Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 13, 1905, Image 2

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.y D. M. AM86ERRY.
. . ' _ _ _ _ _ J
Brief T e.legrams
'I'om J.a.W 1I If ! 1I0W tnlllorl of I\S II
rcCorm cllndldllto for mllror oC Bos-
II ) ' the IIIISRn o oC Ihl ! Ol11nha chilI'-
tel' hili II 1111111111)1' oC ml'n IORO their
jull ! : ! .
A prall'lo fire IInH Iiono I\1l1nh .Iam' .
nlo on I ho rcccntl ) ' OIJOlwl1 HOHeulld
HIIHla ! : ! If ; ' reJlorlerl to hll\'O outlined
n IInlllll UJlon whlrh she Is wlllln ! ; to
nc ol\nto \ Cor pellce ,
IhMr. . StnnlC'fny ; ! hns rCRlln'
( JII Ilreshient of Shurtleff college , a
llnllllHt. Inslllution at Alton , III ,
A cl\lIle rlll\1 10 the slute II0partt 1Imt
from Sorl'oiliry HII ) ' , dntorl Glhrnllllr ,
" ' ) ' 8 thllt ho If ! Impro\'lng dllll ) ' ,
'l'holtmndH ! oC Hnsslnn worlonen
"otoll to R'llli a petition 10 tile throne
ouUlrlln rCllllclJts COl' 1I0tterment or
tlwlr lut.
'rho plnnH oC Senntor glJlnH (01' In-
"I' ' ! tI nLlon Inlo Crl ) ht rlltes nro not
vlowoll with CavoI' hr : friends oC ruto
leglilnUon. !
An order hns he en Irmllerl lIy the
JlORtonJro deparlmellt estnhllshlnI ! a
11I\'IHlon oC the rllral Creo doll very ser-
, 'Ieo at Omnhn.
'fho now senator Crom Mllssnchu.
IJolt" , Winthrop Murrny Crane , re-
COIVOR more beJmlng lellors than an1
or 1lfs colleaglles.
" Allow conrlltution for the 'rrnn9-
Tnul hnJ ! just heen signed In London
lind , wm shortly ho presented to parlla.
ment for Ita dellherntlon.
' 1'110 revolt In Snnto Domingo does
not worry the aulhoritles on nccount
or the 11roml8e or the United StatoR
to tnlo charge or the re\'enues o [ the
nlhlllnd and suffcrln Crom a hrolen
THlse , 1\t. \ , T. Dwyer at Atlantn , Gn. ,
IlVO UII his wrestllnj : ; mnteh with
li'ranl. Gotch nfter three minutes or
tho. soc0l1l1 round.
Official annonncoment. wns made of
tlto appointment oC Colonel . Stone
I\S gonoml JlIIssonger IIgont. oC the
Grcnt Northern railroad system to suc.
coed 1" . I. Whltne ' ,
After mnlllng $ I , OOOOO In the laRt
fourtcon renrH ollt of the soli , 1. D.
Smith oC Madison , S , D. , the rlchcst
41xclu81\0 farmer In the Ullited States ,
has reUrel' from Ilctlv 1\Co. \
Washington Gladden wrltcR an clo.
tillont prolest agnlnst acceptnneo oC
$100,000 gift from .10hn n. RockeCC\lIor \
by the Amorlcnn Donnl or Commls.
sloners oC Jo'orel \I1sslons. .
Governor I.nnhnm of Toxns hilS' reo
co1\'ed from the wnr dopnrtment at
Washington four hnttle.seaned conCed.
ernte' flllgs , whl'h were calltured by
union soldlcrs durin ! ; the Will' .
A younj : ; ncgro , giving his name as
Frnnl.Ianuel , was arrestell In the
monntnlns In DruMorl1 eOllnty , Penn-
f'I'Inlllas the llOrson who folonlous-
f'I\'I\nlll\ \ ted Mrs. Darbnrll Rose.
Flvo l1111111red 11OI\snnts of the 11Is.
trlet of Varl' ' , In the Caucasus , hllvo
Imrrounlled the Greole monastry at
Vardr.h : and ( lomnnd that It UO h 1111.
ed over to them , with the tltlo deeds.
Judge Lochren or the United States
district court , In St" Panl , holds thllt
lnnd In an Indian resorvatlon Is still
subject to government control c\'en
though the title has Imssell from the
After n lengthy nnd acrimonious
controversy. between cOllnsel , the
GI'eono-Gnynor case at Montrenl was
IOatponed until April 10 to glvo ( 'oun.
solan OIpOJ'lunlty to further stud ' the
tJxhlblts med.
. l\InssnchuseltS' hns been plJln up n.
ftnto doht for 'oars nt a rate thntlms
Cllllsell Its Il\lbllc men great \inenRI.
110SB. ' 1'ho ) ) resent debt , nccordinj : ; to
the filures quoted by the go\'ernor , Is
nenr ! ) ' $100,000,000 ,
Roar Admlrnl J. A. B. Smith , henc
or .tho stcam enllnC'orlng delmrtment
oC the Droold'n nnv ) ' 'nrrl , llIls heon
rollevod of lInt ) ' IInrl will hecomo gen.
eral InsJlector of nil machlnory now
under government contract.
Secretary Hltchco'lt hns deslgnntc(1 (
WlIllnm 11. Code , ot I.os Angeles , Cn ! . ,
ns chleC onglneor oC Inlllnn Irrlgntlon ,
IIo will have supen'lalon or lI'rlgation
COIlftructlon wOI'I ( on 111I1II\n roson'a ,
Uons throughoul the wcst.
The equl'strlan stntuo or Lafnyette
the worl < ot Pmll Bnrtlott , wlli nol
110 rendy tor the teto on .1u ! ) ' 4 , whlcl
was plnnnll hy the LnCa 'etto momor
lal commission. nnd the event h I
been 110stlOneti ) IIntll HIOr. . .
