Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 23, 1905, Image 10

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    , L _ ,
: 8' ; I" ;
: n ( t R I\Ul1 1 tt1110 I
( ll11I1"OC1IIIIUCII. .
Jas. B. Rhodcs and J.E.C\.1nnc1- \ i
ler of AnRlc ) " hacl n preliminary i
trial SaturdA ) ' before Judge Shin , ! .
bcingchnr cd with stclllinj. . ( ' twcn-
ty. fi ve IIt"ad of Cli t tic from George
Porter , the fir t of laM Novcmber.
' 1'11l' en lIe i 11 q\l ! I\tion were in
a 1 > a lur ( ' MCllr I.J tchficld. As
thcy WCIt' not mis'Icd from the
1 IH'rd for:1 : tn.'nth or more after
thc ) werl' t'hipPl'd from I4 tClt-
1it-Id to t ! . . : ( } ' , n" hft was
not unt11 a' ' te r the c , . le were
stolcn frliln Crawford and Jen-
. sun of Wl'stcl\vitle , that Mr. Por-
tcr foulld his callIe were gone.
Supicio.ns ! rested upon the
name partic ! that were arrested
for tcaHng the Crawford and
: Jensen cattle , but all invcstiga-
tion fixed the sale of the catt1c on
Jas. B. Rhodes , who reccived the
money for t.hem of the Omaha
dealers. At t.he time the cat.t1e
were fouud missing Rhodes had
left the count.ry and it was not
until a couple of weelts ago he
was located at Clal'endo , Ark. ,
where he was arrest.ed and held
for Sheriff Hkharchon , ' ' 'Jho left.
last Sunday weel { to bring him
back for triat. After learning
that. H.hodes was under arrcst in
Arkansas Chnndler was placed
j . under arrest and brough t to TIro-
I I 1ccn Bow and putuldcr bonds f or
I ) his preliminary , ( , it t.he arrivalof
the sheriff with ] hodcs.
( 'J he 81H'riff and his prisoner ar-
, II. ived in the city 011 Fri\lay mo.l'II-
II lng and on the ( lay followIng
\ , \ 'they ' were givcn their preliminary
I II before Judge Shinn. The 11Iost
; t of the 'cIt.v was tlll < ctt up Saturday
: ! I in hearing the ca\c. Ther bdng
no c\'idl'ncc produced to implicate
Ch lllll1 r th court releascd him
RlJodrs W lJ hound over to thc
district conrt in the liUIIl of $1000
for his 'appparftncc ' at the next
session of the district court. A
brother it ! Illinois telegraphed an
offer to 1 > ut up a cash bond , but
the couri declined to accept the
a h and at this \ rfting he is in
JalJ. _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
. r'l/ul. ( ) lIt Pi ! , C"lwtl'.MI " . UuHllr .
, S. K. Warrick informs us that
in the last few Ila's several coun
terfcil sH\'cr dollnn have been
prcs ntcll to the Brol < cn Bow
banlts. Wa. ' " , nw one yes rday
that Hev. , lI. E. Myers had -'that
perfectly re eU1hle' the silve.r
lnr , except it is darker , more the
color'of edi but not cnough dar.
I kcr to attract the notice of a casual -
. .
ual obcn'el' .
Owin ! { to the frequcncy they
have been app'c'ariuf ( at the banks
this week Mr. Warrick thinls
somc one in the community must
be m'an\.tfa , turit1g them. Looli
Ol.\t. , _ _ _
'J'h" Jlltchll\II11ol's ntnt. !
The HOYhl HiA'hiauders had on (
of their l'1teresting" sessions Tues.
duy nil'ht , 'l'wo refugees , Mr
and MrW. . F. Hopldns , werl
the subj.ctfor Tower building
'l'he work of initiation was pu
on by the e ffident assistance 0
Capt. Ho\vard , Kennedy and hi !
. At the conclusion of'the even
in.g sessions refreshments werj
served under the able supervisiOl
of Mr . C. B. Cox. Nearly for :
acceSSlOns have heen made to t.u
lodge since the first of the year
H. Lomax was elected delegati
to the district reprcsentative con
vention and J. S. Motlyeneau al
tern ate. Misses Brown , Job ani
Holcombvere appointed commit
tee on literary program for th
next .session.
'fhe city caucus beldlast Fri
day nigh t under the call of MAN'
Citizens , organized by elcctin
L. H. Jewett , chairman and R
D. Pickett , secretary.
Mayor Apple was renominate
by acclamation. Dean Holcom
was nominated for clerk ; J.
Kimherling , treasurer ; II.J. Shin
pOli.c judge and justice ; A. .
VanAntwcrp , civil engincer ;
Councilman : 1st warc1 , E. TaJ
lor , D. M. AmsberrYi 2nd ware
J. S. Squires ; 3rd ward , A. '
Snyder. For lack of space w
are competled to omit the officii
report until next . week.
- - - - - -
Um'l logo I.ICI'I1SC.
'rhe count ) judge bas issue
license to the following persol
. the past l"vcel : < s.
j willieC. } { obcrtson , Mason Ci1
1 Veruic Farson , Huzard.
Evoert A. Hall , Comstock.
{ Lilda H. I ugeIJgjerdRound " '
Newton H. Parker , Oconto.
{ May Agnes l ese , Oconto.
c. E. Maxon , Aruolc1.
{ MollIe Ketch , Arnold.
