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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1905)
- CUSTER COUNTY RfPUBUCAn By D. M. AMSDERRY. IBROKEN DOW , - - NEnItA8K . J Brief T elegta111S ' ] 'he Inlllrrf'l'tlIII1 111 tll1 )1l'O\rwo ) ! of Ye 1111'11 , A rahill , If ! II1RllmlnLIIII'mlll / ! ; ) II'OllllrIlOlIR. J\lrnCl\t Ihll whol ( ' flJ'1II ' try R)1I1hwl1rll oC SlIlIn IH In 1'1'\'o1L 'fhl' Stntl' JeH1I.tll1l'nl. ) at tll ! ' Hit ! ; I"Htion of Olll1tl'lI1l1ln , notllll".1 . the ne , ) lnrtnH'nt oC , hlHtlel ! oe 1111 nlll' f'd 1111. 1I1wtp.'lnr . ; PXIIl'llltloll uelll ! ; COl'lItI'11 lit 1I10 ile. Aln , I ' , J\h : { ! . 1\lal' \ ' J loffnllln , a " , lllow , agoll 61 , Wla nUne1 < ll1 ! lIy n dog In her ' 11I'11 . nt St" LOllis , whl'h "W'I'lItCII hel' al'ln ' 1lIIdl1' , ntlll aho ( llell within an hOl1r 1rolll Cl'lght. 'fho Ohio RllilronlC 1'011I'1 , 111IlIns ! the ' 1'olulll , tl'l"llOnll , I'IIRI' , 111,111 thllt , lIeltl\I.l' ! cOllncllH 1101' Ill'ollllll ! COIIl'ts nl'o IlII th III' ! : .I' II to IIx tolellhonu ! 'IIt H In franchlsus. I Go'Jernor Wot. 11 0111 of l\IJtlTIIII1I. ] 111 the 'Iinntllli 111 11 n ( > l' of the ; \11I1'ylnllll Sochlt ) ' III Nuw , YOI'k Clly' , IrlllorHul1 President HOOHUV . Jl'R nltllllde III lhe tW1'O ( ] nlstlon. ! ' ' ' ' ' lhe 'fho hOllso t''fnfJell to nrt'l'llt Item in the fJ\\nh' \ \ , ' 1'l\11 \ hili nllo"lng $130,000 to lho National ( 'lIy IInnlc or New YOl'lc for renlal or lhe 0111 Now Yorlc clIHlolII hOIlIlI' . Ahrahnm HOllonhm'g of Npw 1'01'1 , hna hcell IInanlllloIlH ] ' ell'df'd grnnd malllr ! of thn HOlla of ) lI'IIJII III I II , which ol'dcr has II 1I1l'lIIhel'lIhlp of riOOOO In the IIIlcd Siall's , Ah'l'ahnm . HlmclIlI'I'H of New Y01'I < ImsH \ on IIl1allhllouH ] ' nlectoll grlllll , mast pI' of the ! : : iolla of ) IOIIJIIIIIIII , which orllel' hllll II lIIoll1hel'lIhlll of GOOOO III the 4111t011 Sillies. HovollltlOIlIlI'Y 1I ltl1torH rlrculato a rel10rl thnt the ( 'UlI' will ol'del' IL HCII' ( 'I'al dlvlslOIl or 1IIIIIItI , 11I111 till ! mOlljlltH 11I'0 hcglllning to IIclzo the eHtatus. All IIgl'I\l'lal1 revolt Is f'III''d. A1dlslmtch fro III 'I'he IIII uo to till' ! nallr 'J'elegl'allh 1'11111'111 thnt , IIIIII\IIPIIO cruillel's IntlJl'cl'lltell two DlIlch IhlOl'S Ileal' . FIJI' III 01111 on thl' all"lItlolI thllt th'y wCl'n CII\1'ylllg I'ontmhnnll of Will' . At Phllalr'phla , ! the Hx'Htory ( hulltl , In ! ; ol'tIplcd : lIy Fmlllc ' 1''lIfI' & Co. , clg-ar mllllllfnctl1l'ol'H , blll'lI'J. ! ' LeaH , $1110,000. ' } 'wo hUlllh'l'll nnll Hrt1' CIII' ) lIO IR ! al'e thl'own Ollt ,1r nlllllloYlllclIl. J\lni. Challwc. ! I'l'fusl'll to anHWl'I' Ilnr qIlI'HlOUS ! In II 1Il'Ill'Iug hcrore a rrcreo ! III hllnl\\lptry \ In Olrv'lnnd on the ( ri"olln,1 , thnl hOI' tClltlIllOIl ' might 11111 tlio III'OHI clIlon ! In the crlmlnnl caSCB ugahlRI hcr. HC I'fJcnlatl.olnlmhl : SCCUl'cll the JH\SRIlg-e of hlfl hill fill'hl' r ' 1ul'vl' ' of towllflhlls ) in the eOllllUcII or Hoclt anll 11l'oWII in N'hI'IIRlm. 'l'h'RI' tlWII' IIhlllll WCI'O Huhdl\'lllrll III 1874 by val'f lls Ilelllltics of lho gl'noml IlInd o ) c ( ' . AltcmJIl was mallo to nHRlISslnatu Proshlent Morllioli or San nomillgo. 'VaRhlngtoll l'e/llI'Ils / lhe IIIJ\\'H as III' ( lIclltlnl the outbl'pal , or n nlrovolu. . tlOII , nllll AIIHI'lclln . ) 1IInl'lnca mny uo lnllllcd. On WnHhlllgton'f1 hh'tllllny 1J'IIIPCl'or : W1IIInm Invltnll' ' mmnlll'I'f1 of hlH COUl't , all wtill ns all the nlllllatlHllllol's 111111 nl\\"nl IIttn11I"s. ! to 1111 ( 'ntl'l.tlllnmcllt III the ,1al'go l'III'I'.ll1ge hnll ur the roynl stllblos , 'rIl chliel Kl'l1ey , a mlillonalro eoal Ollel'nllll' . IlIcII III DIIII\'IIII' . 111. Kollo ' was IL tllIUYO or 11'el1lllli IUIlI ( 'amo to Amel'lca III 1851 IIH Il l'onUIlOII lahol'm' . Hla wealth Is osUmntl'1I nl ovel' $1 , . 