Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 16, 1905, Image 6

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- -
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f"i .t
: - 't\-"t : = -.o'u ' !
, : ? : : To L :
. R ' I , v. ' ' iI '
Cnpl\clly for Worl < nOlI Plcnsure 'i
. . " . , . . ,
) ; ! rrJt" " ' - ' . .rV"4J- ' " " ' .Ji-tro
- -
Dally Exerclce ,
( ' ! rrlA ! , h'/IIIII'IH'I'/f / 1\1111 I hOllRallcls
oC olher 111.101'"d.Nt . ! HllfC"I' frol\l \
tJll' lI\ck or IllIn' nit' IIt\ll \ III II HC II 1111' I X'
f"1't'1t11' . If 1111 ollellliit III I\IIUJO III hu'
JIl , ! 'I'stolllatll' ' uXl'rcIHC > . or' 1111 hOIlI' 1/1'
I ! I iH Rll ll ! . III e11gglllg OJ' chOIIIlIIl ( ;
\ \ 0011 , IIIlIltI ( . SOl /'J\I' \ II 111\11 \ fnllglw "I'U
11oclllcoll. / . 'J'hl IIhHl 1 cCllblo 1'C8111t
IIClI. ' slelllil the I'XPII'ltlll'lI1. 111811'1111
( lC dlHcolII'nglllg Ihe 11'1111 , Ihu01' ) '
joorl.'nOIlS IIhorllll 1I01llt IJllt the gl'ellt
It ( OIl oC the hOII ) ' .
If Ihe wurli : were IlCrHIIIll.'l1 ' " nnll
rlldllnlly hlcI'l'lIHed I ho HllffneRH wOllhl
I1l1l1n 11IftallilCal' , 111111 leave III JIll IIlnce
n gpneral reell1\g IIC IlIfJl'cnllcll or ,
'I'ho 1\'I'vOk 111' ( . ' slrellglhl'lIclllllli the
hodlly nctl\'llIl'lI 1llIlchcnell. The or ,
fH t' Is not OIrJIII' Oil I ho mllsclea IIROII ,
I III \1111)11 eneh organ , 'rho hoOII ] IH
IIIII'IIIcd 111111 the IlIgeHlIoII Hlrellgth-
'rlw I'rreclR lIf lrolongcll , Fmlcnlnt.y
IIfll ' ' ' ' h ' WOI'ldllg err
n ro O\'t'I'COIIIO (111) )
thn nccllmlllnl 11 IlolHIIIIH anll crclltllIg
all alllJetllo for 1I0W 111I1'0 fOOll , 'l'hIH III
11I.1Il 1111 III the 1IIIIIy , alld thllH the
\ \ hole UlIIII 111 l'ellowl'll ,
ExerclHo III11Rt he CIII'Ofllll ) ' Incl'PaRed
and ndlllll11 tll Iho IlIdlvldllnl 1I11IHCII'
Inr strellglh. ' 1'ho WI'IIIwHt mllsclos
IIl11lit ho III'OI11ht 1111 to thu Iitnlldarl1
of INe olhel's ,
1,1' Ccohla 1)(1 ) rs 11I1 II who nro not
nilio. 10 do the IIl'lIlrell worl. . , mnllRoge ,
SwedIsh UlO\'OIllUlltH 01111 nwchllnlcnl
l' > .crrsell ! shollill ho ell1l1lo'ed.
For 11I01'0 rohlllit IlerHons , wa1\lII \ ! ,
horsohacle ridIng. rowllIg , hc'clu ! 1'111-
Inolld / cspeclally IIwhumlng' nl'o to bo
I''e III n IIIl'IHJed ,
- - -
How to Have a Clear Head ,
' 1'ho IIInn who dl'RlrcH tc ) hll\'o a clear
heall , a brain I < collir nlvo : to the
, , "hUo ( nfi"oneeR " oC the IInl\'ol'FU nhollt
him , IIlort to I' SIIHIII tll o\'cry cnll
II1nd Ullon Il II ) ' the hodllr orgnns un-
lIet. It II RuporvlsoJl-I'oad ! ) ' 10 recolvo
Imllrmlllols ! t/'om the Infinlto SOllrco
-wl"el'snl or
" Ihollhht , antI callOlilo
thllllll , , the high thollghts of 0011
ntl\'r 111m , nllist IIvo . , IIhlltoml-
OllsllIatllrall ) ' , 111\11 \ mllst avolrl o\'cry
hnrmful alld III orIOl' food. Ho will
Sl'lpf't the cholcost fOOlIHtllffs , ' 1'heso
( 'onRlst ot CI'UItS , nlltH , doxtl'lnl ed
I'nlns-thnt IR , wel1 tonRt11 mln I
JII'pptll'ations , tOl\l ted hrenll , tOIlHtCll
wheat flaltes , utc , 110 will cat SIII\1'-
In lr , novoI' to rClllullon , 110 will
( 'xcl'clso out of OOl'S ut lenst two (1\ \ '
t 111'1'0 hours ullr , living ns milch of
the tlmo ns Ilosslblo In the o\len \ nit' ,
Jll' will sleoll eIght hours nt night.
Jlo will talce a vigorous cold hlltlt
C\'l'ry mornln [ ; on rising , onll will tallo
nt least two or I1l1'eo tltneR a weele ,
1wnrm , cleanHln ! ; hnth , jllst bofOl'o
going to hcd lit night. 110 will con-
' ' ' for \lseCIII work ' ' - '
H'I'\'O \ 001'onorg )
of mlllll on hod ) ' , lie will enlleavor
to l1vo I'Ighlculltly In the largest sense
of the wurd ,
Nloht AII' and Consumption ,
The old Calluoy thot IIlght nil' la a
, Inngerolls IIIluSIIIt not 'ct dcad.
