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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1905)
, . - . . , -411 - - . . - . - . . . . . . . . . , _ _ _ _ ' ' ' ' . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " - . _ _ . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : : 1 ' lt'Jl ' ! lJYWIJ ! ! ' UWUJYI UiWliJliWJ ! ! ] G-H.A..DJ'J : : : ) II I I It SPECIAL SALE I , . . II : 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I _ . _ I : : : : ) F b ' 1 t 1 05 ' J = = , C omm n lng . a l'uary S I W I And COlltlilUlne For 15 DAYS - - 'E 1 fJlen's Shoes Will Be Offered for Sale as Follows : E 3 E 3 Old I-IoIesty's } .Medium 'Veight , former p'ice. ! . . $2.50 , now $1.98. shoe former . . . . 2.50 , . . Ilead LIght , heavy work , prIce. now 1.97. ' : : : : E _ Our Orown , good servicable shoe , former price. . 1.50 , now 1.23. ' 'I : = vY ork Shoes f various makes . ,3 -rw E that sold from. ? . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 to $2.50 , now $ .98 to $2.12. : : : : Men's Patent Leathers that sold 5 E from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.75 to 5.00 , now 2.27 to 3.48. i. : : : : : : : : Men's Vicies and Valore Calf ' 3 : = . that suld from. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25 to 5.00 , now 1.98 to 3.17. ' = = t = i. . ' - f ! = = = , - , . ' L a d. I es ' S h oes 1 = I : : : I 5 : Ladies' Calf Shoes , former . 1\ \ E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 to $2.75 , now $1.18 to $2.11. = : : : Ladies' : Medium Vicies that s ld = = j = = R . , from. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 to 2.50 , now 1.25to 2.07. W1 3 : ; Ladies' Fine Shoes latest , styles : : : = r& from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25 to 4.00 , now 2.07 to 3.09. ' , 3 - " ' , - E - , ) These are including' the.- = - = Latest Makes and Patent Leathers. - . - E' ' Baby Shoes that sold from. . . . . 0.25 to $1.25 , now $0.1f ) to $0.f)3. ) : 3 : : EW Childl'ens' School Shoes , that : = sold from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 to 2.00 , now 0.97 to 1.69. y 3 : : : : ER0Little Gents 'Shoes , that sold 3 E - from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 to 2.00 , now 0.97 to 1.72. ' < & ( j3 e - Hay Shoes tha.t sold from. , . . . . . . . 1.25 to 2.75 , now 0.99 to 2.11. 8 r . : : : 1- - . . - - - . . = : = , , . ( - . ) T h. IS IS t h e C h ance 0 f t h e Y ear tj5 3 E = EW . . . . . . : Be Sure and Give Us a Call. . . . . . ' 3 , = _ - i' " ) tl E ) " " - = = - "Y" For Bu.s1ness : t ; It Peale-Shop pard Co. , I g b.e : big : Jepar'tca..eJ:1-t : : S1ore. ; 1ilW(1 ( tmtmt1rffff1 l lffffiilGffMlfffrn frtmt1I11t1 rHmffl 1I1nrriage LCClItiC. ! County Judge Armour issued marriage license to the following persons in the month of January. { Jens. H. Ottum , Sargent Catharine L. Peck , Sarg < 7nt _ { Bryan Leonard , Rest Libble J. Schmitz , Merna { William H. Kreoger , Litchfield Mary Weisner , Litchfield { Joseph D. McFate , Callaway Myrtle Lemmon , Calla way J John C. Kerns , Broken Bow 1 Pearl E. Fodge , Brotten Bow { William U. Perkins , Berwyn Grace B. Rapp , Berwyn { G. W. Whitehead , Mason City Myrtle S. Meek , Mason City J Ernest E. Bell , New Helena 1 Maud I Lindly , Anselmo. J K. M. Renthfrow , Rockfell 1 Eveten Sturdevant , Broken Bo\v J OUs W. Barnard , Callaway 1 Gracye E. Very , Callaway { Herman G. Weste , Callaway A. Vollenweide , Callaway { William H. Green , Comstock Viola E. Kenyon , Sargent { Francis M. McQuiston , Gates Daisy J. Brock , Mernea Will pay marlet price Tor coru delivered at Adams ranch. 