Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 12, 1905, Image 2

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    1 .
" GUs'pleloulI.
J Prc&\ldcnl & \ o the Vegetarian Afllocll\ ! >
\ j tion ( to candldnte for 1110mlcrshlp- )
"Detoro ) 'OU are atlmlUell no n member
bor to our flocl ty , I must nsl : ) ' 011 O 1d
II norlous Ql1eftI I1-'What Is the cnuse
J' ' or that lal'o ( crcnso 8vot on your n8cl ( ,
till t' "
Twenty.Four.Hour Man.
! Antonio Cuez , or Pndrolla , Portugnl , ,
, . /18 / not slollt for three montha , No
c10Ct ( ) 8 cnn cure him , nml the must
l'o\\'crCul opiates hu\'o no enect. lIe
drives mules In the dn'tl1no and aclJl
aa watchmnn nt nlrht. :
Egyptln/1a / Uscd Fine Tool ! .
When the IJyrnmlds were built the
, laborers did not worlc tinder Buch din
lu1rnnlages ! as hl1'\'o Ions' been' nHrl
tmted to them. nescnrches show thnl
they hnd solid amI tubular dr1\ls \ an
lathe lools , The c1rl\ls \ were set wllh
jpwcls' aml cu ( Illto the rucks wllb
keenness and accurncy ,
, .
I . Discovered 'It ( or Himself.
"l mennt to 1tn , , ( ' . hJIII ) 'ou or that
bole , " snlll the IlIndl ) ' host to hIs
triend , , . , 'ho had nllidenh' dlsapponretl
In the cnurse of n Rtroll thrnugh , the
&rollnds Into a. lilt full or wnler. The
trlond climbed ( Iut nnd shool. himself.
"h doesn't maHer , " ho , uald , clu.crJly ! ,
"I Cound It. "
' " - - -
Indenture In Anclcnt Egypt.
necont cxcnvatlons 111 Egypt have
rovenled n bOIIlI-dntcd A. U , 100-ap-
prenUclng a slave for two ) 'ears to I
the " omlogrl\Ilh , " to bo taught to reall
nntl wrlto shClrthnnd , or "tho algna
thnt your son nlol1)'slos Imows , " the
teacher receIving In all 120 drachm III
-about $23.
To Plant Forest ,
'rbo University or Cattrornlll , at
Derlecfey , fnces II. mngnlficent view of
bay , Island and shore , IJUt the high
hills behind It are bare , They are to
bo covered with redwoods , firs , mlln.
wnnltas. tan and whllo oaks and ma'
Nol until wo lwow nil thnt Oed
noTlS can wo esUmnto to the fun the
power and the sacredness of some one
llfo which may seem the humblest In ,
the world.-John nuskln ,
Dlsoharglng n slxteon-Inch gun-It
fhero Is such a thing-doesn't mnlte ,
pcarly so great a racleot as dlscharg.
( ng n cook.
Common semra Is the ICtlacl or see-
'ng ' things 119 they are , and doing
thIngs na they ought to be done.-C.
& . Slowe.
The chaste mind , 111m a polished
\111\110 \ , may admit fonl thoughts with.
IUt receiving thelr lIncture.-Stcrnc.
The people who wear second-hnnd
dothes have some tllfficnlty in lIellov'
Ulg In , t. the ' eternal , fitness . ( Ir thing ! : ! .
I 'mY $ ) no 1mtcnco ! with a man , wh9
1I'01l1d rath r have a Jot ot nncestors
than make 11 name ror hlmsolt.
A 'frlenil of mlno who hIlS the grip
Informs mo thnt a frieze on the wall
I worth -two collis in the hoad.
The Ibngcst wny roufld may bo the
.hortest wny homo , bocnuso there are
110 saloons on the longest WILY.
The devil never worrIes over the
" : Imn wbo SIlVOS an bls smiles fur the I
trangcl"-Ram's Horn.
I The man who InsIsts thnt tlUBlnCSB
(8 ouiy tmslness Is nllt to IJrOVO timt I
rellgion 's ' only humbug.
, , - , ' , . .
The homos or n nntion the bul
C'l'nrl or person III nml nallollal safety
And thrlrt.-J. O. Uolll.1lll. :
The most ngrcenhlo people In the
world are U108e who never huvo nny
olllnJons or their OWIl.
The lowly place of servleo may be
the mounl:1ln top of cOlUmunlon.
The rich mlln cnnnot have a holler
Dank thM the poor mnn's cellar.
, Th , o Is no Thnnltsglvln ( ; without
rrn.t\tudo and giving.
Certain Habits Unconsciously Formcd
and Hard to Break.
An mgC1lous phllosophor estlmatol'l '
thnt the nmount of will power neces-
_ Ir , to' broalt ! 1 lifo-long habIt would ,
It It could bo transformed. mt a
elght of many tons.
