Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 23, 1905, Image 9

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    . . " . . " , ; . . . . . . ' . . . . . . ' I
" ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , ' - , . . . . - - - - - .
' "
1' '
j ,
, I"
: ) I. ' _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . .
1\Iiss \ 1'lorencc ! E. Kcnah , 434 Maria. btrcct , Ottawa , Ont. , wriles :
"A few montlls lJllO I caugllt a ! levere cold , whlell settled on m ) ' lunJs and remained -
mained ther : : so persistently tllat I became alarmed. I took med/cltle w/thout
, 'j ' bcneflt , IIntll my dlgestl"c organs became upset , IJnd my head and bllck b gan
to ache severely o'md frcquontly.
, . . } was lldv/sed to try Perl/lis. and nltllOugll Iliad little faWl1 felt 110 sick UISt
1 WIIS ready to tryanytlling. It brought me blessed relief t once , llnd I felt
tllllt I had tlie rlgllt IIIcdlJne at Illst. Wltllin three weeks I was completely .
rcftored nnd IllJvc enjoyed perfect lIealtll since.
HI now haJ'e the gr < ! Btest faith /a Peruna. " Florence E. Kenall.
'l'he collI winll
WOMEN SHOULD and rain , slush
BEWARE 9F anll mud of win-
tcr are especially
conducive to ca-
ta1'l'hal . .
dcrangements. .Few w01l1en
Upon the first s'mptoms of catching
'col PerunlRhould he talrcn. It fortifies
Lhe s'stem , against colds /lUll catarrh. for Colds and Catarrh.
The following interesting' lettcr gh'es
ono young woman's experience with
. Miss Rose Gerbing , n popular society
woman of Crown loint , lnll. , writes :
' Heccntlv : I took n long drive in the
country , and being too thinly clad I
caught a ball cold which settled on my
lungR , and which I could not seem to
5kalwoff. I hall heard n great delllof
Poruna for -colds and catarrh and I
. , \ bought a bottle to try. I am pleased
1 Lhnt I did , for it brought spcedy relief.
[ t only took about two bottles , nnd I
wnsider this mOlley well spent. '
"Yon hll..e n. firm frip-nll in m" , . nnll T
but ha e purcha-ed : I'ovorlll bottles to
give to those without the mcans to bt1 } "
and have noticed without e"ceptlon
that it has hrought a out a speedy cun'
wherever it has been used.-Hoso
Gerbiug. Contains No Narcotics.
Ono reason why Perm1l\ has 'fmmcl
pcrmanent use in so mall } ' homes is t1l1 t
1t contains no l1Iu'cotlc of nuy Idnd.
Peruna is pe1' eetly harmless. It can
be uscd any length of time without acquiring -
quiring a drug habit. Peruna docs not
prolluce tcmporary results. It is perma.
nent in its etrcct.
It has no hllll effect upon the system ,
nnd g-radually eliminates catarrh by re-
lUovinlf the cause of cl\tarrh. There arc
n multItude of homes where PermIn has
been uscd off aIllI 011 for twonty'ears.
Suoh a thing could not be possible if
Perunn contained any Ilrugs of a no.r.
cotic naturc.
Address Dr. Hartman , President of
The liartmo.u l:3anitl\riul11 : , Columbus ,
11 i'm'r" , < : nnnl1.'n" " , 1",111 , dri"tl" I'nn.
- - , - un _ n _ _ n _ n _ . _ . _ _ n - - - , U _ _ _ - - - - ------.1.--------- - - - . . . -U--J - _ _
not only advhm its use to my friends , I fi ontial. . .
There are Many hJzitatioJlJ' of
Baker's Cocoa
" 'J )
) 1 and
. " .1
Baker's Chocolate
Don't be 111/sled by tbent !
Our trade-mark is on every
. pa kage of genuine goods.
? . II " Under the decisions of sel'cral
{ \ United States' Courts , no
other chocolate or cocoa than
, Walter Baker & ' Coo's is entitled -
, I
& titled to be sold as "Baker's
, . .
LooUo.tthiaTrade.Muk C ocoa II or "B a k er 'CI lOCO I ate
Our handsomely illustrated recipe book
! sent free.
I "Walter Baker B Co. Ltd.
Established 1780 Dorchester , Massachusetts
45 Highest Awards in Europe and America
UNION $ 50 $ 00 FOR
$3 & $3 SHOES .
MADE. 11 = _ = MEN.
" ' . I. . n"'IJlln. : 9:1.1 > 0 .ho..o IIr" the llir"III..1 Neller. III Iho .
" , "rhl h""II.e..rU1I'h' o"r..llelll d'le , " 11.1111111" nil" .11 : . . .
: ) . . ' : :18 ! .1.8' : t. { ; : ' ; l ; ! ' ll : r ' I \ i\ , , : : ' : ' j"I r. . : ' . . I
'v. . . . ) ) IIIIIIiIIlO 1IIJ.I ! O .hll. ' . . , II.t IIIIIre au lIIuko , hllhl
. . . , , luntr'r , 1".1 . .rllirellt.'r vllllle UII&II ' ' '
.hllpc hrll..r " " "r " 'IY
. .Ih..r 8:1..hll. . , 11I1 tll" Inllrk1 1.tlIlY.v . . . . U..III&III. 1111111' .
