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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1905)
, , . . . , - - - . - , . , - - - - - - - - . . . : - NEWLA , W8 Of NEBRASKA , I , , t : or" , \ - 'Col11plete list of Bills Passed by the Recent Session of the legislature. d ; . . I - - - - - ( ( Colltlllu1 J.1'om J. llt Woolt. ) HOIIMO , oil No , 176 h ) ' . 1I11WI' oC Ne , mallll , tn 11I111 < 1' It ohllflltfJ1111111 { " " ) \lIIt ) ' I IwanlH , 1111$11.1111 $ nt nplllll1l\l \ tl' fll1'lIll1h IIIlt to cUllllt ) ' 1I 1'lcllltllllll I4Ut'll'tI"H , All- - ' ' . \ . 11I'1I\'cll \prll I. lIoIIP011 Nil. 22.1 , Ii ) ' 1'1'1'1" ) ' uC J.'lIrnllll , ( u IJluvlll ! ! C'r ' the ( 'OIlVI'.III ( ' , ' nr tllo III- torust oC HII hlMltll ! ! lIuHhllnd or wlfo III tllo In III ) " or hili 01' h.1' IIJIOIIIII' , II ) ' /lINI/IM of /(11111'1111111 / , tll I" . II IIlIollitell by the tllHtl'lcl cOII1 , IIP'1I1 ' ' ' anll , II/'opor slluwllI-\ ! \ . " ' \ ' " / . \1'1'11 ' ] . API"'II\ HuuMe 11I11 Nil , : :11 : , , ) ' tlloIn.lllce / , wllYs lIIal III ell liS co nlill II 11) ( ' , tll IIIIIIW the Htalo 1lI'lnlill" hOIll'II . , III 1'IIII'I'/ll'IW / : ) ' . tu )1111'- ) I'IUlso 811 II P 11.,1 10 ( 'OMl . 11111 ' 1XC'UIIIIIJ. : : JW , \1n the l'O'llIb'llIlIlI " , till ! IIlTleor ' " ' ; tI 11'11I , IIC lile bent 111111 10WI'IIl hllh 1'1' . III IId,1It1011 1/1 III , . 1IIIIIplil's II/'ocllloll 1IIIIIel' the onnlllli I'lInlrm't. 1'lJ1eI'KollC'Y cllIlIse. ' ' , \ ( tIll I. . [ 01110011 No , : l D , by TJnl'lo oC Vllllo ) ' , to provlllt , thllt I/O / IIr ! , 1)1I ) CIIII lip com- 11llell ! 10 Jla ' fill' II IIUWIIII" / ! " . II1l1gl7.ll/o / ( II' othol' IIUIIIlI , I .tn lI1allnll 11111I If ho liaR lIot IHlh crllol'll , ur nnl'I' hili Sllb CI'II'- tlon hllH ( 'xpl/I'II , lIotwlthl4tllwUng ho may 1111\0 I' ( > { ' ( OI\'I II the /411 nl e. AJll'l'lIvccI ' AIII'III , HOII" " 1'011 No , : :01 : , h ) ' . VotlH' oC Cellill' , , nlltlllll'l7.ltlI'OllIt / / ) ' ( 'UllI.tH 10 I'JIIIIII\\or ( 'XCCIIt"'H , 1I1111/II/IIIII'/ltol'/I / / nllll CI/llllllilllH / to I'oal ' ' ' , ' Is morl/rugu l' tnt ! whl'n thtl' ! ! Jill 1II01ll'Y to l'cIf'/1J , exlltJn 1I1II1't fI : I'H due 01' nhout to bOIolllo : duc. , APllI'ovcll ' I. . 11'1 101 No. 2ii , IW the InRI/ranee / COllltN" 1110\11111 fill Iho Ill/nlHslol fC CI'cl 1 I I/f / 1 1'/ /lHHoclutons ur COl- / to ' . the [ JI/Jel U'II/H.lct / hl/HltHst / o IC- ( 'llell 0' Mldil/elS / 01' ncclilel/t / IInd Hlclt- ICI II/SII'IIO / : alli to 1ny not to ex- ( ccd $ OO flllwl'al Icnel ! ts In CIIU oC denth . Crol natlrll I0lle mi No , al , cnlMNI. 1) . oC DouglnH , to n1110 thl , pouII ' Il'enHurel' o [ Dou/lnF cOllnt ) " tl'enlUlcr uf exoffl" piy Olllha III Ilso nx.nffll'lo cll ' trelllrer oC thc Omllm Hehnol dlsll'll.t. I ' 1111 I cltUl'eA to ' ( ' hotll to thu el ' nnd Hehoul dIstrict - trict In IlnOlnts tn bl OXI'II hy Iho Clt ) ' coul1cll 1111 the Iohool 1101'11 Il Is tu Jccl'vl'll : MiCh IIIIIIUon:1 "I In I' ) ' 111 the UI ) ' ( 1111 clly cOlucll Ihnl lutholl7o. ' ' . Iu ' , ' pa ) 'Ihl fly Ihlll Idllllll'lI fn. til' ' ' ' ' ' , . 110 JII'CRSII' ) Ilhllonll ( 'I'IIH. Ihlll hell offlo Cnl' fOI' ) 'I'II'R Crol .IIUIII'y , ] 0 ( 1\1' ' . ' - Ild Ihll lt hI oll/Ihlo Ic-l'lccUOI. JOURO roll Nu. :1 : 1. hy tl conl\ltcc , to ' tlmt , Oi rtVIH/e 1111 tlXI tOI reCIII'J Iwlclll of llalo11'lltS 10lsll1111 11 ' ' ' ' 10 of 1,110 Ihn I hI l'I''ul'ld 111 : 1 flo r conlM ou $ ' " " IIR" nlll ii ) centH for , GO , t t no \lch adlli 111,11 hit hl chnrlo , 1hlll hc maI" [ 01' l'I' IHtrllg wnrlnts f lrchusclI CUI' the IIC'llllllt Hchool fUld. I 1hls Is to Iudlce holl'I' ! oC sillto Wil- t'l the to thc ' rt111 Hcl 111\0 )1'lIInuolt ) o [ , hclII Iohool ' hlli Istcld 101dhl ! lS UI 11'IStl111 No. A22 , b ' Iouso rol lcClny n 1nl- ( OStll' , to UIWIII the Ilw Iro\lluI : for the ot' ' ' elccloll tllftlOS uC " ) 'ulm CCIIIO- tl'I' ) ' nt ] , tlohl II cOICol'mly wIth the 111111CI'CUOI IIW. 10IHO Iul No , 71 b ) ' Scloy of ] od e , to Ilvo lUCR of 'rol Iom to 1,000 In- Ilhltolts IUlhOIIII" to Hllt lJhtl frnchlso ! , 111 \ RO to fll'llsh \ ' \ 111\\1 to rlllllntf ll7.luS and ' hushlsS In . CUl'pOrltuls dolll ! tl ciy. 1OUHO rol No. : I . hy Clnlo or DIWOS , to ullhol'lzI coulty lrcnsurors to tllto out ' oC ' letll's Olllnlsl'llol the stnto oC elleealollol'Innl 1(01 ( for the collecton 1 oC \ol'Innl tIXIH. lcbtor Housu rol No. : : , hy CIHoheer of Ggc , to IHlnhlRh , lt the Homo fO' the ] ' at , ' hORllllal COI' ir'llcHS Lilcoln n crill- } ) Ied , rUIII'lrl'el IloCm'med , II chlilron mil the o ImfCorln-\ ! \ [ 1011I IIReasl Crmn which the ) ' nIl l ul ) ' to hOl'110 dorm'lIIl , The I to ho - hnsplol ald govolol 111- . uJcl b ) ' the hoald lC Iegents oC the Itnlo . Cor - unlvolsly. Apllleoll19 ld- Inlsslon oru to ho IIIICII on ' by the county phslclll' II the cOIII Il'st wheleo thcy orl/lall' . Ild thll h ) ' \tho hoal'll , .n nlll'IOII'/UtOI ' / oC $1,0 Llallo tu CUlT ) ' he lel Iltn efoct IOIRO 1'01 No , 2G . h ' Hi of Ttchcoek , toI'alt \ ' ' .nds tlJlon to /I'alt O\'I' 11 . 