Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 23, 1905, Image 5

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. ' 1
r e . . _ . e , . ' .
, _
I 'Suffered Agonies .from Kidney DIGor-
1"- ' ' : ' ' ders Until Cured bV Doan's
kldntly Pills. -
't -
G ergo W. nenolT , ot 1153 ! North
" _ J 11th St. , ' 'Phlla.
: : . . delphia , Pa" a
. \ , man ot good rep.
, 4" utallon and
standing , writes :
"Flvo years ago I
WIIS sulTerlng so
with my bacle aud
Itldne's that I
often had to Iny i ,
' " ofC. The kidney
I , secretions w 0 I' 0
unnatural , m y
Jogs and stomach wore swollen , and
I hnd no appetlto. When doctors
( ailed to help mo I began' using Doan's
} { ! dne } ' P11Is and Impro-ed uritll my
barl , was strong and my nppetlto 1'0-
turned. Du..lng the four ) 'ears since
t stopped using them I have enjo'ed
-exretlent hoallh. The '
cure was POI'-
manent. "
( Signed ) George W. nenolT.
A TRIAL J.'nEli-Addr : ss Foster-
1\llIlmrn Co. , Duffalo , N. Y. For saIl )
Iby all dealers. Price , GO conls.
; ' ! .
e Owns Costly Book.
, The Dulw of Devonshlro possesses ,
. . . . . , '
an heirloom , Claude Lorralno's
t"'Book of Truth , " which Is gaitl to beetle
otle ot the rarest , and most valuable
- "olumes In EIII'olle. It Is worth six
. . times as much nl' ' ! thA "Mazarln"
Dible , the 1110st casU ) ' boole that tho'
o " . British l\ltlseum can boast. 'fho tormer
. Dul\ ( ! refused an offer at $100,000 for
' '
'j'I U.
C. '
, " , . .1
" . ' , Frightful Capacity.
' '
' ' ' . u ' ; : My little sister . 1\Iarlon , when Caul'
' _ , , ' : , . . " . J'ears old , was feeding some greedy
, " : , : ; ' . . ; : ; hens In' the bacl , : rard ono day at
I' . , . : : , " noon. 'She was cnll'd to dinner , and ,
. , , ' : : , : ' tal\ng ! her chair at the table , ex-
. ' ' 1' Ialmed ; : "Uh. mamma , I'm as hun ry
. , . \ ' , , " ' .as a chlclen with 11 hundred tongues. "
I , Comments on the Wildcat ,
' : A wildcat waR caught In a trap In
Rosshlre , Scotland , recently , and Is
to be carefully stuffed and preserved.
l'he "Westminster Gazette sa's 11 wild.
at Is "beautifully remarlred , " and
llddB that "It Is more dangerous { or
, game or man than the fox , "
' ; , ; Duck Is Natural Surgeon.
\ r A hunter who lIyes at Kustrln , Ger.
. . . . . : man ' , shot and wounded a wild , luck ;
"Then he ( 'alllO across It , after a IonS'
search , be found that It had tried to
tay the flow of hlood under the wing
by Stuffing In n number of grass.
- ,
Sermon on Cleanliness ,
I Once a ) 'ear the archhlsholl of Tuam
preurhes a sermon on health and
. . cleanliness. The national board or
the athollc Truth society of Ireland
, has 1sS1led a. . sanitary sermon as a
pamphlet which sells at a penny.
" j jH Greatest Slaughter of Officers.
The greatest proportlonato loss of
'Cfficers to men In any battle was at
the capture of the nedan , In the Crl.
mP-II , where three officers were lost to
4ITOIj' twenty-two men.
. . . . . .
Apples In China.
Apples , In central China , are soft ,
Jack flavor , and have no l\Cepln ; ; qual
Itles. Imported American yarletles nt'e
doing comparatlyely well , but soon
lose their best < 1nalltles.
' , l" If ) 'OU can't attend the heavenly
( \ feast because ) 'ou'vo got a new : rolto
of oxen , taltO the oxen along for the
fEast.-E. G : Holden In " 'fho Sunday
: ' 1:1 azlne. "
You may have ohserved that certain
people who helleve In sa lng only
some are said to be lucly because
the ) ' have good sense.
h.ero Is no stage of IIfo In which
" 'e .re safe : the ) 'oung are ImllCtu ,
ous , ! the middle-aged stuhborn , the old
weale-all dangerous-Dlshop lIall.
Eyery great man Is always being
. helped b ) ' everyhody , for his gift Is
It t get good out of all things and all
persons-nusl\n. !
, Yo have al1 heard of wolves In
sheep's ( 'Iothlng , hnt the wolf at 'tho
11001' generally comes disguised as a
11111 call octal' ,
When a woman tallu ; 11 great deal
about a certliln man Rho wants others
to thlnle that It Is purely a case of ac.
, I .
The \"er ) " art of life , so far as I have
heen able to observe , consists lil forti.
, tul1 and perse\'erance.-Walter Scott.
\ - tl Defiance Starch 113 put up 16 unces
\ In n package , 10 cents. One-third mor8
slarch ( ol.the same money. ,
Pr6hably the undol'talter 1001s sol.
( 'mn at a tun oral because ho 1 $ afmld
he will not get his mane ) "
i do not botrcvo Plso' ! ' ! Cure tor ConsumptIon
J hn , nn equnl tor cough ! ' ! 1\1111 colJolI - l < ' ,
; lJOTJlt , 'l'rlulty Springs , lull"Feu , 15,1000.
There would bo no debtors Ie prom ,
11313 were legal tenders ,
I ) r
ALSO onu" DtroRMIT lS. :
Wrlle or co II 01 office for free InforD1:1' :
11011 , III heht 105111/1olliais fr0ll111100l'
. , illI'J1t slallsllltn , 1 ,
: ; 011 < rhysiciar'ti COli'
p . ; ult your I'olmly 1I0clor , No broleos Qr
: i.IIrliollces uell. Trealed successfull ,
" , l hy mail , Six ' '
- < ! \ ) "ars' exporicllce.
