Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 02, 1905, Image 1
" , I . . . 1 ' . " USTER ( ) OUN.TY EPUBLICAN. \ ESTABLISHED 1882. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUNTY. \ LAHGES'1' CIRCULA'l'ION OF ANY PAPER IN THE COUNTY. . , _ - ' : : : : - : - : = - : - : : : : - - VOL. XXIII. I3ROKE.N BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , FEBRUARY 2. . 1905.--EIGHT PAGES. NO. 34. - - - _ . - - . . - - - - - - - n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - , 1 < ' , M ! , I X I . . . 'j. ' I " 'I. ' N tory- r' t- . . . - - - : } .itI --I" ; ' V . i4f- ! , ! : \1111c a tc t of Y01cY $ with ' I J tbce ! ' : lelters beld at u dJ tul1cc RM : J. ' of fifteen inchcs. If thc ) ' do. , : : : .i , . ! ft not stnnd out clcnrly you tI11) ' 'J " , t know there issomcthingwroug. itr ; , . ' f'i Come bere end we wi1l moke 11 ; F. jp complete test of tbc ! < Igbt free J. . ! C of charge. Perbops the trouble ,4 i : "i : con be cured by tbe doctor but , I , ii # . it is mOTe probable tbot j ) , GLASSES rJ7 1' ' : . : ; must be worn. When we ! ' : ccr1J . tnftl whnt strength is requirel il . "c will mnke the glosses at low I I . * 'f , cost. , 14 "Q Itjt. . I 1..1 'fit : ; ! : ' . : . : . (1Ii . M' . ; ) , : : : . . . : . [ ( ' . . . . : . . . ' . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . ; . . : : : , ' . ; . . ; . . . , . . " ' : . : ! . . . .ii.J. ! ; J. .J : . . : . i" . ' .f. .I. Il ' . .oi"J'I'1'1 : ; ' : , I' ' ! I iiY' : ! ' . . ! ' ' ; d : ; , . . . ; . ' . " : : ; . , , . . . : . , " . , ' . ! . . ; ; ; ; ; : : , " : : . : : ! ! . . . , . . . ; : , . " . . . ; . ' : . . . ,01 , . . .11 , " I" ' ; , ' ' . . . . . , . . _ , jh . . , : , . i . : . : . . oJ..Iti. : . ; .o- . . ; . . : . , . ! . IItr . . , ' . . . . . . . - = ' " ' ! School Books , 'l'T' I ' ! ' rahlet . f/ 1 , -fdW- Schon I Sllppl rS , . * -AT- : - J. G. Haeberle's. -J' . ( 7I m mmm [ BUSINESS POINTERS. > m M Broken Bow Abstract Company. Reneau & Leonard , real estate. Send your laundry to the Grand Island Steam Launlry. ( Marquiss Bros. Agts. Dr. T. W. Bass , dentist. Office over McComas' drug store. 2Stf I , i : I am no Tuc ted j-l tn th-of the Custer National Bank. Come and see me for bargains 111 real estate. Some ch ice acre property - perty for sale. S tf RAS. AND URSON. ) hlocl. : C _ Fur "ule I have ninety head of cattle , conslsting of cows ano yearlings for sale. Ti me will be gi ven to suit purchaser. W. A. GEORGU. , t I The Beatrice Creamery Co. will pay 28 cents a pound for butter fat the first half of February. \ See those Vaknti es t Mar. I quiss Bros. P. O. Bldg. For Sale-A No.1 fresh milch cow. CIIAS. H. HOICO IB. 34-tt , STRAYED-From my ranch , onp I black heavy boned 2-year-old colt. Geilding with blace face , j weight about llUO , wire cut at ( hock on right hlnd leg. Re. ward \ \ ill be given by R. A. Hun er , Broken Bow. Also white sow strayed two months ago. . The Human Bird Warbler Will appear at the opera house , Saturday , li'eby.4th , 1905. The rcmarkable range of Chas. Kellog's voic upset all calculation - tion when it reached the lJ1 octave sCdle. ' 1'hus who have never heard Mr. Kcllog can form no idea of the charm and beanty of his wonderul ! gift. It is so fir entirely out 01 the common that when heard for th first time the mind but slowlY . tak-s in the fact that tile Im'ely.sounds are cum- ing from the human throat. Sixth number 01 entertainment course. lanagem nt of Young- Peoples Union. Special Ch ild rens Pricp lSc. Hescrved Seats. . . . . . . . SOc. General Ad mission. . . . 