Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 27, 1905, Image 6
, EVfRY ONE ASKS HIM , - - - - - ROW TIE GOT RID 01' IlIS OBSTINATE MUSOULAU RIIEUMA TISM , 2Ilr , , 'on II TolIII or lilt ! " 'ny Itr 'Vhleh n. Tnnl".1 Jllllmlr Snreefllllr " 'h"l1 Jln.lllrll rnll..I , Six phYllcllln , ull of thl1ll1 ooc1 , 0110 of t11cm , Hlleolllllllt , ] 11111 dUllo thclr best tor Mr , .TOIICIi lit , IlIfI'cr'l1t times e1nr1l1g three : \'Cllrs , nllel "tlll ] 10 fiufTcrell fOllr. fully f om the tortnl'CS oC rhollmntisl1I , ' 1'ho rhoulIlILtlHI1I thllt hml heon dol' . mnllt , in hili sY/l11'1I1 wn ! ! suddony ] brought to nil nellie ! ; In o bY' eXllo\1t'O ! while ho Willi dmwlll ice ill FolJrnnr ' , 11101 , : Frol1l thnt tilllO on lor n pcrlo of ' UIILI1 thl'lO ' ' ' ho . 11101'0 ! ; ) 'l'1I1'8 Willi n con. tnllt ! ; ufToror , IIo Il'lcd IlInllY ] ehu1I ] oC trclllmcllt , hut the rholllllntlsl1I wonllII't ] 111111go , When rCHnnr ] IloclorR fnllcd , C\lII ] 0110 1'omel1y nn 01' nllol her provell ORO ] ! ' ! ; ! ! , mnl1Yllil / ] : "I Hhonlc1 think ho wonl ] , Hive it up 11I111 save hill mOlloy , " . or 11111 cOllllltion 1\1. thll ! tllIIO , Mr , ' JOIICII SIl 'II : "My rhotlluntlHI1I Blllrtee ! In my right thlHh , hilt in tlmo it np. pOllrml in every muscle oC my body , I 10Ht the URO of my ] eft nr1l1 ell' tll'el ' au noary ] ] Ollt the use of my righ t ono , My feut wcm hllllly ufToctl.'l ] , cllpccltl11y the hottol1ls of the lleols , When my rIght "Ido WI\R nfTocle there ' \VI\I swoJJlug , but the loft side el1dn't 'I\voll whell the e1HclIso ! "otUed there , ! rho iutornnl orgallll die ] 11 'I. 100111 ; to bo ( llvolvodnt nil , 'fho troubo ] was nIl ill the mnscleflnllll the lIen'NI , " Amoug the few who ! ; till cncourngod lilt' , , ToileR to think thut 0. cure mlgllt yet 110 foullil Wl1l1n friend who hnc1 1'011' I fiOIl for Jl'eat conl1dcllco in Dl' , WH. I , III11I1S' Pillk Pills , I1l1cl nctlllg on her ad vlco bo hOI1h [ t 11 box oC them in Sop. ! tClllbor , lOOt. 'l'ho htOI' ) ' of whnt fol. lowed ill hrlnf , but lIothiug could bo ' ' , 11101'0 sutillfl1ctol'Y II When I WIlS on the Ihlrd box , " fll1YS 1\1' \ [ , , TOIIOII , II I mllllclrol1lize n challgo for ! . the hettel' , I fo1t. Sl1ro theu that Dr WiIlinllls' Pink PillR were the righl. lUCllicino fill' III ) ' Cllse , I Iept on with tbolll for se\'H1'1I1 WCOIR ] ollgOI' nlld 1I0W I nlll cnti1'OIy well , nllll ever 'hody is nslclnlr whnl. I tool ( , " 1\11' . William .TOIICII lives nt Oxford , : Mi'h , DI' , Williams' Pillk PillR ofect ' woueerfnl curs illrhoulllatisl , bccnuso they 'VOI1 11l'octy ou lho 11101 which is the scat of lho Ilseasu , 'fhoy 110 Bold by 0\e1'y ruggist , ' New South WLles Wool , Now South Wlllas owns moro than 60 ' cent of lho anUro numbar of 1m' sheel ) pasturel In the Irovlnces of ustraln , Since 18GO the wool cll ) las brought to Now South Wales alollo thc enormous sum of $1,330,000 , Nanr. Iy 2iO,000OOO } Ioun s of wool are realy OXIOrted from Now South Walas , Anger goals have also been bred In the colon ) ' , and there arc nt prasant nearly 40,000 o [ them In the country , New and Profable OccupLtlon , A sh rlhancl wI'lel In Borln at. lelus the ' , fune1Is o [ prominent 'per ous nn talcs down verlmtm the ad. fre8ses of the olclatng clergymen , 10 lu'ellres hlghlr-01amented copies Of these anl sois thel to the friends of the euloglzal 10ad10 Is doing a , I > roftablo trale American Coal , Producton The Unltel Slates II'oduces 319,000 , . 000 metric tons of coal 1 year , worth It the mines $ ,18 , OOO,000 and coslng consumers nearly 1 bilon dolns , " Iris pnnts ] grow In Thibet , 1jlQO flet alovo ea level , In Iuch.asses as . to loolt lto sheets of pnrple , A Wonde ul Discovery. Broadlnn , S , DII < " Allrl 17-Qulo a sensulon hus been created hero by the Imblcnlon a ! the story of G , W , Gray , who aHcr a special treatment for three months was plOBtmto and hOlpless an given up to lo with 1risht's Dseuse , Brght' } has nlwa 's boon consl cro Inculblo , but c\'idcnly from the slory told by. 11' , Gr ' , there Is a remedy which w1 CI'O It o\on In the most advanced stages , 'hls II what ho Sa8 : ' ; 1 was hclpless 1 a Ito babe , 1y wlfo and . 1 scarchell o\el.'thlnl and read over.thlng wo cou1 fnd nbout Bright's Disease , hoplns thnt I would lo able to fnd a remedy , Arer many ( aluros my wUo Inslslod thnt I should tr ) ' Dodd's Kdne ) ' Pis , 1 praise God for the day when 1 decided to do so , for this remedy met every 1)11sO of my case and in a short tmo I was able to got out of hell al1 afer a few weels' treatment 1 WIS a strong , wel mnn , Dodd's Kdney 11s saved my lfe , " A remed ) ' thlt wl cure Dlght's Dseuso w1 cure an ) ' lessor Kldnoy Dseaso , Dodd's Kidney 118 are cor. talnly the wonderul most 11scovory whleh moder modlcal researeh has gh'en to the world , The water Is so clear in the fords at Not\a ) ' that objects 1 % Inches in diameter can be lslncly seen at n depth or l O feet , , The Present Rite Law , Te eutes of the IIre80nt Interslto Commerce Commission are to correct 0.1 dlscrlmlnalons in rnlroad rntes , I It