Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 30, 1905, Image 2

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Prominent Topeka Rebecca Otncer
Write. to Thank Doan's Kidney
Pills for It ,
- -
Mrs. C , . Dumgnrllner , n 10'nl offi.
cor of the 1l0hcccnR ,
ot Topol ( , Knns ,
Uoom 10 , 812 Insns
Ave" writes : "I usl'11
Donn's Htdnl'Y : Pills
c1urln tbo IJ ! ! t year
for ltldnoy trouhle
nml kin d roll all.
ml'nts. I was suITer-
Ing from pnlns In the
hnel ( nnd hendnches ,
Il\1t \ found nftor the
\lse of ono hex of the
reml'dy t h 1t the
troubles grndually
dlsaplleared , flO thnt
tJeforc > I hnd fllllshcll
n sl'cond pac1mgo I
wus well. I thercCoro
heartily 0 n d 0 r so
) ' ( \\Ir remedy. "
( Signed ) Mrs. C. E. IhllllgartJncr.
A } 'IUiJ ' ) 'HrAlrAddn'sH Foster.
Mlllmrn Co. , Buffalo , N , Y. For 1 .1l0
b ' nil denlors. Prll'l' . roe ( ' ( 'fIts ,
Fox To Much for Dog.
Ollt > of the tlcl'cost fights lover wit ,
nessl'lI was hctwlhm \'lIIago curc'rin'tJ
n hlx fox. Ono'moonllght. night this
dog. In my comjHlny , Cl'OlInll. Urel' l ( ) x
mousing rOlllul some corn stnclts , antJ
Illnn(1 ( him hy his Corcle . ' ) 'hoy loup ,
ell the loop tOgOlhl'r , nnd for some
tlmo It waa l llilosslhlo to sny where
Iho fox begun anll the 1I0g left orr.
Dut for lilY IlItl'\'enlioll . the dog
would have beclI Itilled.-Count ) ' Gen'
Burning Up With a Terrible ItchIng
Eczemn-Speedlly Cured by
Cutlcurn. ;
"Cutlcur cure 11 mo of n terrible
e zema from which I hnd sufferoll
ngony nnd lInin tor eIght ) 'ears , being
IInahlo to obtain any help from the i
hest doctors. 1\1y \ scalp' was covered
wllh scaba nnd my fuco ; was lI1e a
piece ot raw beef , my e'ebrows and
lahes ! were tailing ollt. nnd I felt as
It hllrnlng up trom 1.ho terrlhlo Itcblng
nntJ pnln. CutlCUril gu vo mo rellet the
, .er ) ' first day , nnd made a complete
cure In n ahort time , My bead nnd
fnco are now clenr nnd well , ( Signed )
1\IIss Mnry 1\1. \ Fay , 7G West Main St. ,
: Weslboro , Mass. "
The One Thing Needful.
She doosn't care for operas , the
drama or the play ; she doesn't care
tor dnnclng-she Isn't built thl\t way ;
ahe doesn't care for houseworle , for I
flo\vers or tor booltEr , she doesn't care
ror poodlos-sho doosn't lIlw tholr ,
Icolts : she doesn't. care for dresses
for hats or tancy hoso-tbo only thing
aho docs care for Is a man who will
$100 Reward. $100.
Tbe ft'ader ot thtl rarer wl1t be I'leu d to learn
Ibat Ibero II lit I au ono dreAded dl.ea.o that Iclenco
bu betn Ible to cure In all Ua IIIlel , Ind tbu II
Calarrb. lIan'a Calarrh Cure II tbo on I , "ooilln
Cllre nil' " known to the medll'II trAlernU , . Calarrh
beln , a conolllllllonil dloo.o , rcqulrel a cOllilltu.
tlona. . trealment. 1101Calarrh \ Cure II taken In.
ternally. acllnlf dlrecll , upon Ihe 11100 < 1 and mucoII'
aurt.rea ot tbe 'yotolll , tblroby dtltroylng the
fouudallon of the dlloale. Ind glYlnl : the palleM
atreulrlh by bulhllllK up the CODPtltullon and a.ollt-
InK nMure In dolnlf Uo work , Tbe "rol'rlelora bavo
aD much fallh In lu curallve Nwon Ihu tbey olter
One Hundred ! JoUan for Rny cue Ibat It faUa0
cure , beud tor 1101 ot tClllmonllll ,
Addrcn F. J , clIlnmCO , . Toledo , 0-
holll by a1I \ > ruii\I. ' 7 c.
Tioka Uall' , ] , 'awll ) 1'1111 tor conlll"allOG.
DIscouragement to Be AvoIded.
It ISI 't necessar ) ' to become vnln
Dn com\IHments \ any mol'o than It Is
neceHsar ) " to grow BOllr on criticisms ,
hut It Is tJotter to run the dangers of
egotism on the favorable notices Umn
to I t the ce\1sor \ with a torpid IIvor
Imd nlmtJlo pen IIrlc1e 'ollr comfort
nnd p01son ' ut' ba11plness.-Saturdny
E\'cnlnc Post.
ShAke \0 ol\r Shol'l. ' ! .
Allen's Foot.Ease , [ l powder , cnres p\in- :
rul. smarting , .nervous feet ad inJrowlng ;
nails. It's the reatest comfort discovery
of the alte. Makes new shoes'easy. ' . A
certain cura for sweating feet. Sold by aU
drullists : : , 25c. Trial packaJe FREE.
Address A. S. Olmsted , La Roy , N. Y.
Proposnl Made Plnln.
An old mllJlonalro 1111111 his nlldress ,
es to ono ot the JJ1'ettiest girls In tht
} llace. On .nsltlng her hand In mar
tlase , 110 franlI ) ' salll to her ; " 1\1ls !
