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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
, . . . . . - . - - - ( USTrR COUNTY RIPUBUCAn By D. M. AMSDEIRRY. anOKJDN DOW. - - NIDDltABKA " Brief Telegrams The AmerIcan Federation of Musl. II clans nt DetroIt ndopted n resolution k expressing dlsllpproval of nll chillI In. bor , IncludIng juvonllo bande of mu , slclnns. The supreme court of the UnIted Stntes ullhelcl the validity of the Utah state law , hohllng that water for IrrIgation I1nd mInIng Is nvallablo for "puhllc uso. " Thousllnds of chlhlren were the guests on May { } of UnIted Stutes Son' ator W A. Olnrlc nt the senator's mountnln home , three miles southeast of Dutto. 1\Iont. \ Ex.PostmDstor General Rohert , Wynno , recently 1111110lnted consul general nt London. returned to this country on the St. LouIs to glvo evl. donco In the postnl frauds cast's. Admiral Winfield Scott Schley , 06 years old nnd still YOllng , straight as the harrel of n rlflo , shows the colol' of splendid henlth nnd the genernl as. pect of unimpaired muscular conlll , tlon. tlon.Tho The oxecutlvo commltteo of the Istlllninn. cnunl commission decided to purchase In t.ho marlccts of the world the material and shlus neces , eary for the hulldlng of the Pnnnmn caua1. Governor Pardee of Callfornln has 11Onored the reClIIsltlon ) of the gover. nor of Georgia for the return to tliat state of 1\111.1'0 \ S , Potter. who Is want , ed'to nnswer to n charge of Clllblo7.7.Ic- ment. Preshlont and 1\Irs. \ Roosevelt entor. talned n numher of guests at dlnnor , Inchldlng Count Casslnl. the Russian nmbassador , who Is soon to retlro froul the diplomatic servlco at Wash. Ington. Cnptaln 1\IIIIs \ of the American ship Rnpldo has heen fined $ fiOOO for on , terlng Clenfuegos without clearance IlI1pers from an American port. Cap , taln 1\IIIIs \ says ho will appeal to the aupromo court. Four hundred ox'confedorntes now living In Now Yorle City will bo guests of the Ulysses S. Grant post on Me , morlal dny , and Senntor Joe Dalcle , burn of Kentuclty will bo the orntor at Grant's tomb. -fho commltteo of the house of com , mons hns commenced the consldora , tlOn of the bill providing for the In , atnllntlon In London of electrlo 1I1ht and pneumatic tube srstems similar to these In use In Amorlca , The dlvorco case of Adelaltlo 1\1. Hnrdlng ngalnst George F. IInrdlng , which has nttracted consltlornblo at' tentlon In illinois nnd Cnllfornla , was decided by the supreme court of the United Stntos favornbly to Mrs. IInrd , lng , It Is somlofficmlly announcCtI that Roumanln has nsltcd Turltoy for sntls. fl ctlon on account of the Vall of Ja , nlnl arresting a nlllnber of nOlIDln' 111nn school mSIlectors In dlsregar ( ] or the privileges , conferred upon them by the vorto , To the accompaniment of mnrtla : muslo ntHl In the presence of thou snnds of citizens nnd visitors the atntuo of LIeutenant Genornl Nnthar D , Forrest wns unc.vlled In the parI thnt bears the confederate chleftnln'l nnmo nt 1\Iemphls , 'fenIl , Secretnry 'fnft has llOstponed untl November 1 the date tor the openln of bids tor the construction of rail rends In the Pt1ll1plllnes. The prospectus poctus setting out the conditions t ( govern the biddIng will IJ promul gnted within a weele. Plnns for the onlarJement of thl terminal docles at Pannmn and th , double tracltlng and the re'.equlpmen of the road , entallln nn oxpetHltur ! of approxlmntoly $2,000,000 were al proved by the bonrd of directors ( J the Pannmn rallrond company. With regnrd to the controvorJY bl tween the IIungarlan authorities an AmerIcan Immlgrntlon Inspector 1\111.1 cus llraun , the Amorlcnn embassy 11 Vlonnn has receIved Instruction from the stnto department nt Wnsl Ington to n.ITord 1\11' , Draun nll prope protection nnd report on the cas ; fully. The contest at illinois shippers tc tower freight rates In thnt stnto , bl gun two ) 'ears ago , wa reopened r Springfield , 111. , before the rallroa and warehouse commission. Ove 3,000 shfIlpers of the state were relJr' ' Bented. Each of the railroads OIle nUng In IllInoIs were also represen . ed , The ovangellcnl tent campal ( which Is to bo wnged In Now YOI throughout the coming summer b ) ' ,1 interdenomlnntlonnl commltteo WI Inaugurated t 11 largo mnss meetlr In Carneglo hall. presided ever 1 BIshop. Coadjutor David II. Greer. A nouncoment wns mndo of a donatle of a $1,000 check for the worle fro John D. Rocltcfeller. The first clnss torpedo boat destro , er 'Hatsnshlmo wns successful launched nt Yolmsuln. . Helen Gould will pay tor the cd cation of Leroy Irvlno DIxon , the 'Yonr.old Denver bo ) ' who snved t ] Rio Grande trnln tram runnIng Into rocle sll < lo last October. It Is officially nnnounced thnt Inl Edward hIlS npllolnted KIng AIrol ! at Spain a genernl In the Drltl army. ' 'Ignaco Paderowsltl hns nrrlvcll Quoenstown , and , while stili 111 , bqttor thnn when ho embnrllod Now Yorle. wi. . , . . . . . . , " , , - - . - ITilE N WS. N-NEBRASKAl - , - - - - - j STATE NOTES. I The Y. W. C. A , of LIncoln has plalllll'll a $30,000 structure. A. 1" " . Bailey of Oago count ) . haa just colohrnted his ! HUI hlrtlldny. The lIul1\holdt IJ11.nd gives ench Snt. urclny ovenlng a cOllcert In the pUhllc parlt. Fnlrmont hns conc1tt < < led to have II. l1aloon for the first tlmo In man ) ' years. Hn7.el HeOlI , an Inmate of the feohlo mlndCtl Instltuto at Beatrleo , dlod laDt weole. Members of the I lIls' cluh at Lln. coIn hnvo decilled to Imt up 11. $30,000 hullcllng. Much dnmago was llano In stanton count ' from high wnter In the 1 llt. horn rlvnr. 'l'ho Ashland II1gh Hchool hall twen. tytwo graduates-fifteon girls nnd Boven hays , Osceola's grlevanco over had mnll facllllle3 1In.1 heen quloted by hetter railroad servlco , 'I'ho Yorlt uudltorhun wns sold nt shorlff's 81110' to Camllbell Dros. , of Lincoln , for $13.j00. [ In many sections It ho.3 lJOromc nece sary to replant COril hy reasen of the cold weather , The ngent of th ( ' Gr"at Northern 11M h'on In Oool < land st'"urlng the rlght.of-wl1r t1l1'0u h that tOWlI , Mr. nnllTn ! ; , 11"l'norll OU'nR of No- mahn ( ' 01lnty , InRt wool. ( ' ( 'Iohrotod the fiftieth nnn'lvorsal'y of theIr mal" rlarrc , The Stote norml of Elucatlon ( hy n \010 of 0\ \ t 3 eloell ( W , K , Fowler prlt1l'Ino.I of the I\'arney Normal sJon ) , 'l'hol'o Is on element In ' 1'nhlo Reel < wnl1t1n 11. slllooll and theIr wish Is IfIt\ly to ho 'I"rnlll'lI , as the lIecnso hoard Is fnvornhlo. A Rpednl stoolt trnln 10ft Lellh thp ether 11ay for Chlral'o : ; , The train con. slstod of t.wenty.four rnrs of cnttle nnll ronl't'sented nhout $38,000 , Soma of I remont's rltl7.ens 1111.\ ' ( ' fill111 11. protc'It agahwt 1I11 ' 1II00'e Il1tco- hell on RundnYR , and It 11'1 ' lIItel ' that tllOlr WIRhos will ho complIoll with. Henry Gnllentlne , ( ' ] Jnr cd with lil(1'1)1I1J ) ; hogs of F , Hittner , wns hound o\'or to the district cOllrt hy JUIIl'o : ; B'rne. 111 default of 11:111 : he 11'1 ' In nll , Trtmhall now hoastR of an oxcollf'lllt t..clonhono s 'ctom , just colt1plet'c1 hr the Independent Telephone rompnn ) ' , The autol11ntlc aYRtf'll1l Is lIsed and glv1 eX"f'llI"nt sntlsfnrtlon. An enthusla'ltlc meotln was hol11 In Auhurn. ntlll It. 'was decided thai th ( " town colohrato the Fourth of .Tuh' . ! \ TayorTcCln ! ) ' waR mndo chairman 01 the nHotln ! ; and ho allpolnted work Ing committees. 1'ho DIstrIct School association 01 Cumlng county will hold Its r'rulal annual convention at 'Vest Point .Tuno 3. noput ' Slate SUI1p.rlnt(1ndlni BlRhop will 11ellver an alhlrt's3 tn the slhool officerf1 l1rorent. 