Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 30, 1905, Image 8

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    < . . , : ' . . . . , - . . . _ . , . . . . - , - . . - - - - - - - " 7 . _ . .
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t. .
To the Public I
. , .
\ II I I
W IS H to announoe to the ( JnAral pnhho tbat I hRVO purebolied tbe bnslneoll property
I Bud I-ntlre Rtook of aooda or W J Wood" " , In tbi" " , oitv. 'l'h18 oomprlseR B very large
a\llok \ of Furniture , Hardware , Carpotfl , Trunks. Valises , Planas , Organs oDd
, Bllldnri" III Musloallnstrumonts , Sewing Maohlnes , Undertakln& Goods anr )
I a"olllIlul1 / ( ' " 'h" ht-arlllJ Hnd blouk lIolse tt"m. O"lDg to my largo IItouk of plutUre l1\11uld.
iDIl" , I will ( , ffer flpI-OI' " prloos on ploturo frs'J1e . In taklug on luvoloe at Lbe time of tbe .
"urohl1 c , I and " , . .vera ) d'plntmentH very muah overotooked. It wIll , therefore , be DOOOI-
. I ! ry ( or me to reduoe thi" Btoole , anrJ III doing 80 I Will offer 80me prloeB In all depart-
I mentA never hefore heard ot in Broken Bow. I t'xpeot to oorry a 8triotyl up-to-datt ! took
I of ( ) UdM , And hy 'air trpallnlnL ! and hnUIJ8t dealings , to merit B ohare of your patron-
I Il ' ( ' . The form"r patrono or Mr. Wood 'Dd my frll'ud in variouR part8 of CUllter oouuty ,
I R' 1.11 fiR the publio in "n..ral , ro illvltpd to oall and see mo , look over my stook of ood8
; , /Id Ill" fIJ ) priOCIJ , ' 1'0 pllftiol who nro I1xpeolillg to buitd now homeB I Wlllh to oall the
i ' oltunllon of my ( llulliUeB Bud "ill be tl1lJ to f.lguro with YOI ! aD your bill of goods.
I' .
, .
I Sucoessorto W.J. Woods I ,
III . Broken Bow , Nebraska. . .
DU8IuC"1I I.hulle No. 13 I It'eHhJltucc PJtonc .No. 8o.
_ .
- - - - -
, .
CII ' 1-:101'1 : 1 IJII ,
Nxt TUlsdav is thedateofthe ,
city , I"ctil1. 1\S there is but one
ticlc ! in the fit III there is hut one
qUC)1 ! ion thaI is to be considered
an that is the question of license
or no license.
This is a matter of which we
sh04111 not loose sight. For six or
seveu yem , we have had no
licell c saloons and the' city has
grown and prospered as never be-
fore. Our schools are getting
ulonl { nicely without the use of
blood moncy. 'l'he city finances
show il bettcr state of affairs than
ever bl.fore and drunleness on
our streets is a rare occurrence.
From no vi w that the question I .
of saloons are considered can it be
successfully urged that there is
any reason why Brok'n Bow
should ever again have licensed
saloons. .
It is true that the sale of intoxicants -
icants is not absolutely prohibited -
ed , as there is some shipped in
and drank and we are'of the opinion -
inion that boot lcginff has never
'been entirely prohib1ted , hut it ! I
. has been reduced to the mimmum. I
The object of this article is to
warn the public not to be over
confident , It docs not seem possible -
sible that any very great number
of votes could be secured in Brolc-
I en Bow for saloons , but the temp.
erance element should not rely on
outward appearances. .
- - - - -
Unlltn Temperance lortinK
'l'here will be a Union Temperance -
ance meeting at the M. E. church ,
Sunday evening as this is the I
Sunday evening , before the city I
election. No one should rest secure -
cure upon the thought that this
election is sure to be a victory
for the temperance forces , and
fail to do his part to bring about
thii ! ! result. 1'he meeting Sunday
evening will be
an interesting one
and one that will be helpful to
the cause. Remember the hour
and place. The M. E. church at
ei ht o'clock. The following is
the programme : Chairman of
the evening , H. J. 3binn.
L. . . . . . . . . L .L
SOllg. . . . . . . . . . . . .Congregation ,
Invocation. . . . . . . . . 1. D. Glaze.