I he JomQ\lst Q ) mnstlc tic Orlbopedlc lISt.
( t lll2hl 1901. 'NCD" D"n'D , CA IUL . . . .000.00.
IfEWn 'sfiN6IUE
f. 1U-rhl ; em QU -B g ND ER
> ' " ' ' ' " , , ' ' " , , " . . . " " ' ' ' , . " " " " ,
rt t r
Warsaw : t Milk Town.
The town oC WarMaw mny be catted
the milk Ilroll\tl'ers' \ Bllen , allho\t \ h
the 1II111e consumers' 1 lhm It Cerl'llnly
Is not. 'rht > r " fs probalJly nowhere
l'Iul'h ' a "mill , town" ns this. H'stl\u-
rants'al'O little frcqllonted , On the
otl el' hnnl1 , the llUhllc Crcq\llnt the
"al'lous' diaries In great n\lmh'rs In
ardor to 'chat with frlt.Huls or road the
n w\pallers ( , : to the a'comlll\nltn'lIt of
a black or whlto coffco or a glass ot
cold or warm m\ll \ , .
- - - - - -
Retort Courteous ,
Sanlly McNab was boastful oC his
ancestors and ot the 110blo conncc.
tlons of his fallllh' . A tourist. who was
spending n weel , In the , 'lIIago where
Sand ) ' l"'d mct that 1t1l1l\'ldual drivIng -
Ing a Illg , "Hullo , Sandy , " sahl the
"Isltor. "Is this ono oC'our noble relations -
lations ? " "Na , na , sir , ' : was Sand"s
reply , "Sho's no I'l'lntion at all , sho's'
shust all acqualntanco lII'e ) 'ersel' . "
Lives of Men and Women.
No mlln , e\'ell the most wretchel ( ,
would rhan e with an ) ' woman , OVCII
the most fOl'tullato. And this Is not
an illusion. Ho Is Instlnctlvely'rlght.
Ho gets moro out of life , lie Inows
this , and It h'Itls him to bear much
without cOllllllalnt.-Hefcl'eo.
Found at Last.
Alston , 1\1lch. , 1\1arch 13th-Spo- ( ' ,
clal.-After ) suffering Cor twenty I
years from nheumatlsm and Kldnoy
Troubles , and spending a fortune In
doctors and medicines that brouJht
him no rellof , 1\11' . James Culel ot this
place has found a complete cure for
all his aches pains and wealtuess , In
Dodd's Kidney 1'11I5.
Naturally 1\11' , Gulet Ceels much elat ,
ed over his cure llnd glv.cs great
credit to the remedy that gave him
"Yes , " Mr , Culet says , "my rheumatism -
tism and Kidney 'I'roubles are nil
gone and I feel like n 11man \ ,
Dodd's Iadney Pills did It. Deforo I
used them I spellt a sl11all fortune
on d ctors and ono remedy and anoth-
er. I cheerfully recommend Dodd'il
Kidney Pills to an.ono sufforlng from
Rheumatism or Kidney Trouble. "
Dodd's Kldlley Pills always cure
slcl < Iddneys. Healthy Iddneys take
all the uric acid-tho cause of Rheu.
matlsm-out at the blood. That's why
Dodd's Kidney Pills' always cure
The first robin will arrlyo foolishly
earl : , but ho would ha\'o to wear furs
and gum boots to get 'hero ahead of
the first spring bonnet.
The report ot Commlssloller Garfield -
field on the beet Industry has at last
been published. It must bo somewhat -
what of a sU1'llrlso to those who have
been Indulging In wholesale adverse
criticism upon the methods oC the
Chicago paclwrs , as It discloses facts
and figures which clearly show that
the gl'eat food producers have been
Inllocent of the serious ofCenses with
which they have been charged. They
have been for a long tlmo accused by
newspapers all oycr the country ot
extol'tlonate prices demanded , and obtained -
tained , of depression of values of cattle -
tle at the various stoclyards where
their business Is conducted , of enormous -
mous profits wholly dlsproportlonato
to the capital employed , and , In general -
eral , of so carr'lng on their business
that the public , under an organized
system of spoliation , wel'o bolns
robbed for their excluslvo benefit.
'We find now , however , that not a
single one of these charges has been
sustained but , on the contrary , that
rigid and searching Investigation , of-
ficlall ) ' made. has resulted In complete -
plete acquittal.
Instead of extortion It Is shown .that
no Industry can be fOllnd where so
narrow , a margin of profit prevalls-
the actual records and original en.
trIes , to which the conuitlssloner bad
tree access , showing that the highest -
est net profit any of tbo paclters
made on their sales of beef was two
and three-tenths per cent in 1D02 and
in one Instance that the profit realized
in ID04 was ono and eight-tenths pOI'
con t.
Tbo variations In the marleet prices
tor cattle are exhaustlvel ) ' treated
and no evidence of an ) " Itlnd was discovered -
covered , or even hinted at , tending ta.
show that values ot cattle are In th
slightest degree hnproporly affected
or controlled by paclwrB at an ) " of
the chief centers of the Industr ) " ,
On the whole , the report completely
dissipates the pre.alent Idea that
gl'eat fortuncs are helng amassed by
Illegal and Improper methods em'
plo'ed by westel'll 11aclwrs , showing
that notwithstanding the high prices
t'OI' beef Jlrevaillng In 1J02 ! the '
ness was less remunerative than In
yeal's characterized b ) ' normal vl\lues
both for cattle allt ! product. lIe saya
"tbat the ) 'ear 1D02 , Instead oC being
one oC exorbitant 11rofils , as has been
common I ) " supposed , wus less profit.
able than usual. In fact , durlns the
months when the prices of beef werfJ
tbe highest , somo. at least , oC th.
leudlng pllclters wore losing money
on every heat ! ot cattle slaughter .
