Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 23, 1905, Image 3

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. , " - . , , , . .
r ; ; : ; - .
I : Suffered Agonies . .from Kidney Disol'
' 4' den Un"tll Cured bV Doan's
Kidney Pills. -
: : Gf'orgo W. RenoIT. ot 1953 North
. : : : , ' , ' " 11th St. , Phlla.
: ; ft , i \ delphIa , Pa. , a
. \ , man of good rop'
. ' 'r , " . . . . uta l0 \ n . and
, : '
, ' ' 'j' stnndlng , wrItes :
f' "FIve years ago I
WI\R Burrerlng so
with my bacl < and
Iddnc'B that I
often had to Iny
' . ' oft. The kIdney
t \ , . ' secretions w 0 I' 0
unnatural , m"l
: Cs : ; : md ntoma'h were swo11on , and
I had no aplletlto. When doctors
( ailed to help mo I began'nslng Doan's :
Kldne } ' Pills and 1t1lpro 'ed utitll mf
bac ] { wns strong and my npIJetito 1'0'
turned. DUt'lng the four ) 'ears since
I stopped using thcm I have enjoyed
-ex'el1ent health. 'rho cure was permanent -
manent , "
( SIgned ) , George W , RenoIT.
A TRIAL FRI E-Addr ss Foster- .
, ,
1\1lJ\lrn \ Co. , Duffalo , N , Y. For snla
y an dealers , PrIce , 60 centa.
. , 1
Owns Costly Book ,
The Dul < e or Dovonshlro possesses ,
. . . . , a.n heirloom , Clalldo Lorralno's
, ' 13ook of Truth , " which Is ! raid to be
.cIte ot the rarest , nnd most valuable
\'ollllnes In Europe , It Is worth sIX
tImes as much ns the "i\lazarln"
BIble , the most cosUy bool < that tho'
Bl'Itlsh Museum can boast , The tormeI'
DIlI\O refused an offer of $100,000 tor
' ; , U.
. .
. Frightful Capacity.
l\tr little sistoI' 1\Iarlon , when COliI'
. , ' " J'ears olrt , war feedIng some greedy
. : , Z . - hens in' the bace ] ; yard ono day at
, " noon. 'Sho was called to dinner. and ,
" , " , . ' / I Dn taltlng her chall' at the table , ex.
, ' . r ; Ialm d : "Uh , mammu , I'm as hunry !
, : ' , \ : as a chiclcen with a huudred tongues , "
Comments on the Wildcat.
t A wildcat waR caught In a trap in
Rosshlre , Scotland , recently , and Is
to be careCully f1tuffed and preserved ,
l'he Westminster Gazette says a wild.
at Ig "beautiCully rcnmrlted , " and
lldds that "It Is moro dangerous for
.game or man than the Cox , "
; Duck Is Natural Surgcon.
r A hunter who lives at Kustrln , Ger.
- ; , , man ) ' , shot and wounded a wild 1luct ] ;
When he ( 'a me across It , acter a Ion ! ; '
search , he fouud that it had tried to
: stay the flow of blood under th wing
by tumng In a number of grass.
blades ,
- ,
Sermon on Cleanliness.
Once a year the archbishop of Tuam
11reaches a sermon on health and
. cleanlIness , The natlona ] board ot
the athollc Truth society of IrelanQ
, has IsfrUed , a sanitary sermon as a
pamphlet whIch sells at ! I. penny.
. , ) " . Greatest Slaughter of Officers.
The greatest proportionate loss of
( ) lficers to men In any battle was at
the capture of the Rod an , In the Cri.
mp-a. where three omcers were lost to
< IITOr ) ' twenty.two men ,
. . . .
Applcs In China.
Apples , In central ChIna , are soft ,
] a'k fiavor , and have no ] eeelJlng qual
lUes , Imported American varieties are
doing comparatively well , but soon
lose theIr best qualities.
? . If : rou can't attend the heavenly
. . ' " , feast because ) .ou've got a now ) 'olto
of oxen. tale the oxen along for the
fMflt.-E , G : Holdon In ' ' 'fho Sunday
Magazlno. "
You may have obsen'ed that certaIn
people who believe In sa Ing only
tiome are said to be lucley because
the ) . have good sonse.
T cro is no stage oC lIfo In which
, , 'e nre saCe : the 'onng are Impetu.
ous , the mhhlle-aged tubborn , the old
weak-aU dangerounlshop Hall.
Every great man Is always bolng
, helped by ever 'body , for his gift Is
It to get good Ollt of aU things and all
persons.-Rusln ] ,
, Ve have alt heard of wolves In
sh < , ep's clothIng , but the wolf at 'the
door generally comes disguIsed as a
bill collector ,
When a woman talls a grelt : , deal
about a cortf ln man Rhe wants others
t thlnl , that it Is purely a case of aCt
The v ry art of liCe , so far as I have
been able to observe , consIsts I l forti ,
J , t\ll and perseveranco.-Walter Scott. .
\ - II Defiance Starch Is put up 1G unces
, , In It package. 10 cenlR. One-third more
ttarch ( ol.the same money ,
Prohably the undertaler looles sol ,
emn at n funeral because ha 1lI : afraId
he wl11 not get his money ,
i r do not bolfovo Plso's Cure tor Consumpt\on
, bn , nn cfulII for coushs IInd col s.-Jom' 10'
-A lJoTlm , 'l'rlnlty Springs , Iud. , Fob , 15,1001
There would be no debtors iC prom ,
ises were ] egal tenders ,
I ) "
\PINAL CURV A 1UI { [ ; C ! \ be C.sre
Write or ell 11111 office for free Inform : ! '
1 lion , lli h"st testhllonialsfrolll PIOCI' '
n'Jlt 6talcsUlen , 1I11l11hysicianti , , Can
mlt rour Fllmily DOClor. No hlnces ( ' 1
1I'phanccs used. Treated successtullJ
" by mall , Sis ) 'ears' eSJ1erlence ,
, I he WornQ1 Qrnmtlc tI Ortbopedlcillt
' ) llght ISOl. , . . . .
