Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 30, 1905, Image 3

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, , . ' . , ' 't . . , . ' \ J 4
- "
, "
This Statement lias Been Unjustly Made , Becausc
Modest Women Evade Questions Asl < cd By
Male PhY5iclans.
, ) 11
. ; , : ( l
f' I
An eminent physicinn says that
"Women are not truthful ; they " , illlio
to their ' " ' '
phJ'slcian , 'l'his statement
5hould be qualified ; women do tell the
truth , but not the whole truth , to n.
'II male phvslcian. but this is only in regard -
gard to ihose painul and troublesome
disorders peculiar to their bex.
There can be no more terrible orden. !
to a delicate , semltiye , refine woman
than to be obliged to answer certain
t - questions when these questions Brc i
aslHd , even by her family ph'slclan. :
' ; 'I'his is especially the . case willi. unmarried - I
married women ,
Is It any wonder , then , that women
continue to suffer and UlUt doctors
fail to cure female diseases when they
cannot get the proper information to
worl < on ?
This is the reason why thousands and
thousands of women are now corre-
lipondlng with Mrs , Pinlcham. ' 1'0 her I
they can and do give every symptom , I
that she knows I
80 really moro about
the true condition of ller patients ,
thro gh her correbpondence with them
than the physician who perGonally
questions them.
T t y ) U suffer from any ! orm of trouble
peculiar to women , wrIte at once to
} frs , PInl < hpm , I J'nn , Mass" and 8he
/ will advise J'ou free of charge.
\ The fact that this great boon , which
. . I. extended freely to women b , } ' Mrs ,
" Pinkham , is appreciated , the I thou-
.ands of letters received by her prove.
any such grateful letters as the fol-
' " , wing arc constantly pouring in.
Mrs , Ella Lee , Franld'ord , Ind" writes :
I Dear Mrs , Pinkham-
. . I , , 'ant to thallk '
; ) 0\1 tor what your medi.
cIne 111\8 done for /110 ,
. .
Three ; yenrs ngo I hall Inflammation of the
ovnries nlul ulcers on lilY wOlllb , I Wl\ under
the doctor's care tor about three 1II0nths , mill
the only tlmo I was not In Imln WII.'i when
under the InllUl'nco of / ' ' .
/IIorphlnl , } 'ho doet.or
11nal1y Mid I never would be better , nlul
would bo nn Invlllid the rest of lilY lifo , I bad
given up In despair , but 0110 evolilllg I came
across ono of your \'ertlsomonts nml deehled
to wl'ito YOlllor nllvlco , I did 80 nnd com-
monct'd to tnke Iyella E , Pinkham's Vego.
tabla Compound. I began to hlllll'ove nt once ,
nnll to-Iay 1 , am R well womlln , nnd I know
It Is all duo to 'our o.d\'lco o.nd 1IIl'dlclno.
Mrs , J. II. Farmer of 2809 Elliott
Avenue , St. Iouis , Mo" w1' te8 :
Deo.r 1\Irs , Plnkham- :
. . I CUllllot thnnk you enough tor what yom'
advlco nud medicines ho.vo done for me.
'fhey have done 11I0 11I01'0 good than all the
doctors I 0\01' had.
. . For the lnst ! 'Ight years I have 8utrore1
, vlth tOllllllo troubles ; was very weak ; had
ner\'ous )1rostmtlon ) , nlld could not do lilY
work ; but I am hllppy to 8ay Lydia E , l'lnk-
IIf m's Vegetable COlllpound hl1ll 1I11\11e a
dllforent woman of mo , I nm In pol'feet
hOlllth nUll have gained ill wel ht from liS
pounds to 122 pOunds , "
No other medicine In the world has
received such widespread ancl unqualified -
fied endorsement. No other medicine
has such n. record for nctual cures of
female ills as has LJ'din. E. Pinkham's
Vegetable COlli pound.
Mrs , Pinidulln Invites all slcle women
to write her for ndviee , She has
uided thousands to hcalth. Address ,
L 'nn , Mass.
! , , Ask. Mrs. Pinkham's dvicc-A Woman Best Understands Woman' , We ,
\ . . There are Man ) ! Inzi/a/ions of
' Ij ; Baker's Cocoa
I nnd
I Baker's Chocolate
Don' / be Ill/sled by thenz !