'I'ho llrst Burt rounty loys' ) nnd I girls' slhool ( 'onvontlon was In f1P'l slon nt Tolmmah IIlRt'ele , Eacll school had two regular delegates , 011 < hey and one girl. The attonllanco WI1. ' far greater than eXlected ) , nearh' 70 ( being Ilresent. t Deputy Gnmo 'Varden Smith , ho ! twoon 12 nnll 1 o'rlo"k Sunllf\Y morn I Ing. nrrosted flvo mon for fiRhlng It I 11. lal\O two mlleR west of NOl'th Bend The mon plenllod gulltr nnd werl fined $15 eneh nnd costs , maldng I total of $78,76. At Rell CI01111 C , 1. , Fulwillor nnl . Nlt'holas Thomas came nenr me,1 In' ' Instnnt death , A Rcaffol11 on whl1'1 I ) II thl'Y were worldn aYe way anll 11rr [ ) ( "ltJltated them to the floor jolRtR < t , low anll sOYP\\l cement 1110t'ltP , wel 1' o In 1010 1I01\l1l1s ca"h , foil n)10n ) the. . ) I' Fnlwlllor WItS only RII htly Ilflllse ( If 1111t ) 'onn ThomaR rt'1lvl'Il 11. hrol\O brl'l\.Rt hone al\ll hlR jo whono was fral ) " I1n'l'l ( , hosilles his hplng rmlllerCl1 ! II can scions for a Rhort tlmo , t' PnrryIycrs ; tor whom Govt'rnc It 1I1lrl"'y Issnl'll 11. reC\ulRJtlon \ aftnr on s hnll lleen rofusel1 11 ' Llenhmant 'Go' l' ornor MrOllton on the comlllnlnt of Ir 'onn lal1) ' of Falls CIt ) . , who \'PT 0 much l1eslrod to. see her re"rl'a' 10vor r'turnoll from Ios Al'l-"elo Ca1. , Yolunt\rll ! ' nflor Iho O\'t'I'n ( ( letm'mlnel1 to sonll for hll11. U1111 Is l' ported to hnyo made a ! wttloment I : payln the younl ; lall ' $ , OOO , At their recent n1t'otln In GrUl ! Island lal1les of the G , A , n. 01(11' r , the following officers : Mr , al11l1 .1 , . Ellloit of Omaha , prl'Qlllenl : Mr"l. 1. ( IIoa land of I.OUII City , : : ( 'nI01' \11 ; n 1\1'oRlllont : 1\Irs. \ Ma ) ' No ) ' of O" ( ) , j'l ' 1 , lor vlco presll1ent : Mrs , Oel'lI'n ! m Johm on of Creto. tr\-urer ( : 7\11 lS Chrlstln Ho e of Km\rnC ) ) ' , set'rl.tnr : IS delegntes to the nnl'onal OIH'\.m I ) ' ment are MrR , WlllllNll'hos ! of ( "rl n. ner : 1\Irs. \ BUn T'lor of ArnlHlhr In Mrs , l\J\ry ! S , C , Matthews of Lln'ol m amI Mrs , AlUm 'I'hompson of Hal In s. y , Cnrl Drocl" a Johnson county fnrl Iy or , jnmlJel1 (1'0111 the UI1I'r ol1"nll of his ham nnc1 hrollO Is It'ft. lo u. two Illat'es , HIs hUfl'lel1 oxlt WflS 9 , stop a tenm that was nbont to 1'1 110 awn ) ' . 11 Frell 1\1t11or , 110)111t ) ) ' Recretnry stnte , salll that the law reql1h'ln r rJJ ; tomohllo'l to hayo state rel ! trlltl p. ( " woull1 ho strlt'tl ) ' onforcel1 when sb goes Into nrr t't , Tul ) ' 1. E\(1I' ) ' n chino ollerlltell In the statn will hn at to secure a now numhpr lIt-fore ti ! II' tlmo In 01'1181' to 11o1I11t Its use al U1111 aflpr , luly 1 wlthont danger of : rest nn l fino. . . . . . - - - - - - - - - . AS TO STOCKMEN'S PASSES The Court Adheres to Its Former Judgment. 'I'ho supreme conrt hIlS nllhered to Its former judgment In the cnso of the C. B. & Q. n. n. eonl\lany \ against Dnvfc1 C , Troyc ! ' , cl'I'or froll1 Hamilton county , , TucIgo llarnes cllssentlng , 'I'royor whllo trnvelln on a stacIe shllller's ) paRS sustained personol In. juries. In the lower court jlHlgment was given ngnlnst the railroad. The supreme court holl1s thnt under the ovldenco the question or the nlleged negllgenco or the company wns a mnt , ter for the court to dotermlne nnd the ovlllonco Is sufllclent to warrant 11. finl1lng thnt the defendnnt eompan ) ' was guilty of nctlonnhlo negllgenco which was the approxhnnto cause of the Injury complained of. The court sn's thnt It. . cnnnot he snld ItS a mat. ter of law that the Illnlntlrr wn3 guilt ) ' of contrlhutory negllgenco so as to preclude a recovery. 