25tf F. M. CURRIn. = _ . . . CHICHESTER'S ENGliSH PENNYROYAL PILLS - . " tjf. SII 110 6titIlII lito. . .r. . Ahvava reliable. ( .Rd . . . . .IL'1c " JlruUlat tbr . < < JUIC.U".sTEU'H ISOI..SII In u .1 and o.d mel4llla bOles. . l > I'al 11 wllh blue rtbbaQ , " 'ake no o."l'r. Ih.rll' ' ' ' " " "K.'roll" " . .UOII" . nnd . Imll"I1. . " " . . J . " 1' ) 'our Drunln , . or eend . . . In tamllll for" . . . . . Tr.U. _ . " . . . . . . . . onlal. And" " "lIer .r 1.1011. . " in vtler. bY relurn Hun. 10.000 ' ! ' , 'stunanlAllI. o14 b7 a1J Druic:1StI. Oa.OUESTEn CUELUCAL co. UOO "dl"OD flll"l"tJ , I'III 1' . . . . 1II.IIUo. &h1a . .p. . . . . Court NotctI. The district court convened Monday in the city. The following - ing cases havr been disposed of by the judge. Cora Burk vs Ah'in Burk. Decree - cree granted the plaintiff and custody of the minor child. . Daniel Straight vs , Ida May Straight. Decree. Sophia Schingeblach vs Joseph Schingeblach. Decree and plaintiff - tiff given custody minor child. Charles. Effie L. Knutson vs. li'red W. Knutson. Decree and plaintiff custody of minor child , Sadic Grace. Andrew J. Dickson vs. Mary E. Dickson. Decree. . Al tman Co , Tooker vs. Rqsa A. Tooker. Decree , witb custody of Chas W. minor. In the case of the Receiver of the Farmers Bank again t tbe. . stockholders thecourtgavejudge- ment in favor of the receiver iu the following sums , against H. B. Andrews , $500 ; Frank 'rierney estate , $500 ; J. A. Ha.rris , $7400 ; Mrs. J. A. Harris. $2000 ; A. J. Robertson , $100 ; J. F. Hutchinson - son , $100 ; 'V. E. Blackwell , $100 ; L. J. Drem , $100. : Motion for a new trial by Andrews att rney overruled. In the case of S. D. Andrews vs. W. W. Coon , jndgeUlent for Andrews for$1.00 : antI co t assessed - ed against Coon. Coon to return property moved o 1T place or pay it's'alue. . Joe Krenz appeared on first day of term ahd renewed bond for hi appearance on first day .of nct term. of. COUtt . " . L E. _ 1"1. , of. : Il . . , . _ T. : . . There Is a , : . . : : C naUl1tJ Charm AlJout It. Some l'I'I It oung women who spent IIlHf. 1 > 111111111'1' In 11 western MabS. achusoth ; 10WII , tiroll of hunting blrd which 110\\)1' Hnt sUIi. turned bee hunt. ers. D1 O'\'erlng a veteran bee hunter - er 111111 o" 'rcomlng a feminine d16. : .rust or the little hwect who 80 sharp. 1) ' rcslmtH Jntorterenco with her af. talrs. tllCr were Initiated in the art at lining boeR. and thereafter every tramll'afield was with nn object in 'iew. Dee hunting IJOSHcsses II. charm peculiarly - culiarly Its OW'11 and It can bo practiced - ticed wllerevcl' :1lowers : grow. oven withIn the limits of a town. The nee. essar ) ' outfit cons lts of n box three Inches square and as many deep. Thla Is dlvldod Into an upper and lower stor ) ' IJ ) ' mean..r ; of II. aUde. The cover Is fitted with 11 glaas window. In the lawol' compartment 111 placed a 1)leco of conlb I1l1od with 0. s'rnp of sugar ntuJ' . "hu slldo Is pushed In place UIII ! th ncarest lIower bed or chvel' palch Is HOllrhL ; With the box III Olll' lU\I1d uull the cover In the other , It hi an ooB.r matter to