- - CUSTER COUNTY nrpUBUCAn By D , M , AMSDERRV , BROKEN now. . . NEnRASKA . I Bt Ief T elegrams : Ohauncoy . Depew 18 roaRsured of his rc.loclion ns UlIlled Stntes lIem\ . tor Crom Now Yorle. lown farml'rR lH\vO filed II. protest . ngalnst pOlIslhlo compromlso on rrolght rote IIIIIICI'vlsloll. Now Yorle 'I'lm08 has moved Into itA I I now building , which Is thlrty no ntorles In height , the tallest In Got. ham. ParlslnnR nre ralslnfr a fllnll with whlcJl to purchnso n sword for Gonor. al bLoossel , the heroic defO'ndor ot I > ort Arthur. Emfgratlon from the port ot nre. men for the year 100 , ' was 133.681 , a ltecrC:1so or .flG : ! ! ) , M comparell with 1903. or the omlgrants 14,328 were Oerrwu. The Orst obaer\:1ncc : In America ot the contennlnl of the death of Fried , rich VOII Schiller , the German Iloet nnll philosopher , was held ut Harvard university. SCllator J\JIt \ ( 'h 011 , In nn Int.ervlew , ltecJaroR ] 118 hllloeol1co oC ( 'ompllclly In the Oregon lallli frallll ! ! , ntHl RC < JreH Proseclltol' lIeney unll Secretary Hitchcock. ' President Van JIlAO of the Ulliver. Rlty of WlsconRln llOIIeve8 the Inslllll' lion soon will have all altenllnnco oC 4,000 sltulonls , unll urges the neell of moro Cunlls. Matulo Gonno Macllrldo Iwnlls nn ap. prol t.o America In hehalf oC the Irish famlno lIuo-erm's , declllrlll that unless rollef Is speel1lly furnished hundreds , vIII slarvo to doath. 'fho Danle of gngland has nnnollnced that It Is prepared to rocolve t ( > ndOI'fT for II. now ISAuo of the Irish la1ll1 loan amollntln ! ; to $30,000,000 and of the same raule us tlto stocle all'cady Is. slle < 1. Robert Warnn , a 'oun bllslnesR man of Kol\Omo , In ! ! " ahot hln1lf'IC fatally on tlto ann"'l'r/jal' ' of the death of hIs hrlde , who was ono of the victims of the Iroluols theater fire horror. In the trial of CharIeR J. . 'rncl\er at Cnmbrldgo , Mass" for the mllrdor of Mabol Pag'e. the state will attempt to Ilrovo that the motlvo for the crime was robh'r\ ' . Cal1tnln Ro1 > ert 1. . .Howse , who has just been allpolnlo < < 1 commandant of carlotfl nt. tlto West PoInt 1\IIIItary ncndemy , Is a native of Texas ntlll was Krnlhmtoll at tl10 academy In the class or Juno , 1888. Enragell by jealollsy of Frank Dnnno. whom ho bellrwed to Il11vo nllonated hl8 wlro's arectlons , IIonry It Looml 1111011 Dunne anlt Mrs. Loomis anll then committed nulchto at Portland , Ore. Former parlshlonoflf of Dr. Irvine. In llrnlldock. Pa. . start a I'll mol' that the ro-ol1onlnS' oC the cnso Is < 1110 to J the Infillenco of the Archbishop of Canterbury followln ! ; an Inmllry mndo during' hll : : recent vlalt to thlR cOlin try. "Tom" Keennn , railway ovangl'lIst , Is to bo sent Into the WOHt Uy. Mlns Helen Gould to preach rollllou and toml1ornnco to 1'I1l1rol\d mono Keenan has jllst coml110toll 1tOllr of the GOllld system , on which ho made 400 con- vertR. ' The totat ( ,1IllInll1.atlon ) of 1,4)1 ! ) com. pl1nlos. which Incorporntod In the Dls. trlct of Colllmhll1 IltII'ln the cnh.'ndar year just endol ! , a gre nted $2,236.- 672.760. The total capltullzl\tlon ox. I ceolled Ut provlous ) 'ear by almost one billion dollare. Governor Durbin ot Indlann. Is con. 1 shlorlng the advllmlll1l1y of Rttg''st. ! Infr to the 1 ( ' hla ; tttre that the state I appropriate money tor n rnonttment In ArIlnJt.on cemetf'ry to the rnemory of Generat Honn' W. Lawton , who ; vas Itllled In the Phlllpl1lnl'B. A flro which hroko Ollt In the to- I Imcco dlstrl't of Groen\'lIIo , N. C" do- stroyod two wlu'ohouscs un RAvIJrJ1 amnII bttlldln s. besldeR 1,000,000 pOlin lIs of tohal'eo. I.os8os , $1 0.000 ; Inottranco. $ ,10,000. TIle fire Is belloved to Itavo hoen 1t1CCIIllI lIrr. The IIttn nl'lan pal'lInment died hRrd , Itll expiring ftrtt ! ; leB were con. tlnuoll tor neal'ly three Itollrs with two Intorml'slons nnd ( 'ame to nn end amid fJCCneR ot dlsordor and jeers rrom lho oppoailion. , The wheat rnarlwtln Chicago Is said to ho oonl09tod by Inro ! concen. tratod Itohtlnh" . Corn Is wenle under dun shipping I\nd oXIQrt trlHle nnd free western 5'ol11ng. Oats Improve 810wly unner amnII recclpts and Ilrovl. slons are lowCon \ .Jamtnry IIqtthlalion. The monthl ' Btatomont of the puh. lie lletit ahows that for the month ended December 31 , 1904 , lho dobt. lOR ! ! ( 'nsh In the treaSllr ) ' , amountelt to $980,019,321. whldl Is a decreafe ! ror the month of $ : : ,691,096. 