Much has lIeon , mltl nhollt Cl'csh 011' ,
olltdoor life end slIlIHhlno for t UhOl"ClI'
losls. 1Iany'lctlll1l1 have oxpoI'lcncel1
the hcalln Jl0WH' In these nalural
agonoloR , But too orten the COllsumll-
IIvo , aftca \ duy In the 811nshillo or
III t.ho cold , cl'lsil wluter all' , retll'cs
for n night's sll'ell In IL durie , slllffy ,
airtight 1'00111. 110n't ho nCmld of
night nil' ,
alIen the hedrool\l \ to nil the Run
110sslblo Ilurlnl { till ) IInr , 'rho room
will then bo dry , though cold , DamI' )
IIl'SS Is dangO\'OlIs \ and 11\01'0 ullt to oc-
' III'a closed Ihan III ' ,
CIII' a \\'Idoollcn
room. KCOII ut lenllt uno'Inllow In
tbo IJlJdl'oom Ollcn 11n ) ' nnll night , Slim'
llIer nnd'lntlH' , ' 1'ho IlooHholllli \ shllt
t.ho chulnhCl' off fl'OIl1 thc I'et t or the
hOllse. Ittho 11Iornlng' the Imllont
Hhouhl 110 talwn qulcllly 11110 n WUI'III
I'oom Cor tlIO cold sllOnge huth ,
I nsldlous Poisons.
The poisonous I'rrectH Iosuiling
from the IIse of l a nnd correo are
, "cry dochll'tllr 1II11111fosi. I , IIn'J who
1 nil gl\'cn Uloltght to thIs 1III0Hllol1 ,
and has 11Iade careful observationH III
1' < > . lallon to It , 'rhe sul1o\\ Olllllloxlon ,
common alllol1g women or the higher
( 'Insses who have l'cnehCli IIIhhllo lifo ,
the nhnoRt unlvOl'1I1I1 IICr\'OllSIICRE
among Amorlcall womell , nllli mallY
common dl olIve ! IIIAorderR , otHl the
Incroaslng IJrovnlellco IIf nervoull or
.slcle hondnchcs , nrrm'cl tn the expoI'l ,
( 'nced ph'Rlcltm nm"lo cvldenco of the
10,10 or 110180nonR ehnraotel' of leo
< : orreo , anll the nllled bevomges , cocou
: I,1ft1 chocolnte. 'l'ho woll.lmown cf
j'eet of these Ilt'ngH In Ilrodllcing wnllO
111lness , balllshltlJ ; as IC 11) ' mnllc th (
1'cnsatlon or fallIIl' ! : ; , aCCords RllfIeletll !
c\'hlenco of thelpolRnnolls \ chumctcr
No OliO woulll dOllbt Cor IIIQI1ICnt th ,
I.olaonous clmfllctel' of n druJ ; CUllO
blo of Ilrollucillg' Ineslstlhle drowsl
ness In n IlOrHon whll Is not wenr ) '
'rhe 1I0\vor or a dl'lll ; to p\'Oduco \ wall ( ]
rulne/l8 / In a IJCI'mn : : IIlronI ! ) ' Incllnl't
to sleep nl ! the re8111t of fntlglw , I :
eqllnlly ovldence or Its Ilutmllolla ! chur
nctcl .
Th OJ\ly Safeguard Against Tubercu
' : losls.
' ] 'uborclllosis Iii a low-Iovcl dIH'aS (
lcopl'o are not Bubjeot to It untllthol
'Jo les hn\'o llecolllo wealt\Ioll ! \ nn ,
their whole constitution \11l1lermlnel :
It used to bo thouGht tluL ) ono cOlli ,
ltOt llU\'o tuborclllosis 1r enl ) ' Ito m
crclscd his lunls. A IIInn who ha
this dltiOase went to Il III'OreIl801' 1
Ylcnna tor l\ll\'lco. \ 'rho profossQ
Imld' "Yffl1nd boltor sot a h , rH Il '
leArn to - phH , to oxorclso ) ' u
\ungs. " uAlas , 'Ilrotessor , " nll8woro
. . . . . \I , . , < \ , .
the IIInll , "I 11111 11 hUlle ) lIIaHtl'I' IIOW , "
' ) ' 0 IIvu 11 1111 tll 1'11 1 IICu III the 0111)-
f\lIC..gllnrll \ . n/IIItIHt / tulwI'CllloHIR , OliO
CUlllllto ma ) ' do 1111 well IIH nnolhl'r If
(111) ' 3'011 live ollt oC 1011I'14 ] , get IIollty ]
of 1:0111 : , fl'eHh lilt' , hntho Ihl ! hod ) : with
\0111 WlltlJl' Ilnll ) ' , 1lIt HII"le , null'l.
tlOUH CooII ntlll IlIlw liB IIIUIJh oxerclao
1111 ) IOSHlhlu wlthollt exhllllstlug lho
I.JOII ) ' ,
- - - - -
Inherited ConDumption.
