Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 02, 1905, Image 2

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Brief Telegrams
The slrllto sllllutlon 011 the Penns'l
"nula t\llroad \ lias been Ilmlcably sel , I I
Gov'rnor La 1'oll'llo , of WhwonKln
1mB heen elecled lo the Unlled : Haloll !
sonalo. ,
I lghteon mlle of tho. ' } 'onto mil ,
road helweon Phoenix anll ' 1'onlo Dam
In Arlzollll hns been washed out. by
the flee s.
Among the recent. AllstrlanS' lo Ie/wo
for America Is lho eleganl ) 'Ollllg Bill"
on Hoger 1\1ol'llIlr o , who loft. dohLs
nmonntlng to GOOOOO crowns behInd
The Erom llmes wlshos lIrl\'ac ) ' ,
In his Imlaco nt Polerhof there Is 11
lJummor dIning hOllso so ul'l'ungoll that' '
there need not. ho nny sOl'nUlls pres ,
ent. durIng lho meal.
The alnte deparlment Is In rcc'lpt
of a cablegl'l1m of sevel'al hlllllln'll
words from Amhassador 1IIcCormlrlt
nt St. Petershurg , s1llnmarlzlng the
conditions In lhllt clt ) ' .
Ellzahoth Duso. dUllghtor nnll only
child of 1\1me , 1 leonol'/L Duso , the Itnl ,
Inn tragedlonne , hus elltcred all Ellg.
lIsh cqllego ovoted to the sllldY of
fnrmlng alld hortlclllhll'e. Signorlnll
Duso Is only 17 ) 'eara old.
Alnrmed b ) ' the suIcIde of CharleS'
H. lJollsomnn , cnshler of the East.
Side SavIngs hank nt Columbns , OhIo ,
a run wns stnrtod on the hnnlt , 'l'ho
street wns lIned with men , women and
children domnndlng tholr mone ) ' .
Chnrles J.uxhorn , a fnrmer living
fourteen mlles sOllthwest of McPher-
fron , Kansas , lolled hIs two 80ns ,
young bo's aged 6 nnd 10 ) 'ears , hurn-
cd his house and barn wltn n1l tholr
contents , nnd then shot 1\1111 Itllled
A spcclal from El Paso , Tox. , sa 's
that Antonio Astl mrlan , memhor of
n prominent Mexlcnn fnmlly , with tw < 1
Orvnnts , hns been murdercd by the
Yaqui Indians In the same , 'Iclnlt ) '
where five Amorlcans were slain Illst.
Judge Moses lIn1loll , In the United
Stales district 'collrt , Issued 11 warrant -
rant Cor the nrrest of C. A. Morning ,
Unltod Slntos commlsslonor of HOlltt
county , Cohll'lulo , 011 chnl'go of nc. ,
< ( opting 1Il0gai foes In connection wllh I
Jand fiIlnglr.
'fho hOUEro. committee on military affairs -
fairs authorlzcd a favorahlo rellol't on
the subslllnto for the SOllllto hill re-
llenln ( the iaw which prol1lhlts the
president Crom granting brevets eXcollt
In tlmo of wnr.
' 1.'ho two houses of the Now ,1'rsoy
leglslaturo vote separatol ) ' for Unltell
Slates senntol. John Kean , who wnR
the chalco of the ropuhllcnn jolnl clm-
cus to succeOlI himself , recol\'ed a ma.
jorlty of the votoa.
A paclmge contnlnln ' $5G50. In cur-
r'ncy , shlJlpOlI tJ ) ' the Adnms xprcRs
( Cmlluny from the Unltell State" CI'C:1S-
\If } ' at Washington to the I'h'st National -
tional banI ; : lit Nowfastlo , Pit. , was
mysterlonsl ' rlflod en rOllle.
Sh' CasllCr Pnrdon Clarltc , or man '
; years art dh'eclor of the SOllth Ken-
fJlngton museum In Londo'l. wns
tlUanlmollsly elected h ) ' the trllsteeR
of the Metropolitan Museum ofrt
nt New Yo"I , as n director or th9 1I1U-
Mrs. Mary Rogers of W hill flOl' , Vt. ,
( 'onJomncd to bo hnnged on F < > . hnmry
3 , was removed to the death c lI. Arrangements -
rangements for the oxecutlon have
been compJeted nnd there Is nothln ! ;
to Indlca.o that Govorl101' Be:1 will
laterfer ( ' .
Theodore SunMord hnR heen a jllR-
tlco of the II'nco In Dollevue , N. .1. ,
for fifty.t.wo yenrR nt1l1 now nt the
age of 86 Is stili In the hnrness. His
ancestors have been connected wllh
the Industries nnd puhllc affairs , of
Now Jersey since 1GGS.
