Goua "ovlce. Snlll n. man who hall been dotectClt chcot'ng nt cnrllB : " 1'hoy thl'cnten to 'ld 1. tno downBtalr ! ! . 'Vhnt nm I to do ? " 1f'21b IrIC'III' nll Icnlcli to ottered this ( mety cot fel ; , . : . " 1)lay ou the 'crou".t 11001' . " \ , I , " . New and Old. Tko : new" Ittemher of COnA'rCRI ! nr. rh'cII nl WRAhlngtull with II. sllcech up 'hla ( , : o , nw' ' the , old member , get.s there wHh II. . laugh stowell nwny In tbo saUIO { llncc-ndlauapolis News. I I Part Durban's Rapid Growth. I .I'erl Durhan'a . rateahlo'aluo IA $ O , . 'OOO.t1tf.Slxy years ago It was n , Bmdswlldcrness : , with R smllil hlock. 'IOUSO in Its mldat , besieged by n , cu\Gtndo. \ ot noel's. , , , Pressed Peat for 'Fuel. I ' .1'110 cXllcrlencc glllne,1 , In the use of IprcHs ( ! ileaL ns Iucomotlvo fuel In lla\-rlrln \ , Austrln , Sweden nud Hussla ls ratel1 to ho very sIIUsfactor } ' . Crime In Lapland. Tn L' < tpland the crlmo which Js pun. fSl &a. most severely , next to' murder , is lll. ( ) marrylrlA' oC a girl IIgalnst the 'Cx "rcjoS wish oC her IHlrents , f ! L Rats Devour Bonds. "J..C : ; , have eat n 'c , OOO worth of. .tefrl'Al' bonds belonging to a Purls' Cllliplo. 'l'he hands were IWIIL In an I old , bnt box. :1aps Drink Much Water. t A t.lI n of water n da } ' Is .drunle I tJrO\'o.l7 Japnnoso who practices , as ' f1cmrt , 011 do , the g'JnullsUcs ImowQ m. ju..Jll.u , . , Grewsome Collection. I A. French professor Is the owner or "a oJl cllon oC 920 humnn hends , 'rep- roscn1 every Imowll race or peoille. J . Scarlet for Bachelor Maids. I 'WIlI..n an unmarried womnn dies In DJa'L'i'l o coffin , hearse and Ilvery of the c.nthmllll are all scarlet. , Cost of London's Paupers. E. , y ) 'car $ " ,000,000 Is spent on , tbo , fMd nnd clothing . oC Indoor pau , 11C ( ' b. London , I' ' The Good Old Tlmeo. ' \\'hoo Benjumln Frmll1ln : toole the ( ' ( Jtdh : from l'hllad ll > hln to New Yorl. he spenLfour days on the journey. tIo' tpUs''R ' that , as the old drlv r joggCd alQug , ho spent his tlmo ImIL. ' { Igg ; stocl < lngR. ' .fwo stage coaches ( \ 111c1ghl horses sufficQd , , fpr all the , co mo ; , e _ Uu\t wns carried. on be. . \\'cen 1I09lo11 and ow YOIlc , and In wlttJr ! Ulo'joul'ney"occupled . " a week.- SUccess : . " . . , I , . um , C anges Tribe. rtho. : liyam-N'ams , or tbo upper NUo \\IJ : ' . used. to lit ) a very lll\rmiess , . ullln.blQ peollle , whoso nmuAements I were to RlJlolw nnd hold nightly con. I I cl ! lg , Bul rifles and rum chnnged th 1t , nnnow' a Dritlsh e'xpedtUon Is m lln ! ; ' to punish them for shoollng at rltlsh " 11atrols , " though what BrlUsh' patrols I were doing In the Nj'ltm-Nyam cOl1ntr ' Is not explained. Value of System. A. w allhy merchanl remarlted the oth3r. ! day t.hat "his filter of success IUlll n wrapper marl < cd 'systcm. " Anlt be declared that both these who soht foo't1R to him ami these who bought of hint were au Impressed with his show o system 'thal the confillenco ema. uating thererrom was n big capital In lle lL-Success. Especlnlly for Women. Champion , 1\1lch" Jnn , 9th-Spe- clal-A case QC especlul Interest to womau Is thaC.of Mrs. A. Wellall , wJo of 1well 'lmown photographer here. " 'Ill'ls bes't eiven in her own wrrdQ . " -I c uld nol sleep , my roet. were cold and my Umbs cramped , " Mr'3. 