3Sc , / ( DON'T MISS IT. - - - - Have your laundry at the P. O. store by 7:30 Mondaynight. . [ : : ; i l = = ' E : { " " " : : : " " : m - - H , B. Wilson of , ferull. was on Ollt' strc t9 last F'rula ) ' . Gco. Gros" of An'll' ! \ . was a lJl'Okcn Bow visitor M nu.J.y. ' 1' . ' 1' . Varney of Ansley was a friendly caller t this office Mon- day. day.J. J. E Chan ler of .Ansley was a business caller in thl' city las t Monday. Mrs. J. G. Brenizer of this city made a buiness trip to Merna last It'riday. Ross Hutchinson of this city Idt on Monday's train for a business - ness tnp to Ord. Joe Kl'omas enc of Mason City's citizens was a business caller in our city , londay. J. H. Clinebell of Anselmo , was transacting business at the coun- ty seat last Friday. 'V. W. Buc1c1eyrepresenting the Grand Island Business College was in our city the first of the week. J. R. Baker of Merna came down Tuesday morning on 42. This office acknowledges a friendly - ly call. Pt"te Nelson of Mason City , made a business trip to the COUl1 ty seaf last Thursday returning liome Friday. M. T. Cannon and wife of this city left for a two weeks visit with frientls at Weeping 'Vater this state , Mofiday. Mrs. J. L. Vanbusterkirk of Merna , arrived in the city Saturday - day , on a visit to her parents Mr. and Mrs. ! . A. Coleman. ' Mrs. Manda Bryan , who had been making a two weels visit with her father , W. W. Tooley of this city returned to her home at Ansley , last Saturday. We. understand that A. H. Baiks"has bought the ArgosyDr. McArthur's paper of Westeivll1e and will continne its publication at Ansle. } ' . Irs. M. M. Cook , and daughters of this city , who had been mal- iug a four weeks visit to the "Cook" ranch at Seneca returned home Saturday. A. 'V. Pierce the "li'armer's Account Book" man is in the city at present. He is looking for men that want work , call and see him at the Globe. _ Mrs. W. F. Rankin of this city , accompanied by Miss Cunningham - ham , who had been visitinl { her brother , E W. Ranldnof Milburn , returncd last Friday. 'l'he state of Washington will spend 575,000 on her state exhibit at the Lewis & Clark exposition . in Portlan . A handsome state. building will be erected. Mrs. M. L. Watson of Ansley , who had been visiting at tile home of John Alden , at Whitman , stopped off here , between trains Saturday , on her way home. J. H. Moody of Mason City , wa in the city l.ast Friday. Ir. Ioodv was on hlS way home from a. five weels visit with old relatives - tives and friends at Boone , North Carlonia. It is sald one log in the Forestry - try bUilding at the Lewis & Clark exposition at Portland the coming - ing season is large enough to build one story cottage 40 x 40 feet in size. Mr. C. F. Linderholm , accompanied - panied by his sisters , Sophia , E : > ther and Alice of Newman Grovc , Ncbraska were in the city last weel { on business , returning home Friday. Jeff Mossman and wife formerly - ly of Mason City , this county who has resided in Kansas for the past .ten . or fifteen years are vi it- iug at the home of J. G. Ams- berry southeast of this city. 'l'hey arrived Satnrdav night and will remain several weels visiting with rcalitives in this city , at Ansley and i\lason. Cyrus King who left here five years aKo for the Big Horn Basin returned last Wednesday with the view of locating permanently. He made the trip horse back ln twenty-four days and laid off five I days on the way. His wife who had been visiting with her mother at Nelson several weeks arrived in the city a. few days previous. C. R. Krenz of Merna was a city visitor ' 1'uesday. C. li' . Conant an old settler of Arnold has moved to Lincoln , L. S. Pringle of Mason City was in ourcity on business li'riday. Joe Iartin of McKinley , was a passenger for Lincoln last : :3atur- : day.J. . J. H. Dewey of Ansley was a business caller in the city 'rucs- day.H. H. B. Andrews WlS in the city the first of the week attending court. Miss B. L. Hustin of Ansley , was a business visitor in the city Saturday. S. A. Britton and wite Boge- man , Mont. , were visitors in the city last week. P. B. Fielding of Mason City was transacting business in the city last Friday. Ethel Sidwell of thlS citV , left on Tuesdays train for a visit with friends at York. Luther Miller'ssnleof thorough bred short horn bulls at 1\1 ' ern a ' was quite sati factory. Judge J. S. Kirkpatrich of Kansas City was in the city the first of the week attending district - rict court. E. McCrystal special agent for the Union li'ire Insurance Co. , of Lincoln was in our city a couple days last week. ' 1\1 iss Tena Krager of Ansley who was visiting at the home of H. J. Cline bell , of this city returned - turned home last Friday. . 