It somctlme3 requires a hlghor deco -
co or herolll11 ! to break the cbalne
ot n pernicIous habit limn to lend a
forlorn hope In a bioody hatllo. A
lally writes rrom nn Indllln" town :
- "Feom my earliest childhood 1 WtlS
II. lover of corroo. Betoro 1 was outer
or tny teens I was a mlserablo dys-
peptic. sulferlng torrlbly nt Umes wltb
my Dtomach.
"I wns convinced thnt It was corteo
tl1at WIlS causing the trouble nnd yet
I ( 'QuId not deny myseIr n cu , for
brcaltfal't. At the nge or 36 I was
In ver.y [ 'oor health , Indeed. My sls.
ter told DIO I wus In danser , of becom.
tns n corree drunlmrd.
"Dut I never cOl'ld gl"o up drInk.
tug cortee tor tJrenltCast although It
I > ellt 11:0 : onBtantly Ill , unUl I tried
Pofrt It w ; I lenrnod to make It IJrop-
rl ) ' according to dIrections , and now
we can hardly do without POlltum for
breatItlst" nnd earo nothlnc at aU for
\ " . am no longer troubled wltb d'B
jlerHla , " 0 not have slJells or lIurterlnc
; ifth my stomnch that used to trouble
mo CJ when I drank cortee , " Nam I
< < ivcn by POBtum Co. , BatUe Creek
Look tn eacb pks , tor thIS ramOUb
UUle k , "Tho ftDad to W.lhUle , "
'J !
. . . . . '
. "
. _ .
- - - - - -
60WRNOR'S [ SSAfi [
APJ > I'ovcs of r cvcn uc La\v
Passed by the Last I
- - - -
- ,
Urges Members , to be Cautious
-Opportunity to Make Good
Record In. Their Hands.
- -
' 1'0 the ilTornllt'rR ot thn Tweuty-nlnth
SellHlon or tha J.pglulature of Neb -
b m ! ! Iw :
Orntlell1en-1t Is a constitutional re-
Ilult'omcnt thut t : 'till ! heglnnlng of
"ollr dellbnrntloll3. th chief cxecntl
hllll convc ) ' to 'Yon "Information II ) '
1I1 IaHe : ! of the ttJlu1t.lol1 ; ! ( If th atatc ,
IIII'd shall rocommOJul such mea8uI'es
Uf. . he Hhall Ileell1 uXlI'lI ( : nL"
I have lIut few rewmmenl1atlons to
malto , In glltJrnl , I lIIay say that the
slate wag uover more IJroSlerous ( limn
It Is today , the sovornl executlvo departments -
partments 'wore never ln bettor worl.-
lug CCJutllUon nnd the Institutions are
I\t the zeulth oC careful unc.l economIcal
manngenlOn t. OwIng to the chance nf
lomlcs ' Is chosen ul-
[ , ) 'our membershIp -
most onUrely from oue great party.
With thIs unprecedontec.l' ' majority
comcs n coneHpOluling responsibility.
'J'he domInant Iarty cannot escape the
uurden thus laid Ullon It and It should
he sohered lIy the thought. It Is a
LIme for enrncst , zealous work ; It Is
tlmo when state IJntrlotlsm should
rlso luJCI.lor ! [ to llOl'sol1al prejudIce anll
[ ICtty whims ; It ill : 1tlmo when the
Irh lieges of the few should not be
:1llowed to t.altC IJrecetlence over the
welfare of the many ; It Is 1tlmo for
la'lng broader and malting more secure
lhe equitable foundallons upon which
lhe state shall continue to rlso townrd
'I. ' conllltion of future greatness whIch
\'e now hut faintly appreclato. If ) 'OU
Ivould merIt thc .Ighest encomium of
[ Jralso let ) 'our deliberations bo dls-
llngulshcd by honesty of lJUrpose ,
areful research unc.l I'trlct economy.
rhus will ) 'OU protect the pUblic treas-
: Iry and gmnd against husty und Im-
[ Jerfect enactments , Your motto
! houlll be , not how much legislation ,
ut how good ,
'rIm n.mVENUE l A W.
'I'ho reenuo law passed b ) ' the pre-
: ctllng legIslature has met the expecl:1-
lions of Its friends and has been re-
el"ed with popular favor. This InCel'-
mco Is fully warranted by the results
: > f the recent camlJalgll. The law beIng -
Ing an Innovation In Iome : ! of Its fea.-
lures and havIng a direct bearing on
lhe Interesls of O\'ory citizen was nut-
llrally brought under the ! : ! enrchllght
Jf llubllc opinion and was made the
Lhrget of extreme criticism. The ngl-
Lntlnn was helpful In that It gave tbo
people genemlly n bettor undorstand-
lug of revcnuo IJroblems than they had
IJrovlously en o'cd and enabled n moro
Intellgent , "oto upon the IEsues 111-
\ 'ovetTho ! ! result was such an endorsement -
dorsoment or the work of the leglBla-
lure which Cramed' ' nnd passed the bl1l
I1S has seldom lOen recorded In the
history or Nebraslm. Not a single
member who voted for the blll and
who stood for re-election this year was
llefeated , 'fho conclusion Is that the
tlmo was rIpe for revenue revIsion.
