. ' . , . . . y , . , " r A1.L DROKF.N DOWN. , ' t.Jo Sleep-No ; petlte-Just a Con. , tlnuat Backache. .T0geph McCauley. I oC ] H Sholto etrfct ! , Chlcao ! , Sachem of Tecutnseh LoiJge , says : "Two years ago my , W' health was com. pletely brolten down. [ y back ached and was so lame that at , times I was hardly able to dress myllelt. i I lost my appetlto and was unable to sleep. There seemed i to bo no relict untll I took Doan's Kid. ncy Pills : but four boxes ot this rem. dy ertected a complete and perma. lIent cure. If BUfforlng humanity Imow the value of Doan's Kidney Pills they 'wo\ld use nothing else , as It is. the < only posltlvo cure I lenow. " For sale by nil dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster. lIIburn Co" Ductalo , N.Y. It they are bright with hope there 'Ls no lurking spot for despair. BABY'S AWFUL ECZEMA. Face LIke Raw Beef-Thought She Would Lose Her Ear-Healed WIthout a BlemIsh-Moth. er Thanks Cutlcura. "Myllttlo girl had eczema Tery bad 'hn ! she was ten. months old. I thought she would 1090 her right ear. It had turned blacle , and her iace was llko a pleco ot raw meat , and very sore. It would bleed when I washed . lIer , and I had to keep cloths on it day and night. There was not a clear spot on her face when I began using Cutloura Soap and Ointment , and now it is completely healed , without scar ( ) r blemish , which. Is moro than I had boped tor. ( Signed ) Mrs. Rose Ether , 291 Eckford St" Drookl 'n , N. Y. " A lIttle friendliness Is 'worth a . 'V'hole lot of financial assistance. I do not. bclleve Plso's Cure tor Consumpt\OQ bas an equal tor coulhs and colds-Jom : P. DOTEn , 'I'nntty Springs , IlId" Feb. 15 , 100 < 1. A man ma ' be the head oC the iam. . 11) ' , but ho has to foot. the bills. In a Pinch , Use ALLEN'S FOOT.EASE. A powder. It curespainfulsmartingnerv. ClUS feet and ingrowing nails. It's the freatest : comfort discovery of the age. ( Makes new shocs easy. A certain cure for , $ weating feet. Sold by all druggists , 25c. Trial package FREE. Address A. S , f Olmsted , Le Rev , N. Y. , Completed the Cheer. A day or two are there appeared , < > n the reg-Ister of the Coates house the names of Charles Hlpp and Mrs. Hlpp of Chicago. A t.ravellng man , ' , ' who was the next. arrIval , plclled : up A , " a pen and , hesitatingamomont , said to the clerk. "I guess I'll change my J j name todar. : " Then under the names . ot the Chicago guests he wrote , "John ' : . . . ' . . T. Hooray.-Kansas City ' 1'hlles. " P Game She Didn't Like. A little girl , the daughter of a min. tster , was up later than usual ono night , and for the first time In her life was present at family prayers. Dur. ing the reading or the Dl1 > le she was very quiet , 1 > ut when her father Imelt . down to prar : she wont. up to him , and , touching- him on the shoulder , said : "Pa , I don't 111:0 ; : to play at this game. " Poverty and Education. , Poverty is a great. bar to education , but would not. 1 > e if both the child and the pal'ent WOl'O alive to the real , , va1ue or .an education. It education ' cannot. be acquired In ono way It can tn another. The trouble Is that. the jUdgment of the child is too immature to provo a 'safe guide , and the parent leaves oVOl'ythlng to the child. . . - . . . I nsects Destroy Telephone Poles. Owing to the climatic deterioration and Insect destruction ot the wooden . poles the eighty mlles of telephone line In Abyssinia have to be constant. Iy Pc'l.troled rby special pollco to insure continuous operation. . \ HONEST CONFESSION. , C' + A Doctor's Talk on Food. . . . There are no fairer set ot men on " arth than the doctors , and when they l find the ) ' have 1 > een In error they are i , usually apt to maIm honest and man , 1 ; confession of