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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1905)
. ( tuST R . ( OUNTY R PUBLlAn By D. M. AMBDERRY. BROIJDN DOW1 - - NEnRABKA ho.-- _ - I Brief Telegrams The state sounto oC Conuoctlcut haa ndollte1 rORollltlr-n unllllug 1COlli - mlttee to procure sllltl11.110 memorial to the nWl110ry of 80ul\tor O. 11. Platt. It is rUl11orod tllnt Gugo E. 'l'urboll w11l wftlldrnw frolll hla olllco us vice IJreslilent of the l QIIllnhlo l/lfo A' - 811rnnco soclot ) ' aud Htart n now com- pau ) ' , ' ' Yorle ' conlJnltloo 1'110 Now nssom1JI ) fiudB Jllsllco Iloolcor gllllty of charges mndo ngalust 111m nUll recommends Ills romovnl from the Sllpromo com t bouch. Gonornl Lluovllch In an intorvlow nt Gllnshll Pass crlllcisos KOllrollatleln for the retreat from 1\1l1leden und sa's ho ia roudy to aS1311mO the uf- fOllslvo. 1 < ' 11'0 II1RllrnnCO Coml11\nl09 dolug l\\slnoss In Mexico , IJrlncl111\11y 001'- mun und Brllish cOl11ll\nlcs , ha\'o agreed to advance ratos' frolU 30 to 4.0 1101' con t. 'rho Il\lnllnl ; of "Tho Mun of the Mantle , " b ) ' Gnri Molchor8 , the American - ican artist , hns lwon purchnsod by the Itnllnn government fOI' the Modem Art galloI' ) ' at Homo. 'rhe FI'onch cable connecting Cadiz , 8l1nln , with ' 1'unglor IIrovldcd for 1Iy the 1 < 'rnncoSIHlnlsh convontlon has bocn cOl11l1lotod. ' 1'110 cable belongs to the I'ronch govornment. Tllo ] Iresont lIo1lJlntlon of the atato of Washington .d 8.17,000 , nccordlng to osthnatos cOl11l1lotod by the statistical - cal dOllarll11ont of the Bocrotary or stato's ontco. Lord Kltchener threatens to roslgn as cOmm\lHICl'-ln.chloC of the forces in indlnn unless tllo vlcoroy'a cOllncll as. senta to his Illans for Incl'lJUscd mill- tar ' exvendlture. ' 1'ho supreme court of Massachusetts - setts has just broleen the will of Urlel : S , Crocleer , n. law'or who made 11 spe- clalt ) ' of drnwlng wms in 11 long and hnportnnt IJrnctico. Koreltlego 'l'alcnhashl , Japan's financial - cial agent , who has arrived In Now Yorle , says ' 1'ogO will not olTor battle to the Russian fieot , but will save his shillS for the future. AnIJouncement Is that Coslmn. Wagner - nor , widow of the great cOll1poser , has discontinued her suit ngalnst 1I0lnrich Conrled growing out of the American IJroduction of "Parsifal. " 1\lInlster \ Bowet\ called back from venezuela to explain his alleged connection - nection with .clrculatlon of rUlUors r - gardlng Asslstnnt Secretary of State Loomis ; diplomatic changes. Four employes of the Soulhern Pacific - cific road on trains running out at E1 Paso , Tex. , are under arrest at Lords- burg , N. M. , charged with smuggling Chlneso Into the United States. ' 1'oltlo reports that the Daltlc 1I0et has been sighted 01T Capo Varela , seventy - onty miles north of Kam1'L\nh Day , and It Is belloved Hojesvonslty is on Ills way to Vla\.lvostok around Jal1l\n , James II. Hiland , third vi co presl- dent of the 1\11IwaulOo \ road , opposes plnclng of the rate.maltlng power in the hands of the interstate coml11orco commission before senate commlttoo , The 1\lIddloton \ banle In Waverly , 1\10. \ , has faUed fOI' $ . .0,000. The cashier - ier , E. H. Lo\vls , 'Is accused ot disappearing - pearing with $30,000 of. the funds. The cailital stOClt of the 1nstitution Is $16,000. Whllo removing an old clstorn wnll from an excavation at I"ort Madison , Ia. , Contractor Jnmes J. Malloy dls- ovcred in the uobrls bags continlng $ l1tiOO in gold and two small casles of wino , FrIends of James II. H 'do are 1'0' ' } 1orted to hnvo nsleed Postmnstor Gen. 