Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 09, 1905, Image 2
I ( USTR ( ( OUNTY RfPUBUCAft . .y D. M. AMSDERRV. , aROlillN DOWI . . NEDIlASKA --1 L News in ef j The National Rotall Grocer ' I1S80. elation In lIestllon at CIncinnati , 0. , Is oPPollod to Ule parcels POtrt law. There hils been a Ireat blizzard In the l1ondllto reclon , nnd Imow Is reported - ported In flomo Dlnces 24 toet deep , . Flro gutted the departmonl store ot Dannon & ; Co" at Sl. Pnul , Mhm" causing a 1019 ostimatCll at. $ l OOOO. The Insurance ta $ l1 , OOO. Chinn Is given nllmallon by th" Unltod Stlltes government ot neces. alty thnt IIho 8bo\1111 observe perfect neutrnHly In the HusBo.Jnpnneso war. Preston M. Wlgrlnson , a. Denver election judge , , vho pleaded gunty to Toting In II. precinct where ho did not resldo. was sentenced to jail ror ninety dayo. Governor LIFl'llelto states that ho will not accept tbo ontco of United States senator tr measures which ho bas been advocating are not enacted into laWIl. L. T. Hibbard , fluperlntendent of the Los Angeles division of the Santa Fo , hl\lI been nppolnted to lIuccl'od S. J. Shepard , recently resigned , aa gener. al suporlntondonl. The new bill tor tho' government rogulatlon ot frelrht rates , , 'aB Intro. duced In the house by Roprosontatlvo Bhaltleford of Missouri , a member of the minority party. Rcvhred returns recelvod from the Ontario olQcUon show that the con. BCrVaUves cloc1'ell 80venty.ono mom. berB of the provincial leglslaturo and the lIberals twenty.sevon. Lndy Curzon , ot Kodleston , wile of the vlcoroy of , Indllll : \ completely recovered fromher , long I11nCl s , and Is prepa.rlng shortly to join her husband In India wUh tholr chlIdron. The Inv8stlgaUnr commltteo of the Millsourl ] eglslaturo will return ! \ report - port exonoratlng Nledrlnghau9 from accoptlng money gl\'on him by hrow. 43T8 for the purpose of Influonclng ] 0/ / ; . . f latlon. Clarence Don Clark was re.clected Unltod States senator by the Wyom. fnp ; leglslaturo In joint session , by a Tote of 67 to 7. Clare ] rocolvod the unn.lllmoulf vote of the rOllubllcan memberB. It IB boHevod that the recent freeze Sn Florldn destro'ed aU cltrous ( rults on trees , excoptlng In the extreme southern part of the st.\to , the totl11 destrucUon being placed at 300,000 bOXOII , p08slbly moro. About 300 poundff at dynamite stored In Plhsburg , Pa. , exploded , olowlng Vlnconzo } Jcsslmato , nn Hnl. San employo , to atoms , Injuring ( orty persons and badly damaging fiCleen houses in the nolghborhood. A number ot Texas business mon bave termed a stock company to drain ! eomns ] alee , down In the Lone Stnr state , In hope of finding $100,000 In Moxlcan coins flupposed to ha'\'o boon dumped there In the enrly daYB. German ) " S009 a elngular eight In the powerful center party co-operatln wtth eoclallsts tn suporUng n. strllm , The higher Catholo clergy are sub. Bcrlblng personallY to the strll\O funda aud are announcing eubscrlptionR. The Intornatlonal commission to In. quire fnto the North sea Incldont re- .mmedlts . sittings at Paris with dlmln. Sshod attendance and Interest , owing to the many fishermen wUnesses re- pentln gpracUcaUy the lIame story. A bU1 appropriating $5,000 for the erection or a monument to the mom. ory of Captnln C. V. Grldloy , who commanded Admiral Dowo"S flagship Olympia at the battle of 1\1an11n bay , hM boon Introduced In the sonnto. . Presldont Roosevelt has dopartell trom the social usages of many In becoming n dinner ftnost at the house of the vlco presldont.elect. For thirty . 