Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 16, 1905, Image 7

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    -4 .
, . " ' ,
, I
: W omelZ in , , Qut Hospitals
. <
. ! .Appalling Increase in the Number of Opera.Uon
Performed Each 'Year-Iiow ' Women May
Avoid Them.
' '
, , , , ; ! ! 'i ! " . " .
c- ;
, . ' , , :
. "
t. I jl . ' '
'i ! :
, I' ' " , ,
jt t j
I ,
i f . . Going through tIle in O\1r
t larg cllies one is surp1'ised to find Bitch
"large proportion of the patients lJ'ing
Dn those snow-white beds women
nd girls , who nrc either awaiting
. Dr recovering frolD Berious opera-
. Why should this be the case ? Slm-
ply because thcy han neglected them-
kclvcs. Ovarian and womb troubleI'
. .rc certainly on the increuso umong'
the women of this countrJ'-they cree\ \ , !
upon them unawures , but everyone of t
those patients in the hospital beds had L
pleuty of warning in that bearing.
( lown feeling , pain at left or right of [
the womb. nervous exha.ustion , pain in I
the 511111.11 of the back , le\1corrhooa , diz-
'tiness , tlatulency , displacements ot the
I womb or irregularities. All of these
, Jiymptoms 0.1'0 Indications of an un-
healthJ' condition of the ovaries or
. womb , and if not hecdc the penalty
lms to be paid by a dangcro\1s operation.
When these symptoms manifest thcm-
IIdves , do not drug along until J'OI1 nr , ,
obliged to go to the hospitaL and submit -
mit to an operntion - bitt rcmember
tlHlt Lydia ; E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound hns saved thommn s of t
women from surglc l operations
When women are troubled with ir-
re ular , su ppressed or painful menstrl1-
atron , wealeness. leucorrhoon. . displacement -
ment or ulceration of the womb , that
1" bearing-down feeling , inflammation of r
1" fA the ovaries , backache. bloating ( or fIat-
, ' \ % . \11ency ) . general debility , indigestion ,
. ' , And ner\'ous prostration. or nre beset
with sueh symptoms as dizziness. lassi-
tude. exeitnbilitv. irrltabilit1. nervoufo-
ness , sleeptcssneRs , mclnnclloly , . . an.
g-ono "uud "want-to.bc-Ieft-alone" feelings -
ings , they should remcmber there is ono
tried nnd true 1'emcd ) ' . ,
' .rho fol.owlng' ] ettet'll cannot fnil to
bring' hope to espairing women ,
Mrs. Fred Seydel , 412 N. liHh Street ,
W st Philadelphia , 1'11. " writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham- :
. . I was in II. very serloull condition when I
wrote toyoa ( ! 1r advll't ! . I had aserlnuB womb
md ovarian trouble Illld I could not cnrry
child to maturity , nnd WII8 ndvistJll that An
' operation wns my only hope of recovery , I
coulel not bear to think of Ioln to the hospl-
tal , so1'010 you for ndvil'o , I did as you in-
structed mo and took Lydia E. Piakham's
Ve etablo Compounl ; a1ul I am not on1 ' a
well womnn tIHlay. but 11Vl : \ a bel\Utlful baby
111'1 six \1Ionths oltl , I ad vise all sick and
suforinj ( : ; women to wrlto ) 'OU for ad vice , Ili
) 'OU have done so much for mo. "
Miss Ruby Mushrush , of
Chlcllgo , Ind. , writes : '
Denr Mrs , Pinl.hnm-
"I Im\'o beono. grent sufferer with Irregular
rpenstl"llntlon ! lnd ol'lau trouble , nnd about
tllrl'O months ago the doctor , after uslngtht !
X-Hay on mo , sa1 ! ! I hml an abcess on.tho
.1 ovaries and would hnvo to htwo nn opcrntlon.
1\y \ mother wnnttJllmu to try Lydia E. Pink--
I1nm'Vc : otnblo CompOUl\lM ! a Inst resort ,
and it nut only snved 1110 fl'om an oporntion
but made mo onth'el1 well. " .
Lydia. E. P nldmm's Vegetable Compound -
pound at once removes such troubles.
Hefuso to bu ) ' any ether medicine , for
you need the bcst.
1\lrs. } ) inlc1mm Im'ites all siele women
towriteherforad\'ice lIeradvice nnd
have restored thousllnds to
health. Address. Lynn , Mass.
LYdia E. PInkham's Vc t ble tom Ound Succeeds Where Othcrs Fail.
. -
There are Ma1lY liJutatio1ls of
' Balcer's Cocoa
I. 1 < .
, I \
t and
. .
