, . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . " . .i. ( a ; I , J ! r I , . + . . . . L rr.0. . . : : UST R COUNTY R PUBUCAft ! . l1y D. M. AMBDERRY. . . , , BROKEN DOW. . . NEBRASKA : , : Brief Telegrams 'fho , TnpalieBO nro flnlll to bo .utter- Ing from the rohl nt Mukdem , lIenry Wntterson Is In Paris to pIneo biB grnndson In sebool In tlmt cUy. Preshlont Hooflovolt expcctoll to call an oxtm Besslon ofJIress ) / In Octo. bel' COl' rovlslon. . An nntl.go\'ornmcnL demonstration In St. PC'tC'I's1lurS' , wns brolto up by charge oC the poJU'e , f CongrC'sflmnll Hepburn nrrnlgllcll the civil ser\'lco nnd moved to throw out the nlpropI'lation. ; The rnllronds hnvo grnntoll n. rnto of 1 cent n mile Cor the grnnd nrmy oucnmpn1ent at Donver. . Ono contcst In the Bennto nnd two ' 0 house must bo setlIed ly the I 'ral aSHemIJly In Illinois. . 'owton L. Penn , said to ho the Inst lineal descendant of WIlHnm l enn , ba8 just died In IInrtrord , Conn. It seems to bo pretty cortaln that Secretnry Wilson of the DOl1artment of Agrlculturo will retnln his placc. 'l'ho Japl1noso are rellortod to have torpedoed the Sevastopol , last bnttlo- 8blp oC tbo Russ Inn pOI't. Artbur fleot. Senator IIol1ldns Introduced a bill to 111aoo ( ; 1on. Peter , T. Ostorhau8 on t..o rotlred list oC tbo nrmy I\S n major Iel ) eral. The Interstnto commerce commls. sian Is lIlwly to orl1er n relluctlon In cattle trnfllc rates from the West and Southwest. 'fho Mergenthnlor Llnotypo compnny has declnred a qual'torlY dividend of 2 % per cent. nnd an extra. dlvldeud or 6 DOl' cont. ' ] ' ] 10 morcantllo store of W. McDon. nld at Meal10w Grove , wmr entered nnd robohll or goods to the value or nbout $1,000. Senntor Blltlns proposes plan for circuit court of Interstate commerce which Is being serIously cousidered by the proshlent. About 600 Porto Ricans , whoso con. . tracts for worldng in the sugar plan. tatlons of Hnwall have expired , are In San Francisco In desLlluto condl. tion. tion.WeeldY WeeldY trade revlows show that an active h01ldny trade is In progress , en , couraglng conditions resulting In the plnclng of many orders for now IItoclts. 'fho Colorado supreme court has thrown out the \'oto of Denver pre. ' dnct , establlshln/ / precedent which may sorlously afCect the result of the eloctlon. Prof. Robert. noch : of Borlln will start for South Afrlclon December 17 to engage In further scientific In. vestlgatlon of rlnderpcst and other animal diseases. . Cornen universIty nuthOl'ltios 11nvo I started n systomntlc mo\'ement to rid Ithaca , N. Y. , of mosqulloes , which are snld to 11avo caused last summer's epidemic of malnrla. At the cabInet meeting Secretary MetcaI ! tallted IJrlefIy of the slatus of the land fraud cnses , Indicating that oomo slartllng developments In them mIght bo c peetcd In tbo near future. I Qucon Vlclorln's jublleo presents hnvo been sent h ) ' express In twenty largo pncltlng cnses to Now Yorle City from St , Louis , where they wlll bo , placell on board a steamer Cor Eng- land. 'l'he olght hlryclo riders who re. fused to fInish In the six days race In Now Yorlc last week have been pennllzed IJ ) ' the National C'cllng as. ooclatlon. The mysterious paclcn e held by 11'1 Rc'nolds anll said to contnln $5,000- 000 In securIties belonging to 1\Irs. Cnsslo I" Chadwlclt was ol ned In Cleveland and found to hold only brown paper. John Ormo , daring hlghwa'man , : tmown as the "tnll man" in the com. blnatlon which ' ' tel'l'orlzed Chicago In ] 89G , 18 unl1cr arrest , ns ono of the two highwaymen who enterell the Peoria Natlonnl bank nt Peoria 111. Senator Depew stlld his can:1Idacy : tor the senatorship of New Yorlc was In the hands of his frlouds anll ho would not Withdraw from the canvass because of any action tbo conference might Imvo tal\On. , Count ' 1'olstol's son Anl1re , who Is an orderl ) ' attnched to Lleuten nt G eral ' Sobeloff's sixth army corps , bas rocelved the S1. George cross for repeated hravery In carryln& dls. . 