'ear8 It has been the custom tor the prosldont to do no dining oul. Mrs. Casslo I Chadwick was tor. many adjudgCll n banlernpt Ill , 1111 ; Unltod StatCtl district nt Cleveland by default. As a result of the court'R ac. tlon the crodltors wU1 meet and oect ] a trustee to taleo charlo of llor prot > - erty u tll It elllln bo sold. W1111am C. Doano , bishop ot AI. bany , and a c9mmltteo ot the Interchurch - church conference on marrlago and divorce , called on the president to center with him nil to some of the ro- Butts ot their deUberntlonS' . BIshop Doane , apenldng for the committee , dellvored a brlor nddrcss to President Roosevelt , to which the prosldent re. pHed. Tho' hOllso committee on rlverg anll harbors agreed on a blU provhUn ! for river and harbor worle. The bl1l car , rles nn aggregate npproprlatlon 01 $17,091,875 and nuthorlzoR expendl. tures for continuing contracts aKgrc- 4 ratlng ; $16.734,657. From the totnl 01 cash appropriated Is to bo deducted the sum of $2,188,942 , the unexpcnde balance at the appropriation carried In the emergency act of llUt 'ear. The plant ot thB Valley 011 mml , at Mompl1lll. Tonn. , wall destroyed b , l1re. l1re.Among Among the nomlnl\tlons of the presl dent wall that of Rev. George J. War fng of Iowa to bo a chaplain In tht , army , with the rank of firllt Houten . -ant. A man IUpposed to have b&en Goo 'W. Try-on of Keokuk , In" walked Inte the ballement of the union station Sl. Louis , and , whll. looking at hi' ' retectlon ! In a largo mirror , drew I 28.caUbre ! revolver and shot bhn"l roucb the rlibt tomple. . . . , - , . GRAIN RATES GUT BURLINGTON GOES BELOW THE EQUALIZING BASIS. MEETS RATES TO THE SOUTH . - - - - Thn Evident I ntentlon Appears to Be to Make the Fight So Warm Thnt It Will Speedily Be Drought to Final Determination. - C'I1WAGO-ChurgeH for carrring corn fl'om Omnhll to the AUuntic ea. hourll rt'\l'hl'11 : the lowest flgttro In the hlshB'y o [ the rate W l' . Late In the lIternoon the Burllllgton IInnouncod the , folluwlng tariff fOl' eXlIort : Ccntl ! , Omnllll to Nl'w 1'01')01' \ ) 100 Ils. .1 < 1 % Omllllll to ' ! \ . . . . , . . . . . . . . Omaha to HnlllrlllJl' { ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 011111 I III to Now . ( . . . . . . . . . . . . Omnhll to Chlr.nro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii Omnhn , to St. LouIH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1'ho Hocle ] slanll announcell through ' than thos < ' . rates 1 % contfl hlghl1l' Whe.n the wllrf l'u holween the lInes lealling to the Gulf uf Moxlco and UlOtlO lending to the Atlantic sea. IMu'1 ! hy way of Chicago ! ! tarted the Burlington tnrlt ! WII ! ! lL cent ! ! to Chi- ' ' 1'IIto WaR 25 % CIIJO. 1'ho through cents to Now Yor1l. After the cast- ern trunk II110s hllll glvun authority to thol1' WCtltt'l'n connectlonfl to mal\O flgl\l'eH \ to geL the IJllflluss ) , the 111. wllul'o & St. Paul , Gr 'at 'Vestern , Burlington 111111 Hocle IHlllllil Issuel ! tariffs of 181f cellts to Now Yorc ) from Omnha IIl1tl 17 celltfi to DaIU. more. 'I'ho last ShlSll Is a full 4 cents nn shows the osporato char. actor of the struggle In progl'ess for the tl'llf11c of the corn belt. 'fhe cut .Is jUHt twice aH declI as had been ex. pected. On WednostlllY the 1\IIssouri Pacific rCtluccl ) Its rateR from Omahn. to Now Orlealls from 1all. : to 11 cents. It wnH eXIectel ! that the Chicago lines woulll cut. their I1gures to the Atlantic , seaboarll to cOl'l'eSll0l1l1 , but the Dur- lIngton not only meets the figure , but go s 1 % centH better. At the ( ' , llces of the Chlcao ! , 1\In. waulcco & St. Paul It was said that the cut of the Missouri Pacific hall not been mot. Consldernhlo surprlso was expressed when the freight of11. I . clals were Informed of lho action of the Durllngton. li'rom the outset the fr lght olllcials of the Burlington hllve IJeon opposell to demornllzlng rntes on account of the attltudo of the 1\1ls- sourl } Jaelfie. l'hoy believed the trouble would blow over after a few do.'s , but when the other lines made 1rato of 181f cents In connection wllh the seaboarl roads the Durling- ton folIowed. The ! nst cut of the : MIssouri - souri Paclflc caused numerous con. ferences nt1l1 the reductions nn. nounced ] ate In the day showed that the nurllngton } ) eoplo were bent on lJrlnftlng the contest to 0 , close by 111ultlng It so extromel ) ' hot that everyone ono would bo wl11lng to drol > . Decide on Railroad Bill , 'V ASHING'l'ON-'rho hOllso com. mltteo on Interstate and forolgn commerce - merco hy a Imrty vote 11\Ilhol'1zed a favorahlo report to the hOU60 on a bnt extomllng nuthorlty to the Inter. state commerce commission to fix rates , Increasing the slzo 'of the com. mIssion from I1vo to seven members IInli creating a "court of tramlporla. tlon. " Anll the hill Is a combination of the sch-Townsenll measures , with amendments talwn from the Hopburn lint. 