SOIllO 111'0 II If ) thllll , thllt lIocnnso
tholr JU\I'ollta lt'l ! with cOIIAllmptlon ,
the ) ' 111'0 II00IIIOd IJ ) ' thl ! HIIIIIO plllgn ( ' ,
'I'hla la 1I0l H" , VnRos or IlIlwrltell
COIIHUtIIlltlolI IIrn \ ' 1'1'111'1) \ , 'rho l'Inl
I'eaHOII wh ) ' HO mllllY III n falllily HIIC'
fOI' fl'olltulwl'culoHls \ 11'1 10 110 foullel
l'IoWltol'C ; tltllU III heredity ,
The Illllicletl 111011I1111I' dClOII notJmow
the necoFRII ) ' COI' I Il'I''CI ! II II I cleanllnosri ,
Cell' rollglouHh' cullcctillanll / burnlnj ;
nil InllUm' Hilit 1111 , 'I'ho lIao , of tlto
emllnnry Il0cll't hllllillwrchlof nnll the
WIIHhlu ! ; or It III the fl\tnlly lallnllry
IH a COIIHtant HOllrce oC Ilangol' . JlIcu
IlIIlIcr hllnllllorchlefH (1\ \ ' oltl IIncn
IIhoulll 110 1111011 anll thull hUl'lled ,
'rho IIcr1HIII IthnHelf Is nltllu,1 hllrm-
I'HII , It la enl ) ' the Illele of Ctu.o III
HcnUel'lnE ; the /unllr. / that T11l1lw9 hllll
n dllll/orulIH / : COlli 111I11 1011 , 'J'heso lJllcJ
proef IceH are IISIltllly dno to 1'llCIrnneo : ,
It la not IIOCeHBlU' ) ' to Isoillto the 111\-
tlont COI' the liroteclloll of the fllmlly.
gnoh I'O\'HOII ' \ 1I0t IIrrecled Hhoulll
1I1'Hathc fl'osh nil' , cxorelEo Ollt of
oorR , ont slm\lu \ ] Coed , hutho dally
ntlll Hiooll ol/ht. / hourll : oah : night ,
' ( hiH will IlIcroaHo the 1I0d"a'ltol
IIOWCl' .allll 1'elllHt the deadly gonll:1
which 11\11) \ ' ho hl'onlhed III. 'rho rest.
uf lho fnmll ) ' Iwillthlls / Cmll lIetl , the
I\ntlollt Hhollill cO'Ollel'nto In the 111'0-
toelloll ,
Lot It I 10 the '
III IItnlly Ilrovont gCI'l1H:1 :
ClOm ho I II' ; : ; s attored IJI'oadcast
through III1 ! hOIlHe , 'rhen lot all co. .
opel'ato III tlto fl'esh all' Cill'O of the
III1t1ent. 01111 ho 1I11l.lIvo In lIeuce nllil
plellII'e , ! ; 1'1 III II II II ) ' fightlllg hlR way
bllcl , to hcnlth. nil II In 110 way an-
gerous to hlll : frlcllds.
When u\'cr ) ' consllmptlvo lalelll-
gEIIII ) ' CO'OIICl'ntl'S with 'tho family
111\11 \ Ilh'slclllll , the da ) ' of "Inhel'ltell
consIl1ll1.llon" . will ho IJIllIloll ,
' - -
Stem \ch ,
The mnjorlt ) ' or lIeollle novcr stoll
to thlnle that the Htomach I ! ! an'lhlng
11\0\0 \ \ then a l'l'cI lltaco ] fOl' things tlmt
hn0 III'cn cllewell , 'I'ho ) ' got holcl of
somothlll that las\os \ good and swallow -
low It Into the Rlomnch to got It Ollt
of the wnr , 50 thel'O will 110 room 1'01'
t.onwthlng 1110\'e \ , 'fhllt might ho 1\11
I'lgltt If the slomach wel'o JnrlJugo
box tltat coulcl lJo carried err au 11
OI\\IIUotl : h\lt nl\lIl1'o Intl'Iulll t hc stomach -
ach fot' I\nothel' IIIII'IIOO.Vo \ 111'0
construcled of wllllt wI , ! eat , Wo shoull\ \
stall to thin ] , of thnt. . Wo shoult ! 110
oal'eflll whut we a\\'nllow , for It becomes -
comes hrnln , heart , limbs , bloud : nnt !
If wo llI'O to hn vu gootl blood , clear
hralns , ROl\lul \ mlllll ! ! , IIl\lrd ) ' legs and-
Rtrollg nt'mA , wo m\Ist eat food thnt
IH onllahlo of maldng tltnt sort of lis. .
lillO ,
- - -
, Foot Prints of Alcohol , ,
I mlllo'OI's I1nd that Uloe ! IUl1l1ctOrl
to the \ISO of alcoholic bOVOl'UgCH ere
IIot to bo dellOlllloll on. I'on If they
' ' thclt. worle the '
01'0 nlwa 'H ot chol'Uc"
tOl' of It SUrret'S jnst In Ilrollortion to
thell' ItHlulgoncc , NolitIs cOlldllion
Is onh' 1Hlln oC IlIsonAo In certain can-
tl'OIIIIIE ; centorR III the IIOI'VOIIS s's-
tem , In this slmplo cOIIIIlUon , us well
us tn 11111ltltllllo of othcdlscoHcs \ ot
the IIOI'VO\l8 srHlelwo mnr h'uce tlto
foot'lII'lnlH of nlcohol , Here wo have
an eXlllanntloll of the OVlJ'oroetl ! In-
Hano I S'ImS ' ' of to-dn ) ' . to sa ) ' nothlllg
of the 1\I'mr oC HuITI'I'I.'I'1I at lorge , Stn ,
tlRtlCS fl'Om Jo'I'OIICO 111111 ether Euro'
lI an conntrh H Hhothnt the IlIcl'oaso
of ItIHollltr IH 11111'111101 with tlte Illcreaso
III the COII\lImIIUUn \ or ulcohol IICCUI \ }
It II.