DAPTla' ! ' CIlU CU.
ProachlnE' benlCet Suaday , "ornlllil by I
pastor , n. \ . A. : 'II. 8 1bJecl. "Kell
III thl ! e"l'n ' 1Il \ h , ' iUlllor and 8811 lor . Y. I'
wl1II'IVC .1 , , , - . .II . , " " o tClrtalatlielit. eU111l
"lndlau1lI , " " ' \ wrdlalluT\latlQIII \ , II
, , .
6n to tbc e "
\c : ' litH lI\t ! ! rut.c.
Rev. A. M. Lcvdl-lc of Scotlan
ut : ; - ij' 'or tlla- : : , ; I
acccTHed a CRlI to the p1torale of .
the Baptisl 'church of this city. I
He comes higblrecommended. . . I
IIis wife nnd Cl111 , who nre ! lOW
visiting in Rug-land with her lInr-i
cnts , I\rc expected to arrive here ;
. in about a mont
. _ _ _ I
I .
'I'lw SUPI ) Curn S\lPl'Il\l. \ I
I 'I'he necd corn special train over ;
the J3urhn toll is uooltccl to arrivI' ,
i at I3rolen Bow tomorrow at 11 :25. : ,
'fhi3 will be it grand t.reat for :
! the fannE'rs , and every une th
pos i ly can hould luranga thClr :
bugtncss affairs so as to be pre-
I ent , that live within convenicnt ,
distance. .
- '
HI'IIIII" Of TIm ' 1'0101'110/10 ' / elllU 11I111 ( 'C'
'fhe committee of twclve apt -
t pointed by the cit.izcns of the
'count ' v on t.elephone busincss.
respe tfully report as follows'
We have drafted articles of
incorporation and n full et of
by-laws. tl\ \ ( ' ali\t1t " 'allln' " 01
which an' ; , . . . . 1llo\\ ' :
' 1'he territorj to be occu pied hy
t.he new company to he cl.jded. .
'into five clh ricts.
First-I3ro1cen : Bow and vicinity -
ity wi th a ! 'ac1iu of six milcs.
Scconc1-'l'he : remaining portion -
tion of the north.cast qnarter of
Custer count } ' together with Val.
ley and Lou p conn tics.
'l'hird-'l : he remainiug' portion
of tbe south. cast quarter together
with Sherman connty.
Fourth-'fhc : remaining portion -
tion of the south-west quarter. ' .
Fifth-The : remaining pcrtion
of the north-west quarter.
' 1'hc stockholders , in District
No.1 shall elect one Dirctor
'rile stoclchohlers in each 'of
the ( } thE'r divisions shaH elect two
Director ; ; , making a tOLal of nine
'rhe district occupied , by two'
Directrors shaH he sub-divided
into two districts.
Each Director shaH sub.didd ; )
his clistrict into c1ivisisions accor-
din ' to the kind. nature and
eqmpments of the tincs in his
Each director shaH have charge
of all telephone lincs and equip-
t1l1nts in his district and shall
maliC allnccessary repairs and improvements -
provements on t.he lines , which
repairs and improvcments shall
be paid by the stoclmolc1ers ln
which the repairs and improvements -
ments shall be made.
'Pho direotors I\hll11 buil(1 ( main
liue ! ! ill tlftoh distriot under the supur.
\'ieion or th ( lirol1tor in hit ! 81\i
The UIIW oOlllpan ) ' ahnl1 ho repro
"fouted b ) ' 5,000 shl1l'os or sleek lit
$15 oloh , rullldng 1\ Gl\pitlll atook 01
.fi7 , OOO.
The CIIJltrl\1 Co't ! s'stem to Ut
. purohltscd tiS $31,000. 1'ho Bub.
soribors thereoll 8hll1l PIlY into thE
. gtmornl Irtl e\1ry $85 alloh , whiol
slim will Jill ) ' fM 0110 sham of atock
the phoUOJ ILlIl ! Hilus of sllic1 B'stoUl.
1'ho pholles tu booolllo the prepertJ
ofthe stoolt hol eT , thli liuoij III ) (
- olher cquipmulll to hecome the prop
erty of the 011111\11111) \ ' , which iM repre
BOllled by the $15 Iloolr.
1'ho patron ! ! III' 1\11) ' . ttl..pholll
o'mpnny or RYBluUl of I l1o IInc
pl une8 esiring to IJocomo ! ! , mbor :
of thlR ' ' thl
OOruplllJ ) ilia ) petition
hOlm ! uf c1irootortl { or IIdmiss\oll. \ ' [ 'h ,
bOtlrcl of directors shrill dOlormiw
the condWolIB "pon which ! If.i (
e partioa ma ) ' he llc1milt d.
'rho lI10mbera of I\IIY inc1fpOlldoll
N'S\Om h vinR Il 8uhstlilltiKl higb Hu
and good phol168 may beoome lI1em
bora of the now (10Il1pnll ) ' h ) ' pur
cl\l\sin \ ! , Il S H ) slmre at'stoclt /lilt /
tr"l1aforring Iheir Iinos to IIOW COlli
pUll ) ' , IIIlIUlbop ! or Baitl inc1opon ulI
00111 p/lny / to retain lhoir pholle .