'fhls action WIlS reached after long sessions. Baseball Agreement Revised. ' ' . ClNClNNA'I'I-Tho rovlsel agree. ment , which 111'ovllles for the regula. tlon o ( pl'Ofesslonlll basebaIl was comvlelCll tOlla ) ' hy the national com. mission , 1\1111 will ho 111\(10 [ puhllc In a few durs. Most of the chl\lUos wore liftl'oeil IIpon at the recent meotlng 01 the commission In this cll ) ' . IncreasC\ ] authority fOl' the natlonlll commissl011 In enforcing the Iljreemont : , aud morr. open 11 < 11\lIng In Ilrafts an l solllng arc the most hlllOrtllut chnnges , mnn amendments bohl ! : minor. Committee Considers Legislation. W A SJ1IN.G'l'ON - ' } 'ho rOlluhIlcar memhol's of the hOllse committee or Intorl1tato nnll forolgn commerce heh a meeting to conshlor railroad legis latlon. Knocked Out In First Round. SAGlNA W , l\lIch-Jor ) Chel'ry 0 Saglnllw. was ImocJced out In the firs round hy Ban ) ' , I"orhos of Chlcag < J befm'o the Saginaw athletic club. Pontal Conspirators Los . W ASIIING'l'ON - - 'rho E1\IIIl'em COlll't of the Unlllll Stlltes tollay de nlell the al1l1lh atlo1of \ l\laclll.'lI , } . ( relli I\nd Groff for a writ of certloral In the CIISO agnlnat them chllrglll cOllsplracy to defraud the g'ovcrl I mont In connecUon with the Pos of11co dOllnrlment Inegularltles. Th effect Is to loastanlling the lIec . slon of the court ot appoaJs o [ 111 District ot Columbia flndlng thm guilty as churgell. 1\I\\rhen \ , l.orel1 and the Groffs were selltenced to tw years' Imlrlsonment. Mr. Bryan Makes Donation. SPIUNGl"lEl U , IlI.-Wllllnm Dr'an Spoilt 'fuesday In JaclesonvU : . In the Interests of Illinois college , which ho Is an I\II\1nnus and ono I t the trllstees. At a mcotlll { ; of tI . bourd of trustees Mr. Brm start < a slIhscrllton ! to ral\o a sum , money to wi va ont the debt b ) ' Sll scribing $2,500 to h01l1l the Hst al $20,000 was ralll(111 , whIch wnt exU gulsh the deht. In the IIftornoon mass meeting of students was hold ( the camlHlS 1111I1 resolution thanlth Mr. Dn'an WIlS udolllel1 . t , . . MEAN MUCH Fen OMAHA. - - ProposItion to Make It General Dls. trlbutlng Point for Supplies. W AS1I1NOTON-Thero Is pending In the wllr olnco u propoHllIon to ralso Omaha to the ImllOl'tanco or II. gonernl IIll1trlllutlng llolnt. for Cluortormaster's sUIlllIleR. n la now t.ho dlHtrllluting Rtatloll [ 01' army lIuflpliea lIestinell to military pORts within the depnrtment or the tlHHolII'I , 'rho recent comlle. tlon o ( the uow nhlltlon ( to the Clunr. tel'nHlst I"R uflllly 1I < 'llot warchouso In Omnlm hllll 1.roYllled . umpJo space for lho . : IalHlJlng or n much larger ton. nage. It Is 1II111 'rstood that there are hut three ge'nel'nl sUPllly depots In Ihn Unltel ] StateR'Iz. , . , New YorlSnn F1'I\nclsco Hnll .TcffersonvllIc , Ind. , the latter illation having heen cl > tabllshed during the civil war nl1I1 malntaluod largel ) . becuuso oC trnllltion. 'rho do. velopmcnt. of the wcst In the Jl1utter of tranSIOrtaUon facilities has glvon rlso to n lIemanll for gonernl supply stlltlon In the mlll.west. Omahl1's claims to this new IIlstlnctlon have been ndvocoted by Senator 1\ll11ard , who recently toole the matter up with General C. P. 1Iumph1'oy , qunrtormas. tel' gonernl of the nrmy. General Humphrey was for II. long tlmo sta. 1I0nc(1 nt Omnha ni ! chlof quartermas. tel' of the dOlI\I'tment of the Platte and Is pOl'80nall ) ' conversant with the situation , as ho Is , o [ course , with the needs of the service In every 111ll't of the United