. . . . . , ' . , ' . . hi. . , , , , . .I . UII Iho
' \11111. II 111111I. I.rlell
III\t. Ih'lr11111. ) .11I1II\.11I1l
lit I , " " \ 11"11I . .r..llrh .h. . . . . 1..01 < rllr II. 'l'lIk. , 1I..lIlooUIIIIII. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .
. . .
1 ) JUUIlIII. Ma. " "h..e'III' " .llhr..lI h h. .WII . . 'IIIII.I..r. III
the l.rlll"II"11 . .II Jo'.J . " . .1 .hlle . . . .III..r" " , . . . . . . < 're. J'ol. . 11I11 I.
. hY..hlle . . . . . } .
t..rwlle.'e ) 'nn Ih'e , 'V. , " J "ulliu. .hlle.II. ' " Ihlll ) 'IIIII'r"ucII.
ETTETII.t.V OT/lER J/.IKES .H' AN ) ' I'RlCf. ' .
II For Ihe la t tI.rt , lIiar.1 hare .com 11'.1. n I/OI , " U.'III'Mj alldlounlil nol
onlll a. oo " . bOll bf/ltr th , , , , , .n ! ! , ho11'11 I 'rtr hfJt r'ffJr"I , , , "f prirt. "
Clla" L. F..rrII , , iul. CmlHr Tilt C'p'tal'alloll ' , " ) j'lnt./"lnapI/Iml , / ,
Boys wear W. L. Douglas $2,60 and $2O ( } shoes because they fit
better , bold their shape , and wear longer than other makes ,
\Y. t JJo , , la' IJU' Corona Coltdin ill , , , , , tI , " ' .ron,1
( . ' 01ronlldrred to be the IIlItil palrll ! Imllltr produr" ' ,
' . , . . . . ' . ' ' . . ' . . .
FAS'rto'.UR 'r1.r.I.r.'S 1.1. NUT \ : U nR. sSY
" ' . L. DOUKlnl tou II , , , larl1ed Ihoe 11I:111 : ord.r haah'1 ' III Ihe . . . .orld.
No Irouble 10 11.1 1\ lit hy mall. 25r. . nell' ' PitY. \lvur \ , U YOU ,1..lfI'
IUrltoer InlornmUon. ura , lor 1lI"lm' " l'r ( . ' , u < lloC1ue lI/ . prt.'ill / / " ,
; ;
ree 0' 0 'T PARALYSIS
" , III 1111 .Wllt frt' ' ' ' 11/1 tJlI'hl , UI'UII rOCIII""t. TI , ' . hook II 01 a hllu rcd juu , hnudlomely l\Iu. \ .
Iraled IlIroUlliloUI Ilia lella 01 1111 " llcrlel"'o " l.1 oyer IIllrt ) ' ) 'I'& : tllo IrelIIl1CIII ! III t'ruul".1 lrcut
t1llInl1Jcfurmltlt ; , . . , III rllllUlu I IIrIlIYIIIII. 1111' JJI"'lIhC , JJururm,1 I.huh. IUHt .1 nlll tli , B h' .
lt lell. of the nnly Ihor"uihIY c\ull'l'ea Ranllar urn 11111110 ( 'ouolry dc"oleJ . , , 'h18lvOIY Iht ! trOMlnenl
DI the.e cIID < llIllIDIl 110(1 hllw Ihoy iliff 1i8 clIre. Wml < 1\It lurolI'lIer.lllllU \ . _ 1" " , . .r l'al. or olher .e"er
J. Iredllleul , Heud fl'r Ihlll . IIo.k . , und It dlrecuy In.ero'le.I . . , lIIelilloll t'h'lraclcr ' IIIhe utUlcU"n 1",1 r : > clw
l IIteralure brllrlu 110 II. . Bub. ! 3104 Pin" 51. .
. The L C Mclain
. . Canltarlum
) Irctwlllbe tlleboot. . Orthopedic J I 5t. Loulu.
- - - - - -
BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIEIC I When Answering Advertisements
. CURES catarrh of u : stomach. Kindly . Mention This Pap or.
. . I
. , .
r 'i l' sla -I
. . .
An OIrO ! rompnn ) ' bns been orgnn-
Izoll In h\lllgon.
l"Ol1r hO\l5l'S In Albion ore noW lIy.
Ing the red lIag for sl11nll "Ox.
The DOIIgo Count ) . 1"l\rl11ors' Tele.
p110no compnny hns ml\llo n. slhht
rnlse In ratl's.
1011's. Beats or 01'1\11\1 Islnnd , who
went to Indlnnn to nurse her slclt hus-
bnnd. dlell s\lllllelily ill that stnte.
The mue VnllelI1l1n : compnn ) '
of 1I0lmes\'l1Ic , hils been l'eor nnlzell
with an lIuthorlzeli cnpltnl stocle ot
$25QOO. . .
The NorCollt pollre Iln\'e enterell \ \ Pen -
on n. rrusnllo ngnlnst'ice In that t'1l ) ' ,
rahllllg some ) llacos of questionable
Three rolorell men plarol1 In jnll nt
Alliance for house broaldng , } lleolloll
gu1\ty \ anll III'e aWllltlng sentence ns
soon as the judge nl'l'l\'es , ,
H c'nt1) . gmft'r 1)I' ! unded n nUIl1
her or Cass count ) . 1)01110 to In\'est
In nn Incuhalor at the sl11nl ! Irlro ) of
$7 , nml nftel'wnrl11l attol11lltell to relll.