trap II. honer bee busy robbing n flower ot Ite .weeta. Wntcl1h1g her throuch thG Elan window. the moment .he quletll down the elide Is genU ) ' drawn. It does not tal.e the be IOllg to discover the e'rup. anti I1hl' at enc ! ' begins to load UI ) with this trullaure. The tex Is 1I0W placed 011 tL post nnd n sharp wntch mnlntnlnod. Pres. entl ) ' the bee 111 aatell. al1ll. drcllng tor Iwr bearings. starts straight tor tile hlvo or tree. When silO comes baelc , tor aha will suruly return , she will brln nnother bue with her , and In turn this on6 will bring a third , ami eo on until a line Is established. Then. while one or more 1111 with the syrup. the cover la replaced and the box cllrrlell forwnrll along thl ! Hno of tlSht. , From the stopping point . new line will bo established 115 betoro. ' 1'hlls In time will tht' ht > fls ead IItrul ht to their bomt' . li'or Sale-Part of my house. hold furniture , including an or. gan and library. MRS. GIto. ZAJlN. 33-34 West Side Square. " . " . , ' - I John E. Chandler was arraing- , ed on the charge of stealing cattle an plead not guilty. IIi ! ) boud , was fixed at $1000. Surety Geo. Gross. Robt. Fox uuder same charge lIisgave renewal bond of $800. wife and H. M. Sullivan surdles. HotTmall , who was under bonds to appear 011 first day of court on the charge of cattle stta1ing has not shown up , as we go to press. The case of the T. r . V. ranch in Logan and Custer counties which has been in court for the past year or more occupied the time of the court yesterday. The attorneys interested in this case arc W. V. Hoogland of North Platte antI Byron Corke of Platts- 1110nth and H. M. Sullivan of thi city for the Tierne.ys. . - - - Rev. Thomas Bethel presiding elder of the Neligh District , North Nebraska conference of the M. E. church , was a busines visitor in the city the fore part of the week. Gr."c ' ) 'rouble UUI eeu. It needs but little forsight , to tell , tpat when your stomach and liver are badly affected , grave trouble is ahead , unless you take the proper medicine for your disease - ease , as Mrs. John A. Young , of Clay , N. Y. , did. She says : "I had neuralgia of the liver and stomach , my heart was weakened , and I could not ea.t. I was ver ) ' bad for a long time , but in Electric - tric Bitters , I found just what I needed , for they quickly relieved and cured me. " Best medicine for weak women. Sold' under guarantee by Lee Bros. druggist , at 50c a bottle. True Scotch Thrift. ThomllB Thorp. a well.lth ' Scotch. man , dlud , leaving his fortune to a poor relatlvo on condition thllt a. headstone with the name of the said ThomllB Thorp and t1. verElo at lOetry be erected beside the Kravo. Costing so much n word to chl"l ! lottere In the stone , the poor rela.tivo OI'dered that the poetry should be brief. Upon his refusal to approve , on nccount of their too great length. the IInes- "Hero lies the corp Of Thoma8 .1'horp. " the following was finally .ordered anll accepted : . . . . . . .rhorp..1 ! Corpse. " Japanese Paper at the Fair. The .Japanese-Amerlcan Commercial Waelel ) ' Is the name of a ncwspaper published weeld ) ' III JnplJtl se at the world's fall' . Hajhna Hoshi Is the ed. Itor. Ine Japanese reOI.tOl's ) and na. tlV ( ' typesetters get out the weelely. The paper was formerly published In New Yorlt cltr. but WIlS transfert'ed to the wOl'ld's fall' for the joint purpose of making an exhibit of a Japanese newspaper plant In the palace of lib. ernlurte and reportln the fair. Tea Growing In Japan. Ten. . was grown In Japan In 19b2 on an area of 120,197 acres. producing 57,457Gll poundll. In the previous : real' the aren.VIlS . 