1\1. A. Roberson , who had been visiting at the home of Chas. McCaslin , of Rose Valley returned - ed to his home at Creston Iowa , last Saturday. J. H. H. Cross and wife of Anslcy , who had been visitiug at the home of C. E. Sheppard of this city , for a week returned home last Saturday. Chas. E. Ford of Chicago , Prcs dent of the Brokcn Bow Sta te Bank , passed through our city last Frida" on his way from Alliance to Chlcago. Mrs. C. M. Leisure and daughter - ter Mrs. N. G. Yocman , of this City , went to Ansley last Friday for a few days visit to Mrs. O. A. Egleston of that city. G. W. Asham , Field Secretary of the Wesleyan University of - Lincoln , was -calling on S. K. Warrick of this city Monday , returning to Lincoln Tuesday. Mrs. R. A. Watts , of this city , left on Fdday morning's train , for Hyannis , where she was callcd by the illness of her daughter Mrs. T. T. Marrin of that town. E. D. Beoals of Ortello was among the welcome callers at this office Friday. Mr. Beals will move to western Colorado in the spring to try . his luck there for a time. Wm Schaad of the Cliff Table , was a city visitor Merna. He I was accompanied by his brotber Henry Schaad of Monica Ills. and a nephew , Bert Schiebel of Mar- shaltown Iowa. S. L. Cannon who was up from Lincoln over Sunday with his family favored this fficc with a complcte file of the bills introduced - duced in the House this session , tor which he has our thanks. Miss Christina Springer who has been employed in Moran's store at Callaway for the past year or more spent last week in the city visiting her parents. She returned to Callaway Mon- day. . Miss Linda D. Spacht of Sar- gent was married 'Veelneselay of last week to li'loyd V. Huddleston late of Fairfield Nebraska. Miss Spacht is a graduate of the Brolcn Bow schools and enjoys the acquaintance - ance and esteem of a large circle of admiring friends in tius vicinity - ity who joms with the RnpUlHI- CAN in cxtending congratulations. Otis \V. Barnard and Miss Yery of Callaway werc married last 'l'uesday c\'ening. Mr. Barnard has been associated with his brother on the Callawa ) " Qucen for the past 18 months. He left for Cbej'enne , Colorado. last . Wednesdal where he will establish - lish a resldence. The RIPUnII- CAN extends congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Barnard and wish them success in the west. - E Mosely of Elton was among our welcome callers Friday. A. Moore of Call1lway is atteud- ing court in the city this week. Artie Pittiway of Ryno 'l'able , . left on Saturday's train for Haz- an } . Mrs. Kate Mullins of this city , left for a visit to Ansle ) ' , Satur- day.J. . J. O. Russell enl : of Bcrwyn's blacksmiths , was in thc city "last Tuesday. Judge Hostetlcr convened an equity term of court in the city Monday. E.V. . Simmons of this city went to Berwyn on a business trip Tuesday. David Killeen of Mnson City was transacting business in the ci ty Monday. H. J. Carter of Callaway left for Grand Island , on a business trip last Friday. Lewis BookncJU of Westervi11e was transacting business in the city last Monday. Ole Chelson of Bluearth Minn. , is vislting at the home of Julius C. Johnston in Round Valley. John Hinkle of Berwyn. mafle the county seat a business call Monday , returning borne Tuesday. Byron Clark of Plattsmouth in the city thi