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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1905)
:1 : . . . - . . - . , . " STER COUNTY EPUBLICAN.'I - ' ' . ' ' 01i'Ii'leJAI ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' . PAPEI 01i' ES'l'ABLISHED 1882. 'l'HE CUS'l'ER COUN'l'Y. I ARO ] S'l' CINCULA'rl0N OF ANY PAPElt IN 'l'HE COUN'l'Y. . , . . _ . - _ - - - : - - _ ' > _ _ _ _ . . . ' _ .H . . _ _ _ _ _ ' . _ _ VOL. XXIII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAYJ FEBRUARY 16. . 1905.--EIGHT PAGES , NO. 36. - - - - - ' - - - - " ! - _ . : = : ' ' ; : : ' ; : = : . " , ' . , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . : , . . . . . " , . . . , . . . " . . . " . - . . . ' ' . . . . , . . . .lo1I. : . . . ' , : . : .1 : J'1i ! , ! . . / . .j' . . . . t . .c. , . . . , . . . . . . . . ) 'I"'t. . ; ' . ' . , r . ' # , . ' : . . . . . ' . .h..O " " ' : ! i4. i- . , " ! ! , .l ' e'1'\U : ! \ ' I 11' " Ii. . . . . . .t " \ , - I" , . 'I' :0. : : . l J . : .t . . . Jt ; Nl . _ : I' ' ; ! ; tl. . . . : i : ' : t k . r . t..i . . . . . I . . .I : . . . ' . . . . . , . ' : I. . " . : , . : / r 't If. . ' t ] J . . Gems for the f" lr. t iii \\011\1\11 1II1\Y Ill' ' .nrrolllltltd ' 1 . : . ' : , 1. . . by nIl I hiui : ' ' ' . 1Jllt hcr h..ppilll''S . . , . : 'i ; ' . ; ; uud IK'nul , It exquIsIte . JI \ \ " " .1 . . J . . . , . : . . . . . elr ) ' . 'fhelulIsll1l1glmwh 1011 .t. . : : ' : fjj . wOUlnn' : ; toilet , J ( ) od jcwdry . . ! , ir' , : : \ bas ' I1etokencI1 Inle ; 7 e\'er good : : . : I : I ] , nnd gool1 hreeding-hy good f ; t jewelry we do tlot 11ccessnrily : I & " . . J " 9A mean\'e Jc "elry , hut ! \ Kr , : ' we 110 lIIeau Jcwelry 111 task , of r r. : f . 00 late1 designs 111\11 pattl'rJls- l it. ! -1 kind. We \\'cllllwl\w . IIIl'W f ; li.i ar lIIall ) ' opportunities for 1\1. \ " fijI = ' ceptioll I. ill jl\\'clry ! : . .cllilll- I therefore ill hll'ill l > 1Il' sllnnll1 , . patronize II reliablc' l nll. mi : . a. > > . ' . " ll ; ! ! \ . , \ . " . em' . : . . . 1. : \I. \ n"- t I 1 ITi . : : "i/ t" . , . . , ' 1" iit . , . 'f" . . , ' . : " . . . I I U . , J : , rtl . ; " ! fr . ' , ' " . , , : : fto ; : ' : ! r : ; ' . , , . . ; . : or-u : : , . : ! " 't , , , , . ' - ' e' . . . . , : ! r\ ' . ; : ! ; . . l.-I _ , . .t : ! . ; . , . " : . " " . " . " : , ; ! . . . ' : : : . " " , ' " ' . . . ; ; . . . . ' , - , .01. . . . . i . , . ' . " . , .e . . . , . . . : , . . ' . .I.t. . . . . . ; , , ; : , ' . ; . , . _ . . ' - - , . . - - . - - . k f , School Books. t : Tahlets' II I I . -ANn-- I . , itJ / " t \\J . . " Sr eel Supplies. g. -AT- # 3. a. Haeberle's : . m * I BUSINESS POINTERS. . . , , " ' Q ! : & rim : : : ! { : ; irnz ! : : mm -J : ' - - I' Broken Bow Abstract Company. Reneau & Leonard , real estate. J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2U Send your laundry to the Grand Island Steam Laundry. Marquiss Bros. Agts. . _ - - - - - \V ANTlw-Men W1Ib families. Fair price and good houses. WnsT UNION MILI.ING Co. 34tf 'Vest Union 'I ' ' , Neb. ' - . . . I' - - - - - - - \Vanted-Ten men in each ! State to travel , tack signs and distribute samples and circulars of our goods. Salary $75.00 per month. Three dollars per day for expense . Kuhlman Co. , ' Dept. 'W. , Atlag Building , Chicago - cage , Ill. 35-42 FOR SAI.E-Kansas Railroad lands in Kansas and Nebraska. Send for maps to Geo. F. Davis , special agent , 136 N. ] 1 th Street , Lincoln Nebraska. 33-36 - . . - See those Valentines at Mar- ( Iuiss Bros. P. O. Bldg. , Have your laundry at the P. O. store b ) ' 7:30 : Monday'night. . : I Stamp photqs 25c BangsstucIio. 