111 tll ItUtO the I'ht or wny Cor (1 ( hls , tll- nel ! , tl'lellhonn 111 IronSllHllolI lnes leossIY tn COIstrlct Ild ullcrto IIY Jrrl ' , b ' ltol WO'I,1 cOIHlructl1 ) authorIty or { Unied Stotes , No. G7 , ' of HOlse rol : I J1 Iltehcoelc frovldes that tISO fecs must ho pal ! , Ilto the IItltO tl'eOII' ) ' b ) ' IHutes Icllr- I Ing the sel'vlccs of lho Hecrotlll'Y oC the ttato Ilanl oC , : - Irlpntln FinG 111111- catOIR If' watn' IIC'mlts , $ ; coplcs ur malHI or Illn tH , 40 cents lIeI hOlr fol lmo COISIIOII II Inleln ; ' - ! snlo rccO'llll WI- tel rllht IIIt"llell. $1 COl' IrsL 10 wOlds and 15 Cor - ; celtl Pich ndiltonul Cole 1/- / lulng corttclI\tel or nl11l'OII'latol , $1 : cert led COllies o [ docllens , $1.Hi JJor folo 10lso 101 No , 21 I ) ' 11 of IlchcOI. . to \ ' ( ' the plo\'llo UI oreal Hell CO' oCco or the Itato ' of . 10110 1'01 10ul'l , , by Kd lf Gugc , 11'0- ' ) . , 'Idcs that tlXCM lovled 'CO' tOWlshll1 1'1' oxeced 10 ' roads roses shal lol mlH 101' . 111 for brlducl 111 : Ils fO' II I otlel' IHII'IIHes , Insteul oC : 1 II Is fOI' roa l. Z Ils for IrllHcs und 3 Ils for othcr ' , . 11 1I1'pOlCS Oi lt prCKelt. lIolso 101 No. :13 , h ) ' Holcl nf Butor , to 110I lt 111 Ire 1IIIIalOo COm\llleS , \ to IKSIIO ' ) ' the &tncl , . Iolcle01 II'ull 111 hl 1 Houle 101 No. 2DO , 1) ' 10hcrts oC DOdge , to Ilerlaso the 8Itul' ) ' If count ) ' COl- UI sloncls II coultel oC flom : O to . from ' ' 40.0 IIhl11lnts $ GO a ) 'CII' to ' ) ' ' . 5 1' 111' House 1'01 No. 4 : b ' grlst oC John- aOl1 , ror the crectol nnll Imlltellneo era : Illallt ut the state - a 111dll twilo Ilcll- tentar ) ' . AIIII'ollrlatos $ : .OO fol the Iltnt and muchllol ' 1111 $ t ; ) , o for ni . 'rho opertm : fUld. Ilnlt Is ul10mtNI \\101' the dllectol or the 10anl ouh - lc lunds 01\1 hulllllS , 'rho Inhol' \uh- Eutlclolturler of convicts Is to 1u 6pp1ed to opcrot" the Illunt. ' 10 dofm ) ' the cxpellSIS the Ineunct stltO Issue $ O.O oC tCI'elr cOllln hOlds , In two ' ' , to ' optonnl ) 011'8 bcl' lot to exceed 3 ccnt . ' Ilcr Ilt < rI1t. ald to ho' Eold to the IHrmnlont 8chool fl\l. ' 'ho' ' { Jrolts or the plnnt uro to ho ullllled to he redempton or the bonds In - IHCI 111- the ' direct. Jer ni 101IslntI'0 lay House 101 No. 3' , l ) ' ) e/Y of Furnns , to thut when ' ' of ' provllo dying InteAtnto ful 11'111101'8 ' 11'sol 11' _ for lotcrs or . or rly n.lmhllstmton tl cnu I AIICh ltato to 1. ) IlhnlnlstorC upon thel' rIghts so to do lal their claims the bo ' ' nllnst Itnto shnl bnl'I'ell "rid In ollel' oC delcClt moy ho 11110 1J ) ' the count ) ' judge on 011111c.Lton o [ UI ) ' hell or Intel'csled pC'son. House I'ul No. 32i , b ) ' Rchrll1on of JodtBon , to Ilrovllo COl' the ' of clcrlt8 or the I1Rtrlct court , orpenRatol to theIr Cccs. 18 folow ! : In Idlltll tram 8,0 to 120. $ ' ; countes , to 2.0 $ tO ; Crol,00 to 40,0 $ fl ; OI 40.0 . nnd o\er , $ Crol\ bo pnll qun\lcl h' out ' of the sellrl CUII or the count ) ' Ild bo to the , ) aubJet same other tCIA. ' Illato I lS House rol No. I by Tnrtoo o [ Vul- . Ie ) to clower Huth Obcl'/ to lalltoln : ) / n"ncton In the Ilstrlct curt of ] - Ins county Ullllst school district No. ! :3 for ler20lnl InJurlcs clnlmod to ha\'u leln luRtnlled thrOIh the doflult 011 of , , JeHIGoltO theofcers Ilelts Inll IJr- \altl of that 11Uitl'lct Uouso rol No. 313 , h ' Andcrson of : lmltol , to strlko frol the boolt 1\1 record ! or the Htnto u\lltor 0/11 treasurer - urer ni charses Ih'lnst Inllltol COUlt ) ' and persons Ild { woper ! thl'I'eln 01 IC- unpaid Cor the 'cnr cunt rr nX11 ) If1 nnd ni cars 111101 thereto the coult recors ) to thnt tmo , lvInG bool totnly dcstro'ed h ) ' Ire. tQ Ioule district Ni. HI \lnllml Insteat hoards Cn "I or county cOlmnl llonls orlglnll jt'I llo. In Cor the ' ' \ ( actonl hlolJhl l'clo\'al J ton oflee's for llse. House Nn , m. b ) rol lcClny or l.l- cater , to rohlhlt the \Inrln 01' u . ( ' 1 j the badgc , ) Ir.slglll , Jewcl 11' hadll o I'CI" or ' ' , ) , oalUon ni ) socot OIJl Hllhl I I I aloclnton , frtc\'nal 01' othorwl81 h ) ' nl' ' unauthorlzed POI'IOI , Ullol' 1"'IIII ) ' of t nnor thirty df.s In Jull. 0' hllth. House .101 No. 1 , h ) ' \11101 or ] .1"- lce , tovhlo thlt honl Ihlo 0\\101' " ot contrctl ; 101 10 o oC elllon'lolll ) all' ' . 'hich were In ( . ' (11 foco Ilr cIoct IH. . ' , to May 2" . 18 : so that sa II 'WHers I.I ' , IJl'reet their tlo leCOIIII/ ) thl terlH \ " oC lho ' thl' Hltl Pr\"llol1 11IC Illto which WOI'O ' ' to II 1111 I'CCICt 101'0 )1101 lhlt llll' , IIlh' " Inll by vJrluo ) of the oC Ihc ' which Inw II\I IlitO 1/ll'r Ihol II lorcl thcy , "ltall11 . Inlll cOlt1et : fOI' 10lle ICOIIHld. J IIJlll' Iul No. : G : . h ' McAIlstl'r oC DOIOI , to II'uvll ! Illt IIY'llOI lHe"/ whh'h ' I 7.HI - ( IRHoclatol II O'Itl I II COI- " ' " the ( oC ) 1'11I ( wih Ih. 1.IIII./Olts IIWI of the VilI'll Htalol al11 which ' ' ' ' "f ' ' Is - 111111' ; Is II'tl'll'H /ICOI'PUI'IUOI au- Iw/'I7.I'11 to " 111111 walel' uII ) ' to Itl "llellllhCI ) 1m the I shll oxe/pl Iror ' of ' ' ' , ) ) Ill'llolt 11) 11'11'ullul tx Ild [ the ' of Iho 1101 IIIYIIIC'lt 111111 frllhlHO 1m ' ' ' ! to ' I"'e- tlX blt Hhul I'I'IIII'III It ) lS IlduJl'y tu tl Ill'UIIIOI'ltol , Ilh' n fl'O or $ O lo/ ' ' [ II tlcs lo1m 11IJ'IIUI'ulioll 111ltl 1111 rlcol'dlll l"sOUICI I IK the ' . 