Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 23, 1905, Image 8

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1IIII'trt..1 Wllh IIt'r "of'l/\I IIl1l1r ' ' 'III
Thrrnlf1I1I.1 . I. . ( 'nil" " 1I'r It"tltl'-
IlIclIl-1I..w Nhn " ' " . . ( 'lItl1ll.
l'lry lIfTrer ! frolll IIl1rVOIl14 he/\Il/\rho
JWIIWI ! how COIllpll'LlJly It Ullllls OliO for
thl' I1ntlUfi ' 1\1111 plrtl'illrt'H Or life. AllY
lUllo exclLelllollt , or on' .I'XOI'tlolI , OI'lr.
l'l'.I1I1I/1rlly / hrlugs It 011. BOIIIOtillll's the
Jlalll II ! 0\1' the whole helll ! . Ag/lllI / It
is hlel' n 111111 111'i\'I1 Illto the h1'llln , or"
w'dgo flpllLtllIH it OpOIl , O1'IL 1)/\1111 ) / tight.
clIllIg nbout It. At OliO tllIIO It II ! nil III
the top of the 111'1\11 \ , nt nllothul' It is nIl
ut the 1111110 of the 111\111.
MOllt hemlnchrs C/l1l / ho trncrll to 11011I0
faultIItnto of the 1110011. Whell the
blooc Is RCllllty or chllrgcll with } JOISOII ,
111111 t 1\IIIOI'vcs 1\1'0 111I porflclly ! II ollrishrll
nlll1 the dlge tloll wC'nle , 0110 of the COlli.
1II01l1'IIt l'oHlIltli hi frcqucllt IUlII flovero
1'1'111' illlport/\lIt / thlll Is to get rill of I ho
dlM'nM'll COUIiloll ! ! of the 1110ml I hilt
( 'lIlIle'l the nltllele h ' the UIO of 1'olllelly
t hnt will do t hlworl , (1IIIclc1 . nlll1
t horoughl ' . Whllt Iii thut 1'Olllotly ? 'I'ho
I'XJ't'IlIII O of : 'IUs' ! EIll'1l l\fI'lCCIIIII\ .
lIir-.lll'K the III1SWl'r. ho 1-11)11 :
. . Fill' moro thall RO\'ell ; } 'parll I waR 1\
I'I'ut ! 'lIfTorl' fI'llIllIlU1'\\1US hcnclilcho allli
t1izzilll'r-.Ii. 1\1y slolllnch Will ! l1isorl1crll ,
nllll I hccnllln Hn rostll'Si that I coul1111ot
Hi t HI i1l nllY InllJtt h of tlIIIO. DIZ7.IICJS'I !
IIIIcI'I'II111oc1 lilY work rcllt1 . . At tlrlit
tlto otllll'lell WOI'O 1I0t RIIVore , hilt th"y
' ' ' , 'iollll1t 1U1I111111111y
" 1'IlIlulIl1y gl'ow 11I01'0 ,
II'allll' tm 1I0uio thllt I Willi Oil the } Joillt
of 1'.lIl1quft..hhllf lilY lIIolll crRhip ill the
IIjfTfl'lIt 0l'HIlllizntioll8 to which I bo.
101lgl'(1 , II
II Whllt Rnvee1 'ou from thnt I1CCORII t , . ? "
. . A very HlmJllo thillg ; the cn11 of 1\
melllhel' of llllO of the cll1uswho HtrollHly
IIlhi { > (11110 ( to try I' . Williallls' Pillle PiIlli
hl'fon' Hi'illl ; UJI. I uetell 011 her augsos.
ti)11 nt O/lCO , nlll1uflor Hh'/IIli1 / ' uRIIIg thili
Hl'cat hloOlI Huel IIC1'\'O l'ollledy for two
111011 t hR , my hcadncho'I nUll lilY izzi.
IICR' ! ( 'lItlroldilmJlpcnl'Ct1. .
: Mi's 1\1l'lolllll1 III Hecrot/\l'j' of the
ASSOl'illtCJIl LacHes' Gllild , IIl1cl residoR nt
No..J8 WllitRll'oet , HoxIJ\lI' \ ' , Mnss. VI' .
' \1111011I11' Pillk Pill" IInvo ( JUrell IIHLIIY
1Iuldn'dR of aillll1a1' cnSOR , nlll ( ,1\11 1m
call fill1'11 tly . 1'0cOll1lIHlIulml to , drive n11
p ilwllsfroll1 Ilw 1IIooellllle1 to give lIeol1ecl
strell t h to the 1l0l'Ves. Everl druggist
keol's thelll.
Man wants hut lIttle hero below-
nnrl thnt's alJOllt ull ho gets.
Wonderful Ch nee In it Night-In a
Month Face Was Clear as Ever
-Another Cure by Cutlcura.
" "r hnd eczonla on the fnco for 11 vo
rn nths , during which tlmo r wns In
the care of 1lhYlllclnnB. lily face wns
so dlsflguredl r could 1I0t go out , and It
WIS going ( rom bnd to worse , A
friend recommended Cllllcurn. The
11rst night after r washed my face
with CuUenrn Soup , nnll used CnUcurn
Ointment alld l1eBolrent , It < ( hunged
wondlrfully. From that dny r was
able to go' onto and In 'n l1 nth th
trontment hall romored all shilClf' hnd
scabs , and my face was aB clear as
ever , ( Signed ) T. J. Seth , 317 Stagg
Street. IJroolel'n . , N. Y. "
Hope ISII't much good unless It Is
hncltM111 \ b " hustle. , "
tmportant to Mothoro.
