- ORGANIZE TO } 'iGHT TUBERCULOSIS - - - Commltlco of Intornatlonal ConlircJR Ph\OlI Thorough ldu- cl\tlonl\l Cl\mpl\lJjn. ----n --.n a-.n _ . . . . . --f--"i " " " --n - - - . - - - - _ . - - - _ . - - - . _ _ , , ---.w---.w-- , , 1\ \ Barh' In , October tlrc \ was held In St. . LouIs , at the 11011 of Congresses , 111 connecllon wllh the Worltl's I alr , lho Amerlcal1 Internlltlonnl Congress : : It 'fuberculoHls , which conHlsteti oC repreHcntatives gathcrctl from aU ( Jarts of t11 < ' Amcrlcnn continent , to dlscusR the heHt means or prcventlng and curIng thl ! ! tlroadful tllseaHo. Spe. : :11\1 : attention wns given to the fluhject or Ilroventlon , 'l'he congress was In 6essl011 three 11u 't : . I\Inny Important Questions were dlRcuHsed anti commit. :009 wcro nl1110lntell Cor the IlIIrpoHo DC carrying forwlml un active camI I pnlgn agaInst thla most terrlblo of all I the foes of humlll1 lire. 'rho commit. tee of publicity WU ! ! charged wIth the duty or OI'galll1.llIl ; u 11I'oller clluca. 1I0nni campnlgn In connccllon with Chautauquns , can ven lions , assoclll' lions anll f1'l1ternitieH of varlons HQrts , for the IJUrJoso ( of IIlnclng In the hnnlls oC the public Informntlon re. latlng to the best. mcnns oC prevontlng I1ml combnttlng thIs HCourgu. 'l'hoso who are oSlleclally Interested In this phase of the fJuestlou should alltlress for further InCormntlon the AmerIcan Congress on 'l'uherculosls , Commltteo on Iubllclt . , 28 'l'hlrty.'rhlnl Place , Chicago , 111. , Movement to Suppress Tuberculosis. Sclenco hns tlolllonstratlJll beyonll lIuostion thnt 1111ltnonary tuherculosls or cons\lllllltlon or the lungs Is both a preventable and n curahlo disease. 'hls dlseaso Is lIl'OllllcP ( ( by germs whIch find tholr WilY Into the belly through abrasions of the skIn , through : the mucous melllllmne of the mOllth or the Intestines and through the lungs. The germs of the lllsease are round In the BllUtlllll oC persons suC. CerIng from tuherculosls. The germs uro nlso fOllntl In tile lIesh anll mille of I1nlmals suffering from the dlseaso. The germs are lound nearly every- whlre. ! Thcse gerllls cannot lIve In the tissues oC a thoroughly llCalthy person , as the cells of the belly are capable of destro 'lng the germs , but. when the belly Is wealwned by 111111. gestlon , by tte ! habIts of breathIng Coul or bnll aIr , hy an 'lhlng whIch ImpaIrs - paIrs the health. the tlsslles lese their power to destroy germs so thllt when they entel1 the body they Ilnll 101lge- .ment , grow and develop and tuberculosis - losis of the lungs , bowels or or some other part Is the result. Statistics show that. at. least l [ OOOO persons dIe oC this dlseaso In thIs country annually. I OUl' or five times that number oC persons are slele all the time with thIs dlseaso , TuberculosIs - losIs kllls more than an ) ' other mal- ndy. ExperIence has showl1 that the dIsease Is not Incurable , as has been generally sllpposell , but Is 11. very curable - able malally 1 ! talcol1 In Umo , anll U the right treatment Is applied. Not less than ono lllUlllroll thousand 11ves coulll bo snvell every year by the ap. 11l1catlon oC proller means for provent. Ing nntl curIng thIs terrIble dlsease.- Danger In Alcohol In Cold Weather. When the 81\111 Is warm It Is rell or pInk In color. The cold all' oC winter causes tilO sldn to become whltor In I color. ThIs Is due to the contraction of the blooll vessels of the sltln. The amount oC blooll passIng through the skIn Is'llecreased , anll the amount of heat thrown oCt Into the cold aIr Is llltqwlse decreasell. It 11. glass or wIne or brandy Is talton the sldn becomes red ; The sensatlol1 of warmth produced - duced Is lIelllslve. The vIctim 1m. aglnes himself wnrmer. Indeed , the sldn Is warmer , but at the sarno time a great Increase Is observed In the heat thrown ort from tho'sltln. . The result Is an Gnormolls loss oC heat to the lnsllle of the body , Dr. Parlteil , the omlnent Engllsh sanitarian , says : "All observers condemn - demn the use of sph'lts , anll "von oC wIno or beer , as 11. preventlvo agaInst cold. " The names of DI' , King , Dr. Kane , CalJt. Kennelly and Dr. Hayes may also be cited as hollling to this opinion. In the Inst eXlledltion In Goarch ot Sir John Franltlln the . whole ; crew were teetotalers , Prof. l\Il11er states that the Russian mUltnry authorities "Interdict 'Its use absolutely In the army when troolls are about to move unller extreme cold , part oC the duty of the corporals , being to smell careful ! ) ' the breath of each man on the m0l'l1lt1g parade , anll to turn baele from tbo march these who have Indulged In spirits , It having been founll 'that ' such men are po' cUliarly subject to be frostbitten and ' otherwlso Injured : " Dr. Carp en tor Is authorIty for the statement that the HUllson Bay com' pany has , for many years , entlroly ex , eluded spirits from the fur countrlm of the north , ever , which they hav ( exclusive control , "to the great 1m provemont , " as Sir John ntchnrdsor observed , "oC the health and moral ! ot their Canadian servants and ot the [ ndl m tribes. " Health By Training. Henlth.gettln : ; , lor. the chronic In valid , In slml11y a matter or trainIng , 0 health culture under favorable condl tlons , whIch Incllldo the dlscardlnl at all dlsease.produclng habits , 8uc1 aR the \ISO ot tobacco , tea , coffee ani ul1 IrrItating , Inlllge tlblo anll dlseas ( vrollUclng foods. The free use or fiesh foods Is n doubt 11. cause oC lIyer and Itfclney Ill : ease , as well as oC stomach disorder : Th c uric acid oC 110sh toad . .5 also cause of rllouml\.Usm anu gO'l1t , as we as.nervousness and calculhHI. . For substantial nnd permlU.m.t lE /t , - - - - , , - . . - . . . - . . - cover ' , the best method Is training. Weale muscles must be tralnell to act with ellerg ' . Weale nerves JU\lst be I toned up alld fltealliell. The 'weak stomClch must he u'alned to 110rmnlac. tlvlty and the \\c..rlo bed ' must bo brought In hnrmony with the Corcos whIch maleo for bealth. , Buttermilk for C\lnsumptives. BuUol'1nllle Is an excellent fo d for \ubercular patlonla. Il may be talton In the quantll ' of ono 10 three cluarts a day , nccorellng to the amount oC olher food tll 1 < 0 n , The patient may talw two meals , three meals , or four meals allay , accortllnJ ; to the fJuantlty oC food talten at each meal , and the Itlnd of food. A sale rule Is never to allow a consumptlvo to go hUllgry , 110 shoulel cat whenlver ho hus aplIltIle , so that. the full dlg Htlve power of the stomach may ho utilized In furnlshlllg the hd y with constructlvo materIal , Wanted-An Appetite. I Don't ho without 0110. Wh ' go to the dinIng room tlnller protest. Don' try to hu ' nppotllo lit a llollar a bot. tic. Eurn It. One shoulll enjoy olltlng anll ho w11l , It ho has a natural appe' tlte , such as comes to ono ho works for It. The outdoor life creates appetlto , anll a cold mornIng bath awaltens the brain , lungs , heart , Ih'lr , stomnch ancl the appetite. An Ice hag o\'er the stomnch for haIr an hour hoCoro meals Is a good natmal allllCtlzer for a bcd- rlllden Invalid. Another metholl Is a hot application oyer the abdomen for fiye mInutes , fol. lowed by an Ice rub over UlO sarno parts for ono or two mInutes. This not only produces an appetlto but stimulates the now of the digestive juIces anll thus furnIshes the ability to dlglst. ! DIet for Tuberculosis. The tuberculnr IlI\tlent needs pro- telds , or tlssue.bulldlng foods , but only just. the amount which can be asslml. Inted and utilized by the bolly. Any excess must. bo treated 1IIco poisons , and bence must. bo a burden to both liver anll Iddne 's , and 11. waste of vital enorg ) ' , Protolds must bo talten , not only III moderato fluantlt . , but In the purest form posslblo. 'l'lIe vegetahle It1ngdom presents protellls In combination wah I fats In great abllnllance , and in nuts , whIch can bo mallo easily dlgestlblo II by thorough chowln : ; or by proper preparation. I 'rhe yollts of eJgs afford also a com blnntlon of fats and protelds which Is admIrably sultod to the tubercular 111\ tlent. MUle , eSlleclally rIch mill" I another food allapted to thIs class 01 patlonts when It docs not. product "biliousness" throllgh IndIgestion Mnny tubercular patients hayo dlla tatlon at the stomach , Such cases must avoid milk , Nearly all can takd nuts It the rIght. lelnd Is selected and grent care Is taleen with UlO mastlca. tlon. Pecans. hlclmry nuts. almonlls and f1lberts , pinons , or pine nuts are the best varieties. Half 11. pounll 01 nuts may bo talten dally