Our tradc-mark is on every
) , t ) package of genuinc goods.
Under the decisions of s'cvcral
United States Courts , no
other chocolate or cocoa than
i Walter Bak r &if Co.'s is en- '
t ,
titled to be sold as "Baker's
I L.ooUorrIWTradc-Muk C" or UB a k er ' s Cl lOCO I ate II
Our handsomely illustrated recipe book
sent free.
W"alter Baker { 3 Co. Ltd.
Est bsht780 Dorchester , Massachusetts .
45 Highest Awards in Europe and America
f .
The Finns' Barometer.
Around the World A small stone has heen lodged In uled your Flsl1 the British museum ; It Is somewhat
Brand Slickera for year. . of R mystery ' It liaR heen name(1 ( the
In the Uawullan bland.
I and found them the only semnlmlr. It Is a native or Finland ,
( artlclo DOW In that thll lulted. country' I aDi and the Finns tell the weather lJy It ,
, ( Afrlea ) and think -\treat \ The explunatlon Is thnt the slone
"eal of coati. "
your .
I It th b b
chnnges s apl1earance roug a.
, , sorbing the moisture In the air pre-
II tGnEST AWIRD WORlJD S FlnR , 19Q1 ceding rain , turning It blacl. .
The world.wlde reputa.
tlonof Tower's Water. . . . . . WEIlr19 The Handy Encyclopedia.
( , . . '
prool Ollel1 Clothln ! : " household to have
. .Iurel the buyer of Y Q1B' "Every ought an
'ho positive worth 01 , encyclopedln , " ohserved the profes.
all Itarmentl \ : , _ a"4fJ , "I tll I- , t" ' d I "II
tbla 51\tn \ 01 tile FII" . Q AJ\I" Gor 1 n \ RO 00 . rl'RpOn el ss
Flutterby bright ! ) . "They are so
A. J. TOWER CO. , Boston , U. S. A. hnndy to IH'eSH el'llmpled rlbhons nnd
TOWeR. CANADIAN CO. . LIMITED ewers nnd letters and thlngs.-
IS' Toronto , Canada. Plttsburg Post.
\ ' '
t When
St. Jacobs Oil
\ The old monk cure. strong , straight , sure , tacklcs
< Hurts , Sprains , Bruise
The muscles flex , tne kinks untwist ,
the loreness dies OUI. Price 25c. and SOo.
. . - , " . . . ,
, . " . . . ,
, . I
. ,
, ,
. ,
I Ne a a News I
A \'er ' slllrltl r'lhlolls ro\'lvnl is
In IlrogreBs at lInsllngs ,
A fire at NlI1nlm destro'd two
stor's and the postol11co hlllhlln .
trs , Brnntnel' or Plnllsll10llth has
JlIlt { ' ( 'Iehrnt'd hm' olghtleth hlrtlllay.
In the attOll1llt to s'll rle two dogs
thnt w'ro fighting trs , HNlges or 'l'/\ / ,
1I10rn was hndl ) ' chewed by the n lgry
Sl'lIator tl1lord hns returned to No.
IJraslm , hnvlng IlIlh'eel with nn Arlcnn.
Bas Bl'untor for the halanl'o or the sese
1lon ; , 'I'hl' sennlm' Is looldug nllll reel.
lug w'l1 ,
The GOl'huor Ele\'otor COIIIll tI ) ' wns
lucOI'lI01'atml at Goehllor , Sowni'll
cOllut ) " , Oue hllulrl ( ( of the COllnt8
most slIhRtnulfnl farmers al'o the In-
COf\lOrnt \ lI's ,
I.egllhllat ( ' ( 'xI\nQl's 11:11.1 : . 10 11IIreha .
ers of fiu ! ' IlI1pol't11 [ > ( , I'chl'rou , nel.
hl\n \ , l ngllsh , Shlor Gprll1an Coaeh
Slolllons , Sen Llnl'oln Importing
1I00's < , ( ' 0 , nd In this IJI\ I ) { ' I' .
GJI'g ( ( ' Goolsh ) ' , "vlng n I1Il1e' north
nnll n II110rtol' of a mill' < , ast of St1'uus.
