I . . , ' , ' . , n . . . . ' " . " . t. MEDICAL EXAMINER I 14 Of the United States Treasury Rccommends ' > . 1 "c ! c-rU-llH. nothcr Prominent Physician Uses and Endorses Pe.ru.na. . LI.EWELLYN JOnDAN , Medl. DR. Examiner of the U. S. Treas. ury Department , graduate of Columbia - lumbia College , and who Berved three , . 'earl nt. Wost. Point , has the follow. . , Ing to say of Peruna : " ! .A' "Allow me to express my zrlJtl. f\ : tude to you for the benefit derived from your wonderful remedy. One short montlJ has brought forth a vast clJango and 1 now consider myself Q well man after , , months of suffering. Fellow suf. ferers , Peruna will cur" you. " A consanUy Increnslng number of phtslolans ; prescribe Peruna In their rac.Uco. It hns proven Its merits so thpr ughly that even the doctors have overcomc their preJudice against so- I callcd patent me < 1lcines and recom. mend it. to their patients. P tma occupies a unlquo position In medlcnl scienco. It is the oniy In. I ternal systemic catarrh remedy' ' known to the medical profession to. dny. Catarrh , as everyone w111 admit , hI' the cause of one.hatt the diseases which afflict manltlnd. Cntarrh and catarrhal discases aillict one.hatt of tM people of United States. , Robert n. Roberts , M. D. , 'Vash- tngton. D.O. , writcs : "Through my own experience I . SIr well lIS t/1I1t 01 many 01 my 'Irlends "nd acqu/Jintsnces who 1 . blu'c been cured or rcl/eved of elf. " tarrh by the use 01 IllIrtmlJn's Perun8 I can confld ntly recom. mend It to those suffering from lIuch J-'t dl.orders , and IlIlt'c no hesitation In : . prescribing It to my patlents.- Robrrt R. Roberts. I j Catarrh Is a systemic dlseaso cur. able oniy by s'stemlc treatment. A t that cures catnrrh must aIm dlrecLJy at the depressed nerve cent I ' ten ; . ' 1'hls Is what Peruna docs. j P runa Immelliatply Invlgorntes the nerve"centel'S which glvo vitality to ( the mucous membranes. Then catarrh I 1 j ! To the houllcwlte who has not yet become acquainted with the new things j ' everyday use In the marltet and who is reasonably satisfied with the I old. w would suggest that n. trial or \ t. D61luq Coil ! Water Starch be made ' at once. Not alone beoause it Is guar- f , . . an teed by the manufacturcrs to be superIor - perIor to 3n ) ' other brand , but because I ach lOa PAckage contains 16 ozs. . , wMo' ) aIL the other kinds contain but , ] 2 028' . It 18 safe to Bay that the lady' ' , , 'ho once us s Defiance Starch will UKO no o.ther. Qua.lIty and Quantity must win. C bbett a Model of Style. A London re\'iewer says that he onccasked n. famous editor what wrlt. er bQ would propose as a model ot style for a journalist. Without a mo. ment.s : hesitation. the great man an. sw.ered" "Cobbett" " I ' , Try me Just once nnd I am sure to eomo' again. Defiance Starch. . Some men talta so much exorcise that. Ut V are all the limo exhaustod. Looldng at sin loaqs to loving It. Ir , 1 ' : It Cnre1 ! Colli ! ! , COlIlh ! ; . Sore Throat. Croup , Innuenzt , Wbooplng Cou b. Broncbltlll nntI Astlllm ( . A certain cure tor Consumption In llrst 1ItmI.I.uiullIo ! . ! lure relict In nllvnncpd Ma eo , UfJ " at enc . You will see the excellcnt eltcct after tllkln tho.ll t do.o. Sohby dcnlers everJ" w4C1'c. I.ureo lJottlcfl25 ccnts untI IiO cents. I , ALWAYS CALL FOR A CIGAR BY ITS NAME I "CREIO" , MEANS MORE THAN ANY OTHER NAME DROWN BANDS GOOD FOR PRESENTS "tarnt Beller In tlu World. . . . f INCUBATORS. The QLD TRUSTY Iu. . ; ) enlJa'1I 8rO made It , JuhnsoD. tilt ! IneulJatur ) Ian. wbollllitio 6OOOillJe. t"re IlInnUng hla OLD ' ' ' . 