Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 13, 1905, Image 5

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    " ) ' , . . . II . , " , , . " , . , . . ,
\ . : . . .
- - - - - - -
, ' / . . .
. .1 < Good Health
I to the
. . ' ehildren
: r
Children especially are fond of dainties. '
and the housekeeper must look carefully
I to their food. " . .
! I As good cake can be made only with .
: good eggs , so also a cake that is health. . .
, \ ' flil as well as dainty must be raised with
, a pure and perfecl baking powder. .
Royal Baking' F > owder is indispensable
in the preparation of the highest quality
of food. IL imparts that peculiar light-
. ness , sweetriess and flavor noticed in the
I \ finest cake , biscuit doughnuts , crusts , etc. ,
. and what is more important , renders the
' . 'food wholesome aQd agreeable La young
. " 'and old.
: ' : _ . , . .1" _ . , ' ; : : ; " . " . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . L _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . _ Hem . _ _ _ _ HAHiHO'POWD H co. . NEW VORK. ,
. - .
- . - '
. .
, - l'UiI\lUllull : \ ! I
' [ 'he 1 ile\ ' eon test to ha\'c IH l&1I
, Ii g \ ' n hy fi g Olilhalll in the i\1.
E. church \ \ l'llllcsday' c\'cning" ,
Apnl 12 , has heen po ! ponell to
Tucsday night , April 18. 'l'hi
I promis\&s to he a literal' ) ' treat
; and ' ' is invited he
c\'eryhl(1\ ( to
) preiellt ! t elljoy it. 'I'he cent ( ' t-
\ ( als ln1 ! the , r rcu1ings , arc :
, l\Irs. C. . \ . : ) tall. , . . . . . , . . . . . . . .
) , . . . . Up au DOWII Old Brllutly-\\'illc
: 'oIrs. C. H. HIIg-Inllll. . " . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Thc COlllltr ) ' Pathway
Mrs. F. 1\1. Rllhlct:7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , lll' gob'c's 8tatioll
J lUrs.II. A.Vults. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . That Old 8\\'eclhcllrt ot : \iIiC [
Mrs. Gcorge Apph' . . . Kllcc-Dccp iu Jlllle
f 1\1rs. W. C. ' 1'yc. . . . , . , ,011111111 : aud Jilll
, . Mrs. 11. T. Bruce : . . , l > oWII to the Cnpitol
I Mrs. W. 11. Xl\uters. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . .
r . . . . . . . . . . Fa rnll' I' Whipplc , lIn helor
l' , ' Mnsic will he furniRhctl by the
Broken Bow Glee Clnb. Atlmis-
1 "
ion 35c. 'riclccts on sale at the
\i :
. jw
, . i \ . ' door.
, . .
- - - - - - - - - -
: IIIg'lI Ht'huol EIIt'I.tlllulIIl'nl. !
! , At the Muuk 1'0011I ill Reatthlock '
. ' : Prilln ) ' cvcllillg , April 21St 1905.
. 'i.- Pautomille : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I 'H" electioll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! \lale Qunrtet
! < , Recitation. . . . . R. . . . , . . . . . Ahnll SlIlIivall
. : . . . . Lightlling Cartoons hy a I.ightllill
Cartooll ist. . . . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . , .
A. Qllic lloll'olll .
I PlallO DIICl..L I
) Cn wcll :
, Gm llcr RichanlJolI
, Violill 'frio. , . . . . . { Nate HOIIlc !
\ . , J\ . . Fret ! Taylor
.r i , . . " 0111' Faulily Doctor" . . , .l\l xcll ! Jllat tet
r R1WR1\SHl\m : < TS.
' Selectioll' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1\lalc Quartet
I " Vocal Dllel. . . . . A 111I11 :111I111'11111 lIlIivall
' .
I : : , Readiug. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . Ethel Bartley
t ' , .
- , Ualel
Plano Dllel . . " . . . . . , { . Jewctt
: Faith Gutlersoll ,
' " Rcadillg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . " , ' . . . .Miss Oldhalll
'I" Piauo Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . ; G race Douglas .
Rccitati lI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . , J.ul II 1,0y..c
I Palltontiuc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I Admission I5c. E\'ery o y cOlll an
enjoy a good eutertuilllJt lIt alld good
I things to I't-t.
- -
: -p l s
I - J. II. Preltj'lIlal ! will scl1 at
' auction at li'inleq's harn in
[ . Broken Bow , atllrday , April 15 ,
at 2 o'clock p. 111. , thc fol1owing-
. , described property :
, ' J 'ort ) ' 2-year old steers.
I 'l'en cows.
'l'hree pedigreed shorthorn hullg
I li'ive , Hereford stags.
A credit of sev'n months wl11
be given on approved secllrity ,
with intcreshlt 10 pel' cent. ' 1'\\0
per Cl'ut Iliscollnt f01' cash.
, ,
> _ . . .1 , . . . . . : - - - - , - -
' . ' ' 50 miles alld
: . , " Peoph. are cOlll1ng'
mor to the I ) eale , Shcpparll a II .
I \ ' of t
_ .
. . . . . . , lI rd Ucuc'ec1 II , . . . . .