Rumlne c'lIrcrully every bottle or OARTOm\ ,
1\ urolnd / Iura remedy ror lurllula null chlldrcn ,
null ! eo tbat It :
- -
Ilcmtb ' # if-A- , { "
Ignlltpre or c. I t.VU
In Ulo'llor Ova :10 : YOllta , -
'l'bu , KInd , You 11l1vo Always' ' lIoulh
Som mell are said to hayo Sped
selllle lecnuS'o' they , are lucIer , anel
what t ey. thlul. hl1.\'o , hut lIttle to I r.
e Try Ono'Package. . . I , _
It "Defiauce St/H'ch" / doeH not pleaEle
you , rC'tu1'll It to rOlll' 11p.1I11H' . Ie It dOCII ,
) 'OU get olle-thll'lt more CIII' the tlune
monc ) ; It will , l l0 l ) 'OU NuttaC\\ctlon. \
! lU \:111 : hot RUcle to the Iron. ' '
. . .
It's too f\Hmestire If the hnngmnn
walles with a , swing ,
1110 < < ' 01'0111 " 'JI'O r. '
Bnlzer's slrlill uC this WIII.IL is the kind
. " "Iuch laulhs at drouahtll and lhe clc.
mcnts anti positlveh' moektl Blaclc Uust
that terrible sCQrchf '
h'g Iuro or ) 'iehling SO 11\1shels oC fillest.
" 'heat the SUII shillell 011 ( lcr nel'o un 1:11011 ,
III" In. , Mich"111" . 0" 1'a. , 1\10" Neh.
lalllis and 40 t ( , ) UO bU8heili 011 m'l lalllbl
No I'ust , no inlll ctll , 110 failure. Cutalug
tells all about it.
JUST firrm 100 ANn T1WJ NOTler.
to , the John A. Snbl'r : Heed Co" La Crosse ,
\ \ Is. , and the ' willscl1Il rou fl'ee a 8atll\110 \
of this \\'ho < 1t nll other farm seeds to.
Jethcl' " , ilh their grellt catalog " , 'orlh
100.00 toul1ywi c'Qwalefar111cr. lV .N. V. ]
The ballot mlht ! como under th (
head or "figured goods. " , ,
How's This ?
We olTer Ooe Ilundred Jhlll.tI Jle".rd tor .n ]
cue of Cllt.arrh thu oauno' be cured b , . II.U'I
C.t.rrb Cure.
F. J. CIIRSE\ : CO. , Toledo , 0
We , tbe undetlllln . ,1 1I.'e kno"n )0' . J. Cbenr ]
ror the I..t I ) .0. . . . . . umllJ'lIer" hIm ! , erlrolly ho"
Clr.ble In .11 bll.lnlran.llcllon. ) . R"d ftumclall ]
.blo to tarry out .ny oblll.II"'lIIade by hi. tlrlll.
W.J.t > INO , I.INNAN 4 > 1.1I\'IN ,
Wlloto.ale IIru IlIIl' , Tuledo. 0
11.\1' \ . Catarrh Cure 11 lulcen IncrnaIl1 , acllol
41recll1 ulon Ihe blood Rnd mllOOl1l 'IIrf.c . of tb. .
.y.lem , Tulhno lI.I. .ont fr o. l'rlco 13 celiU ptl
bOlllo Iold liT III111r"III.II.
Take UIII1' . Jo'alll1l1 1'111. lor c 'n.IIlaUon.
Truth Is as imposslhlo to' bo solll"
} I ) ' aJoutwnrd tOllch us lho SUI
hen m-Mllton.
TO eUJm A cOI.n IN ONI n,1Y
Tak" LauUl'c ! IIN1nll ( lululn" Tllhl ta. All IlfllH
tht. rotund ' 110 llI.N1ey It It rllll4 10 cur . 1 : . \
Urol e'l .llultur" II ou each lI..x , : tic.
In. . m 11 tt ulll ! . or adylsers t crc 1
contusion. -
. .
. . . . ' .
J. . .
. . " ' . - > - - . . .
_ , _ , h _ _ " , I
Synopsis' , of Proceedings of the TwentyJ Ninth (1,1 I
era ! Session ,
. . _ _ _
SI NNl'lVpon Iho Jlcrollnl ! rot -
: t IIl'l'It ' of Oo'prnol'f'lw ( ( ) ' I hl' SI'IIto /
1111 I hr , 11th : dlo ' : ct1 , h , ' 1111 rrHllIl'lton
IIf Iho ( 'CIIII" " ) ' ellj.llIuol' hilI , whll'llho
! ; O\'CI'1I0r yp'oucl ' hCl'alllre of cterprl III
the hili 1'Il'elltl 11II"4'el ' which 11l\'U11e1-
ntpcl II. ' ! 'hl ! Hnlal' ) ' hili IlIlrtwP/1 ( ! / hr
Gooel of NOlllaha t(1 lIIulw lho IlIIr of
nJ ! (1'llIIty Rtnlt ! ollllI''I ! $1,800 n ) ' 1'1\1'
WItH 1elllecl , the \'oln helllA' Hi 10 I = : ,
IIqt n ( ' ( ) IIRtIt II ( ( olin 1 nl\lll \ hlr 1111.\111I. :
\'oll'11 III the nlllrmall\'o , S. It" 8i , pl'fl'
\'lcJllIA' COl' the IHI 'IIICllt of CqltB ! III
IJIIRclClIH'nIlOr ellf.H. , WUJII 111I1114011 , S , I , ' .