1'R'J8TY. Ap"y.ror-Itael f hatcb. err Fort , . day , ' free trial & .lid a n'6 , yel1r'lt.CllatKn. tee. I"or bl. : CII'O rRta' l < 'Kue. : JIJI , ) C"luyltlul' , trattun , addrt. . . . . . M. M. JOHNSON CO , Bol ( . o. T. . Clay Contor. Nob. . , . , . . . . . 0/ ' 1\'IEXICAN Mustang liniment curca Cut J 11urn8 , 11ruises. . , CURVATURE Can be Cure AL80 OTHER DI'ORNITIEII. , \ . Write or call at office for frco Inform ' ISPINAL helt testimonials from prom' ' inent atl4tesroen. and pb.lclans , Can 'iult ) 'our IlamllDoctor. No braces 01 i I ppllancel used. Treated aneeesstullJ b ) maiL Sb , eara' uperll'nclI lno IIlomqlIt Gfllustlc 61 OrtlltpeiJclut ! " , ) , . .r nil. 'Noa" O"ATI. . OAI'IUL . . . . . . . . . .0. ' .Tel' AlLlhGTON UK. , OMAHA. NI : . . " - - - - - , . i Dr. Llewellyn Jordan , i Medical Examiner United statu : Treasury. : t t. + + + + + + . . . . . . . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + disappears. Then catarrh Is permanently - manently cured. , If : rou do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna , wrlto at once to Dr. Hart. mann , givIng a full statement or 'our case , and ho will be pleased to give you his vnluable ndvlco gratis. Address Dr. Hartman , President of The Hartman SanitarIum , Columbus , Ohio. Malicious Personal Questions. Don't asle personal questions that carry the sting of humiliation , remem. berinr ; always that any satisfaction de. rived from saying mean things Is ob. talned at the price of Ceellngs that should bo re arded al's as sacrell , GREAT INSTITUTION. It is unusual that a slnglo institution in" city ol8OOll pcoplo wlU overshadow in im. . portance every ether intercst , but such Is the case wItll the Amel' can School of Osteopathy , amI .A. 1' . St.1l Infirmary at. Kirksvllle , Mo. A stranger in Klrksvlllo is immoolately imprcssed wIth the idca that. the town 15 sustained by thIs institution , in tact , KlrksvllIe has been made what it is to-duy by Dr. Still aud his famous School anll Inflrmar ' . It Is the larltest patronized un. endowed insmution ol its Kind in the Unltcd States. Dr. Stut's school enrolls over 700 students yearly and each student is required to at. tend four terms of five months eaeh before complotlng the couroof stud ) ' . 