fnds that an unjust rte Is In fect , the rairoad Is nolfed , I 1 to the eclnos chnngo i Commisslol cun bring suit In Conrt and i th Court docldes In favor at the Cor' Jisslonors' fnding , the rairoad muat obe ) ' , or is o cels mny bo brough Uf for contorl > t or court nnd summarl , deal Wll. People wh ! nre alwa's regrettnl the Imst , nrd nlwn , s the Ileo1lo whe nro pulng the futlro on the bum , IlrllIII"ny'l IlnthlllrUI" For cbldrn teetllnl , lofen' tbe ! UU' , ruduee1 ID luLatul , Stl ) 1111. curn wid cu' Ia a b\U . NEW LA 18 OF NEBRA8KA " Complete List cf Bils Passed by the Recent Session of the Legislature. " ( Contnu11 Frol JnHt 'Veole , ) No , 31. ' ' oe n , AOlllo 10 I JII'IIII ( 10 . I hii II'C1111 l'I'gllllllJI fil' Ilu of furll. IUI II 101 Hew. .111111'11 llel , 10 , J lujl"ly " of GUOI ( 111 IIIWII/ lhu I'ClldellH 10 Ih 1 llnclllfll t ' . ' , / lllrh : :0 : , n cl'alo tIJule 1111 110 .111'lell : I ) , ' I ) 8111111 Iu ! of'lloy . , hii IIC111111J fll'llrl orlullo ' ' lhu t II1alol ulHl'lrl UIUCI' 10\01 le , I lawI S"llllo " I' No , 220 , Iy Shrhlon or CnHI , 1 hiI 11111' lhe Hllu le\'y I i mliH Iho lo\'y not \11 11111 Ichoul It IIJrO tln I SENATE BILLS S.'lllo Ilu Ni , 43 , hy 8mmlnr : "lrl'\o of JCnox , I jolil leHolulol lu\Lurl7ll/ \ ' ' or Nl'hl'aHka 10 ciler Inlu 1111 tlo RJm'lul' I with tlo HI\'el'10r of . Houlh 1I1101a , II 111'1'11 1101 ly I cor. IIHIIOI u/poll11 hy lho Ioverurs 10 Ix lhu / , J ' IIUllllcH helweol tlu IlalcH lel' , , ' ' ' , ' 3 gl'll' SelulC cUllC SIIICU h Fell'lllY Selutul' 100d of NeUuhu rU\'Clle , Iln I law luIII'II11'lllerl ali tlo ) Uilul' hoard of Cllal7alul 10 1111 01' lowel' thu \nllllul hy cnlCI , Umler lho revolue IIIW ' ' ) ' cOll nol ue ! O CllHlllell nlhl 0 I a II'OIIC'I Ilunlol hy thu IllH IJlll II . 10 to 11111 Illlllc.1 al 10 01111111101 , ' , the , II'ollell ) II'U laln wllhll cOlllY gler ' , HIII'I Fehllury : : , clcy CIIUII' ) elulu ! Ie No , 1 by HNIUll' JI'lnIIHf of ' 1hl 'cr , IL 111 ulowilschonl 111llll1 WI to 11'1101 houlul Irwll IIUIIII cree worlh ( , O nlel 10utQ hUIII lhellnr , UIII'/ I $ 01.1 In w the lmit Wi $ : "IJO (01' , J ) ' chluBc , HI lcd olch ' : ' IIIIII , ! mullc Jehl'll'y 21 No , r7 , uy Selllor cndy of 110 , rellln ' , for Iho ' nf ' ' J" l'all'l \'IIr hi . Jowl'l I , ' h'Jld ' of cll\ JohWUI 1ho hi I Inwt 110 ( to " I' In cotolnl Inlll11 (11111 I lT"Ile , of c Jolmol ; I ICI ! " III IlbUO I ltlcllo or , IIIlchulO fO' nlthlnlt quarlel , ' 13 , 01 O 12 , 1IIIh III 1lllol r ( tUWllhll' ' , \ , thu ' wrll of tl ) Ilxlh \r lt IIll'llel1 \'II'o uf $ , "J JOhllOI WIlhu , 'luUm o ( n elullcul , enol In the \ISC , , Hlgled 1 1111 HI'lntn 1 No , G , hy Seln lor : Iokolt of rnl'lllm' 10 , I ho jl\nll COllt II W , 'l'hll Ilw IIIlcH to ni ( hllrel Illlel' ] 1 'ell'l of IHC , who ' 11. ) IIIlle/ 11 ' HlItO 11- 01' nlY 1111111 Ichuol fO' hUYI illulol ' . - 11LWof the 01' HIIll OI' lllzel ul.leltlu 11LW/ Ie , or IR ltO 1IIIeldlIt IClllclcII chil dl'lled 11 11' .Ielttiu 0' Ilalllole ( ' ' to chil IIah'I' 11 1111111IU duellre . 'ho ' the ' lhulr 'hoIIII'l whel ) alow chl. I'II to ho /Urroull'el h ) ' "lcloll or 11- , ' the O 10111 Inluelcc ! Chlhllul Ildel' I o S whuI IIIII ' 01' I HJ1l 0 ' Oi ' lie sl'celf 1ny lnlll 111 thei' 11111'115 , 11 Illnced 1110' thu c/le of I HI Id 1I Dil ! Ilct COlltof tl COIIUII of the Itllo Ilml hn"o jIIHIII'llol II 11 CIHIJnlls - ' lho of the , ' II Ullel' Ilo\I I(11 hiihN'o there no jUel u lho ) ' II dllllcl COllt jllgt . , of /IU hl\o jlrll.lellol II cOlllul , ) the ' 1010 lhll r.O Il'uhaton orcer 1111 two ' , ' ll\o oplll'H lrhitul OCI'I 1111 . ' ' ' ' thu ) Iccol'o 1"1 .IIY fil' tlu Ictlal elployed , Chlliren 1I11n' ] 2 YIII'I of aHo 10 hu ' ' 10 ' : - 110 lot l'Ollllt11 jll JJ' 1:01- I10d II 11' IllhllH wlh lellltI'llon - ' , ' lho ' - ParuntR ' O'H lre IC\'Olllhlo \ fo' HI'- of ' ' ' ' ho 101111/S thrl' C Illh'l'l Ild ia ) punl"hcII fOl' Ic/II'I , ' 1'10 Hliio uoal' of chlllles shnl hl\o jUllsllctol 0\01 the Atolo Inllliltolf 11.1 , 11111111 111 cll- Il'on conlnoll lhll'lll 1he 1110halon IH the ' or lho fcel txlcull'e nrelli COllt nld II I ! hil dlt10 \IHI , II'osuI'llo the on chlhlr1 II repel ni Ilelnllelt jlhlclnl o ( th. ) COllt , Elelele ) ' , 8 , , clnle SIIICII 1lllel Ienlio 10 No , ! hy Hllnlor ' 1holnl ot . , DOI IIH , A 11 IxI\1I (101 lt II'n. nUlo/ uf ol"lzzlon\lt IIY ugent 01' It- ' ' who tOI'le ) Ilml 1Ilin 110 1101t UIO hll fo ) fees , COIIIHloIH ( ) chllgol UI , It . ( to cOleclonH Ihll I" 10 .11(0110 n IIOlel'lIOn for Ilhczzlenwll tlnl the or- } II O' wa ! cnllec to I eOllllllon nlt of 1ho ' ' ' , ' IOI\YI apll'uIl'lll'll 110 hiI amolls 121 of , the cllmllal , Ioelon D , cole SIf1011 1lllcl 10 , G2 , h ) ' 1lofO'vo or Knox , ull Ioluhltll 110'I1YS to 1I'Icleo II the alalo wlholt helll 111mllPI 10 lhe ulr , A fne ( r $ ll ) II II'ovlde.I , 01' 1111'11- In lho ' not olment COUlt ) Jai cxelelim thlrly days , 1' hOlh , nt lho lselclol or the . D , cOlll. Mllch rnalo le Sllned , hy SClalor JOIOH or I bloc , A hl oxemptll "OIIIIII ' ItlCIII , ' wih lho excpUon of alch lortoll lS 1'0 wllhln f'ot ( oC 10 