Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 16, 1905, Image 1

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    " . . - . ' 11" ; . . . . ' . . . . . . . " ' . - ' , ' : ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' - - '
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a' ntfl 111' l.\Lrt\1ll111
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, .
, I . . ; , USTER lJOUNTY . : . EPUBLICAN.
I. = - . 7 _ " : : . . - : : : : . : . " ESTABLISHED I ' . 1882. THE 01i'FICIAL . - PAPEU OF CUS'rER COUNTY. _ . _ _ . LARGEST . _ _ CIRCUIA'l'ION _ : : : - : : = - - = - _ _ : _ . OF' . . ANY PAPER IN _ . . THE . COUN''Y. . . . . : _ .
( . - : . - . ; , MARCH :16 , 1905.--EIGHT PAGES. NO. 40.
- -
J. .
- . . . . . . . . .
, . _ . . . ! 1- .
( " 10\\ May See
) , .
-out on thl : wCHld ill a II \ \ ' way with III ) '
What ) 'OU 11.'n 'seell IIIIlV . be only u
hint of what ) 'OUA ! ' \ , . see. .
CtSeeing n thiug wilh ' ' "
) 'OUI' OWII eyee"
is not alwa's conclu sh'e e\'idellcc thnt
YOIl see correctly.
. .
. . \m'see through the wiudow , hut the
glass Inn ) ' he imperfect or the window
soile .
You see wilh your eves . , but their re-
fractivc power run } ' bo faulty ; tlms you
see but half what you lIIight with pro er.
Iy adjusted glasses-my kind.
: \ly business is to remelly C ) ' ( ' defects' '
which if lIe lected may pro'c serious.
- - - - _ . . . . . . . . .J-.RItIt' ' . . _ _
-s il i B o-k-s'- - -
'I' I
< * : ,
I abl-ts
' { ; 7
[ (
, , . . ; 'f .
I ; - NIJ- '
' / '
, < 7I
' School Supplies ,
< *
< * -AT-
. .J , , .
\ "i'1' . . .
. < f J. G. Haeberle s.
/ ' This office for neat j l'work.
\ J. C. Moore , bstrachng. 2tf
FOR SALE-House : with j6
\ block land. Enquire of Con-
cannon at Peale-Sheppard Co. 's
. . .
m : : : : : :
- - - -
J. M. Kimberling \ \ as a passenger -
ger to Icrna.
Jas. I..edwich 1lla e a business
trip to Lincoln , l1'ridLl' > ' .
D- MSa.ille of Ausley was
looking after business in thl : city
Hussell l ichardson and 'l'om
Stuckey of this city were pass n-
gers to Ansley last Friday. .
A. P.Ioody of Crawford who
is fecding' sheep onhis farm 110rth
of Ansle } ' was in the city Friday.
Carl Foote and wife were iu
the city Monday night and 1.'ues-
day , the gucsts of the family of
j'e Scribe ,
This o1lice acknowledged .a
friendly call from L. D. Cadman ,
formerly of Arnold , who is now
in the empluy of tbe Globe Hotel
of this city.
The 14adies Aid Socictr : of the
Christian church wish to thank
all thosc who kindly attended
their supper held at Mrs. Jobs ,
March 8. 'L'hey cleared 9ver $ llJ.
JM Bates
- - who recenUy purchased -
chased Eli Armstrong's interest
in the Rockwell & Armstrong
hardware and iinplement business
last wcek purcbased MrRock -
well's interest and is now sole
i proprietor-
The Eagle Grocery put a new
delivery wagon on the streets
: Monday morning. It i5 a cover-
e top rig nnll was umlt especially
for the use of the Eagle Grocer" .
Roger Blair , who for se\'I r l
months h H ueen in the employ of
the Eagle Grocery as clerk will
be in charge of the c1elh'ery
"We notice by the Brokcn Bow
Republican that Prof , AL -
Pierce , of the Mason City schools
had announced his candidacy
for the office of county superintendent -
tendent of Custer county , subject
to the will of the republican eon-
vcntion , We cannot at this time
think of anyone who would make
a better superintendent than
would our friend Pierce and the
Star would be pleased to see him
secure the nomination th s fall ,
-Mason Star-
- City -
- . . . . . . . . . . . .
