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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1905)
- A GRfAT MOICINf [ nmlWS nEALTH ' 1'0 'f1l1UJE MUM. . DEUS or JAMU fAMILY , h _ _ _ _ _ . ( 1I'r n " 'Ir , " 1"'l1ll1ly An'r10101'111 , II 1I1t 11111111' " HIII'IIIIIIIII'II , , " 1111111.:111"1" . N.till" I'rll.t 1'11111111. . I hln'O ) ( ' 111111111'11111',1 , )1' , " 'l11inllls' Plllle PIlii' III IIIIIIr1111'10 , " 'alll l\l's. OOi\"ulI , . ! ' ' ' I' e LIIII\'o ! ( 'II MIl'11 ' "III k'lJ1 I11t IIIIIII'"fll'l' tiJllI'J' lcht IIIIII'IIWII . ' \ ' Ihl'I'onf \h/ll\'o rllli'llI'olro 111 ' . , un 110ilhl I hii 1 tllh'IIC\ill. \ \ do Ilt 11'1,1 , II tll'"I 'llllr'H wllI "Inl. jel' fil11'111 " :1110111"IIIS laught II . . hn\ \\\1 I 11' ' 1I"i\'J'\'U JII"I. " II jl' Ilmlt tIl ' ' O thnt \IS ' 'II'S I I rl' ' I 'H I 111111. \11n11H' Pil ! Pil" 1111 h41)ht Ir HI'HI , h4x. I WIS lt tlmt tlU ni 111 do\u , w"lk , 111'\OUS 1111 wltholt Illhliol. 1 hnr 1f11 c0 ! ' tOIII 11 111111r fi' JIIIII' \ 11111 ' . J' " ' ' . I 6tolllh I'OU 11 I. \'I'\Hllly thl ht WIS goilg ilin COIISUllllliol , WI II ) ' UHI h'.I1111 , HIIIIt thai , t"II" " . I ' 'hl II \ ! 10 DI' . \ 11111llle PilC , I ' ' ' . ] 111 IOW 11\0 1111 111'1. hl allo 'III\O\'U /I ! OOIIH [ 11 nl IIllIho tlll , ' ni \\1111'11\1 \ lulIhl'po IIIX"1 J1.1 ' \ \ ' , ' \ ' ' I 'wl'l01111 E\t'\'olH WOlrOI'ilow J.I'I'P bO1,1 H.IIIUI \ , 1110 10 I'I'U fo'IY I ] 111 1111 "Ix oliJI'I'1 wilum ! . 101. ] ' . Willll (1 llle 111 xpluln i. " ; \ oldpIrg\'i 11'lllh beHu" II " 11'110 \ \ lS ullllt , fUlrtell. She WI ' , of ' 111'011 cOIJpllila 611'11 Jlli : il , 1,1' I IHll , \01111 Hlt 1111111 , .kl , 1111 ,111\01011'1\0 tlufqhtlofIOl)1 loget 11'1".h ni'It 1'1\\1\0 111. I gU\'o bUllO pi 11 II leI. , Hhu few } t . \ ' / ell tool 01 Iy a ll I"hl 111.CI )11' t 11Is111 , , Ilu" tltI' II ' ' 11o\'ulop . illlu I IWI'fcIt pidlu If lellh. 'l'IIHIY 11,11111 1IIIe j 111 fur 1'10111 t"m 111) ) illll Ihlt Ihey w0\111 CilO I hit too. S I J'II H0 , llwo ,11 , , pr filt lol fl'OII 11"itJtli' I , ajll"IIlltIN ( . 'I'U 1COI- . " . j tl'lll tl.IUJlolfh\s , , I 1'H. ,1IIHlu B , Glssrt IV 'R , 'at' 'JhI ( I1\iu : , rU/tII'I\\'IH Co. , Ohio ; nll h \\1 Iw I\ , 10 111 lis 1tlill'll il , t16 ' 11110 leiJl ulloot fi' 110' ( thll lh " twn "I'IIS. Il'I' slol' / 111'ilt. . / 11IIIiIO : ; whieh 111I's : 'Iho 111011 fHllll , nlli tholl'I'\'cs bl'Olg / , OVlnOIII1'i : elv uf tbl'II"eR111 aho\1111Iofo\lt'1 ! : ' ' \"I'lou'lloll. Jk. , 'iIIIIH'PJII PiN n 01 hyl dl'ugJisls f\'c\ 'whuln. They 110 eUI cll"IHi11111 f'IJH \\'l'IICPI1 , ulo the most "IILlo\1 : ( ' / NI or ! 1111 IhllIIIII.I/ ! . I 'hl'j'rc ilpumn Ju Im' IU\\'lg 1'I ! II I Mean Old Bachelor Again. It was 11 0111 hnclwlO' who SIIII thal H WIS futlo 10 dlseuHs the ! IW < tel wlwthll' n , ICIIHI wIIIII 111 ( , ' I : ( ( d hUHhalt. No real geulus , ho Elll , \0111 over malry. EFFECTS OF PROSPERITY , Iu ho six ) 'ells or the ( 'oUllT' ! SleUllRl ! II'(81)UI'lr ) , frl J Si 10 ] [ lOa , U\'l'ra o ' ! 'of ' \ I'IPCH h\UldltIO's at\'llcell tl Iler CCI ! , lelts 23.t 111' celi , tnh'r BIII glltel 1II0 . lcis lO.l IWI' Iell : , Bud cloth In . . these wpro ' ! 2.1.1 Al ' II'ot. . ucla or the fnrmor Ilt Hlocelll who Irlud mora thll nn ) ' olhell chlss of rtho , coli unly : by thCo ! ndViilc ' : I " ' ' "J'he mineI IPlentud ' 2.1 111 CUll h ) ' 'thlt ' advance In the Ivel'ago Illco o [ . ' 210t116. 'rho enl ) ' eclclso II Iho .UV(1g 1IIIces oC comlolltel II tllt perloe WIS II rlwuy frelghl rlct which dem'cased fl'om .798 ' ton. mlo 11 ' 87 to .71j3 In 103 lel' , I loss ( J [ 4.4 . 'rhu pur cOli. lolorl [ of the II' ontuto Comlerco Commhtslol shows , 'Il \ the a\cl'ugo Ilcrease In the Imy oC rairoad elplo'us In the /erlud wal a trlao nbovo 8.G ] Ier ceut Ono out oC l'YOr ) ' fOi I' 11Q'sons who ,1e In London dlcs "on pUblc charity. " ' 'ware of Ointments tor Cntarrh thnt Contain Jercul'Y , . mercury wil lurely 11'"lroy Iho 1100 of 'all ' corl'lel " dcruulo Ihe wlllo oY'I Imel U . IDIfrlng IL Iho oUlfuee. . Ilroulh IUCOI' Rlch . 1.10101 .1"1' frol'rfl'utahlo lIIU\.1 \ ncfr Ilhllclnnl. u. IICrpL a. Iho 11 I'rf'rll" . , Ihr "I do I Irl tohl In ) . . ) lalnll. d : 11 , II I rn ' . .I ' ' . 1'111) h'l trl Iheli " ' " Iheli11' Cnl"rh . CII'.IIUUr"Cllrrl ty I .I. . . CtClf ) . C" . , ' 1'"ledl , , 0. cuutulul 10 11. . ury. " 'llkln ' Illcrfly . . , ul"'n . Qcln dlrccly . . . . le blo and IICUI' .urt.t. of Ibo ) .tel , 'In ' , l1ln"11'1 CalRrh Cure he "ro ) ' Iho . 11 . , IcL .tnulne. , IL . . 10 I.kln 111 , . raly . . anIIRlo IITulclo , 'Uhlo " ' . by ' 11.1.I'II'y \ e. ' . ' . , tlce. Iold \rIII.I. . . "rlcl. , 1 . .,11 / . .te. _ 0.1'11'auI11 1'1 for C II\l'a\ A . . I ImportGnt to Mothers. 'IalDo CrlIIYlv boWo o ( . r CASTORI. a lo ! ud .UtO rmedy for IUduland chltleu. aDd sco tbl 1 . - 61nlturo nelrUI or C , - - L Use l or , O\'cr ao YClr. . , , The Kd You HIVAh'IYs loulL Once the sheos,11 ) WIS the symhol af the stutlenl ; now It Is the Illgsl\n. Mother Ura ' . S"eet ' . " l'owftr for I ' ) Chidren. 'Successfuly used by MOlher Gray. nure' ' in the ' Home in Chidren's New York , cure Constipation , Fevershness , Dad Slomach , Teelhing Dsr ers , mo\e and regulate the Dowels and Destroy \Vorma. O\cr 30,000 testmonials. At all ruggisls , 25c. Sampl\ lUEE. Address A , SOlmslcd , Le Ro ) ' , N. y , Iy rcqtl'lll 10' al II\eOnlnl IJl\con two 1.11101 mlwlY c0llmnles. Wrie Eugene ! oore. : IO Old I"olows' fd ) ! , St. l.ul8 , Mo. , for ful Ilfo1matol at , OOO a'o . S10ck : ! pllltatol. fol sll ( 1 ' . llelt JI'IOltl. 8 dlvldclls guaral' teed. Aet.u , ' ' . ! I\lgol'l mil AKI'ltSultol. . Next tu exolcnco Is the alllroeln. Uon oflt.-'luwker ) ' . - - - - - - Pls'a ( Uf'lt Ibo l'l"t ' 11tclno " " IWlr u 11 or ' o ( lho lhrua . - . ( ul uacelul' 1IIIInM.- ! D. . .NDSLEYluuurl'l. . 