17j ( nllll H , I" , 1 X I were recOillmelll1 I'll
fOI' II Rsngl' , The fOl'mer fix , , " I he
1 ( > 1\lth \ of 11 Fl'llIIol tel'm Ilre'orfllllg' to
Iho IIlItnllE I' of pllpllll , Jt1alcln the
! ! hOI'lcllt lel'lII fi\'o monthR. S. P. IS 1
JJI'ovllh'B thnt. whell n fllRtl'lct fnlls to
: lo\'r a tax for' , wheel 1IIII'IIOtlOR the
I same mny ho IlOilO hy tlll1 COUllt ) ' rll'rk
1111011 the rpl'olTlmunelnUolI or Ihe ( 'oun-
, ty SIII'rlllll'nclr > 1I1. ' 1'he tnorlll'n wns
Nllellt hr lhl' ACliniC ! In the commlttC'o
of the whole , with Shl''ul , In lho ( 'hall' ,
In n cllsrllssloll of S. P. 11 : ! , whlc'h
wnli finnllr reeolJ1menelell fbr IlIIstm o ,
'rho hili I'l'ChICl'R thl' salary of halll
oxnmillors from $1 , 110 to , $1riOO. An
nlJ1encllJ1enl hy Ollllgrtn WIlS 1I11oplcel
to CI111S0 the 11IRehnr o of examiners
whlll n hanl. fallg within six monlhs
IICler hnvln heon I'ollorlcd solvcnt hy
the exltmlner. ' .
- . : . - '
ion i
HOUSE-On the ! Jlh the l'ommlltoe
on rc\'onno anll laxation ropol'tcll for
, Incloflnlto pORtponomont hOIlRe roll No ,
clUcs lUll I townH locally to asscss , fOI'
mllllleillal IIl1rllOHl'ff ollly . , rnllronll tOl : '
mlllnl IIl'operty : wllhln thoh' IImlls.
lIlcmhlnlley of BIII.t movcll , thnt the. .
I'cport of the commlttoo Indofinltely
IIORlllolllnl ; the hili hl' Itdoptecl und Mc-
Leoll lIeconlleel thc 11101 ion. CIIII'I\O viI ; '
OJ ellI ! ) ' lu'otl'slml against any sHch
Bllm'l1Iltrlcllon / on u bill which IlH. ! nfl
$2 OOOO 10 $300,000 moJ'o railroad
taxcR n. yelll' , to the , cities a 11I1 town ! !
or Nehrnslm , 'I'ho vole for llIllefinlfo
J1ostpollemlnt rCsultecl , 'l'as G , nays
34. Wllsou or Pn"nce. ehulrmun of
the I1nnn'o. Wll ) ' ! ! unel means commit.
tee , movel1 that the two hlg allproprla.
lion hills yet IIClHlillhoH80 rolis
NOli , 3,12 rllld 302-he mlllio a speclnl
orlll'I' Cor Frillay , nt 10 : ao n , m. , anll
contln1\o \ such lmtll COmlletel1. ' 1'ho
moUon , prevailed. The following hills
wel'o ' l'el111 for the third tlmo and IlnsS'
ell : HOllso roll No. 12 , hy Horlon , to
allow cOllnUe ! ! of less than 5,000 to
al'CSS ! llroporly nt a3 1-3 Ilor cenl for
11111'IIOses of local taxation only. House
roll No. 2riO , hy Wilson of Pawnee ,
Cat rying the R/llal'Y / I1.llpl'oJrlations for
nIl lho state deparlments nnd Instltu-
t1uts fOl' the onsllln hlennillm : total ,
S 1 091,280. Honso 1'011 No.2' . 7. hy
TIontfo , l'el1l1ll'ln IIvOl'ymen to llOst
fI : Ice schellllies In a con8111c1I01\3 \ 1.laco .
and 10 IJllnlsh hy fine uncI Imprisonment -
mont tltllllr to II ' liver ) ' hills , HOIIBO
roll No , 231 , h ) ' l\Ial'lt ! ! of Fillmore ,
cl1lIhlishlng the 1m ) ' of dCIHlly cOllnty
aSIi'Of.sors at $3 flor dn ' for time act.
lInlly ( lmllloYI'II. HOllse roll No , : m.i ,
h ) ' DOII o of Doullns , to lransfer free
High ! 1'hool flllHIR now In cOllnly
tl'elumrleR to Bchool dlstrictfr mnln-
tnlnlll Ru'h fl'ee schools. HouRe roll
No , 233 , hr Hoaro of Platte , I \1111 11.
ath1 ! ; ! 1alal'Y loal\f Hnle8s lIIade with
I ho wrltton consent of the clI1plo'er ,
nnll reqll'ln the nRsent of the wlCe ,
If the horrowOI' ho mar'l'lel ! . HOllso roll
No , ' 2G1. l y P rl : ) ' of I rnas , to 'oht.
Inw mOl'llageS' In ton r < : arR after mn.
tnrlt ; : 111111 In fifll'otl years whetl con.
talnln ! ; an hlllol'semellt. ' .
ST'NA'I'E-Theso hlllR were paEsed
In tho'senalo on the 10th : S. I ; ' . 18 t ,
hy G lI\hall- \ Which 111'0 \ . IIlos U\jlj. \
wholl 11. 8\\001 \ \ boaI'll nt Its ntlllual
meelill malccs no III'o\'IRlon for n
term of school the 10\ ' ) ' can , ho m dp
h t the ( , ollnr ! \orlt \ I\tt ) t:1 : thl ) count ) '
flllll' , dnenllolll ! has'eslimated the cost.
S.-"F. ' 1i0 1\1111 Ci2-"wo of the CUlhd(1. .
cdt 'IIl'o h\lh \ , S. I ; ' , 1\14. \ h ) ' l\loel < W' : ' . : .
Miil in ; the stntlltl'f ! ( 'OnfOI'111 to the
fedcml statutfls III matll'l's pOl'talnln'l ;
t the filln oC tl'atlWl'lpt ! of jnclmcnt. !
s ; , I" . In , hy \It'fll'l"'l'-I.'lxln , the
hI11l1d/\I'Y ( 11 Ill' of Dalwta cOHllty to
cOnfll'l11 { to the uI'ct'mpnt ! hetwecn
thr. Nohl'nslm allli Squth Dalotn. ( 'om ,
mf\SIOl1ers. ) S , I" , lij ( , hy glllloh'on
PrN1C'I'lhll1g' till' Ilnlth of 1torm' 'of
ehool unllor wh\c'1 \ ! 11\tI'I't \ can'se ,
( 'nro 1Ifu't of the ! ltato school nIl'
portlonl11CIlt. S , 1 ; ' . IiI. h ' Gouhl-
ProY\CllnA' \ t hat ( 'it II's of the I1l'at cla s
can lIIal\e 11. 10\3' to imlll'OYO roads
lenHn ! ; Inlo the eit ) . nnll 1II'0YIelinp
thnt the 11011 tnx when 111\111 In cas ! !