C- I old nnd ' ' '
, am 'ou n1'O Vel' )
'oung , will 'ou do 1110 the honor t (
become my wltIow ? "
Hnrd Either Way.
"Somotlmes I wish , " said the , "or :
1nz ) ' man , "that I 1I1 < e1l to worle , so I
wouldn't bo so dlsngl'eenblo to ill' '
. when I was compelled to do BO. Ani
then I get to thlnldng thnt maybe It
1I1ed It I woulll be at It all the tlm (
nnll I can't bear the thought. "
I Event Not Fnr Off.
When you Bee 11 young woman mal
Irg a { USB over 11. widower's chl1drCl
It's a sign thnt IC aho doesn't see
nroqulrQ n right to cQI'I'ect tbem
WOt't bo her fau1t.-I xchnngo.
' \ ' " . Good dvlce.
Thlnl , twice before ) 'ou speale. An
( , Vl'n ui il:1i1no ; times ollt ot ten , tb
, \ orld won't lese an.thlng IC ) 'OU ltoe
6tl11-Somorvlllo Journnl.
t am ! i\\rD rlso's CurD for Consumption IIU\'I
my lito tbrco ycurs ago-Mlls , ' 1'1I0S. HomJU. .
Mupe : Street , Norwich , N. Y. , Pob. I. , 1000.
Fashion Is only the attempt to re
Ilz nrt In living t01'ms , nnd soelal I
tercourse-O. 'V. Holmes ,
' OU\tt.\.NTmm CUJU FOR t'tLE ! ' !
ItcblnllIUnd , 1elllul : ur t'rolrudtnl : 1'110.'u
IIrulI ht will retundlIoney It t'\ZII OU\1'MI > J
ra\l' \ to cure ) 'uu 1110 Ii to U dlO ) ' a. Oc , ,
. . - - -
'rho mnrrlago certificate 18 equa :
divided between husband and wife
r .
- - - -
A Synopsis of Proceedings of the Twenty" Ninth Gen"
eral Session , ,
- ,
SI'NA'l'g-J\lIl1r \olJllltlwhul ! IIplrll-
PI1 oJlP081t1on the fll'nlltn 011 the 17th I
ImHf'l'11 Iho CIIII ) ' mlll'onli ( 'Omm1H81011
hill. whlrh WUH oJlPuHe11 III Llw fOI'1I111
of clt'lmio to the 8hl'llloll hili. 'rho
( 'IIII hili , 111 < 0 the olhl'I' olle , IHl jolllt
n'801t111oll for \l ( 'OIl8UtIl lIollal amelld.I I
lOl'nl Jlro\'lcllll fOl' Hllehl cOll1mls- ,
Hloll 'I'hl ! ( ' 011I11111181011 Hhllll "ollslHI of I
t hI' Blatn lIudllOl' , 1111111 COlllllllsHlolIN
' . \111',1111 111 thlA Iml'Llr.
nllll tI'PtHIII.'r : , \ ) ;
111111' fl'OlII t hn old III w whleh pll\1'11
thl' ! H'erl'lnl' ' of fitlllo on the hllal'l1.
'I'h" followlllg hllh ; WOI'O IHlssell : S"
p l l--1'hc gl'Cl'1. . ll'llllll1H Alllmp hilI.
tll ' ( \ ' ( ' thclt' 118(1. " . n. ] ii7'I'H' /
glllll ( ' IIIIIII0wlnl : , 1111 OpOIl S1I8011 fOl'1
111\1111 \ f 'I' two weel.A III NO\'Plllh'r' H-
I , ' . 2S1-Thn rOllllly ellgh1l'el' hill 11.
It. 20 WUf ! ' 111111I1111"ly III11It110l1e11. The
( ollowhll ; hili ! ! \\1' ( ' 11I8POHl'11 of nIl In-
Illeutpd : So F. HIII-I.allll olltllicle of
I'It ) ' IhulLs thnt IH to ho IJl1lted ] .ownol'
IIll1St Ahow f'l'rllllcnl ( ! that 110 tnxe ! !
IIro III It' , nnd Inllli 1I111st hc Iwcoplocl hy
( 'Ollllt ) ' ( 'OlllmISlllonors. S. I" , 2lTo
IIII0w < 'IIIoH 111111 tOWllR to hlRIIIII heut.
IlIg 1lllInts. 1(11' IlaHsage , S , I. . " 185-
HlJpeallllg the ! t1W Illlo\\'lng IL 7.mlll
100' ' , I.'or ImHlIlgo. ! . ' ) 'hlll Inw Is now In.
ollel'aU\'o. S. I. . . 2.17-1'0 faclJllute the
collertlon of 110lllHlllcnt tuxcs. J or
IHISnge. ! S , I , 261-1'0 malto the party
vote apply on < , onHt IIIIUollnl amenll.
mentA whell Iho lIIea8111'CH wel'o en.
dOl"Al'11 hy IlIIrlles , ' 1'0 ImHa. S. I" . 237-
Allowll1g telegraJlhl1l11 telephone
compunloH 10 COlll10llln PI'OIICI.t ) ' for
l'lght-ol'.wuy , ' 1'0 llIlSH , S. p , 2i.I-Pro. [
vllllnl ; for the fOl'l1mtlon of cemeler ) '
aHHoclntions. S , 1. ' . 271-1\lnltlng fJcav-
engI' ! Htlltnle ! ! Hpecllle. To P1l8f1 , S. 1" " . I
' ' ' fOl' IIlInllnl ot ,
281-PI'O\'llIlnl ; report
hlHnrllnro t'ompanle ! ! ; was l'e'oI11I1101ll1.
l'II fOl' IIIlSlIllgO. S. I . 2J2-A ( hill to al.
low tlto pcoplo of PaU ] Rl110ulh to reg.