f11 tie IIllh IIY ' . ' , ( the ' - alreol tllblll' th.'Ilo (11 OPU'- aton ot lho Ilh ) Inwl of lhn Illte , Emur- oncy Clalll ! , SI/loel 1lalch D , / SOlotO 10 No , 69 , h ) ' SUlllol' Jones of Otoe , the " of Heqlllo ! cOllly "ulld clla\- to ' the ' ' rnton hell /1'11101 on II't 1'leR- duy nfcr the leeolll MOlla ' of JUlO In elch ) 'cnr to oqualzo \llualol ofeI. /eI. Rmll propell ) ' , J\'I' ' fOl' 'ealH , ue/ll' In 19tH , the of / " 1111 tho1111ton 1011 11101" orl ' ho ' ' mlHt eqlllZll1 1hls I flo rl I l'- , ' ' to " ' Wh"l'n lef 1lll'tcllul\ e"llnln COUl II' ! , \'holo hlll hcul 0\1'1' ' h\ ' ' ' Ircclnetl ' ' , ' IIHl'lscl 0'101' Uf I'IIU' 11\11101 It IIHij . that In o ( of Illt cmj .1\11101 Ipal ( t- tnto as the ' , IHsesod enllcl h',1111 shll 111101101 to olch IJl't'ol II jlHt ' ' - 11'0\01'- of ' " , H , 101 nHSII'd "allllon HIJ1111 ; llreh Sellio 10 No , 46 , I ) ' SI'lllU' Shlelk or YOl'Je , l'equh'ln ' hi 111\11 cOllall'1 to IHsuo letlrn t'nnlllortnton II ! ) shllrs of Ivo slocl ( , One 111 nl ) ' ncelllllllY two ' two nH\ ' ' six CH'I ; 111 nHaCCollHn ) , , CIIS SlglI 1Iarch : No , , u ' , Henlio 10 :0 ) Selltor CIII SIl 1 I I I , rlldult(1 ur OflOJlth ) sel.oCls ' to ' ' nuthorl ) 1l'lclo oICOlllth ) In No- , , Irasl ( 1111111 11Idi 1 Selato 10 No , I , u ' SI'lltOI' Glh'ol n ( DOIRlnl the Soulh Onllhl Ihl'lll' III , ' ' clause , Eltrl'lc 17 SlllcII 111h No , , ' ' Selolo II 1 5 I of 1'loll Douglns the , 1 ull 11lellhlll , 1H11 I 111 for nllect chlhlrcl PII'lt ! 01 funrdlll ! In ) ' ho Ilcl not to . 'x < ( ell , ' ' ' 01' not ' IOO 1III'IHOloll fO' 101' 0\1 one ) 'enr. 1 ' ' , . Mlrch 21 , lcl'selc ) calsl' 81111.1 SClnlo 10 No , 31 , h ) ' CifIl of ] IWIOI , authollzll Imhlcllol of II hlplIll1 10- porls of the sllio hoard of , Slgled 1lnl'ch : , lTigaton BOlo to 10 No , 10i , uy ( ld of 10WI\l , trnsforlll $2,3t6,15 frol the 111111'1' , ' ' to ' the ' tnr Rleclnl labO' fUld Hem'l'll tund , 1 ' ' ' , ' . ) S. I < 'glnc CIIUHI' Slln(11 1II'ch : 80nnto 10 No , 12S , h ) ' l' IIII'rlon of Clar , the to bo n permlthlA wIll WIIIIB RAnlnst the hUHLal In ' , tcBcl'ton calUl BIRned , Mlrch :8 Sennto 10 No , 1:9 h ' Bplerlon of Cln ) ' , P 1'0 ,11 I I for 10mlttng the Hntl'nreH II drserlol ( ases when the 1 Ilhlnd llro. \hl(1 for 28 , the sUlllort ot the wle , Sllle.1 Selule le No , 19 , h ' gpllel' on of Clu ' , I ul to < 010no Inohl'lotel , .llllllullncl nnd ' ' Il'eolc lelds II the nH1111 of thl state , uf ' . ' C0111HSlol11 Illnllh' 11 11.1 counl ' to lur th ( nlllllcatnil , whll'l I mUlt be 1 a 1 0 II wlltnH h0 1'1 a 101 111101 who IIIOWI the .llllolnllac , ' 'h. hlhulous huhltl of the ellhlH unl IIHI ho 1110\01 Inll the 1IIII0lnlioo If ( ' ( In the ' ' . , Ine(1 11)'luI uI11 le 1\1 ho Ilurolrd 01 11'01110 of Hool1 uhn"lor but ' ' to the 1ust hI Insllll ) I'Curell ) ' Hhouhl ho Rs'hnl Slme Murch , 11150 Ilto dl1leol1ess Sennto le No , r. ' , h ' JnllSOl n 11111'0 \Idll for the l'e OliltOI nf tux tU11 corlleale ! nl11 nllllly 011) ' to GIj1 COlnt ) ' , SImel , Mnrch nl 8cnlte 1el NOl 6t III CG open th , lssolrl II\er to OshliH lt nl HealOn Ir the \150 of llnos 01' olhl'r h' al leth , but lho l'h'Pl' oul Ixeept 10 llch u I I. withIn 10 fClt of Is tllhltrl's , 'rhel' 1lhlug II Ilrohlhlell 1111Inl lie CIOIII , seson Uncolstlulolllly Is l\ohl'l\ \ ' termIng the ' " ' : ltfRoll'1 11 U0111hl' strenms , " 1 lerHencCllll" , ' Senlto 10 lerHenc\ , ' , h I.'werl\ Blundorl 1 hi IlowhlH the Olh cnnim' ' " sloner to hl\e .lllruu nf "lluwn , 1' Irl enc ) ' ' , SI . 0111'0 I"11 ; lllrh : Benllto 10 Nu , 11 II 1'III'I I hl ' ' ) ' Ihln ) ' maKiA lunlt'I' I ( 1111 Ilr\111 . ' or ' ' ImlJ'lsonlwnt fOI' 1\ .1 I penlll' 1tlrl two Mlrch ) 'elrl , In lhu Ilonlt.'n\llr ) Slmc Sennlo 11 No , 1 3 , h ' ' 110111' , n hi rcpellni Hcclon tlf. of C bu""t slntulo . 'l'hllcton lulhol'lz.'l ( oIUl' ) ' 1101\ ) hol\1 olplo leHal tlX Ilhmtol 1 clnuHc , Slglw.1 llrch o lorlonclY No , 1 by Sheldon fC CIS re'lllulh' IHI of fCrl ( or the Justce ! of lhl ' , O , 11CIl'C Hlgllll Iarcl : SI'llln 10 No , 1 : , hy 1lverly , n ul / /rnlllhlil/ Ic 11 ex ure of / Jll , Hourd In , IIJhlc flllll ! InIIHCR clle ! . ' ( to let con. 111 COl I 11'110 ol'llien IIPH whll lie rllll ror lhl I1Ylont of lho ' ' / or uu. l'xI'll1eH1 , ( / /wullulo lhOI7lll Hlllrll I\ch : I Helltl Ilu No , Hi , h ) ' GllRn of - DOII- \Il , / Ill /11\lell ! II'nllles ( or jlrorl 01' rMI1'II who 1'1'Olh'l , ' hrllel 1111101' 10lt (101 nlu to ' 1\0 'cllrH 11 IJrls'J hI \ ' , ' , e/H'y Hlgne 111\11(1 J llcl ( OUIO HUlalo 10 No , 113 , It ' 'rhOll1 or DouH II ! n ull nlowllA lhlecrelalY ot the Olllhn 1111'1 o ( ' to un elecled l'cllC/lnn fOl'L thl'I'I " ' 11 ICI'II , 1' lergonc ) ' clause , ' , Slllcl Mll'ch 11 :0 , l 2 , It ' GOlll or areole ' , OXII fO' thu IL Ipll(1 ( of IIhtlrIles ni hoU' Irlllllllnton Ivo 111'knl , H : n.'cl ' 0 , SOI I'O ' 10 Nu , 42 , USonntor Thomas , I hn ' ' ' , ' 'rhls 011111 IJ'lml' hil mOR/ure p11C11 tln 11'111111' lndeI the 1110cton o ( thl' ' , . ( llt nllcllll Ilrocrlbol pcn. IIIIH lor the " 1011111 01 to rUles ana rCllntoIR Inl II ' 1ldllon plelgcs cnch who ' the to 011 1(1 1II'lpipI ( II prlrllry h the , guch nhllo thoellll clndldato ) /IIHt nt leal' Ihl'l ) Ihl ' 1 heforo the 1111. 