Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 23, 1905, Image 2

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J Brief T elegJa
The Agm dlnmond , wolHhln :11 :
Imrnts , WIIS 1OId ! In London for $25"
( iOO ,
'fho nlltlprl1.o fight hili WnA def'nt.
cel In the CIIIIComla aRsclllhly b. ) ' 0
, oto ot 33 to 3 .
The Conti'll ) PnRRonHor nRsorlntlon
has grnnled rcdurcd I'ntcs for chhty
nnnulIl conventions.
The New York B\'onlnl ; PORt Is go'
Ing to Il\lt \ UII II. mOlloi'll olllco bullll.
Ing Occup'lng throe lots.
'fhrco hUllllr(111 nnd eight WCBt In.
(1Inn contrllrt IlIhol'l'rs IIl'1'h'cd nt. Pcn.
nma to worle on the cnpnl.
Secretary : \IOtl'fllf hllR n ppolntl'd :
nlchm'll K , Clllllpholl , )11 ) W olllccl' of
the bUrl'IIU of IInmlgrlltion.
. Sir Henr. ) ' Irvin , ; hIls slgncd a can.
tract COl' on Amcrleall tbm IInlh'r the
JIIlumgemont of Chnrles Frohmnn nn
beglnnln In OctoIH , ! ! ' .
'V , A. 'I'ule , gonernl plIRRenger
agent of the 'Frlco ! ! IInos In ' 1'CXIIS ,
hns tondt'red his reslgnlltlon to tnlO
orf ( > ct AJrll ] 1. III heallh caUSOR this
IP ! ,
Bmporor William , nlldrN1slng the
navlIl recruits lit Wllholmshn\'on , holll
up the , JnllllneRo sollllors os 11. lumln ,
OilS oxnmplo of potrlotlslll nnd sol.
dler ) ' fidellt ) ' ,
'fho London 'fllnes' Pn rls COl'\'es \ ,
pondcnt. tologrnphs thnt the nusalnn
go\'ornment hns plncl'd nn order with
a Pronch firm for 80,000 threolnch
shrapncl slllJlls.
According' to 11. seml.olllclAl atnte-
menl given olll nt Schworln , the mnr-
rlngo of Crown Prlnco } , 'rellerlclc WI1.
) lam nnd Duchess Cecilia will tl1lO
111nco In Derlln on Jllno G ,
Scnntor Durleetl of Nehrnslm hns
purchnsed 11. Wnshlngton homo nt n.
cost or 'fho Is hnnll-
$17,600. house a -
Bomo now hrlclc strllctII rH , with n.
mottled Cront , nnd coutnlns twel\"o
The Frowley hoxlng hili In Now
Yorle , permitting limited roulIll contests -
tests between nmaleurs under the
nnnctlon of the Amnteur Athletic- -
soclntlon , hns IJIlBscd Iho sonnto , 'rho
bl\l \ now goes to the I1ssomhly ,
COUllt Ilenl < OI1l10l'ff , the Husslan nm-
hnssndor to Gl'eat Bl'llnln , IlIIld $32i- [
000 to Foreign Secretnr ) ' Lnnsllowno
in settlement ror the North sen
claims , and the Incl ent was thus
E. ' D. Tuclccr , division superlnenll.
( Jnt of the \tllwnuleeo 1'11.111'011.11 , ( llell at
1IIs home In Dos Moines of pnoumonla ,
: : \11' . Tucleer toole charge of this dlvl.
sian Inst October , coming Cram Aher-
deen , S. D. '
A City oC Mexico dlspntrh snys the
volcano of Collum Is emitting grent
clouds of thick smolco , which rlso
high ahovo the cratol' , l\Inny poolllo
living In the nelghhurlll towns 11.1'0
'prepnrlug Cor flight.
T\10 \ cnllln ( > , t c rsls In Norway 1111.s
been settl tl hy the formntlon of n.
coalition ministry , of which 1\1. Mlch-
olsen Is the pl'emlor. Lavland. 11. former -
mer minister , will heall the sertlmof
the stnte council sitting nt Stocleholm.
The Mlssoml sonnte llUsRe a bill
mnlelng nIl Illpo IInos , constructed or
to bo constructell In the stnto for the
purpose of cnrr'lng all , common cnr-
riel's nnd Illacing thom under the direction -
rection of the rnllroad commlsslonera.
' 1')10 ) secretnr ) ' of the trensury } ms
, Issued n wnrrnnt Cor $7riOOOO In fnvor
of r.tnnsfield , Mc1\lurrny & Cornish ,
. lawyers , resltllng In Indlnn Torrltor ) ' ,
ns Cees for sorvlces rendered hy them
to the Choctaw ancl Chlclcnsnw In-
In the Ilresont of rnmOmf edncntors
representing the lendln , ; educntlonnl
Institutions of the conntry , Samnel
Dlacl , 1\IcCormicle , D , D. , 1.1. , D" wns
Jormnll ) ' mnllo chnncollor oC the Western -
ern Unlvorslty of Penns'lvnula at
Plttsbmg ,
New Yorl , nnpltl 'rrnuslt rolling
stocle Is to ho mumente h ) ' two cars ,
ench 8,000 Coot long , cuulalnlng 2,700
Rents , nnd n sentln cnlJl1clty of 8,000
IlIlssengerR. The motlvo power will ho
electricity and the slleoll from nine to
twelve miles 11. ' : holll' ,
'rho rcsl notlon of W. W. Hoclelllll ,
fiS llirector of the 1)\\1'011.11 \ of Amerlcnn
relJllhllcs , hns heen nccelltl'll nnll tr ,
Itoclehlll , who has heen nominated to
llcceod 1\11' . Con er , ns mlnlstCl' to
China , will prohnbly Ica\'o for his
now post omo tlmo In April ,
noDr. . Wl11lnm n , HobertR , stated
clCl'le o ( the PI'esh.torlan onernl ns.
sombly nnll secrotnry of the Interchurch -
church confol'Cnco on mnrrlngo nnll dl-
\'orce , will sonll to' 30,000 ministers ,
rellresentln , ; 11101'0 Hllln 18,000,000
members oC nhnost 11.11 . of the ProloRt.
nnt denomlnntlons In the cOllntl' ) ' ,
copies of nn nlllICnl urging tho'alloll. .
tlon 11) ' the vnrlolls stnto leglslatnros
of more strlngost llh'orco nUll re.mal'-
rlngo laws.