1\Irs. J.onla COlly's nnswer to the dl ,
"or co suit of Colonel William P. Cody
Burrulo Bill ) , wus file(1 ( In cOllrt nt
Clu' ) ' < , nne. She d'nles that she over
allomlltl'd to Ilolson Colonel Cody 01
wns ullty of nn ) ' h1l11gnllloll to Jllm
nnd dlsco\ll'toW to his guestll nil al
Jegm1 In his hill , nnd maltes a countor.
charge of Infhlellly.
A sensntlon has h'on crlatell h ' thl'
111)8lorlous dlsnpl'ol'llnco ! of Cnr :
Phelps , Rocrelnl'r of the f'd'ral gl'IlI1I1
jury , whlc'h Is hl\'stlg'nln ! the 11\1\11
frmlll nt POI'tlnnel '
cnseR , Ol'ugon
PhchlA aslted to ho excused from tlH
jury room for a few mlnulJi ! on 1 1'1
day aftcrnoon. 11(1 lIn5 not heen 1)1'1
Rlnca hy the , mcmhers of the jury 01
by Ule agontR of the governmont.
Wlllinm J. HI''lm wns the nest 0
h01\or at a doll Ill' hanq\l < 't glvcn a' '
Now Haven. Conn , . InVa1'l1er. hall
Mr. nr 'an mndo It nn occnslon tOl' In
( UcnUl1g the rcnson why the 11emo
crallc IlIlrty wns so overwhelmlngl )
dofeatel } In the last cnmpnlgn IlIII
also stnted what seomell to him slgni
of promlso for n IlE > mocratic vldm'J
In lho next presIdential cnmllalgn.
, In a reCUl'l'enco of enrthlual\Os h
Thessaly a vlllago wns dostro'oll hnl
Jil.wernl ll.orsons ltlllod or lujured.
Roprosontnth'o Burlw Int'rtllncell j
bill to authorlzo the construction 0
a brldgo acroslr the 1\tlsHQurl rIver 11e
tweon I yman nnd Brulo countlm
South Dnlmta.
Inv stlgatlon lIns tll\lfl fnr Cn\lol \ t
101'I\to : Wllllnm Chnllman Potter , ROI
JI.lnw of Secretaof the Navy 1\101
tn , but It can he stated thllt ho wn
not. with the Darty of Amorlcan 1.1t !
.tens who were mnssaqrcIl by.he YI
Qui J"'Uans In Moxlco lnst ThunduJ
. . .
. . .
Strikers Attack Troops tel Disarm
Them When Shooting Begln8.-
Whereabouts of Father Gopln stili
Remains a Mystery , I
s'r , pgTlmSnUHG--AlIhough the
stl'l\tca \ III Hevn ! . 1lhall , Kleff , Odessa
11I111 Il few slJInll'I' plal'oll nro 'oxlonll.1
Ing th ( > slluatlon 114 l1owlll'l'O nC'utn. An
l11cl'pasll1g I1l1l11hl'l' of wOl'IClllI'n 11I'0
out In IORCOW , hilt. there If ! 110 gOllel'-
nl lIn.uu 01' 11I80rl1"rs. I
'I'hrl Whl'rlahouts of FalllC'I' GOllon
r'nmlllS' n 1I1 'RLel'Y. althungh It IH Buill ;
he Is III 1\IOHeoW. ' } 'ho HnBslnn CllplLlIl
presellis ulll1ot Il nlll'lII 11 1 allpCllrtLlJ'O I
/Ln(1 ( the nuthol'ltlcH are cunllllellt thllt I
the Hlt'lItO hns hcell broken , SOIl\O of
the fnctorlCf ; nllli IIII11H have resulI\crl I
nnel a genClnl reliulllllllon of opera. :
lIonH IS' expecLpl1 011lolll1a : ) ' . 'rhe uu- i
thorlLles eXlel'l ) IIl1lt Iho atrllw hero
- -
Father Gapon , Leader of Disaffected
will 11I\\0 a discouraglll effed on the
worlullell III other cities to which the
tronhles have be < , n sllreadlng anl1 he.
lIevo thnt thm'c Is no longer I1nn cr
of a complete 811Rllenslon of all the
Inllu8Lrllll concol'lls of IhlsHla.
InterlOl' Mlllistel' SvlalollOllt-\tlrslt : ) '
hna III'omls11 a l1elegatloll of edlLOI'R
who callell Ullon hllll thllt he will In.
vestlgato Ihe III'1'CSt oC a IIUll1lJel' of
IlI'omlncnt wI'lIerR who 111'0 now con-
flnell In Iho St. Petcl' 11I111 Sf. Paul
fm'tress al1l1 ReCUl'O theh' release as
soon nH liosRlble ,
LONDON-A IIErll\tch ( ! 10 Rel1tm"H
Telegram cOlllllany from Hlg'a cOllllrms
the } lre\'lol1S anllOUllcomcllt of a 1'0111.
slon there hetwcen stl'lItrs 1l11d troops.