by the con. sumptlve , not only wIthout harm , but wlt.h Ireat. benefit , If comblnod wltb other foods. A dIet consIsting oC nutlt well.tonsted bread tlnd fruIts Is a per feet llietary Cor the tubercular patlont. The ) 'ollts oC a dozen eggs may bQ usell In place oC nuts. WHOLESOME RECIPES. Lentil and Nut Loaf-.To ono pInt oC rather llry lentil pulp adll ono cup oC gratell Brazil nuts and sufficIent stale breallcrumbs to malto 11. stll ! mixture. Season with enlt tlnd sago I ! deslroll , Press Into bread tin an , , balto In a slow oven ono hour or longer. Fruit Soup-Into ono cUi' > o warm water IJllt ono rounllln : ; tablepoonful : ot SI\O and coole In a double. bailer ona-haIr hour. 'fhen add two or three whole cooltell prunes , one.fourth cup stowed raisins , two tablespoonfuls stewed cranberrIes , one teaspoonful lel110n julco and sugar to suit the taste. Allow it to heat until the fruit Is hot , anll ser\'e. Yorl111ce11l or pearl barley may bo substituted for sago , anll llrlod chenIes , with strawbel'l' ' and lemon juice , used In place of the fruits mentioned. Snowballs with Prunes-Steam dce ono hour or until tenller , then form Into balls , with ono large or two sm0.1I prunes In the center. Serve with a hal sauce mallo by warming Cor n. to" minutes ono.half cup of moltose , te which the julco oC one lemon has beell n ddell amI little prune Julco to make It of a consistency to pour easily. Banana and Nut Salad-Peel thr04 bananas and slice " ' ' ' 1j alld one.hal cupCul brolten ( not chollpell ) wnlnu' ' moats. Pour OYor UIIJI two-thirds CUI of the dressing anll mIx well. Sorvl on platters garnlshell with lcttucl loavos. Peas Croquettes-Boll until thm ouhly ; done two cupCuls oC Scotol peas , Rub through n colander nnl add two woll.beaten egg. , a lItU , nunced parsley , n. . small grated on 1011 salt to t"Jto and llry bread crumb enough to mnko qulto utUr. l orm Int crofluetteD. roll In beaten eggs nn breadcrurobs nnll balto In oven abou ton minutes , A cup of chopepd wa 10 nuts will ImlJroVe the croquettos. s. Savory Lentils-Coole two cupfuls c s. lon'tUs until well done. Rub throus a a colan r nnd adll salt nnd saso t 111 tuto. 1'1'0 BCJfVO , hellp In the center ( I the dish awl POT tomato aue e. . , arouqll 1'\ \ . " . ' I . , , f. . . . . - I LEGISLA TURE , of NEBRASKA . . - - - - - : - - A Synop3is of Proceedings of the Twenty t ! Ninth Gent ! ral Session. , 1- SI NA'1'g-lI. H. 1i4 , transferring , $18,000 from the Norfolle as ' 11\I1l CUlld to the LIncoln afrlum fund , was roe commlttell to the jlfllclnry committee In the senate on the 24th. II. H. IiG , the salary appropriation 11111 , was pnss. ed , S. 1' " 8 , lIy Heghtol , the count . engineer's 11111 , was recommcnded for ) IIISHllge. ' 1'he 11111 affects l.uncaster and DOIIglus counties and hoth BeJh. : tel 1\1111 SuulltIers matIo talleH In Its favOl' , S. I. ' . G , which IIrovllle ! ! fOl' malting records In cases allpealed to the SUIlI'Ull1e courl , and which Incl. dentally cuts dowlI the fees of the Ills. I trlct conrt clerIc , was I"ccnlled from the houHe and Ilnsscd agaIn. When the hill passell the first. tlmo It. re' celved 21 votes , which 1.leutenul1t Governor McGilton said catTetI with It the emOl'gency cll1use. He found out Ills mlstalw antI asltetI the senule to rccnll the hill. It got. 2l : votes , just one more than nocessllry to car\'y with It the emergency calise. S. I . 20 , relutlng to the penalty fOl' the crlmo of attempting to 110lson , was recommended for passage , as WI1R S. I . : JG , whIch Il1'ovldes thnt when the 1\11 sso 11I'1 rlvOl' cardes n. . pl1rt of Ne- hraslm Into some othel" state the peo. pie Oil the Innd shall become Inhabl. tants of that. state and the land shall hecol11O a vart of It , UllOn proclamation - tion of the gOVOI'llOl' , Now bills I"cad were : AllthOl'I1.lng'county COllrts to Illspense with administration of es. taleB' , which 11I'0 exomllt 1'l'om attuch. ment nllcl wllch lII'e not liable for the IlIIymelll of the debts of llecedellts , antI to estahllsh the heIrs at law. He. fJuh'lnA' a hontI Cor cosls In ull cases of allpeal to the distrIct court. from auy ol'der , findIng or pl"oceedlngs of anr houl'd 01' village trustees , cIty cOllncll , cOllnty hoard or an ' other hoard eXOl'c\slng \ jlll'lstIlctlon