. At Jnrl < fiOn , Miss , Governor Vnrlla. '
mnn ISlllled nn adllress to the peace
officers o ( the stnto , 1l1'c1arln thnt the
sltnntlon Is gl'owln oxtrl'mplrltlcnl
thl\t crlmo Ifl rnnllJl\nt In all 01lnrtOl'I1
. or the ( 'ommonwenlth nnd 1II' lnl ; om.
cors at ollce to bo ln r rl'u'lllo ! ( ( nnl !
clefln Ollt the llivos nnl ! hnllnts of
crlmlnnlll ,
It IIJ Intlmnttlll thnt Prsl ont Hooso
, 'olt hns tonlloroll the office of Unltod
StatEm I1lstrlct attorney for the northern -
ern district of Georgln to former Ho ) ! .
resentntlvo F. C , Tatl ) of Gool'gln , 1\11' ,
TntE ) Is n'democrnt , ' ) 'ho olllco Is now
l1dd by 1 A. Angler , ropubllcnn. .
- - - - - - - - - - -
, , " .
Japan Will Submit Terms If Assured
that They Will Be Consldered.-
Count Cassin I , Russian Ambassador' ,
Says Victory Alone Will Make for i
Peace ,
WASIIINGTON-When the ( 'zar
cnlll ! the war council 'I'uosdny he will
IIC uhlo to Inform his mlnlstcrs thnt
the .InJHnCS ) ! ! will welcoUio IlCnrp on
l'oll80llnhlo term alH,1 will. 111'(111)111) ) '
IInme IIH conlltlons ! pl'ovhlell It 1'0'
( 'olvcs Irllstworthy USllllrUIICCH thnt
'thoy will ho Hcrlollsly ( 'onsllll'rl'l1.
' 1'hls , the ( ) UlIJrol' ! hns Icnrnell from
friendly I'IlIln'lIorlcR In gurOJI' ) , nH
wclI ns Ihe gClll'rnl terma n'c'plalJlc
to JUllnll ,
'I'hmw , It Is s/llrl / , Inclllllo the rl'll'n-
11011 hy , JUIIIlII ( If I'ort. Arthur , n ,1111" "
IIlIcao IlI'oteclol'lLto OVOI' ! < ol''n 111111
1111 IndIIII1It ) ' ,
From 11. high olfirlnl 1110 ARROI"lltpd
Pre1henl's ! thnt ItIlHIIl ! hns 1''lIlIcll
Its seconll I'nclllP Hq 111111 1'011.
An IIttlichu of a HIIRilllI1I (1l11hIlSR ) '
In glll'ollC Is I\lIotoll \ l'Xpl'osslng the
hclll'f tlll11 KOllroplllltlll'f ! rcel'nt de-
fent will fJ\'e \ ( HIIHHln to uRic for Ilea ( ' ( ! ,
BI'Il'lIr , these WPI'C tile reportH ( 'III' .
I'mt In Ihe ( liplolUntJl' cot'P . nntl nf ! n
rCHllit of this 1111POl'tllllt Illformalloll
0/11 / ( ' ( Il I Washlngtoll 1) ) ( lIoves thnt HIIR'
Hla Ilnd , Japan lire 011 thl' vcrC'o of
pCnN ! , If II 110 tl'lIe that tile Rcronll
Pllclllc SllIntlroll has 111'011 rl'rnlletl
even the 1II0si. optlllllHllr of HlIlsla's
frlcnrls nllmlt thllt this Is 11. Rtl'OlI III'
IlIcntloll thllt Dral1la's mighty hlow
hus I1IlltlC fOl' Iwuce.
Call II I. ( 'uRsllIl , the Hllaslnn n1llhnH'
Hndol' , Is I he notahlo cx'cpllon ( In \ ho
g"Ollp " of foreign envorR herc , " "ow-
0\01' generolls the t01'lHH whleh , Jnllan
might offcr , " the IlmllnssnllOl' ! rnlll ,
"HIIssllllI ] lreHtlge Is not IImong tlll'm ,
'fhnt Is ono Ihlng for which the wnr
will ho fOllght to the enl ! . Victory for
the Hmslall : IIrl1lS will alone mnlcc
Cor leuc , ! ! , If not nt ' ] 'Ic PIlSS , thoa nt
Harhln , HIIssla will assemhle nnolher
army mlghtlm' than heforo ntHl with
thnt army It will scttlo the IRSIII' , H
1I1ay he six 11I0llths , n yenr , or Iwr- two years , Time will he 110 can.
slderatlon , "
At the , Jnpnnoso le atloll It Is dc- ,
< 'In red that Sl. Pelershlll'l ; nnd 110t
' ) 'oltlo Is the ( : lIpllol from whlrh the
worlll 1II11at hope fOl' Iwnre IJI'opoRals ,
1\11' . Tnltllhlra , the , Jnpnneso mlnlHtcr ,
811111 III the most el1lphntlc manl1er
that Japlln hall not ( liroctly IlrollOS'ell
Ilence , lie llid not deny thnt nelltral'
IIOWCI'S , thl'ollgh' theh' l'nvoys from
tlmo to time , hall soullded .Jallan as
to the terms on which It would nccollt.
Ileace , hut theRe , he snltl , 11ccessorll ) ' ,
chnn ed with the Ilrogress of haRt\ \ ! .