States. Senntor Millard feels confldent that ho wl11 have the good will of General IlIlmllhrey In the effort to enhance the Importnnco of' " Omaha. as a suppl ) ' station. Succeas In this mnttel' would , of course , on. ahlo the wholesale merchants and manufacturers of Nebrasm ] to bid on a vnrlot ) ' of arm - supplies for use throughout the United States and the Philippines , and no doubt they would recolvo largo contracts. It Is posslblo thnt an act of congress Jl1ay bo neces. sary to bring this about , but Senator l\Ullard Is In hopes that It can bo llono by order of the secretnry ot , , var. , . HAS HOPE FOR BILL , Judge Norris Wilnts Terms of Office Chanced. W ASIIINGTON-\Iembers at the NebrasJm ] eglslaturo no oubt w1I1 read with Interest the fun text or Congrossmnn Norris' joint resolution to extend the presidential term to olght years , as wen as that of 'Sena- tors ; to elect senators by dh'ect vote of the people , and to extend the con. grcsslonal term to four ) .ears , This bill Is appl'oved by the members of the house commltteo on electlon , by the president amI by other congress- mono 'fho measure follows : "Section 1. President and Vice President-Tho president aUtI VICO : president shall bo eected ] for a term of eight years. ' No person who has held the office of 11resldent at any tlmo within ono ) 'ear prior to the selection - lection o [ electors for president and vlco presillent shall be ellglblo to that office for the 'Succeeding term , "Soc. 2. Senators-Senators S111111 bo elected by the people or the sov- eml states fOl' II. term of eight 'ears. QuaIlflcntlons to vote for senntors shall be same as fOI' members of tile house of representatl\'es. On senator - tor from ench Rtnto shall bo eloctotl at II. gonernl election hold at the same tlmo electors for prosillent and vIce president are chosen , and ono senator - tor from ench Rtato shall bo elected nt a general election hellIon the nrst Tuesdny nfter the first Monday m November four ) 'ears thereafter ; Pro. vlded , That this aomndlllent shull not bo construed as vacating the omco of any seuator elccte prior to Its adop- tion. "Soe. 3. Members of the lIouso of Roprosentatlves-Tho term of olnco of members of the house or ropresen. , tatlves shall bo four years. and the ) ' shall bo elected at tho'snmo gencml I olectlon at which Denators me I elected. " Their Sentence Stands. WASIIINGTON , D , C.-1'ho supreme - premo court of the United States denied - nied the apIIIlcation of 1\1l\l'chen , Lor- cnz and Groff for a writ of certlornrl In the case against them charging consplrac ) ' to defraud the government In connection with the postoffico de. partment IrreguJnrlties. 'fho effect Is to leave stnndlng the decision of the comt of nllpenls ot the District of Columhlu finding them guUty as charged. Machen , Lorenz Hnd Gro1'f I , wcro sontonci'll to two yeuI's' m. pl'lsol1ment and Hnell $10.000 each. Britain Asks Explanation. LONDON-Tho 1i'orolgn ofllce haE rccoh'ed a tele"ram' from Consul Gm eral hll'l'a ) ' rOllorllllg thnt Illmsell and VI co Consul MuCultnln were chnrged by Husshll1 ca valr'men en gnged In cler.rlllg the atrf1ets or War saw , It appears tlllit Mr. l\Inrra ) ' h lIartla1J ) ' dellf nnd did not heal' the upproach of the trooper ! ! , nnd whol ho sUbsequentl ) ' onde\vored to mulel n Imown his vorsonaHty It " as wUhou nvnU. The Foreign omco has telc ' 0 grnphed to Ambalsador IIardingo tl h1\'elltlgato' the matter. Better Plnces for I mmlgra'nts. J. W AS111NG'l'0li'rn1Ie \ P. Surgenl Ie commission or of Inuulgratlon , wa J ( hearll b ) ' the house commltteo on al J ( proprlatlons. MI' . Sargont lresente 10 the necessity ot ) Iormanont Imllrove )11 monts for the hnmlgrntlon servlco [ ) C New Orleans anll San Frnnelsco } b. 1 lIIs Island It Is desired to construe 111 a contardons hOHllltal at an ostllllHte n. I'ost of $250,000 and a $12,000 wah a 11\lrltlratlon 1)ll\lIt. At Snn li'ranclsc m thl're Is n 0 < ' 11 ClI an Inunllrntlon Stl :1g : tlnn , plllns for which hnve been ma at a cost of $ : ! ijO.OOO. " . , ' 1' , . . ADDRESS BY GZAR TALKS TO A DELEGATION OF WORKINGMEN. \ - Will RELIEVE All HE CAtI Delegntlon Informed That Laborers Were Deceived by Traitors to Run. sla-Asserts That Wrongs Will Bo RIghted , - S'l' . PETERSnUHG-Personal M. suranc 'S of his Intention tomeJlo. . rIlto the conllitions and remove 1110 causes Insofar I1S they are economic which led to the recent strllte were deJlver 'd by Emlwror Nichoills to worltlngmen rOPl'esenUng all U10 leading factm'leR of St. Petersburg , who , at his Invltaalon , joul'1leyed to ' ! 