the fact. A case In point Is that of an oml. nent praetltloner , ono at the good 'old SC11001 , who lives In Texas. His plain , unvarnished tale needs no drcsslng up : "I bad alwa 's had an Intense proju. dice , which I can now see was un. warrantable and unreasonable , against nil muchly advertised foods. IIence , I never read I ] , line of the many 'ads. ' } of Grape-Nuts , nor tested the iood till last winter. "While In Corpus Christi for my hCllth , and visiting my youngest son , who has four of the ruddiest , hellth ; test lIttle 1 > oys I ( 'ver saw. I ate my first dish of Grape-Nuts food for supper with my IItUe grand. ons. I beclme exceedingly tend of it and have eaten a pack. 80 ot it every weelt since , and find It a delicious , refreshing and strengthen. tng toad , leaving no 111 effects whatever , \ .it J.J. ' " causing no eructations ( with which I I IJP was tormerly much troubled ) , no sense ot tullness , nausea , nor distress ot stomach In nny way. "There Is no other teed that agrees with me so well 81ts , or as lightly or pleasantly upon m- stomach as this does. I am stronger and mal'O active since I began the use ot Grape.Nuts than I have been for 10 years , and am no longer troubled with nausen and J" tndlgestlon. " Name given by Postum . Co. , Dattlo Creek , Mich. " There's I ] , reaSOD. J Look In each pkg , tor the tamou. UttJo book , ' 'The Road to WeUvllle. " Kill E 0 111 S BEAR ! i PRESIDENT SU SSFUL IN HIS COLORADO HUNT , COT WHAT J WAS AFTER I Courier Brings In Pelt of Bruin From' ' the Camp to Secretary Loeb-No Det311s of the Hunt Thus Far Given Out. GLENWOOn SPHINGS , Colo.- Pl'esldent Hoose\'elt has Idlled a bear nnd a bol ; cat. 110 Is satisfied with his hunt for the blggcst game the Rocldes atTord. If he et.s one 11101'0 beal' or 80\'ernl ho will ho both'r pleased , but to quote his own words : "I got what I wal after. It was bull ) ' 81:01't and I hope It lwops up. " 'rhls Is the storr broughl to Sl'CI'e- tar ' Loob by mmer Challman , 1COll" IeI' with n. close mouth , who was chosen to bear mesages between the pre.1ldont : ! lnd the temllOl'ar ) ' seat of o\'ernmont ut. the Hotel Colorado In this cltr. While he came through Newcastle. whore are caml1ell numet'OUs corrCH. pondents oC newSIJ ) JOI'S , ho brought hIs story intact. 'rhero was no leakage - ago and all the Information obtalnablo at that place was derl\'ed from 1\ view oC a closelr rollell fresh bear. \\'hlch transfel'Ted from ship'hlch Chapman his saddle to the car at t.he rallwa ) ' station. j "IH that nil ) 'ou'\'o got ? " ho was asled. "Isn't'that ' ouough ? " he rel111ed. This waH about the Hubstnnce of the con\'ersation In which Challman IJartlclpatcel at Now'astle. He was chosen because he Imows when not to talll : . Befol'e starting on his hunt the 11reslelont sahl he dill not want any newslJal1er men to follow him. ' 1'0 three COTl'osllondents representing press associations. who accomllanled him from Washington. the lIresldent saId : "You stick by Loeb and I will hell' you all I can. I nnnot send out a messenger e\'er ) ' da ' . 1 > ut as soon as there Is anything' wOl'th te11lng ) 'ou shall ha\'e It , " , ' 1'he cO\ll'lel' got through Newcastle without talllng and the 11roslelent made good to these who complied with his wishes. Dut If the courier was reticent at Newcastle WItS dllIl'rent when his journey was at an enel Ilnd Secretary Loob hall remo\'ed the' injunction of secl'ecy. HIs eyes 1lndled with a lIre that told his admiration for the Inesl- dent's prowess as a hunter more than did the words at his command. ' 1'he eXI\'esslon tlw ha\l ( ) ' mountalneel' Injected - jected Into hlH story was : "Say. fellows - lows , he's a beaut and no mlstal\O. The war he scents gallle woultl mll\O 'ou think ho