Itles , the Intlml1t1on 1wlng thnt HlIssln
cOlllt1 hnvo ohlnillcll holteI' terms after
the fall of Port Arthur thnn after the
cnpturo of 1\fuldell. \
If the , Jnl1 11eSe government wel'e
nS'sllrerl thnt pence IlrollOsals woulll ho
conslclcrc < < l h ' HlIImla thera Is author.
It ) . for the slatement thnt , Jnpan would
respond ImmedlntelY , But It will In.
slst that these assurnnces shnll he of
the most Iosltl\'o ) chnrn < , ter , , Tnpnn's
expcrlenco In the negotiations ] Ire ,
ceiling the war , It IS' said , will mnleo It
exceellingly cautious In the Cuturl' ! , It
will Insist that such nssumnccs shnll
como Crom the RUHsln11 government
nnrl not from this or thnt ] lnrt ) ' or
thl1l or thnt frlelld of the emleror.
Agentll of Federal Government Said
to Have Unearthed Them.
SAl. ' ) ' LAKE , UlIlh-SIeclal ngonts
of the federal goverllment nre 1'01101'1-
cd to have heen ollgl\gcll for some time
ImBt In lt1\'estlgntlnj : j1\\hllc \ \ lnnll
frnnlls In Utnh , ' ) 'he Salt Lalw lIE'I'nld
Rtnles thnt Illl\llrells \ of Ihousllllds oC
nCl'es \'ahmhle coallnnds hnve IICen
ncqulrcd h ) ' corllorntlolls hr qllestlo 1 ,
nhlo motholls , Vnst trncts of conI Innlls
are sl\hl to hn\'e hl'ell filell on I1nd Imt-
entell at ! IIgl'll'ullu\'ll1 111111 razlllg 1l1nll
IInll thcn trnnf fe'I' ! ( > :1 . to 1'011.1 . rom.
Imnles , In mnll ) ' InRtaucl's , It Is stated ,
Innda hnvo 110011 settled IIlmn I1s coni
IlnllsUHler the It\W whlrh Iwrmlts
e\'er ) ' nllllit l'Itl7.en to arqlll1'o sixty
ucres of coni lllnd hy Il\Il'chn.l\1' \ on
11I1.'ment of ten dolh\I'R I1n 111'1' ( ' for
sllch 1II11l1R when sltlll\ted moro thall
fifteen miles from nnIlIl'Oall \ , nlld
twenl ) ' Iiollars nn I1cre whl'n sltuatell
within fifteen miles of rallmlul.
Railroads Defy Commission.
SAN l ltANCISCO-Tho II\W delH\I't.
ments of the Southel'n PllclfIc nUll
Snnta 1"0 have reached an nll'cemont
l'eSllectln , ; the OI'1\nlO rnteS' , 1'ho. ) '
have dochlcll to I nm'o the rccont lIe ,
clslon of the Intel'stnlo Commerce
commission. whlrh decllh'll thnt the
rate of $1.1I : ! Ou O\'lInI'R ! from Cnll ,
fornla to 1111 ellBtl'rn 11llnta waa uu'
rOllsonnhll\ null shollid ho I'elhl < , etl te
$1.15. , In oth r words , Iho rnllronlh
III'Ol10S0 to relulro ) the llayment 01
the cxlHtln ! 'Ilto IInll'F.f ! the ol'\ng : (
shlllICrt ) ! Cl\n finll relll'C In COllrt ,
Decides Against Government.
NI W YOnK-hHIlo Wheen , In 11\1
United Statl'H rll'l'lIlt '
COlIl't , houIlcl
dowlI nn ollinion. whll'll , If Ilually ! > illY
tnillell , will rest 1 hll Unlte < < l StatOi
gO\'ornlJll'ut lIve dollnril , 'rhls monel
the tovernlJll'lIt will hll\'o to l'eCI1Il1 ! t ;
the Al1Iol'll'nn SU I' Hel1ulliK ( ' 0111
IlIlII ) ' fOl' lllltlmi IUllrl to It on rn\1
F Uglll'S 111I11I1I'lell from ClIlm 11100 :
nnd 1I110n'hll'h the COm lla 1contelll \
oil thl\t \'otlllclion of 20 IIIr can' '
sholllll have hoon nllowed 1In11or th (
then oxlsUu ( ; tl'oat ) . , 'rho snit \vu I
test case ,
I .
. .
- -
Field Marshal Oyama Reports , the
' ) OI\lO-I"lelll tl1rlhn ) O'nmo re-
portl'll thnt 40,000 IlrllCJl\ers ! were
Il1lel'lI nlld thnt there werl. ! ! looeo nilS'
Mlnll I'/lsunltles / In Iho Shnl < ho river
IlIr < 'f'lIon nlol\e , He esllmnted thllt the
lIumlll'r ( ' ( Husslnn IlI'hmllers cnpturell
will excot11 , lOOnO , 'I'he Jlq1 lleBO cns-
ullltll'fl lire (1lIl11lltell ! lit 41,000. 'rho
sllollK 1II'IIIIIe t\\'o flngH , IIbout IIlxty
UIIH , GOUnO 1'lfI ( > s , triO ammunition
wngollS , ] ,000 < , nrts , 200,000 Bhells , 25"
onoooo of HlI1nll l1I'II1H nl11mllnltlon ,
2fionf ) hillihelt ! of ccrcllla , 275,000 hush.
cIa of ( odder , -15 mlleR of light. rnllwllY
'outfit , 2,000 hOl'seR , 2:1 : ( , lIrt lots of
mUIS ) , 1,000 cnrt. lends of eJothln , and
11e'Ollnll'cmentH , 1,000,000 rations of
hrl'llIl , 70,0J ( ) tOIll ! of fuel nnel 110 tons
of hu ) ' , lJoHhles tool Ii , tents , hllll clet ! ,
tle J'I\ph \ wire 111111 poles , Iltubel' , heds ,
StOVI'i ! IIlItl nUlllorOll9 othl'r prolel'ty.
