Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 15, 1904, Image 8
" _ : ' } ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - - ' " - " ' 'L . . " " ' , . . . . _ . " " ' , . .IJ. , v J. . . . . . - , . - - - - - - - - - ' - " Its gift problems - lems arc easy or olutlon here- our holiday stock Is rull or sugges- tions. No girt morc be.autlrul or more prncCcnl can be chosen than onu or the IJwny pltterF1s In our line or Siml1ll0D Watch Chains Brolcn Bow , Ncbraska. . . - - . , . . . . . . . - . - . [ : : : : : : Will. Judl < us of Arnold , was a city visitor Monda ) ' . He madc this officc a husincss call. H. B. Glo\'cr of Dr , } ' Valley , was a city visitor 'ruesday. Hc remembered this oOice with a friendly call. S. L. Cannon , rnw of the early settlcrs of Westcrvi11e township , has moved to Brokcn Bow. The HIWUIII.ICAN extends a wclcome to Mr. Cannon and family. His boys wi11 run his farm at West- erville. Ira and Ida Doolcy , who have bcen residing in the state of Washington the past four years , arrived in Brolen Bow 'r esday morning from the east. ' ! 'hc ) ' left Washington early in Octo- ' bel' for the east and are now on their return trip. 'rhcy stoppcd off in Colorado on their wa ) ' to the World's Fair at St. I-Iouis. ' From St Louis they wcnt to Illi- " , . . . . . " . . . - . ' -H ' ' ' ' ? , ' . ; ? \ , , . . 1'J' : : . . . . . . . - . , , . - . . . . , . . . - - - - - - , nois to visit their sister , Kate. , 'l'IIt'Y will \'isit Andrew Sheri - i bccJ < at Wcsterdlle , and their old hOIl1 ( ' plucc west of town beforc rencwing thcir journey westward. 'rhcscem to think their west- ( 'rn ilOme is alright and rcport thcir parcntsIr. . and Mrs. .fas. Doolcy. well and pleasantl ) ' located - ted at [ 'aluse , Washing-ton , and havc a cos'homc. . 'rhey were ' for : t long t'ime residcnts of BroN I < cn Bow , and h a vc nUln } ' frielHls hcre who wi h thcm we l in thcir IH'\V homc. . - - - . - . - . , . - JlIIII'IIII1I : IImll"ux's Prc'.l ' III 1 II II I'J' . 'I'he conrt room was filled j'cs- terd a ) ' a flernoon to hear the pre- liminar } ' trial of Hulfman al1l1 Ji'ox uf Anslcj' , who arc charg d w lh driving off and shipping to South Ot 1aha 34 head of callic belonging to N. J. Crawford and Chris Jensen of Wegterdllc , about thc 16th of Novemher. Anum- ler of witnesscs were examined by the state to establish the guilt of the accused. 'l'he witncsscs examined wcre N..T.Crawforu and son , C.1riS ! Jcnsen , owners of the cattlc , who told of tracing their cattle to South Omaha on the Sunday following , wher.e they found part of thclr missing cat. tIe. Ha\'ward , Grierson , Lanum , Miss M.itcn , Mn. ; . Higginbottom , Mrs. Eastham , Gates and Knig ht gave e\'idcnce rclative to the parties - ties along the route from Am l ' " to thc Moon hill four miles wesl of Arcadia. Young JelTers , who was working in the li\'ef } ' barn at Arcadia , Pinkcrington the IJ , & M. agent , and J. B. Stone who accompanicd a car of hogs on the same train to South Omaha on which thc cattle were shippI' < 1 , ' e\.idence. 'I'hc ga\'c some strong \ prosecution completed its cvi- dcnce at ( , p. m. Judge G'Sch- wind adjourned the trial until this morning to C ) a. m. Hum- phrey and Johnson appcared for A lrllhte' . . cI Ilurlle. I UllIIi 1g like mad down the street dumping the occupants , era a hundred other accidents , are e\'ef.\ ' day occurances. It bc- hooves everybody to have a reliable - liable Salve handy and there's none as good as Bucklen's Arnica - ca Salvc. Burns , Cuts. Sores , Eczema and Piles , disappear quickly uuder its soothing effect. 