'l'hls deere'lso Is nccotlt1terl ror . ' hr n. corl'os\10nllln \ ! ; Increnso In the amollnt of cash on ( , Jr\ntl. 'I'ho I..onlshna PIII'l'hnIJo10sltlon ; ! I- C < Jmllnny wlshf'J' ' ; to tllrn 1 > ! H'lt for m\lt. r In atlll romlfltll1f ; 190000 of the 200 , . 000 pohl Rouvenlr dotlnrs colnod for . .tho . World's fu.h' . OItJy0,000 \ have Ieen Imhl , Illtt thQ eXlosllion COm\1l1ny \ wlahos to rNOI'VO : ! OOOO coIns for fll' tnra salos. ' 'rho coins unl aold Cor $3 each. It Is reported that Prcsldent noo'lo' velt will rotlre 1\1lnlster Conlor after four months of servlco as ambassndor to Mexico. The war In the far onat has ( 'ost Russia nearly 11. bnlt billion dollars .thus rar nnll will cost mt'ch more bt'- . , ( ore onded. \ . . " . - - . ' THE SIEGE ENDED - - JAPS CAPTURE STRONGHOLD OF THE RUSSIANS. - FURTHER RESISTANCE USELESS - I stoessel , the RUtGlan Commnnder , I Asks Nogi to Nnme Hlo Conditions I for Surrender-Chief of Staff Sent Jorward to Arrange Capitulation "crms. I , STORY OF THE SIEGE. May 5--Japmese : troops land In pcnln. sula. May 6-DaHle of Nanshan fought. May 13-Port Arthur Invcsted. May 26-Klnchou capturcd. May 30-Dnlny Is occupied. June 13.15-StoeGtel defeated at Wa. fangow. July 5-Japanese attack Takushan mountain. December 2-203.Metr Hili captured. December 2.15-Japanesc fleet born. bards Russian ships. December 29-Rlhlung fort Is cap. tured. January 1-Stoessel offers to surren. der. January 2-Terms of cnpltul:1t1on : arc 1greed upon. - Port Arthur , ufler a hrave r1\fcnl1e , has ut Jnst succllluholl to Ulf' l1eree tClH\clty of the .lupuwso : atlwk. Gen. eral StoosHol , most atuhhorll In carl' " lu : . ; out the will of hlH sever ( > ! gn , has seen the ucl\'anco of the Iwslegln : . ; army gain In momentum uncI energ ' , unll ! to hold out longer would have been foolish , If not Imposslblo. 'fho conditions oC the surrelutol' ure not 'et Imown , hut In nil quarters It Is antlcl. pated that they nro such as nn bonor. nblo soldier IIIay acco\Jt \ frolll a 1 > rave Ilnd victorious enem ) ' , At 9:45 o'cloclt last night the com. mlnsloners comlllctcd the slnlnor ! / the cnllitulation nreemont. : Both armies had IIIIRpended hostilities five hOllrn earlier. 'rho cll ) ' of Port Arthur will bo occupied by the .Ja\lllneSe \ to- day. 'rho authol'lIlel1 In Sf. . Petersburg , In the nhsence of direct lIews fl'om Geneml Stoess1 that POl't Arthur has surrenderell , have not permit tc,1 , the news to hecomo IJuhllc. Emperor Nicholas Is In the south of Russia nnll his ministers are for the time 1) ) ( ln : . ; In the dal'l { as to whut dlspntl'hcs have been sent to him from the front. 'l'oldo was the scene of rejoicing , POOPIO of all mnlts Hndln ! ; In the out. como compensation for nil the sacrl. fico of lIfo nnd money that WIlS entail. ud In the ton months' sleg-o. General Stoessel I.s llOlng sharply crltlclsed for destro 'ln : . ; the Russian warships , nttemptlng to cholw the entrance - trance to the harbor of Port Arthur anll dispatching the torpedo 1 > oat de , stroyers to Cho Fee Rllhsequent to his offer to surrender tno fOl'tresg. The Nlahl Nlchl sars that whllo General Stoessel made u gallant defense - fenso his netlon In blowing up the ships after ho had oo-ered to surrender - or Jeaves a htRtln blemish upon his military roputatlon. Ills nctlon huH. cates a want of shl'orlty nnd leaves no room for an extellslon of treat. ment of him commensurate with the roputatlon won by the h1'l\ve1'Y nnd gallantry of his l.lenso. MAKE FORMAL ENTRY SUNDA Japanese Officers to Be Given a Ban. qwt. Hendqunrtcrs of tlte Thlrll Japanese Army , nt Port Arthur , via Fusan.