1 > atches under firo. A lone rohor held up the bank of Chisholm , 1\IInn" \ during business i bours and secured $2,200 , He forcell 'the cnshler into the vault at the muz. Ido of n revolver and loclted the door. The robber escaped. W1l11am B. Curlls writes of the com. In report of the commIssIoner of education , which will sMw th t 'on' ferful gTowth of coeducatlon In 111s ( 'Ountry , 92 per cent of these ntle ' . tn oolleles being In mlxM dnsses DIlls were opened In Washlngton't r the transpOl'taLlon of 50,000 tons f conI from the Atlantic canst to l\ \ cORlIn tntlon In Manlln bay. TI 111ds of the Amorlcan hlppqrs w nearJy $2 1161' ton hlsher than thl of foreign sllipper . Orders for the IIteol rnl ] reql menta of the , Pcnns'lvnnln rail romrony for lines cnRt nnll we PlttslJ1lrA' tor the ) 'ear 1005 , amou- to 102,70P tons have been lllaco The United Slates trl\l1s1 > ort ' } 1uul sailed tor Colon , bn.vlnr on r : -Z. J. ' . Wallace , . . , . . . . . . _ _ _ _ L . . . . . . . . . . . . VOTE OF STATES OFFICIAL CANVASS OF NATIONAL ELECTION RETURNS. I . TEDDY'S PLURALITY 2,547,578 Total Vote Shows a Decrease of 460 , . 078 Compared With Four Years Ago -Parker Carried 13 States , Dryan 17 , McKinley 28 , Roosevelt 32. ClnCAGO-'I'ho o/l1cllll / CllnVIISS or the voles 1'lIRl Novcmher 8 for preRI. : Ienlllll electol'lI Willi C0ll1111010ll ' 1'h\lrs. : Iny. when the rcsult. WfiR IInno\1ncell III i\UnncRola , NOI'th Dalwll anel I Wllljtlngton. ' 1'he Aasol'latell , PrOflH. . Is the ref 01'0 nhlo to llrclIl.Ilt the IIrllt lahlo gIving the olllcllll'oto of nil : he fm'ty.llvo RlIlles. 'rho totlll vote IS l:1 : , 08.1JG ! , ngalnlt 1aJG8 ! , 7- ! Iu WOO , II decI'caHO of' .1 GO,1I7S. 'rho hallotl ! wel'e ell vllell ! ns followfl : 1l00sevC'lt ( HoJI. ) . . . . . . . " . 7,1 7G:12 : l'arltCl' ( Dem , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , OSOO I DehH ( Soc. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : IJ1 ! , 87 SWllllow ( Pro. ) . . . . , . , r : . . liOoa : : Wlltson ( Pop , I . " . . : . . . . . . IHU:7 : : Corregnll , SOl' , I..ahin. ) . . . . . , : la-I 3 lIolcomh ( conLllwnlal lahc\ \ ' ) sao Hooevelt ! . recC'lvell o\'el' nil , I,7.W , . 7G8 , alld 0.\,1' ParlIer , , ii 17 , 7 . . In ] (100lcKlnle ( : ) ' hall 4G7O IG 1II0l' ( ) thlln all the othel' candlclatefl , anll c3 ( lJ8.1 ! I . more thllll Bryan. 'rho yoto for Roosovell wns , IOlJ ! 22 moro than for lcllnley , while that ( or Parker was ] , 77,77 IC H tlmn'thal fOl' Br'lIn. : \lcKlnley \ ] ) ( llI ll 11101'0 votery .than HooHevelt In Alahama , Gcorgll1 "Ken- t uclt ) ' , I..olllslllnll1 , : allie" 'f.1\i ar'llIncl. I\rlHslsshlpl , New lIamllHhll'o , North Cllrollnn , South CaroI1nll , 'l'enllt'sseC' , Texas nnll VII'/-Inla. / Hoosevelt got 11101'0 thnn l\lc1\lnley in the othel' thirteen slales. l'arlwl' I'ecelvel ] more than 131'1\11 In Dolawal'e , GpOI'glll1Isslllslppl : \ , New Jersc ) ' , New YOl'lt , Hholo ] Islancl , South Carullna anll Wesl VirgIn IIi. while BI'ynn got 1II00'e Uan , Pal'lwI' In the romalnlng thll'tsevcll slaleH , 'rho l'ellublll'lIns made g'alns o\'er tholl' vole In IJOO ! In Ihll'tlwo stales ntlll the otllclnl IIgul'lu ! show 10f ses In thlrtecn. 'l'he Lotal gnlllH of the I'e- publlcunf were 7:12,018 : , IIIHI the totlll 10sseH , : J L2 , .1J ( ; mnldng the net glllu .4(1,7(1(1. ] ( ( ( 'rhe demorrats jlolled morc voteH In eight Htalcs than In 1UOO , hul less In Ihll't ' .seven. 'rheh' total gnhlH were :10,7:12 : : nnll the tolnl losscs IWlI91 : ; net loss l,2GOG9(1. ( UOOSO\'clt cal'rlc(1 ( lhlrl-lwo stalC's , agaInst lwont-elght for l\lcI\lnle ) ' , anll hllH a:1G : I. clol'al votes unclel' the alJpOl'tlonment of ] (100leKlnle ( : ' hud 202 IlIlller the alll1ortlonment of 1890 , there h:1\'lng : heen nn addilion of twent.nlno h ) ' the last'apportion. . ment. Pm'ltcr cal'1'led thirteen statcs , against seventeen h ) ' Br'an , anll hils' HO electol'lll yotes , 'BI''an hall 155 uullel' the nllportlonment In ful'co In 1900. Watson l'ee h'CII his hugest vote In I Georgia , the total vote of that lila'r. : . bC'ln1 ; 22GG.I , with O , OS In Nehmslm , ' holng nearly one.thll'll or hlH agre- gate , ] HG37. Bal'lier jlolell ! 