Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 19, 1905, Image 4

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    " ( " ' . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . r n' _ .
OJu tcr o. 1epubUcau
- - - - - - - - - - -
, l'ubllllhu" eery ThllUdllY ut Lbl ! Connt7 HMt.
. . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
D. JU. A IHmmltr. - - Editor
- - - - - . - - - . . . . _ .
Hnt-lrt'd nt the po totlCO lit IholulII 1101'1 , Nob. ,
.1 lnooll-"IMI matLor tor trf\n mlplllon throullb
. the U. S. Mnlll. . . _ _ . _ - . _ . . . _ . -4
One YII' ' " tn&d'lIheo - . . . - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51,00 - . -
" _ ' rc tn OOIl' . r 1Il0dr. . Fourth A'e. '
. .
- - - -
Onn colomn. ! r mOnth , 7 00. Onc.hlllt col-
aDn.or mOhth. t 00 QUllrLer column , pc3r
lIIonth , .W Lop II thlln qUAter colnmn. r.o
oentll pnr Inch par month ,
. Oardl on ttrllt Vago. tIO contI tier Inob , pu
montb . Loonl oliverUplng fI con'lI per IIno f1Ich In.or.
\Ion ,
Notle. ot rhureh f"Irl , poclabloll nnd IInlorllllo.
menta wbero money III cbnrltcd one.hnlt rllIM. ,
, Roelot , flolleo. IIncl runlotioDII , on halt rowe.
Wcdf1lng r otloos ( roe. bill ! prlu ror lIobllrhlng
list ot (1rclIIll . .
DoM" 00110011 tree , h It plt. . . ter pObllrhlog
o nnluT no\lcollIlIll cllf.1A . ot thanke.
u > gal notiCe" at rut'.o l'rovltlcd b7 .Iatotca of
- Thursday , January 19 , 1905 :
J. T. O'Keefe of the Alliance .
Herald has sold the Hernld to W. .
S. Rultcr of Gretna , Nebraska"
Mr. Ralter assumed control of the
pnpet last week. Mr. Raker in'l
, his salutatory statcs the paper
-vvi111be rcpublican ,
. .
We note' from the Oldahoma ;
. Capital published at Guth ie ,
Okl homa , that J. P. Gandy
formerly of this city has secured
the position of speaker protem ,
in the organization of the house.
, Mr. Ga dy's picture occupies a
position on the front pagc of the
, paper along side of thc speaker ,
J. P. Norton. Frank G. Prouty
was clected temporary chairman
of thc house. Whether this
Frank Prouty is an old class mate
of ye scribe in the Central University -
sity , we do not know.
- -
' . Hate LegIslatures' Exlr \ ' anCl' .
C , O. Whedon of Lincoln , read
a paper beforc UIC State Historical -
cal Society on the 11th inst , on
rimlnal extravagance in legisla-
tivc expenses , showing that the
cause of the large state debt was
brought about by excessive appropriations -
propriations by the legislatures.
He shows that up to 1887 , the
expenses of the legislature had
110t exceeded $85,000 , but in 1888
it jumped up to $185,000. 'l'he
monnt paid to members of the
legislature was the saUle as in
prc\'ious yeaTs $10.434 . , while the
money paid to the officers and
mployes of the senate was $24-
966 ; postagc , S4,46 I.
In 1895 , twenty , members of
the senate nnder the designation
of v siLing committee , drew from
U\C treasurer $2,335 , an average
of more than $116.00 each in excess -
cess of their salary and mileage.
In his paper he says :
"The constitution fixes the
compensation of mem1Jers of the
legislature at S5 per day , and
mileage at the rate of ten cents
per mile for each mile traveled ,
going and coming , and expressly
prohibits their reeiving : : any pa
or perquisites other than their
s lary and mileage. Regardless
of this provision of tbe supreme
law , of the land , in lS95 twenty
members of the senate , under the
(1esignationof 'visiting committee
of. . the senate , ' drew trom t e
tr isury 412,335' , an average of
more than $116 each , in etcess of
salary and mileage. 'l'he precedent -
cedent establisbed in 1895 of in-
cr asiug the compensation of
members beyond the constitntion-
at'limit by allowances from the
tr asury under the designation' of
'visiting committees' appears
since tothave been quite popular.
