.reet car comiJanle3
was made when quo warranto proceed.
ings , seeltlng to learn by what aut.hor.
It ) ' the Chicago Clt ) ' Rallwa ) ' anl1
Union Tmctlon comlmn ) ' continuo In
their use of t.ho streets , were begun
In the sUIJCrlor court In the I1ame of
t.ho state's attornoy. The IJeUtion fOl'
the jUdicial Inqulr ' alleged that. t.he
companies ha\'o exceel1ell their fran.
chlse rights h ' a suhslltutlon of eloc.
trlclt.y for horse I > ewer as orl Jnally
granted nnd hnvo therl'by forfeited
t.helr claim to the use of the streets ,
The petition was presented t.o Judge
Ch .traus amI ho ruled the defenl1ants
to answer .Juno Ii.
Rumor of Death of Czitr.
PARIS-The rUlnor fl'om St , Peters.
hurg of the death of the czar was reproduced -
produced In all of the paperS' Frll1ar
morning. 'I'he rumor was strongl '
denied hr the Russian emhassy.
SAN DIEGO , ( 'I\1.-A Tribune dls- from Ensl'nada , lower California -
nia , says that Rumln Estrada. who
shot the driver of the San Qucntln
stage Tuesday night. anl1 escallCd with
over $ OO of government money , stole
a horse nO:1r : Ensenal1a und Is heudlng
for the United Statcs. Reports trom
the posse on his trial were to the ef.
fect t.hat Estrada would prohahlbe :
ovortalten before reaching the bound.
ary lIne.
Confer on Appointments.
WASHINGTON - Senators Cullom
and lIopldns of Illinois. accoml1anled
by W. E. Troutmann ancI W. D. Daln.
urn. had a conference with the l1resl-
dent regarding appointments In the
now judIcial dIstrict of Illinois , At the
conclusion of the Interview It was an.
nounced that Mr , Troutman would he
appointed United States IlIstrlct at-
torne ) ' for the new dltrlcl. 1\11' . Daln.
um was a candidate for the office. but
on his arrival In Washington he found
that the senators had determined to
support 1\11' . Tl'Outmann ,
Says Norway Must Bf' Free.
ALDORG , Provlneo of .Jutland , Den.
marl-Djornstjerno Djornson , the
Norwegian Iloet and dramatist , wlto Is
visiting here , adtlre1lserl a ml'etlng on
the Norwegian crlsl . Ho snld ho dr.
sired to eo the NorwegIan. Swedish
nnd DanIsh races ul1lted. Ther num-
hored only 10,000 Eouls nnd must
hold together. "Norwar , " he declared ,
"must ho fl'e" , as the other ne-rthern
races arc. Untl1 she Is Ct'ce I\llel ' 1I\11e-
penlhmt It wl11 ho hnpoislblo to Ileal
with the qllostion , how W8 smnl1 state.
nre to arrange 0111' future. , "
, ,
k" . ' ,
. . . , " - "
. . t ,
Conflicting Reports Regarding Ad-
mritl Rojcslvensky-A NaOitsakl
Dispatch Says He 10 Seriously
WASIIINGTOThe state department -
ment recl'lvod the followIng cnblo-
gram from Toltlo :
"It Is stated In omclal l'el10rts thnt
In addition to tile mnln fighting force
most. of the secol\l-clasS' Russlnn
cruisers a 1111 subslllhirr vessels were
dostro 'ed , so that the whole H\lsslatl
fieet WIlS JIl'acticall ' annIhilated. ' 1'ho
Husslan crnlst'rs Aurorn nnd Almn.1.
were proJabh' ! sll11lt. Attention Is
cnlled to the fact that the Jalmneso
tOI'lJCdo opera lions were highly successful -
cessful alld that a l1 ajorlty of the
largo Russian vessels were sunk ns n.
result of them. DurIng the progress
of the battle there was conslderablo
mIst and fog , which prevenled a comprehensive -
prehensive rCU10rt ,
TOKIO-Rcnr Admlml Voelc1er-
sham , who waS commll11l10r of the battleship -
tleship suodrol1 of the Husslan fleet ,
was lellled the first day of the hattlc ,
: \la : ' 27 , In the conning tower of his
flagship , the hattleshlp Osh'abra , ono
of the vesRels snnl , ! J ' the Japmoso. :
llear Admiral Voeldcrsham was al > -
lJOlntod commander of the battleshlI >
sn dron of the Husslan fll'ct In Jul '
lust Ilnd left Cronstadt August 25. It
was Voelldel'sham gnadron , according
to a report , which fired 011 the Dl'ltlsh
trawlers In the North sea , mlstaltlng
them for Jalmneso tor ) > edo ! Joats.
