Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 23, 1905, Image 4

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By ' 1 > , M , AMSDERnY.
II. . .
I Brief Teleg1'ams
'fho AKrn dlnmond , welghlnJ ; :11 :
\mrnts \ , wna Holel In Lomull ] lor $2& , .
( j00.
The nntl.prlzo fight hili wnR deCt'at.
cd In the CnJlfol'nln. ussemhly by 0
, ote of 3:1 : to 3& .
The Cenlrnl Pnsscnger nssoclntlon
hn.s gmntoll rellueed' rntcs for chhlY
n.nnllnl convullUonR.
'fho New YOI'le g'cnlnPosl / IR go.
1nto / ] l\It \ 1111 II. 1110110\11 \ o/llco / bullll.
1ng occllprlng' throe Iuln.
'rhrl'o hllllllr'lel ntH ] olghl WeRt In.
linn COIJtI'nt InJol'ers ! 1\1'I'1\'ed '
( ( \ \ nt I'I n'
lima to worl { on the cllpnl.
S crelaryet11) : \ ) ( ImR nllpolnl(111
Hlchnrll K. CllInphl'lI , Inw ol1cer ! of
the hurenn or hnl11lgral Ion.
. Sir Henry ] rvlnhnR / sl n(1d II. con.
.rn.r : for nn Amerlcnl1 tbllr IInllt'r the
mnl1ngcmellt of Charles I.'rohnmn and
IJeglnnlng In Oclohcl' .
'V. A. 'fuley , gOllernl IJI1Rsflnger
agent of the 'Frisco IIncs In ' ] 'exl\s ,
, tenllered his refllgnnUon to tnl < o I
effect April 1. IU hen.lth causes this
I l11poror William , ndllr'lsRlngtho
nn\'l1l recruits at Wllholmsha\'on , held
up the , lapllneBo Boll1orll ( all a lumln.
ous oxnmillo or Imlrlotlsm nnd sol.
dlery fldellly.
The LOlldon Times' Pnrls corros.
pendent telogl'nphs thnt the HUBBlnn
go\'erllmont hns Illnced nn orc1ol' with
II. Jo'rench fil'm fOl' 80,000 threolnch
8hrall1101 shells.
Accol'(1Ing to n seml.ol1 ! 1nl atnte-
menl given oul nl Schwerin , the mur.
rlngo of Crown Prlnco l < 'rollerlclc WII.
) Jam nnll DucheB's Cecllln. will tulo
pluco In Berlin on .Tuuo G.
Sennlor Durleett of Nebraslcn. hns
purchnBell n 'VnBhlngton homo nt n.
cost of $17l OO. The house 1s a hnnd.
Omo 110W brlcle slrurturH , with :1.
mottled front , Ilnd coutalns twel\'o
The Frnwloy boxlnJ ; bill In Now
Yorlc , permitting limited rouuII con.
tests bolween nmatours under the
tmnctlon or the Amnteur Athlotlc us.
soclntlon , hns 11I1SBod the senato. 'fho
1111ll1ow goes to the nssembh' .
Count 11enl < onllOl'Cr , the UURsian nm.
IJnssndor to GI'eat HI'lInln , IlIlld $ :12I : , '
000 to Forolgn Secretary Lnmllowno !
in , RotUoment for the North Ran.
claims , nud the Incident WIlS thus
E. ' D. Tuclcer , division superlnend.
cpt of the 1\tI1waulcoo 1'11.111'011.11. dlod nt
Ills homo In Dos 1\Iolnes or } J1loumonlu.
Mr. 'ruclor tonl { chnrgo of this IlIvl.
810n Inst October , coming from Abel"
deen , S. D.
A City of Mexico dlspntt'h Rnys the
volcauo of Colima Is omitting grent
clouds of thick smolce , which rlso
l1"h above the crntor. 1\Iany pcoillo
livIng In the neighboring towns are
'prellllring for f1Ight.
' 1'110 cnbln t crslll In Norway hns
been settled by the formntlon or 1\
coalition ministry , of which 1\1. 1\lIch.
olsen Is the premlor. Lovln1ll1 , a for. '
mer minister , will heall the so'tlon of
the state council Bitting nt Stocldlolm.
The Mlssonrl Bennte pnRsod a 11111
maldng- nil pi po lines , constructed or
to bo constructed In the state for the
purpJso of carr 'lng 011 , common cnr.
riel's and plnclng- thom \IIuler the (11.
recllon of the rallrond commlsslonera.
'r)10 ) socretan' of the trensury has
, Issued n warrnnt for $760,000 1n fnvor
of IilnI\sfield , 1\Ic1\lurrny & Cornish ,
. In'W 'ers , rosldlng In Indian Territory ,
as fees for sorvlces rendered b ' thom
to the Choctaw nml Chlclcnsaw In.
In the Ilresent of rnmouB' educators
representing the lenl1lng ellllcntlonnl
Imltltutlons of the counlry , Samuel
Dlncl ; : McCormlcl { , D. D. , I.h D. , was
10rmuy ) ) marlo chn.ncol1or of the " 'osl.
ern University of Penns'lvn.nln nt
Plltsb111'g' .
Now York nnllitl Transit r01llng
stocl { 1R to ho nU mented hy two car ,
ench 8,000 root long , contnlnlng 2,700
fleats , aul1 a sentlng call11clty of 8,000
passongers. The motlvo ) lower will bo
olectrlclty and the 811eol1 tram nine to
twelve mlles a' : hour.
The reslguatlon of W. 'V. noclhlll ,
RS director of the burenu of'nn
rOlUhllrs } , 1mB been uccolltoll anl1 Mr.