Sou g . . . . . . ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Scri'pturc Lesson.F. C. Marquiss.
Address. . . . . . . . . . . . .J.R. Dean.
Address. . . . . . . . . . . .J. C. Moore.
Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .
Add ress. . . . . . . . D. M. Amsberry.
Address. . . . . . . .Jules Haumont.
Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . .
Bencdiction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MlIl'rln e Llcenso.
The county judge bas issued
license to the following persons
the past two weeks.
Mr. Earl Shaw , Sargent.
Miss Ruth Pickell , Comstock.
j Mr. Emil Gschwind , Broken Bow
l Mrs. Anna Fern , Broken Bow.
I Mr. Robert Walter , Broken Bow.
1 Miss Clara Daniel , Berwyn.
{ Mr. George Hugbes , Ortello.
Miss Catherine Hunt , Ortello.
j Mr. Aaron Storv . , Epworth.
l 1iss Lulu Spen.cer , Weissert.
j Byron E. Morgan , Oconto.
1 Carrie E. Lriceman , Sumner.
j Mr. W. Hulshizer , Mason City.
1 Miss V. Suancutt Mason City.
{ Carl Holcomb , Broken Bow.
Rosa A. Triplett , Broken Bow. .
{ Mr. John Mills , Westervillc.
Miss L. Slingsby , Arcadia.
j Mr. G. OgR'leton , Ansley.
l Miss Ada Zimmerman , Ansley. .
j Mr. C. E. Larson , Gothenburg. .
1 Miss LauraJacobson , II
j Mr. John M. Hay , Table.
1 Miss Lizzie Kilmer , Table.
{ Mr. Cbarley Andrews , Anselm'o. '
Miss Belle Foster , Anselmo.
Fnrrows ( [ uuse nurnoll ,
Thursday of last week M.
Furrows new frame house , just
built , by some unknown means
caug-ht fire and burned down , only
a small portion of the furniture
was saved.
Fortunately Mr. Furrow had
his house insured in the Columbia -
bia F.ire In uranc Co. of Omaha
which is represented by J. B.
Osbourn. 'rhe Co's. adjuster
arrived on tbe field Monday and
: c
: : o
. T
Announcement !
WE Broken wiU be pleased to have every woman in
Bow and the
consider this surrounding . country
Gttcnd our 0. special invitalon ! to
. Bilr Sprimr Openimr of MiIIinery
, Safu'rday and Mondav Mar , 1-3.
It is Our formal Easter showIng of .
. Hats and MUlin.
ery goods. We ure confident this
c\'cnt will give great fashion
you unqualified enjoyment.
' , .
. '
. 'i ' South Side Square I Drohan Dow , Neb.
< , , t
po : '
- - -
Jave Mr. Furrow a check for
S1000 , the full amount of the
policy. The S1000 will not cover
the loss , but that will be a great
help in providing another house
and furniture.
. City E1rctiuD onrd.
'rhe city council has appointed
tbe following Judges and Clerks
of election for next Tueiday. !
First 'Ward
Clerka , Jud Morton ,
Wm. Barrett.
Judges , F , Walton ,
R. A. Hunter , W. A. Walters.
Second Ward
Clerls , Chas. Luce ,
R. N. Norcut.
Judges , D. E. Bauder
R. W. Buckner , W. J. Wantz.
. 'l'hird 'Vard
Clerks , Will Osborn
Jr. , Fred Maulick.
Judges , Wm. Osborn
Sr. , Wm. Shackelford , Ner Hart-
Marr .
At the home of Rev. Marks ,
Tuesdayt Marcb 28th" John
Hayes of Table , Custr.r County
and Miss Lizze Kilmer of Kilmer
Valley Lincoln County Nebr.
Rev. Marks officiating. The
contracting parties are among
the highly respected young people -
ple in their respective communi-
tics. . .
M. D. .1.
The M. B. A. held another of
its successful meetings last Fri.
day night. Three new members
were initiated tnto the mysteries
of the order and nine candidates
were elected for membership. A
banquet was enjoyed at the close
of the session.
ColI Ke No , " " .
Earl Doman is out of school
on account of sickness.
The College.opened with a good
. prospect and most of the old students -
dents are back agam.
The literary ! ociety will hold
their first meeting tonight and
they will elect new officers.