- The Cormal entry of lho Japanese Into Port Arthlll' Janunry 8 will ho an 1m. posing spectncle. The Jnpanose officers , will ho ! ; Iven banquet In the city Dn .Januury 10. The reason for the nurrender ot the fortress Is evhtent from a visit to Wanta I hili. The ontlro strength of the 110sltlon la 's In the main Hne Df outOI' llofellses. 'fhe possCIIHlon of Wantal hm gave the heslefrers the Iwy to the rort east ot the city. 'I'ho hl1lq In the renr WOI'O not forllftell ! lnd affprded n. full cover for the nssallltlng forces. MIGHT HAVE BEEN SERIOUS. Two Ball Cartridges Found Packed With DI < lnks. WASHINGTON-An"tho result of In. vestlgatlon made by direction of Gen. eral Crozier. chlof oC oI'lHnnnt.e. It has been ascertalnell that among the 1GOO,000 blank cartridges Ismed : Inst summer to the regular nnd mllltar ' troonn whlt'lt toolt part In the UJun. euvers at 1\Iannssas , Va. , nnll In Call. Cornia , two baIl cartrld1os were tound , one nt tlto Vlrt-Inla ( 'amp ancl the other In Calif 01'11 In. 'l'wo mon who pncltell the cartl'hlges IlI\vo been dlschnrg'ell. ' 1'0 gtllml against the posRlblllt . or such an occurrence GO'1' oral Crozier has dlrwlol1that ellch hex of blnnle ( 'artrldres ; shnll be weighed before Healing. Some women cense to bo pretty after a IIhOtt n'lualntnnco. Weddln Gift for Royal P < llr. nmU.IN-'l'ho jolut wedding gift of 100 cltlog of PI'us6111 to Cl'Own J'rlnre 1"rod'I'lclt WIlliam unIt the Dul'llejJ.'I Cocllla oC 1\I'ltlon\IIu'6.Schwerlu \ , on the occasion lIf tlteh' marrlngo , to wltlch Invltatlous to eontrlbuto wore sent out h ) ' commlttoo oC ma 'ora. will represent nhout 1 cent a\JioGe \ from each Prusslan elt ) . dweller. The present will } lo n sll\'er tu,1Jlo Bervlf'8 Cor fifty persons nnd of moro thlU1 1,000 IJleces or orlglnnl designs , cost. Ing U21iOOO , or $25,000 more thnn the eltt to the Imtlerlal pall' In 1881. . - . " . I . . ' . " " " . - - TEX'r OF CAPITULATION , , Und-w : ; ; Condltlona 'ch ' Port Arthur Was Given Up. TOIlO-A telegram trom General Nogl , gh'lng the text of the cnpltuln. I 11011 convontlon , hus been received. It Is as tollows : I Artlclo 1-AII RIIAsinn sohIlers , lOa. rines , volunteers , also govel'utllent of. ficlals nt the garrlon ; and harbor ot I Port Arthur are talten prisoners. Art. 2-AII tortH , batteries , war. I ships , oth01' shlp5 anll bouts , arms , am. i munilioll , hOl'ses , all IlIllterlnls for h08' tllo IISO , govol'lllnent hnlldlngs IIntl a1\ \ ohjects helonglng to the HlIssllln g\ ; ' . Ol'Dl11ent shnll bo ' ' tranllfel'l'ell to the .Japa.neso l\I'II1Y In their exlstlns condl. tlon. tlon.Art. Art.On : : the IJI'ecolilng two conlH- tlons Iwlng assented to , as a g'uarnn. tee for the fulfillment thereof , the men sarrlsonlng the forts nnd the batteries - teries on Else monntaln , 8unshl1 monntaln , Antso monlltaln nnd the IIno of emlnellces southenst thol'efroll1 shall bo remo\'ed by noon of January 3 and the sume shnll bo trnllsforred to the .Japnnoso nl'm ' . Art. 4-ShouhI Husslan military or naval men be deemed to have dettro ) ' . ed objects nametl In artlclo 2 , or to have callsed alteration In any way III their COllclltlon , ut the tlmo of the slgnlrtS' of this compact , the negotla. tions shull bo allnu1\etl \ untl the Jap. aneso nrnt ' will take free action. Arl. Ii-The Huollan military and nayul author'llles sha1Ilreparo \ and trnnsfor to the Japanese army a table nhowln ! ; the fortillcations of Port Ar. III II I' anti theIr I'esectivo ) positions , anti mall3 showing the location of mInes , tllHIOI'grotll1t1 and snhmarlno , unlJ all other dangel'olls objects : also a tnble showing the comosltoll ) ! und system of the arm ) ' and naval servo Ice'at Port Arthur ; a 1I11t of army nnd nav ' omcers , with names , rnnlt anti d ulles of saltl omcers : IL list of army steamers , warships and other ehl11s , with the nnmbers of their re- spectlvo crews : a list of civilians , showing lhe