Any person or perRona , whether 0
nny independent 8)8Ium or not , 011\
become meml > ra or Ihis lImpnny h
tllking out Ibllro : ! of atook I\t. $ H
pure\Hlhill \ Il phol1u I\nd buil,1ing
line. tO lhir wilh the pl\l'tic8 in hi
immediltlo'ioinit ) ' , not oxoeodin
fiftetJlI , to the IUl1in liDO of th !
curnpftn ) ' .
A special meeting of all persons il
teroeted in the now Company is calle
for Tuesday , March 28th , at tvo 0
clock p. m. , at the court house j
-d Broken Bow.
s In ardor to put this new Compar
on a solid working basis and into 0 :
ly istance at once , it is earnestly requos
ed that everyone who possibly can w :
ba present at tl s meeting and can
, . pre111\1'e < 1 to subscribe for stock in tll
now Company. Como prepared 1
discuss and learn the details of tJ
plant IlS out.linl1d by the committo
so that each one present at ihis mee
ing call go back to his own distri
and take subscriptions for 8tocl\ .
lll11l is believed by the committe that
t. " one hnndrt"d person : ; will intol'Ost thol
, u. sel\'us in this proposition IInd w
. como to this l1lloting ( the ' will bo pi
r vjllu'od to go back hOlllo Ilnd in just
few days finish up the subscriptions
stock so that thIs Company' ' COI
ct , moncc to du business at once. 'rl
. .
. . '
- . - . . . - - . - - - -
committee i. flrmly of the belief , froUl
their own itlveatigation an from cou-
, 'erlmtion. had with people thioUih. '
out the country , tlmt We hRve
R plan that will IJ { ' a big SucCOtI evilet1\ \
overyolJe is cordially invited to assist
tlnd offer nny 8uggeetioils or : I
that they may Bee fit. We hare re.
coived from orary quarter ruggoltions
an1 ! encoumgemcnt and we find no op.
.1. D. REA.I , Proiidont.
nc.tN " ( t.
A I l'onda cturned home. Sat-
m'd . .y , ' . '
' -ir. McDaniels 'is 011 tbe sick
li'it this week. . . .
. I.4i tt'rnry every SaturclaJ ? nigh t
tl 'hc OCOllt school house. .
'Dr. C. L. Mu11iUR made It aall
I\t Mr. H. Pressey last Saturday.
' .WU1. Bucttridgc moved . to 'his
place il1 DnWS01\ ' count . ) . ' , .Wednes- .
Fa.rmers st.il1pray - for' . good
weill ther , for some of th Ul have
cor in the fie1c1 j'ct. _
Mrs. E. C. Hcnphill is ou the
! \ick list this week , we pity Ed
fOl' be has to do the co kiug.
'l'he commuuity wa hocked
last Sunday to hear of the death
of Mrs. Johu Browl1 of Lomax. .
Charley Lawson took his sister
to Bl'Oltell Bow last Friday , where
she goes from there to nyal1ni .
Abc Patterson who has bought
t. he Doctor Wades pla e is bl1 ild-
iUK a. IICW frame house , we . wish
him much success. .
DCllnis l unyan who has sold
his property , will talce the train
Wednesday , the 2 nd of March ,
to Washington where he goes to
make hi future home.
OJtTBJ.I.O. . '
S. McGinnis is ngnin up after his spell
of sickness , uut is rather , wenl : : yet.
Spring is upon us and as soon ns the :
ground drys off seeding will begin.
Lust week wns n hard one 011 the fellows
who arc still huskhig corn , as they could
not gee the enrs. .
Winter wheat has come through the
ground , nnd unless something unfore.
seen comcs up , a good crop is assured :
Miss Swenscn _ is preparing to close her
schuol in 82 , with a school program ,
which will be given on the last evening
of March.
01\1' Ulan Copsey hns covered himself
all over with glory in the legislnture , nnd
will gnesq tho.tif he ever asks for a plnee
of our people they will remember it.
Ortello is coming right to the front , in
the e llllYS. Two new correspondents
\\.ithin \ th past week , to keep the , world
in t'II.h : with us. The Chief and Postal
Cm ,1 r ceiving the snme.
1'nl11) , ' Powers who was stnying with
G. O. Joyner pending nn agreement with
his fatber for a permanent home , left
thcal : " 5unday , ns Powers would not sign
nn 11ltecwent : as he had agreed.
IJhillip Jobnson got the natives excited
by I "porting last wcek thnt the P. O. de.
pnrtnent b s estnblisbed R. F. D. fOI
our ltn\'fitj it s ems that he is tbe enl
one whu has heard the good ews.
Mr. ( 'has.1I'0sdic late of Otoe county ii
l11ovin.g on to U e N. Embree tree claim
whidl he. purchuted last fall. We extenc
u welcome to our cOllllllunity nnd bope t (
be fm'uc1s when we shall know them.
l\Ir , IT , C. Fodge . and daughter , l\1rs
JOilWI 'an pc r1ing.R few dnys at Lodi
wilh A , n. Cornish and family. The ;
took L ) Ie Cornish , who ha\ ! been visi inJ
here fur sevml weeks home with thew
. . - -
JtcutlN n " . I. ; It" ' .
Adolf Ellingson has now' moved on hi
. fnrm in the ' west end of the , 'aHey.