The Athletic association has
lnade up its mind to purchase a
'rennis set.
- - - - - - -
Mormng service next Sunday
: at 11 o'clock.
"Fruit . "
Subject , Bearing.
The choir will render special
f Everyone made welcome.
Rev. Chamberlain was an
Ansley vi8itor to-day.
S. E. Hanna of Duntting , is
visiting at Mr. Evan's this week.
p , D. Glover of Dry Valley was
a welcome caller at this office to-
J ames Davidson of Broken Bow ,
was a Berwyn passenger Thursday -
day ,
H , A , Cook of Lincoln stopped
over in this city on his way to
Ansley Thursday.
Daniel Mauk of this city went
to Hennengford on business
Thursday morning ,
C. C. Achsmer at Ansley took
I in the town Wednesday. return-
home Thursday.
O. E. Eggleston of Ansley ,
, ,
. I .
. .
- . . . . - - . . . . . ,
' " ' -
, i'l the city Wednesd y nd'-
' 1'111I r./1J.\ ' on business.
. \ \ ' . \fartin of York , stopped
over this lIIorning between trains
on his way to Mason City.
M. F. Ward of Custer , Sontl1
Dtkota is in the city this week
visiting at L. E. Johnson.
Mrs. Glen Johnson ot Hebron
who has been visiting Dr. Mullen's
aud Gadd's left this mornini' .
Revenue collector , D. C. Konk-
el came down from Alliance this
morning on a short -visit with his
Mrs. E. M. Bean of this city ,
who has been visiting with her
sister at Chadron , returned home
this morning.
H. G. arrived in the
city this morning from Masa- !
chusetts to look after his busin ! s
interests here.
Jas. Coffman and wife of New
Helena , were city visitors
They were business calle-rs at
this office
The Broken Bow Fire Co. bas
erected a. . tower just east of the
ci ty hall for t he fire alarm bell.
O. H. Conrad did the work.
J. G. Amsberry'ssaleyesterday
was attended by a large crowd
and everything sold well. J. L.
Hempstead has rented the farm
and will move on to the place in
a few days. -
L. A. Parmenter , C. H. . England -
land and N. L. Re.ynolds of this
city left this morning for Portland -
land Oregon and other points on
the Pacific coast , with the view
of locating.
The G. A. R. Post passed a
resolution at a recent meeting requesting -
questing that Decoration Day
should be observed as a day of
mourning and not as a day of
sports and amusements. This is
a step in tbe right direction.
The present session of the legislature -
lature has passed a law along
th s line prohibiting sports on
that day.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Day retnrn-
ed from a two weeks visit with
relatives , near Chicago ,
Silas Beals and Ted Teahon
were in Broken Bow on business
last Thursday.
Mrs. S. Waddington and daughter -
ter Jennie , Mrs. Beals and Allura
Hi11 were visitors at C. G. and
Levi Empfields'last week.
The property of Peter W onde-
lin which was sold by Phillip
Johnson at Administrator sale
brought good prices , 'except thll
ol implements.
R. Sanders and wife came down
Sunday to visit the old folks.
James Lindleyand wife came
over to Fred Andersou'g Sunday ,
to see the new grandson. he
brought him a new suit , if h ( : : is
named after grand pa , we efpeet. :
Mr. C. H. Cass attended serees
at the church Sunday for the
first time in several months , 1tl
fact so long that he had heen almost -
most forgotten.
Wednesday of tbis week , l"red ,
Embree and family will mo\'e to
Merna to their new home , and
thus another one of the pioneers
is gone from the valley , having
lived here for twenty-one years.
Mr. Geo. Hughes has talten
posession of the M. J. Bealg farm
and'will at once set up hO lse-
keeping in approved fashion witb
his new wife , where the ) ' will be i
at home to their frien s , the 28th.
The above was a little premature !
as the words that made Geo. and
r-.Hss Acsah Hunt man and wife , I
will be said by Pastor Hoffroth I
at the home of A. D. Hunt on I
that date. Only a few close
friends are invited. The many
friends of these young people join
with us in best wishes , that tb ir
pathway may be strewn with
happiness and prosperity. And
George we'll take candy as we
dent don't smoke you know.
M. J. Beals , invited Sitai and
Mrs. Beals and our better half
and self , to spend a day at her
home last Friday , before she '
leaves for Washington where she '
and Frank will spend a year.