On InCormntlon l1Ierl hy the statl
factor ' Inslll'ctor. Asslstnnt Prosecut
Ing A lIorncy ] ) nllon , of St. LouiS' , hni
Issued six wnrrants , thrpo allIlns
fho Cathcrs of the rhlltlrl'n , nllqlnl
violations of the ( 'hlll1 Inhr ! Inw ,
William Warnl'r , the nl'W sl'nato
from : lUst'ourl. whC'n r. . 'l'nrR oM hcgal
to enrn his own 1I\'lng us ere boy II :
n Wisconsin mllil' ,
Colonel A , G , Siewnrt or Wauleoll
rccentl ) ' allIlolntecl lIt1 rney j.f'l\cI'al 0
Porlo Rico , ( 'renled 81lrxll'Iso b ) ' Sel\l ]
Ing In his 1'eslgnntlon ,
Arthur H. Marsh , or nllllr , Nch" hl1
been awn I'd cd a Cecil Rhodes scholRI
ship for Oxford unh'o Jt . ,
Proto Simon Newcomb , the fnmou
merl an mrtronomer , hils just con
plotelt his 70th I&thdn ' . Ite has 1'1
'colved maI'o degrees and slmtln ,
boners ubrJad , tban nuy other Amor
tI N
- -
Russian Soldiers Held Up as Equal to
Japanesc Troops-Peace
tlons for the Time Being Appeal' to
Be Orf.
S1' . l'WmnSBUHU'uI'I1I1IIOI' :
SIIIUlI'OCf. III nn 11I1I'vlow , Illwlllrm ;
lhnl tllo l'Oflol'llI of HIlHl4llt coulltor.
IlII11UIlIlg' orderll for Will' malNlnl
11111'01111 al'o hUf105 ! ! ; and gl'OW out of
Ihl' IIC'olll1utloll of the fOl'ohn orfl'ls :
with which the Will' ollinml thl' al- !
ml1'l111y have hcull HWnllJllell. 110 Ill'
6111111 thll t Ihcro hnlJ hOlm uu t'Cluxu. !
tloll III the Ilrcjll1l'ntlolllt to COlltlllUO
the Will' , uut HUrA thol'l1 will 1) ( ' llO
1I0W 11I0hlllmlion nt JlI'lHont. ! eXJllnln.
1111 ( , IlIi Hlnll'eI III Illesl' IIIHlllltclll'H. dill ! .
1-10,000 ttoOIJ of Iho Imll 11Iohlll7.lIl1on
hn\'o nll'eluly Hlnrlcllfol' Iho fl'llllt
IInll that. 11111101111 oC mohlll7.lng IIOW
IrooPH th I'll I' will he follo\\'oel h ) ' a
1I00'IIon of I hlH 'ell1"H OOlUWI'tIIIJ ! , .
Orl1oral RlllmrofC lien locI < ! ll1llhnl\e. \
1111) ' thnt ho ever Intrlguell , lIgnIlIHt.
UUllcrul Iourollntl < ln , IIl11l'mlng thnt
ho gn\'o the In Iter the 1I10st lo 'al HUI ) '
1101't. . At the snmo time. In 11ISCIlRHIII
the hattle of tulec1en , SalrofC IIl'cllll"
( ) rl Ihnt the men nnll mnlIJrlnl of tlw
RllI.Ilnn army WCI'O Olluul to thollO or i
the .JRI ) ne e , forcln the I'eltwlunt ,
conclusion thnt Iho .JnpnnRI' genol'al"
Hhlp was Rllpel'lor to the HIlIlSIIlIlIl.
In don'ln the POI'IlIIl" ' " hnllrcsHlou'
that R. lurgo proportion of IIrmy 1'0' ,
Hen'o men wrc Hont 10 the frout , SlIle.
nrolr made Iho Impol'tllnt nllmlRHloll
thnt reserve 'men were only Hmt In the
cnrb' IItllges of Iho war , "heCoro we
hael assurance from r urollc , " which
Is Interpreted 115 II. cOllfcsslon thllt all
arrnnlenlfmt waH m.\lo . with Germany
for coverlnJ ; the fronllm' oC Polltnd ,
'fhe allnouneenwnt. that Prcsldent
Uoost\'clt ; ) has leCt WaRhlnglon on a
vacntloll trip Is IIccel1tod here ns evl ,
deneo thnt the crforls to draw llus\la !
and .Tapnn Into peace nogollatlons
ha\'c C0l110 to grief fOJ' Iho momonl.
No Iloflnlto Xl11anlt lion of oxuctlr
whal. llllllllOnell I fOJ'thcomlng. hilt.
the Jcuornl ltul1reHHIon IH Ihat .Ialllln
elthCl' docllnell to trent UllOn the HUH'
sian haslll 01' 1I0111nniled II. direct
nvowal that thNo'as a IlI1clllc 11IRllo'
sltlon , At uny rllte the all\'ocates of
11 continuation of the war HeOI11 se.
cure of tholr position and e\'er 'thlng
Indlentos that the hOllo of an l111m l ,
nlo chanlo of fortnno III stllilell on
Vlco Admll'lll Hoje8\'l'ns ! ] , ) ' , whoso
Hquadron , aceol'dlng to the heRt Infol"
mutlon. It ; now adultlb' Oil IIH wa ) ' to
moet the .1aIH1nCS ( ! . 'fho ndmI1'l11t ) ' IH
renllr eueou1'l1 cd h ' the IH'osl10clH
that Hojest\'ouHly will ho ahlo to de.
fenl Admiral To a owing to the slllon.
dill rellOrts which ha\'e jUHt arrl\'ocl
hel'o from Hojest\'onslY , dntell from
the Island of lnllagn8clll' , recountlnl ;
In detail Ihe condition of the IIhlp
nUll Ilersonnel nnd reRuIIH oC the tar.
get. lIractico of the sqllad ron and of
the maneu\'ers III which the war/ihlls / !
ha\'o heen drill lug for t hr(1O months ,
After Bequests of $4,125,000 , Balance
Goes to University.
SAN .JOSE , Cal.-TIH' wl\1 \ anll l'O'
,1Icll of Irs. .Iano SlnnfoJ'(1 wore
IJrO\'CIl nnll nrhnilled to Irohato ) FrI-
.Inr. . anll Icttl'rs of I1llmlnlstmlon !
WOl'e Issuell 10 Charles G , LatiroI1 , ;
Timothy lIopl\lns , , lmWIh n. G1'I1nt.
Whltehlw Holll anrl 'I'h0111ns B , Croth.