' 1'ola ) ' the 21st. Ole E. Olsen , Joh
Kleeh ml S. I . Lee shipped a carlmlll (
hOKS . lu Omnl a. \ ,
Chdst Bolic Ill ! ! moved on lhe ul
N. T. Lee farm , which he has rtnled. . :
SaUl EnKflagjcml ,
OlE'Ioc hRIi rented Brook \Ioon' an
80U'S place of OiiCl\r Engclsgjerd , so. h
j. . . . : oinK to flmll for himself this year.
'I'1It' < , t1H ) ' the . ! lst wi1l be 1surpri !
party I1t Henry Hdgcraol1' " on his broH
er Alherl before he leaves lor the wesl.
l.a < ; t week a ladics 6ocitly was orgar
ile.l for' the Lulhren church here , whic
will IIIt'l't once a mOllth. 'l'he : mee ,
iug will be at Ole Johnsol1's 'place ,
\lIs , Henrickson from Broken DohI
b eu visiting th valley fora whole wecl
while her ReHenrickson hi
been holding services at Sweetwnter 1'lt1
Albert Knut60n and his cousin Artbl
Knulson who came to the "nlleya wee
ago , 10 farm the land their'atherbough {
II tIIt1y : , the Witmus place a'nd tbe pL'\1
N. K. Lee had in the west end of tl
, 'aUt' ) .
On Wednesday. the 15th inst. there
a t'Ufl'dle ! tmrty at Ole Johnson's plBI
where the I.uthren congregntion met
surprile ! Minnie Johnson , with a fil
writinK desk as n gift to her for her liE
\'ice 8i orliRnist in the church anll
a $111111school. .
to N , .l WRI slirprise lflrl ) ' 011 llrtl.I I
111. JlIl1JIlOn ! on hiliI' hlrthl1a ) ' , wh.tre mnn )
lis thdr neighbors partook of a fine fee
. ' "
- .4 .
, . . _ .
FriI1ttJu'pnill'aI u .urpri e on Nels } { I
Lee an.1 Iii ' , , ; ' , lren , befor they moved
awa frIJw t . : ' , , on . whicfl bt hud
lived the lut ) '
S\lrpriee partl. . i. all tile go now till ) ' " r
her in the the \'alley. Tbe first wu Ii I
.urprise on N. J , Ott\\I1" birtht1n ) ' , whete
most \If tht' r lath't : ' . tlutI many of the
neighbor. CMme to ilurprln : im on his
62nd hirthtlny. He88 mnde a present
of 1'1 ' 'fine chnir by hi. sons in Sargcnt.
L ! \t Frllny ! Mark Ellingson came to
'th nl1ey to visit bis folks 'here. He I
live I here IS ) 'IS ago , but sin e that time
he hl- ! ; spent 1J10st of his time in Cnlifor.
I niR. where be for p1Any yeRr , > served on
the l fc station in San Fral1cico. ! Later he
was in AtR'Jka nnd teft there tnst fall for
an extended visit to Norwa . He is now I
irom Norway , nnd stopped off here to
vhit hi8 relntivel.
- - - - - - - -
' ! : : > ; : t ; tm : : IfI ; A
s : m 5 M m
- . . . . . "
1 wish to state to the friends
aud customerns of my father that
I shaH continue the Boot and Shoe
business , which has been established -
lished here for the last eighteen
years ,
I1 aving md cbrge of .the buying -
ing as wel1 as the dcl1i ng for se-
eral years I : un in a poi ! lion t
serve you as welt in the future
as in the past. .
Please rCl11el1ls r that that JOu
can" find here the NEWES'J
AND LA'fES'f styles that are
huilt for service , at our u8uallow
Bob Brindle has ch rge o'f ' the
repair dcpartment and al1 worl <
left here will receive prompt.and
efT cicnt. attention.
Hoping that I may merit the
patronage of all our fomer CUg-
tomer and many new ones.
F. 'V. HAYES. .
To Wliom It In ) ' Conccrll.
'rhe public i ! ' ; hereby notified
not to purchase a note given tQ
me' f r S25 by M. Scanlon on or
about Jan. 31st 1905 , due 'April
16 1905 , as the same has been lester
or stolen and ) Vas not disposed of
bj' me. F. \Voodruff. .
. _
- - - -
Dr. Barnes will visit Merna ,
Friday the 7th. 2t
Mrs. Emily Reede of Des Moines
Iowa , will lecture at the M. E.
church on Monday evening-April
3rd , for the benefit of the Presbyterian -
terian church. Subject : Bicycle
trip through Wales , England and
Scotland. AdmisSlOtl 25 and 15c.
- - - - - - - -
Don't forget the elatel It i
Friday , March 31. The social tc
be gi Vl1 then will be some thi ng
out of the ordinary. 'fhe pro.
ceeds to be used for purchasing
a microscope. The Junior clas !
of Broken Bow High Schoo1. .
, Admission5 cents.
; Dr. nerick of Omaha will \'i ;
I it llroken Bow , Friday , 1Iarch 31
and Saturday , April 1st. at the
l Grad Central Hotel. to see pa
. tients now under his care , ant
will giv a free exam i nation t (
any new patients that desire t (
consu1t him. 2t
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dr. Barnes will he at the Gt'alH
Central hotel , Thursday April h
don't fail to gee him , one Ila'
only. Call cady. 2
. Insurance that . insures.
38tf R. G. MuoH H.
, . .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
v Little 0\:118 50c per dmclI a
g Bangs Studio. t I
. - - - - - - - -
I. - - - - - - - - -
Join 'the crowds going to P al
Sheppard ! ' ; big sale.