'During the legislative session
oC 1891 , to certain proposed : ct-
ion its was objected that itVas :
prohibited by the constitution.
rhis objection was met by the
terse remark os Representative
Schrader 'Damn the
, constitu-
tion. ' He might have as consistently -
tently added , 'Damn the official
oath. ' How far short of expressing -
sing the contempt in which the
the constitution is held by the
legislative department of the
state did the frank remark 01
F. W. HAYES , !
Jeweler and O > > tician 1
, 4
West Side Square , !
Broken Bow , j
I .
, I
. . 9 I
. ,
.4 .
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
quiets tlcklln throats , hack-
hlZ ( coughs , pniJl in the lungs.
It relieves congestion , sub-
dues inflammation , It heals ,
strengthens , Your doctor wfll
explain this to you. He knows !
all about this coulth medicine. I
. . Wo IlIIvn use.1 . vot' . Cherry roetont III
our fotlnll , fnr 2. ' i > nrCor thro\t : I\nll luolt
nlublo"111111 we th'"k ' uo II1Mlclno CIllIAh It.
III' . A. l'OMIIIOArrletoo , bllun ,
. , . . . . . . . . .
c. lJc. 1.l14) ) .f. c. A Tlln 00.
All ' ) fl1l1'l"I. . I.owell. MIU. .
. - -I. rp _ for _ . r
Weak Throats
I Ayer's Pills greatly aid rocovory.
Purely vGl&otnlJle , aantly latntlvo. : ,
Represen ta ti ve Schradar'come ?
" ' .rbe statute of the state fixes
the compensation .of the secrc-
tary of the enate , the chief. . clerk
of the house , and each assistant
clerk at $4 per day day. The
members of the twenty-third session -
sion drew pay for sixty days.
For the saUle session the secretaries -
taries and assistants would have
been entitled to $240 each. The
secretary drew $568 , second assis-
tarlt S564. .rhe chief clerk and
three assistants drew $600 apiece ,
and another assistant $500. In
1897 the expense of conducting
the offices of secretary of the senate -
ate tor the legal sixty davs' session -
sion was $2,661 , or $44.35 p r
day. 'The' average daily pay of
all employes , , including pages ,
who are limited to $1.50 , was
M.42 per day.
" 'l'his is one instance of the
extravance which led to the
appropnation for legislative expenses -
penses from 1887 to 1903 , inclu-
! 1ive , oC the enormous sum of
"In 1898 , the auditor in his
report to the governor stated that
the amount of claims on file in I
his office I
aggregated S12,370
The legislature , which convened
about a month latter appropriated -
ed in payment of miscellaneous
claims $1.26,516. In 1900 , claims
rcporteel $26,605 ; amount appropriated -
priated , $182,835. In 1902 , no
mention of claims by auditor except -
cept $32,000 wolf bounties ;
amount appropriated , 5182.899.
"Here we have three reports
from the office of the general
accountant of the state showing
claims on file in his office amounting -
ing to 570,976. The three iegis-
latures following these reports
appropriated S602,152 , or more
than half a million dollars in excess -
cess of the claims reported. "
The present legislature is
starting out well and we hope it
may continue on an economical
uurll"Jt on Bulletin.
Winter tourist rates to Californiu , the
Gulf Country , Cuba , 1110rida , the tml1t11
and south cast.
Low one wlty settlers rate : ! fir' lllnd
third Tuesdays of Jauuar ) ' , February ;
March and April to southeast 1 > olull > bc.
yond the Ohio river.
Honll scckers rates on the finl und
third Tuesdays of cach month to points
south and southcnat.
In the Big Horn Uasin , North PlaUe
Valley and Eastcrn Colorado se\'eral bIg
irrigation enterprises are practically cori ! .
pletcd and will be prepared to deliver
water this year. They are offering > > pecial
induccmcnts in thc way of low priced
lands and water rights to carly settlers.
nuy land now-ah ad of the water-aud
reap the big increase in value which will
sur ly follow. It is the best iuvcstment
in the world for your son if you want him
to start out right. In a fcw ) 'carll he , , ; 11
be indepcndentl ) . wealthy.
Write me for reliable information.