The IJoplo ! undorstootl the Inequltablo
prol'lslnf\S \ of the old system undler
which the growing state cou1tl' not
adnpt Its revenues to Its Increasing
ohllgntlons ; they appreciated the logic
omploYCll by former executlvo omcors
III cha1lenslng pUbllc nttontlon , by
meEsage and hlonnlal report , to the
urgent need of revlBlon ; they were
cognizant of the non-partisan spirit
which entered Into the framing or the
now law and realized that the measure
wns the product of the best thought ,
reganlleRI ! of party , which the loglsla-
ture could command , Bupplomented by
the vnlunblo experIence or older states
alnng similar lines. They Imow , tno ,
that the two fou llatlon principles
'W ro the essence nf justlco , namely ,
the listing of 1111 property for assess-
lJont IllltlJ030S I1t its fnlr cash value ,
Dnd the 10'lng or au equitable aud
unIrorm tax upon all propert ) ' so list-
ed. without bias or fnvor ,
Ono nssessment nud one set or lovle9
have been mndo under the now law and i
we are now In n u ltlon to jud e of
resulls , It Is aIJparont that a largo
nmount or IJronorty which hitherto hns
been cm'ered nnd has e ( 'aped taxntlon
( llitlrely has heen placed upon the as-
HCMmont rolls and Is mnlle to stand
1tJ ; just ahnre or the OXIJel18e of go-
ernment. Other IJrOpel.ty which In the
111\st has been vnlued at rltllculouly ! !
low figures has heol1 listed at alJproxl-
mately Its true worth. 'I'ax shlrltors
hnve heon brought to time , both prl- I
va to and corporation IJroperty Itn vo
rocelved their just deserts , the grand smel1t roU has hoon Increased tea
a reasonable 8um. the IItato has been
enabled to mise sumclent revenue to
meet the eXlX'n'lc.1 of o"ornlllont economIcally -
nomIcally admlnlstored. and In the
transition from tbo old to the new no
Interest hils been Injuretl be'ond the
few Isolnted cases which have been the
victims or mlstaltos , or concernIng
which the jUdgment of the nH'IeSSOr or
of the levying hOdy may have been
In s ) Ino communities the taxes for
thIs 'ear are consldernbly Increal'ml
over the laxes of last ) 'Car , hut an 111-
Jrl'llIr,1 to 1101,1 'l'hrh' 1IIonr ) '
' 1'ho lIlrectors oC the Wa1a : h nnIJrond
cOI1lIJany at n meeting In Now Yorl
decided not to mnlto any dlstrillution
on the debenture "A" bonds. In JUDe
It was declded that the money which
might bo used to pa ) ' iutorest on the
"A" bonds wus needed ( or improvo-
mcnts to tbe IJ1'Ollerty. ,
Nothing wlll plellso the small bo ) '
moro than the lrivllege of assuming
the role or ftl.t1lor to the man accas-
It's a long love that has no coollnE : ,
YeHthatlou ; of thC' facls dlRcloses that
the fault Is 1I0t , with the law , hut rather
with the local lev'lng bodies which ,
111 mnl < ! ng lhelr lovlo'l , did not talto pl'n/lOr / couBllleratlon the Inl'l'eased
valuation upon whIch they were actIng -
Ing ,
Whllo the cssontlnl 1)1'Inolples oC the
law are , 111 my Judgment , eminently
just nntl C01'I.CCt , lhel'o are some matters -
ters oC dctall which mIght he improved
und to thcu ! I Imlto ) 'OUr attention.
Under the In terpl'olation placed upon -
on the la w by the Rtato hoard or equalization -
zation nnd IlBSeERmen t. It hn.s no Ilower
to ( II n'crenllatu llOt ween clns es of
III'operty 111 equallzll1g county aHseSR-
lIIents. It can ralso 01' luwe ! ' the en-
tao assessmcnt roll of Ihe cOlll1l ) ' , but
cannot ralso or lower ono duss of
1)\'oPOl'ty \ without refll'ence to tbe other
clauses , 1"01' thlH reawn It 18 Impos-
sllJlo to secure a jllst equnllatlon : , for
In mlslng or low'rlnt ; 0110 deficIent
class to the vrotJer btandard nther
c1nsles'lth : ! whldl Ihel'e Is no fuult
nre , h ) ' the unit sy , leru , raised or lowered -
ered In unison alld , hence , while justice -
tice mllY bo secul'ed In the one Instance
It Is vlolate ill the ether , I therefore
recommend thut Sectloll 130 , Article I ,
Chapter 77 of the Compllcd ! Statutes
of 1903 be nmended so as to } Jermlt the
state bnard of cquallzatlon tn dlfCer-
ontlato betwcen clasEes ow property In
equalizing cOllnty assess , , bnts ,
AnotltCl' Inherent wealmoss In the
present law Is the fact that county
boards of equallzatlon are compelled
to malto theIr levies In aclvanco of the
equnllzatlon of the county assessments
uy the state board. I recDmmend thnt
Section ] 36 , Arlle1e ] , Chapter 77 ,
Compiled Statutes or 1903 , be amended
so that county boards shall malte theIr
levlel ! ufter the certlficute of count ) .