- - - - - - - -
- - -
Go to p'eale Sheppard CII' aUi
sec what cash wIll clo.
n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ ' _
If Attel1d the big sale at tlw Peal
Sheppard Co. store. ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
d - - -
I Fresh oysters , cauc1ycigars an
tobacco at l\Iike Scanlon.
. . .
- - - - -
- - - -
d Sa\'c your money by going- l
Ie , 'Peale Shcpp rds big sale.
. Buy your farm and city Prol
e ert ) ' of B. W. Blair. 371
I- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your farm and city prol
I. crt } ' with B. W. Blair' . 371
h . - D tf ii to see those ! \i q-t1 (
t. rugs , at Peale Sbeppards.
. .
- - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - -
is Go to P ate , Sheppards bi
' " sale. music every afternoon.
l Dr : T.Y. : . i'lss , d ttist. emI
I o\'er McComas' drug store. 25
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
1r Peale Sheppard Co. im.ite yo '
: k to attenc1 their big reduction saIl
- - -
t , We always have money to 10:1
e Ion farms. R. G. Moore In App
le : '
Bloc1c. 35
- - - - - - -
- -
- - - - - - - - - -
as Don't forget the 'big sale :
c Peale Sh ppards. c1o e Sa
to April 1st.
au i"-arm " r4ease , Chattle l\1ortgn
! rand Warrant } ' Dced blankR ,
at this office.
'tit ' People are coming 50 miles 0.1
uf more. to' the Peale , Sheppard sal
tt. 'l'he ) ' have heard of it. .
. ,
. .
_ _ - , , . _ h.J. . . . . ' "
- - - - - - -
Attend the big sale at Peale I
Sbcpparc1s , every day to and including -
cluding Sa.turday Aprillst.
. .
- - - - - - -
We have just I cceived a large
R5sortment of urussets and velvet
carpet ; samples.
PnALIt , SHHl'l'ARD Cu.
I have some corn shellers , wag-
011S and wagon boxes that I will
close out at cost.
tf. J. S. Squircs.
The biggc5t Jack in'the state
will standat , Tooley's barn this
season. It is worth - yonr while i
to go and see him. tf.
Just received a full line of
Men's , Ladies , Misses and child-
rens oxfords.
'W ANTnD-Men with families.
Fail' price and good houses.
34tf West Union , Neb.
FOR SALE-\Vell imI ; > roved res-
icleuce property. Will be soJd at
t1 bargain if called for SOOI1. Enquire -
quire at this office. 26tf
Peale Sheppard Co's. big sale is
the wonder of the .ge , you are invited -
vited to come and see the decoration -
tion and hear the music.
. ' - - . -
- - - - - -
FOR SALlt-Fi vc room house ,
four lots , barn for ten horses ,
cribg and granary , wi1l sell or
trade. F. M. SHARP. tf
. _ -
l"-OR " SALu-Pure : bred black
Langshan Cockrels only , call on
or address Ohas. Garton , Brolten
Bow , Neb. . ' 4t.
Melvin Lee will do your papering -
ing and will guarantee all work.
Prices reasonable. Lea\'e orders
at the Republican office.
Mel vin Lee ,
. Broken Bow Neb.
"You do not make out an ap'
plication blank at the Broken
Bow State Bank in purchasing a
Ne\y York draft. Y lt only give
your name and the name of tbe
person that you wish to send the
mony to. They do the rest.
These drafts are cheaper and
more convenient than post office .
or express orders. " tf.
: Unrkct ltcport for 'rodU ) .
UIAINWboat H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 .i !
B"lloy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . .21
Oalll. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 :
Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( , C
Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .3 ;
UOIl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.51
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . Ci ! . 4 51 I
Cows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! .5' r .z j ,
: iprlUg Ohlcen ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 :
Cblek D , p"r " ' " ) ' \11.1 . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .II.
'rurI1IJye.l"'r I'Ull/ltl. ' , . . , , , . . . . . . . . . . .1
l.Intt r . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
F. ! ! ! : oI" , " "Z II . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z
MIPCItL1.Afj\iUU : -
1'011111,1' " I' ' " " 11.11111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
nlllun . Ih'r b'I.lInl. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . " .7
Hav 01"1' LUll , . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , Ij.O
Htrnw.l'c'rl\t . . , ' . . . . . . . . . .1
liu/tllr. / 'JrlllIlI".U"I , v"roWL..tS.O 7. !
- " ' -
- = - = - ' : : - - - , =
- Legal Notices ,
. . -
- ' - - - - - -
LEO. , ! . A'VIn.I.Im lWoi'l'S.
All lulvl'rlh I1I(11lld under thla head will t
ehflr ed tor 'II ItwlIl mi. . . , , 'fit ; i > 1.OO I"f IIqnal
for IIllIt In""rlIIII. , ulIl fOcor , 'illuur. ' . for l , < ! C :
&U" CIU" t 1I.\1u\ .
A " [ "llItlr , , " 'I'um ' 1111" . or fr\c\lunllu1eol.
- - - - -
III110 IJislrtct COUI t IIf CUl\ter County. Nebra
- .Iea , SlImmOIl'i Pllh1icatlon. .
Fr.lIIl. Curtis2. Plallllift.
, s.
: llanrtce Fowler.
, } 'ranlc A. Doc.