'fh court h01l1s thnt Il person whllo traveling on a freIght train on 11. stocle shipper's pass for the purpose of nttendlng to the IIvo stor.k helng shl)11led ) sustnlns the relntloh of the cnrrler or pnssenger , IJllt In 11. rC'Itrlcted modified senso. SlIch 11. prson whllo so traveling assumes - sumes such rlsl.s nnd Inconvonlences n.s necessarily attend upon caring for 9uch stock nnd such as are Incident to the means and methods emplo'ed hy the company In the operation of Its frehht trains. . .Tudge I1ra rnos dlssontlng snys l1mt the plaintiff's rIght to recover depend 11 pen Itctlolll1.blo negllJ.enco upon the ' 1I1rt of the coml11\ny aud ns ho reads the record finds 110 such negllgenco Is shown , 'rho Illalntlff wa.s wnlltlng In order to reach the ( 'abooso at the end of Il frelgh t train Hnll was strucle hy a switch engine on all adJaeont tmcle. Judge Barnes says the fact wns clear. Iy estnhllshod thnt the Slaco het\veen the rnllroad traclts where the plalnttrf wns walldng was wlcIo enollgh for hIs : mfe passage If ho had exerclsoJ or. dlnary care. BAKER MUST HANG. Llttlo Hope Remal G for Man Con , vlcted of a Double Murder. LINCOIJN-Tho supreme court hns overrulocl the motion for a rehearing filed hy the atlol'lleys for Franle Dal'- 1\01' , the Webster county double mur- Ilorer. The lIml' ! In whl'h the motion could hnvo be'n filed ex , plrCtl Tuesdny. Counsel for Darlwr "nhmlttoll an application for loa\'o to fIle a motion for rehearln , 'I'ho court allowed the appll'atlon to he filed , bllt overrllled It as Intenlllng to delnv the carrying Ollt of the former decision , Since helng confined 1n an Isolated cell Barl\Cr } m3 hecome gloomy and Is a trllle dOS)101111ent. ) .Tune 16 Is the , date of the exerutlon nnd the hanging will talw pla'e hetween the hours of 11 a. m , and 3 )1 ) , m. MAN AND WOMAN HAVE GONE ! Frank Hanscom and Mrs. Ortman I Create it Scandal ; UBA TRICE-Sheriff 'I'rudo and hl8 I 11eplltles are 8t'0llrlng the country for ) , Frank IIanscolll and : 'Ilrs. Ella Ort. ; man , who , It Is allegell , have olopel. ! Doth are married nnd have families ra- . 'Ildlng north of this clt ' , Mrs , Ol'tman ( 'a1l10 to the ( 'Ity aUll soon nfter Han. - 8t'0111 n1'l'I\'el1. Neither returned bome 1 anll no trace coull1 ho found of them. ' ' ' Ollt cards and 'l'ho shel'lff Is sonlInf ( ; "IrrPrlng a reward for theIr nrrest. 'I'hls Is the cOllllle thnt scnndallzed the nelghborhol In 11. similar llHU'o ner ahout 11. 'ear ago. when they dls- I , allleared ) , finaJlr coming hncl { nnd re' ) , - f,1lI11lng relations with their families , . , , _ Bill Cattle Shipment. I. STANTON-A sleclal ) train load of I. fat cattle , consisting of twonty.slx n ars , owned by 1.011113 Smlthheer ! ! , Ell _ ' lImcr and Horton & Chace , left hero \ . for the Chicago marl\Ct. II' Given ThreeYenr Sentence. (1 AINSWOHTll - lIaf\'e ' Delolt \ ' - pleaded glll1'ty to g\lnd larceny In (1 ( lllstrict court II III } was sl'ntl'nced to ' \ ' the penltentlnry for three ) 'ears. Dt ) . II lolt Is the part ) ' who HO\'el'al weel.s 1 ! 0 entl'll'd the I'esillenco of neY. Jr \ ii' , 'I'alnter at Lon ! ; Plno and pur. 0 , 'olnell therofrom clothing and $27 In IY ah. ! lei Large Catalpa Grove. 1'1 AUnUHN-Wlllh'lch Ubben of thl" I" It ) ' hils been hlhl , ) ' con1l111111onted by ) ) ' , ho hllrclllI of fm'cRtr ) ' dellllrtl11ent 01 'ho nntlonal gJVOl'nl11ent , Last weeli IO received a COn1\llllnlcaUon frolll i'rnnl , G.11I1'1' ; , I1l'st IIsslstant , Wnsh 'nJ.ton , nsllug for Information con l'rnh' ! ; Ihe catnllU ) grove onIr. . Ub 'j'n'o farlll , ROllth of town , 'fhls II nno of the largest artificial gro\'os \ the cbul1tl' ) ' nnd last 'ear was Inspect. all b ) ' a CI'IIS or government alllciall who measured the trees nnd collecte\ \ Information concerning their growth 111' n Gift to Deal ; : College. In CRr'I'Inoano's : : shulonts and tac t" 111t ' lIIelllbel's are rejoicing OVOl' till II ! ) "ncollt ! of 11 $10,000 gift to the college Public I1nnouncoml'nt of the gift 0 of : hl1t sum b ' , Jnml'S Whitcomb otVor IU- 'N't7lnss. . , WI'S mndo dll\'lng th , 0" nrO I'OSfl of the bl1nd coneort on th' ' It -\11111I8 Imll was recelvell with ehoorf IU- o\lCIoO \ ) 'O\lK \ 1'1111 11. general jUhllatlor " , . 