Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 12, 1905, Image 4

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OIU tft O. 11cpubUrau
J -
Pabllahod OTOr ) Thnr llay a& &ho County BOA& .
- - - - - - - - - - -
D. M. AMSmmny. . . Editor ,
- - -
Bnterod I\t \10Qtomco a& Broken Dow. Nob. .
II .oooll llU' malLor tor &ran8Inb lon &lJroUlr1I ;
the U. 8. Malls. , , .
- - - - - - -
8U UIWIU1"1'llIli l'HlOI :
On. roar.lnat1vRnco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00
I * Bmco In Oa lor Ulock.l1'oarth ATe.1I
, .
J , Thursday , January 12 , 1905.
M. A. Brown , editor of the
Kearney Hub , presidcntial elector -
tor from the sixth congressional
district has beeu choscn by his
coUeagueson the electoral college
to carry the ret urns of Nebraska -
braska to Washington. This
is boner well bestowed and
the RJtPUBLICAN is pleased to
congratulate Mr. Brown on being
Attorney General Moody re-
umed his argument in the beef
trust case in the United States
8u rcme court Monday. 'rhis !
a question that is of great interest -
est to the west where the greater
part of the bccf is produced"
/ "here should not b sucll a gr at i
difference between the price of
cilttle and fresh becf as prc\'ails
in the markds. Gencral Moody
will use his best endeavors to see
\hat \ the trust agrecment now
prevaIling- among the packer is
broken up. May the day be has.
tened ,
_ _ _ I
Senator Dodge of Douglas
county has introduced a bill in
, tbe legislature which is likely to
be one of generdl interest to the
, public. It is known as the primary -
ary election bill. It provides for
doing away with political caucus
and conventions , Instpad of caucuses -
cuses and conventions the bill has
aU candidates submit their can-
dicacy to the voters by petition.
They will be required to get one
per cent of the voters of the county
township or city to sign their petition -
tition before their names can , go
on the ballot for the primary -
mary election. At the primary I
election the voters voll' for their 1
preference of the several candi-
dates. Those receiving- the largest -
gest vote wiU be declarcd the
nominees of their respective par-
ties. Candidates whose name
goes on the ballot will be required
to pay a fee to county treasurer
to meet the expense of publishing
th names of the candidates and
the 'ballots. The notices will be
publish cd in at least two newspapers -
papers of the county and 110t more
than four.
Lcglslaturo HegluI ! to Grind.
'rhe lower bouse of the leg i g-
lature commenced to grind again ,
'l'uesday morning , but few bills I
were introduced. Among them 1
was the Dodge primary clection ;
billa bill for two mill levy to provide -
vide for the state debt , and a bill
to remcdy the defect in the law
relating to indemnity bonds for
atatecounty and municipal offi-
cers. Representative Windom of i
Cass has introduced a bill providing -
. viding for a supremc court commission -
. mission of six memben ) , instead' '
. of three , as recommended by Gov. '
' . Miclcey in his message. Representative -
: sentative McMuUen of Gagc , has
introduced a bill providing for
the election of precinct , town-
sbip aud ward assessors.
" " 'WCtt FruuI Terrible OtHItb.
" - - - -
The family of Mrs. M. L. Bob-
bitt of Bargerton , ' 1'enn. , saw her
dying and were powerless to save
! ( er. The most skiUful physicians
iind every remedy used , { ailed ,
wbile consumption was slowly but
sUtc1y : taking her life. In this
t rnbl hour Dr. Kill 'S New
Discovery for Consumption turned
d'espair into joy. The first bottle
brougbt immediate relief and its
ontinued use completely cured
her. Il'S the most certain cure
in the world for all throat and
lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles -
tles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottlcs
free at Lee Bros. Drug Store.
, Fritz bas returned from Russia
and opened up his shoe shop al
Peale-Sheppard Co.'s store. Call
and see him for four repairs. 25tf
Reneau & Leonard , Bonded
Abstracters. Order by phone ,
we pay the call. 15tf
j . - .