50,218 In 1(100. ( ' 1'he } lrohlhltlon vote in 1(100 ( was 208,791 , in No\'emlJel' GOJOa : , a gain of ] , u12. - - - - JAPS LOSE MOUND. Russian Reports Say 203.Meter Hill Is Again In Their Possession , ST. P TlmSBUHG-Genernl Kuro. (1atltln ( hus loh'graphed to the general slaff that ho hns recel\'ell a 1'01101'1 f'Om ! ChlneHo sources to the effect that the Hussllllll ! ha0 recalltul'ell 03.\lolel' : hill at Port. Art hill' , wllh the gunf mounled hy the .1upanC'se. KuropnLlln's cllslI\tch , whlrh is dated Dec. a ] , also I'ollorls fUl'lhor reconnolssance of boll. the Jhllslans ; and Japanese , but tlars the ) ' were nol l1l'Olluctivo of ImIlOl'lanl resultH , ' 1'ho weathOl' at thC' Cront Iii fHllln ) ' and the thm'nlO111C'tm' 1'C' lstC'I'3 II 110- gl'eoS f'almmholt. ' 1'ho wal' omcn has no ailillllouI11 In. l'elIl'lllu ' ( C'IIC'I'al ' . formatIon ! ; ! ; ] Klll'OlInt. kin's 1'\'llort thnt the > HusslanR hll\'O 'ecnlltllred 20:1-\lelol' : ; hili , hilt the om. clals consleler It c'el'taln that the com- mnndel'.ln-clllef wOIIIII 110t ha\'o scnt the rOJJOl't unlmll , Il CiUllO Ihl'Ollgh C'X' CC'lltlorlllll ) ' rollalJlo channeh ; . MORE DENVER MEN IN JAIL. Deputy Sheriff. Among Those Adjudg. ed Guilty of Contempt. D NVI R-1'ho SllllrOllllJ COIIl't nd. Judged LeonaI'll nogel'l , William G , Adams , Louis Hllmlllll' 11I111 Thoma : ; I\lnslo : ) ' guilt ) ' of contl'lllllt for conduct - duct In the scconll IIrC'clnct of the Seventh ward In ' hls city at the I'e , cent elecLloii In vlol tlon of the COUl't' ; ) Injuncth'o ol'del' . 1 1t h was Ilvon a jail sentence and n 111 ' . . The coul'l IInlwUnetl , , th\t th ! ; ! e\'l- donco showell that Hog , Aelans } anll Ham1lurg lwei pI'ovC'nleli the uIIlnt ) ( ) , ment of a l'ell11l1l1clln ch 1 'iM\.f' 1\lns- : Ie ) ' had ejeclcII lho ! .lll mo COUl't watchcr from the 1I0lls , logo 'Is n dOlIIt ] ) ' shl'lff nnll wns n candl ( 10 on ' the dlJmocrlllc ! tlclwt C l' tho' tat(1 . KlnHle ' Is ' 'I' , seUntc. - ) a . ! ti'lze U - - Needed Money Is In SID' ' C IUmIPS O.-1'ho ( ' I o qf tllC' Amcrlrn f' I'losell Htl n , , . . , - ' \ INSISTS ON A CHANGE. - The President Committed to Rallr. Legislation , W ASI IINO'rON-Presldon t. HoosCo velt dlliCllllfWd with s veml callers the proposed JeglHIllllon rC'garellng the of mlh'CHul freight rehaleH and the IlueHtloll or emllowel'lng the Intel'stato commCl'co commlsHlon wlLh nuthorll ) ' to neljust freight. rates where found to bo excessive , Among these who tllllccd with the IIl'csldent were Secl'elnl'Y ? Torton Ilud . P. Bacon , chalrlllan of the execuUvo commlLteo oC the Inlorslnto commerce conunlsslon. 'I'ho Jlrcslclent. Is anxious thai I'gls. Intlon ill the Interesl oC shlplIt'I'H lie enactell nt the earllesl IlosHlble elute nml the malloI' haH heen conslcel'elt ] hy him.1Lh . mall : " oC hIs recenl call. ers. .It wns Hlated hy ono of Ihe I1' HIcInt's cnll'rH thnt Attorney Uen- ernl J\loorl ) ' now was cngaged in the 11rC'parnUon of IL h\1l \ which , Huhstan- Llally , won lei em hOlly the \'Iews of the n rnlnlstrntlon 011 the Iluestlon , III II I that the meaHUI'e wOIlIII IJo 1II'0senied to conAl'OSs IIrohahly Boon nnel' I ho holldn ) ' I'Cl'PSS , ' 1'ho IH'eslclent has announcell Ihnt the 11111 he Is willing to sUPllOrt mllsl ho Cnlr to holh the railroads ILlIII thq IJOolle. ] Ho helloves that the Initial HlepH toward lho de- sll'eel leglslallon shollid ue talwn at the 111''s'nt Hession of congress , and , Ir 1I0sslhlo , t hat the legislation pro. posed shollld lIe cr 'stullzed Into law 'al ' this time , SenalOl' I1l'rhlll'n or Idaho had an ox tended tllll , with the ] lrcshlent on the Hllhject of felleml l hal'tors for COl'lOl'ntlons ! Iloins an InterHtate com. mOl'co huslnoss. 