IIlnlo moll'l' eharges : waR apllro\'ell.
S. I , ' , : ! : W-'I'o IIl11lt senate emlllo'OR :
to fOI'I.elght : WIlS l'eCOI11I11C1llled for
JlOUSl'-'J1hese ' hills were passed
1111 Iho 17th : ' 1'0 cstnhllh n hospital
for CI'hlpled. dofol'l11ed children and
thee ! slllTerlni ; from anr Illseaso Wee.
ly to I11l1lee them defo\'Jl1ecl \ : and to 111'0'
vilio fOl' their edncatlon uncI for the
locallon unll govPl'lllIIent ot the hoa.
IllIal. Pro\'lllIng thnt when an ) ' I'cal
otnto ! Is sllnatell In mol'o tlmn one
lownhlll or Ilrecinct , or In moro than
olle 8chool. I'oad or othCl' dlstl'lct. It
Rhall be IIl1ted selmrately fOl' the 11111' .
llOSO of taxation , Disclaiming nnd re.
IInqulshlng nil elalm of ownCl'flhlp or
! ltlo on the IlIlrt or Nehl'a81m to any
and ul1 land In Iowa which hm'eafter
shall hocomo wllhln the hounlllll'les ot
N lll'atilm h ) ' vlrtuo ot the action o (
nn ) ' commissions appointed hy the said
Rtutes nncl the raUllcation thereof hy
said slates nnd the l : unctlon therof by
the 111\tlonal congl'ess , 01' otherwise :
provided , hOWOVCl' , Ihnt the land has
heon for ten ) 'C l'S 01' mol'o In pOSRes-
Rlon OJ' occupatlun oC nn ) ' persons or
' ' ' claiming
COIHlI'tnershhl 01' cOI'1Jorntion
liwnCl'shlp 01' 111 10 therelo. 'I'he dell.
clon ( ' ) ' clall11s tJlII Inll'oduced hy Stetson -
son as chall'll1ln of I ho dcllcleney com-
IIIlltl'e , 1\111)'OI'II\lIng apI'oxll11ntely
$ -\10,000. \ Gl'I\ntlng to the United State ! !
gove1'lllllent I'lghlsof.wny fur the con.
stl'llCtiOIl ot Inlgnllon canals. Provhl.
Ing fOl' the alllnlsslon oC fOI'gn ) ( nccl.
( lent Inslll'ancc cOll1ll1lnleR to tl'ltnRact
hllslncas whm'c ho henefltR 110 not ex'
ceol1 $200. Pl'Ovllllng fOl' the 1IIII'chase
ot leglslatlvo I1I1PIIlll'S f ( ) ) ' each ses.
Alon ' ' to It ' limiting
111'101' ! ! con\'enlng ,
the cost oC Ruch sUlllllles to $ : tOOO
Hegulntlni ; ' the Rnllll'le ! ! of county com
mlsRlonel's. Defining the purJlose nml
' ' fOl' the ' ' oC tlH
1lI'\'hling gO\'el'nl11ent
S huol fOl' the Deuf anll the Schoo
for the Blind nt Olllaha and Nehrasltf
CII ) ' , rcsllcctl\'elr.
SENNI'I-'I'hcsl' hl11f wel'o passel
In the sennto , on the 20th : ' 1'0 com1le
countr nSSCBSOl'S to fUI'nlh a COllY 0
I aRBOSSI110nt to 1lI\I.ty uSRessell , whlcl
. Rhall ho 1\0tlC'o 10 a1lllellr h'fol'e thl
B nl'll of IiJqul\lbmllon. CUl11pl1l1nl
, the enfOl''oment of the scavenler 11\\\
) l"ces 10 ho llIllll for IIl.oloAts ftloll will
the Board of Equallzntloll , 'I'u IIl'C\'eu
the l1l'serl'ltllon of 1\1'l'I1101'lal Dt3 :
Agcnts oC cm'poI'allunR to lI1alo Oil
assessl11cnt when usl\Ccl to hy the a !
SOSSOl' , Pmvlliing COI' a hoal'll oC cO !
t 1"01 to 111SI1IIIII1's \ for state InstH\
tlOIU ; . A har to actiOlIR In nn ) ' oth < !
statn will ho operal\'o ! In this statl
) , Action u alnt ! nn IIISI1\'IUlCO \ comlmll
can begin In connl ' where Cl\\15
al'le ! ! . To l'o\'cnt Ilsunnro ot specl
honcflt. lIre Immrnnco IlollcleR. COli so !
e. dlltlng ol1\ces of elt ) ' , count ) . an
1 , school IHstl'let treaslll"er of Ol11all
n IIntl Douglas counlr. ' A joint resell
It t Ion requosllng cOllgrcss 10 onnl.'t
. place Imml'llnce companlm .1,11
del' fl'llerlll l'ontrol. Allows allmlnlstr
( ) ' ! ! tll IIl'lng 8ult Cm' Ilama s again :
d Irespassel's. South Omaha chal'tol' hi !