'I'hlrt ) ' worlmwlI WOI'O Idllel1 01' W01\l1l1.
ell nnll n suhstlluto chler of IlolIl'e nnll
lwo solellerR were 11\ortllll ) ' wounl1el1 ,
'rhe encoull tel' occ1ll'rell lIellr the
Tuklmm rnllroad slutlon , 'I'ho Htrllwrs
altaclwd the troolls unll attemlltel1 10
lsnrm thelll , wlwlI the orller wur
given to fire. All the WOI'ltHhops und
factorIes nt'o closei1. ' } 'hl ) HLt'IlWI'H are
Imrnl1ll1 the sLreets alll1 fJ'clng all
worltmell to join In the III'OC'cBslon ,
A dlslmtl'h fl'om SL Petershurj : : ,
lIlIIel1 ! : : ! II. 111" to allows uJtoney
reports that Pllhl'lf factory 111111 II
lIu'ge eotton mill have heen sot on
fire nnll al'O hlll'ning flol'cel ) ' .
In a State of Siege.
nRl SI.AU. PI'uHHln - 'I'elegl'am < ;
fl'om , Halmn ( , BIII'oll'an Hussln , dc-
s'rlho tI\ht ( 'lIy IIR helng III n Htate
of Riege : wit h mllltury II/ltrols / III ev.
el' ) ' stl'l'et. 'I'ho Hohllel'S occaslollall ) '
. flro on galhlH'ngs ( of the Ileoille who
lllwo rollll'lIeci the th'o , hilling' three
I olllcors , 'rho peuille nt'O nlso snlcl to
, hllvo hlown UII sevel'lll bullellllgs wlLh
Countess Buxhoewden.
NIOlO : . 1 I'llllco--'I'11t1 CoulltesR nux.
hoOW1101l , 1100 1'Iel nlvht ; of BonlII'
town , N. J" 11Iml here : \IOulny ,
Treaty SIned. ! !
WASIIING'I'ON , - Socrelllrr 1I11
, anl1l1nlsler : nrlll of NOl'war 111111
r Swellen slgnell 1111 nl'hltl'lllloll trcat
hetweell hls coulIll'r nllll Not'wa ) ' IInl !
Swellen. It IR IlIltlOl'II(1 ( lIf1m' the
nl'hltl'lllloll trelltieH 1I0W lJeforo the
English Cousins Marry.
111 OVOI'Y 1,000 mll\'l'lngo III Gl'oal
BrUlIl1I twellty'ollo 111'0 hutweoll fh'si
cousllls. Amollg the lIohlllly the 1'1111
Is mneh hlghm' , amOlmllllg to fOl'ty
11\0 111.0nO. .
Senator Baton Wants Light.
t rollucell 1\ rose lu lIolI rocU 111 g IlI'OSi
IIlsllIltches to the ( 'fl'ect that. tht
t , Ullitell Stlltes hns estahllshed a re
I , colvel'shh ) fUl' the l'ell1lhllc of 8nllt !
Domlll o ; nllil thnt "tho 1lI''slclellt I
o l'oslloctfnlI ) ' requeatell , If In hllr 1utl
I 1I\0nt not hlcompntlhlo with ImhUe 111
I' terost , to IlIfol'ln the SOlluto whothe
f nny ngl'eomont. hns beon'11I1(10 ( he
I twlinll the United Stntos anll the rc
\ pUblic ot Snnto Domln'o ! , nllll If so th ,
r nnturo of tbe toruUi n ( the anlll nrec !
. . . . . ' . t ,
- - -
Account of Mondny'o Events as Glvcn
by Ruoalan Government.
S'l' , 1'1 'l'lmSBUHO-An ofI1elnl nc.
coullt of l\IIIIHIII " 1I O\'I'IIl\ III nil fol.
10WH :
DurlllA'IOIlIln : ' 1 hero waA 110 col.
IIRlon ht w'en the rlolm'jonllll \ till'
Iroops. DlllIl'h mC'lIts. of Hollllers hlltl
110 ncell to UHU their IIrmll. as thl'
erowdH dlM/H'I'sofl when Iho .
/ trooll-l ap.
IllJarplI. 111 I he C'olll'se of th ( ' tla ) ' an
IIHempt wns mlldo 10 lI11nclt GossLiny
DvOl' 11I1\1'lwl , hill It WI1S rell1lltwd.
WOrltm'H at 1ho elocll'lC' Stlltloll
jollied I ho I'tl'lIw ! In the o\'elllng , ' 1'hon
! \IIIIlO I'OUIIM , IlIldnA' nd\'nlltago of the
1IIII'IweRM , h" an 10 hrealt WllllioWH In
the uhollil. hut cH'dol' was evcl' whel' ( '
/Illicitly I'cstol''II.
No 1IOI'SIIn waH Idlled or wOlll1l101l
( In l\lolldllY , ' 1'110 eXllel 1H11II1Jl'I' Idlll'd
1111 SUlltiny Willi IIll1el.slx ; WOIIIIIII.'II
: Ja , of whom flfty.thrce wel'o tl'eated
Ilt the nmlmlllllce stntlons ,
Says Force Is Not Powerful Enough
to Quench Aspirations.