'Venat : . states. "I hall an wrul hnrll Ilnht across my , Iddnoys. [ had to got UI1 three or rour limes In the nlehl. J wns'ory nervous and { earCully des. lIondlml , 11 [ ' had bden trOblClt In ults way tor "a } 'ears when I commonced' to uSQ , Dodd'a Kldno ) ' Pills , ami what thQY cllusod to come Crom m ) ' Itldney'l wlU bardly Btand doscrlIlUon , "D ' the limo 1 had finished ono box ( It Dodd's. ' Kidney Pills [ was cured Now r cnn sleep well , 'my limbs do not cramp , [ do nol get up In U1A night nM [ fool better 1I1Ilu I have In yenrs , [ ewe my hoaUh to Dodd's lhlney Pills. " Wemon's Ills are caused by IJ1s. .eIUjCl Kltlneys ; that's why Dodd' " .Kul iey' pIIls , alwaY I pure them. Ho who stops to help n tottering "rot11er over Ule rough places arrlvos qulQkor than ho who rushes headlong dOw" lho Inno of lICo. ABV'S TERRIBLE SORE - Sod'y Raw With Humol'-Caused Un. t ld Agony-Doctor Did No Good -dutlcura Cured at Once. y child Wn.j a very delicate bn.by. wfrlblo sera and humor t roke out .on Uhl body , looltlng 11Im r.T Oesh , < < wt causing the child untold agony , { : P:1trp'lpJ1\n : { > r scrlbcd , rl1us ! rem. ' ed'rcsnone ' r which hClpe l atfnU. I icC1111i1Q discouraged aUlI took the ma.t ter ht.o my own hantllr , and trlod CuU cura Soap nod OuUcura Ointment wl J\lmost ImmOllmto SUcceRS. De- fore UIO second week hnd passed thl' 80reneSIJ wns gone , not leaving 0. tracl' or actrthlng. Me's. JCl\nnQtto II , DIock 281 Rosodale S , llocl1eoter , N. 'Y. " ll te a vracUco or doing 110mB 11.11 ef. Wadn s ; eyery day unUt tb babi1 OR ) "ou and .tay _ with J'O\ & . \ n c , . . . ' . . . . . " HOW SEA F' GHTING FORCES OF THE NATIONS COMPARE - . , INC&LAtm lO4.fOO tf. , I03.180 IW5SIA 112,7"0 GER'fJ\.NYIOJ,976 . ' & 1 J 1ft .NCJ.8eoo I I I TOJ/NAGV / OF , ATTLE : } iIP N W DVltDING , . . . . . . , . . PARIS RESUMJS OLD GLORY. Session of North Sea Tribunal Re. vives Diplomatic Prestige. 'flte trlhunnl which Is dealing with the contruvers } ' relntlng to Hussl's clnlt1ng oC Eng1lsh fishing Cl'art In the North sea hns just ollened nt the French cnilltal , P.1I'1s Is resuming Its old glor } ' as the world'lJ p01lllcni cen- ter. It was al Paris that the reprc. sentatl\'os of the United Stutes and 811,111 met to sellIe the Issues grow. Ing out of the war of 1898 , It seemed just as npllrollrlato a place for the United States and Spain to moet In thal juncluro as It did In 1856 for Bngland , Hussla , Pruasla , Austrln , 'l'url < cy nnd the rest of the European powers to deal with the Issues grow. InA' out of the Crlmean wnr , IL was at 0. congress al Pl1\'ls \ In 1783 lhat England recognized United States independence - dependence , 'fwer.ty : rears earllcr a treaty oC Paris brought the se\'cn years' wnr to nil end , Detween 17G3 nnl 190,1 moro Important Internatlon. al gatherings hnve been held at Paris Utan In al1 the resl of the world's cap- ltals-Sl. Louis Glebe Democral. TO TH E LAND OF THE FREE. Table of Immigration Shows Arrival of MIllions. A. . recentlr pUblish ell ta lo shows thal from 1821 to 1903 ( both inclusive ) the total num er or hnmlgrnnts wns : nJ6 : ,723 , of Whom JJuropo : furnished . )3 per cent. Of 1IIo total Immigration - tion .Into . the Unted , States durIng elghty-fivo ) 'eal'S German ) ' and the United Kingdom furnished G per cent , as fol1ows : Germany , 24 per cent ; reland , 19 per cpnt , and Englnnd , Scot. land 11\111 \ Wales 13 per cent. During the same period , Austrla-Huugar } ' , Haly and Russia nnd Poland furnished 21 Iler cent , a9 f01l0ws : Austrla-lIun- gary , 7 per cent ; Haly , 8 per cent , anll Ruslsa and Poland , G ler cenl. 'or lho lolal Immlgrnflon In 1903 , Gor- manr and the United Kingdom fur. IIlshed only 12 per cent , wItHo ustrJaI I : Hungar } . Italy nnd Russin and Poland furnished 68 per cenl. NEW COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. - Charles P. Neill Soon to Succeed Carroll - roll D. Wright. On Feb , 1 Charles P. Nem will suc- cecIl Carrol1 D. Wright as commls. slonor of laoor. Mr. Neill hns ne- qulrcd a reputation as a staUsUclan I I " 'I / ' c'fM5. R A2Yll ! lnd has the confidence or laboring mon as well as the admllllstratlOn , Mr. t\olll's homo Is at the cnpltal. 