1'he gift cnnw as 11 result of the sell ( Iftt Itlltlon of PI'e ! l1ent Pari' ) ' , who Is n 0" r618nt In the enst. It Is to ho use IU' ' ) \ t4a or0clOIUIII ! ) oqul111nont of th Lllusl" "n1\Rel'vntor " . . . , , . . . . - - - - FIG 11 T TO A FIN ISH PROSPECTS OF PEACE IN T AM. STERS' STRIKE DIGAPPEAR. EXPRESS COMPANIES OBDURATE - Strikers Demand That They De PCI" mltted tg Return to Work In a Body -Expected that Strike Will Now RapIdly Spread. CIHCAGO-AII . prosllCcts of 11cnce In the teamsters' strllw have dlsap. pearod and It will bo Olen ) war from this time on. The last cOl1fer'Jnce looiling townrd 'a pel1cenble nlJjust. lI1ent wns held nt Ii o'clocle TU(1Jday night between .Tllmes D. Barry. husl , ness ngent of the eXllreS9 drlvors' union , IInd the local managel's of the seven eXprefJR companleR. The con. feroneo had heen ElCt for an carly hour In the afternoon. hut owing to the fnlluro of Mr. Dllrl'y to receive proper notice It was postponell until fuesda ) ' evenIng. When the mec.tfng nnnlly took plllco the convorfmtlon \Vas hrlef nnd polntcd. Business Agpnt Barry opened the negotfatlons by sny. Ing : "Our position Is this : I wnnt all the mon rolnstnted except th03e who have heen guflt ' of vlolonce , I cannot do nn'thlng dlrreront. 'fhat Is what the local union wanl IIn.l . that Is what the local omcers hnve told me to domllnd , 'rhat is all 1 can do , 'fhc mon told me'thnt the ' all wnnt to go hacl , In 11. hody 01' they won't go bnci , at all : that. Is the lOsltlon of the union al1l1 the unIon officials. " 'flm reply of the representatives o [ the eXllress comHlI1les ) wns hrler. It was : "Our oIlposltlan to the relnstatl' ! ' ment of the mell will be the same foi"r , ) 'enrs from now ns It Is tollar , We will uot talce them hacle under an ) ' clrclllnstanl'es , " 'l'hls hrought the conference to n close and all Illlrtles concerned In It ImmediAtely left the cltr hall. - The BlrCad of the f'trllw ' wa not as large as was anticipated , It bolng understood In many quarters that there stili Is a ehnnce of ) Ience being reached , Four hundred and slxt ' .twJ drivers emplo 'ed hy twentr-eighl firms helonglnl ; , to the Lumhermen's assoclntlon wont ul. In each cas the men were ordered to mal ( ( ) dellverlo to ho'cotted hmlEes nud the USU\ ] strll ( ( ) followed. Other firms to the number of fifty.five helonglng to the Lumhermons' exclmuge will mal. ( Rlmllnr requests to their men and h night It Is expected that the full num her of 2,000 drivers emlllo'ed hy these lumher concerns will be on strllw , Edward Hines , pre.5ldent of the As soclatod of Wood Industries. aald thai the 11lt'm ers of the organl7.atlon pro posed to stand together , and wher aslted If pea'e was In sight. roplled : "Pcace , 1 nm not 1001dllg fOl' ) leaCe I nm In this thln now to fight It out 'Ve may jU'1t ns wel1 have It. over enc ( for all , The Employers' Association 01 'Vool1 hlllustries 1 < ; afill1atcd with thl Chlcngo Emplo 'ers association , whlel has been fihtlng , the strllw thus far alHl , of CO\ll'se , we will wOl'I. In con junction with them. The reason thai more men dd ! not go 011t today wa , because ! 'ome of the orders to the boy cotted hOI1S'I hall to be tnlten In rota tlon nnd It ! l0 haJJelled ) ) that most a the or ers wore for firms not Involved volvod In the strll > o , The orders tha were given for dellverlos to strllw bOl1nll houses were met } IY the team sters with refmml to do the worl. Ul1I the men were immediately dls chnrged. . - - - - - - THE PRESIDENT IS Io ASKED TO ACi , W ASIIINGTON-\n t'ffort wa mnlo \ \ ' dncsday to Induce the 11rcs ! 11ent to ta1\C an nctlvo interest In th complications wh\h \ ha\'o arisen 11 the affairs of the Equitable Lifo Af SUrll11CO society , marence 'Vhltmnr l1rosldent of the Iorchant ' aocl : ! : ! , tlon of Now Yorl , . Im.1 . 