1II'y 10 11 w/11en nlllllcnlon with thl ' ' ' , PI'Oel' ' thnt Ilhnll ! 1'qljltn hil nU111 ho 1IIIeeci IPOI I hn nmelnl IIIIII' ' hllot 1111 IlleldlK hllllcif tn auldo b Iho rellltl of thl II'hlll ' , 'Jhclo Illpl. cltonl 1111 ho Illel In the ( or the < ly del'le , (0' ( I ) ' ( 11c olco mem- ' ' of , 11'I'1 h01111 o ( For W'n'I ' ' ' 111 < 11'1 II 010 cellellOl cnUII ' , ocel cl o ( , the the 111 Ilallrl Ihnl 10 IId 11 Iho ' - ' , ' orcu III I'olnl 11/1 ( 'lho 1111 1111 Hhnl he COIIHltlcl lt 1 per cent of Iho fOl' (10h11III Illhorlzec II IIW till IIUHl'pII 0(1 ( ' ClllllH the t'l for which / / ' If tl lellll c/\ wOllI I./'vo elcctlc 11\1 Illt hI' ' of the Jliel II ll' tlno Illg 1111ton , No ( . ' ho than Illn .I' 1111 1011 $1 ' X'I'llt fOl' of emolument , lce I wlholt In whl"h , CISO 10 flll fee II reqllrl ! Dch'alll to n COl'ultol slll n IIIH f.,1 of m l'lnll fol each flny . tc , ) ' ' , be , ' NOllnaton III'I'R I" - Jarllln cnlllllllll ! HPIIlto Im' nOl- Ilectol 1(11111 11 ' hI hlll b ) ' In Irmnry pol- the of- lI11 orIII7ltol IfPlllllle Oi - Iclll 1,111 , l t. laHI IlrcI'lln 1lornl If ' o ( IlectOl 11' el\111n101 Icelvo 1 per ccnt o ( lho totll011 cast nt the 111 eI1I'I" electon II lho 1IIIe , On tlo Hamplc of the dnlll Inlet Ilrh tlnls he caucl. enc ( Rhnl nlrnlHec nlpha""lcnly , nCl'orlll to Ilrnnmc , IU nnmo ' the IIIPCI'II once IOIC thnl 01 Ia 10 Ia lot , " ' 111 11'11 t IIH the forl bo ' with the In Ilnl 11'1 lp 10mef tlo 011ul' In w\lh thc ) ' 010 plnced UpOI the Famplo Inlet , Jl plllll' onch Ilt of fnl' the ' tclwlR tho111011 eleclon 11stlIcts 0 f t hi ' 110 110111011 ) 1 0 IHH Sllli II' chllell II < loh ofco dlvlliol nH 1any 11(1 ni thelo Ire cal1lllutcR II lie of- whl'h { ' the Icl 11\11101 II ( thlr nro mOlt aR ' 11101 Ipll'l Ilussiulc eqllli - 11 lum- , IH'r of ' ( ( ' each tlloll h111 ( nfl , ' ' ' 11111(1 ' ehlnHe 'lhe 'hI Illllnl' clccton twill II Inch c 1IIIIet nt the Rllll' lhc l'eHlsl'll01 of vot1 OCClrR for the clelol lxt 1111 II A Alllrnr ) ' IX- bo of ' ' ' IlelHOS \ Ihll olt /1111 lie h'(08U'\ / of the oiy or COIII ' , hv the RIlO OrCI:1 11 In the ellC o ( Ilecllolf 111111(1 for cmlllll II ' fllll 01 wronH tOl11nl 10 efclt the l'elllt of n nrlnl' ' eleclon 110 Ixcl I t Ihl(1 of 10t lcll tlnn $ II' ' ' , 101' 1U'O ttl t , or Impllsonmont In the cOllly jol 101 10t 1l1 ! then Hlxt ) ' cln 's ' moro , or uoth thll 101' OlO lt )111 Ihe .IIH < lelol of th. ' cOI'I , At ni nll- ' ) ' UO i 111' cleclolR tlo 111 : Hlll open II ' cilus nt 8 o'cloll ( In lho mOlnll1 coRe at D o'cloll ( II thl OVCIIIH o ( tlo 11110 11n ' ; II ni olhol' pIle. ! frol 100n ' D o'clol ( the , In ulll ! II cVIII/ cUes I where of the - ' C reHIHlrtlnn theotell II 10- ' ' In hy w 111'111 II II rl I II horlloR whom h ' ' Ilw II " " 11111 thl pnwO' to Ip- ' , ' two resl- Ilolll I'CIIIIIII ! 1111 alll'oilt d11 elcllol'l II 111'h 11111 11 to SII'\1 ,11 , ( ' ' ' ( of I r ' , of 'I'I'JA hI Jll 11 enl whlm H\11 II 1111101ltlel from tl' IHlty cnlll the lal/cHt \ute nt tll hllt "IJrl elucton I , Ih the parly h. II . 11111 1111 ( olJr 1101 ' ' , ' ' the ! "ote Cllln Se'OII Ilr I'lt 1'11 re - ! Iltlr ! Ihul n.l 11 jllHOl , hit 1111 ru. for cel' ( 10 Iclllnnll COllellnlol ' , A ' ' 10 111' Iorvlels I11101 cCII'IIS /11101 nt /lllnl'y electon mlHt OrHt \110 . , to Ihe / jlllHeH whnt 10lUcnl purty ho ( wllh cnndldatrR , 1II'tl1 Inel wholc h. Hllllll'tCl1 nt the IUII 1111101 A Irlt " not hlR uf- "otOI le Illto Jllt Iloltcni 111 101 , . , glel'genc ' ehlule , Signed 111ih , Smlio 01 No , J' , u , Toncs of Oloo- A hi forhllll Iho 1 < lnH o ( re.1 fox ' ' ' ' fur or HI'I tlhul 1IIII'lols 01' Illmln ! or the ! of WOlllll1 lhel hetwe1 HIOn Jnluar ' 1 1111IUlt : I of < ach 'el' , 'I'ho ( or the or the 1HlolY thoIolltun ICt , 30 , u $ II I 110 : SIHlrl1 Mlrch S"lalo 10 No , W\ I ' ] IPorlOI of . ( I\-A hii aholshhl : ! tl oCeo or Itlt' Slglcl Irchlcet , 1'llrgllc ) CIIUIC : llrdl : Hllllo Oe No , 181 , h ' GiIgan or Holt -I"olllllhl h01'11Chl ! hll pll- cx- I I It. cllla tel lehool Hchool . ( to .10 thl whcl .lllrJcts al 1111111 10 , 1 lel "IHY CII\IO , SI"ncI : Ial'ch : :0 : , No , ISI , uy - Slate COI\l-Alowll tax uC 10 , ' - mies for 0 roa.l tw'II\-lvo I In whel'l the freehold- fll\l 10WIlhlll ' ' , ' : , CI'I 101l'u I SIgllt hl'ch : Hllal' 10 :0 , 23 : , h ) ' 11HhOR or Plnto ' ' , - -ol " 'lhl"llll hl'IO 11lH hll 1111)- ' ' 01' ' 01' ) hlH 11) gnlo IpOI'l UI Decoltol \ ' , The may ho IL 110 not ex- 11Tho 11111) not 1010 ce.cll$0 hlprOIIClt , ' thll I thll't ) ' dls 01' uOlh ' Slglet MUI'eh Sennto No , 281 , h ' Deshlol or Llln. " ' - ' 10 the ) ' of "alll'-lalll Clll ) IJrvo'ol , ' - - cOln tel Ix-of- 1IICalcl' II lolHlnH 1(10 ( 1II\Ctl' In I' cOIII urlcR \ 1111 jlhu . SISlct of I , 11Irch ; 11 ( :0 , 71 , u , ' 1101lls o ( DOII- , lhn or - vothlH 11- IlthorlzllH IHO \ll , ' OUIIUCS to IIW the 1111 Iluwlll 'hill the . " ' ' of ' 111'hiHI 1111 < XIIIII thofl"11'e of . ' for thcro- th\ ' thCOIII