week looking after his clients interest in the district court. R. E. Gordon of Ashland , tbis state , was a citv visitor the first of the week , . "returning hemeT T esday . . Miss Emil ] Griffith formerly teacher in the Broken Bow schools is assistant state Ruperintendent of schools in Colorado. W. S. Mattle } ' of Ansley , . was in the city last 'l'uesday on a business trip returning home by Wednesday's passenger. Bessi Hipsley of this city left on Wednesdays train for a four week's visit with her sister and Trie'nds of Hastings , Nebraska. I Luther Miller of Cambria , arrived - rived Fnday morning. He expects - pects to buy two car load of horses to take back with him. S. F. Parsons who had been visiting at the home of R. J. Morton of this city returned to : his home at Beaver City Monday. A. H. Phelps , deputy organizer for the Highlanders report sever. . al applicants for members since his arrival here last Friday morn- ing. Mike Scanlon has bought out his partner Frank Woodruff iel the restaurant business and will hereafter run the business on his own accunt. Jesse L. Huston of Ansley who waG filling a vacancy in the nurse . force at the city hospital for the past two weeks returned home yesterday. Mrs. Kate Peterson of Hazard who had been visiting at the home of Steven Nea v ill of Merna stopped in the city on ber way home Tuesday. C. M. Parker of Phillips , Neb. , who had been visiting J as. Portet'j and other friends of this vidnity ! . left for a few days visit to friends. at Berwyn Monday. W. D. Hall of Sargent , is in the city this week attending court as a witness in the Ottun- Austin case. He favored this office with a friendly call. Chas. Sterner of Callaway , who has been suffering from appendi- citi for several weels is reported better at this writing. Mr. Sterner is a son-in-la w of J srph Beckwith one of our citizens. It is not every herel of thorough bred stock that enjoys so fine a reputation as does Dr. J. G. Brenizer's of this citv. 'l'he Dr. received an urgent order for one of his fine registered bulls from 'l'hedford , which he promptly filled by by express yesterday morning , one of his own raising. AJtoutlu. : " , lrUN. are instantly relicved , and perfectly - fectly healed , by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. C. Rivcnbark , Jr. , of Norfol1 { , Va. , wri'es : "I burnt mv knce dreadfullri that it blistered - tered all over. Bncklen's Arnica I Salve stopped the pain , and I healed it without a scar. " Also i heals all wounds and sores. 25c at Lee Bros. druggist. . i "tttttt"tt"'tttttttttttt " , , , " " " ' , , , , + t'tt1tt1't't'ttttt'tt1"'t1t11t11t11 ' ' ' ' ' " ' - - E 'tVe have sccured the agency for the :3 : : : : : : : : : : : Tea leaf Brand of Teas for 1905 , - - = = And we are confident that OUl' cUSN = = = = tomers will rejoice with us. 'l.'ho = = - - - - - : : : : a Tea Leaf Brand 3 - - : : : : : : - - - = = is the finest pickings and is sccured = = - : : : : : = . I from the Choicest Leaves. Tea = = - - = = drinkers that : buy a pound of the = = - - : : : 'ren Leaf will use no other. As one : - - - - - E of our customers I told us the other = = - - E day that she had bought Tea Leaf 3 - - = = 'rea of us for sixteen years , and had ' = = - - E nlwuys found it nourishing , fine E . Havor and appetizing-only 50 ent8 3 : : : : : : : E a pound-buy a pound of Tea Leaf : : E - . 