'rho sC'nalor 111l1l. ( 'atell his Int'llilon to Introduce In 1110 senalt ! aflOl' the holldar recess a ' fOl' the lucol'JOra- mensuro ] n'ovhllng ! - lion under United Siall' ! : ! laws of' nil cOl'lOmtloDfJ ! , 'rho hili ns prellared hr SC'natOl' HC''IJ\lrn will IJI'ovldo lhnt cOI'IIOl'alonR ! IIOW In I'xlstence must lnlw Ollt 'fedural charters and that 8uch rorlol'llllonfi as mar bo organ. Ized thorCJl1flel' hall Incorporalo under f'elloral laws , All suC'h corlorallons ] will he IInller the sllpcI'vlslon of the department' commel'l'e and lalJor Ihrough the burcau of corpo1' tlons , The 11111 hns not IH'cn maturele lhor. OIlghly 'et , but Senator He'burn hopcs lo have II r ad ) ' for Introdllc- Lion Immedlalelr aftcr the holltln 's , ISLAND STILL IN NEDRASKA. MeanderlnDs of Old Muddy Cannot Tal < , = It .Away. WASIIINGTON-'I'ho supreme ( 'ourt oC the United States decided the boun- darr case het ween lho slatcs of1Is : - souri and Ncuraslm In favor of the state or NIJJI'aslm , The case luvolved the IIuesLion as to whether a change of the COIII'SO of the : \1Issouri river had the pffect of chnnglng lan which hnd theretofore hcen on the west sldo of the rlvOl' , tot 1\(1 \ C'ast sldo of the rIve I' , fl'Om the jl1l'lsdlcllon of Ne. braRlla to the jl\l'lslllclIon of 1\lIssol1l'l , but the court helll lhat It did not. The opinion waH hr Justice Hnrlan. holtl. Ing thnt the hOl\llllalT must romaln In lhe middle of the old channel as before - fore lho chango. 'rho tmrt of laud lhal cau C'11 the conh'ovOl's - Is Imown \II'Klse"lclt's ; hiland , IrIng hetween Nomaha cOllntr , Nebraslm. and Atchison cOllntrlIs' : 80Ul'1. The contrm'Ol's ) ' orlginaled In 18G7. Pl'evlous to lhat ) 'ear the Island - land wns rogardell IlS IndlS'lmtalll ) ' In Nehmslw. ThC' rlvOl' at that poInt was In the shnllo of an ox 'ol\C , and on the night of .Julr oC that. 'en1' the water bl'Ol\O IH'I'OSH the lanll 1 'lng In ono or the hen.s . ] , t hils lhrowlng the land on the easl , Inslead of the west sldo , oC thc l'lvel' , The ( ' ) alm was marIe h ' Iho Nchl'af lw aulhorltlel : ! thai thlH was mlllle h ) ' the digging of a ' ditch , In his o\1lnloll \ ,111sLlce Harlan ox- IlI'ossell his opinIon ndmlttlng that con- gl'ess hall not Intl'nllell hr Itl ! art ad- mltLlng1I8sol1l'l : Inlo the lInion to < 'llUnge t ho I' ta hlishell I'ule allli malw the \'al'rlng chanllels of' till' 1Issouri 1'1\(11' tl10 westel'n hOllllllar ) ' of that stale , " \sRolll'l ( ( , " h. . . added , "doos nol ells- pllte Llll' fal't that whell Nchrasla ; was IIdmlllell Inlo the nnlon the hod ) ' of I nd dosC'rlhell In the llresent record \lcKIssle1's : Island , or Island pre. dnct , was In Nobl'llslcn , It Is eqlll111) ' clear that these lands dId not cease to ho within the limits of Nehraslw IJ ) ' renson of the slIbjeel'lIlslon. . " 'I'ho fInlll deel'ee Is IlostllOned prc' \l \ I'ed for thlrtr dars to nl10w the : \lIs' 0111'1 nnd Nellraslcn IlllthorlllC's to agree as to the locntlon of the centN 01' the old ( 'hanllel. After the Deef Comhlne. KANSAS ( 'ITY - lIm'1Iel't Kno Smith , IIcllng commlsHlonel' of corpo mUons of the department of com mC'I'co unll lahUl' , has1'11 ten 10 I' ' nUl1lhol' of KnnBas CIt ) . meat denlel' ! for ulldltlonal tostlmony l'elnl'llIng thl ollerutlol1f ; of lho local llacl\Ol's whl are mC'mbors of the nllegeel heef com lIlne , A rellresontaLivo of the dC'llnrt nll'nt was hol'o rorent ! ) ' gathel'ln sta tlsLlcl ! from the local hntelurI ! ; . . . - - - - - - Nebraska Pe'1slon Bills. W.