fOl' , 1' . ' 'CtuII 110 , 11)I\lt Apri I , 111Ie1' , . " ' of , No ' ShUI10l I 'ni SI'111e III t . rll't ) hil of rhi COUII ' glvlllRt cOllllslonol1 cOlrls jllIIllCtOI teat ' Ilrofcrrell whore S Chlll l'O Clles , hmorgonc ) ' , IHI\IIRt offcials ca lse , Sh ICI II'1 1 SOlato No , 13 Uy 'Ileleor , n u. to Co the tile to hU11 which has hlll qiict \ out In luts , a\I''I 1\1 lall \llatet \ ' ; , 'I'ho , tn 111'11 hi nlplcl Itrucll 111 . , . of lhe lecol\l.cllllR ImvhlH les cll.s rl ) 1II\hlllltl 111 to vlh1gel I , have hun ' - wh'ro COIVIllces ( , ml\1' wlh- ' ' ' I II the , last twell-lvo ) 'enrt Blelgcle ) CIIUC S"lato No , 171 , h ) ' Goull of GlcI ( ' , , 10 thu 1101 tlX In clUes of $ : ( ) U I I ' hi Ixllg thlt $ ho 0' lelf lul 1110vhllig : 1n ) J 1111 In cish Iml the 1011to UO ox- \ ' hell(11 In IlprlvhlH thu hllhwuYI 1t- , I " ) lellt 10 the , el ) ' 01 lho vilage Bmorl' ' : e ) cllw , OIC S lalo No , ] 2 : , U 1 I'pelll of Cln1 , < ) l Co I ho of a ul 1011111iH labulaton tl "ulo on nmlldmentR 01 1'pll'a to cOIHltulolal lho 1"ulR he Honl to thl 1.'llslaturo to bu ca\'lllc,1 ( la lo Co No , 7r by 'rhola ! , a hl ' lho I t I "Olf111 11 leHotnble 1 I 111 I , ' , of tht lawl Qr the Ital ( 1ho le\lllol - ' u ' the Htatulel WI ! 111' ' Al1llclln 1al the 111'HlltOl 111 al lawl cOlcomllg , legollaulo ' / 110 ItTalHcll uller COl . IIIIUI'110 ( \'ulolt hell ICH hi tllcs crec1 Alglst \ I , 190 : SIHnelprU ] , , . Senate lu No , HS , b ' nl'oseo of Shell \lnl , 1 hi to malt UI form the lows fU , ' the IIIIH Olt or 1onll Gl'olndl 0 ' ' from coml Rln10lt 1'0 exolpt 11 lowC' fOl' 1oalll 111 10 10ad > nro 111 lalol 11 I ( tQ UO l\hl Olt wh'n the , xlHlnf Io/HII / l1lt al Iho exlgelcles of tra"e . " ' SIHle.l J Hl'llt. Un No , ] 01 u ' Mlsorve of Knox 0 bil ulowlll Hmah Clllics 111IlnlHtrnlol to bo settel wlholt Iltntcl 'X/UIIO flee flol debts 0 A I hl prU dl'ee I , el II , Ellrgole ) clulse , SIClUl Renato le No , H9 , h ) ' 'fhola ! of DOl ! 101 , a hi to .It1lto the flnds col ' ' the ' ' of the ' . .1111 11111'1' l'I'ml It'fllo , ' . IIHh , 101 law 'rh. flllll 110 10 bo rc < , tU'lwl to thl Iehnol 1IIIrleti whleh hav 1111111lel fret Ilgh lehools for non ' to th' ' Iolhlolt 1111111 Ilro\OI'lonntelY 1\1"1' o ( Ilm-n'Nlllllt 111\US Insll'lI.1 9 ami the length or the tnO oC sleh II Itrlctol , I lorgoncy CIUl Signed AJlrl Helulo me No , ] 7 : , h ' Dlner ' or Sow. Ill , 11111J thu fel'l of the clerl/ of the , the $ , clSlllct cOlrls J feel Ixcced IOI In ur less cOlnles ha\ll I pnpululon lhan , , $ , ' mol'o :5O $3,0 II l'oulll ( ! IIVIIK that 1Imher , or , & In lll $ ) coullos havIng less 111 rOO nll $ , O In coun. " ' , the cleric lel II"'II& lore Iln 10,0 Ihal tlln sleh oxeel ! Ilto the COllt ) ' tllllury , Heporll IIKt UO Inn o to the ' of aU fees eoulty , COllIsslonel'1 rl ( SIII\e 10 No , 0 h ' Dllery or Sowur , n the of the ul ralallg Illury eplty 11110 1 ( 'all.n I , frol $ I , 'i to $ , lW a oar , Helato 10 No , 22 , ly Jones ot Oleo , ' school to ' ' 0 hi pel'mltlng ofcers af' i IU1O lhe dUtCR of trlalt oficers out- or CUll'S , ho Hllo COlp1nllts Iny Ied a1llnft parells who fal to aon tholr to chidren SClnte 10 achoo1 10 by Tucker or RIch. . alllon , 'rho UOI of canvaslers In elec. must ' of volora , lon ! pl'eparo I Ilt rO } " these the ' "IUI are IIS , Il'anl unl pett , jlrors claulo Irawn Jlorgency No , , ' of , tenalo 10 10 uy Cnd ) Iowlru I . joInt resoluton for Icolsllltonll nmeld. lon , 'j'llo IL commll lent clellng Iulwny > cUlllsllon Is to .colllt of thleo mem- bell to UO cleclel b ) ' the Ileople and to . , huv' , genoll aUlhurly u\er raiway lrllc HUlute 10 No , :0 by Dlmcl 10 1II'I'I1l the lea81ng of stlte property whllh II I ' bccqloaclnt. . Selnle fo No , 1:16 : , uy Epporson of Clu , Ilendln1 Heclol 812 of the oodo o ( cvi ) ploce uro so thut throe I'eferees 11 /lltlon llft UO appointed , Under the / ul ! tatulo the COUlt was Ql'ecle to ap- "I'cfN'eeH , " Helato 10 No , i , uy Shelcon of , for a 1 to ) ' CII pro\llng mi le\y tU Ihe slale dcht , 'rho moncy CI'I\el ( rom ue toay hllerest an tnxel IUSt ule , ' ' ' /ay , Ilrllclpal glel'Hl'\'y CIIIHC Helute 10 No , ] 8 , by Gluson of Dou las , C hdeHnlng the crlmo of jury hrlblng , 'j'hll Is Itltcd as nny overll'O whIch wi ntecl or hlas C verllel , Any pel'son who olful ! sl < h I urlbo may be 1III'Isono 11 the ' ' for lwt thal1 / ) penlentnfor 1010 Ivo calH , J mon ency clnlle , ) 8enulo fo No , lW , b ' 'l'homaR o ( Doug- Inl , l bi rO\'IIII1 the Itatlto for bl'g- , 1m' ' ' lho ) ) nnc Incolllol'nlng Ilntulos 1)1 , ' ' hOIfohleuldlg , thelewllh Emel'gele claule : I'lllte fe No , 11 , uy "Iesel\o of Knox , n ' water ( hil 1'fAllatlJ wOIIs II smnl two. etlR ulel vlaleR anI reqlllllH 1 of a ' to Issue thlnlloto Illteml mujollt , ' ' , bOlll Sonlte gm'Hllc 10 , I , calsc cal ' of Howard , rt\u\'hll Imul ctcl 1101 . umnges nrls- frum ( ' 11g uoectvo Illl'Wolel uliess notco ' the hll lel Ilro\lousl Jll reoldlnl of the ( , clouse , COllllol grorency walI , :111110 Jc No , 21 : , Iv Iesor\o of Knox , to 1'.lc\o smnl e811 tl' of the expense or 1llllls11tOI , whel