- Doe. wltoseolber name IS lIuknowlI. wUe c
defelldant. Fr.lnk A. Doe. '
E. ) , ' . McClure. an,1 Joltn Doe whose olu"r all
further name h , ulllcnowlI , defendants :
'rhe defendants. Manrtce lo'owlcr. Pranle i
Doe , - - Doc. wllose lither alld further name
UII..uown . Is 1'1.1ll1tllf. anrl who Is the wlte of , I
CuudlIlI. l ranle A. Do , ' . ; 11111 Joll11 110. ' wllo'
0111 , " .11..1 . 1111 th , " 11.111I. ' j. , IIlIkllllWII I'I.lillll
. . . . . , . , . . < . . . . .
.IUlIh. ' 1:11111' : " " t.1 .11111. IU till' real c
. talc IWIl'II.I lI" , t. , , "fib , ' , ! . tllllJllih def.'ndan ,
_ l.'ranl , \.11'\\ < 111.11. . . . . . ' . . ' . .llIa011 IlIe ' 1\ \ :
C . . . . . nta.v. . . . . . , . . . . . .
- - - - - - - - -
" " - - - - . . . . . . . .
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
day of Marcil. 1905 , tlll : plalnlltf. Frank Curtt. . . ,
filed hll petition In the district court ot CUller : . .
ount } . . Nel1raaka. airalnt YOU antI each of } 'ou {
:111 delendauts , tlte ubject Qud pra'er Qf wblcb . . , . '
are to foreclolle a cerlaln lieu for taxU ! un the ? 1 .
fonowlng delcrlbed real estale sltualed In tbe J ! .
city of Broken Bow. Nebraska , to-wit : LOb ; :
One and Two In Block Twcnty.Four of J , P. .
GandY' , Addition. Said lien arising by virtue
olthl ; fact that on Novemher 3. 1m , plaintiff
tlutcl1ased tax sale ceWllcate un said lats for
taxes for the } "ar 1859 frolll the treullter uf uld
county and that plalntllf : ud @ublequenl taxel .
on laId lot. for tbe } 'earM 1900. 1\101. \ 1902. 1903.
1w.t and 1905. Tbat plalntll1' . tax sale certlfi.
cate nll' Invalid he II lubroll"ated tQ the rlllb\1i
and lIenl of laid county. That there II now due. \ " " '
dellnQueut and unpaid to plalntlff for taxes paId IK. - , : , ' /
aB aforesaid aud tor mouey p.tld for satd tax " .j ) '
sale certlficale the fonowlnll' lumB. reIPec\l eh' ; ' # . , .J. : '
'or I11S9 ; ' .75 with Interett al . 10 per cellt per , " , : (
annum Ireln May 1. IIj'Nf ' y' .
For 1 90 $5.W wlth'llIterest at 10 per cent per , :
aunuQ from May 1. Us ? ! . <
l-'ur 18')1 : U.4" wltllinierest at 10 p r ceut pel " ,
unuu' from . .lay 1. 11I9l. , II " .
} 'or lS'J' ' : $ t.O wllh IIHereat 01 10 per ceut per . -r.-
nunum front May I. Its')3. - )
'or b'J : SljO wUIt luterest at lu par cenl pel . i
annUl11 front May 1.1&14. ' " ' .
For 11'J4 : fl.2\1 witlt IlItore5t at 10 per cent per . . . ; t' .
annum frum May 1. Its9. : , { .1. " .
For 18',5 $1.40 wlthlutllreat lt 11) per cent pel . ,
annlllU from May 1. 1&9 . ,
1'IllnI11 pray ! ! tuat he may be decreed to be . : , :
Bubrogated to the rights alld lien II of Cutter 1
couu\ } . for the taxes so paid. 'fltat an account. < ! '
11111" may be had , that the courl fiud tlte amount , . . :
dutJ plalntllf and decree tbe same to be the first . \JJ \ ? .
aud best lien on eald real esta1e. That defend. : "
ants may be foreclosed of all eQUIlY of redemp. : " ' "
lion In 2 ntl to dald rllal elate , 'fllat laid rul . , . .
estale may be sold to satlslj' the a1l101111foulll1 ,
due wltllll1terest and COltS. alld for suen aliter . ' :
aud fur.lter relief as ma ' bl : just and eQullable. , ; . ; w , _
You arIJ required to anlwer eall1 petition on Ot ' ! iJ ; .
betore Monday. the 171h da } ' of April. 19\1 , ,4i ;
_ Daled at Broken Bow. Neb. , tlll1l 91h day of , _ . .1 ; ' .
Marchly05. l-'RAiJ : ( .tJRT1SI. ! Plalnllff. . . '
By < ' : AMERON , bl' ! athrner. 39.441 : ; , : "J
- .
. .otlce ofP - bat ; of - W\1 \ I ; : "
In theCounlY Court of Custer 1)0 IUI t ) . . Nlbralika. . , . ; { , '
To aU persons Inl resttJl1ln tbe estate of AUce ? '
Rhrby Deceaied. I , 'lf
WllFHEAS. ; Slmon'Rl\lby of said Couuty. ; j.\ : \
has tiled In tl1e oillc" 01 tbe CUUllly [ udlle an "
Inslrumcut PUf ortlnllto be tbe la'lt Will and % .
