Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 02, 1905, Image 7
. , " ' . , ' . 'J , . . . - , it ( TIlE .DISCOVERER ' . , . ' 1r."f' , I I II I 4t . . . , No other femnle medicine in the world has rceeh'ed such widespread and , unqualified endorsement. No other medicine hns sueha record of cures of female troubles or Bueb hosts of grateful friends as hns Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetnble Compound. It will entirely cure the worst forms of Fcmale Complaints , all Ot'arinn Troubles , Inflammntion and Ulceration. Fa1liuJr and Displncemcnt of the 'Vomb , and conscquent Spinal Weakness , and is peculiarly adaptcd to the Change of I.ife. , It has cnred more cases of nacknche anll r.eucorrhma than any other rem dy the world has e'-er Imowl1. It is almost infallible in such cases. It dissolves and expels tumors from the Uterus in an carly stage of dc- , 'elopmcnt. lrrelfulnr , Suppressed or Painful Menstruation , Wealmess of the Stomnch , In igestIon , Bloating , l'looding ! , Ncr"ous l'ro trntion , IIeadal'hc , General Debi1 ity qulcldy ' 1e1d to it , Womb troubles. cnu6ing pain. wt'iJrht and bac1mcho. in ' : : ; stantly rclieyed and perlllancntl . curcd bv its usc. l'TIlll.'l' nll circumstnnces it . , invigorates the female s.\'stem , and is liS ] Iarmlcss as watcr. 1t quickly remo\-CS that Ilea " ' ring-down Feeling. extremf : lassitude , "don't l care" and" want-to-be-eft-aone" ] feeling , excitability , irritability , nert'ous- " ness , Dizziness , Faintness , sleeplessness , tlatueuc ' , meliUlehol 'or the II blues" IInd headache , The e fire sure indiedtions of Female Wealme5s , or some derangement - rangement of the Uterus , which this medicine alwaJ's curl'S. Kidney Complaints nnd Uaekache. of either the sex , Vegetable Compound ah\'n 's cures Those women who refuse to accept nn.ything else arc rewardedL hundred thousand times , for they get what they want-a curo. Sold by Druggists ever 'whcre , Hefuse allsubstitutes. ' .J" r ! .JI- ! ' ! t dures Colds. Coughs. Sore Thront Croup , ntluenzll , 'Vhooplnl : COUHh. Bronchitis nnd Astbma , A certuln cnre for Consumption In r t atugesnnda sure rclletln udyuncedstages , Ube at once , You will Bce the eXl'cllent etrect uiter taking tbo flr t dm.e , Sold by denIers e\'ery- where. Lnrge bottlcs 2li ccnt und O cents , ( . . Follow the Flat : . " , EXC.URSIONS 11 : . SOUTH DAilY It ) 'ou nro thinking of Il trip I I SOUTII--SOUTtIEAST I wrlto nnd let us tell 'ou best ratcs , time , route and send mal'tcd ) time tables. This sa\'es rOil worry and annoyance - noyance nnd maltcs ) 'OU fcel at home 111\ \ the \\"H ) ' , Call WabHs CUr Ot1lce. 1&01 Far- nam St. , or address Harry E. Moores , 6 , A. P. D. Wabash R. R. , Omaha , ' Neb'J THE FARMERS on tl10 Free Homeslead Lands of Woatern "anada Corry tl10 bonner for ylolds ofvl1oot Dnd otl1or groins for 1904. 