Ie I'I'o\'IIHng u $2 11011 tnx , waR } .IIIQlI , ]
: p commlltco oi the whole H. H , 16
grn tlng the 1'1 ht of ol11lnont damn
to Interurhun rnllroall compnnles , . WI
: < 1 recommenllml for passngo. S , 1. ' , 19
:1 : , to ( 'lit dPWI l the CXllonllHS IIf the I
tlanlty commlS81011l'I'S In l.ancast
1\ . ( 'ount ) . , , vas reronu11oluHl } I'or 1111
n.8ngo , Unller the hili the hoarcl I
( 'cl\'ell no con\llensallon. H , H , l.
hili h ' 'Val'nol' to ml\l\O OI11e min
( ' 0IrortlIl1l1 ! In t.ho J'\'On110 law , w
ur rocommCllllotl for 11OSS1\10.
- . .
HOUSE-Tho hou80 , on the 20th.
I Y commlttoo of thQ whoJe. l'eCOmHH.l
n II ( \11' ll11f sal.O , tho'fol1nwlm : : SUI\C
file : -0. 70 , II ) ' Gll11n , allowlnl ; 11'1'11
- , - -
tOI'R to OI'ganlzo dlRtrletH. Sellatn file
Nil. ] : ! S , h ) ' gpperson , allowing wlveA
to ho ( , OIl\II't'nt wltllesReK anltIKt :
I1I1RhnlldH III IIOHol'lIon CIIIIl'A. Sl'nlltc
file Nil , : : I , h ) ' nllI1n , III.ovlcllng for the
pllhllellllon of the ropOl'ls of the state
hoard of 1\'rI \ aUon , Sellllto file No.
12 ! ) , b ) ' I PlJel'HOll , III'ovllllng penlllUeR
for Ih ( ' nlgJecl. of chllllrell , Son litO tile
No. 1 ' 1'111\01' ' ' for the
n7. hy ( \ , 111'II\'lll1nl ;
dl'IIWIIlJ. ; of jlll'leR froll1 the 11011 USbl ,
Senate fIe ] No. ] 3 , hy La\'nrty , was In.
definitely IloHtlJOncd. It IlI'ovlllell for
rlgol'ous rogulatlon ! ! to 1'1'l'\llIt graft
In JeUltl ! ; ccmtractA. SOlllltH fIIo No.
101 , by Im ol've. allowing Amall
ellllltefl to he Rettloll wlthollt ndmln.
IstmtorA. SOllalo 1110 No. r. . hy EIIPQl"
son , 10 ellmlnnto vorhosc rOlll't rl'rol'ds
oxeellt whl'I'o pailI' fOJ' h ) ' onl' of the
IItigallls , was hlllel1l1ltclr pIlponel. (
Senate 1111' No. 1J. ! h ' EJlpCl'SOll , the
, lIpIIOll1unllll' hili , seullng dl'unlml'dK
10 an IIlIylum for treatmont. Sl'l\uto
I1Ic No. ( JO , h ) ' I1Imel' ) ' , rlrov"lIn fot'
the sahll'los of anlO wal'llllIH. ! Senate
file No , 111 , hy , lone ! ! , oxemptlng thl
mouths of stl'l'amll from the IJrlI\'Iilons !
of the game law ! ! , Senate flIo Nil. 78 ,
hy Lavel'ty. giving the fish commls.
Hlonol' ( 'ontl'ol of ! ! Ilawn. Sellato ftlo
No. G3 , lIy , lncl.son , ullowlng the cities
to fOl'ocJoHe tax Anlc certificates ,
SgNATI-'l'ho CIIII ) ' rallroall com.
mlS'slon hl11 , a COIY ) of the act ot 1887 ,
I'opealed h ) ' the leglalatllre of UJ01 ,
IIIIsed ! the senate on I hI ) 21st with
(11I1) ' fO\1l' \ votes ngnlnt ! It. 'l'he cntlre
mOl'nln , ; WIIS sIlent In the lIasslnr : of
hl11a anll nIl hut O 10 meaRUI"e on tltlrc1
roucllng wa ! ! IlIsllOsell of. 'I'he most
Il11pol'tunl measures lIerore Iho sennte
were lIassoll and the vote In mOElt In.
slnncel ! wnR IInanll11oll ! ! . As a result
of the mOl'nlll sl'S'slon there will go
to the hOllso with the senalo' ! ! ap ,
III'O\'al the Harsh olc\'atol' hl11 , to lire.
vent discrimination by rallronds In
lhe militoI' of fU1'l11shing carl ! to ship-
1cI'S ! of grain : Sheldon's bill for a
constllullonal amendment to allow the
Investment of the permanent school
flllld In cOllnty and school' district
bonls ( : the hl11 giving tele raph and
Iclellhone companies the right of e'm.
Inent domain : 'I'homas' IlI'Opoqed con.
slltlltlonnl amenllmcnt to allow aB
clUcs over [ i,000 to malc their own
charters. EJlperson'a hill to allow the
governOl' to fix Ilate of Infilcllon of
the dealh lIenall ) ' when Imposed by a
court : Ellllel'son's bill to plnce aB
charltahlc Institutions nndOl' the
rhnl'gO of the State Boarll of Char'
Itles : Saundel's' bill to vacate strepts
olllsitio of cities In land IIlatt.ed , but
not allll1'oved by the county commls.
slonol'l'l ' : 1\Iesel've's meaalll'o redllclng
the license fee chal'gell nOlJol'eslclent
huntQI's to $ ] 0 ; the hill provltIlng for
the municipal regulation ot gas nne !
olectrlc light meters unll for the meas.
urement of wclght ! ! anel measures :
Sallnders' hili to allow cities to do n
commerclnl hen ling bushlesR : GlUJ.