I'rllluolltI , , II. 1'I"O , ,
: : : , . - - _ . _ - . - . - - . - - . - _ . -
i .
. .
" , -
. '
, ' 1
v' '
J. r. . BRENIZER. Breeder of
PI1r < ' SCOlch :11111 SColeh 'I'ollo..1 Shorl JlurI
Cutl , ' . r.h' hunllllllllhtrK 4r. euw , ; . Will CUIII
Ian : III hrt''diIIII' allli IIU3Iil ) ' with all ' " '
. ) ' 'M u
Lblcallo. : It ' . , . .
) i'xl' ' ha.a111:111 lIIe that II
III . 110011 atldactloll. . . . . .
v. > ,
: cattle
IIIn t h
n..c. . . . . thl" MltltnClr. . 1 '
r.'c tllCl1i t'rc the clln , , ' uC CJXIk'ct all.thlill II
ralHl'd III tllu U. S. I IIOW h 17ni : ! hulI 8111tatJl ,
Cur till ) ; . aud uexi year'li . . "evict' . 1\1 y CII , , " ,
WI.lIih CrulII HOO 10 ; : t1 IIOunJ8. COWl : ; 1,11 < 1 St : ,
tbell .
. \ . . \
. . ' ' - - - . - - - - . - -
, \ SIII'IIiI ( lIthel'lng' ,
'I'he l'e idencc of Mr. and Mr .
, I r. I og'crVa , > the scenc of a'er > ' i
brilliant allair on Frila ? ' , AprIl
7th , a party was g'cn III .honor
of theil' daug'hter Miss Mabel.
Abont .J : ; g'u'qto. ; arrived at thcir
hOlUl' a t an carl r honr. 'l'hc
l'vt'uing was Rpcnt in Rocial
g'alnl'S , chitchat music hoth vocal
and instrumental. At the proper
hour a bonnteous luncheon was
sen'cd. 'I'hc sccnc wm ; a happy
enc and the p1ea antrie of the
, entire'cvening' will long hc re-
mcmbered h ) ' all present. 'rhe
compan.llispcrscil feeling that
thc ) ' h , , < < l J1cnt a very enjoyahle
l vcni ng' . 'l'ho < ; c prescn t 'and i n-
\'ited w'rc : M I , , ; ( , o. ; Bessie Swecn.
ey.ray O'Hri II , Icota Reel1er ,
\ Susic I : ookncau , Cecil and I..ona
SilUlIl < ; . Ll."thia alld A1iCl' Illltn-
phrcy , IWa 'l'aylor , glUlIla Coble ,
Dora KeJ1ey , A tlna Hi'iaU , Dena
Jensen , VC 'a , Uallop1l1g , Hazel.
SilllS , gsther West. Hattic I\lauk ,
Elma and Elma Porter , and Edith
J\lank. Messrs Ross Humphrey.
Car ] , FI'l ( , Sleavc and Gus 1'ay-
lor. It ddl\Iauk , Charley and Llovd
Kelly , John and Guy Cob1e , S m
Portcr , Ephfram Miller , A1rie
Cocn , William and Jo ) ' Readcr ,
Wi11i , West , Fred JenRen , l\1ea.
licu Talbot , r.'red Mauk , T410.yd
Hyatt and rm CoO\'er. Mr. and
\Irs. Boh Miller , Oscar Porter ,
lle11l ry M ussie1 , Ed < l Moore a lid
Ul'O Brown of A nsle\ ' .
Onc who \\'a \ there.
, . .
- - - - - - - - - -
CIII1IIII CII It'I' l'1I1I1II ) ' .
ft i reported that Street Brqs.
while pntting- down a well for
Wm. ' 1' . , r ams1ey , southwest of
tow11 , hored through a vein..c
coal ahout fifty feet hclow the
surface. 'rhe ) ' wcre unah1e to
determinc the thickness of the
\ ' ( in. hut do not claim that it was
of suO cient thickness to pay for
mining' at that depth. rr it is a
genuinc'ein of coal , of which
there sel."ms no 110uht , it i fair to
IH'eSt1:11C : that other veins can hc
founll 111 that dcinity and poss-
ib1y of sul1icient thickncsB to pay
.operating' xp'nses. 'J'he dis-
cO\'err houltl he ! mfl cil'nt to en-
oU"-I " ' 'l' the . "inldug'of a prospcct.
iug shart a flaw thollsand fcd.
, , - , " " " " - . . , . .
- - - - - - - -
, ; -SiJ . , ( , , _ S\f. : " ' : s..I \ ( . t 5'D.,6"fh \ ,
. . _ ,
. . , ; 1 ? " - { : l . ; ; > ; >
The Advo
.cash Grocery ! i
' : " :
- : :
A r igh : :
senc , Oil a Specialty.
' : : , : righ t !
" Saf el !
? No Sl1lclll1 !
( , No SlIlOkell ! !
Call at the store anti
. ' get : cOllpon good for 'J
: 1 half g-allon. 'l'ry a I
call ane1 hc convinced , } )
, _ .
- - - - -
- - ' '
G { ( l . ; can goods ; ; : i , } ,
lahelcil "Ad\'o Extra.-
'Q : the best the market af-
, . fords. We ha\'e a fine
line of Staple and l"ancy
Groceries. Call and see us
I ;
t ' q ; .