equalization shull hnvo been receIved
from the state boanlo. Also , that Section -
tion 130 of tbe sumo article and chapter -
ter be amcnded so as to provIde for
the traull\lEslon \ ! , by the state board ,
of the ccrtlficate of county equatlza-
tlon to the county cIeri , at the eartlest
date consIstent with the general tenor
of the section , IInd that tbo said county
clerl bo Instructed to call the county
board together within Ic\'on days after
the recolpt of said certilicate for the
purpose of maldng the necessary levies
for the emmlng ) 'ear. For the same
reasons the Inw fixing the time for
mnl\ng \ Bchool dlstl'lct aud municipal
lovles should be amended In harmony
with the above suggestion , !
- I
B- act or the last legislature , the
chief executl\'o of thIs state was au-
t.l'orlzed to apJlolnt a commIssion of
three members to act with a 1I1tc com-
. . . . . , , . .
'r. t .t " t' " " -nn. nf
South Dalwta in the matter of agree-
II1g upon n boundary hne between the
two states. This commission met with
Iho representatives of South Daltota
In duo tlmo nnd' ' after repeated' conferences -
ferences and' personal Inspection , an
agreement of the joint commission " "US
llIed wIth me , : 'Irarch 4 , 1904 , which I
now transmit to ) 'OU for approml or
The preceding leglslaturo also made
provision for a similar commission
to act In conjunction with a commission -
sion representing the stnto or Iowa ,
However , as our onnctment was contingent -
tingent upon the nctlon or the Iowa :
legislature In providing for n boundar ) ' I
commission , nnd as the Iowa leglsla- ,
turo neglected to talw such nctlon ,
nothing has been dono. Owing to the
technicalities In"olvod , lawlessncss
and crime hnve been fostered In the
tllsputed territory and the rights of
property owners have t.een sUbject to
n uch annoyance , This stnte of aITalrs
wl1l continuo until relief has bten ) afforded -
forded by the settlement of the bound-
nry dlsputo , I recommeud , therefore ,
thnt ) 'our honorable bed ) ' malw llrovl-
Hlon for another boundar ) ' commission ,
the slntute of lImHalion havlug run
against the old act , to co-operato 'with
a 1I1to commission from the state or
Iowa In agreeIng upon a bounllary l1no ,
The 1It1 ntlon reA"ardlng the boundary -
ary lIne between Nebraslm and Missouri -
souri , which hall been pending In the
supreme court of the United States for
some time , was permanently selUed
recently by a decisIon or the court
fully sustainIng the contention of
Nobraslm. The court fixes the boundary -
ary llne In the center of the old chM-
not of the MIssouri rh'er , confirming
to Nebraska what Is Imown as "Island
Precinct , " Nemalm county. I recommend -
mend that an nplJroprlation or $1,000 ,
or as much thereof as may bo needed ,
be made for the sUr\'ey1ng or the line
and the erection or permauent monuments -
ments , the state or llssourl to lUeet
Itl ! cqual aharo nf said expense ,
' ' " ' " "
On October 7 , 1904 , the balUeshlp
"Nebraslm" was succe2sfully launched
at the ) 'arlls or the bulldors In Seattle ,
Washington. 'rhe Impressive ceremonial -
menial was partlclpatell In by a number -
bor or the oxecutlvo officers or thIs
stato. Tbo "Nebraslm" Is ono or the
latest and most elllclent types or battleships -
tleships nnd our sl:1to Is highly honored -
ored by the national Iovernmont In
beIng permitted to stalHl sponsor for
} lor. The remnlnlng worl , or construction -
tion and equipment will occupy about
OIlC year and she will then bo rOldy : for
cemmlsslon , At that tlmo It will be
hl hly proper for our stnto , through Its
I ( glslaturo or unotJIl'lally through Its
dtlzenB , to IJresont to the offil'ers of
the "Nebraska , " for the use of the shIp ,
S0lll0 practlcnl sift n.s a tolten or our
C"lIfurnl. . 'l'lIlIrn"nlt'nt or Uu.r.
Under the most auslilcious weather
conditions Imaglnnblo and In the pres _
once or sixty thousand people , Paso.-
donn , Cal. , hold her seventeenth an-
11\11\1 now ) 'ear' ! : ! fcast of 1I0wers , the
celebrated "tou1'J1a01ent of roses. "
SeU-control Is when ) 'OU call pln ) '
cnrds with women and malte thom
thlnlc you are enjoyln It.
The cleverest thing Is for n gIrl to
pretend she Is armlel YOI1 will se ber
Ihoe : tops when she Isn't.