gllll' ! ! hill 1)'ovllllng for a honrel 01
contml Cor the Htate Institutions : the
South Omalm salnr ) ' bill , nnd' 11. num
her oC others of less In1Jlorlance"
HOUSl'-'rho ' house. on the 21st
rcommClHlell ! thesc measures for pas
Rage : HOllso 1'011 No. 328 , for the re
lIcC of Hussell 1" , LnomlR , HQlIso ,1'01
No. 305 , l'o\'l lln fot' sthto construe
tlon , ownership , cOlHr < il 'a Jl repulr 0
ull brlllge ! ! OO Ceot or moro In l ngtl
. on or nIl p\'t : \ oC a Imblle , IIOIIHO 1'01
No , 30 ! ) . f ( ) ) ' the sllbmlssloq of a con
stltlltlonal amonelment ! H'o\'lcllng fa
i the safe Invcslment of the n ( > r nanon
, school fllnd , 'rho bill Introlluced h ;
Foster fOl' a constltutlonaampnll )
l ment nllowlng cities of 5,000 qt : J110 '
to mnlto theil' own < , hartol's by n11l
with the consent oC the leglslature-
hOllso roB No , 308-wns recommClII :
ecl for Itlllollnllo IlostllOnement. Tit
" 111Ilopenllent telephone hlll"-hous
1'011 No. lS2-hy Fishbacl. of CIa ) ' , wa
recommendcll 1'01' passage aCtol' a IIV (
I ) ' ( lIs'u8'slon. The bill la dl'slgneel t
glvo the 1I\1lollonul'IIt compl\nles th
. use of the Omaha III'ollort ) . of the Nt
hmslm Bell 'l'olollhollo comlmn ' fc
tIto Ilellver ) ' oC long dlstanco mo :
sages fl'om ltulel101It\ont \ slIhscrihel
olltRh\l \ : ' oC Omaha to BeB Rllhscl'lhCl
, . III Omaha. for which sorvlco the Bl'
comlmn ' Is to recolvo 10 cents lit
mossac. ! 1Iollso 1'011 No. 3 l , h ) ' Wa
ir nOI' . to compel rallronll l'ompolIl <
elthel' to fllrnlsh sites on their right
o.way to IndellClHlent elo\'atOl's (
else to hlll111 switches antI slcletJ'lcl
thol'eto whol'o the elevntor has a mlr
mUm calHlclt ) ' ot 1",000 1l\1shels , WI
I'ccommontIod for Imssago wilhol
olJlosltion ) manlfl'stlng Itself , 'I' I
( 'lahns and dellclonc ) ' npIll'ollrlatl (
\ll11s were rend for the thlr(1 tlmo [ lI
"assell. 'l'luJ ) ' canr alJllrOpl'lntlOlH\
$ \0.000 \ anll 5i.000 [ l'eSllectlvoly. 'I' ]
atol'l1oon sl'sslon was lal' 'oly glv4
up to consldoratlon of mllroatl bl11s ,
HOUSI . - 1'ho 'hOlISO 1msflClI 11 111
tlon ou the 221111 to ho1cll1lght. sossle ] '
the rl'maltulor of the w l ancl a s (
, IolSatunlay , hy n vote ( it. 48 to :
n , Bills were IH\l'oll ! nR follows : Halell
01' the Ral\r : ' or the ( , lInt ' .1)1\ ) \ ' 1h\n
LS. na o COllnt ) ' , AholC ; 'hlllg the'Soltllol
'c. 1101110 visiting hoard. Dl'flnlng wa
n In whlpJl the Amol'lran IIttg miler \ '
or usotl as nn I'lIIhl 1311\ , ' ) ' 0 remit I
as t'lXOS duo the iltalt fl'om IIamllt
' . ' ' to IS01 wlllm the '
( 'ouut ) 111'1l11' , ( 01111
court houie wali IlslIJt 1'0)(111 hy 11 re n
111 ( \11 l'e,01'118 tlIOI'Hhy w\1lpd \ out. 'I'll III
)11. ) hlhlt c1.bllth'CI1 ; . lII\1ler Hi ) ' 081'1'1 ' of a
Ite fl'lm ( 'at'n'hll fll'eftt'1lIil.menl1l111 t
' In w t1XII1' thlmo \ of holtllns a1ll1l
11' . . . . '
. . .
. .
- ,
! ; ( 'hool meC'llrlglt ' 1'0 ( 'llClhlp Ruth
Ah ( I' ' 10 8U ( ' s'hool IlIslt'h't No , 23 of
DOllghl ! ! l'ollnt ) ' for llOrson',1 , Injllrl < 'R.
Prl1hlhltlng thl' 8al ( ' of liquor within
fOil I' mll's ofn nrm ) ' pOHt. Permit-
tinI'Itles / to conllomn IIl'opl'rt ) . fOl'
I H'hnol SIlH , Pl'OvllllnJ. ; for not Icss
, than IIv ( ! 1101' more thnn seven junior
' lIormlll H'hoolF' . IIn(1 that the allJlolnt.
I' 1\1' sehoolf Hhull 1) ( ' . I'elm'utell carh
) 'ear , ' ) ' 0 r ( ) ula' ' " lvlnJ ; of hOlIC1Q for
counl ) ' fllllliH hr 1101101'\1101' \ ) ' hanl(8 , Ap.
Pl'olll'lntlng $2l .000 for test hOl'lnls
fm' thl' IIIHrovol'r of 011. caul , gnp or
nrlPHllln wlltel' , . ' for ' .
PI.o\'JellnJ ; n rOIIl'e.
sonl all\'c form of gO\J'nment of fl'll'
Il'rnltl htSlll'lIIlCO r01l1111lnil'S on a has I ! !
of 8l 1101' cent of thl' memhol'Rltlp ,
- - _ . . . -
SgNA'I' - 'I'IH ! antl.Chrl'Jtlnn .