OI'R , ns oxecutorH. wllhoul hourlH. The
ostnte wng rel1rl'Honlcd h ) ' Atlorlloys
S , p , 1 lell aud Iolllltforil WlhlOn , All
of the aho\'o mentioned , ' \1111 also
Charles K , Lo\'ell , Hohort G. Boolter
nnd 'f. F , DI'allUr. w'I'e ( 'xnmlnell h '
Ihe court. They t < , sUfied Ihnt at the
elate or tlto wl\1 \ 1\11'11. Stanford wnR lu
Cull IIORscssloll oC hC'r meutal 11OWOI'S
aUII Ilh'slcnll ) ' Rtrong ,
'fhe will was xC'cutcel , Tuly 28. 103 ! ! ,
nud slluell In I hI' Ilrl'S'l'nce of 1.o\'el1 ,
Wllsou anll Drnlwr , In the IIhral' ) ' of
Irs , Stnnforll's Slin 1""lInrIRI' " ( ) homo ,
The ( ' 01111'11'ns wrltton h1rs : , Stan ,
Corll herselt In Au mt , 1l0.1. ! l11uler the
11Irel'tlon of S , I , l.Ieh ,
D ) ' the tl'rmR of Ih\ will $2ooo.00r
1\1'0 leCt lu truRt to Arlol Lnthroll ami
Il scondnuts of n , R , Lathrop. hOl
Brother : $1.000,000 In truRt 10 hm
nloco , , .1ennlo h I.nwton IInd Amy I.
Hanson , and the ( 'hllllrl'u oC ChrlHtlllf
I. , Gunnln : $1.000,000 to Charlm G
Lathrop : $12/,000 / ) 10'Ilflous charlt
IhlCInstltlltlolls. \ .
To Nome In Three Hours.
WASllINOTON-OelH'ral OI'cC'I ' hn
1'1.1'1\1.11 n dlsJaldl ! from Dnronne. N
, J. , ! \u 'ln that 'Ill' ' mlll1l1ra11I1'1 ! of : ! lH
ml11'H or I'nblC' , whil'h Is to he IIRC'I
10 1'01\l1l'rt " 1:11107 : : with 8l\\'a ! I'll
Alnsl\ll ; hall IIl'l'l1 1'01ll1ll1'11I'C'(1. ( 80\\'nl'l
Is W't ; ( of"alllC'x a'HI ' 11 > the' torlllll\l1 :
of tlH' 41110 of 1'01\11 \ whlt'h Is 10 he 1'011
sll'lIl'll'll 10 the YIlI\Un , G(111I1rnl Ol'l'ol'
t-aY8 thnt' Iho Il'll' I'l\llh ! \ 'RtC'm I ;
; A1IIRlm IR wrIII ] RatiMllr'lorllr , H ( '
I''ntlr he Rl'nl a I'nhll' mI'Hm ! C\ \ II
I' Noml'IiRII1 \ , III thl'l' ( , hOlll'S ,
- - - - - - - -
: \
i Assassin Invi1des Hospital.
\ \ : ' \ HSA'hlll' I'\'el'r Olll' wa
I , IIshwll TIIt'HIII1 ' III ht III I hI' hOSllltll
t In which lho Ihl'l'I' IlolIl'l'1IIl'n'h
I _ \\'I'C' ( Injll1'l'll hr t hI' ( 'Xllloslon of
'homh whldl Wilt ) Ih1'll\\'ll Illto lito 1) ) (
s UI' ( ' : ; Intlon nt I'rn lI. II I'lIhmh yf \\'al
. m\W \ , on SlIllllnylu1'oh ; ( ) , IIn 111
Imuwn mnl1 IIntcl'ell 1111' WIl\ \ ' allil1'11
11 thc Ill'dsillo oC I'oll'man HlIl'I\ll , 11
9 \\'hum ho firl'11 his I'\'O\'l'l' ! \hl'l'
\ tIl11l't ! , Ont ) fhnt tool , ( 'ffl'CI In th
) . 110llcl'ml'na 'f ; hurl ; . The IlsHallant l' :
[ ( mlll'11 IIl'fOl'o tlto IlHtll'ntR 111111 allCIII
uts rcco\'cI'CI ! from the shocl. .
. . -
- - -
- -
Mr. Shorts at HC:1d of the Organla.
\\\HHNOTON-1'ho ! : pl'l'lii ellt. hM
canlorl Ollt hilt plam ; fOl' the rconnnlza-
lion o ( Ihe IHlhmh\1l cnllal commission
IlR to the Jlorsonllel nnll ! Jllsilless
methorls.l'lIol'ally / \ on the lines of
the 1'g'IHlation ho fIIHvonterl ; 10 con-
I /\I'IIS / \ at lhl ! JaHt BCIIHllln , which flilloll
III the cI'lIth ! oC hllRlnl'bl ! In the eloln ! : !
hOIiI'S , On j\Jonllny , within half IIn
hllllr aftol' tl1l' Ilrosldcnt'H c1ellnrtll1'o
fmm Wn/ihlllgton / , S fl'ftnl' ' 'fIlCt , dl-
recti ) ' In ( : hu'Jo ) oC t ( 'unnl Innttcl'S ,
nllulo public the porfHncl , oC the new
comiulellion rlllCl Iho IU\'lslon of duties
n1llon tlwm. Only onl' mcmher or
the oltl ( "lmmIIiHloll waH I'eappolntoll ,
Mr , Bl'njnll1lll t. ] JulTud , Olhol'\\'llIe
tlw l'ollHnlHRlon 1'1 11\\ ' from tOl1 tu
hollolll , (01' thoa' Ii ! II IOJl and hollom
and cOIIHlrlorahlu Illfrl'l' ( > I ) ( ( ! hotwlen !
the fun t lOlls and IIIIY of the conllnlri- :
HOIlIl'H ! , FIIICIlII hu was ohlhel1 10
gnll ' to l1f1l1fJllIt IIO\'C'n ( 'Ollllllisshmom ,
the pl'I'HlllolIl 11111 f"l , hilt. 110 cnrrll'tl
on\ \ . hit ; own 1)11111 ) hy nlllldng three or
I hem IlI'actllmlly I h COlllllIS510n. 'rho
ollwr (0\11' \ . though hCaJ'lIg ! the title oC
l'ol1ll1lIAlllollf'I'H , lIol enl ) ' l'Iceh'o ! II
much 10wOl' COmIWnHlI lon , 1111llll' 'as-
slgl1011 much HllllllltH' IIclels of actl\'lty.