The serIous wounds of Admiral Ro-
jostvensIQ' , who was tal\C11 t.o Sasebo
on a .Japanese hattleshh > , arc.a . brulsl )
on the forehead and a slight fmcturo
of t.ho sIcull. The nat.III'o of his In.
ternal Injuries Is not. I01owl1. The
admiral's temperature Ilnd Intlso nro
normal nnd there Is no sign of brnln
t.rouhle. Howevcr , a dispatch from
Nagasaltl Is to the effect Uiat ho Is
serlouslr wounded and that there Is
llttle h01Je for his rocoverr.
Rough estimates made of the RUs-
sinn losse III the hattlo fought In the
Sea of , Japan , excluslvo of nenrly
4,000 prisoners , varr. from 7.000 t.o
DOOO. It Is feared thnt the mnjorlty
lJOrlshed. Calculating on the complements -
ments of t.ho sUl11wn and captured
shlIJS , 10000 to 7,000 mC'n romaln unaccounted -
accounted for. It Is JJosslble that the
ships which escalwd l'l'sclled S01110 of
the memhers of the crews of the less
fortunate ships , 1\Ianr bodies have
been washell ashore 011 the Islands
and on the shores of the nelghJorlng !
coasts near the scene of the battlo.
ANNAPOLIS-The United StatC's
warships composing the coast squadron -
ron of the North Atlantic flel't that
will I > artlclpato In the joint. al'lnr and
nav ' maneuvers In Chesawalw ) hay
next month are all assemlJlcd at Annapolis -
napolis except the cruIser Nowarlt ,
which Is OXIJected to I\l'I'lvo tomorrow.
'rho fleet was augmented by the aI'-
1'1\111 of the secOllll torpel1o heat flo.
tllla , cOl1slstlng of the t01'lJedo heat
llestl'O ' and the
'er Whlpvle , 1lagshlp ,
destroyers Wordenlacdonough nnll
Stewart. ' 1'110 fiotlila Is commaluled
by Lieutenant Commanller 1\lnrbury
Johnson , The \'essl'ls w111 embarl , tl10
mldshllJmen on Satl1\'l1a ' next.
Talk of the End of the War Is Now
HC:1rd. :
ST , PETEHSBUlW-Sl. Petersburg
! s full of rumors of the most c ntra-
I1lctorr charnctUl' regarding the pro > r-
pects of lJOaC'P , but In the ! Jest In.
formed quarters the Associated Press
was told that no l1efinlto decision had
been reached , Nevertheless , It Is } 1 ( 1'-
slstentlr re110rtel1 that an Imperial
manifesto tnn ' he expected within a.
-hort : lime ,
The mlnlstors who went to the
cOlmcll at 'rsarslwe.Selo 'I'uesrlay
were so oxpectnnt of Immedlato acton -
ton ! that t.he el1ltor of the olllcial messenger -
senger was ! ustructed to hold his
forms open for an ImJI.tant an.
nouncement , hut at the last moment
the edltol' was Informed t.hat. t.hls an.
nouncoment was 1I0t readr.
People Facing Starvation.
810vo of 1\1oscow on Friday prints a
I1lspa.tch . from Vladlvm olc which lnl11 that. the Inhahltants of the whole
martlmo region of Iiastern : Siberia , In
eluding thc Islnnd of 8al.halln and the
Kamechlmta penInsula , are facIng
starvation on account of the situation
produced hy the war , Word hils heen
bl'Ought to Vlal1lvostol , from Khotslc.
gastern Siherla , that the fish supply
of Salhalln was exhausted last winter
anl1 that the Inhahltants ate theIr
dogs to save life ,
Johnson Sentenced to Hang ,
TnINlDAU , Colo-Tho j\lr ' In the
case of JOSE-ph , Johmmn. who on April
S. Ihot anl1 It III I'll John H , Fox In the
Inhh ' of the postol1lce hel'e , retllrnel1
a venIlet of murder In the first do-
grE-o. 'rhe e'lt IJt'nnH ' applies.
"Voung P''t : r" Jitc Gen Whipped.
MAHUlOHOlanSam 1.augforll
of Cmnhl'ldlfO got the I1oclslol\ over
"Young Peter" JlileltSOIof Baltlmoro
nt. the cnd or a clo c anll oxcltlng
fift ep'r01tl'd ' bent before the Hlghl'\nd I
'l\thlello club. _
. . . : . ! ' 1 r
' .