000,000. W. JI. . . . . Qlml1JlI , s'I'otnI'Y of Wll1Inm Zleglol' , J1I'OlllfltCI' or lho ( 'xllellltllln of .t.nthollY Flaln to l'l'1\ch the 11II1'Ih ) lillo , hall ul'I'lvell III Now YUl'k tll ell. g-ago two 1I0ctlll's to accolllpllny the ex. 1IllUun. ! A rI1'\ontall : ) VI ! or gllllH'I'OI'11. . 1111m hllti mallo 1111 III'I'alll-llIIl'lItfl ; ) fol' the BOjo1l1'1I of the Gel'lIIl1l1 111I1101'1111 famll ' III Slelly. , \l ' 1'110 1'11I Ilia the ( ! 1II1101'0l' hnH tal11 Uw'holo of the lIot)1 ) ' 1'II11CO fill' AIII'II. 11II 'ln { . ; $ : ! O per ( lilY. .Iudgo Chnl'lcII S'IIY II 1' . IH'IIII I ltl'lI 1 ' the SClUltO Oil the 1III11eadllJlOllt chnl'g's. has h,11 Hrallll'lI Il leavlof nhtlelHO : CUI' tw'o ' 1II01lthl'l. ' .1ll1lltc SWIl ' 1I0 ( 'XIICItR III t hilt tllIIO \IIHlcl'go a sm. gkal ulIoml lOll. , Iusellh H. F'l'lh' ! , nttOl'IIY lirar. tlchlg III 111111 , 11 a11 II lias hco111' , rcsted 111111 helll to 1IIISWf'1' 1111 a Will" \'aJlt chnl'glllg hllll.wlth l'lIlIIlllI ( II ' In the fl'alltiH h ! thll IHI\totllt'l' lit loloa , Kalllll , Whl'I'O thc : : ; 1111I or $2',000TIll ; mlfslll . J\lajlll' 'rPIIUlliH' 'l'l'lI ] 'c1t , n veterlln oC the. civil wal' , IlIl'cl nt his hOlllo In Chicago or n llUmlytlc I1tl'olw , During 'tho ' ch'n WfII'lnjOl' ' 1'1'11 g .l'Ic wall 'tnlwlI IIrllmner h ' thl ! ( , oIlCl'tll'l'ate at ChlcltullHllllt1l atlll Willi 111'111 0110 Yl'nr III the Llhby II\'I IIII , 'l'J1I ! OV'I'III1\1.'lIl will lIot 11t'l'lIIlt tbe rhllllllellt ; ur ( 'nttlC' Olll of \\I\'IIfI\I\ ; UIIII'H 111111111111111 al'I Ih'Ht 1\11111011. ns n 11I''I\Utloll ! IIglllllRt thn 1-1111'1'1111 of IlIfedloliR 11I1I'IIHe8. 'l'hIR ( h''IHloli WIIH " 'Oll out by)1' \ . Sill 11I1111 , chief or the BUI'CUII or J\lIll11nl IIIhl\tl' ' . During the rlOt 11I1 { 11lI1'flll'IIUll1CO , at the OO III St. 1.011111 , n tlgol' Rlllhh'llly I JlI'nllg nt 'frahwI' 111'1'11I1\11 lIogOl' IInl1 t(1lzoll ; 10gOl"H hl'llIl In ltli jUWtl , At. tmHIllnttl I'IlHhl'l1 to tllo I'I'lUO ! ) 11I111 "nvcI ) , Bog I'H , Wll .cHl'l'lml fmlll the nlolIIt'OIlHcloUH , Fruit grnwel'H III the vlc1l1lt ' of , Dollton lIarlJOl' , MIch. , hl\vo rrnrhcd 1\11 agrcolllollt to litoll IHlOltillg- fruit In the OrChl\l'llR , AH of IC will ho talc ell to ccntml IIIIC1dll ; hOUflO , where It will he g-I'atlod lI1ld IlIIcltell lJ ' an usso. claHo1 } of the & ; 1'0\\00. ROOSEVELT AND FAnRBA NIKS TAKE OATH I " I Thou" nds of Visitors Throng National Capital to Witness the Ceremony-ProcOfssion , the : Greatest Seen in Washington Since the Close of the Civil War. , PROGRAM , 10:45 : n. m , l'reHldclltlcft White HOllse for the ' Cllllllol. 11 :55 a. m , Prosillent enlornel SOllnto cham. her. 12 Noon. Pl'ollllll'nt pro Ipm or Senalo nel. 1I111111'1lerell ' oath of olllco to VI co 1'l'cRltlent.ell'ct FllIl'hllnlcs , who lIeJlverctl hlH 1111111glll'1I1 Ilddl'ebs. 12:30 : p. m , Elltlro nssem ln/Q / : prorcclIOtI 10 Rlnnd III eUllt Cl'ont of the Cnlli. 101 , where I'rcRlelcllt Hooscvcll tooc ] onlh of olllco IUI dcJlvel'ol1 his Inlluglll'lli lultll'Jlia. 2 p , m. m.Preshlp.nt Preshlp.nt rotul'ned to Whllo lIollso. lJl'llntl 11I1I'allu followed. 7:30 : p. m , l11111ulnlltlon or cll ) ' alld lllllln ' of IIrcwol'l < lI. 9 p. m. InllulolIrnl haH , oJlencd hy Prel. ; ellt IIndtrR. . Hoe u\ ' lt. Theodore ROOHO\'elt was on March " transfOl'nwlI f'OlII JJI'oRldcnt h ' chnnco Into 111'RIcont ) ! I ) ' cholco : 11'0m proslclont throllgh nil aiHIl8111's 1.IIIlIet Into IIresldenl thl'ollgh the ballots or the JJCOlllo. Unller the shadow of lho gra ) ' . don\lr ) cllpllol , g-azlng 11110 Iho JJIllc1c1 mar\lle features of Oroollollgh'f1 statue of the first Ill'elllllent. the I.wcnt "Hlxth . presillent oC Iho Ullitel ! SllItcs swore . falthfllJly to CxcClito the lawa and to prese1'\'C , III'otect , nnd tJoCend the COli' SUlUtlolI. 