\SHlNjTON-I ) ' momlu.'r 0 the Xellmslm dcleA'atlon has Inlro dncC'11 man ) ' 11ollslon hllll ! during thl congl'css which will close Inrch . with tmUsfactorr rClnltl ! . ' 1'ho fe\1 bills which hl"'o IIIIB8,11 Ihls 1l1ontl W ( > I' " sumo of' tl ) ( ' holdovel's Intl'OIlneol I last winter. It 18 Bafn to ( Jredlct thn nOI1l' of the 11Onslon hlllH Introlhlcc , thlH month will pass , hotl honso : thlt ; seils lon , unll 111 that l'USl > CV'I' hilt 111tl'oducoII this SOston llInsl bl , reIntroduced IH.'Xt win leI' . P083Ibl ) ' I \Qrv UlOI.torlouB ! bill mnIII1r.ceed. . I - ' . , . - - - - FOR REGULATION - CONGRESS SHOULD CONTROL IN. TERSTATE COMMERCE. SO SAYS CAR FIELD'S REPORT - Alleges that the Bureaus of the Com. missioner of Corporations Furnish Means by . Which People Engaged In Intersta.te Duslness Can De Con. trolled. WASIllNG1'ON-'rhe III'st annual relJOI.t of the rommlssloner of C01'IOI'll' tlons WIlS submItted to congress Wod. nesda ) ' hy Commissioner Garfield , lIe HII'H no satls-faetUl'Y reform Is to ho eXIlCcted nndt'r the state s'stem oC Incorporation ; that the Cederal go\'C'rn- 1I1el t haH at Its commllnd sufficient ! lower to remelly oxlBtlng conditions In Its control of IntC'l'stato com1l1el'ro. lie thel'eforo sUggC'sts that conrress co mfl II Cl' I ho IlIlvIsllhlllty of enllctlng a law for the leglHIlltive rC'gulntlon of Intm'slato und foreign commerce under - der a license of Cl'lllchlf > o , which in genC'ral should lU'ovldo ns follows : " ' 1'ho gl'antlng oC a fCllorll1 fmnchise ' IIcenso to in interstate 01' engage com- merce. "The ImpositIon of al1 necessal' ) ' re- qull'emt'nls ns to corporate organlza. tlon nnd manngement as II conditIon of the retention oC such Cl'anehlses or license. "The prohibition of all eorporatl\us and corpornto ng-encles from engagIng - Ing In Intel'slale and foreIgn cnm llIerce wlthoul such Cedol'al Crnnchlse or lIc.ensc. "Tho fun llrotectlon of the grnnteC's of such frunchlse 01' IIcenso who CJhey the laws lI)1pllcablo ) thoroto. " 'l'ho right to refuse or withdraw Rlteh franchlso or IIrcnse In case of vIolation of Jaw , wlLh all1Jrol1rlato right of judicial npIIPal to III'o\'C'nl abuse or power hy the allminlstratlvc officers , " Commissioner Garflold sn 's the hUl'eau under the dll'pctlon of the secretary - retary of c01l1111 rce and lahol' , afCol'ds Iho apPl'Oprlato machiner ) ' for the nd- mInIstration of' such a law. . . - - - - - - - - COST OF WARS TO NATIONS. , . . - - - Resolution In House Calling for In. f rm tion. WASI1I GTON - Hepl'esontall\'c narthol t ( ? tlo , ) , In accol'llnuco with the action or lho Inte1'l1atlonal peace congresS' nt Doslon , requosLlng him to introduce a I'osolutlou In congress l'alllngfOl' certnin statistics relative to the cost of wars , introduced 1\ concurrent - current resolution instrurllng the Ber- retar ) ' Ol commorl'e anll labor to col- lo't anel compile statistics on the cost of wnl'S In nIl countrIes from 1800 down to the 11rescnl time ; the amounl paid for IlCnslons , and olhel' allow. ances to soldiers and sailors engaged in such wars ; the amount II hl to hospitals - pitals and l'C'treats Cor lilsabled sol- lHel's nUll sailors ; the amount of' prop- CI't ) ' de3tl'O'ed In such wars h ) ' land amI sea ; the acldltlonal cost or main. talnlng al'lnICf ; nlHI navle8 In Lime of peace , to each naLion durIng that ' ' estlmato oC 1101'1011 ; an apIH'oxl1l1ato the 1I11l1rel't expenses alld dnmages by such wars to the health and prOSllcr- It ) ' of each nation resulLlng from Bueh wnrs , and the number of 1\1 II ell , wOlllHl. cd anll 11lsallled on each sll1b during . such wars. The resolution III'o\"ll1es thal the statstlcs lie printed and dls- tl'ibutol1 under the dh'ecLlon of con. gress In this and olher countrIes , as llrellmlnar ) ' to an Intel'lll\tlonal 11eace ( 'on gross to ho heM In Washington 01' The lIaguC' , Jul ) ' Ii , lUOG. HEALTH OF TROOPS EXCELLENT Encouraging Report From G neral In Philippines. W ASI IlNG'I'ON-Brlgalller Uellcral ! , anllall conl1nandlng tlle depa1'tmenl of Luzon , I'hllllllllno Islanlls , in 1I1s annual report to the war doparlment sars that the general health of Lho troops Is excellent. the IlIsallpearance or cholel'a hn\'lllJ. ; rl'mo\'cll ono of the gl"elltest sources of anxletr , 'fho 1m- I' provell health ronl1ltlons al'e said to ho duo to the cons\1'lIcllon \ of now llOstS. lhe ahsonce of' harll fIolIl SeI'- vke , the llrlnl\lng of lstll1ed water and euforced abstinence from natlyo f'l'nlts and uncoolted Ye ; etahlelJ. It Is rerommenl1ed that continuous sorvlco In the phlll1Jlllnes ho Ihnlted to two ) 'earB In order to avert nervous hrcak down whIch is saId to he qulto com' mon among the while troops in the Islands. Wants Detter Examinations. 