25c , at Lee Bros. , Drug Store. . - - _ . . - - - . , - - - . . . - - , - t IT'S TI E , ' 1'0 he thinldng of Christmas Presents I I\nd OUI- line should rcccivc F'II S'r CONSIDln A'l'JON . AS IT 8S VERY'COMPLETE. . . - - - - , , . . - - . - - - - - . Con isting' or lhl' la \t \ ! and . I , mo t 1IltlliltC , ' No'cltil'on the markct. TOIM'I' : AU'I'I'liES All the Iatr"t at III NI'\\ ' . \V e can plea e l'st Ul'HlgIIS. them all frol1l . . ; ; I hahy to g-mnd- ma , nt' from hahy to gmnd- tr pa. YOlt will : < ) : : i } ; he surpriscd _ 11 0 t ol1ly at or } ; , 'ol'y JtcRCl'll'tlol\ ' thc. . . . , . . . . . BEAUTY - r r.J 1'A ; ' : NC l . . . . .and . . . . V A l J ( ' ( ' y nf nlll' tcl\ , I ) uta t t h ' ' ' ' ' c TOYSI 'I'OYSI 'l'01'SI ' ' ' ' 'I'O\'SI 'rOYSI TOYSI Reasonableness of Prices - . . . . . , - , 'N c cordially invi le ) ' 0\1 lo took our lock 0\\1' as we know you will cnjoy sceing- the PRETTY THINGS FOR CHRISTMAS. . . . . . ' . 'Ve will certainty enjoy showing" ) ' 0\1 thl'U our store. - - . . . - - _ . . . . . LEE BROS. , South Side Square , BROKEN BOW , NEBRASKA. T . . " - . ' . . . . . . ' 1.r " ' . ' - ' , f"1' ' . . . . . . .1"P. . , . . . " . . " . . . . . ! . 'I. ' "r " ( t'7Il" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . I . , ' . ' ,1. . _ . . . . . . . . . J . . . . , . , . ' - ' , J . . . - - - - - - - A " "after " of Health , . . . . There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which makes the food more digestible and wholesonle. T11is peculiarity of Royal has been noted by physicians , and they accordingly - ingly endorse and recall- n1end it. . , . ROVAL 8AKIHQ POWDER co. tHW YORK. . -A. . - - - - - the state and H. M. Sullivan for the defendants. The defense offered no evidence in rebuttal. The court held there is "probable cause , " and gave the defendants to 1:30 : today to procure - cure honds. 'l'he date of Chand- ler's prcliminary has not yet been set. - - - OR'I'U"'O , Indications are now for a storm soon. Frank Edwards' little OIlC is improv- in slowly , hut is still quite sick. J. P. Bakcr nlllllllother .returned home Thursday from Columbus , where they lUll } speut u week. I Hcv. Spraker lIIadc a visit home last I \\'ec1ues ay , returning here Thursday i c\'cuing in time for sen'ice. Ncllie IIcwitt returned frolll Omaha I 111111 reports that thc doctors foun something - I thing lodged in the nose of the little bo ) ' , IIml when removed he appcared all right. 'rhe followiug are some of thc persons who havc finishcd picking corn sincc our last : Hunt , F. Deals , F. C , Embrce and 1\1. Hill , and others are improving' the time to the fullest. The mcetings have bcen in progress days now , and more than a score has I takcn upon thcmselves thc obligation of I a ncw life , and othcrs havc been rcnew- ed and takcn their stmd with the church. , And still a few urc rcjccting the call , but the mecting is still in progress , And may ) 'ct surrender. , We have to report this week a new II house beinK erected by S. Waddington on the old Snow farm , which Dert am } wifc will occupy when complete. C. G. Empfield is doing the carpenter work , Also a new bam on the farm of John Teahon of a fair size and will add greatly to the farm. We are glad to note these improvements as they all add to the beauty of one of the finest valleys in the county. 1tlnrlut Ucport .or 'I'oday. UIIMN- Wbeat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! .86 Darler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1" Hatll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : O Uyo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S7 Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; :7 1.1 VB STOOH- ; lIolu. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 80 HtC l'2 ! . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,00 ( it. 4.50 COWR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 2.SI @ 2 7S 1'IIuLTIIY- 11I11 Chlr."el1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oi ! ' ' ' ' ' " , ! 1'0 ' 1\ ' . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , S TllrkcYII , JOur 1'"lInI. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , II I'IIUI\UCK- . IIlIltl"r . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,12 IIKlt. I' r , 7. 'I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :0 'tI el'l. : " " I'IIU"- : . _ 1'.ltllt " . . 1" "Ihll..I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 " ' 11' lI o\ \ " " hu IJo"1 . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .7S II" ' oI"'r 11I11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,1.00 " 'lrH\V\ " " . . .L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1S HilI : , r , O'11111alcll. I' " UWL. . . . . SSO @ II 30 , \ O. lJ W. 1111\1 \ ) ) rgrl'H Or 11011111' . The annual meetings the A. O. { T.Y. . and Degree of Honor wcrc held 'l'llcsday - night in the 1. O. O. F. hall. 'rhe A. O. U. W. mceting- was called early , at o'clock , so as to get through with their work in order to make room for thc auxillcrary or er. After thc clection of otlicers and the transaction of such other husines as was necessary , the membcrs of thc two organizations - tions enjo } ed 1n oyster supper preparcd by the lallies. ' ( 'he A. O. ( T. W. took in one I11cm her by initiation and the Degree of HOllOI' initiated eight new IDem. bel's. 'l'he oOicers elccted by the A. O. 0. W. for the cmmillg' year are .I. S. Squires , Masler Workman - man ; l as And rson , 14'oreman ; D. E. Bouder , O\'erseer ; Willis 1llht 'VIII lie i.llter. 'l'hose who will persh in closing - ing their cars against the continual - tinual recommcndation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con. sumption , will havc a long and bitter light with their troubles , if not cndcd earlier b.y fatal termination. Read what ' 1' . R. Bcall of Beall , Miss. , has to say : "Last fall m ) ' wife had every symptom of consumption. She took Dr. Kin 's New Discover ) ' aftcr cver'thing else had failed. Impro 'ement came at once and four bottles cured her. " Guaran- tccd b ) ' Lee Bros. , Druggists. Price SOc , and $1.00. Trial ottles free. Cad well , Recorder ; B. O. Hutton Pinancier : W. B. Eastham , Receiver - ceiver ; H. E. Bangs , Guidc ; D. M. Amsberr ) ' , I. G. , A. R. Hum- phrey , O. ti. ; J. S. Molyneux , , Trustee for three years. ! 'he Degree of lIonor elected Mrs. J. A. Farrell , Chief of Honor ; Mrs. ii' . M. r ublee , 'Chief of Ceremonics ; \Irs. Geo. Willing , L. of H. ; 1\Irs. A. H. Humphrey , Recorder ; Mrs. B. O. Hutton , li'inancler ; 1\11'3. A. J. Robertson , Receiver ; Miss Grace Douglas , Usher ; Mrs. D. \V _ Thompson , 1. Watch ; Ed. Tipton , O. Watch ; Mrs. M. E. Douglass , Trustee ; Mrs. Liz e Cadwell , Musician ; Drs. Penning- ton and 'falbot , physicians. \Irs. Latldn , Graud Chief of Honor , pr sided at both the in i tia ti n and the election of ofllccrs. 'fhe ladies drill team officiated in the initiation - tion of the new members , doing thc work in a highly satisfactory manner and 'With credit to the lodge. . . . - - - - Hi HOQkor , TH ] - Eye Specialist , -AT- Prof. Garlich.s' , South Sale of Public Square. He Makes Glasses to Fit. - - . . . - - - - - - - - hUIIII'1 III'tltllte ! _ Arrant1eUlcnt have been made for 11Oldin a farmers institute in this ' and : ) aturda ' l' ty Friday : ) , J anuan' htlt and 7th. A meeting - ing with \Ir. Ashburn , held l1 this city two weeks ago , a pro. gram vJas mapped out nd topic sug-g' stcd for discussion. A temporary orgallhmtion was ef. fectcd to ha\'c ehargc of the work. .I. D. Hcam was chosel1 pr'sidcut and g. H. Purcell , sec. n't. r ) ' of the county agricultura1 oclely. actcd as se retary. ' 1'hc follo\\ing' : committees \ \ ere appointed - pointed : l'-inance committec- ] 1. 1\1. SuJi\an and Geo. Willing. Program committee.Willis Cad. well. Ad\'ertising' committee- D , : \1. Amsbcrt' ) " C , W. neal and K 1Purcell. . gnterla 1imcnt commlttec. J. G. Brcni er , TJo II , .Jcwett and Willie ; Cadwell. Mu. ic ( 'olUlI1ittee. N. 'I' . Cadll am ] JL W. Blair. . On the first day of the llceting ! ( ' . 1. r..cwclling of Beavcr CitYI l1a ! ; hecn secured to speak on HlI : "Carl' and Mall3 ement of Poul. 1r\ , and AlfalfilCulttlrl' . " ' 1' . G , F rgurson of Bl'a\'er Crossingl will speak on "Growing and Mar. ] { cting Pota tocsand Soil Culture. ' i 111 the sccond . Ashburt1 4111 < 1 1\1 r. Bostrom will speak. Mr. Ash hurn will d iscnss t hc "Selec. t ion it nd Can' of Secd Corn , 'I Dr. Bostrolll will discuss \'cterinar ) ubjcl'l. . . . Othcr topics will he ( liscu cll . , local A ddailed prg-ram is promiscd il1 a fcw da ) ' . . . . . _ . . . _ - - . . . . . . . . 