1m ! , Pcb. 10 , 1\ - 'xperlenco 11 the extlct of slrer tng-i\ . ) . HelR. -Dr. 'lnl,1 . . . . U."II'I Ilvorlh , n"I . . . . . , " , . / 'I"o.kldn.lrouhl. /lallo,1 / . kndout..ur. . & ni , Uurl..I .I. J. ! all. . U.U - - - - - - - - - I"owls' "Shl 16 nluder" straight . Prlo to . 11111"1'8 IU.O 111' 1. 'lhQ fe ) eljr. COt C thul blldl , uo ) . fQI 1. 10 atIi but U.r thuu I good lo el'lu' Ihuul cost. I.uwls' ' , , , Faotr ) . 10111 1 - - - - - 7he hctt ' flocrncy Is I theocracy. . . . . ' . " ' , . . . . . , . - - . - - - - % _ _ _ . .u.mO , ' - - - . - , - - . ' - . - - - - I NEW LA 18 Of NE RA8KA I I Complete l st of Bils Passed by the Recent Session of the Legislature. : . I ! toI 1) 1t1111 H "IJI/IIIt h l 01 tl blK I'"I" ' ! t.11' 'WI'II'IIHlh 0" " ! " ' " ' " " "I'a l HIHI" h' I IIIII" 01 "I I' : ( . 1111 \ ' , Ile : ( 'II',1 , I. Ih"0111 / ' f. , hlH II' \'u\,1 HOUSE Rr1LS llrll' " ' . . . II ) ' \ oC " " . 1'01 : r'l. IIrllwl ) : \1" , " f"I' ' 01 Iq'I'r"lllaIIIK ' ' ' ! II" . " 11"1)'lllr . , ' of HIIhH "I 11'11. 11 . llu leJIII.III ' ( ' \IIII'\'d 1'.1 ' ' r. ' ' ' , 1' , : , ' , . by'ISII : tr ! 'UW1" " , , II'"IIIIIII/ ' ) " , , " .IJII Jil' 'II"1)111 " ' , ' . ,1 1 ' " " " ' 'M' ' ' 1111. I. 1IIIInl1 11'1" If 11' ) . , . /'H" 111. \ 1\ .JI \ ' . 1111 r. Ill 1t' : . . ' , , , " rd. h of " 11111" , 1111 :1. h1101 PiW' ' Ole f , 1,111 , $ I .I U ) frtn / " 11111 , . frtn1" 1IIIIIIg ( t Ih. ' , \I\III ! fil' 11' In"\ ' ! n/.I.I..II I t h , ' ' . \ . ' I h' I ' ill' " I . ! I flld II I".H'lll . II . . . ' , , . JI III' HI 1.II'.hl.11'1 ' ' I..hl.u'n. ' ! I. 1111"U 111 Ni , . , 111'111 0 ( LII:1 , \1' \ ' , tl ) " ' 1'111 hl' Itltlnlo 1\ h' " 111",1 p' " IIllt IIIM CI' 1"1,11' , ' I"'I ' ; " ' 111"011' ' "llrI ( / Illcll ' 1"llplllu' ; ' \ ' ' \ . . , ' . 1'I\pl'/UI'\ , AJII.I I' / ' ' tJI\IL. " nIl l1'11' ' ' / ' No. . . ' "I , 1'llIW.ol ! I. I.y HoIIJ'IH or ] , " p . ) \rll.HIII . 1IIIt . . wl/ " 1"1'110 ' , " frIl I ) I. laltH ' I" .1 IIMII' 1\ ' II" " I" ( 1tit II l'f ' ll\"II" \ 1JlI' 11111'1"1 tl th , " " "lpl ' 1:11 : If I \ IHI lt " " " II. ( It 1111 h" " 'J I , ; , , . . ) , " \ ' " ' ' " IIJh < lr' . 111 u'I".1 II ILh 1 : ' 1'11 f1 , " 'lllt" " ' " No. f" ' ' , I "r . to 11 ! ' ll " , " I GI/e. . . ' , 111.lhlllz. J. I'"hll'\ ' ( " 1 I'"hll'111111111' \ 111111111' :111"1 : 1 111' 11\1 ,1. " " " ' ) II , " /1' ' 1'\\'I"lr- IHIII ' C""I - , . " If tl. 1'/IMllt I" , 01 I111 , ' 1"lrl'I'I- \.Ih ' \ ' " H ) . \11011\1 HUI"I )1 ' 'ml / " ' " , XIII'lllw.lhlll Ilr' .til" Ild ' ' ' " " , 'JIUIII 1111 Illhlh'nll'l 1111,11" I \ ' ' " ' I hn . . c\'JIIIII' 11 II III r'III.11 11111. . ' " . i7 , h ' . ' , " \ \ . 1'01 : ) 'llln If 1.1\\'IIC . ; 10 ' ' ' ' ' ' of ' , ' (1'1'1 II I' I ( . 1111' I'/IM' Il of1':1 .t ' ' ' ' ' " ' " - tlHI.1 IICr "t'II l'p/IIII'111 II 11 JI"J'- ' ' , " ' . l'nittI'II 10\1" "lh'l Inll YI.I/CH fol Ilc " ' ' " ' ' ' ' of "l'llllll Ild " 'IJ"'I' " l'I'/lllrllll 11111" , , / , . ' " ' " ' 1111 'ellh" HIIIIIIl'H 110 CI " ( 'plll.1 ' ' ' to I I" . ' , " II'IIII " 11.ltl' 1111,1 ) , 01 IWIII I . tl' ; hII I ' 1/IMIII' , \11 Illl I'lwh't. ' , ' ' ' ' th ' tll'I'III' flll 111' , I'nlltfllhl Iln " ' ' ' ' ' ' II : 1"111 fil' 'llh j'PI'tII'lllu /u rc- ' ' . . \ ' \ ' ( ' " ) " ' ' . ' . / \ 1'111'.1)11'1 111'1111. ) 1111 ( loJ Ni. i : , 1 , H. I I t'l' nr AllalR , ' " : ' ' ' " ' ' - Ilwl I 11111'IH 1"'OII "UIIlcl'I' 11- } llf l'IIIIII : II" l'II)11111111 10 " 1 "X- , ) " " " 11 I 11'1' 1"11 If lh ' ' , : ' , . . IIII 1111'lhlllJ I. ' . . , Ihlll " ' ( ' ' \ \ ' "IIIIII'lt. ) 11111'PII'u,1 l" " h/ill r " : I. \ : 1011" : 11 XI. : \\11,1111 , CaRl , II h\IIIIII : II11 .1.l'I'o 4j th , ' 1,1111"I' ! " 11'1 I ' . 1111111'11" ' ( II IPJUlt ! { 'Ix ' ' ' / ' ' " lllll'lll. 11'1 1'11111"1/0111'1 ril I IICI'IO'1 "f tWI 'PIIH 11" Hleh 1 < ( ' , ' ' , 1'I1I'lllhcl'l 11 IIUY hI 1IIIgil 11'I'e " : ' I'r 1\ , 1" " ( )11'1 ; ' " ' " " ' , " . " ' \ ' , " ' ' , 11/1 l'I"I'/"I" / . 1"IIJ'IIU'YI 111'1\1,1 : : . 10 ; , ' ' . of \ 111.1 111 :1. I of'I1uy. i ( ' " ' ' of ' ' ' I'/lialp III )1'Ulllcl' ) II ) . . 1I'IIHI' \ / ' ' " III 11111.11"1 ) , 1 1111\111 111 11) ' " ' " ' ' . I " ' , "I'SII 11'1"111"1' I l'ILlg ! II llu 'I.llt. ' " of Ill'II"I'11111 1111 11\1 "Illll' ' , : . II ' " ' . lel'I . flll III Hlall ' "t,1 "r 1"'lllh. CO'IIt ' ( ! " hy 1 t , I , ' " 11 "c"I'ILlh : . ' " ' ' j"M ' . , I'h't , " ' upolnlcd. 11'111 1111' . II lt' ) . I luhl orfl' ( 111 1.111 011 II 1\1 CH. . , whl .1111 II' )111')11 ' ' 'IIMII Inll " , " 1'1\ I l'IIII'I"11111 le $ I ' " " 11"1 rUI' Ihe )11' ) tll" " ) ' ! , 1Illly "IIIII'I ! Hlt1 , " ( 'lcllll ' " ' 11,1 ,1:11:11' , IpP1III" ! Cl lll ! colh'l 1 ht'al'I1 1111'1111 1111 1llllfol'l fl' " 01 t ; , flnl ' PIlh 1II1 ! ) [ ,111. ' " . \ ' " ' ' AIIIJ'I\1 I 11 1"IIIIII' Ni. 12 , . h ) . " ' 1 Iel of Sa'I ) ' , ' . IJllrolll'lltl tI.IK ' /1 / " ' "OIHII'let lh 110111. 1'IIII Illle IIIIH 111111111 , HI'III IINh " ' ( ( ' . II/ 11' hII. ' fClel 111 111111J 1'II''a' ) ' ' Iht' . ! , ' 1111'0\1111111 II HIII. Ilh 111'hcl' II Slllh ] ll ; ' " ' ' ' . . , . . 1'1"111'11' ) 111 > e. \ 111'101,1lrel ' I. 1111. . ( ' 11 No , : ( I. I"I".hccr " or " ' ' " " - GII" 1111,111 111111 11"1'11'1 eom- \1111'S Iloll I dl ' hISII.I. 10 l'stllll14h . , whleh I glllll ) fllli. whleh111 lall Ilto Ihu ' ' . ' , 111'1111'Ihll Iet'III ( ' the ( JlllH'I ; ; t " " ' . ' ' II I" . "OIIIHI 1111 CIIIIIIaieH 1101'l'01 Ihll h. 1.11111 . II , Iht' jal'IIH "IYII ! tll lam. " ' \ ' ' ' . I" 11.I'olllalllo 1dl'lm'II \ Stwh rUII Hhal h. ' " " " . 11 . . 1'111 f" It. lXICllt /0" / " .II' . 111 ' 11111 ' .1 1111. ull Il,11 tl'l be ' ' ' ' 1"/1.\1'1 Olt If / 110 ' . IIlc\r\lltl 111'oHII of ' ) " ll COIIIII HIHh . lllmllw" , 11)Tlc ' 1 IH I 1'I l' t. ) ni . I I t 11 111 1,1 " ' 1 ' II'cmlll 'J' . el "I hlll" ) . III'Hcle \ ' . \ ' ' (11111.1111.0.11 MII'I'1 : 1111"11 , Xo. II ' , { IyIlnl / or Antl- 11tllrl71' . " 'lt II Ile 1"11111 dlbS ' 10 , Ih' . 