of a min. IslOl'lal , jlldlclal 01' qunsl judIcIal na. ture , 'To multo railroads transport frelgh t nt the rate of ten miles an hOllr 01' moro aCto ! ' loading and al. lowIng railroads twenty.follr hours for 101l1llng fl'olght except. lIve stocle. HOUSE-The house on the 2-1lh Itllled the lantIlord lien hill by Voter of Cedlll' hy n vote of 53 to : ! G , after recommendIng It.fol' llassage last wee Ie , FOI' some days last weelt It .eemell as If the bill wus goIng to lIass , but In the Interim members m"oto ! to new vIewS' upQn the sub. ject 1\11(1 ( when It came up for 11IISS- uge It was Itl11ed , The vote stooll 2G to Ga. 11. n. 50 , by Dames of DOllg- Ills , was recommended for IndefinIte postllOnemont. 1l sought to male It a mlselemeanor for a person to malign or sl a 1111 01' unotlel' I'ersoll In l111b1lc slJeech , When th : : ! time tor action on the bill cume Bames arose anll In. formed the house he hall Introlll1coll the measm'e by I'eqllest and dlt1Ce looltlng over the bill did not. fa VOl' It. 'rhese hills were recommenclell Cor tlassage : II. n. 28. 1Iy Pel'l'r-Tf ) all- thol'lze a cOllnty attorney to lIIc ( 'am. plaInt to w1\rmnt. a conviction , H , n. :13 : bV Fostl'l' of , , Douglas-ln1l0slng ] a 11enultr of from one to five years In Ie ) Jenllentlary for jl1l'y hrlhlng , II , n. 80 , by Jnclson of Antelope-Rals. iltg the salaries of the chief depllty gr.mo and flRh commIssIoner from $1.OO : ! to $1.S00 al1(1 ( the assIstant from $ l,2lJO 10 $1,500 , H , H. 43 , by SmIth of Burt-To 1)I'ovllle 11 cOllnly allol'- IIf'y' with the OI'dlnU'y : lIumbOl' of IJer. C'mlltOl'r challenges In ( 'ases where thC'I'e are two 01' more defondllntR. II. H , -I I , hy SmIth of DUI't-'I'o fOl'hltl the dumpIng of I'efuso III strellmtJ lIsed01' \ Ih'alnage. , " Amollg the hills IlItl'ol1ucOll were the following : Ar.lcm'lng section 2 or article : ! of IJhWer : \ x\1I1 'to ' I'l ! ul : "An ' IJerSon I11hY male such chal'go alld the ( lis. tl'll't court. shall have exclusive orlg. lual jul"isdlctloll thereof by sunUlIons , 'I'nltes orllnal ; jurisdIction In cases \ \ 1l'e cOllnt } ' olIlclllls I1l'e chal' e1 ! with malCeasnnce from counl ) ' ( ' 0111' mIssIoners anl1 gIves It. to the dlstl'lt 1 ( ' 0\11'1. " Pro\'ldlns fOl' a state 11 C'COlnt , ant at a salm'y of $2,000 and $ IiOC lrl\\"c'lng l'XpenSl's. AIIlIohttml'nt te ho mal(1 : hy Ihe govel'l101' , tl'ellsul'el' I f.e'I'1 ! ah'y of stnte , lanl1 commlsslonCl an/I altOI'no ' gelleral. Co I' l wo 'cal' [ ' heCllllt'ng rcglstratlon of autol11ohllo' In ( l1co of secl'etar ' of state allt ! Jm I lioses a Ceo of $1. ' 1'ho olIlclal If ! 1'0 C1ulr < : l1 to gIve It a numbel' , whle. ! must IIC' dlsllla'ell on bacle In lIun.er aIR at least three Inches high , 1\I.IIS 1Iut c a'eed I'ensonahle speell On high WI'S : CI' ten mlles an hour In ( 'Iosel : buill111 sections. Must stoll.hen all 111'OIWhll11 ; horses that arc l'eRtlve. fir. ( luh'e J hl'alef ! anll whlto lights il fl'ont anl1 1'ell ' IIghls In the rear , Dc dares all munll'lpal OI'dlnnllcl'S' regl ! latlng the subject In11 III , but allow Illos to contl'Ol vehlclef ! offered t , Ihe IIuhll ( ' fol' hlrl , Violation of th 11rovlslons of the lI(1t If ! mal1e IJlmlsl IIblo by a IIno rllnglng fl'Om $25 to $ lil 01' not to exccell thll.ty days In th county jnll , S NA'rloclCtt f Lancllsh , . WOII n. tel11110ral'Y vlctor ' ever th L , jul1lcllll'y commltteo on the 2rith I , r that the senate votel1 to ulnco hIs 11 ( I VOl'CO bill on general 1110 after tlJ d conlTnltteo had reconunollllell that It \ : It Inl1efinltely Ilostponol1. 'fho jul1lclnt . . committee then ' ' ' ' , , 0\01' " [ oelwtt's 111' test , cal'l'lell a motion to have the bl II discussed at once , After an Intel'cs h , Ing debate 011 the mcrlts or the hI' ' o Moclcott secured the IlI\ssage of a m II tlon to mal\O the hili a Sl1001111 01'111 :0 for tomorl'ow aftornoon. S. I. ' . S , I IJoghtol , provllling that count . SIII'VO I ors shall I\ct as county enGlnoers , - paf ! ! on hrldges anll olhOl' pullllc wOI'le done fOJ' a , COUl1t ' was IIIISSl'd. liS was S , I. ' . :11 : ; . provllllnl ; that. whell t e lls- souI'I river chops orc u Illeco of Ne. bl'llRlm ancl lands It In ono oC the bor , clel' Htlltes , It shall hecome a IlI1rt of lhal state , togothm' with