. , . . . . - . . . .
. . . . . . - .
I { 'OUf Implements
, \ Arc J10\V in Before you pIn co your order -
der it will payon to see our fine line.
. -
- :
\V e ; SlYe a first-class disc harrow 1 1x-
18 at $24.00 and 16x16 at $25. Single I
ro.w cultivators from $10.00 and up. A
No.1 3-seetion harrow at $1 ! .50. All
other goods equally as low in price ,
such as riding listers , walking listers , :
Sure Edge ' seeders
dl'OP planters , endgate -
ers , walking and rid iug plows , gang' ]
and Swede cultivators.
Rlows two-row i I
fhis ear the Swede is improved. See I (
it. ' \ on will have one if you deV e
have also just received It car of Amel'- ;
ican hog fence and barb wire. Plrce
your order now. It may go higher.
\Ve have the largest assortment of all
1 \l \ kinds of harness this spring we I ver
' 1' had. Prices are right. It will be erne
no use to give prices here as quality ,
regulates prices. Come and see for ;
10urself.Ye will treat if we are I
wrong. D u't forget our complete 1
line of shelf hardware , cutlery and .
guns , and above all don't forget that
we are selling the : Malleable Steel I
Range and the Quick 1\Ie ll. Xone so c
good. Our bug'gies alwsys give satisfaction -
, faction , and think of the Olel . . . i
, - -
Hickory \Vagon. It is ul\vays good. Our
It 1110ttO : U lJdersell , qua lity considered.
. : ( G. W. APPLE
- -
Cbarley Koup has sold 'his n'R-
, tnurant to Leonard 'rooley.
, . . . Hazel Jewett went to Berw'n ,
Ii'ridnou 42 to , 'i9it her silter ,
Mrs. V. C. Talbot. '
Peter Hcller of York , who has
been at Dunning , visitiny hili
son , was in the city Friday.
1\11' . Heller of Blaill coun tJ , was
a busines call1r at this office
Friday. He returned hOlll ou 41.
Miss Mary Geeseman , H teacher
in the city schools went to Ansley
Saturday to remain over Sunda ) "
at home.
Peter Mullen of Missouri Valley -
ley Iowa who has been visiting
B. Sweeney of tIns city returned
home Saturday.
AIded Argo of Murcer County ,
Missouri , who had been in the
cit ) " for several days on business ,
returned Saturday.
S. K.Varrick , who came down
from A11iance. Monday reports
that about tine inches of. snow
had fell there when he left.
Misses Anges Reed and Perry
of Albion who filed '
, on gOVC1'11-
ment land near Mullen returned
to their home Saturday morning.
Please remember that the lacHes
of the Christian church will hold
their annual Easter Market ,
April 22. Please f:1\'or : them by
your pre'3ence.
J. M. Betts went to Lincoln.
yesterday to attend a meeting of
the directors of the Beatrice I
Creamery Co. to he held there toI I
C. H. Parker of Sheridan Wyoming -
oming who has been here s veral
wccl\s visiting with the family of
W. S. Metcalf was a west bound
passenger Tuesday :
Eli McCandless of Anselmo was
011 the east bound passenger Saturday -
urday morning. He will visit at
hIS old home in lndianna about
two months before he returns.
Elgin Beal shipped a car Joad
of fat cattle or' his own feeding
to Omaha Sunday. Elgin finds I
farming a more profitable bUlii-
ness than runing a newspaper.
Miss Mattie Gillion of superior
Nebraska who has been in tbe
employ of Reneau & Leonard as
stenographer for the past y c:1r :
returned to her home Saturday.
Mrs. Belle Kennoyer , came
down from South Dakota , last
Friday morning to visit her parents -
ents , Mr. and Mrs. D. R. White
and other relatives in this city .
and vicinity.
Chas. Robinson returned y s-
terday morning from Sioux City.
where he has been visiting his
brother. Loyd. H is nephew Alex
Robinson came home with him to
spend the summer with his grand
Arthur Casc , of Weisert has re-
. : ently located on the Springstube
farm north of the city. . Mr.
SpI ngstube has moved .to the
: : : ' ; eorge Willing ranch south of
lown , recently vacated by C. E.