'rho Ilru61r1l'llt ahHl haH en\'l'lell out hl-J !
scheme of dlvlrllll UI ) the work or
cannl hulllIlnA' umcmg the commls-
alollel's. flO thnt nlHlllnally ncllng as
n horly on statOlI occaslom' , each hllll-
\'Idllul IlIcmhor " , oulel olwrate In a
811eclal field. 'rho hea oC the com.
mission Is a l1'ulnerl mll\\'ny man ,
choHon for hIs 1\lmlnlstrntlve aJllities !
In the finnnelul nnd purchIlHlng\field :
the now go\'a1'l10r or the 7.Ono Is It
lawyer , who IIhiO hns hnd 10 O with
Alate nffnlrs : the cngilleer commls.
Rloner alt'eurly Is known ( or his aulll.
tics In tha oxerulIon of the p1'l\ctlcnl
WN'I ( oC canal nutting , The other
memhers of the commissIon are plnc-
el ! to com pI ) ' with the law us to the
1lI11nbOl' or the commission , but nre
mon 'oC high ahlllty as hyrlraullc engl-
nuers. Socretllr ) ' Taft told Ihem that
the ) ' were CXllCcted to Rhow result' !
I1l\d that Is salrl to lie the ! wynoto for
the IlI'osldont's Ilctlon ,
The IlCrHollncl oC Iho new commls.
Rlon hi IlS follo\\'A : 'fheocloro P.
ShOllts , chaI1'l11l1n ; Shnrles g , "Ingoon ,
go\'e1'lHlI' of the eallal 7.Olle : John J. ' .
Wnllu'l' , chlcf C'lIglneer : Hear Admlr.
al ; \1 , ' 1' . 1 1Ir1lcoll , U. S , N , ; Brlgadlor
Generol l'etOl' C , Jlah\OR , U. S. A" retired -
tired ; COIJI1CI Oswaltl j\1. I rnst , C01'11S
01\1IneCl'5 , p , S. A , ; BOlljllmln : , Hal"
rod ,
- - - - - -
Not Allowed to . , mend It Nor to Take
Down His Check.
WASllINO'l'ON-8ult wris Instl.
tutcII h ' G , n , Sflcarln of na 'onne , N ,
.1" to' ( : fllnllol .Admlral I nlllcoll , chlor
or the h'urenu of ) 'arlls Ilnd docl.s of
the nu\'y c1oIJlu'tment , to IlcllvC'r to him
n cCl'tllled chec ) ; . for $ { j,000 for can.
'rhe checl ( wns dellosll d hy 1\11' .
Spearln with Admiral Endicott alons
wllh II hid fOJ' the construction of II
Ih'y dol' ! ( at the Nl'w YOl'k navy 'ard.
fo\ ' which " 11' . Spellrln wns the lowest
h ill del' . Subsequently Ir , 811earlll rlls.
ro\'ereel ho had mudo n mlstalC' In the
arltlltlon oC certain details oC ono
Item to the umollnt of $10UOOO , A.l. .
mll'lll E1I1IICOlt Mr , ' ' tic-
, 8110111'In : ia 8 , -
clllles to hnvo his hid IImonded hy the
allllllion of $100,000. tulln ! ; thc Ilosl-
tlon thut he wonld I1ccept the bill I1S
OI'hlnnlly made. In ( 'I1S0 his amclldell
hlel was not nCl'optclI ho asltell that
ho lIe glvcn ha'l ( his chcl'lt , Admiral
EnrllPoll , It I. , averrcd , refUerl to ac.
copt the umollded hid 01' 10 retu1'll the
chccJ { .
Antl.Toxin of No Value In Cases of
Sclnal Menlnglties.
NgW YOHK-Experlmenls ( 'nITled
Ollt al the Gon\'cl'nour hospltul III this
city h'o ( l'esnllnd In the II0cision hy
the ml'llIl'lIl atafC that there Is no hOJlc
, ot ostahllshlng 11 cUl'e for cl'I'chr (
, Rilinal menlngilis hy the IIse of Illph.
IhOl'Ia antl.toxln , AHel' trials from
, January 20 to date It was found that
11 death rate ot the same IlercentaJ ; (
, IIl'e\'ullecl as IURt yoal' , when the nntl
toxin \\'II < r not 11I11'11.
l\tC'antimo the 1'1lclemlc ! continues It !
III'oad throllgh all the territory with
In : ! iill mileR , 'fhere were olghtoCl
Ileaths Wednesday In Urontor Nm ,
Yorle. Between Satllrela ' noon ntH
, the 811mo h011l'Vednesloy there wert
fortY'RC\'cn dl'uths In l\Ianhnttlll
ulalnst fOl't.slx In the fonl' dars 0
I ho 1)1'O\'lous weoll ,
[ Jarred From the Country.
NEW YOnK-Althollgh he had lI\'el
In Ihe Unitt'll Slntes fi\'e 'eal' , o\\'nel
'hI' ' hOllsl' III which ho 11\11 In thl :
ell Y and hnll talwn 01lt his first eltl
7.l'IlShll' 11I\1H'r , , JoRl'ph'ItOllH hai
hl'ell dehlll'l'11 from the cOlin try hy thl
11I1l1l1 ratlon uuthorltlC' ! ! 011 "f'tllmln !
s from a six months' visit to Ell rope
The IIH'llIral ol1ll'er who examlnel
\ ' WIIOIIR on hl'l 1I1T1\'a1 at EIII ! ! Islnnl
1 III'Ono11lH'l'd him InRllne anI ( , IIR : t rc
. . 811\1 \ , Iho 110m'S of Ihe clI\lIlt' \ ' wer ,
II elo 1'1i ngalllRt him. Wltoll' ! Is salrl tl
III ! hh hl ) ' I'dm'atC'd nlll1 wcll to (10.
I '
No Community of Interet't : ; .
llA\tnlT\W-At : \ II gC'n < ' 1'a I n\ll'lIn ,
III' IhC' lInmh11l'Jhnll'rlPan SII'III :
Pal'\ot \ ( 'omlll1n ' , Jlel'l' I1nllln , tllI'l'cto
I-I'lIC'I'1I1 : of Iho ( 'OmIHIIW , ! lalrl no 111nn
I'xltltl'd COl' Ihn cslahll hment of
I'ommllnlly of Inlcr sts hetwoen th
lln1l1hlll'.Amcl'il'an ; ntul North Gm
man Jlo ' 11 lines.