01 ccrllllto 01 " J 101"0 " 011 No. : :2 , II Hell ( ' ) ' of Dodge , II //elll the CIlIIUIHory cducalon Iuw 10 1M to II'u\'lo , ' Ihlt thu rClIlrell twclvo WOIIII ul IUllllnlco fl RchoolOY 11) Illtl lit 11) ' I/e 111'11 the t011 II- 111111 oC lullll the I 1'1 1 weel < s lhl'I'eof. twuvo ! OIRO rol No. IShy lCrllth or Yorl" toormll the ' ' \ \ or to \ormll 0\\101'1 111t crlil HI10 . ) the or , ) cOIHtlwtOI IIIll dlchos IH url wcl 11 ' 0\11 ' dlohls . loadllg Iltolat - HUUHO 1'01 PII'IWI. , : h ) ' Cnsebeer oC Gagc , IIIlIllS It 1IIIIWlui tl IIUllrlcture , Hel. Hlv" IWI ) ' 01' wlll ly I10w lu bu 111101 ; \ \ ' ) ' 01' thu ' 11\\1) clgarcls latorlut COI thol' mallCIIlll'e : , " act I "Iulatoll 01 llu 1 III I , ) omclI . male : 101.ulIlshablo 01 cOlvlc- tll h ' a Ilw 01ot ) ISS than $ : or $11 ) . , 10tll Ofcers dllcctors Ind of vlo- 1IIIIIClH 1/1s 1111 eurpomtluls luthll : the ' ' . Ilw 1'1' 11I1110 IIlhlc. 11uuHu roll No , ) , b ) ' WIl'Ior or , ' 101' ' to ' clltcr IIlIIl'ldl \ IJ IOW rO\'CIUu law. 1IIIls the tolowllr , ChIIICIn : countes of U\'OI : : O.O ( J popliatul tie cUllt ) IflllSUr ; "hnl 0 I ' ( tll the ni- 8efSll'nl hOIIII tlU ellIII ISICISOr shll CUI'wanl Crol tmo to tI0 schedlles oC ' ' ' , ' \UI'BOIII 1l/llclt ) nSHI'HlleltH CI'OI whleh Ihn ' ) cOlnty IlseHHOI' Ihul Inlc lP the hooll ! o [ IsseHlll'nt II his oClcc ; 11' CUIIl ) ' nllleSIOI' Ihal I'\'ISC Ical 1'1- ' Cor ' ' ' ' , lit IHl' HmI11f 1IIIII1iy tl' c'ol'rl'- t1 o [ C'rors : the Itato hoard or cqulI- 7.atol IlIt aRll'SIIWlIl Ihal ha\o Iluwcr to ' ' ' ' ' the 1101'I'aI0 decl'al ( - ( IsseHscdalu oC ' uC atul ni ) II clss Ilro\ol.ty Iny CIllt ) ' b ) ' \01 oUlt ; the CUIlty hoarlt not lho 10\ ' ' the Ihall 11110 10ultl state heart o [ . an , ellUall7.atol IISossment las ' ot . eOfllel'l1 11 wOlle cqualzutol. ' . gllel'HOII clawH. Ilulsui Nu. 211 , h ) " DOdge or Doug- Ins 11sclallllR Ind roll/ulllshln ! 11 , claims of oWI'IHhl\ tLo 01 LI11'l oC the stltO of NI'hlslm 10 11) ' IInll al IUulH IUW 1)lng' wlhln thc bOllllul'los of of Iowa , tlO Illto willch sllal horl- after ho ' or bClomo wlthll the llultal'les u [ the StltO oC NI'hlslm hy vll'tuo or the Ictun oC ni ) 101111ss101rl Illpolllld hy the said Ilal'H 111 the tholcoC h ) ' statoH mtlcaton /all , Ind slletol thereu [ hy lho ! \ ' oC the COI-\\'SH Unllll Hlatos 01' othel'wlsl ; II'oVllc . howovll' , that ) lias ' CUI' ' ' ) 'cars Hall ant 11'11 tln 0' 11I01'0 ) ast Iho or - llst II \usslsslol OCCI- lilton Ilf 11 ' Ilel HOI I'OI'SOIS clalmllg O\\'lllshlp of the Ute \OI'SOIS , nllil thOle 10 II l'OS81Isl01 ' 01' have fOI' Haii )1011011 of ten ) " occu\atol ( ' I' patt ! tl\XCS clalmet IW stlto or coulty au- thorlteH 01' offlell's to have hcen Icvled UPUI "all\ \ ) alll , HOlso01 No. : Si hy Andorscn or DuuhlH HOI to / , ; lul\I't 01 ' Ieeolve 1 1IIIIWful , for to Iny Ilvool' )0'- , 1III'eo 10 Iueelvl 111) ' HUI o [ lIIoley 01 any bl'lhe ' or I'uwarel , ' Oher bl'lhe1'Ollt or 11) Il'omllc , COll'I't , oblHltOI or aeeurlty CUI' the Ilalclt of IIYono ' , prcsolt or "owll'll 01' an ) ' other thlll 101 the , 1111050 oC HPCUI'III 1II11tllOS or Shlhl-\ ! \ to ho ! ICttIOIS cellglatllf Iltorlals the ' ' ' , ulcc . . I Ilnvllgl l'I'/l\'ln II\Clllllll7.IIf. curbllg 01' gu tel'llg of Htl'lOtH or l'onllH lul to ' \ ' tho10 - 11'0\110 I IHII hIIOlt CUI \10- o [ this uf luton ICt IOt ( ) XeOellll $ : J three ' , 1110 Ild 101thl' IUllrlsollelt ' . l'IIICI'gOICY olnlso. 10lso 1'01 No. 312. br CI'opse ' of Jlf- Cerlo I , to pl\'hlo that /0 school dlsh'lct Icotlg ! hnl ho hclt legll Cor Wllt oC the da'H' . rCulllo IncI1 lotce. Iollso 1'01 No , I : : , b ) ' McChoC Jnn- castel to I10vico fur 511ICO II " ' ) 'uk : Cl'lotcry COl' bUllal of decl'cascd 1IIItcS of stnto In . . IlsltutOHi loclttc 1.llcoll. louse 101 No. : l. b ) ' Hohbhll of GIC , to Ix the Imlarlel oC IhCI'lf / III the ' "Ilt- ! ) of the stnto : Oll coultls I folows II ( ' oC , , $ , to 'oUllls GO populatol IO ; I : ( . $ LI ; 12 ( ) tn ] GIW. $ I , 'W ; ] 6,0 , to : ! t 1 Umo ; : , .O ( to : : .0 $ t,7 O ; 6,0 , to , ' ) ) . ' . ; , to , , $ 2,00 , 3.O \ : (1 W\O $2 'O ; O Iu 10.0 ,6\1 cln ; 10.OW . nud utlwnrls , $3O. glergelcy ISO. 10ul0 rol Nu. : , : ; . 1) ' 11 oC Iltcheoelt , to male It ulln\\ful COL' CO\lly \ bOlrls 01' uthor ' ofeerl Ilthol'lzell 10 rrlt Iccnscs to ' ' ' , ' nlY 1'0'101 01' lel'IHIHI tu , bnl.tor or exchange . or othorwllo e1slllO of Illt. HUI.IOIS or1011 11111U'S II less - fIllnt- that \ ' of IC ! 