O. D. Brewing of Eddyville
lIas purchased two and a half
tcres of land in the south west.
: ornc ' of Pleasant View addition
) f Nels Lee on which he has built
l house. It will be ready for oc-
: upancy In a few more days.
W A. George has bought the
mggics and spring wagons of J.
J. . Vancott that he purchased
: ecently of J. S. quires. 'rhis
; tock will be kept in the store
: louse , north of Vancott's store
md will be in charge of the I
[ agle Grocer , } ' store.
F. E. Delano of J4ee Park was
1 city visitor Monda.\ ' and 'rues-
lay. He came up to aitenll the .
llceting of the members of the I
LUral telephone lines who met
I1cre Monday to discu s the pro- .
iect of organidng , a co-operative
[ ) hoJll' system of tht. : countyHe
Inade the l epublican office a so-
: ial call-
Mrs. Chadwick's trial came to
[ 1n enlliast Saturday at Cleveland I
Ohio. 'l'hc jury rendcred a vel'-
llkt of guilty on seven counts
for conspirac.r to wreck a Nation-
[ 11 Bank. As a motion for a new
trial was made immediately , by
her lawyers the judge did not I
pas" , " , entence , waiting until the
qucstion for a new trial has been
dispo cd of. It is said the maxium
sentence is 14 years in the penitentiary -
tentiary and $70,000. The min-
ium sentcnce is 7 years and ,
, C. O. Lobr or Merna was a pl\S'
. senger to Ansley Saturda ) ' .
. W tn. Pcrtlcll of Malon City.wa.
in the county seat Saturda ) ' on
Georic Herrick of Alh Creek ,
made this office a bu ineii call ,
Monday. .
t W. Dunuawa ) ' of North
D d , wue in th ci ty Frida ) ' , be-
hVJtlln traiu ! ! .
. R , Wirt of Lincolu , who wal
in the city on business , returned '
ho'me Saturday morning. I'
m. . l\1oberley of Purdum
had been here 011 businesi left
for home Tuesday mornin/r. /
A C. Cone and wife of A.lbion
was ! in the city bet\vccn train.
Frida ) ' on their way t Ansley.
V. ASickley of York , went to
Chtrrr county Monday , with the
intentionoflocatingou his ranch-
Miss HazelllriUan of Callawny ,
went to Ausley l riday , to visit
her graud parcnts , Mr. amI l\In.
Jones. _
Charlcs Penn of Milford was in
the city Monday looking aftcr
business- returncd homl : 1.'ues-
day Ulorniu ! : .
Misses Katc and Philbert ' [ , ier-
ue went to Ansley Saturday to
spend a few days with the f l11ily
of 1B. J. ' .l'ierney.
l se R gers , who has been at
Atisley several weeks with her
sis'f r , Mrs. Browu , returned home
Sa. rday cvening.
Mrs. N. G. Wright .uld sister ,
Mis's Laura Vistrup , went to
Cnpawny last Frida ) ' , to visit
th r siiter , Mrs. Cbristflnson.
W. II. Mauk of Berwyn , was a
friendly caller last Saturday.
He expects to move to Brokcn
Bow about the 1 rst of next month.
Mra. . M. ' CurkenkallofBloom-
field Iowa'returncd to htr : home
Tuesday nfter visiting with her
, daughter , Mrs. A. R. Humphrey
Oi-WI city.
J. B. Jones went to Ansley
Saturday to visit his family now
residing on the farm at Cat
Creek. He had a sale to cry at
. Ansley 'l'uesday.
Wm. Edmunds of New Helena
was a welcome caller at this office
Saturday. He was down visiting
his daughter , Miss Hannah .who
is making her home in the city.
Henry 14e and son of Ida
County , Iowa , was in the city
Fridav , consulting' the bool < s at I
tht' U : S. land omc . 'rhey were
on their way to Anselmo to take
government land.
Mrs. T. 'W. Dean of West
Union made this office a business
call Monday. She left yesterday
for California , where she will
join her husband. Her daughters
Mesdames N. L. Reynolds and ,
Manuel accompanied her.
W. W. Andruss of Pueblo Colorado -
rado made this ofIice a social call
Monday in company with his
brother-in-law Ira Glaze , of th ( '
firm of the Glaze Marble works
of this city. Mr. Andruss is a
conductor on the Missou-ri Pacific
Railway. j
J , E. Izzard proprietor of the !