1111111'1 acqlire y Ilfl \llc ( 1)1 chiII 11'1(1'I.ty ( ' . IUI' . 1.lhll ' , . . . 1'11'111 11,1 10 1"111111" . , \1111" 111 t.x..dll/ fl,11 111 le\\ ' IIXCH II lul j'/S II.ln I ' ' 11 111' 101' th/l : : 1111 101' Ilt h \1- \ ' ) ) OSO ; Clll'l gel' ) ' elll"I' . , \ plroo" , ! . 2. : llleh HouRc 1'01 No. : m. hy ( hl'lil or - lal , I/'o\hlll 101' , thu 11)111 II DOIg- II jUMlcu cuurl 11 the l\(11 I , vonld Is ' l'cllelll Ihp . 111 of $1 1111 11 Ilahl Iu eneh jlror I tw 10KflJ 111.II II the \ ' ' ' \ Is ' e\'oll 10'I'llct Icllllll : Jlrul' ( iml he li I II m C'III , II" 0:11 10 ho taxcl nnallt ' ' " wholn til' 111'ly I/all"t t ' ( ' ' , A ' ' 1IIIch IIJlrcl . It 1 111 11cl'el 11\I'u\'cf \ Houle 1'01 No. 17 , h ) /i "I lllICO'II. , I\PrlllllllS the HII 01 iOO fOl' ' " - $ ' 11'1"- ' . UIIIg wllm' ulell ni InlJlletl 11'111. [ fl'om I ' , Il terllllA 10lHCR 111 " - 41 t'l Il Ht" IIA lho hl ) t 11lhotll Im' , ' ,111'11111g ' ' h watO' I 11111 Sluh'l g 1'1 ' ' l I'l It'l 1g"lt II 10 : 1111 ) AIIII'I\'I'I Mllll . . : Huuo No. , ' ! 101 101 ) of I (1111\ /OI/ , ' , / IIR II'o\hll tllt Ihl' 11111' UIIIII ' , 1,1' ' ' H I'hunt' IInIO II I jlllCt ( ' ( llt 1111 111) ni CUIII IM IINli 111 10 II' ) \ ' ' Ihu ' ' UI0 to 01 11\1\'el'lnl . t'IISCI'hlt III JURtcc 1"hOm l'OU.t Iho cnli 11 1'1- ' A \ \ ' ' . 10n'.1 111'ch 111110 , ! \1tlrO\'cl i . 0. . hy ell'I,1 : or JOI - lil IIUllllhl/ ' ' a \ ' / nly 11'1'lllnlt II \11tcl' COII UI 111 to 111111) 11101' ' 111' a IUII' II'illl ) : t lhe tllll \ , II n 11\1 , II' c/'llllnl 1110111'1'IJlt 111'ocI'e ll/ Ir , Allln'O\,1 ; I\'lh : I 1 IU U 101 Ni. [ . IS , h ' Chl'll ! .nr Dou - I las , ' jun' 1111'1111 IUt. a of Hlx II ca11 MI1ch tlll . II jlstcc COUlls. i\Pllru\cl al : Ilulso 111 No. rG. h ' Burl of 1A'ICaH- tcr , ' I ' Ufu " " / l'IU 111 I Noll'U"lll IIRII"/l'O coml1alipR 10 Iclosl wl h tlo sllle IHII- tlr $ , of ' \ ' ' ' $10,0 , IIIH'O\'I'II Iccl'llc : Ilroro ' ' ' helnl 10'1111',1 II h"111 II' IlltlUO hlsl. , UCSR 111 oxlellnr the IH'O\IloII of th'J ' ' law to ' rcchl'ocll hlll'nlcl 11111' nrUlllt ( \lllnles hi olhcl NlnteH , \llch Rlnlc exn\t 1111SlR or Ilch Ullull. or fCI , . . , tlXIR l11. fllm NeurIIIII COI\llluI ' ' . \ A\'l'lo\'el \ Mnlch 3. \URO 101 No. l h CURcbll' o ( Onl" , , ) nlprolrlllll 10 111' IHO u ( IhStnlo unl- vO'II ' the "UI II $ ; II111"hlJ fl\1 tlo , $ : , ' 11o\1 1111 :10,00 f.11 t1 1111111UI'11 tXI\I'llwII tlll1 1111 flll $ I ' . ( ) flul the ulh''rll ) ' ( ' " . 1 ) ' 'I"I t111. llrgulc ChLIMC.1111"1 ' . Inl'h < ; : l\llo 111 :1. ls , hy " "I of Gagc. to 110\'l Jun' ' ( tllt111 alil jtt llIi' Ihal ho 11'11\11 111 111\n II COUlleH or flOI , ! ) 10 . 3,1 0.(1 111111alll untlr tie 1111 1'1111 alil l'cllloll ! 11 II'U\11 , . ' ' ' . II DII IIS 1111 III'UIHI'I' C\lllpI. In.1 to ' ' ' 11'1'111" fil' ' If t" 1IIIIIII't1 IICISIIK ' ' 101m 8tcklll II III'\I . lS JIIOIS II' olhcr ' ' ' . ' ' 111'IOIH . 1I'\.et. UI JI'II'I. 1 1U'- GIIC ) ChIl" " AIIU\'l'I MUlch 3. Illn.tll'lullg Ilulo11 Ni. ( 15 110 , h ) ' KIIX If or Bllulo. for ' ' ' 1IIIcmlo ' . Iht' 110 111'1' 111'111. tl Perln tw ' /0 / . Ihrnr' flll ' UII\IJhlg Ilch , Ichool. t ' ' Xlall 101hcl' wil IltlIelllIOI f't'l / 11'101' to llleh , 1'7. nllrollrl : ' 111 ( UIJ ' . , fnl' 110 Inlo 111'10" " It110 l\.u.I ) normll th. ' " 1110 mnlrleulnlol I'c"ull . ' . ' In tlcl achnnl )11101 ) 1t17. ; lul'cl 31 JICI' fnC ) ' claull. AIIII'O\111 ; llrch :1. : 10n/o rol No. IH , ly Huhll'l' : If Alam9. to thc , ' alow Hlm or f60 10 In Iml,1 I ) eOllllH fUI' Iho IJII(1 blllal Ir Ilhllrs 01 salorH whl Mi f'I'1 I In UI Amurluu . wnl' \ \ " " , 8. ) wnl'11111,1 : lllch , 10110 l'u1 No. :7. I ) Clnl'k. ' or Dou- Inl 10 uUOW ' to 1'0- eelcler' uSHoelnlun/ cch'o UI IrIHll'IM mOII 11" 11'01101'1) I ) " 0 hlhl II tn'Nt ' nml IHI ) u"I',1 for Iho . : aN 1111 MIUch IllCortol of \ I'tl' I' ' . . \1111'1\011 , IlnulO 101 No. 0 I CnMel of OtOI" 10 Jm\'II" lllt tlo tax ) Oi IlhcllalC"I , II' ' tn ' . Elenl tr . I'c\erlll tl Itlll' lS lt ' fOI' I'rlselt. Ilml 10 UIld 11 ( eOltlnl tnl or 11llmIH'lt rllil11 tl. l'IIIIIH whuro ' hl'eomc , slcl InXI'1 Iu. Inll Ioads to be bui 1111liu U'olnuln 1111 > or " \ ' ' . . \ . cles 1"11 / Mlrch 1"11'lhlH'M. \IIroni I 10ul0 1'01 Nt. 8. by lu.116 or 101ln8. the ' . ' ' - eml OUllm cOltlol WI 111' Iho tKlarl hi.'l'II , /el- 11 he Wlh'l hoanl. InlI'l or II the clt ) ' . J ' , . \ colnel. " ) mcrgcl" \lllrOyct ' cnulllllrOyct 1J eh 9. . House rl Ni. 41. I ) Smllh or Durt , t \ prohlult the ' of nmJ ol trucll' Iltchol wII\rwla u8c,1 (01' .lrfnaGo Ilr10KlR U ) ! . , _ _ _ - _ O I 1II'Ij"IUI" ; : ' " -IJI'\'II ; 111'11 I. - " NI' . , ' 1 ' " II"l 1 I ' tl II I111111 II . . ' ' ; " , ' of I I l'I.t. II , , 1111g Illh'tl' J'IIIII Iq fl ' ' ' ' U ' ' ' " : , IIW " Ihl'I11'lt'8 ' nilllhlll > Ihl'/ 11'111" 'WId't ' , ' I' " ' ' ' , I I . ( , , / 1llllrlctlll . , 101'111' . . ' I tf1 ' ,1111 111'1 II4t.tU 10 ' . , ' ' ' IIHI.Ir.I II' l'yIUI"I. " JIH'It'ley claut : ' \ ' ' ' \ " 11 " ' ( I. \\11'\ MII"1 \ lOl. . 1'11 " . IVi. hv jll , I le , Shll- nll. II Ix tl' ) .1'llO lt IIXA/fol / II , 'oUI' ' ' ! , at not III UIII'I' 11\IHhl \ 11111111111 II "X'f"(1 , J1111 . fil I' , " ,1 111'IIIMI' , : 11 fll' . JI'I'I ' IH 1111 :1 : lill ful 11 ulH ! ' . . \ ' , " \ 11111111' . ( 11\.1 ; 11"1 [ .111\11 1'11 Ni. l l , h\ ' " \Ih'n or Inw- III' It' II'UIIII'I' $ I.i " ( (111 Ih. .OII'1 . Itll ( ' " " ' I" " 'Iolhlll 11111 111 . II I" Iln"III/1 1 Ihe. ' ' ; I ' \ ' ' " t If H'llul' 111 I 11\1 tlnt 1'11'11"1 1111 Ju 101. " :11'1'1'1' : ) ' ' ' ' , ' \ ' ' . 111' 'PIU'U\'ll ; 111'1 ' 1111Ip 101 Ni. I ii , II ' I11AIII of no'lt. nlll'IIII\1 \ 111 1:111 : Ilw Iy rlIII l" ' ' 1'1'11'11' ' ' ( IIUIII'(1111 : 11'1"1 fl ,11'1' 1111 11111011. 