1\0 HlionH wlhln Ivo 1108 ' nl Cnll' or IISI'lllr of 101 cngllfcd In the con 01' ' ' oCny ' , tructon 01''plh' /ny I'II\nc , ' " ' cllnlIsel'oh" IHlble wOl'lt or ether lel/uh'cd ' ' eltel'll'lso whllo ) ' - 01' lWClt-I\o 1010 Icn uro I11loyell. luuso 101 No. :1 h ' lcAlster oC Illel , to /'oVllo / fOl' lho 1llu of Itato lautls whlc I In ) ' bo Iltlnted within the area to bo , Inllatel 1IUI Irrigaton \orls cOlstructld Ullod Stntes. ' to bo cOlstnlcted b ) ' the Touloi No. .10 b ) ' Dorn or Gal'- , to ' /eld Il'ovllo thot II COUltl1 having lot 1 , ' lure tmn : Inhnbitanll olcul'llng to the lost ofclnl , of COIHIS 10 eloclul a COUlt ) ' alorlo ) ' shal bo 1111 , blt the cOlnty bonnl Is hel'eb ) ' IlthO'lzId tu 111 _ 101lt I count ) ' Itol'ICY who ) ' . and ' the Ihal quall hl'o ' lS these clected. luthol.J ) 1\1 llowol' House 101 No. : b ) ' 1c { or llcn Cnge , II'ovllOI thllt In or : ! O to (11OCO ( InhnlJnlls the 11011I trensurer bo to the - 8111 II asslstnnts : Ono cnlloll Ilellt ' or chler folow- whoo snll' ) ' shnl ho $1.40 ; uno clcrl" whoso lalan' shnl bo $1,01. 1\1 ono clcl'lt , whoso pollr bo ' . Elorgclc ) ' ) shnl 0 lIeI allum. 1ollse rol No. 3S. b ) ' Perr ) ' or t"urnas , tn luthOI'lzE the ' to el'cdlt stlte IlltOl' - IX- 'os51\0 la'lolts or Hln to taxcs 1)coun - to the tl Htato tax ICCoUltS f Hueh countes , lJtll'lnl the 1101ltS to ( the nc- COUlt or ICCOlnl1 of slch Iur countos . 11 ' 'eol' or ) 'ell'S fOI' which the 111 owes thE stnte , Ilro\'lllld slch coun Ila 'menls shnllot bo . 11'I1cd ' the nc- counts or such cOlllt fOI' UJtl ' ni 'oal Iltol' tlX. thln ono rcnr 11'101' to the Cllrelt ) 'ell"s tlX.10uso rl No. : IS. hy Loa of DOIJla ! nml t ho ' ' creatll Ilnlllll eOllt of Dougils count ) th , ) lax ISSl'sSOI COlIIllsslolcr Ix-nflolo or Oluhl ' to 111 l'cfulrhlf hll qualC ) ' us tax eOllhJloII'r - of Rall flithrul lty ) ' tll\n alcn 11 of , his ox-01clo [ 0' , Irovlllg COl' hiI , " ' lutus 111 II the In 'or 1'.1 ,011"'lsatol . 11 'o IX'lt , coulel. olflt Juh' 1. 1 : . , , 10ul0 101 : u. 7 , 1) ' Post oC Inox , - ' 1110- \ for ' \'llls t. ( ' hy , l'Olllll'lt IU oxam- IIII Inrl , tlto or \OSon ohll ell with on oITou ' oITouhllo Ilrobahlo caURC his . hlel HhOWI. IIIC the ' ' whelo ll Is , ' ' ofl'IKe ( hll'g hlllbio I 'I'IIS leeosnlzllco fOl' - OICO to 1'0 Ilet. a\pear- Hem , ' 101 No. 41 , h ' or Gage from , : p"ovilel ) ( . thlt (1) Ilhahlnlts III Jc lulnl < erlI IUltn/ the tllet enmt tt lW thQ . boar. ! "f shal Il sU\lllct eoult ) ' ' ' ' - ' , COIII'sloll'I'H II' 11111- , \'IAO" . wih 1 10)llt ) ' 01' Illt ulHtStllt fnr t hI' l or such , whose ' ' ) uClec : " 1.W I II' 111111. to ho IIllu' Hhll , ' ' " ' ' or thlelenl funl or tl Illthty CUllt ) . . " 1'1 ' 1. boaIll ) ' ' Ioult i " " ' ' 1'1111 lnnl'rl I' " " h HUI'h \"rvlsO"i shl fUII I I . \ fotho of sUl'h nlllonil , , I fo\ 1'0 oflco / bll Ihm 11) : : ' ' , " The . ( fn\li Ille5"II' ) IllarlI of , I .ull he ' , 1111tonal hlll shll IXL'II II1well I . :111 Ilnl lonthly h ) ' the l'Ult , I.r thl' Hcnorl fllt uf the lonrll ou . : 1 ( r/\\'Y clll e. 10110 11 No , tl , h ' ) oC . - 1Cn I ' , ' ) "Oltol' Ilro'ldolhnt , the law Cm' the I llrtoctol of Ihe 11Ihll ! \ 10t tn , ' ' 1\\lr \ W ' \1' II PII'IIIII"11 h ) til ItltUt' " 0 thl' ' UllOI Stltl'S ur h the ' UI'ly 1\1 11\ ' ) ' ) UIll'l . Htlltol ho ' 11Cllatols. 10'111 I eOlah'llu " ' to ' , . < 11111' 1 nOWIIIIIII' 1010.lcll. hnolt. ' . , , - \lllhlet clrclilr clr- , diploma , tleate "lrlnt or 101118Sl0a If OPIOllhnelt ) to umce - , or/lnentltl pic- ' tll'C , Irtclll oC Jowoh'y or stto/ory Cc'r ISO II ClrrlHllOllllIle on IIY oC which Hhll 10 ) ' 1'1111 < , 1IIIIe < 01' IInccel Hnll ( ' ' - , tl 'lt dlellncct11 NIIIIrUII'y t'OI OIIHI. 11) ulvorUso- House /1 No. 211 h ) ' orfO or Douglas , 11'0\111'1 COI' the Ilrollll'UIJoto elstl'lbu- llol of ni Cln < l horutoforoaid Into the t'cllll' ) ' oC 11) cou/ty Cur the mall- tenlllO of CI'CO IIhelwoll ! \ lor lon- "oHldont / the Hehools . hlvo III/tli/ol IJ/lill 1101tho luch HICh schooll. whlcl . l'morJene ' ) C11180. ' No. .121 , , of loul ; 1'01 hy tlrl Fi- mUl'o frolll the t tm/Mfor 10arel nld oC the ' clothllH flll 01111' Judustrlll /clwul It UP/VI ! the ! um oC 8t Into I ull COI' t Irnllul'u und ropalrs. ' ' ' . lrU'gl'ICY elll ; ] OISU 101 Ni. 1 : , by Andersen o [ 111- , ' ' ' , lo 1 1)ITU'OII'lltel ) III' HIIII o [ $3,00 for the JI/'chnlo uf Il Ihll' ) ' Cor the use or ' crow oC the NebISu ! , al batteship I Ol n rol No. 11 , IW Ilnl o [ Cuss , l'cqlll'lng ' of motor vc- 110 l'eglst1ton hlcle 1/1 ' ; ' mm 01' oporl- ! / l'OJlllthll thcl' the . ' ' . He- tel U'UI ) ' hl/h\'I1 / or ItreclH. Illh'Cf cach \ \ ' ' of 1lIIotOl' vchlclo to ( \\'lel' Ilu his 111' . 11101'1'HI a lt brlc [ do- scripton oChleln with the Hccronry or iia tl' , ti' which hn Hhn I IUlY a 1eGls- trlol 11' oC $1 In,1 , . . < \0 11 IIllImlnum Ild 1 I , wih numher , which IIIISt bo Itl'It the vchlclo. ! dIHIJII COIICIOUlv Oi e1 'l'he ) HUlO lll I I I' InuMt IIHO ho shown In ' threC / Inch" hlh , , 'rho sccd lrl' 1 : [ Is ' , ' ' the hOI' II Illt Ixel lt I'n ml1 ni IIUIOII ! Iloroul uC clcH , tOWl1 Inl vI- IJCH ; fClec/ mllm ! 