'fhoro were rOll1'eselllctl III the throngs thnt hlld jOllrno'oll to .the Clip' Itn ! to greet Pro lIlenl Hoosevelt men from the North , South , gllst anll'eRt. . and from dlstllnt Iflnnlls , ; of .tho seils ; from the PhlllpplncH , 11'0m Porto nlco , from lIawall-fl'Ol11 c\'ery lullIl where floats the emblem or the Ho. pulJllc. In the gl'cnt rllll'llde tllCI'O rrllo governors of stntoR , bolh North mill Soulh. The presl ellt's olel rnn. = 1ll'r frlendfl , wllh larlal and chalJl\reJoai and wlr3' bronchos , made Rll'llnro trasl to the sUCr.buclcod , Jloulcr chested 'oullg men from the lIutlOlJl\l military schools. Rough Itlliers from Sun .Juan lilli , volunteel'8 fl'Om Snnlho , jucldcs from 1lllnllluay \ shnl'ed the Illau lts of the multlludo with modest. evory. da ' soldIers , for whom the tlllo Hog- ular Is dlstinclloll < 1ullo cnough , Political cluus fl'om gaRt anll Vest , mllltinmen from North IInd : south. hlue.clad veternns or the sixties , heroes of the SIHUJlsh.Amol'lclIlI war , mIners from 1lcnns 'IYnllla , the entlro leg-Islatul'o of the state o ( 'fenness e , tht' pl'ealdent'H nelghhol'i3 fl'om O 'sICl' Da3'-nll contl'lhnled to the -national character of the lilliondhi lIagenlll. , 'rhel'o wCI'e walllnl ; for the 11resl. dent when ho emergell from the white 110nso thlt'y ! plclpd men from the Hough Hlllel's mulCl' GOY. Brodie. With the cl'acl , squudl'on A or the FIt'st Cavnlr ' , U. S. Al'1n ' , they formed hIs escorl to the cUl1ltol. As UII ! ' swung around the trcasury bulhllng illto Ponnsylvanla a\'enue a dlvlllion or the G. A , n. , with Gen. O. O. Hownrll nnd staff III the lead , which hllll beell fitamllng at fialuto , wheeled Into the column. wh110 the cavull' 'mpn checltc thQlr 11aco to accommOlhlto the slower foot teps of the ng-od veterans. A mighty wave of cheol's Swollt nlnng the avenue as the pl'eRltlonl's cnrrhlo ! came In sight. 'l'hl'oughout the whole ronto the Ilrl'l.1lllent. with hut In hand , lcopt howlng In aclmowlcdgmellt of the I grectillgR. On hl8 nrrlval at the capl. tal ho wus conductoll. 10 the IJl'eHlelellt's room , In the rOllI' or the SOllllte ehnm- lieI' , where ho bOl'an at once the signIng - Ing of uelated bll1s. At noon ho 011- tered the nuodo or the Benato to wit- neRS the Inlltnllatlon of Scnalol' I'alt' . bnnls as "Ico IJl'csldenl. ' 1'hls cerc. mony cOJl'hulell. ho 11I'Oe'cllell to I ho fitllnd on 1110 onsl fl'ont or the cnllllol to receh'e the oal h fmlll Chll' ! , Justlco 1'11101' nml to doll\'I' hfH Inaugural al ! ' dress. Itnml'llIatpl ) ' U)1on ) lis rnnclu- 510n the IIreBlllcllt waR I'scnl'tl'd hncl' to the whlto hOlIRP , wl\l'l'o , afll'l' tuncl : . ing with the olllrlnlR of the hluugul'lll committee , ho tonl. hlH JHlslllolI on the Ftanll In fl'ont to rovlew the 101'I\Ial Innu/\I1'al / IlIIrndl' , Intuguratlon Ceremonies. ' 1'ho broad 1)lnza ) WhORO 10\\1 surfure slretches ellllt fl'ol\l the lIatlonal ell pi- tel cnll accolJlJfHlat\ armr. For hours Washlngtoll 11IIUl'l'I1 Its ow \ 11IIJI' ulatlon nllli a'nHt ItH'I'I'I\IPltl of "IR' 1101'S Inlo the rl'Ollt 'nl'll 01' the I'l'nt of gO\'OI'nmpnl. m ht IIct.CS of hlllnnllll ' sl'eall ) ) Call-Rhll ) )1'11 ) 1'l'Om the foe II Ii mnde hr n lIttio CO\I'eti RheH'r , UJlOII at the Bldos. whel'\ the 1II'I'Hltlellt waste to shull ! . O\'el' towlIl'll the ImJloslnr ; fneado of the cOlIgl'nRRlollnl lIbmry It extended , lItc-l'IIlI - ' II "IWIl 01' faccR , " There mll ' hllvo hl'l'lI olll ' 50,000 ; prohahh' thol'o WfH'I' III'al'PI' tOn. oo III sight of the 1)\'eRltlent ) wlll'lI ho tool , the onth. 'fhe ItnpOIdll\ : \ Corm of ASlmclalo , JmsUco ,10hnlunllll1l1 l1ul'llIlI , who IH Ilhnolt ! hel'Olc III MlullIrc , WUH the III'st 10 eatt h the ( ' 'O or lho vaRt crowll , FlulIwd ! hy the lIIurHhnl of the Su. 111'(11)0 ( 'ourt Ulld the I1Il1rshlll of the DlroJll'let of Uollllnbla , , Inllt.1co IIrll'lnn 1011 hlH , 'oIlUIIguofl"ul'hl"l / : III flowlnl ; I'Oh08 of' ulnel" tOJIIlCd wllh sut III Hkllll caJl ! > ! , to till' II' elltli nl the loft or the tl.thulIC , Al1ol' n 1II'Ief lJaURO , COllnt CIIMIJIII ! , Iho HtSIIIIII ! Ill1lhUlllfndor and tlean of Iho tllJllolllat.1c CO 1')1 ) 1'1 ' , mar. Rhull'll fOI'1 h I ho 1I11111l1SIIlHiol'S and mllllII'I'1I IIf fOI'I'lglI cllunll'lell. Mrs. JtOOHJ\Clt nnllIrs. : . FIIII'lmnl'8 WCf'O lH'xt csem.tetl 141 HeatK JUHI. out. Hlelo the t 1'11111 II l' . 