1.'eo. of . . . . . ) :3 - - - . - - : : : : : : : : : : J. O. Bowen , - - = = Broken Bow , Nebraska. North Side. = = - - - . - - - : f7111111111111111111111111111111111111 + 11111111111111111111111111111111111lS [ : ' - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - . - A. G. Dunaway of Ansley made this city a business visit Tuesday. P. H. Marlay , of Mason City , was a business caller at the county - ty seat Tuesday. Sr. " vder of Cheyenne Wyo. ar rived" in the city yesterday , she is nurse . at tbe city hospital at pres- cnt. I Attorney O. A. Abbott of Grand Island , who had been attending - tending district court here in the interest of his clients returned to his homc yesterday. Mrs. ' 1' . J. Pierce of Mason City , who had been visiting at the home of Dr. Pickett and otber friends in this city for several days returned - turned home yesterday. Secretary E. Royse of the State Banking board was a city visi or yesterday. He returned to Lm- coIn at noon today on 42. This office acknowledges a friendly call. Meeting are still in progress in the Methodist church and in spite of the cold and stormey weather the meetings are well attendcd and there is a good interest. Rev. Chamberlain is assisted by Mrs. Eva Hill of North Loup who has charge of the singing and tS of great service to the meeting. Everybody is cordial1y invited to attend. ' " : ; : :0 ; ; = _ " - - C. Ruppel of Joliette Wyo. , is at the city hospital for treatment. J. W. Dunaway of this city , was a passe.nger for Omaha yes- terday. Frank' ChoppLincolnite was in the city last Tuesday calling on friends returning homelyester. . day. day.A A music club has been organiz- eel and divided into two classes to systematically study the guitar and mandolin by H. A. Watts of this city. GUitar students are under the direction of Mr. Walts , Mandolin students , are under Mr. Watts assisted hy J. Simonson. Anyone interested in the guitar or mandolin club should see Mr. Watts. Stamp photos 2,5c Baniutudio. 34tf. . . - - - - - Fresh oysters , candyciiarl and tobacco at Mike Scanlon. _ . - - - - FOR SALu-Road w'agon and single harness , nearly new , cheap for casJ. See Geo. Papineau. We have $3,000 private naoney ; to loan on lmproved farms at a low rate of intercgt. LKDWIcn & : Homll't. FOR SALR-Well improved rei- idence pro ety. Will be led ] at a bargain If called for 500el. Enquire - quire at this office. 6tf - . . - . . - - _ . _ _ _ . . 00--- _ _ - . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , ' . ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' . , . . . . , , , . , . , , , , , . , . . . . ' " , 'I oi' , . ' ' ' ' .J. . " " " . ' ' ' ' ' : O' ' ' ' - : . . . " " . . - : 1/1" : I..i : / : ' ; i"af'\i"h'i.'i : m" ' : i _ ; _ " . . . . : ! [ e ; ; " " . " " , . . : : , \Ii : ! " < ; ' . ' ' ' ! . : ' ! \ I. ) . . j ' - ( . ; . : ' i. \ : . . * ; ; , , . . . . : rJ. : : I . IO ! ' .r. ; i'f. . , ' \ii. / . : S : . ' " ; " ; a B-.I : . ; . I W. S. Kennelly. H. A. Watts. , ' J . . . , . : ; t.ei' t. r L ' , . . r t ! ffi : l i' .r c . , , . . , . . t "I' , ; , ; . . : : ' . , 'r ' . . ' l . . . . . il ii : ; ; Is regulatmg the prICe 111 all WInter Goods now ifM . ; ti to a frazzlOome in if you are in need of any of l the followIng goods and get them at f1Jft i A 'bsol u tely Cost. : t .B-'lanll letts . f1 ? i ! Outmg Flannels j ! 0 nderwear t . , Overshoes. . ' : . . 111 . ' : .t'fl' : Duck Coats j . I : i : C . l s . . " fii : eggms J. l.r : . ' ' < : ! ' " . . , ' .1"l' It t ens t" : : /i Gloves . fflJ r ICllit Goo s , ete 'tr . Don't pass up this opportunity. OUi" Bal'm (7 ( ! gmn Counters wIllloo.1 ( goo.d to you. . Also have ! j' J'i ' a look at our ncw sprlllg hne of SUIt samples. ff [ ntVe n can gn ify your . pride and your sense of ,41 economy at one tune. + , " . P.l , . li . .l T .enne ( I y & W atts I : i Successors -tVatts-ICeuuedy Co. 1 . N ol'th Hide , Opera Block , Broken Bow , N ebraska r. ' lI- : . , , ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , , , , , . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . - . R . , . . , . . 'otJ . . . ' . . . .u ' ' f.i " : r " I ' . .u : ' : . ; ! , " - : l.t.r":7t I. . ! f.r ' , .f'1.r. . , ; .t. ' " ! t.r' ; t. H : tW lm llll..y : ! : ! : : ; ; " ; ; J'.t : ; : ; 'CJi ' : " ' 'I..4 ' ; : : : 'J.II. : ; _ , f ! 'i.JA . : ; : : : 1C'8 1\ IV' , - - - . . . . . . . I -