IIhall ho $2 tnstlall of : I , & : p , : ! Ol h
Dlml'rY-Gl'Inl ; the > State Bonrd 01
1'lIhll9. Innlls IUIII BIIIIIHIlfS IWl\ ' t (
I'cnt luUdhlJ1I ) owncel hytho stnte , S
I , ' , : ' Goqll'utltn
H2 h
, ( { ; IloWII th (
Balnl' ) ' or hnttlt oxamlnll's to $ lriOO
) 'Cal' anlmaltln \ It a ( 'auso fOJ' IIiR
mlsl'1I1 should n Imnle fall wIthin sl ,
months aCtor It Is rO\lortl'll \ sol\'ent h
the eXal11ll1er , The vote wnS' 17 to 10
; 1nst hal'lI ) ' enough to Cal'l' ' , Six WOI' (
ahent. ! ' 1'he lIonnto wont on l'cCOl'11 nt
ahsolulely ollllOsell t11) t / ' Incr nic ! h
salnrlos of Btalo Omlllo'os , hilt I'nthe :
n J'l'elllClion , anll eXIlI'ossol1 Its IlIsnll ,
IIt'o\'al of the Hhomllt . of thQ hous4
In the 111attOl' of nllowlnl ; clalm8 111
II ( lIHl'rll11ll1\1llly \ , hy hlliefinlt'h' Ilost
, 110nlnl ; , with ollly ona yoleo OIIIo8Iu
that of MOl'lptt or Lancastor. thl
claim of ' 1'011I Konnarl' ' for $10.000 , I
' l'efll80el hy 11'oto ot 10 to 1Ci to \ ' (
. consldor Its actloll In turning 110WI
tha Gool1 bill IH'orhllng that nil ( IE
w . . 1Iut ' "stnte omcors Il hl $1,800 : " ' "
wre1l0utlol \ ! of nnlll\th ' to SUIHtor all
- - , . '
fill h'allCe ( ! ! of the Iloalh of hlH hrothlr
: Wilt ! nclonteel anll thl ! HJInto ! ueljoul'll.
Ollt of n'JJloct 10 the Iwroavol1 son.
I n'ol' .
1tOtTSI'CIJJ rellorts were
I rcacl Oil the 10lh , Bhowlll the e hills
I lIulel1tlllely pOAtponed : S. I' " 7 , ( ; , lIy
: IIrPHfIl' of Shcl'lcllln-A jllellcllIl rcall'
portlonllll'nl hili , rr. 11.117 , hy filiI' .
OSfof \ l.ancnltorProrlellllg for 11
I wcnthl'I' RIIIIII Rl'r\'lee throulh lho
Rlale Bllp ( > rlntondent 10 wnrn tenchorf !
nllli pupil" " , 01' a lIII'ollc'hlnstm'lIIs. / . On
I motion of Lee of DOlIglmr S. P. H ,
I hy GlhRon , the Sonlh Olllaha sew < ! r
I hili. waR orclol'ed fOl' thll'el rendlll ,
I Wllh .Tneltson of Antelollo In the 'chnlr
the honso WOllt Into cOlllmlllf'I of the
. . . . .hole Itud toolt UJI H , n , 31i unll II ,
H. :102 : , the clol1l'lenl'r nnll ellOl'al ap.
lu'oprllltiollR hlllll , on R\lecllll \ OI'det' .
Clarlw or ] ) ouglllii made 11 fi ht fOI'
an al1lcllllmont Ilro\'lellll fOl' It salarlod
de\luly \ game wal'clen nt Omnhn , hut
fallOI1. \lnllen of Gage Auhllllltell
an ulllelllimont adellng $ . ,000 for al.
lowances to Iho National GilaI'd. It WIIS
ndopted. 1\ll'l.eoll's nllleneimenl to
IItl'lIO Ollt the ' $ riOOOO Item was lost
hy a vote oC 21 to 0\2. \ ' 1'he npprollrln.
tlon fol' junior normals wa raised
fl'om $12,000 to $ ICi OOO , The slatutes
u\I\lroIH'ation \ \ ( goes to Cohhey Instead
of Wheolnl' . The hOllse ellt Ollt'heol -
01' I\nll 111It In Cohhey. 'rho Ienernl all'
Ju'oJlrlationA , n tolal of $1,800,000 , ap-
pl'oxlmately , WI\R not vllully ullored.
'I'ho cletlcllJH1) ' hili hnll an orlllnal
total of $ ' 10,1 GG anll the committee
hl'Olllht I hlR 1111 to $ ,5j0 ( , whlcll the
house ( lid not chano ! , Dotll bills were
then recommendell for passage , the
honse having conclt\led \ ( 'onBldoration
of them at . . p. m. H. H. 235 , h ) ' Perry
of 1.'lIrnaR , the hlennlal eloctlon hili ,
mnldng the tCl'm of nil county and
IItnto of\lcers two ) 'cnrs , was recom-
mendell ro , ' llI1ssage ,
SENATE-\fr , Wilsey of Frontier
county , on the 13th , had another set.
to with the senate o\'el' his raltroall
hill. S. F. ! H , and the senritofl1.\ied , \ to
st/lnd / with him. The hill provldell as
orlglnnlly dmwn that freight trains
much ho run ten miles nn hour anll
thnt the roads hu gl\'en twentj'four
hours at lvlslon 110Inbf In which to
maleo transfers. It came from the com.
mitteo some tlmo ago amencled to
malee the speed seven miles and the
time fOl' trnnsfcnlng forty-eight hours ,
Wllser stole a march on the commll-
tee anll had the fort-elght hourR
changell hnel , to twenty-Cour. When
the committee of the whole Iot hold
f the bill It was recommitted. Todaj'
Chulrman Wall I'ellol'ted hncle the 1I1Il
with the old l\111endment attl1.chell.