Globc Hotel who has been west : ,
for the past fi\'e wcels looking
after his mining interests at ;
Leadville Colorado returned home :
Sunday on 43. He reports that :
his mining interests present a :
very encouraging [ 'Showing and
that he enjoyed a pleasant trip.
We notice in We Arcadia
Champion that W. L. Phillips of
this city has purchased a qnarter
block of land in that tOW11 and ;
that he intends to put in a lumber :
yard there this spring. The
Champion states farther that : .Jr. :
Phillips will uuild a residencc' and
move his family there. We congratulate -
gratulate Arcadiaonsccuring'onc
of Broken Bow's energetic business -
ness IDen , but regret that he ha
decided to leave lIS.
\Veesncr Bros- who a veal' ' ago
or more camc hcre from'Indianl1a
have bought the Oyster Bay
Hestaurant of Will Davis that he
recently purchased of Cleo Cannon -
nonMr - Davis reserved room
in front of the building to handle
confectionarics , soft drinks and
his pianos , His principle business -
ness will be to work his agcncy
for his pianos , The \Veeselor
Bros , are young' men. highly respected - :
pected and are prachcal and ex- I
perienced coois and we predict
for them a prosperous business , I
- - . - = : : .
. . - -
I .J& _ . . - - b. = . =
! Low Prices , !
' .
. . . . . . . ' . - _ . . - - - : ; ;
M ' compBtitol'1 come and go , but I nm
still ill business at the old stand und
ready fo ; sen you anything in the farm
implement lilw for less money thnn you ,
can buy for Hnywhcr ill the county. .If
I can't I dOll't wHnt your business. . .
14-16 Di e Hurrows. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25.00
3 Section l-Iarl'ow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00
14-iuch Gang Plow. . . . . . . . . , . . 57.00
16-illCh Sulky Plow. . . . . . . . . . . . 35.00
16-i11ch V\T alking Plow. . . . . . . . . 14.00
I ! ! ! ster , 2-whcBI. . . , . . . . . 5.00
Hl lng LIsterlw heel. . . . . . . . . 35.00
I \Vith other goods at equally low prices
- - - . . . . . . _ . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. . - - - - -
V-1i.1. . - . . _ . . - 1 - - - . . - ' . .
Cm . S Martin
) lnllllrl1'hl1'llIg' ( Agollt. nllt ! Jl'nlN' ) III AIlIi-'I'l'lIst. nooctI. !
. Im-- . . . III
Go to Pcak Sheppard Co's and I
se ( what cash Wilt do.
. _ i
- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - I .
: \1111111111'1 \ Olll' IIlr ; ' : llnrch 1t1l. : :
All thc latest st , > 'les in lalic
and children's di'CSS and street
hats , caps and veils. The cheapest -
est place on earth for every thing
in 11P to date millinery. Yonril
for business. Courteous treat-
met ! t. Call and see us.Vest
Side Square. Mrs. Geo. Zahn.
. . _
- - - -
- -
Peale Sheppard Co. invite you
to attend their big rednction ale.
Save yonr money by goin to
Peale Sheppards big sale.
- - - - - - -
Peale ShepIJard Co's. big salc is
the wonder o [ thc age , you are in-
vitcd to come and see the decoration -
tion and hear the music.
FOR SALn-r < oad wagon and
single harness , nearly new. cheap
for cash. Sce Geo. Papineau.
. . .
FOR SAI.U--Fi ve room hem e ,
four lots , barn for ten horses ,
cribs and granary , will sell or
trade. It. M. SHARP. tf
FOR : bred black
Lang-shan Cockrels only , call on
or addrcss Chas. Garton , Broken
Bow , Neb. 4t.
FOR SALIVel1 improved res-
idetJce ropert ) ' . Will be sold t
a bargull if called for SOOI1. Enquire -
quire at this ollice. 26tf
I am now lucated just north of
the Custer National Ba\lk. Come
and see me for bargains' 111 real
state. SOUle choice acre property -
perty for sale.
S if l As. ANUIUSON. ,
= -"L _ _ . . . .