'sarltoo Seloo 1\1111 were received In nudlenco In the hall of the Alexander paluct' , where ho hus his winter resldcnce. This Intervlow , face to face with their "lllUo fathcl' , " In whom their [ alth has not been shnlccn by the events of the hloody Sunday of Janu. nry 22 , has hl\ll a far greater nn moro assurIng effect than any num. bcr of lIroclamations by ministers and govel'1lor generals and the worle. men of St. Petersburg are now gen. erally Inclined to accept the prom. Ises of Governor General Treporf and Flnanco lInlste1' Kelwvsovoff nt thoh' face value. 'fho gift of the Imperlul rum11r : of , $2 , OOO to aid the fam1Ues and "Ic. thns of the conflict of Jnnmmry 22 also has bad all excelIont effect and as the news slowly permeates the laboring - boring classes of Russia It Is expect. ed that It wllI maleo them content to walt for the IJl'omlsed reforms. LUte II. wave caused by the faBlng of a stone the strlko movement , however - ever , Is sprendlng over the great sea of Russian Industl'lal Jlfe , and wh110 St. Petersburg m1l1 Moscow , where the troubles began , are now placid , the woremen of Poland and other provinces arc not yet calm and the rlpplo has reached to faroff Irlmtse ] and ether Siberian towns. FolIowlng is the czar's address to the delegation who represented the . of fnctorles and worJeshopa at St. Petersburg : "I have s-.mmoned 'ou in order that ' ' words from 'ou may ue u' my m.seIr and communlcato them to your compunlonRl'ho rOLent lamentable - able events WlU1 such sad , but Ine , ' . Itable results have occurred because you allowed 'ourBelves to be led astray by traitors and enemies to our country. 'Vhell they induced you to address a petition to mo on your : needs they deslrod to see : rou revolt : ngalnst 010 and m ) ' government. They forced you to leave ) 'OU1' honest worle at n perIod when 1\11 Russian work. mn should bo laboring unceasingly In order that wo might vanquish our obstlnato enomy. Str11ees and dls. graceful domonstratlons ] eel the crowds to disorders whIch obliged , and alwuys will obllgo , the n thori- tics to call out troops. As a result Innocent people were vIctims. I Imow that the lot ot the worcman is not easy. 1\Inny things requlro improve. ment , but have patlenco. You wllI 1lI1derstand that It Is necessary to bo just toward ) 'om' employers and to consider the conditions of pur Indus. trIes. nut to como to mo as are. belllous mob In order to decaro your wants Is 0. crlmo. In my sollcltudo for the worelng ] classes I wlll taleo measures which wl1\ \ assure thut ey. er.thlng posslblo wllI bo done to 1m. provo their lot and secure nn Investi. gaton ! of their demands through legal channols. I 11m convinced of the honesty of the woremen and tholr devotion to m'seIf , and I pardon their transgression. Return to ) .our worle with ) 'o\1r comrades md } carry out the tasles a110te to ) 'ou. May God assist ) 'ou. " Edabllsh New World's Records. RED WING. l\lInn.