Roclh 111 , who has been nomlnatel1 10 .
succeel1 1\11' . Conger. ns minis tor to
China. w1ll prolmbly leave for his
now 1I0st some tlmo In April.
nODr. . William II , 110borts , stntcII
clerl { of the Presb .torlnn gQnernl as.
8embly anll secretnr ' of the IntoI"
church conrorenco on marrlngo nnll 111.
yO reo , will senll to' 30,000 mlnlstors ,
rellresentlng mol'O thnn 18.000.000
members of almost nil of the Prolost.
nnt 110nomlnntlons In the countr ' ,
cOllies of nn apl1eal urging thO'lIdoll-
tlon b ) ' the vnrlous state leglslntures
of more slrlngost dlvorco amI ro.mllr.
rlng-o laws.
At Jneleson , 1\1lss , Governor Vnrl1n. '
man Issuel1 an nl111ross to the 11Onco
officers of the stnto , l1(1clllrlng thnl the
sltuntlon Is growlnr ; extl'omel ) ' rltlcul
that crlmo Is raml1lnl In II ) ) ol1nrlors
of the ( 'oml11onwcnlth nnll mglng 0111.
C01'S nt onC(1 to bogln CI crullado and
clean out tl10 dlvos nml hnunts of
ol'I11\ll1als. .
It Is Intlma\HI \ : thnt Preshlont HoosG-
yolt hall tenderoll the ol1co ! of Unltoll
StatoR' district nttornoy tor the north.
orn district of Georglt ! to tormor Hop-
resentaUvo Ii' . C , Tntl ) of GCQrgln. 1\11' ,
Tate Is a'democrnt. ' 1'ho olltco 18 now
lldd by . A. AngloI' , ropubllcnn. ,
- - - - - - - - - - - -
. tl " , .
. .
Japm ; Will Submit Terms If Assured.
that They Will Be Consldered.-
Count Casslnl , Russian Ambassador , :
Says Victory Alone Will Make for
WASIIING'l'ON-WIHm the ( 'zar
callM the Will' coundl 'l'uolllI ! ) ' he will
lie IIble to Inrorm his ministers Ihat
the . .Jlpalloso111 wllroJno Ilonrl' on
rousonllble tel'lllS 111111 will. Ilrolllplly
name Its conditions'Ilrovlcled Il 1'0'
( 'elVeR trustworthy nSlI11'IUlCOl ! lml
'they will he seriously constll'rI'IL !
' ' ' IIIIB IClll'lwlI Crom
1'11111 , tlw omlH'rOI'
f'lomlly ( 'IIIIII'l'llorlcs In BuruJ" ! , nR
well ns tbo go 11l'1'II I tel'lnK nc'epll1lJlc
to JIIII/lII. /
' 1'lwHe , Il Is All leI , hwl1ldo the rPlpn-
lion h ' JUIIIIII or Port AI'thur. a .111J1'
1I110H Il1'oteclol'l1to , OVCI' KOI'f'n 111111
1111 IndlJllllllty.
J rom a high omf'11I1 tile ARf\Op1llted
PreHS helll'S Ihal HusHla hus I'Cl'lIl1el1
itA RccOII < < 1 Pacllk H11I11111'01I.
An atlncho oC a HlIlIHllln emlaslY !
111 l urolC ) Is quotell PXIJl'I'ARIII the
hellpC Ilpll ) (01lrt Jllllldll'H J'l''f'lIl do-
fent will COI'I'O n1llsln to nsll fOl' ! IPaNJ ,
II 1'1 1'I1 y , theBu w"ro the ! 'l'portR I'ur-
relll In the 1IIIIIomntll' corps. 111111 as a
refmlt or this htlJlO1'tant IIICorllllltloll
ofllclnl Wnshlllgtoll IHlIu\'cs : that HUll-
sla nllll , 'IIJI:111 ' : 111'1' 011 Iho V'lI'1W or
pl'IICC. Ir Il hn tl'110 thllt the flCl'O II II
Pllcilic AC\1Inllron \ hils 110011 r'l'alled
e\'oll the 1I1oSt optimistic of HUl/sla'a
frlondA ndmll that this Is a RtmnIn. .
Illcatlon that Oyama'lI 1I1lght ) ' hlow
has nll1lll' COl' llell co.
Count CIIPslnl , Iho Husslan nmhaA'
Aaelol' , Is Iho not/lhlo / cxceptlon Inho \
gl'OUp or fOl'olgn onVOYA hero , " \low. \
0\01' [ Jnorolls the terms which .In\llln \
might ofror , " the u1I1uasB:1c101' : salcl ,
"nusslnn llroBtlgo Is not 1I1110ng 1I1l'1I1.
That Is ono thing ror which the Will'
will ho Cou ; ht to the 01111. Vlctor ' Cor
the nm sllln antis wl\l \ alone 111/1110 / .
for IloacP. If not nt ' 1'10 P/ISII , then nt
Harhln. Hussla will aSHIHnhle nnothor
arm ) ' mlghtlor thnn 1Ior01'0 nnl1 with
thnt nr1l1Y It wl\l \ settle the Issue , It
may ho six 1I1onths , n ycnr , 01' 1101"
haps two ) 'ual'II , Tlmo will he no con-
slllora t Ion. "
At the .JnJlallcse legation It Is rle-
( 'Iared thnt St. Potorshul'E ; nnll nol I ,
'roldo Is the capitol rrom whl'h the
worlll 1I1USt hope r01' Iloaco II1'opoRals ,
1\11' . 'rlllwhlra , the .1aIIIl1HJHO mlnlBtor ,
snhl In the most emllhntlc manner
thnt Ja\lan \ hncl not cll1'oclly III'oJ1oS'el1
pen co. 110 I1ld nol deny that ne1ltral'
powers , through' thclr e1l\'o 's from
tlmo to tlmo , hall s0111111e(1 ( .Julmn us
to the tormA on which It woull1 aecollt
llOnce , hut these , he snld , necossarl1 '
chn.ngol1 with the 11rogl'ess or host\1. \ '
Itlos , the Intimation IJOlng thnt HUBsla
coulll hn\'o ohtalned bottel' tOl'lns IIttor
the tn1l or 1'01'1. Arthur than atter the
capture or 1\Iul(10n. (
If the .1nlHUlese government were
nssurell Ihnt Ilenco IH'oposals wCl\lltl \ ho .