. . . , .
, "
. , .
United Sttte System of l.lghting MIlitary -
tary Post Pronounced Gratlfyinoly
SUccessful--Slx and One.Half Mlleo
of Mains-Sixty-Five Street l.lghts.
Chickamauga Parle Ga. , May 31.-
The UnIted States government hns hero
In operntlon one of the largest. acety.
lone gas IJlnnts In the world. ' 1'ho mill-
tar ) ' l > est at the entrance of the historIcal -
Ical Chlclmmnuga battlefield where
thlrt ) . thousand Union and Confodornte
s01lllers were lost In the memorable
battle ot Sept. ID and 20 , lSG3 , contnlns
about ono hundred buildIngs , the
soventy.fivo prlnclIml ones of whIch arc
lighted with acetylene. To accomplish -
plish this six and ono.half miles of
mains and two miles of servlco pipes
nro In use , whllo slxt..fivo street
lnmps brllllnntlr Illmnlnato the nyo-
nues of the post.
In ID03 the Wnr Depnrtment. Installed -
stalled n test acetylene plant at Fort.
Me'er , ViI'glnla. 'I'ho results were
GO gratlf'lng nnd the superiorIty
of the Illmnlnant so ovldent that. the
government , Mnrch 20 , 1904 , placoll
the contract for the Chlclm1llnuga
plant , In which every citizen of the ,
United States should have his pro I
rata of prido. I
Dut the government has' not confined - I
, fined Its acceptance of acet 'lene to :
this mllltary poot. : Since becoming I
aatlsfied of t.ho officlency , superiority I
and economical adrnntnges of this I
particular Illumlnnnt , the United I
State a hns Installed a number ot
plants In Indian schools and other gov-
crnment Institutions ,
Acet 'leno gas Is one of the slmplost
ns well as the most perfect ot nrtlficlal
lights. It Is mndo by tIto contact
, of water and carbide , ( n manufactured
product for sale at a nomlnnl prlco ) ,
Is nbsolutoly safe and glvef : a beautiful -
tiful whlto llght soothIng to the eyes I
and nerves , It can bo produced nny-
where-In the fann homo , the vlllago
store , the town hall , the church-and
Is so enslly malntalnod as to
be practical for a11 clnsses.
It Is a matter for national congratulation -
lation that In beauur 'lng so historic
n spot as Chlclml11auga , nothing but
the best , including t.ho lighting system -
tem , has been deemed good enough
tor the American people.
Fatigue of Work Feels Good.
Says n railroad man : " 1\1en who
grumble at worlc or fret nbout an
elght.hour worltlng day forget that a
man will he tired at the end of t.ho
day whether ho works or not. The
fatlguo of work Is much belter than
the fatlguo of Idleness , and there Is no
pleasure 111\0 that which comes from
'tho consciousness of having accomplished -
plished something. " .
In a Pinch , U O ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE ,
A powder. It curcspainflllsmartinfnerv- (
eus fcet and ingrowing nails. It's tIta
reatcst comfort discovcry of the nRc. .
Makes new shocs easy. A certain cure for
sweating fect. Sold by all druRgists , 25c.
Trial package FHEE. Address A. S.
Olmsted , Lc Hay , N. Y.
Cure for Consumption.
A six months' toII' y bullocyle In
Sout.h Africa Is the 'utest cure for
consumption , as advertised by a London -
don doctor. Your own milch cow accompanies -
companies 'ou , the Imce Is only t.wo
miles an houl' , t.hero are frequent out-
spanS' , nnd v < > . getah1cli , hl 1ter , butch-
er's meat. . fowls and eggs 0.1'0 caslly
obtalnablo , It Is said. 'rho total cost
Is only $ li21i.
Returncd the S:1lutc. :
A t.raveler who visited the small
Siberian to\\11 \ of Kansle tel1s how sur.
prlsed ho was hy an Incident In t.ho
theater. The flrst act.ress who mndo
an appearance on the stage bowed to
t.ho auellenco , whereupon the whole
gatherIng rOBe a.3 ono man and returned -
od the bow In the most po1lto manner.
Boston Tot Asks a Blessing.
"And , dear lIeavenly I"ather , " finIshed -
Ished a Doston child at prayer time ,
"please bless my cat. Bless every
part of him. for I love him so much I
that the very whlshers of his face
0.1'0 numbered , DIess hiS' cmerald
c 'es , his 1lttle rico teeth , his crush-
edstrn.wberry longuo and t.he JIltle
balccd beans beneath his feet. "
Shortest Title of a Novel.