, 'I'OI\10-'I'he , JIIJlaneflO pllrsllit of
the HIIHsinn armll's ( 'ontlnlles , and IL
rcslIlJ1pllon of heavy fighting In the
vldnlt ) ' of ' 1'10 PIIHR Is nntlrlplltctl. ' 1'10
PIISH , whll'll Is lInllll'lllly 8tl'Ong , has
licen I'xtl'nslvel ) ' COl'tlOod II I III It Is
I hOllgh t the HIIHslnn9 will ra 11. ) ' 1 hero
In IIn cnden'ur to chUl'le the J IItm.
nes ( ! ,
'I'ho 1'Ilp11Jl ' UIlvllnclng ,111111111080 11.1- .
l'I'IIr1) ' lI\'e In 100\I'h \ nl 'l'Ie l'aliR. The
HIIHslllnH (1vlrll'l1l1y 11\0 confused anll
exhllllstl'll nntl poqslhly are sholt of
fooll IInll amlnllnlllOll , 111111 It Is he-
11(1\011 111'e tile ) ' will ho IInahlo to ro )
slHI n strong : lllnl'1e , ,
SIH''cclllnJ ; lIeld repol' ! ! ! ! rlcl'enRo
Ihl' exl(1nt of the ItIlHRlan IlIsnster. It
will talce monlhs to I'esllllply nnll re-
orgllnlzo Iho Hmulull nrmll's , Heports
oC clIBIHlltles given h ' ( 'aJlth'es reach
40 . 'I'ho ' losses '
IICr ccnt. nl'tlllcrr WCI'O
cSlleclllll ) ' hen V ' , The l'a Jlt lII'ell gllns
hllvo not ) ' ( It hCl'n cOllutctl , hilt the nil'
1Jl'I'OIlH ( 'a Jlt 111'1'11 ! ! lol'CS nnd 111111I1.
tlonH are vallII'll nt mllllols of dollnl'fl ,
'I'hls loss matm'fall ) ' adds to Iho crill'
JllIu of the Hllssilln IIl'Iules. The , JI\II'
anose Ileople an ! I'ecl'l\'lng detnlls of
the vlrtory with calmness , Tolelo anll
other cltlml 'al'e exceedingly I\lIlet \ and
the rerel1t ndmoultlon to the people to
refrnln rrom slll'11I1Inl ; mono ) ' 111 cele-
hratloils and dcvote tllelr Bnvll1l ; to
wllr chnrltles Is hclng universally
The , Japanese Ilress oilitorlnls , In
discussing the IOslhle ) effects of peace
on victory , declare , Jnl1l\n will can.
tlnlle the vlgo1'OUS Irosecuf\on \ of the
war and hlH ! no RlIg ostion to male to
HlIssln ( l1rertly or Indirectly ,
In the general ( 'Intlon o\'cr tIte SIlC'
cess of I ho , Jal1l1nese 11. speclnl S01ll'ce
of sutlsfllctlon Is the celerll ) ' with
which the flnnldng olleratlons were
currier ! Ollt , the ! Jllick sel7.lI1'o of all-
vnntage IInd the spced made In pur-
sllit of the HlIsslllns. After the summer -
mer campaign there wns a general
nlll11ll1Hlon of the t1'llth of the ! relleat'l }
criticism thnt the , Jnlmnes'e army hud
failed In those respects nnd nn avow-
er ! dctermlnatlon WIIS made to redeem
the Bhortcomlngs , DlII'lng the recent
oper tlons ngalnst the nllsslans the
lurt portion of tile Fifth nrmy murl'h- '
ed fOl't ) ' miles In one dny. greatly aidIng -
Ing in the nrhlevement of the victory.
Cnlltlves tnlten In this Inst engage.
ment mul\O the total of 1lI'Isoners now
hcltl hy , Japan 7i:000 [ : , Their rnre Is
hecomlnJ. ; a vel' ) ' eXJlenslvo prohlem.
This govemment Is fOl'mlllating 111an9
to remove the Ilrlsoners to the Isl:1I1ds : ,
) II'ohahly In thc Inlnnd son. nnd It Is
Ilosslhle thllt the cnlltlves will he ra-
movell there.
i .
French Bankers Practically Refuse t3
Loan Money to Russia.
LONDON-Tho revolt of the I"rench
hnnlers Is conslrlerell hy the London
neWSI1 IICrs as the 1110131. Itoleflll and
In1)l0rtnnt ) news of the day , promisIng -
Ing an early concluRlon of peace bet -
t ween HlIssla I\nd JiI1I1n , Allpnrently
the Ilrollosed loan hnR not been nb.
Rollltely rcfllscll , bllt enl ) ' "Jlostponed , "
This , hO\vo\'el' , Is rcganled as belns
tnntamollnt to a rofllsal , lind , Is ex-
lOcted to sponl ( lender to the Hus ,
sinn war I1I11'ty oven than KOllrol1at ,
1ln's reverse 11.1lulllen , It Is rCtll'll ( ,
ell thllt h ) ' the Ill'ath of J. GCl'l1mlll ,
the Illto ( ) ; -ornol' . of the Cretllt
Lyol1l1als , Unssia .Iost Its 8t rOIl cst
fillancll\l \ frlenll In [ " 1't\l1 < 'e , lIud thllt
hl\ll he heen alive uo tll IIIcu It ) , would
have lJ on eXllc'lenccll. With the
Amerlcnn OIHI English ml\l'lil'ts rlosed
to It , It Is thought that Ullasln ( 'nn
only tU1'11 'to GormnllY , which Is not
IIIwly to ho lI1urh mOl'e I'es\lonsl\'o \
thnn l ral1c ( > , IInll thc ol1b' alterllntlvo
woulll Reem to hc to mnlt ( ) ) Ience ,
Funeral of Mrs , Stanford.
