Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 09, 1905, Image 1

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. - ' . . . I . ' . .
2 , : : , : : : . . . ; : - . _ . _ . . - _ _
- - - - - . - - - . . -
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. . . . . . .
- . , " - - - - - . . . . .
If ) 'OUI wutch won I t mil , you J
havc a tnl1 : . with th ' watc'h. r :
. b . . ; . . mak r. If } 'ou are in ph'sical : J.
\l. : , tJ ' distress .I 'ou call 0 flh .I 'slclan. " ' , 1 . .
i If your bouse is outwardlr rusty. : .rl
ai.i . a painter will brighten 1t. It's : i (1 (
Wf a case of every man to bis own fi
t iradlt , and then ) 'our work will rl
; ' " be " , ell done. A watchmaker . . . :
f cannot mend impaired healthj
nOt can 11 physician set the . , . ;
wheetg of a broken watch or .
M. remedy eye ailments st1ccess. + i' ' I .
f fntty. It is ont } ' that man who : .
. has stuLlled searchlngl } ' . Refrac.
, : , ! ion , Physiology and Anot my rl .
of the eye , who can adJust. .
! . I glas'es to a cerlolnty. : I J'
f"- ji.
f"d C '
. . . < \ 'r . . .
; . f" . . .
G ; ' , ; ' .1 J
. . '
. . . ; .
; .
. 'ff ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . .1,1 , : J. . '
. . . ! . o.i.I ! ' . ' . . . "iJ..u.IiIDr ' . ] rnD t , , 'H. . . . . : f . : ! . . . . . ! ili"ifi. . ! : . ; . ;
- -
Schoo1 Books.
School Supplies ,
. -1.1'-
. 1 : J. G Haeberle.s :
, , . . B 'li.'N : m ,
! n. : & ! t\ \
: ErokenBow Abstract Company.
t Reneau & Leonard , real estate.
J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2U
Send your laundry to the Grand
Island Steam Laundry. Marguiss
Bros. gts.
. .
- - - - - - - - - -
I-Uock enue For ! 'lute
1 ha'Ve ninety head of cattle ,
( consIsting of cows and yearlings
, /If for sale. Time will be gi ven to
suit purcbaser. 'V. A. GnORGJt.
. .
Tbe Beatrice Creamery Co. will
pay 28 cents a pound for butter
iat the first balf of February.
See tbose Valentines at Mar-
quiss Bros. P. O. Bldg. I
For Sale-A No. 1 fresh milch
cow. CHAS. H. HOLCOMB. 34-tf
Have your laundry at the P. O.
store by 7:30 : l\Ionday nigbt.
, Stamp photos 25c Bangs studio.
' - " - ' "
Fresh oysters , candy , cigars and
tobacco at MiJee Scaulon. ,
FOR SALE-Road wagon and
single barness , nearly new. cbeap
for cash. See Geo. Papineau.
. . . -
, we have $3,000 private money
to loall on Improved farms at a
low of in terest.
LEDWICH & Homn .
FOR SALE-Well improved
idence property. Will be sold at
a bargain if called for SOOd. Enquire -
. quire at this office. 26tf
Dr. T. W. Bass , dentist. Office
over McComas' drug store. 25tf
1 am now lo ted just north of
the Custer National Bank. Come
. and see me for bargains In real
estate. Some cboice acre property -
perty for sale.
Insurance tbat insures.
38tf R G. MOORE.
'fhis office for neat job work.
Cabint photographs $1.50 and
$2.00 per dozen at Bangs studio.
( . Fritz bas returned from Russin
" and opened up his shoe shop at
Peate-Sheppard Co. 's store. Call
and see him for your rep irli , 2Stf
I t : : : : E : : : : : ]
I . _ . _ _
Artie Pittiway was n passenger -
ger for Hazard i'ue ; ( lay lIIorning.
'l'om l { Jlnedy of 1\1 .1 l.In Ci y ,
was a buslUcs9 caller ill the ctt"
last Thursday.
Joe Hromas of Mason City , was
transacting business in the city
last Thursday.