4 COHtly : U' tulu : . Bltluders are sometimes vcr ) ex pens \'e. Occasion all ) ' li fe it , c1f is the price of a mistake , 1m t ) ' 011 'll11e\'er be wrong if ) ' 011 fale Dr. King's New Life Pi11 for D'spepsia , Dizziness , Head. ache , Liver or' Bowel troubles , "l'he ) ' are gentle yet thorough. 25c , at Lee Dros" Drulr Store. " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! P l ' ' " Nk , . _ _ - . . . = - - Legal Notices. . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I.mJ L AUVRItTJS8&IESTIt. AU ndycuhlmeutl under tble head 1911be \ chllrged for at leval ralr , vl&1 81,00 pf'r hqouo fllr IIr"t In orllon , and 600 per Iquare for eacb Inb.equo It In.ertlon. . \ "llluaro" II tou Unell or tractIon thereat. . - . ROAD : : . To wholll Il mlY : cOllcern I "I'he COlllmlssloller :1I'PQllltIII to view. : llld I ( deullelllof the public"CoOlI to locale n road I petltlolled lor by Wlrt Shumaker aUlI otherll , : lnd cOllllllellcltllr at tbe 8chool.hoIl8 ! ! 01 dls- I trlct No. 163. : It the lIortheast co flier o ( sl'Ctloll II , tU 'lIshh ) 17 , ralliro 17 , 11'011I thellce rUlIlIllIK West III lie on the line betweell the : OcH Sec- tlull 8.lIlId the Se Section 5. 'l'hclI 1"lnnhllc 110 rUlI'l'I"t o ( corller by .chool hOIl'lu : llld rUII' nlnll htraluht IIl1rlh : ts Ileal' aR lus lble.lhroUllh till ! seH of I'ICCtlUII ' S. thclI lIurthwe't lip the 11I:1111 : ctnyoll IhroulCh Iho nr' ! 01 IIl'CtlulI 5. allil thlUllIlh the corllor of 1111" . 1"cetlu'll . th11 : lulllhllr throlllCh Ihe't. . t half III , , , 'clltlll ; I ; to..n.hlp Ii ! . ralllCu Ii : LlIl'n Ihrfluirh clJnll r fli thu IIC { flf "ocLlolI I. IhclI IIcnrl } ' Imll/hl lIorlh Ilown the lIIalll cau'on Ihoul/h Iho ca'lt hotH 01 s.ctloll 30. towlIshlp 18. ranlro I 'i. tholl cast uIIIIIIU bctwtclI "ccllolIlI..3UIIIIII'J. toco\'lwr of IIl'CtlulI 20 ; alld to 011011 a real frolll smllh- ea.t cnrller of IiwH of ! lectlnll0. ; . UII 11110 be- tWtCII 1I0t :11111 ! $ e . of .ecllnll 30. hl" : rcported III 1I\'ur 01 the eslabll'lh1llellt tllI reuf. :11I,1 all objectlous thereto. or cluhlls for dalllalle . must 1'13 ' filed III the COllllty clerks ollie ! ! all ut before nooll of the 31st da } ' uf Janllary. 191.15. or such road \1"\1 bo estl\.J1Islted wlthollt reference tbereto. In WltnessWhereof , , I ha'e hcr ulltu set lilY halld and seal of said cOllnty. this 2lh da } ' uf No\"cm\.Jcr.l 4. ' ( ; co. W. D\\'x\ ' . COllllt } . Clerk. 2S 2g-127 ISEALl U } ' Jos , PIGMAN. DcpuU' . N01'ICE ' 1'0 DRIDGJ , DUII.DlmS. Notlcel' ! hereb\'lI'lven that "ealel } proposals accompanied } ' 111l1l5 : : llld specifications will \.JC lecell"ell at tbe office 01 the cOllnty clerk 111 the clU' of Drolten Dow , Cllstercoun ! } ' . Nebras- ka.lor furnlshln" all material and tlte erection and compleLlon of all count } ' brldlteR .reQlllred by CII'ter ! COUllt . durinII' the yell' : 190.i. ! : lcconl- Inll' tll pltlls allli Bpeclficatlons 1I0W Oil file In the omce of the coullty clerk. I ach bid musl be accolllpallied by a certified check of Il\"e hllndrell dollars , ( $500) ) . as : l R'1Ilrallttc : that If awarded the cOlltract..Julldcr will ellieI' IlIlu sallie with proper bOlld as reqilired b } ' law. The board reserves tlltJ rhrht to reject an } ' or : l1l \.Jlds- All bids mlillt be filed \.Jef re 12 o'clocl ( noon. Januar } ' H. 190 . Givolllluder my hand and oeal of , "uster cOllnu' . L\ebra'slia. this 14th day 01 Dec. . 1m. GlO , W , DewCo. . Clerk , 27-30-133 lSEALI By JoS. PIGMAN. Deput } ' . DIDS POR SUPPI.IE'S. Notice Is'hereby II'I\"en that o\ealel ! . . proposals will be rccel\"ed by the undershrned , COlility Clerl ( of ClIster cOllnt } . ; Nebraska. oll.ur beon' the 211d da } ' 01 Jalillao' . 