It was nut posslblo to advance the
prices of beeC In full proportion to the
great advance In the prices oC cattle
at that tlmo , "
After all that has been written re
rectlng upon the great business 111.
terest ongagell In the marlwtlng and
distribution of the product of one ot
the greatest of our llaLional Indns-
tries , It Is gratlfrlng t all fall' minded
people that the prejudiced attacls
ulQn It have failed of verification :
anll the Jreat western pacIters may bo
congratulatcd for having pasFcd
through such a 6earl.'hlng and thorough -
ough ol1lclal Investigation unsmlrchCd.
The results of this InveRtigatlor. ,
based as It Is upon eXIUl\Hlt. vo data ,
ofJIrlall ) " obtained and verlfiQJ b ) "
United States gm'ernll1ent e\Ilerts : ,
must bo acrellted wlthuut hesitation ,
as Ihe Investigation WIIS made under
( 'lrrul11stanr S that gUIITl\nteel ! CO\II'
pl'to accura ' with 110sslble dlJlpuo
sitton In eed , to arrl\'o nt entlrel , .
different l'I)6UIlS.
Dlossed Is ho who )1l1ts ) a line 01
wl dom 10 A lIne a ! t)1)o. ) ,
. "
, :
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
The Movement Is. Now Toward Harbin
-The Muscovlt s Htve Been Slight.
Iy Reinforced , but There Is Little
Hope of Their Escape.
- - .
TOKIO-Thf' , Jallllne1'occulll'11 ) Tlo
Pass at mltlnlghtIan'h 15. Dl'tlllls of
the occupation hu'l' not ret boon re.
coh'ed at hnllel'llll arm ) ' hellllqllal'ters.
An olllcial huttotln r ( , lOrts the acLlon
anI ! that the JUIU1II.\e : ! are In hot 1)1\1"
suit of the r'treatlng HURSluus , hui It
docs not montlon nn ) " IlIlrtlculul's uhout
till' figh I ,
'rho .Jnpaneso calltur11 mllIlrlson. \ .
ers at Tie Pal'fs ' IlI1I1 the Hussillns tie.
iitroycil yast IItOI'II : ; ,
OenernlOIll'ollfitlln and tht' I'out-
"nnts o [ tlw al'I1I ) ' whll'h wa ! ' ! II'Cellll1d
h ' the . .1apllnon ( , the Shnl\lH. ' at1l1
Hlln I'h'I' . 111111 again aroll11l1 : 11 II k-
( len aud ' ) 'It. 1'IIRS , nl'e noIII the
l110llntalllll a fcw 111 II os UOl'lh of Ihe :
Routht'l'Ii pnlratlC'e of thl' 1'1IS I 1' 'lng
to shalto oft' tlll'lr II\I\'SUI'I'II. \ \ who Hllpnr-
enll ) ' nt'\ 110toln / : to'peat the mis-
talc of Llao YHng anll allow tht' Hus.
sian l\1'm ) ' to e'rllpe. Kouropatlln has
1F''n } relnfol'C'11 h ) ' the n1'l'I 9nS of
'I'I'III1 11I111 01111' 110rthel'n towns nt1l1
a fow. new tt'oop" who wel'U 011 theh'
wny from Hussla when the 11attlo oC
l\Iul\l101.1 hegall ,
But ev'n with theRe t hero Is little
hope for him , TI'u . he has som Ihlt't ) .
01' fortr I11l1es of hl1l ' 1'01\ntry \ extolld-
Ing fl'01l1 ' ) ' ( e PasR to I.'nghuatslen ,
\\'hll'h might l'uahl ( ' him 10 hol < < 1 off
I he' ( , l1em ) ' fOl' n lime. hu t OI1CO out of
Ihe hllla ho has befot'e him lIedrh' : JOO
mll's of flat. oJlm ) coul1 1'r fil11i 1t1ll\l1l1'
( 'mhlo t'h'el g 1\11l1 I r\amS' to { 'ross ,
This Is whllt IR t'rme,1 , the gl't'at val.
ley of the Sungarl , hut Is In fact 1111
Immense plnlll , houlliled on the cast
hy high mounlaills anl extending
nOl'lhward 11110 Slhcl'la and westw rd
Into ! \Iongolla , I\ll'In. cast of the rail.
way and Hal'hln , th11I0st northerly
point ou the I'ft IIwa ' where It branches
Dff to Vladivostok ( 'n8twarll and to
Slbel'la wl'stward , are the con tel's of
Ihls wonderfully rich country , resembling -
bling In mauy I'esllects the northwest
t01'l'ltorles of Canada. From Tlo Pass
the 1'lIlIway I'uns over a hill Imown as
Iho Dh.ltlo of Kalyan , twont ) ' .11111013.
then strlldng Into a valle ) ' . on ( 'Ither
side of which rise high hills. emerges
: mto the plain just northeast of the
hnllortant Chinese clt. ) ' of Fenghnat-
slen. Fl'om , there to Harbin harcHy a
hili mn he seell fl'om the railway
train , the IIno rnnning almost stmlght ,
except where an occasional cnrvo Is
necesgary to reach a city or favorable
rosslng of a river. Deslde the railway -
way there Is a splenllld wagon road
, rl'om Tic Pass to Kalyan , where It
hmnchcs , one hrnnl'll mallng a. detour
to t he westward , sldrtlng the mouu.
talus aud rllnulng almost direct to
Harbin ; the other hmnC'h lIasS'es '
throngh the monntalns to Klrln , from
whlrh ( 'ontCl' there '
are mau ) roads ,
rhe dlstanco from Tie Pass to Har-
bIn is VOI' : little less than : JOO miles.
and except for the first few miles
ever ) ' acre Is unller cultivation 01' SUII-
pOl'tlng hOI'I1r ! of calt'l' ) , sheep and
horses , So far as the ( ' 11mhlarlat : ; ! Is
: 'oncel'nPIl the Husslans neell have no
[ oar. Hardly a pOllnd of last yelll"s
: 'I'Op of heans , 1I1111pt 01' wheat left
lhe countr ) ' , tlJ ( ' H1\sslnulr \ huYlng ItIII ,
out stOl'lng It In stations along thp
mllway. hnmenst' sheltm's IlClng erected -
ed for lis ro'opllon , 'l'1J ( ' ) ' also 111I1'-
hased all the cattle anll horses anll
l1ave Cosmcls herding them ,
Assassination Is Attempted.