11 hOlr In thu loss In IIOIJllolIF ortols III tWllty mlos the ' ) . ' ' of coul'Y. Drh'ol'l sllh vohlclls u1O Illulrel to ItO , nt the sldo of the rend , ' ) ' of horse , un ' fl'OI (111'11 Iestvo 111 slg'II ISO I'calolllblo care In pnssln/ 10tol'lhlelll must l\vo Iood bmlwl ' unll show 11t bel 0" h01'1 11111S It ; ' Corbldl en to IIJht ClleM 1111 10WIS 1'0 Ixcluoo h ) ' orllllllCOuhlolls whoso OWI- OI' 1 havc 1'0/1111'1'11 wih th. "cc'ctaIY or stlte , 111 received Iho Illnllum mcdal ' Cor. the act 1'ovllell Vlolatonl 01 Irt 1III18hlilo b ) ' II tlO of $ " fOI thc II'st /ICl'II10 111 from $ j to : O UI' thirty aya In jai fOI' suhselllolt ofrol es. lulso 1'01 Nu. 341 , hy l1'CIIY o [ Lnn- cnlltel' . to provelt ulil 1IIIsh the dcsocra- ' ' , ' of the tOI ' 11tlltOI 1' Ilpl'olel' ISO oC thu for n ilg'oC ( ' , Ulited Stlles , vcrtslnc IIII'IJOS ! No , ] , { of - Jolm 101 : ly luxon DouG- Ins , I'etll'Is1)'IIf II 108)1.tllu tu O - taln 11crlil to hUllnesl trom healh 10 o [ the whel'o locatcd , to bo olcr cty , lorl chnmetcl an oOldltolld 01 geol lt Hanltl'y condll/n oC promises , which Ilelllt mlY ho " 1\ell ! Cur eluso at un ) ' limo. lalt ho mallo oC bllthu HOlort wllhln ' da's oC tholr to Rall of ricer thl'lo , ) nel'UrrIIC ( ' , 'Ihl' tamu ! , ulltunH n1e to ' . . ' to ' \ - nllll ) l'hlldlm'R homel. \ertso- IIIlltS to 11110SO of chlll'ol as al II- ' ' nlo lucemcnt to Pltl'l' Ilylnr II hospltlis : fOI'blddcn , Vlolatol of the Inw 11 Iln- IHhahlo by 1 110 not cxcoeell)0 / ) or monthH In . gml' ' . threl jnl. ( el' ' PIISO. No. Si. hy Clad" 10uI0 101 : 1I\I I uulawful to Holl'll UI' leeelt I brlbc. 'ho twualte ! ' 111'uf nol mOI'c tmn ; ( ur not I'IS thun : t01' Illrl onlent In tll 1:1tl'ntIIT 10t to cxell' UIO ) 'eal. No. , by . lho - 10ul ( 101 10 JIII\n. Ilt- tl'USt . ' IIICSUI' forhl s restl'ulnt hi. 1hls : ( u [ ' . y oC tl'nll. ICISOIS fOlnl Iull mnldlH conl'm.tH. l'olllllt1uls 01' cOlslllrees In o [ ho hy Ilnl rlstrlnt t\do Ihnl hcl IncH 10t l'xceeillng $ ; ,000 , 01' h ) ' IllHIHOn- 11'It lut I'xccelln 010 ) 'eal' , UI' \oth , at the 11/cl'cton of thu COll't , The state lay sll71 111 ( ondell lS fOl'folt ni ) ' prO\10l'ty \ uWledIICI' a IuCh cuntruct , cor Jlnl- ton or conslh'lcAfll' Juno O. ] Uj. no cOI'pO'alon or j011t stock CUIIPUIY whoso stollthohlcrs nl'olot 11IKOnalr lablo for tholl' ' ( ' ! \ III In 11'hll Hhal 'IIja-\,1 IJHIIesl tlo stnlo ullesH. hlforo He/11tmhcl' / 15. JI , und each ' ' ' ' t In the 'tal thon'aCl'l' Ies ofco of ' ' ) ' n - tlo Ulnl'J' glllwl statcllnt sio\- II the nl0unt ami vall or the cl\pltal stoct ; thlH Htlltcmelt mlt hc signed Int HWlln tu h ) ' the pl ' ! ItOlt , the trcasurcl' . . lit 111 e/ I lallgt1 nld a mnjorl ) or the Iln'ctuls , Hoolo .1ulo : HIG , such COI'IIor tllll must nlfo hlc II the oCeo of the nlol'loy gelllmi an undcrtnltnl ; ( h ) " ehllf they HlnCt tlc ofolrs thlt wi e0111 ' wlh the Jaws o [ the stnl' In the IHlngllcllt of the offall's o [ the CII- lan' . The atorcy rcncll Iny leqliro f'ul IHlh COI"IJtnnA at any tlmo B101 stltl'lIIellts IHI ho tllllel In to lt the uct oC II ' , Ierart lun ! hlIII'HS Alr . II'rlun Iljlreel II hil tUtnesH 01' p\ollel.ty by suoh ' ( by ' or corlOl'u tlby l'/son anythlnr 10lhllJdOl II thlH Ilt In ) " ! ue thCI'prOI' In Il ' eoul.t of rocol't ) n the state ald shal l'eL'\'CI' the tlreefolt damag\H slstallolt \ br him 111 the costs or . mit. InclHln 1 Ic:1unablo 1 lolnC8 fel ' 1ho flm [ of , ' $ IOO'J 11 IpPlllrlatl'd for the Ilfol'CUllnt of the net II the 'lolt of \ Imlto Hllcca\ cOlnsol ald ngllts by the O\'CI'nOI' ! ll ' ' ' thl alorll ; 011'I'n 1 HOIIlo 11 No , : , hy larlcs , I b1 to regulnto the /\II'118 of nbRosorH. In l'I\tlls hlVhl/ ) o [ Ilsl thnn W. X tl HalalY Is lnjllatol fol the thno 1'O/Hal'l ) ' l'mlllu'I'II , hut not to eXII'd Collowlng : ] or loss til ! uml 1 countes llml ,500 , $1 ; ' II - ' : [ II l'OItes l/vlng pot1- IlItlll flol : .CO to I.t , ( ) . $ :0 ; In countes hr\111 a ) OIIIItul of Clom Go to 10,00. $ 'W ; II a of ' cOUltos havlnl pOllllatul 1101 10 , ( to ' O $ ro ; II eOlntcs 1m\- II U poplliaton o [ CII 20,0 to : O.O $ ; II \ ' I or io coultes 1n'IIg POllllton Crom 30,00 to O.O'H , In eOlltos Im\- In . to ] ) , I IC ! IIOllllaton Ilnl f.OtO ( OO Iho sall'hal hu $1.H1. all In coultes ha\ll a populatol of lW.OO or the 1010 ' bo , ' . ' $ slIu'y ' Hhll $210 111' Ilnut. 1ho oC the ) ' Ollllclsnton doplt asseSlorll shal 1)0 ) per dl ) ' fOl' the tmo Ictllly and ncccfsally thol' dutes. CI\lo'l hmolgeloy \ , < II thl1MIIIIO , or House No. , , hy - 101 21 CUliler Corbll- dilg the 1llln ! or Iljul'ln of 1lllsh , Chillu end , Ionlnl IlhoHlaltH I'ngllh 01' Bc111I1 ' ' I'S , hlnclt Ilal't'll gnlsh clekll 01' UI ) ' Iportld Hnmoblll. FlncR I'UIIO fl'om $ ; to . $ O , 01 IlIIpl'lsonmcnt not slxt II ' . exeecilng ) I ) ! 10ul0 11 No. : O , h ' Iioster , exemptIng - Ing flom tnxatol callll , IItoek , I'epl'o- Heltl ! tnUllblo prOICI.t ) ' , which Is as- scssell ' stnto. ' clllse. 1alothol' EmCrlenC ) No , IS , h ' . loulo 101 : ) 1olse. extending the hotcl lecIlrs' law tu 111 bonrlln house 11 ] l'estlllllt 11rOI'letol's. ) Jlel'glnl ) ' eln UMI' . ] llt. 1'01 Nu. 131 , hy HOI.ton , reqllrinc Iho IMII of JIII In hloelis fOl' tlxaton. Sletonl UI' frctonH tllleuC fhal he ls- tcd In ono tmct whll the Iln.1 LeionSH to the "nlo OWlel' , Lots 110 to ho lstld In blocles r II the I . \ 1 \IIIICI' whcl the OWI ICII1St8 I. ouso . , ' , dc- ! 