The shortest title ever given to a
noval was "D"-sub.tltlo "An Auto-
blography"-by Eo D'no Denton , In
three volumes. Why to Molvlllo , In
18G9 , published a novel to wblch ho
gave the tltlo " 1\1 or N ? " a term
wen known to every student ot the
Church of England Cathechlsm.
l.ength of Rivers.
The longest river In the worJd III
the Nllo , 4,000 mHes ; In Europe tbs
Vol go , 2,1114 miles ; In Asia , the
Yangtao Klang , 3lGO miles ; In Ameri
ca t.ho Mlsslsslppl.l\llssourl , 3.G5&
miles ; In Austrn.lIa the Murrny , 2,35C
mllos. The short Important river In
the world Is the 'I'1ames ! , 211i mllos.
Grows Six Inches a Day.
Catalpa grows at the rate ot n. third
of an Inch dIameter a 'ear on good
soil , says a writer In Country Lifo In
America. There are fine summer days
when the sprouts on a stump of sturdy
root growth will grow six Inches In
the twent ' .four hOIll-S , You lan sec
: : atalpa grow , rou can hear It grow.
One room at Tsallcoe , the czar's
valaco near Sl. Petersburg , has walls
:3f lapis lazuli and 1\ floor of ebony In.
laid with mother-of.penrl. Another has
walls of carvell emher , and the wa1l9
of a third 0.1'0 laid thick with beaten
. ' , '
, , r '
. .
. .
, . , " ,
. t
. .
How Jefferson Gave n Treat to II
At tIte Drexel lustltute ono recC'nt
nfternoon a roup ot people recnlled
a \01' ) ' chnrmlng Incldont 111 which the
recelltly dl'ceased actor , Joe JottOl"
son , nctel ! a ltltldly } Jart n few 'enrs
ago , 811)'S the PhlIadeh > ltln Hceord.
PresIdent ; \IcAlIstC'r hnd Introdul'l'd
; \II' JOfferson , w.o hall mndo hIs nd.
dr ss to the students , ami wns nbont
to lenve , when the doc lor told him
how dl'lIghted a certnln art studC'nt
would ho If she conld meet him. This
gIrl Will : ! brought ever ' dn ) ' 1\1 her 1'011
Qr chnlr nnd hnd been n shut.ln up to
that tlmc.
' 1'ho veteran actor wns delighted.
So wns the gIrl.
lIe tnlltcd , nnd tallted we11 , nnd she
In the course of the cOl1\'orsatlon
ho learned that not enl ) ' hnd she nev
er seen him act , hut that she nl'Vl'r
had been to a theater , allll dIdn't thInk
It possIble to go.
'rhat was enough for Joe JeffC'rson.
[ t was arranged In less tlmo than It
tales to tC'll It to have hOl' bronght to
the stage door tcn mhmtos berOl'O the
mlslng of the curtnln that cvcnlng.
When she WaS brought to thl\t door ,
nround whIch clings so much m 'ster ' ,
she wns mot h ) ' "HlI > " himself hi hIs
quaInt malto.up , just as ho has been
received thousands or times'by I\P'
l > lnudlng nudlcnces.
Throughout the IJCrformnnco the
girl In her 1'01101' ehnlr romnlnoll a
charmed lIstcner at one sll10 of the
sta < < o.
Every Boy In Fritnco Will Soon Be
Familiar With the Machine.
The Prench nntlon RO closoh' guarl1' !
hcr supremacy In the molor worlll
that plans are bolng made so t.hat
ever ' Pl'ench boy will bo mndo fam.
iliaI' with the ol > eratlon and l > rlnctJleg !
Involved In the construction of tlld
autoll1oblle , sn's the Phl1ndeh > hln
Record. A course of Instruction Is ho-
Ing arl'nnged for lutroductlon Into the
puJlIc ! schools. ' 1'hero are n number
of technical schools where the details
or automobllo Instructions are Impart.
od to those who deslro such l\l1owl-
odgo. .
It Is said that no clh' In t.ho worlll
gives the same encouragement to auto-
mObiling as ParIs. It hns heen decIded -
ed that a11 the public hospitals shall
bo equipped with self'JJrOIJe11ed ambulances -
lances and a very speedy car has bc'n
: > rdered to bo nttached to t.he munlcl.
pal ll\borator ) ' , where a11 the hombs
found on the streets of thnt city shall
1 > 0 talen for Investigation nnd des-
Mloht Have Been Worse.