. "
" '
, " ,
'f- Interrrt In tno flghtln- craft vhlch
IJpal's 0111. state nnmu and ns a furUwr
Indlr'utlon that we are rIOt Insenslblo
10 the dlstlt'lIon whil'h hns 1Ieen t'on-
f'rrld Ullon us b ) ' the geneml govern-
111 ( 'n t.
'rho leghdatul'o or ] 003 mallo pro-
"Is Ion for the temporary contlnuanco
of the supreme court cOlll1l1isslon , six
commlsslon'rs to he appointed for the
period of ono ) ' (11\1' and three commissioners -
sioners to bo aplJOlnted for the IJerlod
of two yonrs Crom April 10 , 1903. 'fho
court Is unahle to l\e3p up with the
work which comes before It , the number -
ber or cnson tlled oalJh month being
In excess of the number disposed of.
a seems Imperative that 11 commission
nf nt least three members should be
provldufl for the coming blennlulII , to
the cnd that the rlghtl ! ot litigants
who are seeltlng relief II1ny ho con-
l'er\'cd wIthout unrensonable del a ) ' .
On NovClnbpI' 30 , 1.104 ! , the fioatln ; ;
Interest benl'lng Indebtedness of the
stnto , liS represented by outstaIHlIng
geneml fund warrants , amounled to
$2,253aSti.IO , an hH'I'DSO during the
blennlllm of $26tO7 : ; , i. 'fhls condition -
tion WIIS made lo5slblo and 11I'acll'ally
unavoldablo hy the OlJeral1on of the
0111 r'rcn uo law.
Whllo the new law was passed in
In03 , It Illd not hecome operative until
1J04 ! , and it hns had no appreclahle effect -
fect upon the state's financIal contll-
tlnn , With refereu'o to the sufficiency
of the state's Income urlng the comIng -
Ing blpl1nlum , I quote from the cUlTent
biennial report of Stale Auditor Weston -
ton :
"To the estimated' Income Crom the
levies of 1905-6 have been added a COll-
servnttve estimate of Income from bacl ,
taxes and a "er ) ' conslderablo amount
derived from 111lscellaneolls sources ,
malting the total estlmato of Income
for the genernl fund $2,81J,2H,71. ! As
agnlr , t this estlmatoll' general fund Income -
come , the eBtlmated requirements for
the 1Ilpnnlal porlod commonclng April
1 , 1905 , and chargenble to the general
fund , amount to $2,5.10,316 , "
I'rom ; the aboyo It Is apparent that
it the present legislature holds Its al1-
proprlntlons within reasouable bounds
the receIpts of the comIng biennIum
will exceed the exr-endltures by $278.-
928 , a condition which has not existed
In Nl'braslm for many years ,
'Vlth such n. state debt as no\v confronts -
fronts us It requires no argument to i
malte clear that the strictest economy I
consistent with the public weal sheuld
dl"tll1gulsh all your rplnllons with the
pUbllc treasUlT. The opportunity Is
most auspicIous , The state instltu- ,
tlons were never In better condition.
'I11e two precedIng legislatures made
appropriations for permanent Improvements -
ments nmountlng to n llttlo more than
$ GOOOOO. The result Is that needed
buildings and equlpments ha"o been
generously proYlded and the present
Il'glslntlvc body wll1 bo expected to debut
but IIttlo in the way of expenditures ,
'rhe hane of every legslath'o [ bed ) '
Is the subsldlz'lI lobb ) ' . Vicious legislation -
lation is 1I0t the result of Ignorance ,
but Is rather the result of prejudicIal
infiuences which ought not to exist
nnd which' certaInly ought not to be
tolerated within the halls , cloalt rooms
or otJIces of any deliberative body
which has power over the destinies of
n. people. I recommend' that such ac-
Uon be talten as will protect ) 'our
membership from the onslaught at
privnte and corporation lobbyists who
seel , to accompllsh pernicious ends by
the exerclso of undue Intluence.
The legislature of two years ago appropriated -
propriated $35,000 for a Nebrasltu exhibit -
hibit at St. Louis and Inld upon the
chler execuU"o the dut ) ' of nppolntlng
a non-partisan commission of three
members upon which should devolve
nll responsllllllt ) ' pertaining thereto , I
am informed that , after paying all ob-
1Igatlons , there will remain unexpended -
ed about $16,000 of the ol'lglnal nllpro-
prlatlon. This Is certaInly a most
F-ratlfylng condition , one whIch spenlts
eloquently or the wIsdom and dlscro-
tlon which the commlsBlon oxerclsed
In the discharge of Its utles.
'rho people of the PacIfic coast in
partlcnlar are now preparIng for the
Lewis and Clarl , Centennial Exposition -
tion , un event which will commemorate -
ate the trlnls and triumphs of the ox-
plorlng expedItion sent out by President -
dent Jefferson durIng the year tollow-
Ing the purcha.e ! or J oulHlnna and
whIch succeeded In penetrating to the
mouth of the Columbia rlvor in 1805.