1I0NOl.PI.U-'l'ho II1nll 1'00111 of the
steamel' Alnll1011a , which salls fot' San
lo'ranclHco next " 'ell nl'sll Il ) ' . hils been
IIPIH'olll'latoly llralte.l . Cor the r(1Cep-
tlon of the hOlly of 1\1I'H , , Jane L , Stlln-
COI'Il , Bcfol'o the lIe/lurtlll'O / of the
I ste'amor funernl services \\11I hc hclll ,
lit which Bisholl HC8\1'lcle : will renl
the sCl'vlceH , Amollg the pall beareI'll
will ho GOV01'1101' ( 'Ul'tCI' , l'nlted
Stutes 11Istrlct Jlldgo DJlo anll Davltl
StUl'r JOl'dnn , Ilrl'sltlcnt uf Stllnforl
! IInln'I'HIl ) ' . 'J'horc hnvo not lICen uny
lIevelullll10nts In the cnse.
Worl < on Canal Can G'o On.
W ASIlING'I'ON-'I'hero Is nllthnrltv
for the Btutell10llt thllt the ! Jllestlo\ ;
as to WhOUIOI' the Isthmian ( 'nnni shnll
ho 1\I1\l10 11. lwa.lovel wntl'I'way or ( 'on.
stl'lletell on the lorle s 'stem Is ono
I t hut need nut ho lI(1tl'I'mlnell ut the
Olltliot of the work , In fa < 't It Is statell
that worl , ( 'oulll Ilrogr08s Cor flvo
) 'ttnl'lI or mol' ! ! hefore this mlltter
wOllld , neeessnrlly he decltlol ! , 01111
without In t\ny \ \ 'aotnrdlni / ; the
IlrOgl'OiS of eonstrllcllon , IJr causln ! ;
allY (1011\ ) ' . There 13 2tl':1I ! ; rccoU\ '
1110n atlolls for 11. sea lovoi cnual ,
, ,
. ,
, . '
. , ,
Another Russian Stronghold Is Cap.
'I'O OO-PI'ltl lnrRhnl Oyull1lIl'II" \
rll/lhcd / II ! ! follows under l'I'I\ny'8 ( \
datl :
We Orcllllle11I1lll'n : at 10 o'clor1c
this 1110rlllns. 0111" fHlrrol1tHlIng 1I10Vlh
IIH'nt In whll'h we hl1\'e lll'en f'n nt < 'll
COI' soml' ( lays 11 sl , hils now c01l11111'1o.
Ir slle'cedell , 'rhl' fll'rcest fightlnJ ;
( 'Onlltlllls 11.1 several Illn'es In the \1.
clnlty oflulllen ,
We ( ' 11.111111'11 . n great numher of
1II'IRonel's , enormOIlH qunllt Itles oC IIlms ,
IImmllnltlon , provisions end OtllHI' WI1I'
tlIppI/Cl. ! / ! Thcre Is ntlrl'ent \ ! ; no limo
to InveJtlJutlJ the 11l1mher of thl'se.It
NIW ; ClIWANG-A'OI'lIn to 1'e'
Ih\hln liiformntlon ; 'eroll ( hOl'e , the
HIIRRlllns , ha'In heen 111'1 vcn Ollt oC
"Iuldon nnll Fllshulln , 11.11(1 , with Ihe
mllt'nllIl rllt. nrC' retl'enlln In 11. 110' ,
1I100'nllz ll condition to the hlllronntr1
towllrd the northenst. -
Jetnchell hOllies of nllsslnns 11.1'(1 . .
roughly onfn'nrhlng with 11. view to
I'hl'rl\lnJ. : Iho IIIIr5111t , hilt 110 great
rpar gilaI'll nrtlol1 Is llClng fUII ht.
It will bo Imposshle Cor the HilS'
flnns 10 ' ' ' of rcslrtull'o
; Icc'p 1111 nn SOl't ; :
for mnn ) ' ( InYH. II there nrc no m'l1ns
of lll'Ovlslonltl In the rough cOllntry
through \vhll'll tl11'Y arc rctreatlng ,
It Is helle\'Pll that the HIIHslans ilia ) '
11111'111111. to rlal'h Klrln , 225 mlle3
not'lhcl\t of tllltden , throll h the vul-
II'Ys , hilt 1Hlleclal , JaJI\IIese ) COI'IIS
from the dlreclloll of the Yaln rlvl'l'
( prohnhly G'nl'l'al Kllmnmllra's
furres ) threatens to Cllt tlll'l11 off.
'fhe casllnltleR on hoth slcloli Il vo
beC'n enormOllS , The HIIsslan Sixleenth
IIl'1n ' corps was llractlcnlly annlhllatetl
nt 'l'lItchelelno , Elghl thmsnnll HilS'
slanli fell at 1.1'1IItI111nlll\O , .
S'I' , P1'ImS ; UHG-"l.asl night nil
OUI' arll1les commcnccll to retrent. "
The gl'eatest ( lefent In the hlstOl' ) ' oC
the Hllssllln"JalJl1l1eSe war wns mndo
lenown In Sl. Petershllrg Illst. night.
hilt only In tne pnltry eight words
Crom Gcneral KOl1l'ollntleln to Imperor ;
Nirhoills , which were flung nhollt the
streets In :1ewspllper extms I\nd pl1SS'
ed from mouth to mOllth , Two
thol. hts Cormed Instnntly In the minds
of O'/er'one , an'l tYO warda , " , ere on
eVel'y IIp-I1rrenller-peRce-the ! for.
mer dreade , t Q Intter hOllOd Cor.
Troops Stumble Over Corpses Unburied -
buried for D < lYs.
MUKDEN-The , JapaneS'e lost night
IH1shed 11/1 / from the sOllth ncrOS8 the
nbandoned pIn In hetween the Shnlhe
nnd 1I11n rivers and nre , as this Ills.
pntch Is fIIod , nhollt five miles south
of the Intter nnd Crom- the Hlln , OPIIO-
slto 1\Jachlallll , aUll northward .Jnpa-
neao batteries are 110IIring In u ceaseless -
less fire.
The JupaneS'e slIcccMed In emll1nc.