nllmuer of men nnd WOo men , their' race a III I occnpatlons. Article G-Arms , Including these carrlell on the IWI'SOIl ; ammunition , war materials , frovcrnll1ent buildings , ohjects ownetl by the gO\'CI'nment , hOI'ses , wnrshills and other ships , In. cludlng their contents , excoptlng prl. \'ato I1rOIJertr , shall ho left In their t1resent positions. and the commission. ers of the Husslrm and Japanese armies shall decillo upon the method oC their transference , Artlclo 7-The Jnpanese army , ( 'on. gldel'lng the gallant I'eslstanco offered hy the Russian army as being honor. able , will permit the officers or the Russian nrm ' and navy , as well as omclals belonging thereto , to curry swords and to tal.o with them prlvato property dlr'ectly necessary tor the maintenance of lIfo. The previously mentioned officers , officials and volun. teers who wllI sign a written pnrolo pledging that they wl\1 \ not talto up armg nnd In . nowlso talm action con. trnry to the Interests of the Japanese army until the close of the war , will recelvo the consent of the Japanese army to return to tholr country. Each army and nav ' omcer wl\1 \ be allowed ono servant , and such servant will bo specially released on shnlng the par. 010. Artlclo 8-NoH.'ommlssloned officers and prlvato of boUt I\r1l1y anti nnvy and v01ll\1teers shnll wear their unl. forms , and , tal.lng portahlo tents and necessary prlvnte property , and ( 'am. manded br their respectlvo officers , shall nssemhlo at such places as may bo Indicated by tlto .JalJ nese army. The Japanese commissioners will Indl. cato the necessar ' detnlls therofor. Article 9-Tlte sanitary corps anll the accountants helen lng to the Rus. sian army and navy Rhall he rotalned by the Japanese whllo tltolr services are deemed necessary for tlto caring ror the slcle nnd wounded prsoners. During such time such corps shall 110 required to render sorvlce under the direction of the sanitary corps and accountallts of the Japanese llrm ' . Article 10-Tho tre:1tment to be nc. corded to the residents. the trnnsfer of boo\eR \ and docnmetJ ts relatlnr to municipal administration and I1nanco and nlso detailed flies necessl\ry for the enforcement of this compact shall be emhodled In 11. supplementary com. pact. 'rho sllpplementary compuct shnll have the lIamo fOl'co as tbls compact. Artlclo 11-0no COVy each of thlR compact ahnll be prepr.red for the Jnpanese and HlIsslan armies and It shall have Immediate elToct upou the slgnatur therecf. For Port Arthur Defenders. MINSK-liI1IP : 1'\ ' Nicholas nrrlvCll here at 10 o'clo'lt thlq morning nnd rovlewed the troops which have heon ordel'ed to the tur east. At the station a deputation of the nobility h'\tHled the emllel'or $13,000 for tire defenders oC Port A l'lhu 1' , Ills majesty resumell hIs journey at noon. Moscow Postpon a Danquet. 1\I0SCOW-Thl' annllal ' l1Iunl'lp\1 : banquet hag hN'n Jo'tl10ned on ac. count of . the fall of Port Arthm' , _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l\1all Robbery In France. P.\IUs'-A mnll 1'01lh9r ) ' III reported h ' the postal nuthorIt les to hl1\'o oc. curr'ed hetwOPII ChattouRos nnd Prn. lIe . The contC'nt8 of aeven sat'ts ! are mlulnlt. 'l'ho ' 111'8 bl'l'od \ to contain tI. conllhtel'lIhlo qttantlt ) . of Important New Yorl : 1111111. Causes Recess of DIet. 'I'OInO-1l Is OXllocted thut the dlot , , ' 1\1 \ IIOW tnlo n roross aud hohl a slloolr.1 seulon for the purpose ot passln n vote of thanleR to General Nogi Bnd the mon or the Third army. , . ; / . . ' . . - - - AS TO FORESTRY CHIEF EXECUTIVE SPEAKS DE. FORE THE CONGRESS. - GEtl MANDERSON ALSO TALKS The Former Nebruk3 Senntor Snys Preservation and Planting of Trees Is Paramount Issue of the Present I Time. W ASIIINGTONPI'cahent ] noose. vl'lt WR ! ! the principal npealecr at 1\ npeclal nesslon of the Amcrlcnn 1"01" est Congress hehi 'fhursday ut the Nnllonal theator. 