Ize $37 for the same. I
OO\'rnor lIcl < ( ' ) ' 1m ! ! honoroll the
reulsHlolI of the gO\'ernOl' of lIsso11rl
for the return to that slate t Leo
Norman -Taylnr , wl\IIte(1 ( III An l'ows
county for gmnll InrC'eny. ,
The new clt . Illt'prlory of Fremont
for l10G ! Is ont. It routllins 4,416
nnmes , whlrh woulll h1\lIC'ato \ n POIl\ .
] 11 tlon of 11,000 , nn Itlcr'lIso of 1,000 I
slnco the In'st ella'oelory wns Issnel } ,
11"'lhe ' 8. : Patton , whose ele\'lItor
wns 'ell'stro 'eel hy fire at BIlla Springs
n. ft. > w t1a 's ! l o , ( 'XIOC't ) to soon erect
a new 20OOO'-hu8hol' elo\'ator not fnr
from the Bmllngton dellot lit that
'Vorl1 was hrought to Cln ' Center of
UIA burt11nl ; of a hani on the fnrm
of 1\Irs. Cdt Stephenson , 11\0 miles
southcast. No ) Jnrtlcullll'ff were learn.
cd ns to the amount or loss or cause
of fire.
.Too C. Hottel of Omaha , n. . lad 18
: rears old. was 1lI1el1 nt Ashland hy
fallingunller a Heel , Island train over
the Burlington tracl < s. It Is SUIIOsel1 )
that he was catching n. ride nnd
WIlliam Threncl ! < eII was Idlled In
the Burllnglon rar < < ls at Lincoln whllo
tr'lng tolncollpe ] two cars. lIe
canght a foot In a fish plato as he
stepped between the cars anll was In-
stant1 . 1 < llIod.
William : . QllaC'1 < enhush , n farmer
livIng thlrtooll miles northwest of
Doatrlro , was arcldentallr shot nnd
Instnnt1 ' 1 < lIIed by WlIllllm N. PltIC- ]
nett , his \\'Ire's cousin , while the two
were ducl , hunting.
Both of the Incuhator fnrtorlci ! at
Cia ) ' Center are running night forces
In their shops. The ) lQstomce there
Itns been \lnylnA' \ out to these concerns -
cerns o\'er $2,000 lieI' dny In money
orders for some time.
A Rocloty for the pre\'enllon ot.
crllelty to nnlmnls has been organ.
Izel1 nt Os'eola. Dr. E. D , Bllelmer ,
Jlld e F. H , 11aII nnd Postmaster
Henry H. Camlhell ) nro the InCOl'lora- )
tors nnl ( hoard of trusteef' ' ! .
Relnllves \Uehael : Lamh of Greel.
ry rOllnt ) ' , who Is doing time at the
penltentlnry on n char e of heln 1m-
plIcatl'd In n. . cllttle stealing case , have
renewed their efforts to hl\\'e him 11Ilt'-
doned. or his sentmice commlltefl.
Since the Ire hns hrol < cn 1111 111 Glh.
son's lal < e cast of Nehraslm City ,
thollsands of dead fish ha\'e floated to
the flhore , Among the elead flRh nre
hundrells of fine baRs nnel croppy.
Man ) ' of the hass weigh from four to
six pOllnl1s each.
The hOllso committee on clnlm ! ! c1ls.
eovered that the calm ] of the heirs
of Herman Goerlde of Sioux City hnd
heen ralsol ( from $1 , ! : 0 ( } to $ l1GOO.
Goeddo died several 'oars ale nnd hIs
heirs live In Germany. The pl'Operty
went to the state.
State Auditor Searle hns reCnsell to
honor the wnrrant of State Senator
Jennings for $3 a doy extra IIIIY ns
presillent of the senate , claIming the
nct pro\'hllng for InC'reas(1 ( ( 'oll1p'nsa.
tlon Is unconstllllt ( onlll. 'rhe atl.orne ) '
general Ullhods ] the nudltOI' In his
Colin H. 1\tc1sanc , commlsslon ! > r
genernl of the Lewis anel Clarl < eXllnR ! .
tlon , Is In Llnron ] conferring with
stnte omrals ( and legislators In re. > -
ard to In'reaslng the III"OIIOsell $ ] Ii-
000 appropriation from Nohraslm. He
remInds the state that Orolon al'pI'O-
prlated $30,000 to mal < c the Omaha
exposition n SIlCCOSS ; that Ol'egon hils
Sllst alnell the most corlllnl rela t Ions
with Nebraslm nnd does a hllslness
wHh liS of more thlln $10,000 11er ) 'ear ,
The genel'lll store of .J. Cllr'll' ] at
Scotia waR entered nnd rohhell. The
thle\'es 111'01 < 0 open a Ilesle and secllrell
$203 , E\'lclontly theHie of lIood ]
hounds was antlC'IIJlltoll for n. CJuantity
of ffillphur was Bprlnl < 1ell on the floor
and nlso upon the slllewall < for some
dlstanre outslle ( the door. Sheri ! !
