Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 25, 1905, Image 6

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Penal Institutions in Many Sti\tes Proved to Be
Breeding Places of Tuherculosls
. , . . m
It la the dut ) . of the state to Iltotect
Its cIUzons-\'ell these condemn cd to
lmss a term of years III jail. ' 1'ho dan.
eel' to the Illmatell or prisons , Cram
pulmonllr.r disease , has only lately
been realized. A short limo slnco a
had sel'\'ell entonco In
mall who \ a ! !
the Ohio penltontlary , declnred that
to send him Imol ( meant death hy I
tuhel'culoslpt Inquiry whs made. The
IWl11 : ph'slclnn announced thnt the
hulltJlng wa a hoth'd of OOIlSUIl1I ) '
Uon. A IlroJnlllcnt olllC'lal stntOI ! that !
a ton ) 'onr8' sentetJco WIIS e < < ) ulvlllont I
to conllel11nlng a man to death-by
11ull1l0l1nl'y tuberculosis.
Dr. S. A. Knopf , the greatest Amert.
can nuthorlly on tuhel'culosls , was In.
vltcd to visit the Ilenltel1t1ary. With.
out hesltatloll he pronoullcell It the
most , unsnnltary llOnal Instlttillon ho
Jad : over seen.
The output of many prisons Is
< , nough to convlnco of the truth of the
aJCI\'o statemonts. 'rho "allow com.
ploxlons , wealtencd hodles , sl1nltcn
chests of the ex.convlcts , all nro the I
stamp of murderous Ilrlson h'glene.
All the rules Cor com hatting the great
whlto plnguo are rovorsed. 1"01' sun'
light , the ) ' are gl\'en darltloRs : Cor ,
fresh all' , a damJI , musty atmosphere :
for out.oC.door IIfo a weary In.door
grind , a largo part spent within the
narrow conflnes or a Blnglo cell.
Is It not enough to talto from a fel.
low helng his IIherty and allproprlate
the lahor of his hands , without forc.
Ing him to lIve under such conditions ?
Dare the state continuo to condemn
( \n ) ' of Its ClU7.eIHI to such a death ?
Shall the sentence In 11. public Inlson
cease at Its legal oxplratlon , or shal1
the Iloor 'victim continuo to suffer
from Its dlro efCects until ho fllls , a
consumptlvo's grave ?
In thIs d y of Antl-'ruborculosls
agitation , It would seem that pUblic
Institutions , whether asylums , schools ,
prisons or assembly hal1s shouM bo
lho flrst to bo brought under proper
s nltary conditions. It Is } 1seless ,
hOllcless to educate the masses In 1'0'
gal'll to the cure and llrovention of
tuberculosis and then maintaIn at
public expense hotbeds for the development - '
velopment of consumptives to bo fln-
al1y turned loose In the community.
The Tonic Use of Water.
Cold water Is the universal tonic ,
The best tlmo for tal\lng a collI bath
for tonic efCect IG just aftcr getting
out of bed In the mornIng , when the
body Is warm. A cold bath should
never bo talten when ono Is chl11ell.
Ono not a custometl to cold bathing
should begIn carefully with , water not
coMer than 75 deg. l . The bath should
bo short , not to C'xcced a mInute , and
for feeble Ilersons not moro than flf.
teen or thlrt ) . seconds when applied
to the whole surface. The bath
should bo Immedlntely fol1owcd by
rUhblng and exerclso Cor fifteen to
thirty minutes. There should ahva's
Lo good renctlon : that Is , the whole
surfnce , Inchtdlng the hands and feet ,
shou1c1 qulcltl ) . hecomo warm. Tho'
Lath should' not ho fol1owell by Inn.
guor , headache , Inssltudo or other In.
dlcatlons of excesslvo renctlon. When
ono experiences such s'mptol11s , the
Indlcntlon Is thnt the bath was too
long or too coM or not fol1owed hy
sufficient oxerclso. For feehle , vel' ) '
) OIing or elderly Ilersons the water
used should rarely ho lower than G5
degrees to 75 degrees In wInter , The
bath should bo talcon In a suitably
warmed room.
As We LIve , We Arc.
H wo lool ( down , then our shoulders
stoop. If our thoughts look down ,
thcn our character hends. It Is only
when wo hold our heads 1111 that our
bed ' becomes erect. It Is only when
our thoughts go up , that our lIfo becomes -
comes orect.
Physiology In English Public Schools.
Sixteen thousnnd English "
clans lIavo slgnetl a Iletltlon requeat-
Ing Parliament to h1'lugmato 'H'Rte.
matlc Instruction In the pithllc
schools of Grent Drltnln In relation
to the preservation of henlth , especl-
al1y In relation to the evil effects of
acohollo ) drlnlts. It Is hopcd that
this Ilctitlon wl1bo \ granted ,
Slaughter of the Innocento.