'Oral Cortel'ou to become prosldent of the Equltablo Lifo Assurance socloty , 1\11' \ . Cortolyou refuses to dIscuss the matter. Cabling from Hong Kong , the cor. respondent of the London Mall assertE that the tweh'e.lnch wlro guns on the British battlesilips Ovean and Vongo. nnco 11.1'0 . to bo roplnced as soon ! \E now cuns arrive. Commn11l1er George Morse Stonoy U , S. N. , died suddenly at heart t1ls case at his quarters on bonrd the shh banteo at the naval acado my. Annap oils , 1\Id. \ , nged ti2 years. lIe had beer In bad health for sovernl months. The populntion of St. Louis is nO\1 declared to 74.,210 ! , A conference opened Sunday at Der 11n In celebration of the tenth annl versary of the (1Iscovery oC the Roenl gen rays , Dr. Leonnrd ot Phllade ] phla returned thnnle for the recor tIon accorded to the forolgn delegatm 'l'ho Illnnt of the boot sugar factor ; nt St. LOIII Parle , 1\tlnnenpolls \ , va' ' ued at $2iO,000 ! , was ontlroly destroye , by firo. Henr ' Gu - Cnrleton , the notell pln3 wrIght , was strlclccn with at the nome of n frl011l1 in Jaclsol vfllo , Fla. The Illinois senate Imssed the hous civil servlco bill l1rovld1ng for 11 S'I tern of clvll service in the state inst tutlons. It Is re110rted 'hat Senor Zonit , Me : ican minister to Austrln , will bo prl meted to the Mexican ambassndorshl at Washington. The London sportsman states till the stallion St. Maclou , b ) ' St , Sirna out of MImi , has beeu solll to Sulzbe gor , of Gorman ' , for $ tiOOOO. 1\Iiss Evelyno Porloy , former wUo I LesIlo Cleland of Des Moines , and sl tel' of Mrs. Ed Brand of Grinno co mlttcd sulcjdc In ChIc o , - I ' d ' , . InCre1'lc : Coinage Fal'fhhrg The Urltlsh mint hilI ! heol1 husl1y engl\gl'1 In coining fnrthlngs , Until v'ry r ccnt1y the farthing has been almost nn nnlwown coin In many , II'r11l111-.1 the mnjorlty of the Brltl h ) ) oslH'illlon ! . ' 1'hcy nt'O only coined to OIH'OIlI'n/ote / thrift In the colonies. By Introthlclng the 11l11ull08t coin qf the I't'l\l1n 1Imvlng can ho effected on. . purchaser of 61111111 (11InntlU08 at goods. iI i I Wanted Mcrllclne for Right Sido. "A WOl1I\J1 ! C'nmo Into my store the ether dny , " rel11nl'cod ) the drugglat , "and aAlcod my nllsl8tnnt to give her Romethlng fIJI' { 1)lJn ) Gho had In her right sillo. Whllo , the ) 'Ollng man was cOlypoundlng the mixture , the woman approached mo nnd said : 'Aro YOIl sure ho will gl vo mo what I need 1 'l'el1 him to ho sllro anI } maleo up the medlclno for the right side. ' II Ploneer'o Use of QuInine. 'rho sollllers In our civil war d& penlled greatly nlJOn qnlnlno. ' 1'ho Illoneel's In our country when It was fil'st settled and civilized had as hard worJt fighting fever and ngllo In the then swampy , mnlarlal districts as In fighting Indians , 1\11(1 ( (1lIlnlno wus uvon 11101'0 necessary than firearms. A Talc of SUffering. Oaltley , 1\1lch. , 1\1ny 8th.-Spccln1) ( -"I could not Bleep or rest In nny place , " snya Florence Capen of this place In a recent Interview , "I had a pain In my hacle anI ! hIps. It I sat down I could not got UIJ out of my chnlr , I was In pain nil the tll11o. I got poor for I did 1I0t cnt enough to locp a s1l1ull chilli. I could 1I0t rest Dlghto. " 'i'hen r sent for n box of Dodd's Kidney Pl11s Ilnd went to talclns them and whnt do you thlnlc , that vel'Y night I went to hed and I slept till morning. I got up Ilnd thanlecd God for the night's test and Dodd's KIdney - ney Pl11s. I Iwow that Dodd's Kidney - noy P111s 111'0 nil that is claimed for thorn. " This Is only ono of the nnmerous experiences that show the way to hulld up run down people Is to cure the kidneys. Thousands of people In every state hear witness to the fact thnt Dodd's Kidney P111s novel' fall to cure UIO Icldnoya. Link Sausage Output. A trade journal has estimated , after - ter much figuring , that the annual output of lInle sausngo In this country - try n.mounts to moro thnn .100,000.000 yards , or 227,272 mlles. This is enough to extend nrou11(1 the world nIne times at the cquator-but sausage - 1 sago wlll not leeop at the equlltor. Landlord's Abt'urd Prerogatives. The duleo of Portland has the right of talclng UI ) his abode In any of the tenants' houses on the Welbeclt o.stnto , aUlI Lord Dalfour of Burleigh can maleo the tenants on his property - somblo once a year bal'choaded Ilnd barefooted and aclmowledgo him 1mb- lIc1y to bo their lord and m stor , ; Wickedness In Luverne , Every body In Luvorne knows the ) 'oung Indlc:1 : who lock arms with the dovll , "You can fool 8'omo of the peo- IJlo sarno of the time , but 'ou clln't tool all the ] JeOlllo all of the tImo.