'II/1 Ii tl1111' Ii : 111110 1"111 ' 1111,1 , If $ .f i 1'/111'.1 II ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' \ ' ' /11'111"'II't'I'1 ) tl hI hllil elllll.llt'l , \ " ' ' hI1'1'11 ' 111 Jv 1\1'11) . ' ' No. . ' ' ' . HIIMI' 1'01 : U. I 11'11 'fr 1'lcn It'I' . to / ' , ' " , ' . /1'ohlhl lllnlm' 11,1 olhll'l froll " 01' ' ' , : I".llll Ilhllllll 111'P 11:11'1 ) ' " . ' . ' . ' ' ' "III ( IIU\ IlulnlH (111111'11. . hll 11'(11",1 (1'III1 , Ir 1111'1' ' uUllol' . \I' 10111.1' , UI' rIIIIHh"I' , ulill 10 111'0\111 ' . ' lh" " " . ' : . 11'1111. 101' 1'lcl lh""Iulnl llurlor. fley dUII' ! . . \ \ " ' , . I dUII'11)111 [ MIIf1 . 1111/ 1111111 :0. ) Jy lal'll ] \101. to ' ' ' \ " the Siit of / ' " 111'0\11" 101' /'II"ItIIT luntl , 1111 tl "I''IIII to tl. 1111101- ' " " ' ' : 111' 1111 01 11" IIII" 1'II7II 1111 ' ' . . \ ' j. SII'I 1111' \1111'0\11 llleh \ ; . : IIIH" XI . I" . / ' or 111 If' ' \/:11111 ' , ' ' ' , ' ' " - Ol/l' \1'lllhlt 1'lu'lkll'l H'IIIH' hlll- ( 'I'H 1111 ulll'l fl'OII IJ'I"IUII unl"HH . ll'r 11'lt IHIM 111 "xllllllion a 11 lb. 1011 I . ' ' \ " ' ' ( ' , ' fl11hl / . Itate011'1 or 11111.'IJ1 :111'lh : .llluIO . WH , f - 111 :1. I' nlrl IlncnH- I' 10 1'llh ! , ! lIl IPgI'IIH of ! Ih , " Stile "lh'OIII ' 10 , olllllll ' "II 1I'c"t fII' ' / ' IIUllHHil'H 10 ' \ ' fOI' [ nl\ul'II/ : lil 11'1\10 of . ' ' HIH'h con- 110 1011 ( Ilroc.'ll. . . 111' . ' : ' ' . , \ ' usc. e(1111t01. . J'ln"IHII' ell 11)I'u\cl ; 111'1'1 : lnlfe 101 'o , WI. ly HllFe of HiI to h' , ) ' ! , ' 1111 e1/ollon' Inn,1 fi' Illto Ild 10 ' . ach Iollly fllc" ! ! 'I ItW 1IIIH'.ftl ' ! a ' ' ' ' , . \ ' ' ni ' I'\'O' . ) ulrulnl Il'I'II \II'U\(11 ; llr'l 10111' 1'01 No. :11 , hr. AnllrRcn of DOIIH"0 / ' , ! " Ilrol\1 PI'IOII I Moclntlonl lne 11111H of \ol'III IH'1 111 otle\1 II ' . ' ' ' . . ' ; ' , . /1'1111. 111'1\1. I.IW' , 11'1(1 ald JIOtw. , H"PI"lh ' ! ' I In ' ' ; . - NII''lhll' :11 IIUII. , \llu , ' I : Iu XO'llhCI' : : r ) : , , , tlCkRI' II'alll. 1'II1'N , 111111" wII"I' fowl. Hlll /11" 1"lnllI' " I t 'I'I 1 : : .1,1111 SIIII. " ' 1"(1' ' , ' ( ' ' , " ' I 11111' 111,1 'IinI'JI SI"lllhll' \ I'JI t I : ' . ,10\'ps ( ' , , ' llr : /lgl'OI > \ 11'101'1 ' III , I II .IAIII Ii Illt. Apll I tll O\lohul'I : ' , ' I \ " ' ' Hi. No utlll' 111 A\1 II Xn\'lhll' , / 01' , ' hlH - 1111 01 1111 lIli 11/11 laII 1101- . ' , , . 11'1111. ( ' ' 111'11 11 gllt' 11011. IIIC ( ' ( ' 01' ' . , - 1111 11111 /11 hl'lltl. llWOlly- ' ' ' . . , 01' " - " on nno In' 111'111 IW"llyI111. . IIIY. II' Ille Ihan 111' 1111' 111 Oi" 11111.ICII 01' l\u 11 O' I' or'n : nllllll.lllnl ' \ tie " " " , 01' ' ' ' , 1"01 1111 /'l ehh'III lll'l 1111111' ,11'11 , In ' 011 cl ' . Pnllllll"nl 111'111. . ofh" / " , of Iltll , IIII Ixll lt 1 111 I ' fUI' ' ' ' ' 111 11'11 11' 111111 11111 1111'1"11111 111 ' , ' . , \ , \ ' . :11'11 IxI'wIIII I'l a)1 II Jai. \plro\'l.1 11011" " 11 'o. ; In. DII/III o ( Hnc . 10 1'1'11 ' I hi' 1111\11"11 11.1 1IIIectY' ! OlllIf 1':111 : In hll'OrIO'lle II tl" ; 11" ' ' ' \ ' , fllr ' ' ' ' pl'I\'hll,1 " - 11111'1' nt"'I' MI'III 1111 11'1- t"111 " 0.1'11. AIIII'I\ell ; 1I'eh : : I. ' 'o. iO. h ' ' ' - HOI ; 1'01 BII'I1 If Iam'al- ' , , ! ' " ! 111' " : I IIICII 1111"1' hi cIIIIIJ II" "I h' or / hI . ( ' ' , \ ' elr , 'tol fl'11 'rl iI MIY. 11'lrlllllJ In H ) II'O\hlll fOI' tll of H'\'I'n ' ' , 11.1101 t'ollclllel lt hl' I 111 " ' ' " ' thl' hy 111 l'hnl < 11 uII"I' IIIJI"11 1111 ' ' ' ' \ ' . l' ' ' ' LII'oll ( hll'I'j' 11\111011111. li'I'/el'r 1IUlt'111111 / ; Inlch a. II0UI' ) 111 N , ) . B . h 1'IIMt : ot . ) , . : ) , .rtllfO : ' $ 'OtJ ' ( : ' ' of all/l' jldlllll ( fi tl' l'It 'l I I\l Ilok hl/hllu / 01 I hI "Itato fall ' , ' ' ' , 1'111111111'01 ' S. , ' :111'1 ' . : . II ' . ' , i 110110 rql NJ' .101.\'cha II 10011 to'u l , lHcrllnllry 1'\1\1' . \111 lhe Ilul. hllleilIHII' " II II"ulu " / lI . of ' ' 10 110 Chll'1'H I Hlllu halllll : ; hll. IIMI , tlw buarl 101 "dlg 1'111'1,1.1' IR ! ' ' thl ch\rll' 1//1(111 ( 101 Ilh'H I' ! , th ' ' ' : " IIIHII1 . 1111 fal'U"1 l'IIII'SIII/ ' ur ty I'e- .tll1 a.t. 1I'IHOI ! 111111 nlll sIJllhIIlIY. ) AIII'I"J'l'tl1111'1'11 ' . I hlll" " ' I'ull No , 11 ; , h'Iibl or. ' Sa rp ' . tc' eUllrl'l' IIII' 1'1&:111 or fllIltll'lIt 11011I11 In 11/11)11 t'I'II' IlItl'I'lIl'hllll rtIlI'III1II. glllt'I'- I "IIC " ) t'la1IH"IIIII'II'l1 llIreh : : . . 1I0UII" 1'0\1 Xn. 17:1. hy l.'I'U\lMr or Jl'ff l'- 11011 , 1I11t\llIl'lzlllA' till' hlllll' " of cOIIIII\ Ill- 11I1"1110111'1'8 of 1I11 ' coullt ) . 10 1IIII'I'i'IIl'lalc ' It HUIII of II lUll" ) ' 1101 10 eXI',1 $ IIMI' Iel' 1111111111I fill' ClIl'Il l'1I11111 ' to 1\1'1'(1) ' thc ; ' ) - ( 'III OXIII'II IH or rlll'IIIt'I'S' IlIslllull'11' 111'01'11In I't'h : f. . . lollse roll No. 19 : . h ) ' HOlI4o or IInll. . IfJ I'XI'IIIflt " 1I1''I ' 1101111 C'I1I111111111'H 1'1'011tl1 , 1Ill1'l'nlioli Ir llll' hlw'hleh 1'01'111,11'1 1111\ OIU' 1"1'1'011ohl' slII'l'ty 1'01' n 1'lItlllc III'- IIcl.11 rill' 111I'thllll ' lWII HIII'PCHS lI'I'IIIS. AIIIIIII'I'IIllIrch ii. . lIou" , ' 1'011 :0.0. IU ; , . br nOli" " of lIall. III 1111'11' tnlll , ' IIHII'IIII 1111,1 I'III'IHS 01' 11I\\'cl'II- IllgllflIII \ CII l\lal'uJl . tlOUSI 1'1111 Nil. : O. hr' HIt.'hI l'llsilU of ; la1lsIIIIu / alllll'olll'llIl { $ : I.OI J fill' till' /1I1I1'UI'I ' of II II 111'11111 / the /:1'0111111 1. 1"- flall'l1110,1 ! l'I'IIIII1t111I/ , . \\1 wh.J. . or lhc oltl hulhlllll wlllcli Willi 11Il1'tl1I11Y tI- HII'OYI'II lIy 111'1' .11111 111I11111111 1111 a tlillolllli colIlIIII tllc " ' 1'111' tllu IIISIIIIl' III o.III'foll ; , I h , ' hO"\1I1I1 \ III tll' Ih "III'Ollf. 1 ' ' ' 'I . ' ' o. III1'I'gI'IIC a U" " A flll\'O\1'1I lIou\ loll Xu. 101 , h ) ' Iue IIr DOllglas , tll l'ul'uhl till' lIall' or mm'IIIIIIIC , "IIClllliu 011111 111111111I " ! I'ullt 11\1011 ph 'lIlc"IIIII' l'l'e- ' scrlpllolls. l'lIl1'l'gell" : ) ChIIlIlU.lIII'O'cti Iltrch . . UOIIIIO I'ull No. 11..1. II ) Jlnl'ln f Ylllley , 10 nllow fl'lIlm'lml ht'nollelal'Y , 1I" loclll- tllll1l1 10 cOII'olhln In UI'-l'nhllllll'l , Oil n010 or lwo-Ihlnlll or llie 1III'IIIhl'I'IIhl\l or holll ! oclulh l . IIJIOO IIP\lI't1\1I1 of the I'IIIIIS ' I"'u , IWlltc,1 thererol' to IllHlillu 1111111111"11 - 111'0\1'11 lnl'l'Il . HOlIl'o l'ull Nu. : Ii. h ) ' Glll'nl o ( Ilt',1 Wllluw. 