'l'hero uro over 000 rtdu , tes un they are prac. tieing in every state and territory of the Union. .About two. thirds or the statcs 111\0 [ passed special laws IcgalIzing the sclenco , 1'hi5 8chool tenches every branch taught In mOlllcal eolle es "dru slJ and excollt osteopathv i'l substitutCl for that. So ' thorough 'Is the teaching in anatomy that ovcr ono hundred human bodics are is. sertcd ycarl ' by the 8tudonts. At the Iufit'mal'r , patlcnts ft'Om every part at' the countt'y aUlI with almost ov y form ol lseaso at'O constantly under trcat- mcnt. : F'or the ) I\st fifteen years almost eVCl'y train cOlllln to Klrksvillo has brough I. some now sufferer hoping to find I'C' lIef by the sclenco or Ost.eopathy. By the thot18ands who lu\\'o Icft the Institution benellte < 1 by the treatmcnt , the Bclonco has been heral ol ! to the wodd as 110 safe aud ratioual method of Cllt.o. Several years ngo u free cliuic was cstabllhClIIn ; connection with the Jll'actlco department of the school and thIs Is stIll in oporatlon. Hundreds of the worthy poor , \Tho al'O nnable to pay for treatmentaro tl'eatcd every aftcrnoon by the SCUIOl' students free or chargo. If ) 'our frlcnds belIeve ) 'OU to be poor , the ' will ( 'onsplre to leep ; : you poor. H they thlnl ; : ) 011 rich. they w1ll all try to male ; : ) "OU rich or. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury , as rntrrury will lurely deslruy tbe Itn.e at Imell and cll1ll1'Ietely deranle the whule . when enterln : : It throllJh the JIIUCOUS Aur "uem " Sucb arllcle. .holllt , nt'ver he u.ell except on prClcrl1 > ' tlon Crom reputallic l'h.lelau ' ! , al the dam&loe tht ) will Ill ) h ten Cold tu the Kuo < l yuu can pu..lbly de. rive fr01lllbelll. lIall'o Catarrb Cure.Jllallufaclured lIy 1' , .1. Ct.eney , \ ; Cu"'ulello. . 0" contalnA no mer. cury , and II uk'n Internally , actlulC dlrt'Ctl . ) upon tbe IIluod an,1 , mlleous .urCacei uC the . , .Icm. In ! JuylUI : 11811' . CalRnh Cure lie lure yuu lIet the genuln . It II taken IlIt Jllally nnd made In Tolcllo , Oblo. lIy Y .1. Cheuey & t 'u , 't'e lImuulal. Cree. I > uld lJy lJrlllClChu. l'I'lce , i5C. per bottle. 'l'ao : Ual1' . l""mlly 1'1110 Cor cuullipatiun. And Chain the Mat. A Bl'ool\lyn minister of n prng. matIcal turn of mind has his front I doormat chained to hIs house , and i to Inculcate the right spirit In the passerby has had the motto "Trust In God" worked In scarlet letters ot large sclzo In the mlddlo of the mat. . Important to Mothers. ExamIne carefully every boUle ot CASTOntA , 1lafe Bnd lure remedy tor Intante And children , : : : . ' " A' - , # - ' . . , SInaturo : ot , In Ueo Per Ovcr 30 Ycare. ' 1'110 Kind You nave Awa1e oucht , New Material for Ships' Decks. A substance called ( lotrollgnlte Is being adopted as a mntetial for the decks of ships. It Is prerJared rrom sawdust , mixed with Ct"JI t ! rJ minerals , Itnd ( ormed Into slah , , under high hy. draullc pressuro. Its yaluablo prop. ertIeR nre that It Is nOl.lnfiamma le , and Is not slippery when , "et. Russian Bristles Best. A nrst essenrIal of a good halrbrus . 18 that the brlslles should really bt . brlslles , not Imitations , and that they should be of a good kind. RussllU1 bristles are the best : thor are ob talned trom the back or the wlld bou Flatterr lRakes no frlenda. - . " " r- Neb News J All reports to the contrnl'y , the beet Imgar season nt Grand Isluml wus n. good one. CItizens of I.incoln are moving In the muttet. of lmlllllng n. now atreet rail wa ) ' Hne. 