Joe Knajdl of Pragul , was in
.th ( city on business ' 1'hllrodny , returned -
turned home Friday last.
g. A. Prouty was a 13Cl'\vyu
, , 'isitor'at the count ) ' seat last
Thursdayrctnrninghonte Friday. I
Wm. Smitb of Ansley. was a
business transactor in the city
last Friday , returning homc Sat-
J. R. Judge of A'1sehno , was at-
tending court here a couple of
days last week , . returning home
C. H. Swanson of Mason City , ,
was att nding court a couple of
days last week , returning home :
Saturday. ,
J. E. Evans of Sargent reprc-
senting the Harding Creamery
'Co. , was in the city a couple of
days last week. ,
\V. D. Hall of Sargent , who had
been attending court at the county -
ty seat the past week , returned
Home Tuesday. .
C. 'J. Furer of Fairfield , Nebras-
'ka ' , was in the city last week looking -
ing for cattle. and land , returning-
home last Friday.
Mrs. T.V. . Bass and daughter
Etl1elof this city left on Monday' ! ?
train for a few days visit to
friends in I.4incoln.
J. Martin , apd A. E. Hutt of
this city left for a combined business -
ness and pleasure trip to Tulsa , ,
Indian Ter. , last Tuesday.
The O. E. S. Kensington will
be entertained by Mrs. F. M. Rub-
.lee'ruesday , Feb. 14th , at 2:30
'c1t1ck. All meli.J.bers invited.
J. M. Lewder of tbis city , left
on Tu sday's train for a few days
visit with friends at Grand.
. , . .
Rev. G . H ennksell of thIS CIty ,
left for Hazard last Saturday to
fill the pulpit of the Norwegian
'Lutberan cburch of tbat place
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hughes ,
who had been visiting relatives
at Hyannis , for some time return
ed to their home at Litchfield las'
Miss Lucy Allison of BerwYl1 ,
who had been maldng a two weeks
vi it at the home of her sister
Mrs. Frank Kelsey , of this city ,
returned home Saturday.
DIRD-Floyd Currey of Huxley ,
dicd last Saturday evenJ g , about
10 p. m. , of lung fever. Age
about 18 years. Funelal sef\'ice
were held Monday at Huxley.
Mrs. A. Canterbury , who had
been visiting ber father , Mr. J.
C. Fuller of tbis city for somc
time , returned to her home at
New L ndon , Iowa , Saturday.
B. & 1\1. trains have been somewhat -
what off sch dule the past two or
t .r e weelcs owing to the snow
al1fl bad weather. Regular No.
42 was about 7 hours late last
Tbe Ottun Bros. of Sargent ,
who had been in' the city since
the middle of last week attending
court , returned bome Monday
night byteam. . 'rbey went by
way of Round Valley. :
Mrs. F. B. Hersh of this city
accompanied by Mistress Esther
Morris , left for a visit to ber parents -
ents , . Ir. George Elmwood , at ber
old bome Napoleon , Obio. Mrs.
Hersl1 expects to be gone tbree or
four months.
J. B. Burdick of Ansley , who I
some months ago bougbt the
Pittaway residence property in I
the southwest part of tbe city , .
has taken up his residence bere.
Tbe REPUBLICAN extends a welcome -
come to Mr. Burdick and family
to our midst.
Carl Burdick was th lucky
man in the purchase of tbe Mark
King farm , southeast of the citJ
tbat was sold Monday , by the
referees to the highest bidder.
He paid for the place 83,122.57.
He and L. B. Morris will divide
tbe place between tbem , Mr.
I MorrIs will take tbe west balf and
Burdick will retain the east half.
I Rev. Jesse 'reagarden was a
passenger for Havennu Monday.
lI. H. Andr ws of Callaway , bas
been' in thc city several days at. .
tending court.
Ed. York of Hustings , is circulating -
culating among friends in the
city ibis week.
O. F. HineS"of Lincoln was a
private business caller in the city
Frillay returning home Saturday.
Frank C. Cocleran of this citj' ,
lcft on 'l'uesdays train for a busi. .
ness trip to Superior , Nebraska.
The meetings at the Methodist
church ha\'e been closed , owing
to the c1emenc of the weather
and severe cold. '
J. O. Heffelfinger , hide dealer
of Grand Island , was in the city
Tuesday , and left on vcsterdays
train for Ravenna.
; \t. ! . und Mrs. Jack Staplcs and
family'of Kenf\tckey arrived in
the ctt ) . Tuesday mornin with
the view of locating.
Miss Maggie Pirnic of Merna
is visiting with ber friend and
old schoolmate l\1iss Inez Sharp
of this city this week.
Lee Paine of Ansley who had
been spending a week at the home
of his Uncle Frank Huxtable of
this city returned home Saturday.