QOCr.M "J'.r.r.r.Jr
Jeweler and Ontician
West Side Square ,
Broken Bow ,
. - - - . . . , . . , . - . . . - . . . . . - -
, - - , -
, _ . . . . .afJ , . _ _ _ . .
Don't u'Y cheap cough medi-
cines. Get the bestt , A yer's
Cherry Pectoral.'hat a
record it has , sixty yenrs of
Pectoral I
cures ! Ask you r doctor if
he doesn't use It for coughs , I I
colds , bronchitis , and all
throat nnd lung troubles.
" r line found thnt Aror' . Chnrry Pee tarat .
IA tllOJe \ t medlclno / I'/ln procrlbu tor bron.
obllh.lnl1uoIiZIl. COURt. . . . nlll hard co" " . "
M. LODEIAIf. ; l1.U..llhaca. N. Y.
2 11..MI1. . ' 1.00. J. a. Ann co. .
All dflll''IsU. . . , . _ , ! . . MnH. ,
. .
I _ _ _ for - . -
* ' - ----J : - - - -
Q _ _ _ v _ _ _ . _
Correct any tendency to constipation -
tion with amnII doses of Ayor's Pills.
! ,
Supervisors Proceedings.
( Continued from ] st page )
Wm. DryCuB. with his attorney ,
Simon CELlUoron , appeared beCoro
[ the Board and preHentcd a stlll.e-
, ment tending to show thnt the valu.
ntion oC his lund , to.wit : I he sw !
of ne ! . n so ! , and the swl of these
so ! of Sec. 5 , ' 1' H , H 17. for ad-
I elHlment purposes for the pn t
I severnl years haB Leo ! ! e3.cessively
No action taken.
Moved nnd carried to adjourn till
I ) a. m. l\londIlY.
MONDAY , J.\NUARY , 2nd. , 11)05.
BOlml met at 9 a. m. 1111 members
anHwering to
1inuteij of Satur lay read and np.
The Road committee reported IH
follows :
We recommend that the petition
of Sidne ' Moore nnd other8 for a
road iu ' 1' 16 , R 20 , be rejected f'lr
tile re/1son / that it is not a conseut
petition.lnd that the petition of
.I'runk ! E. Mauk al1d others. for n
road in ' { l 16 , It 20. be granted and
damages nUowCll as fo11owa :
Fmnk E. [ auk . . . . , . . . . 50 00
A T : - rl1ms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 50 (10 (
ASSCfROd to rend district No.7. Broken -
ken Bow township
J ' 1' Arthur ,
J \lcGuiro , J Com.
J os Fenimoro ,
rl'he report of the committee waA
accepted andadoptecl ,
Adjourned to 1:3.1 : p. m.
Board met at 1 :3U : p. m. An
members present.
'rhe CluilllH Oommitteo ropodod
us follow8 on the clt im of the
Americun Bonding Co. for * 285 OU
lor the premium on the bond of the
county trelumrer for the year 1905 :
W 0 recommeud that the claim be
referred to the genoml ooarc1.
J A McGuire ,
.T I' Arthur , } C01l1.
G Hisor.
Moved und carried to necopt and
adopt the report ol the committee.
Movecl b ' Jfonimoro , seconrl rf b '
A rthur that nctio ! ! all the clnim bo
cleferrod till t he now Board ( o .DOH
Ayes nud lla 'R being culled for
the vote wns as follows :
Voting ayo-Suporvisors Arthur
and Fenimore.
' Green-I
Voting nay-Supol'Visor8 -
wnIt , McGuire. Fonda. nnd Hiser.
Greenwalt explained his vote by
Bting he voted no lor the reason
that bond will lap80 before new
Board can take action.
l\1ovod nad soconcled. thl\t the
claim of the American Bonding Co.
e 85.00 bo albwed
The nyea and na.ys being ca.lled ,
the vote was ao foUom. :
Voting Arthur.
Greenwalt. l\IoGlliro. Fonda. Bnd
Voting najSu pervisor F ( > ni-
Whereupon the ohairman . declared -
ed the motion carriod.