'rho lJurlingtoll rnllroad Is tlolng a largo amount of rllll'npping nenr No. braslm CIt ) . . An unlmown man. committed I\I. chlo In the depot at. AmcII last.'cole. . 110 stood ill the waiting 1'00111 ant' shot hhuself with a reyolver. The fnl'mers o ( Cass CO\l1ll ' helll an old.fllshlonell wolf hunt. Ono wolf was cnught. whllo hulf 1ozon hrolO through the lIne < 1l1rlng the a ' . The Uli.lIl . < o Grain company of Omahn. Is to hulld II. 1,000,000 bushel elovator. It. Is to bo located on lan obtnlned from the Union Stocl ; ; Yllrds compan ' . The wholesale grain firm of Cum. mlngs & Laughlin of lJentrll'e , sold O\'er 100,000 bushels of corn to llor. Eons in lIssol1rl , Iangns nnd Oltll1. ' homa. A telegrnm wns receIved at Louisville - ville , by l\II's. 1" . B. Nichols that her brothel' , Cltas. Ross , 11. hralcman ; : In l\tontana. hut ! been IdIlod by faIlIng from the train. B. H. Bartling , hend of the Bartling Grain comlllny and 11111.01' of Ne. braslm City , dropped dead In hls-rlaco of business .l\tr. lJarl1ln was ono of the pioneer residents or Otoo count ) . . I . Whllo I ; : Ruby was chopping woo < 1 . soli\hwest. of Plnttsmouth his ax was caught by a 11mb and , glancing. strucle him Just bacl. of the right. ear , cut. tlng off a pot.ton ! of the hone and cut. tlng through the car. Albert. Blacl\Cr. convicted of forgery - gery in the le 'a Palm county district court. last filII , hus filed a poverty affidavit In the supreme court. stating that ho has no funds with which to 1m ) ' the costs of the aleal. ) : \r. A. Bt'o\\'n of Iearney wlII carry the electornl vote of Nebraslm to Washington antI tut'n It over to UlO ) ) resldent of the senate , 'l'hls was de. clded at n meeting of the electors In the oillce of Governor : \lIcl\Oy. Myron T , RIehllrds. who for the last two years has cllnled the mall to and fl'Om the stnte house to 1tO : po sto fll co. will do the saIDO thing for the next two 'ears. The StlltO 130ard of Public Lands and Buildings reappointed him. William Lewellen. serving out. 11. fine of $200 In the county jail nt Beatrice. ( or ] ; : ceplng a disorderly llOuse an selling IIquol' without. a license , Is suf. ferlng from tuberculosis and the city phYillclnn w11l recommend his reo lenso at once. Rev. P. C. .Johnson , D. D" of Tecl1m soh , Is being very hlghl ' spolten o ( a > > II. candidate "I' department eOJlUnalll ! . " 1' of the Grandy Army of tIte Repub. He of Nebrasltn. } < 'rlen s of the gentleman - tleman from O\'cr the state are urg. Ing his can hlac } ' . ' ' 1'wo small chlltlren , agell ! ' ! Ix nnd three years , artCl' tra\'ellng alone all Ihe way f'Om J ortlallll , Ore" reach. cd Fremont safely. anll were tal\On In charge hy Cily 'ricet ] ; : Agent 'I'rallI who sent thom on to 'l'ildl'n where rei. atives wet'e I'xflcl'llng them. W1I11amVashlngton , reOI'tcd ! ) to bo the fil'st of the name to go wrong , had executive ( 'Iemency metell out to him and consequcntly w1l1 not have to 8I'Ve a yen I' In the llenltentiary for fOt'eI'Y ! , In8t'all ho wl11 Blcntl ) the time lu the Dou Ias ( 'ounty jail. Prof. K , Fesenlw'h of DanJ\It'y ) \ , Ia. , has heen selected by the board or edu. cation of West Point to fiIl the posl. tlon of assistant prlncllal ) or the High school made vacant hy the reo slgnatlon o ( Prof. W. V. Niles , who haEr entered the go\'ornment service. A mandate was Issued by Harry Lindsay. cINI of the SUl1romo court. . to carr out the 0I'tlol'6 of the court In the ma ( 't. of lIrs.Iargaret Lena 1.1110 o ( David City. c nvlcte(1 ( of the murder of h r hU'iband.lrR. : . LlllIo was sentenced to the )10nltentlary ) for life. and will be talen there at nco. 