. . " , " " , , . . , ' . . ' . . , . . ' . . . ' , , " 4 ' 1 r J : ' - . ' . _ _ _ _ . - , - ' . < I. " , , " , ' , , " "I' L ROY AL" : Baking Powder Saves Health ' : ' ; The use . of Royal Baking Powder is essential .to the healthfulne i of the family food. . " , " Yeast fennents the food. ' ' : . : : ! , . , . ; ' A .j Alum baking powders are injurioUJ. ' . Royal Baking Powder saves health. 1 . . . . . . . . , AOYAL MKIN. f'QWC''UW / YORK [ " . . . . - ; " - - - IJr tU Fllr Butlerl'llt. ' -Do you know our price for but- 'tcrfat , , , last half of January , is 28c per pou nd ? Do .vou lmow this means * 1.12 to $1.25 per hundred for milk ? Do you know during the winter ' f 1902 we paid as high as 27c . 'f r hutterfat ; and 25c in 1903 ? -Do you know tbese are better , prices than dairymen of New York , \ \ isconsin , and othel. old ( ! airy states who folluw dairying txc1usivlly. ! are realizingfortheir milk produced on farms worth S100 and more pa acre ? D\ ) \ClU kl10wn this beats rai - ing . wlll'.t or fiftycent ' : l r f UII \ II 1,110 ' 11 , , , ' ptdd more mOlll' \ I , Ilil Iftr\lhr lJf , 'blaska' I in lJu4 hjll , tLl 1)1 her creamery cornl'ani. S 0111 rat ; ' g in the state. D"\ourl..dl7. . " , hit you are lo ing itOU . ale ! lol the owner of a De Laval bUild sc.'parator , _ _ _ . . . H . . - " " _ _ , " " , , . . . . . . . . . . - . . W \ III/ / 'I'I"IIN. . . ( 'Oj"f'l"I'OIl.t0 ' 1I.0KIt I , " " " . . . , . . cIr" ; : t" I.d , ' .II" IJ. on .hflrlnutlc" ' 'u" " ' , IIn\ . .t"O\R.fI . ' ' - ' . , : C1) ' ( . . 01' , \ . . . . . U O. HU'1'TO" Pronril.tnr \ , . - FlrRt la- . work It.sr fion , , , or Hrok'II Uo" , < 8tate ilinll , UrokelJ now Nohra'ku. i - H ILL SIDE HERFORDS I ' J' ; { " . " aDd , l uuroo ! , rer " 7 U"g bn,1 ! lmt olcl. 81'8t hlood J' , aUbeir clSIIR Addll'J. ! n K.UWELL , r R OS ; : . : : : : : : k. Attorne.al.Law. . I : 1 Rul cHatalJd IO/on brokur. O lco n .APIl1u' . " : Block Broken IIlIw. NOJrlillkl\ ! . ; : ' , ( 'DK r I. 'F ' ! N'I ' " < 111. " ' /I. . IJ. . 'v. t DEliTIST , , - omIn . n.thw/l 1 corner nl1lllly 1I'1W'1r. . . . . . . .1.0. 8arbeJ : Shop For first.ca.'I1I ] work. call at the Palace BarherShop. Everything up-to-date. LEO DEAN. Proprietor. \ ; 'DR. W. H. COLE , . Veterinarian. \ , 'D8e [ 811 of all the lower auimals trNt. cd. OfIiceol Lee ro ! ! . drug Jtor . " " , 'Phone 203. roken Bow , Neb. t DR. C. B. JOil , : II i1Dl1 IDll DP : iDa. : omoo lu Realty 1I.0cll , Orst , Ialre teem IV Ind. : HANSE MOOHg , 'Iii 1 ] l11 mil' " BID ) I. 'l' " , bluclu Daub of IH.nl1 Oulrul Hotal. rat toD.g dolicl ed Prlcc8 tUII < IUlltilu. - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . .Uero Ue.cl.1 U > . . . . . . " . . tJrlm.OD 8ooU , No. 177O . ' . . ' 0" . ' . Ii. . . . "f .I l' ' . I' 1 .orq. , I , : , . . J. . nRENIZFI , Breeder of Pori Scolch . .nr' ' Scntoh 'rflPII d S\1ort \ Uorn Cat 'Ie.h b rd n"mhr , . 41) onw" Will C"lI1par' ' " "bre.rll"1f "Illt qUIIt , willi Rny we81 of rhlc" o W , . .x""rl"c" hR t-nchl 1Of ! that 10 , .t , . . " " 0' ' , l .a""rllnn. h.p..rtlnlr . cU It lUu-t II" ralsod Ir thIs nltH.uda. I eXllI'c' to ralsa than here t . . eQual " "sthlnc r41..d . III Ih U 8 , In' " IJ" " 15 hUll. " 011"111" lor tl1l. , IInl IIIX' , . , , ' . .ervlcoIv co. . . . wolilb. tram 1400 I , OlU1dD , Oome and.alehem. ! . . - - and one of our patronsf Do you Imow that we sell the , De Laval , the best separator on I earth ? 