I RI'Il'I1PO hili llUflRl'11 the senutl' on the.
22nd hy a vol(1 of ] to 13. The do ( ,
Ion ; In the leglalnluro mnlw no serrel.
of thl' fnrt that (1o\\rnor ( tI'lwr will
s"n Ihe hill a 1\11 ontel'laln no fears
of l'Xl'rutl\'t > dlIIIIIJI'O\'II1. ! : ! Sonall' file
No. 276. hy Guld. ] WIIS ImHsel1. This
hill I'Pqulres < : Itoelt to he unloallcd In
the South Omaha ) ' 01'118 within an
hour and 11 half aftol' ItR ntTlvn1. 8l'11'
utor Gilligan mO\'cl that the IJlflInJ ! :
roml1ll1 tee. tillte ( 'hl1l' " of ilw genl'rnl
lIIe or the flenatH at. 12 o.f'1oek 'rhur , : ; .
cIa ) ' 'I'hla motion ( 'aJ'I'led IIftCl' Re\'or"l
11I0tions Werf ! made 10 tIoln ) ' thn Ilmc
or thp I'cnovatlng 111'0cs8' . 'rhls moam ;
that all hlllR mUAt I'lln the gaunllel of
the RIfting commltteo. ns WI'll as the
comll1lttl'e of the whole , Thc fol1owln
hills were passell : HouRo I'nll No. G2.
allpl'olu'latlnJ ; 10.000 fOl' a sloc ! { 1m.
vl1\on \ at the state fnlr rounds : hOIlS13
roll No. 16 . the antl'Chrl tlan Science
hili ; houRe 1'011 No. 173. aJlI'opI'lrltlnj ;
$ ] 00 In each county fol' fal'mel' ' In.
stltutes : houRc roll No. 21 . I'egulutlng
the lJayment of outstnnlllng Indebtedness -
ness In roae ! dlsh'lrls : houe ; 1'011 No.
] ! J2. reJulating Iho II uhlll t ) . of offi.
clals : house 1'011 No. ] ! J3. ) Imtectlng
slnte d l108'lts In hnnls : hOU80 roll
No , 19ii , allowing RtII'et ) ' rompontes to
go on IIquol' bonl1s : house 1'011 No.
200 , Jll'Ohlbltlng brcach of trust. In
Jll'lntm's' contracts ; senate rile No. 241.
regulatlnl ; tax sales ; senal e file No ,
178 ' ' ' I'I'0m
, defining III'OIICI't ) exempt
taxation ; sennto file No. 21" , regulat.
Ing the redemlltlon of property poltl
at tax sales ; senate 11I0 No. 281 , Jll'o ,
vJellng for annual reports of Insurnnco
companies , Scnnte fIIo No. 221. a bill
raising the RtH1l1larc1f ; for county su-
perlntcndents , wns ro'ol11l11endell for
lIassage. Under the III'o\'lslon ! ! of the
bill count ) ' sUllerlntelHlent8' must bo
able to secure a flI'st Jl'adc cortlflcate.
An Ilpllroprlatlon of $32,000 was \'otetJ
for the Peru normal.
- - - -
Use of Italics.
The grent days of italics WCI'O In
the ' 30s of last centur ) ' , when the London -
don Figaro hegan lis crillcisms ot
politics , the dmma , ! lnd socletr. Then
every other word waa Itallclsed. and
: the effect today Is us thollgh every
other word were It sl1rlok. Until the
' 80s women retained the hahlt at un ,
derllnlng all but the prepositions and
conjunctionS In thclr lellers , and
thel'C are stili many womcn jonrnal ,
Ists who cunnot get along without the
stimulus of italics ,
Some of the names of towns Ullon
which 'J'eanessee bases e1alms for
IJrestlge : nUl'efoot , Betts , Leall Year ,
! Chimney Top. Chuclwlucl\ . Half Pone ,
Hanging Limb , Ipe , Marrowbone ,
Mouse Tall , Opossum , Pnrch Corn ,
Peanut , HilI Shin , Sweet Llp ! , Tom
. Brown , U Det , Y1IIn Y 1m , Buzzard ,
. Hoost. FitS' . l\lashmol\ll. Peeled Chest ,
IIUt , Shoo Fly , Simll Bone , Snall.lope ,
'rler ! 'rail and Wahoo.-Wushlngtoll
Discouragement to Be Avoided.
It Isn't noc'essnr ) ' to become vall'
on cOl11lJllments nny moro than It h
necessal' ) ' to gl'Ow sour on criticisms
IJ\\t \ \ It Is beller to I'un the dangers 01
egotism on the fuvo\lbl'o notices thaI
to lot the censor with a torpid IIvel
nnll a nlmhle lIen IJrlcl. ) 'our comfol'
und polson ) .01\1' \ hl1llplness.-Saturda )
Evening Post.
o Man < 1 Late Comer.
s Seventy.five million ) 'enl's Is an estl
mate of the ago oC I1shes : 2fi,000.001
ycal' ! ! ago the huge amphlhla 110m
Ishell. The dinosaur 1I\'cll IJrohahl :
15.000,000 ) 'CI1l'S n o. and ahout 10,000
000 'ears later the 1II'Imltlvo horse ar
Ilcared : all11 stilI no cvlllence of mOtl
So It will ho seen that man Is a lat
eOl11e1' on the cal'lh , when 100l\Od at 11
Iho light oC geologic time.
- - - - - - -
Crown Forests of Russia.