Notwlthstancllng hol' tender ) 'ears ,
atharlno's characteristics are In evl-
: lenco ; and the most IJl'OnOllllced ot
; hem all Is the unfaIlIng teudenc ) ' , In
ho most harrowing sltuntlens , to look
:111 : t.ho hrlght s1l10. '
On ono occasIon , having got hold
; f a hnmmer , she amhltlously en-
jeavored to drIve a laclt Into the wall ,
In which to Illlng her doll's hat. Af-
I er repeated failures to hit the trouble-
101110 tacIc. h ) ' clutching the hnmmer
In both Iat hands nnd tlllis dollverlng
1. terrific hlow , slto next trlell holding
lho tacl , In one hand and cJeallng n
less powcrful strolto with the hammer
In the other hUllIl. The result of this
experiment hrought the whole family
runnIng to the nursery.
After the damaged tInger had been
hathed and Idssed and handaged , lIt
the mIdst of varIous consolatIons and
commIserations , CatherIne's tenrs b
gan to stop and her philosophY to risci
"It don't hurt so awful bad noW }
ml1ma. 'Sides. when my finger got
hit. , I was jus' h01l11n' the hammer II'
only one han'-an' jus' s'pose I'd beer
strlltln' with both hands I"
Tobacco In Olden Times.
Master Prrnne , t.ho wenle , wo11 ,
meaning puritan , who Is IG33 wrotd
. an ! lUacle upon t.he stngo , t.cllsIS
that tn his day tobacco plpeq were
offered to Indies at the In lIel1
: of apples between the acts. A French
. traveler , 1\t. Torevln do Rochefort. ,
who puhllshed his journal In 1677 ,
. confirms t.hls by temng us that ho
'found ' smoldng a general custom In
I England , as well among women ns
I among men. Doth sexes , ho adds , hold
thnt Ufe without tobacco would bo In-
I tolernblo , "hecnuso t.hey say It dissipates -
pates the ovll humors of the braIn. "
When ladles stopped smollng they
toole to snuIT. WOll1en of quallty nbout
a century a o would not stir without
their snuff oxes-beautlful enameled
receptacles of perfumed mldn rappeo.
Lord Dollngbrol\O said of Queen Anne
:1I1d : her grnco of Marlborough : "Tho
nation is governed by a pall' of snurt- '
era ; no wonder the lllht ot Its glory
18 extinguished I"
Call of the Wild.
The bec In the cJover ,
The bird In the tree.
Are happ } ' and Jaughln'
As loud as can be.
An' I'm here a-workln' ,
An' . dOI gone It nit !
The meallows and . '
Are elvin' their b.'lr.ous
The meadows nr ( ' callin' :
"Tho plover Is JIfH'C ! "
The bayou'fj nro cnltln' :
"Our wllters an' clear. "
An' . doggone It nIl !
I'm JII.H'C'orkln' : r wish
I could got Just a la ! } '
And coull ! illite oUt and nshl
Could hllo out nn fI h
" 'Jwrc ! Jayous nre wIde ,
And whlro t1'out Rr waiting
Down drop In Ihelr tide ;
Or , I'd Ion. to hIe
Benealh a wldo1'1)1' .
'l'he lazy binI's ht'olher.
' 1'he chum at the \Jeol
' 1'he lazr blr 'l ! hrother.
' 1'he CHurn at Iho bee ;
The bee Mleetls 1111 winter
An' that 'UI\ suIt me ;
The bird hops n t wli :
' 1'ho first thIn ! ; In 1110 spring ,
An' don't do A. thin"
Dut Just perch ther ! ! Iln' sing.
-llouston p" . .
This Pretty Mntron Had lJendache nnd
Dnckncho nnd Her Condition
Was Serlolls.
99 Ele\'ent11 Strect , l
, UlIlI'nukee , Wis. f
"A sllort time ngo I found nlJ' con-
dit/on vcr ) ' scrlous. 1 IInd bcndne/rcs ,
pnlwi In tllo bnck , and frequc/Jt dizzy
spells wltlell grew worse ( wer ) ' nlOlltlJ.
I tried tll'O remedh.'s before Pcruna ,
nlld wns discouraged wilen I took tlJ
first dose , but III ) ' CfJllr.'rKC soon re-
tlirIled. In less titan two lIIontlrs
III ) ' IrealtlJ wns restored.A'rs. . A' .