10 nlloI slledal 11'uf 11111 I'XCcl'llIlI IIII1tIl fOl' tlln 11:1) ' II It'll 1 III' outlltalHlInl I'oa tlltlll'lcl wurmutH. ml'l'/ulI\Y 'lnuNI' . " "pro\'I(1 J\1ul'cli :8. lIoullc . I'ull No. So by I'I'I'I'Y 01 1 11I'III1H , lo 1..1clllll'c COlIIII ) ' IIltOI'III1)'II.111'11 III 1'1114- ' tlcllslon of slIrrldelll o\'IIII'lIeo 10 wlIl'I'lInl n hl'lIe ! thlll II CIIII\'lcllllll 1'1111 1111 .CCIII'CII , , 10 lIIu II ellmpllllnl ulul1lHt tlllch IICI' OIl. ' \ ' , ' \1111'11 9. . AII1II'II1I1111'11 1St ) . h ' K\\l.of GII I' . to pl'lI\'lIlo lhal III IIChOll1 ! : a'lel hwlll/ 1'.11clllhh''n . 01' lells or IIl'IUU , [ I1H" Iho II'Kllnll 1101 excI''d 11\\11 I'r 'olll' fill' 111'110111 I'UI'J1II l'H. 111111 III ,1I1111'11'Is hllVIIl lIIon' thnn rOil I' 01' Icl' ' tllIIlI IIlx\I'l'n L'l11I- IIruII of H'houl 111:0 Ih , ' leHIIIIII \lot I'X- cel-II thu tlum III' $ 'jJ " 01' chilli III 1111111- 11011 to t\ , . IIhul' IIIUI' UIIC ) ' clnllu. ! ' \ clilll'ch ! I. AI'llro\ / ' 01111. . /1. / ; 11) ' Crops ! ) ' or Jl'r- C"I' OIl. Hh'es 10 dUm. Ill' I III' ACCIIIIII- CIUIII' , of 11'1111 thllll .OI1 ( 1IIIIIIhltnlllllr tilt l'Ig-II1 01 ollllncllt 11011I11111 III Ilrul'lIrllll II l'lghl of WII ) ' fOI' lll ( 'lIlIlIll'lIctlnlt or Rt'Wel'H 1111\1 ,1rlllllll , IIlItI 1"'II\'lIll'tI tll , ' 1111I11111'1' . or I'XI'I'cl llIg Iliot rlghl. All. 111'1I\'I.tI l1J11'1'1i " . Huutlo 1'011 No. 2 J. hy lc\ullclI IIr GIIII' , lI"III'UIII'h\lhll $2lM.II tOl' llie , n'N'- 11011 or II t1ul'lllllul' ) lit the 11111111utu for feeuln-lIIl1l1h'lI "lIulhll lit HI'III/'ltc. AI'- I'U'I'IIllIrL'lL 9. lIousc rull Nu. 2t , b ) ' P"nIlOlI ) IIf N"lIIl\lIn. 1"0\1111 [ for the Ol'lnlllzlltllIlI 111111 III\'t'rlllllont lit 1II'I\I1111 I1 , IIHll'II'11I fOI' 1111 uclall1ntlull IIf IIWIIIIIII. 1I\\'I'/llIwc,1 , allil lIu\nll'l'/,1 laI111 1. I'I'O\'l t's III1'ILIIS 1'111' lhll nCllul1'I'1II1'1I1 IIf rl/hlH or wa ) ' . ' 11\141'11I"1111' allli fl'lIal'lll..t'1I III'I"'I'-an' : UII- thol'lze > lilt' III"tU\lIe , ' n tlmlllilgo ,1IMlrllt hUIIIIM. H\'I'III1I'H ' 1110 III I" , 1'111111',1. hy nll'o.slIlI'lIl11 111lalltls bCIICIltI' 1 , which us' 4l'lIlIm\ullI ,111111 111"011111 IIcm. . 011 tllll'll Itlllll > . AIIII'0'C,1lal',11 \1. 1 [ 1111111' AII/II'0\'C,1 / I IS , to ) ' I'NT ) ' IIf 1"11I'11I11 . I'pIIII''H (1'0111 IWII III ann till' IIlllllh"I' " or i 11'111111 tlllll ilia ) ' . hu hilI for 1111' 1"11\1'1' ) ' nr rl'a\ "I'ol'crt ' . AI'III'O\'I' 1lal'l'h I. IIUlINO 1'01 Nu , 1t)7. ) 11) HOII" . . , lIf 111111 , UII1IIlIl'lz1I Ihu l'II'lIIl'lIt u ) till Hllllu ur IIII'll'cllllulII 011 tile HIlIlp In'nlllll'I'I".I'II,1 wll.11 thu 11(11))0 III pXl'I'1I1"11 b ' IL IIUrol ) ' CO 111 111II ) . , \ IIIII'I'I'd111'l'h I. lIIIU lL'1)11 No. 21 : . h ' 1\:1111'1 of IIlIrrlll'1. 1\110\\11 mutllnl 1IIIIIInillt."ollllllnll' to IIIHun' . 111'1'111)11111 "rolll'l'l ) tl1l11pol'nrlly 1'- 11I11\11 fl'lIl thu COUIII ) ' IIr t tllt . { , 0/\11- 111'01tllrch t" . . 11011" " roll Nu. 2t3 , II ) ' ROIIIII' or 111\11 , . I I..I u ' 'C UI' " . " . . , . JJ II'IIMI"I'M . III I\'I' IIUII'I ) ' hl"11I1I11) " bOllll ! . . \ , " " , "II11II'en I. \ / OUIII' 1"111 No , oil. \Tt'\I\t4ll'r. . IhnltR to ( ' I'l' ' ' 1'1'111 o ( lilt' III\'y fol' tilt' t'lIl' . 1'1'111 Y""I' 111.111'11111111 thll lIIa ' bl' I" . " , , . .1 I. ) HII lI'I'hI'lolI ' .JIMI , 'Id , 111111 PI'O- \'ltlt 1'1 IICIIIIR'hl'l'elo ' 11I1 'X olllll'llJal - " " " " ' hi. 11'1'1/:11111111 cll II.'t 1'I11111s IIII1Y It. t r.IIIMI I'I"'II " ' 1111I ono 11I1Ie Iu ullother. AI'I'I'U\'t'll 11I1'cll I. 111111" " 1'011 No. .11 : . hy IIIIII"I' of AdIl1l1Q. /lI/loIIM"I'H tIll''IHIIII ! / 11m' ' I'XIIIIIII1II1/.f hllal'l 1"11' 11111 Holll1"'ti' ' 111111 HlllhJlII' lIumctI. ' \I'I'IU\ ' ( 'IIIII'cli : II. I Oil" " loll Nil. i : ' , II , . 11111'1111 nr 1.lIlCnfl- : 1" " , I Lll1enlll I'hlll'I"'IIIIII'lIoIlII1I1 I1l\lhnr- Izlt. . ! 1111' ( 'It ) ' tu 1M ! " " $7j.UI' ) ot " ' " 11'10 fill' I'III. I' 111'11118' or 10l11'l'0I11111111 II IIIIIIII.IJI/Il 1rI1I1I1 ! 111'\111 : LIIIl'IHelll' ) dIlIlS"1' " . 1'1 , \ ' 'II ll'l'l'Il 2.0. / I "IH' " 1',11 :0.0. )1(1. ) hy "nl "III'1' of 0111 : " . (1 , , 1:1I.11111 : 1111' 11:11'1"11/(1' : IIf Ii I'll 1 COURIII" ul \ \ 111,10 hlooe . . \ 1'11I0I I " I'l'Il J . J 1'1111'1111 No. : II. hy " 1111' : ' " or VIIU- hlI. , .1111111110 1110 I'h'lI Cllllt. 1'lIIIII\'u 111 u- 11I'IIIM 10 th.J ' ' ' ' h ' ' ' SUIII'I'lnt' 1'011I'1 ) III'U\'IIIIIII- Ihllt .111 IIllPCllltI 1I1111t'1' 11111'11 t'oll. IIIlH't he IIh.1 . with 11 IIlx IllOliths of 111. ) JIIII/IIIo'lll 1''I ' II'l'e III Iliu tl'llIl 1'011I'1. 01' wltllill 1111. 11111111h , uf the 1I\'l'rr'lIlIlIJ. nl' IIII' 11I011011 fol' II III'tl'llIl ; .d o 1111"\\11 tht , SIIIII'CU,1 ell II I t 10 11111101'11011 CIIHI" let\\'l'l'lI , tllu 11I1/:1111111. Appru1'1111I1'cll III. 1I01l 1) 1'011 No. 2i. hy111111111111 , IIl1uWK IlIlIlIh 1 jllll/I'H fllttlllg- 1'111111111/1'1' 10 hClir 111101 , ft'I"llIlhw 1I."tlllllll . 1111,1 , ( l'lIIi11'1.tI ; 1111I ' ' I' II C ) ' I'IIIII " , A IIPI'o.1111 . reh W. tlUI"I' 1'011 :0.0. : : : . In' ' JIIIIII.1 . M'IIMh - III/.floll 11111'11111'11 . . 'lilt' hUIIH" " h'IIIIW ! 1:01l1l1lIttl't , ) . 