\111 ( ' . \\'mf the vldlm of nn o'c\clellt \
whldl In all IlI'ollnhlr will result In
his death , Ho was hit ou the hend lJy
a falllug lI'eo ,
D , 11. CI'O mI' of Oll1n ha hns heen
awnrlll'd the contl'f1,1. of bullltluS 1\
13,000,1I1Ishol ( 'II I 1:11' : It r ell'\'ntol' for
BI'tho & Patton at Blue Sllrlnls to
tnlw th1 III1H'Q ' the ono recentl0 -
stl'oyod II ) ' fiTJ ,
The Norlhwbst1'II holel ntHl 1I1111d.
Inof / NI'II h hros been sell ( to GIIS.
tave anll Louis Hahn , a couple of re.
Ilrod farlllcc's. They will r\I1o\'e the
hulll\ln \ ntHl rl'plaro It with n dOli hie
brll'l , to he used fOl. a hotel.
The finishing touehes hn\'o heon
put on the fa 1'11I el'R' ( levato1' at
Stl'nllss\'lIIe alHl It Is now In shalle to
do Rnd Is dnlng a lI\'olr 1'l'olvln , ; and
shhlillug gl' [ ) In huslness. Thin Is the
: )1)1) " fnt'IIINS' ( 'Iovator In the county ,
Conrad , the little 'ear'oht IJon of
Mr , and : 'I Jr's. , Tohn I < I'oe el' , of GI"I\I\ll
Island , was fl'lghtflllly 1I111111Ied ant !
Inslantl . It1l1ed lIy n fl'elght train a
fc'\ ' days ago. It Is fHlJIPOSl'11 ho was
endeavoring to jumJl onto the moving
ars ,
The. nlll'lIngton has 11 lal'l c rlllm her
: Jf m'n 110lng rill-ral ) WOI'It along the
east f1110 of the : \IIssourl rl'fto ( ' 011110-
3lte nn(1 ( southeast of Platts\l1outh , to
pre\'l'nt the wuter froll1 ! ' ; - onchlng
lI\1on \ Its rlght.of-wn ) ' n , .1 lIuolling the
In a fit Gf rl lIonl\Qnf'J \ frf , Chas.
Oelell of Hulo , In t h ! ' . east I'IHI of n\ch. \
udson county , attemptel ( to tnl\O her
life IIr aelmlplst'rlng 1)llson , hut re.
portR IneHcnte that the Ilru ! ; fal1'll to
:10 : its worl and she hOR abollt re.
( 'o\'I'eel from the eXllel'lelwc ,
1I0use 1'011 No. 2i li , the h\l1 \ Ilendln
before tI ; { ' Rtate lcglslaturl' relntlng to
rounty hrhlgos does not moot with
much favor In Cumlng connty. 'I'he
hoarl ( of S'ullervlsoc's at their roular
mOf'tlng reslstct'ed VOl' ) ' ( 'mJlhatic ob.
10l'tlon to the Ilro\flons ! of the bill.
( ' 111'1 Zoplin , &ge ( liO , who was 1\11. \
( 'd nt " 'pRt PoInt a f'w daYf ago ,
, , 'hen his hOC'Re stumhletl and h1ll'Ioel
him to the rolll\(1 \ ( Is the fourth
hl'olher of the fnmlly to meet nn IIn-
IIm'ly dl'ath , IInll othl'I's In thp IIno
ten \ ' ( ' 8U ITI'I'PII 1I0'ul illI' ends a t the
hands of fate , Threl' of the hrnt1II'I'1I
\\"el'o 1 < 1 11 I'd lIy horses 01' on IIN'ount of
( 'aptaln G , , y , Klrlmll\lI , who Is un-
If'l. arros1 In Yalont Ille. IIplngtrll'el on
"harC'f's that ilia1''SUIt In his dhHnls-
< ul from tllp unitY. Is s11d to have
trl'el to ( 'omlllil sull'lele after 11 ( ' was
'nfol'lIIoll of the suicide o ! l\lrs , Besslo
( hlllllllel' In Omahll , 1'h ( ' stOI'Y gees
that he tool , mOl'phlne anll I1Ro npl'lI-
? the nr'tl'rleR In his wrist , huts
'thwal'tell ' In hili tmentlons.