Its Inhllhlt. ants. These bills were Illtrolluced : I . ProvidIng the 8Ullr0l110 court IIhllll. name thl'eo commlsslonorR to I'evlse the slatutes and report to the next legislatlll'e , AII10JHllng the l'fvll corlo 1''lating to the recover ) ' oC damages. I'l'Ovldlng COI' the ol'Janlzatlon of the Stille Banldng bonrd and dollnlng the clulles of the hoare ! . MIIIlng IlIiu on IIII'sonal llrolwrty It Jlt'st lIell on the prollerty for two yem'H. Amelldlng the law relating to the rccovery oC dam. agC's so that In cnaes of wan Ion ag- grpslwmess ! : ! on the Imrt of eefe1Hlant ! thf' jlll' ' may It Wll 1' < 1 exemplary damages - ages , To 1I1'0\'ll1e Cor th < > aRfeSSment of mOl'tgnges at ; rcml elute ! : ! : the hold- PI' of the mOl'tgage on real estate to pay taxeR 011 the morlgage and the ownOl' of the 11I'OlJerly 10 IInY on the aHHCSf'ment. of the IJI'opcl't ' less the amonnt. of the mortgaJ : ; . 'ro provide thllt a womr" who commltR udultery B111111 be tined $200 or Bentenccd to jail CCJl' a 'eal' : II 1I1an , married or unmal'- rlcd. to lie senlenced to the IIcnllen. tlal' ' for two years or Imy a fine ot $ GOO , 1I0\JSF' \ 'I'he house on tlH' 25th Ilnssed the first hili Introduced thIs Hession. The hili Is 11. H , 1 , hy Bul'lls of Lancastm' , drawn hy the attorney g ( > neral , lIrovllllng COI' perRonul RIII'oty bonds fOJ' state olllcm'lI. II , H. 21 , by Uoher/s. / was ) lasselIt. \ . IIrovldes that whure ) latents have heen 01' may be Issued to 11 Ilel'son who has dlod IJI'e' vlous to the Issllance of such patent It shall operate 10 yeit : the title III the I I1's I , deviseeS' ai' aSHIgnC'es of the de- ceaseel patentee , gl'llst of , Iohnaon In. troduced a rC'solution to sen,1 , a com. mlttee of three , wIth a 1I1to commIt. lee Cl'om the senate , 10 the Kansns slate ! lonltentlm' ) ' to Investlgato and 1'l)1ort. ) on the hlndlng twIne plant wIth a vIew of eltln Information useful 10 the Nuhmslm legislature In Imsslng on the 1101Hling hili to otabllflh ! : ! ; Il plant at. the Nebraslm 11Onllentlary , 'I'he resolution pased. ! Bills Intro- Iluced Included : An Ilot to malte Olen season fOl' III'alrlo chlcleClHI , ! iage grouse Septemher 1 to Novemhel' ao ; jaC'le snille , 'Vilson snllle , 'ellow le s , Soptembel' 1 to May 1 ; wild pigeons , doves , )1lovor ) , .Tuno Hi to August 1 ; trout , AIJrll 1 to Octobel' J : all other fish , April J to November 15 ; allowIng - Ing ono hunlbl' to Itlll not more than ten ) ll'Illrle chlclens In anyone day In Selltember ; maltos IIenalt ) ' of $5 line 01' ten da } ' ! > In jail for each hiI'd unlawfully - fully had. An act. to 11rohlblt the II1ay- Ing of the game of football in the stllte of Nebraslm. FIne of $1i0 to $100 01' thIrty to ninety days In jail for first offense and one to two years In the penitentiary for secOlul offense , An act 10 gIve State nanltln honrll ( lIocre- [ tlonary Ilower In granting charters Cor slate banIs when satlsfil'd ' with character - acter and rosllonslhlllty of ofllrers , An act to emllowOl' the Board of County Commlsslonol's or Snlwrvlsors to malto contrarts COl' the consiructimi and re. IIaral Ion of hrlllges In theIr counties , anll 10 authorlzl' su'h hoards to )1\11" ) ( 'hase the l1uceSSI1l'y brltlge malOl'lals and omllloy the nocesslllT labor and constl'lwt I' rOl1alr such hrldges when , In tholt' jndgment , It. would be to the lutoresl of the county to do so. SENA'I'E-The juvenile court lIlli , Introllu'ed rn' Senator l\Iocltett of LancllstOl' , was recommended fOl' )1as. ) sago on the' 2Gth. 'rhere was no de. bate. ' 1110 hili IIrovldes three Ilroba- tlon officers In counties having It pall' ulutlon of moro than GOOOO. In coun. tics of less thun 40.000 lho jurlsdlct Ion Is YCHtld In the county judge. In the cities the pollco judge ! : ! have charge of the juvenllo courts , while In the lane countloH the dIstrict. jUdges select - lect ono of theh' lIumber to Ilresldo. > > The bill 1J11\1\Cs IIcglect of { 'hlhlren an offense. Parcnls are resllonslble for , the crIme of having chlldron III evil surrolllullngs. Altol'lJey Geneml Brown hellm'os the bill Is constitutional. "If . It Is not , no ju\'onlle conrt bill can . ho drawn that IB , " ho declared , No , I ri.l. was recommended fOl' Ilnssage , _ This measure transCPl's $18.000 ( I'om