Smith cnmo In a few hOllrs nfter the
rohl'ery was < < lIscO\'erel } , hrlngln hIs
1Jloollhollnc1s , hilt the slliphur elltl1'e. > ly
1mftle them 1\11\1 they could O noth.
lng ,
Four ( 'nrs of Northwcstern freight
trnln No , 411 were 111111 In a heap nud
wreC'(1 \ ( nonl' Platte 1'1\01' station , flh
miles west of 1'r ( > l\1onl. \ The \\TOC'h
wns ( ,111110c1 ! ' IIr a IIrol\on flnnf.e. Lnr o
quantities of gl'aln were Hlll1lec1 on
tllO rollnll.
Holdreg'Q Is ( > njoyn ( an t\l1\1811nl \
lIul1ll1ng1100111 thlq RIJI'hlJ ( , There n\ , ( >
now twelltr-lo\'OIl ; rC > I < IIIJIIC'1I , In C'I\I'SO
of ( 'ollsh'lIC'tlon Rnll the no\\ ' Cat Itog ! ' "
1Ihrar ) ' will ho C'olllmellcell withIn the
ne. > xt thlrtr da 'II. 'I'hprc Is nhm tllll\
of n new $1GOOO sC'llOoi hul1ll1n
\\'hlrh , In nil prohahlllt ) ' , will be erect.
ed In time for the fail term.
, ,
If .
. ,
EnOllsh Nc\mell.
In 1IIl1t of cnllli h1atl'sVho , , ' : ore
rcrt. > nt1y ndmlltel1 to the hilI' In Hllg.
Irmtl there Were mell whoso Ilnl'cnts
hnlt gl\'el1 thom such "Chrl'tlnntl !
nalltes as th'RO : glhlyr , Amlollll , I..nx.
mlshnnl\or , Benlllah , Salltllon alld AI"
chlmcc1os.'Ic1'ntl ) ' the ' ha\'o no S ,
P. C. C. In 1 lIglllll < < I. or If thorIs 0110
tIll're It cun't ho ' '
ho'ery watc.'hfnl ,
Do YOur Clothes Look Yellow'l
Then tll'e ] ) enllnl'l' Stlll'C'h ; It will
Itet'll thum'hle -IG OIlIlUM tUI' 10
Cemetery for Books.
"A cemeter ) ' for books" Is whnt a
French wrltol' calls the Natlonlll 1..1-
brnr ) ' In Pnrls , 111 which the hlstor '
of ) ' "ranco alolto Is rClresollted ) \ ) '
300.000 yolulltos.
Sensible Housekeepers
will haVe DI'III\IICe Starch , lIuI nlolle
becnul't ! they Het 01l1'.lhh < < 11I10I'C (01'he
tH\lIIC tnOlle ' , but nll\o \ because ot supe.
1'101' quallt > . .
A c'lIle Is n mnll who wOllltl he un.
hIlPII ) ' If Ihere W\1l'O lIothlllg for him
to bo1l1hllllll ) ' ahout.
The Best Results In Starching
can be O\lllinell \ enl ' h ' IIlIln ! ; ' Dellttnce
Stllrch , bellhlei ! Heltln" 4 01111'1'11nor"
! Ol' same tnotW1I0 cUllI\ln I't'lJulret1.
l \'er ) ' I'eal sceptel' of IIOWr cOllies
from S0l\10 \ sllrrorln In the 11I1St.
When Vou Buy Starch
II\I ' Dcnuneallll ! : "l tltl' bellt : 1G
ounces ! Ol' 10 ccnlH. Once uscd , 1l1'I'S
A IIIl1n's popullll'lty gellerllll ) ' ends
when he gellhome. ! .
, : ltr . 1.1nsltlunthlnl : S.rnp.
For rhlldren I"elhlnit. sol"'u8lho Jnrol , r"lures JD.
fiamWlllloQ , allll'll'aln . , curoa wloll cullo.5011 \ / IJ < JUle.
Ho seelom ] thlnls of the future who
WIIIls wHh th } "ather.
"Ur. UnTlll U'I".I , . ' " 1..yurltn . It..m..t , .
eu\1 niP . . oC Jlrlllht'.UI.c".e .ulIl nrucl , ALle I'h.lrlall.
1&11. . . . . lIn , )0 . 1' , . .
; MlwnvrJurllhlll , U , " .OQ.luUl. . .
- - - - - -
No man Is a bol'o who tllll < s to ) 'OU
n.bout ) 'ourself. .
E\ery ltousel < eeper should ] mow
that If they will hlty Defiance Cold
Wnter Starch for Iaunllr ) ' use they
will Sil\'O not enl ) ' tlmo , heclluso It
no\'er stlcl < B to the Iron , but hecauso
each paclme ! contnlns 16 oz.-ono full
pounll-whllo nil other Col Water
Starches are llUt Ull In = } 4-110und ) lac Ie.
nges , nnd the prlco Is the Slime , 10
cents. ' 1'holl again hecnuso 1)ofianco
Starch Is free from all Injurious chern.