- Luverno Journal. Harvard's Choicest Treasure. Hurvard college is rich In treasurcs of many Iclnds In Its vast series of museums , but the choIcest of 1111 Its treasures , is the 'Waro collection of DI\.Schlm glass models of plnnts in the Dotanlcal musoum. When you go into mixed company the all' you should carry with YOI1 there is that of fearing no ono anll wishing to offend no one , COFFEE HEART Very Plain In Some People. A great man ' l1eol110 go on sufferIng - Ing frolD anno'lng alhnents for a long limo betoro the ) ' cnn get their own consent to glvo up the indulgence from which their trouble arises. A gentleman In Drooltl'n doscribea his oxperl nco as follows : "I became satisfied S0l110 months ago that lowed the I1\1pltntion of the heart , tr0111 which I Buffered almost dnllr , to the use of coffee ( I had been n coffee drlnleer for 30 ) 'enrs ) , but I found it very hard to glvo up the boY- _ crngo. "I reallzoll that 1 must glvo up the _ harmful Indulgence In coffee but I felt the necesslt ) ' for n. hot' table drInk , and as tea'is not to my liking , I was at 11 loss for awhllo what to do. "Ono day I rnn across a ver ) ' son , siblo and straightforward presentu. tIon of the claims of Postum FOOll Coffee , and was so impressed thereby thnt I concluded to slvo It a trIal. My experience with it was unsntIsfnctory till r lenrned how It ought to bo IJre' pared-by thorollgh boiling for not los8 than 15 or 20 mlnutos. Actor 1 learned that lesson there was no troublo. l > ostum 1"00(1 Coffee proYe to bo n most palatable and satlsf\.c. ! \ r- tory hot beverage , and 1 have used It over since. "Tho effect on my health has beer. most sal 1tarr , It has complotel ) o cured the heart pallJltation from whlot sused [ to suffer so much , partlcularl ) iafter breakfast , and I noyer have a re turn of it except when I dlno or lunct : tDoway ' from homo and nm comlJellct 010 drlnIc the old Itlnd of coffee becausc lp Postum is not served. I fiml that POB tum l ooll Coffee cheers and Invigor \t ntes whllo it ] 11'0duces no Ilt\riufu n , stimulation. " Name glyen by Postuu rCo. . , Dnttlo CrQole , Mlcn. Thero's a reason , of Ten dn's' trII\1 proves tu1 eye OpCD ISer to mnny. 11 , Read the lIttle boole , "Tho Road tI WollvUlo" in OVetf kr : . , KILLED OVER 100 AN OKLAHOMA TOWN DESTROY. ED DY TORNADO. UlNETY-FIVE ODlES REOOVERED - Dellef That the De3th Llat Will Eventually - ually Reach 13Q-Rellef for the Stricken Rlpldly Delng Sent For- ward. SNVmm , mela.-At 10 o'clocle Thl1rsda ' the uumhor ot Icnown dll as Il result of the tornado has reached nlnely.flve. Al'rnn oJl1onts hl1vo bel ! male ( to convor nil the Injl1J'ed who can ho inovell to hORlltnls ( at Olein- homa City and Lawson. l ' ' ' Intost official OU'I'ItIU , OIln.-'rIJO rOllorts from the tOl'11ndo'Rtrlcleen town of Snydm' , Olell1. , pIneo the list of Iload III nll1'tr-t1v-c. Olher rumors all vance Ihll ! filturo to 100. It Is highly ' 1lr ! 1.hlo that the ( lenth list when ac- cl1J'utely tabulatell will rench 130. Of those Injl1red there are various re- xmrts reaching frol11 100 to HiO. 