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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1905)
. L\brl\t\I\U \ tOO\ ! \ \ ) ' . , \ t \ llt i \l6 . , . . . - ' - l ( USTER COUNTY EPUBLICAN. ESTABLISHED 1882. TIlE OFFICIAL PAPER OF. CUSTER COUN'l'Y. LARGES'l' CIRCULATION 011' ANY PAPER IN 'l'IIE COUN'ry. , . . . . , ; . VOL. lX1I1. BROK N BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRAS'KA , , THURDSAY , JUNE 81 1905.uEIGHT PAGES. NO. 52. f , , t I " HI' . , ' II I " , ( : & ' . u ! t"'l l' 13623 f : 1 A SHNSE OF REI.I1W j / . is experienced as IiOOIl as prop' : Ji. , . < < 1 ; . ' : crly fauell li' 00 r. < EYFG I.ASSES OR SPJoCTACI.I : S ! . ' " : . I. Jr are worn. Hve strain removell , . < ! i hedRch R will disappear at.1I1 - : . ' " i th1tl R befors ! > een Ihml v will R ! , k1 stallli out clellr lInd distin t. r. An eve test will cost nothing. ( j ! itJt'i Made free here by Ii grullIuk - : iT- 1 ; . . . . ; OPTICIAN ! ' . .i.f ' . , . . . . " . ; \ ' ' , i . who uses modern ! JClentl .fi' 111' 'J' a. . . HIt 5trulllents. . t ; : : . r : ; Glusse wtll co l vcry httle ' ; : ' , : J as our prices are moderate. II' ' : 'H I. l fI ! ; 't : . ' . . . . : f' n : " I : ' .e fV - ! ! A- It # . . It' " ' , hJ' . 'i t : 3I 1' ; : , . U' , . I . . . ! . ! . ; m9I' ! ! ' . . . . , ! ! 1 . . iJrpf ! ! . . ] . . r.llmrr ! : : . . . . . " . . . , . _ . ' ' . ' . . ' . ' . ' , ' . 'l/ ! . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . .UIO / , ' ! School'Books , , \ I Tablets i -ANn- . . , . ! . School Supplies. -AT- J. G. Haeb le's : t . , ms : mmn."Q : : " BUSINESS POINTERS. mm M m m . . - - - - - - - - - , BrokcnBow Abstract Company. ) This officc for ncat job work. J. C. Moorc , abstracting. 2tJ Insurance that insurcs. 38tf l-t G. MOORlt. 1 Dr. Lcach , thc painless dentist , guarantees satisfaction. I Fresh oystcrs , candy , cigars and tobacco at Mikc Scanlon. - - I Buy your farm and city property - erty of , W. Blair. 37tf List your farm and city property - . erty with B. W. Blair 37tf The biggest Jack in the state will stand at 'rooley's barn this season. It is worth . your while to go and see him. tf. Call and take a loolc at the be : ' . > t lIambletonian Stallion in town. 2 blocks north of Grand Central Hotel. 49-7 FRANCIS MOORU. I am now lucated just north of the Custer National Bank. Comc and sec mc for bargains 111 real estate. Some cl1 ice acre property - perty for sale. 8 tf RAS. ANDRRSON. Peale Sheppard & Co. havc Just ! received a fine lot of men's boy's I and childrens really made cloth. , ing. Those interested will find I it to their interest to call and see f them before purchasing. We are I preparcd to please in quality and r prices. 4Ste Reneau & Leonard , real estate. - - We alwavs ha\'c money to loan - - on farms. H. ( i , Moore -Ill Apple Block. 35tf - - Farm Lease , Chattle lortgage and Warranty Deed blanks at t1 is office. . . - - - - - - - - - - Dr. Christensen givcs special attcntion to all form of Chronic Iiscases ; , Also Eye , Ear , Nose and'I'hro:1t. : 501 f ii'rank ltuble'l 'rt for Omaha : last wcet , where he cxpCcts to' ' 'stay a short timc before going to the coast on a prospecting tour. Herc is a chancc for Ranchl11en and largc farmers to get a stal- lioueitl1er Clydesdale , Perchcron , li' cnch Coach. \ \ e will tra c for'Custer ' county ial1l1. If inter - I ter stc , make your desires knolVn at once. We ha\'c a limited number of thCRC horses and tlllS notice willuol appear agaiu. WILI.IS CADWl\l.I. . Bro en Bow , Nebr. " 'Uf Snle ( lr ' 1'1'11111' Good l'ery l barn south of Commercial - mercial Botal , Brokcn Bow. En- 'quire of P. A. W AL'l'ON. " 'ur Sale. An organ , piano cased , 7 J J octave , cbony finish , almost ncw. For salc cheap , I. A. Coleman. , ' 1'0 Jill . 