110 Is thorough I } ' famlllar with the work : If the bureau. Tuberculosis Infection. Tuberculosw Is a house Infection. Wo don't I1lck It up on the sq-eots ns wo may pneumonia or smallpox : wo never Inhorlt. It ; seldom Is It contract. ed from diseased ml1lt or moat. Occa. slonal contnct with 0. consumptlvo en. dangers no ono ; lho dlseaso Is not cont.ulous In thnt sonso. Dut every house In which an Ignorant or careless - loss consumpUv has lived nnd coughed up the deadly bacl1ll ; every close and foulalred worl < room In wblch ho has Inbored ' ) ecomes a 110ril to these who 11\0 o. work with him or follow after 11lm.-1\1cOluro' " Rnllroador to Take HID' Office. Isaac Thmnna ParltOr , wt , will Boon bo Inductoa 1I1to office as lieutenant go\'ornor ot Delaware , Is conductor of n passenger tmln rUllnlng between Phlladolphln. and Delmar , Del. 110 Is alroudy qunrtermaster general on the I starr of the present governor , but Ulls Is the first electlvo office of Import. nnco to which. ho hns been chosen. Mr. PurImI' has no Idea of resigninG his { 1Osltlon on lbo Penns'lv .nla raU , read , but declares that as BOOn as UIO legislature adjourns he will be found on hla run IUS usuaL - - - - COOLIES IN SOUTH AFRICA. World W < llting to Sce How Experl. ment Turns Out. Not much hn.s been Jluhllshelt of Into concerning the employment of coollos In the South African mines , Presume ably It did not provo :1. telling cause In Eng1lsh 11I1rllamenlnry eloctlous , nnd 0101'0 seelns to 1.10 a general Ceel. Ing that , now that the coolies hn.vo ( 'en Imported , people ohould wnlt nnd see how the experlmenL tnrns out before - fore lllulcJng Cnrthmallnels on it. Up to the 1st oC December more thau 19 300 Chlncso hud been landed In South Africa for worlt 1n the mines , The last shlpmont was of 2,2'ID , 2,238 llelng Innded , the remaining eleven having died on the vo'age , 'fhat would ap , pear to be a very large percenlago of loss for coolies who ILl'e al1 careful1y inspected heCoro their shipment , and who are 0.11 men ill the 1)\'lmo ) \ of lIlo , Some of the tramp steamers thut have been engaged In this worlc , while conlrol1ed by eertain govenlment reg. ulatlons concerning the carryIng of the coolies , must have , In bad weather - er , presented a scene below decls that was somewhat reminiscent of the old dn's of lhe middle passage.-Doston Herald. IN AND OUT OF CABINET. Sensations of Members Well Described by Scnator Foster. Poslmn.ster General Wynne , who used to bo a newspaper man In Wash. .lngton , bears his honors with become Ing dignity , but docs not In any WILY foci uppish over his advancement. The president ono day asked him : "How does Il feel to attend a cabinet meellng nfter hn.vln spent so much tlmo on the oulsido tl'j'lng to find out what occurred at similar gatherings ? " "Oh , it Is not so much lJOw he feels , " said Secretary Wilson , "as how Ule resl or us Ceel. " Wynno has Irish I blood In his veins anlt ready wit n.t the tip of his tongne , Ho came bacIe [ In this { ashlon : "That reminds mo ofvhat Sc-creln.ry Foster said when ho toole charge of the treasury do- parlmont. I was his private secre- tnry. Ono day ho remarked to mo : 'W'nno , when I first came to Wash. Ington as member of the rnblnol I gazed In awe at the distinguished men who were my col1eagueR and won. derod how I got there , After I had been In the cabnlct three monthR t wondered bow my colleagues got ' ) ) th ore. GEr FOOD TO PORT ARTHUR. How Chinese