34tf. . . . . - - - - - - - Fresh oystcrs , candycigar ! ' ; and. tobacco at Milte Scanlon. - - ' - FOR SALIt-Road wagon and , ' \ single harness , nearly new , cheap , \ for cash. Sec Geo. Papineau. / ' \Ve haveS3OO'O private money to loan on unprovcd farms at a low rate of int rest. LnDwIcH & HOUSlt. FOR SAII\-\Vell improvcd rcs- \ idence property. Will be sohl at a bargain if callcd for sooa. Enquire - quire at this office. 26tf Dr. T. W. Bass , dentist. Office o\'er McComas' drug store. 25tf . . ' - - - - if" " I am now located just north of \ ' the Custer National Bank. Come and sec mc .for bargains 111 real : state. Some choice acre property - perty for sale. " tf , HAS. ANDltRSON. ; Insurance that insures. 38tf H. G. MOORU. . I This officc for neat job work. r J. Cabint photographs $1.50 and $2.00 per dozen at Bane-s studio. 34tf. \ t . .RI. ; ' .t . " I't ' , - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - : : : : : I : = . - . _ - . . _ - - - " - . ' . . . - , G.V. . PC { ' ! ' > ' of A lIc.el Ill' } . was n cOllnl ) ' seilt "lsllor la..t Frllla ) ' . I Amprosc Fo'cn ! I ) f Rp..l. . was n BU8ine5s caller in the dt . , ' last Saturday. COllnty Allorue" A. 1John - son , went to t1s lmo 11t ( } ! Friday - day on leg-a ! htl'dl1CH5. J. H. Varve ) ' of An le\ ' , was in the citj' on husille5-1 ! 'l'hm1day and Friday of last wcek. C. R Bas of Anselmo. was transacting bl1silless ill tbe dty last Thursrlay au li'rictn . . , e. H. A. l\IcCandlesR of Merna was transacting business in this city lagt Saturday in spite of tbe cold. Hyran Lenoard was transacting busincs1 in the city last li'riday returning' to hiR home at Rest Saturdaj ; . Jt. U. Ross of New Helenu , was in the city last 'l'hursday , and left for Anselmo on li"ridays passenger. G. W. Simms of New Helcna , spent a couple of days . last week at the COhllt ) ' scat. returning home Friday. J. P. Cannon , of this cit ) ' left for a couplcof days visit , with his brothers P. C. Cannon , of "Tester- ville last Friday. Fred Britton , manuger of Dierks Lumber yard at Ansclmo , was in the city Thursday - last , returning home Friday. B. A. Cochran of Arnold , drove over from Callaway last Friday evening , but he decided to return home by "rail" Saturday. Four young "Japs" who had becn worldng down at Litchfiel left for Spokane , Wash" last ] friday , baving : . been frozen out fiere. . C. B. Bownliln was making B \ sinessJIs..it1 , ! the city , a con pIe of'(1 ( ys last weck , return' ing to hiR h it at . New Helena Frid y. Mrs. May Wilson of Alliance , came in on 42 Sunda ) ' night. to spend a week with her mother , Mrs. N. J. Dean and triends in the city. C arles E. Collins and wife , of this city , went to Mason City last Friday on a visit to 'Villiam Cadys , Mrs. Collins' Brother-in- Law of that place. Milton Andersou a young barber , of Arcadia , was in tl1l . city Friday on his way to Mernu where he goes to seek employment - ment in his profession. W. R. Capehart. of Guthrie Center Iowa , arrived in the city last ; Friday on bis wa.y to Ansley. Mr. Capehart says Ansley will be his home next summer. I I 1\11'5. Mary E. Brown of this C1ty , went to Ansley last Frida ) for' a. few days visit with her son George , who has charge of Dier1s umber yard at that city. Miss Eva Weimer of Mason City , who bad been visiting friends at Merna , Ortello Valley , and this city for ' \ couple 01 weel s , returned to her home . last F "iday : ' Mark J ames and wife of Pender