1905 , for furnlshh111' the supplies for Cllster COUlllr. or so milch lh reef : III sball be required for the u e of the cOUllt } . durlllll' the ) 'ear 19O5 , All bills 1111I8t be ac. companied by a certIl l ,1 check of 5100. aCj a lI'uarantee thM If : lwarded tbe contract..Jldder will enter Into COli tract and /lIve proper bOlld for the fallhflll perlol'lllncu . : of the rtQlllrc- lIIents therein. : All sllpplle'l to he de1lverell at Drolell Dow. Nebrasla. . . . . DODl'S . . . 1 8-Qnlre blank deed record. 1 Is-Qulre blank murtll'a < : e record. 1 8.qulre Ilidex to deeds. 1 8'Qulre Index to 1'tort/laae'l. I H-qlliru patellt record , 1 8-qulrc 'rrea'lurers cash bouk. 18-qulre dally balallCe book. 1 8-Ilulre lreneralledlCer. III-quire fee reirister. 1 8-qulre County Court trial dock l , } 8'Qlllre County Judll'e dockct. 18-IllIlre District Court trial dockel. 1 8-qulre Jlldemellt dockel. 1 8-qulre Iellertllndex , 1 8-qulre process docket , 1 8-Qulre marrllll'e : record. 1 8-qulre printed deed record. IS-quire prluted mortll'all'e record. 1 8-qulre Treasurers Voucher recorl. 1 8-qulre Numerlc'allndex , 1 8-qulru criminal docket , 1 8-qulre judll'mellt record. 1 S-qulre SIIPen'lsors record , 1 8-Qulre road record. 1 8-qulre bond record. 1 S-IllIlre lI'eneralledll'er. 18-Qulre brlde record. 1 8.Qulre tlX : sale record. 1 8.qulre Problte recorll with spcclal Illdex. All tbe abo\"e books to be speclall } ' rulcd alld printed alid PCI' on1ers of the co nty oOiclal ! ! IIslng them , The paper I. . . to be of tI. . . belli Quallt } . . DryollVellioll' , ; Ledll'er paper. alld :111 of them tCY be of the , 'ury het bhullllil' . with . . . . . ' - pate lit backs. . . . . .1II.1 t ! . TATloNim' " , Itn : . . . . lS.000 lIote heads , best nrlntei. 6 l\.Js , per 1.000 , note heads. best printed. 7 Ibs , pCI' 1.UOl ) , 10.000 letter heads. best prlnted.l0Ibs. per 1.0(0. 10.000 letter helds. best printed , per 1.000. lSooo en\"elopes , best prilited. t. Inch , ptr 1.tI'0. envelopes. best printed. 6 . Inch. 1"1' 1.000 , 15.000 envelopes. best prlntell. 10 lilCh , I'r 1.000. 15.000 en\"elopes , bellt prlllted. 11 Inch. Ilvr 1.00 < 1. 1.000 envelopes ; btst prluted , 7 Illch. per 1.00 < 1 , SOO blotters. 4x9 } ) . 120 poulldo. SO < > re\"erslble document en'elopc ! ! . lIize 11 prlntell forrh. 'per 100 , . SOO reversible document ell"elopes.lize 10 , prillted forlU , pet 100. I 100 reversible docllment envelopel. sill ! 10. special printed form. per 100. 2 reams Leolal Abstract. 161\.J'I , per realll. 2 reams LCIll1 Cap , 12 IbS. per ream. 2 reallls typewriter paper..Jest. . per ream. S Ilros'l Pyramid pills. llrlCe : Rlze. per I'ros : ! ! . ! j gross l'yramld pillS , smallllize. per vro'l'l. dozen box-wood rUleR. bra1 laced. 16 Ilich. , , each. . 1 dozen Automatic Ink stlnds , per , Iozell. dozen rnbber rulell. 16 IIICb , each. 100 doculllent boxes ; metal bound 9 x4xG IIICh , per dozen. 1 dozen wuod and cork IIUII holdeI'll. perelozclI. 1 dozen rubber pen bolderll. per dozen. 300 2.pall'e legal blank ! ! . all } ' lorm , fllll Alze , per 100. 300 2-page lell'al blanks. : In } ' fonll , H slzo. per 100. 200 lelra1 blankl. an } ' forlll. quarter "Ize. I'el lW. 200 special 10\'ln blanks , per 100. 30 sot5 poll books. per seL , 100 cards "Instructions to VoteI'll , " per 101) . S.OOO Official Ballots. per 1.000. S.OOO Sample lIallots , per 1.01.10. 200) school dilltrict treallunml rlceptll dllPIi. .cate and flrllrillal , I1l1ml"rcd. ptrluraled l : lnd bol1l1d , 200 Redemption certlficatell. dupllclte :111.1 original. nnmbered , perlorlted and bO 11 11I1 , 200 TU.JoSale : certificates. orlllnul :1Iul dl1pll. clte. : numbered. perlorated amI bouud. _ 11lros8 Aaron. . Chllle,1 I'latlllulII Pel1s. o. 27 , I\er II'ross. 2 gross Ester\.Jrook I\ens. an } ' No , per'aros ! ! , ICros Spencerian pells. any No. . per 11'\11 > . ' 1. , 211'ross Leolllsaac.CO.'A. . Oll1cllll1l11 pellS No.3 , per II'ross , - 12 Iluarts Cou1lnerclal 1111 ( . all ) ' litandanl kind , : per quart. 1 qUlrt : Crimson IlIk. besl. IH1r quart. 1 doze II Typewriter raberll. per dozell. 