Ing siege guns nnd mortars at Dlus ,
hnntun , nhout six miles west of this
elt ) ' , whence they opened tl"Q before
lJ1l1snnntun , , ; s-th'e scene- est r.
( lay oC the hloodlest nnd most deslICr.
nte fighting of all this tel'1'lble bn ttle ,
lts possession was vital to the .Jap-
nneso who stormell It ngaln nnd ngnln ,
'fho Husslans dislodged them hut the
Japanese finally recaptllred the vII-
Ingo aCtel' murh hand to hand fighting , I .
Eye witnesses say the dend , scattered -
tered In the 8trl'cts , cOllrt ) 'ards an
hOllses hnve } een unhllrled rOllr dn's ,
nlfies and 'Jther nrms lie IIbont
wrenched anll twisted. Hnnd grenndes
were thrown h ) ' the Jnpanese and the
garrison wns subjected to the concen-
tl'l1.ted fire of ns many ns a hundred
guns. Once DllIshnntun In their hands ,
the , Japl1nese cnn truln gllns on Muk.
den railroad station and It hng been
held at a frl htCul rost. The , Jnpaneso
nre nlso concentrutln their efforts
nbollt seven miles north 1\Iulden and
nhollt five miles west oC the I'I1.lIroad
with the object oC hrealtlng throllgh
nnd rllttlng off the surrollndlng tl'OOll
Talking of the Battle.
BEnLIN-Mllitary writers hero IllS' ,
cllsslng General KOllropatltln's sltlla.
tlon admit Its extreme sel'lousness ,
hilt do not bellove a 110W Sedan will
follow , urging that the , Inlll\nese nrn }
Is not heavy cnollgh to comllCl a Sill'
render , Unstlntetl Ilralso Is I\'e :
'I"lellllnrshal Oya'mn'g mllitm'y
nchle\'emClll In the Ilresent hnttle. hili
It Is helleved terrltol'y over which the
fight hils hecn going on IH too I'nor
mOils to expect the Japl\nese to s'rl
ollsly Illnn to 5Ul'1'01l1111 the Hussll\r.
WIchita Merchant Killed.
WICHITA , l\ans.-J , C , Cnsc ) ' , hl'nll
of the Case ) ' Wholcsnloterclntlle
COm11lln ) ' WII shot throllgh the hcnd
and Instllntly ldllell b ) ' .Jnmes Oll\'el'
Oliver lost $2:1.000 : In the Calluro of the
Caser & Garst. Mercantllo Comllan ) '
It Cew months 1110. untl the mlsfortun&
11re 'ell on his mind , 110 demnnded
his mone ) ' when the fil'll1 WIIS reoI"
ganlzed and had se\'ernl nrguments
wllh Casl'Y over the loss , Whllo nsoy
was seat ell nt his desli , Oll"el' sllplled
UII hehlnd him nnd fired three times
wlthollt'al'nlm ; ,
- -
His Knowledge of Japan ,
COPINHAmN-'I'ho ; ; Husslon minIster -
Ister to Donmarl" : . Is wolsli ) ' , stnrts
for Sl. Potersh1l1' , ' ) ho nuthm'ltles
there 1 ! < 'fII'e to hl\vo till' henellt of hhi
1\110\\'leI11 ; ; ( > of , Jallln : , l\lnod whlla ho
\\118 mlnlsh'I' I\t ' 1'01,10 ,
- - - -
"Spotted Fever" Killing Many.
N \V YOHl\-That cerehro'illllnnl
monlngltls , "s\oqod \ \ ! fever , " lit ! 1,1\1 \ ,
Ing nllOllt fot't ) ' IIQrilOnM : 1woel , In
thlH ell ) ' , wns nl80rted b ) ' Conunls.
sianoI' Dnrlln oC the health opnrt'
mon t.\
, , . . ,
, . '
. . . . T
. , , , . . ' J' - -
. . .
m ip'
AppalHng Mortality Among the Little Ones DUD
' to This Cause-Proper Attention to Health of t
Mothers Would Save Many Lives
. ' -A " , _ _ ----n " ' _ _ ---.It < , _ _ aJI..n -a--.n -a.--n"- , , ,
. . - - . . . . . - - - - - - . . . .
" ' ---.v----w- v- w.
The numbl'r of denths due to tuhor-
culols Is trolllencloua. When the word
Is slJOlwn enc Instluctlvelr thlnl(1i of
11u1lnonnry consumJltlon. This Is the
form which nttncl'H udults an which
wo see dally gathering 11\ Its , 'Ietlms.
There 1\1'0 othOl' terms , however , maI'o
wmmon 11\ children , thnt levy tl'lb.
ute upon them without railing lIlen- !
t Ion to the rolatlonshlp between these
cllcenses 111\1 consUllllltion of the
lungs ,
Dr. , Jncohl Is authorlt ) ' Cor the state.
went that. " 'l'ul1orclllosls lellls ns mnny
Ieoille ; , old nnd ) 'Ollng , nt ! llhtherln ) ,
crollll , whooiling cough , scarlatlnn ,
U ( > l1s10s I\nd t.'pholll Cever tal\On to.
gltlwr , " In nil oC 0111' cities nctlve
HlepR hnve been taleen to IJ1'otect the
I eOlle ) from the nho\'o named ( lis-
enseH. Until qllite recl'ntl ) ' , however ,
a few ) 'cars at most , nothing wus done
to reduce the mortality from tubm'-
Now , howevel' , the attention of the
world , the common Iwollie Hnll the
lIeolth nuthorltles , hns been cnlled to
Its cnl'llhlllty a 11I1 IIl'eventalJtI1t ) . .
' 1'he enuses , the modes or scatter.
lng , and -tho IlI'cvenllon are nll bclng
f > hulled , nnd an cIlucnllonnl camlalgn )
Is on to wille Ollt this -"white tOI'rol' . "
'rhe children suffer from tl.bercu ,
losls of the bonc ! > ! , the howels and
I ) mlh ) glands , Tllberclllar meningitis
IH freluentlr ) found In earl ) ' IIfo nn la
unlforml ) ' fntnl , Only hy cnreful attention -
tention to the fooll and dull ) ' hahlts
can the rising gcne1'lltlon he mllde 1m-
11I1me from these vm'led fOl'ms of tu.