The following proposition of the
Iayor of the city of Broken Bow.
was read by the clerk :
I hereby propose that if the board
will allow the bill of the city of
I'l'.oken Bow for * 724.65 , suit for
recover.v of which is now pending
in the District Court , I agree thl1.t
the Bame may be applied on the
person III tax of the llrokon Bow
WlltCl' \ \ ' orts Co. for the 'eartl
1893 and 1903 both inclusive and
that the city of Rroken Bow will pny
the balance of 8aid personal tax nt
onr.e without II.ny deduction for illo-
gll.l lovies. A.lso thllt the city of
Brr-kon Bow will dismiss the soit
now pending in the district court.
G O. W. AI > "LE. Mayor.
Moyodmd / RecOluled that the
proposition bO.Rcceptod.
No nction taken
' 1'he clnims committee l'oportoc1 ns
follows :
W 0 recommeud the followiug
claims be allowed.
EJItOlloll ! boa rd uf Lou p 1'recinct
Jo . N. Wbelh..fl0 00
" , .
. . . . . , . . . . . .
. . - ' - " - - ' ' 'V".V' -
- - - ,
I J. Horvoy Drown. . . . 000
J. P. Trew. . . . . . . . . 600
O. Wocdrllfl. . . . . . . . 00
No Geor o. . . . . . . . . . . 000
Eloctlon uonrd or Custer Proclnrt :
. EmpI1elcJ..e 7 no
I 1)V. . L'"lLcrrnan. . . .1 00
.J. II. ' ' "Iburn. . . . . . . -1 UO
I .JobH lJfole. . . . . . . . . . .100
A. .J. HOO\'CB. . . . . . . . .1 00
Eleotlon bonrd of Ouotor Precinct No ' 2.
W P. Honnmon..e .1 00
W. S. 'l'urnIJutl. . . . . 7 30
0.1. . . Day. . . . . . . . . . . .110
O. U. HulT. . . . . . . . . . .1 00
.Ieromo 'l't\i1or. . . . . . . of 00
leotlou board of Douglnn Grove Pro.
I O. L. Gollnhor. . . . . . $ 800
- - Ploklo. . . . . . . . . . . . 00
1 < 1d. ! : IJ1l1oner. . . . . . . . . . . 00
MMt V anuenIJUrg. . . . . UO
D.OalJ1pLell. . . . . . . . .100
Eleollon bourd of Wood lUVlJr Preolnot.
H.Owen. . . . . . . . . . .8000 .
Walter Utown. . . . . . . 600
John Ourrall. . . . . , . . 000
Chae lIurmer. . . . . . ( } UO
A. H.Cornlsh. . . . . . . 000
Alburt Brown. . . . . . . 000
Eleotlon board of V lotorla lreolnot.
J. W. Plymale. . . . . . 10 00
' 1' . . Rutlilell. . . . . . . . 0 01)
LeaD Unlly. . . . . . . . . . UO
O. H. MatiheWd. . . . . . 0 00
Wltl RlcltRrdon. ! . . . . 00
Ira FOllter. . . . . . . . . 0 OJ
Eleotion board or St\r f.'Dt Prt'oln Jt r-1o 1
D. U , EVI\DS. . . . . . . . $ 00
E. W. U4VIB. . . . . . . 600
W. D. lbll. . . . . . . . . 3L O
Jobu TOliver. . . . . . . . II 00
Eleotion nOMd of 8nr ent Prpolnot N02
W. P. GIIII1 le.&H CO
W. 1. : : ItJvtJnt ! . . . . . . . 4 110
P. F. JI\CKtoo. ! . . " 4. 00
o P. W "IOOtt. . . . . . . 4. 00
W. H. OJrueey. . . . . . 4 00
Eleotlon bOllrd \Veat/ville Prtjol nct.