1 Do you know that o'ut of a total of 20,000 separators used in I Nebraska 15,000 are De Lavals ? I Do you know , if you are not one of ou20,000 patrom ; , that if will I be to your interest to call on o r I repreRentative and talk this over ? BEATIUCH CREAMERY Co. ' \Ve sell separators on easy terms. 34-35. E. C. Kirk of Litchfield was in the city on business Monday. I G. C. Drale of thIs city made a busir.ess trip to Ansley Monday. I J. Eld Austin of this city , , was a pa s tlg r for Lincoln Munday. I - Miss Callie Winston of Merna , arrived in the city Monday. She is worlung for Mrs. E. R Purcell. P. A. Walton went to Lincoln Tue.dav morning to witness the work of the legislature for a few days. Mrs. C. A. Wahl of this city left for a visit with friends at A n ley andV estervillc , lat t Tuesday. Miss Rose Rogers of this city left on Monday's train for a two months visit with her sister Mr : ; Geo. Brown and friends at Ansley J. W. Jones and family of this city left for Bcrwyn yesterda v morning. M. Jones goes to Bei- wyn to a cept the positon of sec. tion foreman for the B. & M. at that pldce. Another half foot of snow the past w ek to replace the one just melted the weel { before is an un. usal occurrance but the effect on the winter grain and next season's crop will doubtless be a full com. pensation. Fr end XIJ..Hcd A few counterfeiters have late. Iy been maldng and trying to sell imttations of Dr. King's New Discovery for cunsnmption , Coughs and Colds , and other medicines , therebJ defrauding the public. 'Phis 18 to warn you to beware of such people , who seek to profit , through stealing thE' reputation of remedies which have been . successfully curing disease , for. over 35 years. A sure protection , to you , is OUI name un the wrapper. Look for it , on all Dr. King's , or Bucklen' remediesf as all others are mert. : imitations. H. E. BUCK LEN & CO. , Chicago , Ill. , and Wind. ser , Canada. l/ee Bros. - - - - - - Lh The Advo % j 1 'Cash Grocery ! mj : 'llf ' A High Grade Caro- ) sen Oil a Specialty. Tt1 Bright ! , I' Safl' ! ! D/.I : No Smell I ! ! : No Smoke ! ! ! ! W- > Call at the store and { , " get a coupon goo , for l ? half gallon. 'rry a w : can and be convinced. , : , \ tJ. . f Our can g-oods are all t . labeled "Ach'o Extra. " - f the best the market af- . } i fords. We have a fine , 'r line of Staple and Fancv : I Groceries. Call and see li , I 'q -cp y\ 1 f . . . - , . . . - - - Jas , lIenr ' , of Elinl township I I wns a city visitor Tucsday. Mr. , Henry informs us that a larger I number of cattle than usual are ; . being fed in his vicinity this ) 'car. He fe i nety hcad. _ _ I. I Silas Winch of Ansley who , had.been visiting at the home of , I. B. Rittenhouse of this city , : returned to AnsleMonday. . I Mr. Winch Sa9 he- expects to mo\'c to the count" . . scat thc first of the month. - - - . . . . . . . . . . H. H. Andrews clo etl a deal reccntly whereby JameH Whitehead - head became thc owner of 400 acres of land two mites soutb of town at the remarlmbly low ligure of S.LOO per acre nu hns been offered $1 an acre for his bargain. Somc fol1s call this luck , but it is good judgmcnt.