-New world rec. ords were established In a sJeI turnll. ment , In the ] on jump , stand or faU , George ThollllSOn of Red Wing , cover. ed 118 feet and In the long jump stand. Ing. Gustaf Dye of IShpomlng , Mich. , went 106 , both bolng abend ot all lrevlous records. To Save Maxim Gorky , DERLIN-A number of deputies . slglOll a memorial In the chamber , ot deputies aaldng the government to , use Its good of11ces with the Russian , government to save the Ufo or 1\1axh Gorley and his companions. " In. ' ' ThInks Hay "Butting I s'r. PE'rBHSI3URG-Tho Novostl . sa.s Secretary lIay's note on the sub , . ject or China will bo Interpreted In dIfferent WHYS. "Wo cannot sn ) ' , " the 'papor adlls , "tlhat It promlsos the , belllgeronts agreeable prospects , If , ether cabinets como to an agreement with Washington It may happen that ilolther Hussln nor Japan will get the sllgntes ndvantago from the war. . OthCl' powers are preparing to set : . up claims In case pence Is declared. J They ho.vo s\HlIlenl ) ' conceived a de. sil'o to In'esel'Vo Chlno.'s Integrity. , , Grows Serious at Warsaw. W AHSA W-Tho strllco disorder ! are hocomlng moro serious. 'fho or tllnary lIfo of the city Is qulto BUS pended. On Saturday the strltcor ! stoPIed the street railway srvlco , bu remained otherwlso orderly. Sunday however , they began wholesale 1)111 n o. The majorJt ' of the ! ! hops h : \lnrshlll Kovsltl stl'eet alHl the statl vodlen shops were looted. All the fllc ) torlos , shops , S'chools and theaters nrl closed , nnd the street Jamps oxth , lul..hel1 , There were sovernl collision betwenn the IOUC'A and strIkers. . . . " . . FOR JOINT RATES. Railroad Companies Agree on the Same. WASIIlNGTON-The senate com. mltteo on Interstate commerce gave a hearing on the subject of ral1road legislation , .Judgo S. II. Cowan ot Ii'ort Worth , Tex" ndvocated sovornl amondmentlr to the luterstato com. merco act ns melhod of reaching combinations of ral1roada to fix joint rates , . M. Ii'or uson , who rOIresC1nts fruit and vegetable shlppng assocla. tlons , mUlle a brfef SIeech ) In fn.vor of the IWelns bl11. 110 protested against IIlErcrlmlnutlons In favor of con corns ollera"ung prlvato rerlgera. " tor curs , and chm'ged that these own. ers get rates of from $ lUO to $200 less per car than othOl' shlplerS , and thore. fore were unfah' comlletltors. Judge Cowan , ropresenLlng sovornl cn.ttlo growCl's' associatlOl s , who wns heard lIy the house committee. re. peated charges of discriminations In carrying cattle to northel'tl polnts , saying that the1'o was an agreement between the r l1wa ) ' companies which flxod joint rates between urJous points. Judge Cowan said that no cattle shlppor wag dlscl'lmlnated ngl.lnst : , but that competition on rates had Ills- apl1Cared b ) ' reason of combination of railroads and the rates had been ad. vanced to many ponts. The Shermnn law , as u means of reaching C'omblnatpns nnd consplr. acles of that chnracter , was held to bo sufficient by Senator , Ellelnr. ! Ho declared that the United Stutes Ills. trlct attorney could lIroceed under that lav. JUdge Cowan said he was under the Impression that It was the atl01'l1ey general who dotermlned that o.ctlons should bo Instituted under the Sherman - man law. Senator Carmacle toole the same view and severnl other senators said that the district attorney seldom brought actions except In minor cnses , Judge Cowan suggested an amend. ment to section 15 of the Interstate commel'ce act ns a meamr of meeting such discriminations. The act maes it the duty of the commission to fix a proper rate or charge In place of any unjust or unreasonable charge , such rnte as flxed hy the commission to go lute effect within thirty days. , OPPOSES BIG HOMESTEADS CongreGsman Mondell Wants Ne , braska Law Tested. WASHINGTON-Whether 640 acres as II. homestead shaH taJeo the place of 160 acres Is a question which Is being discussed hefore the pUblic lands committees v : the senate and house , Statements have been made showing thut a square mile Is not too much to allow a man In cortaln states of the west and that 160 acres Is too lIttlo. An Intorestlng , argument was made before the house commltteo hy RepresentaUvo Monllell \V'omlng , chalrmun of the house Irrlgntlon com. mlttee , In which he took decided ground against ap ) " hasty legislation on this subject. "Congress passed a Jaw on this question last session InclUlllng the lanll of westel'tl Nehraslm. " ho saId , "with the undCl'standlng that It wo ld ho in the nature of an experiment. After II. fall' tl'lal there , and a car . fu ] Investigation of Its results , It maybe bo wlso-mo ) ' he wise I say-to enact similar leglsJation for other limited loculltleH ; hut to forthwith apIly the plan to great arnas of the west at this time , would bo a dangerolls thing. 