L. W. W.uc.ItIV ,
Gcneral Pa911enger Agcnt.
3t.33 Omaha , Ncbraska ,
UI'Jree or HOllor.
The Degree of Honor installed the
following officers at their regular meet.
Ing 1.'uesl1ay night. Mrs. J. A. l1'arrell ,
Chief of Houorj Mrs. Gco. Gl1Iin , Lad )
of 1I0nor ; Mrs. F. M. Rublee , Chief 01
Ceremoulesl\Irs. n. O. Hutton , Financier :
Miss Grace Douglas , Ushcri Mrs. D. 1\1. .
Amsberry , I. Wi EI1."fipton , O. Wi Mra. .
M. E. Douglas , Trustee and Mrs. Cad ,
well , Musiclau. Lunch was scrved netel
the seSBion adjounted.
Hnved FruIIi Terrible Denth ,
' 1'he family of Mrs , M. L. Bob.
bitt of Bargertou , 'l'enn. , aw he !
dying and were powerless to sav (
her. 'rbe mostski11ful physiciam
and ever ) ' remedy used , failed
while consumption was slowly bu :
surely taking her life. In thii
ternble hour Dr. KinJ's Nev
Discovery for Consumption turne (
' despair into joy. ' [ 'he first bottll
brought immediate relief and it :
continued use completely cure (
her. It's the most certain curl
in the world for all throat ane
lung troubles. Guaranteed bet
I tIes SOc and $1.00 , Trial bottle
free at Lee Bros , Drug StorQ.
- - - . , . . . . . " ' . . _ " . . , ' - " " ' ' ' ' '
" .
. , ,
I r Wt j 'W M : 1 f1
: SUIJCrvisors Proceedings. '
r : & ; $ : m ; l &n X & 2 ! n.'m :
I ' . . . . .KMII:1t1l : 0" TU : "OUIII. . . :
c ; . ; ; ! J T.AIITftUIi. lIrlel'L. ' " . , , ' . I !
4. 10' " . \ \ , 011 K WALT , ( ,1 11.111. 2
C { u II ' 1'lIom.g. Ilrok"11 II. . . . . . . II :1 : :
c"1 { .101 J.'IIN 1'1 ' ItII II I' , f'lllr . " , . . , . . I. 4
, I
C II , II IUIII'IKIIIMHII : ! ' , alll\'NII ) ' . r , :
c A. " 'OliliA Oconto. . . . . , . . . . . , . , " : <
: II. 1' . ) IOIIUlH , II\"n City. . . . tI 1 . ) .
: - J 3 'r\ \ . \ ; ' 2lif { : ii. L
IJroKOI1 Bow , Neb. , .Jun. 10 , HJ05.
Pllrou II t to tllo pro\'ision\ ! of See
tlOII No. 4.74 & ( ) thu compilcd stlL'
lUtes ( CohhuY'tI ) of the Statu of No.
hra8ka , ( or the yeur 1 U08 the County
BlJlttil IJE SUl'orviflof8 ' of Cu tor Coun.
ty , Ne raskl1 , met in regular 8esston
at. the court h0l180 in rolcoll Bow ,
nud at fOO ) : R. m. were old 1011 to or.
der by , be olerk.
The followinf { were preBont :
J. ' 1' , Artbur , Goo. Greenwalt , G.
H. Thorpe , .Totl.iI"eniDlore " , A. 11'01lda ,
nnd B. P. Morrie.
'l'emporary ot'JllniZl1liol1 ( : wae ef.
foctod by olcottn # { , T. 'I' . Arthur temporary -
porary chairman.
It wno moved aud earrietl that' tbe
chairman appoInt a oommittee of
three on orodentinlB nnd a committee
on permanent organization.
The cbair : appointed DS oommittee
ou oredont l\ls , SuporviBora Groen.
walt , Fenimore and Fondu , and
118 committee on permanent organ.
ization 8uporvisou Morrie , Thorpe
nnd Fenimore.
The committee on crodontialn 1'0'
portoell\lI follows :
We your committee on credentials
beg tll Dubmit the following report :
\V 0 have examined the records
and bond A of G. H. ' Thorpe , , J. T.