, .
. t
oil of , , .
It is possible that both coal and I
oil nlI ht be discovered in paying' '
. \ 1.JuPftnt ( 'artl.
A'party was givcn at thc hopJC
of Mr. amI Mrs. C. A. Burdick I
last Saturday e\'cniug , April 8th ,
in honor of Will , Hattic and l dd
rauk. About fittY invited I.I'\\csts ' i
were prcscut. All cuj yed a v ry ,
pleasa evening , gunes : of varIOUS - I ,
IOUS Idnds were iudnlgcd in until
supper was anIlounced. After
supper , singing and social con-
\'crsatious was carricd on until
a late hour.
Oue who wa there.
.Attentluu ) ( Igh .Sl'hoohJ tlf CUlltf'r Countyl
'l'hennual : Field Meet and De. '
clamatorv contest of the Custer ,
county High School Literary and
Athletic association will be held
at Broke t Bow Saturday. May 13.
CoUefle NU'nH. !
. ( Crow 111' < I Ollt 1:151 : l\'I'rk./ / I
g. B. Johnson of Hoosierumde
the collegc a call "r dnCSI1a ) ' .
Mrs. C. Jensen of Ansley , was a
welcome caller at the college Fri-
l dward Mauk of Berwyn , en-
tercd thc cOUlmcrcial course Mon-
day. -
I ver tt l obertson of Loma ,
and Earl DOInan of ew' H lem\ ,
returned to collcge Monday.
'l'he pa\t ! week the college hM
had' several interesting' basket
ball gameH , aftcr school. . hours.
'l'he college has receed : its
new tenuis equipment and will
have it ready for use in a few
'l'he college litcrary socieh ,
had i.ts tirst me ting of thc , P i1g' ,
term last 1'hu s tay night , ; ld
electcd the following' 'officers :
V. C. Lowery , Prcid ! HY' ) as
'l'homas , Vice.Pr sidcnt ; 'A1ic
Hnffaker , Secretary ; Prof : . lHu
'l'rcasurcrj Clar nc , Johnson ,
Critic ; Mr . Helen Leonai , opr
Keeper. . _ , _ . .
I.etler 1.1. T ;
'l'he following is the ile i11 tter
list for wcek cncUng' - " . ; ;
Sam Du tria , , K. LQut g. ;
Parties calling for the . : 1 9y.e
please mcntion publication. ,
1-4. H. JUWwr'f , P. M. 1. \
lortgl1ge l.oUDY. "
We willundcrwrite , Mortgag
loans extendin time of pay i' ' 'q
eight years and loan , mod 'riit
amoun t on second mortgage a
( , per cent per annum. "Vrite n e.
W. S. Eastma . .
41. 1108 Farn m 'St. I
Statc Agent . . .o.aht . ; ,
' ) ' 0 Whollllt May Concern.
'J'hl public is hereby notiJ..qd
not to purchase a note given .1q
me for $25 by M. Scanlon o . at'
about Jan. 31st 1905 , due Aprit
16 1905 , as thc same has bec'n lester
or stolen and was not d s ) sed , Qf
uy me , F. J.V o i'ufT.
'l'horoughhI'otlllywouth lt lck gil.
Choicc thoroughbred : .1ymouth
Rock eggs , 15 for 50 cents- ; for
the season , Rcduced _ rates for
incubators.V , M. AN1fICU ,
43-47 Broken B.ow , Neb.
I have one good , cheap improved -
ed 160 acrc farm , for. alc , near
a good town , and seven miles of
Brokel Bow , can gjvc possession
this Rpring if sold qy pril 25. I
a1so have a good seven , room l quse
half acre of land , out buildings ,
wcll , shadc trees , just outsidc of
Broken Bow , will selJ enc fourth
l'es , than i is worth if sold soon.
W. J. W AN'fZ.
Broken Bow.
I am now located just north of
the Custer National Bank. Come
and see me for bargains 1U real
estate. Some choice acre property -
perty for sale.
.8 tf l AS. ANDHltSON.
. Meh'in f-tee will do your , papering -
ing and will guarantee.all work.
Prices reas ii blc. ' Leave orders
at the l ep"blicanDffice : ,
M.elvin Lee ,
Broke'n' Bow Neb.
We always h.ave money to loaq
on farm ! ; . H. n. Mtiore ; tu Apple
Block. 35t (
Broken Bow Abstract Company.
. - , - . . - - . - : -
Legal , N.o ( pes.
- " - -
All ad , rth menL. u dl i Uili h ad will L'
cbar"e < 1 fur aL leval rattl. vial' ' 1.00 PftI. : , .qaare
for IIr LluMorttud. .nd Wc'per' Iquare fdr ncb
.ablellout InurLlon.
" "Iuar. " I. Len lIno. or traction i.bereor.
III thc ( 'Olllll ) ' COlin. Within 0111.1 " 'or Cllwter
Couuty. NetJralka.
In the IIlalter of tile clltalr. of Ira n. Spellcer.