'fho Nebraslm law has heen In no sense Il domonstratlon as yet. " Mr. Mondell sta tell that ho had made four 01' five long rnllroad trIps throughout this part of Nebraska nnll he had observed no Indication of set- ttement undCl' this Jaw , lIe saw no now houses nor no eviliellco of Increased - creased popuutlon. ] lIe admitted thut there are vaHt areas of the west which can eventlll\Hy be clnssUied as gr z. Ing lo.nds solely , Irredeemable beyond any process of 1l'l'lgatlon , hettCr ! farmIng - Ing methods or through the Introduc. tlon or new arid land cmps , "but , " ho said , "wo are In no COIIlIt1on ( fit thla tlmo and will not lie for many year3 to intelligently "laRRlfy 1\11 these lands , " II Bryan at College Dinner. NEW YORK - William JennlngH Dryan wo.s the l1rlnclpal guest r'l'1I1n ' night at the annual dlnnor of the New Yore ] Alumni association of S'TacuslJ university at the H tel Astor. He slloJ\O on " 'rhe Appcal of Democracy to the Cultured Clnsses. " Grinding Can dlan Wheat. l\l1NN ] APOLIS , Ihll1.-Thol'o nre now llvo hlg nOl'th wostel'll ml11s grinding Canadian whent , four oj which nl"o \linneapolls and the last in 'Vlnona , 'fhe 111l11s are operat , In under the new drawback regula , lions , which IOrmlt the grinding 01 the wheat for export with the prlvl. ] eJes of retaining the hY'Irollucts II : this countrr.\'e thousnnl1 hushels at Cnnllllinn wheat ha'\'o beer purchased , anll aftCl' FeIJl'ual' ) . 1 a mlr having a capaclt ' o ( 1,800 lInl'l'els t du ) ' will bo put to worl , on thl' grain Students Show Disapproval. Darmstadt , 01'1\1111 Duchr of Hosse- . Three hunllred Russian student ! marched to the hOUHe of the Huscll\I mlnlstor , PI'ln7.o K0I1Ill\'how. The spolccsman for the studentS' said theJ wished to protcRt ngulnst absolutism the wal' with .10111\n allIl tbo recon proceedhlJs at St , Pl.tOl'sburg. 'fht students gave cheers for free RIH1sla . The mlnlstor repIlel ] that last Sundn had been 1\ day of triO doelOst salines : ecnuso masses of worltlngmen hnl been misled h ) ' thoughtless lenders The students then quietly withdrew . , , WOMAN'9 MISERY. Mrs , John LaRue , at 115 Patc"on 'avenuo , Paterson , N. J. , saYiJ : "I was lroublod for about nine ) 'cars , anll whut I suffered - fored no ono w I I I ever lenow. \lsell about evcry Itnown reme- lIy that Is Halll : : to be good for ] , Idney com- palnt , but. wIthout II o. rIving perma. \ \ ent relict. nltnn . . . . .1. " . . nlono In " ' house the b"'a4 ] ; ch ' ; been so bad thut It brougbt teurs to m ) ' e'os. l'ho pain at times was so In. tense thnt I was compelled to glvo U\ \ > my household dutlos and 110 down. There were headaches , dizziness anll blood rushlug to my hend to cause bleeding at the nose. The first box ot Doan's Kldne ) ' , PJ11s benefited mo so much that 1 continued the treatment. The stinging pain In the small of my bac1e , the rushes of blood to the hca and other symptoms disappeared. " oan's Kldnl'Y Pl11s for. sale by all dealers. . 50 cents per box. Foster- Mllburn Co. , Buffalo. N. Y. Punctured Bubble. The phrase "punctured bubble" I npplled to any 1I0l'pon , enterprlso or- thing that In the beginning 1001cS' brlI- lIant and promising , but which , after a short oxlstence , Is punctured by criticism and then dlsappoars a qulctly ] as 0. brolwll bubble. p'asteboard Resists Bullets. At some firing experiments by th ' Swedish governmOlrt the bullets falled to penetrate targets made of paste. bourd three Inches in thlcmosS' ] , yet they easlly I > llSS tbrough planks five- inches thlcl\ . Book Brings Big Price. The sum of $20,000 was paid at n. Londo nauctlon for II. "Codex Psalm. arum" of the ) 'ear 14 9 , of which only twenty copies wcro orlglnally prInted. . Life of Telegraph Wires. Tetegraph wires will last for tort , . , years near the seashore. In the man. ' utacturlng districts the same wlre last only ten years and even less. A New York contemporary wants tl > I know It Julius Caesar Is dead. 