'VASHING1'ON - Annoullcl1nent was made at the state depart men' , Thursdny that. the A'ovemmont hns for the second tlmo cnlled Ullon VenezuC'la I : to explain the arbitral' ) ' OXIHlIslon Crom that counh' ) ' of A , P. Jnurelto , a newsIJIlllOr mnn at Cal'llcas , The flrsl eXlllnnntlon offorell b ) ' PI'eshlent unsatltJfactol' ' , Castro was altogether England Annexes Islandc. . SYDNgy , N. S. W.-Two Brilish . warshIps Itavo Rallel1 1'01' the 'l'on a IslandR wilh the IHl1110Sl' , It Is an noullcel1 , of annoxln them , 1' . ' rs. Powell Not Guilty. \VA YN ] . Neh-Dlstrlcl court Is In session this wel'l" .1udge Bo 'd 11re. . siding. 'rhe l'aSll of the Stnto.s , 11I'Se11111 } Powell , III which the 110 , fmulallt Is ehnrl'd ! with all IIttemlJt to mllrdor hel' hll6hllllli h ' Rhootln him with a 1'evolvC'I' nt Iholr home COliI" teen mllol : ! follthwC'st of WanH' . ahollt 11\1' months ng-o , IlIllIctlllg II dnnJ.C'r' ous WOIllIlI. was IlI'nrll. : llr , PowC'11 was taltl'n to the llUsllilal at Omahn. it where IIlIder n'llI'ul alii he reco\"ored , : 'tlrll. powell wns n qlllttod. . . , . r , ' . J I - - - - . , M D FRAU DC. Men In High Places Said to De In. volved. WASJ1lNOTON-'J'ho POt ! tm's : Senator MItI'lIOIl ' . nnd HeI1l'eSel1tntl\.0 Dlngcr'lInrmnnn oC Orcgon loft Wash. Ington Jnst night COl' Portland to 6'P. penr before the fedel'lll g1'l\IId jur ) ' nnd face chnrgos whlrh the ) ' 1m\0 heen ! ulvlse Implicated them In Ol'ogon land franda. ' Both Senator Jllt'hcll anll Mr. Hal" mann declare In most posltlvo torm" that the ) ' are absoluleb' Innocent nlld have not hiliA' to fenl' Crom returning to Oregon. Both asC'I't ! ! with equal poslLlveness that the tlmo has C01l10 when "this outrageous persecuLlon 1I111St StOI1. " The ) ' will Inblst upon thch' rIght to go hC'COI'o lho grand j11l' ) ' and malw answer to all eharges that may he made against them , confident that the ) ' will be able to eslnhlltJh their Inllocence. 'l'hey eXIlCcl to ha0 1\ llC'arlng on Satlll'l1ar , When aslwl1 last night wh ) ' ho hall l1eclded to l'C'tlll'n 10 Portland nl this LIme aCt'r declining to go as a wit. nC'HS wllln summonecl h ) ' subpoenas a wc'k ago. Senator 1IIl'hell said : "I was advised yC'sterllay b ) ' tC'le. grams from POI'Lland that It was re. ported thpI'o that plltOl' ' , " 'atson all others of the gallg had made confessions - sions Impllca LIng me and lhat there \\'oultl be an erfOl'l mallo to Indlrt mo and Hermann hefore the jur ) ' whlrh meets tOI1HI'I'OW. ' A weck ago. when I WIlS rallC'd as a wllness , 1 had no Intimation thal It WflS C'lalmed that 1 was Implicated In an ) ' wu ' and I did not feel It m ) ' dllt ) . to go and sarrlfIeo pub1l0 business. bul the moment I was advlscd that 1 was hC'lng nLlarlwd perfonnll ) ' I con'hHlell I was jusLlfied In sarl'ifIrlng 111I hll c huslnoss anll evcr'thlng else to go anll defeulI m ) ' chnracter IIgaiml aBsaults Ihat I Imow to be wlLhoul ' foundation an ) what- ovC'r. " Senator : \lItl'llCli sent lhls telegram 'estercla ) ' to lHs\1'I \ < 'l AHorne ) ' Hall and Assistant ALlol'ne ' GenC'ral Ilancy : "I will ho in Portland next Satur' day. 1 demnlld thorough Investigation 1IeCore grand jury of al1 charges , If any , ngalnRt me. I also demand right to , appear as wltuoss before gl'vnd . . . jur ) . . Hopresenlath'o IIPI'manu heforo leaving made this stntement : "lnformaLlon hn vln heen rC'cel ved that there was II nrohabl1l1" that an attemllt wouhl he made to Invol\'e SenMor J\1IL)1l'1l ) and m'setr in the grand jur ' InvcsLlgation as to land frauds in OrC'gon , 1 lJUllp\'e It to be my duty to proceed to Portland and there asle the privilege of meeting any charges which may he preferred. " Both Scnator 1Hchel1 nnd l\11' . HC'I'- mann sur , contlnueH the Post , that , .11 mo\'omC'lll against them has been cll. rccetl