M. E. Ihrrla. . . . . . . . $ a 00
H. l ! " . 11 Jrllunw. . . . . U IJU
A. MeEwtJu . . . . . . . . 6 00
P. M. H\lJtI. . . . . . . . 6 uO
W. IJ. G .rduur. . . . . . 6 l.U
He..r ) 11tJlo. . . . . . . . . 9 80
Eleotlon boar. . uf M1tllJ ; Preelo Jt.
W. G. Elstman ! . . . . $12 70
JObn ilrynn. . . . . . . . . 600
'J.'lIos.1'oud. . . . . . . . . . 0 uo
FrunCie1ureu. \ . . . . . . . 0 lO
N ICOltl ! ! Murl'hutl. . $ CO
Hllrry PeBtor. . . . . . . . 600
Eleotlon bo."rd of Algernou Prtlcloot.
S. W , Wellvar..i ! 000
W. l' . Wbltel1edd. . . . 6 00
J. A. hll. . . . . . . . . . 5 Ull
Johu Wnlker. . . . . . . . 0 00
A. O. bl lnlob. . . . . . 000
B. E. Lnrtlol1. . . . . . . ( j UO
Eleotlon board ot Kllfoll . . .roolo/t.
A. J. Reed. . . . . . . . .i 0 00
L. J. UIl'd. ! . . . . . . . . { ) 20
Edward F JIIJY , 8r. . . 00
SI\muel Vuubusklrk. . 00
tiuct Ol\lIu } . . . . . . " . . { j OU
Eloc.tlon board Broken tiow , Soutl1 Side.
P. A. Wlilton. . . . . . $ 000
.E. E. WUl1 mer. . . . . . U 00
W. n. Shnollollord. : . 00
L. J , OollJ. . . . . . . . . 6 00
obert klUner. . . . . U 00
W , 11. O DOUrD , tr. . ( j 00
Eleotton bourd of Uroken Bow. North
Sl e.
e.O. . R. Luce. . . . . . . . . . $ 0 00
H , . W. rjuckner. . . . . a 00
U. R , r'o..lkwelJ. . . . . 0 00
A. Lanpl1etlr. . . . . . . . 600
O. Btl.udtr. . . . . . . . . . U 00
1. G. Moutloma..y. 0 00
J lootion bent j ot Delllbt Preolnct.
O. ' 1' . L wi . . . . . . . . $12 O
Will ll. ! Jllly . . . . . . . . ( j 00 ;
J. D 1l0118tiuo. . . . . . . .6 00
W. J. Sluoado. . . . . . . .600
W , fl. Cola. . . . . . . . . . .0 00
J. S. 8mtth..O 00
Election olnlma of Arnold Preoinot.
Asbton MctTulre. . . . . . $ 0 00
WllllUm Hay. . . . . . . . ,1 00
J. P. Lonl ( . . . . . . . . . . 6 00
C. U. Hlowor. . . . . . . Ii 00
UeorKo QJrdoD. . . . . . 00
WilliI'm Mills. . . . . . . U 00
Eleotion board of Llllinn lreolnot No 1
OIUB. youn < . . . . . . . .1 00
J. E. ABb. . . . . . . . . . . 01 00
.J. H. McQrMv. . . . . . . 400
it. H. Sar"ont. . . . . . . 4 00
Tom Byer ! ! . . . . . . . . . . 8 00
Eleotlon bourd of I..UlIRD Preclnot No 2.
S. D nenbaugh. . . . $10 00
Ole .JOI1I1BIIU. . . . , . . . . -1 00
N. J. Ottuu. . . . . . . . . 4 00
J I\mOB Abornotl1y. . . 4 00
B. MoAlllster. . . . . . . 1 00
Eleotlon boart. ! or lJlk ! Orue k reolnut .
QUB A. 01"8U. . . . . . . .eI2 00
.J. 0 , Hllb rt. . . . . . . < 1 00
0110 . ' .rrtllUbull. . . . . . . 4 00
U.bert Mortensoo. . . 4 00
J"rank ! Zim mer. . . . . . .1 00
JRmel ! L. 8mlll1 . . . 4 00
E'potlon olnlmll of We t UUiOD Precinct
No. 1.