100,000 FARMERS recetve 15:1,000,000 : liS a rcsult of thclr Whelt Crop alolle , The returns from Oats , Dar1 y and other ! ! ralns , a. "ell as c.ttlellud honcs. add cUlI8hlerabl ) ' 10 this. Secufe a : Io"rce ) [ 01l\cUeatl at ollce , or purchase 'from aome reliable dealer wbllu landt are telling at , , resen tlow prlce8. Apply for Infonnatlon to Superintendent of Imml. .tlOII' Ottawa , Canala , or 10 authorlr.ell Can.II.n onrnmf'nt Alonl-W. V. lI l\nclt \ , 801 Xew York I \to lIulldlul : , Omaha , Nebra.k. , rleaae B T where you taw this adnrtl.emenL I MEXICAN Mustang liniment 10 n 1o8itive cure for PilCH. , ( . E-very houseleep r should lmow that tr they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only Hme , becau e it never sticks tQ Ule Iron , but becaube eaeh paclmge contains 1G oz-onn full pound-while all other Cold Water Starches arc put up Inpound packages - ages , and the price Is the same , 10 cents , 'fhen again hecause Defiance Starl'h Is free from all Injurious chemIcals - Icals , If your grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. paclmge It Is because he has a stocl , on hand which ho wishes to dispose of before he puts 1n Defianco. lIe Imows that Defiance Starch ' printed on e\'err ; paclmge in ] arge letters - ters and figures "lG ozs. " Demand Defiance - fiance and save much time nnd money and the nnnoyance of the Iron sUck- Ing. Defiance never sUcks. Even a ldnd word , when you can done no better , will help to stay the pangs of hunger. Insist < In Getting It. Some grocel' ! : my the ) ' don't lteep Definnce Starch. 'rills Is because they have a stock on hand of other brands containing" only 12 ounces In a pack- 1Ig't' . which they won' . able to sell t1n < t , becn.llJ3e DCfio.n contains 16 ounces for the same 1110tley. Do 'ou want 16 ounces Inatead or . 12 ounces for sl1me monc ) ' ? ' .rhen buy D.e- ! lance Starch. HCllu\1'cs \ no cooldng. Men who pack water on both shoulders - ders 111 wars en up with empty I buelets. I Dr. Dn'I , . IC.,1v'/I l"nvorU. . n"lI\cdJ' III . , I "lod 10 bOlh .0. . . . II < I all "I : . . Curell K1 < IrI"Y . . . . .1 Uy r wWI'I..lnt , alld lJUrlfie.lbe 1110 < .1 < 1 , 11..11 ctruollrbt. . Generous Impulses will leep ono warm aneI comfortable , even In freezIng - Ing weather. Important to Mothers. Exumlno curt'fully every bottle of CABTOnrA , sara nnd 6nro remedy for lurllnts nd cblldr.n , and 800 that It Signature DCllrstbo at , . # # -12"--- In Use Iror Over 30 Ycur , 'I'bo Kind You lIavo Always Dou&ht. The magic of firRt 10\0 Is that It gees 50 S0011 and Is remembered so long. TO CURl , A COLIJ IN ONE DAY Taka L'lXlltlvu Dromo Qululne TablcU11 drtl . 11.1:1 : reCuDlI Ihe mouey It It talll : to cureV. . Clrovu' . .1Dature I. ou e.cb box , c. NO\'olty Is an ossontlal attrlbuto of the beautiful-especially novelty In hats , I cwls' "Slnle ! mndor. " The riches' quality cl l1r 011 the market at straight 5c. Alwa's rollablo. You pay 100 for elJomrs not 80 good. Lowlll' li'attor. > ' , Pcorlulll. Happy Is the man who Is admlre and llralsed by his fellows-fol' he is dead. _ , All Housekeepers use Denance ColI ! 