IONnOThe down or dUl'hl' S c
I' Ah'I''Ul'n. who was LoUIi'a , lallo Hili
s. wll , daughtcr ot the sixth dlllO c
Bl'MOl'd , 11Il'd ot Gnstrltls at Coatl'l
" "StIl' , Sussex.
. '
, f
. _ u _ ,
Denial th t the Rich Man Owns or
Controls Railways-Avowal that
Standard Pays Same Rates as
Other Shlp ers.
Nmy YOHI\-- , e , T. Dodll. I'hll'f
solicitor of the stnndnnl 011 l'om'
IHUl ' , gave olll a Hllllomollt with ref.
erenee 10 the rorellt dl:1cllslilon : IIR 10
the aeoeptllJlco of Iho gift If $100,000
offered b ) ' .Iohn D , Hoclwl'ellCl' for
mlRHlonary WOl'I"
Ir , Doelll Ill'clnres thnt. the -tntl" ;
nJlnt thnl I1' , Hoclwfellor made hi ! ' ;
mone ) ' 1IIHhllnf'St/r. / "Is false. lfo : \'lIe
and Iwlng made hy mlJllsters In the
11retonded IIHorests oC m01'l\1Ity I : ;
dOli Illy vile. "
Ir , Dodtl tllen says that. the Stand-
1\1'11 Oil compnn ' docs not own a
shnre of IItonk of any rulll'oad company -
pany , ducs nut contl'Ol nn ) ' railroad
( 'olllpnn ) ' , anll that alnee the enactment -
ment of the Intel'Hlnto conunorcc law
ha nol recol\'ell lower rates thnn
other shlppcrs hy rehntes. arrnnge.
ments , IIO\'Ice8 01' 1)lnns ot nn ) ' chuI'-
acter , The teatlmony of Howard
Palo , freight lI ent oC the Sfnndal'd
011 OomlJlll1Y , herm'o the commission
Is CJuoted In this connection. With
reCerence to jns : and connor com.
IJIlnles. Mr. Dodd saYt : "No douut
many have heen against
1\11' . RoelofollCl' br wSonRaUonal writ.
ers. whose articles accompanied h ) '
porlrnlts and earlcalnres , are : intond.
ed to create the ImlJl'Csslol1 thnt "II' ,
HocltOfellor wns the pl'lnclpal In tbo
aCCalr ! ! relntlng the ol'gal1lznUon oC
the n ! , ( and copper companies , al.
though no fact showing ! iuch connec-
IIUlI HtntC\d \ , 'rho StanHard 011 com-
panr : hils all'ead ) ' Iloniod Ihat It had
. , ' connection ' Interest dlrectl '
9.11 : 01' } or
'ndlrectly in the organization of these
corporations , and on the hest authorIty -
Ity the sallie denlnl Is now made for
John D , Roclel'ollct' , lIe harl no con.
nl'rllon wilh nor Inlel'I'5t. directlY or
tnelll'ecll ) ' , In the ol'anlzntlon ! oC
UIC\SC' eOI'lwrulionfl , "
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Cznr Said to Be the Only One Favor.
ing Continuation of th War.
l1W'RLiN--PeacQ at an carly date Is
"egnrllel II.S probab10 b ) ' the German
' : Jmuasrr at Sl. Petershurg , the .Asso.
: , Inted Press Is Informed. and In conse.
lllenco of dlspltt ( hes recel\'ed from
there hy Ihe 10\'c1'llment. dming the
last Ihreo rlars this o)1lnlon ) circulates
In official clrc'll's for the Ilrst lime
; Ince the wnr hean ! , The Husslan om.
perOl' , It Is true , has IIot 'et docllled
ror Ilencl' , but tllP. gl'\1\11 : ulwa unll
' 111 ether mcmhers of Iho court who
ha\c necess to the enJIeror al'o for
neace. His majesty Is descl'lberl In the
ossl1 > that OfR about here as stand ,
Ing alone. The consldf'l'al\ons \ that. still
11ela ) ' his doclslon arc Ilersonal ones ,
Ill ! fcellng thnt his I'pign Is a fallliro
ir Hussla doC's not win the war a11l1
t1w this ) } rostlgo as a sovl'l'elgn will
he lost III homo and In forolgn coun-
tries. hut hI ! I'anllot 'I't urln himself
to sllel\lt th word that will sct the
pelH'O nogotiatonr ! ; In motion ,
Much good will aull srmJlathr Ilre
felt for the Rllfsm ! ; emperor in hlcher :
offi < 'lal 11(0 ( JIl'e : , hut H II ! re arded us
n ccrtnnt : ' that ho , : nust ylelll to his
family ! llld mlnl3tLrR and that the
month wll : not end wlthont pCllce ,
- - - - - - - - -
Measure Providing Fines and Penal.
tic : ; PasseL' Illinois House.
RPHl-GFml U , 1Il.-The McKlu.
10) ' autl.lrust hili IlIIssl'cI the 1IIInois
I house or "eln'l' " cntnti\'eH hy a votl1
( If 11 ren ! > to ! I ua 's , II nIl lIOW goes
to the sennh ) , 't'he hili , whh h was
carefully dl'awn IIndel' dlrH't.Jon o {
Attol'ney Gelll'1'Il1 SlNI.c1 , mal\Cs vcry
I explicit definltlou or what ( 'oustl ,
tutes II. tl'lI U , Includes IlIsllrance
, rompanles In the organl7.allons Ruh ,
lect to the tl'IIst f'finltlon I1nl1 pl'O'
vllles hea\'y HneR 111111 tmprlsonmonl
I for violation.
For the ( ' . ( ) rporn lens the tlne
ran e fl'01l1 t Ol ( to $1.000 for the
fll'st offeuE'Q to $1 iiOOO for thl fOUI'UI
prr llBO , For lIlo Illl11vll1uni mcmJcI'f !
IIl'ef lrleul , mnnllgerS' , ot ( ' " of rom
pallies In trllst a fine of from $ iiOO te
$1,000 and 1jnll 511ntonco not to ex
cecd a ) 'ear Is pro\'hlcd ,
General Strlkc Imminent.