1.O. . A. AIlII\ \ ) . . . . . . . . . . 11 00
W. J L ep. . . . . . . . . . 4 00
BpenctJr Leep. . . . . . . . 4 00
John HohlIV. . . . . . . . i 00
Henry O. GUes. . . . . . 4. 00
EIl'otlol1 boud of West Union PrnJlnat
Jasper Wall"ce. . . . . . l1 00
J'fcy PoelpB. . . . . . . . -100
Gou. Ml\rsh. . . . . . . . . 4. 00
Porter Fllrley. . . . . . . 4 00
John Plrohm. . . . . . . 400
Election bOfl.H1 or 'rrlumph Preolnct ,
A. G. Gschwind. . . . 4 00
n. p , 1ttl : 'e. ' . . . . . . . 4. . 00
Dnlllel Saito. . . . . . . . . -1 no
Geo.V. . Troyer. . . . . . I : : ! 80
'Vm. lnv. . . . . . . . . . . . "uO
Election board of OllU Preolnot.
E. S. Updlke..e 0 00
ObBII. Bla ( Oman. . . . . II 00
. \ . . . . . . . . .
John Smltz. . . . . . . . . IJ 00
F. L. Heals . . . . . . . U 00
J. U. nllker. . . . . . . . . . 1230
Eleotlon bonrd of Grnet Preoln1t.
Oblls. Uonokescr..e 4 GO
'I'rUml ) Campau. . . . .1 00
Jane l\1aI31' . . . . , . . . " 00
D. M. Oeborn. . . . . . . 4 a ?
H. E WIIIl ms. . . . . . 00
Eleotion bonrd of Atll\loy l're ltlot.
Norton .meberry. . .1 00
O. . Fo tl'r. . . . . . . , f1 00
I O. 8. l IIIBon. . 10 110
A. II. SllepPRrd. . . . 0 00
Itllwllrd Miller. . . . . . , U 00
: Artbur Bnrke. . . . . . . . U 00
Artbur U rke. . . . . . . . I 00
Ji1lootJon bo"rd of llorwyu PCeolllot. . .
Ira 010.8. . . . . . . . . . . . $ .400
" . . .
- . . . . . . . , . . ' - .
. . . . . . . . . . . . , . .
- - - - - - - - - " 'I' . _ _ _ _ _ - " - - _ '
' ' _ : : : r" : ; : : : - - : - " : t'
, ' .
, t
d l " . .1 '
v4llt uam . '
, I
A S ElL SHOE ' . ;
made In all
leathers and I
, style5.
1H1 I ONE : .J .
. fuf - , W'ERc . : .1 . WI'FU _ Ttl U ! ! CHARACTeR'I T" . , . - . , 'I
RyersonaGaOf { ! CO.
. I
= : : ; sho.e s " j
' ' ' ' . : " ' ' ' ' . .w . . . _ _ . . . . . . _ . , , ' , ,
- ' " ' < 11'- - 11 _ _ _ . . . . " .I , . _ _ . . . , - - . . . )
.T. E.8pIJncar. . . . . . . . 4 00
F. T. Perkins. . . . . . . 400
, I "mes D Vldwn. . . . . 4 00
G nrte IN MoRllo. . 7 00
R. R.Veloh. . . . . . . . . 4 00
Election board nlElUm Preclnot.
, Tol1n McFI\ta. . . . . . . .813 UO
B. J. Lltujlbllu. . . . . . Goo
E. S. WoodruU. . . . . . n 00
[ < 1. Hune'eldt. ' . . . . . . . 5 00
.r ames Hl'nry. . . . . . . 0 00
Election bonrd 01 Gartltld ! Preoluot.