was horn In the mountains anll had ne\'OI' left them. Sar , now , helng )1reslllent ) don't malw anr difference with a man tha t's got the real stutT In him. Goff sahl he was the real thing Hnll Ilhl not need show. lng , but I Illd not believe It. " ' 1'ho thought of starting homt > ap- , parentlr has not entered the \1l'esl. \ dent's head. He saYR he Intends to en. jor himself as much as possible d\1l'- Ing his outing and his comlJanlons 1 > e- lIe\'o ho Is doing' It. If he has thoughts of affairs at Washington ho has 110t communicated them to the mountain- eers. CONTRACT FOR NEBRASKA ROAD Gre3t Northern to Build from Sioux City to Connect With Burlington. SIOUX CITY-The contract for the extension of the Great Northern rail. road from Sioux City to Ashland , Neb. , has been let to Peter Sims , n. St. Paul contractor , according to advlces re- ceivoll In Sioux City. It Is said that a hlg force of nwn will he I\\t ) to wml , grading fOl' the extension within ten da 'fi. The extension of the Great NOI'thern fl'om SIoux City to Ashlanll would unite the Gerat Northern and the Burlington - lington , and woulll he of great Importance - ance to Sioux City. The Great Northern - ern has already spent se\'el'al hundred thousands dollars In Imrl'hasln ter- mlnalR In Sioux Cltr nnll 11wlle plans for the expendlt uro of $1,500,000 more hOl'Q. ' A sl'eC'1l1 ! construction train p ssell through Sioux City on the Chicago. l\II1waul\Oe & St _ Paul on lie ; way to Armour. S. D. . to he ln wOI'I , on the )1rol1osell ) oxtenslon from Armo\1l' to ChambOl'laln. In some quarters It Is bellevell thnt this mo\'e 1I1e > ans that the : \II1waul\Ce will Imlld to the coast. Would Take Him Up Pike's Peak. COLORADO SPHlNGS. Colo-Upon return of PI'l'chlunt Hoose\'elt here from his hunting trl11 ahout the ml lllo of l\la ) ' ho will ho walled Ullon hy the members of the Pllw's Peal , Press cluh of this clt ' , and presentpd with one of th cluh's halHlsome gold badges as Il souYl'nlr of hIs YIfJ'It. 'I'ho 111'esl. dent has heen elected an honorarr n1'mhel' of the cluh. The badge > will ho made out of IJllre Cripple Creell : gold. It Is also 111lnned ! to talw the 11reshlent to the summit of Pllto's Peal , on the cog rail war , - - Must Get Japan's Consent. WASIIlNGTON - The t > xecutlve committee of the Panama canal com. mission. l\lc'Isrs , Shonts.Iacoon : ; anlt Wallare dl'rlllel ( to draw up d'talled slJOcllkations to go\'ern In the em. ployment of labor on the conal. A de , clslon from A tlorney Goneml l\rood ' as to the application of the eight. hour da ) ' to the w01'11 : Is eXl1ected In a few days , and \\111 go\'ern that l1rohl m In the specillcations. Pormlsslon will ha ve to he ohtalnOll f\'OIn the ,1npanest > go\'el'nnH'nt IH'fore > the > 2.000 III h ! 'l'rs can t > se1I'ed , r COME INTO COURT , I _ _ _ 4 Question of Rebilte9 to Be Investl. gated. " 'ASI1INGTON-I"ollowlng Is a list of till' rullroad ml'n who ha'e IlCon I'PII\Il'tltl'd to all11l"ar before the senate romllJltI'c on Intl"rstato l'OIII lIIerCI. ' , I whll'h will he > gln lis Inl1ult' ) ' Into rail. 1'01111 I'l'glllation at onrl' , , W , K. Vnndl'rhllt or I ho Now Yorlt Centl'lll , George Gould ot the Goulll ! ! 'stelll , I . II. Ilanltunn of the Union Pacific , .T. .1. IIIII of thl' Great North. l'rn , A , .J. Cnssntt of Ihe Ponnn 'I. \'anla , . 1 > , ! \llIna , \10 president at the Atchison. 