conHlllered hy nussla there Is authorIty -
Ity for the slalomenl that Japan woull1
reSIJ01UI Immo(1Iateh' . Bul It wl1In. \ .
slst Ihat these nssurnnces Bhn1l h(1 of
the most Ilosltlvo chnra't01' . .1npnn's
'exporleu'o In the llegolJatlons 111'0'
cOl1hig the wnr , It Is suld , wl\l \ malce It
oxceedln ly { 'aullous In the Cuturf ! . It
wl\l \ Inslsl that such nssurnncos shn1l
como from the nusslan government
nnl1 not from this 01' that llIlrty or
thl or that fl'letHI of the el11lleror.
Agents of Federal Government Said
to Have Unearthed Them.
SAIl ! ' lAKE , Utnh-Speclal agents
of the fe ernl govenunont ure I'oport-
cd to have been en l\od ! for some tlmo
Ilnst In Itl\'osllgntln ! : 11IIhllc latHl
fmuds In Utah. 'rhe Salt LalQ 1101'1\111
stales thnl hllll\lrells of thousl\nds of
nCI'os or Vnhmblo coal lauds hl\vo heen
uClulroll hy COl'llol'ntlonR Ity fll1estloh.
nulo metholls , Vast trncts or coni Il1ulls
are salll to hnvo heon filell on atHI Imt.
entoll ns nsrl,1I1t1l1'nl I1nll grnzln ! ; lanll
und thcu trnnsrcrl'c _ to conI ( 'om.
Imtlles. In mnny Instanccs. II Is E1tated.
latlllH ha\'o hoon settled 11110n liS' ( 'onl
Inulls UlHlm' the Il\w whl'h Ilol'mlts
o\'el' ' allult cltlzon to nCll1l1'o slxt .
IIcres of coal land hy 111I1'chnse. on
llI1 'menl of teu dollars an nCI'C for
Bl1ch Il\nlls when sltl1atell 11101'0 thnn
fifteen miles from any rail ! 'On II. nnd
tWlnly dollars au ncre when sit l1atell
within tltteen miles or 1'11.111'01111. .
Railroads Defy Commission.
SAN J.'HANCISCO-'I'ho law dOlll1l't-
monts of the SOl1thorn Pu'lfic IInd
Snnta 1"0 hnvo I'\acholl an agl'eement
resllcctlng' the orange rateS' . ' ] 'he ) '
hnvo ( lecllloll to Ignore the recent do-
clslon of the Intel'stnte Commerce
( , ol11mlsslon. whl'h lIeolll'll thut the
rate of $1.1 : ! Qn O1'nngls fro11Cnll. .
fornla to all ellBtern l olnlA wns I1n-
rJusonablo unll shoulll ho I'clll1cell to
$1.1& . , ln oth r worlls , the rnllronlls
II1'o110S0 10 l'elulre tIlt' IH1ymont of
the oxlstlngmlo I1nlN s the orange
shlllllors cnn find I'ollof In court.
Decides Against Government.
NI W YOm-.IIHIge Whoon , In the
11nllell Slatt'H { 'h''l1lt cOI1I'I , hnnllml
110wn nn opinion.hll. ) . Ir finally Img.
tnlned , will ( 'ost the Unlt'll Slates
governult'nt l1\'e dollarH , 'fhls trIono '
the govornnwnt w1ll hu\'e to I'efllnd t1 ;
the Am1'I'nn Sugal' Hr : > l1nl1ll { ( ' 0111-
Il1my fOI' Ilutios } JUhl to It on I'ftW
8l1gm's hlll101'tol1 from Culm III 100:1 :
onllupon whl'lh the CO 111 1111 n ) ' contencl.
oil thnt 11. I'olluellon of : ! O 1181' cent
ShOll111 ha\'o hoon allowed ullllor the
then oxlstln ! ; treat ) . . 'rhe suit Wif ! a
test cnso.
f' - . . .
Flcld Marshal Oyama Reports , the
' ] 'OIOO-I ItI,1 \1 II Itllllll Oyumn re.
porl",1 , lUt10,000 IlrlRoners were
Il1lwn nnll thnt there were DOOCO HilS-
Alnn ( 'nHualtluH In thl' Shnlho river
dlrc'Iton ! nlono. fie ostl111nted lhnt the
numllor ( , r Hl1aslnn pl'lsoners captured
will oxeO.11 ! ' ! Oono. The .lnpnue80 cas.
lIa\lll8 \ nro ( ' thnnto(1 ( nt 41,000. 'rho
spollH 111'llIlle two fings , ubout flxty
gUlIf ! , GO.OIIO , 'I II ( 'IS , 1l O nmmunltlon
wngons , 1,000 ( 'II.rts , 200,000 shells , 25"
01111.000 of rHnnll IIrmA am111unltton ,
2fi.OOIJ hllshelH of clJI'eals , 275,000 hush.
ols of ( olller ( , I miles or light railway
olltllt , 2,000 horses , 2:1 : cart lots of
mllps , 1.000 ( 'nrl IOllds o [ clolhlng nnd
IIc'ollnlrelltents , ] ,000,000 rations of
hrl'llIl. 7tJOOO tons of fllol nnll GO tons
oC hll } ' . hHllles ! toolH. tonls , hullOcl < 8 ,
I n\f'graJlh \ wll'o 111111 Iloles , tlmbor. he'ds ,
slovl's 111111 nllmt'rous other property.