: \IOSCO\\-1'he Llbernl pnper , Rus-
Hltl VldolllSII , hils cl'ellted 11 .sensll
11011 owlllA' 10lR \ commollt 011 the
ofIlclnl stlltplIlcnt of the SL Petcrs-
hlll'g shllollng , 'rho IJRper sn 's :
'l'hls olllC'lal replII't does lIot come
froUl Ihl' spene of war ; the "Iclima
have 110t fnllell Oil the hntllefiolds of
l\lnnchurlll nOl' In a fight wllh n Cor-
elgn foc. hilt III 11 hloody conlllct. between -
tween t\'CIOIIH 111111 HUHsian hlll'ghers.
Arms 111111 1llIught'r 11\11) ' avail to put.
tlown a Iwac'eful demonstration , but
foreo Is lIot IHlwel'ful ellon/'h / to
Iluench the nSpll'lIl1olls of the Russlnll
hellrt , wlll'd off the consequences of
S1ll\lla "s Yolh ) 'H 1\1111 Ilre\'ent the
mo\'emellt. for IIherl ' and II justI ) . 01'-
nnl1.ed o\'crnment 'coming Into Il
full fruit lou ,
Announce They Will Print the News
at Whatever Cost.
ST. PI TlomSBU ltG-Tho editors
of Cour newspapers , the Huss. the
Vlellomostl the No\'ostl nnd the
U1'Ilslulanln , declare their Intentlou ,
ns soon aH the 1JJ'lnters retUl'n to
worlt and they 'nrc IIhlo to resume
IlIIhllcntlon , ollCnly to def ) ' the cen-
! mrshhl In thc mnlll'l' of strllw news
nnd Sunda"s Ilffah'R , 'I'he ) ' drew up
a letter to the censor saying they felL
the g rnv It ) ' of the situation demnnd.
ell thnt 'they pl'lnt tho. fac , , , wlthoul
minimizIng and g osslng them over ,
'rhe No\'oe VI'em 'n nnll other Il\perR !
refuse 10 join nnll the letter was
not Hent , hut the ellllOl's of the fOl1r
llI1POl'S named ugl'ee to adopt Ule
course nanwe1.
It. is 1lI111erstoOll a nnmbcr of mlIIR
a11l1 faC'tol'les will start UII tomorrow ,
Some of the Inlll1stl'lal factol's beHeve
the worsl Is over ,
FnlhOl' GOIIII\1'S message to his fol.
lowers was : " 'I'ho e1.:1r does not ex.
1st : no longoI' Ilray for IIhorty , "
Isthmian Canal Commission Wants
Official Report.
W ASlIING'l'ON-'I'he Isthmlnn ca'
nal commissIon has calJle to Gover.
nOl' Davis of the cnnal zone calling
nttontlon 10 repol'ls of the prOVII'
lenco of ) 'ellow fever on the Isthmus ,
and asldnI ; for a report on the con'
dltlons. No anHwel' has ) 'ot lJoon 1'0'
celved , owing to Intorrl1ptlon of the
cahlo lIo\\'ice. The commission nc.
credlls the cases that alrel1 ' have
occurrerd to carelessness of the 1m.
tlents In goIng Into Iho Chlneso qnal'-
tel' OJ' Inlo other unBnnltal'r sections ,
and Is anxlol1s 10 secure an ofl1clal
1'l'llOrt. ahowlllg the exact. conditions
III this time , The commissIon Is ship-
Illng II large amount of medlelnal SUII'
IllIos to the I'unal zone to nl In the
sanitation of thnt. roglon ,
La Follette for Senator.
: \1 A DISON. WII-Go\'eI'llOl' Hobert
: \1 , LnFollelle wns on 1'1011l1a ) ' . In the
rupl1hllcHn ( 'UlIeUS , dlOsen for United
States scnutOl' to succeell Josellh V ,
Quarles , 'I'ho gO\'ernOl' received slxt ' -
five oul of ] OJ voteR on the Infol'lunl
hallot. which on motion wns nll\le
fO\'lnn ! . Upon u motion to malw the
nomInation unllnlmol1R , a few nrose
to their feel nllll voted ugnlnst It. SOl"
ntOl' QuarlPR rce'I\'plI lWCllty-sh
\'otl'S , Ih ( ' ether Hlxtoen helng dlvhlee ]
between thl'eo call1lhiates. 1111 rOlluhll-
Found Oead In Hotel Room.
l\lIl.WAm mo : , Wls-A man nnll
l woman reglsterPII liS I , H , Tel'r ' 11111 :
wlfo. ChlC'ngo , engngell quarters III
I the Blatz hotel In thIs cltr on , Ian liar )
! ] a. 1\10111la ' Irs , 'I'I'I'I'Y'S denll hod )
! WIIS found In their room , A 1I0tO. Slip
posed to huvo heen wrlttell h ' 1\11'
' 1'01'1' ) ' . with 11h'cctlol1S rcgnl'llIlIg UII
11Isllosal of I wo hod los , waR founll h
the room , : ' 11' , ' 1'el'l' ' Is Iald to hllVI
left the hotel at S o'clocl. , It. Is he
Hoved a ( Iouhlo Rulclclo hnll beel
- . planned 111111 , thllt the mall lost hll
M"ln Question Not Touched.