'I'ho storm formed near the Texns IIno and its Imth extends In a northeasterly - easterly lllr < 'rt.lon for over forty miles , cauHlng' damage I\t Altus , Olusteo and other f1mnll towns 111111 In the country aR well as at Snyler. ( Heports Indl- cato that the cnsl1alties outside of Snyder wIll nggr0guto. over twenty- five nnd may go higher , RelleC Is holn sent from neighhor- Ing towns. From OIc1nhoma City 100 men w nt to dig grnves and seelt the' dend stll1 In the nllns , Iltd also n. dozen 11111ertalccrs with 100 coffins. Offers of financlnl'asslstanco have como from numerous cities. Governor Ferguson of OIc1ahoma hils' issued a proclamn tlon calling attention - tion to the needs of the stricleen town. It Is stIlI dIfficult to ohtain information - tion from Sn3'der. A slnglo telegrnph wlro turnishes an outlet , hut It is blocleed with prIvate messages concernIng - cernIng the dead and hljured. To add to the general confusion nnd dIstress after the tornado had passed fire 1.Iroleo out anll burned oult many of the buildings that remnlned of the business - ness blocles. So far It Is not possible to find out whether or not any bol1es were cremated , but It Is hlghl ) ' pos- slblo that such is the case. An unidentified woman was plcleed up dead , having been pInioned to the ground by a scantling which entered her loft eye and came out through the bncle of her head. Clarence Donovan , railroad engineer , nnd 1\IIss NIna Fes- sonden were to have heon marrlell last night , hut hall just 110stllOned the nuptials - tials until thIs morning. Doth were Instantly - stantly Idllcd. l"red Crump , ahoy. hall stnrted to n. cellar when a fiyIng timber - bor struclt him and severed his head from his body. Delll'IR wns carrIed to the northeast as fnr us Cooperton. twelve mlles , nnd It Is reported that there nro more of the frngmetlts of homes at that town and In that vIcinity - cinity thnn are in the tornado path at Snyder. About\'e hend of horses and cattle were lel11ell on the town- site. A commIttee wa' ! set to worle this morning' to remove carcasses. The mayor of Snrder Is having much trouble arranging for the burIal of the dead , The confusion Is ! : reat , owing to the fnct that there stlll re. maIn a number of unidentified bodIes at the morgues. 'rhero is much suf- terlng owing to the lack of pl'OvIsI011'l and places to star. 'Vlmt houses re. maIn in the town are In bad cont1l- tlon and are unsafe for habitation. De- sides , there Is not room enough to cnro for the homeless. neddlng and wearing all 111reI are hoth Inclclng , and deslllto the effort to succor the unfortunates - tunates they are stili in 11 pltlahlo condItion. FRENCH ARE ON THEIR GUARD Jap3n Learns that RusslanG Are Kept From Wilters of France. TOKIo-'rho followln announcement - ment wns madc by the Jnpaneso foreign - eign office : Since the Kamranh hny incident the French government has Instructed both the civil and mllitarr officlnls In Indo-China to maintain a close watch on the coast of l"rench torrItOl' - and to wnl'll bellh erent shhJS not to en' tor French watel's. When it was reported that the thlrll Russian squadron , commnnded by Rear AdmIral Nehog'ntolT , was ap. IJronchlng French waters , the l"rencl1 government agnln instructed the naval authorilies to mnintain a close watch and talw effectlvo measurm with nil their rower to prevent a vlo Intlon of neutrality. I1Ull it slmultan I eously notlfiell the Russian govern ment. The French government has notlfiel the Jalmneso legation at Pnrl8 thnt I. . has rocolved a telegrnphic report tlm L no Husslan shIps were sighted of lIon Kolco Im ' May ! I. r Commanche Chief Quotes Preslden' I.AWSON , O. 'r.-In a Sl100ch to r congregation of Cllnnncho Ind'nnl and whlto peo1110. . Qunnah Parleer Comanche chief , stntell that l'reslden Uoosovell assur'll him thnt thl Klowa.Comnnche 111lHan pnstll1'l lands of Olelahoma would r0:11aln till IJro11erty of the IndlnnR fOJ' all tImc Chief ParleeI' aslted that the Innda h L' allotted anti , the llresltlent is snltl tl ha\'o stnted ho would talw the mntto UI ) with the commlsslonel' of IndIa ! C ) affairs. 110 also asleetl thnt th Comanches bo 'mid $100 annually , , , , MARRIED AGAIN AT ! IS , Great.Grandfather Marrleo Woman He Had KMwn M n Child. ASBURY PAIU { , N. .T.