INCO O &TtD CA IUL .000.00.
tfEWH < ) 'sNN6IJE
f. .u.e'Tl t mTCU : V 'B l1ND ER
l'ullr Jilt/tier ur , lIrect nuw 1'8clor ) ' , l'eorl. . . , lU ,
/ '
, . - . ' -
" .
. . ,
. . .
, .
I ' . ,
: /I . I
. . . .
, .
Warsaw a Milk Town.
The town ot WarAaw 11111) ' bo cnlled
the mille IJfoducers' 1dln , although
the mille con8umol'8' glloll It cert'1lnh'
Is not. 'rhl.'r \rohahb. \ ! . nowhere :
su'h a "mill , town" as thIs. Hestau.
rants'm'o lIttle Croqllonted , On the
ether hnnll , the IJllhllc frcquent the
mrlous diarIes In great numh'rs In
order to 'cltat with frlclld or read the
newS panel's : to the accol1lllanln1'nt of
a black or whlto correo or n glass of
cold 01. warm mille.
- - -
Retort Courteous.
Snndy McNnb waS boastCul of hIs
anccstors nUll of the 11ohlo connections -
tions of his faml ! ) . . A tourIst. who was
sllendln a weele in the \'l\1age \ where
Snnd ) . Ih'ed met that h1tllvldual drlv.
Ing n pig. " 11ullo , Sanlh' , " saId the
vIsitor. "Is this one of 'our nohle relations -
lations ? " "Na , na , sit' , " was Sand"s
renly , "Sho's no rclatlon at all , she's'
shust an acqualntnnce 1I\to \ rersel' . "
Lives of Men and Women ,
No mnn , even the mosl wretched ,
would ( 'hango with an ) ' woman , even
the 1I10st ( ortunato , And thIs Is not
nn lIluslon , lIe Is Instinctively 'right ,
Ho gets mot'o out of life. lIe Itnows
this. and It hclps hIm to beat' much
without complalnt.-Hoferce ,
Found at Last.
Alston , Mlch , . March 13th-SpOo' ( '
clal.-Afler ) suffering for twenty
yenrs from Rheumatism and Kidney
Troubles , and spend Ins a fortune In .
doctors nnd medIcInes that brought
him no relief , : Mr. James Culet or thIs 1
place has found a complete cure for
al1 his aches , pains and wealmoss , In
Dodd"s KIdney PlIls ,
Naturally Mr. Culet Ceels much elat ,
cd over Ills cure nnd glv.cs sreat
credIt to the rewody that gave hlw
"Yes , " Mr. Cuet ] sa's , "my rheuma.
tlsm and Kidney 'l'roubles are ul1
gone and I feel l1ko a new man.
Dodd's Kidney PlIls did It. Before I
used thow I spent a small fortune
on doctors and ono remedy and anoth. I
er. I cheerfully recomwend Dodd'fi :
KIdney Pills to an'ono sufferIng from
Rheumatlsm or Kidney Trouble , "
Dodd's Kidney PlIls always cure
81cl < Iddneys , HoalUl ) ' ltldneys talto
al1 the uric acId-the cause of Rheu.
matlsm-out of the blood. That's why
Dodd's Kidney PlIls always curti
The first robin wl11 arrlvo foolishly
earl ) : , hut he would have to wear furs
and gum boots to get 'hero ahead of
the first sprIng honnet.
The report of Cummlssloner Garfield -
field on the beef Industry has at Inst
been published , It must be some.
what of a surprise to the e who have
been Induglng ] In wholesae ] adverse
criticIsm upon the methods of the
Chicago packers. as It dIscloses Cacts
and figures which clearly show that
the great food producers have been
Innocent oC the serious offenses with
which they have been charged , They
have been for a Ions time accused by
newspapers al1 over the country ot
extortionate prices demanded , and ob.
talned , of depl'esslon of values of cat-
lie at the various stoc'ards ] where
their busIness Is conducted , of enol"
mous profits wholly dlsproportlonl1to
to the capital employed , nnd , In general -
eral , of so carr'lng on their busIness
that the public. under an organized
system of spoliation , wel'o beln ! ;
robbed Cor 1 hell' excluslvo benefit.
\Vo find now , however , that not a
slnglo one of these charges has been
sustained but , on the contrary , that
rigid and searchln ! ; Investigation , of.
ficlal1y made , has resulted in cow-
plete acquittal.
Instead of extortion It Is shown , that
no InduEtr ' can be found where so
narrow. a margin of profit preval1s-
the uctual records and original en.
trIes , to which the conll11Issloner had
free access , showing that the high.
est not profit any of the paclters
made on their sales of beef was two
and three.tenlhs pOI' cent In 1902 and
in one Instance that the profit realized
in 1004 was one und elght.tenths ptJr
cont.The variations In the mareet ] prices
tot' cattle are oxhaustlvcly treated
and no evldenco of any Itlnd was dls.
covered , or even hinted at , tending to. .
show that vaucs of cattle are In tha
sllghtest degree ImprollOrj' ] affected
or controlled by paclters at any ot
the chief centers of the Industrj' ,
On the whole , the report competely ]
dissipates the promlent Idea that
great fortunes are being amassed by
Illegal and Improper motho s em.
po ] 'e \y \ westeTl1 paclwrs , showing
that notwithstanding the high prlcos
for becf prevaillng In 1902 the busl ,
ness was less re111uueraUve than In
years characterized by normal vl\lues
both Cor catllo and product _ He sa 'a
"that the ) 'ear 1002. Instead of being
of exorbitant profits , as has been
commonly RUIIJosed ( , wus ] ess prollt'
able than usual. In fact , during the
months when the prices of beef weI'll
the highest , some. at least , of th.
1 lending pllclers were ] oslng money
I on everj' head of cattle slaughtered.