'Vater Starch , be- NHlI'O It Is better. anI ! . . oUllcca more of It for IIUme monoy. . u t ; . : -J } Thomp:1on's : Era WatGr BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRU : > cu cousbs and &IWta. r k-N : vs ] Whllo 111' hl'oth'l' nnd n Iwlghhor ! Jo ' wel'o 1111I'lng with a loaded 22- allbl'I' 1'l'\'olvl' the wen\JO\ \ was dls. chal'ged and 1'-ohl ! ll\hol Cl'ablo or Hastings WIIS ll lnfullr woun ed In f ) 1(1 : u 111. Dr. I. . . n. HI'o\\'n has filed sull III the district ( , OI11't against the v1l1ar,0 of 1'1'l'co and Mrs. J. . , M , Iohl'mall for $10,000 dlma ( > s , allerhll liS the muse n Itr > fl'l'lI\1' Hhll1'aOil ] \ Ihe lot of Irs. : \lohl'1uan. PI'ed Shannon of Beatrlc\ hmtw. mall on I itA BUl'lIngloll IIno runnlug hetween Nl'hrmlm Ult ) ' n1ul 1I0lth'\gll , hmlte his Illft. leg hC't\\'een tht' I\nl\lo 111111 t 110 10)0 1)\ ' 11 fllll ho I'l.'cl'l ved whllo at 1l0Idl'e e , Aloxandl'I' PeteNl of Ohl\dl'on haR b'on appointed 8te\\'al'll of the Norfolk - folk I\sylum hy GoVel'llOl' lIcl\Cr. } Ie will hegln , his duties liS siiOlI 1\8 th\ asylum Is OPCIl ntul will recl'I\'o a salnrr of $1.200 a rear , A caRe of smallpox Is r 'IOrlt'd In Nemaha COUllt ' nt the homo of Chlll'les ShurLlel' , the pallent Iwlng 1\IIss Kato 'J'lll'ltcr , a Rlstol' of 1\I1's , Shurtleff , who recentl ) . l'ot\1l'ncd from a visit to Iho western JII\l't of the stale , GeOl'go 'V. Frank , .11' . , alone tlmo of the 1110sl 1)l'omlnont citizens I\nd huslness mell of Kea1'1ley , died I\t Llh. l'rtr. N , Y. Funeral Hen'lces I\nd In. tel'menl tool , 1)lnee at the former home of lhe famlly In Warsn.w , N , Y. : \I1'fI. Chl\l'll's Hoebaet" rl'RldlnIn / Jnlllntl to\\'nshll ) , about six miles southwest of Har\'ard , was st'Ir1wn ! with paralysis whllo out to the harn getting 11 haslwt of colJs. Iedlcal aid was at on co summoned. hut she died' . , Tames D. 1\lyeI'8 , a pioneer resldellt of Oage countr , . droPlled 11ead at his. homo In Ollell11' . : \h'cJ's was on co engage III the hanldn bllslnes lit. that place , hilt rctlred fl'om acUvo hllslness life some ) 'ellrs ago. 11WIIS 82 rears of age and Is survlve hy It wl ow anl1 one son. SUllerlntendont Johnson of the Etate Institute fOI' feeble mhHlell ) 'ouths rc. Ilortell to Oo\'ernOl' 1\IIclwy the comB- tlon of one or the female InnmteR' of the Institution and lalll hefore him suspicions as to the cullJRhllllr of a fOl'mel' emilloye , It Is said she will become a mothOl' In It fl'w months. Leon II.J1Ilcl' of Oals , an allege(1 ( railroad Ilrollloter , was brought to Be. atrlce hy Deputy Unlte(1 ( StateR Marshal - shal Homan , on the charge of selHlIn osccno Hterat1l1'e through the malls. At the close of I his hearing heforl' United States District CommlssIOlH'I' Cobbe ) ' 11e WIlS boUt1l1 ever to the fl'd- eral COUl't , hiS" bond helng fixed at $1,000 , George 11 , Sllear , one of the Ilrom- Incnt tl'Uvellng mon of Nchrnslm , IlI'ovel1 to be n mlght ' IIvel ' corllse when he ardvel1 In NOI'fo ) ) , from till' , Hills the other day , Heporte(1 ( dead hy his fdonds. he hall been till' cause of no 01111 of WOlT ) ' In NOI'foll" : \lrs , Spear hall he'ome pal'lIcul6.rl ) ' concerned and was undel' Hevere strflln until her hushllnd apcarcd ) , ' 1'ho counl ' supcrvlsOl's of } ' ( 'ounty are In a sort of a ql1tl11l ar ' over the matter of who shall ho IJRld the reward of $400 which was offered It rear ago for the captUt'e of .lamos