WASHINGTON-"Nouo of the l1C1111
lug. moaRUI'es tonch on the mnlu qneE
lion , " saltl A. C , BInI'Ico IlI'eslclell
of a nUl11bel' of mll1'OI\ls ( C'omlloslnl
the Goulll s'stmu ' , al a hellrln ! 'rUCE
day hoforo the houHo committee 01
Intel'stato 1\1111 forolg'n rQlInerco 01
the 11110sloll ! of gl\'ln the Int'I'stat
( 'ommel'co cOl11mlsslon grenter llOworl
Amen ! ; the rOllllEr ropl'esentell b ) ' l\tl
Dll'd nre the Wabnsh , Iron l\lounlnh
o Mlslourl ; Paolfic allli 'rexns Pnclfil
I. UuroasonalJlo rates , ' 1)01' so , ho sail
I hl\\'o dlsnllDcarnll
. - .
. - - . . - 'L " - - n . . - - - - - . ' " ' - . _ _ _ _ 1
Alexander Hilton.
Aloxllndel' Hilton , formergpuernl !
( llIssengrr agent of the Frlsro s'stem ,
I\nl1 Ilriol' to that. assistant gcneral
IIIlSSengl'l' agent of the Kansns Clly ,
Fort. Seott and l\1 < , mJlhl rallwa ' ( now I
absorbed b ) . the J'rlsco ) , has been ad- :
\'unced to the position or passen er
tramc manager Cor hoth the 1.'rlsco' '
nn the EasLern Illinois systems , with
headlullrters In St. Louis. 1\11' . Hilton -
ton , besl es being a broad , Intellectual. .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ h - _ _ u _ h _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Not Confirmed That He Intends Go.
Ing to Copenhagen.
ST. PE'l'ERSBUHG-Th'ro is no
confirmation of thq report that the
emperor , omlll'eHS nnd chlldron are
going to Copenhngen , or , on the olher
hllnd , that the emllerOI' hns decl e to
'appolnt a mixed commlRslon of om-
clals , emplo'es' aud worltlngmen to
consider the Ht rll.'rs' demands , notably -
ably the Iluestloll of l'lght hot rs worlt
per dnr , and to malw an Investlga.
lion of the shootln of the strllwrs.
All sorts of rumors are cIrculating
In hoth omclal circles an among Ow
worldngmell ,
A C'urlons report sllrend among the
men last. night thal the emperor had
g'iven In nnd that three white flags
hnc1 lJeen dlspla 'cd over the 'Vlntor
palnco , slgnlf-'Ing that he had consented -
sented to reduce the mnxlmunt le ! 'll
hours of work from cloven to olght.
AC'cordlng to this legend the emperor
woul have dlspla 'ed a red tIa If
ho hnd eclded to rcfuso the strlIwrs'
MnllY worldngmell , deceived 11) '
this rumor , shouted "hurrah" In tolwn
of victory and this possibly waR the
rell'son that the strlIwrs , hellevlng
the ) ' hnd already won tlto dar. 1'0 ,
fralned from committing excess os
'esterda ) ' .
Secretary Shaw Recommends Refund
of Duty.
'VASHINGTON - Secretary Shaw
hils sent. the following Jetter to both
houses of < : ongress recommondlng the
refund of the duties paid on Imported
wheat when used for seed :
"Th15 department. Is In recolpt of n
largo IIUll1hOl' of letters IndIcating thnt
a scarcltr of sultahlo wheut. for seed ,
Ing purposes oxlsts In several of the
northwestel'll states , Br act IIpproved
Janunry 15 , 1903 , the Slcretllry ; oC the
treasury was directed to rofun l , t.he
duty paid on coal for the period 01
ono yeur. 'I'hls ha the effect. of tern.
porarlIy removIng the duty on coal. I
recommend II. Rlml1ar law authorlzln
the Erecrotar ' of the trensuto refund -
fund the dut ) ' IHld : on whellt nctuaIl
used for seed , under rules nnd regulll-
Uons prescrllJell h ) ' htm , 1 thlnl It
would be Imprnctlcahlc 10 allow wheat
Intendell for seed to he entered I'rec
of dut\ : ' , Such provisIon woulel oper :
the door to I'mllll , hut a refunll of dut
on wheat aclually UHol ( for seed un
, del' npllI'ollrlato regulations seems tl
: mo to bo feasible and liS affording I
. satlsfnctor ) ' remed ) ' . In vlow of the 110
sirablllty of getlln Heed whellt lit ;
Illstance from the Illace where It If
to bo own I R'O no rHaRon why th\ \ !