119,712 acres. and the production 57.984,067 pounlls. These t1gures do 1I0t includl ! the Island of Formosa. which III 1901 lrOdUCCld 13.752.94G pounds , tualcln ! : the total tor tbe empire 11tJsat \ 'l'i\r 71,737,013 pound ! ! . Placer Mining in Colorado. Dredging tor gold III the sallds of Cloal' CI'eek , In lhe vlcll1lr of Oolden. Cola. . Is one or tlte latest enterlH'laes to nttract the attention 01 tit' } min. ing01'111. . Chicago ( I\plt \ I1list < < illl't ! prolmrOlI 10 spend nearh' $ IUOO./OO . / In the development at thoh' plulII ; . n.1I1 already ha vo begnn blllllIn ( the mon. stpr dr dgee required In the worle. Failures De.crease. Uetween 18U6 and } I)03 the Unlte States decreaed tbo nnmbor of COUl' merclal taUuree fl'om 15,088. with 110. ' bl\1tlea \ of $226,000.000 to 12.0GJ ! , with IIn ll1t1os of $155,000,000 , a Ilecrcnoo of : IU ! ! ) In numbel' . uud $71.fJtJO.Oon lu lIa bUllies. - - - Woman Grave Diguer Dead. Dr the death or Mra. ElIzaheth Geeac at Lowes. Engln.ull loses Its only woroon grave dliget. . On the death of her husband In 1879 ahe WI\9 appointed to carr ) ' on his duties at lito Lowes r.meter ! ) ' 8hevna 7u ) 'ear : ; of nRf' . Wlrele85 on Lightship. The Dopnrtment of Labo- and Com' merce will catabllRh a wlrelolls tele. nph station on the lIghtflhll ) ocr Nan. tucltct Hltoala. - - - Plttlburg Skyscraper. Plttsburg hl\s alrcndr expende4 1116.000.000 In tile sleyacraper boom. 1"01ln. In , 'nod. Perhaps you don't rea1i that man ) ' pain poisons originate in your food , but some da.r yon .may feel a twinge of d'spepsia that . will convince ) 'on. Dr. King's , New Life Pills are g'uaranteed to cure all sickness due to poisons of undigested food-or lUCn y , ack. ' 25c at Lee Bros. drug store. Try them. . . \ . . . . . . . ' . , . . - . - - - - P"lac6 Bt.t'b _ : t' 6hQP 110r first.elMS work , cnll at the Palnce Barher Shop. Ih'er.thiug : = . . LEO DEAN , Proprielor. DH. W. H. COLl , -Veterinarian. Diseascs of all the lowcr animAls trc'll. cIl. Office at Lee Bros. ru slore. 'Phone 203 , Hrokell Bow , Ncu. . DR. C. B. JOB , : hDn ] I1 ] gm l 1JJ > IJ ! ) ] . "meo III l1ealty Block , draL .Laln 100111 W I'nd. - . - - - - FRANSE MOORR , mlBiJ 'mn ; ma..ID ; 1)il. ) ' Tw 'blocks north of Uracd Oontrol JIotQI. 11' " rOIl"8" oUcl'ed Prlcos rua 'JuIIIJlo. W A. I"HO\lptmN : , , CO ' 1'RAlTOn do UI'tI.U h rPlanll lIud IJotlme.tes on hortnoUe . , Irokon Dow , NubrASII" CITY llAR KU snop , lJ. o. J1UT'l'ON. Proprlotor. F'fGL--clan work. Hoer Iworn ot Urokob Ho" dt/lte dank. llro.on Dow. Nobra ka. 1- ( ILL SID HERFORDS and Dnrac J rrcl Un8 brt'd And 801d. e t blood oUbelrelnes. ddle s. O. It C.1.DWELI. . Drnken now , Nebrnska R oss . MOORE , , It'llIl ' o'tAtp nud 10011 : omcl ) b AIPe' ) ! , Dlock IIrokcli liDINellrnm. : . o R. 1' . J.J. FA f { N " \ W ) 11' ! . ! . DENTIST , frOQlco 'n ' IJOrth\vesl eornor HOllity Bloelt. - . - . . - . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - Legal Notices. LEOAL ADVEU'rI8E 1E 'rl : ! . All udverlsoments ! under LblB hel\ll wU1 be chArged for /l1leval rat. . vb : : I.OO I'r HqUnle tor Qrst InerLlon. And tOe per & ( Iunro for cncl. Bubseqllo t In.utton. . "square" Is Len linea or fraction thereof. ROAD NOTICE. To whom It may concern : 'rhe commissioner appointed to view a road pelltloned for b ) ' . W. WIIII et al. a road commencing - mencing at station 23 , of road N. . . ; 76. tllt'nce to } 6 section corner between sections 22 and 27. town 16 ranlre2t. tbeuce III a soutberl ) ' direction aloug fencil mile : thunce In south and Wust direction to a point fourrodsealLof aULle btak" No. 28. on road o. Sib : thenct' souLh to section line between sections 34 and 27 , townsblp 16. rallre 21 , aud to vacate road o. Sib beLwecn stations 01.23 and 2 , has reported In favor of the establishmenL aud vacation tburcof. all < l all objeltlons thereto or clalnls for dalUajcs mU 1 be filed III the coullty clerl's office 011 or betpr , ' noon of tbe 15th da ) ' of1. . . rch. 1905. or sucll road will he e tabllshed wlthollt rcterellle thereto. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and seal of said county thlll 10th d.lY uf JOlluat.1905. GEO. W. DEWEY. 3t.34-4 ( SEALl , ounty , terl , . . , ' - = coo . . J- . . . ' . . . . . . . . . " ' ' ' - Ullited State ! ! tand oroce. ' [ Dec. ) I 191 > 4. Ihuken Dow , Nebraska , to _ ' . - 't otlcel'berebYR'lYenthatCUARLEST.O R of Anselmo. Nebr. . ha ! ! filed notice uf hlllutea. ! , tlon to make final proof before Relliiterand Re- celver a1 his office In lJroken Dow. Nebraaka.On I the 91h day of I.'ebruarr. : 19115 , ou Uomeltead application No. 1030 , for the s NeU. s . n" I of SecLlon No. lln Town hlp No. 19 Nortb , Haulle No. 21vest. . Ue names as wltnnlea : Hut crt D. Ross of New Uelena , Nebruk&i CarllLowlllan of New Ueleua. Nebruka : Davll1 i Chrlsllan of New Heleua. Nebraska. Geolile , Slnll118 of Nel' Udena. Nllbraska. I 30.35-1 JAMES WJltTRIIUAD , Heilister. 11nlh'd Slate'l Land On ce. l Nortl ! Plaltc. ebralka , January 30 , 1905. r J : -ollce ; I Iwreb ) ' Illv , , " tbat tile followlull'I n:1lnt.d M ttlcr hall filcdllollceof hlslnteutlun to I 11I01110 1111.11 prooC III SUIWUU 01 his clallll. and tllat alll "ruof" III he lUade betele J. A. A rmonr. COUIIL ) ' jUdlll' , at 1118 otllce at JJroktn lJow. 'Nehr.lska.larch ' 18. I'NS , vlz : Samnel A. , . . 1'holllall whu ' ' ' 'Il'e Uomelha,1 cntt ) . No. t826 $ t ! C..r IIII' ' ! I. Sf" " S' . SwJt. sectlun2 , towuihlp p\ \ I , Iwrill. ltllC' : J ( . wesl.6th " . III. 11" IIsmeS tlte full,11 , loIN Wlilleb e to IlrO\'e hl continuous re hlence nl'OIi and cnlt"'aliolluC 8111d laud , vlz : Clarance li. 111111' . of Uroken How. Nebraska ; William S. 'l'l1rntHIII. or Drlll.en Uo" . NelJras. ( I \:01 \ : Wllllam1eller. "f Bruken lluw Nebrnlku , Gt'or"cV. . Uel rlcl , . uC llrulwn. liow Nehraska. ' Jt.39-S GEOIIOL } E. I.'IIENCII , He.lslcr , ROAD : -O'l'ICI : . To wholllit lIIay concern : 'rhe COlllllllb loner al1l1olllted to vlow a road JletlLlou"l fur br S. J. 1'11111I11. el ai , a ro.ut COlli' mellclnll at the } , corner tlutth uf Llle IV corner ot section Nu 4. township 17. north of ranllC 19. west 6th ! > . IU , . then e rnnnlnr east on J line ulle and unu QnarLer IIIl1u tu Intersect rUold No. 2,8 ( at the CeULcr oC the SIV J : uf sectlou 3. tuwn. 9bl ! > 17. range 19. Alsu tu vacall' a parL uf road No. 329 , cOllllneuclll1r at the nurtbwellt corner of I ccUon No. 4. town