ST , PETlmSBUn.G-Colonel Pro.
goulbltsly , govel'nOl' of the province
of Koutals , has lJOen the object of an
attempted assaSSination hy two men
ilt Sulthum , The would-hI' murllel'el's
fired six shots from re\'olvers at the
! ; OVornOl' , , hut ho was not struck.
Orders Schools Reopened.
- authorltlos ha\'e
declll d to OI'der
the schools to 1'0-
: JlJen on 'l'ueslla ) " , and ulliess the ho"s
return within a wee I , to expel twm. )
[ t Is XIJected that the majorlt ) " will ,
continuo on Rlrllte ,
Kaiser Praises the Japanese.
BERLIN-.mpt'l'Or William , ad-
tIresslng UIO na\'al recruits at WII-
helmsha\'en , helll UI ) the , Iapanese sol ,
11Iel's as a. . luminous xamplo oC 1111'
trlotlsm IIntI sOllllerl ) ' fidellt ) " .
Kuropatkln H:1S Enough.
LONDON-The St Peterhurg corre.
Rllonllent of the Times sa's : General
KUI'OIII1t1dn has IIHlwll the cml l'Or's
gracious pel'mlsslon to hand O\'C ! ' his
command , alleging that ho Is In Ul'-
gent need of Ilh"Rlcal antI mental rest.
H Is said that ,1I1pl1n has twlco ap-
proaclwd nUsfh ; thl'Ough Infol'lnal I
channels on the suhject of llOa c , hut
that In each case the Ilrollosal fallerl
hecause .J apan lIemandecl an hllltm"
nit ) " and a pled go that HURsla would
not Iwep warships In the Pacific fur
twentr-n\'o 'ears.
Service Needs Reforming.
Whlto. fonner ! ) ' Amol'l'al1 mlnlstor to
Gerl11an ) ' , 11011\01'011 a leclure hero un-
tIer the lIuslllres of the regents of the
Smithsonian Intltlltlon ! Oil the 8uh.
ject at the 11IIJlomatic 801'\10 of the
United Stales , with hints towards 1'0'
form.11' , Whlto chal'god that rosl.
lIen'o ahroad mal's mon un'Amorl ,
can. and combatted the IIlatol\1ont that
the diplomatic 801"1co lEi mostJ ) ' re.
creation. lie tlcelarlid that no countr ) "
docs so mll11 u' Olll to Ilrotoct
ndoilled clU
- - - _ . _ -
- -
Remnant of Kour patkln's ' Force
Re ches Ref.uge Among the Hills.
ST. , P Tlm BUHO - hll ! "la'K
" , . ; rantl nrm ) ' , " with the l'Xl'elltion of
the thou8111111l'1 ' 1,11I1.11 or tal'n IJl'lgon.
I orIJ ! 011 tha )1la1l18 ) 111111 mountl\lt\1 !
11I'ounll : 'Iulttlcn. Is athol'ln t RloWI ) '
h I'll 1t1l1 the Cortlll'ations of ' 1'1a l'IAS ,
whlrh WOI'O hullt a'l ! a l'\fuCo ! hforo
the baUlo'oC Llno Yang. nnll Is f\I"
Ishh' 011 : lr.(1 ( In the worl of I'em'-
ganl1.lIlg and ftl'tllortrl'n \ thl1ll1 Its
lIuos , AI''OI'tlltlg to Iho g ( ll'rnl staff.
the llIaln bOil ) ' haR aITl'all ) ' l'olllplolell
Its retreat nnd the I' ar gllllril Imlh-
\\'arll Is falllug hac ] , Hlowl ) ' , ll't'llllI\ . ; u
louch with the IlursulIlI'OIUlllnR of
' ' , Japanese. In the ( 'OIllII'tO ) nhson'o of
'fmUll'r lufol'lIIutioll , It Is 11I1I1'ult to
Ray whC'thcl' the 111I1'SIIIt 1m ! ' ! slllC'\'n. \
ell or 18 holllg cOlHltll'tl'll h ' onlr a
1I01'tlnll of thl' .TnlIllIlI'Se nnll military
ollll'lais hNe hopp that. liS aft'r thl'
Battll' of LlIo ! Yallg , Fll'hl l\Iarllhal
O'allln haR lIIlIHH'11 10 I\'o his \\'I'al' ) '
tronlJ ! ' ! a momonlury hroalhlng sllllrl' .
' \'hlll' oxtClHllnlt hlH rallt'ollil und oth\ '
Iltl's of SUllllly 10 his II \ \ ' position alHl
IH'l'llIlI'lng for the noxl hlo\\ ' ,
' ! 'o the HII8slall IIrm ) ' 0\01' ) " 11I111111(1
Is IIOW'lIluahlo IInll the foolHOI'I' ulld
dlshl'nI'hmerl dotuchmlIlfI hu\'l' hl'ell
glvell sl'arC'clr all hour's I'e t hNol'e
helll ! ; ' Iot al worle with HII\IIII' \ IInd 1I11
ImIH'O\'lng the Ilofl'IICCS of Iho IIIISS , It
l11a ) " ho. howO\'OI' . that e\'en uow thu ) '
are holnl ; tU\'lloll out of thoso. IIORI-
tlons , HUl11ol's arc curl'Pllt that 1wltlo :
easl warll IIIIllI\ng ! mo\'ement which '
was bl' un bofOl'o the hnutl' , Is slill
III IH'O I'SH , and Oil I ho otlll'r silio It
Is fl'lIl'lll'thllt , coltll11US aJ'O l1Io\'ln ! ;
lIorth of 1.'l\lwmall to talro a Ilosltion In
thc HUHsiall I'eal' :
- - - - -
- .