A stllllof stntlstlcs rovcnls the tel"
rlblo Cnct that nearh' one-hnlf of 1\11
the human helngs born Into the world
dlo Jleforo the ago of five ) 'enrs. In
the city of Stetten , Gorman ) ' , nearl ) '
ono-half-473 out of every thousand-
dlo during the flrst ) 'enr of their lives
In Ireland , Scotland , Norway and Sweden
den , where chlldron are gh'en boltel
care , have maI'o outdoor life , anI !
maI'o Inte11lgent attention Is glvon tf
feedIng , the number of donths Is anI ,
one-flftleth as mnny a In the clt ;
of Stetten , beIng ten lIer cent.
Physlclnns are coming to recognlz (
that the \ISO of cow's ml11 ( , which II
Infected with the germs of tubercu
10sls , Is ono of the most actl\.o 0
al1 the causes of denth , among , ) 'Oltn
children. This ahou1l1 bo remembered
bered In the artlflclnl feeding of In
fants. The mllIt should olthor ) ) (
balled or wel1 scalded lIefo'ro bolr1l
fed to the Infnnt , 'I'hls nllo shaull
\lnlversal1r observell for adults ai
well as for chlhlron , and , If alllIotJ )
will save . thousnnds of lives , annuall ) '
A Safety Valve.
In the Ladlo& ' Homo , Tourn 1 I
wrltgr tQJJs or nn Intorestln 'l'lsl
which ho ) ) ald when a ho ) ' to th\ \
"Autocrat of the Dronltfasl Talllo. '
.Aftpr Xr. , Holmes toalt Ult
hay Into a hnsement room , which waa
fltted up as a comllioto carpentar'a
fihop , and gave him the following ad.
, 'Ice , which ho consldorod would bo of
maI'o value to him than anything ho
hnd ever written :
"Yoll lmow I nm a doctor , and , this
shop Is my medicine. I bollevo that
cvery man must have a hohby that
I : : ns dlfforont from his regular worl (
ns It Is posslhlo to he. It Is not
good for /l mnn to worl ( nil the tlmo
nt ono thing. So this Is my hobhy.
'fIlls Is my change. I 111(0 to IHltter
oway at theso' things. I very dny I
try to como down hero for an hour erse
so , It rests mo becl1llso It gives my
IlIlnd a comllleto chnnge. l or , whether
you hellovo It or not , " ho added , wIth
his 1111mltablo chucllo , "to malto a
poem nnd to maltc a chair nro two
very different things.
"Now , If ) ' 011 think you can learn
something Cram me , learn that , and
'remomher It when ) 'ou are a mnn.
Don't keep nlwaya at ) 'our business ,
whntover It mny be. It malws' no
dlfferellco how much ) 'ou 111(0 It. The
' ' 111(0 It the ' dangerous
11101'0 ) 'OU ( , 1lIU1'C
It Is. WJlen ) 'OU grow up , ) 'ou will
tll1dorstand what I mean by an 'out.
let. ' Bvery man must Ila\'o an 'out.
let'-a hohby-thnt Is , In his life , nnd
It must bo 130 different from his regu.
lar worle that It will tale his worle
Into an entirely dlfforent direction.
Wo doctors cnll Itl "snCeiy valve , '
nnd It Is. I would much rather , " can.
cluded the Iloet , " ) 'ouvould forget all
that r have over written than that you
should forget whnt I tell you about
having a safety valvo. "
For a Cold.
The dany cold bath Is ono of the
nest : offectlvo safeguards ngalnst
taldng cold. Of equal Importnnco Is
abundance of fresh air In the sleop.
Ing apartment. Upon the first s'mp.
toms of " 11. cold , " deep broathlng ox.
erclses In the open air or In a well
, "entllnted room shouhl bo talten at
frequent Intervals. In nearly all
cases where this slmplo treatment Is
tnlen , there will be no further de-
, elopment of the cold , and the s'mp-
toms will disappear. A do tor can.
nected with 11. largo Institution for
children recently tried this method
upon the Inmates with surprising suc-
" ' 1'horo Is nothing , " ho writes ,
"moro Irrltnblo than a cough. For a
tlmo I have been so fully assured of
this that I cletermlnel ( , for ono min.
ute at least , to lessen the number of
coughs heard In a. cortaln ward of
the hospltnl of the Institution. By
the promlso of rewards and punishments -
ments , I succeeded In having the chll.
dren simply hold tholr JtI\th ) when
tomlltcd to cough , nnll In a lIttle while
I wns myself surprised to see how
some of the children entirely recov.
ered from the dIsease.