W AnSAInrl'pnslng IIurest In la
her circles IR notabll' nnd well Infol'lII
cd mcn IIn' of the ollinion thnt anolhe !
tenl'l'nl ; st rllw Is 11IImll\lll t. . \ larg\
lIInn\1f:1't\1l'1'1' : In a 1ItIhh'lrlng ; to\\'I
rl'fllsecl a big contrart Inst w'I'I. lJO
callso aftel' confon'I1 , wit h Il'alICl' :
amoll his wOI'\1non ] ho was l'on\'l1lel'l
that all his I'mllo 'C'R wOlIlII wall\ Oil
within a 1II0nth lu ! lIIIt ( , of the mlln
IIfa'IIII''I" ! , aSII\1I'nnCQ Ihllt the elll
IIO'I' ! \\'olllel Jlrofll C'qllnllr with him
twit h ) ' nnnl\lulng to com piC' the con
tl'Ut. :
Girl Goes to Penlter tlary.
CIIICJ\GO-inga l1anson. forme
Snl\'atlon Al'ln ' girl. l'ouv\'tl'll \ of 11 < )1 )
Jill' ) ' . WIIS deuicil a lIew tl'll\l unll wl1
go to the ponltC'nthlr ) ' IU an Inlh'le ,
mlnato 8C'utl'n'e. 'flu' Ilol'jul'Y WI1
< , ommlttcll In a 1'1'1I1arl > llhlo a\l'lIIll1 ( h ,
r. the prl80nC'r to ohtnln $ : iOOOtl Ilalllage
fl'om the C'hfloavo ; Clt railway fol' u
If'gf'11 Injul'lC'tI In sll'l'l'l ( 'Ill' areleloll
Inwhll'h II1I8 lIansoll I'IlIlmctl t
hi1hcC'n l'lndel'l'11 1II'IIr , 11umh , hlln
1\1\11 IInl1blo to wull ; . She l'lallncd t
ha\'e becn s1ll111enl ' cllrell h ) ' 111'11) ' (
III tbe resllit or 11 1'0\'I\'ul ,
. .
. ' - - . . .
_ _ .
, .
r,1AGOOiJ TO C : : ; GOVtRNon.
, Lincoln Mnn Selccted 1 ' Can1 : Zonc
i Executive. I
; WASlIING'I'ON-JI1c1gl' Charll's g ,
t ; \Iagooll of Iln'olll , Nfh. . who If ; the I
nlfirC'I' or the hlll'CIIII of Imular I :
/ nffah' , Wll1' clepa'tlnent , , wl1ho \ the nt'I I
, gO\'I'I'nor anrl mllll.t'I' ! o ( the Panl\ml1 !
jl'III11'1 ' ZOlle , nfi WIIS annollncClI se\'eral
'c1I1)'S A O , lie \\1/1 / 1111\0 thl' comblne.1 . I
, c > xC'l1th' ( ) and 11I1.lomllllc . dlltieB lR a
rC'sult of the reol'ganlzlIlIon ( lr the 18'
I t hlllll1n cllnal cOIl1\nI1l510n , noW hl'11I1 ;
marll' b ) ' the Iresldcllt alld Sl'I''IIII' : '
I 'I'a rl. ,
! .Jtlllg , ) : \Iooon haf ! elOI1l' 11\111011nllt I
worl ( for tile gO\1J'nmonl In ronlll'ctlon
with Iho legltl 11111111nl61rallon In the
Phllll'plncf , Jle Is quallfiod In eve ! ' ) '
WII ) ' to IIntlertalQ the onanI7.l1t1on of
the elll\lll 7.Onc gO\'el'nmel1t.
I PlutH ; fOl' the I'corgllulzallon of the
( ' 0IJ1l111f1Hon ! ' ' ' ' .
I 111'0 I'ulllrllr Iwlng IJOt'fel't.
I'll h ' I hI' lu'c'ltlcnt : and SCl'I'etar ) '
'l'nft. AnllolllH''lHl'nt of the 1'C'lIl'cmonl i
I of tlto pl' lHelHhol'R of thl ) I'l1m. I
mlsRfon IInrl the nppolntmenl. oC .helr . I
" I
I RItCC'I'SSOrH I" I'xpectcd to ho mlllll' I
I within the next dnor two ,
All hOllgh Iho 11rt'Hldent IIItH heell 1Ie1.
! \'IHed I hnt.lIHle \ ! ' thc In I\ ' thCl'e11IlHt
hI ) seVfn commissioners. It IR pos'3lhle
thnt. he mny not name ull of them at
.Jurlgl' CharlcR J ; ; . ; \\orgall will he
deslgnaled to nct. : us thl' gO\'CI'lwr or
the ( ' 11 11 n I zonC' , In IliacI ) oC Genl'ral
Duvls , 110 will nlso IIRflunw the Ilutlml
as Ullited Stales mlnlRter Illenlloton. )
tlnrr to Pnnnma. now heln ! ; pCI'Cormed
b ' lIon. .Tolm Dnnell.
- - - -
Federal Grand Jury Orders Secretary
to Produce' Books.
pORTI..AND , Oro-Charles W ,
Ebel'l\n. \ Innd agent o [ Ihe SOllthern
Paclllc COmll\tl ' . was the Ilrlnclpal
wltnesH ThuI'sday bel' 01'0 the federal
grand jury which Is in\'estlgatlng
land Crauds In this Rtnte. It IR reporl.
cd thut Ebcl'lIn'R teRlimony may
11rove an Importallt 1'1\:101' : In estnb.
IIshlng II. conRI11rncy to SCCIll'O Inrgo
arens of tlmher lonls ( In the south.
orn PUl't of Orogon. ' 1'hls Instlmony ,
It III learned on good alll.hOl'lty. cor.
roborated h ) ' the ! 'C'Ol'dH of the .
Southern Pllcillc COllllmny. eBtnh.
IIsheH the fact. thl\t slmllltaneollsl '
with the seeurlllg ( If a largc nmollnt
oC railroad IlInd which ( 'omprlsell the
odd nllmbererl sections , Jal'ge Irn'ts
oC governml'nt land , which comprised
the even llumhol'cd sections of the
same dlstrlcl01'0 10catl'II. IIpon.