'l'ho llrl'sllJolIl'S chll. tlrt1I ! WCI'O with ; \ll's. HOOBI'\'olt , nncI : \11' , Flllt'hnn.s' ! 10 HOIIIItudonls at. 1'1119. IInd hh.l Ilnn htel'II'H ; , Adelalle 'fhnmons'J'O with "iI' , Fnirullnls. 1\1 I'S , HOO'H'voll'IlK go\\'noll In n se. vore ! ) ' IllullI Inllol'ell Hult of elcctrlc 1,1110 : the 1'01111/1 / sl < 1l't \\'IIS tl'llllmcd In hnnds of IIghl ( 'I' shndo JHIfIfIO " 01- vol , 11I1/1 / the shol't , lIIJdl h jaclcot hull n vet ! ' ! or the Jtllllno hrnlelpd In silver , 1\lrs. I.'ah'bnnltj ! wOl'e a hl'lIutlflllJ'CSS ' \ or 11\'own " J\"ot. trllJllIIl'tl'lth ohll1'on alld whlto el'lIIillO , 111'1' hnt Olltl gloves were aillo while. Vleo President 1o'nlr. bnllII ! , IIccolllllllnlpll lIy the fiCcrotary or lhe son ale IInti followed hy the , stm. atm's 111111 cx-sellnhll's , was next in t\H'nt 'one , fired In hOlloI' of Iho newJy Itlllu/"IlraltI / chief eXl'cutive. The 10llHloII was hrolwn , Utili II ronI' of Ch'CI'R reHoulldecI fnr nnd wide IIcross the 11111za. For IIII1I1Y minutes the jan lu of IW\IIIIIII \ contlnu(1 ( ! IIniol'u tlib I" " ClitdCllt cO 11I1 1I111 ! a chance to 110' gin his Innllgllral addrl'\s. ' 1'110 cOl1clusloll of tllU IItlllress wag I the slgnnl [ 01' allollu'l' O\'ullon , ur. ! Inll which Ir , HomH'\.ll rhool , 1Ialllis wllh mOKt of the nolnhles who JlrCSRl'l ! ahollt the'tl'lhllue. 'rhl-n ho was CR. cOl'f'd ! bne ] , to the l'Ol1ll1lia of lho ( 'ullIol ) nnd thollco to the exemillvo clambl'I' , whul'c ho helc1 II brier I'nc'p. tlon l1efol'o .Joa vlns for the Whlto 110llS0 , VlccPresldent Sworn In. Senator CharIeR Warrell l"nlrhnnJ\s , Ol Indillna , hccalllo "lce-lIl'esldont or tllo UIIllod Stntes shortly nftel' the f1\lll'lJlt'-faced clocls of the ! JUnato cham bel' I'eglstorel ! noon. At thal hOllr Scnator Fr 'e , preRI. d'nt p1' ( ) tern. , hammered the muhle : t' I" IIl1d annoullcell III fil't. fOJ'mula lI'at the senate of the FIft "elghth ron rRS'US adjoul'fled HIIIO die ; thpn IHJ Imml1ately callntl the oxtra' ol'lllnal'Y session of the senate of the FjClnlnlh congress to order. 1\11' \ . Falruanlm was forth with l1sh. or'd Into the chnmber , thc sennte 1l'cmIJers of the IlIau ural committee I VICE.PRESIDENT FAIRBANKS. ' i , I Inaugurated March 4 : 190 = . or or. Then came SlIeal\Or Cnnnon and the house of relll'el'l'1'Itntlvl's. 'fho Instant the tall form 01' t he vice 11resl. dent nplleal'e a swelling cheol' lJurst froll1 the CI'OWII.11' . I"all'bnllls llOwe reI1eatellly hefol'c tnJ\lng his chaIr. Secretary I1anlld olhel' members of the cabillet'CI'O uslJ'l'ed to tholr . chairs , and at tholr heels came Ad- mll'l\l Dowe ' and Lleut. Gen. Chaffeo. UI1ows ! of cheers gl'cetcil Admiral Dewey , and the hel'o of l\lnnlla IJar : showed that he was IIlt'asell. 'rho 0\\nlol'3 \ of stat" ! " and tl'rrl- lot'lcs and the ether Invltell guests followed In In lscl'lmlnato fushlon , anll In a short tlmo all wns In readiness for the coming of the chief executive. Pl'esldellt Hoof.iovell allvnneed fl'om Uw door of the capitol , al'lll III 1\\11\ wllh Chtef Justlc ( ' Puller. Instantly , from all IHlrls of the colght HCl'efl or humllnll ' , arose 111'OlolIgcd. . tumultuous - ous shout. Bl'hlnd tbo IlI'l'sltlcnt and his whlle.hall'l)11 compnnlon came JnmeH II. l\1eKlnlll' ' , clel'l , or the su' ) ll'emo ( 'Olll.t , Iwal'lnE ; a ) lollllerous Blulo.'hen the domonRlrlltion coasoll , Chlof .hlHtlce Fullcr. his snowy locis falllll to his Hhouhlel' , IlI'onounccd lho ollth , Pl'eslllunt Hoosovclt's'olco \\'ns easlJy IIlIlllblo lit ( ) mo ( IIHtance whcn ho 1'011OIItoll the COI'mnl IIl'clarn. tlon III'c8rl'llJell In III't.1clo 11 of the ConRlltlitlon : "I 110 o1t'mllly swenr that I wili filII h flllh' t'xecuto the ' : Jllleo of' IIl'cHlllonl of the Clliled Stah' . alld \ \ III to the hcst of my Ilblllt ' , 1"'l'HUI'VO. I'otrct 11I111 Il < : fOll/l / the COIIHlitutlon or the Unllf'11 Str.tOH. " A secolld latcr ho bow ell and IJI'cH8ed hlH 1Ils111011 ) the 01"11 " JHlges o ! 