These last meetings of old fnends
are sad , and yet one enjoys just
one more visit ere the good bye
is said. The many friends of
these good people will miss them
in many places , as they were ever
read V to asdst in every good way
and work. Mrs. Beals leaves for
the west Thursday morning and
Frauk will take 42 the same day
for Omaha , where he will take . .
months medical treatment from a
specialist , for au affection of hIS
ears and hearing , and then he
will join his mother at Newport
Washington for the summer.
Go to Mrs. King's for board
and room , board by day or week. I
tt ,
. .
. ' , . . .
' . . . . " . . . . , . , . . , . . . . - - ! . . - - : :
* IJH'U.tlldliL ' I. t.1. . . .tI.Mll : .
M " " " ' ' ' MM
Dr. Barnes will visit Merna ,
Friday the 7th. 2t
Dr. Barnes will be at the Gr nd
Central hotel , Thursd.a } ' April 6 ,
don't fail to see hiwt onE ! day
only. Call early. 2t
Insurance that insures. .
38tf R. G. MOORE. ,
Little Ovals SOc 'per daten at
Bang ! Stu io. .
Join the. crowds going to Peale
Sheppards bi& , sale , .
Go to Peale Sheppard CO'\ ! and
see what cuh. will do.
Attend th big sale at the' Pealc
Sheppard Co. store.
Fresh oysters , candlcigars aQ.d
tobacco at Mike Scanlon.
Save your money by , going .to I
Peale Sheppards bi.g sale. .
Buy your farm and' city . . pr p-
erty of B. W. Blair. . 37tf
List your fa.rm and city property -
erty with B. W _ Blair. 37tf
Don't fail to see "those Moquet
rugs , . at Peale Sheppards.
Go to Peale , Sheppards big
sale , music every afternoon , "
Dr. T. W. 'Office
over McComas' drug store. 25tf
Peale Sheppard Co. invite you
to attend their big reduction sale.
We always have money to loan
on farms. R. G. Moore 1n Apple
Block. 3Stf
Don't forget the big s le 'at '
Peale Sheppards , closes .Sat.
April 1st.
Farm Lease , Chattle Mortgage
and Warranty Deed blanks . at
this office.
Attend the big sale at Peale
Sheppards , every day to and including -
cluding Saturday Apri11st.
We have just received a large
assortment of brussels and velvet
carpet amplelS ,
r have some corn shellers , W g-
ons and wae-on boxes that I will
close out at coub
H. J. S. Squires.
The biggest Jack in the state
will Tooley's barn this
season. It is worth your . while
to go aud see him. tf.
Just reeeh'ed a full line of
Men's , Ladies , Misses and child-
rens oxfords. .
PJ AI.n , SmtPPARD Co.
'W AN'l'I\D-Men with families.
Fair price and good houses.
' \Tns' ! ' UNIOK MII.I.ING Co.
3 tf West Union , Neb.
POR SAI.n-'Vell improved s-
ideDce property.Vill be..sold at
a bargain if called for SOOd. Enquire -
quire at this office. 26tf
Peale Sheppard Co's. big sale is
the wonder of the age , you are invited -
vited to come aori see the decoration -
tion and hear the music.
FOR AIR-Five room house ,
four lots , barn for ten horses ,
cribs and g-ra nary , will sell or
trade. F' . J. SHARP. 'tf
- - - - -
'l'he ladies of the Christian
church will boll1 their Easter
. . . _
= : " 'V
. , . . . .
" . .
' . . . . ' f '
f , , ; J , .
. . . " .
. - . . .
- - - - " ' . = : , - .r"
market Sat. , April 22.n . 1905.
Also serve dinner and supper. , . .
Everyone invited. 42-41.
Buy only bottlts of horse rad.
dish where my nane appears on
the l&ble. 'Vhere the name is
scratched or torn off it is not madt :
by me. E. WnIssRNRRDRR.
Grand Spring Opening at Mrs.
B. E. Predmore's Saturday and JI
Mou ay , April 1st and 3rd.
Everybody invited. SOl1viner I
will be & , iven each one.
B. Eo" PnRDMoRR. . \4. )
_ _ _ _ ,
The Ladies o ( the Presbyterian -
ian church will serve dinner on
ThurSday ! , April 6th in the rooms
formerly- occupied by p , H. Munk
in the Reality Block. A good
dinner will be served from 11:30
and 25c s. charged.