It was not posslbo ] to advance the
IJrlces of beef In full proportion to the
great advance In the prices of cattle
at that time. "
After all that has been written fOe
fectlng upon the great business In ,
terest engagell In the marwtng ] ! and
distribution of the llroduct of one of
the greatest of our national Industries -
tries , It Is gratifying t all fall' minded
people that the prejudiced aUaes ]
Ullon It have fallell of verification :
alHI the vreat western paceers ] may bo
. cong1'l1tuatetl ] for having pas ed
I through such a searching an thorough -
ough omclal Investigation unsmlrchOl1.
. The results of this Investlgallor. ,
bascil as It Is UlOn exhnusti ve data ,
; of1\clall \ ' obtained and verlfiqJ by
, United States govemment e1llerts ,
. must bo acrel l'd without hesitatIon ,
as the luvestlgatlon was made under
C'lruU1stanr < ; thllt guaranleed COIll'
. plPte accuracy wllh n posflble ! dljlplJ'o :
Altlon Indeed. to arrlvo at entirely
dlfforent I'suts ) ,
- "
Blessed Is he who IlI\ts \ a line oj
\\'Iadow In JL 11M of t.P9.
, ,1
. . .
, - . . .
- - - - - - - - - -
The Movement Is Now Toward Harbin
-The Muscovites Have Been Slight.
Iy Reinforced , but ihere Is Little
Hope of Their Escape.
TOKIO-TI1I' , JaIJllne'Tf' ! ' o'CUIJI11 ( Tlo
Pass at mltlnlghtllrl'h : Hi. Detail ! ' ! lIC
the OCCUI1\tlon : hll'l' not yet beeu 1'0'
ceh'etl at ' ' ' ' ' ,
ltuIIOI'lal 111'111) headqul\rt1's
An ofilc\al \ hullolin r < ' : ,10rt8 the I\ctIou
and that the , h\utll'se ( are In hot 11\11"
suIt of the retreating' Hussillns , bllt it
does not montlon any pal'tlculal's nbout
till. ' Ilgh t.
The , Tapaneso ( 'a1ltur'll mlUJj' Ilrlson.
ers lit 1'10 Pa'l8 ' nUll Ihe Husslans 1I0'
stroyell vast stOl" S ,
Oeneral l ouI'olllll1t1n and the reul"
. , nntR of thll army which WIIS IIl'feut el
h ) ' the , TaIIOllt'w ! Oil the Shalh { ' anll
lIlIn rl\'el'R al'ollllt1111 , .
\ , 111111 again al'ollllt ! : \
don ntlll 'I'll' I'IIR < ; , are now In the
mOllntalnfl a fl'W mill's of thl'
sOllthl'I ( ' 1\lI'I\1\C' ( ' of the Pas ! ; tl' 'hlg
to shn\O ] ofr tht'II' IJIII'SIll'I'S. who al1l)1\r.
cntly 111' ( ' not oln to rl'1H.'at the mls.
tate ! of Llao Yang ntHI allow th ( ' Rlls.
f1lan at'my to l'9'aIJO. Kouropal1 < ln 11I\B
been rl'lnfOl' ( ' < , d b ) ' the arrl'Eol1s of
+ Iplln nud othl.'l' norlhel'11 towliH anll
a few new h'oolls who wm'o on their
wa ' from Hussla when the battle of
1\IIIdm.l ] hogan.
Bllt O\-In with these tllero Is little
110pl' for hIm. TI'U , he hns some thh't '
01' Cert ) " miles of hili ) " cOl1nlry extend.
In ! ; from ' 1'10 l'aR to I"pnghualslen ,
whl'h might < , naho ] him to h01l1 off
the' enemy for n time , hilt on'o Ollt of
the hills lie has befol'e him lle\rl ) ' 300
miles of Ol\t. OPUll cOllntr ) ' ntll l1111um.
< , rahlo rivers ntlll stl''atm ; to Cl'Oss.
This Is whllt Is termefl the I'eat vnl.
le ' of the 811111111'1 , hut. Is In fact IIn
Immense paln ] , bOIllHell ] on the east
by hl h mOllntalns anrl extenllln
northward Into Siberia 111111 westw:1rel :
Into Mongolia , Klrln. cast of the rail.
way and Harblll , tlH1 most northerly
point on the railway where It branches
Dff to VadlvOfdol ] , oaRtwnrll and to
Slhel'ln westward. are the centers of
thIs wonderfully rich countl' ' , rl'sem'
bllnIn / mal1 - I'osllects the 110rthweRt
tel'rltol'los of Canada , From Tlo Pass
the railway runs o\-er a hili Imown as
the DivIde of Kalyan , twent ' .mlles ,
then strlllng Into a valle ' . on either
side of which rise high hills , enH'H'ge '
: ) \Ito the paln ] just 110rthcaRt of the
Important Chlneso city of I'"cnghuat. '
slen , F'l'Om .thero to Harhln harl1ly a
hili can he seen Crom the ranway
traIn , the line runnIng I\lmost straight ,
eXCelJt where an occasional curve Is
necesS'ar ) ' to reach a ( 'lty or Cavorablo
rosslng of a rlvm. . Deslde the railway -
way there Is a Rplcnelill wagon \'oall
rom Tie Pass to Kal 'nu , where It
hranches. one hranch malting u. detour
to the westwarll , Rdrtlng ] the moun-
lalns and running almost dlre't to
Harbin ; the other hrandl ImsS'es
through the mountaIns to Klrln , fl'Om
I\'hl'h ( ' ntm' there are many roads.
rhe distance from Tlo Pass to Hal"
bin Is vor : little ] css than 300 miles.
! 1nd except for the first few miles
ever- acre Is 11I111er cutlvatlon ] 01' sup-
pOl'tlng herlls of cattle , sheep and
horsos. So far as the ( 'ommls arlat Is
: 'oncemell the Husslans need have no
fear. Hare1ly a ! Iound of last year's
zrop of heans , mllll't 01' wheat loCI
the country , th ( ' Hl1sslans huylng- nil.
nut stol'lng It In stations along the
railway , 11I1I110ns ( ' sheltl'I's Iwlng el'e't.
eel for Its ro'ellt lon , They also 11111'-
hascd nil the caltlo anel horses and
have CosS'aclts hcrdlng them.