3 dozen J'aberR bellt IlIk amI pOllcll gracr" . per dozell. 2 gross 'I'rlulllpll load peuclls. per < : rolls. 1 gross Dlxolls leall pencils , per II'ross. 2 II'r08S J'abers colored leal , pel1CIlIl , No. WS. t"r II'ross. 2 Ilross A.V. . 1.'abcr hoxall'on 11I''t III'ncll. . , per II'ross. 1 urOS 1 'abers 611 pencI1 . .t'tl' ; < : ross. 11lron Sanfords sponlCe.'op mucilage. per grou , 1 dozen Cartel'll 'Photo I.lbrar ) ' Pasle , per dozen. dozen mlpel rilles. braBs faced. 12 Inch. per dozel\ . ' 4 2 dozeu mlple : rules , hrass laced , 11lll1ch. 1"1' dozell. dozen Safety Ink Stands. No.1. each. dozen 'I'rory 1Ialldle Rteul erasers. eacb. Ji dozenlcller files. woo < , t , papercovcred.each. ! j 1I':08S nlb\.Jer bands , 0 . > > , per < : rofj'l ; , I ! II'ross.rnbftet bands , OO { , pel'lI'rob. 4 II'ross rubber bands , OOi. per aross , 4 gl'lls'I rllbber strln bands , lieI' II'rO R , I.OOOl\tl'lrllls rO\1l1l1 head fastuuerll4. ! h. 'B. l1I1CII. 111.1' 11 _ " 1.000.Jrcech loadlull staple8. llUr 1.IW. I\ : ) leather tabtl , prluted or uumbered , each. 500 1.tOWIIBhlp plaIR. IIcale 21ucli to mllc , I'tr 1l\J , SOO I.townshlp plats , scah' I Inch lu mile. p"r 1l\ > . . ! . I.towusblll plats , 8calf'41l1Chcs to 11I110. per 100 , SOO 4.tOWIIBblll platK. "clle lluch III lIIill' . per Il\I. 12 reamll record paplil' . best , lieI' ream. 50. ! Lltholl'raphed wul11nts , bound. ; :0 realllll best 12 Ills. leQ'allibstract paper. PCI' ream. 1.000 a8lleSSlllellt schedliles , per 1,00\ \ ) . 1 dozell fountalll rullnl : ' pells..perdozclI. 1.000 Gellll\3l\er clips , per 1.000. PrInted poslal cardK. per 100. 1.000 I'rhltt11 conrt wrapllOrR. uxlra hea\ ' } ' , per 100. 100 Iibeetl best carbon I'aper , 1101' 1011. 300 sbeetl COlllplele record paler. 12x1l. ! exlra heavy ledller. Ipeclal ruled : lnd prlutcd. . "POr 100. 3 Webller lypewrIter ribbollil. a. ) ' color. each. , I 1,000 lIuneyorl cards , printed botll , .Idel. Ill'r 1,000 , : tS -1 GiOO. W. DEWJiY. COUIII ) Clerk. , 'I ' . , - . - . . . . . . . - . . . , . . . . . . . . . y , . . . . / ) . I - - . " " ' - - ' - ' - - - - ' NOT.ICE 'to CR t > .lTOIi'sl t' In Counl } ' COllrl , within alld lor Cn\ler Count , . . , N. bra'ka. ' .iii In the ulath'r.of tbe eilate o ( Stelln 111aft : , ; ; shorn , de'ea8ed. 1. . .of. Totbecredltorsol salde8late : Youlroherellt. : , \ ' nOllfied. Jbat I wlU lilt at tbe county courtroom. . ' ' ' ' " : . 'In Broken Dow. In laid COUnl'lon tbo 18111 da ) of February , lOS. and on tlte 111h day 01 June. i . 1905 , each al10 o'clock n. nl. of each da } ' . 10 re- ccl\"o ami exalllille all clalllls alCalnst Raid . estale. with a \ lew 10 Ihllir mtJu8tlllcllt and' ' I aIl6wanCI' . ' 1'110 tlllle 1Imltrd ( or the preMenta- . tloll of cll\lm : : lIralu.t nalll elOtale 18 IIlx lIIonthi ! , from the 1lh day of Dec. . 1904 , alill the Unle r' : limited lor I'\rlllent : of debt'lls one } 'ear lrom , " ' ' 1 said date , WItIlI ' 1 III } ' hand a 11I1 the Seal 01 .alll COUllIConrl thl" " , 'Ilh da ' of Dec. , IIJ\H. \ ! 2j.311-132 1"1\1.1 J.MOUII. . COUllt ) . Jnlllrr " : _ I : ! ' l'UnJ.IC I. NU S I.l . ' : : .1 Broln'l Bow. : Ochra'lkI. N"'oillber S. l'iO-I. ; 1 "lItice . . . hrr'IJ ) ' II'h'clI IIU11 In l\IIrMllallCe nl 1t1'11 rlll.t" II" 11" " , ltw COIlIlI1I , , IIII\er \ uf Ihe. " , ' ; "I > ' , al 1..11I01 II Ii. ' ' ' , IIlhl r autll/lrlty feklad hi' , , J' ' hllll 11S , , :11"11 ! , , ' , 1 : , S. HeHlal. . . : & ameli. ' , .J lIed hI' Ihe a llli l.UII : "H npl\rllh'11 1.'cnUtll'V' , ' : ; , 2IJ. 11i'WO' / : ; . , , ' " ' ! IIlf.r aLlphll. \ . ; ) , : ) .1" .1 Oil Ihe 221111 < lay uf ( Je'lIIh.'r. ) ' ,111 . , at Ihl'l ul1ic" _ , ; th , ' 'flllnll'llIll ' lIa t uf la",1. " , tl'I\.1t1 ' ! l' " SeclJun ! J. 'l'I\\'II'1hl\lI'1 ) \ North. lanl/l' ; 1 ] We"t 'I ' uf 1.1':11. : . \n } ' nnll all 'h'r ' un c\ulililnl ! ' : .11. . . 'vtr-cl } ' thl. ' abuve .Iocrlh.1 . ! laml' ! ar. ' : tllylt ; , ,1 ' wlllc 1111'11' < 'Iallllllil thl'l ul1lc nil ' " ' bllturt ! Ihe 'I lIay : tllll" ! ! .I'hrllnled . for the I'UllllllellCCIlltlIt of ' . . ; , " ' IIfllc. utllerwl' ! ! ! Ihl'lr rllhl > 4 will lot ! lurldlt'I. . 