\.oorclI los Is , '
'rhe Cnct that over one hnlf of all
hnbles born tIle hefore the ) ' reach the
age of five ) 'el\rs , proves that the 'con-
stltutlonnl calltal" bcqueathed them
Is smnll. Ts the ) ! rOler attention paid
to the diet , exerclso and out.of.door
life of the mother ? If this were done ,
the child would undouhted ! ) ' have
greater vltallt ) ' and could by ) I 1'0 IIC\ '
cllre and edllcatlon live above the tu.
berculosls of chll hood and of a ult
- -
Cause < lnd Cure of Gastric Catarrh.
Chronic congestIon of the stomach ,
Imown as gastric catarrh , Is usually
cUlIse by ono oC the following errors ,
or by all of thom Ilut together : EatIng -
Ing too much or too fast ; swallowing
food Insufficiently mnstlcated ; the
use of such coarse foods as cubhnge ,
greens , etc. ; mustard , ) lellCrSI\UCe ) ,
gln er and other con lments and
spices ; pastry contnlnlng animal fats ;
free fats , which lodge In the stomach
and remain there a long time ; porle ,
grlddlo cal < e3 and burned fats-theso
are the things that produce gustrlc
The first 31111 most necessary step
In the treatment of this disease Is to
remove the cause of the trouble , Wo
ml\Y Induce activity of the sldlby
hot nppllcullons followed by col or
hot bnth followed by a short application -
tion of cold ; fomentations followed
by a short cold nlpllcntlon to the
< : tomnch , These trentments are 'Ise-
ful , but tile nlost I mlJOrtn nt fnctor Is
the regulation of the diet. A fruit.
diet Is best , ( or the reason that In gns-
trlc catnrrh there Is 11. great accul11uln-
lion of germs , which nre destro'ed by
flult juice , A well.prepared diet of
tonsted bren'l , zwlebacle , g1'llnose his.
cult , etc" Is also useful In these
Bedroom Climate.
A person nt the age of slxt ) ' yenrs
hns spent about twenty years of his
lICe In his bedroom. Have ) 'OU Inves.
tI atell the average sleeping room cll-
mute ? If ) ' 011 were sent ns a missionary -
ary to ! ! ome distant. pestilential spot
the climate of which wns ns unhenlth-
ful ns that of the I\vorngo bedroom ,
would ) 'ou not feel that ) .ou w l'o rlsle-
ing n grent deal fol' the salce of the
heathen ?
On the tomhstono of tens of thou-
Ronda of those who ha'o llied from
f uberculosls might appro pI' Intel. ) ' ho
It.scrlbed , "Dlsense and death wcro
11Ivlled and oncouragell h ) ' a dentll- I
dl'nllng hedroom climate. "
' 1'0 show thnt this Is no exaggorn.-
' to call nt- .
tlon It Is only l1ecessnr )
tentlon 10 the fllct. thnt full ) ' half of i
the tubercllla : , ) lntlcnts placed In outdoor -
door consumlltlvo hospitals mnleo 1\
snllsCnctor ) ' recovcr ) ' , If fl'esh air
will cure the dlsense , It Is cel'tnlnly a
wondmful prevcntl\'e of It. It Is not
mOl'o reasonnhlo to dell1jerate ! ) '
hrentho Impllre 11.11' thal1 It Is to drlnl <
Impmo wnter 01' to cat. unhenlthful
food 01' weor Infected clothing.
Tender.Hearted Savages.
One of thc most. nnomalolls fentmes
clvlllzntlon Is the
of 0\11' Christian '
rlnllghter honse , eSlll'clnlly the nbnt-
toil'S of 0\11' great cities , where veri.
tnhlo torrents of blood pe\JQtllnllr )
1I0w , the ehbln Jlt'o of millions of In-
110CE'nts which die thut man mn ) ' Ceast.
ltllllnns 111'3 not noted for being
ovcr.sonsltlvo ; 111\11 part ! culnrl ) ' < 1(1-
slllse I\n \ ' exhibition of wealmcsR , The
Intorlor of n slnu htel'-holli'o , howe\'er ,
Is said to hn vo provctl too much for
, . 'rho Chi.
thell' Io\\crs of ! > iplf.control.
rllgo Hecord fitatCf ! thnt "a llI1rt ) ' oC
fIfteen Blnrl\flt ) In < 1ltuls recentl ) ' vis.
! ted the 1111111) . ; room of AI'mou\it !
] llnnt , Onl' fnlntall , three moro wcro
III , the rOllt cverod ) u)1 ) their 0)015
'fho01'0 hurrlell out or the Illnco
into the fresh nlr. "
A Good Reform ,
' 1'ho I\bomlnl\1Ilo \ 111'octlCQ oC wear. !
Ing Ion. , sllrts for the stro.t ! Is il'ln , ; I
out. , prott } ' a It Is to 'see a summer I
\ ' ,
, i.
- . . - - - - - ' - -
. . - "
w " vlI"l4JII
dress negllgontly trnlled o\'cr 1\
smooth lawn jewele with daisies , the
sllht or a wOl1lan dragging her gOW11
In the street , sweeping \ the fiHll
nnd collecting millions or microbes , .
Is a re\'oltlng spectncle : nn 'et'Itb
a long slelrt the onl. ) ' nlternath'o IS"
to heM It UII , n practice which Induces -
duces crnmp In the nrm , ns well as
cold fingers In winter , nnd gives It. .
decl e ly ungmceCul wulle nlld atti-
tude. "
- - - -
A Cure f r Cold Feet ,
An excellent 1HI , slmplo remedy
for col feet Ir. the nppllcutloll ot collI.