Nebraska , stopped over night in our cit ) last Friday on tbC"ir way to visit his brother Han'ey , of Seneca. Mr. James RaYR if - suited he wi1110cate there. VIe notice from the Alliance Grip that S. K. Warrick is talleed of as a candidate for Mayor on anti-license ticket. As Mr. War- rick has resided in Broken Bow for several years where anti-li- cense has prevailed it would be no new experience to him and we predict that should he be elected he would succced in controling the liquor trafic even in Alliance. L. R. Hearsh who I'es I abou l three mile-s east of town was a city visitor Monday , being one of the first to encounter the snow drifts between his place and the city. Somc six of his neighbors - bors provided themselve with shovels and drove in tog ther. So when they encountered a snow drift it did not tale them long to opcn a way. ' 1'he larg-est drift encountered was at the "Hog back , " two miles east of town. T e othr rifts were enl a fe\\ ' yards long 1n each plac and 'wer eon opened , - . . - - - - - - - . , - - - - . . . . . . . - - - - - - . . - - - ' . - - - . - - - - . . . HHUJlntUJUUlJr.ttnHn , , ! . nnn4 ntJt.1Jn . , 'ttHnt' ' ' n'ntnnttJJUU ' - . - . P U bl. IC S a I e. 13 - - - - - = = I will ofIer at public sale on the John 'l'owcll = E. farm , two mile'J west of Berwyn , on. . . . . . . . . , = = i Mo day February 20th , 1905 , I g At to O'cloolc A. M. ; : g _ 1 . 56 Head of Cattle , ; ' - 10 Head of : aorse : , And ; ; . Farm Machinery ! - - Ei I ight months til1l will be given , with inter- { = : E : = : : cent est at ofT eight for ca per h cent. . . . . . . . A . . discount . . . . . . . . . of . . . five . . . . per . . . 43 : : : : - - ' Free lunch . at Noon. . . . . i - ' - - I ; H. F. Kennedy:1 : : : : : , , , , , , , , , . , , , , . . . , . , , . , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , . : : : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " " " " " " " " " ' " 1111"11,1"11I'10'0'0' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " " ' ' ' ' ' " " 1"11' ' ' " " " ' " " " 'IIOII" ' ' ' ' ' ; 7i 1111 1 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I I h _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R. C. Waters of this city , went to lason City , .Sunday e\'ening on a business tnp. Mrs. 'l'om Coates of this city , was visiting hcr mother Mrs. E. B. Dodge of Merna last week. John Hiber who has been worle- i ng in Ed McComns' Drug store for sometime , left for his home at Plattsmouth , Tuesda.y. : b"'rank "Woodruff , until recently a partner of Mikc Scanlon is now in Kansas City worldng in the Packing Houselof Cudahy Bros. Scott Cooper , the ncwjanitor at t he court housc began work last Monday morning. Mr. Cooper will do well if he fills the position as well as did his predecessor. \V' . D. Grant informs us that he has established a tin an repair shop of his own in the rooms formerly occupied by the Moore sisters , north side. An extra , with snow-plow , doing - ing full dut , . was run a few min- .utcs ahead f 42 Sunday night two car loads of first class un- broke bronchos , thc property of I'Bill Cod ) ' " were taken througb on this train , on their way . to Paris. M. L. Hopkins who has been working at the Grand Central for the past two or three years Jeft Tuesday "for Laramie , \Vyom- ing , where he will join his brother and engage in the insurance business - ness for the M. B. A. with his brother who has bee'n there for two or three weeks. A man b ) ' thc namc of J. Boebme was killed in the depot at Whitman last Friday night by