Shelllon movecl that the hill be placcd
at the head of the general flIe. In the
commlt co of the whole Wall spol.Q
for lho amendment to the hill , sllylng
that as orlglnnlly dwn ; the hill would
1I1It out of business a hrnnch line In
his district nnd In other IlIslrlcts ,
WIIRey donled the amenllments were
satisfactory to him , Ho said It was
not mlttcr . ; of dollars and cente to
the rnllro'ac1s , ' 1Iut tlint lheRe roads
owetl something to the lllo of the
stnte , ' 1'he nmendments were curried
anll the hill OI'llel'ol } " engrossed for.
third rf'nellng , S , F. 109 , hy Sheldon ,
which 111'0\'lIle8 that real estate ehall
ho nssesseel less hlcumhrnnce , the
holelol' of t n10rtgage to \ la'y'that ' ,
was l'ecommCl1Cled for pl1.ssnge.
HOUSE-A few mlnutos atter the
house convened on the 13th , DOl'nn of
Garl1ehl moved . to . go A Into committee
of the whole and tnl. J up H , R , 351 ,
the Warner ciovntor bill , mil other
hlllR on genol' r 1110. Doulas ! of Roele I .
amonde(1 ( Ihls , motion to tl\l\O'\11) slm-
Illy llla on general file without jump , '
Ing ono hili ever anothor. 'Tho .latter
canled Itnd Caseheor of Gage loolt
the chah' . H. H , 170 , hr , Jackson of
Anll,1lollo , 1\lnrlts of FlIlmpro anI' Wnr-
I'en of Lallcnstcl' , wns first conslelore\ \ ! .
'I'hlli ' ' ' fol' the ,
11IOaSIII'e 111'0\'leles rcon-
al'tmont of a free hi'gh school IlIw and
to filllHH'tlon the common school funtl
nl'corclhl ! ; to 'school nttendanee Instead -
stead of school population , Tltl' ( 'om ,
mltteo on llUh1\c \ schools cut out this
pl'o\'lslon IIY amCJlllml'nt. J/\cltsou
fOl'clhly and III a Ilrolon eel slll'ech
fouht ! the bl1l nnd made n char o of
111\11 faith h ) ' lhoso collahoratlllg on the
l11oasure. Dou l/\s / nnll McAllister also
I OllllOslll the hili on the ground thnt it
, I1walls all Illcren8ecl lery without I'or-
rel'ting thu Iwesent Inll1l1ltr In thl' Ills-
I 1I'lhuton ! of this monoy. Doullns
mo\'od to recommend lho hili for 111110-
finlto IOstpollel11ont 111111 the 11Iotlon
, IH'e\'Uliell hy n'oro or 40 to 2Ci ,
SJNA ; TE-'rho following' bill ! ! were
Ilassell on the 14th : Senate file No ,
_ 1 Sr. h ' Thomn.s-P ' ' the .
. ) - 'o\'llInl ; Cor nx.
l'clso of the right of emlnont domain
h ) ' the Omahn school hoard In ac.
< 1l1ll'ln cleslrahlo school slteR ; 21
arl'sl1el / no l1ays , Senate me No , 121 ,
by FIIIIOrgon-l1equh'in : the tnxlng of
eostij In llIco ( court ag/\inst / Ihe ptato
01' 111'0RO'ltlion when t c latter IOS68 ;
. 29 11.03. . no lIa's. Sennte 1110 No. 152.
3 hr Gouhl-Hequll'ln sllillment of 1\\0 \
stocl. at eighteen miles an hour on
mnln IhllH nlld nt twolYO mites nn
hour on hrallrh 1\nl'l \ nlld on three
( Ia 's In the wecl Imo\\11 nil stoele.
shlllllnl \ , ; ( lara ; 30 / \ 'es , 110 na's , 811'
ate 1110 No , 111 , by Good-AllowinG
\lnl't \ ' who IlI\rs for 1I0tleo hy Il\1hllcn \ ,
t Ion o solict 11l\11er In which It shall
1Jo IlIIh\llhCll \ ; 2Q 11. 'QS , J.IO l1n'l. Sen ,
n10 me No. 213 , l r Ieiorvo-l : uthor'
, '
. . . .
11.lnl ; ' prohntr > eour1s to fllRI'n ( \ with
thro nfIJnlnlllrration or r'rlum C'tllte !
Ilj lIl111 \ I whl h LhUl'i 111'8 110 dehts nlill
to ( ' 81ahll"h the Iwll'lI lit Inw ; 2G a'ee ,
2 lIaYA. SPllute fill ! No. 51 , hy Cully ,
wa ! ! Mll\u htl'rlcl , I < 'lpryo lonelill/ / ( the
l1 ht. Thp hili'h I < ' 11 WIIM doslgnecttb
1'lIIullel tll < > Inhcrltnnco la'fII and h'e
wldowlI huIr the cflltnte of IntoRtatl'
hUtlhandR , rel' ( > l\'ell 11'olM , whlto 1Jj
WI'O ( 'aAt a/i / alnAt It. III the cOl1ll11lt.
tPl' of I ho whole , with MoeJtott In the
chall' . 8pllalo 1110 No. 211)H18 recom'
1I''lIrlell for III1RBaI ! , This hilI. hy
GlfIln. Is fol' the r'lIr > f of J.jncoln
cOlin I ) ' , It Is IIlIel'11 that taxes were
nSRrSR11 unjll < ; ! l ngalnst the cOlluly
SlHtto 11I0 No , 181 , hr 0111111111 , 1hili
10 allow the Bo 'd countr Cltlel's tc
Ilurl'lHllie the lanlls Ulon ) which the ) '
111'1111'11. waB l'eCOIl1l11elllle(1 ( for lilts.