Ilrovlslon should bo Ilmlted liS tl
time. "
Lincoln Has a Serious Fire.
LINCOLN. Neh-Flro lscoverel
RhoI'll ) ' aUl'r mhlnlght. 'rueHdllY
which Is sUIl raging' , hUH complotol3
, destroyed IIn en UI' < ' block of f1 ve
ator ) ' bnlllllu s nt Thlrteonth ntlll I
stl'eelR , Imuwn liS the Halt'r blocl
nnd the f.'urnltlll'o bluolt. ' 1'he losl
will bo nenr $250.000.
There were last. ) .oar Ci32 pllper mill !
In ollerallon In 1 < :1II'ol1Oan Hussln , em
II10ylng 41.GOO hawls ntHl turning ou
11111101' to the vnlue of Ilbont $2.1,1)00 ) ,
Dinner In Honor of Lodge.
BOS'l'ON-Unllell States Sennto
Hemy Cahot lollgo WIIS the chic
sllealtor nt a dlnnrlvon In hi
honor by the : \thhtIosox cluh. In I
fort.mlntne 811eech Senntor I.mlg ,
declared agnlnst the supervision ?
rnllrolld mtefhy the Int < , rstnto C01l1
morco commission. awl in favor of I
spoclal .court. this court to Itav ,
\'lower \ enl ) ' 10 ro\'lso mtes , not 10 fI :
them. Ho gl\\'O wllI'nlng that unlos
government SUIIl.'r\'lslon uf mtes WII
obtnlnod the ( ' 011I111' ) ' would see II ral !
lenl movement Cor llUblic oWl1ershl1
nnd well.endow'd gentleman , Is nlso
widely Imown us a successflll nnd IIII\S-
tel' I'Illlronder , respected In husilless
1'01' sngacll ) ' nnd fah'ness. As a pas-
Ff'ngl.'r trnfllc man ho' hns been \yldeb'
lmown and justly pOllUlar. During the
Inte world's fllh' he mndo a most on-
"Inblo rocord. and Is now Ilreshlont
of the SI. Louis nssociatlon of general
pussen OI' agents. 1\11' . HlIlon succcods
IIr 'an S11)'dor.
- - - - - .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Their Appeal Is Met With Bullets and
Bayonets of Soldiers.
ST. PE1'ERSnURG-Thls 11115 IJeen
n day of ullsllealmhle horror in St.
Petorshlll'g' , 'I'ho strilters of ) 'ester.
liar , goalled to lIesperal Ion by a da '
of violence , fury nnd hloodsh d , are
In 11 stat.e of Ollen Insurrection
ngalnst the go\'ornment.
A condItion almost. horderlng on
cl\'iI war exists In the terror-strlclwn
Husslllll capital. ' 1'ho clly Is under
martial law , with Pl'lnco YaMllchlkoff
as commlI\IOI : of 0\01' O.OOO of the
emlHI'or's cmclt guard ! ; , 'J'roops are
hlvouncldng In the streotR tonlghl nl
lit vlIl'lous places on the Ncvslt- '
IlroSllcct , the main thoroughfuro of
the cll ) ' . On the Island of Vnssllli
Oslro\ ' and In the In ustrlal sections
Infurlatod men have thrown up bar.
I'leades , which they are holding , The
eml ress dowager ha5 hastlI ) ' sought
safety at ' } 'snrslmo Selo , where Em.
peror Nlcholus II Is living.
1\lInlstor of the 1nlorlol' Svlntopollt.
: \Tlrslty presont'd to his majesty lust
night the lu\'ltatlon of the worlmer
to nppear at the Wnter palnco this
nfternoon and rocel\'o tholr petlllon ,
hut the emperor's ad\lsers ; all'ead '
hnd tl\lwn a Ileclslon to show a firm
anll resolute front and the omperor's
answer to 100',000 workmen tr 'lng te
mnlto their wa ) ' to the llIllnce square
todllY was a soli 11 Ilrray of troop8.
who met them with rlflo , ba'onet nn(1
sabol' .
The priest , GOllon , the leader l\1ul
Idol of the men , In his golden vest.-
monts , hol lnr ; aloft the cross and
mllrchlng at the head of thousandlr of
wOI'kmcJIthrough the Nnrvl\ gate ,
miraculously escllped n volley which
laid low half a hundred porsons. The
figures of the totnl number Idllo or
woun ed here at the Moscow gate , at
various lJrl ges IlIHI islands and at
t.ho Winter IlIllaco , vary. ' 1'ho best
I ostlmate IR 500 , Illthough there are ex.
aggoratoll figures placing the number
at. 5,000. Many mon wore accompli'
I IIlell hy tholr wives nnd chlldron and
In the COli fusion , which left no tlmo
for dhrcl'hnl'1ntlon , the laUeI' shnrell
the fate of the men , 'rho troOII , with
the exccptlon of a slnglo regiment ,
which Is l'ellOl'tod to have thro\\'n
down Its arms. rcmnlnell loyal and
oheye < < 1 cmler's , But the blooll which
. cl'imsOIwll Ihe HIIOW haR fired the
L hl'alllH and IIlHslonH ! of the strIltcrs
allll turllell'omnn as weB as men
I Illto willi IlOas ! ! ; , 111111 the Iry ! of the
Infurlntell IOll1llaco ) Is fOl' V(1n Cl1nce.