'l'ho marrlago IIcenso recorll of the COltllt ' jlulg ( ' of Cumlng ( 'ounty shows 113 uuu't'lnge IIrenses to hayo heen Issued dnl'1ng the 'ear 190.1. ' 1'hls Is twentr. lx 1I10re than the preceding ' ( 'al' . 'rho jndgo Is engaged In de. monstmtlng to InterC'sted ) lartieS' that the Increase was ealllJOd by last. 'ea1' being leal ) year. 'rho SarlY ) connty mortgage record for the 'eul' 1904 Is as folIow8 : 'I'own mortgages med , slxt ' .slx , amounting to $11-1.G83.95 : farm mortgages re. leasell. ( 'Ighty.nlne. amounting to $101i.702,08 : town mortgageR med , forty.tht'ce , amounting to $28.G3OS ! ! : town mortgag s released , fort ' , amounting to $17.119.-17. 'rho largest real estate tmnsror that ever oecut'red In Nemaha count ty was filed for I'ocorll when Harmon Hay ) J1'esClltetl deeds tmnsfering his entire real estate possessions In the coun ty of l,71 5 acres. 'rho conshlorn. tlon named Is $92.000. over $52 'per aero fot.h' : , Ra "S' enUro land hold" Ings. : \1Iss I va Cooper of 1 hltnholtlt , who Is n. student' at the Htnto university , has successrulIy llllsHed the examlna. tlon re < } I1I1'ell of teachol's who enter servlco at the Phllt1phIOR.1 ! aud It Is understood will emhark upon het. now duties at no distant dato. GOYOt'not'I1cltey : has ref USN } to Is. RUO a r ( ' < } ulsltlon for the return to Nohraslm of Harvey Springer , who I ! 8Ul1110Setl to bo i11 South Daltotn. . Springer Is charged with stealing $15 and Is believed hy the Darwta count , authorities to bo somewhere In South Daltota. ' . - Testtng the Rlchneatl or Milk. Dalrymon abroatl h vtl been experl. meuUng for the purpose of l1e1or111ln. Ing 'hlch ylold of m1l1t , the mornln\ ! or ovenlng , Is the richer ot the two. 'rhe decision WitS In favor of the even. Ing milk being the richer , both for but. ter nnd cheeRo mnltlng QuaUtieB. 'rho mUlt of cows fed on grouud feed In winter was rlchor thnn tlllllroltueed I by the saU10 cows from crass In the I summer. ! . TO ol1ln A COIn IN ( ) NI DAY Tal.o Ln"lIvo IIrolllo Qlliulno TalllcU. All "ru , Jllta rollllllt the lIIoney It It tAlII tu cure. 1 : . W. Ui'On'l aillnaturo la uu eacb lIulI : . : /\0. : \ - Happiness In Poetry. There nro so man ) ' 1101) ' I1nll tcnller omotlons flying about III our Inward , \'orld , which , 11lte angels , cnn never I ussume the body of an outward ael : i . so many rIch ntlll lo\'oly fiowers spring. up which bear no seol1. that It. Is a happiness poetry was Inyented , which receives into Its limbers all these In. corporenl spirits , and the perfume of nIl these flowers.-Jean Pllul nlchter. : ! Itr. . Whl.low' " ! 