, Bale14'S Chocolate
" " ; ,
. .
, . Don't be , nisled by theNt !
I . , Our trade-mark is
; 10- " ; - on every
" I' ' package of 'genuine goods. .
. ' \ United States Courts , no
! I & other chocolate or co o than
' ,
" . , ! I I : alter Baker & ' Co. S 1S en-
" )
; i I
& Jo II '
, ' . \ : , tltled to be sold . as "Baker's
' ' ' , fl. . . .
" .
: . "
\ , . ' , " , , ' LooklorthiaTradc.Muk Cocoa or Ba k er ' s Chocolate
" Our handsomely illustrated recipe book
sent free.
'Walter Baker { 3 Co. Ltd.
Esfa.bfishe 1780 Dorchester , Massachusetts
45 Highest Awards in Europe and America
, T al\e. Down Repeating Shotguns '
Don't spend from $50 to $200 for % 1 ftun , when for so
t much less money you can buy Winchester Take- I
.1 t Down Repeating Shotgun , which will outs hoot and I
, outlast the highest-priced double-barreled :
- - _ gun > >
4 _ besides being as safe , reliable and handy. Your
; dealer cnn show you one. They are sold everywhere.
I , I l " ' FREE I Our 1600P.JqeIlustr.Jted CAtAlogue.
We are the largest manufacturers of ; hicles and harness in the world selling -
ing to consumers exclusively. '
. .
. . We Dave No Agents .
but Ihlp anywhcrc for ex.
amlnatlon and approval ,
Kuarantcclnlt safe dcllv-
cry , You are out noth-
Inlr Ifnot lIotisficdoB to
IItylc , Quality ! lnd
price ; We make 200
Bt1'lcs of vchlclcs Rnd
Mo. 630 , O/nblll1t1oD Duur wltJ > enr. 55 stylcs of horncss .
. . , . . . .
IIfck stlt and II. rub" tlros. Prle.
complete $ UOO . , "Ilrood , as selll Ourr } . . . . . P . CatAloru- . No. an. C.nol'Y . Top Suno" . Pleo complo' , ' ,
f.r IW more ; 'or It. e15. " :00 < 1u : loll. for IU more
Elkhart Carrlarlo at. : Harne. . ! llfd. Co. . Elllhl\rt. : Indian" ,
, f. '
AVRUP curcs CClU2bs : end colds.
I When Anawerlnll Advertlsemont.
KIndly Mention Thla Paper.
. " .
News in Nebraska
'rho Burlington depot at .StamCord
was totn.lly l1estro'ed b ' firo.
Sovcrn.l cnses at Bmnl1pox and
pneumonia are relQrted from Dcat-
John Fre'derlck , aged 65 yearl'l ' , is
dend at. PlattsmouLh. Ilis fnmlly
lives In German ) ' .
Perry Pns'l.lo is now carr 'IJ1g n.
rural mall route trom Lolgh'Ice J.
II , IGlIclresigned. .
: rho state oncnmpmont at Sons at
Ve erans will bo hold In Fremont
about February 1G.
0 , H , Gilbert 'Was injured 'Whllo
fighting fIre which destro 'ed his carpenter -
penter BhoD at Deatrico ,
Glen Dechtel , ( \ Germnn , whllo
serving on the jury at Schu 'lor , sui.
clded by hanging hlmselt in his room
E. Whitney of Humboldt. has been
awnrded the contract. for the erecUon
ot the now $2G,000 school building at
The lIttle daughter ot Mr , ' Dall at
Grand Island saved her lIre \ by h'ing
close to the ground as three freight.
c'ars passed ever her ,
'rhousands of quail nro reported to
have 11Crlshed during the present cold
spell. 'rho snow has covered up
their feed and in their wenle. condi.
tlon they nl' unllblo to stand the Intense -
tense cold.
The remains ot T , II. Bowman , n.
former resident of Albion , were
brought. to that plnce from Armnsas ] ,
and burled In Rose IIIll cemelery.
1,11' , Bowman wC\.s th first. county
treasurer at the county ,
Word has been receh'ed at Beatrlco
from Chicago I dlcating thllt Joseph
Hathaway , who is wanted at 'Vebb
CU ) ' , Mo. , on severnl charges an
who recently disllppenred from this
cUy , is under arrest at that place.
A house on the { "I'm at A. P. Aclc-
erman , nine mLles southenst of Fremont -
mont , was destrored by fire with n.
loss of about. $700 on the building
and $300 on contents , 1\1r. nnd Mrs.
N. T. Nelson lived in the house nnd
they were unable to save anything.