'l'oIIlJIHSanta l o : Walll'I' D. Hilles , gpnel'al cOllnsel or the I.ouhwllio & NaHll\'llIo : lIugh I.J. Bonll , g'noral conn sol of the Balli. more & Ohio : Winslow Plm'ro , genor. al counsel oC the Goulll s 'stom : Presl. lIent lIughlt t of the Chlcn o & North. wostel'll , Presillont nlple ) ' of the At. cltlson , ' { 'opela & San In I.'e ; PI'e'Ident : 'rultle of the Boston & 1\Ialne , VI co Preshlonl Wilcox of the Delaware & Illuison. Presldont Tl'UcfHlalo of the Dela ware. T.aclmwannn'estern : President Spencer of the Southern , Pro.slllent I lsh of the mlnols Contral. Of those on I ) ' 1\IessI's , Cassatt , Fish Spencer Il\1cl 'l'uttle ha\'e slgnlfIell n willingness to altenll , mul thor say they will not be alilo to he present. at the beginning of the cOlllmlttee's sit. tlng' . A number of the witnesses have bcoll sUlllmOlHJII , howe\'OI' , and It Is OXIectc(1 that lht' ! commltttee will 110 able to 11roceed soon lifter coming to. gethOl' . Among the non.rallronll men to be heard are Senators Spooner , Knox nndl\IOI' an ; PI'of. W. Z. HlI11e ' of Hnl'\'ard ulIl\'erslty and Ylctor l\Iorawel1. of New York. The committee haR heon Rummoned to meet 'at. 3 II. m. l\Iolldnr , anll Chair. man glldns of the cOlllmlt tee has nn. nOI\lH'od his IJllI'lJOse to go'O'y there oughl ) ' Into the subject. 'I'ho reS'oln. tlon under which the hearing' w1l1 bo holll dlt'ects the committee " 10 con. sldOl' the question or mhlltlonal legislation - lation to l'Pgulate Interstate com. merce , I1\Hl to nuthorl7.e the Interstate Commerce ( 'olllmlssion to fix rates of freights and fares and to : tC'qulre fur. ther Infol'lnatloll as to Intel'state com. lIIerce , Inclucllng'Iolatlons . or e\'a. slons of the an tI-rebato law and the lIevlces anll methods b ' which such o\'aslons are accompllHhed anll Includ. Ing refrigerator and ot her 11\'I\'ate car system. Industl'lnl railway traclls : , switching chnrges aUII the lIlw , and also to consldor what legislation HhouM ho enactel ! In relation to the liability of railroad COlli panics engaged In Interstale tratlle 01' opomtlng lines In an ' torl'ltor ) ' of the Unltcl States for Injl\l'les rece\'ell ! by their om. ployes when In the dlschargo ot duty. " JAPS TAKE COLLIERS. Numbcr of Vessels Are C3ptured by Island en. Off of Cochfn-Chlnil. SAlGOX-'I'ho , Japanl'se recently Caltl\l'el ! a largl' numbel' of colliers off the coast of Cocltln-Chlna. Six men. SUllPOf'cl to he , Japanese , lal1llod so III I' days ago at Cape St. .James. neal' hero , from an Aunameso and aflol' hl'lef sta ' . ' junk a ) re.cmbal'll : ' el ! . 'fhe steamer EI'hlan , Which was pur. chascIl b ) ' a local I rench lInn , flailed yeslerlay ( l'\'enlng with a full cargo of 11rO\'lslons fOJ' the suad\'On. A numhel' of Husslan warships are anehorell In Kamranlt ba ) ' , where they are revictulliing. The health of the Rusians Is roe marlmhly good. Onlr eight. deaths from dlseaso have ocourred slnco their departl\l'o from Europe 01Jt of an effectl\'e force or 18,000 men. A Russian officer sUfforlng from herl-berl Is In the hospllal here. The othel' slcltIIe > n who were brought here br the Hussilln hospital ehlp Ore Inchulo Prince Cautacuzeno , but the reports that the Ol'el has wounded - ed mell on hoard are unfounded , as there had heen no lighting up to the time of Its -rl\'ni. . No Milling in Transt. : WASHING'I'ON - The Interstate COll1l11erC'e commission refusell 'V. .J. anll H.V , Koch , ItalTlsl1urg , Pn. , millers. an ord'r CO\nllClIIllg the Pennsylvania - sylvania & I'Ittshurg. Cincinnati , Chi. cage & St. Louis Hallway companies to grant them the 1)\'I\'lle ) \ o of mill. Ing grain cn'Outo at the same freIght rate as n through shllllllent of r.raln. Ohio and hHlIan shllpers ) enjoy the , 111'1\'lIego , but the commission decIded conditions there may be different. - - - - - - NEW OIU.IMNS , Ala-Duslness InterestR of Now Orleans were In conference wllh SpecIal Commission. er Bristow , who was appointed by the presltlent to Investigate trade rela. tlons between the United States anl1 gUl'0110 anll the western coasts at Cent ral anl1 South America by 111111 over the Isthmus of