_ - _ _ . - . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
tJl'IU'IJWC ! Snit , or UI'nIIMuil. .
Until ! \farch 1st 1905 , we will
offer 5000 acres of land for alc
consisting of well improved farms
to Ta\V prairie land , in tracts of
160 to 1780 . ' '
acres acres. 'l'hcsc
will include almo t any Idnd o ( a.
farm that a person would desire.
All contracts of sale will be nlade
with a small cash paymcnt , bal. .
ance in cash or mortgage on
March 1St 1905.
. We will also offer some good
.towt1lotsj also one two story house
with eight rooms , good cellar and
cistern , barn an il whole block
of ground on the SI\mc terms.
We IUl\"e a special objct ! in
offering this propcrtr and any .
one wanting a farm or small
ANUIUSON."L , can get a.
6argain between this and March
1st 1905. WILIIS CADwnLL. -
Atteml the big'sale at the Peale
Shcppard Co. store.
- - ' - -
. . Fresh oysters , cautlycigars and
tobacco al. Mi1\c Scanlon.
- - -
\Vanted-'ren men in each
state to travel , tack signs and
distribute samples and circularSj
of our goods. Salary $75.00 per
month. 'I'hrec dollars per day
for expense . Kuhlman Co. .
Dept. W. , Atlas Building , Chi. .
cUgo , Ill. 35-42
" - - - ' - - '
Melvin Lee will do your paper. - .
ing and will gU lralltee all work.
IJrices reasonable. Leave orders
at the Republi an office. .
Melvin Lee ,
Broken Bow Neb.
_ . - - - - - - - - - - . . - - . - - -
. . . ; . i . . , , . . . , ! : , f'"f'f . . . ; : . ! . . : . ; : . . . , ' . - ' " . : . : ; : . IW' . . : , O : , . . . . f. . : . : : " : . ; f . : . . : . . " . : ' " . ' ' . . - ' ' : ' : ' : ; ' : .
d. . r ; i' i.fl" ; .IC1f. ' . " . " " . . . . . : r , ' , , : _ ; ; ; ' ' 'r.'m. . . . , ; ; ; ' . . . . " . . " 'I. ' . . . . . , . : . - ; ; . U' , . . . . . . . , . . , . 'J"'l- .n. . . . : : . ' _ . ; " . I ' ' ! , J JfIr" [ . . . . ,
; " .
. : . : " 188S ft. ! , : . .
. 1906 .
" . .
. . \ . i ! iI . .
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. . . .
.f . : - - . > f ; , lf . . . ,
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: " \ . ' : ' : : r.&u y YOlir :
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' ; i' . .no..JUt. .no.- 'I .nlCa.'r.'IIt.j. .1'- : / : ; " / : ; : . :
l Fish of the largest Fish House I
. ' i In The County.
' '
U A' ; .
J Fresh and Salt FiHh , Oysters and Oelery : ) i
{ : t ; "Iri ] : i10R LE .J. ' . .TrI' . . . , i' ' . " : I ,
' : J . . ;
1 ' . .
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'F' " 1. , "
't' . . . W
- - I '
! tl : :
t' Ot " , @
rr. lackcrcl. Salmon.
'fi Clams , t '
Herring , iJ'i
! : * \ \ ' hitl'fbh , Bloaters , ; ; 'W :
; Codt 9h , Sturgeon , .1
r llaliuut. Sardines. M
A'iI ' ' . . "i
I'i.I' ; ,
I' : " 'I !
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- - -
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" ' . I , . :
r J Our pic1ded codfish is delicious. W1 1
H ' , ' } 'racle Mark-Pnre Old Cider Vinegar. f
r. , .I'
. . . . r' , .
1 1 Yours for Pure l oed Products , ' :
r. : ! ' : : . . . . . . : ' . . " , . ' ' . ' . : ' . . . . : " ' : . : . . ; . . " . . . .7.i. . . . . . . . , ' . ' ' . . : ! " . " , . ' ' ' ' ' ' : i9 ; {
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: j C B -r.
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. . ' ' . : . . I ! 1 . . . , Broken Bow , . _ Nebraska. .f- . . . ; i' \ .
. . . .
. . . ! 2'j .j. : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J r. . . . .
. . .
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