1 WlllrBIIKA\I. HI'lIlitcr. , . . 3.2'i-121 JonN 1t1\I\SGIt"l' . h'er. . : . \ I . . , . \ - - - - - - - . . ' Unllell Stalc'l I.aml OnJc . , . " : Ourlh Plath' , tbrn'lka. nl"'lI\be , . 21 , 190r ; f ' . ' . . I otlco i. . IlI'roh } ' irln'n I\lsl \ Ihe 10Uowlnjof,1 , nalllell selller ha'l filed noUce of his IlIlenttun \lllIIalH ! filial proof III Rupporl of hili clallll , and Ihat salll prouf will he lIIale before Count } . Judge 01 Cllster COUllt ) . , tbfask . : It Ur klln , 0/ / ' I.ow. : N..bra'lka. 011 Jllluan'6,1'/J5. : / , 'Iz : JAMJ.S : W. SWOI'I : . wh. . lIIale hOllle"'ad entr } ' No ; l'ijiJ. lur the SII"J ! NeJ. I.oti 2. 3 and 4. Suctlon . 4. 'rowlIKhlp 15 Nllrth Italllrl' 21'e t. 110 . IIllme'l tHe 10110\\1111 : ' wltue SI'i tll pro\"f' his : ' contlllllulIlleslllencl' 11\1011 nllli clIlIl"atloll of said lallll , vlz : Waller A. Hlyward of Broken Bow , N hr\ : kaIbtrt : II. 11 11 iliA. ( ,1 Broken Boll' . uhrasli : Htewllt r.anl"rnlan of 111'0' ke" Doebrasl'a : 'J'ltl1otll } J. IIILth IIf .111'0- kell Howl N bra'll < a. . 24.2'-123 ( . . I . 1'1:0 , .fO. : : < :11. Iteiristcr . . - - . _ - _ . _ - - , . _ - JWAII Ol'l ( ' } : . . ' 1'0 II'holll II ilia t' I'Ollc'rll : 'rhe COlIlIlIlsslol\Cr allplllllt' 1\ \ 1"'leIY ; tlldIf deellle.1 for h . .111I llIc ICOO'10 Io.'caw ' 'a pll1Jllc road p. lIlIol.ed.Jur hP. . U. l1oll el and otlur , allll cOIllIlltnclnll al a 1I0int IIn thl ! fectlon'lId\ : - lIclwCI' " Sl'CIIonS 2 allll.2' ) . . towllsllp , IS. mUlCe , 18. we t i < U rod'l nonh flf IIII' ulllhwe t cornerol said RCCtiOIl 2 . rllllllllllr ea'lL : lllll directly throullh till ! Icnler of the 80llthwc'lt Quartcr ; of salll secllull 2 . IW rods to the haH spctloll . line of "aidectlull 2g. alld to hllcr'lcct 1:1111 ou. ( road No. 613011 said haH.sf/cllolllitw , alld to VlClte : : all tbat porllnll"f 1\ld Lilt rllal : 'u. 4'1. ! on the west 1111I : 01 "ahillection 2 . IIlIrlh Q ( the point oof ; be 11I1I11I1 : ' of thl'lljrofl" "IIfIad alid : lCrO'l8 Ihe lIurthwellt ' 1IIarIlJl' 01 Raltl . .ctlon2:3. : to thu cell tel' IIlIe at,1 wht.e . rnad o. 4j / I IntercCpt- ed by ro:1I1 u. 613. has reportcllllI la\'or 01 the establishment alld vacation thereof , alld all ob. jectlol18 thereto. or clallll'l for daul:1lres. must lie filed III the oltllt } . clerl"oj office on or belore 110011 of the st\'ellth Ilay III Pebruar } ' . llj)5. ) or . , snch road will he t1 lahll'lIIl',1 wltbont leference tbereto. Iu wlttle'l whercol. . I ha\'e htfeunto ! let Qhallli allli seal of said count ) ' . thl'l Stb day of Decclllbtr. IQH. GaopV. . DEW1 < : Y. . 26.29-1 0 County Clerk. ' By JO'l , PIGMAN , Depuly. - - COUllt } . COllrl , Cllsler l'IIIIIII ) ' . Nebra ka. 'ro the heirs .11111\11'xt IIf liillllf Grur ! : ! ' J. Camp. bell. decea hel : \ You are htreby lIotll1ed Ihat Hess 0. MOore. creditor of said deceased. has lIIed his petition III Raid caliri. a'll , III I ( that he may be appointed mlmlliistratur of th ! ! clltate of Gl'orll'e .J. Camp. hell. deceased. Said multer ha bel'li . ! iet lor hcarlllir for Dec. 31. IIJlH , at 10 o'ciocl' a. m. , at the cOllnt } . COlli t 1'0011I. III Brulen 1I0w.J'le- : braslm. whcn all Interc led partleR lIIay aplfar and bo heard. 1 > ated the 6th day o ( Dec" lY04 , 2.28-131 [ SEAL ) J , A. JIOUR. . Count } ' Judll'c. , Unitell Slatell lalll1 Office , t Drokell Bow. ehra kl. : Nuvember 4.l9lH. f Nbtlco I hereby ghell flt PEARL HUNT. I R o ! Broken How. Nebraska. has lIIed notice nlilltention III make I1l1al proof belore Reirister and Receiver : tt hl'l oOice III Droken Dow , Ne. lIraslia. 1111 the ISth d:1) : ' of December. 19-J ( , ort . ; . 