1oothlnl : Plyrul' . JOorrl.lldrcn tMthlnK , potteos the 1t1l1'01. rellUCI'A ' the 'amwllUunaUayapatucuroa wtndeoUu. a botUo. Modern Surgical Methods. The u e of the needle nml throa In closing wounds has como to bo a fine art. In fOl'mer days the surgeons were mcro bunglers , and most wounde lert hideous scars. But. nt the present day the manner In which arteries are IIgatured , teudons spliced , intestines sutured and wounds closed Is the foundation of success , no sklIlcd QSQ ot the scalpel talln ; : ! ; ; Its place. . "Dr. DR"Iteol1cllY'1 lrn'orlt" Remedy . .an m. prompt " 'lit ( ' 011I 1,1 oto N'IJer rrorn d.P@III.AAntS . llnrll.ILlliu..OIlt. " D.T. Trowbrldgo , lIarl..I1.I' . N.Y. The Simple Lifo In Gotham. Arter all , the slW1110 mo Is wIde. spread hero. Wo do nothing but labor to get a few dollars to pay tlte oillce. holdors. Polltlcal osses do all our thinking tor us , so wo have no careB along that IIno , but slmpl ' worle nod sleep untIl It's tlmo to go to the poor. house. Surely nothing could bo slm- vler.-Now Yorl ; : 'l'elegram. Many Chlldron Ire Sickly , Mother Gray's Sweet Powders forChlldren , used by Mother Gray. a nurse in Children's IIomc , Now York , eurc Peverlsbncss , IIaad- Bcho , Stomach 'rl'oublcs , Tcethlng Dls- ordcrs , Brcak up Colds nnd DcstroyVorms. . At all Druggists' ,25c. Samplomallodl"REE. Addrcss Allen S. Olmsted , LoUoy , N. Y. Magneilite In California. Magnesite , which Is used In the making or fire brlele and other fireproof - proof building materials , hM been discovered in largo quantities In Snn- ta Clara anll StanIslaus counties , Clll. lfomla. They are the only Imown de. posits In the United States. IIIthor- to America has imported mngneslte from Grecco nnd Syria. IMPERIAL HERNIA CURE. Dr. O. S. Wood cures RUllturo by a. new process , In a few weelB , with. out loss of limo or Inconvenience. Rectal I1lsenses curcil without the lmtro. Send for circular. O. S. Wood. M. D" 621 N. Y. Lifo Bldg" Omaha. Charac.tcr Told by the Chin. The chin Is ono or the most eub- st ntlal parts of the face when It Is norma ] , nnd bj' ph'slosnomlsts Is said to register unerringly certain charac. terlstlcs. to toll on OtlO for weal or woe , " Others ay that this Is not so , for ono may smllo find yet bo a villain , and the smllo Is what makes the la , clnl chnracterl tlc. SPECIAL NOTICE. UNDOl\IA Hair Tonic will lend to your Imlr that sort fiutTy UPI1'aranco appreciated by lIeopio ot good taste and retlnoment. As ] ; : Your Bnrber. Son us ) "oUr name for free treat. ment. THE UNDO\IA CO tPANY , Omaha. You never lese any -of ) 'our sorrow by shedding sour lools. Every houselteeper shoulll know that If they will buy Defiance Cold Wnter Starch for laundry use they wlll save not. only lime , because It never slIcles to the Iron , but because each pacltngo contnlns 16 oZ.-ono full pound-whllo all other CoM Water Starches are put up in 7 'pound pncl ; : . ages , : Iud the prlco Is the same , 10 cents. 