the NorColle as 'llIm fund to the f1llul of the all 'lum at 1.lncoln. Senate f1le , . No , 20 , ' SonatOl' Yore oC Sllllne , waE ; . passed , It. III'ovldes a IJenall ' of fl'on1 . t.wo to fifteen 'elll'S for )1el'sons ) COIl i1 vcted ! of )1olsonlng ) 01' attomllted )101 ) : . son lng , Senate f1l0 No.13 wus )1nssed ) 'l'hlB Is a joInt resolution hy Seuatol 1'.Iesel'vo or DIxon. nlllll'o\'ln the w01'1 of the South Dal\Ola.Nobl'Uslm boun dnry commIssIon. A numbel' of bl11l WOl'O Intl'OIluccl1. HOUSE-In the house on the 2Gll a largo l1I11uhel' of hills were reporte ( bncl { h ' the stl\lllllng ( 'ommltteeS' at ) ( ) llaced on the gl'npra I f1le , House ml No , 8. by Dol1ge , to'C'SI authority eve the Omaha wutl'r 1111lnt In the munlcl 111I1 watm' hoard , WIIS r(11101'tl11 bnel without recommellllallon hy Chalt'm 1 Lee of the ( 'ommltteJ on cIties ani towns , who then mo\'C'11 Its 1t1llefinlt , IJOstllouemC'nt. 'l'hls was resented b ; Dol1go , who ( lhargel1 ball fulth. In tha It hall beC'n ugl'eell In commltteo tha the 11111 was to bo allow ell to go t the gencral f11o , Leo denlol1 an ' Inten to talto un nnfalt' advantage , and wltl drew hIs motion , suhstltutlng for j another IJlaclnl ; the bill on genere . r , ' : ' . . , . . - . - f11l' . Till : ! motion IIr\'nl1'd. ThC' lot. ! lowing blllg wel'l' 11I\ ! ! ell : 110uso 1'011 No.3 , hy Whlliham , Ilrovltling for sIx ( 'ol1\l1\lsslonCl' \ \ of I hl' HHllI' me courtj houHo roll No. 4:1 : , II ' Smith , IIrovldlng that , where two or rIHlt'O IIel'sons chargeel with It l'I'IlUO 1\1'0 t rlel1 to. gether , the IIroHel'uUng nUm'ney shal1 ho enlltlC'11 to three llOl'emlltol' . ' chal. lenges fol' ellt'h j hOllso rollIG , by Knox , alllJl'oprlatlJ1g the normal bchool lIJl'Ur ! ' funlls fOl' the Ilurchnsc oC heels (01' the 1'1'11 al(1 Kearney state normal schools. 111 eommlttl'e of the whole house I'Ol1s Nos , fI7 to 100 IIICluslvo , by Clarke of Douglas , wore recommendel1 Cor IHlssagC' , Thc'3e are hili' association hills. relative to ) lrac. tiel' ! In jnstlco COlII't , nnl1 IIrovlde , resllectlvely , for a chllngo In the IIlnco oC t rial on nccoUllt of IIlaH or pre. judIce. Cor jlll'Y 1I'Ial , COI' jnl'Y Cees nnd COl' costs on change of trial. Among hl11R Inll'oehlC'cel were the following : To give Interlll'han electric rallroal1 lines the right. of omlnunt. domain , as enjoyel1 by steam railroad companies. An : lct IJllrehaslt1g : authorizIng the sale and dlltl'lbutloll ! of Cobbey'o an. notated st llutes of NebraslHl ; 11I'o\'ldei : thut. the state Ihall lIurchase 5,000 sets at. $ G IIel' set COl' the use of the stute , und to be sold to counties anll citizens : Jl cot. ! : ! , Mockett Divorce Bill. 'rhe Moclwtt divorce bill , whIch was the sUbject of u lengthy debate In the senate 011 the 2lith. a1ll1 which was macle a speclul ol'dm' , In snbstance Is as' follows : ' 1'he meaRllrf ! pl'o\'lt11f ! I hat no pel'on ! 'hltll lJC entitled 10 It dlvorco lor an ' cause IlI'IHlng' III IhlH IItate who has IIl1t hnc1 nctlllll 1'IIIIlIIICO ! In thlH Htlltn for n t leaHt olle 'eUl' Ill'xt hofm'o hl'lnlnA' lho l'Iull , wllh lho Illtention or Inaltlnlhe / IIlllte a pnrmallont home : IIhw , Ihat 110 pOI'HOn IIhall be entitled In 11 dh'Ol'l'O fOl' an ' ellllSO III'IHlnA' ont of the IItato unlllIlI the petilionel' 01' cefendllnt ] shall hllVO rCHlded ! within the Rtatl : ' fOl' n t lellilt t'o'carll next Ill'fol'o hl'lnA'lnA' the Rult , wlt'll the bonn. tll1e Intention of Inllltin/-\ / hlR home. H IH fll1thel' II1'o\'lcJec1 In the mens- 111' ( ' that II hill COI' dl\'ol'ce , ulimony or malnt'naneo lIIay he exhlbltl'lI h ' a wlCo In hI' own numl' , UII wull Uf ! b ' a IJURbntH ] : and In all CURes the respondent - ent IIIlly answel' Rll'h petition 01' bill without oath , No IwrHon shall be en- tilled to a vole IInleRH the defendant : : Ihall ha0 heen ) servCll wi th , , IJI'ORH , If with n this stnte. or with persona I notice clIlr p1'ove11 and up. pelll'ln of 1'e'fll'I ] . It out lIr this state , 01' IInl'l's .1efl'l11lnllt IIhull hllvo en- tel'el1 an npp'arnncl' In the caRO : hu If It shall appeal' to the RatlsfnC'tlon of the ( , OU1't thnt the petitioner doeR not Inow the IIdch'esH 01' 1'eHh1ence at the 11e,11I1nnt. anll hllR not heen able to aR'l'rtaln elthor aCtor rl'lIsonahte unl1 