'urlller" . Comc to my barn aud feed your tcams hay u\'cr noon. 15c 49-7 li'RANCIS MOORH. He IHIt'n tl IIt\rt'turtl \ Bull. Will sell , or trade for another ' goo bull , eithcr Hereford or Shorthorn. l . HAHRHT'I' , 524 Ansle.r. - - " 'I'hrrshlllg ' 3IoC'hIIlCl' ) ' . I The Geiser Mfg. Co. pecrless machinery for sale. Parties con- templi1ting puchasing will do well' to see mc. 8. M. DORRIS , Agent. UHy PrtllJe.ty . tur Snll' , 'Ve ba'c some nice homes in B'rolen How that will be soleI heapif'tak n at once. BOWMAN & 'I'IIOnl'l . Office in Gleim Block. 47te CClIll'lIt Dlock" . I am now prepared to takt oncrs for cement building blocks. Price cightecn cents a square foot. S dewalk blocks at tcn ccnts a square foot. li'actory near oil bouse. 47tf JOSI PII BnCKWI'l'U. - - } ; sh'IlY Nutleu Taken up at my place of residence - dence fourand one balf miles south east of. Brokcn Bow , a red hcifer calf less than a ycar old. The owner is rcquired to pro\'c property - erty and pay costs. 52.5t G. E. CADWl Lr , . \\'IUll C"t'IIIlI " Alhl l ggs. At highcst market price in Cash on Delivery and on August 1st. I will give a GOOD BROOM to EVERYBODY that sells mc all their cream in June and July. R. G. IhtT'l's. Mgr. Beatrice Cream Station , Broken Bow , Nebr. " 'tll' Snit' . One good brick res tlencc with six rooms and bath , hot and cold wat r , two blocks south of public square , two lots , the choicest residencc location in Broken Bow. Also. one good frame residence with eight rooms and cellar , barn , coal house , wcll and cistcrn , fruit I and shade trees , cement walks aud one of tt ! . : nicest homes in the city. 52-54 E. C. HOUSH. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Atht'J.tIl'Ill.t.ttt'l' ! ! l.Iit [ i'or weekending- June , 11105 , w. D : Kennedy , Mrs. W. Saw- I yer. - - . , i , . : " : : - . We Want to Supply J Your Drug Store Goods. ' You cannot get better goods than ems anywhere. Our selection in each department arc full. Our priccs are always reasonable-never exc ssive. We would like vcry much to supply all the drug store goods you have occasion to purchase. We feel surc our scrvice will give yon the be t of satisfaction , ED. McCOMAS [ . " - , I ' II I I SOMETHING II I I GOOD. . I . I 'I'he Swetle two. row cult - t \'ator and the.Un \'er ! al . I Cultivator. We will hav < : something goo in thc line of Ila.r tools-the Dain Sweep and Stacker and the lnt national 0 I side del \ 'ery'Stacker. . I 'l'his Stucker will sa \ ' ) 'od oue man's work. Don't fail to see it. - G. W. . . Apple. . - - . - - , . . - , : : : : : ? : : : : 'I'hc county boud con\'cned 'rnesday. I A. D. Brown of Arnold , was \ ' siting in the city ' 1'n sday and Wednesday of this week. ! Mrs. G. E. Hussell and daughter - ter of Anselmo , were here on business the first of Hie week. Mr. J. A. li'arrell was a west bonnd passe.nger We . lne day morning. . ' , II. Brown of Oconto , was a city visitor Monday. 