Junks Successfully Elude Blockrlders. The medium-sized northern Chinese junl < s mal < o first-class bloclmde run. nors. They are buill very low In the water , with the docl.s almost awash wben loaded , so that only the bow : md stem rlso nollceably above the wn.ter line , The ) ' nre strong , fiat-bot. tomed and of unpainted , dirty wood , with no bright colors nbout them , Pro. pelled by from ten to twenty oarsmen , If the salls fall , they lIde through tbo water with no noise or smolte , and nro very dlfilcuU of detection , Dodging along the shore and among the' nu. merous Islets , whIch extend from the Shnn-Tung penlmmla nctoss the mouth of Po-Chce-Leo gulf , they closely - ly resemble UIl1 low , brown rocks and during the pasl months hundreds of them have emded the Japanese watchers and cnrrled tons of fresh provlllons and vegetailles to the beleaguered - leaguered Port Arthur garrison , , Simple Home of Rockefellers , In Mr. Rocl\Cteller's home In New York muo effort is mailo at preten. tlousnoss. There are no elovl\tors , no olabornlo system or electric bens , no rrlUs about nnythlng , Mrs , Rockefeller - fellor lab rlously clhnbs the stairs rather lhan have an elevn.tor put In. Simplicity nnd economy sound tbo ! < cynote. Mrs , Rockereller's kitchen In her New York houRe would bo con. 8h'ered extremely oldfashioned by th standard of her rich nelghborfl. e . does not care much { or the pleas. ures ot lhe table. Plain cooking HUltS her besl. Her husband , of course , Is most careful oC his diet. The list or dlshos he is obUged lo I > 11SS unnoUeed would make a very large bill of Care. Mean Fling at Senator Depew. Senator Depow saya that. the meanest - est remark ho ever hearlt about him. selt came from a passenger on a sightseeing - seeing nutomobllo In Washington The automobile was going past the , sonator's house In } [ street. "Th1t ! tree In the yard , ladles and genU& > men , " said tbo megaphone man , "was planted by Senator Depew hlmselt aJ. . most six ) 'ears ago , " "Say , " I1lped UI1 n passenger on the baclt Bcat. loud I enough to be heard by the senator .nd I hlB wlte , who were standing In froni of the bouse. 1011 [ bllt h , ' . a chealnut. " . . QUEER LITTLE ! ; EA : MOUSE , Remarkable In the Lower D.'lnches of Organic Life. A Cow days ago , \\1len they brought mo a 11no speclmon , nhollt fOllr IncJ.les long , or that strange crcnturo the sca mouse , dredged from the sl\ndy bal. torn of Locb R'nn , I beA'an to speclI' late darl < ly IIllon the significance of the generic name Aphl'Odltn , bestowed upon this lowl } ' Invcrtebrate h } ' Lam. nraclc. } < 'or It Is no mouse , but a worm , helonglllA' to the clnsR Anne- lida , nnlmnla which , being stl1l In II . prlmltlyo stage of dovclol1mcnt , enjo } ' the envluhlo 1ll'Ivl1ose of helng ahle to rOl11aco nny organ , even a 11Oall , oC which they may be bereft by a cldcnt or assault. At first sight no living creature Is less suggestive oC the goddess of love , Its general outllno belnA' that of a gl- san tie wood 10uso anll Its structure hut an oblonA' mass of Integument and \'Iscere. Yet on sccond thought. It appears nol Inappropriate I } ' tel'med Ahllrodlta , born of the sea foam-am- phl'os-and , If bcauty of form bo denied - nied to It , compensutlon Is mn c by an oxtraordlnary loveliness of color. 'fho br'alhlng aPPD.ratus , consisting or externul brnnchlae lIIw sl1lcy bristles - tles arranged nIl along the sides of the nnlmal , shlno with a luster ns dell- cato as and moro brllllanl thnn n Illgeon's ueclc.