-Stlll youns at the ago of D ) 'oars , George Schmidt , wonlthy retlroll Newarlt butcher , who 8\en \ ) < < 18 the great or 11I\\'t of tlro year In Ocean Orovo , wns married In that < , It ' thp other dn ) ' . 'fhe br1l10 Is \lrll , mien na ) ' Schwartz , who lenew him In h'r Jtlrlhooll daYA , malelng the HOOI\11 ( mntrlmonlnl'onturo for the gl'oom anll the thlrll for the hrlde. The cor'mon ) ' wns ) ) ( ! rformed hy Rov. 8. II. C. Smith , retlroll , and was Jcopt secret for famll ) ' , ren ons. The bride , ) 'oung In appearnnce , and comely , salll : "I came to Ocean Grove In March , wh"ln the quostlon wns IJoIlPod. " Concerning' her husbnl\l , she pnlll : "You would talee him for G . lIe has ne\'r smoleed , chewel or drnnle , nnd mnl0s n. perfect husband , I\nd Is per- fept In mind and bed ) ' . " 'rhe groom has two great-grand- chlldl'en , and has never known a day's alclmoss. 110 walles without n. cnne , 1\1\11 on meeting n. frlenll will sometimes - times dance n lively jig , enl1lng wtlh the remarle : "Well , how's that for a ! lti.year.01l1 boy ? " KOREAN GRAFTER DEPOSED. Had Interferrcd With Many American Trcilty R lohts , W ASHlNGTON-l\lInlster Allen , Ilt Seoul , Iorea , rellorts to the state de- ] J\l'tment that a magistrate at Penyang who was charged with invndlng the trl'nty rlghlq of mnny Americans and with extorting gre"at sums of mone ) ' lIIegally from the pOOIJle , finally has horn removed from offico. His pecula- tlOlIs , accordIng to the report , aggre. gal'd 1110re than $100,000. tTnder date of 1\Iarch 1G , 1\IInister Aile'll wrItes : "Amerkans In Pen 'ang hnve complaIned - plaIned of the conduet of the magIs- ' trnto , Paing lInn ChUD , because of his olJpression of the people and hecause of his Interference with AmerIcan tronty rights. When war brolee out It was SUIJposed that thIs man would he turned down h ' the Japanese , but ho was clever enough to maleo himself useful In securing lands and other military requirements. for whIch ho receIved parment , but falleel to hand over the money to the natives. I wns ohllged to complain of him because of his conduct toward the Americans and in September , 1104 ! , spolco to the Japanese minIster of my difficulties an intentions. " PAYMASTER BECOMES WILD. . C , S , West , United States Army OffIcer - cer , Creates Trouble on Train. CHICAGO-ExcItement In n. traIn on the Chicago , l\lI1waulee & St. Paul rnllroad was caused hy C. S. West , 11 government paymnster , until recently stationed at 1\IanIla. Ho was returning to his home In New York on an extended - tended leave of absence because of 111 health. Fifty mlles outsIde of Chicago , the crew of the train say , West became ylolent , lIe attaclwd the conductor , who attemllted to quiet him , and in the struggle several panes of glass were hrolcon In the cllr. The men and women in the car fled Into other coach os. The braleemen were cal1ed in and after a struggle West was sub- dued. He was carrIed Into the 1.Iag- gngo car anl l\Opt under control untIl the UnIon statIon was reached. From there ho was tal\On to 1\ police statIon - tIon , where he is being held. Ho was oxamlned ns to his mental condition. NEW YORK WANTS FARMERS State Agricultural Department Will Endelvor to Get Them , ALDANY N. Y-WIth the view of attractIng to thIs state deDIrable immIgrant - mIgrant fnrmel's and fnrm laborers , the Slate Del1\rtment of Agrlculturo Is preparIng to collect and dIsseminate Information of the farm and dnlry advantages - vantages whIch Now Yorl. state off- ers. Ono of the several hnlldlcnps with which the fnrmers of thIs state have to con end Is the scarcity of fnrm la- borers. For man ) ' 'enrs the State Agrlcul- t\l1'al delmrtment has observed that forolgn farm hands nnd smnll farmers seldom settle In the cast. but travel straight through to the west. In the