G. ' 1' . Bastelo of Omnha , Slllll'l'me
lelllll ) ' of the BonlPI's' Union , who
hns bp.1'1I nt Tahlo Hocl , for' ! W 111 0
lime , cOII'llleloel hiS' IlIhor's hy organ-
Ir.ln n lolge ( with I he following of-
fi'f'l'q'I1Uam : 13nnlolOn , III' ( :
p , , V. Qual'lwnhos , vll'e 1II'I'sllI'nt :
Isam Boln. hanl\OI' ; ,1. H , Talllo ! . scr.
retnr'y : Nicholas : \Tnller' , rhaplaln :
Irs , : 'II. . Talbot , overseel' : Pptor
; \111I1el. . IlIal'dlulI.
'rhe Ins'lIJe ( 'oml1lls lon was In Sf'S
Ion atlIullson : the llast Ihrel' 1I0yR
pxall1lnhl wHlIl's''s ! In Ilw ( 'liSP or
( 'hal'lps TeRliC , It. wealthy fnrm < 'l' or
JI'I''n Gal'ell'n ! II'll'lIl < 't , Tslt' . who
had hpl'n a'lln stl'angel ) ' , was tHlwn
to It IIrl\'ntl' sanltnt'lIlm II f'a 1'1) ' n Yl'ar
' 1go , He wus' nftel'\\"Ul'el relf'lIs1I nnll
, l'nt homo. 1I1R hl'Othcc' 1011g1'11 the
romplalnt lIg'alllst him hefol"e the
: , ommIR'Ilon at "thls time.
HI\swll \ ! 1. ( ' lei ) ' . a 1l.'oar.olll : son or
r. , .J. 1 " 111\ ' , a fUl'mel' lIvln near
OOWOI' , , Tnrfel'son cOI\nty \ , Is Ilpnll from
the effel'ts of n gllllshot wOllnd rc-
( ' ! 'I\'I c1 whllu hllntln ,
nr mf'ans flf a little IIrlYllt ( ' c1f't ( ' ( ' .
tlve wOI'I , [ at'shal 'I'oeld of Hllmhollit
effol't11 the I'Ilpltll'u of one " 'III lams ,
who Is wante(1 ( at Aublll'n for swlnll.
ling a nllmher' of < 'Itlr.ellR nut of'arl. .
OIlA ! Hlms on a lIoglls IIhrary project ,
Wllllalll Blnll' , ageel 64 'earR. a 801.
dll'r or the ( 'jvlI WaI' . was fa II II 11 ! lend
In the tnmhle down hO\'el he oN'lIpled
In Fremont.
So rnr'e ( 'uses of smallpox have
mnrlo thl'lr apllearltllCO In Albion , All
ha\'e heen very ml1ll o.-Hl the "I'tlme
hn " 0 811ff < 'I'011 lit tie Incon\'eni'lll'e ,
other than hplllg qUal'alltillell.
Ira Bnl'll < ! fl' . , a young man whoso
home Is Nl'lIgh , hilt who worls 11 ! 'I ' 11 ally
In t.ho ( 'ollnt'r ! ( IIml of glnnllprQ , ITo
hul ( the I'IHlrge for a liar 01' two of n
horse In the I'ollthwost part of the
I'ountr that WIIS 8UllllosoII to hnve
chronic catnrl'h : hilt provo < < l to have
rlanllers'nnl ; ( \\'aR Infected In ! 'omo
way and after about n woel's slelc.
nelll died or the I1lsoase ,
. .
. .
Tlte PO lllafio1t of
tlzc Earllt is
r ,400,000,000.
- , , .
Olle l1Iilliolt ( t
Die AUI/llally of
. . . .
, " '
ever the worllt Pcrutll\ V' ,
ALL alhl tuell fJr catarrhal . . . . . . .
dlsoases. 'l'ho I'emno. . Girl has
tra"clc 'round the lohe.
Her fnce is familiar everywhere that
cl\'Uzntlol1 ! ronchcs.
Unh'ersII ) ' Praised ,
1'rom ! Africl ) , to Groenlnnd , from Mnn-
churIa , to I'atagollln , the fnce of the I
I'eruua girl is fnmlllnl.n\ll the prnlscs or
I'oruua as 0. . cl tarrh rcmedy nro heard.
Smccssfulln North lInd South.