-Pa1l 1\Iall Gazette. LIFE PROLONGED BY SUCCESS. Victory Over World Means New Vltnl- Ity and New Powers. It Is new well Imown that Increased complexity of lIfo with Increased ox- 11endlturo distinctly ndds longevlt } ' . Luxul'j' , "the { ertllo 'parenl of a whole famll } ' of diseases , " modifies It grcatly , of course , but this Is u manageable factor. Wo 1la\'e only to reca11 peraonal experience - perience to reallzo the force or intellectual - lectual stimulation. 'fho interesl of sport \vUl sustain mon without { atlguo for distances lhoy otherwIse could not traverso. The excitement of strife will often masl < the presence of wounds. Self-forsetfulness In 0.11 the wall < s of life , under the stress of love , chivalry or accepted duty , doubles human - man onduranco. Success gives neW vI. tallty , new powers , nnd this Is another name { or now life. Women's Duplicate Shoes. A most curious trade has sprung up lately which IHustrates quaintly the pet vanity of woman. It appears that women when staying at. hotels or the lIIw do not care to exhibit to the passers along the corridors the exacl slzo of their feet , so they carerull ) ' carry with thorn 3. couple of pairs of tiny , delicate sboes , which , instead or the ones they are wearIng , they place outside their doors for the servants to luke down and clean , All the big bool shops In Paris now make n apeclnlty of this tiny footgear , and a pair or two form 0. porUon of the trousseau of every up-to-date bride , MadrId women - en are said to hn.vo tlJe smallest feet ; Peruvian women como next and the American girls are n good third. Prowling African Hyenas , "It Is not an uncommon thing , " sa 's a man who has hunted In Central Af. ricn. , "to meet a natlvo with half his fnce missing and when you ask him IIOW It happened ho will tell you that a h'ena snapped aL him whllo ho was asleep. It Is marvelons how they recover - cover { rom such wounds , as the teeth of the animal must be poisonous , and the natives have no antiseptics nnd n. very crude way of treating wounds , When a 'fisl , ' as the natives ca11 It. ( 'ames r.ound tbo camp howling , the 'boys' sbout 0.11 sorts of vllo names at him. Dut very often the anlmnl malrcs no nolso whatever and nol tIU next morning la the loss of something dIs- covered. " Oh , Beautiful , My Country. "Oh , DcautUul , my country ! " Bo thlno n noblcr care Than all thy weulth of commerc _ , ' .1'hY harvests wavlnJ ; fa/ri / Do It the prIde to lift up 'rhe manhooo of the poori Do then to UIO opprcssed l' all' freedom's Ollon door ! 1'01' thee our fathert ! sulfcred : For thee they tolled and pmYfld ; Upon thy holy nllar 'l'heh' willing lives they lnld , Thou hast no common blrthrlJht' ; Grund memories on thee shine ; The ] lIlood of lll1grlm natlonH Commingled 110w9 In thine. "Oh , Dcautllul , our counlryl 'Hound thee In 10\0 we draw ; 'rhino III the IraCe ot freedom , 'rho majeHty of law , Do righteousness thy scepter , Justice thy diadem ; And In thy shlnhlJ ; forehead Da pence the crown/lll / ; gom. -Doerner. One Step to Advancement. Father O'Gorman , of Gnnanoquo , on the banl < s of the St. Lawrence ' Is u Itoen judso of horses and \ dogs , never failing to have at least one Irish set. ter at every bench show In Now Yorlt city. At the recent oxhlbltlon there his enlry won the first prize , on hear. Ing of which n friend said to him : "I suppose they wUl maleo } 'OU n bishop now. " Fnthor O'Gormnn , who is cot at all averse to n joke on himself , answered , readily : "My dear sir , If I know ns much aboul theology ss I do about Irish setters I'd be n cardinal this mlnuto , " Mistaken Attention. "Mon make a mistake , says 0. lady , "in mnklng such a fuss over middle- ased women. 