110lr Wrll. AglIIII 11l'ocl. ho faced till' Ill'ollh' , and fOl' an IIIHtllJlt Ilel'fcct sllcuco 11l'11I. A Hlgllal hlHI heclI IIl1shetl f'OlII ! the 11011I0 of the clIlIl. tel to the lIa\'y ) nl'II. Whl'IH'O CIUllO the hoom flf II 1"11 Inl'h IoIIU , Ill'lit of acl1u 118 his escol't. Ho } Jroceedod to the rostrum. whm'o Senator Fryc ndmlulsterell the usulII oath. 'fho new "lco'IIl'eslllent's firHt otUclul act waste to call \Ilon ) the enato's chaplain , the Hev. DI' . Edwllrll Evol' lIule , to prn ' . 1\11' , Falrbllnl.s then dellvel'ed his III au g-II I'll I luldross , 111111 , at Its con- clusion. ho hlBfI'lleted the secretary to rend the JJ\'csldent's J1roclamntJon c < .nveulllg the cxtraol'llnal' ( ' session o the senate. : Next the lIew fieua- , tors were called to the secl'etllr > "s desk anll look the oath. PI'esldcht HOQsevolt wes thou eccol'ted hnck to the cxccull\'o chllm- uer , adjolnln the marule room , Jlre. . J1Il1'ator1' to goln to the enst 1100'lIco , hImself to tal < o th ! ) outh of ofllee. ' } 'he otber dlHlln lIlshod vlsltol's 111ell out of the chamher In the ordOl' ot' olllcial IJrecollencp , alld went to the sonts as. signed thelll fOl' the Ilresident's cel'e. wony. The Great Parade. " 'Hh slandal'ds11111 ; ; , rultllons whillllinIn / the hreezc. nnd re l- n ontnl colors 1I\III1t1n ! Infalltr ' ' . \ ; ; , , ca\ airy , 1\1111 IIl'tll101' ' tl'lImHl ) ! ! , Ill'nncclI , tHaI I'umhled through hl ! > tol'lc Pcnll' s Ivanla a\'cnue. gXllcl'lenced ohscrvol's declllroll thllt ( ho III'oeessloll hOllt alJ Its lire. dec08sol'S , O\'l'n Ihat oflcKlnloy'f.i : sccUlul Inauguratlou , Not slllce the r(1vluw of the Federal arlllY after the Civil WI\I' has the venue Seen so' I1IIIIIY ntlll sllch vurlety or solllll'l'8. ' 1'hero wcro hotwl'on thlrty-thl'co anll thlrt ' .II\'e thollsand mell In llllo. 10'01' three hOlll'H the 1II0blllzutlOll I" ' ( ) . greH8ed II10ng First "trl'ct , POllut\ . \'aula n\'ellue. Ilnd conlh'\mt stl'eols about the ( 'lIpltol. Ahenll of ( ho pllrndo III'Oll'I' ) PI'l'HI. 11'lIt HOOHI'\1'11 all/I / his ' (1SCOI'/ / . thIs I ; 1I1l' rOIl1\1oht'll \ huh Iy or till' Hough HIders and Squa rofl A , at 1IJrlgp ( 'll11 JII'oceHledIII the A'eullo to the White lIotll > e , where the JlresldclIl , uC. tOl' his lunch , tool , position In the IllInll l'o\'lo\\'luJ ; IItaud , 1l1I'I'ollndell by me-mho : ' : : of 1:1 : : cahlnet , the dlllomats ) nlld 01 her IJOtaules. 'fhen , to the hlum of ugles , lho ulg procession Htm'led , I 'fho IIrst hrlgalc , WIIH helulull hy I.elli. ! Ol'U , WUde , In CO 111 111111111'or the elltlre IIIll1talT section , ACtor hlni CI'1II0 the Fifth uand , nl'l1llel' ' COI'II'3 , statlone1 ! Ilt Fort lIulIIl1toll. Now YOl'k. 'l'hls was Hl'sl of fOl'lr handa III the } J1\rndu , Sllltulnln tholr' 1'011\1' tutlon or uoln the most IlCrfeclly drlll.1 . hld ' or trooll. ' ! In Ihe world , IH'xl followl'd the rOI'IIR of cnlletH I'rum Ille Uultcl ( Slnll'R IIII11/al' / ) ' ncndemy. l\'utlll'lllly I hp ) ' IlIvlll11 honOl'1i 'dth lho fllllll'e nll11ll'11ls , fl'o\JI Annapolis , \ \ ho l1\ul'chcll Il11molllnll'l ) ' heh Ind , lessPI ! In IJntt1' ! Hllts of IIIIV ' hIlle , lho jell ' jaelHnr 81111'It fairly I > hlll' Jllg III tlwl' , ' ' ! lIoylsh fllps. 1'hl'lI calllo Ihe J'e1-lIlul'S. ; real enlist cd men. IIvo h\111111'0d of the SecolIl ! IHltalllon of englneerR swlnglllg along behind their own hanl ! . 'l'h(1n came the state troopR. 