loleo or the death of the Intestnte or hn ! h.en gIven an , tlo slatclOlts Inlebtelnel8 plulshed onnte 10 No , 2 [ , h ) ' . llpOrlOI of Clny , a ull nlowlll cOlnt ) agrIcultural so- clotos to l'ccul\e whcn \ III 1101 cOlltes ' ha\'o , delnlh'l cxpelle aceolntH \ . ueel Ile ' 1'alulo to cu thll wlthll two ) .CUIS rcsuls In the Ille end cxcclton of the property n of fee simple II 111 lulollH al tles to the , , cOllty Blcrgclcy cllUHe Relate Je No , ] M ! , h ' Giusol of , Dolglas , lho Omuha , SOlth cluUlcr II Cllzens 111 dUlugecl JelSOIS may Ieco\'er for raclll UHI the dlllgel ma ' UO assessed b ' thrce 11Illteresleu Irechollers , Emor- CIIlU C , gUICY Sprlle Je No , WI , hy Geol of Nernhn , the ) ' supel'ln. I hil nlowhlH dOPlt silto tCl cnt the ' gcneral atorney Inl dCJUl 10 ( $ , , clalsc glvl , uonll (01 $10,0 Elelgency HIIU II 10 No , 2S h ' Bpperlon or Cln ' , I hi alow III UI act lUl agahllt UI Insur- ' to be hrunht In lho alcu ( UIIIto ; county ' which lho , 'I cause for tl tuit originated : Igleu AIII 1 felu II Ille :0 , 2 : h ' HughcI of Plate ' ' - Insten of 1'lquh'llg . u thrcclfhsoto I wu.thlrus of the \otOIS to chunge the county sent of 0 counl ) ' , Emergency claue , , ! SClltO le No , 236 , U ) ' : roRer\o of Knox , ' ' to ue Issue pel'lltlll Icclscl 101' Ilhhll to 101-lcsl entR for $ : , 'lho prIce wus $1 Ulhi' lho ol law , I mcrgelcy ciluse , SeHnte 10 No , 16r by 101I , 0 ul 111111J the Halle ' ele\/lor Inw nnd ' \ ' for rIght or II'O\'lllg C 11t UI ra1ron ) ' for nn ' n capacltor Wi elO\llol' wlh : 1(1 hushels , The bi requires that cars he fUlnlfhcd PI'O rta to thlpel's \ - ni ! ltl- scrIm , ' , Olt II Ilaton Emer/onc ) clalse / HOllte 10 No , 17J , h nlh ol of Doug. \Il , lequllll the redcmpton of trl lng at lhclr face and . Nlmnlll cUlhlluo pro. hlhl"ll lhel' ISO IIIeHs sotllped , Emenunc ) ' clause. Slgled Alrl 1 , HOluto 1e No , 210 , uy Glen of Dawson , to Il0w 1'l'ellt 10 1.llcoln coulty fO' the - fOl' the JIOle tuld 1/11tOlllCO Inl support - port ( f IIRIIOllelts who wcre not resl- . / .10II ! ul the COUt ) ' , Selnlo 10 No. : Ii , h- " 'homl ! of DOlg- laH , IL fOl' bi maldli julgmentl goo " r.'u r : 'lhls II 11011 I ) .Icclurll ! tha t 1"0 do mOltl 11 Neblslm 10t oulaw untl t hc ) ' l'e hn ITC b ) ' the SI t lCI of the 8tulo II which thcy ' 0 sccured , , ( :1111. Ilu Nu , : : , I ) ' SlcllOI or Cass , " ' ' 1"'lllh'hlH Ilrold ! Iu lwei' depots open to local tl'u for . bClgelH ant , Itop al lS pas. 801ltO 10 No , 187 , U ) ' Gllgln of Hol lhc 81nto to the IlowhlH county ! c1 Ill1s lu the Hclterl 'lhls Bo)1 bi Is e- sl lcd to 1111 the IIRpniu hetween the ! late nnd lho " ' , " S.'lnte 10 :0 "t'IUlltors , , ly I'ser'e of KIOX , alowhl ! gUII.1111 1111 executors to fUI' for 11111all Illts dlllgos trespass thu ' , 01 Ilropel.t ) 111101 tholr contlol S0l1tu 10 No , :1i. U 1l'c5ee of . ) Sieri. dal , f'lulrlll the Ilulo reporls or the Iclortmclts to UO dlslrlbltcl to the eOllly cl'I'Is to UO circullied nmolg thu , J ' , ) Ilolle morgelc cll UIO Sennte No , . u 10 : I. 1loser\o of Knox , the court the glvlltho , coulty nuthorlty to let . the real estate or gll.I:11 lel . , I wnr.I 1' ' clause , mel'Hole Sellto 10 No , :29 ) , by Sheldon of Cnss , 1III1Ig the IWlnlo cmplo'es to forty- . 1 ' , chl. ler elc ' cnulo : clato 10 No , : il , b ) ' Gould ot Greeley ( to ! cOlllclllJ Iyo Iloel cOIPlnlel U110nl ho Ilocle cOIsII10 to them within 101' Uld II hulf , thnt ni 111'hol ) , ' of 2W leI hour POI car tmo as- ( SIIIO Sennto No , , ' . f0 21 uy 'rhomal descrlb. th. under which l'eal 111 . cOI1tuIS es- tlio mi ) ' ho Hohl for tnxes , , Sellto ! :0. 15 , U ) ' 'llomos or Dous. lal Ilro\'hlhll fl ) lho or prop. rclomlton ' , erl ) sell for tnXll Selltu 10 No , 2 6 , h ) ' Cnd ) ' ot Iowllrd , eemelorlos to elHht ' ' nluwll OWI ) nCI'es or Inlli In sm:1 cites nll In . viages Ild Ilel.lllhll the lunlclpnlI ' to own Rleh IlrOllcl'ty for cemelury l1rposcs , ' ' cln , gmel'Iole 150 SClnto0 No , : jl , h ) ' Saun ers of DOl HI us , 10\1111 the ob. : Iroeec11ro II ' , jl'CtOI Hils Igllnst nHSII > IUlts SOIIII 10 1' ' G , uy Shchlon of to nlo ( the If , of stnndnr Casla gls ni clc.'trlu t'l . I/ht 10terl cites. Senalo 10 No , 5 b. Sholdol of Cess , Ilowll the majol'ly of I ho resl ent 11IIhohlls In . ) ' to r.'meer Ilsoclnlols 1)ld electoR , Emelgclcy clnusl. No , . ' Slllto 10 185. b Cad of , ) Iowor t"lwlnl the 7-11 leyv lmit of the IOVI'IUO luw , 1 lergoncy Clouso , SOlnto0 No , :1 , b ) ' Mockott , nlow. IIH IISII'IIC ; companies to nn . 10 al. Ilal 1IIIeid of I SOII-llnull report , ' , glelgene ) clnlse 10110 101 No , 3SI , h ' ndersen-the Omlhn chn1ler bi , This lcalnro em. bodls C tholollh l'o\'lslol of lho cxlst. 