Kelle ' , who was afte1'\\'Rrds convl.te of the muner of Arthur Snowden , 'rhe I\eward 113 c1ahned hoth hy Sheriff \\'est of ButlOl' county and Sherllf Bauman of Ji'1'em ( ) ! . Despite the fad that thl'Y hn\'l' lost a sugn.r factor ) ' at Norfoll" northel'J1 Nebraslm farmers are already mal - Ing contracts fOl' flll'l1lshlng IJeets to other Institutions next SU111mor. and , slngularl ) ' enough , more acres of b'ets have been contracted in the vlclnlt.y of Norfolk for next year to sllPllly the factor ) ' at Ames than WOI'e contmctell for at t.ho same time last year for the plnnt In NOI'folli : . 'fhrongh the confusion caused hy a child fainting a ( 'ry or fil'l' was ralRoll at the Phl'lIl1ul Ol'r\ ! house In Alii. ance , which resulted In \Junle \ among an aUlllence cOl1lllul(1 : : ( enUI e1 ' \ IfI : Ii I- Itren that woull ! 1111III'oyed disastrous - trous had not 1I1l'1I11Hl' or UIP ( 'om- Ilnny and othOl' cool-hIIIHl lI1'olllp worlwd enel'getl'ally fOl' It flW min- utes. As It was. se\'eral chlhh''n wem slightly injured , . .Word hns IlOon recelv"ll In Nohraslm City from Hulolph ( l mnB , the sl'nlp. tor , who If ! In Paris IleHInlng : : the statne or the late ,1. Sterling : \Iorton \ for the ArlJOr nay 1\lel1lOl'lal asso'ln- tlon , stating that thc fig1l1'1' Is In thl' hands of the hronze I"oundl'rs 1\1111 will bo comllletell In time to he shlllll11 earl ) ' next month. 'I'ho granltn worl , will he delaycl. ( but ever'thlng will he comlotol1 ) ] In the coming sIH'ln ! . Conslderalle ! excitempnt Is manlfcft In Groele " over the ulllllleatiun tu Go\- PI'nor 1\lIelwy for the ) ! n.l'don of 1\11- chacl La111h. No less than ten ltetl- tlons were ) ! ut In l'lrculallon ( 'harglng Lamb with having Iwpt fl renllpous or cI'lmlnals hpfore his l'onylellon ntlll causing the ( Ieath of Ihrl'e yonng men. two or whom WOI'O ! tilled while rcslst- Ing arrest. and that the lIet IlIon'I'8 ! leI- 1I0ve Lamh Hhou111 scn'e the full nine ) 'ears for which he wat ; sentenccd. The next spsslon of till' Southwcst Nehraslm District 'l'eal'hl'l's' association - tion wl\1 \ meet In 1I"UoollIrch \ \ :11 : and Alr11 1. State Fish an 0111110 COl1lmlsR\OIIPI' \ Cartol' hils c011111lel..d . his 1/lonnlul ro , ) lort to the governor , sho\\'hm thut dlll'lng the IlI&t hlennlum the 1ll'lIart- mont hllH cost $20,2.19fJ2 fOI' 11111lnlo. nance. During the 8:11110 : ) llAl'lod the Income of the deltrtnwnt ) : was $ J.I , ' : ! 80.43 , lell\'ln a nl't amount of $5 , ! J8G.rj ! ) to he contrllmtCd ! from the I'n. crill fund 111 exceLS of tl1 ( ' amount turned o\'er br the cummlssloll. ' # . . " , . ' I 1 Pays for tolen Ve t. I Solno month ! ! ttlO the vlcnr of Ro- ente , Su sox , recolved a lolter , ( rom Australiu. asking him to try to fiud n man In his Vlllng'3 who had hlld his \\'ahrtconl stolen thirty years ago. 'fho vicar found tPnlln and told his Aus.I I trnlittn corr 9110ndent. In lue ! tlmo ho recelvcd a latter inclosing $ GO ror I the 0\\'n01' or the walstcont. 