"Let a person , when tempted to
cough , drn\y a long breath , anll hold
It lIntll It warms and soothes every
nlr-cel1 , a d some henefl t will soon
ho recolvel ! from this process. ' } 'ho
nltrogon which Is thus reflned ncts
as an anOl1)'ne to the mucous memo
Imtlle , nlhl'lng the , deslro to cough ,
and giving the thront and lungs a
chance to hen1. "
Barley Soup.-Sonl ( a cup of pearled
bnrley over nlrht nnd cook In 1I1enty
of water until well done , hut not
mnRh ) ' , ' At 11r01ler periods odd to It a
portion ench of mlnr { > (1 ( on..lon , sliced
cnhbngo anll oltra , diced cnrrots nnd
tnrnl ) ) , salt fUlIl enough tomntoes to
I"o an aplletlzlng flavor nnd color. A
1IItlo. f .easonlng mny ho required.
Needles with Cranberrles.-Deat
wC'lI 'ono egg , or moro accorlllng to
th neell. IncoTllOratlnq with each a
tl\hll sJloonfnl of cold wa"tor antI a
pinch of salt. Knend In flour suf11clent
to malw a stiff douch. : RoB as thin
as thin pnstohol'm1. 1.C't It dry on ono
sillo anll thC'1I Oil thC' other. frequentl .
filmIng It. hut 110 110t lot It hC'como
dry onou h to cr'1clt when rol1el1. Rol1
It very compactly ; with a'en" sharp
l\11lfo cut thin slices from tlto end
, until nll Iq usell. Lot these dr ) ' thoI' "
ou hl ) ' ( Ihe ' ma ) ' ho prepared SO\ ' .
oral da's heforo necllell ) and coolt In
bolllnsnlted / water ahout twont ) .
mInutes , Drain In a colanllor. anll
gl\'o 'a llash of colli water to Ilrevent
pnslh1cRS. Rehent , a 1111 Rervo with
strained crnnhl'rry sauce as a drcss.
. An ' ether fruit ' he
Ing. ) ma ) usell ,
An ) ' of the \'nrloua forms of mncaronl
ma ) ' he suhRltuted ! for the noollles ,
\ Stuffed Potatoea.-llalo smooth po-
tntoes until just llano. Cut In halves
lenlthwlso , remove the Insilles. being
c'1rcful not to tear the sleln ! ; , 1\1ash ,
sonson , anll return to the shells , Have
really some sll htly salted , sUmy
benten o g to cover tlto top of each
piece. Plnco on a tin In the oven to
) brown and warm.
Crenmed Turnlpo.-Dlco turnips and
. boll nntll tender , hnvln saltet\ thom
a whllo heforo llralnlnJ ; : . Somowhnt
more than cO\'or thom with rich ml11 ( .
When hollllll ; hot JlOur In slowl ) ' some
. hralded flour , ontJy shl\ldn the lot.
) tlo to Illsuro the even thlclcC'nlng or ,
the dressing. Cool ( a Cow minutes
anll serve ,
Lanse Brod.-DC'\t : ono egg Into ono I
, cup of mll1c , Allil Fialt and a apoonful
. of sugar. Dip Into It slices of stale
bread and brown thom nlcel ) ' on a
wclI-olled lIancnlte rrllldlo. Sel'\'e ,
whllo hot.
Squash Custard.-ProlmrQ squnsh
the snmo ns for II10s. 11111(0 In a sha"
" low 11IIdlllng dish without ( rust t\n
: ) sel'VO colli.
- -
I < lng of Spain Uadly Afflicted With
the Craze ,
Jerome IInrt tol1l'1 ' of the < 1nthuslaBI11
shown by King Alphonso oC Spain for
the autoll1obllo : " 110 Is affected with
nn acute case of motormanla. lIe
spends most of his tlmo , both at Mn-
drld and at San Sobnstlnn , InYUdly
careerll/g across the country In motGr
cars. IIo owns Hoveml hlgh.power
French automobiles , and when III
them , JI1O Jehu the son of Nlmshl ,
hn 11rl\'lh fnRt nnd furiously. In fact ,
so recltless Is his driving , so numerous
nro his accidents , thnt the queen moth.
er recently became alarmed and urged
him to abandon his dangerous sport.
Failing In this , aho got a member or
the cortos to father a law Imiloslllg
IImltntions on the Icing's speed. 'I'hls
did not menn limitations as to speed I
on the Icing's hlghwa-It meunt IIml.
tatlons on the speed of the ldng on the
Idng's highway. Dut this projec ell
law aroused the IlIdlgnatlon of some
comtly legislators In the cortes , and
they opposed It bitterly. The Icing ,
tJey said , Is above the law , thereCore ,
to pnss laws leveled at the Idng would
ho agnlnst the law. Deforo thlB lIuzzle
the perlllexed cortes recalled nnd the
law wus nut vassed.