: rOI\lO-'I'lte .Japanopo 1I1II'suit ot
Iho RUHBlllu IIrlltlf'S coutlnues. and 1\
reSUm JlI 1011 of hCII vy fighting lu the
vll lnlly of 'rlo PI1HA Is nntl'lpato(1. ( ' ] ' 10
Pnss , which Is natllrnlly Blrong , has
l eon I'xtensl\'t'ly rOl'tlOed ancl It Is
thollHht the Russians will rllll ' there
In IIn olllloa01' to chel'le the , lnlll1'
'I'he 1'fiJlIII , ' advl1nclng .1nlll1l1ese 11.1- .
rl'l\ly ( nro lu lOlleh 11.1 Tie PasR. ' The
Hllfslnns o\'ltll'ally al'o COIICIIACII IInll
oxhnllBIIJlI IIncl Ilosslhly are short or
rood nn(1 ( nI1l1l111111t10111.1111 It IH be.
1I0\'od here the ) ' will UO IIl1llhlo to re-
slsl n strong : lllllc ! { . ,
SII'el'lInl ; tlelrl reporls Increase
Iht ! exl'lnt of Iho HUHsian cllsnsler. It
will Illlw months to 1'esllllpl ' and rc.
OI'gnnlzo the HlIsslau armies. Heports
or ( , ILR11I1lties gl\'en hy ( 'lIlltl\'es rench
0\0 \ lIeI' cenl. 'I'ho nrtlllm'y 10Hscs WOI'O
eSloclnllr ! hen\'y. The ( 'aptllrcll gllns
ha\'o 1I0l ' ( 'I hoel1 cOllutl'd , bllt the nil.
l1Iel'OUS ( , :1pt111't'11 : BtOl'eH ancl munl.
tlons l1'e'nitWit at or dollnrs.
'l'hlB loss IItlltol'lnlly 1IIIIIs 10 I ho crill'
111Ing or the I1ns8la11 :11'11110s. : 'rhe .Tall'
n.noso lIeoplo nre receiving cletalls of
the \'Ictory with calmnoss. 'rolelo anll
other cltlos 'are exceedingly flulet I\nll
the recent nlhnonltlon to tlte POOlllo to
rorrnln from spl11l11ng money In cele-
bratloils nncl do\'olo their sa\'lng to
war charltlos Is helng universally
ohe 'ell.
The .Tnlll1neBO Ilress el1l10rlals , In
discussing the IJosslhlc effects of peace
un victory , declare .1allan will con.
tlnue the \'h orolls proseclI'lon of the
war ancl hns no sugglstlon to malee to
nnssla chl'cl'tly or Indirectly ,
In the general olatlon O\'el' the suc.
cess of the .1allllneso 1\ slJl'al ! source
of sntlsractlon Is the celel'lly with
which the Ilanldng o\1oratlons \ were
carrlecl Ollt' the flulck sol7.I11'o of ad-
\'l1ntngo ancl the speed mnde In pursuit -
suit of the Husslnns. Arter the sum-
mol' cl\mpalgn there wns 11. gonernl
n.dmlsslon or the truth ot thl ! repented
criticism that the .1allal1CHe nrmy had
fallod In these resllocts and nn avowed -
od 11etermlnatlon WIIS 111ude to redecm
the shortcomings , During the recent
ollorr.tlons ugalnst the nnsslans the
lort 1I0rtlon of the Firth army march- '
erl rortr mile ! ! In one day. greutly nld.
Ing in lho urhlo\'oment or the \'Iclory.
Cnptlvos taleen In this last engagement -
ment mnl\O the totnl of Ilrlsoners now
hold by .lalll1n 7& 000 , 'I'helr cnre Is
hecomlng a vorr eXllOnslve prohlem.
This government Is rOl'mUlatlllg IIIan9
to remove the Ilrlsoners to the Islands ,
Ilrobably In the Inland sea , nnd It Is
possible that the cnlltlvos will be 1'8'
1110ved thm'e.
French Bankers Practically rt.1use ; : tt :
Loan Money to RU8111a.
I.ONDON-'rhe revolt of the J > rench
hnnlors Is consltlered by the London
newlillnpcrs as the most hOllerul nnti
Importnnt news of the day , promls.
Ing an el1rly conclusion of peace bet -
t woen l1ussla nnd Ji\lmn. Aplmrently
the Ilroll05ell loan hnR nol ueen nu.
Rollltoh' rerusod. uut onh' "llOst\1oned. \ "
'I'hls , howe\'or. Is regarded ns being
tantamount to It rerllBal , nnll , Is ex.
pocted to Blloal < louder. to the Hus ,
Rlan wnr pnrtr e\'on than loUl'OllIIt.
1ln's ro\'tJ1'se at1uden ! , It Is rcrard.
flct1ul \ by the Il'ath or 1. GOl'll1al1l ,
the Into go,01'nor of the Crodlt
Ij 'OnllnIB , Husaia 'lost Its 8trongest
financlnl fl'lonll In 1"I'l\nt'o. nnll thnt
hnd ho heon nllvo 110 11I1l1cu1tr would
have IlOon oXlw'lenced , With the
A11Ilrlcl1l1 111111 Ellgllsh ml1l'lt'ts ( 'Iosed
to It , It Is thought that HutRla ! can
only tn1'11 'to GOl'11Inny. which Is not
llleul " to ho much ' ' '
) mol'O l'eslonsl\'o !
than Franco , nnll the only alternatlvo
wonlll 800111 to bo to mnlC Iwaco ,
Funeral of Mrs. Stanford.