Panama. It was eXl11alnell to11' : . DrlHtow that the hoarl1 of tralll' eSl1eclally desired on oPl10rtunlly to hltl on all the contracts of the govel'nment and to have equal tl'llnsportatlon facilities with New YOI'I. , Greet Roosevelt and Parker , CHICAGO-ChIcago cluhs are ex. pectlng to entertain President Hoose. velt alHI Alton P. ParlCI' ! at the sarno time. Doth Il rtr lenllers have ar. rangQI1 , the 11resll1ent 11)lellnltoly ) ( , and the l1emocratlc : lealler Ilollnitelr , for a \'Islt to this clt ' I he last weell : In l\la , Three OI'sanlzations , the l\tQr. ( 'lmntl1 , Hamilton and Irolluols cluhs , were wlllln. . ; for IIn IInnouncement of the ( Into Of : the visit from Secrl'tary : Loeh In Colol'Ullo. ) Ir. Pal'lwr will ad. III'CIIS the 1l1Inol Slate Bar nssocla I iOIl l\IQ ' 2G. . " , ' , NEAR TO WAR'S REALITIES. Soldiers Well Trained fOI' Grim Work They Have to Do , ' 1'ho prIncipal thing In these realls. tic lIIancu\'crs Is toHIO bnll cartridges lIt st of all. Instcal1 of 1IInnls , aniJ , secoll lr. to 111'0 at an onemr 110SS0SS' Ing hUlllan shnpo and sometlmos mo\ ' . Ing' fast , SI'S Harper's Wcc1 < I ) ' , Accord Ingl ) " the \'Isllor to Altlershot will somellllles como In a Iulet } hollow , upon qulto n slllall roglment of glga\t. tic "guardsmen" ml\ll\1 of sheel steel , tell or twelve feet hl h , henrlnJ ; thom. sel\'es with military dlglllt ) ' and stiff. ness , and their "manl ) ' " fronts scarrell nnd spattered In h\tllllloll places br nlclwl-coated bullets or the Lee.Met. iot'd rifle. ' 1'he ) ' ere sta 'ed nt the bock with It'OI1 wire , nnd run ellhor singly or In IJI\lrs UI1OI1 curious lIlUo trollers on rails which are sol In mollo11 by means of endless cable8 a long dlstanco off , Behind them in a trench mo crouch. ed n cOl'taln number of lIIarl\Crs , very much alive , and accompanied b ) ' IIns signalers , who signal the results to : the officers In the fil'ing lines and also , II If necessar ) ' , other Instructions and , directions about the aUaell : . l urther along 'ou como across a "ca\'alry Imtrol , " also made of grcat. high sheets of pInto steel , the horse rel1re. sented in full gallop hen.d on , so as to make the mnrl , moro difficult , aud also to relJl'oduco actual-charging con. dltlons. Fnrthor awa ) ' Ulero mar be seen a 1Itt10 armored trnln of three steel.clad trucl.s , with tlto varlons mU7.zles of seven 1\1111 twel\'o lI01II1Ilel's stlcldng out nt the side. When this train Is at rest It Is difficult to tell which Is IIrmod and 'hrmorell 111\0 the h'OOI1' IlIlel1 trucls it hauls , O\'er the tOl1 or these cars are projecting' a IIIlInbOl' oC dummies Intenllcll to rOl1resent the heads of so111101's , and hits on these are also recorl1ed , thll ! tlmo automnll. colly. SOME ONE HAD THE RING. , - AnxIous Parents Would Like to . < now Just Who It Was. 1\tr. and l\Irs. GraVell of Center slreet , South Orange , N. .T. , ga\'o a hlrtllar ) ( IHU't . for their seven. 'ear'old son , Leo Gra\'es. 'I'here was a magnl. ficent birthday calw , with seven can. dIes on top , and Insldo of It a 11relt . ring. Some peoplo' thlnll : it was nn opal ring. The calw was cut and the ) 'oung. sters aUncl < ed It with enthusiasm , When It wns a11 dls)1osed ) of-lho walt was not long-the hostess aslwd : "Well , 1I0W , which of ) 'OU children has the ring ? " There was no answer. 'fhoro were hastr Inquiries , but none of the child. ren could remember swallowing an ' . thing hard. "Woll , I certalnlr put io ring in the calle : , " exclaimed the compounder of the confection. ' 1 This Increased the constornatlon. ' 'fll children went homo. Their moth. ors were wOl'I'led. Physicians were bltlden to bo on instant ca11 , and op. tlons wOl'e secured on X.rar apparatus. None of Iho children has developed alipendlcilis yot.