Assassination Is Attempted ,
ST. pgTmSBURG-Colonol ] 1'1"0- -
goulhltsty ] , governor oC the province
of Koutals , has heen the ohject of an
! 1ttompted assassination hy two mon
! 1t Suhum ] , The woulcl-he murderers
fired six shots from rovoh'ers at the
! ; o\'ernor. but ho was not struclt ,
Orders Schools Reopened.
WAHS.\W-The authorities have
dechled to order the schools to re.
: Jpen on 'I'llescla ) ' , anll uness ] the hO'R
return within a wcolt to eXllol them ,
[ t Is eXllected that the majority wlll
continuo on strllw ,
Kaiser Praises the Japanese ,
. . . . ' ' ' .
nEHI.IN-.mIH'I'ot' William. :111. :
dressing the naval recruits at WI1.
I helmsha\'cn. he\ll \ u ] ) the .Tapanese so ] .
dlors as a luminous examlle ] of pu.
trioLism and 80'11101'1) ' fillellt . ,
Kuropatkln HlS Enough.
LONDON-Tho St P terburg corre.
spontlent of the Times sa's : General
KUl'Ollatltln has : tsltetl the emperor's
gracious pPl'mlsslon to hand ovel' his
comml\l1l1. alleging that ho Is In 111'-
g-ont l1'ct1 of physlca ] unci mental rost.
It Is salel thut .Japan has twice ap.
] Iroached Rus 11L through Infol'mu ]
ha11llCls on the subject of peace. but
that In eneh case thc IIrO\losal \ fallell
hecause , lalHln donHlnd(1 un ! tHiem-
nit ) ' anll 11 plJIIgo ! that llussla wou\ll \
not IWOII warships In the Pacific fOl'
' . ' ' ,
twol1t .Il\'e 'ears
Service Needs Reforming ,
WASIIING'I'ON-Hon , Anlrew ( n.
Whlto , formerlY An1lJl'Iran mlnlslol' to ,
Gel'tlJ n ) ' , dell\"OI'ol\ \ Icctlll'o here un'
cler the ausplres of the reg-ollts of thc
Smithsonian InstituLion 011 the sub.
jcct of the diplomatic son'l'o or the
United StlitoS , with hints to\\'aTils 1'0'
form1. : . " , Whlto charged that rosl'
dence abroall malC's 1lH1l un-Amorl'
( 'un , ancl ( 'omhattod the slatemcnt lhat
the lllplomatlc san'lco Is mostly reo
croatloll , He 11eolnr&li that 110 countn
I cloos so 1111111 as , OIII' , to , 11rotoel
adollted c\tI \ , ' , ,
I " 'I
- - . ,
' . . '
t J , ,
- ' - -
Remni\nt nf Kouropatkln's Force
Reaches Rchlge Among the Hills , I
S1' , . 1'1 1'I mmUnO - hll . .ln'M I :
"grantl nrnl ' , " , with the l'Xl' < 'lltioll of i
the thOUlI1I1I15 1 < 111l'll or tnll'n tJl'hOn'
I Ol' on thll IIInl1l8 al1tl 111011 11 ! II hI I I
11 1'0 IIIHMulctlcn , Is lCat1lol'lult sl \\1) '
hphll1l ! the Cortlfil'atons ! , of ' 1'10 Pall II , I
whl'h Wel' ! } hullt I1A a \ ' < , fllgo heforo
the battlo' of 1.lno Yang , ntlll Is fl'\'l'r-
fshly ongaJC'11 In the worl of t'e01' .
ganl7.ltl 1\1111 flll'thor strl'n thlnln Itl !
IIl1es , Ac'e11'lIhl to the go'l1l'ral Btaff , I
the 111all1 bOil ) . has aITl'I\II ) ' l'011111101l'11
Its 1'l'I1'l1t anl ! the 1'111' guarl ! 110ulh.
wI\l'(1 ( Is fa11ln ! ; hacl , RlowhCelllll \ ! ; n
tOllch with the IH1rl'\uln ' \ ( 'oltll11nS of
' , JapanesQ , In the cOl11lllelo nIHU'IlCO oC
fllrt11l'r Infol'luaUol1 , It IA IlIm'ult lo
! ! 11'h'lhel' the 1)1'1'1 \ \ U It has sln'l\'n.
oIl or IR lJOlng COlllltl'I(111 hy enl ) ' 11
Ilol'UoU of the , Talll\1wt\o nll1l ml1ltnl'Y
ol1\C'lals \ hCl'e hOIl < ' tllal. ns aftN' thl'
Batllt' of Llno Yaug , FIl'1I1 1\larshnl
O 'al11n has III\Usl'11 to gl\'l' his \\1'111' '
It'(01)S ) a momentar ' hl'cathlng RllIIl' { "
\\'hlll' oxtollelltll ; hIs l'alll'Oll1l 111111 nlhl'I'
11m's of Sl1lll1lr to his new Isltloll IU1I1
11I''IHu'lng for thl' next hlo\\ ' ,
To the Rllsslan IIt'I11r ever . 1111ulltO
Is uow'lllIahlo aUII the rent ol'O lIud
IlIshl'al'tolll'el l1f'tllch111onts hll\'l' h'clI
lvPIl sI11'I ) ) ' au hol1l"s l'e t lIeforo
] wlnJ ; sot lit WOI' ! , with silalll' anlllIl'1 ) ,
1111IIl'o\'luJ ; the dnft'nel'f1 of the 111I88 , It
111ar he , hO\\'OVCI' , thai e\'en now thlJ '
1\1'0 ! If'lug hlt'IwII 011 t of these I10sl-
tlon ! ! , RII1110rs al'O cllrront thnt a whlo
cast ward IInnldu/r / 1110\01110nt whIch
WIISJ'Jlln \ bofOl' the baltlt' . Is sU1l
In II1'ogl''SS , and on the otlll'r eltle It
Is fparell'thllt COht11111S are movlllg
nm'lh of 1'al(0111un to tl\lw a Ilosltion lu
the Hllsslan l'elll' :
- ,
Colormlo Legislature Declares He Was
Duly Elected Governor of State.