'fo the n\lll\1.Iol' of HOOO they OCClllllod lIeal'ly two hOllrs In Il1lssln ; ; a given point. In orller to IH'ovent dlHIHllos as to ) Ire. cedcnco each sillto contlnglmt clUne III nllJlmhetlcul ordol' , so thnt AlII' bamu.'lIh a slnglo comlHlny of hel' 'J'JIiI'd I'cglment , led the way. hJ\llana , "ieo PI'l'sldent 1'lIh'hnnls' homo stnle , had enl ' a COIJIJHln ) ' to her Cl'clllt , sixth In lIne. while the Ill'esldent's slate , New YOI' ] " with the Inrgest < 1\1oln , thl'co fulll'C'glmcntH and sl'\'c1'll1 sl'lIamto hOllh H , totullng nClIl'I ) ' 4OUO men. waR tenth III 01'1101' . Although solcllol'Y wn the chIef fen. tme , the civilian organlzallolls form. In I ho Rl'coud sectloll or the ) lIlracle showcd UII strong' In numhel's.Inrch. : . Ing In I hI ) 011011 Ot'dm' hrrected IJ ) ' JIU' lIt1cal clubs , they 8111'e:1I1 : nil OVCI' the a\'cnul' , ' 1'holo wel'c about 1&OUO III line , 'l'lwy slJuel ) ! tu ho IHltslng ; an Intl'l'mllJllbe ! tlmo. 1II0I ! ' wearln tOIl lIats nll twlr'Uns fragile walJdn ! ; stlcl < s. Ohio , which usually manngl'S to malIC h'r IJrl'seIlC' l'olt , l\Cpt UIl her 1'111Inlloll. / . She had in IIno the fa- mOU3 Hall-spllltel's of thp Toledo Lln. ( 'oln cluh. the 'fppecanoc ! club or C'lcvl'lalld , the famous Hinging orran. 11.tlons : of Co1ull1 UUS , .t ho Bucw'e ] nlld HI'Jlublican glee clubs , the Knl hts oC J\laclIhcos IInll the Flolschll1l1nn He- lIuhllcan club of Clnclnllatl , ' 1'he Spallish wal' veternns folJowed the G. A. H , veterans , thel'O belllg avout 2,000 aU told of these two so- clctles. . . The Btll. Inaugural halls nl'o th. ' ! 1iIggcst ! 'Q. clal 1'uncllons thnt OCCIr : in America , 'rho'lIlng's reception at the Pension - sion huildlng cxccelled in 1l'I\nleul' ! Its ) lredecessors In the gl'eat ( ! llIfire. ''e ) WOl'O In thb nelEhuol'hood or IOOO : ! 11C'sons nt thc uall , ( ' 1\Irs. Hoosevoll's baU gown wa\ \ male < 1t' a &Jcclal ; weave of a new hn c of lIght blue silk wIth /lgul'es / or doves in goll ! tlnsol. ' } 'ho shade has heen nnmod "Alico blue , " In honor of the IIresldellt's daughter. wIle Holeet- Cll the ! Ilatl'l'lal ' at the St. Louis full' . TIc cloveR , which al'o relll'escnted as Hying dlngonall ' ncl'oss the lJluo of the dresH. are of val' 'lng ! : .Izes , from two illChcH hetwpell the tlVH or the wings down to the sl1.o or a bce. 1\I1'f ! . Fall'han1s WOI'O a gown of whlto satin ll\lcheHso , omul'oltleru with roses of gold in the lIatu\'IIl size of the flowcr , 'rhe lacc trimming wus of Urllsficls llOlnt tI'allllllqllo. with u ( 'eslgn ' of bu\\.lmots an lIIal'gdCl'ltes IlItel'wovcn. The decorations of the ball-room 011111111 all 'thln that CVII' Iwl'ol'o hns been attf'lI1llteeVaI1H ! , rolllmns.1.1 - (1W8 ( and c\'ory noo' ' . anll COI'II'ol'e cm'ol'ed with AI'CCIIS and Cllt tlowers , IlIIlms 11\\11 \ f'I'IIS , flagH. hallllOl'S alld bIlJltln ' . o tltal. lho thousanlls of hllcst ! ! lIIi ht ! oolc'lth htl' ) 'cst Ulloll Eomot.1tlll ol < i , ' or beauty thun dazz1lng gowlIs anti lIltl'I'III juwels. 'i'he Ioli' ( ; ' of llie 1''IIHlolI hlllllllng wtl'e thl'o\\'n ellen ut S o'cloel" hilt the IIlI'Hlel'lIt ! 'anll hlH lal'l } ' die ! lIot nl'l'l\'o 1111111 ! J o'colocl" 'l'hl' ' wcnt 111I- lIIelllnlPly to rOlns Hlilclal1 ' III'opllrcc1 , cnl'pl'l'11 nne ! ( Il'cmtl't ! fol' tI\I' ' ' ' rucell' IlulI : Itlill a half hour Intl"l' the grallrl l1I l'ch r ! lIIl\1onel'll. 1'1'l'sillcllt aliI ! I'H. Hoosl'volt learllng , All fl'st1vHles 1'l0sl'II s'IH\l111 ' IltmhIlIlght , uo auso It wus 111'11'\'ccl ! b < " 8t 10 tn'sIHt81i IIU Sab- hnlh IH'IIIClpll'S. 'l'huR the IIsual Ill'uc , 'lice or tlJ ( ) ) J1'f'sl 11 ellt. : ; wf\\'mg lat mhlnlht : UllrI turning the hall over 10 the IOllUlaCo } to c1l1l1CO 11Il1ll . da ' . I'pal , hllc1 10 ho ah lIHloneli. ( 'tlllrl'l.ts \ \ 111 ho gl\'cn a I. I1w Pen. frlllll omc ( ' tH'-.t wee I" s thut these \\'ho 110 1I0t ultl'lIl1 the hal1 lI\a ' ha\'o 1\11 \ ollllortulIlI ) ' to Sl'O the lIecoratlollB. \t ( ; " ; ' \0 , ' . . /J. 41/f , ! t't : ' n" . . . , " ! : " oJ' , .f..J ; 'Ht' I"I"\-t. , . - " _ , .r. : : ' . ; ' ' ' , L . . . . . . . . ' IN _ . . ' . - , _ - . . " - ' , . , . ' .1 ' . ' . , . . .r. - . . " , , . " : ' , ' , ' . ' , , ' , . ' 'J. ; . ' ' , . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . " . . , 0J. . ; , Jt1. & " " ' $ ' ' J : : / , ) . ; > ' - - : ' . , . . , " I. . ' ; : ' . ; " f1V' " ' ; , . . . , . : . : . ' ' ' # . . .4 . . lVI. \ ' " , "t ' - , . . . , - . . . . - . - , ' , -or , ' - . ! " : - . ; . - ji. , . . . . , : , ' . , . \ ' : ; . \ ; ; ; , . . . . . " " ; .i. " " . . " , ' " 1 ' . ' : t'- t. : . . ' . < . . . ' . ; " . . . . ; " , ' : ' , . < ' . . : . : . : . ' . : if ; ' l . : } : 7 : 4 ; ) . ; . 1)16 . . . , , r1f ' r I J , . ! ff ! ' .f. " , II , lJ , ' " 1 . " , 'I. ; < . . . , . : . . . 'f I c ; . . . . . . " , /1f ' , > . ' ' 1 : ' . I.'J ' . : It : . , i ; 71. , . . . . " ' ' ' = i' < . . . t ' I Joe \ ' - W.Ji . . ' . p . . . . , " ' . . i ' o " rpwit'1-1i1. . 'J : , ; ; ; " 'c' ' ' ' 1' JJJ'S.'d& . . ' " ' 'i'l'L.-e : . ' , 'i , " - : I " ' . . . ( -s- : " , r ; f ' ' . - . " - , .EMitm' . \ : \ ' . . . . . - . witiP'f.1.EMitm' ' , 3't'ol ' Jr . . . : " . " < < ' > . ' ; . . , ' - , "I.I . .J. , oJ : f" .l. . . . . ; : : : J'I J ; : : : : } ! lr ; : it 1 i. 1 fi . : ; ; 1i . : 6' ; { ( . . f'1 ( ) - , ' -l'IV1t'u ' : - " " ( ' ' .1111 , , . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' " ? \ t'1l'IV1t'u .s : , ere ' = - : ' : I.l" { 'J A1 , I.i . , , : . , t : , . . . . . " ' - ' ' . ' ' ' 1Y. \ . . Y-c.-r.- f.o ' ' * * ' ; ; " ; : ' c. ' . 1"i ' . . Q' " ' ' . . , Z'ftJi " " 1'1 ' . . . . : ! .h h. , ] tt 1 , . 'f , .1 -o. , . . . f ; . . . ut. " . . . : : : " i1JI.C c.1j \ ' ; " ! t. ? i't" . . . tJ..i "f" : < - - ' , , , ; cg.f . ' . . , I _ . . " : ; . ' : Jit:1tJlJ . , { "fr.j. 1\ ; f 'v . "t " " " " ' ; . ; . IS' - : : . } ' ; " f ; . . . . J ( ; " " .k Jr ' - - . 101 , ( ' , . J. , ' " . : " : , " < " . . . I . _ . . . . . _ ' . : ; . , \ , I . .0 ' ' \ r HfY" u" ' " l A . A ( ; : . . . . { . , . . . . . . - . . . : 1'l . : . ' : - " , - ( , ( , ) ? ; . , . ; q .l\ : ri'illiWJ . . > . : ; T - . . . . . jl . . .L- , I'I , ; . , ' . _ 1' : . . \ ' , ' . THE PROCESSIO IN PENNSYLVi\NIA AVENUE. , . , . , . . , ' : . , . : ' . ' . . , : , . , : . / , , . . ' . . . . . . - , ' . f" , ' . , ' . I , . Where 0' L < ldy Tells Her Age. 'Vlten IlIdV4 ! go to hllY a ress In "Tapan they tell 1110 hol1lcceper their ugo , ulld wheth(1r thp ' 111'0 married. hecauRo llJ'ro are slleclal deslgn < J f ( ) the SI\11lo und douhle rellltlons of 1Ifl ! . liS well us Cor uges. 'fhe consequonc of this c\1stom fs that 'ou can toll UHt- aso of OVCI' ' 1I\IIy 'Oll meet , nnd lmow whethcr Rho Is married , procls. . , . Iy ns thoush she were l cle . Complain of Varying CurrencIes. Canadians who Ira vel In the Unltel ! . Slutes a\111 Amorit'ans who travel In Canada alllw cOII\lllllln \ or the emuar- ' rassmt'nts Illchiellt to the dIfferent. ' . . . . ) I money Issucs of Ula two cOllnUors. , , - - Zulus SwIft Runners , 'flo , 1'I\to nt whleh the Zulus can. . run In an ( 'lIerg1cy \ Is nstonlshlng. " Some will co\'or liS mu'h as , fifty I mlles In six hO\ll's. Eight mllls III a.u. hour Is an ol'dlnal' ' fl'at. Liniment of Cedi'lr 011. Cednr 011 Is n val\1nulo liniment , . nnll as a ge1(1 J'Il I pllin l < 111er hnd 1m- , men so'ogue at ono tlmo among pat' nt medicine lI\en. \ GuIdes and trap. , Jlers sUll lJellevo in It. , -o4t Vhere Inventor Got Idea. lt WIIS from watching his wlCe follt np 11 11IIh' of stoclllIgs that the in. vuntor of the 1I\0 \ el'n Indln 1'IIhuer to- hacco 110urh first got his Idea , Tul'fl Hose on Natives. ' } 'ho m'thml clllplo 'et1 uy the cap. ' ! alnH or the Nllo uoats to lceop thl ) . natives IIwa ' ou lalldlng Is'to turn. . the hose on lhelll. Cost of Extinguishing Fires. It costs on an ILvet'llg-e $200 to put oul a fil'o In 1.ondon , and $700 to ex. lInJulsh ono In Now Yorlt. - - - - Doing Great Work. Ward , Al'lc. , 1\lal'ch Gth-Speclll.J. ( -Fl'om all 0\01' the \Vest roport- : ( 'orne of cures of lfferent forms ot Kldllc ' Dlsense hy Dodd's Kidney Pills , an thIs. plnco Is not wlthon o\'ldence of the great work the Great. I Amcrlcan Kidney Remod ' is dolnl ; . Among the cllroll here is 1\11' . J. V. . 