'I'het'1 again becausu Dellanco Starch Is free ( rom all Injurious chem. Icals. It ) 'our grocer trios to sell you a 12.oz. paclmgo It Is because ho hns a stock on hand which ho wishes to dlsposo of beroro he puLs In Dofiance. lie knows tbat Defiance Starch has printed on every paclm o In largo let. ters and figures " 16 ozs , " Deman De. llance and save much lImo and money and the annoyance of tIlO Iron slick. Ing. Defiance never sticks. It doesu't tal\O finy grit to rumble. - - " " " ' - , . I' ' ' : ! ' . . " . . . : . : , . I 1 r : . . ' . ' : ' ! . . , ri.- : : ' rr. . . : i t : rlJ ' t. : . , II . . ; . . J : \ - i'i' ! : J . ? ; Ir. ' . 1 i : . . Mrs. L. C. Glover , Vice Pres. Mihvaukee ) Wis. , Business W on1an's Asso'ciation , is' ' another one of the 111 ill iO lrom en , vho . j have been restored to health by using Lydia E. Pinkhamts Vegetable Compound. . . DItJ.n MRs. PJ KnA.M : I was ma.rrled for flevcral years Bnd no children blesscd my home. The doctor said I had n cOlllpll lLUon of : tomalo troubles and I cltl not hl\vo any chlldrcn uules ! ! I could be cured. IIo tried to ctlro mo , but aft.cr expcrlmcnting for Kcvernl montha , my hurlband became dIsgusted - gusted , 61.11(1 ono night when wo JloUcel n testimonial o ( woman who had I been cured or shnllar trouble throll th the use of LyeUn E. l r lklllun'lI Ve otnblo COJ1.Jlumncl , hI } went out. an bought. Do botUo for mo. I dsedl your medicine for three nn ono hnlf months , improving Rteal1l1y in health ! nnd in twenty.two lUonths Do ehild cama. 1 cannot futly xpress tho'joy aud thanklulncss thn.t il > In my henl't. Our homa Is 0. different I11neo now. as Wft have something to Bve for , and all the credit i8 due to IJYUa. J . Plulchnm'sl Ve etnhlo Compound. Yours vcry sincerely , : MRS , L. O. OLOVItR"lH 8t. . Milwaukee , Wis , " Vice President , : Mllwo.ukea 'Business ' Wom .u' Asa'n. 1 Women shouhlnot fnn to profit by the oxporlenco . of tllcso two , vomen ; just 1\1'1 ' surely as they WCI'O curml of .tho troublef enuni - rnted In tholr letterf , just ' ; 0 certnlnly will Lydln 1 ; . I JnklU\m'fJ' Vc otnble ( JoJUIJOUlld euro otllerf who RuffoI' from woml' t1'oubl , InflamJUation of the oyo.rloll , kielney trouhloR , uorvousjoxclto.blUty , I nnd nervous lro tro.tlon ; remember that It Is Lye In . , E. . I > > Jnlt- IJum's Vcgotnhlo Compound that Is cu1'1111women : , o.n,1 dan.t allow any druggist to sell you anything else In. 1t91dnce. _ 4 An Inellnna Lady Toll. of " 'Volldcrftil Cure : - ' . , I r . . DJlA1fnl : ! . l'INIlDAH : It t8 & } Jleu\u. , for 010 to write I1nd teU what your wonderful medicine lIas done for mo. I WIUJ lIiek 'lor three yeaI'll with change of lito , Gnd. my physician thought a canceroult cobdlUol of ' the womb. DUl'ing thcso three 1\CIIIU ) suffered unlold agony. "I cannot 11nl1 TVordll tn which to ex. . preS8 my bad 1ccliul'C9. ( lid not. expeet.0 over lice nnother well day. 1 rcnd Rome or . , tlu testimonials rlcomllldlng yout" medlcinc.and decIded to 'vrl1o to you aud give your 'rl\ll.\- . ment a. tl'lnl. . . Before r had tn1cen half " boltle 01 JJyUIL JiJ. PJnlc1u\lu'fJ Vc dahlo c - IOtllul , 1 bl'glili to l lcep. I have ' m-I \ I i ) lx oltles an nm 50 wen I can do n11 'kinds \ J , 1 _ \ o ! wOI'k.