1IIIlIlol'l1I 1'01l111 ' 1110111'\11 tu 1111I11" " 'III'I ' cOI1I1'IIt'ls I'UI' 1111l1'1I1CII , nl" " 11\0111'111'\ 'I'PUII'N 1'.uII.1'11 dill III I II. . ( II' IIII Hllccllicll 1111111 pl'l' III1I'ul fonl ; for Hllllcn'lIl1cllll'e ofl1'1t111'1I 1111\1 11111'111I11'111'1 , , .t II 1I11I't'III' ) HUIIIlCI' 11111'11.1 fool fOI' IIIIIII } 1111111 lll\llll/.f : lit II Hp'I'IIII' 111111I ) Il'I' cllllll' 1'00fill' / HIlme11'11'1 : . t"IIIII'1I1 1I11t ( ' 1111- CI''ItIt ; Cl 1I11IclIll'll ! 1111111 pel' 1'"lIllIl ' 1'01' lIuh"II'IICllll'lI [ 11'011 , 111111 II t II IIlIl'etlll'11 1'11111 111'1' fuot ( hulIl'd I1ICIIIIUII' ) ful' 1111 lilli/uPI' L'I'\11 III the COII.t'IICt1I1I 11I111 1'1'111111. . " ' 1'0 mulll' YUall ) , 'I.lIll/lelt ! fol' I"'IHIII'III bl'l HC ! allll 1I11\lI'OIlI'III'H III II 'pt'cilled IIUlIi fll'I' , " .uallt tn 1110\1111' ' ' ) ; \ ' tOI' 1111111111' M I..h'el'tlsln/ 1Ii1111. 1'01' till' l'ell'l'lIoll of hid ! . III cl'l'lnlll I'II ! I'II 1I1It III "I1 P'JWIJI' ' 1II.llt ) hllal'llH 10 hll111111'1'1111 nlld 1111111I' 111I,111111.1 , 1l.lIi rCJllil1' 111'IoI/oI'H 111111 all- 11\1II\'llI'li tll IJI'o\'lrle fill' III" II\lolltlUII or dl'llIlI..H IIIIIIH allcl I'IICcllIlIt1l11111 : ! fill' 1111 IJI'hlc ! CIIlltJlIJ IIIII'U I lIali $ Ufl I'acll111 IWCIIllIg ( ( ) llcl' uf III.wII .11111 IIJPchlcaUIII1H ( thcl'ellf In the ( 'lIItIIl1'1"1'1 , ' , . , " 11 , l : to 11I1I\'llIl' tl'olt hlllH he ill'ull' 1 " 1111'11 tl'lI' tJl' cllell killd 111I,1 .I'IIIHIO or , UI'III ! , ' , 'IJlJ1i.IICh 111111 (111\11. .11111 111111\\CIIII'I : " 11 I'o.uis , t.o l'I'II\lIc ! Ilrllt hltlK 110 lIIatll'u / 1.liIlI" 1'111'- IIII'll 11) lhe hlllll'll 11I111 11\1'III1I'l'1I h" IL , b.'II'll't'lIt I II { I II l'U I' lul'lglllitcd 11,0' . 'Iht. l ! IlI'I. , 1111\111 ( I lilt No. 2il. . ( h ) HolIl'l'tll IIC DodSt' . 11II1IUWfol'Ij ( 'lIlIlIt blllll'lIs t 1'111 : ' " I'll I'll. , " t. , hlill" IU"IIII " 1',11' till ) 1'011 111'1\1'111'11 . .r1'111' / IJIJI/III ) I'Ulllll . . 11111110 11I'1'111.11 Y lIy 1I1I1I1illJ'll \lilli" 1" , ' , 'I.tlllI'l. nt 1'011111'1.lII'U"t.,1 :111\1\1 ' 10. I1oUI't 1'011 'No. "S. II ) ' " 'III'I1I'of LUll- I'lIslel' . I. 111(1\1,10 rill' II 111' ' " ) 111111"11'11I , 'yst"11ror 1111) t'I'1' II 11"11 I 111I' 0" " 1"'If'llfo'lI. CI'I'lIllellll'lI l1I1I1I h. . IIf 1111'1'0 I'II1I1H.'II- 1111111' . l'OIlIlI ) IIn,1 I'IIY-IIII1I tIll tWII fll 1'1 II I' I' I'hllll hI' ,1I\'ldl'lI 11110 thl'l'o:1'lIcle" 'fhe Hlatu ' 1II'tlt ' ' ' . ) IIlJPI'I'I1I" ! Htllll 111'1'11:11' 'I Ilt'll 110 nil fol' lht , I'XI1 1111 till 111111 or 1111- IIl1t'lIlIls11' IIlall' III' ( Ollllll' 1'1'1'lIlIl'al ( ! 1It111 II'l'sedhl' lJP I'lIh'H IIIlil " ' ) ' ; ' 1" > lIllIlIolI l \1' " , .l'lI I'xlllllnllllo\l" . 11. .lIall also e- 111111111' . tlllIl' ) : allll 111 ( , . III' ( 'iIlI"C lhe 141111111 tll h. . ,111I1ullllt'l' 11111 Ilh'l'I'tllIl1 111I,1 1 11- 11 1'\11111111. 1111 0111"\\1'1' 11:1111'1' " 111111 IIIIIY 111'- potlll n COllltllllh'U of till" ' " 10 1I1'1I1"t him 101' Ibllt IIIII'P'M ( ' , " ' ' ) . ' ' Mal''h . :1/ : . J 111111 . ' I'nll :0.0. 1:1 A"\'I'\.I' I \ . . . of i lall , III IJrlH''IIIl11l tI\I' 1'1111111IIhllll prll' 101' lliu HIIl'ct ) II1J11111 III' t'Olilll \ III'IUnil'ln'M : r'to III I'xl"'t',1 IIIII'-lialf of IIl1i , 111'1' { utll 'It 1111' It'IIIIIlY.(1111'11(1 \111I'.11 : :11. : IIIIII/ roll No. 31' i. h ) r.UI'lIlW III' Colfllx. to prll\'III , ' fill' 111" I"nt. oWIII'I''hlp. 1'011- tl'ol. l'OIlHlrlll'tllIlI 1111t 1'1'111111' IIr IIlIul'ldlt' ' r.oO t"l'l't or 11101'1) III t'I1/lh wlllllll th , ' IIlnll a 1111 10"tl'll 1111 III' 1111 IIII'I III I II hilI' 1'1I1\11 . SlIch bl'lIlgcl' at'P lu b. ' hllllt III Ilic " 11- Uml of Ihe 1r0uI'II or (1111,111) IlInd4 11I\11 11II1IlIngll 1111.1 . 1II111..r It" ,1I1'I'ctlnll , on t hI' 1" 'IIHlIt or tilt' "ollnly 1111,1 "lIhJI't't 10 Ih I'I'"UIIlIlIlIlIi HIIII ll'IIII1'I'III1'IIIS lit' Iho gCII- el'al lIl'III:1' Ilw of III" ll\le. HlIlIl'c 1'1111 ,0. : J . hWllrnel' or IIII1- (' 111111 PI'l'I'Y ot' i.o'I1I'IIIII . the 1I1l'1I- 111111 cluclllln hili. It Ilrll\'IIII'N tlllll 1111 I'lall' . .111111l'foll nll COlillty nf\cUl'1' IIlmli , lIu " 1e/l',1 iitllo 1'\111 11 11I11 h"\1 I Y\'UI' . 1ot' IIIIIIIIg111 WW.11 11111'11 Ofl\l'l'l' IInw lI\1h1lnl , 'VhO l tl'II111'I''XIIII"11 111 IIII' wll 111111I11"1'11 ) ' 11'1' . IIII'III"III th. 11I'1'lIl'lIt 'l'III' . al'10 1I0hl m'L' ' 1111111 tilt' " 1'111' J"'I- 10wllIl . wl\I'lI thl'II' IIlIt'l'CSI'OI'II Hlltll [ be- 'h'\'II'.1. 1ClIlIoO roll Nil. II : . . h'lIrnl'l' 11I111 Pc'I' ) " . tll 111'0hII' lhat rt'g-IR1"1'0I of .11'.19 IIh'lli h , ' I'lcdl'll In 1Jkj 111111I' ) fllllrll\ \'CIII' tlll'l't'III'1I" ' . In 1'lIl1ful'IJlIIY wllh IIII' ' 1'1)/1'111 III'u\'llIlonl Ill' till blellllllli dt'I'- tlnll hili. I lOllS , . \011 No. : IIG. IW111'111'1' 11I111 PI'IT ' , In I'Iwhlfllr tll. I.It'I'lIol1 or 1'1111I1cnlllllll"sloIWI'H III thl' 0\1'11 11I111I- hN"'tl' ) .1\1' ' , hi ( ' 0111'111'11I11) willi thc blclI- 111111 ell'I'tlolI blI. ! 1111111' , ' 1",11 , Nil. lt7 , h'nrnf'r 1111,1 I"'II'Y. CII 111'0\111. fnr tltl' , 'll'l'Ihm of eOlllll ) ' HIII 'I'\'I" " ' ! III till' I\'II 1111111111'1'11 ) ' .alll. In eOllfOl'IIIIt ' with the bh'1I111111 ttll'l'lInll Jill. 11011111' 1'1111 Nu. : JlS. hy " 'al'm'r Hllll P"'IT. , 10 IJlT'lIlp for tll" , 'It'I'lIol1 IIr ( ' 01111 t ) . II 'Rt'IIIIUI'1I III H(1 II 11,1 I'\'I'I' ' 1'IIIII't II ' .ml' .hl'I'.aCtI'I' . 111 t'olllm'IIIIt . w II" I lho ultmnllli ell'cllon bill. IIIHI" " 1'1111 Nil. 3W. b ' Jlllln"on of'ch - II'I' . 1I\1II\'UIII'III t..R $ : : , I\IO 1'111' lellt borlllH / ' 0tll. . ) , lIl1t'O\'t'I' ) ur ull..fll I , " 0111. 111'10- 1411111 wnl 'r allll IIth"I' mlll..ralli In N.- IIrnMka , 11I11t'I' I Ill' 11I"'clloll 111111 IIUllel'- \1 11011 of Ihe . :11111' h'al'll IIf II'I'I/allllll. 1JIIUSO 'lilt Nn. G : , h ) 1I11Jtt'l'l' or Bleh- IInlHolI , II 0111'1111\1' 1It'1 , lu I'l'mcII ) .hrccIH 111 1110 Inw n"IIIt'11I1fllrclg'n / IIISUI'IIIICU ! L11l11l1unll'4 othel. lIlflll fl'att'I'1II11 In ha\ ' " $ .o.OI"J 1I"ll'tK : 111111 flatllr ) tile 1111111I01' of t hell' 'lIh"'IIt ' III'Cul'l' t.hll 1I 1ll11l1'(1 to tlu hllSllll'I1S IiI "I'ln al'kll" JOllllt. 