'rho wOI'I of the food commission Is
necessarJly curl:1lled by reason of the
fact that the law restricts Inspection
to dairy products , cIder and vinegar ,
As a conEequence the grcat mass of
food products containIng InjurIous
adutternnts es"apo the jurIsdiction of
the commission and ar. : ! amenable only
to the general statutel ! . The ! : ! ubject
Is an ImpOltant onc. It seems desirable -
able tbat the present law bo broadened
In its scope and made to Include aU
food products , and that provision bo
mndo for such nddltlonal n.sslstanco as
the enlarged duties may make ncces-
Tbo preceding legislature mlsed the
Infinmmabl1lty test of Ilhnnlnatlng oils
from 100 degrees to 112 degrees , Ii'nhr-
onhelt , lIlus affording ndclltlonal se.
curlty to lito nnd property. Since the
In\v was made operatlvo It hn.s been
rlgldlr on forced , not a slnglo cnso hay-
Inr ; been reported where 011 below the
t Gt hns been placed on the marltet.
The P"II IIr Cotton 1If111
Application for a recel"er or the
De"ls cotton mills or Fall Rlvor was
made. The Industrial 'I'rust c0111pnny
or Provldenco holds a mortgage for
$500,000 on the plant to secure an Issue
oC bonda pay blo In twent ) ' years.
oung man , bowmo of the girl who
lets ) 'Oll do nIl the taUtlng during the
courtship ; she's lln'lng II. wa.ltlng
moved trom clothing with the aid of a
small pall' or scissors.
, /1/ ' .
, , ,
tnmoNfroN ,
'rho rUIJort of the nl'cretarr or the
slate board of Inlgatlon showl that
cOI1Rl ( 'rahlo IJrngrcss has heen made
In 1rt'lgntloll matters dUl'lng' the last
two 'ears , Whllo the number of now
projects hns not been great , much IlIIs
b'cn accomplished In the Wa ) ' of Im-
vrovement ot exlstlllg t'l\lIals and additional -
ditional area has been brought under
cultlmtlon. The Unltc Sl:1tes recln-
matlon servlco haR undertnlwn a large
project which has for Its ollject thc
storage of aU the flood waters or the
r\orth Platte rIver and the reclamation
or thousands oC acres of land In Ne-
brasln nncl W'omlns , It Is hoped this
plnn will worl , to successful conclusion -
sion , thereb ) ' addIng 'huge productive
area to our domain.
'rho military tlelJl1l'tment has assumed -
sumed a po < ; ltlon of mUl'h grenter Importance -
portance ShH'O the enat'tment of the
present militia law by contress , np-
proved Jauuar : ; 21 , 1903 , 'fho purV < Jso
nf the law' ' Is tu recognize and malte eC-
fectlvo the voluute'r fo"ce organized
unde ! ' the tI tle of the natlonnl guard
as the res"yo Hrm ) ' uf the 111\tlon ,
In order that the state mny receh'e
! ts full IllIota of MslRtl\nre and' thnt
Its pI'lYlleges under the federal 1lW !
lUar matorlntlze , a SUffirlC'l1t approprIation -
tion should he made to car"y Into of-
f'ct the designs of the enactment , In-
RI'rl' qafoty flf pUblic stures , provldo
suitable quarte"s for comvan ) ' organizations -
zations , alld extend encoura emen t to
the young men who yolllntnrllv M-
sume the duties of a soldier , dntles
that may at uny time become arduol1s
" " 11 IIn"gorol1 ! ! In the enforcement of
law and protection of life and prop.
The state views with e\'er Illcreas-
Ing prIde the progrl'S-1 of itR grpat edn.
'ntlonal centerR , the ul1h'ercltv ! tnd
till' Peru normal , and 10 loolilng for.
ward to tlle time when the Kearney
normal will take Its place with the
other and wltl become nn Important
factor In our public school system ,
YOllr attention 11'1 ' caJled to the suit
of the sl:1to against the bond"lTIen of
former State Tre:1.lIur'r : : J. S , Bartley.
Afte ! ' more than Roven ypars of lIthm-
tlon the state Is without any jl1tlgment
atalnst the bondsmen , I am Informed
that not a sIngle bonllsman has a dol-
lar's worth of nrnu rl ) ' In his own
nnmo out of whitil : the slnte could en-
forre a collcctlon of any part of the
lId'gment should one over he rendered.
Rome of them have alrpadv gone
through th ( ' hankruptcy rOllrt since the
suit W'1lS Instituted , I get thIs Informa.
tlnn ( rom Ihf > ( 'OII1't r cordq and from
the last officlnl report to mc of ttor-
fley General I , ' . N , Prout , In whl'h ho
rp'onlmends the dlsm.c"al ! of this case
on the payment or the 'ORts which
have been made , by thf > honc1gmen , and
on the best terms possible ,
Under a recent dC''ls1ou of the supreme -
preme court , It IR held that the statute
II ] In"a1ld which authnrl7.lf ! the CVl''l1'
Hon and approval of officIal bouds with
. . . , , , . . ! ltltv cnmn"nl"s nq s1'rptlps. 'I'he
defect Is technical and can be reme-
J rC < 'ommenrl thn t at the earliest dGte
'onsllltent : with the amol1nt or wOl'l ,
fnvolyell ; 011 pas a law which w1l1
le'u1lze ! the execution af1d auorO"al of
either personal or gua1'l1nt ) ' bon lis.