To tb" credhuril uC said estate : You are
herttJy iloilOI'd. 'rbat 1 will lilt at the , Coullty
COlirt roolU , lu IIroken Duw. III Iilld : co Pt ) ' . on
the : ! Oth .1:1) ' of Na ' . ' l . '
: ) ) 1905j' all < ( III Jbe I.At/1 / daJ'
uf Octobtr.19 S.ucb at. O'o'cOCk''au.1ofuch
: , lay. to rl'cO\Te.a"d \ ! amlpl .all jcJ IPf. ' : lIUlt
ai < l I'HtIHe. wHit ' :1 'fIe"'lobe f'3 JusJ ient'and
I allowanct : . ' 'biitJIII\IIrIlI ! ! qlhl\tIregQJa.
tloll or elal ti : Autust ula eitato 1,11 lIII , JmuQ\bl
from tile 14tb day uC Aprl"ll\105\au'.I'litLU/Q \
IImlu < l fer pAywent of l1ebtl I' all. ' 71rr fn
f . ,
. . ' - t .
- -
- - -
9:1.\4 : \ date. Uatrd Ilfll 6tb , lClOS ,
. ( nu J. A. AkMOtJR.
Coullt , J\IIIR" ,
UIlItI' < I Htatl'M 1.\11 : < 1 OnlCI' . ,
lIrokl'l1113 < < ' . 'NrtJruka.'rIl3nt ; IQI.5. i
Notice It beretJy trlnn tba\ the followlrlll'
naml'.1 5rUII'r hu.t1\L'o \ ! 1I0tlCO of his hlh'lIt1ol1
to make fill11 1\rooC IIIllIort of hi" d:1111anll
Itllat : lhliltoof will hI' l1I:1do : bdorr HI'IIRtl'r .I :
Hl'crl'i'r at Urokl'lI 1I0w. Nebr. . UII l\Ia ' lSlh ,
tlJ05. I&I Jobn I , ' . IIclI. for the Nw. W' . , It.
h. ( . Sw. SI' . Irctlolll.5 : , or : ! O , N. It : ! I , W , 1111
11:11111' : ' ' the f01l0\\:111\ : : " , ItIH' l\ to , 'rohlte
'COl1tIUIiOUI retldl"llce 111 > 011 all.1 clIl\.I1I.1I1 oC
Klld laud. .11 : Carl. : . 1I0WIII\II. nl N"w 1"1
elll , . etJra5kav : 11 1\\11I R. Ulllllall.lIe Nrw 111'1.
eaa.Ncbraaka : OIlVl'f L. IIwlck. uC N"II'U"h'IHI ,
Ncbr:1 I : : ' : < = : tHUIII C. Suydrr. oC Mllhurll
Ulllh j"s7I" ; , ; ; ; .l ) nlc. . . ' " I
Llncolll NetJr. Mnrch : ! 4. l'tJ , \ i
Nollce II heretJ ) ' trlvra th\t the Collmvllll :
lIallll' < I settler 11\11 filelluotlccllC bI911111'IIt1ulI III
malee Gual pruof III KlIl'l'urt ul hi ! ! CI'IIIII' alBl
tb.11 sal < l , .roof will tJlllllale I..Core ) . , \ . r.
wUllr. COlillty JlI < llCe , at llrukllu 1Iow. N.'hr.oll
, \Ilf ( , .1905. .lzjohnO. Cruw. CortheH ! : , ' , ; .
l , ' 1.16. : R.19.v. . lhl. No,17S.tS. III' 1I"es till'
foUuwllltr wltllesset : to t'fOe his CllllthillOU1
tc ldcllcc 11' ' ' ' " :111 < 1 CII I tlv.tloll : III lahllaml. vI , .
Clluton WOnll'lI. of UI'f\vyn. ' . ' ) '
M.I'Ic.kllIl1. uC UerwYII , NebraSka\Uan' : \ "
Mlllk. : of Ul'fI.YII. Nl'tJm\tn : Cbrilltoel' ! 11.1111- < .
4f 1ll'rwyu. Nl'braska. W. A. Orreu.
_ .
- - - - - -
Unilcil Rtall' ! ! Laml Onlc , ' . ,
Urokell null' . NrtJr. Malcll .tJ. l'It' " \
Notlcr l'IlIrlehy Illv"11 th\t till' C\IUO"/ ' , , '
t1awc < l settler hall IU. . < llIolce ! of hl'l 11111'1111111I
to wake tlnall'rooC III 11111'1'011 oC hillClllllll , 111111
that aal < l proo ! will tJe malle l > Ifore 1 t'1I19Ier
an < l Ueceler at lJrokl'lI How. Nebrask.I , "II
MayS.19OS.lz : Sotlllueillallil' , l1ooslcr.SrtJr.l8l. .1.
fQrbe Nw Sec. S , ' 1' . 2IJN. . U. : ! W. o ! II I' , III
lie lIameli the foUuwllltr'ltlll85e9 to 1'1\1\ ' , . 1. . . _
COlltllluulloA resl < lellce UpOlI an < l 0:1I1t1\\11I11I \ ' \
' 1:1ld : lau < l' "Ir : U1)'sle'i ! C , Streel , III Utlll , , , "
Dow : Ale ) ' Wlllcbeliter. uf Hoosll'r. Nellra.II.\ ,
Cornellul W. 1Iobal1. of Uoo.ler. MetJrhl : : . , :
BCIIJamln Iobll on. oe Hoosier. Nebralka ,
JAMie ! ! WIIITIJII.\lI. .