111 clmrtlrI'u'llcs for ni Increnso from Ilno te , twel\o coulelllel conlolhlntes l'Olnty and clt ) ' trensurolRhlp 1Ikol counl ' ntSiO' olt ) ' tnx commissioner - Inll nbolshes the uOlrd of publc worls , - Hh'ln ' " to the 'or and 101' 111\11 ml , cl clHlcl l m JrHtnC ) ' clause , ) . SI'IUtO 10 Nu , 40 , hJcHhtol or Lan , , ' for ' ' Olltlr tc Ilrm.llng l'elUltes ) . ' ' , CI'uol , 1111111. OY\I'WOI'\III tortmll nnll tor 1111tl nlllols 1f ) ' ho 111111111 b the Inl nli lennl los f r mlsdcnllnorl J lel'gl'nC ) ' clause. Slmed llrel 30 , \ , Let the SunHaht Reach Ever" Corner of the House and Destroy the Germ ! . , _ u _ _ A. . - - - - t o W--U--V--V" - Naturc's great dlslnectant Is sun. lght , I h n most Interestng fact that this which ' wonderful , lght 110' motes the growth of useful plants and sustains 8n1na ] lfo , nt tbo same tmo destroys hy is very brightness al sorts of germs which are brought in contact wih l I Is this fact alone which renders the enrth inhabiable , 0'1rms develop with such marvelous rapidiy that they would qulclcy over. whelm us by their very numbers i not constanty destroyed b ) ' the sun , A l1o comlutaton wl readiy show thIs , Some germs are capabo ] or such ral)1 ] multplcalon that they may double every ffeon minutes under fnvorblo conditon ! of temperature and food sUPP ! , Estmute the num. ler of germs which might bO pro' duced in n alnglo day or twentfour hours , 01 ninet.slx doublngs , The number would bo more than thirty. two thousand b110n b110ns , or' suf- fcient to cover eighty thousand fquaro mies a fet deep , or 11 n spncc of cubic mole lmn ffeen mie ! The Increase of a minute or , ganlsm Occup'lng a cubic spnco of not more ttn ono twenty.thousandth of an Inch to such prodigious mlgni- tude is beyond comprehension , nnd prctcaly cannot occur : for whio the Immense germ mny grow at this rapidiy for a short Ume , the poisons which It become Iroduces destruclve to isel The material upon which i feeds Is also exhausted , so that is growth ceases , Doubtess al have notced the fact that mold grows during the night and in darl ( , damp celars. Dright sun. lght qulclely desl'oys germs , moW , and ether parsilc organisms , Df fused daylght does not act nearly so rpidly , but accoml > lshes in lhe course of a few hours what bright sunlght is capable of doing In a few minutes , It IS clearl' evldont , then , that in order that our houses should he Iept frco from germs , they , lc our hOlles , should bo made fun of le , The shutters should he opened , the curtains raised , and the lght admi- ted to every rom In the house , closets - ets included , so that the dlslnfeclng power of lght may be exercised in every Ing. nook and corer of the dwl. Occupaton and Tuberculosis , The infuence of occupalon as a cause of consumplon Is shown b ) ' Dr , J , M , French In the Medical Exam' iner , At ] east four classes of employ. ments ments ha\e I tendency to favor the develolmont of tubercuosls ] , The ' arc : I , Sedentary employments in m. venlated apartments , involving con- fnemont in impure all and ether un. wholesome conditons , This class of oecupalons is t'pled b ) ' the so- caled swet.shops for the manufacture of various arlces of clothing , 2 , Employments which necesslatos the inhaalon ] of irrintng dust and noxious vapors , Such 110 these of stone.culers , bleachers , matchmakers - ers , fe-cutters , grinders , engravers , etc , 3 , Employments which Involve the overuse or abuse or certnln muscles , These are athletes , prize fghters , gymnasts , wresters , lrfesslonal b- cycle riders , hal players , otc" a largo proporlon of whom dlo oventuaUy of phthisis , 4 , Employments which involve un. duo famiarlty wlh Intoxicants , These nro these connected with manufacture - ufacturo and sale of wine , beer and the various classes or acoholcs ] , Tathnm's tabos show that , taltng the average mor a1y from consumpton at ono hundred , that of pubUcans is one hundred and forty , of brewers ono hundred and fc\t.elght and of bar. tenders two hundred an fty.sevEn , Overcoming Hereditary Tuberculosis , Much is being said nowada's 10 the out.of.door treatment of speclng tuberculosis , a disease which , whle rarely directy transmlssiblo b ) ' hered. iy , is ono the predisposilon to which Is In the hIghest degree heredltar ) ' , I has been clearly shown by numer. ous experments In various parts of the Unied States that out-f-door mo wih regular h'glenlc habits , irro speclvo of a1tudo or special clmat. Ic advantages , Is clp able of so aiding the naturl powers of the body as to effect 1 cure of this formldablo mal. nd ) ' wihout the use of drugs of any sort , Tuborcuosis ] Is a disease of clvlza. 10u , I sClrcely exists among sav. ages who lvo In the prl ltvo state , but qulcld ) ' apIelrS among sueh peo. plo when the habits of clvlzalon nro adopted , eSloclaly the indoor lo , The South American monle ) ' nnd the North American Indian a1c fal vic. tms to tlls dlseaso when shut away fem the sunlght and acUvo exercise out of dors , The tme is not far distant when ever ' Inrgo cl ) ' wi Ind i necessary to l > ro\lle convenlonces for the ap' of this slmllo curaUvo mens. plcaton ure , not only for the purpose of rescu. In the vlclms of Imlmonnr ) ' tuber. culosls from the cortaln fate which awn1s thom , but as au ossontul measure for protectng UI0 pu Uc healh , II I II I I Health Observatons Abroad , : , Ono of the most piiul sights In Englnll Is to Eeo ) 'oungomon act. , In ! as