hlp Nu.17. ranlCe 19. aud . I runnltlll' east on scctlunlilleoneand OIiC 'Iuarter ' . . I miles Intcrscctlui : road Nu. 26 at the nOI theast corner of tlltJ Nw ! t of Ihe Nw J : of sectlllll No. 31 township 17. rallile 19 , has ret > urLed In laver 0 J tlte eitallllsltmenL and vacation tllereoC , and all obJectlun" thcrclo. or c1alm for damalCel. mUit be filed In the COunLy l.lerk'j officII on ur before I noon of the 15Lh d:1) : ' of March I'NS. or Bitcb road j will be establlshld : aud vacated wlLhoul ref.r. \ ence Ihercto. ' In wltlless whereoC. I have hereuuto 8et my . hand snd seal of . , ald COUUL ) ' , this 10th day of ! January l"OS. [ SE.\L ) Gw. W. DEWB\ . 32.J5-5 Cuunty Cluk. t - United Slates Land Ifficc. l 1 Lincoln. Nebraska. January 20. 1905. r Notice Is hereby ! rIven that tha fOllowlna- ' named settler hu flied notice of his Intention to lIIake fillat proof In supporL of his claim. alld that sall proof will be l11adll belore count ) ' jud J oC Cusler couuL ) ' . at llroken lJow. No < btilbka. 011 Match6th.I905. "Iz : JalUclI G. Wblte. lor the Nw sectloll 10. towlIshlp 14. nurth. rallile 20. west. . U. E. No. 1747t. Uc l1aUle the folluwln ! : ' wltnes e'l to pru\'e his contlnuuus resldencc UPOII a 1111 cultl\.atlon of said land. vlz : Juhn E. Myers. of GeoncelnlVn. Nebraska : James W. UuCCalwr. oC Guor/leluwn. Nebraska : GeurlCe C. " , IarMh. oC Georlctuwn. Nebraska : I Benjamin F. Jllurruw.oC GeorlCuown.Ncbraska : 33-31)-7 W. , \ . GKII > N. Reilister. United Stale jand Omce. l . . Nurth Platte. Neb. . Uccembcr JI. 1904. f , Notice 18 hureb ) ' ICI\"CII that the follon'lnll. I name,1 seLtler has I1led nutlce of his Intention La make Hnal proof I I support of his claim. and Lhat said prouC will be made before J. A. Armour , county jud/lc. at his office at Droken j Dow. Nebrabka. all 'ebruar ) ' 25,1905. vlz : 'iED R. lURCELL. who made hn'III"tead ' ! entr ) ' No. l'JfOd. for tll\ ! Sw . SI'cIIOII13. township 16. I ranlc 22. Ue names the IlJlluwlrlll witnesses to prove hili COIIUIlI OUS resilIence npoll alld cnltl. vatlon of said land. ' 1'11 : : Uenry MarLin of Dro- kenllow. Nebracka ; JUephIarUII ! uf Drolen Dow. Nebrasla : JG9cph HaellIle of ! Jrokel1 .I DUlv.Nebraska : l-'lanl' I.uuden of Drolten ! Jaw. , IIr.lslm. ( .EOROE E. FltRNCn , 30.35- R ell liter . . . - - - - - lnrJ'ct UCllort lor 'rOdo- ; . GUAIN- W hoot " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S .90 119110y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Olll8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Uyo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 e..rn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 I.IVR 8TOOK- lI"jl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 10 ! cerll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00@ 4 50 C"w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e2.5' @ 75 ' l'oULTKY- : : \lrJr \ > 1 : Chlkrn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 'i ' I IIlek"lI oI'er IIU'1I1 < \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 I TnrLf\'fI , pur . .ound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 r-yJ ! ' 1'IIOUU K- , . IInHer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 - I R I : : ' , pl'r "oz n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : tS , MI CII. : . AN ( ) UH- : PULGtVlfI. per bushul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 I OII'n , per hu@bol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 I JIav.llt'r LUll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 . \ I t'ltrllw. o' . .wt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 I i HIIIl r.lJrnnnlated. per cwl..fS.50 @ 725 1.U : t- - - - _ . . ! ! o _ ! 