'I'lre pregldent , aC"I I companied hy Secrelar ' Loeb , nrrlved nt the thellter 11rompl1) ' at 3 o'clocl , . lIe was escorted to the sta o entr11nco nnd ns ho appeared before the 1m. . menso audience , whlrh t11led every part of the houso. the POOllio recelvcd : him standing , whllo the thenter mng I with npp.lause und the orchcstra play. ed a lIatrlotic air. President Howard Elliott or the Northern Pnclfic presilled at tho'morn. Ing Bossi on. 'rhe board of directors reported - ported action looldng to the creallon of nn ndvlRory board of the forest confrress , to consIst of representatives of'arlous Industrial bodies nnd to meet I1nnually In Washington. Charles Ii' . l\Iallderson , general coHo dtor of the Chlca o , Burlington & Quincy al1l1 former Unltet , States sen. ator from Nebraska , charactel'lzed the proser\'nllon of the timber Industry of the cOllntry as "the paramount Is. suo" nml urell ! the planting anll hus. handing of tlmher wherever trees can he grown. 110 spolte of the enol'mous demands fol' ties. "Of the ties now on the railroad tmelts of the countr ) ' , " ho said , " 10 per CCllt have to bo replacell annually ; their nverage cost Is 60 cents , maldng an nn111\111 expenditure for this purpose of $ .15000.000 , which Is exclusive or the labor emplo 'ed and the cost of local trnn\portatlon. ! ' \ No feaslhle nubstltute has heen found fol' the wooden tie. " lIe urg'od the sub. jugatlon of prlvato rights to lIu1 > lIe necessity , the study of means fol' ellm. Inatln waste ntHI mismanagement , and the re1eal of the limber and stone land sRle a't. Other addresses were made by , J. ' 1' . Richards , chief engineer maintenance of way , PCl1I1s 'lvanln railroad ; Prl'sl ent L , E , .Johnson of the Norfollt & Western railroad , and Herman yon Schrenk of the Bnreau of Forestry. 'rhe latter deb111ed the good results nlr'ady amJOunced In the pres. ervatlvo trealment nf ' " ' ' ' ' tlm. bel's to prolong theIr durability. Mr. von Srhrenlc also gave some tacts adduced In recent experiments by the government , showlflS' thqt. can. trary to many reports , the Injection of creosote Into wood brlm s about no brllUe and we'lltened l'ondltlon of the wood. Se'retary of the Navy Morton was expeded to maltO an address on the ltel1endenl'o of the rallro'ads on Corest preservation , but was una1 > Je to attend. ' SITUATION AT PORT ARTHUR Town Not , as D < ld'y ' Damaged as Re. ! , crted. LONDON-Sperol'll 11IS'fIat"hes from Tollo ; say that the Port ArtHllr garrl. son was marshnl ' 1 at ! } o'rlof'lt Thurs. day mo"nhH ' nt Yahutsul In aCl'nrd. anre with U11' tC'rms of the supple. metltnry a < ! rl' < > mort , The Statld'lrrl'q Port Arthnr corre. spondeJ1t roonrt < ; th'lt the town , au- pe'lrs tn hav ! > hll'n HUle damaged by the hOm"artlm"nt. Carrla'es and rl'ltshns , he fayq. ore moving about with well dre < : wl peoplo. who apoar- ent1y I\ro "nythln" but starved. The rulnerl fort < i rf'Spm"e ] hills shalcen br a mlg-ht ( 'onvJI"oJ1. ! ! and b many ca"le f'verv trace of the works has dl al1fJear"r1. A'cnrdln to the Dally Mall's Wol Hal Wel ( 'nrr''In''nrI'l't ' the nrltlsh rrlll fr ! Anrtrnmwla which sal1'd from Wel Hnl Wel " 'edrecolIny mornIng for Port Arthnr with hospital stores I\nd surleons. and whlrh was not aHowed to maleo latHlln ! ; nt Port Arthur. had n narrow eSl'npe , having passed two flontln ! ! mhI''I. ' .Jnpnnosf ! om'ln\"I \ In I.ondon ( 'on. sidor that It wnq ! ' ' ' ! "ly on U'OIlI1t of the nnrer or the v" " 'lI" t'lltlnl ! mlne\ ' \ thnt the Anr\rl'ml'II'l's \ olTer waq dc- cllnl'l ] 11 Is st.ntl'rl hnwf'Yf\r. thnt tl1f ! rltlfh admlrnl owlttl'd the formallly of ftr"t aql.lng whether a"lslQtunre was nl''optnhle to the JUlmnese aulhol" Itles. Shower of oldlcr : > ' Medals. WASHINGTON-Se'relary Tnft has forwarded to UtI' house the IImft of a resolutIon nut1torlzlng the president to cause med'll to ho strucle and pre. semea to omcf\r' ! . oltHors nnll others who 8en'(1(1 In the Spanish war , 011111a rellpf expedItion and PhllllJplno Insul" recllon. For Port , . : , thlr's Dead. ST. l.mmUUCJ-'fhere were re. qmem Sf'rYI'es at the wur office anll the admiralty wuay In honor of the o who hllvo rntlon at Port Ar. lilliI' , 'I'ho national s\l'ylco lit the I\aIJ1t cl\thedral nas been llOstpolICU until Sundny , Huye Don"r of Cc : tQn. DA 1.1.AS , 'rox.