AaJI' , Senate f1Ie No , HO , hr Etlperson ,
/\I'll ' 1 < ' 11I1to 111e No. 1J : : ! , hy .Jennlnls ,
two hills to III'erollt callital 1l\1nlsh. \
I11l'nl , ware tllleeu 110 IIncler s\lo\al \ \
01'(11'1' nt 3 o'clorlt , Tht' hili of gllpel"
Ron \\'aR I1mendr > (1 ( I\ftpr the Knnsa
law , and alloWI ( the ronvlet to ho 1m.
pJ'IRollc(1 ( under (1l'1It't1 8e > ntlIl0 clurlllg
tht' 1.leasuro . of the govcrnol' , Doth
111118 were lellIell. ,
JlOUSE-1'he hOllso on the Hlh
allnnll'(1 ( I re80lul Ion hr Fostel' or
Douglas fixln ! ) a , m. nR the hour for
( 'on\'l'nln 'fOl' the rcmnlneler of the
spsslon. The fOllowing hills were reacl
for the thll'el time 111111 Il1sseel ! : Flxln
the slanclnl',1 1'l'qltirell 10 he ren'hed
hy 08t ( > o\lalhll \ : praelltioners hefol'e
hl'lnq IIcellsed to IlI'nelleo , FOI' the
transfer of $800 from the bOl1rd and
rlolhlng fnnd of the gh'ls' imll1strial
Rl'hool nt Genem to the furniture and
rO\lah' \ funcl. ' 1'0 nllow constables $1
for l'aeh da 's' attendnnco on justice
l'01\l'tS \ , To amend lho law relating 10
mill elnJ 1 rights , To Ill'Ovllle fOl' the
sale > of state lanclS' withIn Irrl atlon
( lIstJ'lcts , gxtendlng for one 'enl' the
tI'I11S of eOllnty regIsters of deeds
now In omce , In confol'mit ) . with the
hlonnlal elections hili , To 111'0vlele fol'
thl' Inspl'ctlon of horReq ahout to he
RhlJJ1CII ] 01' drlyen ont of the stute , Relating -
lating to pl'ocednro In practire heCore
the SUIH'emo court. Bxtending for ono
rear the termS' of connty assessors
now in office. in confol'mlt . with the
biennial oleellons hilI. To Jrohlhlt the
operntlon nllrl maintenance of bucl\Cl
sho\ls \ , To gh'e a purchaser the right
to recover monor Iald on conlracts
of condit lonnl snlo of persona I ) lrol'
( 'rtr , nfter wayler of forfeiture vendor ,
To give the district C Ul't jurisdiction
In cases of mnlfensanco hy county
omeel'fI. Approllrlatlng $80,0110 for the
mnintennnce of the exporlmental snb-
station at NOI'th Platte , and fol' other
frpeclnl state uni'ersltlul'poses. \ . To
extend for ono 'ear the tel'ms of
county RUI1Crvisors now in office , in
conformity with the hlennlal elections
hili , To extend for ono 'enr the terms
of count ; } . commissioners now In ol11ce ,
In conformity with the hlennlal elec.
tlons hili. To authol'ize South Omnha
to vote and issue $250,000 of sewer
honllA , To Irovicle that township
boards shall certifr the amount of
taxes required to he ralell ! for town.
shill purposes , the ley ) ' to he made ll '
the county hoard , failed of Jlassngo
hy just two votes , there heing 41 ! ayes
to 40 nays. ,
SENATE-Theso hills were passel }
on the 1 th : S , I ; ' , 1381 br Tucltel'-To I
< 1ulol the title to Innd which has lIeen I
plnlted and Inld ont In town lots. The I
hili refers to towns of loss than 5.000 , :
S. F , 141. hyfeserveTo provide for
the Issue of water honds und erection
of water Jlants In towns of 5,000 , S ,
F. 1J1-Pl'oYldln ! honds for state and
county omcers and reducing the 1I0nds
: of the Ilepnt ) ' attorney general nnd
I deput ) ' fJtate superintendent. S , F , 211 ,
hy Cadr-Cltles tlot Hnble for dum.
ages h ' renson of defective sidewalks
unless the town omclals ha\'e ll en
, notl11eel thnt the wl111.s are defoelive.
AI1plles to small towns. H. R. 15i , the
game Inw , was nmended so that quail
can ho ] , lIIed only hetween Novemher
1 and 30 , and recommended for pns-
sage , S. F. 171 , the trading stamp bill ,
to } ) rohlhU the use of trnlIng stamlls ,
wns recommended for Im3sago with.
out the emol' oncy clmls ! ! . S. F. 110 ,
hy Sheldon , providing the stnte ] e\'y
shall bo lImltecl to mills. wns ( lis.
cussel hut no action tnl\Cn , S , F. 1J3 ! ,
by Gimn , ) lrovicllng that lIOn taxes 11C
$ : } , to he Imid In cash , was Inllefinltelr
IORtponocl. but wa < ; 1'es'lIl'rectell and
III aced on eneral file br the senate.
with an nmenllment mnl.lng the tnx
$2 or two dnys'vorl. . .
IIOUSF.-A lively debate ensued on
the l th on H , n. 330. by Voter of
Cellnrnd till' hill finallr was rlcom ,
mended for IlIllennlto IIOSInement In
commltteo of the whole. This bill ) lro.
yillell for a col1ll1catlon of the insurance -
anco laws , alllll'olll'lnllnl ; $ :1,000 : for the
worle. Casoheer of Gage lell the 01)-
lOsltlon , H , R. 3.j ( ( , b ) ' the Insul'ltnce
committee , the coml'l'omlse fratOl nnl
Illsuranco hili , vestln I\uthorltr In SO
per cent of thl memhershlp , came up
next. K'el of Gage off creel an I\monl.
ment lIuhRt ltutll\A' 9ri ) lor cent for 8Q.