The gO\'cmmont. It Is learnel1. will
attempt to lrO\'e thnt this slmultan.
eous acquiring of the even and odd
sections was moro thnn It colncldonco ,
Explosion In' Coal Mines at Zeigler ,
III. , Causes Thlrty.Four De.aths.
DENTON , 1II-Some fifty mlneri !
wore entomhed Mondny In .Toseph I.C'I-
tl'r'R mine al Zclglor h ) ' a terrific ex.
ploslon oC gnB and It Is prahnblo that
thlrt ' or mol'o of the hurled men are
dend. Thlls far three bodleH. have
ueen fOllnd. The explosIon wns duo
to the fact that the Leiter mlne3 are
not worllcll on Sundll ) ' . IIms allow.
Ing gas to accllmlliato III the lower
worldngs ,
I When betwcC'n thll'\'o nnd forty ,
five miners had descended Into thc
mine to resul110 wOI'I. II terrific eXIlo.
"Ion blew the tlmlJOrs ubout. th- '
mouth ot the mine high Into the all' ,
Ono of thC' steel cages WIIS blown to
the surface from the hollom of a GOO.
foot Rhaft. The shock of the explo-
s'on was fclt at Denton , twelve mllcs
Admiral Evans Now Commands the
North Atlantic Fleet ,
W ASIIlNGTO'I-Mtl'l' : Ilng ani ] dls-
lIngulshed sorvC'l' ! . Hcnr Admiral A ,
S , Darlll'r , ( :11ander.ln.d.let of the
Norlh Atlantic fieet , hall led down hlR
fia on the Kl'nrflU' ' : ! . end was placed
on the roth'od lI < : t of lIw nll\ ' ' .
In the wa , ' with 81mln Admlrnl
Bar1wr Will' onl' of 1110 most. promlnenl
members of Iho stratl'gr hoard , HI'
was latl'I' In eommanll ot Ihe Ila\ ' '
rll1'l1. New Yorl. . anrl from them , In
April , 1(10 ( : ; , waR nJlPolntetl to the u.
Jlreme ( 'olllmnnrl of thCNorlh Atlan.
tic flC'ct. Allmlral Tlarlwr will mnlw
, his home In Wasllfntton : , III' Is n na-
I tI0 of Massnchllsol ts. whellre ho was
, :1IIHllnted t.o the nuval nendcm ' .
Hear Admll'al l'lIns ucrerl < ; AlI-
I mll'al Tlm'ltcl' In ( 'ol\llllallli or the Oel't ,
alJ(1 ( has ! i ( > 11'1'1l1l1 Ihelalno : for his
fla'hlp : ,
- - - - - - - - -
Den ) ' Chi1rges of'Castro. .
\ \ ' ARIIl G1'UN.-SolI'IIOI' PtnfiC'111
. or the state IleJlartnH'nl Hald ! : I1IHlay
I' nl hl conl'C'rnlng I hC' ( 'har ( , R mlule In
. ' \"IIC'7lIola agalnsl Of'lwrnl FrllnrlR V ,
\ GI'I'I'nl' anrl the 'H ' l1hult comJlany of
whleh ho'ns til" head , to thl' erel'rt
thnt ho mH } Ihl' I1sllhnlt lIoplC' hllli
I1ldC'll thu lal(1i I'l'\'olullon , that some
monthH no ; ( C'UC'I'I Ol'olme harl SIlJ' !
mllted to the slalO IIC'Jlnrlnwnt.1
SW01'll denlul of lhl' tl'lIth of I hl'SO re ,
" pori sand hnrl hncled his , I'nlol h ) '
I' allllln\'lts fr01l1 l'csllmslhle : oflleers 01
lho IIRI1hait C'olUlH\ny ,
- - - - - - - - - - -
Pullman Ratcs Too High.
r 'fOl'I KA , KIIs.-'I'I1I' firHI IInlrtanl )
" cOlUplalnl UI lid l' 10 the slllto hoarrl OJ
II ralirollll.cOll1mlsHIOlII'rt \ ' Ihl' 111'0'
" \'Iblons of I hI' 1'1IIJaII ) law was 1IIC'11
s 1 on 'I'm'sIIIlY Ins' ' 1II.IIInsl ; the 1'IIIIInl1\1 \
) ' I eomlll1ny h ' n , , ( 'lilli' of Gat'dell
s t Clt ' , : 'II\ ' . ( 'on ( ' allegeH Ihllt Ihl' ral { '
1.1 rhar l'll hy Ihl' I'II11IUlln rOIUInn ) ' OIl
It rulh'olilin In Kanl'lls 111'0 "Ilnjlllli
o dIRcrllnlnatl\'l ! 111111 un'l'usonllbl ! < ' , 111111
that \11\0 \ sl'l'\'lcC'fI are pC'I'formell ( ' 1l1'
o where for h'l ! : ; amounts than :
11' 1 chnrJoll h ) ' baill ( 'am 111n ) ' In .tho stal (
of KammlJ , '
, \
WHAT INCRE ; ; ; F U. P. CAP I. ; I
t :
The New York Centrnl and North. i
western In the Deal-Effect of the.
Announcement on RO l 's Common.
1\gW YOHK--1'lw IlItl'ution to In- . . .
( , I'eaSI Ihe flrehl'tl'll sloe ! . oC Uulon t
Pal'lfic h ' , $11111,000,000 lIot Imowll
tn' the Wnll HII'cot Il11bllc IInUi W II-
noslln ) ' Ilnd wag 11 genel'lll HIII'JH'lll' : ,
'I'hls lucidonl ( ol'1I1ed the l'ontl':11olnt \
of Interest lu the IIII "S Htoel ( mnrlwt.
Hllion Pacific hllR heen tlio snbJect
of osslll IInll SnrtnlR/ ! for , mal1Y
mOllths. dllrlng the cOllrse of Its tc.
tnllrlmhlo rlHe , hut nOlll ! of the IIU-
merCIllli eonjeetltr ( ' reg-aI'IHn" \ ,
cd lo the measure annOll1\cerl ;
WelhlC8dn ) : . 'l'h" ; fllct. In Itself cousecl ' .
doubt that It lurge pArt. of the r . ; "
Ilort II whloh lIa"e circulated regard.