- - -
- - -
Cheese Straws-Holl RCrn ) ! ! ! of 11I\rr \
ImRto thin , 1.111\111 . \ 11111'1 n III e with n\lt
, checso , gl'llotl ) ; fold , 1'I1I 0111. allli
slll'lnll1o IIgllln , nllli rCllcllt the pro ,
, CCIIS , 'l'lwn 1IIIIce 011 Ice to Illmiell ,
I When coltl , roll III rcctllng\llar shallo
ouo-ehhth of un Itwh thlcl , ; lllaco It
I on n hal\lng pnll , a 1\11 with n 11I\8tr \ ) '
. CUltOl' IlhllWd III hot wutol' , I'\lt Into
Ktrhn ! fOlll' or 11\0 Im'he ! ! long , end
I losa than II q\lol'tet. of un Inclt wille.
UallO In n mod/'I'nlo oven ,
_ Easter Lily Cake-l1l1l\O RIlnshlnc
caito In In 'o\ \ ' tins not moro t1l1\n one
; In'h tltlcl , wltcn lIono ; nlllo : balO an
l el food In lho Ramo war , With 11
ranc ) ' POllt rr CllltOl' of IIlr deHlgn cut
; the whlto calw Into IImnll culles
Cut the sunshlno cnllO In the
: tlnme wu ) ' , 1\1111 \ IlIIt ono of the 'elJo\\
ltuWC\'R \ on tOil of tlto white , with
, : . . . .hlto IlIl1n ! ; be\\'l'on. ! CO\'Ol' tlto tOI
I ul tlto RunRhlno larel' with whlto IcIng
ur If U o whlto lIowOl' comes on lOll
' _ CO\'OI' the whlto with a ) 'ollow tlnt1
Ieillg. ' 1'ho culos . : : bo scn'l ! !
Q'IIU/'ateh' with the Ill ) ' termed fron
I' ICing 11I\t \ on the tOil usIng whlto fOI
the Iwtnls nnd ) 'ol1ow fotlto \ coulers
! , Tomato Sauce.-Put Italt n c\n : 0
tomatoe01'1' \ uil' 111'0 In stO\\'IIIU1
wllh n , : nurll'I' of Il mlncoll onloll , I
lItUo II\rHle ( ) ' , a ba ) ' loaf nllt ! hnlf I
tl'l\HIIOOnflll of tmH. Boll ahout twent :
mlnntos , Homo\'o from the I1re ani
Htmll\ through 1Rlovo , rololt In In1
othoIlIn \ \ a tahlcspoollf,1 of cocoanu
or Ilalr ) ' bnllot' al1l1 os It mQHs , sprlt1
1.10 In n to1llosjloonful of 110nr : sll
until It browns a lIttlo. Mix with th
toml\to 111\111 \ al1l1 Il Is read ) ' tor ua .
I' . .
, , 'ElL DRAWN oveR THE ! SCtNE
- -
st , Petenburg Dclloves Army lVII' '
Not Be Tot \lIy Ruined ,
S'I' , PIC'l'lmABUHOA11 Is
IlmwlI O\t' Ih" pl'OjlrHR : ; oC Our1'I'nl
1lIrollrtlldll'/4 / h'fol ( ' eCCol't to l'xll'lcoll' ,
hi ! ! IIIUII'II ) nl'my , hilt Ih ( ' gl'llIJrlll Hlllif
IIIHII'II.II ' Ihnl. whll ( ' III' IIns 111'1'11 clefctil.
l'll , 3'ot thcro hUH lIel'n 110 dhmHtl'r ,
'I'ho 1101'11 of the whole 111'11OfpI'C \ ! -
'tilly ' oC till ! I'enl' gllurd. IH IIlhult tld ,
1\1111 \ MIIIlIII'1I IIIny hl\vo \ hl',11 ( I\'I\'lInlcil \
111Irhl hlllt III hl. nltltollyh 1I01hln1- ;
1101111110 IIIItl Iwen rCl'elv11 on thh
YI'HI'I'dllo' 00111'111 BlIIII'I'lIng'f4 army
which hl'11 ] 1110 1'fItel' , fl'lI hnl'lc 1111011
the Ihlll rh'oellllglll \ 1111 Iho IIny
Iloapul'lltllr ! to l\IIHI'nllll nt tllo allOX
or the ( 'lty ,
OliO oC ( lollerol Lln'vlteh's corp ! !
WIIS hlll'l'(1Iy ( wlthelrawII I1l1rlllg 'VeIl-
lIeaday nlgllt. nllli s'nt 10 Iho Hllll1OI'1.
of Ol'nl'rnl 1\nlllllu\"s : \ hard III'osHeel
\'orC \ ( H. who w/'re filthlln off Oeneral
No > ; I'H lI'lIIllnlt ll'glollH w'st nnl !
1I0l'th\\'cst of thl' city. At the Eramo
limo 11 ( ( > rellllllllllOl' oC Oellel'lll Llno.
\'ltclt's 111'I11) ' Cell blll ] to the nOl'th
hunle oC the Hlln rl\'or whew It c1cle. . .
ell ' Iho ' eohllnnH
10mllOrnrll ) IIIII'lIln ! ;
of 0,11I'ral lClII'olll. who hmn\J\el \ ! him
In wlt , ! lollth 111111 ( 'ast.
All (111) ' ) 'ostI'Ilo ) ' anll laRt III ht.
WOllllllcc mUll , mllnlllonA , 1Hgago allli
Hlm'os sircallll111 northwnt'll. 'I'he rail-
\'oad ntHI Iho 1\Innllnl'IuII 1'00ul wel'o
ahll 01'1 ' I. hoclled ] at the IItHt mOlllcllt
nlll\\'lIhHlnndlllg the fn't thnt IIn 1m-
1111'1H n n III 011 II I oC ! ftnrl ! 1 1'1 < - . , WIIH I'e.
movQl1 InHt woek. \
- - -
Said to Be a Menace to Live Stock
Interests ,
WASIIINOTON-W , 0 , Comstorle oC
Im8WoI'th , Neh" In a lelogram to
SenntOl'lIlInl'lI : say ! ! that the presl-
III'IIt.'S . ml'SRngo to rongrosr ! : on the
eillamnlltw hill Is a mellaco to the IIvo
stoell InlerestH of the cOllntry , In con.