I10NOlPLU-'l'ho mnll room or the
stenml'l' Alamolla. which salls for San
l.1'nnclsco lIext Wodnesllay. hns been
al1l11'011I'lately 11rallell for the l'ecel1-
tlon of the body of MrR. Jane I. , Stan.
fonl , BOr01'O the dO'lIlrt111'o ' of the
stea11l0r funornl Rcr\'lcos will be held ,
ut which llIsholl Hosarlcl { will ron.l
the ser\'lces. Among the Imll bearers
will bo GO\01'1101' ( 'l1l't01' , Unltod ,
Stntos District , ItHI o D.1lo nnd Da\'ld' '
Shu'r Jorllnn. Ilr'lllllont of Stnnforl
unl\1'slt ) " . 'I'horo h1\\'o nol been I1U '
de\0101111lents In the cnse.
Work on Canal C"n G'o On.
W ASIlING'l'ON-'l'hero Is authority
for the Bll1tl'1I1t'nt that the lIuestion
as to whottler the Isthmian cnnal shnll
he ma\IJ \ 11 s'Ia.lo\'el wah'r\\'ny or con-
structell on the lorle s 'ste1l1 Ii > ono
tItnt need 1I0t ho t'Itl'I'mhIOtl ! 11t the
outliet of the worK. In CI\'t It 's ' statell
thl\t wOI'I { l'ou1l1 ,1I'OIU'OBR , fOI' five
) ' 0111'11 or moro bef01'tJ thl. 11Iatter
\\'oulll. noce'l nrll ' he 118Clllol1 , nnd
without In nn ) ' waY rotnrdlng the
l1rOI'Oi 8 of ( 'onltruJtlon Qr causing
an ) ' 11olll ' . 'rhoro l.i strrCcont. , .
mondatlons for a sea lo\'ei cnnal.
, . "
. ,
. .
Another RUssian StronJhold [ Is Cap.
' 1'01\10-1.1111 Inrshnl Orllma 1'le.
rn l1hell nM follo\\'M uncleI' l < 'rldny's
1111 ( ( ' :
We O'culliell1111lell : nt 10 o'clock
tills ' Our'IIIU 1'1'01111111 ' "
n ol'l1lng. IIIU ng mo\'I"
m'nl In which we hn\'e Ilf'en engng'rl
fOI' soml' ila 's llIlI , hils now ( 'om nlpI e.
Jy fllIl''colloll. 'l'h ( ' f'Il'cest ) fi htlng
( 'ontlnlles at se\'eral Illnees In the vi.
clnlt . of MU\llell. \
Wn rllptllred 11 great l1umher of
( Irlsonera , onormolls flllnni Itlos or 1I1lS ,
ammllnltlon , Ilro\'lslons anll otlwr war
! lapl/lleR. 'I'hore Is at IlreJenl ! no tlmo
to In\'e.HIJnle : the lIumher of tl"'lIe.
NI W CI1W ANG-A,01'clln to 1'0'
. -
IInhJo Inrormntlon ; 'e'oln'll here. the
tlnsslnns , hn\'lng been cI'I\'en ollt or
hllellen nnll Fm11I1nn , nnd , with , the
rnll 1'011 II ( 'lit , art' retrelltlllg In 11. df ) .
1J10rnll f.11 condltloll to the hili country
lownrll Ihe norlhoasl. '
] ) elaohell hOlIl.g of nnE1slnns IlI't' .
roughly ent1'II'hlng with 11. vlow to
f'hpclng [ t Iw pursuit , hilt 110 great
rear gllal'll action Is heln fought.
It will he Il11posshle Cor the Hus.
RI:1ns : to Icclfl t1plln ' sOl'l or l'eslstllIH'e
for many clnys , liS there lire 110 mrnlls
of ) l1'O\'llIlonln : ; In the rough ronntl'Y
lhrough'hlch the ' nre rotl'entlng.
tl Is hollo\'I11 thnt the HlIHslans may
atte1l1pt to I'ellch Kh'ln. 225 mll03
norlhenst of Iulden , throll h the \'al-
It' .s , hilt n special .Inpullese COl'PS
from the direction of the Yalu rlv ( > 1'
( prohahly Genel'lll Knmamul'a's
for'os ) threntenll to cut them ocr.
'rhe cnllIultles : ! , on holh Rides have
hOln onormous. 'I'he HlIsRlan Sixteenth
Ill'my corJls was prnrtlca1l ) ' nnnlhllntcl (
nt Tnl'holliao. IIghl ! : thOlsand : Hus.
slanB fell at l.eulmanllllo.
s'r. PE'l'lmSDUHG-"l.asl nl ht nll
our urmlos commenced to retrt'H. "
'fhe greatest Ilefeat In the hlBtOl'r of
tlw Husslnn..JalJ:1I1ese : wnr was made
Imown In St. Petersburg last night. '
bllt only In tne } laltry eight words
f'Om Geileral Kouropatldn to Emperor
Nicholas , whleh were flung ahout the
streets In :1ewspapm' extrns nnd pass.
ed from mouth to mouth. Two
thOl'gh s formell InRtnnlly In the minds
of o'leryone. un' ! two wordeere on
every 1II-ellrrender-pe2ce-the ! for.
mer dreaded , t o latter hOllOd for.
Troops Stumble Over Corpses Un.
burled for D&lYs.
MUKDEN-The , lapanoso Illst nIght
pushed up f'Om the south ncross the
abandonell } lInin helwoon the Shnlh
IInll 1IIIn rIvers nnd are , ns this dls.
pall'h Is l1Iell , about five miles sOllth
of the latter and from- the Hun , OJ1lJO-
site 1\IachlalHt , and n01'thward Japa-
ne3e batteries nre 1I0urlng In u cease.
les8 fire.