S. K. Lee..S 7 ll
.M , O'Brien. . . . . . . . . . . & 00
O. W. l\1ottlngor. . . . 4 00
N. A. Smitb. . . . . . . . 4 00
T. W. Myers. . . . . . . 4 00
O. E. Gre D. . . . . . . . .100
Election honrd of Bayes Preolnct.
t ) . B. .Johnson..6' " 00
' 1' . T. Wwobtelor. . . . 11 O
Ww. Andtjr@on. . . . . . < \ 00
W. M. Harrell. . . . . . 4 00
A.O. Wlncbesto. . . . . 4 00
I:3nmnol : Haug. . . . . . . . 00
Election board 01 Wayne Precinct.
Chne. E. Edward8. . . .e:3 00
Iver 0 JOhnson. . . . . . .1 00
G. W. Morrleo. . . . 4 00
Altred .Johuwn , . . . . . 4 00
Adolph Petereon. . . . . .100
County ClLuvatlBlnJ , ! : BO f ( . .
WIllis Ondwell. . . . . . $ 4 00
L. L. Epley. . . . . . . . . 400
[ < 1or DeIIVeri [ ) B/.Illotll.
W. : : i. Metoalf..6 8 00
. ! . . . . . . . .
F'rlulOllI MaralJ. . . . . . . lEi 00
O. H. Luco. . . . . . . . . 16 50
1 > . , I. CO'11te' . . . . . . . 11 10
J. B. McGuIre.
.J. ' 1' . Artbur . , } Com.
G. HIser.
Mo\'eel and cU1'l'iod that the report -
port of the committee hn ELcceptod
and adopted.
Atljourued till 9 11. m. tODI0rrJw.
130nrc1 met at 9 It. 'm. All pros-
l\IinutoFJ of yesterday rend and
1 t WRS moved nml carried that
the clerk bo iustructed to
chunge 013 Ilmount on the claim of
W : - . . 'urnbull anel of W. P. Hen-
nlan it heing evident that the
nmounts were revor8ed.
1'ho renmindor of the I'oronooll
WIIS fipuut in comllli tleo 1V0rk.
Adjoml1ed till 1 : ao p. III ,
Bnud : mot at. 1 :30 : p. III. \ 11
'l'ho muller of the proposition of
MI1'yOl' Appln ill rcgurd to the al.
lownncn of the dnim of Broken Bow
agaiust the County WIlH Ilgnill taken
1t lun-ing' LO 1l pi eonHl ' moved
Ilnd secouc1e thut the proposition
be Ilccepted. the question was called
and Lho ttYcslU naJ'fI demanded.
The "ote WIlRR follow'l :
VoLing. 1L . .oupel'viHorfl. . Oreeu-
" " .It. Hifwl' , FondnlcOtlin' and
V oU . Arthur
g -Suporrjsorl3 ,
and Feuimoro
\I hereu pOll I hu Ohairman' do.
clarod the motioH carried.
' 1 he Pl'oposiiirM of CorucliuR to
pm'cullsU . axtlo COl.tificllto 011 lot
No. Ii lk ns n. n. Add. to Broken -
en Bow ' ' 'UB tl\IOIl up.
It W I : ! mored und secouded t hnt
the } H'opositiou be rejected for the
ren.wn ! thnt this Board has no juris.
. dictiou carried.
'I he Hond , RO/hl Olldms and Official -
ficial Boud'A ( olUmitloe reported as
follo\\ :
We recommend that. Iho following
oOicial bon ' 8 be nppl'OII ,
I. F. 1i1lor Hond O\'erHeor DiBtl' Ct
No 2. - ; . ' . 0 . BlalldAle ' ,
Head O\'ersoer District No.:1 : ,
Arnold ' lIOlll' ' Jtmiott
J'owuship ; ) ,
ROI\d Onwdeer Dit rict No.1 , Elk
Croak ; CrluHluU D. d\lUfiOn , Trons-
\ll'M , Wood Hiyer Township : J. S.
) lo1yucnm : , Irelumrtlr , Hrokeu bow.
'l'o\\uHhip : ; H. B. Olo\'er , . remHll' .
or , DouglnH Oroyo , Towuship ; O.