b ) ' Sel'retul'y Hilchcoel , and at- trlhute It to hIt ; llCrsonal hostllily to ward thC'm. RURAL CARRIERS OUT , Two Members of Executive Board of N tlonal Association Discharged , 'VASIIINGTON-Postmaster Gcner. nl Wynno on " 'ednes ay removed , two 1IIore rural cal'rlers 1'01' al1eged efforts 10 Influence leglsatlon ] , the om\lto \ 'cs IJelng H , E. Nlvin of Berlhold , Cole , . and J."r. . Whlleheacl 01'Iedlna , 0 , Nivln Is l'hall'llHln oC the oxecuLv ! < ' hoard o the Natlonnl llural Cal'l'l'rs' association. Whitehead IIlso Is a mem- ue ! ' of the executive hoard and Is secretary - retary of the OhIo slate organIzation 0. Iho carrlor . The executive hoal'd helll a meeting In Sl. l.-ouls , as the re- Slllt oC whose InstrucLlons Presl ent CunnIngham of the nssorlntlon iH said to have cnl1ed on the mombe's 01' the national commlttC'o of hoth the re- puhllcan nnd democraLle IJarties to as- cel'lain what suplort ] the ) . would glvo to the interest of t'a carriers. The Illans for this Ol'ganlzallon cal'l'lod on heCore the Novomher election IJr J > reshlcnt Cunningham and Secrl'lary 'l'umner , both of whom were recently 1lIsmls' ed as the rosu1L of an InvesLlga- tlon of thell' wurl , . were , 1L is chnrgcd U ) ' the postal authorIties , nllllrovC' . ! l.IlIl elltlorcd : ; 1Iy NI\'ln and While. head. RUSSIA ANXIOUS FOR TREATY. Hope : United States Will Not Aban. don Arbitratlon. ST. pgTgrrSBUHG - Consillorablo surllrlso is manifested at the t'orolgn omce regnl'lllng the rellorl5 from gng- IIsh sources repl'C'senting the " 'ash. ington government. as ellsllOsed to ahandon the Hussllln-Amerlcan m'lIl- tratlon treaty because of the dUll'- aete ! ' of the mOllllkatlons proposed by Ilussla. m1erol' Nll'holas Is sincerely anxiouR to conclude a trcaty with the VnlLell Stntes. II is poInted out that Ihe modIfications In'oll08ed are llirl'l't- I ) ' moleled ( on the arhltrntlon1'elltles \ Ilrovllleli tor by 'rite 'Haguo conven. tlon , slightly IImllllf'lng the Anglo. Frenrh mOllpl , whll'h prnl'tlcally ( 'on. l1n03 arhltm tlon 10 the intel'lretntlon } of treaties nud jurll11cnl questions. Hussla haR' alread ) ' negotiated similar trC'atle with 11-1Ilum l nd SWC'llen IInd Norwny and doslres to malto othcrs with the InrgcI' l lll'ollCan 11Owers , Steel Trust Prices. NIV YOnK-Tho lelllllng steel mnnufal'turprs were in session In .Ter. SO . City fll1d rl'all1rmed the present II rico of $21 11,1' ton on stcel hlllelfl , It Is IJl'liC'vell. howovcr , 1 hnt an ad. \'nnce of $2 IlCr ton will he mnde In this (110111lCt Roon ntler the new ) 'l'\r : , ] nl1o\\'hlA' the meeting of the IJlI1et manuCaclllrC'rs mC'm bet'S of 1 he structurnl steC'1 comhlnatlon 1I1 ( > t In t hiI' city IInel. " ( ' ( 'oreihlto / the hC'st Information , rcafflrmeli the 1),8l'nt ) pl'lco for tholl' produ'tB , It Is Imowll that conditions Ca\'or hlJher ul'lccs. - . . . " " , . . - - - Attraction of Afr1nrUeli. People who hrllevo In "affinltles" ar- lUo that It Is ImpossllJlo thal the p.er- ions alcln lo one another should never meet. 'lhelr : thcor 1 which no Qno.can cny to be pl'eLl ) ' , Is thatJho power af thau hl must brIng such persons to- lother. Thoughts , th(1) ' sa ) ' , wander through Sl1Ucc , like electrle messages , and If wo thlnl. about a'1 > erson wo shan atrect thnt 11erson In some way. ' ; ! .y our thoul1ts : wo will p.ttract our , mnltles. Looked Like a Framed PaInting. Ho bad 1Ieon standIng for five min. . } ntes In t110 louu ) ' of ono of'tho larg 't hotels looltinat / the pretty cashIer through her JltLlo office window. lo'in. ally h9 turned to 1\ man near b ) ' and enld : "Gosh , zat's sha pretty picture. Wisht I cud paint ) ( ] , o zat. Thought I saw th' head move , but things al1ez moro when I'vo had too much. " Then ho walked slowy ] awa-KansllB Cit ) ' 1 Times. . r Power In the Wifely Smile. The man who finds his wlCo smiling \ happily when he comcs homo at nIghts will bo Hkely to stay thero. U he should go out the mcmor ' of her smUe will malto him Ceel that she doesn'l care , and ho will soon find hlmselJ wanting to IO back homo and make her care. Doing Great Work. Florlsant , Mo" Dec. 19th.