The Japanese succeoaed In omplnc-
Ing slego guns and at Dlus.
hU1tun ; , n.bont six miles west of this
cIty , whence they opened Cr , ! before
} JU1snnnhiii ' , , ' s-t1ie scene- est r-
( lay oC the bloodiest and most desller-
ate fighting of all this tel'1'lblo bll ttle.
its possession was \'ltnl to the .Tap-
nnese who stormell It ngnln nnd agnln.
The Husslans dislodged them hut the
.TuIH\Uese flnnlly reraptured the vI- )
lago nfter much hand to hand fighting.
Eye witnesses say the dead , Rcnt-
tered In the strt'ets , court yards and
houseg have heon unburied fOllr da 's.
Rlfies and other armA 110 nhout
wrenched and twIsted , Hnnd grenades
were thrown by the Jnllaneso and the
garrison was sllbjected to the concentrated -
trated fire of us many as a hundred
guns. Once Dlushantun In their hnnds ,
the .1npanese can train guns on Muk.
den railroad station and It haS' been
held at a frightful cost. The Jnpanese
are also ( 'oncentratlng tholr erforts
about seven miles north 1\1ullen ( nnd
ahout five miles west or the railroad
with the object of hrealelng through
anll cutting err the surroun lng troolls
below. .
- -
Talking of the Battle.
RERUN-Military writers here Ills.
cussing General Koltl'olllllldn's Rltua-
tlon ndmlt Its extreme RerlouBnosR.
hut. do not hl'lIl'vl : ' 11 11AW Sedan will
C01l0w , urging thnt the JnlJanese nrm. }
Is not henv ' enough to compel n sur
render , Unstlntod Ilrnlso Is glvo :
'Jo"'lehl 1\lnrshal O 'a ma's military
aehie\'emenl In the present bailIe , hul
It Is helle\'ed territory over which the
fight has been goingon Is too ( lnor
mous to expect the Japnnese to sel'l
OUBI ) ' 111an to sU1'roItl1l1 the nusslnr.
Wichita Merchant Killed.
" 'ICIIITA , Knns.-J , C , Casey , ht' ! 1
of the Casey WholcsnloIercantllo :
conwany wlHr shot through the heal1
and Instnntly Id1l0d uy .Jumes 011\01'
Oll\'er lost $23,000 In the falluro or the
Case ' & Garst Mercantile company
n few months ngo. and the mlsCOl'hm
} Ire'od on hit > mind , Ho demnnded
his mono ' when the fil'm was 1'001"
gnnlzed ! lnd had At'\'ernl arguments
with CnSl' ) ' over the loss. While asoy
was Roated nl his .1esl ; : , 011\01' sllppod
UII bl'hlnd him ! lnd fired three times
without wnrnlng.
- -
His Knowledge of Japan.
COPENIIAG1 N-'ho Husslan mIn.
Istol' to Donmarl" . Isswolsl , ) ' , atarts
for St. ) > ot01'shurg. 'l'ho authorltlos
there dl' ! lro to hn\'o the henetlt or his
lmo\\'lell"o of .Ja pnn. gl\lnod while he
wali mlnlstl'r nt ' 1'01\10 ,
"Spotted Fever" Killing Many.
NEW YOH1-'I'hat cl'rOhrNllllnnl
mOnhlgltls , 01' "spottod fever , " Is 1,1\1 \ ,
Ing ahout forly IIQ.rjdOn a woc ) ; : In
this clt . , wns ni80rted hy CommlR'
Hlonot' Darllu { : of the hcalth dopart.
. . - - l' . - . . . .
, , .
. . - . . . .
. ,
" -
l'4 \
. -4
1J ' " ' tp
Appalling Mortality Among the Little Ones Due
' to This Cause-Proper Attention to Health of t
Mothers Would Save Many Lives
_ . u _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ 1 > 10 _ _ _ _ - . . . _ _ . _ _ . .n.u _ _ _ . . . _ _ . _ _ . .A..1"1
" " 1 - - -U--U' "
'I'he numher of deaths due to tuher.
culosls IR tromondous. When the word I
Is spohn enc hlBtlnctlvelr thlnklol nf
J1uhnonar ' c011fll1mptlon. 'fhls II : ! the
Corlll which altllcli ! udults nnd which
wo see dullr gat hel'lng In Hs "Ictlms.
There Ilro other forms , however , more
willmon In children , thnt levy trlu.
ute upon them without ( 'ailing atten.
tlon to the relntlonshlll between these
dueasos : 1l1I' ] consulllption of the
Dr. .1ncohl 15 n.ulllorH ) ' for the stnte'
, pent that ' ' 'fuhcrculosls 1lIIs 11.14 mnny
Ieollle ; , old nml ; oung , nB diphtherin ,
'croll I' , whooiling cough , scnrlatlna ,
lnl'llsll'I and t 'pholrl rever tnleen to.
I gtthor , " In ull or om- clUes ncUvo
I Rleps hl1\'e ueen tulICn to Il1'otect the
I cople from the nbo\'o named dls.
eaSOR. Until quite recl'nll ' , however ,
a rew 'enrs at mosl. nothln was done
I to reduce the mortnllty from tuum'-
I . Now , howe\'er , the nttontloll or the I
wOl'ld , the common IHollle ! 111111 the
hellllh uuthorltleR , hnl : ! hocu called to
itA cU1'llhl1ltf : nUll pro\'entaulllt . .
The cnUBes , the modes or scattor.