C. OJI'Hon. : 'L'roHHurol' . Triumph ,
l'nwlll hip ; Wl1tSOIl H. Hamsou
OUlIs I\hlo Wood HireI' rowllship ;
aud thl1t the following clnims bo al-
J. F. Hutchinson , M.OO Appraiser -
er Sargent' nond ; .TCBse H Ten-
sardon , .I.OO Appraiscr : : iargent
Road ; C. R. Luce , $4.00 Appraiser -
eroargent : Road.
We a1so recommend that the petition -
tition of N. KnudHon for the vacation -
tion and the establishment of a roncl
in Township 16. Rangt20 , bo
granted and thnt John Reese ho al-
lowed $100.00 as damages to ho -
sessed to Rend District No.3 , \ as-I :
foil Township. J. T. Arthur ,
J. H. M cGuiro ,
Jos Fenimore.
The report of the committee WI18
accepted and Ildopted.
1\1r. 'd. ' O. Salisbury nppelll'ed bt-
fore the Board with a propositioll
to ( .xamine the records of the state
of Nebraska. and a certain if Ulero Iln ' monies due Custer COU11ty
from the State of N ebrnslm from
an ) ' source. After diBctlsBion of t.ho
Pl'oposition Ir Gro < : uwt intra-I
dnced the following resolution nlld '
moved its adoption. I'
Hesolved , that . O. Salisbl1l'j' of I
Lincoln.o.obraska. ( ; . bo Ilnd iH hereby I
ex , luslvely authorized and ompow. I
ered to make nn examination of onr
Oonnty HecordR and the records of
the State of N obraslm ; aud if on
slid exa'nination ho finds there is
nn ' monies dno Custer Connty
from the State of N ebrns1m from
all ' Rource , ho shnll compile It Htato. ,
meut of sume and ha"e it cortifierl I' '
t , by the proper offi ers , and Hhnll 1
receive for his serviccR for snicl ( X-
Ilminatio11 , etc" 50 % of the nmouut
found to bo duo Custer ( 'OIllltJ I
from the State of N ebl'lls1m , when
the same or any part thereof is pnid
to Uuster County. Payment to ho
prorated under this contract.
( us tel' County is to bo to 110 expense -
penso whatevcr. except aE > ttbove
tated , but by its oflicerR is to reud-
or to S. J. : :3alisbury : 1111 possible
assistance necessary : and thiH resolution -
ution , when accepted b ' S O. S/Llis-
bury shall constitute II. contract for
the purpose heroin set forth. nlltl
sh\l , bo in force until Januarj' llt. :
19U8. And that the / 'hnirlOlUl'
this Board bo and hereby is ELnthor-
ized and instructed to enter into
contract with 1\11' . Sn.lisburv 011 the
terms and conditions as h'el'oill sot
forth. Upon the motion to aclopt
the resolution being Beconclecl and
the vote being taken the chllirmll11
'dechred the motion carried and the
resolution adopted
Adjourned to 9 a m. tomorrow.
Wednesday , Jan. , 4th , 1905.
Board met at 9 a. m. All members -
bers presen t.
Minutes of yesterday read and
The erroneous and delinquent
tax claims committee reported as
follows :
We recommend that the claim
of W. A. George for $9.35 heing
double paymcnt receipts No. 5595
and 4018 tor the year 1901 , be
allowcd on the general fund.
And that the claim of 1.40 A.
Wight for 816.14 and of the Cus-
ter National Bank for 87.00 aud
of Franlt Spanel for 83.00 be allowed -
lowed in full and that the claim
of Ada Dryfus for 8220,24 be allowed -
lowed for :560.00 : and the connty
treasurer instructcd to refund the
various amounts.
We also recommcnd that the
following claims be rejected :
\V. W. Potts SH.OO and of A.
A. Overman for refund of his
persQnal tax for the years UiCJ3
and 189 . And that the claim of
' 1B. . Russel be laic ! o\'cr. And
that the county clerk be instructed -
ed to correct the valuation of the
Se sectiol117township 1lrang
17 , for th year 1J04 in accordance -
dance with the statcmcnl of the
dcputy assessor now on file.