-Caltaway Tribune. 'l'hi locality , which blls done o muc. ' boasting' this winter on . accent of its fine autum weather , iin even in Custer CO\111ty \ gen- ' nine winter can be experienccd. ' li'rom last Friday uutil Wed tlCS- day morniug the weather was I cloudy and most of the time snow was falling. Most of the time mercury was several degrees above zero bu t 'l'uesday dropped to 17 to 20 below. Several iuchcs of snow witb the ffC..l'n : ground be- tleath has made good slelghiug , something enjoyed bere before for years. Yesterday morning' the un came out in all his glory aUtI hopes were entertaiued that more , lgreeable weather would resume 'Jut at 9 a. m. this 'fhursday morning the theremometer registered - tered 14 below. . The Human Bird Warbler Will appear at the opera house , Saturday , Feb.r.4th , 1905. The remarkabl ( ' range of Chas. Kellog's voice upset nIl ca1cula- Ion when it reached the 9 octave scale. Those who bave : lever beard Mr. Kellog can form ,10 idea of the charm and beanty IIf his wonderful gift. It is so l.ntir.ely : out of the common that when heard for the first time the mind but slowly takes in the fact that the lovely sounds are com- ing' from the human throat. Sixth number of entertainment course. Management of Young Peoples Union. Special Childrens Price 1Sc. Heserved Scats. . . . . . . . SOc. General Admission. . . . 35c. DON'T MISS IT. ' - - - I : ' "o ! : am Xi : : : i : : im' ' : l : ! & : . BUSINESS POINTERS. m x m m . Broken Bow Abstract Company. Reneau & Leonard , real estate. J. C. Moore , abstractin.g. 2U Insurance that insures. 38tf R. G. MOOlut. Stamp photos 25c Bangs studio. 34tf. This office for neat job work. For Sale-Part of my house. hold furniture , including an or- ganand library. MRS. Gno. ZAHN. 33-34 West Side Square. 1Jut'hll'S ! ! Olilltlrtuiilty. To IJI\1'I ) ' nllt/irlng BII1llflytlll'lIt } - WIIIlug ' 1'0 Jlnke h"'l'lttmellt WIth Uowilltny. Responsible St. Joseph parties , having recently incorporated a company to engage in a strictly ll'gitimate and highly prolitable busi ness , desire to interest some dditional capital in the enter- I pnse. Want only reliable and trustworth.y men , who can furnish good references. Bank references furnished. in return. Want one or more parties who can make investment - vestment and tal c position with company at good Ralary. Immediate reply requested , , stating amount ) 'ou call invest an if you can accept position , i . I mention salary expecte . Addre s : lock box No. 611 , St. Joseph , Mo. 33-34 DR. T. A. LEACH , : DEJXr-r'I : : ' S-r Broken Bow , Nebraska. Gold and porcelain crowns. .55.00 ? Set of teeth , guarantep.d to I fit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 to 8.00 I , Gold filhngs up trom. . . . . . . 1.00 ' Per elain Inlay Fillinfs , up I' fronl . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 SiJver and cement filling 50c and. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c We guarantee all of our work to be first-class. Should any of , our fitlings ever come out we will refill the tooth free. 