The experlencc gailled In the past
two : , ; ears serVeR to confirm my jud -
ment ns e f1rmsrd : In mv nrp"'om ' ; 1'1-
Bugural address , recommending the
crentlon of the position of state nc-
countant. It should bl > the Ilnlv of
qlfch officer to "sl'rlltlnlze and yJI'Ify
the accounts nf the "nrlous state offi-
( 'f > rs and stnte In..tltutlons , " I bplleve
that such an offidl\l wonld ol'O"e of
great vnlue to the slntf' , andl hence I
repeat the recommendation ,
I recommend thaI. t.he purcnaQ'n ' or
.11 l1'n"lIes for hoth thr IMtltutc rm
the Blind anll the Iu < ; tltuto for the
Ttmf and numIJ hc placed In the hands
'If the hoarl ! of nnr"ha"e n"d Rl1onlles ,
this b lng the hoard which lIoos the
buying for all the other Institutions.
The Imtltuto for the F'pf > ble MInded
Is In a , 'pry crowded condition , About
thirty nppllcatlfll1 arp now on me
rrom those seelllngndmlssllm , and
who arc properly c-atlUed : to the care
of the state , hut who are denlptI en- '
trnnco on account of I.ho Illek or room.
I recommend an npproprlatlon or $20-
000 for the } 111rpOSO or erecting a cot-
tmO for girls , ns an adjunct or this
II1f'tltutlon ,
The Norfoll , asylum , for the rebuild-
' ' ' ' of whlrh ! ltJ ! lnnl"nnrlltlon was
mndo br the last legislature , is near-
Ing' ' completion , but prohably w11l not
be rendy for the reception of Inmntes
'mUl nbout the first of 1\ay. When
the last IOII'Ihture madl' n"o"lslon for
the rebulldln at the Norfoll ns'lum
It was belle\'c1 that th , In'llltutlon
woult ) be com\llotp1 In at least ten
months of the llresont hlennlum , ApproprIations -
proprIations amounting to $54.850
were nccordlngly mndo for omcors'
, . .IArleR , I"mplm-pel' " wnles and enprl\l
ox pense or maintenance. Af5. the build-
'ug has been deln ) tl , 110 part of these
' \pproprlatlons has leen ) uRed , I recommend -
ommend that $18,000 of the malnton-
anco fund avproprlated fOI' the Norfolk
' \sylum bo transferred to the account
of the Nobraslm Hospltnl for the In-
! Iano. :
Permit me to express the hope tha.t
vour dutlcs w1l1 provo p'eaRnnt and
that the result at 'our 111 bor wIll nro-
mete the weUare or our beloved state.
[ Signed ] JOlIN H , MICKEY.
TIle more fiattery a man hands his
wlfo the less pin money ho wlll have
to dig up.
Grease spots ma ) ' be qulclc1y ro-
'Vlgg-"Thore arc more 'ays than
one or loslnl > ' money , " " 'agg-"Yes ;
tl10ney cnn bo lost In moro W6)'S than
wCin. "
In horse rnch1g the chnp 'ho geta
the worst or It ill the bottor.
The subnrbllu vo1lcemnn Is ( ; encrally
annexed to n countr ) ' club.
, ' . " . '
. . '
. . , . , ' .
1 ,
I To Preserv Cider. 1
Where elder Is used from the Cftflk.
to prevent spoiling ln the partlr empt , . l To. f
caslr , pour upon the cider a quart of .
S0l110 tastelese all , such ns olive or
peanut all. The 011 wlll form n thin I
film on tbo sl1rfnco or the elder and \
prevent acceS9 or the acotlc and putro- .
rnctlvo ferments always present 1 1 th '
air.-Southern Farm Mngazlno.
6hoeklng. )
Daughter-Don't Invite my rnrn1 \
unele In the reception room any moro \
Motlter-Dld ho malto any bad 1\ \
brenls before the company , dear' I
Daughter-I should say so. When 1 1 , . [ , \
showed hIm n Louis XIV chair h _ \t I ,
c.slwtl It Louis wns a good chnlrmilltcr \
,1\ , \
A New LonDcst Word.
What Is belle"cd to bo the 10ngE'ft ! II I
word In the English language has Jusl
I becn discovered by an enterprleluA ,
I druggist. It Is "ortlto'ethoxy.nna I
monobonzoyl.amlelo.qulnolln , " and Is
I the correct sclontlfic name Cor u well
"nown 1JrolJrletary medicine.