Color\do Leolslature Declares He War ;
Duly Elected Governor of State ,
DE-VI:1t ! : , Colo.-James H , Poaholl '
on 'I'hursllll ) " won his contest for the
olllt'o of ovornOl' , fl'om which ho 1'0 ,
tired on JalluIIl'Y 10 aflCl' servlll a
term of two ) 'oal's , hut his vlclor ) ' was
nchlevod enl ' aHol' ho harl given hlH
pledge to real11 ! alld lrurrelHler thp
chair to Lleulenant Oovel'llOl' Jesse Ii' ,
The vote III joint convent ton of the
gonel'al assemhl ) " h ) ' whl'h GO\'l'rnor
Alva Allams was ouslcd I\IHI Gm'\\1lOl'
, James H. ppaholh' Insiallell was [ i1 to
, II. 'rell repuhllcalls vot(1 ( with I.W
demorratlc l1Iomh ( > l's fOl' Adlll11S ,
Govel'nOl' Allul1Is , who hlul lIent the
day lIaC'l\n ! his effo'ts , SIll'l't'IIII'rell
his olIko to Governor Pel hall ) " Rhorll ) "
after [ i o'clo1'estorda ) ' nftel'llooll.
Srol'es of leUm's. teleI'IUIlS ! 111111 telephone -
phone l1IessaJ.os : hall l'earhe(1 ( the executive -
ecutive chamhel' durin ! ; ' the da ) ' mglng
Governor Adams to hold his 8'eat. h ) '
forre. hut ho derldod to Ignore this
allvl'e. III l'onvorsatloll he saId 0 felt
ontragorl at the apt Ion of the general
assemhly and eXl'I'essed surprise I hat
: \11' . Peahody should ht''omo a Jlal'l ) '
to what ho termell a ( 'onHplrIlC ) ' to ge-
Cill'O the olllee of gove\'llor fOl' n. l1Ian
who 1)/111 / no claim whalo\'el' to the
III ace , Governor Adams will IsslIo n.
( OI'mal statement to the 11eO110 up n
the I'osllit of thl. ' contost.
- . -
No More Money for Russia If She Persists -
sists In War.
P A HTS-The post ponpmpnt of the
HlIsslon loan Is rlennltelr conlh'mell.
'I'hls IR 11l\Ci ) ' to OXOI't. a powerful In _
lIuonco towol'lls IIPaco liS It If ! the first
time the Fl'endl flnallclers have
shown an hHlIspoRltlon to alh'all ( '
fnnllS' whllo the ul1cl'lalnties of war
contlnll'e ,
A cOlnmltteo representing the s'n.
dlcalo of French underwrltel's wcnl
to St. PetOl'fihllr to tlrtnngo thfl conditions -
ditions with the mlnlsll' of nnanco
and a ( 'ontl'llct. wils 11mwn Ull fOl' a
loan taldng the fm'm of treasul' ) ' honds
rnnnlnJ. : se\'n 'ears Hl [ i lWI' cent. 'I'he
contmC't WflS then , hl'ourht hacle to
Paris for I ho aPIIl'ovnl of all the un.
In the meantlmo the 11IRnRt1'OnS'
ev'nts In 1\lan'lIul'lo. natumll ) ' al'ousolI
doubts on the lJart of the financlOl'f !
all to whothel' RnsHla'oulrl \ multo
Iloace 01' lllll'sne lho Will' , The Infiuonce
of the financial elements was almost
unanimous fOl' peuc'o hnt 11ussla'S' Ills-
1tH'lInation to ronsldc.1' pearo apppurs
to Inltlcell , the 110clslon not 10
lIroct'\cl with the contl'llC't IInll ac-
I orltlngly the Rlgnlllg' . which wlla ex-
IlCetedestel'IIIl ) ' has heen IJOstpon'll
and all tlw l10ndlng negotlnlluns are
also postllonell.
DIsaster Grows In Milgnltude ,
: 'IUKD1iN-gvor : ) ' huur Increases
the magnltudo of Ihe 11IsnRIer suC.
forell h ) ' 1.110 Husslan I1rmlcs , IL Is salll
21 , OOO dead arc known to ha vo IICOIl
left on the field. malting the casu-
nllies at least OliO hundrcll thousalHI.
Between I1fty and glxl ' thouaancl prls.
oners , omo sevent ) " gunfanll \ enormous -
mous Cluantltles of ammllnltlon anll
lll'Ovlslons fell Into the handR of the
JIlIfl1\ese. The , Japancso losHes tll )
not exceed thoHo of the former great
battles , ( ' \un : Gelleral I\urol\'s : ! al'm ) '
losln ! ; only fivu thollsantl.
- - - -
Twenty.Seven Floating. Wrecks ,
WASlIINGTON-Somo Idea of the
soverlty ot. the winter season just
rlmwlng' to 1clO : < 30 ma ) ' ho gathered
from the fa't that the 1\av ) " deplll't ,
ment Is now confl'Ontetl with the no-
casslt ) " of soelt I < ; out IIIHI tlpstl'O'lng
no loss than twonlse'en oC'oan tler-
IIcls which are h"lng Itl the grollt
OCl'a11 lanef ! from Santiago to Nol\-
fountllantl ulHl ondangorlug Rhlpplng
enlorlng nnt ! 110pl\I.tlng from OUI' Atlantic -
lantic port8. The l\reSenpo or thelie .
\louting \ wrecl < s hns IlCon reported to
lho h'llrographlc o'llce.
" '
. . .
v. . . . . . '
. r .