G. B. Phillips OVCI' a game of cilrds. It appears that the two men had been playing cards earlier in the evening and got into a quarrel. Phillips left the gamc ancl went to the depot where he was sle ping on a bencb in. the waiting room , wailing for a delayed train. It is alledge Boehme entered the depot and rc. hewed thc quarrel and attacked Phillips with a club. Phillips fired two shots 1dlling him Oil thl : : spot. Phillips , nohficel t 111 : : shc ! iff of the fart anc1 ofrered tc surrender. The snow docs not gel too deer nor the weather too cold for W. J. 'Yoods , when an nndcrtaldng job is ordered. He reccived at ol'dt.r last. Sunday from Merna for his hearse Monday to assis1 in the funeral of J. R Mauk , the restaurant man of t11a1 place. Monday morning he started , I . B. Cole iln J olu Ha5tings for Merna with foUl large horses and the hearse. A ! the road had not bee br01ccn the ) had to encounter all the. sno\ , drifts and break their own road It took them until 8 o'clock thaj night to reach Merna , a distance of tcn miles. The next mornin through ttw blizzard that pre vailed at that time they com plcted the-ir task , hy cOI1\'eyin I the COq ) < ; l' to the cemetery ane returned that e\'ening to thii city. 'l'hey r port a number 0 times all four horses wcre do WI in the snow drift at. or.ce ane frequcntl ) ' U\e hea1se came nea . being upset. . - - . - - - - - - - - - - MrH. Dolly Burk and son , Kenneth - neth , of this city. is visiting- friends at Merna this week. - Arthur Case \Veissert drove in ) 'esterda ) ' . He reports the roads still in had couditions. O. O. Fessenden and wife of this city , went to New Helena yesterday , for a few ( lays \'isit. AU Shephard and wife of this city , journeyed to New Helena , J'esterday , on a few days visit with friends and relatives. Lorin AfDsbcrry was spending a few days last week , at his home and with friends in tbe city , returning - turning to Lincoln Sunday night. Dr. C. J. Christensen of Hamp- ton. was visiting Dr , J. F. Bar- ' . .t 1010mcw Qf this citj" , a couple of 'days last wc l { , retnrni'ng home on42 Sunday night. ' Herman Maulick wcnt to Omaha last Friday , to spend Sunday - day with his s 3ter Laura , at the Em.anuel Hospital of that city. Herman reports his ! iister decidely better. Judge Armour's court waG occupied - cupied yesterday afternoon in a replevin case of Alfred Sloggett against Marshall Towslev. 'l'he court has the question. i t issue under advisement. W. \Vallace's family in the north part of the city has been quite sick for the pasl weelt or two. 1 Four of the children were reported sick the first of the week s well as Mr. 'Vallace. F. A. Bcrtran of 'rappen valley was in the cit ) j'estcrday. He reports the loss of only one cal f ! tbrough the long cold spell. He has barn room for 125 hea'l of catte which sheltered his cattle. Jim Oliver has given up his position at the Commercial , and gone to Callaway to engage in the Hotel Business. Mr. Olh'er has bought back the hotel he sold to Ed. R\tRk \ hefore coming to this city. . A , n. & M. gxtra Construction gang of 25 men , which bas been working at Litchfield for some time , was busy cleaning yards and switches here a couple of days this week , g-oing to Ansel- ) mo yesterday. , J. C. 