! (
_ . , ,
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Unitelt Stale. . Iallil OOlce. I
North PlaUe. Nebr. March : ! . 1')0 , ; , \
Notlct ! Iii bereby Ilh'en that thl ! COIIOII'IIIII
IIawl' < I KrlUer haM IIIl'll1ollco uC hl'l hllulIl , " "
to make tlnal prouf III RUlllIOn of hl'l clallll. .111.1
tbat 8al < l proof 11'111 hll 11I\11" "ICure J. . \ , , \1'
UlOllr. CUllnt ) . hlsutUce\t Uroell ! UIIII' .
NetJraska. 011 May 13.1I1llS. , 'Iz : lIal'hl J. CUIII" ' ( '
wbo lIIa < lu bUllleslea.l elltry No. 17817 lor lh , ' Hh
S\V , Sec. 3. I J' N W { HI'C 10 'I' ,
' 1'16 N. . R. 2Jw lie lIame'l Ihe lullllll'
hill wIIIlCSIII' tn provo II hi CIIIIIIIIIIOIIII II' . '
hlellce : II PO II allil cllltivatioll oC salll lallll , l'lz :
Nel8e Klllldsell. of Jlroken tluw. Nehrallll 4 :
CbulrB W. IllIcoll1. u ( IIrokcnllow. Nebra..ka :
John J,1'hllll soll. { , I Urukellllow. Nehra ( : ;
Cbarl s 11. J..tTonlq. ( lC 11t'kon Bow , NetJraqlra.
C"orlCl ; ! I : . Frmlch.
Uultc < l SUllo" ralill Oni ! ' , ' .
Norlh Platte. Ne"r. March 17. I'IS. ' )
Nutlce 18h"ll'h ) ' Illven tllat UII tOllnwII,1'
1J lIIe < l ettler lIati IIle < lnotice o ! hhl Illteutloll
tq lIIak" final pruof III KIIPllOrt of hlK clallll. arlll
Utat uld proof will tll' lIIallo "elore J. A. rnlllllr
COulllv JudICe. at 'III" untc , ! ilt tlmk"11 HolV.
Nebr. qli A'prIl2'lIh. 1905.'Iz :
wbo mlIlo ; humelltea\llntrv u. t7'it7. Cur lIl. .
IIW } uwH. wM ! lwL Lul , 8c. S. ' 1' . IS N. . I { .
: It. . . . lie lIalUes tbe CollohIII' WltIlC8HC , . 10
tlove hili cuntlllllullw resldellcu U\lon alllculli. .
vatlon uf ul < l lall < l.'Iz : Georllll J. I'ulke ) ' . oe
lIawaJ' . Nebr. Andrew J. Heeve8. oC Mc.
Kinley. Nebr. Geurtre W. lIe.\llIe ) ' . oC Calla.
way Nebr. Rlldolpll 1II. HeITel. . . o ! Calla"a ) ' ,
ebr. (1corllu ( 1 . Preneh.
- - - - - " -
CU"Q Y COllrt ( 'uster COIIII ! ) " . N..braska ,
' 1'0 tiie , ; lrs all.1 lIe"t o ! Kill , C Io'red"rlck
.1\1kcr \ de ease < l'
' , "You are hereby potltle.1 tllal J..hll .Inker. IIUII
'o father of said decl'ae.1m. . . IIlr.1 blslelltlon
\llsalll \ cOllrt. a..klutr that I : . Gllchwhlll II"e !
; Ii poilltetl A < llUllllilratol' HI the . . tate 01 l r..1
e ekJllkl'r < lrcllallrd. Sahlmilller hall tJt1I " "I
for hearlllll' ror April IS. IOS ( , 1110 u'cluCI ! A. M. .
alothe Conllty COlirt 1'0011I.111 UroklHl lIuw. . - . , .
.1I'1IlIkl\w4ell . ; : alllnlere8h'.lllartle'4 lUll ) ' ,1\11"1 \
all < l tJ lleard.
; DateU Ule 21ith < lay uf March. 1')5. )
41-45. J , A , ARMOUR. COllnty J 1I.11l" .
Notice of l'rotJIte 01 Will ,
COllrtof CII81er IJOIlllly. NntJraRka.
, ' 0 all p.noPllllltrrl'strlllli the eiltate oC IIcl'
Irl _ by Deeear.etl.
Vll&REA8 , Simun RllltJy uf III.ld : COllnty.
, } laB tUrd ln the oftice of tll" Cuullty JUI\I' " all
IdstrlllllenL plull(1rtlnll' to tJe the la8l W 1\1 allli
( re'talUent'.o .AUce RllltJy Deeea . .d. lall ! 01
eal < l CountY. ' . nd a. ( letltlun Iraylllll' 111 have the
:1I : lUe a < lmlUM'to jrobate. whlch W1Il r"late
tat > otJi.r aU1111dtIlOllaleltatll. . wilorollllull I
ve appohlled the lStll < lay ul April 1905 al ' )
' o' luck In the forenoon. at Ille ollien ue Ihe
'C unty Court In 11:1"1 COUll ! ) ' , ali tbe Iinm a 1111
Jace YOU and all coltcrrued. ma ) ' " . .peal' aull
. . arest tbe probat" uf the ame.