' 1'estament of Alice HIIlby De.eascd. la1e 01
saId COlin ! } ' , alllt a petltlun prayllilltu bave tbe , " " . :
samu adlllittud to probatu. WhlCb Will r.late5 . . ' \1-
to both rtal and personal estalt : , whereupon 1 . " -t-
have appohlled lIlIJ IStlt day of April IW5 at 9 , - ' ) , " "
o'clock III tlle forelloon. at lhe olbcc : of tbe ' : ;
COllllty Court In eatd COUllt } . . as the time : lud
place j'ou alld aU eonctrned. lItay appIJar , ; . lna ' . , .
conlest tbe probate or tbe bdoille. t rf
Daled Marcb 171h 1'-\15. , .
\ Alpha Morl/"all. / \ , :
3t. . HpeclalJ ' ApPohlled. 'j , ;
- - - d-S-es ; J.and Office. - - - - . . ) : ; .
NurUI Platte. Nebr. . .larch 17. 1905. . . . .
Notice Ishereb ) ' Il "uU tuat Ibu foUowlnl { r " -
named settler Itali filed notice of hili hlleutlou
to ma1ee tinal proof III lIpporl uC bls elalm , anl1
tbal ea Id proot will be ul.lde btJfore J , ' A , A rmoul
COllnty Judll < ! . at bls olliee at Uruk"n .Dow.
Nebr. UIIpril : l.Jth. 19J5. "I : .
who made bomeMlead elltry No. 17947 , Cor tbu
8WX IIWX. wu. , nvy'l.ot4 , Sec. 5. ' 1'.15 N. , R.
4:1 : w. Ue lIamesbc tollowlnl : wltue8S" to t
prove his continuolls fU'Ildcllcu upon and cultivation -
vation of said laud. YI ; U < ! orlte J. Pelkey. 01
Callaway. Nebr. Andrew J. Reeves , of Mc.
Kinley. Nebr. O < ! urlle W. lleadley. of CaUa-
wa } ' Nebr. Rudulph . Ueliele. uf Callaway ,
Nebr. Georlle . lo'rench.
Reltlster ,
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Unlle,1 Males Lau.J Ofi cc. ,
Broken Bow. Nebraeka. l-'cb24. 1905 I
Notice Is hereby lI'iven tltat Ihe tol1otvlnll.
named settler baa tiled nOllcu uf bls Inlcntlon
to make 1Iual proof InsupportuC hIs claim. No ,
J\I6 , aud that > ald proof will be made before
H , < ! lllsleralld ReceIver at Droken DowNebraska.
011 April 7. lW5. yl ; Cltarles U. Garrhsun.
Mcrna. Nebraska for tue Sw SeSec. ! . 4 , ' 1' . 1
- . N..H. . 21. W of" 1' . . .1. lIe lIameK tlte foUow.
IIIIl wltliesse to pro'e Itls continuolls rcsldellc , '
upon and cultivation of said land. Ti ; Oliver
G. Smltlt , Charles Brown , Cbarles Ta'lnr. io- ' " .
Warn.n 8. Wells. aU of Merna , Nebraska. ' ' -I t.
] 8.43 JA ms WJIITEIIC\D , Reirlster. . -f.'r , ;
; - , -\0. \
Unlled Sta1csLand Ofiice. I . ' \ \
Droken Bow , Nebraska. 'cb. Z7.190,5 , f 1 . \
Notice Is bereby irlventhat tlte followlol/ / " ' , J . .
named settler Itns tiled notice of his Intention
to make tina1 proof In Bllpport of his claim. No. r
2173 alld Iltat said proof will be made before \ '
Reorlsler and Receiver at Droken Bow. Ne. r-
braelea. on April 6. 19U5. vl : AUirusta D. Garbe i
formerly AIIlusta. D. Uackbarth for tlte N't
) I S. : Sw Sdt. Sec. IIj. Nw Ne } Sec. I' ) T. , N. . ,
5 H. . . : W. : : > bo : nalllC3lte followllll : wUneises to . . ' . ; ; .
ber residence and cultl. , . '
prove continuous upon 'ir
vatloll of said land. vl ; Alvin U.\Uy of Mil. , lit
bllrll , Nebraslca ; } 'rltz Uaclcbnrth of Anaelmo. - ' -
NubraKla : Uermau Hactcbarth of Anselmo , .
Nebraska : IJharlell Sanders ofnselmo. . Ne- : : i
5 braska. . : ' , -
S 3.43 JA IES WHITCHE\D , ReorlQter.
5 County Court Custer Count ) . . Nebraska. ! .
5 To the Creditors alld Uelra. and to aU who . . ,
o arc IIIIerc8led In the estate of Mortimer W , ' - l
5 SIII11110n8 deceased. ,
< ) Ta1ee Nollce , tltlt ; T. B. Merrill adllllnistrator 1\
of the aforesaid elltatl ! . Ita. lile , ! a report of hib \
! ' dohlllS as SIlCIt. and asks tbat tlte same be ap. ,
proved , and lhat he be dlscltarlled from furthet
obligation the. . < ! .n. . and Ihat the County Judll'e
malee SlIcb order and the estate be seuled and .
declared ttlscharll"d uf aU debts and claims
wltbout irlvluir notice to creditors , for Ihu reason
tbat aU claims. If any exist. are barred by 5tI\ ' .
IU ] utes of limitations. SaId matter bas been sel ' .