-New Yorll : Snn. Sheep Follow Le 1der to Death. "The most strlldng' example of fol. lowing' a loader Into the jaws of death I ever saw toolt place in Kent county last weel , , " sall1 a Kent count ) ' farmer. "Ex.Sherlff Edward , T. Plummor , " ho continued , "hnd Il fiock of seventeen sheep , which , for SOIUO unaccountable reason , determined to go from one )1as. ) tur to another. ' 1'0 malw the journey It was necessary to cross the creell : on UIC Ice. Sure enough , the old buclt of the flock wallwd cautlouslr out on the wealccne Ice. When he was about midstream It gave way nnd he plunged In. "The other sheep , Insteal1 of return. Ing to the shore , which ther conld have done , dell1 > erately and , as the law 'ers would put It , 'with mnllco afore' thought , ' wa11led : Into the halo In the Ice made hr their leader and were drowned. Nothing but sheep would have ever been fool enough to bo gull. ty of such a performance. ' 1'hero was [ .osslbl ) ' some excuse for the foolhardy old buclt , but I cnn thlnlt of no extenu. atlng clrculUstnnces in the case of the others.-Baltlmoro JIernld. Why He Wanted Office , Another al11111cant for consular lIre. rerment told the State department peo. pIe , upon whom he called to maIm preliminary ! nqulrles , that' ho wanted the consu1lhI11-hold down by n very competent man who is not going to lIe disturbed-at a German city near which a famous Spa Is located. Ho was Ilsl\Cd why he had fixed his mind upon just that place. "WeH , " ho rel1l1ed , 'qulto offhand , 111\0 n man sure of his ground , "I'm all ruu down with the rheumatlz , and I'm Informed that them Dutch baths fix I ] , rheumatic feHer up In no time. I want to glt near 'em so's I can glt boiled out. " Odl11y enough this man found It im. posslblo to ha\'o an inter\'low with the Prosldent about the matlOl' near to his soul wlwn ho called at the Whlto 1I0uso a few hours later. A Song of Easter , \Vo ma ) ' not count the choirs that : sing ' ' this I1n- 'l'holr jubilates on ) - Flcl shlo and IItrcet an chapol-wa ) ' , Vocnl with gladnells ring. 'fhero Is no rrcorrl ot the flowers In grace nn glor ) ' multllJlIcdj All lumlnolls nnd'estale'e They shrl\'o the gaster hOUI'8. And multitudinous the pmrers 'I'hnt from \'lIst congrcgntlons rIse , Llko ceI\Scr'MS Incense 'neath the Hilies WhoreBo the Easter tarcs. And j1auslnA" 'ml the hallowed light. Awl ulIl'ersal'olce or prnlse , \\'ho ndds 110 Imowlello to hili dnrs , No wisdom to his slght'1 Some Enstrr 1'0) ' IIhall pierce the wnlls , \\'hero clohltorcd Belt hlld Jlxell her choice : AtJll on her lonrl\ ' l\aths the \'olco 0 : I'ufltcr : < 'Il'nrl ) ' tal , -ll'Jllnl ( \\1\1 < Olt IIUtI , In the Doston ' ' ' ! 'ranscl'lpt WHAT IS A DUILDING & . LOAN AS. SOCIATION. To th090 not familiar with the I11nn nnd operntlon oC a Dulldlnr. & I.oan Association it ma ) ' bo proJ1er to say that it Is In fnct a mutual society for : 'I\.vlngs , In which o\'er ) ' member , POI1' ularl ) ' sl 'led a "dfllosltor , " Is a stoelt. bolder nnd entitled to shara in the profits of the Coml1nny , the aggregate savings bolng Ion nod to ether mom. bors oC the Association , It affords e\'ery IJCron ! nn opportun' Ity to at time Il\fel ' In\'ost atly ! \ ) \ 8ums or $1.00 or moro and assureR him that whatever Interest may bo derlvlJll trom loaning the aggregate sums will bo dl\'lded 11ro.rata and his share pnlll or credited quarter.annual ! ) ' , All money Is loanell on IIrt mort. gage security or on stoell : of the Asso. clntlon to other members , and Is 1'0- pnld In monthly Inlltlllltncnts. IIcnco , safety Is as nearly absolute ns 110slll. blo , nnd , with common honesty and with the exel'clso oC ordinary judg. ment , the Institution cnnnol fall. It Is tlot intended to bo ns flexible as a banI" slnco the State law renders all securites non.negotlnble. 