-A spechtl Crom SIII\\\'l1eo , Okla , . Bnys that savel'al tholl"al111 dollars' worth or coltou , es. tlmatod lit GOO bales , gathered together In a huge } llIo In the little town of Asher , In the sJuthern J1Ilrt of Potta. waUnmlo count ) ' . flll'nllhell a huge honl1ro wllhhlch to greet the new 'eat. , Intllo 11resence of a large el'owll the tor'ch wnR I1Pl1110d atHI the nscend. In IJ1nolw was witness that the fal'ntori : : of this section nre' not to bo outdone by these or olhel' soctlons to rcductt the BUIIPh' . 1 f. , . I" " , " THE SURRENDER. Terms , of Compnct Made With Rus. lInn ForceD , The Ilcolilo or 8t. I'etorshurfr hnvo rocolvoll with COlllp0811ro the IIOW8. \nowlI \ to the I'Nll ( lr lho wOl'hl 1\ day enl'lIor , ot the fnto of Port AI'thur. 'rho O\'Ollt hlul heen I\lIl1cllll\tod nlld IIItder oll1cll\l 1IIt'l1t1ol1 ! the minds of the pOlltllaco were 11rol11\l'I.ll ! to re. eolvo with rt'shnl\lIl1l1 lho rnct oC the IUlIIOlIlICOIIIOllt b ) ' runHOII oC the publl. cntloll of the IIISIH1tl'hoR forwarded Il1st weele h ' Genoml HtoOitscl de- sCl'lhln ! ; 'tho ' Htmlts In which the gar. rlsoll hAll bcollOIItICI'I ! . 'rho oxpcc. tatloll In t101l\0 qUI\l'tt'I'I that the SUI'- I rencler of the fortro8n would ho fol. lowell I\t the cnl1(11I1 ( hy nutl.wnr donlonstrnllons hI\ ! ! not ht'oll renllzell , So fnl' as there IrnR been UIlY eX)1rel1' ) slon or feellnl ; It haa beou for curry. lut ; on the wur with /I'eater / "lfrul' . Among the Russ Inn oflleers tho\'o Is reeling that an ) ' pl'olJOsals of peace that may bo mndo 1111\IIt bo mndc with the view that In order that pence mn.y bo lasting Japan must recognIze Hussln's right to free tran. sit of Its ships through waters ot the Car east. High Japallel10 ofllclals de. clare that 1I1ere IH 110 prohnblllty ot II I I advances coming from their govern. I mellt looltlng toward 11eaco negotla. tlons. In omclnl Quarlers In st. Pe. tm'sh1'lrg It Is salll that no tenller or good otllces from a third party would b accepted alld that 11.ny propoaal tor peace l11ust como from Japan dl. rect. 'fho text or the arlleles of capitula. tlon or the Port Al'thur gU1'l'Ison , sign. el ( hy the commissIoners representing Genornl Stoessol and Gellernl Nogl , lias heen made pul1l1c. All Husslan sol. diers , marines aud civil officers of the arrlson anlt harbor are made prison. ers ; all forts , batteries , "essels , munl. tlons , etc. , are tl'ansferred to the Jap- nnose In the condItion In which they existed at noon , January \'loJalion of this clause to operate as an annul. ment of the negotlntlons , giving the .Japanese urmy warrant to take free . action ; the Husslan military and navnl authorities 11.1'0 . to furnish to the Jap- uneso army an exhibit of ul1 fortlnca. lions , ttt1l1erground alltl submarine mines , a list of the military officers , of s1l1\1s \ and the n\l11bel'S ( of their Cl'ews , anti of cI\'lIIans of both sexer : , with tholr race anti occupations and all public 111'operty , such as buildings , munltlous of war .elc" which are to 1 > 0 left In the present lJOsltlon , pending urrangement for their transferr < 'nce Officers oC the nrmy and navy are 11Crmltted to rotaln their swords unl , such of theh' pel'sonal propel'ly as Is dlreclly necessary for the malnten- anco of life , and with ono servant each , ma ' , upon signing their parole not to talta up arms during the can. i tlnuance of the war , return to RussIa. Non.commlssionel1 officers nud prl. yates will bo hold un prisoners. For the benefit of the slclt and wounded RussIans , the sunltary corps and the accountantg belonging to the Russlnn army and n11.vy will bo required to serve under the Japanese sanitary corps and accountants for such period of tlmo as may he deemed necessary. Correspondence E.etween Japanese and Russian Commanders. TOKiO-Genernl Nogi reports as folbws : "At 5 In the afternoon of January 1 the enemy's uearer of a flag of truce ceme into the first Une of our posl. tll'11 south of SI11IIsltl 'lng and handed n. letter to our officel's. 