K ' 11 was the Intl'Oelucor of the original -
al 11111 , ' which IlI'ovlllod ror 1\ ! Ii ) ler
cent ovoJ'lllnont.Ic : lullon of Gnle
then offoreel an nmendmont to mnko
the pet' cent of JO\'ol'nml'nt 100 , , \
lon dlscURSlou followld , cnhllnalin
In the amonllmol\t being lost , Bnr e8s
otrerell nn nmenllmont talelng ( mlcrs
of los ! ! than 15,000 t1mhel's \ fI'om UII'
( lor the oloratlon ) of the act n'ld It
rarrlcll. Dodge err reel lilt'amendmonl
to .8trll\O out the II\'o\'islon ex mptfng
frntornal In811rnnce orllars from tnx-
allen , Carrie. ! . Oil mellon t\lo \ bl\1 \ WIIS
o1'l\ol'el1 ellgl'oii611 for tl1lrl1 roneling ,
. When the Face Is Swollen.
8.wollo11 rnce , tti the I'olult o ! a colel
, or IlacII'ell tooth , iholllci he Com lltud
, rwllh hot wnltn' , OJ' nllud \ wuter ,
. ' .
, . ,
. .
Men That Succeed ,
The mCII when I ha\(1 ! 'f''n FlIIN'I'NI
best In lIfo have alwa1 ; hoon cheerful -
ful I\n hOII'ful men , who went about
their IHIJlnoss : : with a smllo on th'lr
fnrus , ( Iud toole the chnngeA and
chance of lhls morlnl liCe 111\0 men ,
facing rough nnd IIlIIoolh ullllo as it
camo.-Churles Klngsle ) ' .
Swords In Japan.
A1thou h wearing sworlls has al.
most entirely eonsoel for twenty Yl'ars :
In , Tapull. the old ef1tl'em and rovor.
ence Cor the We1110nnd Its use ,8tl11
oxlst I\Jnong the gentlemen of the
couutr ) ' , nnd ml n ) ' of the nobility
ha\'o at theh' houseR regular estab.
IIshments for fencing.
TurquoIse a Lucky Stone.
The Ol'lentl\ls hnvo II proyorh , "That
a t1ll'quolse gl\'en hy a 10YIng hand
cnrrles with it hallIll1oss anll goo(1 (
fortuno" : ancl nnothel' , "T.hnt the tur-
< 1uolso pales when the well-helng of
1I10 glrer Is III danger , " Who , lhen ,
wOlllel not bo the 110ssessOl' of a l\Jclt \ '
turquoIse ?
Sure Thing.
Whnt mnltcs the merehnnt's busl.
ness hum-what malws his cleri.s per-
slIll'C ? IS' It duo to drummers bland ,
or to messages by wll'e ? Can It be
duo to 11no ( lIspllt's or to sill ) ' worn.
ont fads ? No ; the huslness hoom Is
mostly uo to his large , attractive
Mexico nnd the United States to-
gotltCl' furnish ahout 72 lIer cent of
the silYor output of the wOI'hl. BrH.-
Ish Indln , Stl'llits Settlements and
China talm nenrly two-thh'ds of lho
total In II good year.
rn the dnys of our gl'llnllmothers ,
the panacea for all complexion J11s
wns the npTlIcation of decoction
made C1'om sonklng wild tansy In hut-
termllle , an extremely Innocent and
effectlyo costmetic.
Wo lI\'e In II w rlel which Is Cull of
misery anel I nol'nnce , auel t 1e plain
uuty of each of us Is to mnl\O the little -
tle corner ho can In11ueneo somewhat
less Ignorant than it was befol'O ho
entered It.-Huxley.
The' world generally gives Its ad.
mlratlon , not to the man who does
what nohoely else e\'er nttemJtS' to do ,
but to the mnn who does best what !
multitudes do well-Lord 1\ll1.caula ) ' .
There Is one thing will warm up
the man who preaches In an Ice box ,
and that Is to see people 1001dng for
a moro genial cllmate-Henry F.
Cope In Chlcn.go Tl'lbune.
The virtue of a religion does not de.
pend on ItS' vagaries.
A Tribute to Weather Conditions
In Western Canada.
During the early portion of February -
ary , of this ) 'ear , the middle and
Western Statcs suftered severely with
the intense cold and winter's storms.
Trains were deluyed , cattle suffered ,
and there waa much general hardship.
Whllo this was the caBe , throughout
Western Canada , now I1.ttructlng so
mueh attention , the weather was lOr.
Ono correRpondent writ os , " " ' 0 arc
enjoying most beautiful wenther , the
gentlemen are going to church wllh.
out tOI ) coats , while the lad lOR requlro
no heavier outer clothing thnn that
aCCorded by light jacllots. In contrust
with this it Is Interesth1g to rea In a
St Pnul paper of 13th February the
followIng , In double head lines , and
largo bold.faced typo :
"Balmy Breezes are Blowlna in Norlhweslern Canada
While People are Freezlna to Dealh In Texas
and OIlier Soulhern Slales. "
Sl Pnul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . IG
St. Josellll . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 1t
Fort \\'ol'th , Tex ; . . . . . . . . . , . . . .Zero
IJul'lIngton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1\loorhonl1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1o.