Sixteen carloads at oranges ana
other fruit whllo en roulo over the
Burlington from California to Cl1'l-
case and other points , were run into
the shops at Plattstnouth to prevent
the truit. from freezing during the
coldest nlguts In thllt , 'Icinit.y for
; rears ,
J , D , Cameron of Cambridge sold
his ranch near town to II. man fron\
Alma , Neb. , for $12.500 , The prleo
paid was $25 per acre , Cambridge
is on the boom , The citizens a11\
very enthusinstic over the water
worlts proposition nnd a B 'stem will
no doubt bo installed this spring.
Franle. Otto who was formerly em-
plo'ed In the Burlington shops at.
Platlsmouth , but who ir now om.
ployed for the same com I .ny in Denver -
ver , has Instituted suit agaInst the
Dem'er Tramway company to c I10ct
$5,000 damages because ot his 'son's
death from being run o-/er by the
A wreclc on the Chicago , St. Paul ,
l\Unneapolis & Omaha railroad between -
tween El1relm and Telmmah occurred
Wednesdllr , Train No. 15 , going
'South , brolco in two near Ellrelm , and
before the train crew could bet out
and ag for No. H ) , which was tollow-
lng , they were upon them and the
crew barely escn.ped with their lI\'es ,
The suicide of Glen Bechtol , ono of
the jurors on the 'Wertz.Sprecher 11.
bel case nt ScI1u 'ler , after it had
been on trial two days , caused the
case to bo dismissed from the present
term aud continued until the next.
There is etween $2GO and $300 ex.
pense now incurred that. will In all
probabilit.y be upon the county In
Ilny event.
Geneva Grand Army ot the Repub.
lie gllvo II. recepUon to Mr. and 1\Irs.
Van Yranlten , who are moving to
York ,
Sheep feeders claim that ovcr 30 , .
000 at this variety of stock have been
fattened in the vicinity of Humboldt
this season and in every instance the
feeders made good profits from the
J. l\f , 1\1aher , a farmer residing two
miles northwest of Fremont , hns 1'e.
celved the bronze medal which was
awnrded hh1 b ' the Louisiana Pur.
chase exposition for his exhibit of
corn , For sevcral 'ears 1\11' , 1\1llher
has spent consllernhlo ! tlmo in devel.
oping new kinds of corn and wheat
and has met with good success with
Quite nn extensive land deal WIIS
closed UIl at Table Roele between G.
'B. ' Johnson of that place and E. K.
Kentener ot Fnlls Clt ' . The tormer
gets the fine farm ot the llltter three
miles east of Humboldt , containing
1GO acres , at $ G5 per acre , while the
latter talces In part. payment four
residence properties at the former in
Table Rocle. at the aggregate prlco at
1\11' , James Watson wns badly
trozen drIving from Hebron to Alex.
andria , Ho missed the road in the
storm , the sleigh lJClng tipped over
four times on the wa ) ' . 1\11' . Watson
arrived homo nt 3 o'clocle In the
morning with face nnd hands frozen.
The proposed consolhlatlon at the
Fremont ' 1'elephono compan ' nnd the
Bcll compnn ) ' is not. lIltcly to go
through. 'rho nnnouncemont In the
PHel's nroused the Intense opposition
of the Independent teophono ] com ,
pauleD throughout the stnte. th ( ' I.ln
coIn companr being especlllllr QP
DOlled to it.
. ,
. .
Not a Dlt Tired.
A lIUla girl wns very proUI ! ot be.
Ing tnIten for n willie. h ' hel' father ,
and , though somotlmes the rambles
extended n trlflo beyond her streng J1 ,
IIho 'Would uot ha\'o plemled fn.tlguo
( or worlds. Ono dn ' , howovor. her
Cather noticed thnt. she WIlS lagging.
" 'Pired , Puss ' ? " ho nsltcd. "No , fnUI.
crTthat is , not nncltl . tired. I was
enl } ' wishing I could tnleo off my legs
and carry them allttloblt , thnt.'s nll. "
FemInIne Confessions.
'Whelher wo are doing th'i ) London
season or a round oC cOllnLry housc
vIsits , the enjorment. or most womell
Is largol ) ' dopendcnt on the amount or
opportunities IIccordcl to thom for
flirtation. No matter how Indignant ! ) .
some at m ' sex may dcn ' It , wo nll
thI\'o on ndmlrntlon.-Lndles' Field.
Do Not Mal < e Good Soup.
An nuthorit ' all cooltlng usserts
that England is n SOUllCSS ] countr ) ' ,
weaning that En lIsh coolts cnnllot
mnleo soup und thnt soup docs not
appenr on the menu of nn English
every day dinner. Which is II. fact ,
though soup Is nbout. the Ill'st form
that English charity taltes.