'Ve make a specialty of performing all operations - ations as near painless as possible. I T. A. LEACH , D. D. 8. , : ! , Telephone 258 , ( Office in Myors-Gliem BuiJding. WE ALWAYS HAVE , . . : B.a. G-.A.J:1'T : : . . a. . . That Will Pay You to Call. . . . J Here Are a Few We Offer this Week : . ' . . . SO : pounds Rice , $1.00. 50c Tea" : 250 per pound. ' < , : . .f . . " " ' Rub No MOl'e , 2 fOl' 5 . 250 rea , Siftings , 10c : per pound. . . Boiled Apple Cider , 25c can 200 , , ' 2 for 35e. 7 Ears Lenox Soap 25c. ' . . . . . 7 POU11ds Rolled. Oats 25c. ' - . . . . . . Eannanas , this weelt , only 20c per dozen. , . . . . . , , . J MoCtlU' uo IIonc1 " 10 J."tecru. lway in Dtoalr. J . . Watch Our Window fOl" S.pring Embroidery SSJle ! . . . EVr'RYTHING , . . NEWEST . . , AND . BEST ! - . , . . . ' ' - , " . ' . . - " " . . ' , lf..1f'f . , . - , : ( 'IIEI _ _ - - - , Money to lonn on improved farms.-R. G. MOORE , Gleim Block. 41tf Cabint photographs $1.50 and $2.00 per dozen at Bangs studio. 34tf. I li'ritz has returned from Russia and opened up his shoe shop at Peale-Sheppard Co.'s store. Call and see him for your repairs. 25tf A specialists of the diseases of the ear , nose and throa.t will be at Broken Bow Saturday Feb. 11th at the office of Dr. Barthol- omew. One day only. 34.35. Fresh oysters , candy , cigars and tobacco at Scanlon & Woodruff's. - - - - - - FOR S.uE-Road wagon and single h rness , nearly new. cheap for cash. See Geo. Papineau. FOR SA1.n-Well improved residence - idence property. Will be old at I a bargain if called for SOO1. Enquire - quire at this office. 26tf We have $3,000 private money to loan on Improved farms at a low rate of interest. LEDWICII & HOUSH. "Nill pay marlct price for corn delivered at Adams ranch. ' 25tf Ii' . M. CURRIIt. . - - - - STRAYED-From my ranch , one black heavv - boned 2-year.old colt. Geild-ing with blace face , weight about 1,100 , wire cut at hock on right hind leg. I e- ward will be given by R. A. Hun. ter , Broken 1,3ow. , Also whi.tc sow strayed two months ago. ( } It' rauce Sl1lo or Hen I Eslilte. Until March 1st 1905 , we will ofTer 5000 acres of land for sale consisting of weJl improved farms to raw prairie lau , in tracts of 160 acres to 1780 acres. 'l'hcse will include almost any kind 01 iL farm that a per on would desire. AU contracts of sale will be l\1ade with a smaJl'cash payment , bal- ancc in cash or mortgage on M arch 1st 1905. Wc will also offer somc good town lots ; aJso one two Rtory house with eight rooms , good cellar anti cistern , barn and a whole bluc1 { of g-round on the same terms. 'We have a spcial obj ct ill offcring this property and any one wanting a farm or lsmall ranch or city residence , can get a I bargain bctween this and March 1st 1905. W11.1.1S CADWltI.I. . - - FOH SALIl-Kansas I Railroad lands in KansaR and Ncbraska. Scud for maps to Geo. F. Davis , special agent , 136 N. 11th Street , Lincoln Nebraska. 33.36 W ANTRD-To buy for cash , Large team of mares. 34-35 A. D. BANGS. W ANTItD-A salaried position for man and wife. Address Lock Box 11 t Broken Bow , Neb. 34.35. WANTED-Men with families. Fair price and good houses. WEST UNION MILl.ING Co. I 34tf \Vest Union , Neb. - D us. R. 0. & W. E. 1'A I O 1' , PHYSIGIANS SURGEONS. 