'rho crown forests of Hussla cong
g- 1)'lse 30.000,000 acres helonglng to 1h
)1'Czar anll 30:1,000,000 : farnHd h ' till' 111
, s . ' . . ' 1'ho Czar '
tlonal. exe11equm' om 1'10)
II. 27,000 wooll 110llce , who cut 12.000.00
\S tons a ) 'ear , chloHy for f\rowool \
lIt ' ' ' ' ' < woodcllttel't : In th
'I'went ) ) 'cal' ; ago
10 United States foiled tlmhol' coverln
m 10.000 acrcs dall ) ' ,
Id , .
- - - - - - - -
"The Road to Cnnoss:1 , "
; 10
m This Is nn oXlll'esslvo IIh1'l\se , dC'no
Ing the entire suhmlsslon of the Slat
to the Churoh , or civil rights to e ,
10rleslastlrol domInation. It Iq dl'I'lvc
ilK fl'om the unsuccessful alll'mpt (
) s. 1I0nr ) ' IH , oC G'I'man ) ' tll osra"o t1I
12. Papal rule In 10ii , al1l1 his sllbscqlll'l
IIg humiliating ! ! lIhmlsslon to 1'01'0 Gre. .
o [ or ) ' VII.
' .
rs' - - - -
's Grnln Deterlorntes In Milling ,
l'Illn tIotorlol'lltcs
All gradunl :
1111 nCter milling : a l11edlcal expl'l.t sa )
ou that al least GO lIeI' cent of nil mille
It ) ' I'm\t'ts ! \ o/1'cI'ell / to the ( 'OUSllnwr
the orcl h1l\ ) ' stahl Ii unl1t fm' fee
ro , In Ioxlco this Is thOl"lUghi ) ' IIndl'
o stood , ancl the corn Is Sl'olll1l1 In ca <
ho hOllseltotel as It mar be needed fOl' It
mOlliate UlO. : ' '
. . . .
, . .
. e' . ,
- -
} 'ror fill : Jllonths II. , Cuulll Not Turn In
11.11-lIe ' 1'ells u ( " HCIIII'dy " 'hlcb
IIna Oh'cR l'erfcct nelld.
The cnso oC Mr. Mnrston shows that
Rclatlcl\ . cnn bo cUI' ( d , nuduo ouo aflU ted
tJy it sboull nlloW' himscU to bo dis-
heartened. lIe was first stricken about 1\
year ngo , I\.nd for six months ho suffered
pain which ho thin1ts th" most intel1se
thut nny 1III\n MuM possibly stand.
AIII.ed about the details of his romnrk-
n 10 recovery , 1\11' \ . Mnrston gl\ve the following -
lowing acconnt : II I wus attucleed tJI n. ,
numhness or dull feeling just tJac1c of my
right hip. I (1illn't know what the matter - '
ter wns , tJut thou ht it wus 81m ply n.
stllTncsB t.hat wOlllll wear awny in I\ .
Rhort time. It didn't , however , nnd
soon the IlIlin became RO very tJall that
every step was tortnro for me. 'Vhen I
IInnlly Rucceedell in getting home , it was
just us much a8 I cou1d do to reach wy
room nUtl get to tJcc1.
" 'rho doctor was fcnt for , nllli when he
hnd examined me ho said I had sciatica.
lIe prescribed for me , nnd ad vised mo not
lo try to 101\\0 my bed. 'rhe ndvico waR
unneccssary for I couldn't get out of
bed if I wanted to. It WI\S impossible for
me to turn from one si o to the other.
The moment I attemptccl to move any
purt of my tJody , the pain tJecmne so ex-
cl'uciutin thr.t I woul have to lie perfectly -
fectly 1l10tionlefs.
. . I RulTerecl this tortnre { or Rlx mon ths
without getting nny rcllef. 'l hen I dls-
thnrgell t.he doctor , 1111(1 on the mivico oC
fl'leml I bought ItJox of Dr. 'Vi111ams'
Pn1c ; Pills nucllegan to take themtbroo
nt a dose , threCi times n. da ) " . I was determined -
termined to give thom thorough trial.
. . Two montllR nHer I tJegan to use
them I was IItJlo to lenve my bed nnd
wllile ubout the honso , nnd a month 1ater
I was cntirol ) ' cnred nnd able to go nbout
my work ns usunl. I think \Villiums'
Pink Pi11P are tbo tJest medicine I overused
used , n11l1 I heartily recommend them to
'U1 ' 01l0 who sulTel's from scintica. "
Mr. Marston is prosperous farmer
atlli mny tJo reached by mnil addressed
' 0 Charles P. Marston , Hampton P. 0. ,
N'ow Hampshiro. Dr. Willlnms' Pink
PiBs 111\\'e cured other painful nervous
disorders , snch as nenral ia , partial par-
Llv8i ' ! ; aUll 10comotor utaxia. Thcyarc
m'ld by aU druggists.
Inventor In Doubt.
"Is your Invention a success ? " "I
don't know yet , " answered tbo me ,
chanlcal genlns , "It Is snch a slmplo
Ilnd effective devlco that I tJon't Imow
whether I can develop enongh Imagln ,
atlvo eloquence conceralng It to
malto peollie subscrlbo for stock , "
Horse Commits Suicide.
In 11. lawsuit In Aberdeen , Wash. I
over 11. horse , the death ot which In n
flood the owner attributed to tbo care ,
lessness ot 11. man who bad hired It ,
the court decided that tbo animal
which bad suffered from melancholilJ
for some time , committed suicide.
Don't you know that Defiance Starch ,
besides being absolutely superior tc
any other. Is put up 16 ounces in pack ,
age nnd Bells at same price as 12 ,
ounce packages of other Idnds ?
'l.'alco care ot your living , and yoU !
dying w111 talto care ot Itself.