. . ated . March 17tll 1905.
, , a-- ' ALPlt4 MORGAN , COUlllY JIIII.t' .
43-46 tSpeclally Appoluted.1
. . , . -
' . " ' . !
. - - . . . .
or morc. by purehllsillg' YOIII' trecs 111.
rect from n respollslblo grower. WJII'II
the i"slIck" trco ugent calls 11 pan you.
Rho ) " him these ItIIl1 ho w1l11ook
us I Utoceut IlR IL IIm1l 11lIl1lcl1 YOIl " 1111
Idntls" of lit ! ! ! 11110111 us IUlIl IIU1' tree ! ! .
Applo9 Grafted
1'IICh lnch :
to 7 fret. . . : II 10 n feet. . . .IIe. I
3 to 4 II . . . , lie. 10:1 : " . . . . fin.
Cml ! Apple SIUI1l' WI AI'II. . . .
Poaoh Budtlod
J1C1t : ' Iach :
6 to 7 teet. . . .1lc. : 'J to { j fed. . . .110.
3 to" II . . , . 81. ' . 10:1 : " . . . 7c.
, 1810 24 IlIclwiI , fie. clluh. _
Plums Budded
1'uclt : l fll h
( i 107 fefJt. . . . , : lGI' . . . 10 ij fcot. . . .
3 to" II . . . .20c , 10J : II . . . .lIie.
Cnor.'y Budded
) ' : l1clI Eueh
fi 10 feet. . . .350. 4 10 ( j felll. . . . : lOc.
a to < 1 . . .25l' 2 Inl : \I .1fj
. . . . . . . . . ( .
18 to 24 IlIcht' , 12c. elch.
Concord Grape
J ( \oh } : lIeh
2 > 'rnf. . . . . . . . .lie , 1 yeaf. 1\\It'nt. \ . 'Ie.
1 Yl'lI f. geOl ) . : Ie.
RU8shm Mulberry
) ' ) ' : n 1,000
toI12lu. . . , $1.oq 12 tn Iii III. . .S.fiO !
It , Olnck Looust
rfJt : IWi )
5 to 8 III , . . . . $1.00 8 to 12 hi. . . . $1. 5
On orders of $10,00 or mom we will
"noW 10 per cent discount fcoIII IIhon'
prices. We pay the freight lilt $10.110
orders , Send for our cllialog. It's fltt.
- - -
0 ' b
. to " 0'11
f1e".I..A \ '
, . , . Sll6 O/'I
CII- " IItCIt.
Mar. . Alway. reliable. LaU , . . . " "Ie ( lrUCR'I.1 fOI
( I"C" TtI&'N EoIULIi'UI : ' III 1t..1 au' "
CUo'd' nletallie bo. . . . . lIul. 1 willi bIll" rlLboli.
Tak. au oUrr. . dI'.r. , . . . . . .b.U.
IQUuaa . .ad lu..Uu. . . . lIu'ur ) our lJruggllI . ,
or NrJlJ . . . . . III lallll'1 lor l'arUr..l..r. , . . . . .U.
. .oalala . . " .1. " . ' . . . . . .r ror I."dh. . . . . III rl/fr.
b1 . .hlra " . . . . , O.OUO'l'rlllllllll/lIl.I. , tjulll L1
. .11 V . JCII'I' ( :
UtI'f"l& CU t.tIOAr , 00 ,
118 ! J U. . , swuar. . 1'1111..4. . . . . . . .
I. . . . a' lIilliU ,
, .
. . I . .
- . .
, .
- - ' -
t-:1 : > r ' .1 . " h 1 lgg : 1 II
i'rOUl ! on'hod toctc of B. P. Rock
pullets , Vannice strain. I havc
lifty In\t'car's pullets that I have
rnI1t\11 int threc classcs. Class
No. 1 1.O ( ) fdr fifteeu eggsj class
No :2 : 'i5c for fifteel1 eggs and
c11s No. . \ SDc for 15 eggs. I
havl ! ! "old cg fot' 25 and 30 cts.
per dozen tillS winter. Your orders -
ders rcspectfull ) ' solicitcd. Rcs-
ideIH' ( ' oppostte Mayor Appel's.
Ut'll t1l'lIlCII :11111 : la(1 es ill tcrcstcd
i n po t1tr ) ' hollld come amI ec
111) ' lurds. W. W. COWL1tH. tf.
- - - - - -
1I111'1I11 lull Inrch nllllf'tlll ,
lo California , Pugct Sound anti
l ht' Northwc\t ! coutltry , daily until -
til Mny 15th.
140hOllll'scelcer ' round trip
rate Mal'ch 21st to castcrn Colo-
rado.thc Big' Horn Basin and
North Platte Vallc ) ' whcre thcre
i 11I\'cxccllent chancc of getting
in on the ground floor ahead of
t11e crowll atIll pick upt : bargain
ill irrigntec11auds. ,
-\S'rgRN 1 'l'RIPS : rr you
oI1'l' I : ntclllplating- ca tct'll trip I
tlti sprillg bettcr writc mc for
informatioll. Wc will p1'Ohabl'y
tie ah1c to oO'er you moncy aving
su/.n-restions. /
[ -4. W. Wakclcy ,
(1cllcral Pa" ellgcr Ag-ent ,
. t. Omaha , Nehl' .