'l'hore. fore , notlco of wlthdrawnl of money is reQull'ed , but this Is moro than off. BO by the higher rate ot Interest or dl\'ldends paid to Its members. Per. manency In sa\'lngs and Investmento arc Its characteristics. In addlton t offering absolute safe. ty for Investments , It also oteers an excellent ollportunlty to own a bOlllo o ) 'our own.Vh ) ' forever pay rent ? You will assume practically no morc obligation in undertaking to purchase a homo oC ) 'ollr own. It will enl ) ' re. Qulro the regulnr sottlng aside of 8uch nn amount ns ) ' 011 ( ' .Un from onch pay- IIny until 'Oll have the necessnry mnr. gin of cauh to IJltt UII n8 security , 'rhen for a tlmo 'Oll pa ) ' about the same as the tormer rent , and after that 'ou ho.\'o anI ) ' taxes anl1 Insllr- an co to lJa ' . l or clrclllnl's oxplalnlng , Ollr plan , address Occidental Blinding & Loan A8soclatlon , l 3 Doulal ! ! St. , Omaha , Neb. , Tennesse GI3nt , Near Parsons , ' 1'01111. , thol'o lives 'n most I'omarlmblo ) 'oun man , n.'orlt. . able giant. for a e. Ills nl\mo Is Arnoltl , and ho Is not 'et ol ht\en years ot age. IIo stands SOVO\ ! feet even in his stocl\lng feet anl1 weal's a No. 13 shoo.-Nashvlllo Bannel' . Insist on Getting It. Some groceI'II fmy the ) ' Ilon't IIccp Dcllnnce Stl\rch , 'I'hIA IK 1IecI\IItte thcy hl\\'o 1Btocle on 111\1111 oC othcl' 111'1\111111 contalnlnA' only 12 ollnccs In 1\ IlIIcl- aJc , which the ) ' won't bo able to Rcll first , because Dcfinnce contl\llIl ! 10 0llnce8 for the Bame mOIlO ) ' . Do you wl\nt 10 Ollnel'S Instend of 12 ollnce/ ! for Rl\me monc"f 'l'hell 1I1I ' Dc- flance 8tm'ch. HCIIIIII'cH 110 cooltlnlj. If they nre IIllctl with sweet tempel' there is no )1laco ) ror anger , t5.00 1'1\111 : month1) ' , will 1111Y n ' 100 share of 142- [ ; acres oC 288)0 ( ) ) nero Jlllllltntioll. t ! unrantccd. gvm' ) ' eOllllItloll HafelIardcd. . A cllts wautcl1. Bellt Jlav 1\1\(1 ( tm'I'lto ! ' ) ' . I , 1\1001'0,210 Odd l cllo\\'s' lllt1g.St.1.oulsMo. It Is not to 1 > 0 supposel1 thnt he , cause n woman unl1erlltands tl'illos that she Is necessal'l ! ) ' tI'llIIng. The lIfo of nn old ml\lI Is 111(0 u lighted cundlo In a draught. Defiance Starch should bc In c\'ery hOllsehold : nonc AO ooll. 1 > cRldell . . ouncclJ 1II0l'C COI' 10 ecnlll than I1ny othcr 111'11(1 oC colll WI1 tl1l' sturo.h. Temper rour feellngA to the condl. tlon of the ono who has offonl1ol1. Do 110t sllves to ) 'our child ron , they will have their happiness lator. . . - Every 110usol'epor should know thnt If thnv will buy DcfinncG Cold Wat\r Stnrrh for laundry UIO the , will sa\'o nut onlY tlmo , bec ule It never Rtlrltll to the Iron , but bocauBIt cach J1arllo contaln8 IG O1.-ono full lIoul1l1-whllo all other Cold Water Slarches nro IJltt np in I } 'pouncpaok - ago ! ! , and the Ilrlco Is the ! ! ume , 10 c'nts. 'I'hen ngaln berauRO Dc anco Starch II ! free from all Injurloul1 chemIcal - Ical ! ! , If ) 'our grocer tries td Hell you n 12'01. . 11nc\nRo \ It Is because h. hu n slock on lIanll which he wlahu to dlsl1oSO of before ho lJ1tts In Defiance. Ho Imows that Defiance Starch has prlntf'l on ever ) ' 11 clago In large le tors amI figlU'eA " 16 ozs , " Demand De- finnco and sa\'o much tlmo and money nnll the anne 'anco of the Iron IlUCk- lng , DefIance novel' stlclts , Pleall Cor p ace \\ntll there II notboo Ing left but to fight , All Up.to.Date Houlekeepe , . . \190 Defiollt'c Colli 'VlltCI' Starch , bn. COURe It III better , nnd 4 ounccs more ot It (01' fllmtc l1\onc ' . Vuln excuses enl ) ' aggravate the gravt , ) ' of nl1 offense , Why It Is the Dest IA 1 > CCOURC 1111\110 1.1) ' an enUrely ( lltrer- ellt proc'RtI. nefilUJ'C Stnreh Is unlike nny othel' , better and onu-thlrd more ( ai' 10 ccnte , - - I'armora anti hens are nbout a. bns ' as they e\'er et , - - - - - - . "lllIul tllllluuntnry UIl.tllllntl III , but I. . .eU nowlhonko en IIr l'ul.II\Nln.dl..Torl 1\ . . . . . -dr. a' . 