I'emnll. crosscd the I qnator soyoral
ycnra ngo , to find 111 the Sotlther l
llomlsphero the sumo triumphnnt'8I1c-
cess that has JIInrkeli HI : ! cnreor in the
Northern Uelllitiphore.
A Stwdllrd.
POrllllo. . is , standnl'll catarrh remedy
the world ovo" .
It cnres cat-.rrh by orndlcatlng it
from the systom.
Permanent Cure.
It ouvlates the nocesslt , } . of all local
treltmont , au its relle ! is of permanent
Without Pcer.
No other remedy has HO completely
dominated the whole carth ns I'oruna. :
! n 8'cry Tongue.
111 all lnl1unges its glowIng tosU-
D1onil,18 are writlon.
111 all cllmos the demands for Poruna
Lei Common Sense Decide ,
Do you honestly believe , that coffee soId 1001'10 ' ( in 1mne ) . exposed
to dURt , . germs and 1IRocts , } HlHHing'
through many ) lIlIuls ( HOUIO of
thom not ovor.dollll ) , "blonded , "
you don't Jmow how 01' b ' whom ,
ia fit for Jour UHO 'f Of COUl'SO you
don't. But
Is another story. The green
berries , selected by I < een
ludUes at the plantation. are
sldlliully roosted at our fac-
tories. where precautions you
would not dream 01 ar tel < , en
10 secure perleet cleanliness.
lIavor.strength and uniformity.
From the time the cojl'ec lcave. ' ,
the factory/ / ( ) hand tOllches it till
it is opened ill ! lour kitchell.
1\1i11ions \ of American Romcs welcome LION COFFEE dnily.
atrOI Inoof of Jwrit tlmu cO I int1d Im incrolls-
There is 110 ger : ! , ? I
ing populnrity. "QulllIty surVIVCIi ll1 oPPosItion.
( Sol olll ' in llh. paclmges , Jiol1-hea on cry pack ago. )
( Sil\'O 'our Lioll-hemls for " 111uu le prellllllllls , ) !
WOOLSON SPIOE CO" ' 1'010110 , Ohio. I
ooTone Qua.1ity. .
pure Rlle1 1II1'II0w , dlltllI utKh 0111' 11and
made " 1\Iuoller'l plallo ! ! trom thu ordln.
ary mak ! ' ! ! .
II ! uullt 011 Iho101111 prlncllile. nllowlll
tree \'Ibrnllon. Olhl'r lteml4 or Interl"t "
In our new catalol ; , sent tree tor the
ask I III : .
Addr.311 the : \lnltcr3 ,
1' llllhllHhed 1869.
IUI : : PAn ' ' . . . , .
A)1 S'I' . (1)1.n.
'l.ho IlIrgeAt and eldest hnportcrll In 1111 the
west of P..rdcl'oU. HIIh'lI , lI.h,1I1II "ud O'rrniUl
Coach Stallion. , ProslloctiTullIyerll "IIoultl
Thlt ullr hlUnt ! or wrlto 118 tor IIIlIlItrllto,1 eata'
101 { or our lat"Mt lu.p'.rtaUol . ! , IIclllollluer , W6
pay hilyer's H , H , tlll'O 1111 < 1 can Aell YOll II 1111,11.
1011 lit ollr harHII tor OIlO'1U1t ! tile 1II01ll'Y It
wOlllll COt ! yonlC wu HIIIJlII" " 11111I IIlIt lIuII or.
KII . . , I II CUIIII"UI ) ' " ' 0 dorr cOlllllctitioll hllih
III fillaltty 811111'rle'c , 8tllte I"lIrlll lit. cur rllllll
dlro.'t to ou'r IJllrm" ' 1'1111111,1 , ollh' 1'111111011" IIIIIU
110' cut It out , " A. J , . S UJ.I.i , ' AN , ' 1 tr.
FARMS For 8 le tg I
J. IIIUJUAi.L , Hlou 01 r Y. Iowa.
/ r V-
An I1xltnst.'c Lnboralol'J' .
' 1'0 supply this romcdy to the whole
world taxes to the utmost OliO ot the
bcst laboratorlos In the UnltOlI Slatcs.
A Word Fr m Australia.