Duluth " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G
IIa'relont. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
\Vllil ton , N. D. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 18
1\l\le5 \ Clt ) ' , Mont : : ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1\leellelno lIlIt , Can. . . . . . . . . . . . . , Zero
Calgarr , Can , . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
ldmonton ; : , Cun , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! O
( } .eaelvllle , Cole , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 32
During the monlh of , Tnnul1l' ) ' or thIs
) 'CIU' the numlJol' Qf settlel't who went
to Canada was greater thun an ) ' lIre'
, 'ious JunulIl'Y. 'rho 1I10\'oment norlh
wo'ndel'flllh' ,
ward Is IncreaRlng
' 1'he vacant Innel ! ! of Wostol'n ( 'an-
nda , arc rnplc1I ' filling with an excel ,
lent class of peoplc. The Go\'ernment
Aents ! locnted at dlffel'cnt poInts III
the States , whoso ( hlt ' It Is to direct
fttlers , are busier limn ev r , Ther
ha vo arranged fol' Bpedal excursions
dlrlllg : the months ofIUl'ch 11.1\11 \
April , and will be pleased to gl\'o intending -
tending settlers any desh'ed Informa'
\Vo Iwow what wo arehut0
leno\\ ' not whel'o the slll1-l111 ma ' he ,
- - - -
A GU\H\STml ) < :111m : nut l'II.I'S. ' ,
11Chlol ( , ! llIIH' ' , lIIev.llnoc lOt l't IruII"/f / 1'lIeo. \'I\r
.1rl\l \ : lIt will r'und ' ' If 1'\(0 ; 01 'l' I' ; ' "
i1IlI. tu curu ) 'uu 1/\ lIIum'f' daya. We.
'A1wa'fr turn off the gns , Othol'wlsc
1te blow ma ) ' be denllh' ,
Belutr Is not nlw/\6 sleln deep. II
Is orten palutod on the outside.
Some men haY9 sp\'lng (0\01' twolvc
months In the yenr.
, , ' ' " , '
. ,
, . ' " ' ' , "
" 1' , , ,
[ to Curcs Colt1 , COUjfbs , So I'D Thront Croup ,
lufiuenza , Whooplll ! : ( 'oUlh , Urorll bltlt : nud
Asthrnl1 , A 'Ccrlnln cure for ( 'on'lurnptloll tn first
gtaRCs , DUlin sure relief In al1\'lIl1cl't ! stncs. ! Uu "
a . You will , ' '
onco. fCO till' ( 'xcollclI errect DUCI "
tnltlnjf the first to " oltl by dealets ovcr ? II"
wheru. 1.l1rle ; botlIlJ"2J : ccnts nut ! W cents.
Alabastine . . . . . . . . .
Your :
. I
vVaIls :
Are ) 'ou salisfied with tbe appearance - : I
ance of your walls ? Do lhey come I I
up to your ideas. Are you putting on I \
coat after coat of sticky , dirty wall I 1
paper , making a sandwich with sour : ' I
pa'le between ? . j
AIl\bnstino is c1ean , hygienic I
and wholesome and more than' that , it :
is beautiful. The most arlistic effects I
can be produced with Alabl\stlno. I
I The ALABAsTrNIt Co. will furnish , I
wllhout expense to YOII , color schemes : '
and harmonies for your rooms. If you I
are building or remodeling , simply I
ask for color schemes , giving size , :
use and direction of light of rooms , I "
In original packages. Any decorator - I
orator can apply it , or you can put it :
on yourself , Simply brush it on. It is I
a permaneut , durable , wall finish. I
I OUlwears two walls done any other :
I way. II
. The best dealers sell II. If yours doesn't , II
I scnd I\S your name anllvo wlll see that YOU I
I are supplied , I
II Grand Rapids , Mlch , New York Clt , . I
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' BfAR TillS mADE t1ARK
? t / ' " 'tOWEI ?
j1" / j "
TAK&K ! Ui flTm
110WltWfULL UNe.Ofl
; / ;
, . ,
Earty in th roaming , L1te at :
night , or whenever USd , Ddianle
Starch will be found always 'the
same , alwa.ys the best.
Insist on baving it , th : most for
your money.
Satisfaction or money ba. k
guaranteed. It Is manuralturcd
under the I.1tcst improved condi-
tions. It is up-todate. It Is the
be st. We cive no premiums. ' I
We sd1 16 ouncts or the I
starch nude for 10 cmts. Other
tJands are 12 ounces for 10 ctnts
with a tin whistle. j
Manufactured by
Omaha , Neb.
nut R Free lIoll1eltcad In Weltern ( 'anad , or bUI
I allll1e of Iho hCIL wbeat laud. un the contlr.ent , Bnll
become R ptoduccr.
'Che 1I"erBIlO yltld ot wb laL thl. year will be IIbou'
tweuty IIlIlhell tn the arre. The O t an'hllrl y crop
will aho ylold Bl > lIl1dantl , Sllellll < l cllmateltOoll
.chool. and cburche. . escellent I11Brketlul : (11011I1181.
hltly ! rur Information to SuperIntendent 0.1 Jmml.
Itrallul ! Ollawa , ( 'Bnlu1a , or I. . aUlhurlzed l auadlan . .
Ouverninellt AllenlV. . J1elln U , 80t : ie. . . . \'ur
Lite nuildlnl : , Uluallu , : iallrn.ka ,
I'lealtJ 11\1 wbere ) 'ou law lhll adverlhemaut.
I DR. : : 't2R } P ' , . . .
of UJSt\"F.S : : OJ'11 : . : Irht-
l'l'n ) 'Hnu In Ol11l1hl1 , 11111 IInm
'l'rt'utl""t It II R l"rmllncnU1' '
cllrt'd IIIOI1Mllllfh lit amnII ooa-
/Ive / limo nnd 1II0ney by ,10acrll > -
tnII' YOI1" I'R. " . IInd 1'0'1'110 for I'ree
'took 1111I1 11"11I" oftt"lItlll"t , M\'d-
Iclno "III In ' J1l1cka . . , 11011 ; ,
1t 1. On\re 2 \ ollih IUh Streot.
.11II8hll , : itlotaa1t\ ,
- )