Icalr. If your grocer tries to sC'1l ) 'ou
it. 12.0 . pacl < nge It Is hocause ha has
a storIe on hand which ho wishes to
: lIs110se of heforo he pitts In Dennnce.
lie Imows that Defilllt'o Starch hus
I'l'lnted on e\'ery ) Hlclmge In large letters -
ters nnll flf.ures " 11 07.s. " Demanll De.
fiance nnll snvo lIIuch time and money
: ln the IInnoynnce of the Iron stlc1e-
Ing. Defiance never sUel\s.
Too mnny seen lied opportunIties
: urn out to bo optical illusions.
"rnnan ntl , . curl'd. No IItlor n..on.heee aftOt'
nnst dRY' . "oe or ! Jr. KIItI ' 1 IIftnl Ncrye lIeolo" ,
r. Reoll ror 1tnl l 8 .OO Irlnl LoWe nlld Irr.U.o ,
liB. It. U. KI.1NBI.llI. , 31 Arch tUreet , l'hlllldvlpblll.l'a
A fast frlen shlp ilia ) ' ho slow hut
( n All Pe.rts or the Unltod Statoo Lydia
E. PInkham's VeQ'etable OOmpound
Has Effected SImilar OUre. .
: Muny wonderful cures of female m.
are continually coming to light which
have been brought 11hout by IJydlo. .
Pinkham's Vegetable Compoun , and
lhrough the advice of Mrs. Plnlhnm ,
of Lynn. Muss" which Is g'lven to sick
WOl11el1 absolutely free of emrgo ]
Mrs. PII1Ihalll } , as lor mauy years
mo.tIe a stud } ' of the ills of lwr scx ;
she has consulted with and advlhed
thoUlmnds of / iutfcringwomell , who
tohw < < owe not only tlll'ir health but
cvonllfe to her hc1t ClIl advice.
MrR. 1 < 'o.nnle D. Fox , oC 7 Chcstnut
Street , BraMonl , l'n" writes :
Dear lIh'R , Plllkham : -
"I hulferrd fill' a 11I1I lImfl with wlImh
troul > I. ' . nllli 1IIIIIIIy WILS tllhl hy my I'hYhlcill1l '
that I hllil 11 tUII1m' 011 lho wIIIIII > . 1 dltl not
Wllllt to "u lllit to un Op l1LlIlIlI. so wroln you
for 1111\1"0 , I rt'cevI'11 ! YOllr letternllcllllll n ! !
you toltl me , nllll tlHlay I lUll CIlJlplttely ) I
cured , Iy .Iortlr says the tUlllllr hils IlIstlll- I
penrnd , nl1l1 I Rill 011"1 } 11I111'1.1 n wl'lI0111111I. .
I 1I01l0vo I..Yllin g , 1'llIl > hlllll \rl'l.t..t lhlo Cmll-
r10ullcl Is the bo1.t IIIlJ1lkru ! , III the worlel tor
WOllllm , "
'L'he testlmoniah ; which we are con.
stantlypuhlll'ihingfl'olll g'I'atuflll women i
tsta : hllsh bl'\0111111 . IlulI lit tlw power of
I ydhL I . l'inlhllll i VI'jcta hIe Compound -
pound to COllqncl' Cumal : ! < fbl'IISCH. I
'Vol\1en snn'l'ring' Irom 1111\ ' form of
fcmalo wl.lllml. . . . . . III'U ill\'ltcll to
prolllptl ' cOl\1l1l1tr1icnt { . wilh 11''i
l'inlhllm , lit 1\,1111. In. . . . . . She II I , , ,
nothing' 1n rdIIn : fOl' It''I' lid \1" . . . It i. .
aholutch' ! frl'c. 111111 t. > thlll'oAII.I'i ot
WOlIIl'n h ; " proved to L . UlUl'lI )11 Cc. : I.JIIS
than gel j
- , Ji1e'YOl1 Ril/olls' , ?
- . . . . . - - - - - - -
Ie o01 wlil hnve moro or less of the
\1ufn'qu'utly thr complcxlon br.
COI1H'S } I 1\11' a 11I1 11IIIIOW , thl'rl' iliaho
freq\1enL ntt rks of blllolls or sick lil'nd.
Rcho , blttt'r tnl\tt' in the 11101llh , t IIJRIIO
cOl\t11 white or cO\'l'n'll with n brown
fitI' ' , 1I11111\turnl , dlJ' , Il\\rllh \ , or Fcny !
colldltiOIl of the IIklll , or bmnll > ' l'nlP'
t.lons nml } limploR , ' 1'IH're 18 'hkl'ly to
be . . ncknchC ! , " with tt'l'l ! fl'l1111118 ,
Il\IlIdLul1o nmlIIOnll ( \ of c1ebility , TllI'ro
i8 deJT\8I\10I1 } of with decidt't.I
t.J1t11lonc ) ' to O l \'d nmi ell"
Bpolldent. 'fh"re 111 1011II or Irn.lthnit\ ! '
oC I\ppl'tlto , IIl1tJ1\Si\l\HS In Tioll of thl'
atol1tllch , opprlJl8lon ! , IIOlIIl'lillll'lI 80ur
atolllnch I ! ) ( 'art-bllrn , " 111\\181'1\ 111111
. . \\'lIh'r.brnsh. " flntlllt'IIC'IIIlI IIcrill
0\\1ctnt\1I118 \ ; thl' bnwt1lH ! I\collle : Irn'JII' ;
Inr , U8111\IIy cOlllltipnlcd , 1\11\1 \ ot'cn/ioIl4 / !
nlllIubject t 1 dlnrrhen , nttclIlh.d wltla
coflcllnln8 \ , 'rho fO\'l' o JI ! ; " ' 1IIp'
tOIllS liTO not 1111 111'l'I'Ullt In I\IIY ( llIe
CI\O ! , nor nn , 1\11) ' two el18l'8 t\1il < 0 in
ev'r ) ' rl'RlCcl. ( !