I'ORt.H.Union Pacilic rail-
\'oael \ lands in KallsllR and Nc- I
hras1m. c\1(1 \ ( for map to Oco. .
ll' . navi . spt'c al agcnt , I h N.
II tit street , 14 llcoln , Nch. 7-.IO
. .
- - - - - - - -
Rctlcau & , rca1 estate.
_ _ " ' - ! I , _ . _ _
Suits , Skil'ls ami Coals 4
l\Itul to ) ' 011OWII \ IIICaIJure II } ' /iril. / :
c1nss Chicngo tnllnr11. ! 1mplel 111111
/1tylci'l ' at lilY shop. Cnll atHI ! Ice
thclII'l'st : ! ! hh' of1'1"llre. .
Mrs _ GCO. Zahn ,
- - - . . . . . - - - - , . . - .
Palnce Ba1'b : n : Shop
1:01' nrst.class work , cull at the Paluce
Bnrher Shop , HvelJ'thlng
I.F.O D1 AN , Proprietor.
, . .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
S l\tON ! \ UAl\lJ nON ,
11It0 9 'y 8 U9C ll l'
A'f IA\\ , .
Hnfllu II allll II. Hoalty 11I00" , Broken now. Neb ,
W A. TH01\1PHON ,
. l'ONTHMJ' \ .
t'W"l' ! IIIAfill .luUlnllhn , 011 HhllrLnollce.
Ilr\lIIU. . lIow. NullrAdI ) ( ' "
, - . . . _ - -
f.1.00NIAD ,
. . . . . .1111l1ll.1r II ! . . . .
( 'UUll'd , Wlnl. , 1U1 . 'l'llIlk . 1I'1I1I1I':8.lhI.nllne
Itnv.hlUl1 , hili. clc.
IIrolwlI lIow. Nollr'llill.
_ . - . - . . -
S. 1\1. DOIUUS ,
. .
mnUlfl3J1u = nnaIi11k. :
Al. kiwi' ' I"Vllrle lu liar liDO Iiono 'romptl ' ,
' 11I11111 flrH honlur. . J ? r"Hell Mh"I' 1111 the
! 'orm'r Olllh"II l . ,1 the ft'luofll. '
j CHV" ; t' " A TRIAl. .
llrokoll Hllw. . . Nuhradca.
, - DR. T. . LEACH ,
PainleRH Dentist
Brokcn Bow , Nehraska.
We make a specialty of perform.
ing al1 opcration as near painless
as possible and guarantee our
auesthl'l ks to he ahsolutely harm-
We ma1c porcclaain inlay Jill-
ings aud crowns which arc more
lasting" than g-01 < 1 , and in appearance -
ance cannot he ll gtillguiihed
IroUl the natnraltooth.
We gnarrantec our worl , to hc
fir t c1ass and shoultl our li1lings
faB out or our work prove ummtis-
factory we will refund your money
01' < 10 the worlc o\'cr at om own
cxpense whichcver YOU Ilt'sire. :
I ) hone 25X.
. .
- - - -
FHA NSl' i\1 ( ) O I It ,
RlIDV 1)1' ) ] ID2 ID D2 .
'rwo "lorIIlIrlli \ ot Ijr II,1 , O."trKI IIl1l \ . 1101
rOil III' ' ' II.I"I ! , " " , ' . " rO " 'JIIII.lf' !
Fn t : ; ILL' , rl't II rlled frum Russia
and op netl lip his shoe shop at
Peale.Shcl'pard l'o. 's store. Ca1J
and srI' him lor yuur repairs. 25tf
' \ . TnADe MARIUJ
COPVrtlOHTS cc.c.
. . . . . . . . . " ' ,
ny. ' 'II' .1 ( lUll'
' 1I1\1' \ , , ly II . . . . . 'II ' rrul > CJlUn W Icther ulllc. IIU . .
Ihve ' ' ' 'II ' I "
. . . , . , . , . I , . ellla
' " ' " ,1. IIAIIDBODK rill
" " 11. " .1'
. . , . , . . . . .
. .
. . '
" Jtuteula.
.nl " ' " t. I. ' " I..r "I'lIrllllC
. . , . , , , , , , , . .
I'nl. " t 11 < It I "II MUIIII \ : Cu. rucelvo
" . ( tlltl w. ' " . " " ' , , , u' ' < lIlIrl/o , III the
Stl utifit } ltuerlcan.
1I1111,1'IlIn.v , , IIlu-lrlll",1 , IVl'l'kly. l.nrlll'L elr.
1'lIlutill" IIr "nl' " ' II" " , fir J"u""I. 'l'lrlllJ. fa.
, I'nr : { II"r " , , , " 1 . J , fl. Hula 1'1111 IIuw.d6ll1.r. .
MMR I II P.B ! : : : I PO I Wk
L . - - "lop
IIn < l nUroc .Torl' ) ' 110R' hrtllllnd 10M. D1It to. ' " j
oUlIl'lr CIRHR. Addrol' . O. H , OAUWBI , ) , .
nrokllllllow. Nehrll.lra.