Arthur and . P. MorriB and find
that they are entitled to seats in this
honorable body.
lieo. Greenwalt ,
, Jos. Fenimoro ,
A. Fondll.
I t was moved and carried that tbe
report of tbe committee he acoepted
and adopted.
Mr. Fenimore introduoed the fol.
lowing reBolution 1t ( ! moved its
I\cloption :
WhereaB , it hatJ please ( ! the hand
of Providencd to remove by death ,
Mrs. H. , Schneringer , tbe beloved
wiCo of our brother member 0 ; tbis
board , tberefore , Be it
Heaolved , thnt we deeply sympa.
thizo with Bro. Schl1eriugor in hiB Bad
Idlliotion , 'l'hnt we extend to bim
our heart. felt sympatby , and oom-
mend to him tbe All Wiae Ruler for
comfort in hiB hour of trouble.
\Ve reoognize in tbo doatb uf Mrs.
, Schneringer tbe 10ls of IL true , loving
! Lnd faithful wife lLuci a fond mother.
' 1'hat the community in whioh ahe
H\'efl 10seK faJthful , earnest , chris.
tian worker and I kind neighbor and
tbat tbe county lit larRe laRes ono of
it moat estimable und respeetec1 oiti-
Be it furtber resolved , tha.t in reo
spect to our brother IUbrnbcr , II. B.
Sebneringar , we adjourn thie 8eB8ion
to :30 : a. m. tomorrow.
' 1'be lUotion to ILdopt the resolution
beinl { eeoonded and tbe vote taken
tbe ohairman declared the motion
o < \rried und the resolution I\clopted.-
, JlLnuary ] 1 , 190G.
'l'hu buard oonvoued at : OO 1111. .
All mombl'rK prePHnt. Minutes of
'estefhy ! ra" " , ! ! nnd l\1pro\.ud.
The , ontJllitte" 011 permanent or.
gl\l1izntiun fHporteel t\H follows :
\Vo rtWlIt1LOllil that the tempor.
I\r ) ' orgl\uiza tion ha made permanent.
11el1 P. Morris ,
O. H. Thorpe ,
.J08. II'enimoro.
It Wltli ltIo\'od Hud cnrriud that the
report he aO(1tptAlt nnd IIdopted.
Mo\'ellltUtl cltlLrriad that the boarel
tC\kti reCdS" 10 gi\'o the chairmnn I
.timn to tUak. . , "p hiM mlnmitr e8. :
ACtor reaf H the ( : hairmlLn UII'
nounoo(1 ( thu "ppointllumt of the fol.
lowing committtJo8 :
Firl ncJ cOl1\mitleu , Su porviRors
Groenwl\1t , Morris Itnd Artbur.
Bridge commiUoe , Bu p\r\'it\or8
Greonwalt , Morris Itn li'oncln ,
. . 0t11ciL1 ontl , Head alld l oacl
Clllimll oommittee , Superv llOra Foni.
more , Slmoringor ! nntl Tborpe.
Claims committee , Suporvisorn
Thorpe , Merrill I\l1d SchnorinRor.
Poor ] i'lLrm , ( JOII rt. II OI1B" Itn:1 : , J ail
Suppliell ommiueo , Su porvisors
Arthur , 'l'hopo uncI Fenimore.
.hlllioiar ) . Claims committee , Su-
pervisnrfl Sohn ringer , Ii'onda unci
l rrU1lOouH lIud Dclinqlltll1t. Tax
Clltimfioommitteo , Supnfvi or81i'onda ,
Arthur nnti Fenimoro.
It wnll 1I10\6d I\nll mtrriml thnt tb" I
saUte oreter o ( bUllino9t lilt 101\owoll \ hy
thu prtwiouJ ! hoard he I\dopted.
'l'ho matter of the tranKoript of tbu
IilHling of the oourt in Lewder road
claim t um Wl\tI thtm tllken lip for
It wC\l1lUove and carried that the I
matter ho rorerrcd to the nORd COlD'
- Adjournecl to 1 :80 : p. m.
S [ -
llo r COUVtjUO . .t 1:80 : p. w. whb L
. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . " . . . . . _ . . . _ ' _ . , -
. . , . . . . . - ' " . . . , . . - . ' . ,
-4 _
- - - - . . - . -
made In all
leathers and '
style e. J I
rtt16 : I ONE .