11I1J. J.tlond , " Oarnlll.an.l lr , Trol , N. Y. - - - - 'I'ho .1a11s are 110t the only onol'l ' who ha vo tnlten n tlo pnss , ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) OOOOOOOOOOO A M rvcl or ReUcr StJacobs Oil Sato and sure for , umbago end Sciatica It III the cpecllfc virtu ! ! of penetrallon tn thl. remedy that C2rrles It rlcht to the pain spot and of/celli / . & prompt cure. oo < X > < X > ooo000 OOOOOOO)4XQ . THE FISH BRAND SLICKER I A VALUED FRIEND CIA good many YC2r1 ago I bought Ii FISH nRAND Slicker , and It haa rrovcn II v31ucd friend fir many II .tormy day , but now It is getting old and I' mUlt biTe another. Please lend me a rrice.list. " ( The n.m. t Ihl. WOrlh. ,1II < lor. 01.11,0,110 b. oulID'U , . , t. or . . . .th. . , "ill b. linn 0" .ppll..t ! . > . . . ) IIIGIIRST AWARD wonw FAIR , 19M , A , J. TOWER CO. D'IIi Doaton , U.S.A. VU II . TOWER CANADIAN : = COMPANY , Ltmlted Itw. . . _ _ . Toronto , Canada " " , , " Wet Wenther Clothln ! : " Suit. , and Hate for pll kinds of wet wotk ouport 'II . Say Plainly to Your Grocer I Thnt you wnnt TJION COFFEE nlwo.ys , nnd ho , being n squnro mnn , will not try to Bell 'ou anything - thing olso. You mny not care for our opinion , but What About the United Judgment of Millions of housokoopOI'H " , hp hnyo uaod LION COFFEE for over a quarter of a century ? Ishoro any st1'fmcr proof of merit , thnn the Confidence 01 the People nnd ever Incrcaslng popularity ? LION COFFEE Is carcfully se. Iccted at thc plantation , sblppcd dIrect to our varIous factorIes , wl1crc It Is skillfully roastcd and earcfullypaclced rn sealcd pacl , . agcs-unlllcc loosc coUee , , vl1lch Is exposcd to germs. dust. In- sccts. etc. LION COFFEE reaches , you as PUl'C and clcon as , vhen It left tbe factory. Sold only In lib. paclcoges. Lion-bonll on ovorj" pnclmgo. Snvo thoBO Lion-hends for valunblo promiums. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPIOE CO. , Toledo , Ohio , - . A GAS' RANGE in the } 'ou can have a Gas Raneo and bo all cool end comfortable COUNTRYl ; sister Is Inlrtrs. 'rhe QUIck Mfal mukes Its orun I:01s-yotl can \\iO It anyrult'rI ; without connectlons-unll It's liufo. simple. economical , duroble-It Is clol\nllne88 lI&elt end elves lelll trouble 'hnn ' kerosene lamp. IVe't' , looked alter that. child or nn untrained hired elrl can use It saltly. l uul only costs 40 or 6c a day-no klndllm : , ashes , 800t or dirt when you UiO QUICK MEAL ( Evaporator ) GASOLINE RANGE -and It' . ma < lo to In" . too-thick , hOIlTI .hut " "I.m.1 bru.-notbIDR colDl.llrllto.l-nolhIDI/"bll'h cau , , , , , , , oul JlR' drol' " 0" ' Iholf. nlc"I , .1 . . t.'aOt .b"h. . an.t , , " . .relnn'"p ' . ' 1. . " , . , I ht-huod . 'Jourl. "IIleb "III ke"I' tI. . , toc > "orm t / IIlh. . "Dlrn folko" ( 'om" , "lIhouclrllDlllt UP. Your . . ' , . . . . "hen han'a " " ) , ; .Vul , 'or ' . . I klloblla"ol < .l. clOD a In halflh. . thn" " 70U ' "f 10U n..Ter hu" to lDul ! tor lour IIr.-It. . ahr.7. 1"1"11 h..l. You oUllht 10 hilT. . a VUlt " .II , , , , ' . thl. mhout" If ) our d al"r hn , , , " lIot thellllln ' .and..1t uOIWOI hat" . : , " : TIUIII .UIK Would You Like a Present ? "Ii.I tll'c : t/ . o ; , : J4 : . t 4i1 , oUJ\'lhlolf ' 70u'll Ilk. If 70u'lI.hu" . , t.U UII lour rIaltr' " " 0" " " ' . t nn. . " 7 wlllther or Dot ht ) oarrlt. . V'"f' ' ' .Vtal. HIIIO ou , IUUIIl' v" ; ' : ' - . . . _ I'/ul/llil. / aD the "r./lt "IIIJo lure to r..eh JOU . "r"I , . . : ; , WV RlUC D Stove CO , Dh' . , Makere , 415 N , 6tb St. , St. Loul" Mo , ' - .