DJ XVI Il. Colo-Tu111es H. PeuhOllr
011 'I'hllrsday won his coutost fOl' the
omro of goVerlllll' , f'Om ! which ho 1'0'
tlt'ed on Janllllry 10 aftol' sorvlng a
tOl'111 of two ) 'OllrS , bllt hIs victory was
achieved enl ' I\ner ho had given his
pledge to roslg-n aT1I1 8111'1'0111101' the
chair to Llolltonant Governor , Tosso 1. ' .
1\1 c Dona hI.
The vote In jolut ( 'onvonllon of the
goncl'al aSfic111hr ] hr whll'h (1ovprn01'
Alvlt Allams was ollslell nt1l1 (1 OVC'l'U 01'
.Tames n , P < , ahoI { ' lustallell was [ jl to
11. 'fen 1'01ll1hllcalls votl'el with 1.10
de11101'1'1.IIc memhel's for Allums.
(10\'el'n01' AdIl111S. , who 11IHI S'llont the
dar Iml'ltln his offoc.ts , RtllTOIHlel'oll
his ofl1ce to Governor POI hell ) " shortly
after [ j o'clock restmlay aftol'l1oon.
SCOl'l'S of Jetton ; , toegrams ] IInll tee. ]
Ilhono nHJHsugos hall I'ea'hetl the ex.
eClltlve chamhor dllrlng the day I11'glng
Govern01' Ac1ams to hold his seat by
force , hnt ho Ilecheel ] to Ignore this
ac1vl'e. lu convorsntlon ho said e fet ]
ontragerl at the art Ion of the general
assomhl ' aud oXtll''sscd slll'lrlse thllt
MI' , Peaboel ) ' Flhon11 ] hpromo It pal't '
to what he lormell a ( 'OnSlllrllcy to so.
Cill'O the onlce of ! ; o\'ol'l1or fOl' a man
who hud no calm ] whate\'OI' to the
Illaoe. Govornol' Allams will Issllo a
f01'mal stlltomont to Iho 11collle upon
the l'esnlt of the contest.
No Morc Money for Russia If She Per.
slsts In War.
P A TUS-Tho lDst ponl'nwn t of the
Rnsslau Joan Is defillitoly coufll'mell ,
'I'hlfl Is 11I(01) ' to OX01't a IO\v'orfll ) ] lu-
fillonco 10\\'a1'l18 II'aco as It If ! the first
tlmo the FI'l'llC'h financiers have
shown an I1Hllsposltlou to aeh'anl'o
fllnlls whllo the nncel.talntles of war
A commlttco roprcs'ntlnJ ; the syn.
dlcat 0 of French nll < 1ol'\vrltel's went
to St , 1 > etol'l > blll'g to 11rl'lIn 0 the con.
t1ltlon8 with the nlnlst01' of finance
and a ( 'ontl'lIct was 111'1\wn lip f01' a I
Joan taJtlug the form of treastll.y bouds :
rllnnlng 60ven ) 'oars at pPI' CIJllt , The
coutrl\C't was then , hrollht ! back to
Paris 1'01' the appl'Oval of all the un.
In the meautlme the IlIsaRt l'OIlS
events In 1\11\IlC'hl1l'la ualllrally IlI'ollsell
Ilonbts ou the part of the financlOl's
as to wholher HlIsslayoncl ] multo
111'aeo 01' I1nrsno the war _ The Inflnenco
of the flnllncla ] l'lemonts was almost
IInl11ImolH : : for ) Jeaco hnt. Un8sln'S' disInclination -
Inclination to consldcr pea'o appears
to have l1uluced the Ileclslon not 10
IIl'oce < 'CI with the eontl'a't and ac.
rCH'l1lngy ] the Rlgulngwhh \ was ox.
] Jeclell ) 'esteI'lIIlY hils heon IloRtlOnod )
anll all the pendln ! ; nogotlatlons 111'0
also } ) CstIJOIICI. (
Disaster Grows In Magnitude.
1\UDJ [ ! N-gvel' ) ' hour Incremws
the magnll\1llo of the 11Isastol' 811f.
ferel ( IIr tJlC Hnsalan IIl'Inlos , It is Ralll
2fi.OOO Ileall are ] \11own to have ] JCen
] eft on the ficld , malting the cnsu.
IIltles at least ono hltnre ( ] 1 tholtsanl } .
Between 11ft y and slxt ) ' thousllnll ( Iris.
cmers , some Rovent ) ' guns 1\1111 enor-
molts quantities of IImmllnltion and
Il1'ovlslons fpll Into the hanl8 ] oC the
,11Ill1nOSO ( , The .Tulaltese ( losHes do
not excecd those of the fOl'lner great
Imttles , ev'l'n General Kurold's al'm ) '
losln ; only five tJlouHalHI.
- - - - - -
Twenty.Seven Floating , Wrecks.
WASIIING'I'ON-Somo hloa of th
sevC\'lty 0 ( . lho wlntr seUHon jltRt
drawing to a close may ho gathered
fl'om the fact that the navy dcpart.
mont Is noconfront(1 ( with the no-
1 cesslt ) ' of seoti'n ] ! ; out and dCJsl1'o 'lng
no loss than twenty.sovon orean ( Iere.
lIets whleh ' In the - '
ere l'lng g-I'eat
ocean ] lIneH from Santiago to New.
CoundlruHI and ondangorlug shIpping
on taring nnd dopal'tlng from OUI' At.
lantlc ] Jorts , 'rhe presen o of those t
lIollting wrecl1i ! haR lIoon reported to I
lhQ h 'l1rogrllJI ! lc o'llcc ,
' 1
. '
,1 . .