1I111'tlon wllh lhlH lIIultel' , wltlch Is ex.
elling the IIvcllost 1,1t1l1 oC Intel'est
: ullonIIvo / Htocl , mon oC Nebraslm.
, R'nnlm' 1111\1'(1 ] ( lias rccelvel , n , lettcr
CI'OIll S. 1' , Dolntolll' of I..Icw'lIyn.
cOl1lplallllllg IIgnlnst the'qllarnnllno '
rogllotloll ] wlt.h rcspect to cattle cx-
posl'll 10 mllnge. 1Ie mnllCs the IIroal1
stntomont tllat not : J lIe -I' cent oC the
cat tic on thl ! rnngeH had been l\I1o\\11
to hn\'o mnnge : thnt olll of 4.000 hOl\ll
oC mUe ] he hllnlllel ! In I'ccont ) 'C'ar8
hl' hlltl losl hilt fOil I' hend from
mangc , 1\11' , Comslo'll , In ndeHUon to
his slntomolll that t.ho hill woulll bc a
ml'III\I'O to Ihe 11\0 slocl , Int\,8Is \ If
III\SS'II. salc ! thot ho was In Ca YOor \
Cedel'lll ( 'ontrol oC Iluarantlnc rather
till' ' " slllto ( 'ontrol. 1'11' , Delatom' snys
thnt whut Is 1IIOHt IIc'lll'll Is an In.
Hpeellon fOl' feeders at the ) lolnt or
tlestlnallon I\nl ) 1I0t at the \lolnt \ of
cmhnrlmllon ,
? resldent Withholds Part of Beef
Trust Findings to Assist Justice ,
W ASI "NG ' -Pre8hlent Hoose-
' ; , ell lI'allsll11ttl'11 to conll'ess the rcpo1't
of t hl' , 'onl1nlsr.lonel' or coniorntlons
on the heor 1I\lhmtr \ ) ' . slIhmlt.terl In
( , Olnllllllnl'o wIth Ille 1'esohlUon or the
hOllse of rup1'esen t ath'oR ndoplell
1'IuI'ch 7 , ] ! ) ( H , The Ilreslllent's Icller
0' t rl\nsmlttnl Is IIH Collows :
fo the Scnate anll 1101lse or Hellro'
lIentallvcs : 1 lransmlt herowlth a 1'0 ,
port fl'om Iho Hecl'l'lnry of comll1orcc
IInll lahar IIpon t.hllt. ) lortlon or the
rORolllllon of the hOllsc of rOllreRenta-
t h'ps. 1\lloptud 1\ar'h ) 7 , 1f10 I , hnvlng to
clo wllh Ihe 1II'Iees of cllttle and dross.
ml hopf , the mllr lns helng sIIch prlce'J
antI tile ol'gl\llizallon , ( 'ondllct onll
) Irofits oC the rOl'porations engaged In
the bcuC Iml'llln I1l1hlslI' ) ' .
Cowboys at White House ,
WASHINGTON-anlltaln eUI Dill.
loel , end hlH'OIl11l1n \ ) ' of COWhOYH ,
whollo Illcllll'l'sCJllo alll'en1'I\IICO was n
fOlltlll'O of Iho Inllllgll1'l lon lIay III\ ,
rndo , were II\'cn a 1'l'cepllon'elncs : ,
duy night. hy President Hoosl'vell ,
' 1'hur wallled to the whlto hmlHlJ In
the min. hnvlng Holel thclr ) lonloR
which they h1'ollrht with thorn from
the wcst. Caliiain BIIllock anll his men
remaIned lit the Whllo JloIIIIC for nn
. hOI\l' \ . havIng IIn Informul l'1mt nnd n
1:111101,0 : with tllo ) lresldent. who Gaye
them a cordlnl greullng ,
Jap CruIsers Go South.
I.ONDON-Tho corrcsJJOIlllent nt
Hong Kong of the Lonllon Slnrlllal'll
I stntl'H that th1'eo , Io\lnlle \ e orlllsl'rs
with COWl'I'S lIIl8sed sOllthwal'll SIIII
da ) ' aftel'l1oon 1\1111 thot men of Wilt'
ntlll l ol1lCI'S pnsscIl soulhensterly Oil
I'1'Iln ) ' .
Control of Big Trees.
SACHA\mN'l'O : , Cal.-Flnl\l stCIIE
In the 1'ocesslon to the fCllornl Iovern
mont of the Yoscmlto vnller end till
11nrl1los1big trees , so ftlr os C'nll
Cornia Is concern'll , WIIS tl1llOn hy Gov
ol'l1or pardoo when he RI ncd the 1111
Ilrm'hllng Cor the reg\'l\nt. \ SIJceloll
1"'I'lmrell l'onR were made from qlllll !
tnlwn from the caglo mOllntell In Uti
n"Humhly chomber , At conl'lllsion a
the ( , ol'l1mOn ) ' enl ) ' one oC the Jll'nl
wns rl'lahwd 11) ' the govel'l1or allil tht
otho1' WI\S 1"'l'lIl'ntoll to Senator Bcl
shl\w. ollthor , ot the recession hili ,
Nebraska Member13 Work Hard ,
WASIHNG'1'ON-Jivory : memhor 0
the hOllo ! from Nohl'aHlm was on thl
11001' Pl'hlay nIght I\wallltl on 0111101
tllnlty to rllsh h\l1s \ throllgh undo
sm111l11\slol\ the rilles. ' 1'ho sonat.