The reason of so many fallures to
C\\1'O eaSOR s\ml1ar \ to the above is the
f 10 t thnt dis.
! NOT RECOGNIZED cases pcculln.r teAS
the female
AS CATAnnll .
1\1'0 not cOll1mon-
ly recognized as boluS' caused by
, Catn.rrh of 0110 orgnn Is mmct1y the
flI11110 as ct l1rrh oC nuy other orgnn.
Wlmtwlll 0\\1'0 entn.rl'11 of the head wlll
also cure catn.rrh of the } 1elvlo orgnns.
PeruUt\ cures thcse cnses Rhuply becn.uso
it e\1rcs the catarrh.
If you hl\\'o cntalTh write at once to
Dr. lIn.1'tmnn , giving n. full statement.
of YO\1r case , and ho'lll bo pleased to
give you his vl1hm lo advice gratis.
Address Dr. llur luan , Presl ent of
The llnrtmnn Sanitariulll , Col\llnbus , O.
Every houseltooper shouhl Imow
that If they w111 buy Definnco Cold
Water Starch for Inundry use thoT
w111 Slwn not only tlmo , because It
novoI' sUcls to the Iron , but becnuso
each l\clmgo [ contaIns IG oz-ono tun
1101111 d-wll 11 0 nll ether Cold Water
Starches are put \lp Inpoulld lI\cle-
i ages , nUll the l > rlco Is the sarno , 10
cents. Theil I\gnln hecauso Defiance
Stnrch Is free frol11 aU Injurious chem-
Icals. If your grocer trle9 to seU you
a 12.oz , 1 > ! lclmge It Is because ho has
1\ stacIe on hand which he wishes to
dlslJOSO of before h lI\ts \ In Definnce.
lIe ImowB that Defiance Starch hns
l > rlnted on every pnclCtlgo III largo letters -
ters nt1l1 figures "lG ozs. " Demand Defiance -
fiance and Gt.\'O : much Umo nnd money
nud the anne 'lInco of the Iron sUcle-
In : ; , . Defiance never stlcles.
It' bolter to hellevo all you say
than half YOIl hear.
I am surc 1'1 50'S Cure lor Consumption Imvcd
my IICu three ) 'CflfS no-l\HtR. : ' 1' HOB , nOIlDINIf ,
MU11:0 : Street , Norwich , N , Y. , Pub. 17 , 1000.
A soclot . Ulall Is neltller ornamental
nor useful.
1v 1iI'EI
! fiJ ID ) IW S
70fT doclor B018 It art. < < ontly nn tb. .t"macb. " ' 81
aDII kllln.8 RlII , h" IIlftullnt IIIl&tle. 'rLI. drlDk I.
made rrom hftrh81 anl h nronore,1 , rur UI' U 8ull1 . .
tu. HI. cIIU.d 'LILIIO'II 'j'olL" or
II IIrU"1I18t8 or b , malt2,1 etA IInd GOch , DU11tto
< 1a" 1.1L1I1"11 1'lLllllly 111f'lhrlno
tun"I' tbe
. ' '
1"l\v.lo. uurb dILY. In ord.r to he he.lth1 thl81e
1I0ee. . & < 1. Addro. . , O. It. Wuud..a..I. x. . . Ita : . : r. Y.
'Follow he , nBD'1
Gre tly
M . Re tes
Niagara. Falls , N. Y. , tlclcets Bold
Jllly 17 , 18 , 19.
Toronto , Ont" tlccts ) sol June 18 ,
19. 21 , 22.
Indtanllpo\ls , In " tlclets sold June
19. 20 , 21 , 22.
Asbury ParI : , N , J. , tlelcets Bold
June , 29 , 30 , July 1st.
Dnltlmoro , M . , tlclcets old July 1 ,
2. 3.
Burralo , N. Y. , tickets sold July 7 ,
8 , 9.
Long limits , Itop overs Ilnd mllny
other teaturcs elln be orIorod In
connection with the above datos.
Write mo an let me send YO\1
maps , descrIptive matter , tel ers ,
rates tram either Omnha 01' Chicago -
cage nn all other Intormatlon.
1I.\lUlY E. : "onl s. G. A. P. D. ,
' \'l1l1l1l1h n. n. . Olllnhll , Nebr.
ROLLE ! ? ! ? IM OEAlU
I ,
] [ & 11111 Oft , . , Mo" Omaha , Neb. , Sioux Faltl , BD.
II . Dl&fut dealel or wrltt tor circular.
- . . .