11. conforenc with the } lrosillent on the suhje't. D ( tnllR of the conlr\n ( ' ( ' wore not to h obtained. but It Is bellevcl that ; \11 Whltmun mged the III'oldent to .tulc up the suhject with a view olther t ordering n government InvoRtigatio 01' to malting recommondatlons t ( 'on ress on the subject of insurllnc legislation , New Yorl ( Company Falls. NEW YORK-Tho l\1erchnllu Trust com puny of thIs ( "Ily waS' cJo'e WedneRday lIy the order of the stat SIIlel-Intl'llIlcnt ) : of banIs hecause I ha\l mndo 10l\ns amounting to a 011 U,2 OOOO 1IIOn which It had not heo iblo to reallzo 11. Rulllclent sllln to 1m : ieposltors 111\11 Invo : ! the capital of th company fr01l1 11111Jnlrl1lont , Togo's Fleet nt Mecampho , I..ONDON-Tho Shanghai COI'I'I 51101111ent of the Mornlllg Post sa'tj h learns from a trustworth ' sOllrco thr Vice Adl11lml Togo's l1eet Is stili 0 l\Iesnmpho , on the sOlltheastern coal oforoa. } . Fuel 011 for Nebraskil. KANSAS CI'fY-F , Dumont Smltl ono of the allO\'ne 's of the Kans ! 011 Producers' 116Socatlon ! , said ( J 8I1nlln ) ' : The Atchison , TOICa ) ! ; Santa J.'o mil road Is golllg to gh the Kansas 011 Pl'mlllcers rm Inte : state tariff which will onahle thom 1 soil theil' 011 III cOI11IJottun ! ! with co , In the states of 1\11&110111'1 , Iowa 11:1 : " Nohruslm , I . 1' , Hlploy , IlI'esidcllt c the Santa Fo , has told mo lliat tI' Sunta Fo will 1I11t In the IlIt r 1tal mtos just us SOOIl ns tlH' thtll011 bo comllllo , " , - HEARING VlITrHSrS. Fifer and Cockerell Before Senate CommlHee. WASHlNO'rON - Int9rstnto Com. morco Commissioners Franels ? It. Coclrell nnd , Tose)1h ) W. Flfor were among the wltnosses hefore the sennto commltt'e on Interstnte commerce , whos Investigation of railroad rates hIlS nlmost drn.wn to a closo. Commls. sloller Fifer AI'olw of rebatoR 1\1111 rIlto cllttlng nnd suld they WOl'O InducecI by \\lIl'Oad [ \ mon dlstru < ; tlng each other. Hutes , he said , ahoulll he made by the railroads In the first \II \ ace , but shoulll ho subject to rovlslon. 110 said fhnt the commission woull1 adjust 11. rnto comlllnh1ell of In necordnnco with rn.te3 on 1I1e commodities In other scctlons under 1\1\0 \ con ltlons , Ho thought the ndjustment of the long and short hnul dlfficultlos shoull1 bo left to the commission , lIe believed that the IOWer ) of mto regulation If given to the commIssion would not bo exercised vor ) ' often , as the roads I would bo careful not to get Into' ' trouble with the commIssion when changing rntes , 'rhe commission , 'ho added , would have power to lower or raise rates or prevent discriminations. Commissioner FIfer sllOl.e of UIO dnn- ger of government ownershIp unless there were just laws justly admlnls. tel'ed , l"ol'lner United States Senator Cocle- ren of Missouri , now a membm' of the commissIon , said ho would leave the origination of rates to railroads , givIng - Ing the commlRslon } lower to condemn a rate found to he unrensonablo and to fix another rate In Its ) llace , to tal\O effect Immodlately. 'l'he railroads , ho contended , shoul have the right or " aplleal 10 the courts , and the latter nhouhl , determlno whether the railroad mte was unreasonahle 01' the commls. slon's rate unreasonable , If congress should enact a law to this effect , ho sajd. the courts would talto jurlsdlc , lion or rates to Ihe extent of deciding such questions , 1Ie would malw the rnlll'Oads responslhlo fOl' Icing nn other chargeS' of l1rivnte car lines , Commissioner Cocltrell cited a number - ber of cases where decisions of lower courts sustalnln ; the commission In rate matters have IlOen reversed by the supreme court. He did this to show that the judiciary was divIded on these I rate cases. In one case ho pointed out that Secretary Taft was a member of I the court of appeals which sustained the commissIon , S , H , Cowan , representing the lIve stock shllpel's ) of the southwest , also nppeared. I-Ie controverted 'State' ments by other witnesses ago to the sallsfactory rate conditions and claimed - , ed that the cattle rates were too high , TOKIO HEARS OF OFJAP JAP VICTORIES TOKIO-lmJOrlal ) headqunrters , re , porting , says : 'I'he Ruslan : cavalry which detour , ed toward Falmmen from the right hanl. of