Jnpanesc Serv\lnts.
A trn\'eler sa 's that. the Japnneso
servant is II. person oC social hnllort.
ance. In the nbs'nco of tho'mlsu'03s
callers nre entertllined at. tea b ' the
housemaid , whoso Imowledgo of the
etlquetto at tea drlnltlng and whose
Irneo nnd charm are often the equal
ot those or her elllplo 'er ,
Accepts Small Deposits.
A new baultlng s 'stem , whIch en.
abIes persons to maw deposits or
twenty.five cents nnd upwnrd , inter.
est being nllowed when the amount
lodged ronches $ G , was adopted by
the Nationnl Danle ofIrelnnd recent.
ly. ' 1'ho bank has several branches
tn London.
SterIlized Water for Nnvy.
Dr , Lo Mehaute suggests thnt on I
French war , "easos water thnt has. .
been sterllized b ) ' heat should bo Bub. !
sUtuted for the distilled , vater nt 11res.I I
nt used , which , In his opinion , is
open to l1lan ' grave objections , Including -
cluding excessive costllncss.
Lord Mayor's Unique Honor ,
Only one man in the city of London
outside the Tower posseSBes the
password which ona1Jles him to answer -
swer the challeno : 'fof the sentrIes
at any time , It is the Lord Mayor ,
o.nd the password is glvcn to him U ) '
authority at the killg ,
Seeing much , sufferIng much nnd
stud'ing much nro the throe pillllrs
of learnlng.-DlsraeU.
Ministers of All Denominations
Join In Rccommending
Pe-ru-na io jhc
Public speaking cspcc/nlly exposes J
the tllront IInd bronchlsl tubes tu JI
clltarrhld alfectlons. I
' the nil' of crowdel1
Breathing' nssomII
lics , lltu1 the nccesfnr ' exposure to , 'f
llight Ilil' which manJ' IJI'cnehors must.
face. mattes catarrh cspeclnll ) ' premlcnt ,
nmong their dass. I
1 > el'\1na hns be como justlJ' popular \\1 \ \
among . \
\ I . . . , \ , " . . . . . , I'/t. . . . . . . .
The Friends of
Despite t.ho In'llj\1diceli of the medical
pl'oesslon ng'aimt proprietary modi.
cines , t.ho clergy lI.1wnys main- I
taincI1 a. Rtrong confidence au frIend- I
, ' I > hip 1'01' l'erlU1IL.
j JJ1 / v ' ' hll.vel1lRcovcred .
L 1'l1oy by personal ex.
Ut2D 1S
' " - , . Ifl rIdlhl. . F. ' )
( } lerience that 1)erUl1l\ docs all t.hat Is
, clnlmed for it.
, , - - - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .
The Blshop's Strong Trlbuto to Po-ru-na.
J.I. II. ITa15cJ' , BIshop O. 1\1. . Church , Atlanta , ' Ga. , writes :
uI have found 1'erUlla to bo I great rel11edJ' fOl' catarrh. I IlIlve Buffered
n'Uh tills terrible dlsense fur morc tllan twenty yenrs , until I > lnce 1 have
been using 1'orunl1. , which has relicvcl1 me or t.ho trouble.
uI hl1.vo tried many rcmedles aUlI Bpent. a great. deal of hn.l'l1-ea1'n,11
mone ' for them. but I found not/ling so effectual In tile cure of cntarrllllS
tile great medicine , Pcruon.
"I feel sure that Peruna Is not only IJ triumph of medical science , but
it Js nl.o a bless'lng to suffering humnn/t } ' . .
. . g\'cry hullvhlun.l who sulfcl's with rospll'l1.tol'Y diseases w111 Ilnd 1)crnnn.
' ' ' . " . . lIt . O. M. E. Church ,
a magnillcent nu I > o\'crelgn l'emc J'-I.l. Jlnhoy , lip.
_ .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. - . - . . ' . - . . . . - -.L
' . . . . - . _ . . . . . . . _ . . _ _ . - "
I , . , : . . . . -"iII
For Infants and Children.
The Iind { You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
, .
" Signature
Promotes DigcstionChrerruJ. . ,
nessandTIestConlliins neither
9pium.loforplune nor } llcra1. of
. . "
. .
arOlIl.Jr.w zz.Pl1'CIJZR
' "
G : \ , In
m : : : "
= ; , ,
Apaf ' dY CorConsU"- "
T on , Sour \chDiarl'hoca
Worms.Convulsions.t verJsh.
l\eSS nm1 Loss OF SLEEP. I' ' ' I F 0 r 0 V e r
Thirty Years
. . . . .