-Speclal ( ) -That Dodd's Kidney Pills ar dolnR 0. grent worle in curing the more tor rlblo forms of Kidney DlseasC' , such U Bright's Disease , Dropsy and Dlabate'Jr ever'body Imow8. But It must alS4 be not ll that they nre doing a still sreater worle in wIping out thousand. . at cases ot the earHer stages .of Kidney - ney Disease , 'fnlw Cor instance , Mrll. Peter Darteau ot this placo. She sars- : sars1 ' 1 hu\"o been subject to pains In my back and Imces Cor aboul three'rcara. but slnco I ha\'o been taking Dodd'J/ Kidney Pills 1 have been entirely : cured. " Others hero te11 simUar stories. I fact , In this part of Missouri there are scores of people who ha\'o cured the early symptoms of KIdney Disease 'with Dodd's Kidney Pills. 'rho use ot the Great American Kidney Remedy ' ! ' the 11\'es Kld. thus sa\'el1 not on ) \ of noy Disease vIctims , but thousands 01 other Americans from ; rcars of sutrel" lngs. It is not strange that the man who makes hIs Calth depend on his Imowk edge , frequently exhibits innocence 01 both. important to Mothers. F..xamlno carefully every bottle of CASTORIA. " &life and ! uro remedy tor tnfante and children , and see that it Dearetho - ' . . , - - Slgnatnre ot # -l'I- III Uee For Over 30 Years , The KlDd You 11ave AlIvay ! Dousht. A woman Is apt to mlstalto hC'r marriage - . riage certifIcate for a lecture llcens I'ery bousel\Ceper should Imow that it they wl11 bu ' Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they 1J will save not only time , because It never stlclts to the iron , hut because each paclmge contaIns 1G oz-ono full pound-whllo all other Cold Wate , Starches nro put. UI1 Inpound pack , ages , nnd the price is the same. 10 cento. Then agalu because Detinnc. Starch is free from a11 injurIous chern. Icalg. If ) "our grocer tries to sell ) ' 011 D 12.oz. pac1mge it Is because he baa 11 stocle on hand which he wIshes ta dispose of before ho puts iu Defiance. Hc Imows that D'tlanco Starch hall printed on every packngo in large leto tel's and figureS' "lG ozs. " Demand Defiance and save much time and money and the anno"nnce oC the iroQ stlcldnG' . DefInnco never sticks. The best way to be grnteCul is 14 Slvo another occasIon for gratlLudo. Do our Clothes Look Yellow ? Then \ISO Defiance Starch , It wI ! keep them whlte-1G oz , Cor 10 cents. Dut Cow men ha vo the ahl1lty t. combine blls.lness with pleasure , - - - - - A OUAUA-iTlmU : : UtTIU FOIt I'ILLS. Ttchn ! , lllln'l. IIlcClllu ; ; IIr 1'rolruo1lDI ; l'IJc. , YoZ1 drug-gin " ,1\1 \ reruLI,1 nlOney It l'AZO . OINTUIUI1 'ilU. to cure ) ' 011 I G to U da.8. Wc. SincerIty Is the OnO SOCI'ot of sue cess In the search for God. 1'lso's Cure Is the best medlclno we ever U9e4 for nil n1Tectlons or the throat nndlungs.-Wu. O. ENDSLEY , Vnnburen , Inl1" Feb , 10,1000 , "ForgelUng the things behind" Is nt reason for ingratlLudo. FITS I\ermanenUy curt'd. tlo nta or DeM'etllDtll . .ru hnt du' , u.o ot Dr , Kline' . Orrat : ie" " R" .r. llendtor F'nKI 8a.00 : trial bottlto . .nd t..aU. . . 1Ia. U. U. XLDis , Ltd. , g l Areb StRCt , l'l1Il&dclph1a , I' ' 1'ruth will como fully where you 10' ' It como freeb' . Defiance Starch Is put up 1G ounce. In 11. paclcnle , 10 cents. One-thtr. morc stllrch Cor the Burne mone ) ' , This lIfo would bo Imposslblo " , 'Itb out the 110sslblllL ) ' of another me. ? o"ra ? " 'DNr ? aND LIve" FREEhC .f ) ID Y ; KENNEDY'S , .ild , . . . . . . . \Ii ih. Ii. tt. . CU4 . . . , ' . . ' t&IoIEDT' : .0:011 : 1I.0lno t , " - - 'l'ho growth of a church docs not depend on Its graft. It Is n9t what rOil get hut what ) ' 01 1 10 for that lUal\Cs the difference. Great blessings are often held walb Jng Cor S0l110 sman ouedlencc. The moro of a gns works a man II the Jess light ho gives. The authorll ) ' of the good docs nol rest on Ils austerIU' . Sutrorlngs draws man to man L1 men to rcll lon. I