DI. Herick of Omaha will visit - .
it Brokeu Bow , Friday , March 31 ,
and Saturday , April 1st. at the
Grad Central Hotel. to see patients - J
tients now under his care , and
will give a fre examination to .
any new patients thllt desire to
20nsult him. 2t f
'School Land Aucllou. \
The 'fo lowing describe lands . c "
in Custer County will be offered
for lease at public auction at
County treasurer's office in Broken - t
en Bow , Nebraska , on Monday ,
Apri124 , 1905 , at 29 clock p. m. f
Terms of leasing and appraised
value may be had on applicatioll
to Commissioner of Publi . Lau s
aad Buildings a Lincoln , Nebraska -
braska , or to County treasurer at
Broken Bow. This'land cannot I
be red emed after sec nd ' sue of "
advertisement. .
All 16-19-25 ; All 36-16-23i ;
H. M. Eaton ,
3t. Com. Pub. Lands & Bldgs.
Peale Sheppard Cots. big sal
continues every day until and in. .
eluding Saturdy ; , April 1st.
- t
Market .L I
uc for ToaaJ' ; .
Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 . ! Ii
Duloy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Oatil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 ;
Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W (
COTI1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . 31
lIolu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .160
Bteers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . $3.00 " " 3.50
Cows. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .f-2.7S @ 3.VO
tlprlDg Ohlckens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o.s :
Chlokens , per poand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05
PBonl1ea- Turkoy. , per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Hutter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 J
Egg. . . per 1101en. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
MI eltLl..NEOl1d-
Pot&toc .perbu bol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : W
Onions. per bUsbel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l. ' . I .
Hav , " "r ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II.OV : ! \
Btrawpor cwt. . . . . . P. . . . . . . . . .20
8nl/.r. / : Grannlate" . per oWt. . . . . . $5.50 @ 7.W
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - I
The Cottage Hotel
OCONTO. Nlin' " ' ' 'nA. : : .
Good accommcdatlons. Price8 reasonable.
Corrall for shlpplnll' cattle. Hay and water for
I 24 hOllr fer 10 cente a head.
FJl.AL'ilK UI-I.APnR. Pcop. ' .
Drs. Bartholomew ) , I ' ,
& Christenson.
A HE prepard to trm\t 1111
Ohronio or Ao nto Disonseo.
C1I1R ! I\DRWArC1 day or nlghl. or
fief ! in Realty Blook , phone 318.
Residence , Hospital
rhone 61.
. . . " , " " " , , , " " - . . . -
- - ' - - -
- '
- - -
- - -
. - - - - . -
Lumber , , Pla.ster , Lime ,
Sash , Doors , and Storm S sh. . . D. . . . .
Everytbing first-class. See them. South Side , Broken Bow.
, . . . . _
- - - - . . _ . .
- " ' - - - - - - -
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I. 'ij , iiii' ! 1
' m ! lLJ1 !
ill Before 'You BUild. Consult
'jJg ] c : : . . e 0. : : J ? a p ] ; D. e a ' 1. : . : y
'i : . Contractor and Bull : Jer. Estimates
I Furnished fre .witli plans and specification8. )
. - . : lUlU 1
{ J ! : . l.f.-\.t\ ' < . : i./ . . . ; i . . " - . . - i'l . . . . JJ : . ' : . ! . JO'f : . . . . . : 'l . . . . : . ( 'I1itII. ' . = - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' " " ' . . . . . . . . . . . . : i
- ' " ' " - - : J ; : : ; ' ( : : II.l iYiMi ; ! 1J : : rf . iftf. ! .4 I
, ; :7 : : ; : ; ; : . ; : : : ; ; ; ; - ! - ' _ . . " , , . ! P
of Lumber call on the. . . . . J I
I c. CO. I
! .
; _ i
C l OCk
Ut. . : Sash , Doors , Mouldings , etc.
i Agents.for tbe Nebraska Cenlral
II Building & Loan AS1ociation. ! tJ
. . . . . . , "fl . . . m ; ! lrw ; ; y . . . . -A .aJ'h . . l.l : : ! 1J'S' : : : ' i , ] i ; : 2f11 = - - - JJ