PIlSt years the great Inducement there 1 was given for homesteads. but now that such Innds nre almost entIrely settled an effort wIll bo mndo to hl'Ing these desirable Immigrants to Now Yorle state. . Storm Hard On Live Stock. STURGIS , S. D-The biggest storm In mnny yenrs passed OV01' thIs vleln. It ' . lasting four dn's and nights , quittIng Frhlny , Twenty inches 01 snow fell. Ho : r1s are In a horrlbl con. ditIon , g\'erythIn Is snowbound. nil _ trains are late , telegral1h nnll telephone _ wires are down. There Is fenr of a 1100 ( : In the UPIJer Dlncle HIlls. ' 1'ho storm It Is thought. extends out to the rnnge ! and great loss of cattle and sheep h feared. Fruit trees are hndly dam nged. The molsturo Is good tor tht farmIng countr - . , Taft COllis Davis to Wa''hlngton , WASHINGTO - Secretary 'I'af cahled Governor Davis at Panama It retllm at on co to the Unlte(1 ( Stutes placing Colonel Gorgas In chnrlo 0 the admlnIstrntion of the cannl zon4 until the arl'lval there of Goveruo Ingoon. Governor Dnvis Is sufferinl from mnlar1a IUlll his l't'sIclnns ! ad vleed him to leave the Isthmus to rc cUIJernto , 110 has reslstell theIr all peals , however , tearing that his su den dOl1l1rture at a tIme when th , health conditions on the Isthmus aI" adverse would bo misunderstood. . 'I ! . , - e , . KANSAS TORNADO TEARS PATH ACROSS THE STATE IN THE NIGHT. . THIRTY. OR rnORE ARE DEAD Sleeping CItizens Crushed In Ruln'3 of Scattered Homes.-Nearly all Build. Ingo In the Town of Marquette Dlown Down , MARQUETTE , Knn-When darl , . ness fell upon this strlclcon town Tltl's , day night It was Imown that twenty nine lives had heon lost In the tornado that wrecleed part of 1\Iarquetto eurly In the dllY nnd did much damage In this vicinity nnd thllt forty-four per. sons hlld been Injured. Of the Injttrec1 thirty-fivo were serloush' hurt and some of them ma ) ' dlo. During the da ) ' nrl Warnqulst anll 1\Irs. J. A. Carlson died of tholr wounds. Several of the others are suITerlng from IJroleen limbs and Internal Injuries. In several cases ontlre famlllos 11ave been Idlled. A man named Switzer , ! \ night watchman at the rnllroad yards. lost his three children. N. P. Nelson , with hIs wlfo and three chIldren , were found dend. Two other children wera not at home and escaped Injury , Last night order had practically been brought out of the chaotic com1l- tlon that prevallod , Ilnd n. relief commIttee - mIttee had hegun dispensing ald. Among the rellef sent from outside were twenty-fivo pupils from Dethany college , who acted as nurses. The tornado seems to have formed three mlles south of Marquette Ilnd did not spend Its force until It IHld passed many miles norlh of the town. In Marquette - quette the residence portion , west ot the maIn slreet , sulTerod the principal damag-e. Houses In the cours of the tornado were all with one or two exceptions - ceptions , wreclQl. ( In this section there were 11 number of modern ro.siJ donees , only ono of whIch was leCt standing. The Swedish Luthernn Ilnd MethodIst churches werQ among the first hulldings struck and they , together - gether with the parsonage adjoinIng the Methodist church , were completely - ly demolished. Yesterday afternoon'111el been hot and oppreslve , the atmosphere loaded with electrIcity. Late In the evening n terrific rain storm brolee over the town. The rain continued to fall in torrents untl 11 : 65 last night , when the tornado strucle. WithIn less than five minutes It had wrought Its terribio work and passed on. Telegraph and telephone wires were carrIed down and it was several hO\l1'8 before the outsldo world could be Informed of the plight of the city. Marquette is 1\ town of 1,500 peoplo. In McPherson county. It Is In the exact center of Iansns and In the richest farmIng county In the state. A FUND OF $100,000,000. Harriman's Proposition Carries Unanl- mousl.y at Salt