the 1..Iao rlvor was freClI1'ntly defeated hy our re\ ( ) ' guards , On l\Ia ' 20 , aftel' their falluro In the vlt'lnlty I of Tafanp-shen , they ramped with the , maIn strength at Sinotatzu , twenty , - six miles from Falmmen. ! Ind on Iay 21 they retreated to the right banI , or the Mallen rlvor , lu the meantlmo a few comllanles of 'tho enemy's force remaining ou the left hanlt of the 1\Iallen river were - 11efeated and retreated northward In disorder. STRIKES AT PUBLIC SCHOOLS , " Federation Promises to Stand by the Parents and Children. CHICAGO. IIl-The nl'1'est anl prosecullon of pnrents nnd chlldrcn connected with school strlltCs follow' ing the use of colored non.unlon teamsters In dellverln coal at pub , IIC schools hns arousell hItter feel nr. among memhors of labor unions , ' 1'11 ( ' Federation of Labor has adopted rcs. olutlons as follows : Hosolved , That the Foderatlon pledges It elf to stand by these chll , dren , nnll , If necessary for their vln dlcatlon. to hold olll'selves ready t'J withdraw all our chlldrcn from the corporation controlled schools , HCHolved , 'rhot If these victims ( 'f servile and mlsdll'ot'tod zeal are not Immelllately releascll wo IJlcllgc till' services of this organl7.lItlon to bolh children and parents who have heen arrested or llroRccnted by officials whd are so easllr blnlled ! to the doings cl swellt shops anll trust factories , hnl W110 nro so ready to cnst 11. stlgmn o'n the highest tYle ) of childhood loda ' , and wo Ilromiso to secure their free , dom a 1111 their rlhts , , cven if It be ncces'ary to go to the Hupreme court of I11ll1ols to accomplish It. Hesolved. 'I'hat 11. comm'ttee of 11\0 be apJOlnted ) by the prcHlllcnt of tlH ! Federnllon , with ) Io\\'or to talw snch e steJ ) ! ; as may bo I1O'PSSar ) ' to give ef , fect to the < ; ( r'solntlons , - - - - - - - - Senate Committee Adjourns. . ' ' , WASIIINO'l'ON-The spnate com o mltteo all Interstate COl11mOl'CO hell1 It an oxocutlvo session anll adjourned rr suhject to the call of C'halrmon m ! t 1.lns , It Is eXllectecJ that the commlt tee will meet early In the nutultlll. - - - - - - - - - - Cuban Llberas Adopt Platform. II , IIA YANA-Tho nal'onal cI1vention : I of the liberal party adOlJtel ! 11. few In luhlltlons to the platform. Inchlllln n & ) Iroposltlon fOl' establishing a nation. ' 0 al mll'tln. anll changing the provisions 1''O'orlng the functions of cab'net of. lu IIcm's , A secret scelilon will be hel \1 tomorrow to consilloll campaign IJlans , 1,1 It Is eXllocted that a I'reslllentll1l call. Jf dhlate will bo nomlnatel1 tomorrow It ! nIght , General : \lasso has lelo' to Kl'lllhell to UIO eastern 11010gatos not In to 1\6sollt his name nnd to sI1l1llort 1"1iI1 : thrllf\1 noml'z , , . , 'Ii' . ' \ . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . - - - - - Ca Un ) , 2k ng Powder Honlth- Economy . I Test of Good Breeding. ' i. ' To find out how much genulno good [ - breeding 11. mall has , just watcb him " , when ho Is angry. This Is 11. sure test. I. as any fool can bo ngreeablo wholl over'tbln'g comes his wny. I RAILROADS AND PROGRESS. In his testimony before the senalo commltteo on Interstate commerce at Wnshlngton on 1\1 a ) ' 4 , Prof. Hugo It. Me'or of the Chicago university , all expert on railroad management. made this statement : "Let us loolt at what might have \ hapIJenecI If we had heeded the prOo t" tests of the farmers of New Yorl , and Ohio nnd Penns'lvnnla ( In the 70's , when grain from the west began pourIng - Ing to the Atlantic seaboard ) , and acted upon the doctrine which the Interstate - terstato commerce commission has enuncIated time and again , that no mnn may bo deprIved of the a4- vantages accruing to him by virtue of his geographical position. Wo could not have west or the 1\Iisslsslppl population of millions of 11eoplo who are prOSI1erous and are great can- , sumers. 