'l'hom of Lexington , tllp- ped in this city a couple of lIavs I tbis week on his way to his honie- stead ncar the "Black ranch , T..og- an county. Mr. ' 1'hom wa ! ; at one time , in the restaurant business - ness in this city , in connection with R. G. Stack , where the Merchants Cafe is now located. Duw-Parker , at the residence of his daughter , Mrs.V. . S. Met- , calf , this city , J. A. Parlter , Sunday - day night , February 12th , aged 83 years , four months and 20 days. The deceased has been an invalid for the pad four years. - For two weeks hi illness had - assumed a more serious spect. His funeral waR held 'l'ncsdaJ morning at the residence of W. S. Metcalf and his remains ta1ccl ) to Gates for burial. 't'he RIWUII' I.ICAN extends the s.ympathj' 01 the communit ) . to the herea\'ecl wife , daughter and sons , who arc left to mourn his death. - . . - - - . . . . . . . . . c. . . . : . c- . . . . . : : . . , II ! . . ! tf ! ! II ! . ! II ! . ! 1Illl.o. tl.11' ! ! fl.1I ! . 1.0 : : . t : " : ; z- : ; - = t : : " - = 'w : : ; if OIL BOWEN.OIL i J. C. BOWEN. 'Ii . _ _ . . . . . . + W' , \Ve arc prepal'Clt to fill ) 'OUl' coal oil can with ill the best coal oil refit cd , for 20 cents per gallon , or \.i . in Jive g-allon lots , for 95 ccnts. This is for red m iti 01' the regular real oil color. m . 'l fA \11 ' .t : ' . ! - \V c .will par JOI" f l' C s h m \ ' ! EGG- ranch , Eg-gs 25c up to and Baa m including February 6th' , 1905. g ; . . . . . . . . . _ , , , ti . . , m iti TEA TEA TEA TEA T A ' : T Bu ) ' a l oun of our Tea Lc : f ' ! 'ea aud' you T r i' . . . . . happy. 50 cents a po.und - . . . . \.i \ . TEA TEA , TEA TEA TEA.m ' _ r . . m iti ' ' 1'rllde , t ! . re J.Cider / Vlnega . . m dJ' Mi\fk t : ' 'iti - - Ol ! : J. C. BOWEN , OIL fu ' Broken Bow. . { t ( _ . . . . . . . " " ' . " " ' . . , . . . . . . . . . . . : ' - : ' ' ' ' ' : . " ' " ; ; I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : . . : . . . c . . . . . . . . . . ; ; : I. : . ' :11 : . . . . . . : . . : , . aa . . : . " 1 , . - . . - - . - - - - - Hcnry Conrad , colorcd , of Alli- ancc , spent a few days with his parents , Robert Conrad of this city , returnin ! { to Alliance Mon- da ) . Miss Herda Snydcr , who is nurse at t11e city hos ital at present - I ent , left this morning for a visit to hcr home at Milburn , Ne- braska. G. H. 'l'horpe has resigned his position as head miller in the Brokcn Bow mills and gone into the realestate business with C. W. Bowman. C. Et Brittan of Callaway journe'ed through thc city this morning on his way to Anselmo , for a few days viSit with his brother Frcd of that city. J.ud Kay o ( this city , wcnt to Berwyn this morning , on a business - ness trip , Mr. Kay expects to attend - tend the sale at thc Towell Farm west of Berw'n , Monday. S. G. Howe , Publisher of the I "Gag County Herald" of Beatrice - rice , gave Ui one of his cards Monday. Mr. Howc is traveling for a Chicago Portrait Co. , at present. M ra. Lean er 'l'homaB ancl is- ter , Mrs. Noah Thomas , of 'Vicbita , Kansas , arrived in the city this morning on a visit to their father. Mr. Lewis Bitter of Walworth. DmD-Moorc : , Wednesday morning the infant ch11d of Mr. and Mrs. France Moore of this city , aJe three 111onths. ' 1'he deceased - ceased had the whooping' cough , but was not considered serious until Sunday when it began to grow worse. 