I''t ! ' 11 IJI\rn 1'allh In the dol1cloncy al
Ilrolll'lotion bill to contlnllo t o snlur ,
of1188 : Com II , Thomas , the tr(1oSllr ,
\\oIJarllllent clorl , wllo WIIS so ( rlghl
fully monglell in an elevator nt th
t\'OIS\ll' \ : ) ' depnrtment lIulldlng , An 1\1
propI'lnion ! for her relief was strlclo
uut of the bill In the house on a IJohl
ot ardor ,
. . . .
. \ Prominent Club WOn1tn , of Kans \ !
City , Wrltco to Thank Doan's Kidney -
ney Pilla for a Quick Cure
Miss NclIIo Davis , of ] 21 G 1\1I'hlgnr.
Avcnue , Innlllls :
( 'It ) , Mo" Hocloty
Il"IHlenncl \ cluh
, WOlnnn , wlltes :
"I canllot s/ : too
11I11ch In pralJ\o \ or
Donn's Kid n e y
I' III s , tor they
orreeted n rOI1\-
pleto cure In 1\
\'cry short limo
when I wns sl1fferlng Crom kldnoy
lrouhles rought on b ) ' a cold , I had
130\01'0 pulns In the hacle nn,1 , slclt
hoadnC'hos , end rell mlsl'rnhlo 1111 ovcr ,
A few hcoxcs oC IJoun's Kldnoy 1'1119
made mo 11 ' \\'ell WOll1an , wItbout an
9.cho or linin , IUld I Ceol CO\l1llolled \ to
recommen thla relillbio rcmcd ) ' , "
( Slgncd ) r-\ellio Davis ,
A TnTAL Jo'JlIm-Alldress FORter-
\\tllhllrn \ \ Co" Blln'ulo , N. y , I'"or sale
by all l1oalel'8 , l'rlce , CiO cents.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AdulterLltlon of Coffee ,
A ( lcrl1\nn ro\'lew contnlns an or ,
Ielo by 1301'11"(1111 on a new n llttorn-
lion oC rolTel' , 'rho rouHted heans are
plunged In a 11\0 IICI' cent Rollltlon of
borax nnd thcn loft to drr , ' 1'he horax
lnallOs thalli sltlno unci absorhs water.
I1ms adllln [ ; to the wolght of the cof.
fce , 'rho way to 11Iseovor this ingenl'
OilS Cralld Is to Ilry the correo and It
it loseR ovcr .1 pCI' cent In wolght
thol'o has been a fralldllient absOl'l1-
lion of wate\-London \ Globo.
Believed Smallest Shetlnd Pony.
. . A llIac1lburn ( T nglnnll ) mun owns 11
Shetland "ony which Is bellevcd te
lJo tlto smnllest In the Unltcd Kingdom -
dom 1",0111' ycars old , fullo- grown ,
jet hloc1e , with a Inng. shaggy cent , It
Is only\'cn and onohall
Inches hlph : , or ono'half Inch short 0
; even hands ,
TI..bacco and Deafness ,
Tohacr\l hns bcen dhwovercd tc
have a selectlvo action upon the all
IHlory utlrvc. 1\lo11cratlon In the ust
of the drug. and avuldllll ; It altogothel
vhero dell.flles ! ! has alroadr bcgun
or wlro \ ( tltcre Is II. fnmlly history oj
; IIch tr ullles , Is advlsnhle ,
Curious Weather Vane.
An Engllllhman has erectcd II. curlS
. ) \\S \ \ wenthor van on his hOl1so along
side tlto 1'oad nonWestorhnm \ , II
dcplcts a mete ! ' cllr rllnnlng over D
tJl'd'1strlnn , while at the arrow en
or the vllne stnnlls the avengcr-a po
IIccmnn with upllfte I\rm ,
What London Spends on Cabs.
A stalilltlcian has nrrlved at thE
conclllsion that 25OOO,000 Is spcnt
yenrly lIy the Imhlle of London or
cabs , Ho nlso estlmntcs that of thl\l
g\'eat \ sum perhaps $7,1 00OOO represents
sonts tips nnd ovol'chnrgcs ,
At the govol'1lment satlon Lulcn. Ir
Sweden , expc\'lmontr \ nro being ml\dE
to secure varletlcs of 111 ants not 111\0
Iy to bo Injurcd hy frost.
UnH1lo the humnn bolng , the horse
with UIO 1I1ggcst "pull" docs the most
'If the llUlIIng.
Coffee Plays on Some ,
It hnrdly PO'S to Inugh before you
CITO cortaln of fllCtS , for It Is some-
tlmos humlllatllig to think of afterwards -
wards ,
"When I was It 'O\mg girl I was a
lover of correa but was sIck so much
the doctor told mo to quit and I did
bnt aCter my mnrrlago my Imsband
heggcd mo to drlnle It agnln na ho
did not think It was the cor1'oo causcd
the troubles.