- - - - - - -
- . . . . . . . -
Japanese Said to De'Slow to Follow
Up Their Adv\ntilge-Run\or That
a Wide Turning Movement M:1Y Do
In Proares ,
'I'm P\SS-A8 ancl' lIll' hnUlo or
J.lno'an , the aIIVII\1'O of Iho .11\1)\11'
eRO nl'lIlY agalnsl the now IHJsIOun\ ( ,
the Itll fllalls lit. 'rlo I'ns1'Is ' Ver. } ' slnw ,
' ) 'ilo , luallln ! ; ' coltllnll ! ! ! 111'0 oh ht or tl'l1
mlles Imuthwal'tI , 1\1111 In tuut'h with
the HlIsslan van IIIJrit8 , hut the Ollot.-
aOons nt. 1II'I'st'nl nro not Rot'lou ! ! .
1'Ioiti : 'Illll'shul O'nmn showN ! llIght III'
tontlous of ' 1lrc8Hlng hlH nllvantngo
In 1\11 ltulIIl'llIlIto al tlH'l 01'rlo \ PnKR. ,
It Is 11 ( ) slhh' . ho\\'o\'I" t hut n whlo
turning' IIIO\'ement of which rl'porlR
! lrlrl'I'lIt IH III 11I'0 I'N1R , III ! iUdl
nHJ\'Ollll'nt lIll' .111111\11080 hU"l' the 1m.
m011S0 ntl\'II\1lnlte of sl'\'eml hnso ! ; Imll
the IIncs of RUII\lI \ ) ' . to whlrh If ! now
l\llclt1 ! ! Iho SllIlIIiullIl I'onll , whlll' Iho
HUIIsian nrlll ) ' u'oAsnrll ) ' 11Ilt'IHlltI -
Ollt 011 ono III\I ! ( ' nntl oue 11110 of I'om-
1111I1I1'lIlIon , ntHl thm'oforo mu ) ' ho out.
In the grnml a 1'11I ) ' 01'1101' Is hrlng
hl'ought ollt of chaos with l' mlll'lab\o : \
c lol'It ) ' . ThQ I1lnln III f'Ont of 'rlc PaRH
whleh on March 11 s'lholl 111\0 1\
uest of nnts wllh the Iionso anll COli.
'fu ( , IT IIH1AS of I rnnspolt l\I.tllIl'I' ' ntHl
IroPllH , COI'IIS , 11I.IHlomt nllil rc I1tlIt1 !
bllltl 1'1111 ' tercil antI IlIIl'tI9 IlIoxll'lc-
IIhlr mlugletl , has hel'lI dOIlI'ell , tlto
rl'gltU\lIts rool'gHlllzltI ! , slrngglers IWllt
10 tlwh' rI'Hpectl\'l' comlllallllH , ol'gnn-
IzatiollB ha\'o tnlten thelt' nRsl lIl'll
IloJlthll11 ! 11I111 today the f:1I1II0 floltllm'1
who on 1\larrh 10 hecalllo II torl'OI'-
sll'ldtl'lI , slll'HllIg , IIISol'I alllzoll mass
of rn ) ' at a few sholH from Il tltllo tlo-
tachment of .JlIllI\uest' , or who C\1'1I
IIc(1 ( lu 11I1111f' . flt'lng ItllllsCI'll1llnatlI ! '
In all IlIl'ectiollH ns the ) ' \\11 : , at the i
ml'1'O haseless CI' ) . of " , hllHIIIl'RO cay.
II liT , " 1\1'0 IIOW gllthOl'l'II , SIIlHIII ]
nhout the camllnre with no'oura'c ,
I'cad ) ' to OIIIIOHO wllh RlllhhOl'1I reslRt.
IUlCO allacle 011 'fie PIIRS. It Is IIn :
fnlr to a'CIlSO the entin' nrm ) " ( jf this
IlIlIIlc. GOll 1'll1 Llu'vt)1 ( ) ( 'ntorell ' ] ' 10
Pass with his l'cgl\u\lIls III IlOrfout or.
tIOI' w\lh \ mllslc pla'llIg nucl the men
slllgillg , nlld flcarcoly a 8tl'llg' 10l' WIlR
lost In the lon , 11IIIIcuit mlll'ch. Olhor
OI'ganlzatious mnde ( , CIIIIlII ) " WOl'lh ) '
rell'ellts , alHl especially the roar
glllll'ds of all the armlos who IICI"
formOiI their dll1\clllt \ task sleadll ) " alllL
rosolll tel ) " .
'rhmo Is I11I\'h to he sllitl nlso for
the llIlul-strlclccn ( 'Ollliltion of thl !
trool18 , 'rhoy wel'o Inrgel ) ' composed
of uUllischl1nel1 ! men alld wagOI )
drivers WOl'O mlnglcil with the sol ,
IIIOI'R , who for IIftoen daYH wl'ro under
conslallt fire , cl'owdecl tlJotlier ! In a
mass from whollco egrosR waR Iml1oR'
8lhle. It Is ono of I he odll faetS' of
warfnl'o that lho morule of the heaton
Hussilln army hils llOen Im'gol ) " rest 01"
cll , whllo the JalJ\nese \ , throuJ.h : Ihe
vlctol'les , 111111/11'ently / are so IJroltell
t\.llll l\lLvo \ Illcurred such helllosso
'hn ' t. the ) " 11I'0 unable 10 1ll'eSR the nd.
\'anlage , OUlOl'wllo It Is Inoxpllrahle
why the , Japanese have IIOt followec.'l
lip their vigorous 1IIII'sllit with an at.
tacl , on ' ] ' 10 PIISS , when the ) " might
hayo taltoll the IlOslllon all1loRt with-
Ollt a strllm lc. It Is now too late for
cas " ' ' .
) SUC'l'ess.
'rho stl'lIlo ! : for the IIOSlroRsion oC
: 'Ilul"lon ( 'ost both HIItJs ! dose upon
200,000 mell. 'I'he Ilj\sslan \ luss oC 011\ \ .