, I
- _ .
- - - - -
. _
I .
\ - - , .
Japancl e Said to De Slow to Follow
Up Their Advantage-Rumor That
1\ Wide Turning Movement May Do
In Progrcss.
'I'm PASS-AH anN' thl' hattlo or
1.1110 Yan ! ; . the ntl\'lIlI'o of the , Talll\n.
0'10 ' IIl'my ulIllIst ! tllli now IlosltionH of
the HUflII\IHt ! : ! lit ' 1'10 1)lIss Is vcr ) ' Mlnw ,
'rho 101I1111 ! ! ; collll11H111'0 ulght or tl'n
mll08 fl'onthwllrtl , II1Hl III toltC'h wlh !
the HURRlult vall IICJits , hut the 01101"
atl nR lit 11I'1'lnt ! al' ( ) not RIII'loIIH.
1.'loltl 1\lurshlll 0)'U11I1Rho'H 1.I11ght In.
tOlltlons IIf ] ll'l'sslng hiM IItlVUIIIugo
In lln hU11I0I1Iuto IIttlW ] , 01'l'lt > PIIKA. ,
It Is 11OHSlhll' , IIIIWO\'l'I' , Ihllt 11 wltto
t 1t1'l11nJ ; 1110\-lml'nt 01' whIch I'OPOl'ts
III' curl'l'lIt 11-1 111 III'ogl'I'UI. 111 silt'll
1110\'l'nwllt 111l' , InlJI\I10HO hll\'l' thll 11\1.
nHJIlAO \ulltagl' of l.1wcl'nl hUBOS nl1l1
thc lines of sUIlPly , to whll'h Is now
(1llth 11 Ihl' Slul\1 nlltl 1'01111'hII' \ the
HURsinn ' ' ' ' IN ' .
111'111) IICN'I1SIlI'llr 1l'lllIIIII.
ont on 011(1 ( hllsl' and 0110 11110 of 1'01\1'
muull'lItion. I1IHI thlll'ofmt ) 11111) ' ho Ol1t.
l111nlwtl ,
lit the graml arl11) ' ( mll'l' Is hl'ilt
hroltght out of1I10S \ with l'el11urhuhlo
coIOl'It ) ' . The pluln In fl'ollt of Tlo PIISH
whleh on March 11 8l'0t\IlJlI \ 111\0 It
nest of allts with the fl'ltso ' nllli COli.
fit sod 111111'8 of 11'lInAlOrt } at'tllIry allel
11'00 liS , COI'IIA , IlIvIHIOII ! ; 111111 rcglltH'nts
IllIlng sl'lIttorcll 1\1111 partll's Inoxtl'll"
ahl ) " mlng'II ! , has h'en ( 'll'lIretl , the
l'oglluJI ! t ! ! n'ol' lInl.IHI : , StI'li g-lI ! _ I'EI Sl'n t
to theil' rCAllccl h'l' commal111s , Ol'glln.
Izatlont1 have tal < en thelt' aRslgncl1
IlImltlons amI tCHlar the l.Ial11O Huldlel's
whu 011 1\1 art'll 1 ( ) hl'c'n l11e a tOl'I'OI"
stl'lclwn , H\1I' lnJ : , tIlHoI'ganl1.ol1 mORn
of I'ar at. a few shntll frol11 a IItUo lie. I
tat'lltllont of , lalll\nOIlI ) , or who l'\'cn I
110d In 111\1111' , l1l'1ng IIHIIRC'rlmlnatelY I
111 all tllrl'etoaR ! as the ' rnll , nt thoI I
l11l'ro lIa80osR ] CI' ) ' of " , lalllln080 caY.
ah' ) ' , " are now gathol'oll , Rlllgln
ahont the call1lllh'of with nc\V conrage , .
roall ' to OPllOSO with stnbbol'n resist.
Ilnto nttaclc on ' 1'10 Pass , It is un :
fall' to accnso the onUre al'lu ' df thIs
IlIInlc , (1enoml Llnlvteh ! l'nlorell ' 1'10
Pass wit h his l'cgll11onl8 111 1101'\'oet \ or.
1101' w1th music IJIII'lng IInll the mon
singIng , 1\1111 fleal'l'l'ly a stragglOi. was
lost In the long' , (1Il11cult ( nUll'ch , Other
OI' anlzations mlllio 011 n 1111) ' worlhy
rotrollts , IItHI ospcclally the rear
g-ulll'l1s of nil the l\I'mltJs who IHJ1"
Cormell thoh' IIIt1\cnlt \ tas ] , stealllb' autL
rosolntply ,
'l'hol'o Is mu'h to bo Raltl nlso for
the IlIwl-Htrlt'lten ( ,01I1I1t1on of the
troops , 'rho ) ' were Im'gel ) ' comlQred !
of untllseiJlInetl ( mon a 11I1 wagoll
dl'lvOl's WOl'O mlnglell with the sol ,
11100'S , who for tift con days WC1'Q1nllor !
conslant fire , crowdel1 togetHer In
mass from whence e ross WIIA ImpoR'
sl ho ] , It Is ono or the octll fl\ctf of
warfnre thal the morale of the heaton
RUBsiall army has bewn ] al'lel ) ' restol' .
ell , while the Jallllueso , throllgh the
vlclorles , alllllll'ently m'o 1.10 bl'Clwn ]
anl1 IUL\'o Incnt'l'Cd snch heaosse !
that the ) ' 111'0 unahlo to lrcsS the ad.