'l'ho writer' Ball ! that with the ' 2GO ho hall foun In the walttcont ! he hill ! gained a now start In lIfo nllll WCUI now Money Made by Degg\rs. : No beggar In N'Jw York mattcs less hnn $ a da ) ' , according to the New York 'flmes. ' 1'l1ey recelvo contrlbu. Ions vRl''lng from ono lll'nnr 10 $2 . : Some of them are oXlH rlS" In their Incs and pIa ) ' anI ) ' Cor donations of Ilul ! $10 aull Ul\\llrd , tell1ng plallR- 1blo slol'los of tl11llOld rellts , d 'lng wh'es and starving chlhlron , of fun- oml expenses , and othol' hnrrowlng experiences that to the ' appeal 1I'mpa- : lhles of tender hearted hmuanlt. ) . . Juryman'B Truthful Excuse. A jur.'wnn who appeRl'e before Sir James Hannen In a London court room recently was In eep mourning and claimed exemption from servlco on the ground that ho Wao Interested In . funeral that l1ay at whlcb ho de. sired to be present. "Oh , certainly , " s .ld the courteous Judge , and the man went sad.facedly awa. ) ' . "Do ) ' 011 know the man rou have exempted ? " aslted the clerc. ] "No , " said Sir James. "llo Is an undertalwr , " was the reply. Savory Stew W s of Dog , A few omcers of a nrltlsh ship 'oro dining with a 111I11Hlarln Ilt Canton. Ono of the guests wished a second helping of a savory' stow , which he thought was compOmJ or duclc , Not lmowlng a word of Chlnoso , ho hehl up hl8 plato to his host , s Ying , with smlllng approval : "Qunclc , quacl" I quack ! II The mandarin was an Intol. i llgont Chlnamnn , Shaldn his head lie pointed to the ( lIuh of staw and said : "now , bow , how ! II Robbed Hearse for Feathers. Horace Walpolo once told this storr . of Lady .Allsbllry : On her return to London from ahroad her ] ad3'8hlp found that the dllches of De\'onshlro i haeI stili the highest feathers. Upon I this she tl'le to get one higher , with-I out SUCl'ess , till Rhe lueltlly thought : of son ding to an utldertat or. 110 ( ; e11t word that hlEr hearses wore all out. but tlley were expected home In a few days and then ho hoped to nCC01U1I1O- date her ] adyshlp. Men Arranged'Dlvorce Law. . . Although mol'o wives obtain divorces - vorces than hnshan no anthurlty 101' Ilvlng a woman a divorce w1l1 ho found In elthol' Buddhism , Taoism , : Shintoism , Confucianism. 1IIndoolslll. ' Mohammedanism , , Tudalsm or Chris. tlanlty. nut that part of the severlll faiths was armngell b ' the mon fOil' ns a personal matter of their own , , Many Children Sickly , Mother Gl'IIY's Sweet Powder : > CorChill1rcn , used by Mothcr GI'II ) ' , a nurse In Chll reu's Homo , Now York , cure Foverlshness , Hea - ache , Stomach 'roublos , 'cethll1 Disorders - orders , Break up Col s au Dcstroy " 'ol'ms , At all Dru glsts' , $0 , Sample mailed l HEI . Address .Alleu S , Olmstcll' , La Ho ) ' , N. Y. A good life leops off wI'lnltlei. ! but a good wrlnlo ] somatlmes 'Ieeps off a lot of trouble. Jlrn. " "Vln.lo , , " ' ! ! Rnotlllnlr R.JTup. 1"or " children tectblul : , tottcn" the IlItTJI , rellure" 11)0 , &u. . ) ' . pain , ouru. WIDI ! coli. . . o & bottlu. . ! \Ian who knows himself thoroughly has the lwy which will unoel , ull Imowedge ] , + + + + + + + + + + + + and NeuTalgia but there Is nolhlnsUler \ to cure than St.Jacobs Oil The aId monk cure. It ts pene- tratlne , prompt and unfaillne. Price 25c. and 500. + t