If Fllthor Gopon , the mnster' mind
of the lIIovelllent , aimed at. open revo'
lutloll. ho mnnagell Iho IllTnlr IIIw n
tonlllB ; 10 h1' nlt the faith of the peo.
plo In " 'I'ho Lllllo Fllthpr , " who. the '
were convinced and whom Flltnel
Gopon hnll tau ht thmn to llell\'c ,
would right theh' wrollgll , GorltY. the
IluHslall novelist , eX/J'esso / ) the opln.
Ion thal tolln "s worl , will hl'enlt tlll
faith of I ho IlOoplu In the emlleror ,
lIe Buill tills o\'enlug to the Assoclnto
Pl'ess :
"Toda ) ' Innugurntl'd rO\'olullon h1
HusHla. 'I'hl ; emperor's lll'estige Wlt ,
) lJo h're\'ocahl ) ' shnllel'ed fOI'o\'QJ' h
the shelldln of IlIlIocent blood , He
has allenllted hImself forovel' fl'on ,
'his pcoille. OOllon taught. the workmen
mon to helloro that. an appcal lroct
B to 'The LIUlo I'alhel" woulcl ho heed-
oil , ' 1'hey hn\'o IICOII decelvel ! . Go pOll
Is now con\'hlc < , d that. ) leacl't'ul mellm
have failed an that the (111) ' renw
Is fOI'co , "
Two Mining Men Murdered.
RAPID CITS , n-News has jusl
11I'I'lved hr coul'lel' of the murder 01
the Cnln hrothers , two hnchl'lorR whc
lived nt the 'I'alllnmcit 'millo , tlfteell
miles west of thlH elly. 'I'ho 1I1111'dm
Is the grentest m'slel'Y , It III Imowll
that the InotherR had trouhle willi
SOIllO nclghhors alHl thc ' 111'0 suspect ,
oIl of the l'I'lmc , 'l'ho cOlII'lor stntCi
thnt the hollies have the npllenrallCC
of hnvln : ; heon clnhholl to death. One
thool' ' Is thut the ' ' '
) WOI'O mlll'lIeroll fOI
II wngon lend of 1110rchl\\1lIs0 l'eceull '
I , Il\Ircbasod.
. .
'I ' < . . . .
. . -
- - - -
- -
strike 10 Spreading and General Alarm
Is EXJrcssed at the Outlook.-Tre.
poff's 'Appolntment to the Governor. I :
ship a Surprise In Moscow. :
- I
1\TOSCOW-'rhere Is comllelo trnn- I
qllility'I hln. .tho ho.undl1rl ' q thls \
clt ) ' . bue the Ileollo ) nro 1elllng'ln- ! f\ )
(1001'S ( owIng lo the ol11clal'nrnln .
'I'ho sll'lIte Is slll'eading grndnall ) ' , hut
lInls fnr Is conflnell to the Bl11alll.'l'
mills , 'fho Illl'gOl' hlllustl'lal , con ertlS
I1l'e helng gUllrded In order to prevent
the mon el11llloycd there from belll In-
tlmldnled : hul It Is the belief that the
strllw wl1 become gcneral. 'l'horo are I
no troops In sight. In the clly IlrOlwl' . . :
Prohabl ) ' there will be no papor5 o-
morrow. The cltl7.ens are alarmed at
the IIl'oSlCct. ) of an orulltlon of COIllIl.
lions of thonsands \\'orlo11en and dc.
mand the proclan1lltlon oC a state of I
slo o. The Moscow garrison Is no mom , ) .I
thnn 20,000 , bnt the l1uthorllies consider -
sidor that this Is sufficient. for prescnt
needs nnd ovlllontI ) " nre Inclined to
avoid hloodshed If posslblo. They _ de.
clare they ha\'o tIlC situation well In
Captain Grove , the nrillsh consul ,
has called UlonT. ) : . Houdnefr , the aR'
slstnnt 1I0llce master , who Is nctlng In
the absence of Chief VoIlmff , amI re ,
qnested nn oxplllnation of the postell
telegmm from London , nlleglng that
the disturbances at the Husslnn doclt.
) 'nrds mill arsennlR were due to Anglo.