101 Nl. l I ) leA\ster - /nll the 110whs oC 11 1:11 t ltcs In bl'clcl of ) Ieaeocosos 11ro'hln thnt ; hI' fUI' tl IOClJllzlleo ' um 1 ! 10t 11) loss thnn $ ; noron' $ , . . \on' thll $1,00. 1oIHO 11 : . : S , b ) ' UUr OH. the , ' ' , ' So\'en 1llcoln \ chal'l'r hi . eOllelmon nll' lectet CII the WI.tS nlll 1On nt . ' ' " " ' Is ' Im'gl. HCW'r 'Iho 10"1 fUllI . , ollll'le to $1.0 glerCIII ' elnuso. 0UHO No , JOI. ' ' . . ] rol ) ) - I I\nl' IpproJlrlnt- In $1ll' fOI' thl . ' ex- , 1\wll 11.1 C\I'lt "oRllol ] ' ) " . da\sl. ] 0\10 1'01 ml'r1luc . by \ CIIIII. , Ivlll ' oC thl' ' . " ' jmctl'H IltH' II tst'Otls nllt ' ' oCh''H \ ' ' ' to ' mlllsl'l'lll ( thl Jl\\'I' I'oqulro n ( \ III ( ' ! to . mnleo 11 nflII\ll to his \unlJIItnns. 1uul0 1011 No. : Sl , h ) ' DlrtI. , the dc- ' ' ' ' ' . 1(1'11'll'S nl'JrulI'llton hi. ' ) luulo01 No , 3J : , 1) . ' StOtIOI. the Ils- cI'ItloUS lIIIS hi. IOIHC rul No , : ti , h ' " 'IIKon , thE gln- 0111 nPI11\1'lltnn \ Il nJowln $1I , O ( ' ' . (01' IICI'1 . llato CXtll'18l'l. } ml'I'gonc ) clnmH. . IlolHI 101 No. 2H I" Uurgl'ls , pro- \hll fOI' IL WllrehoulO ' II'1 to ' ' 11t I10wlnl 1111 ht ! ell fil' ehll'ft/ HIUII 101 N.J , : IO , h ) ' Clm'II. 1 Illl to ' . ' COl'hll , 1111 pllh.h IOIN'ls 1111 11010) playing hll\ ' FI1H \ ' I \xln\m lmit of $ t > nll Ill"'liOII'lt lot tu , cxee.1 six . ' . ' ' ' ' , 10ltht. 1'.lll'II'I'l'hl 11111 111 No. 2 , I 'Hohblns , ' ) Hhlrlt8' fl'I' t . l ' ' ml'rgcne ) Clall' , 111 GIIcOln ) 110110 Inl No. 12 h " 'leCII , Cor ' or ) provllnK thl hlolll'll - oluctlu 110 1(1- of the . I or ht1 tul. ! 1.lucoll hOI \ ( tuea- ( Conchliell Next " ' 001 , . ) , 1 GOOD ROADS SPECIAL. The Burlngton ad Northern Pac In , Beads \WI Run Train to. Pacifc Coa t"ln Interest of Good Roads. " Arrangements have been complele hetween the Natonal Good Hoa s Asociaton nnd the omclals ot the lurlnglon and Norlhcrn Paclfo roads , lo Inslal n Good Heads Special over these s'slemR , to leave Chlca o Wodnesda ) Mi ) ' 3. I Is to bo Imown as the & Northern Durlnglon Pacifc Lewis & Clarl' Good Heads Special , and wi cover an Itnerary or , Ii to 50 ot the principal and most llrogr-sslvp cltos of the s'slems. The object oC this Itnerary Is tor lho agiaton , educ:1lon and organlza. ton at cummunltes Cor permanent hnprovement of prhnary roads , and to aid cites In questons of slreet l1av. lng , elc. Go\ernmont experls and men or natonal reputaton wi go on this Special , and lJrUclItlo In the conventons. 'fho entl'o arrngo' monls , so Car as the BurInglon sys , lem Is concerned , have been pansed over to the charFo of W. I. Manss , . Induslrlal CommissIoner , Afc. ( om.I I pletng the llnorarr of Durlngton ciles lho Spcclal wi contnue trom Dlings lo the Pacifc Coast , ever the Northern Pacifc , and wi hold a fni ! tonventon the last of June , to bo mown as the Coast Pacifc Natonal Good . Roads Conventon. The Cul at the Is lqulpment Special provided Cor by the Durlngton and Northern Pacifc roads , whoso objcct is to aid ciles on lhoh' Bslers In the Improvement - provement at pUblc roads. The frst stops wi bo In 8e\'en or eigh prln. clpal cites of iinois , then a number of cites In Missouri , also In Iowa , Ne' brslm , W'oming , ! fontana , Washing' ton and Oregon. Tlmo Is the great comCorler 01 grief , but the agenc ) ' b ) ' which I worls is exhauston.-L. E. Landon , LYMAN COUNTY EXTENSION. The Chlcag 1Iwaukce & Sl Paul has decldod . Raiway upon an oxten. sian or its Ino Cram Chamberlain west through Lman County , oponlnl up a region of cheap lands , rich In a riculurl resources , and in which there is already much dccded land. also n largo acreage that may be bad under the homestead law , Lyman County is in the southern part of South Dal\la , adjoining the Rosebud Indian Reservaton on lho north. The soi of Lyman County Is ono of the rlchcst in the state. I has pro. duced com of an excelent qual ) . , having talwn frst prize at the Mitch , 01 Corn Palace dUlng several of the past exhibits. I Is wel adapled to the growth of wheat , oats , barler : , spclz , and other smal grains. Land is selng now at the rte ot Cram $ ute to $12 an acre , and as soon as the riway extension Is made It Is saCo to say that such lands wi Increase In value Cram ] 00 to 200 per cent , Al that L'man County has laclted heretofore has been nblty to get rroducts across the 1Issouri river to marltets. The extension of the Chicago - cage , llwauleo & Sl Paul Raiway wi solve that prblem and wi maIm It one at the richest sectons in the West. ' H mono ) ' didn't talk it would bo useless to Jlt n woman's head on tbo 31ver dolar , NO TONGUE CAN TELL How I Sufered with Itching and Bleeding Eczema Unti Cured by Cutlcuri. "No ton ue can tel how I sufered Cor fve ) 'ears with a terribly painful , Ilchlng , and bleeding eczema , m ) ' body and Cace bolng covered wih sores. Never In my lo did I exporl , ence such awful sufforlng , and I longed for death , which I felt was near. I had tried doctors and medl , cines without Buccess , but m ) ' mother Inslstet that I try Cutcura. I fel belter afer the frst bath with Cutl' Soap and ono or , cur applcaton Cut cur Olntmenl , and was soon ontrely wel. ( Signed , " ) Mrs. A. Eton , Dele- vuo , 1lch Hussln has eighty-six general hol- da's In ' . ) a ) 'ear. Washing Blankets. lnvo ready thrco tubs of moderately -arm wateri for the frst wnter malto a strong suds by using plenty of Iory Boap , In this put n pair of blanltcts R11 with the clothes str stcl unt eleani then rinse through the other two watcrs. puttng n ltto 10lp in each. Wring by han\1 nnd strcteh ( .Lrefuly on Lhe lne. BLEANOit It. PAUKER. i I is beter to talw him by the fore. , locI. than to hol on to his coat tais. - - - - - - - - - fO pal11 monthlr , wi bny f : O share of H 2-5 acrcs of 28.0 alro plantaton. B . Every - . gunrntecd. snfc-ulrd 101lliol ( A ents wlnted , Dcst and terriory E. Moore,210 Odd l clows' lldg.St.LulsMo. - - - - Dal1tzo the mind wih tlO 11sslon or true Ideals. Every 1ouselteper allouid Imo\\ that I ther wi buy Defnlco Cold Water Slarch tor laundry use they wi aavo not on ! tme , because It ne\'or sUes to the Iron , but because each IJelmgo contains 1G oZ.-ono Cnl pot11-whl0 01 olher Cold Water Starches are Ilt UII In Ipound packages - ages , ant the 11rlco la the anmo. 10 cents. Then again because Defance Starch Is free from al Injurioui cher. Icals. I r grocer lrlos to sel ) 'OU a 12oz. larlmgo It Is because he has a stocl. on ha1l which ho wishes to dlsIISO of beCoro ho puts In Defance. Ho lmows that Defanco Starch hRa 11rlntet on every pacltge In largo lot , ters ' " 16 . " , ant lgl'es ozs. Demand De tanco nnd save much tmo and mono ) anl\ the annornnce of the Iron llelt. Ing. Defanco nl"er sUclt. . , " . J . Last of the MaIne PInes , Nol al of the ohl rowlh Ilnes hlvo tlsnpearCt frol"the Plno 'free State but the ' ' ' . \ are I\BaPIPlrln ! Soverl or lhCm went In North Wntet" Cord the olhet. tl ) ' . when mon Yorr , cut three lnmense Ihtcs In the IJS' turo and hlulell them to the mi to ho mode . lutl hex boalls. 'rho largest was fout. fl'et II ' showell t11letO' ant iuO annual ring ! So ImaMs the glol ) ' or th forest to bo malIc Into soap 1 xesNorwale. ( . ) Advortser. Bookmark EaGY to Make , For an easy lo malw boolemarlt talw a square envelope ot rther heavy , II'el ' 11aler. ) CI ) oI lho core's and ioU have Cour lte CaIR , ony ono rlall ) ' to slli oVer the corner of a page to tlll , n stoPIlng 1110co. 'fhe ) ' can bo plintell with ltle fewer lIe. signs I wanted O' the edge louched orf Irregulorlr with g hl or slver IJlut . - IntIGton Getng I. Sone g1'OCII'H la ' thcy don't ) tcep Dt- fance RtlrlleClURC they hnvo a stoclt of ] - S , whlcl II hllHl 2-0Inco hll thCy ) mow Cllnot bo Hold to a customer who his once l e ( tl 1C-OIICt 1J1lt- age. D I1ICC Rtarch Cor SI10 moncy. LefH anded Shotaun. A shotun recenty manufacued by 1 Connectcut frm was a seclol order - der for a man who uses his left eo ) lo aim wlh , the right eye being sight- less. 'rhe stocl , and lower frnme of the gun were twlsled so that the gun shoot without discomfort The gun is the third made . lo. tlls man In the last lwont.1vo rears. Plso's Cure cnnnot bc too hl/lh' spollcn of os n cough cure.-.1. " ' . O'BII : / , :2 Third Avc. I N.llnneapols , lnn. , JUI. 00 To Fil Cracks. To fl crcls In a foot malw a paste of one 1I01d of Hour , thrce quarls of watol , and tablosl10nful of alum : mix thoroughly and bol. Soak ' s1nal pieces of nowspaper' this , I paslo unti the mixture Is as thick asI 11ly , then 10rco Into the crclts with n mache. Imlfe , and i wi harden mw lJpler Cure for Insomnli. . Ono who sultered from Insomnia recommends bandaging the eyes with a ' whou preparing to rest for the night The oxplauaton of the cue is that the handage Induces sleep b ) ' driving the blood 1101 the ) and . relevln the strin of tr'llg to See , In the darlt , ' M Ix With the People. ' A leacher says that she has oh- sCI'\'el that In some school dIstricts the people talno Intm'est In the i teacher leyond the work they exact I of her. I wi generaly ho found lat I the tcacher is herself to blame , as she does not mix with the ) Icople. Dr. Dln'III ' , ' " . . ( \ the Great 'O ' . lonUh'R . Jra\.rlo Jomolly. . 'nre < n.y .nd 1.I'er Wohll'IUIIO WI n u.nnetJ" . bon. . HOltout / Y. ror frcl . "mpl. bott. Ir. Devoutly to Be WIshed , "Papa , " said lte Dobhle 'Vhlttor- ly , as he steppel1 on the wharf nrer on unusnalr tem)1estnons Yo 'ago fm Liverpool , " 10 : : on RU1110S0 the tme , whcn ' invent wi oyer come they'l seaslcldess ocean steamers-New Yorl { Trlbuno. Deep Man. "Sometmes , " conldell 1lrs. Long. wed to her Intmate fl'lenl , "I think my husband Is the latentest , gen- anc some tmes ) thlnl { It's merely laziness thrt ais him. " . There are : OOO rivers 'In the Drltsh empire. I . - I IMPERIAl HERNIA CURE , DI' . O. S. Wood cures Rupture by \ . < . new II'OCCBS , il a Cow weelts , wlh- ont 10As oC or inconvenlenoe. lmo Hectal IIBeases cured wlIout the j Imlfe. Send for circular , O. G. Wood , 1 D. , :1 N. Y. LICe Bdg. , Omaha. The h)10C110 is lhe only 010 wha is deceh'ed b ' his antics. . More Flexible ind Lasting , won'thaltC ( ut 01' blowout ; 1y using Dctonce Stnl'dt rou obtnln ! etcr re- any other pOIsIble suls 11n wlh Inl-thh'l more tor same bmnc nnl ' . 