t t t t + + t . t t ALWAYS CALL FOR A CIGAR BY ITS NAME "CREIO' MEANS MORE THAN ANY OTHER NAME DROWN DAtmS GOOD 110R PREsnnTS "L.rut SoUer II > th. WorI4. " ' - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - CAUGHT' BY T 1E GRIP- RELEASED BY PE.RU.NA. , ! I I . , , , I .1 :1 : "Tho } Vorld 'I 01 Med/clne .I Recognizes arJp Ii I . " . I II I Ij j I " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 0 . . . . . . . . La Grippe Is Epidemic Caiarrh. l'.r spares 110 elm\s 01' nationality. rho eulturelllUHl the Igll rallt , the al'ls- tom'at ItIHlthe pauper , the nlllSHCA allll the classes are 1I1\1eo \ HlIhject to ltt grippe. None Itro exempt-aU Ill' 0 liable. Grip iR weU llllllll'd. 'l'ho ol' g'lnal Frollch term , In. grippe , lilts lecll , shortI I enell hy the busy A11lel' can to l'eall "Rl'ip , " Without intendinJl to do so , n. new wor < 1 has lJCen c hwil that cxnctl ' dcscrlIJes the cuse , As If Hume hideous g-Iant with mr ul grip lU1l1 elutehelllls ill its fatal clasp. . Mell , womell , chi1l1rell , whole tOWIIH 1U1I1 clties l1I'U callght in the banc ul grip of It tCl'rlhle monster. llln'o ' 011 the Jrrip' ! 01' , rathm' , has the grip got 'ou' ! If 10 , relll the following - lowing lettertj , 'I'hese testimonials spcltk fo1' themselves - selves ItS to the el1lcae ' of l'e1'lIna ill crnes of In. grippe 01' its after-01Iccts : A Soulhorn Judge Cured. Ju ge Horatio .T. Goss , llartwell , Gn. , writes : "Somo five 01' six 'ellrs ag'o I hull It Yl'ry seyero Hpell of Jrl'ip which left mo with systemlo eatllrrh , "A 'Ideml all\'isclI mo to .try ; your $10.00 Fun ALL That' . .11 II will o'l 10 .I on. 01 our IIlU''i:1r ' 1- ulo. , . roml .I. , 101 < 1'd..n . at , .our . .11'0,01 Ilollon , all ' rrolhl ch"I" 1"- Iald lie olhor n. I fli . y ro' ' ' : : : ' INCUUA1'ORS ' SURE JlA1'Cn . , .lh..old' . . .hnI.Incuba'o. . . . Tb , . . . . .011. Call1o. . , .1..01"0001. . Ab..t. . . IIn.4 lIugughouI : , Copper h.t . . .aln h.allne oy.l.m , 181. uor.ln.h..l.tlng 111/ . . . to "alor h.a" ' . . Onl , Ihlly . .nlo wolh of 011 lO'l.ulu , ' tor.lal.h / , All machln. . .0101 on 110 UII" " Free 1'rbl , Cltlnc YOII' : : : r.P'gIU : ou : o'I o o : .I : . .b / : ' l :1 Ih : : " 'VltI , JlAr.'U-lh.mochlli. Ihal h.0001 Ih. 1..lof tlon. , Joo.,1or ; r..I.kl.I . f ! you II. . . . ,101 ) Uul.- .1"gltW it m ' : i : H'di nv.i \ ( i i lfc . .s.IS'ir VIR , . ( J'nIClr. N.h. Indlon."olla , Ind. Sa'zer's National Oats Orente\t oat ot thl ! century. Ylelll.'d In Ohio IbT In Mich. 2nnJl1o.I : : .1I1111In , Vl1kOIB 810 bUl'Of lIurl ! . You caD beat tblLt record In It For tOc end 1hls notice Wl ! mal1yol ) tree lots ot fllrm llred IInmpll'3 nnl our hll ( ( 'ull\lol { , trll. IDICUllllbollttbls ont \Vonller IInd tbousands or otbor IIr-'l\e. JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO. _ La Crone , , -ru WI : . ' " ' " 'j ' and RANOHES I WHEAT LANDS , IKAHSAS $6 to $10 Per acre I Bplen < 1ld sncllnns , ComhtDe,1 tannlulC aud Block rahlul ( , 0 1.7 jtn tJli.OO I'flrer. . . . faulu , I Color.lda RD'I : OulmlSkn. Only uDe.tenth casb. , Uut laOllbarllIloR III Well. h.\ ( , U. \1.