" 'nltor II. 'Yuo wlml , nomndlor
Royal Austrnllnn Artillery , lIouurt ,
'l'asmanlu , wrItes :
III sulTerell for several yenrs with n
distressing condition oC the hond aud
throat , caused by contin al colds ,
lI'try head atld nostrils were stopped
up most ot the time and there was II ,
discharge , and my Dcnso oC Hmoll wns
nlTected bndlr.
! lArter two weoles use or Pemnn. I
foun this condition quito changed , nnd
so T. contlnucd to use this romnrlcnule
medlclno Cor over a month.
III am very glad to Ray that at the end
of that tlmo I waR eurell nnd felt in
fine honlth generally , and nm plensed
to1"0 / I'oruno. . my honeat o11l10rse-
luont. "
When Ansy.'erlng AdvertIsements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
if1' / 1I .
From 1f4IVnll.
IJrlnco .Tonnh Knlanlnnnolo , delegat
In Congress from IIawall , wrIles trom
Wnshlnton ! , D.O. , as follows :
"I can cheerfully recommend year
Perllna ns1 , very cfeotlvo remedy tor
C ughR , 0011)8 ) and catarrhnl trouble. "
A. Cuban "Ill/Isler.
Senor Quesada , Cubl1n1\Hnlster to the
United StlLtOH , writes Crom 'Vnshlnton ! ,
D.O. , ns follows :
1I'Ol'\lIIo. . I rccommond
\ cnn as n very
good medlclno. J t is nn excellent
strcngthonlng tonic , Imd is 0.110 an
o11caclous ! cure for the nlll10st universal
complnmt of catnrrh.-Oonznlo De
From All Qunrlcrs of lho alobe.
" ' 0 hayo 011 1110 thousnnds of test ( . .
i mOlllaltJ 111.0 tho1\o \ given a1l0vo. " ' 0 can
J.lyo our rcndcr ! : ! enl ' IJ , slight gllmp9
or the vnst J\umlJer oC grateful letters
Dr. Hnrlmnn is constllllUy reculvlng
from nil quarters or the gloue in bchalf
of his ramOUR clltl1rrh remedy , Porunl1.
- - -
National Oats
Orralrat oat of the contury.
Ylellrd In Ohio IH1 ' III Mich.
ZII , III Mo , : z : , . . Blld III 'N. Jl.Ikol4
8 01 1 1 ( crni t record In 1001.
, . . m tlyou frre loti ! of farm lrf'cS
11411111111 alill ollr hll ( catalolt , lell.
Ili/Callal > nlli 111111 oal wonder and
&bolloandl at o her I II.
La Croll' ,
WI. .
XlIII. . City , Mo. , Omllbll , Neb" Sioux FaUI , S.D ,
See ne rtft deder or wrll' for circular.
Free Grant lands
Western Canada.
nllrlll the monlhs or Mllrt'll" ll April , there
will hn "Jellr"lulI UII Ihn "lIrlou lIues at rul1.
wuy 10 the l'ulUHllulI WOMt ,
Hmulr'e1- Iholl llIul'l of acre' ! or the bt'R'
'Yllf'lIt ulul 111'111,1111 : ) , Ulldij 011 thu Cn llIeu'
free 10 the "olll ! ! ! ' ,
AflJulnlll lallI'I , mnr he ) llIrchnhrd rrom rllil.
WilY 111\(1 ( 1 a 11I1 CO III 111I II II , : ; ut I'cu"olllllll" IIrh'cj _
For Illrormnlloll 11'1 10 roule. co't or trUII'IlIor'
tnlloll cle" IIJIIII ' \lIU'I'llItclIlf'ut \ , or huml-
rntlon. OllllwIIl'aruHhl. or 10 ulI horllr,1 ( 'un.
11I111111 GO\'rulll/'lit AII'nt-\V. V. IICUII'tI , tOl !
Nc.w Yol'lt I.lru lJulldlul : . Omall" . Nc rablta.
: cubatort litll 11I1,1" , Ioy . . : ; )
, Jolon.on , 1/111 / 1IIO'liholor
MUll , ' " ho 11I1Je : I4IIM 1 Ioe.
' " ' 0 III\\'nllug lill OLD
. .Allay.fllr.lI.elr blleh.
er , 1'0r' , daya' tue trial
an,1 II ftve ynt'l KUotln.
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