barmlids In the publc drlnl" ling places , and to see women elbo\ ; In their way to the bar and then , stand thre , shoulder to sh uhler wll - - . - - - - - - - - . - a crowd of coarse , ha ) runl < cn 10n , and wih them 1lrtako freely of In. lox Ion lng lquor. Unfortunate ) , thts patnful sight is not at nll rare , and It Is qulto common to see drunlwn wom. en reolng about in the atreetJ , What a sad cOlmellar ' on our modern cl\ lzaUon , ' " In Copenhagen It Is the custom to ' dress 'olng schoolgirls so that theIr ' arms arc alnost or enUrely' bare , eve in wenlher when AmerIcans appro' clate thei' overcoats. This practco nocessarl ' chis the blood , nnd tends to } reduce congoston of the internal . organs , and undoubtedly la's the foundaton for colds , pneumonia and tuherculosis , 'ru erculosls Is maldng sad havoc among the urban populaUon of Nor. wn ' , I is pitful to note how this ( plaruo is declmaUng thIs once hardy " " race , Sed en lary le , Indoor confne' mont and are defectvo venUalon undoubtedly the most prolfc causes , for fft ) ' per cent of the tubercular cases male a satsfactory recovery i when the ) ' are sent to some outdoor ' saniarium : and what wi cure n con. sumpth'o would certatny ] 11 vo pre. vented the onset of the disease , The lquor CUl'se Is undermining the ph'sical stamina of the Swedish race , Liquor drinllng among the worldng classes Is , almost unl\ersal One- third of their populaUon die beforo' the ago of , and one.fourth of those who lve , are rejected from mitary service on account of ph's. ical dlsqualfcaUons , - - - An American Puzzle. Dr. Lorenz , of bloodless surgery fame , cannot understand llow Americans - ' icans enjoy f lr healh on a diet that would depopulate nny other countr ) ' . "rho plas , } Jddings , sauces and in. numerble other dishes , most at which are unhealhful in the extreme , partalen of oy \ ) 'oung and old 81\ in America , have caused mo to won. del' , " says Dr , Lorenz , "that the peo. pIe are not ph'slcal and consluUon. a1 wrecs , " The secret is to be found in the simple , hardy lves of the forefathers of the present generaUon , Tholl vlg. orous healh has bestowed upon the grndchidren wonderful constuUon. al vigor , Dut the change from the , slmplo to the luxurious is ] woreng havoc , The rIsing generton hnve squandered the consttuUonal capial bequeathed to them nnd are rapidly becoming physical banltlpts , A halt must be calec nnd the slmplo habits resumed 01 the prophec ) ' of Dr. . renz wl\l \ surely bo realzed , BREAKFAST BREADS , Corn PUfs-Deat together two and one-hal cupfuls of unsltmmed mie the ' of there and 'olS two eggs , unt oughy blended , Add two cupfuls of best granulated corn menl Deat the hatter thoroughly ; sUr In lghty the whites of the eggs , beaten to a sur froth : tur into heated irons , and balc Corn Dodgers-Scald ono cupful or best grnulated cor mea ] , into which n tablespoon of sugar has been sied , wih ono cup or being mm ( , Deat unt smooth , and drol on n griddo , in cales about one inch in thickness , and bake slowly for an hour , Tur when brown , If preferred , the baking ma ) ' bo fnished in the oven afer the , lrst turning Hominy Gems-Deat ono egg unt very lght , add to It ono tablespoon. ful or thict ] sweet cream , a Illo sal i desired , and two cupfuls ot cooled hominy ( fno ) . ' 'hln the mixtuo wih ono cupful or loss of being water unt it wi form easiy , beat wel , and bake in heated Irons , Saly Lunn Gems-Deat together the J'olk of one egg , two tablespon. fus ] of sugar , and one cupful of thin , Ice-cold , sweet cream , Add sow ! , beaUng at the saro lmo , ono cup and two tablespoonfuls of sied Grnham four , Deat vigorously , unU ful of air bubbles , add the whio of the egg beaten Irons , sUf ! , and baw ] in heated Cream Corn , Cakes-Into one cup of thin cream sUr one Ind one.hal cups of grnular cor mea , or enough to malc a bater : add onethlrd of a teaspoonful of sal : beat wel , drop Into heated Irons , and bal ( CreLm Graham RoHa-To onehaI cup of cold cream add ono-ha ) cup of soft Ice water , Malt into a dough with , three cups of Graham four , sprinldlng in slowly wih th hands , beaUng at the same Ume , so as to incorporto as much nil' us posslblo , unl the dough is too to bo sUrred : then ] mead thoroughly , form into rols and bake , Hoecake-Scald ono pint of whie cor meal , wih which , If desired , a tablespoonful or sugar and ono-hal teaspoonful of salt have been mixed. wih bolng ml , or water enough to mnlto n bntar sufcienty thlek not to spread , Drop on a hot griddle , in largo or smal cales as Iroferred , - ' about onehal inch In thlclmess , " Colt slowly , and , when well browned ' on the undersfle , tur ever , The " caIto may bo cooled slowly untl wel , done throughout , or , as the 10rUon becomes browned undereath wel , the frst brwn crust may be peeled of wih 1 Iwlfe , and the cake again turned , As rpid I ) ' as a crust bO comes formed nnd browned , no may 10 removed , and the calo turned , un. { t the whole Is browned. The thin , wnfr.lw crusts 110 excellent sor\ed : wih hot mlt or cral.