And that the application for
transfer of side walk tax froll1
lots 16 , 17 , and ] 8 , in block II village -
lage of Sargen t be rejccted.
. G Hiser.
A. 11'0nda.
J. ' 1' . Arthnr.
The report of the cOlUmittee
, \vas accepted and adopted.
Thejudiciary cla ms committee " , ;
reported as follows :
We recommend that the claim
of Chris Jel1\en ! : for $5 50 witnes
fee in the case of the state vs. R. ; 1
B. Fox et al be allowed and the '
claim of C. P. Grem for $5.00 ,
being half of the flue in the case
of A. W. Yates for violation of
the game law , be rejected. , .
Jos. Fcnimore.
G. Hiser.
Geo. Greenwalt.
'rhe report of the committee
was .lccepted and adopted. .
.rhe pOOl' farm , court house and I
jail supples committee reported as I .
fo110\5 :
We recommend that the follow-
ing' claims be a11owI'r1 :
Julln Plrnle. salaryCor3 1I10nl'II1. . . . . . . . . $300 OJ '
IIlerk Ll1l11h r & C'JaI Co. . l\d ! e. . . . . . . . 31.5
W. J.Voodll. . merchandise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 fI.5 J'
ttyder Bros. , mercl1andlse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 36
Hockwell & Artnstronll.mercl1andl80. . . . 2430
.1. r..lIaehcrle , Ulerc..autll\e. . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6S _
l'l1r cll Br..sU'i'pl. ? s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1015
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 00
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804 49
C.lI'lIlt & lIarI. . h\l. tlue ou side walk. . . . JOO 00
W. . . II. Osborne . . , tialar . . } ' for . . Oct. . . . . . . . . . . . r.o 00
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .No. . . . . . . 5000
Dee. . . . . . . . . . . . 50 00
C.'ntrnl 'reI. C , ) . , rent ami tollo. . . . . . . . . . . 1374.5
/d. : " , Jolloy. tabor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
( ; . H. 'l'horp ( ' . poor farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 60
" 'estern . . L. . . & 1' " . . Co. , gaq . . for . . Oct. . . . . . . . . 1 liS
Nov . 13 80
( ; . . . C. Drake. . . board . . aOlI . . L. for . . lrlll . . .d : . : . 34 9 30 6'1
Am. Arlh. Co. . r'pairlnlr machlnc. . . . . . . 8 95
R. D. Pickett. Pre. court . . house . . 1110. . . . . . . . . 9 00
. " . . . . . . .
lIolcolllh.Son" . . . . . . 8700
J.I'.lwl.lI : & H"us. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14500 .
. . " . . . . . . . ,
( ; e".O.\Vatur . . . . . .2.,00
' \1111. . C\dw'II" . . . . . . . . 29 00
and that : the claim Geo. B. Hare . J
for 8100.00 on side walk be re- ' 1"
j''cic'l. ' G. H. Thorpe.
Jos , B"'enimore. "
J. H. McGuire.
'Vout1r"a ( cr"e.
Is displayed by many a man enduring -
during pains of accidental Cuts ,
'Wounds , Bruiscs , Burns , Scalds ,
Sore feet or stiff joints. But
there's no nced for it. Bucklen's
Arnica Salve will kill the pain
and cure the trouble. It's the l. . . }
best Salve on earth for Piles , too. It'
25c , at I.4ee Bros. Druggist.
nmooaDL. . . . . _
The . ,
, ' . )
of the
lUnerican '
, Bread I
, Making
is due to
J Yeast
foam. 1 At
, It makes
, Bread
from any
. Yenst POlin ! la thO'Nut
thnt tool , the } o'itlit Gran1
Prlzo lit the St. I.onlll Ex-
po&Ulol1. lII\lt III laId by aU
IoCI'Ocera lit c. 0. packl1lo-
tJllol1gh tor o IOllveM. Our
IJOoit II 00011 Dread II free.
. r
- - - - - , _ .
Remember the Dl' . ' < cs Jail. 14.