1'011 NIlLi. : . h ) ' 110\\1' or NCII\IIhn. a\lllrOlll'latlll $ tOJII for tllo t'l'ection or a III'opNUr II In'a 1' ' hlllllIl1 , al tllu ftatu NIII'1II111 sehuol at PCI'll. . \ IIIII'J11'111 / , 11011110 1'011 Nu. 17t. hy . \ 1Iler"on of DOIlg-htH a jnlllt I'ellolllllon II1clI1l1mllzlng L'n/I't'IiH tn tlellllu 1110 HtlltU nf Iho NI'- hl'lIslw Il'rl'llul'lul 1II111t1a 1111 IIi' 10 II1ltko Itll 1II'\'I\'III ! IIIclllllcrfor 1'1I"lbJIJ 111 l'lW " " " 11101110 , AII/II'O\'II / A 11111 1- 111111" " 1'111Nu. . 81. b ' 8101lon or SlIlInl' . 11I'0\'h1l1l : thllt 1110111I III's nol 1111111'1' /o\\'II\hll / ol' ltnlzlttlnn IIII' mllll tnx Kllnll hI' )1l1tll In callh. mlOhllIr or whlt'h 11111111 l'01l,1I1ulo IL counl ) ' 101111 (111111 10 ho 111'1'11 I , ' tlto cnnut ) ' bnlll'li rur tile /l'lIl'rlll I'n"- 111 ul' the ( 1II1111y 1'11111114. AIIII'II'l',111111. . 1Iom.n rnll Nu. : : 6. b ) 11111 IIr IIltchl'oek. I1l1tltllrhllIJ. ( 'UII 11 t . 1'11'1'1\11 unt I'ccul'llen to nccl'llt pI ! nlcil loools I rllm wnlcl' l\I t'I"I\ ' a > 'wdnllllll11 UIIIII'I' tllo lIatlonal recillma- tlull III.t IInil to usc 1110 'Illmo01' 1'1'1'01'11. 1111 IIll1Ck IIIII I'I'hlllllllll IIr tilleh IltiNOe"l- IIUIIH. . \ 1'111'11\1.,1 A 111'11 1. . 111)ISII 1'1111 No. It : . 11 , ' . Hohl'l.tR of Dollg-c , to lIulhol'lze elllt. " of'II''K than : f.I 1 III- hllhllnl\ll / I\'Y 1\ lax of nut.IIIUI'O . thllll : mills ullil u\1'1'1II1 till' tlllmo lor Ih" 1m. \'emCII t 111111 ' ' I 1'1'1 IIf IIu bllt' l'Oa ll 1110'emCII ll\'h I'cl'n : , ' 1'01' n , hlltllllcO not tll I'xI ' 1'11 HIX mllc : 11\01111 the COl'llUm- 11011 IImlH.l111'II'e,1 . \ \11'11 J. 1I01lSI' 1'011 :0.11. 11\7. lIy l'ltnl , { oC 11\111A' [ II' rh'hlIht \ ' 11I10or 111'1'\111111 111'011' CI'I ' III1lel' ! II cOlllmct of l'unlIl1olllll Hlilo 1111' I'Ig-ht In 11'111'1II Iho liamo after lho 1'\'IRllln IIf lilt' f'lIlIlnll.t It . III,1'llIltl , ' III'eallllu 111' IIl'l'ault III 1/a'IIII'nt by lho \'t'IIh' . ' ' rllllaulhorlzlllL II I'\'CII\'CI' ) ' h ) the \01111 c'of Ihe IUn'UI'I'IIt " IIl'lwl'clI lho'IIUt or I III' 11111111'1'1)111'11 IIIil'lI \ h ) I h.'lIdor 1111,1 tllo amoullt lIutI 1111 th ! ron'I'llcl ' , III l'lIlIe lho nlllnUlit IIul IIol'l1I0t l'xcet',1 1110 \111111' IIr 11111 1II'IIp"I'I ' . AI'III'II\'I'II ' A\lI'II 1. 1I01l"'t. 1'1I11 :0.0. r,1I , h ' " ' 1 1'11111 of l'awllel' . 1111Ii II 1111'II IIIJI'ol'l'la lIullilli , l'IIl""III II tolnl IIr $1. Hn , I 1 hlllll" 1'1,11 Nil. I. lIy " 'III'lIpr or 1.11'1- 1'111\11'1' , mlllwl II II II 11\11'11111'111 \ lh'lI II ( $ : . ! ! 101' 111 , . lIIalllll'lIalll'o of Iho II j1'lc II II II I"n I C\IWI'hllu1Il 'I1I\I'"llItlolI III NOllh I'llilto ILlIII fOI' 'Hh'I' IInln'I'tllt ) . 11I1I'I'Ol"S , Al" 111'111',1111'11 I. 1I01l ! " 1\111 No. 31. hr ] ol1/llIs or HOI'II. III III'O\'hlll 1'111' lun'III""t or h01l1l1l1'1I fOI" tilt , IOIIII'IIClloll or iwlhV I1nlmnlll. 1'I'cl' lht 11(11111) all 1 1'111\111 of 1.1"11) ' III' bufflllo wIII\'cs at $ \111\11'10 j wulf ur eo'oto 1\ $ ; willi CIlI. $1. . \IIII\'o\'ll April 1. ( olltllll\ll' CXJ " ! II ) . ! o . . I IM Jjor'n I cco Comment. I "Nl'xl thltl' 'OI"I'r' III the 111'111 , I' ' . " ulc1 thl' 1'lIlltaln of 'UI1\IUII ! ' O. tlrotul. I ) ' , "talw a loult al 0111' (10111.'t..1' hall Il rerll1ll1totl alltl rcflll'lllhl'c1 ' , hl'UlIghollt. " "I saw It , " rOlJlleci th. ' major "amI rl'oll ' sh' ' Is , : ) , , ) 'ollr room holt'r tI/1I1I / ollr eo In 1all-PhlJa. delllhia l.l'c1gl'l' . l.l'c1gl'l'.I.i. . Dut Old JOGcph Know ? JOflCph 'r. BII'ltillullnlll of Bor.ton. )110 of lito htl wJ'IIi. ' s a1ll1 gralllmnl'l. 1II1 ! oC ItIN I hll ! , Ialll that "not 0111' ! rlrolar In n thollAatul'pr /'ccl\11 / ! east hl'lI1H fmstllll 'III the 11'lIlc ! of ! I'a 111 1\1 It I' hofo/'o / tl1o'UjO of I IG yotrs-t.Ylln to/\ . ' , - - - Mythic. ' Anc'ent ' History. l ollr tlays aMl / ' . l l ' hli-ni AIHlllo po\wII a trrc 1\IIe aslolllshcII (1vcn Z"IIR with his llarln110 ) hag Vog. ner fl'nycl. 1'10\11 to rtlgoxclnlnwd ! hIs mo.lldr. ! ' ( 'I lo. ill'ol\II ' . "Surely /10 , " nnsw\JI. tl Itera. " 111."s doing ra . . . " . tlmo ! . , . . . - - - - - - - - DASY ON SOLID Go'FE , _ L- _ Could Not Shut Eyes to Slcep-SP. $100 on Doctors-Daby Grew" , Worsc"'Curcd by Cutlcura . . : . for $5. ' "A Ecap' 'f rm't1 on ( my hab "s face , sllrcndlllg . : 'rr. ' IInttI . ' ( /nlitctl'ly " covel'ee her fl'olH' h , t foul , . followcd l.Jy 1)l1s ; huvlng t'orty'ot1' her head ut enc time , n 1l 'inore. . : .oti h.ox . hart ) . . 'l'hon her sl\ln , fitl1rt lt , to dry tip' lint Il be. cam so bu she coul nol shul h'r e's , to I3l ep ; One-l lOnOI' ! ' trclllmonl with' Cutlourn SJap an Ollltmcnt made a coh1/11oto" ltre ; ' .Doclors alld mCIlclnoR' , I' 'cq ? ( O\'cr _ $ ] 00. with hahy JTowh'o ! , 'fhen0 sponl les'l thurt $5 fhr , Clltlcurn and cllre1 her. ( SIg-ned ) Mrs. G. H. ' 'n cl o I' , Jr. , ,335 , Greenf1cld A\'o. , l\lI\\'nulwe. \ Wis. " A strnlght IJarl ) ' . man frequcnt ) . leu'es a croolell tmll. - - - - Asic 1t"nr lJel\ler for AlIl'n's Fnot-J a"e , A powder. It rellls the feel. Cures Curns , Bunions , S.ollen , Sore. JIolCallous , Achin/ , Swealing Fe l and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Foot-Ease makes nc\vor light shoes cas ) . At all Druggisls al1d Shoe slores , 2S cents. Ac- ccpt no substitule. Sample mailed FREtt. Address Allen S. Olmslcd , Le Roy , N. Y. - - - - - - - - - - - - Politics maleo , a 10011 test of plely. JUI'.ll1slllw' " ! . "t"ll1 l'Iyrup , ro I'IJlJdr n leethlul , Ofl'-1I8Ihe Intuo , rl'tlucc tJJo lIallll1l"lIol1 , aliays/lIlln , cureo w/D.I / collu. 25c" bttle. I - - - - - A ! 