"Tho ) 'oung Icing only recently suc-
ceeled ( In so rar overcoming the Iueen- ,
muther's repugnance to motor cars
that ho porsuadell her to accompnn ) '
him In a little drive. It was unfortu.
nato that on her first exporlment with
him as a motorist tlto ldng should
have had one of his frequent mlahl1ps ,
Dut ho did. He came a cropper , anll
It was a royal cropper.
"Ills enormous machine , going at
high speed , slddded and callslzed , hurlIng -
Ing > Its ro'al freight some distance
Into a ditch. The queon-mother was
badly scared , her roynl feathers and
royal temper were much rumpled , but
othorwlso she was unhurt. "
Cost and Time of TrIp to a Star.
"Lot us suppose II. rnllwa ) ' to have
been bul1t between the earth and the
flxod star Centaurl , " said the lectmer.
"Dy a consideration of this railway's
worldngs we can get some Idea of the
enormous dlstanco thnt Intervenes between -
tween Centaurus and us.
"Supposo that I should decldo to
tale a trip on this new aerial IIno to
the fixed star. I ask the tlclwt ugent
what the faro Is , and ho answers :
" 'The faro Is very low , all' . It is a cent each hundred miles. '
" 'AIIII what , at that rate , wlIl the
through tlclwt one way cost ? ' I nsIc ,
" 'It will cost just $2,750,000,000 , ' ho
"I pay for m ) ' tlcltet and board the
train. Wo set oCf at a tremendous
" 'How Cast ? ' I asle the l > rnlomnn ,
'are wo goIng ? '
If'Slxty miles an hour , sir , ' sa's he ,
'and Its a through train. There nro
no stollpages. '
" ' \Vo'l1 soon bo there , then , won't
wa ? ' I resume.
" ' \Vo'l1 malte good time , sir , ' says
the bralwman.
" 'And when wll1 wo arrlvo ? '
" 'In just .J8GG3OOO ) 'ears. ' " - Philadelphia -
delphia Dulletln.
' "he Best of Life.
Not till IIff"S hent Is 1'0011'11 ,
The heal1long rush 810\\'el1 to a. quiet
} 1ncc ,
AIlIl over ' purbllnl ( passion that ho rulel1 I
Our noisier years , at last
Slll\rs \ liS In vnln , un , wenry of the
rneo ,
'We care no moro who loses or who
Ah , not till ull the best of lIfo seems
' 1'ho best of IIfo begins.
' 1'0 tell for only fame ,
IIanl1elnJplngs [ , nnlI the 11elle gusts of
prnlse ,
FOl' pineo or power or gold to gild a
Above the ave wh'reto
All llfiths w11l bring US , were to 10so
our l1a's :
' \Ve , on who o , ears ) 'outl1'8 passin ! ; bell
has tolled.
In 111 owing bubbles , oven ns children
Forgetting wo gr'ow old. .
Dut the world willens when
Such hope of h'l\'nl f'aln that rulel1 UII
Drolen IImon our ehlldhoo < l's toys , for
" 'f' win to self-controll
Anl1 n1l\1I onrselves In manhood , I\n , '
there rlso
Upon us from the \'ast amI windless
J1'llh t
Thos ( ' cleaner thoughts IUO unto the
" 'hnt stnrs nro to the nlg-Itt.
-The Sl1ccll\lOr ,
She'd Rather Loop the Loop.
" 1\1) ' daughter got mo to loop.the-
10011 at the } mrlt last summer-once , "
said the womnn with the vinegar-
Ylsngo as she steplled from the main
eleyator of a big oll1eo hulldlng , according -
cording to the Kansas CIt ) ' Joul'l1al ,
"hut that.'s a ball"s swing to this
when It comes to mixing ono's vllal
" ' 1'ho trouble Is that the elo\'a or
boy changes 'his II1h1l1 oftener thnn a
woman , I never came down ) 'ot thnt.
ho didn't decillo on a different sp C'd
In transit. When ho dId that flnlclr
stall at the fonrth 11001' jnst now 1
slmlll ' telescolod Inside. \ ' '
) } 1\1) heart's
In m ) ' mouth ) 'et , antI I can't locate
m ) ' stomach , No : no luncheon for mo
nnW 1 get oyer this scrambled feol-
Ing. "
ThouQh Fifty-five.