dllo 11I1J1I1I' ' and scal'ch continued fol' Rlx mOllthll , the COUl't 01' jullf'e In vacation lIIay l1ulhorlzo notice by puh- lIeatlon , S'tlon :1 : of th ( ' hill pro\'ldeR thllt n. lvol'ce HlmU 1I0t lJeeo)1Je IInnl 01' opel'- ntl\'e IInlll Rlx months aCtel' tl'lul and deelsloll except fol' the purpose or 1'0- vlow hy pl'ocoedlng'R In el'l'OI' or a\l. pert I , 111111 for such IHlrpOReH onh' the .dpc'I'c'e IIhall he trellted all a fnal order IIR SOOIl HR r ( > IH1cl'e , Provided that it p1'oceecllng-s In el'l'ur 01' hy UIpenl hl\\'o hel'n Instituted within Raid six month8. the de'I'pc Mhall not heeorno flnal until the proceeclln R al'o 1I111llly determined. ] f no Rueh pl'oc'edIl1A'S are IIIHtltuteli the cllRt1'let ( , ollrt mll ' lit an ' time within Rlx months VHcate or molllCy the dcc1'l'e , Concentrated Wisdom. The following address was dellv- erod by a ) 'OIl11g Indian student on his graduation from the agency school. Not many white pupils could haye condensed the truths emlmor- ated Into such small space : "My friends , I do not. propose to excite hostilities by adyanclng the proIlOsltlon that. wo stand on the thresholll of lICe. I leave that to the palo-facell graduate of a more athletic curriculum , I Camc from a town at 300 souls and eighteen real estate agents. On my return my ltlnsmen wlll stroll out of th tepee to greet their brother and asle hIm where ho got that hat , wlule the llusle ' daugh. ter of Bar-Horso-Wlth.the.Glanders will don her pink waIst. All that the red man Is today l1e owes to thc pale'face. 'Ve have been so beneyolenUy assimilated tlmt ono measly government agent can round up and herd a whole Indian reserva. tlon. The pale.face lobster gives us a botUe of whlslty-wlth a string tied to it. And the string reaches to the federal court. room , where wo lie around for a couple of weeles whl10 the witnesses are cashing In their pay YOllchers. Then wo walle homo In a snowstorm , The sun of the red man is setting In the west , Soon wl11 IJls copper' colored tribes bo assImilated by the copper trust and he will bo oxtlnct. . You mny put hIm Into a blcyclo sull and tan shoes , hut ho wl11 contInue to yearn for plaulccd musltrat an Ja' malca ginger , His dars are number , ell. Her Lesson from the Sermon. A elerg 'man gIves some pertlnenl Instances of the unexpected to bE mot with in preaching. "At my tlm ( of lIfo I ought. not. to bo stunned t , anything. but one dar. after servlco a good woman of my Hock dId man L age to talto my breath away , I wa : preachIng about. God's wisdom In car Ing for us all and I said that. tb. . Father Imows best which of us groWl beltel' In the 5unllght. and whlcl must hl\vo 'Bhade , YOII Imow YOI plant. roses In the sun and hello tropes and goranlums , too. but If YOI put fuchsIas to grow you must pu them In a shndy noole. "I hOIJell the sermon would bo I comforting ono and after It was eve a WOll1an came to mo , hOl' face glm" Ing with plC'nsuro which was ovldenl ly deo)1 ) and trlle , 'Oh , doctor , I a11 'So glall of thnt sermon , ' salll ShE claspIng my hand and shalclng I warm ! ) ' . My heart warmed as I war derell whnt. tender place I ha , toucholl In lJOr soul , but 111 ' joy lasl ed for a moment enl ) ' , 'Yes : sll wont on , fon'ently , 'I never Imew bl fore what was the matter with m fuchsias ! " -London InterIor. 'Nonco to l)1sul11 ) , hut don't tell over body the whole truth about the thin ) 'ou Imow , I . . . , . . . , , -q CONIoTANT : : ACHING. - Dnok aches all the time. Span. ) - your appetite , wC'ariC'S the bOll ) ' , war- \ ! all 1'109 the mint ! , 1\Illne8 cause It ' Killne ' : nnll Doan's P1l1s relieve nnd " cure It. II , B , McCarver. or 201 Cherl'Y st. , 1 Portland , Ore. , III' ' specter oC freight for the 'l'ransCoII' tlnental Co" sars : "I used Donn's Kid. ney P1l1s Cor bacle ache anll other . , . . . \ sym ; ) Jtoms oC Itld. " ney trouble which bl1d annoyed mo ) for months. I thlnl : n cold was rospon. sible for the whole trouble , It seemed to settle III my Itillneys. Doan's Kid- neY' Pills rootell It out. It Is several months sInce I usell them , anll up to dnte there has been no recurrence or the trouble. " Doan's Kidney Pills for Bale by nIl I dealers. Price O cents } IeI' box. FoSe I ter.1\Ulburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. J