Lake City. SALT J.AKE CITY. Utah-At the specIal meetIng of stocleholders oC the Union PacIfic Railroad company held FrIday in Salt Lalw City the proposItion - tion to Issue 100,000,000 of pl'eferred stocle was I\pproyed hy the unanImous vole of the holders of G57,7G1 sahres of IJreferred steele and 1,118,017 shares of common stoele. The total outstandIng - Ing Is 1,000,000 shares preferred and 1DG1,787 shares of common. Judge 'V. D. Cornish of New Yorle , vice president of the lIarriman 6)'S- tem , held proxies for 1111 of the etoelt represented at the meeting' , with the excelltlon of 841 shares. Joseph F. Smith , head of the 1\Iormon church and who Is a director of the UnIon Pacific - fic , voted ono share. The remaining 8.10 shares were voted b ' two Salt Lalco City neWSl1l1.110r . men , who held proxIes for two stocl.h01l1ers. Not one word of IJrotest agaInst the Issue of new preferred stoelt was henrd at the meeting , nor was nny ex- IJlanation offered of the purpose of the prollosed Issue. One of the ropre- sentatlves of the local steele asked how the IIroceeds of the new Issuance were to he expended , His query was entered on the mh1tJtes , but no repl ' was given. With thIs one eXCelJtlon there was no reference to the purpose of the management In providing for this fund of $100.000.000. Fremont hOl1es to be on the line of the Great Northern from Slom , CIt ' to Ashlnnd. Mrs , Hoch Continues Story , CHICAGO- . Amelia Fischer- Hoch resumed her testimony In the , tral } of Johann Hoch. She told how , Hoeh hnd wooed her Immediately after - tor the dentll of her sIster ; told of his success In obtnining IJoSsession of her money aHel' she had married hIm at Joliet , 111. . and told how Hoch , had then fied from ChIcago. 1I0cll sat close to hIs law'er and apIJenred ! to talce no great Interest In the pro , ceedings , but occaslonall ) ' ho leaned ) oyer In order to catch a relily to a question 11\1t to the witness. Decorate Schiller Monument. WEI\IAH. : Grand Duch ' of Saxe. ) welmar-\Iany : 11\lI1dredD of wreath fl'om nIl Imrts of Get'nmnr rencho hero l\IOIHlay and are IllIed around the SchIlloI' monumont. Delegates ha\'o ar I'lved at Wolmar trom the uni\'ersItIe of Germany. Austro.Hungarr , Switzer _ land , as well as rOllreselllatlves of th < high schools of AmerIca. The hotel are crowtlr.ll with rrlncelr nnd ethel notable 11er5'mngos. who will talce pari In the commomorntlon exercises h honor of the ono hundredth anniver sarr of the 1100t's death , . . ot . . . 41 : . ' " I. NO MORf HfADACHE . . GENERAL WEAKNESS AND FEVER , DISAPPEAR TOO , I 110' " Wflmn" 'Yn , ) " 1'Cclt Crom Trouble. . Thnt Unll [ n < < lo } , ICe " 'rotchcll Cor lInny 1."l'IU' . The hnmedlnto causes or headaches vary , uut most of thom como frol1l poorer - or poisoned blo011. In l\l\ulIIla. [ the blool IR Rcanty or thin ; the norycs 1\1'0 huper. fectly nomishel ntHl pain is the wny in which they express their wealmess. In col s the bloo(1 absorbs poison from the mucous surfaces , amI the POiSOIl irritates the nerves and proluces lmin , In rheumatism - matism , maluria. and the grip , t'10 ' poi SOIL - in the blo0l1111'oduce8 lIlco < Iis omfort. Iu indlgostion the gases frol1l the il1lp11l'o matter leopt in the system I\ffoct tho. blood in the same way. The o1'(11nnry ( hel\lacho-cures , at besf ; . give only temporary rellof. 'rhoy denden the pnn { hut O 110t drive the polson out ; . of the blood , Dr , Williams' Pink Pills. on the contrary thoronghly renew the blood ntHl the pain dIsappears pornm- 11 on tly , 'Vomon in particular hn.vo founrl these pills nn unfni1lllg l'oHo ! ill hea . nchos caused by 1\1Irumia , 1\1iss 8tol1a Blocker recently safc1 : IIDr. \ Williams' Pink Pills did mo great dcn1 of good , I had bel\lncho ! 