It all turns on wl1\ \ and exercise. ne-
fore going to sleep a few e : < el'cll'C'8
should bo gone through with open
WII1Ilows , Inhaling the good fresh all' ,
A stol1 ladder to run UII nnll dowl1 Is
11 great IncC'ntl\'o to health : wInd exorcises -
orcises ; relater ) ' motions , all Ieoll the
h < 'll ) ' IIssom , r.nd Ilrevent stoutne s _
'I'hen diet hns to bo conshlored : too
much liquid should never bo tal\Cn
with menls : too much meat Is hnt ! .
There Is nothIng hottol' for the flguro
than hOUSl'holll worl ( . It lalcos a groa\
deal to l1ersUl1l10 nn ordh1lll'y woman
that It Is continuIng tllOiO things thlLt
wnlto n success of It , not starting
\hem and then IOt\\"lns them to fute-
Chlcaso Post.
- .
, - " -
. . . . - - - - - -
Deputy District Attorney Rush Get.
tlng Ready for Trials.
LINCOLN-Deputy United States
District Attlorncy S. H. Hush has had
nn ofllco fitted up COI' him In the room
formerly CCUIJled hy the assistant
custotJlan oC the federal building on
the aecond floor of thnt. structuro. 110
Is busily engaged In getting the land
fonclng cases rend ) ' for trial. Sub.
poenill : ! fire bolng Ilrol1Rrcd for wit.
nesses and among them wlIl lie a
11IIInber of special agents of the gen.
cral land delll\l'tment who were In.
strumental In hl'lnglng about the IndIctments -
dIctments In ] 110\ : \ . In addition to
these man ) ' homestendel's nnll small
cattle men w1l1 he summone to tell
what the ) ' Iwow about the allproprla-
tlon of the pUblic domaIn by the big
cattle men.
Mr. Rush , who , as former nsslstant
United States district. attorne ) ' , hns
had much to 1I0 with bringing the in-
dlctmonts agnlnst the cattle men , and
who hILS charge of the present prose.
cutlons , said :
"Wo cannot get ready for the trials
, f these cases until the lattQr 111\rt of.
the month. The th'Rt case to he tried
wl1bo \ thnt of Herman and John
Krause , who are Indicted with 1\1- \
gal1y enclosing about 5,000 acres of
'and some twelve miles 01' maI'o
northwest of Alliance. Their case
w1\1 \ be ca1\ed \ nbout 1\lay 2J. ! Wo
cannot reach It heCore that tlmo on
nccount oC the jury bolng engaged In
the trials on the clvl1 docltet , and It
Is Judge Munger's wish to clear the
civil docltet beCore going at the crimInal -
Inal doclwt. A1of \ the fourteen or
fifteen Indictments agnlnst cattlemen
are criminal cases and will he trloll
as such. If we cannot reach them.
by criminal procedure we will go at
them by civil procedure. After wo
get through with the Krause cases " , . )
will talw up the Dartlett Richards and
Comstock c ses. "
The Well Known Scout and Detective
Again Free.
AINSWORTH-The jury In the
Hans case returned a verdict of not
guilty and he was given his lIherty.
[ t took from 7 o'cloclt In the afternoon -
noon until :1 : o'clock next q1qrnlng to
arrl\'o at an agreement. The ndlng
of the case Is a relief to the count ,
as there hns been a great deal of
hard feeling created lover It nmong
people wlio were drn.wn Intu the case
against their , . . .111.
The trial of Fred Huns was the second -
end time the famous scout had been
tried for his trfe for the aJIeged murder -
der of Dave Luce , II. rancher In Drown
county. The fil'st. b'ial resulted in
conviction and Hans was sentenced
to Imprisonment for Ufe , Application
to the SUl1remo court. resulted In the
lower court's reversal amI an order
was made compelling Hans to bo re-
No ldlllng In that section of Ne-
braslm had caused such widespread
Jnterest as when Fren Hans , acting as
a sheriff's delmty , went to the residence -
dence of Dave Luco several ) 'ears ago
with a warrant fol' his arrest UlOn a
charge of cattle steullng. Luce consented -
sented to go with Hans to jail , but ag
tllo testimony offered at the trIal
showed , Lucqstellped Into an ndjoln-
Ing room anll reached for his gun.
Hans caJIed upon him to halt , but
Luco l1ald no attention , amI as Luce
was ahout to fire Hans sent two Iml-
lets through his heart. 'I'ho corQner's
'ury ' which sat In the ase at the time
roturnell a verdict to the effect that
the Itllling of Luco was justlfinble.
Several ) "oars actel' the death of
Luce , Uans was arrested charged
with murder. Ho was deCended hy
Atttorne ' William Gurley of Omaha.
Section Foreman Killed.
LINCOLN-Secllon Foreman Kerrl.
gan , of Palmer , Neb" ono of the 01.1-
est omplo'es of the Durllngton com-
l1an ) ' , was run over by an engine anti
1lIIed at Greoley Center.