'lfislt fmlnl Is 111\0 tIIlacle SI1I1. i BJiD STOMJleH A ttonded"Ith tainted , ofTf05lve. r fon1 , b\'ll\lh , blttl'r tl\st 1. n'oJlccln.llr III Iho i lI1orn lIJ , fUrI'pd tOllglll . sick ur hillous , IlI'adllcht'Iour OF' Irn'ula ; IIIIJll t1lt' , SUIII' \ \ \our \ wtlter hr.1sh. " cUII t11aI I tloll with slrullg IIIHltmcy If " the hlll"s , " I or dl'S\lOIlt'IIt.y. , 11.1'1I all rnllev'I.l and nul- : ie'allr l'url,1 ! or tlit flllthf,1 USI' of Dr. ' I'lercI"s nohlnll l\11'.lie'lIl DI , 'o\'ry. Xl ; IUIIII CI\II III' Htroll"r t.1t1l:1t his IItolllnl'h : wlltHilt lntl IlIlt uf 11\111'1' III' lJecomns 1111- ' Iuu , dYSlh'ltit' . hrJloL'lllllllh'wal.l1'"lsh I IIUll "Ollt uf tlll'ts " : ho h'els 1:1I1gUi ' tln.a III1 . nil fltgg , l I LIt , " Nothlllg will mur. SI.lIlIy Of' fcrmt- 'l 11I'otly Invl orlltf' alld tOlll' IlItll UCt II , II'I'r and bOWI'ls thall IJr. l'iel'"o's Golhm I l\ll'llIclII Ui'lcu\I'Y. ! h 1:1 l'OmllOlIlIIl'ct ' fmm t.ho 11I'ti\'C nwdlc1I1\1 [ pl'lm' III' ' " , - 1 tractud f/'OUI lIatl\1' 1I1I'11I'IIiUI Jllnnts. without tllfJ IISI' of alcohol , lIot II d 1'0 I of which I'llters III to Its l'l mlo ltiulI. Tim \If'lIelit fnlt frum It. n"l1 I. 1I0t , tlwreforn. dun to alcoholle mhlllruUon : , II t'OIl t'- 'Illelltly of thul't Iluratlon , 1.111b ttlllllL"- IlIg IIlId IJeI'IIIUIII'lIt. ' 1'111I Irt'n.t 11m I lII"i ty of dlsl'l\sl's hl\\'t thl'lr , , ( II : bad Stollllll'll , IlIdl- Hlitlon , \iu\lslInss allll hUJlllm hlootl. I AmonA' thf 1 dlsl'lIll's Ire 111'11(11) ( ' 1'011- , sUll1ptlon. nervu.r\l'klll : , br.tlllwrel'ldn 11I'rVOl"ro tru tloll alld uxIH\LI t1ln. body. torturhllf rlll'nmll t ism. hl. lI.lIltr- brepdlng neuralgia , ( 'mal'la tlllg U11l1\/'I1l 1\\111 ull milliner of dli'lIlotlll'llI hlolltt t\lll sldn dl l'nl' ' ' . Hr. Plt'n's ( , okll'It'd - lenl 1)1"1'0\1'1'\ a 'um for aI tlU'AA II- IJ\S l. If takuil In tll ' thin : l'ULSOIIIl- bin time. II III not II l'I'.rI'-IlIl. hut , 'I\I'I'S thn 11f'a " 1\1"I\IIOIII'd fOl' the rI'IL 1H1 thut they lira call I'd 1I11t U ! tl'a\'l\tl'd hr thl llImn disorders. It mll'I'H ) II , ! \ ' ' - tilt , kenll. the dlgestloll JlP'f. , ! . Ihu 1\\'JlI'- I \ Iwt\'I' , Iho bl(1od Jlml 1\1\11 hlliids til"m 1I11 h ant hf'lIlthv Iwr\'o IIblr. ! DOl\'t hI wheedlf'll hy Ii Ill'illl\-trabhlnl l1tmll'/'uItU . ttkllllot sUl1Iuth IIg 0)-0 ) Ilhl 10 110 Jllst a. good. " ollly that Ill mllY . IUllko II 11'1'IlII'r llrollt. 'l'hero'lIotlthllf Jllst liS good" as "Golelon Medleal DI co\'l'\'Y. " with It record of curol oXlendlng o\'er a thlr uf a century , . A Oreat 5ullerer Cured. DR. n. y , l'nmcE. Dlltrlllo. N , Y. : Dror SIr-My ho<h \Jetter I IIOW tlum It hR. ! been befortl ( or ronll ) ' ) " 01U'S. and IlVI'O 1\1 Dr. Plorco's Goldl'lI lI1edh'nlJIscorur ) " a , " 'hl . . I ) ( I i . . I . ) HE STn " ' F Wonl' , I _ \ , Ded of B ck9 Give Out Untler the I \ 1 Buraen of D lIy Toll. : J.I'lttollnnt J < orlc G. Warren , ot l , No. 3 Chclllknl , Washlllton , D. C" ! I sa ) II : "Il's an Iton'st fuel thot Doult' I l lll'y Pills tlltl " mo :1 grcat lot ot gooti , ulld If It \Vel'e nol true ( \ woltlt nol reCOIII' j I\1l'lId lhclII , It wua t \ , the slralll of 11ft. \ 1111 thut h\'ouht , " 011 1ltnuy ! lrouhlo nnl wcalwllull'my \ I ' / " " V bach. Iml since us' I Ing Donn's KIeIH'Y Pills 1 hl\\'o tlftell GUO 1)\1\\1II allll fell no IItHI effects. ( : I1I1\'e nol felt the tl'oll'blo como hack I sillce , nllhollgh I hnll suftered fur.fl'o . , 01' six ) 'Ut\I'S. IInll otllur reme lcs Iud " hOlpe mo at all. " FOI' Halo oy all dcall.'fs. Price r.o couts. Foster. ll1 1\l'n Co. U1\ITalo , NY. - - - - - - - - . RUSEIt's Export Profits. IOI'e .tha1\ half of HlIs'Ila's pl'Onts from exporls como fl'olll the sale or I'UII. ! ' o\'ery. hOl\sw'pel' ! stoull1 Imo\V , Ihal [ f thy11I huy DcJ1nace0111 \ Water 'Stul'f'h for lallnI\ ( : : use Ihey I will S\'f : not ollly Hille. hl.'cause It I no\'r slids to the Iron. hill Jl'catlo ! eal'1l 11111'101/1' I'ontaln ! IIi oZ.-one 1'1\11 \ JllI1\lIll-whlle all other Cold Waler Slm'ches al'l' lint nil In ' , HJOUII Imele' ! agl'H. aull lho pl'llO Is the Hume , 11) , I'UnIN. 'l'hen agllin hH'ause Detanctt I , Slareh Is frec I'I'UIII allllljlll'lolIs "hem- I'als. If ) ' 0111'O1'l'1' tries Iu sell you a 12,0 : . 11I\clwge It h : IICC'ansf. III has II Hlo'le Oil lIalHI whl.1t hc'I h ( t 1llIpOSC of hefore ho IlI1ts III 1)enancPH fin ImowR that Df'fallec ! Slal'ch hlll Ilrlnled on c\'ery Jll1l'lmgo III large Ipt tm's atltt OlIrl'S "lG oz" . " Demanll D t lIanec anll sa0 nltll'h tlmo and 1I101lf'Y an tile al1no'al\'O of lhe Iron ! tlcl . Ing. Defiance neycr sllc1es. Slh'cr mOl1l'Y 2r O rears 0111 Is slln In clrclllation In some parts of Spain. When Your _ Grocer Says hE' ( loPS not IIn\'e Dt f\IIIH'e Rlm''h. you ' 1I111 ' he SII\'I' he Is IICI'IIII to k'cp It until - til hlH 1II01'Ie o ( l-OUIH' , ' 1IIII'lw/I'1I & 'old. Dt'/Inll'e Hln/"oh Is 11101 0111) ' IJt"t. 11'1 than allY ollwr 'olt " 'nll'r Rlnl'l'h , bllt contuills 16 IIUnt'CS to thl' IIL'kng I UIIII 1'1'1Ii { Ol' MIlIIIC mUlley as 1.ollJlce 1 bl'ands. , . 'I'he gl'nills WO\'S ( hel'uuse hI' DIIISl ; olh1' 111'01110 1I'ause they Jn1\st ett. I or Irralltul1. . IWl . ( or seTert1 Yf'ars. tronblt'd - \ \ Ilh MH'ero lomudl t rou" " ' . "kl. hcad- Ill'lIl' alld Iwr\"UII nes . Cuuld lIut " II an " - , 1111111 : wlthullt , 'xlI"I'lolwl" : Ihl Inol agunlz- till lInin.tllil IIltlc & 11111'1111' ulldVIIS rro- llUelllly IInlhl'ultill 'b "leI. hl'ulIM'hl.rt lIIo t.\'llIlt'lIl : ulll I 1'Olild IIUt Il' . ' II lIh I IIr I du ) " . I hC'III11C "Ina'llIle(1 IIn,1 11I0fl\IIhly . ( It''XIIIIIII'III , IIlId III nwdl'llIe tllnt I , "ulll , lake wOIIU'tI to 111'111 lilt' al all. It flmy \ rlUlIwilli MII'sll'tI 111:11 1 II" ) 10ur 1111\1- , 1. ' , 'llIlJ anltl urn araldul 10ay Illat I hl\lt'u..t'll . lakllll "Uuld'n1"IIlc.1 VIs'o'l"l'I'lu , , ' thnn 1\\1' 1II01l1h W