'l'he same reaclted me at o'clock at night. 'l'he letter Is as follows : 'Judgln by the general condition of the whole IIno of hostile positions held by you , I find further roslstanc03 at POl't Arthur useless , and for tlte IJ\1'IIOSO : of pl'eventing needless sacrl. fico of Uves , I pro110se to hold nego. Cntlons with reference to capitula. tlon. Should you consent to the same ) 'OU will please a\lpolnt commissioners lor discussing the order and condl. lIon3 I'egardln : : ; capitulation , and als. ) 1l\1polnt a place for sllCIt commission. ers appolnted to meet UlO sume ap- polntell by me. " 'I talw this oP\1ortt.nlt \ . . to conve ) ' . to 'Oltl. oxcellenc ' assUl'ances of my respect. STOESSEL. ' " : : , horlly after dawn tJduy 1 will dispatch our bearm' uf a fiag of truce with the following I'oply alldressed to Stoessel : " 'i have the Itonor to repl ) ' to ) 'our proposal to holll negJtlations regard. Ing the conllitions and order of ca\ll1. ulatlon. I'or tltl purpose I have np. poInted as commls JonR Iajor Genern\ \ Ijlchl , chef ! of staff of our urmr. He will bo nccompanlell by some staft officers and civil officials. 'fhey will meet 'our commissioners January 2. noon , at Sltulshl 'h ) ! ; . The commls. sloners of uoth parties will bo em. ! , owered to sign a cJIlvention for tlte caplt.ulntlon wtlout : wallin : . ; ful' ratl. ficatlon. nnd callso the SlIl11e to talte 'mmedlato effect. Authorlzntlon for slIch plenary , } Jowel's shall bo Igne h ) ' tltO Itlghest officm' IIf both the ne. ! . ; ollnllng pur'tle ; : ; and the sllmo sltall ho exchnngolt hy the l'OSlJcllvo com , missioners. "I m'alt mrsQlf ot this ( ) PlJorltlltlt . to co"'e ' to r01l1' ocollo11c : : ) ' assllr. ances of my rOMpect. NOG I. ' " Whlppln9 Post Advoc < lted. WASIlING1'ON-'rhe ] ocnt grand Jltr ' , In mal < lno ; Its I1nal rClport for the 11res nt term oC the supreme court for the Dlst\ \ or Colum\Jla \ tolla ) ' roc- omml'tlllod the estabUshment of tlte whipping post In the DIstrIct. 'fhe question hns been ( 'onsltlembly ngl. latod'or Klnco the IJI'esltlont In hie last annual message recommendell ( 'OrIIOral punishment fOl' wlfo beatol'5 In tlto Dll'trlct : of Columhla. A rec. ommondatlon that persons aholtt to he married \JI'oduce \ ovid once of freedom rrol11 certain dlscases also Is 1110do. ( , . . . . . . . ' . , . . . . . ' . " , . . . . . . . - 'WAR ' Will GO ON . -1 , NO GOVERNMENT FRIENDLY TO RUSSIA CAN ADVISE. I pnEPARE FOR SPRING CAMPAlcn Kouropatkln will Have 700,000 Men at HIB Command by that Tlme.-Jap. anese Taka Many PrlsonerB.-25OOO Are Surl'endered at Fall of Port Arthur , mmUN-'rlte highest diplomatic opinion here Is that tbo surrender of Port Arlhur multes It ImlQsslblo for , " . . ' . any government friendly to Russlu. to advlso peace 01' to unite with any other I govol'lllliont fol' mediation. The reel. IIInt / the Husslnn court , It Is as ert. , ell here , Is so nbs01lltoly tor continuing , the wnr that probahly not ono person who hILs acccsl ! to the emperor of HUSBIn. could bo foul1d who , even privately - vately , tnvorB Hussln. accepting de font. Gorman military opinion , whllo ack- l1owlc < 1glng the largo moral ofrect or the fILII of Port Arthur , Inspiring the Jalllll1ese and dopresslng the H.usslans , regards IL I1Ir only an Incident and na having IIlUo relntlon to the Immense Oold operations that will bogln In the spring. Geneml louropatldn , It Is as- i , ' sertell In omclal circles , has GOOOOO troops cast of Ha1lml , of which moro than .100,000 nl'o already gathered at : . i'tIultden. It Is Im\1OS5Ible , the Germnn milltnry men avcr , for the RussIans j to cens-e lI htlng with that army jn . , ' being , whIch by spl'lng , they add , Is ' / Illwly to number nil told 700,000 men. 