1'ho onlv'n \ ' tl hl'lp a dI80nl\'l'd
IIvr ! nml uro bI1l0l1811t'1If\ to trt'nl. it.
IL' ! it. Is - the JrOl\t ; , Orll\II\c \ , hlllllt\n of tht' hUl11lll1 I'\8tl'lII. Doctor
} ) ierco'a Oohhll1 Mmfit'lIl 1)jIlCO\\1I'\ '
cl'Istll " 1If1 1'1C'lIr , it ; it\\'l orntel I\lIil
mvitalir.C'8 I hil ! IIlost im portmlt oq1\1I ;
by its wOI\dorhlln1tt'rnt.l\'c } JOWl'r.
A Terrible Cn e o' ! onllerlnlt COUed
by I.h'er COInl'lulnt.
nit. ( \.1'1&11(1)4 I1ulTlllo. N. Y.I
] ) ' "r SI , . I will t.11 } ' \III huw I rl'anlnl't1 m
hl'nllh. Ihnlluh I Olliltht to hll\'ll wrlth > n Ion : :
IUO , Uravo h"1'I1 'fI'liIVO ' ) ' 1'11I11. t'\'I'n 'I'nl'l
nlrO 1 hnll the 11I1Jl ntlnclt ( II "OI'II'I\\ ! . " nllll
ror ll1nn ) ' month'l ntlt1\1ur.11 C'l1I1t1 1II11 ' . . .n '
IIJI'Vor f,11 wulI. The dOl'llIr " "Illho ( Inlllhlt1
wes IIv"r C'olll\lI..lnl. \ . , \ rtt'r h""lIlr "h'l < lor
limit ) ) ' 1'1"11 , klthwy Dllfl hlMItIIlI' Irollhl" SI.t
III. \ hlcl1 tlllt nl\ ' \\01.01'01\11111/111 \ Ihnll ,
1\\111' wlhorow , Dill IIlIt tnlH ! 11I'II but It
wOIIIII hurt III ) ' IItulIIRch 1 < 0 Ihnlll wuultl 1111
wllh 1I1nllll II wllulel Ihrow 1111 III ' roo,1 Itl I
lilY IhroI , \ ' ' t.etlll1l : : WOrM\ ' hlum'
aeh 1I10'1w1I kl'\'t \ , ulltll thuro cc\l1ull 110
- - - - - - - -
murl' mom II'H In IOY hOt ] to hold It. My
I'IIUIII' IlC'Cn1l1'OI1'c \ 1111I { the In lc1c of m1'
fIIolllhtl ! "oro Ihlll. altho1llh It c1111 lIot alTl'C'
tll ) ' " 011'1' 1.tl111C'llt ) . \ ! ' ' cau cdJ \ tll II }
Ihll IOIltI1hl'lI ! Il\lkllllt. II IIIlIlIurt to nil
Ihls the urlllIH..OIIIO HI , ; c..Ic1lnlt . thal tb
bumlllir HOII'lolI ! cnll'l'li 111" 10 I't'team WhO/l
Ilot hll : 11. Oh ! lho 1I\1jJ'\f11l1l nlllllhe nllltullh !
or that , , ! 'Ok' 'll'1Il1ll'Vt'r ( or/lll\ \ ' I rou\lIIlO' \
111' down lIor "Il Ullllttol hl , 1101' wnlle lIor do
IIIIYlhlllll , Wn all dOIlIII't ! 1111111111 hat ! to 111)
111 fmm Illaro Iu plorl" hut hl'te I am to--
tlaOUIIII ! alld ' 11'1)11. nIl the Ihanl < ! l clun to
nr. i'II1I'\'O'8 lnl.dlcltll'I ! , I uSI'CIl\hh 11I bot-
llc' " of "Oolellm MI'tllt'nl IJII'u'ery , " thrrt' or
" " . . , ' St'rluUon" nlld I'hthlcon'Ials
ot 1'1' 1018. " 1I1R ) ' ) 'OU II " " IonIC 10 Irarc !
111&11) ' morn IKlor IIUITIII'\II1J fnJtIIho .Iou&b of
closI1&1r-t1nrll M I hRd tRlllm Into.
U ra hlfu 11) ' ) 'OU 11' .
1I11s AtTCH//lTA / RAnt.1I : ,
4:1) 1 lndln ) ' A0. . . IIIIt Itntllc\I \ ! , lIrtchllCan.
II Goldcli Medlcnl I > ifICOVCry' " CcI1.
tnllls ItO nlrohol , ! I'nIP , or 8ugar , yet
kl'C > I'8 Ilorfl'Ctly In I\lty clhlll\tc.
no NOT n ] hc. lnn-It Is nn In-
Hlllt 1'0 ) 'Ollr inte1li ( "lIco for n. . denier to
attcmpt to It\IaIl 0 ( ( Ilpon yon n. . , tbsti-
tu/t / ror thIs world. rllmed medlclno.