Gteel Fishing nods.
steel fishing rods have been brotQ ; it
to such a state or perfectlnn thnt tb y
are now being solll oxtenslvcly In the
I plnce of those or bamlJoo , It Is Etald
tbat th'y nro handler to carry , nnd
are beller balanced
; ,
Shouting Their Pralscs.
KIrkland , Ill" Jl1n , 2nd.-Spoo1nl ( )
-Cured or the terrible Rhoumatlo
[ mlns thnt ma e hIm crlpplo fur
years , Mr. nIchard R. OroenhoD , an I
old and respected resldont at Utls \
place Is shouting the praIses or the .
remedy thnt cured him , Dodd's KId. I
ner Pills. ,
"I had the rheumaUsm In my left 1
11mb so thnt I could not waUt o"er < < 1n
to fifteen rods at a time , and that by
the use of , two canes , " Mr. Greenhon
6n'S. "I would Itavo to sit or 110
down on the ground when I was out
tryIng to wnlk and the sweat would
run down m ) ' ! ne'e , with so much pa.ln.
( could not sleep at night tor o.bout
five or six weels.
I "I tried different doctor9' medlolnes ,
but they were an no good. Then I
sent for Dodd's Klelno ) ' PlllB and :
almost Crom Ithe first they brought }
relief. By the lime I had taken four.
teen boxes ot them my rheumatism
was all gone and I can truly say I "
feel better than I have In the Inst
twentryO years. "
Chemistry on Railroads.
The operation of a modern raUWAY
Is a place where chemistry wo11'ld 1
hardly seem lI1tCly to bo much In cvl'
dence , but every large railway system I
maIntains expert chomlsts In whoso I
laboratories questions of "Ilai Import. I
nnce to railroad economlos are con
stnn y underGoing mlnuto chomlcaJ
The World's Greatest Skin toap-Tho
Standard of Every Nation of / , '
the Earth. I : , I
: \mUons or the world's best people
Use Cutlcurn. Soap , nsslsted by Cutl. \
cura Ointment. the purest Il'nd swcet.
est of emollent skin cures , for preservIng -
Ing , . , urifylng and beautifying tbo
skIn , for cleansing the scallJ or crnsts ,
scales .md dandrurr , and the stopping I
ot ralling hall' , ror softening , whitenIng - I
Ing nnd soothIng red , rough and BOre
hRndR , tor baby rashes , Itchlngs and . !
cLafings , and many sllnatlve , anUrop-
tic purposes which readily suggest . . .
themselves to women , espocldly I ' )
mothers , .as well ns for an th lIur- ,
poses or the tollot , bath and nursery. ,
Orlgl ! " of Petroleum. ,
Until recentl ) . It was Almost unlver-
9ally believed that pelroleum. lllt I
( 'oal , " :1S : derl"ed frnm fossll "cgeta.
I Ian or IJosslbh' from animals or fishes (
or some long past Age , Now It Is asserted -
serted by mnn ) ' scientific mon that It "
may not bo or any orgnnlc ongin , but
may bo duo to subterranean cbomkDJ
IlcUon. \ ,
UNDOMA Hair TonIc will 10M to .
yonr haIr that sort fluffy appenrnftco ; \
appreclnted by people or gooll tnste "
nnd r finement. ,
Asl , Vour Barber. f
Send us your name for free beat. .1
mcnt. I
'I'HE UNDO\IA : COMPANY , Oma1ta. .
Mankind's Many Languagcs. \
There are DO tewer than five thou. :
lIand dlHUnct languages spolton by "
manldnd. The number of separate dl.
alects Is enormous , There nre more l
than sixty dIstinct vocabularIes In .
Brnzll , and In MexIco the Nnhua lan' .
gungo has been brolten up Into ! IOvcn
I hundred dialects , There are hundrod. \
in Dorneo.
Jlc lnJ,1I111111 , 1I1ccdlng or I'r , trudlnil 1'lIe011' ' " ' "
dragl. ! ; will refund mouy ! If I'AZO OINTH NT " 'I !
, falll to CUf1011 111 6 IQ 14 dllY. , We. _
To ndmtro a virtue without sockloar I ,
to pmulate It Is to enervate tbe souto
I do not' bc1tc\-o 1'llIO's Cure for ConlUlDptl.OII
baR nn cqu I for coughs nnd cold.-JolIY p I
noru , Trlulty Sl'rlnga , IlId" Feb , Iii , 1001
Some mon wlll miss heaven because
they sit so long b ) ' the waysldo dissecting -
secting their guldo boolts ,
I When a mnn Is too old to bo malle ( ' \ .
a reel or b ) ' It pretty woman ho'a cer-
t.\lnly In the contennrlan class ,
. It the public could IUO ! for breach of
prom Iso most p01ltlcal officeholders
would bo banlrul1t.
Wben ono Htarts out to do the greatest
est good to the greatest number , No.
1 Is " "
usually "It.
Many II. Doclety woman Im't 1ft the ) /
Bwlm deep euoucb to ot hOT bll.thtnc
lIult wet.
. .