11 _ . . . H. T. BRUCE CO. -SELLS- , Lumber , L th , Plastsl" Lime , Hair j Sash and Storm Sash. , DOQrs , . . . . . . . Everything first-class. See them. South Side , Broken Bow. . . _ -1 i'f1T1 > _ _ _ " . - - Are You Interested In The South ? DO VOU CARIt TO KNOW or : 'tUlt : 'fARVJU.OUS DItVItI.OPItlllItNT NOW GOING ON IN Tun Gr-rea : 1 ; OeLl..1t : : a1 SO.Itb. ? OF INNUlUItRADI.It OPPORTUNITIRS If OR YOUNG : linN OR OI.D ONnS-TO GROW RIca ? Do you want to know about rich farming lands , fertile , wclllocate on a'Trunk Line R.ailroad. which will produce two , three and four crops from tile same fie-Id each yeart and which can be purchased at'cry low prices and 011 easy terms ? About stock rals ng where the extreme of winler fecdin is but six (6) ( ) ahort weeks ? Of places where truck growing and fruit raising yield enormous retuflls each year ? Of a land where you can live out of doors every dar : in the > 'car ? Of opportunities for establishing profitable manufacturing indultries ! ; of flCh mineral locations , and splendid business openings ? If you w nt to know the details of auy or all of tbe c write we. I will gladly . Iviee you fully and truthlUlly. G. A. . PAaK. GcncrGf Immla-ratlon UUC1l1ulutltrt a1 " 'K ut. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. , I. 0 IJ I II V I I. I. E. u : EN. , U C u : : " . . - . . _ _ : : _ - ' - - " " " - - - - = - = - - - I n. . : . A i ; Before You Build , Consult I : C4-eo" : EJ apin.ea-u : , I I - Contractor and Builler. Estimates I I : Furnished free with plans and specifications. ' i \ 1J.W.1JJ.L4.I ' ' ' ' ; \v' rr . . . , , , . LI'.1Ju.'WUlJ.U . t = . - _ = = i-f ! I ! - - : : - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . - - - . . . . . . . . . - . - . . , , , " , , , , " , , " - - : . . . , .fI : . . . . .J. ; . . . . . . : . . . , . . . . " . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . " ' . . . . , . . ' - . : . . . . . . . ' . . . ' . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . : - mfN : . > : : . j . ' . . . . .r . : . . ' . . . . : r j : O . . : " : ; . : . ' " : . . ; : ' : / : / 6''J ; , ' i"i : 7 . h / 'Mi" . ' ! ' ' ; . . .1' . . . . . . . . . . . or. , . 'L- :1""IJ.i'J"6' ) . ; . , . ; - " ' ' ' ; ' . ' . : . . : .n. ! . . . . . . " . . r. : . . t. . . . . . . : " ' ' 'Mi"i ' : i i 'tti.iJ ' / ! ' : ' : ; - . i : ; . . . ! When desiring to tignre 011 a bill j of Lumber call on the. . . . . . . . . . j I C. L. Turner lumber Co. I , We carry a full stock of Lumber , i Sash , Doors , 110uldings , etc. - ( r.1 Agents for the Nebraska Central ; i . tI Building & Loan Association. . 1t/.f ; . 4Jf1.r ; . lJftA't ; . J"I.t.1" . : \ .A . . . . .1Iyr..r"I'"u . : ' " . . ' 11""W _ . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . : : . : . . ; ; ! : . " ' m : .Art : ; < . . . ; : } . . . ; . ; . ' { ! { f ( . . . . ) : . " ' . It. ! ; . . , 1If . ' ! . . . , : ; . ' . ! . ) ' 'o ' 't- u. . . . , . . ' ' . ! , ' . . , . ' , : ! . ; " . ' . ' . kl > , .1 Jf ! - " . . . . . .