Hundreds or dealers say the extr3
quantity and supel'lor quatfty of De ,
, fiance Starch Is fast taking place of al
other brands. OthprM say they cnnnol
lIell any other starch , '
A gtIrf mnn Is not always a stralgh :
, ono.
' . " . , . ,
. , . . " ,
Hint for Young Wives ,
The main thing Is to reall7. thn.t - -
man Is as ho Is. You can't chnntG
hIm much. And the Booner you 1eavo
err tr 'lng to reform blm tbe sooner
will ) 'ou ho able to maleo him go
through hlg vaces and do the cute
-tricks ho Is capable of. Indeed bo can f
: tJo mndo quite tame by gentle treat- ;
I ment nnd may In Hme learn some of '
'tho ' finer things ot lIre Crom bls mis-
tress. The l1roper study ot womlUl-
kind Is hlan.-S'racuse journal.
An Old Offender.
"Thore's nothing now under the sun.
The theory that mosquitoes transmit . . . .
dlgease Is not 11. recent development , . , , )
as many 8UppOSO. At a late meeting .1
ot the Asiatic society , In Ce'lon , Sir
Henry A. Dlalta , go\'ernor at tbe
Island , announced that Clngalese medIcal -
Ical boolts ot the sixth century des.
crlbed\'en varieties at mos.
qultoes anc'1 424 ltlnds ot malarial
fever caused by mosquitoes ,
Child's Idea of Bliss , !
A small child had been promised
that If she were very good she should Nt
bo tal.en to 11. hotel with ber Cother
nnd mother. When there , some old
ladles , with a , 'Iew to Impro\'lng her ' \
mind , asleed IC she were a good lItt10
girl , and If she Imew where good IIttlo
girls went to , "Yes , " she said ; "t.bey
go to hotels , "
Law of Life Is Toll.
It you want lmowledge , 'ou must
toll for It ; It food ! 'ou must toll tor
It ; and IC pleasure , you must toll for
It. Toll Is tbo law. Pleasure comes
through toll , and not by selt-Indul.
gonco and Indolence. When ono gets
to 10\0 worl. , bls lIre Is a bappy ono.
Something Doing.
This morning tbo sweet slumher of
our peaceful and quiet town was arous. i
ed by bang , bang , bang , 111m the reo
port ot firearms , about 3 o'clocIc , Indl
eating that 11. shooting affray was I
taltlng IIlaco In some part ot town.-
Monument Enterllrlse.
Two Kinds of People.
Some are all right nIl day It they
bogln the day all right : but some
other lIeoplo are all right all day any.
way , because It tbey don't begin the
day right they jerk It Into rlght.-Or.
vlco Sisson In "Short TaBts. "
, l
! ll1l1onll of Vr&rtAblr. .
When the Editor read 10,000 plants for \
16e , he could hardly believe it , but UpOIL . ,
Becond readin finds that the .John A.
Salzer Seed Co. , La Crosse. Wis" tbalL
whom therc arc no mol'c reliable and extensive -
tensive Beed growers in the , vorld. makea
this offer which is made to tet you to
" test Salzer'a. Warranted Vegetable Seedl. \
They will 'scnd you their big plant and
, seed catalojt , together with enoujth ICed
to jtrow
1,000 fine , solid Cabbages ,
2,000 rich , juicy Turnips. " " ' ,
2,000 blanching , nutty Celery , , , 'YI
. 2,000 rich , buttery Lettuce. I r ,
1,000 liplendid Omens , . .
1,000 rare ! luscious Radishes , I
1,000 glorIously brilliant Flowers ,
ALL FOB nUT 160 rOSTAG ! ! : , I
providin you will return this notice , and
If ) : ou WIll send them 20e in postage , tbeT.
wiJl add to the above a. IJllckage of f
mous Berliner Cauliflower. [ W. N. U. ]
Police Recover Rich Booty.
Halt a ton ot lace. stolen IIroperty.
i packed In ten sacls , was discovered
l by London detectlv s 11. few days a eon
on the IIremlses ot 11. tailor.
.J. I
t You cannot teach where you do not r. .
_ . _ _ 4(1' ) _ ' " . . . . . ' . _ ' _ . . . . " , ' . _ - : . , . . .
For Infants and Children.
The Iind { You 0 Have
Always Bought
\ 'I ' Bears the
, . i
. ' 1 ! SIgnature
Promotes Digcstion.Chccrrul-- .
ncssandTIest.Conlains neUherI I I
Opium.Morphine nor } [ tcr l. ' of
or'N.AR.Co'.rIO.I I
. 'N .
aI'Olil.1i'S.WllELPl1'CIIER . " ;
1J:1 : ; ! w I ,
! tt : 'tj'- , /
'tj'n I \
1 / ; ( , .r.L.o. . , , , , , . . .o.'I " n . .
llfnro.rJ. , ;
J ,
rt'l1iAAl , , . -
) If ! n.nwt
Apc ccl ncm lly forConsUp ' - " fJ . . U s e
non. Sour StomachDiarrhoca , "
WormsConvulsio1\sfcvcrish- , '
ness and Loss 0. SLEEH i.r i. r ; F 0 r 0 V e r
Thirty Years .
ooaco O'Ma
' . . . . , . . . .
I ) . . TMI OlllTAUa eo.fOR" " .IW .0. om.
,8 . .I ' * . . . . . _ . . _ : . . _ ; JI . . . _ . _ _ 01' , . . oK
' "
11. -
If t : f Thompson' . Eyt Water
' ! J
CURES catarrh 01 the .tomach.
, , .
. .
. ' ' ' ' : ' ' ' ' : .I' it. ! . ,