\'l1nla/-o / , OlhOl'whm It Is IlIoxpJll'ahc ]
why the , JapanoHo have not followe /
\111 tholr vlgorouR lllll'sult with an at ,
taelr Oil ' 1'10 PaSR , wholl the ) ' might
have talwu the posltloll almost with.
ou t a st 1'\1g- IJ , It 11:1 : now too late for
easr Sllrc'ellS ,
' ] ho stl'n ! ; ] e for the IIOSS'ossloll ot
1\lulllolI rOHt 1I0lh Rll1e C'OflO ! upon
200,000 mell. 'I'he. ! llllssian loss or om.
l'el'l1 Inl'hlllcs a ] ar o ] u'opOl'tlon or
the 1'Jg-lmentlll comml\ll1lO1'S and l1ed ]
olll'ers ,
May 1 Declared to Be Time for Rus.
sian National Rising ,
ST , PAU ] . , 1\lInu-A RIWdll1 to the
Dlspateh from Sioux City , Iowa. sa'R :
Arom gl1l1cn. who el\1no Cro111 Hus ,
sla foul' mOllths aJo 11I1el jolnoll the
Itusslau colony hero , recelvoll a lelter
from a nllJmhet' of the Husslan re ,
vontlonary ] IlI\rt ) ' sayln/ / . ; that AIII'II 18
of the HURsiau ellmlllar ! , 01' 1\Iay I ,
A11101'1l'lIn calenl1nr , has lJOell namcII
1'01' the openhlJ ; of the national reo
volutlon , SllIco the St , Potershurg
nmSRaCI'O Iho rovolutlonlslf ; fn the
cltlns hll0 lIel'n relressel1 until or.
1101'S conll1 ho COln'C'cct to 1l1l the Itlo ; ;
and 'IJrovlncJ ; ; for a ulliverslll rlHIII
on such a scae ] I hat to cOlO with It
won 111 he Imllosslhlo. All I'lllIroads
nllil I1l1lnstros ( will be tlcel U ( ) nnll
mohs will talto ( ) oBsessloll of o\'ery
city. I
Gompers Makcs His Report.
W ASIIINOTON-PI'effll1cnt SlImuel
( ; omll'rs of the Amorlt'an l edern tlon
of I..ahor on 'I'uosday. suhmlttell his
I1nnual report to lho executive count
ell of thl\t Orlanl1.atlon. now In ses.
slon In this elty , It g-Ives the Iletalls
of the sottlemollt of a'numher of < 1ls.
IHltes anll shows the 11l1anceS' of the
org-anI7.lItion to he In oxcellellt con.
I1IL1on , 'l'ho IlIvltaLion of the Lowls
nl1l1 Olnre ] oXlOsltioll ] , at Portanll ] ,
Oro" to transfer the COlleratloll's ex.
hlhlt lit the SI. Louis eXllOslLlolI to
1'0rLlanil WI1S 110'lInel1.
Change on the Tribune.
NgW YOHK-Whltl'law HollI's reo
tlrement from the el1ltorshlp nnd Ill ,
rectorshlp trom the Now Yorle Trl ,
hll110 owln to his having talwlI omro
ahrolul unllN' the g-ovlJrumont malccs
necessary the reoranl7.atlon ! of the
editorial dl'pllrtment. Hnrl I.'Inan ,
Inng a memht'I' of the ( ) I\ltorlal \ Hlaff ,
! Hwreellstr : , Holtl as editor. Donald
Nlchoson. ] who 111\8 heon , connected
with the TrlTlllno for thlrtr-Ovo years ,
rotlros at his own request Crom thu
mnnl1glnl ; CdltOl'sh\1 \ ] aUl1'11oi succeedell
bY' Jumes Mat'lIn ,
, , ,
. .
I .
- - ; : '
- - -
t.lghtsomo and Gay and a Fine Ol
Scottish Gentleman.
I J very ono 111ay bll ! ! nhI to Imow the
author oC "Wl1vorloy , " hut GoorHco
Cro\1 ! of gdlnbuTlhwho hn been IntoI"
\'IOWlwj hy the nlHllllteh of thnt clt ) ' ,
onj ) 's the tllstlncllon of havIng tnllwlI
\0 the mnn 111 the nesh 1\1111 of being
111'01111bly the solo IInr\'lvor nmong
these who hoard SIr Walter cott de.
clnro hhnsoIr t10 ! I1l1thor" of "Wavor.
10) " nt n pllh1\o \ dlnn'r l the assem.
bly room In 1827.
"Tll0 ul1nouncomont elld not co o
Quito nil n surprIse , " liars 1\11' . Cronl ,
"for It hl\d h'on hlntod thnt Sir Wnl.
tel' woulll re\"l'1\1 hhn. ; olf. I cnn 1'0'
cnU the BUIIIJ1'l'RStJlt 1I1l1.1'ellt ! ot the
Allthel'lng thronJ11Out : the dInner
] 1I'01Iel' , It was in rOllh' to the t0l18t
of hIs hOl\lth that Sir Walter ndmlttcl (
Iho soft hllpll1chmont. I can retnem'
bet. hllclosJng wOl'dll l'xnctl ) ' . The ) '
were : 'I am the Role IInellIlIlh'lded
nnthor ot " 'Vl\yerl. . . ) ' . ' " Ncedless to
sny there was grollt onthllI\I1\5111. The
( ,0111IUl11 ' ! 'OliO en mnSHO nlHI 1 tho\1ght
Iho ! 'Oof would como err , "
Scol t , 1\11' . CI'olt1 11t1cls. WIIS congrat-
ulatell all rounll , "It wal ! 1\ gay nIght
and the utmost couvlvlallty lIre ,
\1111 < ,11 , "
Asltl'tl'll ' < 'thol' ho reco1\ected \ the
rel'Ronalltr of Sit.'lIltor Scott , 1\11' .
Cl'Oalrcll\led \ that 110,111tl so'lvl.I . ; . ' . ,
"lIo WIIS lIghlsol11o 1\1111 I ; It ) ' and
loolell the 1'0111 t'llo of 1I1no old Scot.
tIh ! gentlulllnu , chnllllll ; nnlmatedly
wIth ono ( If the law Itmls slttlns next
to hIm , 1)0 mnlo ( a tll'st-clnss uCtor-
dlnnor 5poaltor nnd , young thollgh I
\ \ as , I cl\1'1'led IIwnr n Inst Imll1'osslon
of hlR 1,111(11) ' R0l11111 1118posllloll. "
111 the C011l'HO of the l'vonlllg Sir
Waltel' ( ' ( ) mpllnlOntml Charles 1\Iac. .