In , and , t he II1'O\'On lion uro nil holng
f > tudlod , nnd an educntlonal campnlgn
Is on to wl\le \ 01lt this ' 'whlto te1'ror. "
'rhe children suITel' from tuborcu-
losl's of the hones , the howels Ilnd
I mllh glllnils. Tuuercular menIngitis
If ! rreqllenl1 ' found In el11'ly IIfo and Is
uniformly fatal. Only uy cnreful Ilt-
t'-11UOn to the rood nnd dnll ' hahlts
can the rlsl1l1 ; gonomtlon he mndo 1m-
l11une from these \'II1'led forms of tu-
110rculosls. ,
'rhe Cact that over ono hnlf of all
hnbles h01'l1 dlt ! before they reach the
age of fi\'e 'enrs , pro\'os thnt the 'con.
slit utlonal cap tnl" belueathed them
Is smnll. Is the Ilroper attention Imld I
to the diet , exercise and out-or-door
life of the mother ? If this wore done ,
the child would undouutedh' have
greater vltn1ll ) ' and could uy 11rOp01"
cnre nl1ll education 1Ive nuove the tu.
herculosls of childhood /Uld of ndult
Cause 1nd Cure of Gastric Catarrh.
Chronic congestion of the stomach ,
Imown as gnstrlc catarrh , \lsual1y
caused by one of the following errors ,
or br all of thom l111t together : EatIng -
Ing too much or too fast ; swal10wlng
food InsufficIently masticated ; the
\lse of such coarse foods as cnbhage ,
greens , etc. ; mustard , peppel'sauce ,
ginger and other condiments and
spices ; pnstry containing animal fats ;
free fats , whIch lodge In the stomach
and remnln there a long time ; porl { ,
grld lo Cale3 nnd burned fats-tItese
Ilre the things that Ilroduco gastric
The first and most necessnry step
In the treatment of this IIlsoase is to
remove the cause of the trouble. 'Vo I
mny Induce activity of the sldn hy
hot nppllcntlons follow ell by coM or
hot bath followed uy a short app1lca.
tlon of cold ; fomentations f01lowed
by a short cold aplllcntlon ) to the
ctomach. 'fhese treatments nre lise-
ful , but Oe 11\ost importnut fnctol' Is
the regulntlon of the diet. A fruIt
diet Is best , for the reason thnt In gns-
trlc catnrrh there Is a great accumulation -
tion of germs , which are destroyed b '
f , ult juice. A wel1-prepared diet of
tOllsted hrea' ] , zwlebl1cl { , gmnose his-
cult , etc" Is also useful 1n these
Bedroom Climate.
A person nt the age of sixty years
haR spent about twenty years or his
life in hIs bel1room. Have 'ou Inves.
tlgated the average sleeping room c1l.
male ? If 'ou were sent as a missionary -
ary to Eome distant peRtilentlnl spot
the c1lmate of which was ns unhenlth-
ful ns that of the average hedroom ,
would 'ou not feel that YOll were rlsle-
Ing a great dcal for the salw of the
heathen ?
On the tomhstone of tens of thou-
Rllnds of lhose who ha\'o died f'Om
111herculosls might allpropl'latoly he
It.scrlhed , "Dlseaso and death were
Invited IInll encouraged by a deaUI-
doa1lng bedroom climate. "
To Hhow thn.t thIs 11'1 ' no oxggora-
lion It is enl ) ' necessary to call attention -
tention 10 the fuct that full ) ' halt of
the luuerculll : ' pntlonts plncoll In out.
door consumlltl\'e hospltnls mallo n
satlsfactory recover ' . If fresh all'
will cure the lsease , It It ; certnlnly a
wonderful II1'evontl\'e of it. It Is not
mOl'O 1'01l80nnhlo to de1lherntely
breathe Impl1l'o all' thnn It Is to drInk
hnpnro wntm' or to eat unhealthful
food 01' wear infectell clothing.
- - -
Tender.Hearted Savager ,
Ono of the most anomalous featureR
of our Chrlsllan civilization Is the
slaughter hou8e , 0811'cla11y the auat.
toh'B or our great cltlos , where veritable -
table torrents or hlood porpotual1y
flow. the ehblng 1Ifo of millions of Innocents -
nocents which dIe that man mil. . ) ' fenst.
Indlnns 11.1'3 not notell fOl' uein ! ;
o\01'sol\lItI\'o \ ; 111111 Imrtclllnrl ! ) ' do.
Riliso an ' exhlhltlon of welllmoSR. The
Intorlor of 1Bhlll htI'-hnl'o , howe\'or.
Is sl\llI to havl1 IlI'ovol ! too much for
their powers o { sl'lf-control. 'fho Chi-
rngo H'orl ! Rtates that " 11. IJI\rt ' of
fIfteen B1n'l\fot ludll\n8 recentl ) . vis.
ltall lholing ' ' \ 1'0011of Armour's
plant. On'l falntell , thl'oo moro were
m , the reat c'eral ! U\l \ tholr O 'OS
'rho ) ' wore hU1Tlell out of the lllaco
. .
Into the freah nit. .
A Good Reform.
The S1 bomlna blo practice of wenr.
In Ion. . slelrts for the stro t Is il'ln , ;
. . : Pretty a It Is to 'Bee Ii Bummer
' .
----fl--.UV"'i..iI ) . ,
dress nogllglntly trnlled O\'el' 1\
smooth Inwn jeweled with dalsle ! , the
! 11rht of a woman drngglng her gown
In the street , sweeping \ the flltll
and collecting millions of mlcrobos
Is 11. re\'oltlng spectncle ; and 'et'Itb
a Ionsldrt / the only alternntlve IS"
to holll It up , a practlco which Induces -
ducos cramp In the nrm , as w 1l ns
coM fingers In winter , nnd gives n. .
decidedly ungl'aceful wulle nnd attl.
tudo. -
- - - - ,
A Cure f r Cold Feet.
An excellent and slmplo remedy
ror col reet IE the application or cold.