, Tnpaneso Insllgatlon , that both Great
Britain nn Jallan 111'0 slendlng ) vast
sums of mono ) ' to Ilrevent the Russian
second squad 1'011 from r'achln ! ; the
far cast , and addlnl ; that "all Russlllnf {
who slrllw 111'0 therefore In connl-
vunce wllh the enemy , "
T. Roudneff Ilroduced the original
tolegmm In e\'ld'nco of ! ; cod faith ,
Ualllain 01'0\0 Rtl1tod that ho woul(1 (
rOllort the mallol' 10 the emlJllffS ) ' at
St. Petershurg. aR ho cons1clerod that
the posLlng' of the IIl1eged telegrn s
1I111100'IIed the lI\'s of snbjects or
Great Drltaln who arc employed hl
faclories hero ,
M , Houdnorr aR8111'0d him that'lhere
WI\S nbsolutely no cause for lllprehen- \j
' 3lon , but nssumed the responslbiUt ) '
for the 1l\1bHcllllon.
l'T. Roudneff also offered Captain
Grove personal satisfaction . In a rl'Ort '
to arms ,
General Trelloff's alpolntment lOo
the govel'llor generalship of St. POtOI'S'
1)\II'g wnsla surprlso hOl'e. It Is rllmOI"
d that Minister Svlalopolk-l\Tlrgl.y
mny be appointed governor general ot
! \Ioscow ,
.A squlldron of Cossaclts this ven'
'ng ' dispersed nhout 3,000 worlnnell'
who were growing ohstreperous acres
I.he Mosk\'a , No fatalities nro rellOl'ted , iJ. . f
This was the enl ) ' event oC the 1 llId
urlng the da ) ' .
Eastern Roads Meet the Tariffs Late ,
Iy Prevailing Omaha to Gulf.
CHICAGO-The dogs of n real rail ,
road Will' were lel loose Thnrsday.
when the Chicago gateway and the
Gnlf of : Moxlco olltIl.'t hegan to fight
In earnest Cor the grain tra c of the-
corn bolt. 'fhe wostl'I'n roads , with the
oxceptlon of the Chlcng'o & North.
western , IInnonnc ( > 11 rates of ] 8 % cent ! "
froIll Omaha to New York , 17 * cent ! ! , . ,
to Phllaclolphla , and 17 cents to Bat.
tlmoro for expOl't. 'l'he Gould lineR , .
wlLh the othcr Gulf rends , came bacle'
with an open tnrlft of 12 % cents from
Omllha to N < > w Orleans , The action oC
the Chicago ronls ( hecllmo knowlI
early In the dar. and here Immedlnto
fruit In the securIng of a substantial
nmonnt of gmln through Nebraska by
Chicago concorm ; . '
For the fil'f' Limo In weeks ChicagO'
shlppors were able 10 cOl1lpeto with
theh' rl\'als , using' the low rates , thai
had heen ( 'ffeC'llvo to the Gulf 01'
Mexico. 1 lIrml'l'S got nearly 4 cent ! ,
moro for their graIn than before thl :
reduction \\'I1.S millIe ,
Late In thp IIIlY C'ame the reply from
I the Gnlf lIuos. whleh met. the opell
I mtes of lhe Chicago roals ( by an open . .
tariff 1 % centR 10\\01' than the "mIll
night tariffs" of It fortnight ago ,
131'1l7.lIIl1n anls mal\C IIttlo J'nrdonff
III the It'eetollR anll sow them with
Illneapple and ot hpr ' '
seedA' , 'fhe IlI'
d'llls nro founll of IlII Rlzes , R0ll10 Call'
tnlnlng n sln l\ slll'olll a 11I1 others a
! densolI'OWI / \ ' hall al : large as a
man's head , ,
I _ _ .
The Cotton Situation. t
l 'YAS1IING'rON , - Heurosontllt\'o !
D 'I'd of l\lIsslssltllll Inlroduced a rcs ,
I olutlolrel'lting nl length the doplol"
I 1\1110 condltlolor tlto cotton'raIBln
Industry of the countl'Y und conclllll-
Ing wilh Instruction to the wars
nnd meonR commltteo to male a fa.
\'orahlo l'OPOJ't to the house on 11 Ilenel.
Ing bill ( llscontinuing the tarHt to fix
. rates. 110 said It WIIS a rndlcal
I ehnngo of gO\I'lIment 1lI'lnclples. He
I said the rerol'll of the commission III
the C01ll'tH WIIS "twenlr.two
ono bull's ere 111111 two
o the ring. "
William J. Bryan at Capital. . . .
WASIIINOTO-\-WlIllam J , Dryan
callell nt the 1I < ' 1H\l'tment of commerce
awl InhO ! ' Frlela ) ' ntlll hllll a long on ,
\'cl'sullon with MI' , Smith , acting COIll
mlsslonor of the hllr'au of corpora ,
I lions , 1\11' , Br .lIn hal ( I'oarl with gronl
I hlt'rl'st the roC'ent
annunl ' '
1'01101'1 01
the hureau and WIIS Ilal'tlculal'lr Inter
I ealell In the
snglesllonR l'elo'llI'lIll1 : 11
I nllllonal IIccnso for COI'POl'ntionliJ. 'I'ho )
I , tallt waH Informnl11' : . nr 'an 11I'Oicnt \
Ing to 1\11' . SmIth some of his own
vtews regarding the control of corpor ,
ations ,