YOIl 'IIOU' whllt'ull wnltt. It's ' hl8 bU8I-
IICll8 to IIII'd till it Il'Itllt , Wh1t Iw ur es
! lomo RIII/.dUllfr. 111"8 t.hlnklng of lito
larger llrollt ho'll mako-not or your
\\'cHaro. 'rurn 'our hnck on uny denlor
who orrers 'ou slloh t.reatll1lmt.
In oh8tinntl1 constipation tho" Dis-
rowr ) ' " 8ho\1hl \ 111' ulled In conJllnction
wltlt Dr. l'iorcl"s I'll'mmlit I'enct , the
m08t nnturnl 1\1111 thorouHhly ! lc ontlfio
luxntivl1 I'\'ur d\\'ill'd. 'I'ho" l'ellet8"
n' ulnto 111\11 \ il\\'iRornt t.ho stomach.
I \\'r uml bowels. Ono iK a enU
] nI\II\'o : ; t.wo net liS a mild cnLlmrtlc.
If YOIl require n\l'c1ical I\d\'lco write
Dr. H. Y. Pierce who will give you the
bcst ad\'lco pOllsible , fret.
Dr. lliorco's lOO'II1 ( ) ] : 'Itc lcal Ad-
\'iHI'r , " Is Iho most mohll to doctor
book II } lubIl8hed. A COllY In IItir111 \ -
pCI' CO\'OI'S sent on ! 'l'colpof \ ] ono.
Cl'lIt Htnm } > a to IIl\Y \ eXptHl80 of mailing
CllIly ; in cloth lJinlling ten stumps
I'xtru. Addre81:1 : Dr. H. V. Piorcc. U\1f4
Cnlo , N. Y.
Facts Are , Stubborn , Things
Uniform cxcql10nt q11l\lity for over a quarter of a
century has HtelldilJ'increased the S' ' OB of LION COF1"EE ,
Tile leader 01 all package collees. .
Lion CoUee
is now 1180(1 in millions of homcs. Such '
populanl811CCCIH ! : H } > Cllkt : ! for itl olf. It is t\
lwSItlVC IJrool thllt LION COHEE hns the
ConlideiMce 01 the people.
ho uniform quulity of LION
COF1'EE survivcs nil oppoaition.
LION COFI'EE JcccP" Ie" " , 0111 Irlcmls nOlI
mnJe new oncli every Iluy.
Ilus even morc
thun Us StrenJth , Flavor nnd Qual.
Ity to eommcnd U. On nrrlvnllrom .
tbe plnntatlon.1t Is carefully rousf.
d nt our laetories nnd securely
paeled In 1 lb. senled pnelcngesl
nnd not opened ngaln until needed
lor use In the llome. This precludes
the possibility 01 ndulterntlon or contact with germs , dirt.
dust , Insects or unclenn hands. Tile absolute. purity 01
LION COFFEE Is nlerelore gunrnnlee(1 to tbe consumer.
S01l1 oIlI ' in 1 lb. } llLckAlcB. IIon.1Ioml on orcry } llLckngo.
Huvo tlJlJSO Llon-ltmuls for \'alulLbio prcmlums.
WOOJ-SON SIIJOE 00. , Toledo , Ohio.
- - ' -
. .Tone Qua.Uty. .
pure ont1 111PlIow , dltlnJuI ! h our hond
mnlle "J\luelllJr" ) lll\n08 from lho orllln.
IIry make8.
18 buill on the vIolin prlncllle. ( ! llIowln ! ;
frce vlbratloll , Other It'ntH of Interlst !
In our new CDlulog , BUilt treu for the
AddroRH the Mnlrers.
I' stnh\lllhell \ ll 1iJ. (
1313 1"AnNAlt : S'I' . , .Olt\IIA. :
10,000 Plants for IOc"
MOle Italilene and . are 1lnnle.t to
Halzcr' . 8'p.l. thlill . . "y nlh.'r hL
AlllerlcAo 'n'ere II r.aoll Cor thll.
w. . own OTer 6,000 "clu'for the , It' "
dllelloll 01Hlr waarraan,1 .c. . . . .
In ord.r to IlIIhlco'olllo trylhem.0
make ) ou the followluif uuprtlo
- ccdcllle. ollerl
For 10 Cents PostpaId
111I10 foarl1. lI.dlu..d
'H"I'In. . lul. " . .rnlp. ,
IIIO ) IIIlao..lor . ( ' .1" "
? n : 'l.t. ! , ' , ' "
JIWIOlar. . LutI"uI lI.dlh. . ,
1110O 01.,1. . , . , 11,1111. . , U. . . . . . .
Aboyo .o"en packalten cOIII.ln Stint.
clenl lec.1 10 III'UW 10,11) ' ) 1lalll. . lut'
n"hlng hl..I. . . . . . .r 1..llIllIlIt
1I1"\.r.IIIIII , , , " anllot. or cholco
vcllcl\llc. , 10KoIh. , wlUI Ollr rtllt
t'alaIOll' " \ "Imllt " 'owe" ' , .