C. H. Kennedy of the Commercial -
cial , left on yesterday's train for
Aubern , wbere he iscalled , by illness - ,
ness of his brotber , George { en- :
nedy. I
W. B. Eastham of this city ,
left for Lincoln Tuesday. Mr.
Eastham says be intends to belp
strai'gbten things np at the legis. .
James Dillavou and family of
Gates , left on yesterdays passenger -
ger for an extended visit to Dill. .
avou's parents , J. 'r. Dillavou of
1\1 rs. Eva Hill of North Loup
who had c arge of the singing at
tbe Methodist cburch during the
mee.tits } returned to her home
Tuesday ,
J. A. Amsberry 01 Mason City ,
spent last Friday and Saturday
111 Broken Bow attendIng court.
He returned home Saturday
J. R. Fay of North Platte , oile
of the leading witnesses for the
defendant in the Christie divorce
suit last week returned home
Tuesday morning.
Roy.Leibee of Rock Island ,
Illinois , who had been making a
weeks vIsit at the home of Mrs.
A. ttl. Legitt of thi city , returned -
ed home 'l'uesday.
F. .M. Currie of Sargent , was a
city visitor Monday. He says
the late cold weather has been
very severe on stock and estimates
his loss of cattle at $500.
Mrs. G. i\1. Heiney and children
of this city. left on Saturday's
train for Ravenna , to visit i\1 rs.
Heiney's parents , Mr. and L\J rs. J.
K. Sanders of that city. I
H. A. Sherman cashier , of tbe
First National Bank of Sargent ,
who was attending court Imst week
on the Ottll11 find Austin case re-
returning' home last . .rfuesda ) ' .
1\1 r. A. H. Blessing' and wife ,
of Walworth , left on yesterday's
passenger for a six weeles visit to
Jriends and relatives at ! \Jr.
Blessing's old home Betbany , 'Mo.
M1rried-At the I'Ilethodist parsonage -
sonage , on Sunday , February'5th
at 2:30 : p. Ill. , bRev. . Allen
Chamberlain. Mr : George Kin-
dree , and Miss. Lizzie Hempstead
both living near the city.
Mesdames Kimberling , Apple ,
and Cad well , of tbis city attended
the Baptist Institute at 1\1 ason
City yesterday. 1\1 iss i\1 audie I
Apple them. '
accompanied 'rbey I
returned home on 43 last night (
J. E. Iszard , Prop. of the Globe
Hotel , of this city , left yesterday
morning' for a couple of weeks
visit in Denver. He was accompanied -
panied by bis brother , Rev. A. '
L. ! szard of Woodbury. N. J. ,
who has been visiting bim for
the past two or three weeks.
C. 1\1. Ii'orscyth of New Helena ,
returned 'fuesda ) ' moming' from
Omaha where he shipped a car
load of hutcher stuff Snndaj' . He
reports no losses from the storm
on his rancb. He thinks where
ufficient shelter nnd feed is provided -
vided tbat the 10RS of stock will
be very ligbt.
W. J. Chalners of Chicago was
among the day visitors at the
county scat Tuesda ) ' . .
, l\Jiss \ Emma Carr of this city
left yesterday for a three wectes
visit to friends at New Helena ,
W. 11. C. Woodburst was in thc
clty 'l'uesday adjusting the insurance -
ance on he Pre\byteriau ! church.
Mrs. C. P. Young of Gatc ! ) ,
l ft for a thrce weeks visit to hcr
n other , I\Irs. J. C. Wallacc of
Kansas City , ) 'etcrday. !
Roy Schneringcr of , Callaway
ldt ycsterda ) ' morning for a two
we\lcR \ visit at his unclc Fred
Schl1eringer of Bradshaw Neb.I I
R. C. Jones of Ansley who had
b en waking a weelcs visit with
his grandmothcl Mrs. . ' 1055 of
this cIty returned homc Saturday.
Mrs , latherVll Young , daughter -
ter of E. D. Gla c and wife of
this city returncd from an extened
visit to' friends in the East , yes-
Jud e Hostetler who has been
presidmg over th district court
here the past week , returned to
his bome at Kearney yesterday
: Warren 'l'aylor olasol1 ; Cit1. '
who had been worlClng' f r PhIl-
lip's Guthnc of this city , for
some time pa ! > t , returned home
M artill HulTman of Giltner ,
wbo bas been'in the city the past
few days , looking after his real
estate mterests in Ithis vicinity ,
returned bome y sterday.