110arly 1\11 the time , After I had taken three boxes of' these 'Pills I becl\mo on tirely wol1. " II lIow loug ha you Buffore pIt sho- was asked , II : I'or ! several ears. I can't ton th . exact date when m ) ' illness began for it ; . came on by slow egrees , I ha beell going dOWIl , hill for 11l1lUY years. " c , Did "on have any other aillllents ? " II I was very weak nnll sometimes I hm1 fover. Illy livcr and Jddnoys were I\f. feotodlls wo11 as my head. " II How iel 'ou COlllO to take the rem. edy that cured .ou ? " II I Raw in southern nowspapcr ( \ . statement of S01ll0 porHon who was curCl1 of 1meo trouble b ) ' Dr. 'VilIiallls' l > iuk Pills. My ph'sicinn Imdn't < Iouo me any" good , so I bought 1\ box of these pills , After I hal taken ono box I felt so much bottoI' that I leopt 011 until I becllmo entirely - tiroly woll. " Miss Blocklr's homo is at Leander , Lonisiana , Dr.Willinms' Piuk Pills 1\1'0. soht by 1\11 druggistR. Besides headache they cure neurnlJrla , Rciatica , norvous. . . . prostrntiou , lJUrtial paralysis nn rheu- 1.1a tism. If they arc ' 1pened to tranquillity and peace there is no quarter for dls- j content. \ - How's This ? We offer One lIundrod Dollars Reward tor any ease ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by lIa1\'a \ Catarrh Curo. F. J. C EqEY ' " CO. , Toledo. O. . We. the unde"l ed hue known F. J. Cbene , for the l"lt 15 years. "ndJellevo \ blm I'ertectly lion- Dra\Jlo \ In all \Jtulness \ transaction. and IInanelallT able to carry out any obllgntlone made by 111. Qrw. W..LVlNCI. KINNAN & MAn'l'lN. Wboloonlo JlruiiI.u. Toledo. O. . Uall' . C iarrll Cure I. taken Internally. actin. dlreelly ul'onJJo \ lJlood and mucous 8urtacel ot tbo Iyslem. Te.tlulOnhlls Benl treo. I'rlco 75 cellt.l pv 001110 Soht lJy 0.11 IJruJ.J.lsu : , Take 11,11'1 } o'awllyl'lI1. tor conlUpatlon. Petrified pcople , llIco petrified t-ees. take the 1I11Ish po11sh. I ' \ Insist on Getting It. \ Some grocers Bay the ) ' don't Iteep. Defiance Starch. 'rills Is because the- ha ve 11. stoclt on hand of other brands ontalnlng only 12 ounces In 11. paclt- , age , which tile ) ' won't be able to sell first , because Defiance contains 1 fot' the ' . ' Junces same mone ) Do you want 1G ounces Instead of 1l : ounces for same money ? 'rlICn buy Defiance - fiance Starch. Hequlres no cooking. Somewhere thore's a sIn back or every sorrow. More Flexible and Lasting , - won't shalte out or blowout ; hy using- ) Defiance Starch you obtain better results - sults than possible with any other- brand and one-third more for same- money. Nowhere are hearts so hungry as In. the land of gIngerbread , . THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW' ANa MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doclol' MY. It Mt. Iently on tbo Itomacb. liver' anel khlne's ' 1I1l1 II VIR unt I&utlro. Tt. ! . drink Is I O ' ' . nle a. oa. JYILa 1 : ! I' .I < , J 0.r 1r LANE'S FAMILY MEDICINE All drUIl'I.t. ! or h , m&I125 ct. , and to ch. B011t to d" . J.lln , " J . . . " llmllv . .11. < 111'1110 mOT" " the how.l. . Clll'h cJll" . .In order to ho 1I .ltIl1Ihi.l. 1I0co..rr. AdM" . . . O. \Vondward. . Lu Itor. N , y , Alabastine . . . . . .IJ-i. Your : : Walls : : : Typhoid Fever , Diphtheria , : a II Small Pox - the germs of . II these deadly diseases multiply - : : ply in the decaying glue present - . : ent in all kalsomines , and the : II decaying paste under wall I II I. 11 pnper. . ' : ALADASTINB is a disinfeclmt : : it : . II destroys disease germs aad vermin : . . II is manufactured from a stone cement . II base. hardens on the walls , and is as : : Ihe wall itself. ALADAS- enduring as - . ' 1t . II T1NB is mixed with cold water , and I II anyone can apply it. II I II I Ask for sample card of II beautiful tints and information - : tion about decorating. Take : no cheap substitute. IIII II Duy oab In 5 pound Pllcka el . prol'orlr labeled. : ALABASTINE COMPANY : . 1 - Grant Ave. , Grand Rapids , Mich. I , . . . . . .Naw YOlk OlIicelOS W&tu St..5