01/100 o..cr I1ao1J tI , , ' I1rll fUoro. rokrlll 1I0w , . Notmuka , J , T. 8NYDI H , Attorney and Counsellor at Law , Pensions ntHI all kinds of government claims , nl1l1 gcucrnllri\v prnclic . Of. fice Blink of Commcrce building , roken I'ow , , Ndmlku. o. 11 , OONltAD , . , . . . . . .1)oalor In , . . . PUIDI'S. WIIiIMII1 / , 'J'anl' . . ! ! 'lttlllg , Ol\8ollne &lIglute , eto , ctc. IIrokoll How. Nuhrllll"a , M. DOH.HI , s.M. JIB 112l ! ! W Th1 lilll511llli1. ! : AI. klf\da or work III our IIno donI ! l'ruwptl , 'UJd ' III 118t..c1" 11 ordH. ; 3' Hel 8holl 011 Lb , corner onLl1l1l6L n : the qulre , ( ' .aVI tIt ) , . . TRIAl" Urokl.n lIow , . - ' Nobr&Mka , . . _ , - - - - - - - - - J )13. . Jon..es : , . \ 'tl11ft ! \ ] Jllaal" : ! . . Auction Salcs Every Saturday in llrol < en Uow , Nebraska. . - - - SDIUN \lICHUNI lf r90Y 0u9ce110l" A1' LAW. ( OOI tj IIl1d U , Hell ) 11101:11. : Urukull nnw. Neb DH. O. IJ. n1Ul.I.KN . Physician Surgeou. 21HI 8tlllrwlIrOID \I".I < t end lu Itcalty Ulook , , e ldcuco , 3tI wOIILf K church. all lIame f1lI \ I of luouL. JY"Urokcu Url" . NC'.1raaab. ' - - - - - - - - _ TIMETABLE . BROKEN now , NE8. . .1"colU , De..er. Ownll" . Helena. ChlcnlCo. Dolte , Ht. .JoMeph. l'orURnd. Knn.A. . CIl : " , . tUaU l.akc City. ttl. "ouili. Ana tt..nl aDcI8co All I'olnt. . nnHt And A.II Point. And Nontll We. . ' . No. CI-V8 t1buled oJcprol. da1l11 Lincoln. Oma. bll , lit. Jo upra Itan a. Oltr , t , Loul , Ohl oa/ / ! " lUll nl/polnt8 / 1.lIt Rnd lIouth..lo.k LIII. Nil 428101' . (11I1) lit AnRlu ) . UIIYCllna. Qrud 1. . land , Aurnra , York , alward. No. H dopurL. tur Lho cut lit. . . . . . . . . . . .9:55 : L III. No. 41V elltlbul ll OSprcRII dllUl. 110lenll , ! ! oat- Uutte. l'ort/Mil / auli I l Pao1110 CoalC tlol II/.t ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 705 am No , B IIrrlv08 from tbQ oalL a . . . . . . . .11 : 1I p , m. SlooplnR , ItiLlng and rocllnlng cb&1r carl ( .eal.l free ) on Lbrough traID ! . Tlckel .old and blllf- Iflgo chocked to RUYJOInt \ In Lb United Htatu. Ind CAnada. ( aformatillu , mAp1 tlmll table. and atckM utt on or wrltu tl ) n. L. Orm'b7 , IIIID' , or 1. . W. Wakoley , O. I > . A'I Omabll . Nobruka. B. L. uax.ar. ) AorQnt. - - - , : r..mr ! o.- _ _ ! " , KDrLL'1HI ! COUCH MID CURt . : : THE LUNCS , - - - - . - - - - - - WITII Dr 11 K ng's New Discovery fOR CONSUMPTION 50c Prleo & S 1.0(1 OLDS FreD TrIal. Surest and Quickcst Ouro for all THROAT and LUNG TROUP- LES , or MONEY DAOK. WHEN YOU CAN DUY ON . Easy Credit Terms P I A NOS 8124.715 UP. ORCANS 110.00 UP. SEWING s - MIOHINES : STOVES and RIMGEssfj MOUS HOLD fURNITURE ot all kinds at 60 oents up. IRON and STEEL SAFES , TYPEWRITERS and OFFICE FURNITURE From $0.211 up. We .rll the Jargol' manufacturei'll 08 tlutb. bave unlimited capital and . .11 dlrtct from the worklhoD to tbo flre.ldo on EA5V MONTItLV IAVl\1ENJ'.5 to honorable peop10 in all pam of tha world. No other manntacturer will 10' ran n a the ( mods tor , IIarl whlla Ilow17 payIng tor thom. Write lot Illformalloa IlIeI Free , .14101U1 o. Ii THE ENaLEWOOD CO. c.l\foll .104 1'adoI1. . . 61.f 3 Rlndolph SI. . Cblcago. III. . U. So . . .