'Waggoner , n , well Imown citizen. who. In aplntl'l'vlew , sn 's : "Dodd's KidneY' PIIIJ ha\'o Olle wonders for me , My Iddnoys and bllllltior were badly outer or orller , I uscd mlln5' medicines , uut , . got nothing to cure mo till I tried Do d's Kl ney Pills , Two boxes of' them fixc me UlJ so that 1 have been. well e\'el' slncc. " 'fell the poor Id ney and blad er diseased } Jcoplo to tlllo Do 's Kl ' ney PIII and get " . .el ! , " No case or 1ldney complaint is ' .01 > far gene for Dod 's Kl ney Pills tl > cure. 'l'hey lire the only remedy lhat has ever cUl'ed , BI'ight's Disease. , I To Truly Live. Life Is whllt wo al'o all\'e to. It Is. . , not length. hut breadth. To be all\'e' " ollly to allpetlle. Illeasure , Jlrlde. ! Ilon. ) f / , ancl not to goodness anl1 Idndness , purlt y ancl love hlHtory. poetry and music , ! lowcrs , stars , God imd eternal Itopcs , Is to UO all uut. deadIaltlle D. I1abcoelt. Graphite Mining. The IsJan ( of Ceylon Ig one or th lru'gestl'Il1hlto / mlnlnr ; countries In the world. Largo 11pposlts of grnllhltl ) lire 11180 bl'ln exploited ill Sluerla. . chlel } ) ' In the nolghbol'hood of Irkutsl , . on Lake linla ] ! . . Japanese Newspapers. 'fhe firHt , Tallanl'S ! ! lIewspaper was pnullshed In ] SIil : , ol1ly forty.ono ycars. ago , an conwilled so III 0 news trails- Inted from the DutC'h Impel's , Today .Tapan 1111.3 IGOO dally IJWSIJllIJerS a.nd l1el'lo lcals. Adulteration Unlimited. I A 110u1' I'ot'l'ntly IJI\rehaS'etl \ in 1'01' . tugnl provel ! on analysis to contaIn G:1 : per ( 'enl of Imolln or china cluy. whllo the J'l'muinder WIIR mostly gl'oulld l'iC'o huslcs anll filiel ' ) lowdcr. cd suwdust ! Tippling In South Caroll.a , 'fho Colulllhll1. ( S. CI Stllto uot , t , thnt "tho IIIHpI'IISaI'Y salps In Sumter ( populatloll GIiSO ) for the Rlx (1a ' .3 . . onlllll Dl'c , : ! - \ n lregnt e $ GA t : - 11I01'0 than $1.00 wOl'lh of I'U\1I COI' earh IlIhalJltant. All Carried Walking StIcks. WIlIlc\II \ slll'l.s were In the fashIon In Ol'cere nhout f01l1' and twenty 1"11' . - 'turles ago , whl'n the mnll who ap. IlParpt ! In Ihl R rl'lJtR or Athenfl with. out II stlt. ! , walIahlo to IJe arrestoll as n IlIriOl'IIf'I'I ' IHJl'HOn , Defiance Starch . 1111011111 hi' In 1'\1'1'\ ' 1I1I1II't'huI ) ( : nnut' ! On /OO ( ) , hl'h' ( , , flllill'I' ' ! 1II0l'C CnJ' 10 ct'n 1 > i 1. thnn all ' olh\'I' 111'1\1111 or col wal'H' 1 starch. _ I Has Appropriate Monument. A ( Jl'I'I1H1n Ilelll'lI.maler , roeenlly tlCl'I'IHH'11. hns fln'I' . hili gl'nye n glgllll' lie stone 1'f'III'cst'lItallon of halt : \ 11'1l11pl1dl I' < , l as Ii lomustone. 1l I of'l',1 , S1ll11l18101ll' . wllh a core or gl'Hlhlle ) : Inl'l ] < l8 111 11Iamolol' . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Swore Oi1 H Is Own Bible. " A ( 'lIlItlolls 11'\1111 : juror , . al the 0101 ! llalll'r. 1.0nllIlI. IHought hiI' OWII Bllxi'iIA \I'll h htm. 10 In' SWOI'l1 hlJOn and so 11\ . ' tool , 1\0 \ 1'1 < ; 1. 01' mlfol'f\llI'l' . . - - - - - - - - - - - - I'I o' . . ( 'Ufl' ( , :11I,11I1 ht' too 1I11:1IIr : llOkl'n or 't II " "ulth j'un' . "I. \ \ " O'/lIIJr.S / , 3:3 : : ' 1'1I1r11 Avu. . . . . : \illllll'lIlkt. ! . , ; 'IUI'n" ,11\\1 , C , Ill ( ) ( ) . If 11Igll1t ' of olllco I.Ihoulll JlrovllIt' I ! l mlln 11'011I ulIs\\'ul'llI uCl'lIsatlon , ' . of l'IulI'lI'tm' tllgnlt ( un COllltllct $ hollill I'efllte them. ' \ : llan'IIU OIIf\lIlr (1ISClliiiJ1traJrs ( ot hA henrt 1111111111) ' IIIIV6 He\'eri blacle rnarlut to tJoh' ! crulll ! .