'wnter. Step into the bnthtub , let the
cold water'rlln In n Jlttle' fllster tllnn
It runs out. Stnu lng In the water ,
rub one foot with the other , rnpl lr ,
len or twel\'o times. Then chnngo nnll
treat the other foot 111 the sl\me l1I0n-
l'er. Keell UII this alternnte rUbhlng'
for about three minutes. The fcet
will have hecome ver ' red , nnd ns ) 'Oll
step out of the wn tel' , ) 'OU will find
them Imming und glowing with the
warm , blood blought Into them hy this
m Gans.
- -
Some Chinese Baths ,
A traveler In 1\Iongolla writes :
"There are some hot springs on the-
road ahout t went ) . miles lIorth of'
Chlngpenl ; . The plnce Is named
Te.ngshan , The nrrangements for'
those anxlolls to honent 11Y their healIng -
Ing )1roJ1crlle ) nre vcr ) ' 1rlmlUve , .A
row o ( twel1t ) ' to thlrl ) ' wooden boxes
the size of nn ordlnar ) ' pacl < t'ng case
Is rnnged be3111e the rend , .In these-
sit bathers of every nge nnd hath
sexcs , with their head ! ! protruiling.
Atten nnts with 1Iucleets continually
refill the hexes trom the springs , For'
ll.'ss Inxurlous bathers there Is accol11-
1\10l1atlon In C1'001 which has heen
dug out close h ) ' . 'In this the ) ' squat ,
seaoplnl ; U)1 ) the water nnd pouring It.
over thclr heads with brnss basins. It
Is curialis to refiect that establishments -
nnd Alx.les.Balns
ments III\C Homhurg
ha ve ha thell' origin In sllch begin-
nings. "
Training the Skin.
The usunl effect of Cdrllft or cold
all' upon the bncl , of the neclIs : a cold
nnd a sore throat.lany ) 'ears ego
I' , Drown Sequnrd , an eminent
French physician , devised 11. means hy
which sore throat from this cause-
might bo ) ! rcvented , Dy hlowlng upon
the bncle of the necl , with a palof bellows -
lows , Increasing the time onch da ) " , ho
trained his pntlents until the ' could
endure this treatment for halC an haul"
wlthollt Injury.
It Is not necessary to bo exposed to
11. draft of all' on the bacl , of the neck
In order 10" obtain this reslllt , By
menns of the cold bath , the wetsheet
rub , the shower bnth , to\'el friction ,
etc" the sldn mny he educated to contract -
tract on the sllghtestlncrellse of collI.
Dally eXIlosure to the contact of cold
all' Ii ! of the utmost. Importance , It Is
because of the lonstant exposure to
cold thnt the Indian's body Is "all facel'
-the sliln of hI : ; whole bed ) ' has
learned to tal\C cnre of Itself.
- - -
Dr. Lorenz Strict Teetctaler.
At a bnnquet given to Dr. LOI nz ,
wine was served. He pushed the
wineglass aside , Someone enquired If
he was a total abstainer. He , answered -
swered :
"I am a f : urgeon. 1\ly success depends -
pends1pon having a clear bl'aln , IL
steady nerve\ and firm muscles , No
' form of alcohol with-
one can. take an )
ant. blunting these physical powers :
therefOl'e , as c. B\11'geon , I must not use
" of In.
any form of slIlrlts.-Journal
In Harmony with Nature.
MorIern sclenco as well as experience -
ence hils shown that contnct with nat-
mal snrl'onnlllngs , especlnlly fresh all' ,
! : 'IInshlno and the o7.onlng emanations
from growing plnnts , hns marvelous
hea1th.lmpartln'Irtnes. . In these
nn lural aencles ! Is nctlvo the lJO\\'er
which createlundml\lntnlns all Qllngs
and which Is constnntly communlcnted
to 11.11 living things ns the essential
condition pt continued life. The maI'o
closel ) ' man comes to Nature , the
more deeply he ml\ ) ' drink from the
fountain of 1IC0 nnd healing. To IIvo
In mrmon ) ' with Nature In the fullest
find truest sense Is to live In hal'-
1I10n ) ' with God ; nnd to live In divine
hl\rmon ) ' Is to he hnpp ) ' .
How to Resist Old Age.
A chnln Is ns weak ns Its wenkost
IInl < . The 11Od. ) ' Is ns weal , as Its
'wenliest fr an. 'ro combnt the on.
ward mllroh of alII ago all organs mnst
ho marshaled to hnrmonlolls resist-
, This reslstanco ca11 be devel-
opell hest b ) ' cultivating "reaction , "
'I'hls menns thnt the bed ) ' forces act
a nlnst some external stimulation and
overcome It.
' 1'ho best devcloper of renctlon is
collI 11.11' 0cold
cold-clther 0\ baths.
'fhls mllst. bo done grndllnll ) ' , espe-
clall ) ' If ono Is nlrend. ) ' wenle , Cnltl-
vnte the ) lower of reslstnnco b ) ' dailY
exposllro to cold all' . 1.lve out of
oors ns 1llIch I\S IlOsslhlo. 'rho abU.
It ) to reslBt collI will nlso onl\blo on' "
to rcslst 1111l'lImOnlll , (1)'SllOllsln , 1111 ( . '
1111'x. ) ' , dla1Jl'les. obeslt ) ' , old ngo ,
The cold 1lol'l\lng hath Is wondol'
ful ) ' 0 lit It IlI'eSOl'Yer , Tr ) ' It. . IIagl ! :
CareruII ) ' , J\t first 1'IJ ! ; face , &lI'ms nna
chcst wllh the hnnds dlpll0d In colt
Wll1l'r , TIIl'II the rMt of tha trllul , 11.1111 .
lho JogDr ! ) ' ( Inlcll ) ' An Qxorclsi for
ton or fifteen mlnutQs. In a 1II0llth
) ' 011111 har l. ) ' Imow 'ourselC. Tr } it
, .
. . '
. -
, .
, , ,
- .
. .
- .
1 >
, ,
. . .
J .
- ' . . .
I ,