Nebraskan Amono Victims.
TECU ISI II-\Ir. ; and 1\1rs. A. , T.
Wright of this city recolved word
that their. granddaughter , : \1lss 10'101'-
enco Balter , was a vlcllm of the Sny.
dor , 01,1. , tornado , I1ss Daltor was
the 13-year-01l1 daughter 'ofIr. ; . and
! \Irs. W , D. BalC ! ' \Iountaln : ParI"
Okla. and she was attendlnl ; school at
SI1)'dor. She was bol'll in Tecumseh ,
the Cnmlly having gene to Ollnhoma
from this clt ) . several ) 'ears ago.
Farmers Hold Wheat Too Long. '
YOnK-Thero are IL few farmers
In York county , , , ho still have whe:1t :
on hand , I1nd regret that the ) ' hel(1 (
their wheat too long. O\'er 75 pel'
cent of the whent mlsell In the count -
t ) ' Inst ) 'ear was sold at Cram DO cents
to $1 , 1\1111 Cram this sale the flu'mer3
reallzod thousands of dollnrs.
H. G. Leavitt , the Am s beet sug'1r
magna to , has given the state hoat'll
of Irl'lgntlon fornml notlco of ait ap-
Ileal Crom the decision In favor of
the government In the Pathtlnlh'l'
case , where Leavitt and the Intorlm-
dOlll\rtment were clalmln conlllctln
water rl hts COl' maI'o thun 100,000
I1cres of Innll In Nollrnslm. The suc.
cess of Lea\'ltt wou1l1 have made It
practlcall ) ' Imllos811110 to Ilroceed with
the worl" I1ccorl1ln1- .John . Field ,
the UI lted States onglnoer In char e.
The allllOal Is tnlton to Scotts nIuff
county ,
- - - - , - . - . . - - .
IIenry J. Davis , an otoo county
ploneor , died last we l ( .
Governor 1\lcloy [ hR. ] Issuc hIs flng
dn ) ' proclamation. Juno 14th Is the
. The county physician of Gage eoun.
: ty reports thut h\1 has found several
. cases of smnlhlOX that have novel'
been reported to the authorities. The
physician S1)'s that drastic measures
wl\1 \ bo tnlen to enforce the Iuarnn. ,
tlno rules , and that arrests will bo
mndo If necessary.
, The Methodist Episcopal cburch at
! , Dartle ' was dCllIcated Sunday. It Is
a nlcel ) ' furnish ell , co'tnmodlous build-
. Ing. 0\01' $600 was ralsoll an the
entlro halanco duo was paid ocr and a
halanco left on ha1111. Governor tlllck.
Oy was present a1\ \ day and was the
llrlncllml spealtcr at the evonlng oxor-
Henry Reiher of the firm of Spear.
man & Helber , Papl11lon , butchers ,
whllo In the rco box cooling oCf was
accldentnlly locltcd In. Al1 efforts to
release hlmsolf were unavailing nnd
It was only after he had shouted for
some tlmo that the attontlon of pass.
ersby was nttracted and Reiber was
1\bernted. \
'I'he mom bers of the Lledorlranz
socloty of Grand Island observed the
100th anniversary of the death at
Schl110r by a fine program of reclta.
tlons , dialogues , etc. , from the great
German's worls , the program being
listened to hy about 300 of the Ger-
mnn citizens of the city and members
of the soclet . .
At Hastings : \Iary E. Winter has
filed suit for dlvorco from John Win.
tel' on the charge of ruelty. She al.
leges that he owns 3H : > acres of land ,
valued at $15,000 , and o.slts for $300
suit money and nil many of $8,000. The
couple were married Aprll 5 , 187J ! , at
Hastings , Neb" and have twelve children -
dren , eight of whom are minors.
Robert Laughrn , who hns been In
Plattsmouth for some tlmo on busl-
ness connected with the estate of
Stephen Denton , depal'ted for his
home at Day Clt ) ' , 1\IIch , 1\11' . LaugH.
ra ) ' Is the husband of 1\Irs. Eliza Viola.
Laughrn.y , who was declared the legal :
heir of the os tate left In Cass county I
hy Mr. Denton. The heIr wllI reallzo '
about $ G,700 from the estate.
Adam l\Ic1\lullen of W"more Is In
correspondence with Adjutant General
Culver In an endeavor to secure for
'V'moro the forthcoming rifle practice -
tice encampment or the Nobraslm national -
tional guard , together with the ann -
. n nl encampment of that organization.
, The rifle encampment wH1 be held exclusively -
clusively Cor the Imrpose of rlfio prac.
tlco and range worle for members of
the militia.