-MIl8. LIZZIE IIJNKI.E , Salem , Ind. I If thCl'O Is nn 'thlng In YOIII' C so nhuut 'uihich you would 111m I llccinl aclvlcc , write frccly to 1\rrs. l'lnlchum. She CUll surely lull ) 'OU for no ) CL'sun In AmerIca ca.n sllcak from IL willcr cXlIcrlenco I In tl'catin ( . : } cJUalo llls. Adclress Is Jj'IUI , : nIass. ; her ucl\"lcc is free I nnd always hClllful. I FORFEIT If we cannnt Cnrthwlth rrodaclI the orlglnalleUer'"Dd Ilrllltare. 01 $5000 . .bun tuUmoulalJ , whloh , ,1111'roY/l thnlr ab.ulllte gnlluln.ne. . , I LIdia. E. l'lukham lIled. Co. , LInn , 1au. MIXED FARMING WHEAT RAISIHB RAN CHINO Tbree l\'T'ent "nr lIlt. III1\'e IIK ln AI. . own wondlrtnl re lllt 1111 the } 'ree l1ulllellcad Land. ut Wo.terD Canalla this year. MaJlnllleelit cllmate-tllnnl'rA 1'10"101 : In tbelrablrt . .Ieo00111 tile middle uf NUl'lwller. . . n are IJoulld to lie IlIorll than pleaaed with the Dual re.ultl oC tllIJ Ila.tBcaull'ulIlIJ\'e I.-Kxtract. COllI. woud , wnter. I.IIY . 'n ' abundance. Bchoola , cburchcI , market. cun lenient. Apply tur Information tu 6upcrlntenllent of Jmml. ! : Tallou. Ottawa , CallaIII , ur tu l1ullwrl1clt Canadll\n Uu\ernmcnt All'nt-W. V.1I1'nllctt. 1101 c\y Yurk Ltc ! ! lIulldlng , Ol a lI. ebra.k" . 1'lellae lay" , ere YJU BIloW thla advertllement. $10.00 I on ALL Tb.I' . .11 " , ,11\ \ cool \0 . .I 0. ' or nur JIIO'CIlIr 'n. ' cubol , , " romlI" . , hid d.o. . " at Jour . .IIood"\elloo. .It , 'oi fh. . : I\I : : : rj , . ru'I : : t SURE IIATCII INCU Alons a.lh. "old' , .1. . < 1. . < 1 locub , " ' " ' TI. . . . w.lI. ( 'ouror. : : I ct : , t Is. . ' : 'r ' , , : : b. . " " . OolJblIJttne "orlll 01.,11 ro'lulr.S to , . I.oleb. All m..In. . oold on nu IId'o' t' , , , . . Trlalchinc JOII : = : r.I'r.l : : : oU : : I JQ v 'I : ' .h " ' ; Ik7 : 'I fhr. : : IIUI1 JlA.7rt'U-lh.lUlChI".lh.\ 10.0001111. . . . .1 ot "m. . Send tor r , . . " h"okl.12&O. II JOu llvo . . .1 olldl..l. . 1I1' IJW& . 'iTcl ' d v H'J ! iilvWlt : I.r ; _ Via ) ( lcat" , . Nell. IndlaaapoU. . 10d. . St. Soreness For Jacobs Stifi ess O _ I From cold , hard labor or exercise , 1 relaxes the sllffness . and the soreness - ness disappears. The Old Monk Cure Price , 25c. und nOe. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH .sYRUP cures COUEbs and colds. Rend UI ) 'our bldel. HIDES TANr ED We will tan tbem Rnd I make Coall. lIullu , ) flttenl and RUlli , nut . . . .ork In It ate Kuarallteetl. Coder RtlpldB Robe & Tonnory , Cedlr Rlpld. . lowi. I W. N , U. , Omaha. No. 2-1905. , TIlE -LADY 'WHO IRONS . b\ows how Important It.It . ] , to use agood starch. Defianu Starch Is the . , br.st sUfch I j made. It . dOtSn'l sud to r , . . II . . the Iron. It givu i bautJ. , rut soft sl ; s stiffness to the 'clothts.r ' Il'Win not blbtu ) , - . , ! or crac.k..1he oods. II stIbl for Itss. . , gats rarthtr , docs I mort. , ' , Ask the lady who Irons. If ( Defiancc Starch ' 1111 .groet" " , ; . 16 oz. for 10 ctnts. ' The DflA cr STARCII CO. . 'lIWMJA . - . . . . [ Q. . : Il _ alllletd _ aJ' " WII , . . . l f Thompson' . EYI' Water ! A "th.ro ! ! ? ! ! ! I . , . , , " . , ' , , ' , ' , " , , , , , . , . Mix Colors. JUUJI'lW'nJUJU GO. , UJ.illlltl/UCI. .4l0" Ask _ CHler.r VlO wiliaend post paid at IDe a package. Wlito 101lreo bookiel-llow 10 De. Bleach and " " "