"So I commenced It ngaln and con-
tlnucd abollt G montJls until my stomach -
ach commenccd acting ba nnd choll-
InE ; as It I had swallowed somethlllJ ;
the slzo of an cgg. 0110 doctor said
1l was nCllralgln IIlId Indigestion ,
"Ono duy I look a drlvo with my
husband , thrco miles In the country
alld 1 drank a Cllil of correo for dinner ,
t thought sure I would dlo before I got
bacl , to town to a doctor , I was drawn
double In the buggy' nnd when my
husbnnd hltchod the horse to get me
out Into the doctor's officc , mlscry
came up In m ) ' throat and seemed
to shut my brcath err entirely , then
left all In 1l1ush and wont to my
heart , The doc lor Ilronolmced it nero
\'ous hcart trouble and when I got
11011\0 I WUS so , weuk I could not sit
" Iy husband brollght mr : supper to
my bodsldo with n nlco cUll or hot cot ,
I roe but I said : 'TnllO that bnck , dear ,
I will nevcr drInk another cup of cor ,
! reo 1t4' ' 'ou gave mo evorythlng you are
worth , for It Is just Ill11lng mo , ' He
_ und the ethers laughed at me and
I said' :
" 'Tho Idea of coffco killing an ) "
bOd ) ' , '
" 'Well. ' I aald. 'It Is nothinG' else
but coffM that Is doing 1l. '
"In UIO grocer ) ' ono day my hus'
band was Ilurslladed to bu ) ' a box 01
1'ostU11whloh ho brollsht homo and
I mndo It for dInner and wo both
tholl ht how good 1l wns but sah !
notltlng to the hlrod mon and the )
thought thc ) ' hu drllnk correo untl
' vo 10llghed anll told thom , Well w (
. . kept on with 1'ost1lm nnd It was nol
long hcCoro the color cnme bacl { t (
my chcolts alld I got stout and fell
us good as lover did In my life ,
111\vo no more stomnoh trouble Itnd
know I ewe It ull to l'ostum In IliacI
ot cotreo.
" 1\1) ' hllsband has gaincil gllod hcalU
on Postum , as well as bab ) ' and I , anI
"C all thlllk nothhl& Is too good to saJ
' .hout It. " Nnmo gh'cn br Fmt1\D
Oo. IlatUe Creek , roUch. .
- -
Wardll WhIch France LUw , _
The nuwlll'r of NIIlIsh ! : ; words ab-
\H'hod Into the l rel1ch lallEUl.go duro
In ! ; reccllt ) 'C'lIrsvlthout allY employment -
mont of Hallc typo or quotation
IIl11rls , II ! cOlIsldera\llo. In 1\ rapid
flllIl1nnll1V or olle 11I1mbcr of a Parlfl
dally pnlr , an ellltllr came noross
the wurds "Intorvlew , " "mo'tlng , "
"docl\Crs , " "sten"lechnse , " "handl-
call , " "celltorlal , " "wagon , " "clown , "
and "tramwu ) ' . "
Worth Remembering ,
It mode the nlr shlno neter the
soltnd had dlod 1\\\11) ' , nnd 'et it was , .
Jltst the remnrlc oC IL young lI\an who
wal1 < ed IlOst mo OliO dlnrm.ln.arm
with n COll1l1l1l1loll : "Dopend upon H ,
1'01St , ] ; ; lllI1und of Canterbury waS'
rl hl when ho said to somchody ,
'Work as thou h you wOl\1I1 lIve fol'-
ovel' : live liS though 'ou would dlo
todng.clannJc. : : ; .
Close Prisoner for 21 Years _
T\YC'lIty.ono ' ( 'al'lI ago IlenRnnt In
the vlJlnrc of .IaC'lInOl'sdorC , near Ost. .
prlC'gnll , pluC'cd hIs son In a Rmall
bulldln , and , aC I 01' wnlllng him In ,
Iopt him thcre , I'"ood wes hnnded in
thl'oulh : ; a smnll opcnlng not many
Inches In 11Iametcr , which was the
only chnnnel for light and all' within ,
The ponsnnt Is now ngod DO , his w1o
8G aud the Bon 4G ,
Promptly Fixing the Blame ,
? oilS's 'fln'oo-YoarOltl wns ohllged to
romaln Indoors hoca1lso of a severe
cold. Looldng Ollt or the window , she
saw her favorlto hey plarmato with
another muo girl. They were hl\\'lng
a flne tlmo In the snow. Turning to
hcr mothcr , the cOIlIJedul1 cxclaltned :
"I never dill 111\0 that gll'1 , "
Dealing with Burning 011 _
To oxthlgulsh burning all do not
throw watOl' on the l1amOfl : , for It will
enl - slH'eall , thom h ) ' causlug the
to flont. 'rho rIght Illan Is to throw ,
on lIour , earth or sanl1. Any oC lllCse .
things will soae Ull the ol1-&c1\oI'l\IIY. \
Imraffin fl'ollan overtlll'ned lamp- ,
and qulcll1y extinguish the fire.
Evcry housellccllcr should Imow
that IC they will bllY Dcfinaco Cold
Water Stal'oh fill' Inundr ) ' usc thcy
, will SI\VO not onlr tlmo. becrmso It
Qo\'or stlcls to the It'on , but hecause
' ach paclmge contains 1G oono full
110und-whllo nil other Void Water
Stal'ches nro put up In 'pouud pacl , .
nges , nnd the prlco Is the Sl\me , 10
( 'onts , Then agnln hecauso DoflnncE'
Stnroh Is fl'co from all InjuriouS' hem-
I'nls. If 'our grOfJor tries to scll 'ou
a 12-0 , Iltlclmgo It Is bccauso he hns
a stool , on hand which ho wishes to
tllsposo of lIc1'ore he puts In Dcfiancc.
Ho Imows thl\t Defiance Starch has
prInted on cvery Imc1mso In largo let-
tcrs and flglll'cs "lG 07.8. " Demal1l1 , Do ,
fiance and save much time and mone ) '
nnd the annoYl1lwo or the Iron sllc1e-
lng , Defiance never stlells.
Lo\'o leaps over thc grave.
Important to Mothers.
examlno carefully every bottle of CASTORt.\ .
a 8afo nnd sure remedy lor Infant8 and children ,
and eo thnt it
Dears the
Slguuturoot / < .