\LIA"'l'I.It : : , I.llntl ( nlllml Rlllu.r llellt. n" U. 1' . ! t.t. Co. , Omuha , Xeb. SPINAL CURV A TU E Can be Curt ALSO 01l1ln : OtrORMITltD. Write or call al oOke forfreu Into'ma' 11011. J J . he5l tesnllmllilils Irolll C" om' Inl'lIt SI..WSIII' II. Ilnd J1h.sicluns , loon' mil ) ' 0111 FUfIlil ) " ) Joclur. No \ ; , 'If" . , u , 3PI.lluIIC\S 1I tJ. Treol" ' ! surceh1 dli . . ) y IIIR' ! . fix ; ) . .or ' cxp"rll'Ire. , Ihe UlomQ\llt GmAulli t ( Urtb pedlclut , ( o lrlghlI90l. INCU D AT.D. CA IUL . . . .000 0) , Ie TO 21 ARLINGTON DLK. , OMAHA. fIILa. W , N. U. Omaha. No.4 1005. _ . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! ) erl1nfl , which I < 1i < 1 and was iwmedl- ntcl lcnelltcd , amI cnred. The third bottle complctedthe cmc.If. . J. Oos& . Cured In B Few Wooks. . : M15Tean ! C'owg-Ill , Grisw01ll OEora liouse , 'XroN. . Y. , is the leading ndy with the A\lhl'cy \ Stock Co. She writes the fol1owing' : "Dnrlng' the past wlntol' of 1901 , I sufl'ored for M'\'cml wcpttS fl'OI11 It severe attack oC .p'ip , which left n rerious eatarrllll1 condition uC the throat and head. "Somo ono sUg'goRtcd ] 'erullfl. As a. last r'Hort , Ull'I' waRthlg mnch tlmo IInd mom , ' 011 lIh 'Hlel1tnB , I trlell the remedy ltithfully , amI in a. few week. wus us wcll UM ever.Jean Cowglll. Saved by IIon. .Tumes n. Oulll is ono of the oldest - est 111111 most c\tccmed ! men of Omaho. , Nob. Ho has < 10110 much to malce 1twhn1l it is , Hen'iug' 011 pn llo boards n number of t11ll1'8. ] ( n cndorses leruno. in the fol1owlng words : , II [ ILlIl as 'elll's' 0111 , nm halo and hearty amll'l'1'11lla hus helped me attain it. Two yeurs I1go I hall IlL grippe-my ] iCe WIiS 11ISlall'Cl1 ] of. l'crutla sa.ved mo.-J. n. Uuill. . . \ A striking contrast between Defiance Storch and any other brond will be found by comparison. Dt'tlance Starch stlfr n9 , whitens , beautifies without - out rotting. , It gives clothes bllCk , their newne.s.s. , It Is absolutely pure. It will not Injure the delicate fabrics. For fine things and all things use the best there 1.5. Defla nce oS t arch I 10 cents for 16 ounccs. Other brand.s 10 cents for I ounces. IJtrlklng contrast. I TtV DEfiANce STAItCH co. . I Omaha. Ntb. I , - . I IINCUSATORS. I ' ' . . . TIle OLD 'I'RUSTY In' . culJlllora uro lIIau IIY - . : : : < . : ; u .lohMon. Ihe Jucuhalnf . . : to. . . I I.II. who IIIl1d" rI.oo ) < " " " I" ' ; U"- fllrn In\Cnlloll bls OLD ' J' TRUSTY. - - t" 1'/ly-torlIseH hatch. - " 'A ' } o orty d. 't' ffte trIal - und Q live year' . "uQffln. Ice , } o'Of blo : free CIIIR' I IOlue , 800 I'Hultry l11u. . , alllrc. . . M. M. JOHNSON CO , Box O. T. , Clay Contor. Nab. , I . ! . UNDOMA . - ( .ti , r : SA YES I-JAIR ' I ! " ' 1' . ' J. ' ' ' 'J ' , ' - " ' -n. Ask Your B3rber When , o.nswerInCJ Advertisements Kind 'I Mcnt n This Paper. PUTNAM F ADEL1 SS D'YES Color m : > > r. Good. brighter and tuter colon than an ) ' olher dye , Ont . ! IOc pllckago colors .lIk. , . wool and elton I1Q ll . 1I ana ! II QUaranlfed 10 a .ult"l t.ak h& I OIIU UA4.lIoIIIt JOc. jJackago , WrltJ.w " - . . . . . . < o-\M. . ' " 'I4I.DI ' - " . - dV : 0101 ; JJl'Ur.J CO. . Vuill ! ; l fHIfIII