'roo ) ' don't want to be watted on. They want people to think they nro just as young as tbey over were , and lhoy resenl It wben a man tries lo help them got arout.d , If } 'OU want to Iteop good frlenrls with a Indy whoso hall' Is just boglnnlnc to turn I gray , don't take her arm every tlmo Bho steps err a threflnch curb or oC. fer hf your suat In atreet car to rldo . . couple ot blonks.Dl'trolt , 'rTtbuna. , . , . - . HYENA KNFW ITS FRIEND , - - - Apparently Vicioull Creature Had Memory for Kindness. A few ) 'ears ago In one of the men. I\Aerlcs exhlhltell during the races al Brighton , England , was a striped h'clla , which , to tbo Iteeper and all around him , dlsllll1)'e,1 , the usual fero- cluus hahlts Inheronlln anlmnla of his I < lnll. Among the Rpectalors was 0. young mnn who fearlessly approached the don whel'o It wus snnr1lns nnd snapping furlouul } ' , aud , pulling his hand through the wires , palled the animal on Its head. In an Inatnnt the hyena gave B'mp' toms or the preat ; st delight , bounded about In an ccstac ) ' oC joy and ruhbed hltnRol fagalnst the ) 'oung mnn's hand , seeming to ho overjo'ed nl his cn. ' reSRes , It appenred that this al1lmal had been tal\Cn when n cub by this yonn ; ; man and brought 11y nltn to Englund nnd sold to the leepcl' ; of a menagerie , aUll although seven yenrs hllll elapsed slnco then the recollec. tlon oC the gentle treatment ho had rlce\'e,1 ! , had been gratefullremem. . bered by this apparentl } ' untamable creature. ONE SECRET OF SUCCES The Faculty of Keeping Friends an 1m. mense Factor. The facutt } ' of ltceplng friends Is the secret of snccess of many men , says Madame , It's nol enough to bo n.blo to malto thorn. H Is a compara. tlvely eas ' matter to win regard nnd favor with 1Ileaslng extorlor nnd even the frameworl < of 0. well-stored mind. Yes , It Is easy to win friends , hut to hold them-"there's the rub , " A real friendship and the only idnd worthy of struggle and si1crlfico Is a priceless possession , and he Is rich Indeed who can count his { rlends on the fingers of one hand , It Is custom. nry , however , to speak lightly 01 frIendship nnd to refer to another as a frJend when nn acquaintance Is meant. People who rlso to power and Innu ence are usually these who ha\'o retained - tained their friends , They are "tho same ) 'esterday , to'day nnd tomorrow row , " and prosperity does not change thom. The friends of long ago arc theirs for a'e. Englged , Englged ! Who would ever ha"c thought It ! It happened so sudden , 'ou see , 1 wOllllcr , when could he have bought It- And how did he know 't would lit me ! And how dIll he dare to embrace me , And call me his "durling , " nnd Bess ! lIe can't ha\'o the nerve now to faCQ me ! I'm sura that I didn't sa ) ' " ) 'es , " Last night , wh ) ' . I hndn't n notion 'i'hnt that' wns the reason he came- Tho' he was , \'owell Ihe girls , nil dovotlon , And we hall lots of tun with his name , And to' thlnlc that mumma , Hhe tUS- lectcd , And snt up so late , In undreRs , To whisper that " \10 one objected ! " I'm suru th t 1 didn't say " ) 'es. " 'Twas right In t'he ml st of the weather . lIe actcd so funny and quee. : I waM scare -just wo two there to. gether- An pl'l1)'e some one else would ap. peal' , And first thing I lI1ow , like n nlnn ) ' I was tight In his arms , nothing less ! And he was nll Rhlnlng and grlnnr- I'm surD thut 1 nevcr Hal " ) 'e8 , It's n. benuhn regular beauty ! And set 'wIth such exqulslto taste ! 