UOKC' . 11I,11 t'rll 1 _ . clr , . 1111 ror
100 In.lamll. "lid thl. . . . .lice.
! JliI.I''IIO ( clltlilolC alollo , to.
WN.O , La Crofteo. Wle.
Thu OLD TRU81"i In'
clIlJulOJo IIro 11111010 I > y
JUhUIOU , the IlIcul > lItllr
IIIII , wl.o 1111..10 . r.otC1 ( ) he.
r'lt ( . IU\'I'IIUUIl hla OLD
TltuSTY ,
A J'aY'lnrtJ.ell halch.
( 'r. l'orty day. ' fru trIal
"u,11I n " 0 yeur'o Juarall-
. . : e , I'-or 1111 ( Ircu 1'11111'
1011110 , 31) ) ( ) ' ' ' 'lIlIry lIIulI'
U'lIl\una \ , IIll < Ire. . ,
ox o. T. . Clay Canter. Nol ) ,
. laudbohll'l ! Eez.mll
and tlkln Uemeoly
DA PurIlIO , Then lIoal9 ,
- " 0.111CIY CUll" ' ; " , " \ . ' \ lOa ,
I rUI'II" ' " . , In. d JlI\I" IIII.llItf'IIr. . .
ell'C. . .f Iho .h.lI. . All n : ' lhlr
C , " , . llor IJllu..1T . . "r I"cilip , II , eM' "
$1.00 Per Bol\le. Bendf'r J11fEDOOKL 'rlJ ,
. \ . \ . : ) ' 00 , ' , ! I " . : "t or hurl'r . .r . 1111\11 t"
SANDlOt.lot 1111 ua CO. , Dn I4olup. , Iowa ,
. . . _ _ _ ' _ r.
VI , N. lJ. Omaha. No. 11-1)05.
In no part or the UnltellStntc'l hl\ there been
Ruch'Ullllorrul COllllllercllll , IlIllu.trllll aUlI
Alrloulturul develoPlllcnt 11'1 alonl : lhe Ihlo'lof
the 1111110\11 \ Centrllllllltl tbo Ynzoo & Mls l s1tlpl
VIIIIl'Y HllllrollCl'I III tllO Stlltt : ot 'l'enue eo ,
r.JI" lh81tlpllll\l1 Loul hllm , within lho past tell
yellrll , ( ; llIe IIlul towns IlIIve tJollblel1 their
IOllulntloll , Slllmullcl hUhlllcs'I hloclt'l hlVD :
( ICUII erectecl. lo'urm IlIml IlIIvo 11I01'0 ' thlln
tlouble.lln'IIlne. . I1l1nlll'etJH
\ or IlItJURtrles llUYO . .
bccn IJHlllllllsherl allli liS a l'eHult thcro Iii lion
IIlIprecellclIlclll1emnlll1 for
Day Laborers , Skilled Workmen , and
Especially Farm Yenanls.
Partlcs with . ; n1U11 clIllllll , seolc\nll \ UII oppor.
tuliity 10 IIUrclllliO n Inrm homo : tClrmcr'l wbo
would prelor to rent for a cOlllllo or yonr'llleforo
purChlloHlnl:1 1111I1 tiny Illborers In flollltl or Iu -
torll's " 11011111 I1l1drc'l'l " II0Rlnl cart\ toIr.J. : . F.
Merry , AII'II"tnllt GencrClI Puo.enJcr Alellt
Dulll\llue. IOWII , who will promptly 1111111 printed
matter concomhl ! : the tl'rrllol'Y I\ho\'c de.
scrlllctJ , ulll1 HIve IIlloclllo relillos to n111urlulrlelj ,
C Write for
I < eith's
Free Furniture Catalogue No.32
Conttlns 475 faithful lIIuslratlons aho..11I1/
IheJest \ choIce of paltems on 1310 : In 1905. We
olfer all ellorwousalld v3rledllock In lutetly reliable
( urnlture.
We pay freight anywhere ,
CU3ranlcelnl : sale Dlilval at your railroad slatloo.
Ench Bnd every "Ieee II cII.1I3nleed 10 be caaetlyas
dClcollled or muney relun ed.
Everylhlnn we sell Is 01 Ihe ) chh Quality , alllnd-
ard tor more limn ZS yars and I. $ Old on the Keltb
I'llncll'le : an earn' I contclcnllous elfort 10 please
aud IhILlsly In all 1'31I1cuh"l.
Fumilure und Carpet Company ,
Dept. 32 , Kmsas City , Mo.
- - - . - . . .
. . ,
- - - - -
I , fi\RMS \ , - Ot' Ci'l " " 'Ie on IH'I mants crop
I 1 I J , MUlUA.I.ot , SlolIt Clry , Iowa.
- - - - - . - - - - . . - - - .
to lor mors aoods briohier and luter colors than anI' OUII r dlo. . . One lOr. plekc ! e colors .lIk , wool a tI cot Ion equally well end I. auaranleed ID a le perloeresulla \ ,
Polk ttler or 11I11 wlliliend post paltlDt IOc a ickaufl. WII..tQrtee \ booklet-How 10 Oye , 81 ach anti Mix Colon. JlU."JWIo ; JJJ' UU ( . 'U. . ( ' ; lIlulltllll . JlI..uu. . . .