. for Itearlnll' on the Sth day of April , 1905. at 10 > t
o'cloclc a. m. . at tbe COllnty Court Room. In' ,
Broken Dowf Nebraska. al wblch time 1nd'j .
place all parties Inl"reited maf apPtJar and ba r. .
_ heard concernlnl the same. .1
Datea tit Is 4tlt day of March 190 . . . . .
s 39.4.z J. A. AR IOt1R , County JudlOe. .
L ' _ ,
. .
. United States J.aud Office. ' t ' . , .
Broken BoNebraska. . Feb. 27 , 1 < ; 05. \ . ' ; ; - ; .
NotIce Is hereby . : Iven tllat tlle fOllowlu.- . ,
: of named settler has tlle < 1 notice of 111& Intentlou J- ' "
I to make final proof In ! ! upport of his claim , No.
ill 12 ! j. alld tltat said proof \T\11 \ be made before
RCiislcr and Receiver , at Droken Bow. Nil- \ , :
\ . beas1.a. on April " , 1)05 , vl : Joltn 1. ' . Baker. .
Is Onello , Nebraska , for the Nw ! Sec. 22 , T. 18. " . . .
tN. . . H. 23 W. Ue names the followllllr wllnesses ,
e 10 pro'c Itls contlnllou ! ! resld lIce upon alld cul. . . ' '
II tlvatioD oflldland.vl : : Samuel Waddington , : . . 1 'I , \
s. Manolllooper. } , 'red Fmbra. ; James " 'bittle. " : . , c' " '
to . \11 01 Ortello. Nebraslea. . ; c'"J
:11 3S. 3 JAI&SVIIITEIII > AD. Rei'lster. . . . .r. . ,
. , . . . ' I
- - - - - - - 114. 'J ;
. . . , . . . . . . . . . . "
IF. . -l.'l\\Rm " . \ \ - - - - - " \I.f \
II a pn T E I CO ! i i
, fa II III. /i / , ' \ ' . -
-SELLS- y ; i
- - - ;
L U1U bel' , La. th , Pla.stel' , Lima , ii ll
Sash , Doors , a.nd Storm . . . . . .
- ) - . . . \.crythilw . first-class. e tIll.nt. South Side . , Broltcn Bow. j ' . , \
tf . "J . ; ! ' , > > ' T 'tr - - - - . _ 'c" .
- - . . . t , ftt.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M ; !
) -
tf lIli f ! - ' tTimmmffiffirrrm - Jelj i ' Ttffinm ] / ffi ! mn f : Jh ! . . . : . ; .I'ffiffimmnm . : , : @g 'ffi'i'IH-in"mmli'imif ' = ; ' ! 1S i ! riEi Ti - - - ] : . JIr\ : I 1 . . . ' I
! trr \ Before VOll Builcl , Consult : " J.
M _ - ; .
r . ill' L:7te 0 IU . . . - . a p 1'12. . e a u.t. . , : : : t- :
g lID : Contraclo. anti BlIiltet. : . Bstitnate , " ' . J.
' m : fi'nrnished fre- with plansauc ) sp cificatiol1s.
: , . . . . , . . , U .
'e U " ' " " 1JI .uwU 1UJJ.I" . . \I'IJlli.u ! ! ttl' ! ! . 'u 1.
. . , - 1.v - (
1 ' ;
= 'r.aJ : ; : - . _ mv ID . . e1EJr - - - - ri'.J , ' . t !
tf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , '
_ _ . . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - _ _ , _ . _ _ . . _ . . , _ _ _ _ f , _ K ' 'if \ , . .
'u . , " , , , , , , , . , , . , , , . , . . . . . ' . . . . . . , . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . ' . " . , " " , . . . . . , . . . . , . . . , . . . , . . : . . . . ' ' ' ' ' . 'i1. 1.- . . . " /1" . , . . . . "It' - . . . . . . . , , . : . . , . , . . , . . . , [ . . . . . . . , . .itl ; " I
I . ? _ - ' : J , . : : al. . . . ' -i. : . . . ; In. ! : : . > [ . ; . : ; . ; . ' . . .J . . , . . .f."i . . . . . . ! . . . . , 'le' . . . ' . ; . : ! i.It.- . : . . . . ; . : . . . .l. , m..iian..n.JI. ' ' : ! " ! \J : " " " i.I'I / ' : : ' . i . < triJ 11 > ! . ; . . . . ; . i . : "t . . . . . . ! . : . , ' ! . ' : . , ' . . . -.1 : j , L " } . ' . . ;
t '
lit t When desiring lo figure on a bill , : 7 ( . ;
. .
Ie ll ffM . t. /
tf t. of l.umber call on the. , . . . . , . . . 'I
, ,
" t :
-N - .
: It 'U
t. i C. L. Turner Lumber : : Co.
'e We carry a iun stock of I-4umbcr ,
at : Sash , Doors , Mouldings , etc.
! t.M
- ; Agents for the Nebraska Central M
Building & 140an Association.
. . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .
. . . .
. ' .
. . . . ' " ,
I , : Jl' . . ' . " , , ( tm.n : : " " ' " , " > . . ' " ; , i. ! : hol. : . " , , , : . ' . ' " ' . , ; - : ! : " , 'I'I ! , : ; , . : . J..H " ' " ' -lI : . : . . . . \ : " ; : . - : & ; "l" " J : : . , ' ! ' , : ' - . . . . , , ' " .I" ' ' . 'J ' " ' ' _
\0. . _