'I'he 'l H- PUllUCAN acknowledges a bllsi- ness call. ' Dan Keelin is hl\'ing his store building. that had the roof burned ofT recently repaired' by putting on a new roof. 'l'he Hchekah lodge will mcet at the I. O. O. F. hall at 2 p. tU. and march to the Chri tian church next Sun ay. All members - bers are rcquested to be present. 1-4cwis Kimberling and wife of Arnold , came o\'cr Monday to the city remaining over nntil Wednesday - nesday looking after bu iness and visiting with the family of I ye scri be. I S. 1-4. Cannon has commenced , the ercctip'n of a new dwelling house , on Fourth avenue , north of the railroad track His brother - er W. 1-4. Cannon and son arc doing the work. Miss Stella Wood burn , teache ref of the fifth and sixth grades in the outh schuol , visited with friends at M'rna last Friday and on Sunday left fur li'urnas county to pass the \'acation season wit It hcr Llthcr. N. C. George of Cumro , deputy asseSSOl' of f-4oup township , was a \'isitor'l'uesllay. . lIe inform" us that thc property valuation'of hi township haq iilcreas d con- iderably withi.n the p st year , bllt as the footing. . are not yet complet ( ' , the exac' . amount of increa-w ! ha not hecn .ascertained. 'l'he OtldfellnwB annualm'mori- al serlllan will he preached : : : ) lIn- day at t t :1. : m. at the Christian church by l cHarmon. . All yisi.ting hrother , are especially In\'lted , also the Hcbekahs and memhers of the Camp , All Odtl- . f'llow meet at the I. O. O. . . . Hall at 1O:31J : p. Ill. A general invitation - vitation i e.xtcndetl to the public. Reneau & f..conard's real cstat ( ' and abstract ot ice is now in tlll' hand" of the papcr hanger. " and the improvemenh whicli ha\ ' heen gotllg on thcrc for the p:1 : t three or four wetks will be completed - pleted sometime during the week. Beyond douht their office is now one of the most modern in this section and is palatial in appearance - I ance and inviting in n business way. Thc cost of the imprm'e- I ments has bccn hea\'y , but the .1 best i.s .nonc. too good for this en- tcrpnslDg' bnu , - I I' Jas , lIenry of Elim township , was a city visitor 'l'uestlay. I Lconard 'l'oole.y wa" a passen. gcr for Omaha , last'l'hursda ) ' . I Mrs. J. H. Dean and children left 'l'ucsday for a visit at Grand Island and l remont. Mrs. L. II. Jewett and Miss Hazel were passengers to Chic"go Wednesday of this week. . Sarah Hilderbrandt of Seward Nebr. ; was here on business thc l rst of thc week returning home Wedncsday. Joseph Beckwith wcnt to Ketr- ney yesterday murning where he , will have the strength of his cement bloets testcd. 'l'hc trains wcre dclayed 'l'ucs- day and Wednesday on account of washouts on thc road in thc east and also t he west. Predrick Ebert is having- new frame'.house huilt on Division street north of the railroad , Ceo , Papineau has the contract. J. C. Predmore of Walworth , is spending the week in the city talnng mcdlcal treatment from Des. llartholcmew & Christenten. Mrs. Vanscoyk who has been visiting in the c.1stern part of the statc and also herc , returned to her homc at IJalse.y , Neb. , Tues- day. i . Mrs , P. J. Richardson and : 'children werc passengers to An- tseln o Wetlnesday morning. She cxpects to'isit at the home of II. Andrcws of that place. F. II. Young went to 1-4incoln Saturday , to attend the funeral of l x. GOobert li'urnacc , which was conducted last Sunday - day hy the l\Jasunic fraternity. Mr. Herbert Watts was a passenger - enger for Beatrice 'l'uesday morn- ing. TIe expccts to make that place his home , where he will have cha1'lC of a fin t class mmic store. 