In U80 For Over 30 Yeur8 ,
'l'ho Kind You lInve Ahnys' Dought.
You cnn only sell honor once ,
[ t , Curl' ' ! Coh1 ! ! , COUl/hR , ere Thront Croup
(1lhwnzn.'hoollinlo ( , : Coulh. < > UronchUS ! nu , !
AithmlA cerlnlll cure lor Conoumlltlon III firhl
Itne ! .nlll\n. Rurnrt'lIeC In mlncl'lstllcs. . U
nt ouce , YOII wl\l \ RI'O the CXl'Clcut ! etrl'ct aCier
tnln ! ! : tIle Ilrht 110" " Sol II by deaters l'\'er ) '
wl1cro , I.urllo boLUul 25 ceuts uIIlI f > O eeuts.
It I : I J Thompson' . Ey. Watl.
' . . ,
, ' T _
It 18 the bnnkrupts who pm ) ' : "nlV {
tI ( Jur debts nnll wo wIll Corglvc ur \ . f , I
el'torf ) . " . I .A ( ,
. OQec S.S.3 aeeec
: -
, '
, I
Neuralgia Sprains
Lumbago Bruises
Backache Soreness
I Sciatica Stiffness -J , )
Pl'ico. 25c. and 500.
GtHSnH..a..e _
"I have uied all kinds of waterproof
clolhing and have never Found anything \
at any price 10 compare wilh your FISh
Brand For protection from all lunds of
v.oea.thcr , "
( The nlme ! lnd Iddren ef th.
wroltr of Ih. . . unsolicIted I.uet'
IT\If be lad upon IPplalioo,1
A. J , TOWER CO , The SilT1 oflhe Fish
Doston. U , S , A , 'tOWERS ;
- .
TOWER CANADIAN : . . _ _ _ : . .
CO. , Llt-1ITED
Toronto , Cltlldl l7"lf nRfo1
Mahu3 of lVa"anl d Wet Wealh" Cfolhlnll
'SfQ Mfi"
QJJ 1 { U U
Chicks Well Hatched
Are Hal [ SoliI ,
\ To bB lronltlbl. . Incobfltor
" [ flU
" . . . . , . . .
mu.l h..t h hlck. to 1I r. ' e
. : " ! . ; , , ' 81 > % or r.-rUle rlCKI ut-a : " ' > 'S ,
. 'roDIl , he..llhy "blok. that
n ,1 ! } b t'l r'h watnr-
INCUBATOR 11"0 , rolXXJ ot thorn doln.
lUnday , Hololon . 60 II" "It
' ' . , . . . . ,
'l'IUAI. . with ftOoOOOOO ' .n Ounranlec
OporoI8."lth hatrth8 uU and h..lfIh. . trullbl" othe"
,10 , lllrh I"roonla"o hMeh" " . hal hoI . . . .rly.lhat .
g t o "cl.a'P' : : . ; > : r ; I : : :
lIur 120.4/1.1 , \ . \ ' ' , with nil x.
tore. . o\oll "r..d. " " hRrj ( propa..1 . . to all7 $10
I'la " eMt or the Hock7 1 > 1ooDt"ln. , ror 0017
WrU. . rar tr..o oat"Iolol' : tooay nno I"arn why I : lue
. . . , . . . ,
Uateh" " mUlle7 "hllo oth.,1'11 10. mOllt7
. ' ' ' ' ' _ .oJ
( 'UlIl'ANV
VI" , . VClller , Nelt , ollllncL r
Three cat IHlr.lllts lIa\'o aJaln Rhown wDllllertal
romll on the Jo'rcl' JlollleMead Lauda oC WOltern
C.mada this fear ,
Malnlncenl cllrnale-farme" plowing III tllelrablr1
e1ccvc lu the middle uC NUI'cmllcr ,
. . All are boun < IIO ho moro than Joica8ert "lIh the
! la,1 rc.u' : lilt ! p".180."n'8 Iarvc.I.-ExtrleL
Cool. wooll. wale.r. hey In abuudauco , lIehool. ,
ehurche8 , marketd cun , cnlcut , \
Aprly for InllJrmRlI"n In fnMlutpnflent of Imml ,
grallon , Ottawa. Canala , or to uUlhorlzed Canadl l1
UOHrnmentiontW. . y , Hennclt , MOl Ntw York
Lllo lIulhllllg , Om"ha , Nobra.ka ,
1'lenlo ay " , rere yU law tllli advertlaement ,
. .
F A R M For S le
alii U J. MULIlALL , Sioux Clry , Iowa.
Say Plainly to Your Grocer
Thnt yon wnnt , LION COFFEE R.lways , nml hOt
being n sqUlLro IUlLn , will not try to Bell 'Otl anything -
thing else _ You lUl\Y not care for' our oinion. but / I
Wliat About the United Judgment of Millions I
fol lto\1s01coopors who hllYO used LION COFFEE
1Jl' over a quarter of a century ?
: w tho1'o any strollJcr prooof merit. thnn the
Confidence 01 tlte People
nnd evcr Increasing popularity ?
, LION COFFEE 15 carelully se.
t iected at the plantallon , shipped
I cUreci to our various lactorles ,
L whcre It Is sldlllul.y roastcd nnd
I carefully paclccd In scalcd paclc. . - ' "
\ "
r agcs-unlllcc loosc collee , , vhlch \
Is exposed to 'germs , dust , Insects -
sects , cte. nON COFFEEreachcs
you as pure aud clean ns , vhen
IIlclt the loctory. Sold only In
lib. packagcs.
Lion-head on every pnckl1go ,
Save these Lion-hends for v : unhlo ! ) reminms.
WOOLSON Sl'IOE CO. , Toledo , ObiO _