:1 :
Ryerson-CeOnB ! CO.
'I "
PRice : $ J.50 Se lIers ofGood _ . . Shoes. { Y ( J
--Ll > _ _ _ . -I _ $ WJI t4 '
. - - . - _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - - - . - - - - - - - - - . ,
1\11 membars present.
The chairman appointe1 uper\'is'
era Greenwalt and Morria I\ 0. oom.
mittee to oheck up the acoounts of
the soldiers relief commissioll.
The oommiUee appointor ! to check
u it the IIccounts of the soldierll relief
oommission reported UB follows :
\V 0 reBpeotfully report that we
118VO ohecked np tbo receipts and
diBbursemems I\S follo\VI ! :
To balanoe on hand last report * 82.88
'fo total nmt. drawn from co.
treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . .650.00
Total amt. disbursed. . . . . . . $9 fj 69
Deficit. . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262.81
Geo. Greonwalt
Ben P. MorriA
Heport of oommitteo I\ccepted nnd
Head committee reported U8 fol.
lows on the Lewder road olaim :
We recommend tbat the witbin
olaim be allowed on the county rend
fUntl I\S decreed bV tbe oourt.
JOA. Fenimore
n. B. Sobneringer
G. H. Thorpe
Report of oommittee I\ooopted Bud
Moved and earried to IIdjourn to 9
1m. . lomorrow.
.J I\n. ] 2 , 190fi.
BOllrd oonvened at \ } n. m. with
611 Il1l11nhorll prosent.
1\Iinutell or ) 'estordlrefld Iltlll I\P'
' 1'hu chairman announced the up'
poin tlllent o ( the following Rpeoil\l
oommittees :
To cheek up the office of tbo regis.
ter of decds-Fenimore , Scbneringer.
1'0 oheok up the offioe of the dis.
triot clerk-Morris , Thorpe.
'fo check up tbo oflice oftl1e cOlln.
ty clerk-Greenwalt , Fonda.
' 1'0 ohock UJI the of1ioe of the conn.
ty judge-Greenwalt , FondR.
To ubecklp the office of the
IIhurif-Thorpe } , Morris.
' 1'0 cheek \lp th offioe 01 tl.1cOlln
ty fiullorinttlluteot-Greenwalt I\nll
'I'llhook 111' Ih ollioti of tbe COUll'
t ) I raaHt rerII'innn" . . . eomm i floe.
.ltHl. I : ! , I { lOr ,
Bout ! lII t , "t , H It. III. wilh Itll
mom her preMH1t
MillllH'\ Y I"mlt'l.ud \ nllll\p'
provf II.
'I'h" nppuinlllmnt of tlIt'lIIhur of
dw " ! oldierli relit'f COllllllblllOll WIlli
dmll lhaken up filr cJIIHid'jrltfion.
Moved find t-t'uoIHlell Ihllt , I. . ; . B.
'Yhltley he oIO\I'HIII \ OJHmbl'I' of the
tloldiertl rulief ulJlllml "iolt for 11m full
term of three \ , 'ur ! ' , huuilllliug the
Hor.nod Tuelldlin .1 It II liar ) ' , wor , .
! \tlltioll ( ' rrie1.
'I'll A "OlllmiIItItH1 IIIIIItinuIHI tllt ir
work of tdlt'okin , { up thn olllce. . . .
Adjourned tll U It. III. tomorrow.
, JUI. 14 , 1\10 \ [ ;
HOlml lUet 81 I\.m. with 1\11 11I011I
nurM preStlllt.
Mitltll R of Y"htttrtll\ } ' rllull Itllli uJI'
prO\'ol1. .
' 1'111.1 rOlld cOlllmittee reported itS
followb :
\ \ ' e rUOOlllllltHUl t 11ft I I he puli l IIU or
\VIII Worlh , 01/11 fUI" It fOl\d in Ip 17 ,
ru" 22 , ho grl\lItuli " 1111 tlul1Iflgefl al.
lowHtlII ! fnllowM : .1. l ) . Wehling
: III7f , IUHI .1. G. l.CllllinJ { $27 [ " 10 IIH i
IL"Hu ! lud I\guiUHt , hCl tlill 1'0/111 Ilitltrirts I
in whiuh thu lanel lit\t' .