1I1IIlIe'4tcad apllIcatioll o. 2033 , lor the NwX of Sl'cllolI No. 25. In 'I'ownshh' No. 18 ' Norlh. Itanllc o. 21 West tith P. 1\1. She lIamell a'l wllneS'IlS : HallielVell'l of roken IIlIw. N 'hra'lJ'a : ! { obert A. nnntt'r 01 llroken Bow. clira I'a : Arlhur.lI ln'of lIrokeA Dow" . . . " . NelJral'la ; & ; , 'orlrc Schmll1t of Broken 1Iow , I Nebralka. . , J A"IIIS\tmTEUA.lJ. 22- ReglRter. ' : _ , 'l , CO 'l'IS'l' NO'I'ICfo : . Uilited St te" Llnd omct ! . . , Bru1.clI Dow. Nebraslm. Qctober 31. l ) ( H. r A "nlJicielit C llleHI atlldlvlt havllllr heen filed " . ill this olJice h ' William M , Dlcksln. contes- . . . ' lallt. ar.rallll't hume teul entr } ' No. f ) . 'made April Ii. hs'J7. fur ea'lt half ( If thu lIorthwelt 'Inarter alld lol 1 and 2. Sect 1011 30. 'rownlhlp I'J North. Hallr.rf' 22 Wt'It. h } ' Wlillalll R , Nevius. Conh'blce. In which It Is alleged that William S , Ne'im , has a\.Jalldolied Raid land lor more thall hlx months last I\ast that he hls : lalled to reslde1hcreoll or cnltlvate or Impro\"e sallrland as by larequlrell allli has lIever snbmltted or tcndertIl his r.roo ! whhln 'i years frolll date 01 his enlr ) ' and : lll uf said laches cOlltlnnu to the ttre ent tlml' . Said parties : lre bereby notified \ ( ) appear. re pollil alld afTer evldellce toucblnll' hald allelIlIioli at 10 o'cloc ! . a. III. on December 1'.1904. before the Register alld Receiver at the Ullited Slates Lallli omcu III Brolell Dow. Ne- bra I'a. ' 1'111' . IOa111 eonteqtallt havhlil' , III : l pro. tter anJda\.It. nted OCloher 24. 191H. sut lorth lactM which sbllw that alter 11ue dillubllce."per. honal service of thl lIolice call 1I0t be m.lIe. : II Is hmwy "nlerrd amI directed that sncb notice be lI'ivcn b ) ' dlle a'lId I\lopor publlcltloll In the CUSTEI ( COU:01TH I'unLlc.\S , Drokcn Dow. Neliraska. J , \ lltR WIIITEIIRAII. Rl'il'litur , 21-27-.117 JOliN Rfmm. 'Recclv"r. , NO'rIC1 OJ. ' sUI'r. \ In Dlhtrlcl Court of Cusler Conn ! } ' . Nebraska. " Aultman C. ' 1'ooker. I'lalntliI. VR. ROlla B. 'rookeI' . IJdellilant. 'ro Rosa E. Tool ( r : ' You will tale notice Ihat on tbe : HttJ , dlY 01. Septcmb"r. , 1O4. Anltmau C. 'l'ook r , plaintiff. herrin. filed hi' ! petition In the District cOlin of Custer COUllt ) " . Nebraska , all'alnst you. le objtct allllllrar of wblch petition Is to obtllin 11'011I YOU a dl'cree 01 divorce all the II'roundll of aballllonlllcnt :11111 "e ertloll alld the care and custudy of thc minor child. Charlell W. Tooker , the 1 lIe of the marriage betweell YOU : lnd the plaintiff hereill. You are requlrell to : lnHWer lIald 1161ltlon all or beloru the 'Jllllla } ' of Jallnary. 19O5. Dated this 24th day of September. l\1OS. \ AUI.TM.4K C. TOO BR. II ' A. R , HUIIIPnRr.\.1I1'I Att' ) . . ROAD NOTrCl . ' 1'0 wholl\ ilia } ' cuncern : A Ietltlon ha\'hll : ' beCII flied In Ihi ! olice ! of Ihe counlY clerk 01 Custer COIIII ! } ' . Nebraska , pr3ylnlr lor thc \'acatlon of : lllublic road COI11- Inenclnll' at thu sonth.west cOllier of the north- wcst quarter of Scctloll 27. TO\\'IIilllpI7. ! Ranlre 2 . allll rnnnlnll' thellcu east IIIl1e on Ihe hlllf , section line allli thellclROllth H III lie all tllo hall I sectioll 11111' . a 1111 all objections thtrelo , or J clalmh ( ur Ilamall'Cb.lust he lIcllln ! theCOUIUY Clcrl'Rfll1ice on or belore noon ul Ihe 31st day IIf Janllar } ' . 191.15. or IIIICIroall wilt hI ! V"Clted : ' I wlthollt rcfertlIce tberelO. . 'I In WII ess Whereol. I ha hereunto set I11Y " balld aritical of 8ald ountyi tllla th 'daT of November. 1m. Gr.o.V. . DEWEY , County Clerk , . B } ' Jos. PIG IAN. DOlllltV. \ - - - . . - - - - - - - . . . : . . . . .llerd Ilended By. . . . . . . . . Crlmlon Scott , No. 171.035. 1 - " . . ; " . : . ' , l ' . . ' . . J. ( ; . BRENIZEI , Breeder of Pure 8cotrIJ "Ilfl Scotch 'I'Opped Short fIorn . 1111 , My had nUOIlura 40 COWK. Will Cat. lu hrc dlol : and Iuallt ) . with any , , "cst of Ch co % O ' i : . My CJXlluluDca htls tuRht mo tbat 10 1.1 _ aller.clloll. I1rc" e " lnF clttle lIiult he ral this altlludo. UXpect to raise tI here tru OQuul ur I > 1I'tblnll ralJilld In e II , In w havu l : bl ll HUltablo 101' tblll. l. ' tbll . a nuxt ) 'eftr' ! ! .orvlce. My CO"I weJsh 1400 from . . ft 2000 . . pounde. C0l116 61111:100 : lh011l ,