'l'he funeral services - vices will he held tomorrow in M. E. church. The Republican ex. tends the sympathy of the coQ- munity to the famity in their . bereavemen 1. The Highlander lt all1 hall a sleighing party last night. li'rom the blowing of hornes and jingle of sleigh bells , anrlloull laughtel that rent the air as the processiol1 galy glided along , we infer thcy enjoyed a g-ood tunc. The streeb were in excellent condition fOI sleighing and the weathcr at that could he desired for such at occasion. I t reminded us 01 the days of yore when we used tc sing " ' 1'hen Jingle , Jingle , bell and hoofs are gay , clatter , c1atter , as they clash away. " 'rhe Glaze Marble Works 0 this city , ha\'c been getting ou some \'ery fill ' monuments elm ing thl' winter , and ItOW have 01 bands a large number of finishe ( monuments ready to put up a soon as the weathcr will permit Among the fine monuments is . "rustic stump , " five feet 1gh inches high , ordered by Mrs I Mubel Manuel , who now lives it i California , for her husband , Lin ton E. Mannel , who was drownel while bathing in the MlCldle LOUI flver ilt Milburn , Angnst 25th 1901. It will be pnt up in th ( West Union Cemeterj' . Anothcl I , 'ery fine one is a g-ranite stone 0 : . : line dimcnsions containing tiu ' 1 Masonic Squarc and Compa , thnt will mark the last rest1ll : I place of Ai. fhines in the Ans 'ley Cemetery. - - - - - " - - , . . . . . Dr. T. 'V. Bass , went to Lincoln - coln yesterdal' where he wa . ; alled by th ( : 1llness of his wife , who in company with her daughter - ter , Ethel , is visiting friends in that city this week. The M.V. . A. Masquerade ball last Tnesday evcning , waa'a pleasing event , to those enjoying that kind of entertainment. About eighty ticlcts were sold , and quitc a variety of costumes exhibited. Thc fine ' of ' weath l' yesterda ) and today . helps us to forget the fridged .weather for the past month. It now loolts as we might have a general tbaw. Let ua hope we may and he happier for the thought. Mrs. Florence : 'Gorham , aud daughter , Ruth , of this city , went to Mason City this morning for a few days v1Sit with relatives. Mrs. Gorham hus been working at the Grand Central for sometime - time past , but expects to go to se ing when she returns. The preaching seryices were not held at thc Baptist church last Sunday as advertised. Owing - ing to the storms the trains were delayed about sixty hours , and Rev. Alexander , who was ex pected from Burchard was unable to reach here. He is expccted for next Sunday , but as we g press we are not able to annolmce definitely whether he will be here or not. Deputy Phelps informs us that he bas secured t.wenty-fivc ppli- cants for membership in the Highlanders for next Tuesday night. ' 1'hc team bas provided new costumes and are now prepared - pared to put on the worle in better - ter shape than ever. The committee - mittee on refreshments is arranging - ing to have their part of the pro. gram in readiness. No m mber cau afford to miss the next meet- in - . : . J. G. VanCott of St. Paul , who recentlj' contracted for the Squires Bros. hardware store , wll1 commence the invoicing of his new purchase thc first of next weelt. Mr. VanCott is a yonng man of fine appearance and comes highly recommended. Tun RItI'UBLICAN extends to him a welcome to the business circle of Broken Bow and bespeak for him a libcral share of the public p t- ronage. , - - - - - - F'ri t hils returned frow lussia _ and opened up his shoe shop at Peale-Sheppard Co.'s store. Call and ee him for your repairs. 25tf We always have money to loan on farms. R. G. Moore 1U Apple Block. 35tf . A&runhluar Dnrult. - are il1stilnt1y relieved , and perfectly - fectly healed , by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. C. Rivenbark , Jr. , of Norfolk , Va. , writes : "I burnt my knee dreadfully ; that it blis- tcred all m'er. Buclden's Arnica Salve stopped the pain , and healed it without a scar. " Also - heals all wounds and sores. 25(1 at Lee Bros. druggist.