'fhe Japanese , 1 > eln1 ; full Informed of RusHla'n prelmrntlons , are pulling ; forth ovel'y resource to surpass thorn. ' Field operations of a magnlttulo not' ' before seen In the wnr It Is bellevell will begin In a few weel.s. PARIS-'I'ho officlnl view hero continues - tinues to regard mediation between RussIa and .Jupan as Impracticable. 'I'h'I'emps , seml-officlally , In n. leall- IllS' artlclo su's : Hussln w1l1 not consider m lIation at a moment when its sp.lf'esteem is sur- ferlng from the llee\1est wound , :1.nll will continue plaYln ; Its strongest card , nnmeb' , the concentration of an t ! o\'erwhelmlng force under Geneml K01lropatldn. 'fho sarne opInion 'Is held at the : ' Foreign office and at the RussIan " embassy. TOKIO-The .Japaneso captured . . C 25,000 prisoners at Port Arthur. ' 1'ho total number of the Inhahltants Is : :5.000 : , of whom 20,000 are sIck. Geneml Nogi r'ports to tlto army department that on .January 3 the oom. missioners or both the Japanese anti Russian armieS' concluded their con. ferenco nnd that from the morning or JanunrY.4 the actual transfer of war materlaJs at Port Arthur as propm'ty of the Japanese government ccm. menced. NO RELIEF FOR SETTLERS. Interior Depart t pposcs Any Extension - tension of Time. WASHINGTON -The InterIor department - partment , according to Judge Klnlmld , Is square agaInst Klnltald's bill extendIng - Ing the tlmo for settlement under the bill which hecome a law at the last session of congress. "I lleslro my lrlends to Imow , " anill .Jullge Klnlmld , "that after having labored most ( 'arnest ! ' with the secre- tnry of the Interior and commlsslonm' of the genel'al land omce , that there ia no possibility fOl' the passa o of the ' measure whtch 1 had llOpel , might ox. , ) 1 tend the limo In whit'h settlers' coulcl i ) I go upon the lands covered by the 640- acre hili. There Is no rollet In sight , and I would therefore suggest to In. tending Rettlers thut they prepare to talw up their resloenco at the lima 1 stlpulatell In the bill. " A million aCl'es of Innn Is to bo opened undel' the H.lnlcnld law on } , 'oh. ruary 14. Aslwd where this" lnnd was located , th representatlvo from the , Sixth Nebraslm district stated that it was located lu IJlncoln , McPherson , Deuel and Cheyenne counties. Judge Klnltnllt toda ' made the following - lowing recommenllatons ! for postmasters - ters : .Seneca , 'i'homas county , H. n. I . Uhler , vIce the present postmft. ' . ter , reslt-ned ; Mullne. Hoolwr county , John Kuderna , vlco J. II. Lowt' , re- signed. TO THE PEN FOR LIFE , Supreme Court Rules In Mrs. Lillie's Case. I , LINCOI.N- . Margaret Lena T 11110 must servo a lIfo s ntenco In the Nebrasla penItentiary. ThQ flit- premo court overruled a motion for n. rehearing , which leaves In force the judgment of the district court of But , ler county , where Mrs. 1..11110 WM tried and convicted of the murdN' 01 her hushand , Harvey LI III O. ' 1'ho jUllg' J I mout of conviction was affirmed 11) ' t.ho supreme court several monthS' ago anll sin co that tlmo Mrs. Lllllo's nt. tOI'ne ' have made 's atrenuous offortr ! to secure a rehearing , hoping to ger n. roversal. Since the Irlal and C < Jn.lc. lion 1\lrs. Lillie has hoen In the ja.Il : \t David City , the SUl1remo court hI1\ ' Ing granted 1\ stay of execution , ponl1. Ing action b ) ' the court. Tmpctlng : 'Foreign Ship 'I-ar . . . . LONDON-Tho Husslau nt.val : at. tfi ta'ho hero Informs the Assoclah'd \ Press that Vlco Admiral Dollhasorf , who sllcce11a ( ! Knznnlwf ( 011 the IlItr1" national commission to Inqnlre lute the North sea IncIdent , Is hond or the teclllll'ni commission apPolnte,1 to mal.e 0. tour of lho shl.1blllldlng 'ard:3 and ordln:1twQ fuctol'Ies of Great BI'it. IIln , France , denuany and othOI' ( 'au II. tries. 'rho commission IR to report on the call1\bl11l1os of the varlou , plants with the view of I1OS81blQ Cu. " , ,1 turo ordel'a ror shivs.