'V have not noticed his death notice any. where. SPREADING THE NEWS BROADCAST. That Dodd's Kidney Pills cured hie Diabetes. After long suffering Mr. G. Cleghorn found a permanent relief - lief In the Great American Kidney Remedy. 'V . Port Huron , Mich. . Jan. 30th.-Spc- ( . cla1)-Tortured ) with Dlabetos and -Bladder Dlseaso from which he could apparently get no 'relict , Mr. G. Cleg- horn , II. brlctlu"er ] , H'\'lng at 119 Dut. tIer St. , this city , has found a complete - pleto and permanent cure In Dodd's Kidney pJ11s nnd 111 his graUtudo he Is spreading the news broadcast. "Dodd's Kidney Pills made 0. man or mo , " Mr. Cleghorn says. "r was 1\ sufferer from Diabetes and Bladder Disease. I was so had I could do no work and the pain was something terrible. I could not get anything to help mo till I trlell Dodd's Kidney Pills. They helped mo right from the first and now I am completely cured. I have recommended Dodd's KidneY' Pills to all my friends and they hl\ve- found them all that Is calmed . ] for thorn. " Dodd's KIdney Pl11s cure all Kidney Ills trom Dacmcho ] to Drlght's Disease - ease , They never fall to cure Rheu- matism. Ono month In the school of affliction - tion wJ\l \ teach theo moro thl111 the greut precepts of Aristotle In - ! ! cven years ; for then canst never judge rightly of humnn almlrs , unless thou as first felt tllO blows , and found out the deceIts of fortune-FuIler. There Is more Catarrh In this lectton ot the country than all put toolher ! , : , nnd unUllhe I. " few years IVU lo be Incurable , } o'or a g-e..t lUany doctore prunounced It a local deeaoe ! and prelcr rears 10CliI rellledles , a\lIl lIy con5lanUy falllc ! ; to C\lre wllh lucal trealment , prononnced It Illcurable. Science haa proveu Calarrh lo be a cunstltuUonal dl. . eaoe aud thercfore require. con.Ututouallre..tmenL ! lIall'l Catarrh Cure , II1 nufaclUred lIy F. J Cheney " " Co" Toledo , 01110. II Ihe only conollluUonal cure OD the market. It Is ( aken IDlemallr In dosel from l dropl to Q teaspoontnl , It acts dlrecuy on the blood and mncon. lurtace. of 1110 .y.tem. 1'hoy oll'er one hundred < lulla , . tor an ) ' ca.o It tlll1 , ; u cure , Send tor crcnlafl ! and . leollllllnl&I. . , Addreut . . J. CIII : iln. & ; CO. , TolodCl. Ohio. 801d lIy lJru IIIU. 15 < 1 , Take UaU'j } o'alUlIy 1'11I1 tor conlUpaUop. You do not cleanse : rourseU b1 ewutUng everyone else. AmoDIr tbooo who have receIved tbe hlgh st award-the Urand l'rlze-at St , Loulll World' " ! ' wal lhe A. J. 'ruwer Co. . the makeu at Iho } o'181 DHANlJ 81.10KlmS. ! llan1 of our readers who went I to lho r'alr11I recall Ihelr nne eshlblt In 1I'hlcb waterproof garmcntl were ello n adapI\,1 to 80 lDaDY UIOII that ullllOllt every departlllent of lbo world' . work was luggeled , The Orllnd l'rlze was n de- .erred lriliu tll 10 ono of thu ull1ellt lIlanufacturlna concerDlln tile COUULr ) . The man who puts hiS' heart into bis wore will alwa's get ahead in It. The Best Results In Starching can be obtalnell onby \ uslnS' Defianca Starch , besIdes getting 4 ounces more , tor same lUone-no cooking requIred. " ! ' \ It tnlees more thnn the Sunday suit 'Ij ' to IDllke the solid snlnt. A OUAnANTJ I D ( JunE Fen } 'ILES. 11cl11111 : , UIIDd , lIIeedn. ! : or l'rulrudlDIr Pile. . Your drul { tlt "III refund mouey It I' AZO OliTUEN'r taUl 10 cure JUII In II to U daYM. 6Oc. - - ' You soon ] ese the religion you try to keep to 'ourseU. rlso's Cure cannot bo too blghly spoken ot IUI a coulb curo.-J , W. O'UIIIEN , : t : ' 'I'hlrd Ave. N. , MIDuel1polh < , Mlnn. , Jan. O. HI ( ) ( ) . "Time to burn" leeops the dlPf ' . furnnce Jolng. .