Imy , the coml'tllltn , who wns Ilresent , J
I1llOn h Is success 111 the role of Dalllo
Nicol , TIII'\'lo. 1\1aclmy wns emba1"
10111.11'11 und 1\11' . CI'oltl tllstlnctly re.
' hIm ' "Who'ould
l1'emberR sa'lng : \ \
hllvo thought I would get such 1com -
Illhnent from the great unlmown 1"
"Not Hnlmown now , 1\11' . Dalllo , " jocu.
la1'b' rctol'lod Sit. WnHer. . '
A Case of Cowardlc& .
"DId ) 'Ou ndvOl'tlso Cot. a boy ? "
"YeR. 1 111\0 ) ' 0\1 all wel'ed . the ad.
\'crtlsel11ellt ? "
"I have , But I'd 1\1(0 \ to ] mow whnt
) ' 011 meau hy sll 'lng ) .ou want a , . bo ) '
who IIlu't afrltlcl of w01'le , "
"ll'lI IJluln enough , Isn't It 1"
" 1\hl 'bo It IJ ! , hut I shonld thlnl <
) 'ol1'd rnthet' have It hey thnt'as a little -
tlo afmltl of W01' ] " , Jnst enouh ! aCrnltl
of It to catch hold ( If It quIck and
\\'reRtlo wIth It , and down It ami
JUl11l1 on It , tlnd gct I ho hest ot It ,
ami shoIt that It wDli't gct n chance
to 111'0\0 too much for hIm , 'fhat'll
the I < lnd of n ho ) ' I should think ) 'O\1't \ !
111 < 0 Instent ! 0' the I < lnd that aln'
afraId of work , 'Why , limea 1my
OIlCO who wasn't the ] east mlto nCralt1
< if It , aI1I1 ho't ! rub UI against It antI
Jet It eat off of his IlIlnd , and nt the
8nll10 tlmo novcr mo\dlo ( \ with it
enollgh to soli hIs finger tips , "
"That's enough , ) 'OIlUI ; fello\\ \ " . The
joL I 'o\1rs-ClCvoland Pa1l ] ! Dealer.
Waves That Rise and Fall.
F.\'el'y : on'o In 11 while a wnvo ot
puhllc sentiment IIwoeps acres ! ! the
countr ) " , liS defluabo ] In Its movement
ant ! charactel' tiS anr other real nnd
llh 'slcal thing , Gunornlly spol\lclng.
this 1I0\lUnt' \ ] Ceellng nntls expressIon
In suggested leglsatlou ] or constltu ,
t lena ] amcllllmJIll. Any student ot
Amol'lcan hlBtory , vlo\\'l'd from Its po.
IItlcnl tlntl leglslath/o standpoint.
] mows that an eXl\mlnatioll of congres. , , ,
slonal recortls In'osonts n , lIanaroma ,
so to BIlonle , of great IJlIblle movo.
ments , cumlnatlng ] 1J0l11etlmes In aCt
tual le IBlntlon , hut more frequently
snbslillng without deflnlto result. It
Is a good thing to clem' the polItical
antI socIal atmosph ro wIth these up'
heavals. Stagnant all' Is fatal , and
even cyclone , wIth all Its accom.
Ilnnrlng trouhle , Is preferClhle to an \
atmosllhero so hQa\ ' ) ' that it has lost
al1 its vltalllr-Washington Post.
Poet's Tranquil Evening of Life.
Swlnbourne , the poet , sponda his
declining 'ears In trnnqull lIursult of
the sll11lJlo lifo , although It Is douhtful
whetller the lJOoe ] en' the fad has over
dlsturhet ! hIs peaceful retroat. A friend
sn 's of him that he lives In 1I0ssesslon
of hls.needll , "DOUII OI ] on all sldcs by
the hest books. enjoylll the close com'
l'fll1lonshl\l \ of the truest friend over
glveu to a mnll of genius , and findIng
In n long wall { at ) Iostmau's lIace u.
full satisfaction fOl' the bod"s cravIng
after exercise. ho lives through the
twilight of hlh days In a greater security -
ity and linde : ' the slleU of a doelJOr
IJeace than ho Imow In the boisterous
cIa wn or his life. "
John Morley on Golf. ,
Mr. John Morleadllressed 1meot. .
Ing of his constituents In 1\Iontroso
the other night , and at the close a
"heckler" rose and saId :
"I wJsh to asle the rIght honorable
gcntleman an Important question , "
'fho audlenco was all attentlou.
"I wIsh to asle11' . 1Iorlewh ) " he
does not play golt. " 1\11' . Morler , how.
over , wa equal to the occasion ,
"GolCl" ho excalmed ] : "Oh ! I < 1on't
thInk I'm old enough to IJegln that
.I'ot-Dundeo People's l 't'lond ,
Tea Well Done ,
She lo\'Cl him.nLl hOI' 1It would bl )
As merry 1\101 a murrlao ! Jull
It Mho hall hWl'tl him jUKl enough ,
, nut , oh , alas ! she lon : too > well ,
Eho taUl'll so cle\'prly , thcr sa ) ' , .
'i'lm t 1I0no hOl' cle\"crneH" coul touch.
She would IlI\vo hl'on 110 IIOl'ulat'
It IIho ha non'l' talll' sa much.
The thIn" ! ! I she did , , "pre wonderful :
I lor worl , wa $ hC'l In hlh resard.
She would 111l\'o won renown , perhaps ,
It IIho ha no\'cl' worled too hard.
! For things In modemt1on done
Are \'on' ottcn good. ' 11:1 : trite :
Uut .nausht , , "orth while benanth the Bun
ld calu\ \y t11 1I1 who QVllrdol