Spanish Bridal Customs. . . . I In SHaIn a brillo has no girl at- . , tenllants to stand at the altar with . her , but Instead a "mndrlna , " or god. , mothm' . Neither docs she 11avo weddIng cl\lto or any Cestlvo llepartura after the eere1l10n ' . The wedded pair go quietly to their new home , whera ' they remain \lnUi the following day , I when they start on their honeymoon. Before leaving they pay a formal visit tu their res)1ectlve ) relaU\'es. Profossor's Atrocious Pun. Professor Strunk ot the English department - J partment of Cornell Ulilversity Is : fonll papa , as well as 11. desperate punster - ) ster , Ills favorite form of oxerclso Is trundlng a baby carrIage along the campus wall < s. On day whllo ho waJ ! so employell a friend hailed him Wltil I the query : "Giving : ) 'our son nn airIng - Ing , B1l1y ? " " o , " replied the proCes- I Bor with dignity. "I'm giving my heir a sunning , " I VIctim of Necessity. With her bus band In the hospital , Mrs. Wood , wife of a London drn ' - man , sold her fireguard for 25 cent.s to buy 100dnd soon afterward her child burned to three-yelr-old was death. i HIS EXPERIENCE TEACHES THEM That Dodd's Kldnp.y Pills will cur Bright's DIsease. Remarkable case of George J. Barber-Quick recovery - ery after years of suffering. Estherv111e , Iowa , Jan. 23d.-Spe- ( clal-Tho experience or Mr , Georga J. Barber , 11. well Imown cltlzon oC thIs place , justifies hIs frIends In malting the announcement to the world "BrIght's Disease can be cured. " l\lr. Barber had Itllln y trouble and It do- velopell into Bright's lJIsease , Ho . . treated It with Dodd's KIdney Pilla { J , - J.nd to-day ho Is a well man , In an intervlow ho snys : "I can't say too much for Dodd's Kidney Pills. 1 had Klllney Dlseaso for fifteen years and though.1 doctored - ed tor It with the b st doctors here nnd In Chicago , it developed Into Bright's Dlsense , Then I started to use Dodd's Klllney Pills and two boxes cured mo completely. I thlnle Dolld's Kldnoy Pills are the best. In thl ) world. " A reme y that w111 cure BrIght's Disease will cure any other form or ( KIdney Disease , Dodd's Kidney PUIs no\'er fall to cure Brlght's'Dlseaae. ; It Is very dIfficult for a man to be- ( levo that a girl with golden hair and blue eyes woulll ever tell 11. fib.-llaIU- more American , 10,000 } IJnntll for 10c. This is n. remarkable offer thl ) John A' . Salzcr Seed Co. , La Crosse , 'Vis. , makes _ I It Salzer Seeds have a national reputation' as the earhest , Jillest , choicest the earth produces. They will s nd you their b ! ; plant find seed eatltlog , together : wilb enough eed to grow I 1,000 fine , 80lill Cahbages , 2,000 rich , juicy 'l'urnips , 2,000 blanching , nutty Celery , 2,000 rich , buttery Lettuce , 1,000 splcndid Onions , 1,000 rare , luscIOus Hadishr. , 1,000 glorIously brilliant Flowers. This great offer ill made in orller to induce - duce you to try their warranted lieedll- for when you once plaut them you will grow no others , ami ALL } 'OR nUT 160 rOSTAC1E , p'rovillin you will return this notice , and If ) 'OU wIll Bend them 2Ge in poslage , they will add to the ahove a big package of the earliest Sweet Corn on carth-Salzer's : l ourth of Jul-fnll ' 10 days earlier than Cory , Peep 0' Day , etc. , etc. [ W. N. U. ] When Vanity enters at the front o1oor Roaaon steals out the back way. l , Rare Coed Thing. I1Am1sln ALLEN'S FOO'l'-EASE , nnll emu truly 81\1 would not 1m vo beeu wlthou ! ! It so long , hud I known the rollcf It would glvo my achIng feot. I think It rare b"Ootl thing ( or anyollo ha. "lug 801'0 or tired ( eet- Mrs , Mat1d'lIoltwert \ , Providence , It I.u Sold by all Drugglats , 25c , sk to. ay. A good reputation Is a fall' estate , but there are others on which It. 15 easier to get a mortgage. . . . , , ' , A GUA1tANTJmD'um \ : JrOIt rnl S. : , Ilcbtn , lll1nd , lIIecdlnl : ur l'r Jlrndlul : 1'110' . Yuur } dMlg tlt will refuml ulIJney It I'\ZO 01N'nmN talll to curti yuu 111 a 10 U day. . We. oJ The best wny to avenge ourselves Is not to re"emblo these who hn.vo In- jurel ! us-A mlel. Smocr9 } find Low Is' "Sln lo Dlnllrrll trulght 50 cI ar bettor Iluallt . than most 100 brautls. Lowls' Pactol' ' , Peoria , 111. Rattle brains alwa's ma the most l rncltol \ . , , I II I