1\ll's. 1\1. McCook who has made her homc here since last Augmt . , in order to send her three chil- drcn to school , returned to her homc on a ranch ncar Seneca , last'l'lIesd'ay. Mrs. 1-40 Bortsl eltl and Mrs. If. C. Spencer of Kansas City , MisSOUrI - SOUrI , arr'ed here Wedncsday morning. 'I'hey expet : to visi"t at the home of Joc Hemstead about ( , } : ! miles cast of this cit ) ' . W. n. P.l. ne of f/cc Park , who has beerl here visiting his sistcr. Irs. F. l . Huxtable , left for Seattle , Wash. , last Monday. He expects to go from thcre to Portland , Oregon to spend the summer. His farm of 400 acrcs at Lee Park has b'cn rcntcd. Joseph Beckwith has sold his farm Horth of Round Valley , to J. B. Adamson. Mr. Adamson put two tcams to brcaking on it Monday morning and will put in cu1t'ation all of il that is tillable. Mr. Beckwith will give his timc exclusively to his cement block business. A. ' 1' . Wood of West Union , called Saturday and had his name enrolled for the HnJ > ulIlICAN. Ir. Wooll was one of the pioneer - eer settlers in the extreme north- cast part of the count ) ' , who after a few years residcnce went back to Jasper County , Iowa. Some time ago he returned here and bought the Davc li'inch farm in Antclopc Valley ann feels sat ! ; t cII to stay. S. C. Waldron of O\'er , was a cit ) , \'isitor 'I'ucsday. fie informs - forms us that he reccntly shipp'tl ll . cattlc tltat hc has hitd on fccd lor sc\'ralmonths. He fed one hundred head , which with the hOJs he sold brought him aboul scven thousand dollars. As Jr. Waldron had grown the most of I [ he cattle himself the only cash outlay was for his hirl'II help and corn he had to huy. lIe got S5.70 per 111.1IHlreil for his cattle , We note from the Gand r Pio. neer that the 'l'eachers County Institute of f..ogan cOllnty if. now in se1-.ion : , it hang cOlUmenced last Mon a" week , 'I'he Pionecr gives the li-'t ; uf teachers in at- tentlance. Of the twenty-foul' I enrolled thirteen or thcm are I from Arl old , ( 'lister COllnl'ix : l "rUe Magnuson , Ina Holliday , B rtha T-4athorpc , Ncllie lhnsier , Myrtle Heed , Iarie SauterH.1 evena l ecd , Maude Marion , , Clarinda Alexandcr , Gertrude Allcn , JIarridt McCan , Lillian lllowers , li'annie B'bec. . " . - . ' . . - n Cultivators. . - . - - . - - I ha\'e one of the larA'est stocks or cultivators - vators cvcr brought to Custer cQunt\ ' . bought particularly for this county , such us the OUt .How Badg-er Cu1\ivator , 'l'wo- How Badger Cultivator , 'l'\\'o-l ow Dc- cupster Cu tivatur , One-l ow Hully Bu ) ' Culti\'atur , Olle.l ow Boss Culth'a I 01' , u1l1 One-How Disc 1-4istcr Cultivator , ale ! the ! \tgic Olle-l ow Lister Cultivator - vator , the latcst thing out. Anyone who has a small bo ) ' or girl who would lil < c to assist in plowing the corll cannot afford - ford to be without a Magic Cult \'ator. Buying cultivators as I do by the car. 1 . load direct of the factory I can makc 'ou a price that cannot he duplkated 111 Custer county. .d.