.lOll , J.'tJl.imorl ! ,
II. 13. SchntJringer
G. H. Thorl't'
: \lo\'l'tlllnd Mt'colllletl Ihltt the re.
port h IIOC plOl1 anti a.tol'lt11.
Aotion tlf1fer II till afternoon.
Head oommittee reporttltl 1\8 follows -
lows :
We reoommend that tbe olai In of
It. l . re a for * 15 additioDlil l
tI'UlIlIgt'li un th ol\b l tubr6" road I
bo allowed to be ILssesod ngl\inst I
road dist. No. - Custer tp.
.Toe. Fenimort1
H. B , Sobneringer
G. H. Thorpe
Report of oommittee accepted ami
The remaindur or the forenoon
WI\9 spent in oommittee work.
Adjourned to 1 :30 : p. m.
Dear met at 1 :30 witll "II 111010'
bern present.
The matter of the 'V orth road po.
tition was taken up ior consideration
and the following persons were { 'all.
ed Rnd gnve testimony under ol\th :
Jos. Fenimore , A. P. Jobnson , Chas.
Hipsley , J. C. Webling , H. M. SuI.
livan , F. E. VanAutwerp.
'rhe'ote was then taken on the
motion to aooopt ! lnd adopt 1110" reo
port. of tbe committee.
The cbairman declare the Illation
carrie and the r port adopt < < 'd.
Bridge committee reportell 1\8 fol.
10w8 :
'Ve , your committee , roapel'tCully
report that we have x8mhtefl the
bids and proposals of the ( olloving
compl\nies to do the rid < < o work for
Custer county for the yel r 190r , :
Standard Bridge Co. , Omaha.
Pile bridgey , per lirltml ft. . . . is 2U
lir lumber in place , per M. . , W 00
Piling in plaoa , per ft. _ . . . . . .w
Touring out old Illmer. > . pHr l\t , ' 00
Replacing old lumbar , per M. 10 00
J. 'V. Towle , Omaha.
Pile bridges , per lineal ft. . . . 8 U 00
Fir lumber in place , per 1\1. . 49 00
Piing ! in plnee , per ft. . . _ _ . . 4U
TeluinR out old lumber , per 1\1 i 00
Replacing old lumber , per 1\ [ , 1 00
H. 'I' . 'Yard & Co. , I..inoolll.
Pile bridges , per lineal ft. . . . ( ) 59
Fir lumber in place , per 1\1. . .10 00
Piling in plaoo , per ( t. . . . . . 49
Tearing out old lumberper M 7 00
Replaoing old lumber , per 1\1. 15 00
Kansas City Bridge Co. , Kas , Oity
Pile bridges , per lineal ft. . . . $ 5 39
Fir lumber in place , per 1\l. . 48 00
Pilinf { in plaoe , per ft. . _ . . . .i8
Tearing out old lumberper\I ( j 00
Replaoing old lumber , per 1\1 \ 12 00
D. A. Vansant , Ansley.
Pile bridges , per lineal Ct. . . . $ f ) .10
Fir lumber In plaoe , per M. .
Piling in plaoe , per ft. . . . . . .18
Tearing out old lumberper M n 00
Replacing old lumber , per I. 12 00
Cbal ! . Sheely , Lincoln ,
Pile bridges , per lineal it. . . . $ no
Fir lumber in place , per 1\1. \ . .17 00
Pi1i R in plaoe , per ft. . . . . . . oj { )
Tearing out old lumberper M G 00
Replaoing old lumher , per M 10 00
It appearin that the hitl of the
Slandard Bridge Co. heiu th low
etJt iu every iltHn , we recolUJDenllthut
the contraot Cor the bridge , york 10
be done by Ouster oounty for the
year 1905 , be awarded to thelll , Rnt !
the ehl\irman or this boar iUBtrtlt'ted
to enter in oontract , vitb them.
Geo. Greenwl\lt
Ben P. Merrill
A. Fonda
1\1o\'od \ I\nd ul1rr oII that the rtlport
be acoepted and lt O/llOll. /
G. H. 'l'horp Ohah'1\11Ul \ of the POOl'-
Farm Conrt House nuti.Tr\il committee -
tee made hiB report which Will > 1'elld
nd referred to spaoial com.J1itto
composed of SupervifiorR Fenimoro
n } i'ondn.