Ing Ihls stocl'l11'e lIIhlCormed. Thu'
orrect on the conllnon stod. waf ; un ,
fuvol'nblo , as was \lot unnatural , In
view of the prior pl'lvllcgl. of the (11'0- (
foned steel ( , now Ito he Ilonuled In
amount to dlvlrlen s to the extent or
4 per eont. The common stocl ( wns or.
fOl'cd hoavlly both fat' domestic and
torelgn account , It waR \'lgOJ'ously sup-
porled , however , all clay. Br01tCl"A he. I
tore the opening were making offers I
to lale nil tbe stacie thnt IUl'OnO
would Rell , and the same urokcrs were
dlHgent. bu 'erH up to the level oC last f
night. 'l'I e support. was then l'elnxed
again. . , ! Jut 1'Imewcd at any periods or
.ncute weaKness , -
Officials oC the compan ' declined to
add nnythlng to I he officlnl circular .
a5 to the Bloelnc purpoge ; ; Cor which. " : .
the proceeds of lho stocks are to uc' ,
used OJ' aR 10 the Jlroposed time fot. :
Issuing It , 'AssertlonR were freely
made. hOWe\01' , among the specuh tol' < ;
In Ihe stocl ( that the projecl had to
do w\lh \ the PI'OIIOSCI1 ( omulnatlon of
Union Pacilic with New Yorl ( Contl'al
anrl ChicAgo & NOI'Ulwestcru. It wa.s
pointed Ollt thnl Presldl'nt Hanlman ,
In mnlntalnlng the " , Isllom of seoldn ' ) 1
finnncing capital reqnlrement ! : ! ,
through thc IHsue oC Hlocl. rather than " )
through the creation of fixed Interest.
hoarlng ollllgatlonHR , hael , nterjoctell
Into the official l' rcullll' the remar1 ; ,
"cRI1Cdallr sueh n' ! al'lso In conne-
lion with Ihe arqultlltlon of stocks of
OthOl' COmIH1ll1l'R , " 'fhh ! was adduced
to Indicate that II mN'ger Ill'ojeet waH
In vlow. hul Wall street had fOl'lnel1
thl' o\lnlon \ t hal the sUJ1lOscd mel'gCl'
was 10 he IICI'Omlllisheel by the ex.
change of honds of a holding compnny
for exlRtlng sOl'nrlllos , which , wonld
tfol Involve a re"t outlny of cash. . ,
The prosl1cl't oC a $10,000.000 blocl. of ) , .
now stocl ( , tllProl'ore. .camo as a shocl (
to sentiment and mnphaslzed the ef.
fect. or the huge \'olume of Issues
which Is holng added to constantl
from many sourceR ,
- - - - - - - - -
, England to Bc ASked to Rchabllltate \
Her In Eye of Law. i
I WASHINGTON - i'll'S , Floren'l1 I' '
: \Iarhrlcl. , ac'ompaulell hy Iwr COUll- t
fpl , hod II 10l\j : ; confCl'cnce with A'I- . . . . ( 4
In Secretary of Sta 10 Alloc , In tl1I' .r. '
legal pro'eedlngslOW In IH'ogresfl , to
which Irs , : \lnyhl'I ( , ) , Is a party , in.
\'ol\'ln ! ; ( , oIlHillrrahlC\ property inter-
esls. some olllltl1 < 'lo ImH' heC'n encountered -
tered ill a\'allln ! ; of "lrH , "la 'hrlcl\'H
t.estimony heeausl ! ot' her Ilecullnr .
legal statu' ' : ! , aud she Is seeltlng till' I
good Ifflces of the state Ileparllnonl
10 prorure from the British govern-
. the , ' ' l'ohablll-
ment. pape ! ; lIocesary to -
late Iwr 1\1 the eyC' ot the Inw. 'rhl'
, slate depnrtn1l'nt will Ill'obahly taltC'
IIJI the malleI' with the Amerl'an em- ,
. .
hnssy In London.
Elected Mayor of Chicago. I
CHICAGO , 111.-A political tornalh ) !
on Tuesday fJ\'er\\'llC'lnwII one of tI\l' I
1I10st rll gl'II ) ' nnlqllo Icaders In thc I
COll1\tr ) ' , 1I\C'ldl'lIlaliy , the repllbllcan i
IlIIrty n\l't dC'feat In a mcmornble ef.
t'ort to ( 'aI1111rn the mnyoralty of Chi. I
( 'ao. ! .1UII 1' Dllnno ( 'rlem , ) heln chos. , ,
I1n , As n dlreet result the city Is offi- I
c'nll ' commlttE'd to the 11011 C ) ' of the
Qlllcl < cst ) ) : > sslhle ceHsntlon of Jlrl\'ato :
fl'l1UChlsoR fol' pllhllc utilities. Iu- '
nlt'lpnl nW1tcl'sblJl Is cRperlnlly threat. I
onlnf : Ht ) ' ( 'C't car lines \'aillell high ill
the millions. I
- - - - - - - -
Will Not Affect Supply , of Sugar. :
WASHINGTON-TI\I' Rl''I''lary of ' 1
nlO trI1Sllr ) ' hus I'rlll'lnl11\C'11 \ Ilsl' net . : "
am 1I111t of hOllnlr I'I\lltl'll hy Ihe AI"
gcnt Ine fil'll1lhlle on thl' C\xpOl'latloll \ of
sugar to he II % centa\'os per Idle ,
'I'hls If ; l'fulmll'nt ] 10 nearl ' eenls n. .
pOllnl1. ThC' 1'011l'C'tnry hllR 11'6111'11 IL
cnlonllar cU'l'rlng : out Iho IlrO\'lson" !
of Rectlon r. of the tal'lff act anrl tli.
I'f'ctlng' l'nlterl llIll'R rUit ; I\IS olll'el' I
10 IISHeRS a cnl111tl'r'nlllnlIlntr of .1.01 ! I
CHf , ; IJl'I' 11ollnl1 on 011 f ; " II1' ImJlortel1 '
Into the Unltell States from Argen.
llna. . . . - I
\ .
Austria Aks ; For Inquiry. I
SAl.T LAKg CITY-'I'hC' Anstrlan
C'Cnll1Il'nt. . thl'Ough lis ( 'ollsul at Snn
1 l'lIllI'lsro , has 1II'IIII1nI",1 ( " , of till' PIIlIl
I aulllol'llh's 1'11.\11 \ ' ' , . I
n ; 1I\\tgntion ; ! of the II I
I 1lIl1nl : of ,1:1I'oh : ( Jllllln , 11 ( 'ItI l'n oC
1 Ausll'la , h ) ' a slll rllIl 110Ih'I'lIInn at
: ( 'IIRIII' ' 111nh . '
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