Chancel10r Andrews anll Steward
Dales and the honrd of regents of the
State university visited North Platte
to Insl1ect the suh.experlmontal farm
nt that Illace. After Inspecting the
farm a meeting of the hoard was heltl
and the bonrl apllropl'lated about
, $1i.000 Cor Improvement upon the fnrm
tltl spring , which Inchtdes a modern
barn and dwelling house for the au-
perlntend nt.
State Veterinarian Thomas has Is-
I sued a statement saying that the
spread of Texas Itch among the herds
of range cattle In western Nehraslm
ho.s heen checlcd and the malady is
being stamped out. The sheriffs of the
varIous countlns are assisting In the
enforcement of the 11II1plng and quarantine -
antine regulations established by tltt : :
The owners or land along the Ne"
maha hottom wl1l not he allowed to
dll\O their Innll ngalnst flood waters
Is the gist oC tlto dec'lslon haudC'd
Ilo\\'n h ' .Turlge W , II , Kel1lgar In
nlchnrllfon count ) " , For the past two
or three ) 'C'nrs owners of hottom land
In this county have heen throwing up
dlltes alonr ; t110Ir lines in the emlea..or
to Iteep' the fioorl waters of the Ne.
maIm off theIr 1111111s.
A stranger walltell Into the second
hand store of Sis K1'emenchule at
Grand Island 10 sell 11. re..ol\'er. Ho
statell that the rovoh'or was unload-
ell. hut while 1'111' . Kremenchuk was
, ha111111ng tlte'wcallon It dlschnl'/ed / , the
hullot going through two show cas
glasses and , It Is hollovel. ( strlldng the
f'trnn or In the hilI , Mr. Kromenchulc ,
frightened. threw the revolver over
the counter. when the stranger
grnhhed It anll ran out of the store.
' 1'ho trustees Cor 'the Instltuto for
the mind at Nehrnslm City hold a
meC'tlng at the Instltuto and decided
to hold the commencement exercises
In Institute lmll on' 'I'hursda ) " and Fri-
da ) ' , Juno 8 and ! J.
Charles Paclmrd. of LIncoln , 18
) 'C'ars old , was sentenced to ono year
In tlto penlteJltary' ! for stenllng a
urass hnnd rnll from a Durllllgton pn.9'
.songor concb. Tit bor ( 'Iahns that ho
( 'nmo from New York City In "carch
of worl , . hut hit : ! earnest efforts for
two da's hnd hoen unsuccessful , that
ho wns out of , money nml took the
At the council meeting' In IImuholdt
u petition .clgned h ) ' ahout 1iQ [ voters
WIIS presf'lnted asl > 1n that another
bOl1l1 election he cal1ed wltlt n'Iow to
ha\'ln 1,1,000 < 'Ity hall erected on
the lot now Occullied hy the old hullll.
At Droltl'n now the jllr ) ' In the case
of .10hn E , Cht1llllIer , charged with
cattle stealing , IIftOI' helng out Ie..oral
110urs , roturneel II. vOl'llict of guilt ) . .
.111m08 D , Hltodos , also Inlxell up the
cattle stealing of Inst No..emhor , wont
Into court and plclldod guilt ) . to the
charges agaInst hlm , , after wltJlIlraw.
Ing his provlous plea of not sUllty.
, ,
f' \ ' ,
P A I N F U L S C r AT I C A4 > - ; ! "
, I
1111' . DonnTnn ThInk ! the Rcnnctl7 Uaccl b7
nlm. with Such Uel11nrknlllo Buceell
the Doat-Cured 117 FIve ) Jolea. :
II : Men who ho.vo to do difficult nnd
dangerous worle on olectrio lines at nny
hour of dl\Y or night , cl\n't 1\ffol'd to hl\\'o
anything the mll.tter with their health , " I
sahl Mr. Donovall. , You can hungine , I
therefore , how much I WI\S alarme ono
win tor's day i111002 , when I wns seizec !
by a plln ! just behin my l'ight hip that , - tV ,
! made it difficult for 1110 to walle homo. -1. :
! It was so bad by the time I renchod the
house that I was obliged to go straight
to bcd. "
If Dhl that relieve y\u ? "
If No , the pain grow mora Revere nnd
kept extelllliug downward aloug 111Y leg.
I sent for a )1h'slclan ) ho soon do. I
cidell that I ha sciatica. In a row days
the whole l1orvo was affected , nu the f
least movement brought on terrible
I " :
n"'onv _ .