Vu1Jllc Snl ! ' .
H. L. Kenncdy will malee a.
public sale of his horses , cattle
and macbinery , February 20th.
Partic\,11ars , next wcek.
. - t . - - _ .
l MarrIage LlcCURe ! ! . . .
The following marriage license
. was issued during the past week :
( John Van Cott. Br01len ; Bow
, , 'Ma\1de Sbeppard , Br.oken.Bow '
{ Homer Yingling , Oconto
Della Smitb , Oconto
Two Partlcs.
Miss. Inez , sbarp entertained
about fourteen of bel' friends , at
ber bome , four doors 'west ' of the
Metbodis.t church , on last 1\Iou-
day evening. That date being
her birthday. Flinch and va r-
ious otber games were indulged
in. Lunch was served , and the
guests departed , some to rpeet
again on Tuesday evening to
celebrate Earl's birthday. Both
parties passed off quietIy , yet
were greatly enjoyed by those
invi ted.
.Ules1'I1uce Sale or Renl Estate.
Until March 1st 1905 , we will
offer 5000 acres of land for sale
consisting of well improved farms
to- raw prairie land , in tracts of
acres to 1780 acres. 'rhese
will include almost any kind of a
farm tbat a person would desire.
All contracts of sale will be nJade
with a small cash payment , balance -
ance in cash or mortgage on
March 1st 1905.
\Ve will also otTcr some good
town lots ; also one two story bouse
witb eigbt rooms , good ce lar and
cistern , bam and u whole block
of ground 011 the same terms.
We have a special object in
offering this property and any
one wanting a farm or small
ranch or cIty residence , can get a
bargain between this and Marcb ;
1st 1905. WIT.LIS CADWELL.
. . . .KonhluJl DurnH.
are instantly relieved , and perfectly -
fectly bealed , by Bucklen's Arnica
Salve. C. Rivenbark , Jr. , of
Norfolk , Va. , writes : "I burnt
mv knee dreadfully ; tbat it blistered -
tered all over. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve stopped tbe pain , and
healed it witbout a scar. " Also
heals all wounds and sores. 25c' '
at Lee Bros. druggist.
Wanted-'en men in ach
state to travel , . tacie signs and
distribute samples and circulars
or our goods. Salary $75.00 per
month. ' 1'hrce dollars per day
for expense . 1uhll11an Co ,
Dept. W. , Atlas Building , Chicago -
cage , Ill. 35.42
Will pay market price fot' coru
" delivered at Adams ranch.
1Stf F. M. CURRIn.
- " " " " " " " " " " " 'tt't"'t't" ' ' " ' ' " ' + "t'tt"t""t" " ' " " " ' " " " " " " " " " " '
: : : : - -
E \Ve have secured the agenoy for the = =
- ; : : : :
Tea leaf Brand of Teas for 1905 ,
= = And we are confident that Ollr CUH- : - : :
= - = tomers will rejuice with us. T'he : : :
Celebrated Tea Leaf Brand
- - : : : :
E is the finest piekings and is seoured :3
from the Ohoicest Leaves. 'rea.
= = drinkers t.hat ; buy n pound of the 3 -
: : : : . . = =
- . ' - [ ' OR L eRf wtl I use no ot 1 WI' . .t \ S. one = =
) -
E - or our customers told us the ether = =
day that she had bought ' ! 'eu Leaf !
: : : : : .
' : : :
: : : : [ en o ( I ! us f 01' sixteen years , Ull d 1 lU d : : : : :
I always round it nourishing , fine
i flavor und appetizing-only 50 cents
a pound-buy n pound of 'rel1 Leaf '
- = = Tea of ! . . . . . . ) ' = - =
: : : : : = =
J. C. Bowen ,
: : : . : : :
Broken Buw ! Nebraska. North Sido. . 3
' -
11111111111il1111il11111111111111111 + 1111111lil111111111l111111t111111111
. ,
. --------.l-- . .
L - - - - - - - -
Cburch HC lcen ,
Preaching next Sunday u.t 11
a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. by A. 1.
Alexander of Burchard. All
members are urged to be present.
Public cordially invited , Other
services at usual honr.
College Students \Ieet.