( 'OI'S In1I111es II lal' e IJI'OPOl'UOII of
I ho ) ' ( ! glmellial COnllllantlCI'H and field
olllrers ,
May 1 Declared to Be TIme for Rus.
sian National Rising ,
S'I' , PAUl. , 1\lInn.-A specllli to the
Dispatch from Sioux Clt ) " . Iowa , Ha"R :
Arolll glllien. who cluno from nilS ,
sla fOllr monthR ago alld joined the
Russian colouy here. recelvl.HI II letter
from II 1II0mher of the HlIlIslnn re ,
volutlonlll'y llIll'l ) ' Harlllg that Allrl1 1
of the HIIRsllln clliendar , or 1\lay \ 1 ,
; \11101'1,1111 calenclnr , has been namelT
fOl' the oplnln or rho natlonlll re.
yohlllon. Sltlco the St. l'ett'l'sll1lrg
mUSHacre the l''yolutlonlsIH III Iho
rilles have heen repressed unlll or.
tiers cOlllll ho COI1\'c'cd to nil the lltles !
and ' 1Irovinreil fOl' a universal l'lslng
Oil Hlich II. srlllo thllt to cope with It
wo1l1t1 he Imposslhle , All rulll'Oads
111111 11111u8trles will he tiell up allli
lIIobs will taltO of ' '
Iossesslon ) o\'er )
clt ) " . I
Gompers Makes His Report.
\ \ ' ASII '
INGTON-PI'esltlent Samllel
OOrnp\I'H oC the AmCl'can ! I.'ecle\'lltlon
of I.ahor on Tlloslla ) " , suhmltted his
annllal ropOl.t to the oxoclltlve coun-
cl ! of that or anlimtlon , now In session -
sion In t.hls elly , It gives the details
of the settlolllont ( If It llUmhel' of dls.
pntes anll shows the fintln'ef ; of the
ol'ganlzaton ! to ho In excellent can-
cllllon , The Invitation of the Lowls
anll OIa\'le OXIJOsltlon .at POl'tIUIiI. !
Ol'e" to transfer Iho fedoratlon's exhibit -
hibit nt the S1. LOllis OXllosltion to
Portland wus Ilocllnotl.
Changet\ the Tribune.
NgW YOnK-Whllelaw Held's re.
tlrement from the eilltorshill onll dl ,
rectorshlp froll1 the New Yorle Trl.
bllno owing to hi ! ' ! havIng talwn olIl'c
uhrol1l1 unll\ ' the govocurnont malws
neccssa\'y the rcorganlr.atlon of the
( 'Ilitorial lI'pnl'l rnent. Hart I.nnan ,
long a momlJlH' of the editorIal Mtaff ,
illH'reolls : 'Ilr. Rold a8 odlto\ ' . Donald
NI'hulson , who hns hoon . connected
with the TrUmno fOI' thlrt-fi\'e years ,
retlros I\t hIs own request froll1 the
llIanaglng' clfltOl'shll ) amI' Is succeeded
lJy'Jumes : .ra\'tln.
- - - - ; :
- -
1..lghtlomo nd GilY and a Fine Ol
Scottish Gentleman.
Ever ) " ono fIlay ho ! ! nld tQ Imow thr
. . . . .
I author of .WavOl.le ) . hut G orgl : >
Croal of l < tlltlburhwho ! has b'n Inle\ ' .
. , 'Iowwj I.J ) ' the DlsllIltch at thnt clt ) ' ,
oUjO1 ! the distinction oC ho"lng tall.l'd
o the mnn In the flesh allli ot l'lnl ;
) lro1)ably thu Iviu sur\'l\'or RmOn ! ;
these wlto hl'nrd Sir Waller Scott de.
clnro hltnsolf tIO ! Ruthur' , of "Wa01"
10) ' " nt. n pUhllc dll1l"I' " hi the nssem.
hi1'00111 In 1827.
"Tho nnnouncoment dlcl not coreo
flulte aR n surprlso , " sa's Mr. Croal ,
"for It had hl'on hlntoll that. Sir Wal.
tlr woulll ron'nl hlnUiolC. I cnn re'
call the sUIIIJl'NIt ! 11 1t1(11'eRt ( ( of the
Htlthe\'lng throuJ'hou't the dinner
111'01101' . It was In rOllly to the toast
of his hoolth that Sir Wnllol' ndmltted
the 80ft 1t11pcachrnOIlt. I call romol11'
bo\ ' hlcloRlIIg' ! WOI'IIR Qxn < ! U ) ' . The ) '
were : 'I am the solo nllli IIIHlI'ldld
auUlO1' oC "Wl1verl1'oolllel > s to
sa ) ' Ihoro was retlt onthuRlnRll1 , 'rho
rOIlllany [ rosa en mnHRO IInd 1 thought
the rooe would COIIIO off , "
ScoU , 1\11' . CI'olll ndds. wns contrlt.
ulatecl nll I'ollnd. "It was n ) ; H ) ' night
anll the Utlllost convlvlallt . ) . pre ,
\'l\lIel1 , " '
A 81\(111 whether 1\0 recollected the
I'OrHonalltr of SIl'rnlter 'Scott , 1\11' .
Cl'Oal l'oplled that 110 did so , 'I\'ltll ) ' , ,
" 110 Willi lIhtRomo ! fillli sa ) ' and
10ol\Od th ( ' rcal t'lle of n fine old Scot.
lIsh gentleman , chatting animatedly
with ono ( If the III w 10\ls sitting next
to him , 1)0 ) 11\1\(10 \ ( fil'st-clnss aCler-
IlInner Rillmlwr IIIHI , ) 'oullg thoulth I
\\118 , I cluTlod away a Inst Imllresslon
of his Irlnlll ) ' soclnl IIIAIJOsltlon. "
In tho'COII'sn of the e"enIt1 Sir
Waltel' com\lImentoll \ ) Chnrlos 1\Iac- .