1 suppose-I Impposo 't Is my duty To send and return It In haste , 1 can't give It up-It's worth double 'rho ones worn by Helen and Jess , And 1 can't give him up , morc's the trouble ! Dut I'm sure that I never said " 'es , " -Puck. Acknowledging Presents. Every girl should consider It her duty to aclmowledge her wedding presents at once , and her pleasure to make these notes as personal and np , preclatlvo as possible , says the Phil. adelphln Press. Mention the name ot the gift , so that your friend will see that 'ou really Imow what she sent ) 'ou , and will not feel thal It meant no moro to you than "one of many _ " If you haven't had tlmo to aclnowl , edge all rour presents beforehand lceep n lIsl of them , nnd have your mother write these friends that her dn.ughter wIH take pleasure In thank Ing them as S < Ion as she returns from her wedding trIp. " I Regained Appetite by Reading. There was on co 0. man who had lost his appetite , Ho regained Il by the simple meUlOd or reading n. challter of Dlol < ons before dinner every day. Sometlmcs ho would read about.tbe Christmas dinner of the Crummels , and ngaln ho , would read aboul another - other character's qnjoyment of bUller , cd toast ; but nlwors the chapter would ho U1On something good to cat. 7ho very thougM of how others enjoy. . . their food would awal < o In this hypochondriac II. hunger thal made his dinner a pleasure Instea of 0. tor. turo. Willing to Pay for His Drink. One night not locg ago Archlo got very thirsty , nnd , turning o\'er In his bed , poked his mother and said , "Mamma , elmmo 0. drink or water. " His mother told blm to eo to sleep. In nnother five mlnules ho again nsl < od for a slass of water. This time his mother said to him , "It I set up I'll only give ) 'OU 0. good spanking , " To whlcb Archlo replied , "Will yon glvo me the glass of wate ! when y u get up to glvo mo the spnnltlng'l" Queer Love Potions. A womnn who has been arrested In Dcrlln Cor fortune-tomDg Is said to bo skilled In the preparation ot love po- tions. Accordln to her recipes a r nulated substance must be brewed with parchments contnlnlng charms , and thCl concoction must be worn sov. en da's on the breast. Equnl1y offoo- tI\'o are three hairs ot the loved ono 'nl ! throe drops of the lovor's own hl'nd c' n s1lce of qnlnC'e , This must ho enten wnen 111 moon IS ful ( lnd with ono' oyc IIll'nr1l1flxod on tll f I Imlnnry - . . ' . ) . , t. . . . . . . . " t ' I ALL DONE - o . - I' Veteran Joshua lIeU or , of T08 fto'IItli : I Walnut Itreet , Urbana , 111" says : "II' : ( , I the fan of 1899 , n.tter taltlng Doan' . a Kldne , . Pl11s I told the read en or this paper that they had rellevod me of kid. noy trouble , dls. lIosed of a. lame back with pain ucrOBS my loins and beneath the shoul. del' blades. During I the Interval which has elapsed I hnvo had occasion to re- I > ort to Doan's Kid. noy Pl11s when I noUced warnings , , I I . i tf- ; ) f an atlacl < . On el\ch and every oO' : aslon the results obtaIned WeTO Just as satisfactory a'S when the pills \Vcra Orst brought to my noUco. I just as I emphnlcally ! endorse the preparatloD J to-day ns I did over lwo yen.rs ago , " 1 : Foster-1\lUburn Co" Duffalo , N , Y. , \ > roprJotors. For sale by all drug lst. . price 60 cents per. box , : Raw Food In the North. ' The eating of raw fish Is bY , nCl J means confined to the gsquhnaux , ( "n Fairly well smol < ed salmon , cod' and trout eaten Ind1ans Bnd 11 I are raw by ' Canadians alll < e , and are bolh pa1ata. 1 . : I blo and easily digested when cut wltb I sbarp nUo Into the thinnest po&I I sibio s1lces , much as old woolsmeJ > " IIko lo shave oft UIO chlpplugs of a 1 well smoked but. nncooked caribou hn I I A Rare Coed Thing. "Am uswg ALLEN'S FOO'-EASE , and can truly say I would not have been wltl1pu' " 'I it so long , had I known the relict it w uld give my aching tect , I think it rara food : Ij thing for anyone having sore or tired ( 4t- J . . , j Mrs , Matlld. . . lIoltwert , Providence , LN Sold y all Druggists , 2 c. .4sk to-dIl1l , , f Practical Scotty. j I "Positively the worst struggle I 'ever t , ltad In the water , " said the ) 'oung man who had been nt sea , "was ono night ' I trying to save n man with 11 woollen j leg , " "Man , " said an old Scotahman , I who was IIslenlnb' "U ye had ! ; 9t a t ( bit of rope ye could hao Bavcd tbe J man quIcker wi' it than ye could dae wi' ton wldden legs. " J Embezzler Boiled to Death. I In 1890 the last Instance of boUlns \ lo death toole place In Persia. ' 1'h. offender , gullly of stealing state rev. f ( 'nues , was put Into a larso calm-on at cold water , which wns slowly boat. cd to the boiling point. His bone ! were distributed , as a warnln& o.m'onl . the provincial tax collectors. When Your Grocer Says he does not hllvo Defiance Starcll , 70U may be sure ho Is afraid to k cp 1t un. tll his stadt of 12 oz , packages tno sold , Defillnce Starch Is not only bet. tel' than any other CollI Water St"rchj but contn.lns 16 oz , to the package RnQ uUs tor snmo money as 12 oz. briUlds. \ Siamese Must Pay Debts. Debtors In Slam , when three mdnthl In arrears , can bo seized by the credo Itors nnd compelled to work out their Indebtedncss. Should 1\ debtor run away , bls father , his" Ire or hit ! cbll. dren may bo held In slavery untIl the debt. Is cancoled. - Many who tormerly smoked 100 c now sD10ke Lewis' "SIngle Binder" stralgh' 50 elgar _ The best combination of hO'bea' tobaccos. Le\vis' Factory , Peoria , I1t. "Not Found. " A letter arrived at the New York postoffice the oUler day bearlns the , following address : "To Any Respect. ' able La.w 'er , New York City , > > kw Yorlc. " The carrier Into whoso ba.1id. It fell for delivery returned It marked \n \ blue pencil , "Not found. " . I - , A GUARAN'l'lmn ( JURE FOR I'ILE& [ tcblnJ ; , Dllnd , Dlecdlng 01' l'rutrudtnl ( Pile. . Yoq ruIGI.t will refund lIIonu ) ' If I' AZO OIN1'1Gi'l Calla to our. JOu In 6 to 14 tlaYI. We. - - - . . I World'lJ Unexplored Reglon"'I 'I Outside the polar reglona there , . . mains unexplored , It Is estlmo.ted . , about one-fitlloth or the land surface "r the globe. Futeen years ago the I unknown portions were about n. . eighth ot the earth's tolal. " I 11m RUn. Plso's Cure for ConsumpUo BI\ve4 my Ute thNe yellrs IIgo.-Mns , T110S. Ronnm. . Mllplo StrO'lt , Norwich , N. Y. , I cb. l'i'.l900. I To Kill Germs In Water. It Is nLt always convenient to sterl- IIzo wat6'r , and boiling makes It tast&- less. In cases where germs are to bo destruyed , tour drops of tincture of lodlno ID a bnlf gallon of wnter , left to stand for n half hour , rend ell th , water barmless. Last year the Sure Hatch Incubator Co , ot Clay Centre , Neb" shipped 600 Incubato1's to Germany and 8oveJl\l thousand to Australia. South AfrEca and Sou.b AmerIca. J ( . I Virtue and Vice. J We pRS8 for what we aro. Ch acter tel'chea us above our wmS. MeJI Imagine that they communlcato tbeir virtue Oil' vlco only by overactton. and do not 5eo that vlrtuo or vice cimit a brealh "very moment.-Wo.ldo Em , son. Few Suicides In Japan. I Notwithstanding the honor In 'Whtcll I harakiri III held In Japan , the proPOI' tlon 01 sulclde8 there III comparattve11 t 1 Jow-177 a million , to 246 In France. 238 In Demark , 233 In Swluerlancl and 205 In German , . . Have No Uu for Pocket. . We ordered a now pair at troUII8rI the other day and when we cot lhelll they were wIthout poekeLa. When WI kicked the tanor told ua he alway , made newlpaper men' , paata that W&7Saur Clnter Hera14. . I .