. _ _ . .
- - - - - - -
J.I3. : : Jqn..ea. . .
A'IDlst1i. . . . . . .
Auction Salcs Eycr } ' Saturday 1.1
Brolccn How , Nebraska.
DH. U. II , I\IULIJJ \ N ,
Ph ysician SurgeOlJ.
Cn,1 , tUalrwlI ) ' Itolll II . .OL en < l ID nil" , Uf.C1 !
rultlenco , 111,1 , WIII . . . /C. ehnrnh.l on IIUI. 'IQ ,
of atrM& . crUroke : lJO" . Nebr. " , .
- - - -
DH. 'jTJ. . FAHNHWOU1'1I. 0
tlmrll In IIIIrthwIIH forner nDAlty Uh" II.
- - - - - - -
Cli'\ IUH lt SHOH. .
11.0 , 1I111"l'ON. I'tol'rltor.
Jo'Ir.t I1I fI work. I Q.r 1&00111 of Droket , 11119\
81111 < 1 11/11111 / , IIroItIII.ll ) w. Nebraska ,
_ _ _ " ' _ ' _ ; . ' . . _ _ _ . f
D W : ; , It. U.V' ' . reo 1'A IJ 01\
. 0"0" IIfl'f 1IIIIIhlrln's llrut ( tltore.
n ken 1Iow. " - Nehr. . . . . .
I "AIiOrney and Counsoll r al Law ,
l'CItSiOIHI n1l11 1111 kitul ! ! of goverutll ut
clailtls. 1I1111u gCllcmllnw practice. hi' ,
I /iCI / IInuk of Commerce IIlIiltllng. Hrokcu
now , Nehru1kn. !
- - -
Dl . C. B. JOB ,
I.llk11 Ai .BUlIN.
I IIlIIco In Huall ) ' IIlllrk , tlr L Italre foom " '
Dl . 'v. II. COLE ,
Diseasc ! ! of all the lower 111\1111510 heat-
l'll. omce III IIro : lirug store.
'Phonc 103. Brokcn Bow Neb ,
lIel\l e.lato allllioall ! lroller. Omeo n Apple. .
11I0ck . , Urnkolllluw , N"hruka ,
I."coili. ne."er ,
On.aub. . . Ilelonll ,
Cblcuuo. ; uuue ,
Ht. .JoMeph. porua d ,
KOUHa" Clt" , HaltIAJrcCUJr.
en. I.onlo , Ana Han ] , ltranel.CD .
. . . . . - .
All .0'111 aHI And .lI.-uluI.
Alld "OUUl 'We. . . .
No.Ve8ltbuJe < l upr ! ! . . dnU1. ! Lincoln. Oml'
ba. III. Josep'l ! ( OUY. III. LoUII , Qb'
0111(0 Anll all I'O"H eRlt nn < l lIout.h..IO 4J 1011I.
No. 4Z stup. ollllllADeley.II""PDo. . Pland I. .
lanll. Aurora. York , ! Jowanl.
No. 41 dllparll fur the . , a at. . . . . . . . . . . ,9:56 , , a. " ' .
1'10. 41-Veetllmlool oxpreu lIaU , . noleria. . . . .
\10 linn. . . Portland IInd aU Paolll 00.\
Jlo nu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Q5.IIU
No. 4911rrlYO trOIU the casL at. , . . . . "Uf4. p. w.
! HoopIDg. dhlng ami rocllnlng chalru , ' ( lIIal.
fruu ) UII tliruugb Ualnn. Tlcko8 lold and b 111-
gage chocked o apy "oint In Lh Unl dd tJlGw.
and Cllnada.
lofoultatlon , mlll" ' limo table" and Ilckn
cAli on or wrUe to II. L. Ormlby. agen& , ur L.
W. Wakeloy , O. J' . A. . Omahu Nobruu. .
If. . L.ul ) r , p.lllnl.
- - I
' . M
urJaua ! :
{ D ILL THt : : COU H'
D C U RE : T E L U NpS\ \
: WITII Dr R King's ; :
New Discovery
FOR COUSUMPTION 60c& Prlcn 1.0 1
OLDS Fret r-III.
ure t nnd Quickcst Cure tor all' ' t"
LES , MO : OK.
: : " r
r- - - _
Easy Credit Terms
P I A NOS 1124.71" ' ' ' . I
ORCANS .10.00 Uf' . "
STOVES and nINGEst ? v ,
IR H' ' H ndST E : siFESJI
FURNITURE From sa.1IS up. J ,
We .re Ibo larg8" manuractl1"W't
nrtb , han untlullt d capIWand , , . , ,
direct 'roQl Ihe workshop to the 11- , '
bODot/lble / people In aU parh or ' &n. '
world. No other mllnufac&urer wUlue,1. .
fUll u.e the ' ( foods for fear : ! while a1o. .
pal lull' fur tbem. f' '
Write for hllorm.Uoa .ad Fte.1 Cltalopt
Co"oo\l \ ,1eo1 t'\ . . , " . .
BI.BS Randolph 51. . Cblcigo. III. . U : " . " . ,