' 1'ho committe on POO1'-PIU'lU , Court
HonRo ml Jail l'eportml I\H follows :
IN 0 ( ommoIHlod thut. . cll irnllm of
the VOllnty Board he1tho1' zed
- - - - ' - ' - - ' - -
Wunder' , , ' Ner c : .
Is displayed by many : I. man cn-
during pains of accidental Cuts ,
'Vounds , Bruises. Burns , Scalds ,
Sore feet or stiff joints. But
there's no need fl'r it. Ducklen's
Arnica Salve will kill the pain
rand < < ; ure the trouble. It's the
best Salve on earth for Piles , too.
2Sc , at e Bros. Dntigist.
. . - . . . . - -
I to AntOl' iufo coutrnet with .John
! Pil'lIio itA Supel'illtolHlout of LIe 1
Poor-1101180 fm' the ye r ] HOfi at
It Aldal'of , $120000 pOl' ) ' 0111' . 1
I , f. 'I' . Arthur.
. u. ' 1'horp .
.ToH. li'ouimol'u. J
It WIlH mo\'d nud cnrriml , tbnt
I the roport. of the connni tteo ho flC- II
ceptcd mill fltlopt eel.
rho mnttel' 01' the npplilmt.ion 1'01' '
till ! position 01' . ltnifol' for the court 'j
homlC ! anll grouulls was t hl'l I tl\kel1
np , ' 1'hol'o were fonr nPlliclttionR
whie'h wel't ! rorul.
The commit,1 eo 1'0pOl'I mlns followH :
I \V 0 rcroJUJUon tllo eontmct or 1
jauitor be nwnrded to Scott Cooper
I t'or the omming YOlLr for $ liO.OO per
month but that the present jlLnitor
he omplo'CJlli11 ( I eb , H tb , 190/i. / j
, T. ' 1' . Arthur , I t
, Jos. Feuimol't , . I. .
I rOCOl11l1101111 thnt. W. H. Osbol'no ,
. )
be retained I\H jnuitor for the year
1HOli , ut. . MO.OO pOl' month. I
G. II. ' 1'lIorpo.
1 t wnR 1IIo\'ed mul Hocon ed , that
the IDnjority report. . bo flccoptod and
Upon ] the yO to being t.nkOll , the
chn.irmrm . doclaretl the motion 1081 ; .
It. wns 1IIOVCIl. by Schnoringel' ,
oc01ulod by GroonwuU , thnt the roll
ho ca'1clland as cach man'R naulO ia
( ' : dlcil ho announce his choice for
jlluit.or . , 1\lovel1 b ) ' Fenimore , fl O-
ouded by GI'CJonwI\U , to mnon by 'w
1I111ling' t.hal . the person receiving
the highesL nUlllb r of vat OR ht ! de.
t'lllrCJl ( elected jnni tor.
'l'lw 1'011 being cn.llo . < l on the
amondmont. . . the vote WflR as follows :
Voting I\Yo : SuporviBorR l"ond .
Fenimorc , Gl'eon\\1\1I , Thorpe und
Schneri ugOl' .
Y oting nl\ ) ' : Supervisor Morris.
'Vhereupon the clmirmltn dec1nred
the I11nendmol1t carrie .
V oto wus t Iwn tnlWll on motion J
It ! : ! amondo , f
I'ou .
Must ;
Tile WOllderfll1 Yeast
If you want
to make :
that is
Yeast l ol1m 111 tbe yoalt f'e (
thut toolr. thu 1"lr8t Oraud
l'rlzu ilL the Ht , J.oIIIII Bxpo.
IIUou. Haiti \Jy \ nil groc" .
lit ( j ctll , U pllclcn/e-ellollgb /
ror ( U loa V1j8. HOllct a pOIlu I
carll ror ollr IIOW Jlhutratell
hook "OOOlt , , I1roulI : llow to
Make It I
( '
Farm 14ease , ChattJe Mortgage
and Warranty Decil blanks at
this ofiice.
' . . . . .n. : , . "