'wnter. Step Into the hath tub , let the
( ' 0111 water nm In a little , fnstel' than
It runs out. Stnudlng In the wnter ,
rub one foot with the oth01' , rapidly.
ten or twel\'o times. Then chnnge and
tl'eat the other foot In the snme mon-
t'or. Keell UII this alternate rubbln
for IIbout thl'oo minutes. 'fhe fel't
\\11I hn ve uocome very red , nnd ns 'Oll
step Ollt of the water , ) 'OU will find
thom hurnlng nnd glowing with th
wnrm. hlooll brought Into lhem b ) ' this ,
- -
Some Chinese Baths.
A trn\'oler In 1\longolla writes :
"There are some hot Rllrlngs on the
road nbout t wont . miles norlh of
- ' ' 1s named
ChlllgllCng'I'he place
Tungshan. ' ] 'he arrnngemenls for-
these anxious to benefit ly , thell' healIng -
Ing prp01'tle nre ver ' lrlmitlve. A
row o ( twont . to thlrt ) ' woollen blxes-
the size DC an ordinal' ) ' paclei'ng clIse
If ! rnngell besille the real ! , , In these ,
sit bathers of every nge nnd both
scxos , with their henls ! proll'l1l1lng.
Attendants with Imelets continualJy
1' < :1111 the hoxcs from the springs. For-
ll'SS luxllrlolls hathers there Is accommodation -
modation In a pool which has been
dug Ollt dose hy. 'In this they sluat ,
sCOolllng up the water and pouring It.
over tholr hen. s with brass basins. It.
Is cmlous to refiect that estahllsh-
ments 11110 Homhurg and Aix.les.Balns.
hnve hal ! their origin in such begin'
nlngs. "
- -
Training the Skin.
The usunl eITect of a drnft of cold
nil' UllOn the bae ) , of the nock Is a cold
nnl ! a SOl'O throat. Many 'ears ago
Dr. Drown Sequnrd , n.n eminent
French ph'slclan , devised 11 means by
which sore throat from this cnuse
might be preventel ! . B ' blowln ; ; upon
the hn'k of the necle with 11. pnl1' of bel-
10WR , Increasing the time ench dny' , he
trained his patients until they could
endU1'e this treatment for half an hour
without Injury.
It Is not necessary to be exposed tea
a drnft of all' on the bacl , of the neck
In order 10" outaln this rosult. By
mellns of the cold unth , the wel.sheet
mb , the shower bnlh , to\'el friction.
otc. , the sldn may be educated to contract -
tract on the slightest Increase of col .
Dally exposure to the contact of cold
11.11' Is of the utmost Importnnce. It Is
uecause of the ( onstnnt exposure to
cold that the Indian's body Is "all face" "
-the sl < ln of his whole hody has
learned to talC care of Itself.
- - -
Dr. Lorenz Strict T etctaler.
At a bnnquet gIven to Dr. LOltnz ,
wino was served. He pushed the
wlnoglass nsllle. Someone onqulred Ir
he wns a total abstalnor. He - answered -
swered :
"I am a ijurgeon. 1IIy success depends -
pends upon hn\'lng Il clear brain , II.
steady nerve\ and firm muscles. No
' form of alcohol with.
one cnn , take an )
out blunting these physical powers ;
therefore , as 11 surgeon , I must not use
any form of splrlts.-Journal or In.
In Harmony with Nature.
Modern science as well as eXlleri-
ence has shown thnt contnct with nat-
mal surroUI1l1ng-8 ( , especlnlly fresh all' ,
I'\lnshlne IInd the ozonlng emanations
f'Om growing plnnts , hns mar\'elous
hcalthimpartlngvlrtue8. . In these
natural n encles is nctlve the \lower \
which creatcl nnl ! maintains all things
an which Is constnnl1y communicated
to 11.11 living things as the essential
condilion pt conllnued life. The m01'O
closel ) ' man comes to Nature , the
mme deeply he may drhll , from the
fountain of lite nnd healing. To IIvo
In hnnnonr with Nature In the fullest
IInd trueRt senBe Is to live In bar-
111011) ' with God ; nnd to 11\10 In divine
hnrl1lonr Is to ue hailPY.
How to Resist Old Age.
A chain Is ns weak ns Its weakest
IInl , . The bed ' Is ns'eal ; : as Its .
'wenl\Cst II'Ian. 'fa combat the on.
ward l1Iarch of aIel ago nil organs must
he marshnled to harmonious resist.
anco. ' 1'hls resistance can be devol.
opl'll hest ur cultivating' "reaction. "
'I'hls means thnt the belly forces act
against Iomo external stlmulntlon and
overcome It.
'I'ho uest de\'elopor of renctlon Is
cold-either 1'0111 all' or cold baths.
'fhls must bo done graduallr , espo. ,
clall ) ' If ono Is nlrendy wenl { . . Cultl.
vnto the llO\\'er of reslstanco b ) ' dnlly
exposl11'o to colt ! air. 1.\\0 \ out or
doors ns 111uch I\S IIOBRIlo. ) 'rho abll.
Il ' to I'oslst colll will nlso ol1nblo ant
to rl'slst 1)11t'l11nonla. ) d'spellsln , 1\1" )
111I'x ' . dlnhltes. ouoslt . , 0111 nge.
The collI mornln bath is \\0111101'
CuI ' ( ) uth r I'osel'vor. Tr ' It Hagl :
cRl'efull ' . J\t first ru ! . : fnco , .II'IUiil nna
chest w\lh \ the hnuds dllPod ) In coil
WIIWI' . 'fhen the I'esl of the tl'l1nl , ntll\
the lQglI. Dr ' tjulcllr nn OXOI'Clili for
tou or fifteen mhl11tQs. In a month
) .ou wll1 hardl ' Imow ) 'ourself. Tr ) it.
, .
j '
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\ I
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\ , , :
f" . .
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