-- . . . . _ . . _ . _ . . . ' " _ _ _ . _ " _ . . _ . . . . . - - C .i IJ J III" ' ' 'l' ' 1 " I . 1.- . . - . ! . 1.f"M - - - f"M .Q" " Jf.r.l : .CI"JCOCf. " : r 1"rJ"'M : " I I-Iofton , Carl & Millett. I S H . ' ! ; m cn ! ' 10llcl or pillnos is ii AN01.L'H hero and we must mnke room for them , consequently we must N Rell ten 1 > innos in the Iwxt ten clays. These cnstomers who 1\1'13 reacly to bur should visit our store nt OIWO ns we 01'S fm' ) inducements at this tinw. S j ) eo1 > e tell us that we have the best ] ine of linnos over shown in.enl'ny. . 1 f you doubt it. come in an see for 8 yourself. Three month's lessons } . 'lUm 8 8 wit.h . every Iliano sold. YOUI' choi ( o N . . , of..te.aclwl' . " YOtirB 1'01' Hqullredl'nlil1t . , . R' I Horto'n , Carl & Millett.1 Ih'C. .e.111 0' " ' : I.ath HC. . " ICt , ' . "UCY. Nch. f& .Q".JOIOCOQY..Q : : Y.'r..o".o".Y".r.Q"J"Jr.r " .r..r..r . _ _ - " - -r . - - . r-- . . . H. T. BRUCE CO. -SI [ -4LS- Lumber , Lath , Plaster , Lime , Hair Sash , ' Doors , and Storm Sash. . . . . . . gverythiug first-class. See them. South Side , Broken Bow. . . . . . . - - - - - . . " - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - ' . - " ' . . - . , : . _ . . - . ; . " 0 , . .OUR. . . T oas and Coffees .ArB of the. finest ; qualit.Y' . . A t'l\W \ or the well known YHI'idit'H (111Ot.e ( < 1 below : Tea I.caf IIrllllll of Tell' ! Per I'oullel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . 5 ( ) ChlliC ! & UllhOrll : ; eul llrallel TellH Pcr ulIlIIl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . , . . , . . fJO HlIgli'ih Brcakfa'il TCIIS , Ihe hest , Per POIIIII. ! . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 60 ( rll'lI I'owcler Tea. the hesl , I'cr 1'01111I1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . " . . . 60 ,'lolI's ' Teus , tIIl'lIllell , I't'r 1'01111I1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . 65 No. I Ja\'ll allil l\1'cha Cilifec Per l'Olillel. . , . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " , " " . . 35 Nil. 2 l\lucha allll Ja\l : Cnffl'l ! I'l'r 1'011I111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . , . . . , , . . f 30 Nil , l\l < lcha nllll JII\I : loll'cl : ' )1' 3 Per 1'111111I1. , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . .t ) Africall JUVII Colfl'I' , ' ) PCI'I ' 011I111 211 allll. , . . . . ' . . . " . . . . ' . , . . , . . . . ' " - " ' 5 JIighlullellllelhl PCI' 1'11111111. . " olfet . . . . : . . . . . . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Malcetcr ' Coffcc " > Per } hUllllel. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , : . . . . . . - 5 ' 1'l ' ' . lIIellell-.1 CIlHec " ) l'l'lc. Pt'r : 1'0111111. . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . , , . . )0 lieuI' Hio Colrl'c " I't'r 1'01111I1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . "JO YOIII'Jollcy's PCI' ! 1'0111111. Wurth . . . . . . Cllfft'l . " . . " : . . " . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . 17 \ ) The w tpus alld ( ! Oirt'/'H / UI'P PX'l'lltinn- ally fine IHUg-Hills. ( : ivt'tlt/'IH / a . , I'inl. , J. c. BO' VEN. 1".rt1 CUU ' 1' . ( ( . A " ill . : r "I"t."uor I.urr. I. lIt.Y . . . ' . . 9. "r..tucl" 1')05. . 11H K CASU. . . . . ' . " 0 ' ' - ' : . : ; , I - _ _ . The Republican Does that Good Kind ofVork _