: II Dill your condition improve under
the doctor's treatment ? "
II Quito the contrary. At th9 end of \ '
two months I wasn't a bit better , an at " \
times I feare that I would novel' bo \
I1blo to leave my bed.II )
U How dl 'ou get out ngnin ? "
If 'Vhen I was lying in bed , unable to I
move auel wasting way in flesh , a friend I
visite mo nn tel me nbout the won-
derful cures brought about , by 110 great I ,
I blood and nerve remedy , Dr. 'Villia1tJs'
i Pinle Pills. Ho strongly urge mo to try J
them , Ilnd I luckily ha sense enough to I
take his a vice.II I
II Did yon mel1d quickly ? "
II Yes , that was the astonishing thing. ,
I noticed a slight improvement before I ,
ha quito finisho the first box of the
pills , I coulll get out of .bed while I was
on the thlr box , /ll1d I was entirely
cnred by the time I had taken five boxes.II \
: Mr , Joseph A. Donovan is living nt
PlaSstow , Now Hampshlro , an is lIne
Inspector for the Haverhill , Newton nd
PlI1istow Electrio Street Enihvay. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills aro' the rcmedy to
nae when the blood is thin , ns in alloomi ; _ .
or impure , as in rheumatism ; or when ;
the nerves I1ra weak , as in nonralgia ; or :
lifeless , as in partial parnlysis ; or when
the body ns a whole 1S ill-nourished , as
( n gonernl debility. They are sold by
nIl druggist
British Foxes Made Abroad. ( t
The purchase of foreign fox cubs ) I
from Importers of w1ld animals is l\t-
tended with serious dangers. , Wolves , ;
jaclmls and such JI1to creatures nro ,
easily mlstalel1 , In the cub stage , for I
faxes , and now and then have been
sold In England as verltablo children
of Dr'er Fox. This Is the true expla'n.
atlon of those sensaUono.l outbreales
of sheep worrying during the past few \
years.-London Dally Mall. I
Every bouselt-eeper SllOUld l(11oW I ,
that It they wll\ \ buy Deflnace Cold I
Water Starch for laundry use ! -hey
w111 so.vo not only time , because It 4. ' , I.
never sticks to the Iron , but because " '
each paclmge contains 1G oZ.-one fuU
pound-whllo all ether Cold Water
Starches are put up inpound po.cle-
ages , and the price Is the aame , 10 I
cents. Then asaln because Defiance !
Starch Is free from al1 Injurious chern. I
Icals , If your grocer tries to seH you
n 12.oz. paclmge It Is because ho has I
a stock on hanll which ho wishes to
dlsposo of before ho puts In Defiance. I
He lmows that Defianc'O Starch has
printed on every paclmge In large let'I.
tel's and figures "lG ozs. " Demand De- 'I. r
fIance and save much time and money ,
and the annoyance of the iron lOUck-
Ing. Defiance never sUclts.
Scattered Kindness.
There are lives of wearIsome monotony - . ,
tony which a word of kindness can i
relieve. There Is suffering which /
words of sympathy can male more en. j
durable , and often In the midst 'of
wealth and luxury , there are these
who listen and long In vain for soma
expression of disinterested Itlndness.
-Frnnces Ridley Havcrga1.
Opening of the Ulntah Indian
Reservation. ,
The Ulntah Indian Resorvatlon In
Utah , containing 2,425,000 acres at
arable land , to bo olened up for settlement -
tlement on September 1 , 1J0i ! : , Is des.
crlbed In a pamphlet just Issued by'
the passenger depnrtment of the Denver -
ver & Rio Grande nail road company.
A valua.blo map , showing the country
to bo ( .pened up and the varIous
route ! ! by which It can bo reached , Is
puhllshed for the first limo In this
pamphlet , which may bo obtained by
addressing General Passenger Agent
S. K. Hooper at Denyer.
Old Castle Is Ruined.
Rosshrln CasUe , once n strongh01l1 '
of the O'Mahony clan , on the coast at 1
West Corlt , near Schun , having with.
stood many a storm , was almost com.
pletoly demolished In a recent gale.
A breach made In the walls during 1\
81ego hy Sir Geore ; : Carow In Queen
lIzaboth's tlmo proved the wealc
poInt durin ; : ; the late gale.
. . .
I am taltlng a new , but I sincerely
bellevo a just , vlow of Nero. I can.
shIer him not anI ) ' not a monster , hut
not oven a radlcal1y bnd man In the . . . ,
ordinary sense of the term. He was ,
In Its most original sense , an esthete
-placed In an omnipotent posltlon.-
Mr. S. Phl11llls , In Great Thoughts.
In sUJlPort of her contention that nn
unlicensed dog , on account of which
she hud heen 5U1umoned , was not six
months 01(1 ( , a woman In East Grin.
stead , nglnnd , produced In court the
dog's birth certlficato , signed by Q i
veterinary surgoon. "
POIH.lo.lrlt ) ' street Is pave with
pretty 1Ileeches.
" .