- -
About sixteen of 'th college
students gathered at the rooms
occupied by Myrtis and Myrle
Miller in the old co legc building ,
to celebrate their classmates ,
Myrle's eigbteenth birthday in
regular old college style. Somc
of the otber tenants in the building -
ing objected , bowever , 'to the
college way of celebrating and. .
their plans bad to be somewhat
modified. But when classmates
m et together for a good timc
they should be excused for breaking -
ing over the rules of 'ctiquette to
an extent. Luncb was served at
11:30 : p. m. , and the students express -
press themselves as well pleased
with tbe evenings gathering des. .
pute the objections that were
raised. Bclow is a tist of those
that were there : Mesdames
Anna BishopBertha CraigEmily
- - - - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
G'Schwind , Daisy Longfellow"
Alice Huffaker , Bertha Huffaker , #
Myrtis and Myrle Milltr. Messrs :
Darnell , Culver.Robinsou , Johnson -
son , Burch , Huffaker , Lawry and
FrUUlt ItxpolJed.
A few counterfeiters have late. .
ly been making and tr.ying to sell
imitations of Dr. King's New
'Discovery for consumption ,
Cou h9 al1(1 CohIs , i\1'\d ' other _ . .
medicines , thereb'y . defrauding-
'tbe 'public. 'l'his IS ' to warn' you
to beware of such pcople , who
seek to profit. througb stealing
the reputat on of rcmedies whicb
have been successfully curing
disease , for over 35 years. A
sure protection , to you. is our
name on the wrapper. Look for
it , on all Dr. King's , or Bucklen's
remedies , as all others are mere
imitations. H. E. BUOKLEN
& CO. , Chicago , Ill. , and Wind. .
SOl' , Canada. Lee Bros :
. . .
' - - -
Ullrllll tOIJ Ft'IJI'unry ulleUu.
Very chcup one way rates to California ,
Puget Sound an the Northwest country ,
Murch 15llo MILY 15th. .
Cheap rates ellSt to Washington , D. C. .
for the inauguration , Send for printed
matter and write for information. Des.
cribe your trip and let me advise you th
Jeast cost. L. W. W.\KItI.ny ,
General Passenger Agent ,
Omaha , Nebrnskn.
3S.3B Ticket Akent.
. " "I' la , : i . : . . : ' .1" ' l.t ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' . "ii . . . , . , . . " . . . . . n. fNiHi'fi' rL. . . ' . . . . . . . . , ' . , . . . . . . , , ! . t . ; . i' [ 'L. ' . . " . ' l . " . . . ' . " rL. . 'L"-m\.J& . . : . i = . . i : . .t.IJ . . . . . . . . * m""m : . / " " " . " .I.I\ii ' , ' , ' , , ; : ' ; . ! " " tJ. ' "rI\ . . ' . " : ' ; ' : " i 1i.i. , ' ! i i , ' , . , 'J1 . . " . " ; . . ! j
W . S . . , "ji
: Kennedy. :
. \o \ H. A. WaHo.
! .
Ht : ,
.q ;
. -
.l . ' "I 1 > t . . ; : ! . . I-
r :
1.11 Is regulating tllB price ill all 'Winter Goods now
; 'f : to a frazzlOome in if you are in need of any of 1
tJ.the followIng goods and get them at
f . i Absolutely Cost. . I
VI ; Flanneletts . : -
j Outing Flannels . \ I-
j ! U nderwear
_ J
, ; 1
1 Duck Coats
. . r . . Oa s . iJ
ti . ; 'j { egglns Mittens . " . .
t'rj" ' Gloveu 1
11 i.1
! Knit Goods , . ete . .
: ! i' : Don't ' pass up tIns opportunIty. Our Bal'-
t ; g'ain Oounters will look good to you. Also have \ " :
t a ' look at our new spring line of suit samples.
L.DVe can gratify your pride and your sense of ' { ! i
1 economy fit one time. , ;
! ) J Kennedy & Watts I
I uccessol'S to '
'tVatts-Kennedy 00.
"i " North SIde , Opera Block , Br ken Bow Nebraska
I . ! . . . " , ' . . . . , . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . 1 .
fj.r'I. ; ( , . .I . . > : " : /i.II r.II. ; t- : ; : < ' " ' 1.:1".1. Jtioli : : - .fJ . ' , : ; : 0' : .1" . ' ' ' , -.t1 : : . it'j..f.I. ! } I. " , : . . : .f ! . j . : . 'j.f.- ; ; : ' . -1.'m : ; ' : : ! . ' . II. . . . , . :