. , _ . . . . . . . . _ . . .
' - < . : ' , - : f , ; l - " - ' 'M. > 1\1- \ ; f ' ; QJ : . . " " . . _ : . _ w
D\VY \ & STONf fURNITUR [ co.
Everythln In Furniture to be closed out at once , regardless of cost , An op-
. .
porlunlty worth comln hundre s ot mile. to tuke \'antage or.
cullllton are mlde 111 ; ,
Jobu.on , tile Incubator
) IMo , wllomld. . 50,00111&0
tore tuvelltlUi : bll OLD
Apay.or'UI..1t bitch.
cr , 1'0rt , . da , . . ' free trial
and a 10 \ ycar' . guarau.
to. . . l'or bh : tree I'ala. I
JUllue. 800 pOUltr1 IlIuI'
tratJouI , addrcu.
1\1. M. JOHNS or. CO. I
Box O. Too Cltlv Center. Neb.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Perunll is the most prompt nnll sure
remed ' for catarrh that cl1.n be taletn ,
" 'any n prellclJ ( r 118S been nbl to
meet hili engagements only becnuse 110
keeps on hand a bottle of Perllnnrclldy
to meet sny emergenc ) ' tlJat may arise.
. , U80 OTHER DErOllMIT/E8. /
, . Write or c,11 , at office tor trce Intormn'
tion , Jllibest testimoni"l. from proo , '
. inenl Iiaiesmen. and physicians. < .0/1' /
suit ) 'our Pamlly Doclor. No hr"s or
I 1Pp1ll1nCes u ed , Trcaled Bnccfsstully
- hy mall. Six Yl'ars' "xJ > erloncc ,
1 he lomjlh : to ) . tic tr Ortboptdfc list.
(4prillbl nOlo 'NCD"'O"ATlD , CA"'UL a.OOOO ,
W. N. U. Omaha. No. 6-1905
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'Ve ha ve on file mllny letters of 1'ecoll1-
I I1lCl1l11 t101l 1\1(0 \ t110 one givcn abovo.
We can give our l'l ntlCl'a only n. sligM
g-limpse of the vast. ll\Unber of grate.
fullettel's DI' . lIal'tnmn 15 constantly 1'0-
eelviug' , In 111'aiBe or his famous catarrh
remedy , l'erunll. .
Every housewlre Irloats ,
over finely sta rched
'lfnen and _ white goods.
'Conceit ' Is Justlnable ,
' 0 tt e r n g Defiance'
Starch. It gIves a. '
6 tift , glossy whlte '
, ne.5.5 to the clothes
and does not rot
[ them. It I ; abso-
.futely pure. It Is
the most economical
be auso It goes
'farthest , does more ,
and costs Ics& than
otheu , To be had of all
grocers at 16
for IOC.
OMAHA , Nm.-
. . ' ' -
) _ . . " '
National Oats
Orenlt'st ant ot the contory.
Yleldml In 01110 111 ! In Mlch.
: rJIln3l0 , M.alldlu NDakoUlo
810 bu- . per acre.
You CIlU bell tbn record In l
For tOe and this DeUce
we mall , .oa tree Iota ot farm IM4
Dampllll and our lg catalOK. tell-
log AU about tb II Ollt wonder IUId
&bouaaodl or otber leede.
La Crosrt ,
WI. .
KAusas $6 to SID Per. . Icre
6plcndld IAcllollll. ( OInhluell ( IirlOlul : alld llook
raWo ! : , Ii t. j 1lu i\UO I'UI' Alire. Kan. . . .
1'"I'"Jto " , aud Xcbll..ka , OUly ou..telltll cub. .
UI'It InrHII"u alu. In Well "ok
, . , . , ' ' , '
n \ luAI.IA"'l'glt , 1IUIlI ( 'ummlMMlouer
Unlt. H. . U. 1' . Pit , ' , . . . . . . . . . . .n " , , .11 ,
Color 11\0r. aood. rlahler 1"11 luler col0f11hln anr other 1 , . . Onl IDe r.eoholl color. IlIk. wool and cotlon equally well Dnd Is gUlr : nteed to ghelerl ct relullal
I Alk llealer Ir w. . .mulIII \llld I 8' ' 100 a pIckage. Wlla fIf flu ooklot-lIo" to 0" , luch and Mix Colora. .u.u.'I'14uI < / ; JJJlUU ( , ' 0. , UIIII.I/lIlUlI , , JU."ur.
, .
. ,
. . .