'Ve never shou have seell the 'ears when we built 10,000 nnd . ' 12,000 mJles of railway , for there would ha..e been no farmers west at the : Mlsslsslppl river who could hl1vo used the land that would have beell opened up by the building of these railways. And If wo had not seen the years when we coul build 10,000 and 12,000 miles of rnllway a year , wo should not ha..o to.cIay east of the 1\IIsslsslppi n steel and Iron producIng - Ing center , which Is at once the marvel - vel and the despair of Europe. because , we could not have built up 11. steel and I Iron Industry If there had been o ' marltet for Its pro uct. Wo could not have In New England , 11 great boot and shoo Intlllstry : we . / could not have In New England a , great cotton milling Industry : we I could not have spread throughout New York and Pennsylvania and Ohio manufacturing - ufacturing Industrfes of the most di- . . . . .erslfied 1t1ncIs , because those Industries - tries would have no marlet among the farmers west of the l\lIsslsslppl rhar , And while the progress of this country , while the development at \ the agricultural west of this country , did mean the Impairment of the agricultural - ricultural value east of the 1\1IsslsslpPI _ I rIver , that ran l1p Into hundreds ot millions of dollars , It meant Incldent- ' \ ally the building up of great manufacturing - facturing Industries that added to the value of this land by thousands ot millions or dollars. An , fentlemen , these things , voro not foreseen In the ' 70's. The statesmen and the publlo men of this countr ) ' ld not see what part the agricultural development ot the west was going to play in the Industrial - dustrial development of the cast , And ) 'ou may read the decisions of the I Interstate commerce commission from the first to the last , and what Is ana ; of the greatest characteristics of these . , decisions ? The continued Inability to see the question In this largo wa1. The Interstate commerce commission - sion never can see an'lhlng more than thnt the farm land of some farmer - er Is decreasing In value , or that some man who has a flour mill with a pro. ductlon of fifty barrels a day Is , beIng - Ing crowded out , It never can see that the destruction or Impairment or farm values In this Illace means the building up of farm values In that place , nnd that that shifting of . . . .alue9 Is a necessary Inclder.t to the Indus- trlnland munufacturlng development or this country. And If we shall glvo to the Interstate commerc commIssion - sion power to regulate rates , wo shall no longer have our rates regulated on the statesmanlll.o basin on which the ) ' ha..o been regulatcd In the past by the railway men , who really hav ! ) been great statesmen , who reully have been great bull ers of emlJlres , who ha..e hnd an Imagination that rivals the Imagination of the greatest poet aud of the greatest In..ontor , and who have operate with a courage and daring - ing that rivals the courage and darIng - Ing of the greatest military goneral. Dut wo shall have our rates regulated by 11. body of civil servants , bureau. crnts , WhOFO besetting sin the world over Is that they never can grasp 11. l situation In a largo wa ) ' an with th& 7 grasp of the statesman : that they cnn see the fact that they arB confronted with a small evil : that that evil Is relatlvoly small , and that. It cannot be corrected except by the creation of evils and nbuses which are Infinltoly greater than the on& that Is to bo corrected. " 'Vealth ma ) ' not bring happiness , but most of us thlnle wo could get. next to It If wo had 1I1e money. . . . 'to. , I More Flexible and Lasting , won't shake out ai' 1I10w out ; h > ' usln/t / Dellance Starch } 'Oll ohtaln hetter rc. suits limn IJOBslbc ) wllh I1n > ' ulhcl' bl'l\nl1 , and ollc-thln } 1II01'C fOl' MILlII ! ) maliC > ' . Mnn ) ' a man who thlnl.s ho,18 fl'lmle Is considered Imlll\tel1t \ ! b ) ' ollll'rs. . . . I I . ' . . " I. -