10Ie " . Some sermons glslen becnuse they are flzen. fuprl'lol' litI , anl extrl quanty . ' ' musl win. 'l'hlR 11 why D llnce Stulch 11 talln ! lt ) ] of al othols , 1D 1 L . , H 'fr ' y 'f : : ; f ' ' PLEASANT ' , , n / 1 4 . , f'f ' ' ' ; ' ' " r' : ( ' , ' ' l , ' ) L . ' ' / ) J . W I I THE rEXT MORNING I IEEL BRIGHT AND NEW NO MY COMPLEXION IS . DETER. 1yloctor MJ' It RclA on & 8lnmarh. ' . Rcnly U'81 Ib& Rud kidnoYA Mit I. \llpB' nt laut Ve. I. . undo \ TJls druk toa. I InJn . hnl''SI ' Bn. . , h l'ronoe 'rOI" < 1 for or US. . . " "sly . LANE'S FAlULY MEDICINE Al Irlll.ts orhy , mBI . ct. Bnd 60 cl. , IBY'IIUI" 10tII nOccs'Bf onlh " hunly . . . . O. l. In Jrhrln.OTtM Woodmud , . Loy. hAlhTlbl" . . . " I Alabastine . . . . . . . ' I' Your = 1 \VaIls :1 : Just ask the doctor i there isn't :1 : danger of disease in your wals. " : Don't take onr word for i-ask him. :1 : Make him tel you , . ' Ther is only ono perectly sani- II tary and hygienic wal coverug. :1 : , i That is - from Alnbnstnc-rade II Alabaster rck-thcn colored with ' i' mlnoral . coloruRs. lt ALA ASTWE is ccanly , because it I is made rock-AlabMter ' frm pure I' rock and pum water. It is not stuck D on with our paste nor smely glue , : "I \Vhen your wals need coverng , a " you don't need to wash ALA ASTIU I a I. Just add another cat , for ALAI lASTINE is as wel as = antiseptc beautul The most beautiul decor.1 aliens are possible wih Alabastino. CI Any decorlor or plinler C UIUllt on. I ; You cuull do It yuursot. Iuslst on Ala- a bastno belug dell'ercd In tl0 orhln t 1\ \ ' . It 18 ) 'uur only 'IJlckno. safe.uard ; . 1alnbt .ub ttulon ot worthlos , kal60 I ' mInes. Wrlo ( or card ' boautut tnl Inll free . 1' suggestons. II 1JOI1 ale1 rw' , Slfly J'OI. ' send I "i I , . namc mzdwe1vil ' 'It 101lrve Al"b.utnl I ALAlASTINE COMPANY. I Grant A\o" Griull Haplds , Mich. : ' 1 0 n Ci Now York Omco,10 : Witer Bt . i I i I i N ' $ ' ! / - \ RT'oUTM'A NS . 4 CQV'lfL FI . - ' ; M lGWFi- : I ' ' I 'I' I . } lSH I RI ? " " W."FUJRO"r [ &RVWK&F t. Te bt tjo kic IVrkme o . ixty-"en 1' ' ) tpre ' TOWER' , / CtH. tt ) , 1 MeerfMmert blk or yelow for bu al knHl t wt wk ' " ' - 0 tOtil THE F H ) Qiv rel 1)9 eeto ( . bfotlo ) ADOY AJ. TOm Coa03OUiS.U,1A be : el te : , P OIHrS _ . , " TOR "I C\mtedTOOTO. CA , W. l m [ 0 U C LAS , 'z\ ' . , ulon $3 50 & $3 on ttJ FGf ! J ' . S ! MADE. - = a = , ! $ lt V , . . . . , . , . . . . ME .1 v. . f" n""II. : .r ( HIHW. "r" th" . I"t.t " 111. In , . tlo " . "IIH..I'.f , I h'h' . " ' 'I''nt .t , " " "aN ) ' Itl"l " " " " - . ; . , . . . ' ' , . , . . 0"1"- ' . " ' " " \ " " " J"ot . . \ I ' 0'1.1 " 11" , ,1/ th..o ,1'l'I I. I. hit . , . . . , . ' ' , & . .t ( hl. 1'ho ' " ' ' , C b ' . . . . .40 1. " . . "Illlcl"'oo the Ilh' " / ! , , , . . , , , 'V J" , alU .h. " . . t " . " I. , Ill" , ' , 11 Ilh'1 , ! Oh"'H'I , ( " " , "Cu''Itcr. " .I.u'o . . ' \ " ' \111" ' , .IIL'lc111" th.n . . . . . . "V _ "lwrl.n .1. " on Ih" " "rl , < 1"V.I. . . , n""II. "n" , M , " "Ic ' 1 he l'.lle h ) ' 01'1,1 , : hi. " " 0 ' Irlco . " the ' ' h.t..I"'lol . ahl' . , . . _ 1..1 < I.r I. ' 1'lk" ' . " " In . .n"tl"te.I. . t " . " " " I. sa.ln .1. , " 0 0.1 I h " " " " " " . ' ' 1 Il. ! , , 1 "w""eal.t.reHln . . _ th "H1",1 h ) ' . ' h' " 0 " " ' " . < rllcll"I < ( oh.e ,1' I "v"r'wlcr" . " "t torwh".o Y" " lv , ' , , " .L.J. " " h' . .huon.'o wihin ) ' 0"1 r"ach. " lJETTIU Tl.I.OTlCR .l . < KCS AT APRCE. . "For Ih lulllr'farll har I orn 1.nM"nI3Mlho not nlv al M . bil b'/ r " < ' , hM 'h , , ' ! ' ( I""t andfolnlll " 1"1 11' I'r Chal. J. ( rrrel. .IUI , Calher Th Capial\on , , , ' } lantlntanrpull rtardlpl , Ind. Doys wear W. L. Douflas $2.50 and $2,00 shoes becausa they better , hold thoi shape , and wear loulcr than other makes. ft WLDOUGlAS $4.00 SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANV . w. I. /olIn Iltl C6rona Clld/I/n h 13M , ho" . Corona PRCE. " 10 be / . palcn Col" COlltered lh palcne"lfr .leJI producf. ' ' ' . . ' ' . ' . . ' P'S'l' C'UI.Olt 11.11'1 \1 ( .f. NU'r \ : IUtASSY ' NU'rVIAI 'V , I. nOIilas ha. Iht lanest 8hoo Ihe , .orld. mal blslnps II . No Iroublo 10 ' " by . \ ' . orlr . 1.1 lt mal. 2\1' nIl' } yon , ' , rrp'ays delvery. I desl1 lurher Informaton Irll for lullr" ' C"'aIOI ' Spnn ( SI/I" . . . W.L.DOUCLAS , BROCI < TON , MASSACHUSETTS . - Made by Ha d Wear a Lifetime f Our Catalog ox1lnlns how wo crn sel . " . ' at rrom 011 SUJerlor0101' Illalos $5.00 to $160.00 below nl COIIottol . .Don't Buy Unti Post d , . " 'r\o ror rlll particulars , IJrlles , terms our 1905 . Ind sJecll1 Jlroposlton. 'Va Have no A olts-Ad ross Maltors. tle SCIMOLLER m MUELLER l lSG9. 1313 stab\shoel : S'l' , OI\UA. - - . ' ' . . . . 4 % S m U ! T REST WITHOUT WORRY I OR EXPENSE. Bvcry person shoul1 have their own bank Iccount , UDu our "lanltng by Mui" s 'stem brings the bank to 'our very door Write for circulurs. Odest 2nd Strong si Savings Bank in Mebrasl < 1 CTY SAVIGS BAUK , 201 S. 16th St. , OP HA , tES RASKA. " " . . , I . ' , . , , " . ,