1m ) ' , the COlli 0 11IIlU , who wlla llresent , f
UPOII hlH success In the role of DRlllo
Nicol .Tanle. l\tocltny WtlS ontbal"
IIIHS'II lIud Mr. Crolll ( lIstlncl1) : 1' ( "
u'lllnbl'rs hllll Ba'ln "
) : "Who woule !
hll0 thought I would get such n com-
) Jllmont fl'om the gl'eat unlcnowlI 7"
"Not unlmowu uow , 1\h' , Dalllo , " jocu.
InrI ' retol.tcll ,
) Sit Wltlter. : Ji
- - - -
A Case of Cowardlco ,
"Oltl ) 'OU aevortlso ! for a hoY7"
"Yes , 1 hI vo ) 'OU nllswel'od the ad.
rertll ell1ent ? " - ,
"I ha\'tJ , But I'll Illto to 1m ow what
) 'ou mean h ) ' slI'lng ) 'ou want 11 .bo-
who ain't afrale ! of wOI'I , . "
"It'H 1IIIlIn enough , Isn't It ? "
" 1\layllo It Is , but I should thlnlc
'ou'd mthel' ho.vo a 110) ' that was n lit.
tlo afl'llill of wo\'I . .Just enough afraid
of It to catch 110111 of It qulclc and
wrolltto wllh It , anll Ilown It anll
jumll on It , and get I ho hest at It ,
anll show It that It wOli't get chnnco
to 111'0VO too mnch for him. 'fhnt'a
lho Idnll of Il ho ) ' I should thlnl , ) 'ou'd
llito Insteall 0' the 1,11111 that tlln'
Ilfrald or worl" Why , I Iwo\ ' . ' ahoy
once Who WHsn't the least mlto aCraltl
of It , tlnll hO'd rub uII against It and
lot It cat ofC of his hllnd , and at the
lIall10 limo never mollllio with It
enough to Hell his finger tips. "
"That's enough , ) 'oung' fello ) , ' . The
joL In ) 'OIll's.-CIO\'elnlld Plan ! Dealer ,
Waves That Rise . .nd Fall. -
J'cl'y onl.'o III a while n wave of
pnhllc sentlnJtl\t \ SWOops across the
cOUII l' ) " , liS definable In Its movement
IInli charactOl' liS an ) ' other real and
Ilhysiral thing. Generally speaking ,
this p01l1l1l\l' foellllg IInlls eXllresalon
In suggested leglsllltion or conlUtu-
I t lonal amClJtlmont. An ) ' student ot
Amorlcan hlatory , vlowell from Its political -
litical IItHI leglslatlvo standpoint ,
Imows that IIn exnmlnatlon of congres. . !
slolllli l'ecol'ds flrosonts a , panl1r0111a.
so to speaJ" of great Imhtlc mo\'o'
ments , culminating ometlmcs In ac-
tU1I1 legislation , hut 11I01'0 frequently
subsiding without dellnlto result. It
Is a gooll tiling to clear the Ilolltlcni
nud social atlllosphoro with these up-
hellvals. Stngnant all' Is fntal , and
even n cyclone , with all Its accom-
Ilanylnl ; trouble , Is 11referablo to nn \
atmosphere so heathnt It hns lost
all Its vltallt-Washlngton Post.
Poet's Tranquil Evening of Life.
SwlnhoUl'nc , the poet , spends his
dectlnlng ycnrs In tranquil IlIIrsult ot
the slmlle ) life , although It III doublCul
whether the heel , 01' the fad has OVOI'
dlsturholl his 1)'l\ccful ) retreat , A friend
soys of him that ho lives In Ilossession
of hllineed ! ! . "llouudee ! on all sides by
the hest hooks. onjo'lng the close com-
punlonshlp of the tl'uest fl'lenll ever
given to 1\ man oflIluH. ! . and finding
In n long wall , at IOstman's ) pace a
filII satisfaction for the lIod"s craving
nfter exorcise , ho lives through the
twilight of hlb days In a greater Hocur-
Ity ant ! litHIC ! ' the spoil of a 11eollor
IJeaco than he lrnow In the boisterous
dn wn of his lIfo. "
John Morley on Golf , .
1\11' \ . John 1'1 a de ) ' adllressed a meet ,
Ing of his consLltuents In 1\Iontroso
the othel' night , and at tllO close a
"heckler" rose and said :
"I wish to asl , the right. honorable
gentleman an Important question. "
'fho audlenco was all nttmtlon ( ,
"I wish to asle Mr. MarIe ) ' , whho
does not 111ay golf. " Mr , 1\Iorle ) ' , however -
ever , was elual ) to the occasion ,
"Golf ! " ho exclaltnell : "Oh ! I don't
thlnle I'm old enough to 1Je ln that
j'et.-Dundee Poople's Friend.
TCD Well Dono.
She 10\'C11 him , AIIII hOI' lito would be
. \8 nWl'l'Y aM ( t mUl'I'la o boll
It Nho had ) o\'t ! him ju < ! t ( Jlloug-h.
, nut. oh. alaN ! she lo\'ct ! too , woll.
Ehe taUtcd so I1le\.ol'I ) ' , tllcr ! In ) ' . .
'I'hat 110110 h'I' cltH'cf\'Ht \ ! coulLl touch.
BIIt ! woulll hn Vl' b\oll ! & 0 llOpulal'
It Hilo IU1I1 ne'I' tullttLl so much.
' .1'ho thlng- ! ' ! ' she dltl Wf're wontlertul :
1\ ( ) ' worl , WRIiI lIcl In high regard ,
She would hn vo wfln l'eno'lIlorhap3 \ ,
It she hall . ' . ' wOI'ltetl
n 1.1\1.1 I' too hnrd.
l or things In mOllemtloll done
Are \'H ' otton goat ! . 'thl true :
Uut J1nuGht worth white hC/wnth the SUIl
111 jaIJl\d ( ' tb:1II1 who ov ! rdol